Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Contusion------continued - esophagus (thoracic) S27.8 - - cervical S10.0 - eye NEC S05.8 - eyeball S05.1 - eyebrow S00.1 - eyelid (and periocular area) S00.1 - fetus or newborn P54.5 - finger(s) S60.0 - - with damage to nail (matrix) S60.1 - flank S30.1 - foot (except toe(s) alone) S90.3 - - specified part NEC S90.3 - - toe(s) S90.1 - - - with damage to nail (matrix) S90.2 - forearm S50.1 - - elbow S50.0 - genital organs, external S30.2 - globe (eye) S05.1 - groin S30.1 - hand S60.2 - - finger(s) (alone) S60.0 - - - with damage to nail (matrix) S60.1 - - wrist S60.2 - heel S90.3 - hip S70.0 - iliac region S30.1 - inguinal region S30.1 - interscapular region S20.2 - iris (eye) S05.1 - knee S80.0 - labium (majus) (minus) S30.2 - lacrimal apparatus, gland or sac S05.8 - larynx S10.0 - leg - - lower S80.1 - - - knee S80.0 - - - multiple S80.7 - - meaning lower limb T13.0 - lens S05.1 - limb - - lower T13.0 - - upper T11.0 - lower back S30.0 - lumbar region S30.0 - membrane, brain S06.8 - muscle T14.6 - nail - - finger S60.1 - - toe S90.2 - neck S10.9 - nerve — see Injury, nerve - occipital - - lobe (brain) S06.3 - - region (scalp) S00.0 - orbit (region) (tissues) S05.1 - parietal - - lobe (brain) S06.3 - - region (scalp) S00.0 Contusion------continued - pelvis S30.0 - penis S30.2 - perineum S30.2 - periocular area S00.1 - pharynx S10.0 - popliteal space S80.1 - prepuce S30.2 - pubic region S30.1 - pudendum S30.2 - quadriceps femoris S70.1 - sacral region S30.0 - scalp S00.0 - - due to birth injury P12.3 - scapular region S40.0 - - multiple S40.7 - sclera S05.1 - scrotum S30.2 - shoulder (and arm) S40.0 - - multiple S40.7 - skin NEC T14.0 - spinal cord — see also Injury, spinal cord, by region - - cauda equina S34.3 - - conus medullaris S34.3 - sternal region S20.2 - subconjunctival S05.0 - subcutaneous NEC T14.0 - subperiosteal NEC T14.0 - supraclavicular fossa S10.8 - supraorbital S00.8 - temple (region) S00.8 - temporal - - lobe (brain) S06.3 - - region S00.8 - testis S30.2 - thigh S70.1 - thorax S20.2 - throat S10.0 - thumb S60.0 - - with damage to nail (matrix) S60.1 - toe(s) S90.1 - - with damage to nail(s) (matrix) S90.2 - trachea (cervical) S10.0 - - thoracic S27.5 - tunica vaginalis S30.2 - vagina S30.2 - vocal cord(s) S10.0 - vulva S30.2 - wrist S60.2 Conus (congenital) (any type) Q14.8 - acquired H35.3 - - cornea H18.6 - medullaris syndrome G95.8 Convalescence (following) Z54.9 - chemotherapy Z54.2 - psychotherapy Z54.3 - radiotherapy Z54.1 - surgery NEC Z54.0 140

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Convalescence-----continued - treatment (for) Z54.9 - - combined Z54.7 - - fracture Z54.4 - - - surgery Z54.0 - - mental disorder NEC Z54.3 - - specified NEC Z54.8 Conversion hysteria, neurosis or reaction F44.9 Conviction (legal), anxiety concerning Z65.0 - with imprisonment Z65.1 Convulsions (idiopathic) (see also Seizure(s)) R56.8 - apoplectiform (cerebral ischemia) I67.8 - dissociative F44.5 Convulsions------continued - epileptic (see also Epilepsy) G40.9 - epileptiform, epileptoid (see also Seizure, epileptiform) R56.8 - ether (anesthetic) - - correct substance properly administered R56.8 - - overdose or wrong substance given T41.0 - febrile R56.0 - generalized R56.8 - hysterical F44.5 - infantile R56.8 - - epilepsy — see Epilepsy - jacksonian G40.1 - myoclonic G40.3 - neonatal, benign (familial) G40.3 - newborn P90 - obstetrical (nephritic) (uremic) — see Eclampsia - paretic A52.1 - psychomotor G40.2 - reflex R25.8 - tetanus, tetanic (see also Tetanus) A35 - uremic N19 Convulsive — see also Convulsions - equivalent, abdominal G40.8 Cooley's anemia D56.1 Cooper's - disease N60.1 - hernia (see also Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC) K45.8 Copra itch B88.0 Coprolith or coprostasis K56.4 Coprophagy F50.8 Coproporphyria, hereditary E80.2 Cor - biloculare Q20.8 - bovis, bovinum — see Hypertrophy, cardiac - pulmonale (chronic) I27.9 - - acute I26.0 - triatriatum, triatrium Q24.2 - triloculare Q20.8 Cor-----continued - - biatrium Q20.4 - - biventriculare Q21.1 Corbus' disease N48.1 Cord — see also condition - around neck (tightly) (with compression) - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.5 - - complicating delivery O69.1 - bladder G95.8 - - tabetic A52.1 Cordis ectopia Q24.8 Corditis (spermatic) N49.1 Corectopia Q13.2 Cori's disease (glycogen storage) E74.0 Corkhandler's disease or lung J67.3 Corkscrew esophagus K22.4 Corkworker's disease or lung J67.3 Corlett's pyosis L00 Corn (infected) L84 Cornea — see also condition - guttata H18.4 - plana Q13.4 Cornelia de Lange syndrome Q87.1 Cornu cutaneum L85.8 Cornual gestation or pregnancy O00.8 Coronary (artery) — see condition Coronavirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.2 Corpora — see also condition - amylacea, prostate N42.8 - cavernosa — see condition Corpulence (see also Obesity) E66.9 Corpus — see condition Corrected transposition Q20.5 Corrosion (injury) (acid) (caustic) (chemical) (external) (internal) (lime) T30.4 Note - The following fourth-character subdivisions are for use with categories T20-T25, T29 and T30: .4 Unspecified degree .5 First degree Erythema .6 Second degree Blisters, epidermal loss .7 Third degree Deep necrosis of underlying tissue Full-thickness skin loss - abdomen, abdominal (muscle) (wall) T21.- - alimentary tract NEC T28.7 - ankle (and foot) T25.- - - with leg T29.- - anus T21.- - arm(s) (upper) (meaning upper limb) T22.- - - with wrist and hand T29.- - axilla T22.- 141

