Policy Wording - Insure me 4

Policy Wording - Insure me 4

Policy Wording - Insure me 4


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Manual work – Work involving hands-on involve<strong>me</strong>nt with the installation, assembly, maintenance or<br />

repair of electrical, <strong>me</strong>chanical or hydraulic plant, (other than in a purely managerial/supervisory, sales<br />

or administrative capacity), or the undertaking of any trade of plumber, electrician, lighting or sound<br />

technician, carpenter, painter/decorator or builder, or manual labour of any kind (other than in the catering<br />

industry). Cover for manual work will be provided where such work is solely in a voluntary capacity, for<br />

a charity registered under the charity commission in England and Wales, the Scottish Charity Regulator<br />

or the depart<strong>me</strong>nt for social develop<strong>me</strong>nt in Northern Ireland and where there is no financial gain. In<br />

such circumstances, there will be no cover for hands-on involve<strong>me</strong>nt with the installation, assembly,<br />

maintenance, repair or use of heavy electrical, <strong>me</strong>chanical or hydraulic plant or machinery, or for working<br />

more than 3 <strong>me</strong>ters above the ground, or for working below the ground and cover for personal accident<br />

and personal liability is excluded.<br />

In the event of an injury occurring as a result of voluntary labour, the policy excess under Section 2<br />

(Medical E<strong>me</strong>rgency & Repatriation) will be increased to £250 and application of excess waiver will not<br />

delete this increased excess. Cover excludes interaction with wild animals of any kind.<br />

Medical condition – Any <strong>me</strong>dical or psychological disease, sickness, condition, illness or injury that has<br />

affected you or any close relative, close business associate, travelling companion or person with whom<br />

you intend to stay whilst on your trip.<br />

Medical health declaration – Medical information that needs to be declared to us before each period of<br />

insurance by any insured person who has suffered from a pre-existing <strong>me</strong>dical condition.<br />

Medical officer – An appropriately licensed and qualified <strong>me</strong>dical professional employed or contracted by<br />

us or by ERV Assistance, experienced in the assess<strong>me</strong>nt of the require<strong>me</strong>nts of <strong>me</strong>dical treat<strong>me</strong>nt abroad<br />

and repatriation.<br />

Medical practitioner – A legally licensed <strong>me</strong>mber of the <strong>me</strong>dical profession, recognised by the law of the<br />

country where treat<strong>me</strong>nt is provided and who, in rendering such treat<strong>me</strong>nt is practising within the scope of<br />

his/her licence and training, and who is not related to you or any travelling companion.<br />

Money – Cash, travellers’ and other cheques and your personal credit/debit or charge cards.<br />

Pair or set – A number of items of personal baggage considered as being similar or comple<strong>me</strong>ntary to one<br />

another or used together.<br />

Period of insurance – The period shown on the certificate. Subject to:<br />

Long stay policies – Cancellation cover (where applicable) starts when you purchase this<br />

insurance or when you book your trip, whichever is the later. Cover for all other sections applies for the<br />

duration of your trip as stated on your certificate provided it does not exceed;<br />

1) If you are aged 65 or under, a maximum of 550 consecutive days;<br />

2) If you are aged between 66 and 70 inclusive, a maximum of 366 days if travelling within zones<br />

1 and 2, a maximum of 276 days if travelling within zone 3 and a maximum of 184 days if<br />

travelling within zone 4;<br />

3) If you are aged between 71 and 75 inclusive, a maximum of 366 days if travelling within zones<br />

1 and 2, a maximum of 184 days if travelling within zone 3 and a maximum of 123 days if<br />

travelling within zone 4;<br />

Single trip policies – The period of the trip terminating upon the trips completion, but not in any case<br />

exceeding the period shown on the certificate. Under single trip policies, Section 6 – Cancellation<br />

cover shall start from the ti<strong>me</strong> you pay the premium and evidence of insurance is issued or when<br />

you book your trip, whichever is the later and will stop at the departure of your trip. In the event of<br />

you making a cancellation claim all remaining cover will im<strong>me</strong>diately cease for that trip. For all other<br />

16 Travel Insurance <strong>Policy</strong> Docu<strong>me</strong>nts

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