Download Curriculum Vitae - Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin

Download Curriculum Vitae - Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin

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Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><br />

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Silke Schicktanz<br />

Professor for Culture and Ethics of Biomedicine<br />

Office:<br />

University Medical Center Göttingen<br />

Dept. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine<br />

Humboldtallee 36<br />

D-37073 Göttingen<br />

Germany<br />

Phone +49 - 551 – 39 -3966<br />

http://www.egmed.uni-goettingen.de/<br />

Email: silke.schicktanz@medizin.uni-goettingen.de<br />

Professional Positions<br />

Since 4/2010 Full-Professor (W2) for Culture and Ethics of Biomedicine,<br />

University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany<br />

2-9/2011 Adjunct Professor for Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy, San<br />

Francisco State University<br />

1/2006-3/2010<br />

1/2004 –<br />

12/2005<br />

Associate Professor (Junior-Professor) for History, Theory,<br />

Ethics in Medicine<br />

University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany (positively<br />

evaluated in Nov 2008)<br />

Senior Researcher<br />

University of Muenster, Institute for Ethics, History and<br />

Theory of Medicine<br />

3/2002 - 2/2003 Post-Doc-Position / Research Fellow<br />

Max-Delbrück-Centrum for molecular medicine<br />

Research Group Bioethics and science communication<br />

1/2001 – 2/2002 Project Lea<strong>der</strong>:<br />

First nation wide citizens conference on genetic testing<br />

Fo<strong>und</strong>ation: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden<br />

1/1999 – 12/2000 Research Fellow / Graduate Student<br />

Chair Ethics and Theory in Life / Faculty of Biology<br />

University of Tuebingen<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

1/1994-12/1998 Research Assistant<br />

Interdepartmental Centre for Ethics in Science and<br />

Humanities<br />

University of Tuebingen<br />

Eductional History<br />

1/2002<br />

Doctorate:<br />

Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.) in ethics of life<br />

science awarded at the Eberhard-Karls-University<br />

Tübingen, Germany with highest honours (summa cum<br />

laude)<br />

Thesis title: “Medico-ethical and animal ethical aspects of<br />

xenotransplantation - the ethical assessment of the<br />

current state of the art (in German)<br />

grade: summa cum laude<br />

Advisory committee: Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Engels, Prof. Dr.<br />

Dieter Birnbacher, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kurth<br />

4/1998 – 12/2001 Full member of the DFG- Research training group „Ethics<br />

in Science and Humanities“ at the Interdepartmental<br />

Center for Ethics in Science and Humanities (IZEW),<br />

University of Tuebingen<br />

9/1991 – 6/1997<br />

Studies in Biology and Philosophy<br />

at the Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen, Germany.<br />

grade: excellent (1.0)<br />

1997 Diploma in Biology awarded at the Eberhard-Karls-<br />

University Tuebingen, Germany. grade 1.0 (excellent).<br />

1989-1991<br />

Honours / Awards /<br />

Fellowships<br />

Thesis Title: „The aerobe/anaerobe microbiological test with<br />

Vibrio fischeri and its potentiality to reduce animal<br />

experiments in toxicology”<br />

Vocational training as a lab technician, Ludwigshafen a.R.<br />

2001 Animal Welfare Prize of Erna-Graff-Fo<strong>und</strong>ation<br />

(Berlin)<br />

2001 Award of the German Academy of Medicalethics<br />

(Göttingen)<br />

2002 Reinhold-<strong>und</strong> Maria-Teufel-Award in biology<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

Academic Activities<br />

(Tübingen)<br />

2010 Invited Research Fellow at the Jawaharlal Nehru<br />

Institute of Advance Studies, Delhi India<br />

2011-12 Feodor-Lynen Fellowship of the Alexan<strong>der</strong>-von-<br />

Humboldt Fo<strong>und</strong>ation<br />

Research visits • Research Fellow at University of California, Berkeley,<br />

Helen Wills Institute for Neuroscience/Beatrice Bain<br />

Research Group (Feb 2011 – Sep 2012)<br />

Membership in<br />

international and<br />

national committees<br />

and boards:<br />

Membership in<br />

academic societies<br />

• Invited Research Fellow at Jawharalal Nehru Institute for<br />

Advanced Studies, Delhi (Mar-April 2010)<br />

• Visiting Scholar at Science Technology and Society<br />

Center, University of California, Berkeley US (July-Sep<br />

2009)<br />

• Visiting scholar at Centre for Economical and Social<br />

Aspects of Genetics (CESAGEN) University of Lancaster<br />

UK (March 2009)<br />

• Research visit at Ben Gurion University, Israel Social<br />

Sciences Department (Oct 2007)<br />

• Research work in Israel at, Ben Gurion University,<br />

University of Haifa and University of Tel Aviv (April 2007)<br />

• Member of the European Research Council (ERC)<br />

Advanced Grant evaluation panel (2009-2013)<br />

• Member of Ethical Review Panels of the European<br />

Commission (2005-2006)<br />

German Academy of Medical Ethics<br />

ESOT(European Society of Organ Transplantation) – ELPAT<br />

group<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

Review activities<br />

Journals<br />

Research<br />

Applications<br />

Acta Biotheoretica<br />

ALTEX (Alternatives in Animal Testing)<br />

Bioethics<br />

Ethical Perspectives<br />

<strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong><br />

Health Policy<br />

Health Care Analysis<br />

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics<br />

Journal of Medical Ethics<br />

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy<br />

Medical Humanities<br />

Österreich. Zeitschrift für Soziologie<br />

Science, Technology and Human Values<br />

Science, Technology, Innovation-Studies<br />

Social Science and Medicine<br />

Sociology of Health and Illness<br />

European Science Fo<strong>und</strong>ation (ESF)<br />

European Research Council (ERC)<br />

DFG (German Research Fo<strong>und</strong>ation)<br />

Austrian Ministry for Education, Science and Culture<br />

Minerva-Fo<strong>und</strong>ation<br />

Swiss National Fo<strong>und</strong>ation (SNF)<br />

Austrian Nationalbank Fond (NÖF)<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

