2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) partner abuse perpetrator V61.12 victim V61.11 pediatric pre-adoption visit for adoptive parent(s) V65.11 pre-birth visit for expectant parents V65.11 perpetrator of child abuse V62.83 parental V61.22 partner abuse V61.12 spouse abuse V61.12 procreative V65.49 sex NEC V65.49 transmitted disease NEC V65.45 HIV V65.44 specified reason NEC V65.49 spousal abuse perpetrator V61.12 victim V61.11 substance use and abuse V65.42 syphilis V65.45 victim (of) abuse NEC V62.89 child abuse V61.21 partner abuse V61.11 spousal abuse V61.11 Coupled rhythm 427.89 Couvelaire uterus (complicating delivery) - see Placenta, separation Cowper's gland - see condition Cowperitis (see also Urethritis) 597.89 gonorrheal (acute) 098.0 chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2 Cowpox (abortive) 051.01 due to vaccination 999.0 eyelid 051.01 [373.5] postvaccination 999.0 [373.5] Coxa plana 732.1 valga (acquired) 736.31 congenital 755.61 late effect of rickets 268.1 vara (acquired) 736.32 congenital 755.62 late effect of rickets 268.1 Coxae malum senilis 715.25 Coxalgia (nontuberculous) 719.45 tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.1 [730.85] Coxalgic pelvis 736.30 Coxitis 716.65 Coxsackie (infection) (virus) 079.2 central nervous system NEC 048 endocarditis 074.22 enteritis 008.67 meningitis (aseptic) 047.0 myocarditis 074.23 pericarditis 074.21 292

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) pharyngitis 074.0 pleurodynia 074.1 specific disease NEC 074.8 Crabs, meaning pubic lice 132.2 Crack baby 760.75 Cracked nipple 611.2 puerperal, postpartum 676.1 tooth 521.81 Cradle cap 690.11 Craft neurosis 300.89 Craigiasis 007.8 Cramp(s) 729.82 abdominal 789.0 bathing 994.1 colic 789.7 infantile 789.7 psychogenic 306.4 due to immersion 994.1 extremity (lower) (upper) NEC 729.82 fireman 992.2 heat 992.2 hysterical 300.11 immersion 994.1 intestinal 789.0 psychogenic 306.4 linotypist's 300.89 organic 333.84 muscle (extremity) (general) 729.82 due to immersion 994.1 hysterical 300.11 occupational (hand) 300.89 organic 333.84 psychogenic 307.89 salt depletion 276.1 sleep related leg 327.52 stoker 992.2 stomach 789.0 telegraphers' 300.89 organic 333.84 typists' 300.89 organic 333.84 uterus 625.8 menstrual 625.3 writers' 333.84 organic 333.84 psychogenic 300.89 Cranial - see condition Cranioclasis, fetal 763.89 Craniocleidodysostosis 755.59 Craniofenestria (skull) 756.0 Craniolacunia (skull) 756.0 Craniopagus 759.4 Craniopathy, metabolic 733.3 Craniopharyngeal - see condition Craniopharyngioma (M9350/1) 237.0 293

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

partner abuse<br />

perpetrator V61.12<br />

victim V61.11<br />

pediatric<br />

pre-adoption visit for adoptive parent(s) V65.11<br />

pre-birth visit for expectant parents V65.11<br />

perpetrator of<br />

child abuse V62.83<br />

parental V61.22<br />

partner abuse V61.12<br />

spouse abuse V61.12<br />

procreative V65.49<br />

sex NEC V65.49<br />

transmitted disease NEC V65.45<br />

HIV V65.44<br />

specified reason NEC V65.49<br />

spousal abuse<br />

perpetrator V61.12<br />

victim V61.11<br />

substance use and abuse V65.42<br />

syphilis V65.45<br />

victim (of)<br />

abuse NEC V62.89<br />

child abuse V61.21<br />

partner abuse V61.11<br />

spousal abuse V61.11<br />

Coupled rhythm 427.89<br />

Couvelaire uterus (complicating delivery) - see Placenta, separation<br />

Cowper's gland - see condition<br />

Cowperitis (see also Urethritis) 597.89<br />

gonorrheal (acute) 098.0<br />

chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2<br />

Cowpox (abortive) 051.01<br />

due to vaccination 999.0<br />

eyelid 051.01 [373.5]<br />

postvaccination 999.0 [373.5]<br />

Coxa<br />

plana 732.1<br />

valga (acquired) 736.31<br />

congenital 755.61<br />

late effect of rickets 268.1<br />

vara (acquired) 736.32<br />

congenital 755.62<br />

late effect of rickets 268.1<br />

Coxae malum senilis 715.25<br />

Coxalgia (nontuberculous) 719.45<br />

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.1 [730.85]<br />

Coxalgic pelvis 736.30<br />

Coxitis 716.65<br />

Coxsackie (infection) (virus) 079.2<br />

central nervous system NEC 048<br />

endocarditis 074.22<br />

enteritis 008.67<br />

meningitis (aseptic) 047.0<br />

myocarditis 074.23<br />

pericarditis 074.21<br />


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