2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan

2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Disease Index - SCAN Health Plan


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<strong>ICD</strong>-9-<strong>CM</strong> <strong>Index</strong> to <strong>Disease</strong>s (FY11)<br />

Pinworms (disease) (infection) (infestation) 127.4<br />

Piry fever 066.8<br />

Pistol wound - see Gunshot wound<br />

Pit, lip (mucus), congenital 750.25<br />

Pitchers' elbow 718.82<br />

Pithecoid pelvis 755.69<br />

with disproportion (fetopelvic) 653.2<br />

affecting fetus or newborn 763.1<br />

causing obstructed labor 660.1<br />

Pithiatism 300.11<br />

Pitted - see also Pitting<br />

teeth 520.4<br />

Pitting (edema) (see also Edema) 782.3<br />

lip 782.3<br />

nail 703.8<br />

congenital 757.5<br />

Pituitary gland - see condition<br />

Pituitary snuff-takers' disease 495.8<br />

Pityriasis 696.5<br />

alba 696.5<br />

capitis 690.11<br />

circinata (et maculata) 696.3<br />

Hebra's (exfoliative dermatitis) 695.89<br />

lichenoides et varioliformis 696.2<br />

maculata (et circinata) 696.3<br />

nigra 111.1<br />

pilaris 757.39<br />

acquired 701.1<br />

Hebra's 696.4<br />

rosea 696.3<br />

rotunda 696.3<br />

rubra (Hebra) 695.89<br />

pilaris 696.4<br />

sicca 690.18<br />

simplex 690.18<br />

specified type NEC 696.5<br />

streptogenes 696.5<br />

versicolor 111.0<br />

scrotal 111.0<br />

Placenta, placental<br />

ablatio 641.2<br />

affecting fetus or newborn 762.1<br />

abnormal, abnormality 656.7<br />

with hemorrhage 641.8<br />

affecting fetus or newborn 762.1<br />

affecting fetus or newborn 762.2<br />

abruptio 641.2<br />

affecting fetus or newborn 762.1<br />

accessory lobe - see Placenta, abnormal<br />

accreta (without hemorrhage) 667.0<br />

with hemorrhage 666.0<br />

adherent (without hemorrhage) 667.0<br />

with hemorrhage 666.0<br />

apoplexy - see Placenta, separation<br />

battledore - see Placenta, abnormal<br />

bilobate - see Placenta, abnormal<br />


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