Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Conditions in the perinatal period---cont. - - - causing obstructed labor, affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - twin (pregnancy) (fetus or newborn) P01.5 - twist, twisted umbilical cord in fetus or newborn P02.5 - tyrosinemia, newborn, transitory P74.5 - ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative - - intestine, intestinal, perforating, fetus or newborn P78.0 - - peptic (site unspecified), newborn P78.8 - underfeeding, newborn P92.3 - underweight for gestational age P05.0 - Underwood's disease P83.0 - unstable lie, fetus or newborn, before labor P01.7 - uremia, uremic (coma) - - congenital P96.0 - - maternal NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P00.1 - - newborn P96.0 - urticaria neonatorum P83.8 - use (of) harmful patent medicines, maternal, affecting fetus or newborn P04.1 - uveitis (anterior), due to toxoplasmosis, congenital P37.1† H22.0* - vaccinia (generalized) (localized) - - congenital P35.8 - vaginitis, maternal (acute), complicating pregnancy, affecting fetus or newborn P00.8 - varicella, congenital P35.8 - varicose vein (ruptured), umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - varix (ruptured), umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - vasa previa - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - - hemorrhage from, affecting fetus or newborn P50.0 - ventilator lung, newborn P27.8 - ventouse delivery NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P03.3 - version, with extraction, affecting fetus or newborn P01.7 - viremia, newborn P35.9 - vitality, lack of, newborn P96.8 - volvulus (bowel) (colon) (intestine), newborn K56.2 - vomiting (see also Conditions originating in the perinatal period, hyperemesis) - - newborn P92.0 - weak, weakness, newborn P96.8 Conditions in the perinatal period---cont. - weight - - 999 grams or less at birth (extremely low) P07.0 - - 1000-2499 grams at birth (low) P07.1 - wet lung, newborn P22.1 - wide cranial sutures, newborn P96.3 - Wilson-Mikity syndrome P27.0 - withdrawal state, symptoms, syndrome, newborn - - correct therapeutic substance properly administered P96.2 - - infant of dependent mother P96.1 - - therapeutic substance, neonatal P96.2 - wound (cut) (laceration) (open) (penetrating (puncture wound) (with penetrating foreign body) - - scalpel, fetus or newborn (birth injury) P15.8 Conduct disorder — see Disorder, conduct Condyloma A63.0 - acuminatum A63.0 - gonorrheal A54.0 - latum A51.3 - syphilitic A51.3 - - congenital A50.0 - venereal, syphilitic A51.3 Conflagration — see also Burn - asphyxia (by inhalation of smoke, gases, fumes or vapors) T59.9 - - specified agent — see Table of drugs and chemicals Conflict (with) — see also Discord - social role NEC Z73.5 Confluent — see condition Confusion, confused R41.0 - epileptic F05.8 - mental state (psychogenic) F44.8 - psychogenic F44.8 - reactive (from emotional stress, psychological trauma) F44.8 Congelation T69.9 Congenital — see also condition - aortic septum Q25.4 - intrinsic factor deficiency D51.0 - malformation — see Anomaly Congestion, congestive (chronic) (passive) - bladder N32.8 - bowel K63.8 - brain G93.8 - breast N64.5 - bronchial J98.0 - chest (see also Edema, lung) J81 - circulatory NEC I99 - duodenum K31.8 - eye H11.4 - facial, due to birth injury P15.4 136

