15/2009, 1-15 August - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...

15/2009, 1-15 August - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...

15/2009, 1-15 August - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...


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Current Bibliography<br />

International Relations<br />

and Area Studies<br />

Literaturdienst<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen<br />

und Länderkunde<br />

Bulletin Bibliographique<br />

Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s<br />

et Etudes Régionales<br />

Sorted by regions<br />

Vol. 18 (<strong>August</strong> 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong><br />

World Affairs Online (WAO)<br />

New entries to the database<br />

Neuzugänge zur Datenbasis<br />

Nouvelles acquisitions de la base de données<br />

ISSN 1611–4248

<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Members / Mitglieder / Membres:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg<br />

Subject fields / Fachgebiete / Domaines traités:<br />

International Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen / Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s:<br />

International politics, worldwide international system, regional international systems, international conflicts, international<br />

security, international economics, international law, groups of countries, international organisations, foreign policies,<br />

defence policies, arms control, external cultural relations.<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik, weltweites internationales System, regionale internationale Systeme, internationale Konflikte,<br />

internationale Sicherheit, internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, internationales Recht, Staatengruppierungen, internationale<br />

Organisationen, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, Auswärtige Kulturpolitik.<br />

Politique internationale, système international à l'échelle mondiale, systèmes internationaux régionaux, conflits<br />

internationaux, sécurité internationale, relations économiques internationales, droit international, regroupements d'Etats,<br />

organisations internationales, politique extérieure, politiques de défense, maîtrise des armements, relations culturelles<br />

extérieures.<br />

Area studies / Länderkunde / Etudes régionales:<br />

Political and social structure of countries, political systems, national economics, social services, infrastructure, national law,<br />

defence and internal security, main historical developments.<br />

Ländergesamtstruktur, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, politische Systeme, nationale Wirtschaft, Sozialwesen, Infrastruktur,<br />

nationales Rechtswesen, Verteidigung und (innere) Sicherheit, historische Entwicklungslinien.<br />

Structure générale des pays, développement politique et social, systèmes politiques, économie nationale, réseau social,<br />

infrastructure, système juridique national, défense et sécurité intérieure, grandes lignes historiques.<br />

Volume 18, <strong>2009</strong>, No. <strong>15</strong><br />

Data entry deadline / Redaktionsschluß / Clôture de la rédaction: <strong>2009</strong>.09.20<br />

Publication date / Erscheinungsdatum / Date de parution: <strong>2009</strong>.09.25<br />

The current regional bibliography is published online twice a month, in the 2nd and 4th week of<br />

a month respectively<br />

Der Regiodienst erscheint zweimal monatlich online, jeweils in der zweiten bzw. vierten<br />

Monatswoche<br />

Le bulletin bibliographique régional paraît deux fois par mois online, dans le courant de la 2ème<br />

et 4ème semaine<br />

Editor / Herausgeber /Editeur: <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Redaction / Redaktion / Rédaction: Barbara Schmelz<br />

Printed and distributed by / Druck Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, D-10719 Berlin<br />

und Vertrieb / Impression et distribution: Phone: +49 30 88007-302<br />

e-mail: fiv@swp-berlin.org<br />

Fax: +49 30 88007-<strong>15</strong>8<br />

All rights reserved. No storage in information systems and no other reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the expressed consent of<br />

the publisher.<br />

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Reproduktion jeder Art, insbesondere die Überführung in maschinen-lesbare Form sowie das<br />

Speichern in Informationssystemen, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Herausgebers gestattet.<br />

Tous droits réservés. Toute copie ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, même partielle, en particulier l'adaptation en langage<br />

machine ou l'enregistrement dans des systèmes informatiques, est illicite sans le consentement écrit de l'éditeur.<br />

© <strong>2009</strong> Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany


I. Subject and regional Classification vii-xv<br />

Sach- und Regionalklassifikation<br />

Classification des matières et classification régionale<br />

II. Main part / Hauptteil / Partie principale<br />

1. Europe<br />

Europa / Europe<br />

1<br />

2. The Americas<br />

Amerika (insgesamt) / Amérique (entière)<br />

--<br />

3. North America (without Mexico)<br />

Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

31<br />

4. Latin America<br />

Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

41<br />

5. Africa (total)<br />

Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)<br />

44<br />

6. Africa south of Sahara<br />

Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

45<br />

7. Near and Middle East and North Africa<br />

Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord<br />

50<br />

8. Asia (total)<br />

Asien (insgesamt) / Asie (entière)<br />

62<br />

9. Asia (without western Asia)<br />

Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

63<br />

10. Oceania<br />

Ozeanien / Océanie<br />

77<br />

11. Antarctica<br />

Antarktis / Antarctique<br />

--<br />

12. Oceans/supracontinental regions<br />

Meere/kontinentübergreifende Regionen / Océans/Régions transcontinentales<br />

78<br />

13. International organisations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen / Organisations internationales<br />

79<br />

14. Developed countries<br />

Entwickelte Länder / Pays Développes<br />

81<br />

<strong>15</strong>. Developing countries<br />

Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement<br />

82<br />

16. Other groups of countries/area<br />

Sonstige Ländergruppen/Räume / autres groupes de pays/régions<br />

84<br />

17. World wide<br />

Weltweit / Universel<br />

85<br />

18. Space<br />

Weltraum / Espace<br />

91<br />

19. Without regional aspect<br />

Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

92<br />

III. Index / Registerteil / Index<br />

1. Authors' index<br />

Personenregister / Index d'auteurs<br />

97<br />

2. Index of corporate authors<br />

Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

103<br />

3. Index of serials<br />

Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />


I N D I C A T I O N S<br />

The source of this Current Bibliography, the database "World Affairs Online", contains about 650.000<br />

referral units (since 1974) at the middle of 2006. The type of documents are: Articles (65%), books and<br />

reports (30%), official publications 5%. Approx. 42% of the original documents are in English, 25% in<br />

German, 11% in French, 4% in Spanish, the rest in other languages.<br />

Members of the <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> have access to the database on a server computer of the software<br />

house KTS Informationssysteme in Munich.<br />

For the public the database is available via the commercial host GENIOS.<br />

The database is produced and managed with the documentation software system DOMESTIC. The<br />

program ADP is used for printing. Both are software products of KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.<br />

The database is produced in co-operation of the following institutes:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

The “Specialized Information Network – International Relations and Area Studies” has started to applicate<br />

diacritics in its data base. For a transitional period the titles are shown both with and without diacritics.<br />

The literature generally can be found in the institution producing the record as well as in other institutions,<br />

whose location is represented by a code followed by the signature. If possible, one location of a public<br />

library is offered as well.<br />

You will find an online version of the current issue on: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/regio.pdf<br />

Example for a record:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;<br />

André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>4-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Current number used in the indexes for reference to<br />

the main part. Multiple entries of one record in the<br />

main part have reference numbers separated by a<br />

semicolon.<br />

2) Record producing institution<br />

3) Database ID<br />

4) Locations/shelf numbers of member institutes<br />

5) The library code helps you to identify the library, where<br />

the publication is available.<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> iv <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

H I N W E I S E<br />

Die diesem Informationsdienst zugrundeliegende Datenbasis „<strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde“<br />

enthält Mitte 2006 etwa 688.000 Literaturnachweise seit 1974. Zeitschriften- und Buchaufsätze haben<br />

einen Anteil von rund 65%, Bücher und Reports von 30%, Amtsdruckschriften 5%. Rund 47% der Quellen<br />

sind in englischer Sprache, 29% in Deutsch, 12% in Französisch, 4% in Spanisch, der Rest in anderen<br />

Sprachen.<br />

Für Mitglieder des <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong>es ist die Datenbasis auf einem Server-Rechner des Software-<br />

Hauses KTS Informations-Systeme in München zugänglich.<br />

Für die Öffentlichkeit wird die Datenbasis auf dem kommerziellen Host GENIOS angeboten.<br />

Die Datenbasis wird mit dem Dokumentationsprogramm DOMESTIC aufgebaut und verwaltet. Die Druckaufbereitung<br />

erfolgt mit ADP. Beides sind Softwareprodukte der KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH München.<br />

Der Aufbau der Datenbasis erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit folgender Institutionen:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Der „<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde“ (FIV-IBLK) hat begonnen, in<br />

seiner Datenbank Diakritika zu verwenden. Übergangsweise werden somit Titel mit und ohne Diakritika<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die Literatur ist in der Regel bei dem Institut vorhanden, das den einzelnen Literaturdatensatz erfaßt hat<br />

und/oder bei dem Institut, dessen Standort durch seinen Kurzcode gefolgt von der jeweiligen Signatur<br />

angegeben wird. Wenn möglich, wird darüberhinaus ein Standort in einer öffentlichen Bibliothek<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die jeweils aktuellste Ausgabe finden Sie als online-version unter:<br />

http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/regio.pdf<br />

Beispiel für einen Literaturdatensatz:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;<br />

André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>4-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Laufende Nummer, auf die von den Registern<br />

verwiesen wird. Laufende Nummern, die im<br />

Registerteil mit Semikolon verbunden sind, verweisen<br />

auf Mehrfacheinträge desselben Datensatzes im<br />

Hauptteil<br />

2) Erfassende Institution<br />

3) Datenbank-Identnummer<br />

4) Standorte/Signaturen einzelner Verbundinstitute<br />

5) Mit Hilfe des Bibliothekssigelverzeichnisses kann die<br />

durch den Code repräsentierte öffentliche Bibliothek<br />

ermittelt werden<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> v <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

R E M A R Q U E S<br />

La base de données "Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s et Etudes Régionales" à partir de laquelle s'élabore ce<br />

produit documentaire, comprend jusqu' au milieu de 2006 quelque 688.000 références bibliographiques<br />

enregistrées depuis 1974. Les articles de périodiques et de livres constituent environ 65%, les<br />

monographies et les rapports représentent 30%, les imprimés officiels 5%. Environ 47% des sources<br />

bibliographiques sont de langue anglaise, 29% sont en allemand, 12% en français et 4% en espagnol, le<br />

reste se répartissant entre les autres langues.<br />

La base de données est accessible aux membres du réseau d'information interinstitutionnel sur le serveur<br />

auprès KTS Informationssysteme à Munich.<br />

Pour le grand public, l'accès à la base de données se fait sur le serveur commerciaux GENIOS.<br />

La base de données est produite et gérée avec le logiciel documentaire DOMESTIC. La mise en forme<br />

pour l'édition est réalisée avec le programme ADP. Ces deux logiciels sont des produits de KTS<br />

Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.<br />

La base de données est réalisée en collaboration avec les organismes suivants:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Le réseau d’information spécialisée “Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s et Etudes Régionales” a commencé à<br />

introduire les signes diacritiques. On trouvera donc temporairement un mélange de titres avec et sans<br />

signes diacritiques.<br />

Le document cité se trouve normalement à l'institut qui a enregistré les données ou encore dans les<br />

instituts qui sont mentionnés par un code. Le cas échéant, on trouvera également la référence d'une<br />

bibliothèque publique.<br />

Vouz trouvez le numéro actuel comme version online sous: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/regio.pdf<br />

Exemple d'une notice bibliographique:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;<br />

André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>4-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Numéro d'ordre renvoyant à celui des registres. Les<br />

chiffres séparés dans les index par un point-virgule<br />

renvoient à plusieurs entrées d'un même<br />

enregistrement dans le corpus bibliographique<br />

2) Institution responsable de la saisie<br />

3) Numéro d'identification dans la base de données<br />

4) Localisation/cotes de chacun des organismes<br />

membres<br />

5) On peut retrouver à l'aide du répertoire des sigles de<br />

bibliothèques une bibliothèque publique symbolisée<br />

par un code.<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> vi <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SA General literature<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

SA02 History<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

SB03 International law<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

SB06 Transnational relations /<br />

movements<br />

SB07 International organisations /<br />

institutions<br />

SC International security /<br />

Defense<br />

SC01 International relations in the field<br />

of international security<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

SC06.03 Organisation of military<br />

defence<br />

SC07 Military economy<br />

SC07.01 Armaments industry<br />

SC07.02 Arms trade<br />

SD International economy<br />

SD01 World economy / International<br />

economic system<br />

SD01.01 International trade /<br />

International trade system<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International<br />

monetary system<br />

SD02 International economic relations<br />

/ economic cooperation<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic<br />

cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

SD03 International transactions /<br />

capital flow<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

SD03.02 International capital<br />

movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

SD03.04 External public debts<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic<br />

relations<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

SE02 International relations in the field<br />

of education and science<br />


Version: January 2007<br />

SE03 International lingual relations /<br />

Foreign languages<br />

SE04 International media relations /<br />

Communication / Information<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural<br />

contact<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of<br />

foreigners<br />

SF Government<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political<br />

system / Democratisation<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

SF02 Governmental system /<br />

Government institutions<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic<br />

conflict<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

SF07 Military and society /<br />

Government<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

SF10 Law<br />

SG Society<br />

SG01 Social system / Social policy<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life<br />

partnerships<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of<br />

living<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of<br />

opinion<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

SG07 Social movements /<br />

associations<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

SH Economy<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic<br />

economic conditions<br />

SH02 Economic development /<br />

Economic policy<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy /<br />

Development policy<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development<br />

/ structure<br />

SH02.03 Business cycles / Business<br />

cycle policy<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development<br />

/ Regional economic policy<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral<br />

development / Sectoral<br />

economic policy<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour<br />

culture<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing<br />

of raw materials<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry<br />

SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation /<br />

Tourism<br />

SH08.02 Postal services /<br />

Telecommunication<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks /<br />

Insurances<br />

SH09 Informal sector<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

SI Technology<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological<br />

development<br />

SI02 Technology policy<br />

SI03 Domains of technology<br />

SI03.01 Space technology<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnology<br />

SI03.04 Environmental technology<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon<br />

systems<br />

SI04 International scientifictechnological<br />

cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

SJ Environment / Nature<br />

SJ01 Geography / Geology<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages /<br />

protection / Environmental policy<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

SK04 Science policy / Research policy<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions /<br />

Universities<br />

SZ General literature / Other<br />

special fields<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> vii <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RA Europe<br />

RA01 European organisations<br />

RA01.01 EU / EC and member<br />

countries<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 COMECON / COMECONcountries<br />

RA01.04 Warsaw Treaty<br />

RA01.05 Council of Europe<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Geographical areas of Europe<br />

RA02.01 Western Europe political<br />

RA02.02 Eastern Europe political<br />

RA02.03 Central and Eastern<br />

European countries<br />

RA02.11 North Sea region<br />

RA02.12 Baltic Sea region<br />

RA03 Northern Europe<br />

RA03.01 Finland<br />

RA03.02 Sweden<br />

RA03.03 Norway<br />

RA03.04 Denmark<br />

RA03.05 Iceland<br />

RA04 Western Europe<br />

RA04.01 Ireland<br />

RA04.02 United Kingdom<br />

RA04.03 Netherlands<br />

RA04.04 Belgium<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Central Europe<br />

RA05.01 Germany<br />

RA05.02 Federal Republic of Germany<br />

RA05.03 German Democratic Republic<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Poland<br />

RA05.12 Czechoslovakia<br />

RA05.13 Austria<br />

RA05.14 Switzerland<br />

RA05.21 Czech Republic<br />

RA05.22 Slovak Republic<br />

RA06 Southern Europe<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spain<br />

RA06.03 Italy<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Greece<br />

RA06.06 Turkey<br />

RA06.07 Cyprus<br />

RA07 Eastern Europe<br />

RA07.01 Soviet Union<br />

RA07.02 Successor states of the<br />

Soviet Union<br />

RA07.03 Commonwealth of<br />

Independent States<br />

RA07.11 Baltic states<br />

RA07.12 Estonia<br />

RA07.13 Latvia<br />

RA07.14 Lithuania<br />

RA07.21 Russian Federation<br />

I. REGIONAL CLASSIFICATION (political-geographical)<br />

Version: March 2008<br />

RA07.31 European States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldova<br />

RA07.41 Caucasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.42 Georgia<br />

RA07.43 Armenia<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaijan<br />

RA07.51 Centralasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Uzbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kyrgyzstan<br />

