Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases


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WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Deformity------continued<br />

- face (acquired) M95.2<br />

- - congenital Q18.9<br />

- fallopian tube, acquired N83.8<br />

- femur (acquired) M21.8<br />

- fetal<br />

- - with fetopelvic disproportion O33.7<br />

- - causing obstructed labor O66.3<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- finger (acquired) M20.0<br />

- - congenital NEC Q68.1<br />

- flexion (joint) (acquired) M21.2<br />

- - congenital NEC Q68.8<br />

- - hip or thigh (acquired) M21.2<br />

- - - congenital Q65.9<br />

- foot (acquired) NEC M21.6<br />

- - congenital Q66.9<br />

- - valgus M21.0<br />

- - - congenital NEC Q66.6<br />

- - varus M21.1<br />

- - - congenital NEC Q66.3<br />

- forearm (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q68.8<br />

- forehead (acquired) M95.2<br />

- - congenital Q75.8<br />

- frontal bone (acquired) M95.2<br />

- - congenital Q75.8<br />

- gallbladder (congenital) Q44.1<br />

- - acquired K82.8<br />

- gastrointestinal tract (congenital) Q45.9<br />

- - acquired K63.8<br />

- genitalia, genital organ(s) or system NEC<br />

- - female (congenital) Q52.9<br />

- - - acquired N94.8<br />

- - - external Q52.7<br />

- - male (congenital) Q55.9<br />

- - - acquired N50.8<br />

- globe (eye) (congenital) Q15.8<br />

- - acquired H44.8<br />

- gum, acquired NEC K06.8<br />

- h<strong>and</strong> (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q68.1<br />

- head (acquired) M95.2<br />

- - congenital Q75.8<br />

- heart (congenital) Q24.9<br />

- - septum Q21.9<br />

- - valve NEC Q24.8<br />

- - - acquired — see Endocarditis<br />

- heel (acquired) M21.6<br />

- - congenital Q66.9<br />

- hepatic duct (congenital) Q44.5<br />

- - acquired K83.8<br />

- hip (joint) (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q65.9<br />

- - due to (previous) juvenile osteochondrosis<br />

M91.2<br />

- hourglass — see Contraction, hourglass<br />

- humerus (acquired) M21.8<br />

- - congenital Q74.0<br />

Deformity------continued<br />

- hypophyseal (congenital) Q89.2<br />

- ileocecal (coil) (valve) (acquired) K63.8<br />

- - congenital Q43.9<br />

- ileum (congenital) Q43.9<br />

- - acquired K63.8<br />

- ilium (acquired) M95.5<br />

- - congenital Q74.2<br />

- integument (congenital) Q84.9<br />

- intervertebral cartilage or disk (acquired)<br />

M51.8<br />

- intestine (large) (small) (congenital) NEC<br />

Q43.9<br />

- - acquired K63.8<br />

- intrinsic minus or plus (h<strong>and</strong>) M21.8<br />

- iris (acquired) H21.5<br />

- - congenital Q13.2<br />

- ischium (acquired) M95.5<br />

- - congenital Q74.2<br />

- jaw (acquired) (congenital) K07.9<br />

- joint (acquired) NEC M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q68.8<br />

- kidney(s) (calyx) (pelvis) (congenital) Q63.9<br />

- - acquired N28.8<br />

- - artery Q27.2<br />

- - - acquired I77.8<br />

- Klippel-Feil Q76.1<br />

- knee (acquired) NEC M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q68.2<br />

- labium (majus) (minus) (congenital) Q52.7<br />

- - acquired N90.8<br />

- lacrimal passages or duct (congenital) NEC<br />

Q10.6<br />

- - acquired H04.6<br />

- larynx (muscle) (congenital) Q31.8<br />

- - acquired J38.7<br />

- leg (lower) (upper) (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital Q68.8<br />

- lens (acquired) H27.8<br />

- - congenital Q12.9<br />

- lid (fold) (acquired) H02.8<br />

- - congenital Q10.3<br />

- ligament (acquired) M24.2<br />

- limb (acquired) M21.9<br />

- - congenital, except reduction deformity Q68.8<br />

- - specified NEC M21.8<br />

- lip (acquired) NEC K13.0<br />

- - congenital Q38.0<br />

- liver (congenital) Q44.7<br />

- - acquired K76.8<br />

- lumbosacral (congenital) (joint) (region) Q76.4<br />

- - acquired M43.8<br />

- lung (congenital) Q33.9<br />

- - acquired J98.4<br />

- lymphatic system, congenital Q89.9<br />

- Madelung's (radius) Q74.0<br />

- m<strong>and</strong>ible (acquired) (congenital) K07.9<br />

- maxilla (acquired) (congenital) K07.9<br />


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