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Congestion, congestive------continued - general R68.8 - glottis J37.0 - heart (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0 - hepatic K76.1 - hypostatic, lung (see also Edema, lung) J81 - intestine K63.8 - kidney N28.8 - labyrinth H83.8 - larynx J37.0 - liver K76.1 - lung (hypostatic) (see also Edema, lung) J81 - - active or acute (see also Pneumonia) J18.2 - orbit, orbital H05.2 - - inflammatory (chronic) H05.1 - - - acute H05.0 - ovary N83.8 - pancreas K86.8 - pelvic, female N94.8 - pleural J94.8 - prostate (active) N42.1 - pulmonary — see Congestion, lung - renal N28.8 - retina H35.8 - seminal vesicle N50.1 - spinal cord G95.1 - spleen D73.2 - stomach K31.8 - trachea — see Tracheitis - urethra N36.8 - uterus N85.8 - venous (passive) I87.8 - viscera R68.8 Conical - cervix (hypertrophic elongation) N88.4 - cornea H18.6 - teeth K00.2 Conjoined twins Q89.4 Conjugal maladjustment Z63.0 Conjunctiva — see condition Conjunctivitis (in) (due to) H10.9 - Acanthamoeba B60.1† H13.1* - acute H10.3 - - specified NEC H10.2 - adenoviral (acute) (follicular) B30.1† H13.1* - allergic (acute) H10.1 - Apollo B30.3† H13.1* - atopic (acute) H10.1 - Béal's B30.2† H13.1* - blennorrhagic (gonococcal) (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1* - chlamydial A74.0† H13.1* - - neonatal P39.1 - chronic (nodosa) (petrificans) (phlyctenular) H10.4 - coxsackievirus 24 B30.3† H13.1* - diphtheritic A36.8† H13.1* - enterovirus type 70 (hemorrhagic) B30.3† H13.1* Conjunctivitis------continued - epidemic (viral) B30.9† H13.1* - - hemorrhagic B30.3† H13.1* - gonococcal (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1* - granular (trachomatous) A71.1† H13.1* - hemorrhagic (acute) (epidemic) B30.3† H13.1* - herpes (simplex) (virus) B00.5† H13.1* - - zoster B02.3† H13.1* - inclusion A74.0† H13.1* - infectious disease NEC B99† H13.1* - Koch-Weeks' H10.0 - meningococcal A39.8† H13.1* - Morax-Axenfeld H10.2 - mucopurulent H10.0 - neonatal P39.1 - Newcastle B30.8† H13.1* - parasitic disease NEC B89† H13.1* - Parinaud's H10.8 - rosacea L71.-† H13.2* - specified NEC H10.8 - swimming-pool B30.1† H13.1* - syphilis (late) A52.7† H13.1* - trachomatous A71.1 - tuberculous A18.5† H13.1* - tularemic A21.1† H13.1* - viral B30.9† H13.1* - - specified NEC B30.8† H13.1* - zoster (herpes) B02.3† H13.1* Connective tissue — see condition Conn's syndrome E26.0 Conradi(-Hunermann) disease Q77.3 Consanguinity Z84.3 - counseling Z71.8 Conscious simulation (of illness) Z76.5 Consecutive — see condition Consolidation lung (base) — see Pneumonia, lobar Constipation (atonic) (simple) (spastic) K59.0 - drug-induced - - correct substance properly administered K59.0 - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T50.9 - - - specified drug — see Table of drugs and chemicals - neurogenic K59.0 - psychogenic F45.3 Constitutional — see condition Constriction — see also Stricture - asphyxiation or suffocation by T71 - bronchial J98.0 - duodenum K31.5 - esophagus K22.2 - external canal, ear H61.3 - gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) K82.0 - intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) K56.6 137

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Congestion, congestive------continued<br />