RA07.56 Tajikistan<br />

RA08 South-East Europe<br />

RA08.01 Balkans<br />

RA08.11 Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.12 Hungary<br />

RA08.13 Romania<br />

RA08.14 Bulgaria<br />

RA08.<strong>15</strong> Albania<br />

RA08.21 Successor states of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.22 Slovenia<br />

RA08.23 Croatia<br />

RA08.24 Bosnia-Herzegovina<br />

RA08.25 Macedonia<br />

RA08.26 Federal Republic of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.27 Serbia and Montenegro<br />

RA08.28 Serbia<br />

RA08.29 Montenegro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Other European countries /<br />

areas<br />

RB The Americas<br />

RB01 American organisations<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC North America (without<br />

Mexico)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 United States<br />

RD Latin America<br />

RD00.01 Rio Group<br />

RD01 Mexico<br />

RD02 Central America<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caribbean<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominican Republic<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaica<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.<strong>15</strong> St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.16 St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (and Grenadines)<br />

RD03.18 Trinidad and Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 French Guyana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 United States Virgin Islands<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Netherlands Antilles<br />

RD03.51 French Antilles<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 British Antilles<br />

RD03.71 Other islands / countries of<br />

the Caribbean<br />

RD04 South America<br />

RD04.01 Andean countries<br />

RD04.02 Andean Group<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentina<br />

RD04.12 Bolivia<br />

RD04.13 Brazil<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.<strong>15</strong> Ecuador<br />

RD04.16 Colombia<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Other countries / Latin<br />

American areas<br />

RE Africa (total)<br />

RE01 African organisations<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographical areas of Africa<br />

(above country level)<br />

RF Africa south of Sahara<br />

RF01 West Africa<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Ivory Coast<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.<strong>15</strong> Ghana<br />

RF01.16 Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Cape Verde<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauritania<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> viii <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tome and Principe<br />

RF02 Central Africa<br />

RF02.01 Equatorial Guinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroon<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Chad<br />

RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Central African Republic<br />

RF03 Southern Africa<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.<strong>15</strong> Mozambique<br />

RF03.16 Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Zambia<br />

RF03.18 Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Republic of South Africa<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 East Africa<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tanzania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 North-East Africa<br />

RF05.01 Ethiopia<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 African islands and other<br />

African areas<br />

RG Near and Middle East and<br />

North Africa<br />

RG00 Geographical areas<br />

(transnational) and<br />

organizations of the Near and<br />

Middle East / Northern Africa<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-countries<br />

RG00.11 Arab countries<br />

RG00.12 Islamic world<br />

RG00.13 Persian Gulf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 North Africa<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Morocco<br />

RG01.12 Western Sahara<br />

RG01.13 Algeria<br />

RG01.14 Tunisia<br />

RG01.<strong>15</strong> Libya<br />

RG01.16 Egypt<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Eastern Arabia / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Iraq<br />

RG02.12 Jordan<br />

RG02.13 Lebanon<br />

RG02.14 Syria<br />

RG02.<strong>15</strong> Israel<br />

RG02.16 Territories occupied by Israel<br />

RG02.17 Palestinian self-rule areas<br />

RG03 Arabian peninsula<br />

RG03.01 Gulf States<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.<strong>15</strong> Saudi Arabia<br />

RG03.16 Yemen<br />

RG03.17 United Arab Emirates<br />

RG04 Western Asia<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asia (total)<br />

RH01 Asian organisations<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographical areas of Asia<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya region<br />

RH02.02 Kashmir<br />

RH02.03 Golden Triangle<br />

RI Asia (without western Asia)<br />

RI01 South Asia<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC countries<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 India<br />

RI01.14 Maledives<br />

RI01.<strong>15</strong> Nepal<br />

RI01.16 Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 South-East Asia<br />

RI02.01 Geographical areas of South-<br />

East Asia<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN countries<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesia<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.<strong>15</strong> Singapore<br />

RI02.16 Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Cambodia<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Burma)<br />

RI02.32 East Timor<br />

RI03 East Asia / Central Asia<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 People's Republic of China<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (since 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 North Korea<br />

RI03.13 South Korea<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

I. Regional Classification<br />

RI03.31 Mongolia<br />

RI03.32 Far Eastern part of the<br />

Russian Federation / Soviet<br />

Union<br />

RI04 Other Asian areas<br />

RJ Oceania<br />

RJ01 South Pacific organisations<br />

RJ02 Geographical areas of the<br />

South Pacific<br />

RJ02.01 South Pacific Islands<br />

RJ03 Australia / New Zealand<br />

RJ03.01 Australia<br />

RJ03.02 New Zealand<br />

RJ04 Micronesia<br />

RJ04.01 Single Micronesian islands<br />

RJ05 Melanesia<br />

RJ05.01 Papua Neu Guinea<br />

RJ05.02 Single Melanesian islands<br />

without Papua<br />

RJ06 Polynesia<br />

RJ06.01 Single Polynesian islands<br />

RJ07 Other Australian / South<br />

Pacific areas<br />

RK Antarctica<br />

RL Oceans / supracontinental<br />

regions<br />

RL01 Atlantic Ocean<br />

RL02 Indian Ocean<br />

RL03 Pacific Ocean / Pacific region<br />

RL04 Mediterranean Sea /<br />

Mediterranean area<br />

RL05 Black Sea region<br />

RL06 Caspian Sea<br />

RL07 Arctic<br />

RM International organisations<br />

RM01 United Nations<br />

RM02 United Nations special<br />

organisations<br />

RM03 Other universal governmental<br />

organisations<br />

RM04 Non-governmental organisations<br />

RN Developed countries<br />

RN01 Western industrialized countries<br />

RN02 Socialist countries<br />

RO Developing countries<br />

RO01 Group of 77<br />

RO02 Non-aligned countries<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC countries<br />

RO04 ACP countries<br />

RP Other groups of countries /<br />

areas<br />

RP01 French-speaking countries<br />

RQ World wide<br />

RR Space<br />

RS Without regional aspect<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> ix <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SA Allgemeine Literatur<br />

SA01 Übergreifende<br />

Gesamtdarstellungen /<br />

Länderkunde<br />

SA02 Geschichte<br />

SA03 Politik<br />

SA04 Biographisches / Memoiren<br />

SB <strong>Internationale</strong>(s) Politik /<br />

System<br />

SB01 <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen /<br />

Prozesse<br />

SB02 Außenpolitik<br />

SB03 <strong>Internationale</strong>s Recht /<br />

Völkerrecht<br />

SB04 <strong>Internationale</strong> politische<br />

Integration<br />

SB05 <strong>Internationale</strong> politische<br />

Konflikte<br />

SB06 Transnationale Beziehungen /<br />

Bewegungen<br />

SB07 <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen /<br />

Institutionen<br />

SC <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit /<br />

Verteidigung<br />

SC01 Sicherheitspolitische<br />

Beziehungen<br />

SC02 Verteidigungs- /<br />

Sicherheitspolitik<br />

SC03 Rüstungskontrolle / Abrüstung<br />

SC04 Militärstrategie<br />

SC05 Krieg / Kriegführung<br />

SC06 Wehrpotential<br />

SC06.01 Streitkräfte / Militärische<br />

Verbände<br />

SC06.02 Rüstung<br />

SC06.03 Organisation der<br />

Verteidigung<br />

SC07 Militärökonomie<br />

SC07.01 Rüstungsindustrie<br />

SC07.02 Waffenhandel<br />

SD <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft /<br />

Außenwirtschaft<br />

SD01 Weltwirtschaft / <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsordnung<br />

SD01.01 <strong>Internationale</strong>(r) Handel /<br />

Handelsordnung<br />

SD01.02 Währung / <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Währungsordnung<br />

SD02 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsbeziehungen /<br />

Wirtschaftszusammenarbeit<br />

SD02.01 Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftskooperation /<br />

Wirtschaftsintegration<br />

SD03 <strong>Internationale</strong>r Leistungs- /<br />

Kapitalverkehr<br />

SD03.01 Außenhandel<br />

SD03.02 <strong>Internationale</strong>r Kapitalverkehr<br />

/ Direktinvestitionen<br />

SD03.03 <strong>Internationale</strong>r<br />

Arbeitskräfteverkehr<br />

SD03.04 Externe öffentliche<br />

Verschuldung<br />

SD04 Außenwirtschaftspolitik<br />

SD05 Entwicklungshilfe / Auslandshilfe<br />


Stand: Januar 2007<br />

SE <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Kulturbeziehungen<br />

SE01 Auswärtige Kulturpolitik<br />

SE02 <strong>Internationale</strong> Bildungs- /<br />

Wissenschaftsbeziehungen<br />

SE03 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Sprachbeziehungen /<br />

Fremdsprachen<br />

SE04 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Medienbeziehungen /<br />

Kommunikation / Information<br />

SE05 Kulturaustausch / Kulturkontakt<br />

SE06 Auslandsbild / Fremdbilder<br />

SF Staat<br />

SF01 Politisches System / Verfassung<br />

SF01.01 Politischer Systemwandel /<br />

Demokratisierung<br />

SF01.02 Menschenrechte<br />

SF02 Regierungssystem /<br />

Staatsorgane<br />

SF03 Politische Parteien<br />

SF04 Politische Partizipation<br />

SF04.01 Wahlen<br />

SF05 Innenpolitik<br />

SF06 Innere Sicherheit /<br />

Innerstaatlicher Konflikt<br />

SF06.01 Bürgerkrieg<br />

SF06.02 Terrorismus<br />

SF06.03 Kriminalität<br />

SF07 Militär und Gesellschaft / Staat<br />

SF08 Regionen / Kommunen<br />

SF09 Öffentliche Verwaltung<br />

SF10 Recht<br />

SG Gesellschaft<br />

SG01 Gesellschaftsordnung /<br />

Gesellschaftspolitik<br />

SG02 Gesellschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Gesellschaftsstruktur<br />

SG02.01 Demographie<br />

SG02.02 Gesellschaftliche Gruppen<br />

SG02.03 Nationalitäten / Minoritäten<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Wohnung / Siedlung /<br />

Urbanisierung<br />

SG02.06 Geschlechterbeziehungen /<br />

Lebensgemeinschaften<br />

SG02.07 Lebensbedingungen /<br />

Lebensformen<br />

SG03 Sozialpolitik / Soziales<br />

SG03.01 Soziale Sicherung<br />

SG03.02 Gesundheit<br />

SG04 Erziehung / Bildung / Ausbildung<br />

SG05 Politische Kultur /<br />

Meinungsbildung<br />

SG05.01 Ideologie<br />

SG05.02 Öffentliche Meinung<br />

SG06 Medien / Information<br />

SG07 Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen /<br />

Vereinigungen<br />

SG08 Kultur / Sprache / Kunst<br />

SG09 Religion /<br />

Religionsgemeinschaften<br />

SH Wirtschaft<br />

SH01 Wirtschaftsordnung /<br />

Rahmenbedingungen<br />

SH02 Wirtschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH02.01 Wirtschaftspolitik /<br />

Entwicklungspolitik<br />

SH02.02 Sozio-ökonomische<br />

Entwicklung / Struktur<br />

SH02.03 Konjunktur / Konjunkturpolitik<br />

SH02.04 Regionale / lokale<br />

Entwicklung / Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftpolitik<br />

SH02.05 Branchen / Sektorale<br />

Entwicklung / Sektorale<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH03 Arbeit und Beschäftigung<br />

SH03.01 Unternehmenskultur /<br />

Arbeitskultur<br />

SH04 Natürliche Ressourcen /<br />

Rohstoffverarbeitung<br />

SH05 Energiewirtschaft<br />

SH06 Agrarsektor<br />

SH06.01 Ackerbau / Forstwirtschaft<br />

SH06.02 Viehwirtschaft /<br />

Fischereiwirtschaft<br />

SH06.03 Ernährung / Nahrungsmittel<br />

SH07 Gewerbliche Wirtschaft /<br />

Industrie<br />

SH08 Tertiärer Sektor /<br />

Dienstleistungen<br />

SH08.01 Verkehr / Transport /<br />

Tourismus<br />

SH08.02 Post / Telekommunikation<br />

SH08.03 Geld / Kredit / Banken /<br />

Versicherungen<br />

SH09 Informeller Sektor<br />

SH10 Öffentliche Finanzen<br />

SI Technik<br />

SI01 Technologie / Technologische<br />

Entwicklung<br />

SI02 Technologiepolitik<br />

SI03 Technikzweige<br />

SI03.01 Raumfahrttechnik<br />

SI03.02 Informationstechnologie<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologie<br />

SI03.04 Umwelttechnologie<br />

SI03.05 Wehrtechnik /<br />

Waffensysteme<br />

SI04 <strong>Internationale</strong> wissenschaftlichtechnologische<br />

Kooperation /<br />

Beziehungen<br />

SJ Umwelt / Natur<br />

SJ01 Geographie / Geologie<br />

SJ02 Umweltschäden / Umweltschutz<br />

/ Umweltpolitik<br />

SK Wissenschaft / Forschung<br />

SK01 Wissenschaftsgebiete<br />

SK02 Theorie / Methodik<br />

SK03 Forschung / Entwicklung<br />

SK04 Wissenschaftspolitik /<br />

Forschungspolitik<br />

SK05 Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen<br />

/ Hochschulen<br />

SZ Allgemeine Literatur / andere<br />

Fachgebiete<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> x <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RA Europa<br />

RA01 Europäische Organisationen<br />

RA01.01 EU / EG sowie<br />

Mitgliedsländer<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 RGW / RGW-Länder<br />

RA01.04 Warschauer Pakt<br />

RA01.05 Europarat<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSZE / KSZE<br />

RA02 Geographische Räume<br />

Europas<br />

RA02.01 Westeuropa politisch<br />

RA02.02 Osteuropa politisch<br />

RA02.03 Mittel- und osteuropäische<br />

Länder<br />

RA02.11 Nordseeraum<br />

RA02.12 Ostseeraum<br />

RA03 Nordeuropa<br />

RA03.01 Finnland<br />

RA03.02 Schweden<br />

RA03.03 Norwegen<br />

RA03.04 Dänemark<br />

RA03.05 Island<br />

RA04 Westeuropa<br />

RA04.01 Irland<br />

RA04.02 Vereinigtes Königreich<br />

RA04.03 Niederlande<br />

RA04.04 Belgien<br />

RA04.05 Luxemburg<br />

RA04.06 Frankreich<br />

RA05 Mitteleuropa<br />

RA05.01 Deutschland<br />

RA05.02 Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

RA05.03 Deutsche Demokratische<br />

Republik<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Polen<br />

RA05.12 Tschechoslowakei<br />

RA05.13 Österreich<br />

RA05.14 Schweiz<br />

RA05.21 Tschechien<br />

RA05.22 Slowakei<br />

RA06 Südeuropa<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spanien<br />

RA06.03 Italien<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Griechenland<br />

RA06.06 Türkei<br />

RA06.07 Zypern<br />

RA07 Osteuropa<br />

RA07.01 Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.02 Nachfolgestaaten der<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.03 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger<br />

Staaten<br />

RA07.11 Baltische Staaten<br />

RA07.12 Estland<br />

RA07.13 Lettland<br />

I. REGIONALKLASSIFIKATION (politisch-geographisch)<br />

Stand: März 2008<br />

RA07.14 Litauen<br />

RA07.21 Russische Föderation<br />

RA07.31 Europäische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldau<br />

RA07.41 Kaukasische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.42 Georgien<br />

RA07.43 Armenien<br />

RA07.44 Aserbeidschan<br />

RA07.51 Zentralasiatische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.52 Kasachstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Usbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirgisistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadschikistan<br />

RA08 Südosteuropa<br />

RA08.01 Balkan<br />

RA08.11 Jugoslawien<br />

RA08.12 Ungarn<br />

RA08.13 Rumänien<br />

RA08.14 Bulgarien<br />

RA08.<strong>15</strong> Albanien<br />

RA08.21 Nachfolgestaaten<br />

Jugoslawiens<br />

RA08.22 Slowenien<br />

RA08.23 Kroatien<br />

RA08.24 Bosnien-Herzegowina<br />

RA08.25 Makedonien<br />

RA08.26 Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien<br />

RA08.27 Serbien und Montenegro<br />

RA08.28 Serbien<br />

RA08.29 Montenegro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Europas<br />

