Fundamental Statistical Mechanics

Fundamental Statistical Mechanics

Fundamental Statistical Mechanics


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<strong>Fundamental</strong> <strong>Statistical</strong> <strong>Mechanics</strong><br />

Ref: From Molecular Chaos to Dynamical Chaos, J. R. Dorfman (1995)<br />

6. Boltzmann's Ergodic Hypothesis<br />

6.1 Approach to Equilibrium<br />

6.2 Individual Ergodic Theorem<br />

7. Gibbs' Picture - Mixing systems<br />

7.1 The definition<br />

7.3 Chaos<br />

9. The Baker's transformation<br />

9.1 Transformation and Properties<br />

9.2 A Model Boltzmann Equation<br />

10. Lyapunov exponents for a Map<br />

11. Baker's transformation is Ergodic<br />

11.1 Proof<br />

11.2 Baker's transformation and Irreversibility<br />

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6. Boltzmann's Ergodic Hypothesis<br />

6.1 Approach to Equilibrium<br />

We now begin to try to solve what might well be called the <strong>Fundamental</strong> Problem of <strong>Statistical</strong><br />

<strong>Mechanics</strong>: Mechanical systems - isolated ones, at least - are time reversible and recurrent.<br />

However, we observe that large isolated systems often reach a state of thermodynamic<br />

equilibrium. How do we explain our observations in such a way that there are no contradictions<br />

with the laws of mechanics? Boltzmann proposed a resolution along the following lines:<br />

a) Equilibrium statistical mechanics can be formulated in terms of microcanonical ensemble<br />

averages, by using the invariant measure dµ = dS gradH . The ensemble average of a phase<br />

variable B(Γ), is<br />

B(Γ) mc =<br />

The density of states is<br />

∫<br />

Ω(E) = ∫ dµ<br />

H =E<br />

dµB(Γ)<br />

H = E<br />

dµ<br />

H = E<br />

∫ (6.1)<br />

and the thermodynamic entropy is given by S = k B lnΩ(E).<br />

that<br />

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(6.2)<br />

As an aside, the microcanonical ensemble phase space density is ρ(Γ) = δ(H − E), so<br />

B(Γ) mc =<br />

∫<br />

dΓB(Γ)δ (H − E)<br />

∫ dΓδ(H − E)<br />

(6.3)<br />

If in the laboratory, we were to make very precise measurements of the quantity B(Γ t ), where Γt is the location of the phase point of the system at time t (where for example B(Γ t ) is the force<br />

per unit area on a piston) the values would show wild fluctuations about a more slowly varying<br />

"mean" quantity (as molecules collide with the piston). We might identify the thermodynamic<br />

value with the time average<br />

1<br />

B = B(Γ) t = lim<br />

T →∞ T B(Γ t )dt ∫<br />

T<br />

0<br />


Boltzmann realised that one could identify the microcanonical ensemble average 6.1 with the<br />

infinite time average 6.4, that is<br />

B = B(Γ) mc<br />

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(6.5)<br />

if he made the hypothesis that the trajectory of a typical point on the constant-energy surface<br />

(except for a set of points of zero measure) spends equal time in regions of equal measure. This<br />

hypothesis was called the ergodic hypothesis by Boltzmann and it is of central interest for the<br />

foundations of statistical mechanics.<br />

i<br />

To see how this hypothesis works, subdivide the constant energy surface into a fine grid. The<br />

average of B in each grid region i is B i . Then<br />

T<br />

1<br />

T B(Γ t )dt ∫ ≈<br />

0<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

τ i<br />

T B i<br />

where τi T is the fraction of the time that the trajectories spend in region i between t = 0 and<br />

T . Using the ergodic hypothesis, we can write<br />

so that<br />

τ i<br />

T = µ i<br />

µ(E)<br />

B =<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

µ i<br />

µ(E) Bi = B(Γ) mc<br />

Thus equilibrium statistical mechanics could be justified, for isolated systems, if we could prove<br />

that the ergodic hypothesis is correct for a large class of physical systems.

