faith formation registration form 2012-2013.pdf - Flocknote

faith formation registration form 2012-2013.pdf - Flocknote

faith formation registration form 2012-2013.pdf - Flocknote


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St. St. Francis Francis of of Assisi Assisi Catholic Catholic Church<br />

Church<br />

8000 El Dorado Parkway, Frisco, TX 75033<br />

<strong>2012</strong>-2013 Kindergarten-Grade 12 Faith Formation Registration Form<br />

****Faith Formation Telephone: (972) 712-2645 Fax: (972) 712-1087****<br />

Registration will close at noon on August 3. All <strong>form</strong>s received after 12 noon on August 3 are subject to a higher<br />

<strong>registration</strong> fee. Class assignment notifications will be e-mailed in August to the e-mail address provided on this<br />

<strong>form</strong>. Forms must be completed in their entirety in order to be processed. Leaving blank spaces can result in<br />

delays in your <strong>registration</strong> process. Forms are processed in the order they are received. Payment must accompany<br />

<strong>form</strong> in order to be processed.<br />

Please print print legibly and complete all all four pages of this <strong>registration</strong> <strong>form</strong>. Initial where requested.<br />

Parents’ Names: ___________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Street City/State/Zip Code<br />

Home Phone: _____________________________________ (Please notify office of any phone number changes during the year)<br />

Mother’s Work Phone:______________________________ Mother’s Cell Phone:___________________________________<br />

Father’s Work Phone:_______________________________ Father’s Cell Phone:___________________________________<br />

Primary E-Mail Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

(please provide an email you check often as email is our primary means of communicating with our Faith Formation Families)<br />

Faith Faith Formation Formation Formation Registration Registration Fees:<br />

Fees:<br />

The <strong>registration</strong> fee helps to offset some of the cost to our parish while providing quality affordable Faith Formation to our families.<br />

Per child, the cost of providing Faith Formation exceeds $200. If these fees pose a financial hardship, please contact the<br />

Faith Formation Office. No No No No child child child child will will will will be be be be denied denied denied denied catechesis catechesis catechesis catechesis or or or or sacraments sacraments sacraments sacraments due due due due to to to to financial financial financial financial circumstances.<br />

circumstances.<br />

circumstances.<br />

circumstances.<br />

If you are not a member of our parish, but would like to enroll your child in our program, the fee to participate in this program is $200.00 per child. If you have<br />

not yet registered with our parish, we invite you to complete a parish <strong>registration</strong> <strong>form</strong> and become part of our parish community.<br />

Registration fees:<br />

• One child: $60 if payment received before August 3. $75 if payment received after<br />

August 3.<br />

• Two children: $120 if payment received before August 3. $150 if payment received<br />

after August 3<br />

• Add $35 for each additional child if payment received before August 3, not to exceed $190 per<br />

family. Add $45 for each additional child if payment received after August 3, not to exceed<br />

$240 per family.<br />

Sacrament Fee (Second Year Sacrament<br />

Prep Grades 2-5 only):<br />

If your child is in his/her 2nd year of Sacrament<br />

Preparation and will be receiving First Reconciliation<br />

and First Communion this Faith Formation<br />

year, there is a $50 Sacrament fee in<br />

addition to the <strong>registration</strong> fee to cover the cost<br />

of additional books and materials.<br />

As St. Francis is a stewardship parish, we rely on the gifts of time and talent of our parishioners to provide our families with the best<br />

catechesis possible. We could not do this without the generous help of volunteers in our program. Faith Formation volunteers who<br />

serve for the full year receive a reduced or fully waived fee depending on position. If you would like to serve as a Faith Formation<br />

volunteer and would like more in<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> regarding availability, please check the appropriate line below:<br />

____Catechist (no fee) _______Team Leader (no fee) ______Catechist aide (fees reduced by 50%) ________Nursery volunteer (fees reduced by 50%)<br />

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Form Rcvd:________________________ Fee Rcvd: _________CM:_____________________Sacrament:________MS:__________________HS:______________