RB Amerika (insgesamt)<br />

RB01 Amerikanische<br />

Organisationen<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko)<br />

RC01 Kanada<br />

RC02 Vereinigte Staaten<br />

RD Lateinamerika<br />

RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe<br />

RD01 Mexiko<br />

RD02 Zentralamerika<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nikaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Karibik / Karibischer Raum<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominikanische Republik<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaika<br />

RD03.05 Kuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua und Barbuda<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.<strong>15</strong> St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.16 St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (und Grenadinen)<br />

RD03.18 Trinidad und Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 Französisch-Guayana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Jungfern-Inseln (US-<br />

Territorium)<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Niederländische Antillen<br />

RD03.51 Französische Antillen<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Britische Antillen<br />

RD03.71 Sonstige Inseln / Länder der<br />

Karibik<br />

RD04 Südamerika<br />

RD04.01 Andenländer<br />

RD04.02 Grupo Andino<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentinien<br />

RD04.12 Bolivien<br />

RD04.13 Brasilien<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.<strong>15</strong> Ecuador<br />

RD04.16 Kolumbien<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Lateinamerikas<br />

RE Afrika (insgesamt)<br />

RE01 Afrikanische Organisationen<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographische Räume<br />

Afrikas (länderübergreifend)<br />

RF Afrika südlich der Sahara<br />

RF01 Westafrika<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.<strong>15</strong> Ghana<br />

RF01.16 Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Kapverdische Inseln<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauretanien<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> xi <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

I. Regionalklassifikation<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 São Tomé und Príncipe<br />

RF02 Zentralafrika<br />

RF02.01 Äquatorialguinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabun<br />

RF02.04 Kamerun<br />

RF02.05 Kongo<br />

RF02.06 Ruanda<br />

RF02.07 Tschad<br />

RF02.08 Kongo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Zentralafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03 Südliches Afrika<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.<strong>15</strong> Mosambik<br />

RF03.16 Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Sambia<br />

RF03.18 Simbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Südafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03.20 Swasiland<br />

RF04 Ostafrika<br />

RF04.01 Kenia<br />

RF04.02 Madagaskar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tansania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychellen<br />

RF05 Nordostafrika<br />

RF05.01 Äthiopien<br />

RF05.02 Dschibuti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 Afrikanische Inseln und<br />

andere Gebiete Afrikas<br />

RG Naher und Mittlerer Osten und<br />

Nordafrika<br />

RG00 Geographische Räume<br />

(länderübergreifend) und<br />

Organisationen des Nahen<br />

und Mittleren Ostens /<br />

Nordafrikas<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-Länder<br />

RG00.11 Arabische Länder<br />

RG00.12 Islamische Welt<br />

RG00.13 Persischer Golf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Nordafrika<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Marokko<br />

RG01.12 Westsahara<br />

RG01.13 Algerien<br />

RG01.14 Tunesien<br />

RG01.<strong>15</strong> Libyen<br />

RG01.16 Ägypten<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Arabischer Osten / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palästina<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanien<br />

RG02.13 Libanon<br />

RG02.14 Syrien<br />

RG02.<strong>15</strong> Israel<br />

RG02.16 Israelisch besetzte Gebiete<br />

RG02.17 Palästinensische<br />

Selbstverwaltungsgebiete<br />

RG03 Arabische Halbinsel<br />

RG03.01 Golfstaaten<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Katar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.<strong>15</strong> Saudi-Arabien<br />

RG03.16 Jemen<br />

RG03.17 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate<br />

RG04 Westasien<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asien (insgesamt)<br />

RH01 Asiatische Organisationen<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographische Räume Asiens<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya-Region<br />

RH02.02 Kaschmir<br />

RH02.03 Goldenes Dreieck<br />

RI Asien (ohne westliches Asien)<br />

RI01 Südasien<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC-Länder<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesch<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 Indien<br />

RI01.14 Malediven<br />

RI01.<strong>15</strong> Nepal<br />

RI01.16 Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Südostasien<br />

RI02.01 Geographische Räume<br />

Südostasiens<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN-Länder<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesien<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippinen<br />

RI02.<strong>15</strong> Singapur<br />

RI02.16 Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Kambodscha<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birma)<br />

RI02.32 Timor-Leste<br />

RI03 Ostasien<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 Volksrepublik China<br />

RI03.05 Hongkong (seit 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 Nordkorea<br />

RI03.13 Südkorea<br />

RI03.21 Hongkong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macau<br />

RI03.31 Mongolei<br />

RI03.32 Fernöstlicher Teil der<br />

Russischen Föderation /<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RI04 Andere Gebiete Asiens<br />

RJ Ozeanien<br />

RJ01 Südpazifische Organisationen<br />

RJ02 Australien / Neuseeland<br />

RJ02.01 Australien<br />

RJ02.02 Neuseeland<br />

RJ03 Südpazifische Inseln<br />

RJ04 Melanesien<br />

RJ04.01 Papua-Neuguinea<br />

RJ04.02 Einzelne Inseln Melanesiens,<br />

außer Papua<br />

RJ05 Mikronesien<br />

RJ05.01 Einzelne Inseln Mikronesiens<br />

RJ06 Polynesien<br />

RJ06.01 Einzelne Inseln Polynesiens<br />

RK Antarktis<br />

RL Meere /<br />

Kontinentübergreifende<br />

Regionen<br />

RL01 Atlantischer Ozean<br />

RL02 Indischer Ozean<br />

RL03 Pazifischer Ozean / Pazifischer<br />

Raum<br />

RL04 Mittelmeer / Mittelmeerraum<br />

RL05 Schwarzmeerraum<br />

RL06 Kaspisches Meer<br />

RL07 Arktis<br />

RM <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen<br />

RM01 Vereinte Nationen<br />

RM02 Sonderorganisationen des VN-<br />

Systems<br />

RM03 andere universale staatliche<br />

Organisationen<br />

RM04 Nichtstaatliche Organisationen<br />

RN Entwickelte Länder<br />

RN01 Westliche Länder<br />

RN02 OECD / OECD-Länder<br />

RN03 Sozialistische Länder<br />

RO Entwicklungsländer<br />

RO01 Gruppe der 77<br />

RO02 Blockfreie Staaten<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC-Länder<br />

RO04 AKP-Länder<br />

RP Sonstige Ländergruppen /<br />

Räume<br />

RP01 Französischsprachige Länder<br />

RQ Weltweit<br />

RR Weltraum<br />

RS Ohne direkten Regionalbezug<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> xii <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SA Littérature générale<br />

SA01 Études générales / Études<br />

nationales<br />

SA02 Histoire<br />

SA03 Politique<br />

SA04 Biographies / Mémoires<br />

SB Politique internationale /<br />

Système international<br />

SB01 Relations internationales /<br />

Processus internationaux<br />

SB02 Politique étrangère<br />

SB03 Droit international<br />

SB04 Intégration politique internationale<br />

SB05 Conflits politiques / militaires<br />

SB06 Relations transnationales /<br />

Mouvements transnationaux<br />

SB07 Organisations / institutions<br />

internationales<br />

SC Sécurité internationale /<br />

Défense<br />

SC01 Relations internationales en<br />

matière de sécurité<br />

SC02 Politique de défense / de sécurité<br />

SC03 Contrôle des armements /<br />

Désarmement<br />

SC04 Stratégie militaire<br />

SC05 Guerre / Opérations de guerre<br />

SC06 Potentiel militaire<br />

SC06.01 Forces armées / Unités<br />

militaires<br />

SC06.02 Armement<br />

SC06.03 Organisation de la défense<br />

SC07 Économie de la défense<br />

SC07.01 Industrie de l'armement<br />

SC07.02 Commerce des armements<br />

SD Économie internationale<br />

SD01 Économie mondiale / Système<br />

économique international<br />

SD01.01 Commerce international /<br />

Organisation internationale du<br />

commerce<br />

SD01.02 Monnaie / Système monétaire<br />

international<br />

SD02 Relations économiques<br />

internationales / Coopération<br />

économique<br />

SD02.01 Coopération économique<br />

régionale / Intégration<br />

économique<br />

SD03 Transactions courantes /<br />

Mouvements internationaux de<br />

capitaux<br />

SD03.01 Commerce extérieur<br />

SD03.02 Mouvements internationaux de<br />

capitaux / Investissements<br />

directs<br />

SD03.03 Mouvements internationaux de<br />

main-d'oeuvre<br />

SD03.04 Dette publique extérieure<br />

SD04 Politique économique extérieure<br />

SD05 Politique d'aide au<br />

développement / Coopération<br />

SE Relations culturelles<br />

internationales<br />

SE01 Politique culturelle extérieure<br />


Mise a jour: Janvier 2007<br />

SE02 Relations en matière d'éducation<br />

et de science<br />

SE03 Relations linguistiques<br />

internationales / Langues<br />

étrangères<br />

SE04 Relations internationales des<br />

médias / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

SE05 Échange culturel / Contact des<br />

cultures<br />

SE06 Image de l'étranger<br />

SF État<br />

SF01 Système politique / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Transformation du système<br />

politique / Démocratisation<br />

SF01.02 Droits de l'homme<br />

SF02 Système de gouvernement /<br />

Institutions de l'État<br />

SF03 Partis politiques<br />

SF04 Participation politique<br />

SF04.01 Élections<br />

SF05 Politique intérieure<br />

SF06 Sécurité intérieure / Conflit<br />

interne<br />

SF06.01 Guerre civile<br />

SF06.02 Terrorisme<br />

SF06.03 Criminalité<br />

SF07 Armée et société / État<br />

SF08 Régions / Communes<br />

SF09 Administration publique<br />

SF10 Droit<br />

SG Société<br />

SG01 Système social / Politique<br />

sociétale<br />

SG02 Évolution sociale / Structures<br />

sociales<br />

SG02.01 Démographie<br />

SG02.02 Groupes sociaux<br />

SG02.03 Nationalités / Minorités<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Logement / Habitat /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Rapports entre les sexes /<br />

Communautés de vie<br />

SG02.07 Conditions de vie / Modes<br />

d'existence<br />

SG03 Politique sociale / Problèmes<br />

sociaux<br />

SG03.01 Protection sociale<br />

SG03.02 Santé<br />

SG04 Éducation / Enseignement /<br />

Formation<br />

SG05 Culture politique / Opinion<br />

SG05.01 Idéologie<br />

SG05.02 Opinion publique<br />

SG06 Médias / Information<br />

SG07 Mouvements sociaux /<br />

Associations<br />

SG08 Culture / Langue / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Communautés<br />

religieuses<br />

SH Économie<br />

SH01 Système économique / Cadre<br />

économique<br />

SH02 Développement économique /<br />

Politique économique<br />

SH02.01 Politique économique /<br />

Politique du développement<br />

SH02.02 Développement / structures<br />

socio-économiques<br />

SH02.03 Conjoncture / Politique<br />

conjoncturelle<br />

SH02.04 Développement régional / local<br />

/ Politique économique<br />

régionale<br />

SH02.05 Branches économiques /<br />

Evolution sectorielle / Politique<br />

sectorielle<br />

SH03 Travail / Emploi<br />

SH03.01 Culture d'entreprise /<br />

Culture du travail<br />

SH04 Ressources naturelles /<br />

Traitement des matières<br />

premières<br />

SH05 Énergie<br />

SH06 Secteur agricole<br />

SH06.01 Cultures / Forêts<br />

SH06.02 Élevage / Pêche<br />

SH06.03 Alimentation / Produits<br />

alimentaires<br />

SH07 Industrie et artisanat<br />

SH08 Secteur tertiaire / Services<br />

SH08.01 Circulation / Transports /<br />

Tourisme<br />

SH08.02 Poste / Télécommunications<br />

SH08.03 Argent / Crédit / Banques /<br />

Assurances<br />

SH09 Secteur informel<br />

SH10 Finances publiques<br />

SI Technologie<br />

SI01 Technologie / Développement<br />

technologique<br />

SI02 Politique technologique<br />

SI03 Domaines technologiques<br />

SI03.01 Technologie aérospatiale<br />

SI03.02 Technologie de l'information<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologies<br />

SI03.04 Technologies de<br />

l'environnement<br />

SI03.05 Technologie des armements /<br />

Systèmes d'armes<br />

SI04 Coopération / relations<br />

technologiques / scientifiques<br />

internationales<br />

SJ Environnement / Nature<br />

SJ01 Géographie / Géologie<br />

SJ02 Problèmes écologiques /<br />

Protection de l'environnement<br />

SK Sciences / Recherche<br />

scientifique<br />

SK01 Domaines scientifiques<br />

SK02 Théorie / Méthodes<br />

SK03 Recherche et développement<br />

SK04 Politique scientifique / Politique<br />

de la recherche<br />

SK05 Institutions scientifiques /<br />

Universités<br />

SZ Littérature générale / Autres<br />

domaines<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> xiii <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RA Europe<br />

RA01 Organisations européennes<br />

RA01.01 Union / Communauté<br />

européenne et pays membres<br />

RA01.02 OTAN<br />

RA01.03 COMECON / pays du<br />


RA01.04 Traité de Varsovie<br />

RA01.05 Conseil de l'Europe<br />

RA01.06 UEO<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RA02.01 Europe occidentale politique<br />

RA02.02 Europe orientale politique<br />

RA02.03 Pays d'Europe centrale et<br />

orientale<br />

RA02.11 Région de la Mer du Nord<br />

RA02.12 Région de la Mer Baltique<br />

RA03 Europe du Nord<br />

RA03.01 Finlande<br />

RA03.02 Suède<br />

RA03.03 Norvège<br />

RA03.04 Danemark<br />

RA03.05 Islande<br />

RA04 Europe occidentale<br />

RA04.01 Irlande<br />

RA04.02 Royaume-Uni<br />

RA04.03 Pays-Bas<br />

RA04.04 Belgique<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Europe centrale<br />

RA05.01 Allemagne<br />

RA05.02 République Fédérale<br />

d'Allemagne<br />

RA05.03 République démocratique<br />

allemande<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Pologne<br />

RA05.12 Tchécoslovaquie<br />

RA05.13 Autriche<br />

RA05.14 Suisse<br />

RA05.21 République tchèque<br />

RA05.22 République slovaque<br />

RA06 Europe méridionale<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Espagne<br />

RA06.03 Italie<br />

RA06.04 Malte<br />

RA06.05 Grèce<br />

RA06.06 Turquie<br />

RA06.07 Chypre<br />

RA07 Europe orientale<br />

RA07.01 Union Soviétique<br />

RA07.02 États successeurs de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RA07.03 Communauté d'États<br />

Indépendants<br />

RA07.11 Pays Baltes<br />

RA07.12 Estonie<br />

I. CLASSIFICATION REGIONALE (politico-géographique)<br />

Mise a jour: Mars 2008<br />

RA07.13 Lettonie<br />

RA07.14 Lituanie<br />

RA07.21 Fédération russe<br />

RA07.31 États européens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Biélorussie<br />

RA07.34 Moldavie<br />

RA07.41 États caucasiens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.42 Géorgie<br />

RA07.43 Arménie<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaidjan<br />

RA07.51 États d'Asie Centrale de<br />

l'ancienne Union soviétique<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkménistan<br />

RA07.54 Ouzbékistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirghizistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadjikistan<br />

RA08 Europe du Sud-Est<br />

RA08.01 Balkans<br />

RA08.11 Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.12 Hongrie<br />

RA08.13 Roumanie<br />

RA08.14 Bulgarie<br />

RA08.<strong>15</strong> Albanie<br />

RA08.21 États successeurs de la<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.22 Slovénie<br />

RA08.23 Croatie<br />

RA08.24 Bosnie-Herzégovine<br />

RA08.25 Macédoine<br />

RA08.26 République Fédérale de<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.27 Serbie et Monténégro<br />