6.2 Individual Ergodic Theorem<br />

In 1931 Birkhoff proved a very important theorem which allows us to make some of the ideas of<br />

Boltzmann more precise. Although Birkhoff's theorem is still a long way from what is needed in<br />

Boltzmann's picture it does define in a useful way the dynamical properties that a system must<br />

possess in order to have an equilibrium state.<br />

This theorem is concerned with the properties of individual trajectories in phase space. Suppose<br />

we are considering a mechanical system with an invariant measure and suppose that we consider<br />

some phase function B defined on the constant energy surface, satisfying the condition that<br />

∫<br />

dµ B(Γ)

EXAMPLE: Consider the map given by<br />

φ (x) = x + α mod(1)<br />

If α is a rational number, nm where n and m are integers, then the mapping repeats the initial<br />

point after m iterations. A trajectory starting from an initial point will be periodic and will not<br />

spend equal time in regions of equal (Lebesgue) measure, and hence the trajectory is not dense<br />

on the unit interval. In this case the system is not ergodic. But if α is irrational no trajectory is<br />

periodic and the system is ergodic! To see this consider the time average of a phase function on<br />

a trajectory starting at x<br />

1<br />

B (x) = lim<br />

N →∞ N<br />

N −1<br />

∑<br />

n= 0<br />

B(φ n (x))<br />

1<br />

= lim<br />

N→∞ N<br />

N−1<br />

∑<br />

n=0<br />

B(x + nα)<br />

Consider the Fourier series for B(x): B(x) = a j e 2πijx<br />

∞<br />

∑<br />

B(x + nα) = a j e<br />

j =−∞<br />

2πijx+ 2πijnα<br />

Substituting into the time-average gives<br />

1<br />

B (x) = lim<br />

N →∞ N<br />

1<br />

= lim<br />

N →∞ N<br />

N −1<br />

∞<br />

∑ ∑<br />

n= 0 j =−∞<br />

∞<br />

∑<br />

j=−∞<br />

2π ijx+ 2πijnα<br />

a je a j e 2πijx<br />

e 2πijnα<br />

N −1<br />

∑<br />

n= 0<br />

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∞<br />

∑<br />

j =−∞<br />

1<br />

= a0 + lim<br />

N →∞ N<br />

∞<br />

∑<br />

j =−∞<br />

j ≠0<br />

a j e 2πijx<br />

1− e 2πijNα<br />

2 πijα<br />

1 − e<br />

The terms with n ≥ 1 don't survive the limit N →∞, thus B (x) = a 0 for α irrational. In this<br />

case the time average is a constant - independent of the starting point x and the system is<br />

ergodic, where the ensemble average is the average over the circle with the usual Lebesgue<br />

measure,<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

B (x) = dxB(x) = B(x) mc<br />


7. Gibbs' Picture - Mixing systems<br />

7.1 The definition<br />

While Boltzmann fixed his attention on the motion of the phase point for a single system and<br />

was led to the concept of ergodicity, Gibbs took another approach to the same problem. Since<br />

one never knows precisely what the initial phase point of a system is, Gibbs decided to consider<br />

the average behaviour of a set of points on the constant energy surface with more or less the<br />

same macroscopic state. Without worrying too much about how such a set might be defined<br />

precisely, let’s consider an initial set of points A . As the set travels though phase space it<br />

changes shape, but its measure stays the same; µ(A) = µ(A t ) . The set gets stretched and folded<br />

and may eventually appear on a coarse enough scale to fill the energy surface uniformly.<br />

However the set At has the same topological structure as the set A and the initial set is not<br />

“forgotten”, in the sense that a time reversal operation on the set At will produce the set A .<br />

There is a nice lecture demonstration apparatus that illustrates this time reversal operation: a drop<br />

of indissoluble ink is added to a container of glycerine. If you stir the glycerine carefully, the<br />

drop will stretch and form a thin line. Eventually it seems to fill the whole space, but if the<br />

stirring is reversed, the initial drop of ink surprisingly reappears.<br />

Gibbs thought that the apparently uniform distribution of the set At on the energy surface was<br />

the key to understanding how mechanically reversible systems could approach an equilibrium<br />

state. To make this idea more precise Gibbs called a system mixing if for each set B<br />

µ(B ∩ At )<br />

lim<br />

t→∞ µ(B)<br />

exists and equals µ(A)<br />

µ(E)<br />

As we will see presently the requirements that a system be mixing is a stronger condition than<br />

ergodicity. However, more can be said about the approach to equilibrium for a mixing system<br />

than an ergodic one.<br />

A<br />

A t<br />

Figure 7.1<br />

To discuss the difference between ergodic and mixing systems we need the notion of metric<br />

indecomposability.<br />

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A metrically decomposable system is one for which there exists a subdivision of the constant<br />

energy surface into two regions of non-zero measure, each of which is invariant under the<br />

mechanical flow. That is, a phase point starting out in one region will always stay in that region.<br />

A system is ergodic if and only if it is metrically indecomposable:<br />

1) decomposable → non-ergodic<br />

2) non-ergodic → decomposable<br />

Mixing implies ergodicity. Consider a mixing system and an invariant set A = A t . Then for all<br />