External F<strong>und</strong>ed Research Projects and Grants<br />

Recent Projects:<br />

• Jan 2010 – Mar 2013: German-Israeli Fo<strong>und</strong>ation „Cross-<br />

Cultural Ethics of Health and Responsibility: Expert and lay<br />

perspectives regarding bioethical dilemmas in Germany<br />

and Israel” (together with Aviad Raz, Ben Gurion University<br />

• Oct 2010 – Sep 2013 VolkswagenStiftung: Autonomy<br />

and Trust with regard to patient organisation“ (subproject<br />

of the research network ‘Autonomy and Trust in<br />

Biomedicine’)<br />

• Oct 2010 - Sep 2015: DFG Graduate School ‚Dynamics of<br />

Gen<strong>der</strong> and Space’ (Universities of Göttingen & Kassel),<br />

co-applicant/PI<br />

• Dec 2010 – Nov. 2013: Fe<strong>der</strong>al Ministry for Education<br />

and Science (BMBF) Biomedical Life plans for Ageing –<br />

bvalues between individual ethical reflection and social<br />

norms, (together with Frank Adoff, University of Erlangen<br />

• Jun 2011 – May 2014: DFG : Socio-empirical and ethical<br />

analysis of biomarkers in rectal cancer treatment” Ethics of<br />

personalized Medicine (subproject of KFO 179/2)<br />

Former research grants:<br />

• Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony guest<br />

professorship for Dr. Carmel Shalev Tel Aviv, Summerterm<br />

2008<br />

• German-Israeli-Fo<strong>und</strong>ation, Young Scientist Program,<br />

“Bodies in Culture“: 1/2007-3/2008:<br />

• European Union, 6th FRP ‚Science & Society’ 2004-2007:<br />

Challenges of Biomedicine - Socio-cultural Contexts,<br />

European Governance and Bioethics“ (COB)<br />

Grants for Symposia and workshops:<br />

Volkswagen-Stiftung : Symposium 2009<br />

Lichtenberg-Kolleg of the University of Göttingen, Excellenz-<br />

Initiative 2009<br />

Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, grant for<br />

German-Israeli Winter School 2009<br />

Fe<strong>der</strong>al Ministry for Education and Research, conference grant<br />

2008<br />

Fritz-Thyssen-Fo<strong>und</strong>ation: conference and publication grant<br />

2007<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

Workshops and International Conferences<br />

Initiation and<br />

Organisation<br />

SWISS STS, in coop. with Collegium Helveticum ETH Zürich<br />

conference grant 2008<br />

Volkswagen-Fo<strong>und</strong>ation: conference grant 2002<br />

Böhringer-Ingelheim-Fo<strong>und</strong>ation: conference grant 2002<br />

2012<br />

Gen<strong>der</strong>, Age, and Medicine (In German) University of<br />

Goettingen, Dec 7.<br />

Interdisciplinary Workshop: Bioethics of Ageing. University of<br />

California, Berkeley, in coop. with R.Knight/ Ch. Thompson/ C.<br />

Hayden. Oct 5-7<br />

Patients as collectives - normatives consi<strong>der</strong>ations and sociopolitical<br />

analyses of patient organisations'role in health care and<br />

biopolitics” Symposium at 11th World Congress of Bioethics,<br />

Rotterdam, Jun 26-29<br />

2011<br />

International symposium Genetics as Culture in a Consumerist<br />

Age, in coop. with G. Werner-Felmayer/B. Prainsack, Innsbruck,<br />

Oct 27-29<br />

Living Later Live – Ethical and Social Aspects of Ageing in<br />

Mo<strong>der</strong>n Medicine, San Francisco State University, in coop. with<br />

A. Silvers / M. Schweda, Aug 26-27<br />

2010<br />

Indio-German Workshop Moving bodies & transforming values –<br />

Socio-cultural and ethical issues of mobility, gen<strong>der</strong> and<br />

biomedicine; in coop- with Tulsi Patel, DU; University of<br />

Göttingen Nov 27- 28<br />

EASST Conference 2010: stream: ARTificial life? Performativity<br />

between science, media, and art, in coop. with Priska Gisler,<br />

Trento, Sep 2-4<br />

International Workshop The Role of Experts in Transnational<br />

Science and Health Care Policies, in co-op with M. Dusche,<br />

Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study, New Delhi,<br />

JNIAS, April 5th<br />

2009<br />

German-Israeli winterschool: The Culture and Ethics of<br />

Biomedicine, in coop. with A. Raz, University of Göttingen, Nov<br />

30 – Dec 6<br />

“The relation of medical practice, medial knowledge and norms<br />

in bioethics” Workshop at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

Göttingen Dec. 14-15<br />

VW-Symposium “Biomedicalisation of Ageing?<br />

Gerontologisation of Medicine?” [ in German] University of<br />

Göttingen, Oct 29.-31.<br />

2008<br />

German-Israeli-Workshop “Genetics and Society:<br />

Practices/Positions, Expert/Public Discourses" , in coop. with<br />

Aviad Raz, Ben Gurion University, Negev Dec 14. – 16.<br />

“From a perspective within – social science, ethics and<br />

participation”, in coop. with Priska Gisler, Collegium Helvetica,<br />

ETH Zürich, Switzerland June 26.-27.<br />

2007<br />

“The Impact of Religion and Culture on Biomedical Technologies<br />

– A German-Israeli Dialogue”. In coop. with Simone Ehm,<br />

Protestant Academy of Berlin, Nov 29.-30<br />

“Applied Ethics and Empirical Studies” (in German) – Working<br />

Group of the German Academy of Medical Ethics Göttingen,<br />

April 13.-14.<br />

2005<br />

Thyssen-Workshop “Sexuality as Experiment? Body techniques<br />

in the intersection between science, ethics and science fiction”,<br />

in coop. with N. Pethes, German Studies, University of Bonn,<br />

Nov 17.-19.<br />

2004<br />

“Genetics & Society - historical and ethical aspects of an<br />

ambivalent relationship”, in coop. with O. Hagen, Spring-<br />

Colloquia of the MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin<br />

2003<br />

“Identity and Body – Challenges by neuroscience and<br />

transplantation medicine.” (In German), in coop. with S. Ehm,<br />

Protestant Academy of Berlin, Nov 21.-22.<br />

2002<br />

“Science and Public in dialogue” (In German). in coop. with C.<br />

Tannert, R. Hirschfeld, G. Krause, Max-Delbrück-Center for<br />

Molecular Medicine and Fe<strong>der</strong>al Center for Political Eduction<br />

Nov 7.-9.<br />

“Consciousness: An interdisciplinary dialogue about research<br />

approaches” (in German), in coop. with C. Herrmann, M. Pauen<br />

& J. Rieger University of Magdeburg Sep 12.-13.<br />

1999<br />

“Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Animal Ethics”, in coop.<br />

with H. Röcklinsberg (University of Uppsala) and E-M. Engels,<br />

University of Tuebingen. Dec 3.-4. 1999<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

1998<br />

“New perspectives in transplantation medicine – an<br />

interdisciplinary dialogue.” In coop. with E-M Engels/G. Lotter,<br />

University of Tuebingen, Dec 4.-6. 1998<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

Publications (in German and English)<br />

Monography<br />

Schicktanz, S: Organlieferant Tier? <strong>Medizin</strong> <strong>und</strong> Tierethische Probleme <strong>der</strong><br />

Xenotransplantation. Frankfurt a.M. / New York: Campus (2002)<br />

Books and Editions<br />

1. S. Schicktanz & M. Schweda (Hg.) (2012): Pro-Aging o<strong>der</strong> Anti-Ageing: Altern<br />

im Fokus <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>, Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus<br />