RA08.28 Serbie<br />

RA08.29 Montenégro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RB Amérique (entière)<br />

RB01 Organisations américaines<br />

RB01.01 OEA<br />

RB01.02 ALENA<br />

RC Amérique du Nord (sans<br />

Mexique)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 États-Unis<br />

RD Amérique Latine<br />

RD00.01 Groupe de Rio<br />

RD01 Mexique<br />

RD02 Amérique centrale<br />

RD02.01 Bélize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caraibes<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 République Dominicaine<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaique<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbade<br />

RD03.13 Dominique<br />

RD03.14 Grenade<br />

RD03.<strong>15</strong> Saint Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.16 Sainte Lucie<br />

RD03.17 Saint Vincent (et Grenadines)<br />

RD03.18 Trinité et Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyane<br />

RD03.22 Guyane francaise<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Iles Vierges américaines<br />

RD03.32 Porto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Antilles néerlandaises<br />

RD03.51 Antilles francaises<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Antilles britanniques<br />

RD03.71 Autres îles / pays des Caraibes<br />

RD04 Amérique du Sud<br />

RD04.01 Pays des Andes<br />

RD04.02 Groupe Andin<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentine<br />

RD04.12 Bolivie<br />

RD04.13 Brésil<br />

RD04.14 Chili<br />

RD04.<strong>15</strong> Équateur<br />

RD04.16 Colombie<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Pérou<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Vénézuela<br />

RD05 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Amérique Latine<br />

RE Afrique (entière)<br />

RE01 Organisations africaines<br />

RE01.01 OUA / Union africaine<br />

RE02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Afrique (niveau au-dessus des<br />

pays)<br />

RF Afrique subsaharienne<br />

RF01 Afrique occidentale<br />

RF01.01 CEDEAO<br />

RF01.11 Bénin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambie<br />

RF01.<strong>15</strong> Ghana<br />

RF01.16 Guinée<br />

RF01.17 Guinée-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Cap Vert<br />

RF01.19 Libéria<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> xiv <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RF01.21 Mauritanie<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigéria<br />

RF01.24 Sénégal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Léone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tomé et Principe<br />

RF02 Afrique centrale<br />

RF02.01 Guinée équatoriale<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroun<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Tchad<br />

RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 République centrafricaine<br />

RF03 Afrique australe<br />

RF03.01 CDCAS / CDAS<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lésotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.<strong>15</strong> Mozambique<br />

RF03.16 Namibie<br />

RF03.17 Zambie<br />

RF03.18 Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 République sud-africaine<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 Afrique orientale<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Ile Maurice<br />

RF04.04 Tanzanie<br />

RF04.05 Ouganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 Afrique du Nord-Est<br />

RF05.01 Éthiopie<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalie<br />

RF05.04 Érithrée<br />

RF06 Iles africaines et autres régions<br />

de l'Afrique<br />

RG Proche-Orient / Moyen-Orient et<br />

Afrique du Nord<br />

RG00 Régions géographiques<br />

(transnationales) et<br />

organisations du Proche-Orient<br />

/ Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du<br />

Nord<br />

RG00.01 Ligue des États arabes<br />

RG00.02 OPAEP / pays de l'OPAEP<br />

RG00.11 Pays arabes<br />

RG00.12 Monde islamique<br />

RG00.13 Golfe Persique<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Afrique du Nord<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Maroc<br />

RG01.12 Sahara occidental<br />

RG01.13 Algérie<br />

RG01.14 Tunisie<br />

RG01.<strong>15</strong> Libye<br />

RG01.16 Égypte<br />

RG01.17 Soudan<br />

RG02 Arabie de l'Est / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanie<br />

RG02.13 Liban<br />

RG02.14 Syrie<br />

RG02.<strong>15</strong> Israel<br />

RG02.16 Territoires occupés par Israel<br />

RG02.17 Territoires palestiniens<br />

autonomes<br />

RG03 Péninsule d'Arabie<br />

RG03.01 États du Golfe<br />

RG03.11 Bahrein<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Koweit<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.<strong>15</strong> Arabie Saoudite<br />

RG03.16 Yémen<br />

RG03.17 Émirats Arabes Unis<br />

RG04 Asie de l'Ouest<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asie (entière)<br />

RH01 Organisations asiatiques<br />

RH01.01 CEAP<br />

RH02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie<br />

RH02.01 Région de l'Himalaya<br />

RH02.02 Cachemire<br />

RH02.03 Triangle d'or<br />

RI Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI01 Asie du Sud<br />

RI01.01 ASACR / pays de l'ASACR<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhoutan<br />

RI01.13 Inde<br />

RI01.14 Maldives<br />

RI01.<strong>15</strong> Népal<br />

RI01.16 Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.01 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.02 ANASE / pays de l'ANASE<br />

RI02.03 Indochine<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonésie<br />

RI02.13 Malaysie<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.<strong>15</strong> Singapour<br />

RI02.16 Thailande<br />

RI02.21 Cambodge<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birmanie)<br />

RI02.32 Timor oriental<br />

RI03 Asie orientale<br />

RI03.01 Chine<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 République populaire de Chine<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (depuis 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Corée<br />

RI03.12 Corée du Nord<br />

RI03.13 Corée du Sud<br />

I. Classification régionale<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japon<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

RI03.31 Mongolie<br />

RI03.32 Partie extrême orientale de la<br />

Fédération russe / de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RI04 Autres régions de l'Asie<br />

RJ Océanie<br />

RJ01 Organsiations du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ02 Australie / Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ02.01 Australie<br />

RJ02.02 Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ03 Iles du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ04 Mélanésie<br />

RJ04.01 Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée<br />

RJ04.02 Autres îles mélanésiennes sans<br />

Papouasie<br />

RJ05 Micronésie<br />

RJ05.01 Iles micronésiennes<br />

RJ06 Polynésie<br />

RJ06.01 Iles polynésiennes<br />

RK Antarctique<br />

RL Océans / Régions<br />

transcontinentales<br />

RL01 Océan Atlantique<br />

RL02 Océan Indien<br />

RL03 Océan Pacifique / Région<br />

pacifique<br />

RL04 Méditerranée / région<br />

méditerranéenne<br />

RL05 Région de la mer Noire<br />

RL06 Mer Caspienne<br />

RL07 Arctique<br />

RM Organisations internationales<br />

RM01 Nations Unies<br />

RM02 Organisations spéciales du<br />

système des Nations Unies<br />

RM03 Autres organisations<br />

gouvernementales internationales<br />

RM04 Organisations non<br />

gouvernementales<br />

RN Pays développés<br />

RN01 Pays occidentaux<br />

RN02 OCDE / pays OCDE<br />

RN03 Pays socialistes<br />

RO Pays en voie de développement<br />

RO01 Groupe des 77<br />

RO02 Pays non-alignés<br />

RO03 OPEP / pays OPEP<br />

RO04 pays ACP<br />

RP Autres groupes de pays /<br />

régions<br />

RP01 Pays francophones<br />

RQ Universel<br />

RR Espace<br />

RS Sans aspect régional<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> xv <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1 Valasek, Tomas: Obama, Russia and Europe / by Tomas<br />

Valasek. - London: Centre for European Reform, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Policy Brief / Centre for European Reform)<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/pb_TV_obama_russia_june09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876668<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

2 Dialogue among civilizations : The Regional Summit Forum<br />

on Communication of Heritage ; a new vision of South East<br />

Europe; Opatija, Croatia, 31 May to 1 June 2006 / United<br />

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Ed.<br />

by FW (Russ) Russell. Stjepan Mesić ... - Paris, 2007. - 127 S.,<br />

Ill., Tab. - (Dialogue among Civilizations)<br />

http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/00<strong>15</strong>/00<strong>15</strong>09/<strong>15</strong>0959E.pdf<br />

IFA D 876602 IFA: Cb29/417 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

3 Boster, James Shilts; Maltseva, Kateryna: A crystal seen<br />

from each of its vertices : European views of European national<br />

characters / James Shilts Boster ; Kateryna Maltseva. -<br />

Thousand Oaks/Cal.: Sage, 2006. - 17 S., graph. Darst., Tab. --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Cross-Cultural Research (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 40 (February 2006) 1<br />

http://cognition.clas.uconn.edu/~jboster/articles/euro.pdf<br />

IFA D 876619 IFA: Cb29/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF Government<br />

4 Bieling, Hans-Jürgen: "Private before state"? On the<br />

development of political idea models of the role of state / Hans-<br />

Jürgen Bieling. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und Gesellschaft<br />

(Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 100-116<br />

SWP D 877092 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

5 O'Reilly, Carina: Right turn : European voters turn to extremist<br />

parties / Carina O'Reilly. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 20-23<br />

SWP D 876412 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

6 The protection of minorities in the wider Europe / Marc<br />

Weller ... [eds] - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. -<br />

X,296 S., Reg., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Palgrave Studies in<br />

European Union Politics) - ISBN 978-0-230-00129-9<br />

ECMI D 876846 ECMI: 305.8<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

7 Holert, Tom; Terkessidis, Mark: Fliehkraft : Gesellschaft in<br />

Bewegung - von Migranten und Touristen / Tom Holert ; Mark<br />

Terkessidis. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Köln: Kiepenheuer &<br />

Witsch, 2006. - 285 S., Ill. - (KiWi-Paperback) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-462-03743-2<br />

IFA D 877342 IFA: 29/322 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

8 Holert, Tom; Terkessidis, Mark: Fliehkraft : Gesellschaft in<br />

Bewegung - von Migranten und Touristen / Tom Holert ; Mark<br />

Terkessidis. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Köln: Kiepenheuer &<br />

Witsch, 2006. - 285 S., Ill. - (KiWi-Paperback) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-462-03743-2<br />

IFA D 877342 IFA: 29/322 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

9 Leaders and laggards in environmental policy : A<br />

quantitative analysis of domestic policy outputs / Duncan<br />

Liefferink ... - In: Journal of European Public Policy (Abingdon),<br />

16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 677-700<br />

SWP D 876439 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />



SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

10 The protection of minorities in the wider Europe / Marc<br />

Weller ... [eds] - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. -<br />

X,296 S., Reg., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Palgrave Studies in<br />

European Union Politics) - ISBN 978-0-230-00129-9<br />

ECMI D 876846 ECMI: 305.8<br />


SB International politics / system<br />

11 Lafont Rapnouil, Manuel: A European view on the future of<br />

multilateralism / Manuel Lafont Rapnouil. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 181-196,<br />

Lit. S. 194-196<br />

SWP D 876427 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

12 Co-operation with Central Asia : The potential of the EU's<br />

Central Asia Strategy = Kooperation mit Zentralasien - Was<br />

kann und was will die EU leisten? / Corinna Hauswedell ...<br />

(Hrsg.). Evangelische Akademie Loccum - Rehburg-Loccum,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 278 S., graph. Darst., Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw., Anh. -<br />

(Loccumer Protokolle; 55/08) - ISBN 978-3-8172-5508-5<br />

IFSH D 877101<br />

13 Drescher, Wiebke: The Eastern partnership and Ukraine : new<br />

label - old products? / Wiebke Drescher. - Bonn: Zentrum für<br />

Europäische Integrationsforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 27 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ZEI Discussion Paper; C194) - ISBN 978-3-936183-94-8<br />

SWP D 876399 SWP: H.09/0182 DGAP: DG 47824e<br />

14 Dzebisasvili, Kachaber: Grenzen des Möglichen : Europas<br />

Nachbarschaftspolitik nach Osten / Kakhaber Dzebisashvili. -<br />

In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 54 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 475,<br />

S. 39-43<br />

DGAP D 876567 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

<strong>15</strong> The Eastern Partnership / Advisory Council on International<br />

Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2009</strong>. - 11 S., Anh. - (Advisory Letter; No.<br />

<strong>15</strong>)<br />

SWP D 876909 SWP: H.09/0181<br />

16 Gratius, Susanne: Cuba, EE UU y Europa : perspectivas de<br />

cambio / Susanne Gratius. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 93-102<br />

SWP D 876351 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

17 Hagström Frisell, Eva; Oldberg, Ingmar: "Cool neighboors":<br />

Sweden's EU presidency and Russia / Eva Hagström Frisell ;<br />

Ingmar Oldberg. - Paris: Institut Français des Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 22 S. - (Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 42)<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_Russia_and_Sweden_ENG_ju<br />

ne_09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876733<br />

18 Iraq: capacity building programme <strong>2009</strong>-2010 / European<br />

Commission - External Relations. - [Brussels], <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/iraq/docs/programme_200<br />

9_2010_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 876589<br />

19 Jarábik, Balázs: The EU and Uzbekistan: short-term interests<br />

versus long-term engagement / Balázs Jarábik. - Brussels ...:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Policy Brief; No. 8)<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1881<br />

SWP D 876763<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 1 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

20 Jarábik, Balázs; Sharashenidze, Tornike: The EU and<br />

Georgia's turmoil / Balazs Jarabik and Tornike Sharashenidze.<br />

- Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (Policy Brief / Fundación para<br />

las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior; N° 12)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/PB12_Georgia_turmoil_ENG_jun0<br />

9.pdf<br />

SWP D 876553<br />

21 Juncker, Jean-Claude: Eine einheitliche Zielstellung für den<br />

europäischen Kontinent : Bericht von Herrn Jean-Claude<br />

Juncker, Premierminister des Großherzogtums Luxemburg, an<br />

die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedsstaaten des<br />

Europarats - Dt. Übers. - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, 2006. - 41 S.<br />

Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Juncker, Jean-Claude: A<br />

sole ambition for the European continent. - o.O., 2006. - 37 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Aussenpolitik/InternatO<br />

rgane/Europarat/Junckerbericht.pdf<br />

IFA D 877120 IFA: Cb29/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

22 Martín, Iván: EU-Morocco relations : how advanced is the<br />

"advanced status"? / Iván Martín. - In: Mediterranean Politics<br />

(London) , 14 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 239-245,<br />

Lit. S. 245<br />

SWP D 877242 SWP: X. 795 OSI: Zw 359 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

23 Mikaelian, Hrant: Armenian foreign policy : coordinating the<br />

interests of the U.S., the EU, and Russia / Hrant Mikaelian. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 116-124<br />

SWP D 876960 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

24 Mkrtchyan, Tigran; Huseynov, Tabib; Gogolashvili, Kakha:<br />

The European Union and the South Caucasus : three<br />

perspectives on the future of the European project from the<br />

Caucasus / Tigran Mkrtchyan, Tabib Huseynov and Kakha<br />

Gogolashvili. - Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 136 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Europe in Dialogue; <strong>2009</strong>/01)<br />

http://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/bst/de/media/xcms_bst_dms<br />

_28297_28302_2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876482 DGAP: DG 47749<br />

25 Ochmann, Cornelius: EU Eastern Partnership: fine, but what<br />

about Russia? / Cornelius Ochmann. - Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-<br />

Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (Spotlight Europe; <strong>2009</strong>/06)<br />

Außerdem erschienen unter dem Titel: Im Osten was Neues. -<br />

Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S.<br />

http://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/cps/rde/xbcr/SID-0E7D6D87-<br />

5779F530/bst/xcms_bst_dms_28487_28488_2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876529 DGAP: DG B01411:09/06.E<br />

26 Omarov, Mels; Omarov, Noor: Central Asia in the foreign<br />

policy of Russia, the United States and the European Union /<br />

Mels Omarov ; Noor Omarov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 71-78<br />

SWP D 876948 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

27 Popescu, Nicu; Wilson, Andrew: The limits of enlargementlite<br />

: European and Russian power in the troubled<br />

neighbourhood / Nicu Popescu & Andrew Wilson. - London:<br />

European Council on Foreign Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - 70 S. - (Policy<br />

Report) - ISBN 978-1-906538-13-2<br />

http://ecfr.3cdn.net/dc71693a5ae835b482_5om6bvdkn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876608<br />

28 Les relations transatlantiques dans la période de l'aprèsguerre-froide<br />

- In: Etudes internationales (Québec), 40 (juin<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 173-301, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876501 DGAP: ZD 304 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

29 Sachdeva, Gulshan: India and the European Union : time to<br />

de-bureaucratize strategic partnership / Gulshan Sachdeva. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 202-207, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877017 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