B<br />

µ(A t ∩ B)<br />

lim =<br />

t→∞ µ(B)<br />

µ(A)<br />

µ(E)<br />

or lim<br />

t→∞ µ(A t ∩ B) = µ(A)µ(B)<br />

µ(E)<br />

If we set B = A = A t (since A is an invariant set) then A t ∩ B = A and<br />

µ(A) = µ(A)µ(A)<br />

µ(E)<br />

This equation has two solutions:<br />

1) µ(A) = 0 then one trivial invariant set is a set of zero measure, and the other solution is<br />

2) µ(A) = µ(E); the invariant set is effectively the whole energy surface.<br />

Therefore, if a system is mixing, the only invariant set with positive measure is the constant<br />

energy surface. Any other invariant set must have zero measure. Such sets might be a countable<br />

set of periodic orbits.<br />

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9. The Baker's transformation<br />

9.1 Transformation and Properties<br />

We consider an example which well illustrates the application of ideas from chaotic dynamical<br />

systems to statistical mechanics, the baker's map. We take the phase space to be the unit square<br />

0 ≤ x, y ≤1. The transformation consists of two steps: first the unit square is contracted by a<br />

factor 2 in the y direction and expanded by a factor 2 in the x direction; then the rectangle is cut<br />

in the middle and the right half placed on top of the left half. This doesn't change the volume,<br />

and the transformation is reversible.<br />

To write an express the transformation mathematically we need to distinguish between x < 1 2 and<br />

x ≥ 1 2 , so if (x,y) → ( x ′ , y ′ ) = b(x,y).<br />

For x < 1 2<br />

⎧ x ′ = 2x<br />

⎨<br />

⎩ y ′ = y 2<br />

and for x ≥ 1 2<br />

⎧ x ′ = 2x −1<br />

⎨<br />

⎩ y ′ = (y +1) 2<br />

The inverse of the baker's transformation (x,y) → ( x ′ , y ′ ) = b −1 (x, y)<br />

For y < 1 2<br />

⎧ x ′ = x 2<br />

⎨<br />

⎩ y ′ = 2y<br />

and for y ≥ 1 2<br />

9.2 A Model Boltzmann Equation<br />

⎧ x ′ = (x +1) 2<br />

⎨<br />

⎩ y ′ = 2y −1<br />

It is possible to derive a "Boltzmann equation for the time-reversible baker's transformation and<br />

to show that a H -theorem holds for this equation. Here then is one example where the program<br />

of Boltzmann can be carried out in detail. The price we pay for the simplicity of the model is a<br />

lack of physical motivation. We will have to supply some of that as we go along.<br />

Consider a density-function ρ(x,y) on the unit square, that satisfies a Liouville equation for<br />

discrete time:<br />

where<br />

ρ n (x, y) = ρ n −1 (b −1 (x), b −1 (y))<br />

⎧ ρn−1 (x 2,2y) for y 1 2<br />

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Define a reduced distribution function that depends on x only:<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

W n (x) = dyρ n (x, y)<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

= ∫ dyρ n−1 (x 2,2y) + ∫ dyρ n −1 ((x +1) 2,2y −1)<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Change to a variable y ′ = 2y in the first integral and to y ′ = 2y −1 in the second integral:<br />

Wn (x) = 1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

0<br />

d ′ y ρn−1 ( x 2 , ′ y ) +ρ x +1<br />

( n−1 ( 2 , y ′ ) )<br />

= 1<br />

2 W ⎛ x<br />

n−1⎝<br />

2<br />

⎞<br />

⎠ + W ⎛<br />

⎛ x +1⎞<br />

⎞<br />

n−1<br />

⎝<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎠<br />

This is the model Boltzmann equation that is associated with the baker's transformation. We<br />

notice that the time is discrete rather than continuous, and that we have selected the x coordinate<br />

for some reason that is not yet clear. It is easy to check that if Wn does not depend on x then<br />