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Convalescence-----continued<br />

- treatment (for) Z54.9<br />

- - combined Z54.7<br />

- - fracture Z54.4<br />

- - - surgery Z54.0<br />

- - mental disorder NEC Z54.3<br />

- - specified NEC Z54.8<br />

Conversion hysteria, neurosis or reaction<br />

F44.9<br />

Conviction (legal), anxiety concerning Z65.0<br />

- with imprisonment Z65.1<br />

Convulsions (idiopathic) (see also Seizure(s))<br />

R56.8<br />

- apoplectiform (cerebral ischemia) I67.8<br />

- dissociative F44.5<br />

Convulsions------continued<br />

- epileptic (see also Epilepsy) G40.9<br />

- epileptiform, epileptoid (see also Seizure,<br />

epileptiform) R56.8<br />

- ether (anesthetic)<br />

- - correct substance properly administered<br />

R56.8<br />

- - overdose or wrong substance given T41.0<br />

- febrile R56.0<br />

- generalized R56.8<br />

- hysterical F44.5<br />

- infantile R56.8<br />

- - epilepsy — see Epilepsy<br />

- jacksonian G40.1<br />

- myoclonic G40.3<br />

- neonatal, benign (familial) G40.3<br />

- newborn P90<br />

- obstetrical (nephritic) (uremic) — see<br />

Eclampsia<br />

- paretic A52.1<br />

- psychomotor G40.2<br />

- reflex R25.8<br />

- tetanus, tetanic (see also Tetanus) A35<br />

- uremic N19<br />

Convulsive — see also Convulsions<br />

- equivalent, abdominal G40.8<br />

Cooley's anemia D56.1<br />

Cooper's<br />

- disease N60.1<br />

- hernia (see also Hernia, abdomen, specified<br />

site NEC) K45.8<br />

Copra itch B88.0<br />

Coprolith or coprostasis K56.4<br />

Coprophagy F50.8<br />

Coproporphyria, hereditary E80.2<br />

Cor<br />

- biloculare Q20.8<br />

- bovis, bovinum — see Hypertrophy,<br />

cardiac<br />

- pulmonale (chronic) I27.9<br />

- - acute I26.0<br />

- triatriatum, triatrium Q24.2<br />

- triloculare Q20.8<br />

Cor-----continued<br />

- - biatrium Q20.4<br />

- - biventriculare Q21.1<br />

Corbus' disease N48.1<br />

Cord — see also condition<br />

- around neck (tightly) (with compression)<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P02.5<br />

- - complicating delivery O69.1<br />

- bladder G95.8<br />

- - tabetic A52.1<br />

Cordis ectopia Q24.8<br />

Corditis (spermatic) N49.1<br />

Corectopia Q13.2<br />

Cori's disease (glycogen storage) E74.0<br />

Corkh<strong>and</strong>ler's disease or lung J67.3<br />

Corkscrew esophagus K22.4<br />

Corkworker's disease or lung J67.3<br />

Corlett's pyosis L00<br />

Corn (infected) L84<br />

Cornea — see also condition<br />

- guttata H18.4<br />

- plana Q13.4<br />

Cornelia de Lange syndrome Q87.1<br />

Cornu cutaneum L85.8<br />

Cornual gestation or pregnancy O00.8<br />

Coronary (artery) — see condition<br />

Coronavirus, as cause of disease classified<br />

elsewhere B97.2<br />

Corpora — see also condition<br />

- amylacea, prostate N42.8<br />

- cavernosa — see condition<br />

Corpulence (see also Obesity) E66.9<br />

Corpus — see condition<br />

Corrected transposition Q20.5<br />

Corrosion (injury) (acid) (caustic) (chemical)<br />

(external) (internal) (lime) T30.4<br />

Note - The following fourth-character subdivisions<br />

are for use with categories T20-T25, T29<br />

<strong>and</strong> T30:<br />

.4 Unspecified degree<br />

.5 First degree<br />

Erythema<br />

.6 Second degree<br />

Blisters, epidermal loss<br />

.7 Third degree<br />

Deep necrosis of underlying tissue<br />

Full-thickness skin loss<br />

- abdomen, abdominal (muscle) (wall) T21.-<br />

- alimentary tract NEC T28.7<br />

- ankle (<strong>and</strong> foot) T25.-<br />

- - with leg T29.-<br />

- anus T21.-<br />

- arm(s) (upper) (meaning upper limb) T22.-<br />

- - with wrist <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong> T29.-<br />

- axilla T22.-<br />


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