30 Saichutdinov, Marat Ersainovic: Kazakhstan and the<br />

strategic interests of the global players in Central Asia / Marat<br />

Shaikhutdinov. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 134-142<br />

SWP D 876963 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

31 Toralieva, Gulnura: The EU' s approach to the development of<br />

mass media in Central Asia / Gulnura Toralieva. - Brussels ...:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Policy Brief; No. 6)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_PB6_ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876551<br />

32 Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evic: Competing for privilege / Dmitri<br />

Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: The Moscow Times, May 26, <strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=vi<br />

ew&id=23164&prog=zru<br />

SWP D 876488<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

33 The EU as a foreign and security policy actor / ed. by Finn<br />

Laursen. - Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publ., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XX,362 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (International<br />

Relations Studies Series; 5) - ISBN 978-90-8979-007-1<br />

DIE D 876787 DIE: 08KB067 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

34 Gänzle, Stefan: Policy-making and new modes of governance<br />

in the European neighbourhood policy / Stefan Gänzle. - In:<br />

The EU as a foreign and security policy actor / ed. by Finn<br />

Laursen. - Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publ., <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 161-180, Tab., Lit. S. 177-180 - ISBN 978-90-8979-007-1<br />

DIE D 876790 DIE: A0612 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

35 Grant, Charles: Una voz única para la UE / Charles Grant. -<br />

In: Politica Exterior (Madrid), 23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130,<br />

S. 39-50<br />

SWP D 876349 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

36 Martens, Quentin; Naether, Marc: NGOs advocacy in<br />

European foreign policy : A new civil society / Quentin Martens<br />

and Marc Naether. - In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles),<br />

62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 17-29, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876611 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SB03 International law<br />

37 Allmendinger, Michael; Hofmann, Björn: Die "schwarze<br />

Liste" des Al-Qaida/Taliban Ausschusses nach dem "Kadi-<br />

Urteil" / Michael Allmendinger ; Björn Hofmann. -<br />

In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 68-75,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876802 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

38 How do US economic sanctions affect EU's trade with<br />

target countries? / Jiawen Yang. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1223-1244, Tab., Lit. S. 1244<br />

SWP D 876691 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

39 Aloisio, Salvatore: Overcoming the intergovernmental<br />

conference method in the reform of the treaties : what further<br />

steps towards a constituent phase are possible? / Salvatore<br />

Aloisio. - In: The Federalist (Pavia), 50 (2008) 3, S. 186-193<br />

HSFK D 876491 HSFK: ZS F Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

40 Becker, Peter; Maurer, Andreas: German brakes on<br />

integration : consequences and dangers of the Federal<br />

Constitutional Court judgment for Germany and the EU / Peter<br />

Becker ; Andreas Maurer. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (SWP Comments; <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 41/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6217<br />

SWP D 876719<br />

41 Chislett, William: Turkey's EU accession reaches an impasse<br />

/ William Chislett. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2009</strong>. - 32 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos; 34/<strong>2009</strong>) - (Area: Europe)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/resources/fil<br />

e/eb56a1040802fa5/WP34-<strong>2009</strong>_Chislett_Turkey_EU_Accessio<br />

n_Impasse.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&attachment=true<br />

SWP D 876595<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 2 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

42 Fuksiewicz, Aleksander; Łada, Agnieszka: The Czech<br />

Presidency in the Council of the European Union : The view<br />

from Poland ; research report / Aleksander Fuksiewicz ;<br />

Agnieska Łada. - Warszawa: Instytut Spraw Publicznych, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- 38 S.<br />

http://www.isp.org.pl/files/2357647140875057001246526361.pdf<br />

SWP D 876906<br />

43 Langdal, Fredrik; Sydow, Göran von: The <strong>2009</strong> Swedish EU<br />

Presidency : The setting, priorities and roles / Fredrik Langdal<br />

& Göran von Sydow. - Stockholm: Swedish Institute for<br />

European Policy Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S., Tab. - (European<br />

Policy Analysis; Issue 7-<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.sieps.se/files/download-document/559-<strong>2009</strong>_7epa.ht<br />

ml<br />

SWP D 876911<br />

44 Lippert, Barbara: EU-Erweiterungspolitik : Wege aus der<br />

Sackgasse / Barbara Lippert. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 46/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

6231<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

45 Piedrafita, Sonia; Jans, Theo: The role of national<br />

parliaments in European decision-making / Theo Jans und<br />

Sonja Piedrafita. - In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht), (<strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 19-26, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.eipa.eu/files/repository/eipascope/<strong>2009</strong>0709111616_<br />

Art3_Eipascoop<strong>2009</strong>_01.pdf<br />

SWP D 876730 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

46 Šarčević, Edin: Bosnia and Herzegovina and controversies of<br />

the EU integration processes : constitutional view / Edin<br />

Šarčević. - In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien),<br />

64 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 237-249, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876563 DGAP: ZD 329 Öff.StaO: 281<br />

47 Trauner, Florian: From membership conditionality to policy<br />

conditionality : EU external governance in South Eastern<br />

Europe / Florian Trauner. - In: Journal of European Public<br />

Policy (Abingdon), 16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 774-790<br />

SWP D 876442 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

48 Runder Tisch "Europa-Kommunikation und die<br />

Kommunen" : Ergebnisvermerk / Auswärtiges Amt, Aktion<br />

Europa. - Berlin, 2006. - 16 S., graph. Darst.<br />

IFA D 876973 IFA: Cb27/47 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

49 Biscop, Sven: Ambition, benchmark, culture : The ABC of<br />

European strategy revisited / Sven Biscop. - In: Studia<br />

diplomatica (Bruxelles), 62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 31-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876613 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

50 Oikonomou, Iraklis: "Protect European citizens and the<br />

European economy" : The European security research<br />

programme / Iraklis Oikonomou. - In: Studia diplomatica<br />

(Bruxelles), 62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 3-<strong>15</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876610 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

51 Serfaty, Simon; Biscop, Sven: A shared security strategy for<br />

a Euro-Atlantic partnership of equals : A report of the global<br />

dialogue between the European Union and the United States /<br />

authors: Simon Serfaty ; Sven Biscop. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic & International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-585-1<br />

http://www.irri-kiib.be/papers/09/other/Serfaty-Biscop.pdf<br />

SWP D 877312<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

52 Dumoulin, André: La PESD autour du Sommet de Strasbourg-<br />

Kehl / André Dumoulin. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [franz. Ausg.] (Paris), (août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 722,<br />

S. 56-68, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877039 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

53 Eine Zukunftsagenda für die Europäische Sicherheits- und<br />

Verteidigungspolitik (ESVP) / Christos Katsioulis ... Friedrich-<br />

Ebert-Stiftung - Berlin, <strong>2009</strong>. - 30 S., Lit. Hinw. - (<strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Politikanalyse) - ISBN 978-3-86872-<strong>15</strong>7-7<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/06570.pdf<br />

SWP D 876445<br />

54 The EU as a foreign and security policy actor / ed. by Finn<br />

Laursen. - Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publ., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XX,362 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (International<br />

Relations Studies Series; 5) - ISBN 978-90-8979-007-1<br />

DIE D 876787 DIE: 08KB067 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

55 Jahresbericht der Europäischen Kommission über den<br />

Einsatz des Instruments für Stabilität im Jahr 2007 -<br />

Zusammenfassung : Bericht der Kommission an den Rat und<br />

an das Europäische Parlament / Kommission der Europäischen<br />

Gemeinschaften. - Brüssel, 2008. - 10 S. -<br />

(KOM(2008)181endgültig)<br />

http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:200<br />

8:0181:FIN:DE:PDF<br />

SWP D 876585<br />

56 Jahresbericht der Europäischen Kommission über den<br />

Einsatz des Instruments für Stabilität im Jahr 2008 : Bericht<br />

der Kommission an den Rat, das Europäische Parlament, den<br />

Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den<br />

Ausschuss der Regionen / Kommission der Europäischen<br />

Gemeinschaften. - Brüssel, <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S. -<br />

(KOM(<strong>2009</strong>)341endgültig)<br />

http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:200<br />

9:0341:FIN:DE:PDF<br />

SWP D 876582<br />

57 L´Europe de la défense : Acteurs, enjeux, processus / sous la<br />

direction de Chantal Lavallée. Avant-propos de John Crowley. -<br />

Paris: La Documentation Française, 2008. - 138 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Les Champs de Mars; 19) - ISBN 978-2-11-006985-6<br />

SWP D 876771 SWP: H.09/0176<br />

58 Zellner, Wolfgang: Abrüstung reloaded? Zur Lage der<br />

europäischen Sicherheitspolitik / Wolfgang Zellner. - In: Blätter<br />

für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 89-97, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876578 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

59 Barnscheid, Ralf: 529 NH90 für 14 Länder stehen unter<br />

Vertrag / Ralf Barnscheid. Interv.: Ulrich Rapreger. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 9-11, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876814 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

60 Meyer, Dirk: Finanzmarktkrise und EURO-Zone : Gefahr des<br />

Zerfalls und Folgen des Austritts einzelner Mitglieder / von Dirk<br />

Meyer. - In: Kredit und Kapital (Berlin), 42 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 173-193,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877244 SWP: X. 516 DIE: ZA047 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

61 Płóciennik, Sebastian: Der lange Abschied vom Złoty /<br />

Sebastian Płóciennik. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin<br />

(Berlin), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 88, S. 51-53, 54-56, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876764 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

62 Vermeiren, Mattias: The end of dollar primacy? The EMU<br />

policy framework and the international role of the Euro / Mattias<br />

Vermeiren. - In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles), 62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 117-137, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876622 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

63 Cooper, William H.: EU-U.S. economic ties : framework,<br />

scope, and magnitude / William H. Cooper. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. - 11 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (CRS Report for Congress; RL30608)<br />

http://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL30608.pdf<br />

SWP D 876365<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 3 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

64 Mildner, Stormy-Annika; Ziegler, Oliver: Conflict<br />

management in transatlantic trade relations : not every dispute<br />

should be subject to the WTO / Stormy Mildner ; Oliver Ziegler.<br />

- Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP<br />

Comments; 16/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 36/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6218<br />

SWP D 877424<br />

65 Peyrouse, Sébastien: Business and trade relationships<br />

between the EU and Central Asia / Sébastien Peyrouse. -<br />

Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

16 S. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 1)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_WP1_Business_tradeIII_<br />

ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876554<br />

66 Werenfels, Isabelle; Westphal, Kirsten: Solar power from the<br />

desert : A sensible and feasible energy solution? / Isabelle<br />

Werenfels ; Kirsten Westphal. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 13/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 38/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6208<br />

SWP D 876511<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

67 Bratersky, Maksim; Suzdaltsev, Andrei: Central Asia : A<br />

region of economic rivalry among Russia, China, the U.S. and<br />

the EU / Maksim Bratersky ; Andrei Suzdaltsev. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 79-88<br />

SWP D 876951 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

68 Ehrke, Michael: Die globale Krise an der östlichen Peripherie<br />

Europas : platzt die Illusion der Konvergenz? / Michael Ehrke. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 50-65<br />

SWP D 877087 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

69 EMU at 10 : successes and challenges after 10 years of<br />

Economic and Monetary Union - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (2008) 2, XIV, 328 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 294-328<br />

SWP D 876808 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

70 How do US economic sanctions affect EU's trade with<br />

target countries? / Jiawen Yang. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1223-1244, Tab., Lit. S. 1244<br />

SWP D 876691 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

71 Langhorst, Christina; Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Good for the<br />

economy - bad for trade? The effects of EU and US economic<br />

stimuli on international trade and competition / by Christina<br />

Langhorst and Stormy Mildner. - Brussels: Centre for European<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S., Lit. S. 16-19<br />

This article is based on: Protektionismus durch die Hintertür?,<br />

in: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige<br />

Politik, 64 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6. - S. 18-23<br />

http://www.thinkingeurope.eu/images/dbimages/docs/Researchp<br />

aper_badfortrade_final.pdf<br />

SWP D 876350 SWP: H.09/0189<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

72 Auclair, Denise: EU-Präsidentschaften im Entwicklungstest :<br />

von Frankreich zu Tschechien / Denise Auclair. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Dezember 2008) 12, S. 2-3<br />

DIE D 877380 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

73 Iraq: capacity building programme <strong>2009</strong>-2010 / European<br />

Commission - External Relations. - [Brussels], <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/iraq/docs/programme_200<br />

9_2010_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 876589<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

74 Agreed conclusions of the third Euro-Mediterranean<br />

Conference of Ministers of Culture : Athens, 29 - 30 May<br />

2008 / [European Commission]. - Brussels, 2008. - [8] S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/euromed/docs/culture_con<br />

cl_0508_en.pdf<br />

IFA D 876364 IFA: Cb29/456 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

75 Lauk, Kurt J.: Babylonische Sprachenvielfalt : Verständigung<br />

in den EU-Institutionen / Kurt J. Lauk. - Stuttgart ...:<br />

Hohenheim-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 251-271 - ISBN 978-3-89850-179-8<br />

-- Sonderdruck aus: Europa von innen gesehen: Europa<br />

jenseits der Bürger? / Kurt J. Lauk (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart ...,<br />

Hohenheim-Verl., <strong>2009</strong><br />

IFA D 876775 IFA: Cb29/414 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

76 Arregui, Javier; Thomson, Robert: States' bargaining<br />

success in the European Union / Javier Arregui and Robert<br />

Thomson. - In: Journal of European Public Policy (Abingdon),<br />

16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 655-676<br />

SWP D 876438 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />

77 Fischer-Lescano, Andreas: Bundesverfassungsgericht:<br />

Zurück zum Nationalstaat / Andreas Fischer-Lescano. -<br />

In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),<br />

54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. <strong>15</strong>-18, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876577 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

78 Gratius, Susanne: Cuba, EE UU y Europa : perspectivas de<br />

cambio / Susanne Gratius. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 93-102<br />

SWP D 876351 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

79 Piedrafita, Sonia; Jans, Theo: The role of national<br />

parliaments in European decision-making / Theo Jans und<br />

Sonja Piedrafita. - In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht), (<strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 19-26, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.eipa.eu/files/repository/eipascope/<strong>2009</strong>0709111616_<br />

Art3_Eipascoop<strong>2009</strong>_01.pdf<br />

SWP D 876730 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

80 Kissack, Robert: When European Union member state voting<br />

cohesion does not matter : lessons learnt about majoritarian<br />

decision-making from the ILO / Robert Kissack. - In: Studia<br />

diplomatica (Bruxelles), 62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 55-73, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 8766<strong>15</strong> DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

81 Parkes, Roderick; Kietz, Daniela: Reprogramming the EU's<br />

home affairs policy : hostage to political short-termism? /<br />

Daniela Kietz ; Roderick Parkes. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (SWP Comments; 17/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6223<br />

SWP D 877074<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

82 Allmendinger, Michael; Hofmann, Björn: Die "schwarze<br />

Liste" des Al-Qaida/Taliban Ausschusses nach dem "Kadi-<br />

Urteil" / Michael Allmendinger ; Björn Hofmann. -<br />

In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 68-75,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876802 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

83 Brady, Hugo: Intelligence, emergencies and foreign policy :<br />

The EU's role in counter-terrorism / Hugo Brady. - London:<br />

Centre for European Reform, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S., Lit. Hinw., Lit. -<br />

(Essays / Centre for European Reform) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-901229-91-2<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/essay_912.pdf<br />

SWP D 876444<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 4 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

84 Bertozzi, Stefano M.: Europe's fight against human trafficking /<br />

Stefano Bertozzi. - Paris: Institut Français des Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 61 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-86592-574-2<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Migration/Etudes_migrations_Bertozzi.pdf<br />

SWP D 876590<br />

85 Korruption : Ansätze zur präventiven und repressiven<br />

Bekämpfung korruptiver Strukturen / Hartmut Brenneisen ...<br />

(Hg.). Mit Beiträgen und unter Mitarbeit von Juliane Bohrer ... -<br />

Berlin: Lit, 2008. - 185 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Polizei und<br />

Sicherheitsmanagement; Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1694-0<br />

