Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Development - arrested R62.8 - - bone M89.2 - - child R62.8 - - due to malnutrition E45 - - fetus P05.9 - - - affecting management of pregnancyO36.5 - defective, congenital — see also Anomaly, by site - - cauda equina Q06.3 - - left ventricle Q24.8 - - - in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4 - - valve Q24.8 - - - pulmonary Q22.2 - delayed (see also Delay, development) R62.8 - - arithmetical skills F81.2 - - language (skills) (expressive) F80.1 - - learning skills F81.9 - - mixed skills F83 - - motor coordination F82 - - reading F81.0 - - specified learning skill NEC F81.8 - - speech F80.9 - - spelling F81.1 - imperfect, congenital — see also Anomaly, by site - - heart Q24.9 - - lungs Q33.6 - incomplete P05.9 - - bronchial tree Q32.4 - - organ or site not listed — see Hypoplasia, by site - - respiratory system Q34.8 - tardy, mental (see also Retardation, mental) F79.- Developmental — see condition Devergie's disease L44.0 Deviation - conjugate (eye) (spastic) H51.8 - esophagus (acquired) K22.8 - eye, skew H51.8 - midline (dental arch) (jaw) (teeth) K07.2 - - specified site NEC — see Malposition - nasal septum J34.2 - - congenital Q67.4 - organ or site, congenital NEC — see Malposition, congenital - septum (nasal) (acquired) J34.2 - - congenital Q67.4 - sexual F65.9 - - bestiality F65.8 - - erotomania F52.7 - - exhibitionism F65.2 - - fetishism, fetishistic F65.0 - - - transvestism F65.1 - - frotteurism F65.8 - - masochism F65.5 - - multiple F65.6 - - necrophilia F65.8 Deviation------continued - - nymphomania F52.7 - - pederosis F65.4 - - pedophilia F65.4 - - sadism, sadomasochism F65.5 - - satyriasis F52.7 - - specified type NEC F65.8 - - transvestism F64.1 - - voyeurism F65.3 - teeth, midline K07.2 - trachea J39.8 - ureter, congenital Q62.6 Device - cerebral ventricle (communicating), in situ Z98.2 - contraceptive — see Contraceptive, device - drainage, cerebrospinal fluid, in situ Z98.2 Devic's disease G36.0 Devil's grip B33.0 Devitalized tooth K04.9 Devonshire colic T56.0 Dextraposition, aorta Q20.3 - in tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3 Dextrinosis, limit (debrancher enzyme deficiency) E74.0 Dextrocardia (true) Q24.0 - with - - complete transposition of viscera Q89.3 - - situs inversus Q89.3 Dextrotransposition, aorta Q20.3 Dhat syndrome F48.8 Dhobi itch B35.6 Di George's syndrome D82.1 Di Guglielmo's disease (M9841/3) C94.0 Diabetes, diabetic (mellitus) (controlled) (familial) (severe) E14.- - acetonemia — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .1 - acidosis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .1 - adult-onset (nonobese) (obese) E11.- - arising in pregnancy O24.4 - - affecting fetus or newborn P70.0 - bone change — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .6 - brittle E10.- - bronze, bronzed E83.1 - cataract — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .3 - chemical R73.0 - coma (hyperglycemic) (hyperosmolar) — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .0 - complicating pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium (maternal) O24.- - - affecting fetus or newborn P70.1 - - arising in pregnancy O24.4 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P70.0 178

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Diabetes, diabetic------continued - - gestational O24.4 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P70.0 - - pre-existing O24.3 - - - insulin-dependent O24.0 - - - malnutrition-related O24.2 - - - non-insulin-dependent O24.1 - congenital E10.- - dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3 - gangrene — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .5 - gestational O24.4 - hemochromatosis E83.1 - insipidus E23.2 - - nephrogenic N25.1 - - pituitary E23.2 - - vasopressin resistant N25.1 - insulin-dependent E10.- - intracapillary glomerulosclerosis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .2 - iritis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .3 - juvenile-onset E10.- - ketosis, ketoacidosis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .1 - ketosis-prone E10.- - Lancereaux's E14.6 - latent R73.0 - malnutrition-related (insulin- or non-insulindependent) E12.- - maturity-onset (nonobese) (obese) E11.- - neonatal (transient) P70.2 - nephropathy — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .2 - nephrosis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .2 - neuralgia — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .4 - neuritis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .4 - neuropathy E14.4 G63.2* - - peripheral autonomic — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .4 - - polyneuropathy E14.4† G63.2* - non-insulin-dependent (of the young) E11.- - nonketotic E11.- - phosphate E83.3 - renal E74.8 - retinal hemorrhage — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .3 - retinitis — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .3 - retinopathy — code to E10-E14 with fourth character .3 - specified NEC E13.- - stable E11.- - steroid-induced - - correct substance properly administered E13.- Diabetes, diabetic------continued - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T38.0 - type I E10.- - type II (nonobese) (obese) E11.- - unstable E10.- Diagnosis deferred R69 Dialysis (intermittent) (treatment) - extracorporeal Z49.1 - - preparatory care only (without treatment) Z49.0 - peritoneal Z49.2 - - preparatory care only (without treatment) Z49.0 - renal Z49.1 - - preparatory care only (without treatment) Z49.0 - retina, retinal H33.0 - specified type NEC Z49.2 - - preparatory care only (without treatment) Z49.0 Diaphragm — see condition Diaphragmatitis, diaphragmitis J98.6 Diaphysial aclasis Q78.6 Diaphysitis M86.8 Diarrhea, diarrheal (disease) (endemic) (infantile) (presumed infectious) (summer) (see also Note at category A09) A09 - achlorhydric K31.8 - allergic K52.2 - amebic (see also Amebiasis) A06.0 - - with abscess — see Abscess, amebic - - acute A06.0 - - chronic A06.1 - - nondysenteric A06.2 - and vomiting, epidemic A08.1 - bacillary — see Dysentery, bacillary - balantidial A07.0 - cachectic NEC K52.8 - Chilomastix A07.8 - chronic (noninfective) K52.9 - coccidial A07.3 - Cochin-China B78.0 - Dientamoeba A07.8 - dietetic K52.2 - due to - - bacteria A04.9 - - - specified NEC A04.8 - - Campylobacter A04.5 - - Clostridium perfringens (C) (F) A04.8 - - Cryptosporidium A07.2 - - Escherichia coli A04.4 - - - enteroaggregative A04.4 - - - enterohemorrhagic A04.3 - - - enteroinvasive A04.2 - - - enteropathogenic A04.0 - - - enterotoxigenic A04.1 - - - specified NEC A04.4 - - food hypersensitivity K52.2 - - specified organism NEC A08.5 - - - bacterial A04.8 - - - viral A08.3 179

