Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Deformity------continued<br />

- - acquired K63.8<br />

- skin (congenital) Q82.9<br />

- skull (acquired) M95.2<br />

- - congenital Q75.8<br />

- - - with<br />

- - - - anencephaly Q00.0<br />

- - - - encephalocele (see also<br />

Encephalocele) Q01.9<br />

- - - - hydrocephalus Q03.9<br />

- - - - - with spina bifida (see also Spina<br />

bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4<br />

- - - - microcephaly Q02<br />

- soft parts, organs or tissues (of pelvis)<br />

- - in pregnancy or childbirth NEC O34.8<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

- - - causing obstructed labor O65.5<br />

- - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- spermatic cord (congenital) Q55.4<br />

- - acquired N50.8<br />

- spinal M43.9<br />

- - column (acquired) — see Deformity, spine<br />

- - congenital Q67.5<br />

- - cord (congenital) Q06.9<br />

- - - acquired G95.8<br />

- - nerve root (congenital) Q07.8<br />

- spine (acquired) M43.9<br />

- - congenital Q67.5<br />

- - rachitic E64.3<br />

- - specified NEC M43.8<br />

- spleen<br />

- - acquired D73.8<br />

- - congenital Q89.0<br />

- Sprengel's (congenital) Q74.0<br />

- sternocleidomastoid (muscle),congenital<br />

Q68.0<br />

- sternum (acquired) M95.4<br />

- - congenital NEC Q76.7<br />

- stomach (congenital) Q40.3<br />

- - acquired K31.8<br />

- subm<strong>and</strong>ibular gl<strong>and</strong> (congenital) Q38.4<br />

- talipes — see Talipes<br />

- testis (congenital) Q55.2<br />

- - acquired N50.8<br />

- thigh (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital NEC Q68.8<br />

- thorax (acquired) (wall) M95.4<br />

- - congenital Q67.8<br />

- - sequelae of rickets E64.3<br />

- thumb (acquired) M20.0<br />

- - congenital NEC Q68.8<br />

- thymus (tissue) (congenital) Q89.2<br />

- thyroid (gl<strong>and</strong>) (congenital) Q89.2<br />

- - cartilage Q31.8<br />

- - - acquired J38.7<br />

- tibia (acquired) M21.8<br />

- - congenital NEC Q68.8<br />

- - saber (syphilitic) A50.5† M90.2*<br />

- toe (acquired) M20.6<br />

Deformity------continued<br />

- - congenital Q66.9<br />

- - specified NEC M20.5<br />

- tongue (congenital) Q38.3<br />

- - acquired K14.8<br />

- tooth, teeth K00.2<br />

- trachea (rings) (congenital) Q32.1<br />

- - acquired J39.8<br />

- transverse aortic arch (congenital) Q25.4<br />

- tricuspid (leaflets) (valve) I07.8<br />

- - Ebstein’s Q22.5<br />

- trunk (acquired) M95.8<br />

- - congenital Q89.9<br />

- ulna (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital NEC Q68.8<br />

- urachus, congenital Q64.4<br />

- ureter (opening) (congenital) Q62.8<br />

- - acquired N28.8<br />

- urethra (congenital) Q64.7<br />

- - acquired N36.8<br />

- urinary tract (congenital) Q64.9<br />

- uterus (congenital) Q51.9<br />

- - acquired N85.8<br />

- uvula (congenital) Q38.5<br />

- vagina (acquired) N89.8<br />

- - congenital Q52.4<br />

- valgus NEC M21.0<br />

- valve, valvular (congenital) (heart) Q24.8<br />

- - acquired — see Endocarditis<br />

- varus NEC M21.1<br />

- vas deferens (congenital) Q55.4<br />

- - acquired N50.8<br />

- vein (congenital) Q27.9<br />

- - great Q26.9<br />

- vertebra — see Deformity, spine<br />

- vesicourethral orifice (acquired) N32.8<br />

- - congenital NEC Q64.7<br />

- vessels of optic papilla (congenital) Q14.2<br />

- visual field (contraction) H53.4<br />

- vitreous body, acquired H43.8<br />

- vulva (congenital) Q52.7<br />

- - acquired N90.8<br />

- wrist (joint) (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q68.1<br />

Degeneration, degenerative<br />

- adrenal (capsule) (fatty) (gl<strong>and</strong>) (hyaline)<br />

(infectional) E27.8<br />

- amyloid (see also Amyloidosis) E85.9<br />

- anterior cornua, spinal cord G12.2<br />

- aorta, aortic I70.0<br />

- - fatty I77.8<br />

- aortic valve (heart) (see also Endocarditis,<br />

aortic) I35.8<br />

- arteriovascular — see Arteriosclerosis<br />

- artery, arterial (atheromatous) (calcareous)<br />

(see also Arteriosclerosis) I70.9<br />

- - cerebral, amyloid E85.4† I68.0*<br />

- - medial I70.2<br />

- articular cartilage NEC M24.1<br />


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