BICC D 877370 BICC: BI 3727<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

86 Korruption : Ansätze zur präventiven und repressiven<br />

Bekämpfung korruptiver Strukturen / Hartmut Brenneisen ...<br />

(Hg.). Mit Beiträgen und unter Mitarbeit von Juliane Bohrer ... -<br />

Berlin: Lit, 2008. - 185 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Polizei und<br />

Sicherheitsmanagement; Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1694-0<br />

BICC D 877370 BICC: BI 3727<br />

SF10 Law<br />

87 Der EuGH und das soziale Europa : für eine Aufwertung<br />

sozialer Grundrechte im EU-Rechtssystem / Alexander Schulz<br />

... Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Berlin, <strong>2009</strong>. - 56 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(<strong>Internationale</strong> Politikanalyse) - ISBN 978-3-86872-081-5<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/06391.pdf<br />

SWP D 876448<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

88 The <strong>2009</strong> Ageing Report : underlying assumptions and<br />

projection methodologies for the EU-27 member states<br />

(2007-2060) ; joint report prepared by the European<br />

Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee<br />

(AWG) - In: European Economy (Luxembourg), (2008) 7,<br />

S. 2-221, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 218-221<br />

SWP D 876812 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

89 Saint-Paul, Gilles: Immigration, qualifications et marché du<br />

travail / rapport: Gilles Saint-Paul, commentaires: Pierre Cahuc<br />

... - Paris: La Documentation Française, <strong>2009</strong>. - 255 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Rapports du Conseil d'Analyse<br />

Economique; 84) - ISBN 978-2-11-007726-4<br />

DFI D 877387 DFI: FO <strong>15</strong>0.SAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

90 Bertozzi, Stefano M.: Europe's fight against human trafficking /<br />

Stefano Bertozzi. - Paris: Institut Français des Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 61 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-86592-574-2<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Migration/Etudes_migrations_Bertozzi.pdf<br />

SWP D 876590<br />

91 Euskirchen, Markus; Lebuhn, Henrik; Ray, Gene: Wie<br />

Illegale gemacht werden : das neue EU-Grenzregime / Markus<br />

Euskirchen ; Henrik Lebuhn ; Gene Ray. - In: Blätter für<br />

deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 72-80, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876575 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

92 Der EuGH und das soziale Europa : für eine Aufwertung<br />

sozialer Grundrechte im EU-Rechtssystem / Alexander Schulz<br />

... Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Berlin, <strong>2009</strong>. - 56 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(<strong>Internationale</strong> Politikanalyse) - ISBN 978-3-86872-081-5<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/06391.pdf<br />

SWP D 876448<br />

93 Scholz, Wolfgang: European social policy : An interim<br />

assessment / Wolfgang Scholz. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 11-35<br />

SWP D 877084 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

94 Die soziale Dimension der EU : Binnenmarkt und faire<br />

Arbeitsbedingungen – ein Gegensatz? / Katharina Erdmenger<br />

... Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Berlin, <strong>2009</strong>. - 18 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(<strong>Internationale</strong> Politikanalyse) - ISBN 978-3-86872-<strong>15</strong>0-8<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/06572.pdf<br />

SWP D 876447<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

95 Eurobarometer-Umfrage über die kulturellen Werte in<br />

Europa / GD Bildung und Kultur ... - Luxemburg: Amt für Amtl.<br />

Veröff. der Europ. Gemeinschaften, 2007. - 32 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-79-06480-7<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/culture/barom<br />

eter_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 877124 IFA: Cb28/469 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

96 Brüggemann, Michael: Der Mythos vom Dialog mit den<br />

Bürgern : der Beitrag der Europäischen Kommission zur<br />

Schaffung einer europäischen Öffentlichkeit / Michael<br />

Brüggemann. - Bremen: Sonderforschungsbereich 597, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

24 S., Tab., Lit. S. 21-24 - (TranState Working Papers; No. 84)<br />

http://www.sfb597.uni-bremen.de/pages/download.php?ID=99&S<br />


IFA D 876714 IFA: Cb29/442 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

97 Toralieva, Gulnura: The EU' s approach to the development of<br />

mass media in Central Asia / Gulnura Toralieva. - Brussels ...:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Policy Brief; No. 6)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_PB6_ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876551<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

98 Martens, Quentin; Naether, Marc: NGOs advocacy in<br />

European foreign policy : A new civil society / Quentin Martens<br />

and Marc Naether. - In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles),<br />

62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 17-29, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876611 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

99 Eurobarometer-Umfrage über die kulturellen Werte in<br />

Europa / GD Bildung und Kultur ... - Luxemburg: Amt für Amtl.<br />

Veröff. der Europ. Gemeinschaften, 2007. - 32 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-79-06480-7<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/culture/barom<br />

eter_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 877124 IFA: Cb28/469 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

100 Förderung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung durch die EU-<br />

Politik : Überprüfung der EU-Strategie für nachhaltige<br />

Entwicklung <strong>2009</strong> ; Mitteilung der Kommission an das<br />

Europäische Parlament, den Rat, den Europäischen<br />

Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der<br />

Regionen; KOM(200) 400 endgültig / Kommission der<br />

Europäischen Gemeinschaften. - Brüssel, <strong>2009</strong>. - 19 S. -<br />

(KOM(200)400endgültig)<br />

http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:200<br />

9:0400:FIN:DE:PDF<br />

SWP D 876356<br />

101 Fortschrittsbericht 2007 zur Strategie für nachhaltige<br />

Entwicklung : Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und das<br />

Europäische Parlament ; {SEK(2007) 1416}; KOM(2007) 642<br />

endgültig / Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. -<br />

Brüssel, 2007. - <strong>15</strong> S. - (KOM(2007)642endgültig)<br />

http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:200<br />

7:0642:FIN:DE:PDF<br />

SWP D 876355<br />

102 Grätz, Jonas: Energy relations with Russia and gas market<br />

liberalization / Jonas Grätz. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 66-80<br />

SWP D 877089 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 5 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

103 Iankova, Evguenia; Pochon, Florent; Teïletche, Jérôme:<br />

L'impact des décisions des agences de notation sur le prix des<br />

actions : une comparaison du cas français avec les cas<br />

euopéen et américain / Evguenia Iankova ; Florent Pochon ;<br />

Jérôme Teïletche. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2/188, S. 1-21, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 21<br />

DFI D 877046 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

104 Convergence Report 2008 - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (2008) 3, XVI, 199 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 876809 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

105 The <strong>2009</strong> Ageing Report : underlying assumptions and<br />

projection methodologies for the EU-27 member states<br />

(2007-2060) ; joint report prepared by the European<br />

Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee<br />

(AWG) - In: European Economy (Luxembourg), (2008) 7,<br />

S. 2-221, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 218-221<br />

SWP D 876812 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

106 Economic forecast : Autumn 2008 - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (2008) 6, VI, 173 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 876810 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

107 Economic forecast : spring <strong>2009</strong> - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, VI, 166 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 876813 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

108 Economic forecast : spring 2008 - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (2008) 1, VII, 169 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 876807 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

109 Saint-Paul, Gilles: Immigration, qualifications et marché du<br />

travail / rapport: Gilles Saint-Paul, commentaires: Pierre Cahuc<br />

... - Paris: La Documentation Française, <strong>2009</strong>. - 255 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Rapports du Conseil d'Analyse<br />

Economique; 84) - ISBN 978-2-11-007726-4<br />

DFI D 877387 DFI: FO <strong>15</strong>0.SAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

110 Adelle, Camilla; Pallemaerts, Marc; Chiavari, Joana:<br />

Climate change and energy security in Europe : policy<br />

integration and its limits / Camilla Adelle, Marc Pallemaerts and<br />

Joana Chiavari. - Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European<br />

Policy Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 82 S., Lit. S. 64-69 - (Report / Swedish<br />

Institute for European Policy Studies; <strong>2009</strong>:4) -<br />

ISBN 978-91-86107-10-9<br />

http://www.ieep.eu/publications/pdfs/<strong>2009</strong>/ccenergy_sec_report.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876536<br />

111 Aras, Bülent; İşeri, Emre: The Nabucco natural gas pipeline :<br />

from opera to reality / Bülent Aras & Emre İşeri. - Ankara:<br />

SETA, Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Kt. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 34)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/SETA_Policy_Brief_No_34_Bule<br />

nt_Aras_Emre_Iseri_The_Nabucco_Natural_Gas_Pipeline_From<br />

_Opera_to_Reality.pdf<br />

SWP D 876583<br />

112 Belyj, Andrej: A Russian perspective on the Energy Charter<br />

Treaty / Andrei V. Belyi. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

3 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 98/<strong>2009</strong>) - (Area: Asia -<br />

Pacific)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Print?<br />

WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/Elcano_in/Zonas<br />

_in/ARI98-<strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 876557<br />

113 Belyj, Andrej: Why a political accord is needed to make EU-<br />

Russia energy relations work / Andrei V. Belyi. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano, <strong>2009</strong>. - 17 S. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto<br />

Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; 19/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Print?<br />

WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/Elcano_in/Zonas<br />

_in/DT19-<strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 876450<br />

114 Denison, Michael: The EU and Central Asia: commercialising<br />

the energy relationship / Michael Denison. - Brussels ...: Centre<br />

for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Working Paper; No. 2) - ISBN 978-92-9079-901-6<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1883<br />

SWP D 876767<br />

1<strong>15</strong> Grätz, Jonas: Energy relations with Russia and gas market<br />

liberalization / Jonas Grätz. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 66-80<br />

SWP D 877089 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

116 Nötzold, Antje: Lehren aus dem Gasstreit : europäische<br />

Energiepolitik und die Fragen der Versorgungssicherheit / Antje<br />

Nötzold. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 54 (Juni<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 475, S. 44-48<br />

DGAP D 876568 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

117 Werenfels, Isabelle; Westphal, Kirsten: Solar power from the<br />

desert : A sensible and feasible energy solution? / Isabelle<br />

Werenfels ; Kirsten Westphal. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 13/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 38/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6208<br />

SWP D 876511<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

118 Development of organic farming policy in Europe - In: Food<br />

Policy (Amsterdam), 34 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 237-294, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 876520 DIE: ZA040 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

119 Die Auswirkung der staatlichen Hilfsmaßnahmen für den<br />

Bankensektor auf die öffentlichen Finanzen im Euro-<br />

Währungsgebiet - In: Monatsbericht / Europäische<br />

Zentralbank (Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 71-84, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877141 SWP: Y. 1012 DGAP: ZD 65 BICC: BZ EZBMON DIE: 08ZA008<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

120 Die Auswirkung der staatlichen Hilfsmaßnahmen für den<br />

Bankensektor auf die öffentlichen Finanzen im Euro-<br />

Währungsgebiet - In: Monatsbericht / Europäische<br />

Zentralbank (Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 71-84, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877141 SWP: Y. 1012 DGAP: ZD 65 BICC: BZ EZBMON DIE: 08ZA008<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

121 Izák, Vratislav: Primary balance, public debt and fiscal<br />

variables in postsocialist members of the European Union /<br />

Vratislav Izák. - In: Prague Economic Papers (Praha),<br />

18 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 114-130, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 130<br />

SWP D 876760 SWP: X. 774 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

122 Public finances in EMU 2008 - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (2008) 4, XII, 302 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 287-299<br />

SWP D 876811 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: 08ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

123 Barnscheid, Ralf: 529 NH90 für 14 Länder stehen unter<br />

Vertrag / Ralf Barnscheid. Interv.: Ulrich Rapreger. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 9-11, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876814 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 6 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

124 Adelle, Camilla; Pallemaerts, Marc; Chiavari, Joana:<br />

Climate change and energy security in Europe : policy<br />

integration and its limits / Camilla Adelle, Marc Pallemaerts and<br />

Joana Chiavari. - Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European<br />

Policy Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 82 S., Lit. S. 64-69 - (Report / Swedish<br />

Institute for European Policy Studies; <strong>2009</strong>:4) -<br />

ISBN 978-91-86107-10-9<br />

http://www.ieep.eu/publications/pdfs/<strong>2009</strong>/ccenergy_sec_report.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876536<br />

125 Delreux, Tom: The EU negotiates multilateral environmental<br />

agreements : explaining the agent's discretion / Tom Delreux. -<br />

In: Journal of European Public Policy (Abingdon), 16 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 719-737<br />

SWP D 876441 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />

126 Gronwald, Marc; Ketterer, Janina: Zur Bewertung von<br />

Emissionshandel als Politikinstrument / Marc Gronwald und<br />

Janina Ketterer. - In: Ifo-Schnelldienst (München), 62 (12. Juni<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 11, S. 22-25, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 25<br />

DIE D 877117 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 IAS: 3/856 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

127 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

128 Monaghan, Andrew: At the table or on the menu? Moscow's<br />

proposals for strategic reform / by Andrew Monaghan. - Roma:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (Research Report)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=87<br />

SWP D 876762<br />

129 Les relations transatlantiques dans la période de l'aprèsguerre-froide<br />

- In: Etudes internationales (Québec), 40 (juin<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 173-301, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876501 DGAP: ZD 304 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

130 Clement, Rolf: Ein NATO-Generalsekretär verlässt die Bühne /<br />

Rolf Clement. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 10-11, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877196 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

131 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The Afghanistan campaign: can we<br />

win? / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090722_CanWeAchieveMission.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 877395<br />

132 Jones, Bruce: Suspicious minds : NATO-Russian relations<br />

have deteriorated / Bruce Jones. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 24-27<br />

SWP D 876413 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

133 Lake, Daniel R.: The limits of coercive airpower : NATO's<br />

"victory" in Kosovo revisited / Daniel R. Lake. - In: International<br />

Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 83-112,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877348 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

134 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

135 Monaghan, Andrew: At the table or on the menu? Moscow's<br />

proposals for strategic reform / by Andrew Monaghan. - Roma:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (Research Report)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=87<br />

SWP D 876762<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

136 Monaghan, Andrew: Russia will propose a new foreign policy<br />

concept to NATO / by Andrew Monaghan. - Rome: NATO<br />

Defense College, 2008. - 4 S. - (Immediate Report / NATO<br />

Defense College)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=75<br />

SWP D 876705<br />

137 Monaghan, Andrew: Russia's “big idea” : “Helsinki 2” and the<br />

reform of Euro-Atlantic security ; report / by Andrew Monaghan.<br />

- Rome: NATO Defense College, 2008. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=76<br />

SWP D 876708<br />

138 Morgan, Wesley: Order of battle: coalition combat forces in<br />

Afghanistan : [February - <strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>] / Wesley Morgan. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Institute for the Study of War, <strong>2009</strong>. - 34 S.<br />

http://www.understandingwar.org/files/AfghanistanOrbatto<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 877260<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

139 Hunter, Robert E.: NATO after the summit : rebuilding<br />

consensus ; testimony presented before the Senate Foreign<br />

Relations Committee, Subcommittee on European Affairs on<br />

May 6, <strong>2009</strong> / Robert E. Hunter. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand<br />

Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 14 S. - (Rand Testimony; CT-331) -<br />

(CT-331)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_CT331.pdf<br />

SWP D 876378<br />

140 Kamp, Karl-Heinz: Towards a new strategy for NATO / Karl-<br />

Heinz Kamp. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 21-27<br />

SWP D 877225 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

141 Lin, Christina Y.: NATO and the Shanghai Cooperation<br />

Organization : new energy geopolitics for the transatlantic<br />

alliance / by Christina Y. Lin. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Institute for Contemporary German Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 7 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/lin.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877405<br />

142 McGregor Pursley, David: NATO's organizational evolution :<br />

The case for a civil security committee / compiled by David<br />

McGregor Pursley. - Rome: NATO Defense College, 2008. -<br />

10 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=74<br />

SWP D 876707<br />

143 Monaghan, Andrew: NATO and energy security after the<br />

Strasbourg - Kehl summit / by Andrew Monaghan. - Rome:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://fpc.org.uk/fsblob/1073.pdf<br />