2. Schicktanz, S. Wiesemann, C. & Wöhlke, S. (eds) (2010): Teaching Ethics in<br />

Organ and Tissue Transplantation – Cases and Movies, in coop. with<br />

UNESCO chair for Bioethics, University Press Göttingen, 85 pages<br />

3. Pethes, N. & Schicktanz, S. (Hg.) (2008): Sexualität als Experiment? Identität,<br />

Moral <strong>und</strong> Reproduktion zwischen Science <strong>und</strong> Fiction, Frankfurt a.M./New<br />

York: Campus, 420 Seiten.<br />

4. Ehm, S. & Schicktanz, S. (Hg.) (2008): Der Einfluss von Religion <strong>und</strong> Kultur<br />

auf Biomedizin: Ein deutsch-israelischer Dialog – Tagungsdokumentation,<br />

Frankfurt: Evangelischer Pressedienst, ca. 100 Seiten.<br />

5. Ehm, S. & Schicktanz, S. (Hg.) (2006): Körper als Maß? Biomedizinische<br />

Eingriffe <strong>und</strong> ihre Auswirkungen auf Körper- <strong>und</strong> Identitätsverständnisse,<br />

Stuttgart: Hirzel, 200 Seiten.<br />

6. Schicktanz, S., Tannert, C., Wiedemann, P. (Hg.) (2003): Kulturelle Aspekte<br />

<strong>der</strong> Biomedizin: Bioethik, Religionen <strong>und</strong> Alltagsperspektiven Frankfurt a.M. /<br />

New York: Campus .<br />

7. Schicktanz, S., Naumann, J.: (2003) Bürgerkonferenz: Streitfall Gendiagnostik:<br />

Ein Modellprojekt <strong>der</strong> Bürgerbeteiligung am bioethischen Diskurs (hrsg. im<br />

Auftrag des Deutschen Hygiene-Museum Dresden), Opladen: Leske &<br />

Budrich.<br />

8. Engels, E.-M., Badura-Lotter, G., Schicktanz, S. (Hg.): (2000) Neue<br />

Perspektiven <strong>der</strong> Transplantationsmedizin im interdisziplinären Dialog, Baden-<br />

Baden: Nomos<br />

Within the editions:<br />

1. Schweda, M. & Schicktanz, S.: Das Unbehagen an <strong>der</strong> Medikalisierung.<br />

Theoretische <strong>und</strong> ethische Aspekte <strong>der</strong> biomedizinischen Altersplanung, in<br />

Schicktanz & Schweda (2012). 23-40<br />

2. Pethes, N. & Schicktanz, S. Zwischen Experiment <strong>und</strong> Imagination: Sexualität als<br />

Schlüssel zum Verständnis von Politik, <strong>Ethik</strong> <strong>und</strong> Kultur <strong>der</strong> mo<strong>der</strong>nen<br />

Lebenswissenschaften, in Pethes & Schicktanz (2008), S. 9-26<br />

3. Schicktanz, S. : Mein Körper – meine Entscheidung? Das Verhältnis von<br />

Körperlichkeit <strong>und</strong> Autonomie aus ethischer Sicht. In Ehm & Schicktanz (2006), S.<br />

225-244<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

4. Schicktanz, S. & Ehm, S.: Der menschliche Körper als bioethischer Konfliktstoff?<br />

Ein Problemaufriss, in Ehm & Schicktanz (2006). S. . 9-28<br />

5. Rieger, J.W. & Schicktanz, S.: »Wenn Du denkst, dass ich denke, dass Du denkst<br />

...« – Anmerkungen zur interdisziplinären Auseinan<strong>der</strong>setzung über das<br />

Bewusstsein, in Herrmann, Pauen, Rieger <strong>und</strong> Schicktanz (2005) S. 22-52.<br />

6. Schicktanz, S.: Die kulturelle Vielfalt in <strong>der</strong> Bioethik-Debatte, in: Schicktanz,<br />

Tannert <strong>und</strong> Wiedemann (2003), S. 263-282.<br />

7. Schicktanz, S. & Naumann, J. : Ablauf <strong>und</strong> Methode – die erste b<strong>und</strong>esweite<br />

Bürgerkonferenz., in: Schicktanz <strong>und</strong> Naumann (2003) S. 57-68.<br />

8. Engels, E.,-M., Badura-Lotter, G. & Schicktanz, S. : Neue Perspektiven <strong>der</strong><br />

Transplantationsmedizin im interdisziplinären Dialog- Zur Einführung in<br />

Schwerpunkte <strong>der</strong> Diskussion. In: Engels, Badura-Lotter, Schicktanz (2000) S. 3-<br />

16.<br />

9. Schicktanz, S. : Aus <strong>der</strong> <strong>Geschichte</strong> lernen? Die Entwicklung <strong>der</strong> Idee <strong>der</strong><br />

Xenotransplantation <strong>und</strong> Auswirkungen auf das heutige Verständnis, in: Engels,<br />

Badura-Lotter, Schicktanz (2000) S. 239-256.<br />

10. Hüsing, B. & Schicktanz, S.: Überblick <strong>und</strong> Bewertung <strong>der</strong>zeitiger Trends in <strong>der</strong><br />

Erforschung <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation von komplexen Organen, in: Engels,<br />

Badura-Lotter, Schicktanz (2000) S. 221-238.<br />

Guest editor of special issues of international journals<br />

• Medicine Studies 2011, Special Issue: Responsibility revisited, (Guest editors: Silke<br />

Schicktanz, Aviad Raz), Vol 3. No 3, intro 129-130<br />

• Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2011: special issue: The ethics of ethics<br />

committees , (Guest editors. Silke Schicktanz & Michael Dusche), Vol VIII No. 3,<br />

July - September 2011<br />

• New Genetics and Society, 2010, special issue: “Genetics and Responsibilities:<br />

Cultural perspectives, public discourses and ethical issues”, (guest editors: Silke<br />

Schicktanz & Aviad Raz)<br />

• <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>, 2009, Vol. 21, Heft 3; Themenheft: „<strong>Medizin</strong>ethik <strong>und</strong><br />

Empirie“, (Gastherausgeber: Silke Schicktanz & Jan Schildman): & Editorial:<br />

<strong>Medizin</strong>ethik <strong>und</strong> Empirie – Standortbestimmungen eines spannungsreichen<br />

Verhältnisses, 183-186<br />

• Science, Technology, Innovation –Studies (STI-Studies), 2009; 2, “The role of<br />

social science in public participation and biopolitics” (guest editors: Priska Gisler &<br />

Silke Schicktanz)<br />

Peer Reviewed Articles (Selection)<br />

1. Hoeyer K., Schicktanz S. (shared 1st authorship), Deleuran, Ina (2012) Public<br />

attitudes to financial procurement models for organs: A literature review<br />

suggests that it is time to shift the focus from ‘financial incentives’ to<br />

‘reciprocity’, Transplantation International (accepted)<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