- general R68.8<br />

- glottis J37.0<br />

- heart (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0<br />

- hepatic K76.1<br />

- hypostatic, lung (see also Edema, lung) J81<br />

- intestine K63.8<br />

- kidney N28.8<br />

- labyrinth H83.8<br />

- larynx J37.0<br />

- liver K76.1<br />

- lung (hypostatic) (see also Edema, lung) J81<br />

- - active or acute (see also Pneumonia) J18.2<br />

- orbit, orbital H05.2<br />

- - inflammatory (chronic) H05.1<br />

- - - acute H05.0<br />

- ovary N83.8<br />

- pancreas K86.8<br />

- pelvic, female N94.8<br />

- pleural J94.8<br />

- prostate (active) N42.1<br />

- pulmonary — see Congestion, lung<br />

- renal N28.8<br />

- retina H35.8<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.1<br />

- spinal cord G95.1<br />

- spleen D73.2<br />

- stomach K31.8<br />

- trachea — see Tracheitis<br />

- urethra N36.8<br />

- uterus N85.8<br />

- venous (passive) I87.8<br />

- viscera R68.8<br />

Conical<br />

- cervix (hypertrophic elongation) N88.4<br />

- cornea H18.6<br />

- teeth K00.2<br />

Conjoined twins Q89.4<br />

Conjugal maladjustment Z63.0<br />

Conjunctiva — see condition<br />

Conjunctivitis (in) (due to) H10.9<br />

- Acanthamoeba B60.1† H13.1*<br />

- acute H10.3<br />

- - specified NEC H10.2<br />

- adenoviral (acute) (follicular) B30.1† H13.1*<br />

- allergic (acute) H10.1<br />

- Apollo B30.3† H13.1*<br />

- atopic (acute) H10.1<br />

- Béal's B30.2† H13.1*<br />

- blennorrhagic (gonococcal) (neonatorum)<br />

A54.3† H13.1*<br />

- chlamydial A74.0† H13.1*<br />

- - neonatal P39.1<br />

- chronic (nodosa) (petrificans) (phlyctenular)<br />

H10.4<br />

- coxsackievirus 24 B30.3† H13.1*<br />

- diphtheritic A36.8† H13.1*<br />

- enterovirus type 70 (hemorrhagic)<br />

B30.3† H13.1*<br />

Conjunctivitis------continued<br />

- epidemic (viral) B30.9† H13.1*<br />

- - hemorrhagic B30.3† H13.1*<br />

- gonococcal (neonatorum) A54.3† H13.1*<br />

- granular (trachomatous) A71.1† H13.1*<br />

- hemorrhagic (acute) (epidemic)<br />

B30.3† H13.1*<br />

- herpes (simplex) (virus) B00.5† H13.1*<br />

- - zoster B02.3† H13.1*<br />

- inclusion A74.0† H13.1*<br />

- <strong>infectious</strong> disease NEC B99† H13.1*<br />

- Koch-Weeks' H10.0<br />

- meningococcal A39.8† H13.1*<br />

- Morax-Axenfeld H10.2<br />

- mucopurulent H10.0<br />

- neonatal P39.1<br />

- Newcastle B30.8† H13.1*<br />

- <strong>parasitic</strong> disease NEC B89† H13.1*<br />

- Parinaud's H10.8<br />

- rosacea L71.-† H13.2*<br />

- specified NEC H10.8<br />

- swimming-pool B30.1† H13.1*<br />

- syphilis (late) A52.7† H13.1*<br />

- trachomatous A71.1<br />

- tuberculous A18.5† H13.1*<br />

- tularemic A21.1† H13.1*<br />

- viral B30.9† H13.1*<br />

- - specified NEC B30.8† H13.1*<br />

- zoster (herpes) B02.3† H13.1*<br />

Connective tissue — see condition<br />

Conn's syndrome E26.0<br />

Conradi(-Hunermann) disease Q77.3<br />

Consanguinity Z84.3<br />

- counseling Z71.8<br />

Conscious simulation (of illness) Z76.5<br />

Consecutive — see condition<br />

Consolidation lung (base) — see Pneumonia,<br />

lobar<br />

Constipation (atonic) (simple) (spastic) K59.0<br />

- drug-induced<br />

- - correct substance properly administered<br />

K59.0<br />

- - overdose or wrong substance given or<br />

taken T50.9<br />

- - - specified drug — see Table of drugs <strong>and</strong><br />

chemicals<br />

- neurogenic K59.0<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />

Constitutional — see condition<br />

Constriction — see also Stricture<br />

- asphyxiation or suffocation by T71<br />

- bronchial J98.0<br />

- duodenum K31.5<br />

- esophagus K22.2<br />

- external canal, ear H61.3<br />

- gallbladder (see also Obstruction,<br />

gallbladder) K82.0<br />

- intestine (see also Obstruction, intestine) K56.6<br />


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