SWP D 876709<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

144 Bahador, Bahak: The CNN effect in action : how the news<br />

media pushed the West toward war in Kosovo / Bahak<br />

Bahador. - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. -<br />

XXII,236 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 217-227 -<br />

(Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political<br />

Communication) - ISBN 1-4039-7519-1<br />

HSFK D 876681 HSFK: 39.869 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

145 Uhde, Dirk: 50 Jahre NATO Undersea Research Centre / Dirk<br />

Uhde. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 49-52, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 876823 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

146 Bahador, Bahak: The CNN effect in action : how the news<br />

media pushed the West toward war in Kosovo / Bahak<br />

Bahador. - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. -<br />

XXII,236 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 217-227 -<br />

(Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political<br />

Communication) - ISBN 1-4039-7519-1<br />

HSFK D 876681 HSFK: 39.869 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 7 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

147 Monaghan, Andrew: NATO and energy security after the<br />

Strasbourg - Kehl summit / by Andrew Monaghan. - Rome:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://fpc.org.uk/fsblob/1073.pdf<br />

SWP D 876709<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

148 Juncker, Jean-Claude: Eine einheitliche Zielstellung für den<br />

europäischen Kontinent : Bericht von Herrn Jean-Claude<br />

Juncker, Premierminister des Großherzogtums Luxemburg, an<br />

die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedsstaaten des<br />

Europarats - Dt. Übers. - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, 2006. - 41 S.<br />

Erscheint außerdem in Engl. u.d.T.: Juncker, Jean-Claude: A<br />

sole ambition for the European continent. - o.O., 2006. - 37 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Aussenpolitik/InternatO<br />

rgane/Europarat/Junckerbericht.pdf<br />

IFA D 877120 IFA: Cb29/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

149 Challenges to the OSCE Chairman-in-Office in 2010 / CSIS-<br />

IND Task Force. - Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (CSIS-IND Taskforce<br />

Policy Brief; Vol. 2) - (Supporting Kazakhstan’s OSCE<br />

Chairmanship Agenda)<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090612_csis-ind_policy_brief_2.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 876662<br />

<strong>15</strong>0 McDermott, Roger N.: Nazarbayev signals Kazakhstan's<br />

OSCE priorities / by Roger McDermott. - In: Eurasia Daily<br />

Monitor (Washington/D.C.), 6 (May 26, <strong>2009</strong>) 100, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt<br />

_news%5D=35036&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=407&no_cache<br />

=1<br />

SWP D 876519<br />

<strong>15</strong>1 Rubio Plo, Antonio Rafael: La OSCE y su concepción de la<br />

seguridad : la convergencia de las Organizaciones Regionales<br />

Europeas y de la OSCE en torno a una concepción integral de<br />

la seguridad / Antonio Rafael Rubio Plo. - Madrid: Ministerio de<br />

Defensa, <strong>2009</strong>. - 605 S., Lit. S. 551-599 - (Colección Tesis<br />

Doctorales) - ISBN 978-84-9781-491-1 -- Zugl.: Madrid, Univ.,<br />

Diss., 2008<br />

SWP D 876605 SWP: B.09/0003<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

<strong>15</strong>2 Rubio Plo, Antonio Rafael: La OSCE y su concepción de la<br />

seguridad : la convergencia de las Organizaciones Regionales<br />

Europeas y de la OSCE en torno a una concepción integral de<br />

la seguridad / Antonio Rafael Rubio Plo. - Madrid: Ministerio de<br />

Defensa, <strong>2009</strong>. - 605 S., Lit. S. 551-599 - (Colección Tesis<br />

Doctorales) - ISBN 978-84-9781-491-1 -- Zugl.: Madrid, Univ.,<br />

Diss., 2008<br />

SWP D 876605 SWP: B.09/0003<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

<strong>15</strong>3 Galbreath, David J.: Putting the colour into revolutions? The<br />

OSCE and civil society in the post-Soviet region / David J.<br />

Galbreath. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies and<br />

Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3,<br />

Special Issue, S. 161-180, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876623 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


SF10 Law<br />

<strong>15</strong>4 Scharia - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 4-36,<br />

Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877430 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

<strong>15</strong>5 Scharia - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 4-36,<br />

Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877430 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


SD01 World economy / International economic system<br />

<strong>15</strong>6 Becker, Joachim: Immer neue Kandidaten für den Crash : die<br />

Verwundbarkeit Osteuropas in der Finanzkrise / Joachim<br />

Becker. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung:<br />

Hintergrund (Bonn), (Oktober 2008), S. 3-4, graph. Darst.<br />

DIE D 877318 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

<strong>15</strong>7 Cheterian, Vicken: From reform and transition to "coloured<br />

revolutions" / Vicken Cheterian. - In: The Journal of Communist<br />

Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 136-160, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876620 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

<strong>15</strong>8 Lane, David: "Coloured revolution" as a political phenomenon /<br />

David Lane. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies and<br />

Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3,<br />

Special Issue, S. 113-135, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876616 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

<strong>15</strong>9 Rethinking the "coloured revolutions" / ed. by David Lane<br />

and Stephen White. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies<br />

and Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2-3, Special Issue, S. 111-412, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876609 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

160 White, Stephen: Is there a pattern? / Stephen White. - In: The<br />

Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue,<br />

S. 396-412, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876664 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

161 Wilson, Jeanne L.: Coloured revolutions : The view from<br />

Moscow and Beijing / Jeanne L. Wilson. - In: The Journal of<br />

Communist Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 369-395, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876660 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

162 Becker, Joachim: Immer neue Kandidaten für den Crash : die<br />

Verwundbarkeit Osteuropas in der Finanzkrise / Joachim<br />

Becker. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung:<br />

Hintergrund (Bonn), (Oktober 2008), S. 3-4, graph. Darst.<br />

DIE D 877318 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

163 Szlajfer, Henryk: Central and Eastern Europe (as acronym)<br />

and Russia : some reflections / Henryk Szlajfer. - In: The Polish<br />

Quarterly of International Affairs (Warsaw), 17 (Spring 2008) 2,<br />

S. 5-21<br />

SWP D 876434 SWP: X. 757 DGAP: ZD 456 HSFK: ZS P Öff.StaO: 206<br />

164 Why the Obama administration should not take Central and<br />

Eastern Europe for granted / by Pavol Demes ... German<br />

Marshall Fund of the United States - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

4 S. - (Policy Brief / German Marshall Fund of the United<br />

States)<br />

http://www.gmfus.org/doc/Obama_CEE.pdf<br />

SWP D 876773<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

165 Lawson, Colin W.; Zimková, Emília: The credit crisis : what<br />

lessons for Visegrad? / Colin Lawson ; Emília Zimková. -<br />

In: Prague Economic Papers (Praha), 18 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 99-113, Tab., Lit. S. 112-113<br />

SWP D 876757 SWP: X. 774 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 8 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SE02 International relations in the field of education<br />

and science<br />

166 Kováčová, Michaela; Eckert, Stefan: Zur Wirkung<br />

landesspezifischer interkultureller Trainings auf die<br />

interkulturelle Kompetenz : eine Evaluationsstudie am Beispiel<br />

von Studierenden aus mittel- und osteuropäischen<br />

Transformationsländern / Michaela Kováčová ; Stefan Eckert. -<br />

Zittau: Internat. Hochschulinst., <strong>2009</strong>. - 66 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 59-65 - (International Management Working<br />

Paper Series; no. 01/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

IFA D 877321 IFA: Cb29/447 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

167 Kováčová, Michaela; Eckert, Stefan: Zur Wirkung<br />

landesspezifischer interkultureller Trainings auf die<br />

interkulturelle Kompetenz : eine Evaluationsstudie am Beispiel<br />

von Studierenden aus mittel- und osteuropäischen<br />

Transformationsländern / Michaela Kováčová ; Stefan Eckert. -<br />

Zittau: Internat. Hochschulinst., <strong>2009</strong>. - 66 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 59-65 - (International Management Working<br />

Paper Series; no. 01/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

IFA D 877321 IFA: Cb29/447 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

168 Rose, Richard; Munro, Neil: Parties and elections in new<br />

European democracies / Richard Rose and Neil Munro. Ed. by<br />

Alan Ware ... - Colchester: ECPR Pr., <strong>2009</strong>. - XII, 275 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-9558203-2-8<br />

SWP D 876597 SWP: A.09/0238<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

169 Rose, Richard; Munro, Neil: Parties and elections in new<br />

European democracies / Richard Rose and Neil Munro. Ed. by<br />

Alan Ware ... - Colchester: ECPR Pr., <strong>2009</strong>. - XII, 275 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-9558203-2-8<br />

SWP D 876597 SWP: A.09/0238<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

170 Hacker, Björn: Sozialpolitik in Mittelosteuropa :<br />

unterschiedliche Reformstrategien mit liberalem<br />

Hintergrundrauschen / Björn Hacker. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik<br />

und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 36-49<br />

SWP D 877086 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA03.02 SWEDEN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

171 Hagström Frisell, Eva; Oldberg, Ingmar: "Cool neighboors":<br />

Sweden's EU presidency and Russia / Eva Hagström Frisell ;<br />

Ingmar Oldberg. - Paris: Institut Français des Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 22 S. - (Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 42)<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_Russia_and_Sweden_ENG_ju<br />

ne_09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876733<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

172 Langdal, Fredrik; Sydow, Göran von: The <strong>2009</strong> Swedish EU<br />

Presidency : The setting, priorities and roles / Fredrik Langdal<br />

& Göran von Sydow. - Stockholm: Swedish Institute for<br />

European Policy Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S., Tab. - (European<br />

Policy Analysis; Issue 7-<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.sieps.se/files/download-document/559-<strong>2009</strong>_7epa.ht<br />

ml<br />

SWP D 876911<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

173 Meadowcroft, James; Bregha, François: Governance for<br />

sustainable development : meeting the challenge ahead ; a<br />

scoping paper prepared for the Policy Research Initiative;<br />

research paper / James Meadowcroft ; François Bregha. -<br />

Ottawa, <strong>2009</strong>. - 34 S., Lit. S. 24-27<br />

http://www.policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/<strong>2009</strong>-0011-Eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 877322<br />

RA03.04 DENMARK<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

174 Madsen, Stig Toft; Nielsen, Kenneth: The political culture of<br />

factionalism among Hindu nationalists in Denmark / Stig Toft<br />

Madsen and Kenneth Bo Nielsen. - In: Critical Asian Studies<br />

(Cedar/Mich.), 41 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 255-280<br />

GIGA D 876343 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

175 Madsen, Stig Toft; Nielsen, Kenneth: The political culture of<br />

factionalism among Hindu nationalists in Denmark / Stig Toft<br />

Madsen and Kenneth Bo Nielsen. - In: Critical Asian Studies<br />

(Cedar/Mich.), 41 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 255-280<br />

GIGA D 876343 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

176 Tarhuni, Molly: Libya : revolution forty years on ; living with<br />

Libya / Molly Tarhuni. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 23-25<br />

SWP D 876459 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

177 Ainsworth, Bob: Afghanistan: turning tactical gains into<br />

strategic success : transcript / Bob Ainsworth. - London:<br />

Chatham House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14347_080709ainsworth.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 877389<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

178 Strachan, Hew: The strategic gap in British defence policy /<br />

Hew Strachan. - In: Survival (Abingdon),<br />

51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 49-70, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877228 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

179 Dixon, Paul: "Hearts and minds"? British counter-insurgency<br />

from Malaya to Iraq / Paul Dixon. - In: The Journal of Strategic<br />

Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 353-381,<br />

Lit. S. 379-381<br />

SWP D 876772 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

180 Rangwala, Glen: Counter-insurgency amid fragmentation : The<br />

British in Southern Iraq / Glen Rangwala. - In: The Journal of<br />

Strategic Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 495-513,<br />

Lit. S. 512-513<br />

SWP D 876779 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

181 Dixon, Paul: "Hearts and minds"? British counter-insurgency<br />

from Malaya to Iraq / Paul Dixon. - In: The Journal of Strategic<br />

Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 353-381,<br />

Lit. S. 379-381<br />

SWP D 876772 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

182 Rangwala, Glen: Counter-insurgency amid fragmentation : The<br />

British in Southern Iraq / Glen Rangwala. - In: The Journal of<br />

Strategic Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 495-513,<br />

Lit. S. 512-513<br />

SWP D 876779 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

183 Simmonds, Stephanie; Ferozuddin, Feroz: Support to the<br />

health sector in Helmand Province, Afghanistan : final report /<br />

Stephanie Simmonds ; Feroz Ferozuddin. - London: DFID<br />

Health Resource Centre, 2008. - 91 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/13663_100309lillywhite.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 877142<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 9 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

184 Khan, Naseem: The road to interculturalism : tracking the arts<br />

in a changing world / Naseem Khan. - Stroud: Comedia, 2006. -<br />

56 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (Intercultural City Series; book 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-873667-09-5<br />

IFA D 877176 IFA: Ca29/27 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

185 Nielitz-Hart, Lilly; Hart, Simon: Kulturschock Großbritannien :<br />

Alltagskultur, Tradition, Verhaltensregeln, Schichten und<br />

Klassen, Tabus, Mann und Frau, Monarchie usw. / Lilly Nielitz-<br />

Hart ; Simon Hart. - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld: Reise-Know-How-Verl.<br />

Rump, <strong>2009</strong>. - 336 S., zahlr. Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 3<strong>15</strong>-319 -<br />

(Andere Länder - andere Sitten) - ISBN 978-3-8317-1796-5<br />

IFA D 877327 IFA: 29/382 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

186 Schenk, Susan: Das Islambild im internationalen Fernsehen :<br />

ein Vergleich der Nachrichtensender "Al Jazeera English",<br />

"BBC World" und "CNN International" / Susan Schenk. - Berlin:<br />

Frank & Timme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 173 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 163-172 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation -<br />

Naher Osten und islamische Welt; Vol. 16) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86596-224-9 -- Zugl.: Magisterarb.<br />

IFA D 877374 IFA: 29/338 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

187 Dickson, Brice: Counter-insurgency and human rights in<br />

Northern Ireland / Brice Dickson. - In: The Journal of Strategic<br />

Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 475-493, Lit. S. 493<br />

SWP D 876777 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

188 Gallagher, Tom: Scottish democracy in a time of nationalism /<br />

Tom Gallagher. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 56-70, Lit. S. 69-70<br />

SWP D 876627 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


189 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

190 Dickson, Brice: Counter-insurgency and human rights in<br />

Northern Ireland / Brice Dickson. - In: The Journal of Strategic<br />

Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 475-493, Lit. S. 493<br />

SWP D 876777 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

191 Dixon, Paul: "Hearts and minds"? British counter-insurgency<br />

strategy in Northern Ireland / Paul Dixon. - In: The Journal of<br />

Strategic Studies (London), 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 445-474,<br />

Lit. S. 473-474<br />

SWP D 876774 SWP: X. 612 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

192 Gallagher, Tom: Scottish democracy in a time of nationalism /<br />

Tom Gallagher. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 56-70, Lit. S. 69-70<br />

SWP D 876627 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SG Society<br />

193 Nielitz-Hart, Lilly; Hart, Simon: Kulturschock Großbritannien :<br />

Alltagskultur, Tradition, Verhaltensregeln, Schichten und<br />

Klassen, Tabus, Mann und Frau, Monarchie usw. / Lilly Nielitz-<br />

Hart ; Simon Hart. - 1. Aufl. - Bielefeld: Reise-Know-How-Verl.<br />

Rump, <strong>2009</strong>. - 336 S., zahlr. Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 3<strong>15</strong>-319 -<br />

(Andere Länder - andere Sitten) - ISBN 978-3-8317-1796-5<br />

IFA D 877327 IFA: 29/382 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

194 Simmonds, Stephanie; Ferozuddin, Feroz: Support to the<br />

health sector in Helmand Province, Afghanistan : final report /<br />

Stephanie Simmonds ; Feroz Ferozuddin. - London: DFID<br />

Health Resource Centre, 2008. - 91 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/13663_100309lillywhite.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 877142<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

195 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

196 Khan, Naseem: The road to interculturalism : tracking the arts<br />

in a changing world / Naseem Khan. - Stroud: Comedia, 2006. -<br />

56 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (Intercultural City Series; book 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-873667-09-5<br />