Please Please complete complete the the in<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> in<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> box box box below below for for your your children children being being registered<br />

registered<br />

in in in our our KK-12<br />

K 12 Faith Faith Formation Formation program.<br />

program.<br />

Student’s Name<br />

Grade entering in<br />

<strong>2012</strong>-2013<br />

Sacrament Preparation at St. Francis:<br />

Please check the appropriate box for each<br />

sacrament your child has already already received.<br />

Baptism Baptism Reconciliation<br />

Reconciliation<br />

Communion<br />

Communion<br />

Confirmation<br />

Confirmation<br />

All children enrolled in our Faith Formation Program must be baptized. If your child is over the age of 7 and has not<br />

received baptism, please contact the Faith Formation office for further in<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> on enrolling your child in a baptism<br />

class in addition to their current grade <strong>faith</strong> <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> class.<br />

The Dallas Diocese requires a 2 year Sacrament Preparation Policy in order to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or<br />

Confirmation. First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation is usually done in 1st and 2nd grades which qualify as first and second<br />

year. Confirmation preparation is usually 7th and 8th grades, which qualify as first and second year. In order for your child to be placed in<br />

the 2nd year of Sacrament Preparation, they must have already completed their first year of Sacrament Preparation. All absences per<br />

sacrament year are required to be made-up. Please refer to the appropriate parent handbook for complete policy .<br />

Parent Initial___________________<br />

Sacramental Prep for Children’s Ministry (Grades 2-5)<br />

• If your child is in 2nd grade and has not completed 1st year<br />

Sacrament Prep, he/she will be placed in the 1st grade class.<br />

If your child has completed 1st grade Sacramental Preparation<br />

he/she will be placed in the 2nd grade class.<br />

• Children in grades 3-5 who have not completed year 1 of<br />

Sacrament Preparation will be placed in their appropriate<br />

grade level for year 1.<br />

• Children in grades 3-5 who have completed year 1 and are in<br />

need of year 2 Sacrament Prep may attend our Sacrament<br />

Preparation class for grades 3-5. This class is offered on<br />

Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.<br />

• All Second Year Sacramental Prep students must attend<br />

the Learning Centers for each sacrament in addition to<br />

classes. Parents must also attend mandatory meetings for<br />

each Sacrament. You will receive these dates along with<br />

further expectations at the beginning of the <strong>faith</strong> <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong><br />

year. This important year is expected to be given top priority.<br />

Attended<br />

Faith Formation<br />

last<br />

year? Y/N<br />

Please make sure to read the policies, procedures and requirements of St. Francis Faith Formation Programs outlined<br />

in the parent handbook. These policies must be adhered to in order to attend St. Francis Faith Formation.<br />

It is the parents’ responsibility to obtain a copy of the handbook, which is available on-line in August. If you would<br />

like a hard copy, please contact the Faith Formation Office. Parent’s initial: ________________________________<br />

Sacramental Prep for Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12)<br />

• Students in grades 6-11 who have not completed their first<br />

year of Sacrament Preparation for Reconciliation and<br />

Eucharist will be placed in a Faith Fusion Class to complete<br />

their first year of Sacrament Preparation. (Please see next<br />

page for class times)<br />

• Students in grades 6-12 who are in need of Reconciliation<br />

and Eucharist and who have completed their 1st year of Sacrament<br />

Prep, will be placed in their appropriate grade level<br />

and will need to attend a workshop in addition to classes.<br />

• If your child in grades 8-11 has received the Sacraments of<br />

Reconciliation and Eucharist but has not completed 1st year<br />

Sacrament Preparation for Confirmation they will be placed in<br />

a Faith Fusion Class to complete their first year of Sacrament<br />

Preparation.<br />

• For students entering 12th grade who have not yet completed<br />

1st year Sacrament Prep, please contact the Faith Formation<br />

Office for further in<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong>.<br />

