2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) progressive hypertrophic interstitial 356.9 inflammatory 357.89 radicular NEC 729.2 brachial 723.4 cervical NEC 723.4 hereditary sensory 356.2 lumbar 724.4 lumbosacral 724.4 thoracic NEC 724.4 sacral plexus 353.1 sciatic 355.0 spinal nerve NEC 355.9 root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2 toxic 357.7 trigeminal sensory 350.8 ulnar nerve 354.2 upper extremity NEC 354.9 uremic 585.9 [357.4] vitamin B 12 266.2 [357.4] with anemia (pernicious) 281.0 [357.4] due to dietary deficiency 281.1 [357.4] Neurophthisis - see also Disorder, nerve peripheral 356.9 diabetic 250.6 [357.2] due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2] Neuropraxia- see Injury, nerve Neuroretinitis 363.05 syphilitic 094.85 Neurosarcoma (M9540/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant Neurosclerosis - see Disorder, nerve Neurosis, neurotic 300.9 accident 300.16 anancastic, anankastic 300.3 anxiety (state) 300.00 generalized 300.02 panic type 300.01 asthenic 300.5 bladder 306.53 cardiac (reflex) 306.2 cardiovascular 306.2 climacteric, unspecified type 627.2 colon 306.4 compensation 300.16 compulsive, compulsion 300.3 conversion 300.11 craft 300.89 cutaneous 306.3 depersonalization 300.6 depressive (reaction) (type) 300.4 endocrine 306.6 environmental 300.89 fatigue 300.5 functional (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9 gastric 306.4 994

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) gastrointestinal 306.4 genitourinary 306.50 heart 306.2 hypochondriacal 300.7 hysterical 300.10 conversion type 300.11 dissociative type 300.15 impulsive 300.3 incoordination 306.0 larynx 306.1 vocal cord 306.1 intestine 306.4 larynx 306.1 hysterical 300.11 sensory 306.1 menopause, unspecified type 627.2 mixed NEC 300.89 musculoskeletal 306.0 obsessional 300.3 phobia 300.3 obsessive-compulsive 300.3 occupational 300.89 ocular 306.7 oral (see also Disorder, fluency) 315.35 organ (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9 pharynx 306.1 phobic 300.20 posttraumatic (acute) (situational) 309.81 chronic 309.81 psychasthenic (type) 300.89 railroad 300.16 rectum 306.4 respiratory 306.1 rumination 306.4 senile 300.89 sexual 302.70 situational 300.89 specified type NEC 300.89 state 300.9 with depersonalization episode 300.6 stomach 306.4 vasomotor 306.2 visceral 306.4 war 300.16 Neurospongioblastosis diffusa 759.5 Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (inactive) (late) (latent) (recurrent) 094.9 with ataxia (cerebellar) (locomotor) (spastic) (spinal) 094.0 acute meningitis 094.2 aneurysm 094.89 arachnoid (adhesive) 094.2 arteritis (any artery) 094.89 asymptomatic 094.3 congenital 090.40 dura (mater) 094.89 general paresis 094.1 gumma 094.9 995

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

progressive<br />

hypertrophic interstitial 356.9<br />

inflammatory 357.89<br />

radicular NEC 729.2<br />

brachial 723.4<br />

cervical NEC 723.4<br />

hereditary sensory 356.2<br />

lumbar 724.4<br />

lumbosacral 724.4<br />

thoracic NEC 724.4<br />

sacral plexus 353.1<br />

sciatic 355.0<br />

spinal nerve NEC 355.9<br />

root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2<br />

toxic 357.7<br />

trigeminal sensory 350.8<br />

ulnar nerve 354.2<br />

upper extremity NEC 354.9<br />

uremic 585.9 [357.4]<br />

vitamin B 12<br />

266.2 [357.4]<br />

with anemia (pernicious) 281.0 [357.4]<br />

due to dietary deficiency 281.1 [357.4]<br />

Neurophthisis - see also Disorder, nerve<br />

peripheral 356.9<br />

diabetic 250.6 [357.2]<br />

due to secondary diabetes 249.6 [357.2]<br />

Neuropraxia- see Injury, nerve<br />

Neuroretinitis 363.05<br />

syphilitic 094.85<br />

Neurosarcoma (M9540/3) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant<br />

Neurosclerosis - see Disorder, nerve<br />

Neurosis, neurotic 300.9<br />

accident 300.16<br />

anancastic, anankastic 300.3<br />

anxiety (state) 300.00<br />

generalized 300.02<br />

panic type 300.01<br />

asthenic 300.5<br />

bladder 306.53<br />

cardiac (reflex) 306.2<br />

cardiovascular 306.2<br />

climacteric, unspecified type 627.2<br />

colon 306.4<br />

compensation 300.16<br />

compulsive, compulsion 300.3<br />

conversion 300.11<br />

craft 300.89<br />

cutaneous 306.3<br />

depersonalization 300.6<br />

depressive (reaction) (type) 300.4<br />

endocrine 306.6<br />

environmental 300.89<br />

fatigue 300.5<br />

functional (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9<br />

gastric 306.4<br />


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