2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) slipped ligature 772.3 stump 772.3 unavoidable (due to placenta previa) 641.1 affecting fetus or newborn 762.0 upper extremity 459.0 urethra (idiopathic) 599.84 uterus, uterine (abnormal) 626.9 climacteric 627.0 complicating delivery - see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery due to intrauterine contraceptive device 996.76 perforating uterus 996.32 functional or dysfunctional 626.8 in pregnancy - see Hemorrhage, pregnancy intermenstrual 626.6 irregular 626.6 regular 626.5 postmenopausal 627.1 postpartum (see also Hemorrhage, postpartum) 666.1 prepubertal 626.8 pubertal 626.3 puerperal (immediate) 666.1 vagina 623.8 vasa previa 663.5 affecting fetus or newborn 772.0 vas deferens 608.83 ventricular (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431 vesical 596.8 viscera 459.0 newborn 772.8 vitreous (humor) (intraocular) 379.23 vocal cord 478.5 vulva 624.8 Hemorrhoids (anus) (rectum) (without complication) 455.6 bleeding, prolapsed, strangulated, or ulcerated NEC 455.8 external 455.5 internal 455.2 complicated NEC 455.8 complicating pregnancy and puerperium 671.8 external 455.3 with complication NEC 455.5 bleeding, prolapsed, strangulated, or ulcerated 455.5 thrombosed 455.4 internal 455.0 with complication NEC 455.2 bleeding, prolapsed, strangulated, or ulcerated 455.2 thrombosed 455.1 residual skin tag 455.9 sentinel pile 455.9 thrombosed NEC 455.7 external 455.4 internal 455.1 Hemosalpinx 620.8 Hemosiderosis 275.09 dietary 275.09 pulmonary (idiopathic) 275.09 [516.1] 688

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) transfusion NEC 275.02 bone marrow 996.85 Hemospermia 608.82 Hemothorax 511.89 bacterial, nontuberculous 511.1 newborn 772.8 nontuberculous 511.89 bacterial 511.1 pneumococcal 511.1 postoperative 998.11 staphylococcal 511.1 streptococcal 511.1 traumatic 860.2 with open wound into thorax 860.3 pneumothorax 860.4 with open wound into thorax 860.5 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0 Hemotympanum 385.89 Hench-Rosenberg syndrome (palindromic arthritis) (see also Rheumatism, palindromic) 719.3 Henle's warts 371.41 Henoch (-Schönlein) disease or syndrome (allergic purpura) 287.0 purpura (allergic) 287.0 Henpue, henpuye 102.6 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) 289.84 Heparitinuria 277.5 Hepar lobatum 095.3 Hepatalgia 573.8 Hepatic - see also condition flexure syndrome 569.89 Hepatitis 573.3 acute (see also Necrosis, liver) 570 alcoholic 571.1 infective 070.1 with hepatic coma 070.0 alcoholic 571.1 amebic - see Abscess, liver, amebic anicteric (acute) - see Hepatitis, viral antigen-associated (HAA) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B Australian antigen (positive) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B autoimmune 571.42 catarrhal (acute) 070.1 with hepatic coma 070.0 chronic 571.40 newborn 070.1 with hepatic coma 070.0 chemical 573.3 cholangiolitic 573.8 cholestatic 573.8 chronic 571.40 active 571.49 viral - see Hepatitis, viral aggressive 571.49 persistent 571.41 viral - see Hepatitis, viral 689

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

transfusion NEC 275.02<br />

bone marrow 996.85<br />

Hemospermia 608.82<br />

Hemothorax 511.89<br />

bacterial, nontuberculous 511.1<br />

newborn 772.8<br />

nontuberculous 511.89<br />

bacterial 511.1<br />

pneumococcal 511.1<br />

postoperative 998.11<br />

staphylococcal 511.1<br />

streptococcal 511.1<br />

traumatic 860.2<br />

with<br />

open wound into thorax 860.3<br />

pneumothorax 860.4<br />

with open wound into thorax 860.5<br />

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0<br />

Hemotympanum 385.89<br />

Hench-Rosenberg syndrome (palindromic arthritis) (see also Rheumatism, palindromic) 719.3<br />

Henle's warts 371.41<br />

Henoch (-Schönlein)<br />

disease or syndrome (allergic purpura) 287.0<br />

purpura (allergic) 287.0<br />

Henpue, henpuye 102.6<br />

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) 289.84<br />

Heparitinuria 277.5<br />

Hepar lobatum 095.3<br />

Hepatalgia 573.8<br />

Hepatic - see also condition<br />

flexure syndrome 569.89<br />

Hepatitis 573.3<br />

acute (see also Necrosis, liver) 570<br />

alcoholic 571.1<br />

infective 070.1<br />

with hepatic coma 070.0<br />

alcoholic 571.1<br />

amebic - see Abscess, liver, amebic<br />

anicteric (acute) - see Hepatitis, viral<br />

antigen-associated (HAA) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B<br />

Australian antigen (positive) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B<br />

autoimmune 571.42<br />

catarrhal (acute) 070.1<br />

with hepatic coma 070.0<br />

chronic 571.40<br />

newborn 070.1<br />

with hepatic coma 070.0<br />

chemical 573.3<br />

cholangiolitic 573.8<br />

cholestatic 573.8<br />

chronic 571.40<br />

active 571.49<br />

viral - see Hepatitis, viral<br />

aggressive 571.49<br />

persistent 571.41<br />

viral - see Hepatitis, viral<br />


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