2. Schicktanz S, Jordan I. (2012): Kollektive Patientenautonomie: Theorie <strong>und</strong><br />

Praxis eines neuen bioethischen Konzepts, In: A. Simon, C. Wiesemann:<br />

Patientenautonomie. Mentis, Pa<strong>der</strong>born (in press)<br />

3. Raz, A., Jordan I. & Schicktanz S. (2012): Exploring the Positions of German<br />

and Israeli Patient Organizations in the Bioethical Context of End-of-Life<br />

Policies, Health Care Analysis, DOI: 10.1007/s10728-012-0213-4Online First<br />

4. Hessling A. Schicktanz S. (2012) What German experts expect from<br />

individualised medicine: Problems of uncertainty and future complication in<br />

physician-patient-interaction, Clinical Ethics, 7: 86–93<br />

5. Schicktanz S. (2012) Epistemische Gerechtigkeit: Sozialempirie <strong>und</strong><br />

Perspektivenpluralismus in <strong>der</strong> Angewandten <strong>Ethik</strong>, Deutsche Zeitschrift f.<br />

Philosophie, 60,2, 269-284<br />

6. Schicktanz S. & Schweda M. (2012) The diversity of responsibility: The value<br />

of explication and pluralization – Medicine Studies, Vol. 3, 131-145<br />

7. Schicktanz, S. (2012): Xenotransplantation, in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics,<br />

ed. by R. Chadwick, Elsvier, 2 nd edition , 565-574<br />

8. Schicktanz S. (2012): Bioethik <strong>und</strong> Ges<strong>und</strong>heitspolitik: Politikberatung im<br />

Spannungsfeld von Expertenwissen <strong>und</strong> Patienteninteressen, in: K. Weilert<br />

<strong>und</strong> P. Hussmann, Ethische Politikberatung, Nomos-Verlag, 275-297<br />

9. Schicktanz S. Dusche M. (2011): The ethics of ethical expertise in science,<br />

medicine and healthcare policies, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol VIII No.<br />

3, July - September 2011, 142-145<br />

10. Schweda M. & Schicktanz, S. (2011): Why public moralities matter – The<br />

relevance of socio-empirical premises for the ethical debate on organ markets,<br />

in: Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (accepted)<br />

11. Schicktanz, S., Schweda M., B. Wynne (2011): “The ethics of ‘public<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstanding of ethics’ – Why and how bioethics expertise should include<br />

public and patients’ Voices”, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy; Online<br />

first 10.1007/s11019-011-9321-4<br />

12. Schicktanz, S., Raz A. and C. Shalev (2010): Cultural impacts on end of life<br />

ethics. A cross-comparative study between Germany and Israel Cambridge<br />

Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 19, 3, 381-394<br />

13. Schicktanz, S., Raz A. & Shalev C. (2010) The cultural context of patient<br />

autonomy and doctors duties: Passive euthanasia and advance directives in<br />

Germany and Israel, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13(4), 363-369<br />

14. Schicktanz, S. (2010): Kommentar II zum Fall: „Palliativmedizin im<br />

interkulturellen Kontext“ <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong> 22(1),10 55-57<br />

15. Raz A. & Schicktanz S. (2009): Diversity and Uniformity in Genetic<br />

Responsibility: Moral Attitudes of Patients, Relatives and Lay People in<br />

Germany and Israel, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12(4): 433-442<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

16. Schicktanz, S.; Schweda, M., Wohlke, S. (2009): Gen<strong>der</strong> Issues in (Living)<br />

Organ Donation: Medical, Social and Ethical Aspects, in: Klinge I., Wiesemann<br />

C.: Sex and Gen<strong>der</strong> in Biomedicine, Göttingen University Press, 34-55<br />

17. Raz A. & Schicktanz S. (2009) Lay Perceptions of Genetic Testing in Germany<br />

and Israel: The Interplay of National Culture and Individual Experience, New<br />

Genetics and Society 28, 4, 401-414<br />

18. Schweda M., Wöhlke S. & Schicktanz S (2009) Un<strong>der</strong>standing public<br />

scepticism towards organ donation and its commercialization: the important<br />

role of reciprocity. Transplantation Proceedings, 41, 2509-2511<br />

19. Schicktanz, S. & Schweda M. (2009): “One man’s trash is another man’s<br />

treasure” Exploring economic and moral subtexts of the “organ shortage”<br />

problem in public views on organ donation. Journal of Medical Ethics, Aug, 35,<br />

473-476<br />

20. Schicktanz S. (2009) Zum Stellenwert von Betroffenheit, Öffentlichkeit <strong>und</strong><br />

Deliberation im empirical turn <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>ethik, <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>, 21, 3, 223<br />

(engl. title: The relevance of affected persons, the public, and deliberation for<br />

the empirical turn of medical ethics)<br />

21. Schweda, M. & Schicktanz, S. (2009): Public ideas and values concerning the<br />

commercialization of organ donation in four European countries, Social<br />

Science and Medicine, 68, 1129-1136<br />

22. Schicktanz, S. (2009): Interpreting Advance Directives: Ethical Consi<strong>der</strong>ations<br />

of the Interplay Between Personal and Cultural Identity, Health Care Analysis,<br />

3, 17 (2), 158-171<br />

23. Gisler, P. & Schicktanz S. (2009) Ironists, reformers, or rebels? Reflections on<br />

the role of the social sciences in the process of science policy making, STI-<br />

Studies, Vol 5, 5-17<br />

24. Schweda, M. & Schicktanz, S. (2009): The spare parts person? Conceptions of<br />

the human body and their implications for public attitudes towards organ<br />

donation and organ sale, Philosophy, Ethics, Humanities in Medicine, 4,4, 1-28<br />

25. Schicktanz, S. (2009): <strong>Medizin</strong>ethik – Aktuelle Trends <strong>und</strong> Neuorientierungen.<br />

In: Weidmann-Hügle, T. & Christen, M. (ed.): Handbuch <strong>Ethik</strong> im<br />

Ges<strong>und</strong>heitswesen, Bd. 5, Basel: Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG, S. 17-31<br />

26. Schicktanz, S. (2008): Zwischen Selbst-Deutung <strong>und</strong> Interpretation durch<br />

Dritte: Zum Wechselverhältnis von sozio-kulturellen <strong>und</strong> ethischen Aspekten<br />

von Patientenverfügungen. <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>, 3, 181-190<br />

27. Schweda, M. & Schicktanz, S. (2008): Public Moralities concerning Donation<br />

and Disposition of Organs – Results of a European cross-cultural study.<br />

Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17, 308-317.<br />

28. Schicktanz, S, Schweda, M. & Franzen, M. (2008): ‘In a completely different<br />

light’? – The role of being affected for epistemic perspectives and moral<br />

attitudes of patients, relatives and lay people. Medicine, Health Care and<br />

Philosophy 11 (1), 57-72.<br />

29. Schweda, M. & Schicktanz, S. (2008): Betroffenheit - Ein Fall von<br />

Meinungsvielfalt o<strong>der</strong> eine Frage des Blickwinkels? In: Michl, S., Potthast, Th.<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

& Wiesing, U. (Hg.): Pluralität in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>, Freiburg i.Br.: Alber-Verlag, 235-<br />

