2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) pericardium - see Pericarditis pleura (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89 renal (see also Nephrosis) 581.9 spermatic cord (see also Hydrocele) 603.9 Hydropyonephrosis (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 chronic 590.00 Hydrorachis 742.53 Hydrorrhea (nasal) 478.19 gravidarum 658.1 pregnancy 658.1 Hydrosadenitis 705.83 Hydrosalpinx (fallopian tube) (follicularis) 614.1 Hydrothorax (double) (pleural) 511.89 chylous (nonfilarial) 457.8 filaria (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9 nontuberculous 511.89 bacterial 511.1 pneumococcal 511.1 staphylococcal 511.1 streptococcal 511.1 traumatic 862.29 with open wound into thorax 862.39 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0 Hydroureter 593.5 congenital 753.22 Hydroureteronephrosis (see also Hydronephrosis) 591 Hydrourethra 599.84 Hydroxykynureninuria 270.2 Hydroxyprolinemia 270.8 Hydroxyprolinuria 270.8 Hygroma (congenital) (cystic) (M9173/0) 228.1 prepatellar 727.3 subdural - see Hematoma, subdural Hymen - see condition Hymenolepiasis (diminuta) (infection) (infestation) (nana) 123.6 Hymenolepsis (diminuta) (infection) (infestation) (nana) 123.6 Hypalgesia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0 Hyperabduction syndrome 447.8 Hyperacidity, gastric 536.8 psychogenic 306.4 Hyperactive, hyperactivity 314.01 basal cell, uterine cervix 622.10 bladder 596.51 bowel (syndrome) 564.9 sounds 787.5 cervix epithelial (basal) 622.10 child 314.01 colon 564.9 gastrointestinal 536.8 psychogenic 306.4 intestine 564.9 labyrinth (unilateral) 386.51 with loss of labyrinthine reactivity 386.58 bilateral 386.52 nasal mucous membrane 478.19 stomach 536.8 720

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) thyroid (gland) (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 Hyperacusis 388.42 Hyperadrenalism (cortical) 255.3 medullary 255.6 Hyperadrenocorticism 255.3 congenital 255.2 iatrogenic correct substance properly administered 255.3 overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0 Hyperaffectivity 301.11 Hyperaldosteronism (atypical) (hyperplastic) (normoaldosteronal) (normotensive) (primary) 255.10 secondary 255.14 Hyperalgesia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0 Hyperalimentation 783.6 carotene 278.3 specified NEC 278.8 vitamin A 278.2 vitamin D 278.4 Hyperaminoaciduria 270.9 arginine 270.6 citrulline 270.6 cystine 270.0 glycine 270.0 lysine 270.7 ornithine 270.6 renal (types I, II, III) 270.0 Hyperammonemia (congenital) 270.6 Hyperamnesia 780.99 Hyperamylasemia 790.5 Hyperaphia 782.0 Hyperazotemia 791.9 Hyperbetalipoproteinemia (acquired) (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (primary) (secondary) 272.0 with prebetalipoproteinemia 272.2 Hyperbilirubinemia 782.4 congenital 277.4 constitutional 277.4 neonatal (transient) (see also Jaundice, fetus or newborn) 774.6 of prematurity 774.2 Hyperbilirubinemica encephalopathia, newborn 774.7 due to isoimmunization 773.4 Hypercalcemia, hypercalcemic (idiopathic) 275.42 nephropathy 588.89 Hypercalcinuria 275.40 Hypercapnia 786.09 with mixed acid-based disorder 276.4 fetal, affecting newborn 770.89 Hypercarotinemia 278.3 Hypercementosis 521.5 Hyperchloremia 276.9 Hyperchlorhydria 536.8 neurotic 306.4 psychogenic 306.4 Hypercholesterinemia - see Hypercholesterolemia Hypercholesterolemia 272.0 with hyperglyceridemia, endogenous 272.2 essential 272.0 721

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

thyroid (gland) (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9<br />

Hyperacusis 388.42<br />

Hyperadrenalism (cortical) 255.3<br />

medullary 255.6<br />

Hyperadrenocorticism 255.3<br />

congenital 255.2<br />

iatrogenic<br />

correct substance properly administered 255.3<br />

overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0<br />

Hyperaffectivity 301.11<br />

Hyperaldosteronism (atypical) (hyperplastic) (normoaldosteronal) (normotensive) (primary) 255.10<br />

secondary 255.14<br />

Hyperalgesia (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0<br />

Hyperalimentation 783.6<br />

carotene 278.3<br />

specified NEC 278.8<br />

vitamin A 278.2<br />

vitamin D 278.4<br />

Hyperaminoaciduria 270.9<br />

arginine 270.6<br />

citrulline 270.6<br />

cystine 270.0<br />

glycine 270.0<br />

lysine 270.7<br />

ornithine 270.6<br />

renal (types I, II, III) 270.0<br />

Hyperammonemia (congenital) 270.6<br />

Hyperamnesia 780.99<br />

Hyperamylasemia 790.5<br />

Hyperaphia 782.0<br />

Hyperazotemia 791.9<br />

Hyperbetalipoproteinemia (acquired) (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (primary) (secondary) 272.0<br />

with prebetalipoproteinemia 272.2<br />

Hyperbilirubinemia 782.4<br />

congenital 277.4<br />

constitutional 277.4<br />

neonatal (transient) (see also Jaundice, fetus or newborn) 774.6<br />

of prematurity 774.2<br />

Hyperbilirubinemica encephalopathia, newborn 774.7<br />

due to isoimmunization 773.4<br />

Hypercalcemia, hypercalcemic (idiopathic) 275.42<br />

nephropathy 588.89<br />

Hypercalcinuria 275.40<br />

Hypercapnia 786.09<br />

with mixed acid-based disorder 276.4<br />

fetal, affecting newborn 770.89<br />

Hypercarotinemia 278.3<br />

Hypercementosis 521.5<br />

Hyperchloremia 276.9<br />

Hyperchlorhydria 536.8<br />

neurotic 306.4<br />

psychogenic 306.4<br />

Hypercholesterinemia - see Hypercholesterolemia<br />

Hypercholesterolemia 272.0<br />

with hyperglyceridemia, endogenous 272.2<br />

essential 272.0<br />


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