It is required that each child enrolled in our 2nd year Sacrament Preparation Program must be baptized and provide<br />

a photocopy of the Certificate of Baptism with this <strong>registration</strong> <strong>form</strong>. A copy must be included in order for this <strong>form</strong><br />

to be processed and for your child to be placed in a class. If your child was baptized at St. Francis, please include<br />

the month and year of baptism so we may locate the certificate:<br />

Month:_________________________Year:________________________Parent Initial:_______________________

Faith Formation Program Options and Class Selections:<br />

There are 3 different options for catechesis that are available to the families of St. Francis of Assisi: classroom instruction,<br />

cluster groups, and home study. Students are placed in classes on a first come, first served basis.<br />

In addition to the options listed below, St. Francis of Assisi has classes for children with Special Needs. Additionally, some children<br />

are able to participate in traditional classes with the assistance of an aide. If you have a child with Special Needs, please<br />

contact the Faith Formation office directly so that we may work together to find the best way to bring your child into full participation<br />

in the life of the Church.<br />

Children’s Ministry (Kindergarten - Fifth Grade)<br />

• Option #1: Classroom Instruction:<br />

Please indicate your preference of class sessions with #1 as your first choice, #2 as your second, and #3 as your third, etc. Please note<br />

that Sunday classes do not take the place of your child’s participation in Sunday Mass. If your child cannot attend both Sunday<br />

Mass and Faith Formation on the same day, then please choose a weekday Faith Formation session. For safety purposes, all<br />

students are required to be signed in to their respective classrooms no earlier than 5 minutes before class begins. Children not signed in<br />

within the first 15 minutes of class may be marked absent. Parent Initial:________________<br />

Sunday classes:<br />

8:30-9:30a.m________<br />

10:00-11:00a.m.________<br />

11:30-12:30p.m.________<br />

Monday classes:<br />

3:30-4:30p.m._______<br />

5:00-6:00p.m._______<br />

6:30-7:30p.m.________<br />

•Option #2: Cluster Group Instruction (friends or neighbors<br />

gather together in their homes to teach their children using the<br />

curriculum provided by St. Francis).<br />

Name of lead cluster Catechist:<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

If you are interested in <strong>form</strong>ing a cluster group, please contact<br />

the Children’s Ministry Office.<br />

Tuesday classes:<br />

3:30-4:30p.m._______<br />

5:00-6:00p.m._______<br />

6:30-7:30p.m._______<br />

Wednesday classes:<br />

3:30-4:30p.m._______<br />

5:00-6:00p.m._______<br />

Thursday classes:<br />

3:30-4:30p.m.________<br />

5:00-6:00p.m.________<br />

Would you like to volunteer as a substitute for your child(ren)’s session of <strong>faith</strong> <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> ? ___YES ___NO<br />

•Option #3: Home Study Instruction (parents teach their child at<br />

home using the curriculum provided by St. Francis). The Home<br />

Study Option is available for all grades except Sacrament Preparation.<br />

There is a Home Study Parent Orientation on August 25<br />

that Home Study Parents must attend in order to receive their<br />

materials.<br />

Name of child(ren):______________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________<br />

Youth Ministry Middle School (Sixth - Eighth Grades):<br />

Option #1: Classroom Instruction: Please Please indicate indicate your your preference preference of of class class sessions sessions with with #1 #1 as as your your first first first choice, choice, #2 #2 as as your second, second,<br />

and and #3 #3 as as your your third.<br />

third.<br />

Sunday 4:45-5:45 p.m. ______ Sunday 7:15-8:15 p.m. ______ Wednesday 6:30-7:30 p.m. ______<br />

Would you like to volunteer as a substitute for your child(ren)’s session of <strong>faith</strong> <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> ? ___YES ___NO<br />

Option #2: Cluster Group Instruction (friends or neighbors gather together in their homes to teach their children using the curriculum<br />

provided by St. Francis).<br />

Name of lead cluster Catechist:__________________________________________________________________________________<br />

If you are interesting in <strong>form</strong>ing a cluster group, please contact the Youth Ministry Office.<br />

Option #3: Home Study Instruction (parents teach their child at home using the curriculum provided by St. Francis). The Home Study<br />