252<br />

30. Schicktanz, S. (2008): Politikberatung im Kontext <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong>. In: Bröchler, S.<br />

& Schützeichel, R. (ed.): Politikberatung, Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius UTB, S.<br />

47-69<br />

31. Schicktanz, S. (2007): Why the way we consi<strong>der</strong> the body matters – Reflection<br />

on four bioethical perspectives on the human body. Philosophy, Ethics,<br />

Humanities in Medicine 2 (1, 30) 1-12<br />

32. Schicktanz, S. (2007): Sollen, können, dürfen: Anmerkungen zur<br />

Bürger¬beteiligung am bioethischen Diskurs <strong>und</strong> <strong>der</strong>en Bewertung. In:<br />

Leggewie, C. (Hg.): Von <strong>der</strong> Politik zur Gesellschaftsberatung, Frankfurt a.M.:<br />

Campus,133-150<br />

33. Schicktanz, S., Rieger, J.W. & Lüttenberg, B. (2006):<br />

Geschlechterunterschiede bei <strong>der</strong> Lebendnierentransplantation. Ein Vergleich<br />

bei globalen, mitteleuro¬pä¬ischen <strong>und</strong> deutschen Daten <strong>und</strong> <strong>der</strong>en ethische<br />

Relevanz. Transplantationsmedizin 2 (18), 83-90<br />

34. Schicktanz, S. (2006): <strong>Ethik</strong> <strong>der</strong> Biofakte? Erwägen – Wissen – <strong>Ethik</strong> 17 (4),<br />

596-597<br />

35. Schicktanz, S. (2006): Bürger als Experten? Überlegungen zu den<br />

Möglichkeiten <strong>und</strong> Grenzen <strong>der</strong> Bürgerbeteiligung am bioethischen Diskurs. In:<br />

Graumann, S. & Grüber, K. (Hg.): Biomedizin im Kontext. Bd. 3, Berlin: LIT,<br />

36. Schicktanz, S. (2006): Ethical consi<strong>der</strong>ations of the human-animal-relationship<br />

<strong>und</strong>er conditions of asymmetry and ambivalence. Journal of Agriculture and<br />

Food Ethics, 16, S. 7-16.<br />

37. Niewöhner, J., Wiedemann, P. M., Karger, C., Schicktanz, S. & Tannert, Ch.<br />

(2004): Participatory prognostics in Germany – developing citizens scenario for<br />

the relationship between biomedicine and the economics in 2014. Technology<br />

Forecasting and Social Changes 72 (2), 195-211.<br />

38. Wiedemann, P., Simon, J., Schicktanz, S. & Tannert Ch. (2004): The future of<br />

stem-cell research in Germany. EMBO reports, 5 (10), 927-931.<br />

39. Schicktanz, S. & Naumann, J. (2004): Laien in <strong>der</strong> öffentlichen Verantwortung.<br />

Erfahrungen mit <strong>der</strong> Bürgerkonferenz: Streitfall Gendiagnostik am Deutschen<br />

Hygiene Museum Dresden. In: Beer, W., Markus, P. & Platzer, K. (Hg.):<br />

Technik ins Gerede bringen. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag, 183-191.<br />

40. Schicktanz, S. (2003): Fremdkörper. Grenzüberschreitungen am Beispiel <strong>der</strong><br />

Transplantationsmedizin. In: Karafyllis, N. (Hg.): Biofakte. Versuch über den<br />

Menschen zwischen Artefakt <strong>und</strong> Lebewesen. Pa<strong>der</strong>born: Mentis, 179-197.<br />

41. Schicktanz, S. (2003): Geisteswissenschaften <strong>und</strong> Biowissenschaften –<br />

inter¬dis¬ziplinäre Grenzüberschreitungen am Beispiel <strong>der</strong> Bioethik. In:<br />

Kiesinger, F. et al. (Hg.): Wozu Geisteswissenschaften? Frankfurt a.M./New<br />

York: Campus, 178-186.<br />

42. Schicktanz, S. (2002): <strong>Medizin</strong>ethische Probleme <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation.<br />

<strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> <strong>Medizin</strong> 4, 1-18.<br />

43. Schicktanz, S. (2002): Dein Körper, mein Körper, Körper sind für alle da?<br />

Überlegungen zum biotechnischen Körperkult. rhs (Religionsunterricht an<br />

höheren Schulen) 3/2002, 160-168.<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

44. Dietrich, J. & Schicktanz, S. (2001): Der Arzt – Dein Fre<strong>und</strong> <strong>und</strong> Helfer?! <strong>Ethik</strong><br />

<strong>und</strong> Unterricht 4, 26-31.<br />

45. Schicktanz, S. (1999): Mensch-Tier-Chimären: Bemerkungen zur<br />

Transplantations¬medizin <strong>und</strong> ihrer <strong>Geschichte</strong>. In: Drux, R. (Hg.): Der<br />

Frankenstein-Komplex. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 184-203.<br />

46. Schicktanz, S. (2000): Xenotransplantation – transgene Schweine als Quelle<br />

für transplantierende Organe. In: Wimmer, R., Dietrich, J. & Hellwig, F-Th.<br />

(ed.): Wissenschaftsethik – Leitideen für Schule <strong>und</strong> Bildung. Tübingen: IZEW.<br />

18-38.<br />

47. Schicktanz, S., D. Frahne, W. Honnen <strong>und</strong> E. Müller (1998) Mikrobieller<br />

Kombinationstest mit Vibrio fischeri zur Reduktion von Tierversuchen?, Altex,<br />

15 (3), 1998, 115-122<br />

Book critiques and conference reports<br />

48. Schicktanz S. (2010): Literaturbericht zu. Matthias Beck: Mensch-Tier.Wesen.<br />

Zur ethischen Problematik von Hybriden, Chimären, Parthenoten. In<br />

ALTEXethik, S. 61<br />

49. Schicktanz, S. (2009): Book review of Tom L. Beauchamp, et al: The Human<br />

Use of Animals- Case studies in Ethical Choice; ALTEX; 26 (4),<br />

50. Schicktanz, S. (2008): Book Review of H.l-Li <strong>und</strong> A. Yeung: New Essays in<br />

Applied Ethics. ALTEX 25 (4), 285-286<br />

51. Schicktanz, S. (2007): Book review of Jecker, N.S.; Jonsen, A.R. & Pearlman,<br />

R.A. (ed.): Bioethics. An introduction to the history, methods and practise.<br />

ALTEX 24 (4), 303-305<br />

52. Schicktanz, S. (2006): Book review of Nussbaum, M.: Frontiers of Justice.<br />

Disability, Nationality, Species Membership. ALTEX 23 (4), 259-262.<br />

53. Schicktanz, S. (2005): Book review zu Sitter-Liver, B.: „Gerechte<br />

Organverteilung“. Zeitschrift für medizinische <strong>Ethik</strong> 51 (2), 214-215.<br />

