2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) due to organism other than Entamoeba histolytica 007.8 hepatic (see also Abscess, liver, amebic) 006.3 nondysenteric 006.2 seminal vesicle 006.8 specified organism NEC 007.8 site NEC 006.8 Ameboma 006.8 Amelia 755.4 lower limb 755.31 upper limb 755.21 Ameloblastoma (M9310/0) 213.1 jaw (bone) (lower) 213.1 upper 213.0 long bones (M9261/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant malignant (M9310/3) 170.1 jaw (bone) (lower) 170.1 upper 170.0 mandible 213.1 tibial (M9261/3) 170.7 Amelogenesis imperfecta 520.5 nonhereditaria (segmentalis) 520.4 Amenorrhea (primary) (secondary) 626.0 due to ovarian dysfunction 256.8 hyperhormonal 256.8 Amentia (see also Retardation, mental) 319 Meynert's (nonalcoholic) 294.0 alcoholic 291.1 nevoid 759.6 American leishmaniasis 085.5 mountain tick fever 066.1 trypanosomiasis - see Trypanosomiasis, American Ametropia (see also Disorder, accommodation) 367.9 Amianthosis 501 Amimia 784.69 Amino acid deficiency 270.9 anemia 281.4 metabolic disorder (see also Disorder, amino acid) 270.9 Aminoaciduria 270.9 imidazole 270.5 Amnesia (retrograde) 780.93 auditory 784.69 developmental 315.31 secondary to organic lesion 784.69 dissociative 300.12 hysterical or dissociative type 300.12 psychogenic 300.12 transient global 437.7 Amnestic (confabulatory) syndrome 294.0 alcohol-induced persisting 291.1 drug-induced persisting 292.83 posttraumatic 294.0 Amniocentesis screening (for) V28.2 alphafetoprotein level, raised V28.1 84

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) chromosomal anomalies V28.0 Amnion, amniotic - see also condition nodosum 658.8 Amnionitis (complicating pregnancy) 658.4 affecting fetus or newborn 762.7 Amoral trends 301.7 Amotio retinae (see also Detachment, retina) 361.9 Ampulla lower esophagus 530.89 phrenic 530.89 Amputation any part of fetus, to facilitate delivery 763.89 cervix (supravaginal) (uteri) 622.8 in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6 affecting fetus or newborn 763.89 clitoris - see Wound, open, clitoris congenital lower limb 755.31 upper limb 755.21 neuroma (traumatic) - see also Injury, nerve, by site surgical complication (late) 997.61 penis - see Amputation, traumatic, penis status (without complication) - see Absence, by site, acquired stump (surgical) (posttraumatic) abnormal, painful, or with complication (late) 997.60 healed or old NEC - see also Absence, by site, acquired lower V49.70 upper V49.60 traumatic (complete) (partial) Note"Complicated" includes traumatic amputation with delayed healing, delayed treatment, foreign body, or infection. arm 887.4 at or above elbow 887.2 complicated 887.3 below elbow 887.0 complicated 887.1 both (bilateral) (any level(s)) 887.6 complicated 887.7 complicated 887.5 finger(s) (one or both hands) 886.0 with thumb(s) 885.0 complicated 885.1 complicated 886.1 foot (except toe(s) only) 896.0 and other leg 897.6 complicated 897.7 both (bilateral) 896.2 complicated 896.3 complicated 896.1 toe(s) only (one or both feet) 895.0 complicated 895.1 genital organ(s) (external) NEC 878.8 complicated 878.9 hand (except finger(s) only) 887.0 85

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

due to organism other than Entamoeba histolytica 007.8<br />

hepatic (see also Abscess, liver, amebic) 006.3<br />

nondysenteric 006.2<br />

seminal vesicle 006.8<br />

specified<br />

organism NEC 007.8<br />

site NEC 006.8<br />

Ameboma 006.8<br />

Amelia 755.4<br />

lower limb 755.31<br />

upper limb 755.21<br />

Ameloblastoma (M9310/0) 213.1<br />

jaw (bone) (lower) 213.1<br />

upper 213.0<br />

long bones (M9261/3) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant<br />

malignant (M9310/3) 170.1<br />

jaw (bone) (lower) 170.1<br />

upper 170.0<br />

mandible 213.1<br />

tibial (M9261/3) 170.7<br />

Amelogenesis imperfecta 520.5<br />

nonhereditaria (segmentalis) 520.4<br />

Amenorrhea (primary) (secondary) 626.0<br />

due to ovarian dysfunction 256.8<br />

hyperhormonal 256.8<br />

Amentia (see also Retardation, mental) 319<br />

Meynert's (nonalcoholic) 294.0<br />

alcoholic 291.1<br />

nevoid 759.6<br />

American<br />

leishmaniasis 085.5<br />

mountain tick fever 066.1<br />

trypanosomiasis - see Trypanosomiasis, American<br />

Ametropia (see also Disorder, accommodation) 367.9<br />

Amianthosis 501<br />

Amimia 784.69<br />

Amino acid<br />

deficiency 270.9<br />

anemia 281.4<br />

metabolic disorder (see also Disorder, amino acid) 270.9<br />

Aminoaciduria 270.9<br />

imidazole 270.5<br />

Amnesia (retrograde) 780.93<br />

auditory 784.69<br />

developmental 315.31<br />

secondary to organic lesion 784.69<br />

dissociative 300.12<br />

hysterical or dissociative type 300.12<br />

psychogenic 300.12<br />

transient global 437.7<br />

Amnestic (confabulatory) syndrome 294.0<br />

alcohol-induced persisting 291.1<br />

drug-induced persisting 292.83<br />

posttraumatic 294.0<br />

Amniocentesis screening (for) V28.2<br />

alphafetoprotein level, raised V28.1<br />


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