Wn remains constant in time. Thus there is an equilibrium distribution W 0 = constant , which<br />

corresponds to a uniform distribution on the unit x interval.<br />

The H -theorem is constructed in the same way as is done for the Boltzmann equation itself. We<br />

define<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

( )<br />

H n = dxW n (x)ln W n (x)<br />

0<br />

Then H develops in time as<br />

1<br />

Hn +1 = dx 1 2 Wn ( x ( 2 ) + Wn ( )ln<br />

∫<br />

0<br />

.<br />

x +1<br />

2 )<br />

1<br />

2 Wn ( x x +1<br />

[ ( 2 ) + Wn ( 2 ) ) ]<br />

as the function F(y) = y ln y is convex, it follows that 1 a +b<br />

2 ( F(a) + F(b) )≥F( 2 ) . Setting<br />

a = Wn ( x x +1<br />

2) and b = Wn ( 2 ) we have:<br />

Hn +1 ≤ 1 2 dx W n ( x 2)ln Wn ( x 1<br />

∫<br />

2)<br />

0<br />

x +1<br />

x +1<br />

( ( )+ Wn ( 2 )ln( W n ( 2 ) ) )<br />

Change to ′<br />

x = x 2 in the first term, and to ′<br />

x = x +1<br />

2 in the second term, we find:<br />

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1<br />

2<br />

( )<br />

Hn +1 ≤ ∫ d x ′ Wn ( x ′ )ln Wn ( x ′ ) + ∫ dxWn ( x ′ )lnW n ( x ′ )<br />

0<br />

That is, we obtain a H -theorem in the form<br />

H n +1 ≤ H n<br />

Note that H stays constant if W is a constant.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

( )<br />

Reverting for the moment to a physical system, a dilute gas, we know that the phase space<br />

distribution function is the fundamental distribution which really determines the behaviour of an<br />

ensemble of systems not in equilibrium and that the function which satisfies the Boltzmann<br />

equation is the single particle distribution function, obtained by integrating over the variables of<br />

all but one of the particles. Bogoliubov has argued that one can separate rapidly varying<br />

functions from slowly varying functions, and the physically interesting functions change slowly<br />

with time. The time scales that Bogoliubov thought were relevant in a gas are the duration of<br />

binary collisions, the mean free time between collisions, and the time it takes a particle to travel a<br />

macroscopic distance. Applying Bogoliubov's arguments to the baker's transformation we would<br />

expect that the x variable is slowly varying while the y variable is rapidly varying.<br />

What happens if we integrate the x coordinate rather than the y coordinate?<br />

We need to look at the evolution of density differently<br />

where<br />

ρ n −1 (x, y) = ρ n (b(x), b(y))<br />

⎧ ρn (2x, y 2) forx 1 2<br />

1<br />

∫<br />

V n−1 (y) = dx ρ n−1 (x, y)<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

= ∫ dx ρn (2x, y 2) + ∫ dx ρn (2x −1,( y +1) 2)<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

= 1<br />

2 d ′ x ρ 1<br />

∫ n ( x ′ , y 2) +<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

∫ 2<br />

0<br />

= 1 2V ⎛ y<br />

n⎝<br />

2<br />

⎞<br />

⎠ + 1 2 V ⎛ y +1⎞<br />

n⎝<br />

2 ⎠<br />

d ′ x ρn ( x ′ ,(y +1) 2)<br />

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10. Lyapunov exponents for a Map<br />

11. Baker's transformation is Ergodic<br />

11.1 Proof<br />

We now have all the tools needed to prove that the baker's transformation is ergodic. In fact it is<br />

possible to prove much stronger properties of the baker's transformation - it is a Bernoulli<br />

process - which implies that it is mixing. A Bernoulli process is one in which it is possible to<br />

establish some kind of isomorphism between the process and a random Markov process. This is<br />

exactly what we did when we showed that the baker's transformation can be mapped onto a<br />

Bernoulli shifts. Here we will give the proof that the transformation is ergodic since this proof is<br />

simple and very illustrative of methods often employed in more complicated cases.<br />

Consider an infinitesimal neighbourhood of a point (x, y). The vertical line through (x, y) is the<br />

stable manifold of that point, and the future images of nearby points on this line approach the<br />

future images of (x, y) as they travel together. On the horizontal line, the unstable manifold, the<br />

future images of points move away from the future images of (x, y). Under time reversal the role<br />

of the x and y directions are interchanged, the stable manifold becomes the unstable manifold<br />

and vice versa. The invariant measure on the unit square is dµ = dxdy = d x ′ d y ′ = d µ ′ .<br />

Now define forward and backward time averages as<br />

B + (Γ) = lim<br />

n→∞<br />

1<br />

n<br />

B − 1<br />

(Γ) = lim<br />

n→∞ n<br />

n−1<br />

∑<br />

j = 0<br />

n−1<br />

∑<br />

j = 0<br />

B(b j (Γ))<br />

B(b − j (Γ))<br />

Step 1 of the proof is to show that the forward and backward time averages are equal almost<br />

everywhere<br />

B + (Γ) = B − (Γ)<br />

11.2 Baker's transformation and Irreversibility<br />

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