54. Schicktanz, S. (2003): Tagungsbericht „6. Minisymposium Xenotransplantation<br />

Berlin“. ALTEX 3, 215-217<br />

55. Schicktanz, S. (2001): Rezension zu Baranzke, H.; Gottwald, T. & Ingensiep,<br />

H.-W.: Leben-Töten-Essen, ALTEX 4, 36-37.<br />

56. Schicktanz, S. (2001): Rezension zu Jungbluth, C.: Mein Kopf auf Deinen<br />

Schultern, Universitas 9.<br />

57. Schicktanz, S. (2001): Rezension zu Dahl, E.: Tierorgane für den Menschen,<br />

Spektrum <strong>der</strong> Wissenschaft Juni, 111-112.<br />

58. Schicktanz, S. (2000): Tagungsbericht "2 nd Congress of The European Society<br />

of Agricultural and Food Ethics" Kopenhagen 26.-28.8.2000. ALTEX 4/17, 245-<br />

247.<br />

59. Schicktanz, S. (1999): Conference report “Ethics and Science: The Social,<br />

Juridical and Philosophical Debate", Tübingen, June 10 th -11 th , 1999.<br />

Biomedical Ethics 4/2, 66-68.<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

60. Schicktanz, S. (1999): Tagungsbericht "Ethics and Science: The Social,<br />

Juridical and Philosophical Debate", Tübingen, 10.-11.6.1999. ALTEX 16/4,<br />

290-292.<br />

Selcted talks – International<br />

• 10 Dec 2012 Int. symposium – Minerva Center The Study of End of Life, Tel Aviv<br />

University From Fate to Control? The ethical and Social implications of long-term<br />

Planning of later life and Death, (invited key note)<br />

• 06 Oct 2012 UC Berkeley Participation in Alzheimer Disease‘s Research: Cultural<br />

Differences<br />

• 27 Jun 2012 11 th WC of Bioethics, Rotterdam Responsibility – from liabilities to<br />

social recognition: Theoretical defence of an ethical key-concept. (cfp)<br />

• 31 May 2012 University of Tilburg “Democracy, Legality and Policy”: Being<br />

affected, representation and experts: how to deal with moral pluralism and<br />

democratic ideal in science policy? (cfp)<br />

• 1 Mar 2012: University of Minnesota, Center for Bioethics: Where is the patients’<br />

voice in health policy making? Collective representation beyond individual<br />

autonomy. (invited talk)<br />

• 28 Oct 2011: Innsbruck, Int. symposium: Genetic responsibility revisited – the<br />

anticipation of late on-set diseases in the light of multiple responsibilities<br />

• 12 Sep 2011; University of California, Berkeley, Helen Wills Institute for<br />

Neuroscience: Research Ethics of Informed Consent (invited talk)<br />

• 26 Jan 2011: Hebrew University Jerusalem Bioethics Forum The ambivalence of<br />

autonomy and responsibility in end-of-life planning.<br />

• 10 Sep 2010: ELPAT internal working group meeting: Sofia, Bulgaria, The<br />

importance of the public discourse for organ transplantation<br />

• 27 Sep 2010: University of Linköping: Gen<strong>der</strong> and Health crossroads and<br />

potentials (invited talk)<br />

• 21 Sep 2010: Brüssel intern. Workshop The Role of Patient and Professional<br />

Organizations for EU Health GovernancePatients role: Justifying patient’s active<br />

role in health policy decision making (CfP)<br />

• 06 Apr 2010 JNU Delhi Philosophical Department, Local Bioethics and global<br />

Biomedicine<br />

• 1 Apr 2010: JNU Delhi Department of Community Health and Medical Sociology:<br />

Ethics in organ transplantation – European attitudes on commodification<br />

• 13 Oct 2009: ESF conference Linköping: Morality and, perspectivism in the<br />

therapy-enhancement-distinction (invited key lecturer)<br />

• 9 Sep 2009: UC Berkeley; Science, Technology and Society Center: Women give,<br />

men receive? Gen<strong>der</strong> issues in living organ transplantation.<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

• 3 Mar 2009: Center for Economical and Social Aspects of Genetics, University of<br />

Lancaster, Being affected: Social, moral and epistemic aspects of participation in<br />

public decision making processes on biomedical issues<br />

• 19 Nov 2008 20 th Anniversary of GIF, Jerusalem: Bioethical aspects of biomedicine<br />

and its socio-cultural contexts. The cross-comparative investigation of bioethical<br />

discourses between Germany and Israel<br />

• 10 Nov 2008: University Medical Center Innsbruck: Ethical Aspects of<br />

Organtransplantation<br />

• 23 Aug 2008, European Conference of Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care in<br />

Tartu, Estonia: How much could and should ethics depend on national<br />

backgro<strong>und</strong>s? A cross-comparative study on end-of-life-discourses in Germany<br />

and Israel.<br />

• 8 May 2008, University Linköping: Interaction of individual and cultural identity in<br />

the context of biomedicine: The case of advance directives (invited key lecturer)<br />

• 19 Nov 2007 ETH Collegium Helveticum, Switzerland: Women give, men receive?<br />

Gen<strong>der</strong> disparity in organ donation and moral attitudes towards organ donation<br />

(invited talk)<br />

• 16 Nov 2007 University of Zürich, Switzerland, Workshop Advance directives from<br />

a point of view of a culture trespassing ethics. The ethical relevance of cultural<br />

identity fort he interpretation of advance directives. (invited key lecturer)<br />

• 15 Jun 2007: University of Vienna: International Conference „Engineering<br />

European Bodies“: The Plurality of Body Concepts in the Debate on Organ<br />

Donation – Bioethics and Attitudes of European Citizens (together with M.<br />

Schweda)<br />

• 14 Mar 2007: University of BenGurion, Beer Sheva: Dept. of Social Science: Public<br />

and patients participation in biomedical decision making processes - Social, moral<br />

and epistemic aspects of being affected (invited talk)<br />

• 23 Sep 2006: Universität Wien, Tagung: Let’s talk about GOLD – Public<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstanding of Genome Research –Closing Session<br />

• 26 Aug 2006: European Association of Social Studies of Science and Technology<br />

(EASST) 24.-26.8.06, Lausanne: La personne concernée: the normative and<br />

epistemic role of ‚being affected‘ for personal decision making and political<br />

participation (together with M. Schweda)<br />

• 13 Apr 2005: European Science Fo<strong>und</strong>ation: Biomedicine within the Limits of<br />

Human Existence in Doorn (NL): Global Life Science – local bioethics? Problems<br />

and Opportunities<br />

• 16 Dez 2004: University of Coimbra (Portugal): International Conference on<br />

Medicine and Society in Europe: Challenges of Biomedicine – Socio-cultural<br />

aspects, bioethics and European Governance<br />

• 13 Nov 2004: University of Utrecht (NL) „Foreign bodies – Transgressing body<br />

bo<strong>und</strong>aries as challenge for embodiment and autonomy“<br />

• 4 Sep 2004: 4 th Congress of the European Society of Agricultural and Food Ethics,<br />

