11.2 Radical Revolution & Reaction

11.2 Radical Revolution & Reaction

11.2 Radical Revolution & Reaction


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<strong>Radical</strong><br />

<strong>Revolution</strong> &<br />

<strong>Reaction</strong><br />


Jacobins: <strong>Radical</strong> Group<br />

Led by Georges Danton &<br />

Jean-Paul Marat<br />

Main goal was to rid<br />

anyone who opposed to<br />

revolution<br />

Sept. 1792- another<br />

constitution is written<br />

Big question… What to do<br />

with the king?

Eventually created a “republic” with no king<br />

Still a debate over what to do with Louis XVI<br />

<strong>Radical</strong> group in charge:<br />

Jacobins<br />

Different factions<br />

• Girondins- mainly from countryside<br />

moderate<br />

• Mountains- from Paris<br />


Mountains wanted to kill the king<br />

Jan 1793- Louis XVI is beheaded (traitor to<br />

France)<br />

Austria, Prussia, England, Spain, Portugal, & the<br />

Dutch unify against the French<br />

Time of crisis for France<br />

France creates “Committee of Public Safety”

Committee of Public Safety<br />

C.O.P.S. led by Danton,<br />

then Robespierre<br />

Job was to protect<br />

France from outside &<br />

inside threats<br />

Marat is assassinated<br />

leads to the Reign of<br />

Terror- 1793-1794<br />

40,000 French killed<br />

16,000 by the guillotine

Cities: (Don’t copy)<br />

City of Lyon opposed<br />

revolution<br />

They were shot with grape<br />

shot (cannons)<br />

City of Nantes<br />

People put in barges, then<br />

they were sunk<br />

Only 15% of the killed<br />

were 1 st & 2 nd estate

Calendar<br />

COPS tried to eliminate<br />

Christianity<br />

Changed the calendar<br />

Year 1 was to be 1792<br />

New names for months<br />

12 months<br />

Three 10 day weeks

Foreign Threat<br />

C.O.P.S. called for<br />

Universal Mobilization<br />

1 st national draft<br />

Beginning of Modern<br />

Nationalism<br />

Led to an army of over 1<br />

million people<br />

France wins war easily<br />

The main “crisis” is over

Opposition to the Reign of Terror<br />

Danton opposes to Robespierre (too much killing)<br />

Danton is killed<br />

Then The Nation Convention arrests Robespierre<br />

Kill him<br />

End of Reign of Terror!

Aftermath<br />

1795- more moderate<br />

group takes over<br />

Writes (another) new<br />

constitution<br />

Gov’t is very corrupt &<br />

weak<br />

Appoints “The Directory”<br />

as the executive branch (a<br />

committee)<br />

1799- Coup d'état by<br />


Vocabulary<br />

Faction- a dissenting group,<br />

splitting<br />

Elector- an individual qualified<br />

to vote in an election<br />

Coup d'état- sudden<br />

overthrow of government<br />

George Danton- minister of<br />

justice<br />

Sought revenge on those who<br />

aided king

Vocabulary Cont’d<br />

Jean-Paul Marat- leader who<br />

publish “Friend of the People”<br />

Jacobins- club, large network<br />

of political groups<br />

Committee of Public Safetycommittee<br />

of 12<br />

Given broad powers<br />

Maximilien Robespierredominated<br />

COPS after Marat<br />

Reign of Terror- time that<br />

Committee of Public Safety<br />


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