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Development<br />

- arrested R62.8<br />

- - bone M89.2<br />

- - child R62.8<br />

- - due to malnutrition E45<br />

- - fetus P05.9<br />

- - - affecting management of pregnancyO36.5<br />

- defective, congenital — see also Anomaly,<br />

by site<br />

- - cauda equina Q06.3<br />

- - left ventricle Q24.8<br />

- - - in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4<br />

- - valve Q24.8<br />

- - - pulmonary Q22.2<br />

- delayed (see also Delay, development) R62.8<br />

- - arithmetical skills F81.2<br />

- - language (skills) (expressive) F80.1<br />

- - learning skills F81.9<br />

- - mixed skills F83<br />

- - motor coordination F82<br />

- - reading F81.0<br />

- - specified learning skill NEC F81.8<br />

- - speech F80.9<br />

- - spelling F81.1<br />

- imperfect, congenital — see also Anomaly,<br />

by site<br />

- - heart Q24.9<br />

- - lungs Q33.6<br />

- incomplete P05.9<br />

- - bronchial tree Q32.4<br />

- - organ or site not listed — see Hypoplasia,<br />

by site<br />

- - respiratory system Q34.8<br />

- tardy, mental (see also Retardation,<br />

mental) F79.-<br />

Developmental — see condition<br />

Devergie's disease L44.0<br />

Deviation<br />

- conjugate (eye) (spastic) H51.8<br />

- esophagus (acquired) K22.8<br />

- eye, skew H51.8<br />

- midline (dental arch) (jaw) (teeth) K07.2<br />

- - specified site NEC — see Malposition<br />

- nasal septum J34.2<br />

- - congenital Q67.4<br />

- organ or site, congenital NEC — see<br />

Malposition, congenital<br />

- septum (nasal) (acquired) J34.2<br />

- - congenital Q67.4<br />

- sexual F65.9<br />

- - bestiality F65.8<br />

- - erotomania F52.7<br />

- - exhibitionism F65.2<br />

- - fetishism, fetishistic F65.0<br />

- - - transvestism F65.1<br />

- - frotteurism F65.8<br />

- - masochism F65.5<br />

- - multiple F65.6<br />

- - necrophilia F65.8<br />

Deviation------continued<br />

- - nymphomania F52.7<br />

- - pederosis F65.4<br />

- - pedophilia F65.4<br />

- - sadism, sadomasochism F65.5<br />

- - satyriasis F52.7<br />

- - specified type NEC F65.8<br />

- - transvestism F64.1<br />

- - voyeurism F65.3<br />

- teeth, midline K07.2<br />

- trachea J39.8<br />

- ureter, congenital Q62.6<br />

Device<br />

- cerebral ventricle (communicating), in situ<br />

Z98.2<br />

- contraceptive — see Contraceptive, device<br />

- drainage, cerebrospinal fluid, in situ Z98.2<br />

Devic's disease G36.0<br />

Devil's grip B33.0<br />

Devitalized tooth K04.9<br />

Devonshire colic T56.0<br />

Dextraposition, aorta Q20.3<br />

- in tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3<br />

Dextrinosis, limit (debrancher enzyme<br />

deficiency) E74.0<br />

Dextrocardia (true) Q24.0<br />

- with<br />

- - complete transposition of viscera Q89.3<br />

- - situs inversus Q89.3<br />

Dextrotransposition, aorta Q20.3<br />

Dhat syndrome F48.8<br />

Dhobi itch B35.6<br />

Di George's syndrome D82.1<br />

Di Guglielmo's disease (M9841/3) C94.0<br />

Diabetes, diabetic (mellitus) (controlled)<br />

(familial) (severe) E14.-<br />

- acetonemia — code to E10-E14 with fourth<br />

character .1<br />

- acidosis — code to E10-E14 with fourth<br />

character .1<br />

- adult-onset (nonobese) (obese) E11.-<br />

- arising in pregnancy O24.4<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P70.0<br />

- bone change — code to E10-E14 with fourth<br />

character .6<br />

- brittle E10.-<br />

- bronze, bronzed E83.1<br />

- cataract — code to E10-E14 with fourth<br />

character .3<br />

- chemical R73.0<br />

- coma (hyperglycemic) (hyperosmolar) —<br />

code to E10-E14 with fourth character .0<br />

- complicating pregnancy, childbirth or<br />

puerperium (maternal) O24.-<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P70.1<br />

- - arising in pregnancy O24.4<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P70.0<br />


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