2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) aortocoronary (bypass) V45.81 ventricular (communicating) (for drainage) V45.2 sterilization tubal ligation V26.51 vasectomy V26.52 subdermal contraceptive device V45.52 thymicolymphaticus 254.8 thymicus 254.8 thymolymphaticus 254.8 tooth extraction 525.10 tracheostomy V44.0 transplant blood vessel V42.89 bone V42.4 marrow V42.81 cornea V42.5 heart V42.1 valve V42.2 intestine V42.84 kidney V42.0 liver V42.7 lung V42.6 organ V42.9 removal (due to complication, failure, rejection or infection) V45.87 specified site NEC V42.89 pancreas V42.83 peripheral stem cells V42.82 skin V42.3 stem cells, peripheral V42.82 tissue V42.9 specified type NEC V42.89 vessel, blood V42.89 tubal ligation V26.51 underimmunization V15.83 ureterostomy V44.6 urethrostomy V44.6 vagina, artificial V44.7 vascular shunt NEC V45.89 aortocoronary (bypass) V45.81 vasectomy V26.52 ventilator [respirator] V46.11 encounter during mechanical failure V46.14 power failure V46.12 for weaning V46.13 wheelchair confinement V46.3 wrist prosthesis V43.63 Stave fracture - see Fracture, metacarpus, metacarpal bone(s) Steal subclavian artery 435.2 vertebral artery 435.1 Stealing, solitary, child problem (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1 Steam burn - see Burn, by site Steatocystoma multiplex 706.2 Steatoma (infected) 706.2 1242

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) eyelid (cystic) 374.84 infected 373.13 Steatorrhea (chronic) 579.8 with lacteal obstruction 579.2 idiopathic 579.0 adult 579.0 infantile 579.0 pancreatic 579.4 primary 579.0 secondary 579.8 specified cause NEC 579.8 tropical 579.1 Steatosis 272.8 heart (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1 kidney 593.89 liver 571.8 Steele-Richardson (-Olszewski) Syndrome 333.0 Stein's syndrome (polycystic ovary) 256.4 Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary) 256.4 Steinbrocker's syndrome (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9 Steinert's disease 359.21 STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction) (see also - Infarct, myocardium, ST elevation) 410.9 Stenocardia (see also Angina) 413.9 Stenocephaly 756.0 Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture ampulla of Vater 576.2 with calculus, cholelithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis anus, anal (canal) (sphincter) 569.2 congenital 751.2 aorta (ascending) 747.22 arch 747.10 arteriosclerotic 440.0 calcified 440.0 aortic (valve) 424.1 with mitral (valve) insufficiency or incompetence 396.2 stenosis or obstruction 396.0 atypical 396.0 congenital 746.3 rheumatic 395.0 with insufficiency, incompetency or regurgitation 395.2 with mitral (valve) disease 396.8 mitral (valve) disease (stenosis) 396.0 insufficiency or incompetence 396.2 stenosis or obstruction 396.0 specified cause, except rheumatic 424.1 syphilitic 093.22 aqueduct of Sylvius (congenital) 742.3 with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0 acquired 331.4 artery NEC (see also Arteriosclerosis) 447.1 basilar - see Narrowing, artery, basilar carotid (common) (internal) - see Narrowing, artery, carotid 1243

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

aortocoronary (bypass) V45.81<br />

ventricular (communicating) (for drainage) V45.2<br />

sterilization<br />

tubal ligation V26.51<br />

vasectomy V26.52<br />

subdermal contraceptive device V45.52<br />

thymicolymphaticus 254.8<br />

thymicus 254.8<br />

thymolymphaticus 254.8<br />

tooth extraction 525.10<br />

tracheostomy V44.0<br />

transplant<br />

blood vessel V42.89<br />

bone V42.4<br />

marrow V42.81<br />

cornea V42.5<br />

heart V42.1<br />

valve V42.2<br />

intestine V42.84<br />

kidney V42.0<br />

liver V42.7<br />

lung V42.6<br />

organ V42.9<br />

removal (due to complication, failure, rejection or infection) V45.87<br />

specified site NEC V42.89<br />

pancreas V42.83<br />

peripheral stem cells V42.82<br />

skin V42.3<br />

stem cells, peripheral V42.82<br />

tissue V42.9<br />

specified type NEC V42.89<br />

vessel, blood V42.89<br />

tubal ligation V26.51<br />

underimmunization V15.83<br />

ureterostomy V44.6<br />

urethrostomy V44.6<br />

vagina, artificial V44.7<br />

vascular shunt NEC V45.89<br />

aortocoronary (bypass) V45.81<br />

vasectomy V26.52<br />

ventilator [respirator] V46.11<br />

encounter<br />

during<br />

mechanical failure V46.14<br />

power failure V46.12<br />

for weaning V46.13<br />

wheelchair confinement V46.3<br />

wrist prosthesis V43.63<br />

Stave fracture - see Fracture, metacarpus, metacarpal bone(s)<br />

Steal<br />

subclavian artery 435.2<br />

vertebral artery 435.1<br />

Stealing, solitary, child problem (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1<br />

Steam burn - see Burn, by site<br />

Steatocystoma multiplex 706.2<br />

Steatoma (infected) 706.2<br />


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