2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) inclusion body 046.2 infectious (acute) (virus) NEC 049.8 influenzal (see also Influenza) 487.8 [323.41] lethargic 049.8 Japanese (B type) 062.0 La Crosse 062.5 Langat 063.8 late effect - see Late, effect, encephalitis lead 984.9 [323.71] lethargic (acute) (infectious) (influenzal) 049.8 lethargica 049.8 louping ill 063.1 lupus 710.0 [323.81] lymphatica 049.0 Mengo 049.8 meningococcal 036.1 mumps 072.2 Murray Valley 062.4 myoclonic 049.8 Negishi virus 064 otitic NEC 382.4 [323.41] parasitic NEC 123.9 [323.41] periaxialis (concentrica) (diffusa) 341.1 postchickenpox 052.0 postexanthematous NEC 057.9 [323.62] postimmunization 323.51 postinfectious NEC 136.9 [323.62] postmeasles 055.0 posttraumatic 323.81 postvaccinal (smallpox) 323.51 postvaricella 052.0 postviral NEC 079.99 [323.62] postexanthematous 057.9 [323.62] specified NEC 057.8 [323.62] Powassan 063.8 progressive subcortical (Binswanger's) 290.12 Rasmussen 323.81 Rio Bravo 049.8 rubella 056.01 Russian autumnal 062.0 spring-summer type (taiga) 063.0 saturnine 984.9 [323.71] Semliki Forest 062.8 serous 048 slow-acting virus NEC 046.8 specified cause NEC 323.81 St. Louis type 062.3 subacute sclerosing 046.2 subcorticalis chronica 290.12 summer 062.0 suppurative 324.0 syphilitic 094.81 congenital 090.41 tick-borne 063.9 torula, torular 117.5 [323.41] 530

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) toxic NEC 989.9 [323.71] toxoplasmic (acquired) 130.0 congenital (active) 771.2 [323.41] trichinosis 124 [323.41] Trypanosomiasis (see also Trypanosomiasis) 086.9 [323.2] tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 013.6 type B (Japanese) 062.0 type C 062.3 van Bogaert's 046.2 Venezuelan 066.2 Vienna type 049.8 viral, virus 049.9 arthropod-borne NEC 064 mosquito-borne 062.9 Australian X disease 062.4 California virus 062.5 Eastern equine 062.2 Ilheus virus 062.8 Japanese (B type) 062.0 Murray Valley 062.4 specified type NEC 062.8 St. Louis 062.3 type B 062.0 type C 062.3 Western equine 062.1 tick-borne 063.9 biundulant 063.2 Central European 063.2 Czechoslovakian 063.2 diphasic meningoencephalitis 063.2 Far Eastern 063.0 Langat 063.8 louping ill 063.1 Powassan 063.8 Russian spring-summer (taiga) 063.0 specified type NEC 063.8 vector unknown 064 slow acting NEC 046.8 specified type NEC 049.8 vaccination, prophylactic (against) V05.0 von Economo's 049.8 Western equine 062.1 West Nile type 066.41 Encephalocele 742.0 orbit 376.81 Encephalocystocele 742.0 Encephalomalacia (brain) (cerebellar) (cerebral) (cerebrospinal) (see also Softening, brain) 348.89 due to hemorrhage (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431 recurrent spasm of artery 435.9 embolic (cerebral) (see also Embolism, brain) 434.1 subcorticalis chronicus arteriosclerotica 290.12 thrombotic (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0 Encephalomeningitis - see Meningoencephalitis Encephalomeningocele 742.0 Encephalomeningomyelitis - see Meningoencephalitis 531

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

inclusion body 046.2<br />

infectious (acute) (virus) NEC 049.8<br />

influenzal (see also Influenza) 487.8 [323.41]<br />

lethargic 049.8<br />

Japanese (B type) 062.0<br />

La Crosse 062.5<br />

Langat 063.8<br />

late effect - see Late, effect, encephalitis<br />

lead 984.9 [323.71]<br />

lethargic (acute) (infectious) (influenzal) 049.8<br />

lethargica 049.8<br />

louping ill 063.1<br />

lupus 710.0 [323.81]<br />

lymphatica 049.0<br />

Mengo 049.8<br />

meningococcal 036.1<br />

mumps 072.2<br />

Murray Valley 062.4<br />

myoclonic 049.8<br />

Negishi virus 064<br />

otitic NEC 382.4 [323.41]<br />

parasitic NEC 123.9 [323.41]<br />

periaxialis (concentrica) (diffusa) 341.1<br />

postchickenpox 052.0<br />

postexanthematous NEC 057.9 [323.62]<br />

postimmunization 323.51<br />

postinfectious NEC 136.9 [323.62]<br />

postmeasles 055.0<br />

posttraumatic 323.81<br />

postvaccinal (smallpox) 323.51<br />

postvaricella 052.0<br />

postviral NEC 079.99 [323.62]<br />

postexanthematous 057.9 [323.62]<br />

specified NEC 057.8 [323.62]<br />

Powassan 063.8<br />

progressive subcortical (Binswanger's) 290.12<br />

Rasmussen 323.81<br />

Rio Bravo 049.8<br />

rubella 056.01<br />

Russian<br />

autumnal 062.0<br />

spring-summer type (taiga) 063.0<br />

saturnine 984.9 [323.71]<br />

Semliki Forest 062.8<br />

serous 048<br />

slow-acting virus NEC 046.8<br />

specified cause NEC 323.81<br />

St. Louis type 062.3<br />

subacute sclerosing 046.2<br />

subcorticalis chronica 290.12<br />

summer 062.0<br />

suppurative 324.0<br />

syphilitic 094.81<br />

congenital 090.41<br />

tick-borne 063.9<br />

torula, torular 117.5 [323.41]<br />


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