2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan 2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

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ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) uterine, uterus 670.8 vagina (wall) 646.6 vaginorectal 646.6 vulvovaginal gland 646.6 accident 674.9 adnexitis 670.8 afibrinogenemia, or other coagulation defect 666.3 albuminuria (acute) (subacute) 646.2 pre-eclamptic 642.4 anemia (conditions classifiable to 280-285) 648.2 anuria 669.3 apoplexy 674.0 asymptomatic bacteriuria 646.5 atrophy, breast 676.3 blood dyscrasia 666.3 caked breast 676.2 cardiomyopathy 674.5 cellulitis - see Puerperal, abscess cerebrovascular disorder (conditions classifiable to 430-434, 436-437) 674.0 cervicitis (conditions classifiable to 616.0) 646.6 coagulopathy (any) 666.3 complications 674.9 specified type NEC 674.8 convulsions (eclamptic) (uremic) 642.6 with pre-existing hypertension 642.7 cracked nipple 676.1 cystitis 646.6 cystopyelitis 646.6 deciduitis (acute) 670.8 delirium NEC 293.9 diabetes (mellitus) (conditions classifiable to 249 and 250) 648.0 disease 674.9 breast NEC 676.3 cerebrovascular (acute) 674.0 nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9 pelvis inflammatory 670.8 renal NEC 646.2 tubo-ovarian 670.8 Valsuani's (progressive pernicious anemia) 648.2 disorder lactation 676.9 specified type NEC 676.8 nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9 disruption cesarean wound 674.1 episiotomy wound 674.2 perineal laceration wound 674.2 drug dependence (conditions classifiable to 304) 648.3 eclampsia 642.6 with pre-existing hypertension 642.7 embolism (pulmonary) 673.2 air 673.0 amniotic fluid 673.1 blood clot 673.2 brain or cerebral 674.0 cardiac 674.8 1140

ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases (FY11) fat 673.8 intracranial sinus (venous) 671.5 pyemic 673.3 septic 673.3 spinal cord 671.5 endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0-615.9) 670.1 endophlebitis - see Puerperal, phlebitis endotrachelitis 646.6 engorgement, breasts 676.2 erysipelas 670.8 failure lactation 676.4 renal, acute 669.3 fever 672 meaning sepsis 670.2 meaning pyrexia (of unknown origin) 672 fissure, nipple 676.1 fistula breast 675.1 mammary gland 675.1 nipple 675.0 galactophoritis 675.2 galactorrhea 676.6 gangrene gas 670.8 with sepsis 670.2 uterus 670.8 gonorrhea (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1 hematoma, subdural 674.0 hematosalpinx, infectional 670.8 hemiplegia, cerebral 674.0 hemorrhage 666.1 brain 674.0 bulbar 674.0 cerebellar 674.0 cerebral 674.0 cortical 674.0 delayed (after 24 hours) (uterine) 666.2 extradural 674.0 internal capsule 674.0 intracranial 674.0 intrapontine 674.0 meningeal 674.0 pontine 674.0 subarachnoid 674.0 subcortical 674.0 subdural 674.0 uterine, delayed 666.2 ventricular 674.0 hemorrhoids 671.8 hepatorenal syndrome 674.8 hypertrophy breast 676.3 mammary gland 676.3 induration breast (fibrous) 676.3 infarction 1141

<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

fat 673.8<br />

intracranial sinus (venous) 671.5<br />

pyemic 673.3<br />

septic 673.3<br />

spinal cord 671.5<br />

endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0-615.9) 670.1<br />

endophlebitis - see Puerperal, phlebitis<br />

endotrachelitis 646.6<br />

engorgement, breasts 676.2<br />

erysipelas 670.8<br />

failure<br />

lactation 676.4<br />

renal, acute 669.3<br />

fever 672<br />

meaning sepsis 670.2<br />

meaning pyrexia (of unknown origin) 672<br />

fissure, nipple 676.1<br />

fistula<br />

breast 675.1<br />

mammary gland 675.1<br />

nipple 675.0<br />

galactophoritis 675.2<br />

galactorrhea 676.6<br />

gangrene<br />

gas 670.8<br />

with sepsis 670.2<br />

uterus 670.8<br />

gonorrhea (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1<br />

hematoma, subdural 674.0<br />

hematosalpinx, infectional 670.8<br />

hemiplegia, cerebral 674.0<br />

hemorrhage 666.1<br />

brain 674.0<br />

bulbar 674.0<br />

cerebellar 674.0<br />

cerebral 674.0<br />

cortical 674.0<br />

delayed (after 24 hours) (uterine) 666.2<br />

extradural 674.0<br />

internal capsule 674.0<br />

intracranial 674.0<br />

intrapontine 674.0<br />

meningeal 674.0<br />

pontine 674.0<br />

subarachnoid 674.0<br />

subcortical 674.0<br />

subdural 674.0<br />

uterine, delayed 666.2<br />

ventricular 674.0<br />

hemorrhoids 671.8<br />

hepatorenal syndrome 674.8<br />

hypertrophy<br />

breast 676.3<br />

mammary gland 676.3<br />

induration breast (fibrous) 676.3<br />

infarction<br />


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