2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) swimming pool 031.1 typhosa 002.0 welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 Whitmore's 025 bacterial NEC 041.9 specified NEC 041.89 anaerobic NEC 041.84 gram-negative NEC 041.85 anaerobic NEC 041.84 Bacterium paratyphosum 002.9 A 002.1 B 002.2 C 002.3 typhosum 002.9 Bacteroides (fragilis) (melaninogenicus) (oralis) NEC 041.82 balantidium coli 007.0 Bartholin's gland 616.89 Basidiobolus 117.7 Bedsonia 079.98 specified NEC 079.88 bile duct 576.1 bladder (see also Cystitis) 595.9 Blastomyces, blastomycotic 116.0 brasiliensis 116.1 dermatitidis 116.0 European 117.5 loboi 116.2 North American 116.0 South American 116.1 bleb postprocedural 379.60 stage 1 379.61 stage 2 379.62 stage 3 379.63 blood stream - see also Septicemia catheter-related (CRBSI) 999.31 bone 730.9 specified - see Osteomyelitis Bordetella 033.9 bronchiseptica 033.8 parapertussis 033.1 pertussis 033.0 Borrelia bergdorfi 088.81 vincentii (mouth) (pharynx) (tonsil) 101 bovine stomatitis 059.11 brain (see also Encephalitis) 323.9 late effect - see category 326 membranes - (see also Meningitis) 322.9 septic 324.0 late effect - see category 326 meninges (see also Meningitis) 320.9 branchial cyst 744.42 breast 611.0 puerperal, postpartum 675.2 770

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) with nipple 675.9 specified type NEC 675.8 nonpurulent 675.2 purulent 675.1 bronchus (see also Bronchitis) 490 fungus NEC 117.9 Brucella 023.9 abortus 023.1 canis 023.3 melitensis 023.0 mixed 023.8 suis 023.2 Brugia (Wuchereria) malayi 125.1 bursa - see Bursitis buttocks (skin) 686.9 Candida (albicans) (tropicalis) (see also Candidiasis) 112.9 congenital 771.7 Candiru 136.8 Capillaria hepatica 128.8 philippinensis 127.5 cartilage 733.99 cat liver fluke 121.0 catheter-related bloodstream (CRBSI) 999.31 cellulitis - see Cellulitis, by site Cephalosporum falciforme 117.4 Cercomonas hominis (intestinal) 007.3 cerebrospinal (see also Meningitis) 322.9 late effect - see category 326 cervical gland 683 cervix (see also Cervicitis) 616.0 cesarean section wound 674.3 Chilomastix (intestinal) 007.8 Chlamydia 079.98 specified NEC 079.88 Cholera (see also Cholera) 001.9 chorionic plate 658.8 Cladosporium bantianum 117.8 carrionii 117.2 mansoni 111.1 trichoides 117.8 wernecki 111.1 Clonorchis (sinensis) (liver) 121.1 Clostridium (haemolyticum) (novyi) NEC 041.84 botulinum 005.1 histolyticum (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 oedematiens (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 perfringens 041.83 due to food 005.2 septicum (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 sordellii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0 due to food 005.2 Coccidioides (immitis) (see also Coccidioidomycosis) 114.9 coccus NEC 041.89 771

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

swimming pool 031.1<br />

typhosa 002.0<br />

welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0<br />

Whitmore's 025<br />

bacterial NEC 041.9<br />

specified NEC 041.89<br />

anaerobic NEC 041.84<br />

gram-negative NEC 041.85<br />

anaerobic NEC 041.84<br />

Bacterium<br />

paratyphosum 002.9<br />

A 002.1<br />

B 002.2<br />

C 002.3<br />

typhosum 002.9<br />

Bacteroides (fragilis) (melaninogenicus) (oralis) NEC 041.82<br />

balantidium coli 007.0<br />

Bartholin's gland 616.89<br />

Basidiobolus 117.7<br />

Bedsonia 079.98<br />

specified NEC 079.88<br />

bile duct 576.1<br />

bladder (see also Cystitis) 595.9<br />

Blastomyces, blastomycotic 116.0<br />

brasiliensis 116.1<br />

dermatitidis 116.0<br />

European 117.5<br />

loboi 116.2<br />

North American 116.0<br />

South American 116.1<br />

bleb<br />

postprocedural 379.60<br />

stage 1 379.61<br />

stage 2 379.62<br />

stage 3 379.63<br />

blood stream - see also Septicemia<br />

catheter-related (CRBSI) 999.31<br />

bone 730.9<br />

specified - see Osteomyelitis<br />

Bordetella 033.9<br />

bronchiseptica 033.8<br />

parapertussis 033.1<br />

pertussis 033.0<br />

Borrelia<br />

bergdorfi 088.81<br />

vincentii (mouth) (pharynx) (tonsil) 101<br />

bovine stomatitis 059.11<br />

brain (see also Encephalitis) 323.9<br />

late effect - see category 326<br />

membranes - (see also Meningitis) 322.9<br />

septic 324.0<br />

late effect - see category 326<br />

meninges (see also Meningitis) 320.9<br />

branchial cyst 744.42<br />

breast 611.0<br />

puerperal, postpartum 675.2<br />


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