Option is available for all grades except 1st year Sacrament Preparation. There is a Home Study Parent Orientation on August 25<br />

that Home Study Parents must attend in order to receive their materials.<br />

Name of child(ren):____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Youth Ministry High School Ninth - Twelfth Grade:<br />

• High School Youth Group meets Sunday evenings from 7:15-8:30 p.m., immediately following the 6:00 p.m. Youth Mass.<br />

• Confirmation class for students in grades 9-12 who have not yet been Confirmed meet Sunday evening from 7:15-8:15p.m.<br />

• If your Confirmed teen is interested in youth leadership opportunities at St. Francis, please indicate here: ___YES ___NO<br />

• Are you interested in becoming an Adult CORE team member for the High School Youth Group? _____YES ______NO


STUDENT’S FULL NAME:_______________________________________________________________DOB:_____________<br />

Allergies/Drug Allergies:________________________________________________________________________Asthma: Y / N<br />

Routine Medications: _______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

List any medical conditions we should be aware of:______________________________________________________________________________<br />

To help us deliver the best <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> and provide the best environment for your child, please identify any special accommodations they need or any<br />

condition that might affect their participation. Please contact the Faith Formation Office so we may work together to accommodate your child’s needs.<br />

STUDENT’S FULL NAME:_______________________________________________________________DOB:_____________<br />

Allergies/Drug Allergies:________________________________________________________________________Asthma: Y / N<br />

Routine Medications: _______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

List any medical conditions we should be aware of:______________________________________________________________________________<br />

To help us deliver the best <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> and provide the best environment for your child, please identify any special accommodations they need or any<br />

condition that might affect their participation. Please contact the Faith Formation Office so we may work together to accommodate your child’s needs.<br />

STUDENT’S FULL NAME:_______________________________________________________________DOB:_____________<br />

Allergies/Drug Allergies:________________________________________________________________________Asthma: Y / N<br />

Routine Medications: _______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

List any medical conditions we should be aware of:______________________________________________________________________________<br />

To help us deliver the best <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> and provide the best environment for your child, please identify any special accommodations they need or any<br />

condition that might affect their participation. Please contact the Faith Formation Office so we may work together to accommodate your child’s needs.<br />

STUDENT’S FULL NAME:_______________________________________________________________DOB:_____________<br />

Allergies/Drug Allergies:________________________________________________________________________Asthma: Y / N<br />

Routine Medications: _______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

List any medical conditions we should be aware of:______________________________________________________________________________<br />

To help us deliver the best <strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> and provide the best environment for your child, please identify any special accommodations they need or any<br />

condition that might affect their participation. Please contact the Faith Formation Office so we may work together to accommodate your child’s needs.<br />


I, who by law may do so, authorize the administration of emergency medical treatment for the subject of this release <strong>form</strong>. I understand that all<br />

reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by St. Francis of Assisi Church or its agents for any accident, injury or disease incurred by<br />

the subject(s) of this <strong>form</strong>. I understand that, in the event medical intervention is needed, every attempt will be made to contact the person listed<br />

on this <strong>form</strong> immediately.<br />

Parent/Guardian Signature Insurance Company<br />

Employer Phone Policy Number<br />

Emergency Contact Phone Relationship<br />

Photographing/Videotaping/In<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> of Children Consent<br />

Unless other written instruction is submitted, along with a photo of my child(ren), I grant St. Francis and its employees and volunteers (i) the right<br />

to capture my child(ren)’s likeness via photographing, filming, taping, and/or other recording whether you are aware or unaware of such activities;<br />

and (ii) the unconditional, royalty-free, and transferable right to use the foregoing, as well as your child(ren)’s name, image, likeness, and<br />

voice, in connection with St. Francis.<br />

Unless other written instruction is submitted, I grant permission for volunteers to have access to our contact in<strong><strong>form</strong>ation</strong> for communication purposes.<br />

(Please note that if permission is not granted, they cannot notify you of cancellations or provide event reminders.)<br />

Parent Signature Date<br />

By signing this <strong>form</strong>, I certify that I have read and understood the requirements necessary to enroll in St. Francis Faith Formation Program.

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