2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) rejection 996.52 artificial 996.55 decellularized allodermis 996.55 cornea V42.5 hair V50.0 heart V42.1 valve V42.2 intestine V42.84 kidney V42.0 liver V42.7 lung V42.6 organ V42.9 specified NEC V42.89 pancreas V42.83 peripheral stem cells V42.82 skin V42.3 stem cells, peripheral V42.82 tissue V42.9 specified NEC V42.89 Transplants, ovarian, endometrial 617.1 Transposed - see Transposition Transposition (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital abdominal viscera 759.3 aorta (dextra) 745.11 appendix 751.5 arterial trunk 745.10 colon 751.5 great vessels (complete) 745.10 both originating from right ventricle 745.11 corrected 745.12 double outlet right ventricle 745.11 incomplete 745.11 partial 745.11 specified type NEC 745.19 heart 746.87 with complete transposition of viscera 759.3 intestine (large) (small) 751.5 pulmonary veins 747.49 reversed jejunal (for bypass) (status) V45.3 scrotal 752.81 stomach 750.7 with general transposition of viscera 759.3 teeth, tooth 524.30 vessels (complete) 745.10 partial 745.11 viscera (abdominal) (thoracic) 759.3 Trans-sexualism 302.50 with asexual history 302.51 heterosexual history 302.53 homosexual history 302.52 Transverse - see also condition arrest (deep), in labor 660.3 affecting fetus or newborn 763.1 lie 652.3 before labor, affecting fetus or newborn 761.7 1342

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) causing obstructed labor 660.0 affecting fetus or newborn 763.1 during labor, affecting fetus or newborn 763.1 Transvestism, transvestitism (transvestic fetishism) 302.3 Trapped placenta (with hemorrhage) 666.0 without hemorrhage 667.0 Trauma, traumatism (see also Injury, by site) 959.9 birth - see Birth, injury NEC causing hemorrhage of pregnancy or delivery 641.8 complicating abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.2 molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.2 during delivery NEC 665.9 following abortion 639.2 ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2 maternal, during pregnancy, affecting fetus or newborn 760.5 neuroma - see Injury, nerve, by site previous major, affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium V23.89 psychic (current) - see also Reaction, adjustment previous (history) V15.49 psychologic, previous (affecting health) V15.49 transient paralysis - see Injury, nerve, by site Traumatic - see also condition brain injury (TBI) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0 with skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site Treacher Collins' syndrome (incomplete facial dysostosis) 756.0 Treitz's hernia - see Hernia, Treitz's Trematode infestation NEC 121.9 Trematodiasis NEC 121.9 Trembles 988.8 Trembling paralysis (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0 Tremor 781.0 essential (benign) 333.1 familial 333.1 flapping (liver) 572.8 hereditary 333.1 hysterical 300.11 intention 333.1 medication-induced postural 333.1 mercurial 985.0 muscle 728.85 Parkinson's (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0 psychogenic 306.0 specified as conversion reaction 300.11 senilis 797 specified type NEC 333.1 Trench fever 083.1 foot 991.4 mouth 101 nephritis - see Nephritis, acute Treponema pallidum infection (see also Syphilis) 097.9 Treponematosis 102.9 due to 1343

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

rejection 996.52<br />

artificial 996.55<br />

decellularized allodermis 996.55<br />

cornea V42.5<br />

hair V50.0<br />

heart V42.1<br />

valve V42.2<br />

intestine V42.84<br />

kidney V42.0<br />

liver V42.7<br />

lung V42.6<br />

organ V42.9<br />

specified NEC V42.89<br />

pancreas V42.83<br />

peripheral stem cells V42.82<br />

skin V42.3<br />

stem cells, peripheral V42.82<br />

tissue V42.9<br />

specified NEC V42.89<br />

Transplants, ovarian, endometrial 617.1<br />

Transposed - see Transposition<br />

Transposition (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital<br />

abdominal viscera 759.3<br />

aorta (dextra) 745.11<br />

appendix 751.5<br />

arterial trunk 745.10<br />

colon 751.5<br />

great vessels (complete) 745.10<br />

both originating from right ventricle 745.11<br />

corrected 745.12<br />

double outlet right ventricle 745.11<br />

incomplete 745.11<br />

partial 745.11<br />

specified type NEC 745.19<br />

heart 746.87<br />

with complete transposition of viscera 759.3<br />

intestine (large) (small) 751.5<br />

pulmonary veins 747.49<br />

reversed jejunal (for bypass) (status) V45.3<br />

scrotal 752.81<br />

stomach 750.7<br />

with general transposition of viscera 759.3<br />

teeth, tooth 524.30<br />

vessels (complete) 745.10<br />

partial 745.11<br />

viscera (abdominal) (thoracic) 759.3<br />

Trans-sexualism 302.50<br />

with<br />

asexual history 302.51<br />

heterosexual history 302.53<br />

homosexual history 302.52<br />

Transverse - see also condition<br />

arrest (deep), in labor 660.3<br />

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1<br />

lie 652.3<br />

before labor, affecting fetus or newborn 761.7<br />


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