Leuven (BE): The Human-animal-relationship <strong>und</strong>er conditions of asymmetry and<br />

ambivalence<br />

• 19 Sep 2003: Universität Linz (AU): 11. Kongress über Alternativen zu<br />

Tierversuchen: Ethical Aspects of Xenotransplantation (invited keynote)<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

• 14 May 2003: Dutch Research Organisation Conference Ethics and Public Policy,<br />

Amsterdam: Animal ethics and its relevance for German public (invited key<br />

lecturer)<br />

• 26 Aug 2000: University of Kopenhagen (DK); 2 nd Congress of the European<br />

Society of Agricultural and Food Ethics: Scientific and ethical aspects of transgenic<br />

animals<br />

Selected talks - national workshops and colloquia<br />

• 22. Nov University of Hamburg:<br />

• 12. May 2012 University of Augsburg: The Troubles of Representation: the<br />

legitimacy of patient organizations as political actors (Invited talk)<br />

• 25. Jan 2012 LMU München (Zentrum für Angewandte <strong>Ethik</strong>)<br />

Xenotransplantation – ethische Aspekte (invited talk)<br />

• 2. Feb 2011 Akademie Braunschweig Ethische Perspektiven “individualisierter”<br />

<strong>Medizin</strong> (invited talk)<br />

• 11/12/2010: Politikberatung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Expertenwissen <strong>und</strong><br />

Patienteninteressen, Expertentagung <strong>der</strong> Forschungsstätte <strong>der</strong> Ev<br />

Studiengemeinschaft (FEST) <strong>und</strong> <strong>der</strong> Hanns-Seidel-Stiftun am 10./11.<br />

Dezember 2010 in Heidelberg an <strong>der</strong> FEST<br />

• 29/10/2010: Bürgerkonferenz als deliberatives Verfahren: Universität Lübeck:<br />

Wissenschaftliches Symposium zur Lübecker Bürgerkonferenz über<br />

Prioritäten in <strong>der</strong> medizinischen Versorgung<br />

• 06/09/2010: Die Heilung <strong>der</strong> Welt. <strong>Medizin</strong>-Experten in <strong>der</strong> Kritik<br />

(Graduiertenkolleg Expertenkritik) . Aktualität <strong>der</strong> Expertenkritik aus<br />

medizinethischer Sicht (invited talk)<br />

• 05/19/2010 University of Bochum: Workshop Zum Verhältnis von <strong>Ethik</strong> <strong>und</strong><br />

Empirie (invited talk)<br />

• 01/26/2010 BMBF Statuskolloquium Biotechnologie: Bioethik – Neue<br />

Perspektiven für die Biotechnologie ?! (Keynote lecture)<br />

• 12/06/2009 AEM Doktorandenkolloquium: <strong>Ethik</strong> <strong>und</strong> Empirie in<br />

medizinethischen Forschungsarbeiten (invited talk)<br />

• 19.6.2009 FRIAS, School of History, Freiburg: Israelische Utopien <strong>und</strong><br />

deutsche dystopian? Laien. <strong>und</strong> Expertendiskurse zur Humangenetik <strong>und</strong><br />

Reproduktionsmedizin im Vergleich (invited talk)<br />

• 21.10.2008: TU Berlin, Bernstein Zentrum, Abt. Modellierung kognitiver<br />

Prozesse, <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong> Forschung: Verantwortung <strong>und</strong> Konfliktdimensionen“<br />

(invited talk)<br />

• 29.1.2008, Universität Tübingen, Zentrum für <strong>Ethik</strong> in den Wissenschaften:<br />

<strong>Ethik</strong> in den Wissenschaften – Überlegungen zur Verortung (invited talk)<br />

• 8.1.2008, Universität Gießen; Psychologisches Institut, Kolloquium: Ethische<br />

Aspekte <strong>der</strong> Forschung mit Mensch <strong>und</strong> Tier (invited talk)<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

• 12.11.2007, Universität Münster: Ringvorlesung „Biopolitik“ des politikwiss.<br />

Instituts: Perspektiven Europäischer Bürger auf Patienten- <strong>und</strong><br />

Bürgerbeteiligung. (invited talk)<br />

• 28.9.2007, Universität Tübingen: Jahrestagung <strong>der</strong> Akademie für <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong><br />

<strong>Medizin</strong>: Betroffenheit <strong>und</strong> Expertenmeinung – Eine Frage <strong>der</strong><br />

Meinungsvielfalt o<strong>der</strong> des Blickwinkels? gem. mit Mark Schweda (CfP)<br />

• 27.2.2007: Universität Bochum, Workshop „Interkulturelle Bioethik“: An<strong>der</strong>e<br />

Län<strong>der</strong>, An<strong>der</strong>e Leiden? (invited talk)<br />

• 26.1.2007: Universität Köln, Workshop zu Partizipation: Bioethik <strong>und</strong><br />

Partizipation<br />

• 5.1.2007: Evangelische Forschungsakademie, Jahrestagung in Berlin: Die<br />

Idee <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation – zwischen Organersatz <strong>und</strong><br />

Identitätsverän<strong>der</strong>ung? (invited talk)<br />

• 25.11.2006: Universität Greifswald, Inst. für Deutsche Philologie: Workshop<br />

„Engeneering Life. Narrationen vom Menschen in Biomedizin, Kultur <strong>und</strong><br />

Literatur“: Bioethik zwischen Science <strong>und</strong> Fiction? Die Rolle von Utopien <strong>und</strong><br />

Fiktion im Rahmen bioethischer Reflexion (CfP)<br />

• 21.10.2006: IPPNW-Kongress „<strong>Medizin</strong> <strong>und</strong> Gewissen“, 20.-22.10.06,<br />

Nürnberg, Normative Aspekte <strong>der</strong> Patienten- <strong>und</strong> Bürgerbeteiligung zu<br />

ges<strong>und</strong>heitspolitischen <strong>und</strong> medizinethischen Entscheidungen (invited talk)<br />

• 12.6.2006: Universität Münster, Ringvorlesung „Bioethik“, Biologische Fakultät:<br />

Bioethische Anmerkungen zur Stammzellforschung <strong>und</strong> dem Status des<br />

Embryos (invited talk)<br />

• 21.10.2005: Universität Giessen, Zentrum für Medien <strong>und</strong> Interaktivität,<br />

Tagung „Von <strong>der</strong> Politik- zur Gesellschaftsberatung? Medien öffentlicher<br />

Konsultation“: Bürgerbeteiligung in <strong>der</strong> Bioethik. Aufgaben <strong>und</strong><br />

Beson<strong>der</strong>heiten aus bioethischer Sicht (invited talk)<br />

• 7.9.2005: Universität Münster, GENUS-Vortragsreihe: Männer nehmen,<br />

Frauen geben? Die bioethische Relevanz von Geschlechterfragen am Beispiel<br />

<strong>der</strong> Organtransplantation (invited talk)<br />

• 27.1.2005: Universität Bonn, Germanistisches Seminar: Humangenetische<br />

Utopien: Zwischen Fakten, Fiktion <strong>und</strong> Folgenbewertung (invited talk)<br />

• 30.11.2004: Institut Mensch <strong>Ethik</strong> Wissenschaft, Berlin, Friedrichshainer<br />

Kolloquium: Bürgerbeteiligung am bioethischen Diskurs: Erwartungen,<br />

Ergebnisse & Enttäuschungen (invited talk)<br />

• 1.6.2004: Universität Heidelberg, Interdisziplinäres Forum, Ringvorlesung „Der<br />

designte Mensch“: Tierorgane für den Menschen: Folgen für das<br />

Identitätsverständnis <strong>und</strong> ethische Probleme (invited talk)<br />

• 17.5.2004: Universität Münster, Fakultät für Biologie, Ringvorlesung „Bioethik“:<br />

Bioethische Anmerkungen zu reproduktionsbiologischen Verfahren (invited<br />

talk)<br />

• 7.4.2004: Max-Plank-Institut für molekulare Genetik, Berlin: Geneticisation and<br />

Ethics on a Social and Individual Level<br />

• 18.3.2004: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Tagung „Bil<strong>der</strong> des<br />

Menschlichen“: Bürgerkonferenzen: Beispiele <strong>der</strong> Bürgerbeteiligung am<br />

bioethischen Diskurs (invited talk)<br />


Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz Jan 2013<br />

• 15.1.2004: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Fakultät für Biologie, Ringvorlesung<br />

„Bioethik“: Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis: ein ambivalentes Verhältnis (invited talk)<br />

• 6.2.2003: Universität Bielefeld, Workshop "Politik <strong>und</strong> Expertise": Bürger als<br />

Experten? Möglichkeiten <strong>und</strong> Grenzen <strong>der</strong> Bürgerbeteiligung am bioethischen<br />

Diskurs (CfP)<br />

• 15.1.2003: Universität Marburg, Wissenschaftshistorisches Kolloquium:<br />

Bürgerbeteiligung am bioethischen Diskurs – Ziele, Methoden, Probleme<br />

(invited talk)<br />

• 13.11.2002: Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tagung „Marktpotenziale <strong>der</strong><br />

Biotechniken <strong>und</strong> gesellschaftliche Diskussion“: Laien-Experten-Szenario-<br />

Workshop zu Biomedizin <strong>und</strong> Ökonomie: Prozess <strong>und</strong> Ergebnisse (invited talk)<br />

• 3.9.2002: Universität Tübingen: SFB 555 Erkennen, Lokalisieren, Handeln:<br />

Neurokognitive Mechanismen <strong>und</strong> ihre Flexibilität, Nachwuchskonferenz:<br />

Einführung in die Wissenschaftsethik (invited talk)<br />

• 24.-25.5.2002: Greifswald Ärztekammer Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,<br />

Symposium „Aktuelle Probleme <strong>der</strong> ethischen Bewertung medizinischer<br />

Forschungsprojekte“: Interessenskonflikte im Umgang mit Gen- <strong>und</strong><br />

Gewebebanken (invited talk)<br />

• 8.12.2001: Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn, Tagung „Die gesellschaftliche<br />

Verantwortung <strong>der</strong> Bio- <strong>und</strong> Gentechnologien“: Erfahrungen <strong>und</strong> Erfolge <strong>der</strong><br />

Konsensus-Konferenz zur Gendiagnostik (invited talk)<br />

• 7.-8.12.2001: Universität Tübingen, Tagung: Neuere Aspekte <strong>der</strong> Tierethik:<br />

Transgene Tiere für die Forschung? Herausfor<strong>der</strong>ungen für das Mensch-Tier-<br />

Verhältnis (invited talk)<br />

• 5.10.2001: Universität Hamburg, Jahrestagung <strong>der</strong> Akademie für <strong>Ethik</strong> in <strong>der</strong><br />

<strong>Medizin</strong>: <strong>Medizin</strong>ethische Probleme <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation (invited talk)<br />

• 29.9.2001: Nürnberg: Turm <strong>der</strong> Sinne, Symposium zu Wahrnehmung <strong>und</strong><br />

Intelligenz: Tierisch schlau?! Intelligentes Verhalten bei Tieren (invited talk)<br />

• 6.6.2001: Heinrich Böll-Stiftung, Berlin „Governing Science“: Bürgerkonferenz:<br />

Streitfall Gendiagnostik (invited talk)<br />

• 10.2.2001: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Grüne Akademie: Xenotransplantation –<br />

Stand <strong>der</strong> Forschung <strong>und</strong> ethische Probleme (invited talk)<br />

• 2.2.2001: Universität Gießen, DFG-GK „Molekulare Tiermedizin“:<br />

Wissenschaftliche <strong>und</strong> ethische Aspekte <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation (invited talk)<br />

• 5.11.2000: Universität Tübingen, IZEW Tagung „<strong>Geschichte</strong> <strong>und</strong> <strong>Ethik</strong>“: Aus<br />

<strong>der</strong> <strong>Geschichte</strong> lernen? Historische Aspekte <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation für das<br />

heutige Verständnis<br />

• 31.3.2000: Hannover, Kulturzentrum Pavillon, Veranstaltungsreihe "GENiale<br />

Zeiten": Mensch-Tier-Chimären: historische <strong>und</strong> ethische Aspekte <strong>der</strong><br />

Xenotransplantation (invited talk)<br />

• 20.– 21.11.1999: Universität Gießen, 3. Symposium Xenotransplantation<br />

Schloss Rauischholzhausen: <strong>Medizin</strong>ethische Aspekte eines möglichen<br />

Patientenmonitorings bei <strong>der</strong> klinischen Xenotransplantation (CfP)<br />

• 2.11.1999: FH Mannheim Vorlesungsreihe „<strong>Ethik</strong> für Biotechnologen":<br />

Ethische Aspekte transgener Tiere (invited talk)<br />

• 4.8.1999: Universität Tübingen, 1. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Tierethik:<br />

Tierethische Aspekte <strong>der</strong> Xenotransplantation<br />


Teaching experience<br />

Medical Faculty:<br />

• Bioethics (lecture, course)<br />

• Introduction to History of Medicine (human experimentation and development<br />

of bioethical standards) (course)<br />

• Ethics of Biomedicine (lecture, course)<br />

• Ethics of stem cell research and cloning (lecture)<br />

• Ethics of body modification (course)<br />

• Culture and ethics of biomedicine (course)<br />

• Medicine in movies (course)<br />

Gen<strong>der</strong> studies<br />

• Bioethics and Gen<strong>der</strong> in movies (course)<br />

• History of sexuality and recent gen<strong>der</strong> issues (course)<br />

• Cross-cultural investigation of reproductive medicine (course)<br />

• Body modification and concepts of identity (course)<br />

Faculty of Biology / Psychology:<br />

• Moral standing of animals (course)<br />

• Animal consciousness (course)<br />

• Research ethics (lecture, course)

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