IFA D 877176 IFA: Ca29/27 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

197 Schenk, Susan: Das Islambild im internationalen Fernsehen :<br />

ein Vergleich der Nachrichtensender "Al Jazeera English",<br />

"BBC World" und "CNN International" / Susan Schenk. - Berlin:<br />

Frank & Timme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 173 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 163-172 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation -<br />

Naher Osten und islamische Welt; Vol. 16) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86596-224-9 -- Zugl.: Magisterarb.<br />

IFA D 877374 IFA: 29/338 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

198 Meadowcroft, James; Bregha, François: Governance for<br />

sustainable development : meeting the challenge ahead ; a<br />

scoping paper prepared for the Policy Research Initiative;<br />

research paper / James Meadowcroft ; François Bregha. -<br />

Ottawa, <strong>2009</strong>. - 34 S., Lit. S. 24-27<br />

http://www.policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/<strong>2009</strong>-0011-Eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 877322<br />


SG06 Media / Information<br />

199 Becker, Carmen: Zurück zum Quellcode : salafistische<br />

Wissenspraktiken im Internet / Carmen Becker. - In: INAMO<br />

(Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 37-42, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 42<br />

GIGA D 877433 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

200 Becker, Carmen: Zurück zum Quellcode : salafistische<br />

Wissenspraktiken im Internet / Carmen Becker. - In: INAMO<br />

(Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 37-42, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 42<br />

GIGA D 877433 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

201 Meadowcroft, James; Bregha, François: Governance for<br />

sustainable development : meeting the challenge ahead ; a<br />

scoping paper prepared for the Policy Research Initiative;<br />

research paper / James Meadowcroft ; François Bregha. -<br />

Ottawa, <strong>2009</strong>. - 34 S., Lit. S. 24-27<br />

http://www.policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/<strong>2009</strong>-0011-Eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 877322<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 10 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RA04.05 LUXEMBOURG<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

202 Hudemann, Rainer: Dekonstruktion des Nationalen in<br />

Nationsbildungskonflikten : Elsass-Lothringen und Luxemburg<br />

als Paradigmata / Rainer Hudemann. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem<br />

Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-<br />

Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 175-187, Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877214 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

SA02 History<br />

203 Autour du 18 juin 1940 - In: Espoir (Paris), (juin <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>7,<br />

S. 12-36, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877041 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

204 Cochet, François: Verdun et la construction de ses mémoires<br />

: de la bataille au centre mondial de la paix / François Cochet. -<br />

In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer<br />

Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 65-77, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877205 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

205 Daum, Pierre: Immigrés de force : les travailleurs indochinois<br />

en France ; (1939-1952) / Pierre Daum. Préface de Gilles<br />

Manceron. - Arles: Actes Sud, <strong>2009</strong>. - 277 S., Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 275-277 - (Archives du colonialisme) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7427-8222-2<br />

DFI D 877014 DFI: FN 850.DAU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

206 Benoist, Pierre: François Goguel, haut fonctionnaire et<br />

politiste / Pierre Benoist. - Paris: Centre de Recherches<br />

Politiques de Sciences Po, <strong>2009</strong>. - 216 S., Tab., Lit. S. 209-216<br />

- (Les Cahiers du CEVIPOF; 50)<br />

DFI D 876925 DFI: FC 570.GOG/BE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

207 Les Antilles d'Aimé Césaire - In: Esprit (Paris),<br />

(août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 357, S. 7-39, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876914 SWP: X. 831 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

208 Larcan, Alain: De Gaulle et l'écriture : de la pensée à l'action /<br />

Alain Larcan. - In: Espoir (Paris), (juin <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>7, S. 60-81,<br />

Lit. S. 80-81<br />

DFI D 877042 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

209 Marmot, Claude: Les de Gaulle : "une certaine idée de la<br />

France" / Claude Marmot. - In: Espoir (Paris), (juin <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>7,<br />

S. 82-89<br />

DFI D 877044 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

210 Abssi, Marion: Le nationalisme algérien dans l'immigration en<br />

France métropolitaine pendant la guerre d'indépendance /<br />

Marion Abssi. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von<br />

Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 101-111, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877212 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

211 Miard-Delacroix, Hélène: Filtres de perception et imbrication<br />

dynamique : formes de permanence de la nation allemande,<br />

élément indésirable / Hélène Miard-Delacroix. - In: Die "Nation"<br />

auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin:<br />

Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 79-88, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877210 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

212 Peyroulou, Jean-Pierre: Guelma, 1945 : une subversion<br />

française dans l'Algérie coloniale / Jean-Pierre Peyroulou.<br />

Préface de Marc Olivier Baruch. - Paris: Ed. La Découverte,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 404 S., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 375-394 - (Textes à<br />

l'appui / Études coloniales) - ISBN 978-2-7071-5464-4<br />

DFI D 877099 DFI: YF 840.PEY Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

213 Hudemann, Rainer: Dekonstruktion des Nationalen in<br />

Nationsbildungskonflikten : Elsass-Lothringen und Luxemburg<br />

als Paradigmata / Rainer Hudemann. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem<br />

Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-<br />

Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 175-187, Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877214 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

214 70e anniversaire : la pensée stratégique en France -<br />

In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [franz. Ausg.]<br />

(Paris), (août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 722, S. 117-141, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877040 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2<strong>15</strong> Dumoulin, André: La PESD autour du Sommet de Strasbourg-<br />

Kehl / André Dumoulin. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [franz. Ausg.] (Paris), (août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 722,<br />

S. 56-68, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877039 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

216 La crise, et après? - In: La Revue de la CFDT (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

93, S. 4-50, Lit. S. 50<br />

DFI D 876918 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

217 La balance des paiements et la position extérieure de la<br />

France en 2008 - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris),<br />

(2e trimestre <strong>2009</strong>) 176, S. 7-<strong>15</strong>, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 8769<strong>15</strong> DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

218 Auclair, Denise: EU-Präsidentschaften im Entwicklungstest :<br />

von Frankreich zu Tschechien / Denise Auclair. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Dezember 2008) 12, S. 2-3<br />

DIE D 877380 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

219 Cosnac, Bettina de; Krämer-Anderson, Dagmar; Stamer,<br />

Sabine: Drei-Länder-Chat : Kulturführer für den alltäglichen<br />

Grenzverkehr / Bettina de Cosnac ; Dagmar Krämer-Anderson<br />

; Sabine Stamer. - Reinbek: Rowohlt, <strong>2009</strong>. - 253 S. - (Rororo)<br />

- ISBN 978-3-499-62488-9<br />

IFA D 877386 IFA: 29/239 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

220 Kaplan, Daniel; Marcou, Thierry: La ville 2.0, plateforme<br />

d'innovation ouverte / Daniel Kaplan ; Thierry Marcou. -<br />

Limoges: FYP, <strong>2009</strong>. - 104 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (La fabrique des possibles; 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-916571-25-6<br />

DFI D 877103 DFI: FF 760.KAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF10 Law<br />

221 La Constitution et le droit pénal / études réunies et présentés<br />

par Pascale Deumier ... - In: Les Cahiers du Conseil<br />

constitutionnel (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>) 26, S. 3-46, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877323 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

222 Castel, Robert: La montée des incertitudes : travail,<br />

protections, statut de l'individu / Robert Castel. - Paris: Seuil,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 457 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (La couleur des idées) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-051042-4<br />

DFI D 877169 DFI: FN 110.CAST Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

223 Dubet, François: Le travail des sociétés / François Dubet. -<br />

Paris: Seuil, <strong>2009</strong>. - 348 S., Lit. S. 331-348 -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-099527-6<br />

DFI D 877012 DFI: FN 110.DUB Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 11 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

224 Frydel, Yves: Recensement de la population 2006 : premier<br />

regard sur la société alsacienne / Yves Frydel. - In: Chiffres<br />

pour l'Alsace (Strasbourg), (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 1-6, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

DFI D 876357 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

225 Abssi, Marion: Le nationalisme algérien dans l'immigration en<br />

France métropolitaine pendant la guerre d'indépendance /<br />

Marion Abssi. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von<br />

Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 101-111, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877212 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

226 Daum, Pierre: Immigrés de force : les travailleurs indochinois<br />

en France ; (1939-1952) / Pierre Daum. Préface de Gilles<br />

Manceron. - Arles: Actes Sud, <strong>2009</strong>. - 277 S., Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 275-277 - (Archives du colonialisme) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7427-8222-2<br />

DFI D 877014 DFI: FN 850.DAU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

227 Lozès, Patrick; Lecherbonnier, Bernard: Les noirs sont-ils<br />

des français à part entière? / Patrick Lozès et Bernard<br />

Lecherbonnier. - Paris: Larousse, <strong>2009</strong>. - <strong>15</strong>5 S., Tab. - (A dire<br />

vrai) - ISBN 978-2-03-584530-6<br />

DFI D 877<strong>15</strong>7 DFI: FN 850.LOZ Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

228 Saint-Paul, Gilles: Immigration, qualifications et marché du<br />

travail / rapport: Gilles Saint-Paul, commentaires: Pierre Cahuc<br />

... - Paris: La Documentation Française, <strong>2009</strong>. - 255 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Rapports du Conseil d'Analyse<br />

Economique; 84) - ISBN 978-2-11-007726-4<br />

DFI D 877387 DFI: FO <strong>15</strong>0.SAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

229 Bray, Aurélie; Thabet, Soraya: Les phénomènes migratoires,<br />

un défi pour la France? / Aurélie Bray et Soraya Thabet. -<br />

Paris: Presses des Mines, <strong>2009</strong>. - <strong>15</strong>4 S., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Libres opinions) - ISBN 978-2-356-71018-5<br />

DFI D 877067 DFI: FN 840.BRA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

230 Hubert, Jean-Paul: Dans les grandes agglomérations, la<br />

mobilité quotidienne des habitants diminue, et elle augmente<br />

ailleurs / Jean-Paul Hubert. - In: INSEE première (Paris), (juillet<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1252, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876964 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

231 Poupeau, Franck; François, Jean-Christophe: Le sens du<br />

placement : ségrégation résidentielle et ségrégation scolaire /<br />

Franck Poupeau ; Jean-Christophe François. - Paris: Raisons<br />

d'Agir, 2008. - 228 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 217-229 -<br />

(Cours et travaux) - ISBN 978-2-912107-43-5<br />

DFI D 877<strong>15</strong>9 DFI: FG 140.POU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

232 Se loger, un privilège - In: Après-demain (Paris), (août <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

11, S. 3-47, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877325 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living<br />

233 Arrondel, Luc: "Mon père avait raison" : la transmission des<br />

valeurs entre les générations / Luc Arrondel. - In: Revue<br />

française d'économie (Paris), 24 (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. <strong>15</strong>7-205,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 203-205<br />

DFI D 876913 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

234 Ehlke, Erin: French soccer : emphasizing the importance of<br />

the nation / Erin Ehlke. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand /<br />

hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 47-57, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877202 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

235 Gaudeul, Sophie: Politiques familiales : objectifs, coûts et<br />

évaluation / Sophie Gaudeul. - In: La Revue de la CFDT<br />

(Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>) 93, S. 56-64, Tab.<br />

DFI D 876920 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

236 Mongin, Philippe: Faut-il attribuer le revenu de solidarité<br />

active (RSA) à 18 ans? / Philippe Mongin. - In: Revue française<br />

d'économie (Paris), 24 (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 41-70, Lit. S. 69-70<br />

DFI D 876912 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

237 Carrières incomplètes et retraites / Karine Briard ... -<br />

In: Connaissance de l'emploi (Noisy-le-Grand), (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 67,<br />

S. 1-4, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876968 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

238 Les structures d'hospitalisation à domicile en 2006 /<br />

Mylène Chaleix ... - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris),<br />

(juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 697, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

DFI D 876967 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

239 Borras, Isabelle; Romani, Claudine: La qualité de l'orientation<br />

en débat / Isabelle Borras ; Claudine Romani. - In: Bref / Centre<br />

d'Études et de Recherches sur les Qualifications (Marseille),<br />

(mai <strong>2009</strong>) 264, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876969 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

240 L'enseignement supérieur agronomique : héritages,<br />

actualités et perspectives / coordonné par Jean Vincent ... -<br />

In: Pour (Paris), (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 200, S. 11-260, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877026 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 29<br />

241 Grenat, Pascale; Sidibé, Aboubacar; Masson, Luc: Les<br />

étudiants se préparant aux diplômes de travail social en 2006 /<br />

Pascale Grenat, Luc Masson et Aboubacar Sidibé. - In: Etudes<br />

et résultats DREES (Paris), (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 696, S. 1-8, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 876966 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

242 Poupeau, Franck; François, Jean-Christophe: Le sens du<br />

placement : ségrégation résidentielle et ségrégation scolaire /<br />

Franck Poupeau ; Jean-Christophe François. - Paris: Raisons<br />

d'Agir, 2008. - 228 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 217-229 -<br />

(Cours et travaux) - ISBN 978-2-912107-43-5<br />

DFI D 877<strong>15</strong>9 DFI: FG 140.POU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

243 L'Université en crise : mort ou résurrection? - Paris: Ed. de la<br />

Découverte, <strong>2009</strong>. - 379 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Revue du MAUSS; n° 33) - ISBN 978-2-7071-5807-9<br />

DFI D 877016 DFI: FG 610.UNI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

244 Visier, Laurent; Zoïa, Geneviève: La carte scolaire et le<br />

territoire urbain / Laurent Visier et Geneviève Zoïa. [Préface de<br />

François Dubet] - Paris: Presses Univ. de France, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

104 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 97-101 - (La ville en débat) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-13-057227-5<br />

DFI D 877056 DFI: FG 410.VIS Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

245 Cochet, François: Verdun et la construction de ses mémoires<br />

: de la bataille au centre mondial de la paix / François Cochet. -<br />

In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer<br />

Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 65-77, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877205 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

246 Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand = La "Nation" en question /<br />

hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XV,221 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Vice versa: deutsch-französische<br />

Kulturstudien; 3) - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877180 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

247 Benhamou, Françoise; Gergaud, Olivier; Moureau,<br />

Nathalie: Le financement du cinéma par la télévision : une<br />

analyse économétrique des investissements des chaînes /<br />

Françoise Benhamou ; Olivier Gergaud ; Nathalie Moureau. -<br />

In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>) 2/188, S. 101-112,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 111-112<br />

DFI D 877072 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 12 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

248 Esquerre, Arnaud: La manipulation mentale : sociologie des<br />

sectes en France / Arnaud Esquerre. - Paris: Fayard, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

372 S., Lit. S. 363-372 - ISBN 978-2-213-63835-5<br />

DFI D 877328 DFI: FE 870.ESQ Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

249 Iankova, Evguenia; Pochon, Florent; Teïletche, Jérôme:<br />

L'impact des décisions des agences de notation sur le prix des<br />

actions : une comparaison du cas français avec les cas<br />

euopéen et américain / Evguenia Iankova ; Florent Pochon ;<br />

Jérôme Teïletche. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2/188, S. 1-21, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 21<br />

DFI D 877046 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02.03 Business cycles / Business cycle policy<br />

250 Barlet, Muriel; Crusson, Laure: Quel impact des variations du<br />

prix du pétrole sur la croissance française? / Muriel Barlet ;<br />

Laure Crusson. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2/188, S. 23-41, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 38-39<br />

DFI D 877055 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional<br />

economic policy<br />

251 Bilan économique et social 2008 de la Bretagne :<br />

(premières tendances <strong>2009</strong>) - In: Octant (Rennes), (juin <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

116, S. 1-45, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876358 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

252 Gonzalez, Lucie; Mansuy, Anne: En 2007, les salariés à<br />

temps complet ont dépassé, en moyenne, les "35 heures" /<br />

Lucie Gonzalez et Anne Mansuy. - In: INSEE première (Paris),<br />

(juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1249, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876392 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

253 Jauneau, Yves: Les employés et ouvriers non qualifiés : un<br />

niveau de vie inférieur d'un quart à la moyenne des salariés /<br />

Yves Jauneau. - In: INSEE première (Paris), (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1250,<br />

S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876394 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

254 Narcy, Mathieu: Les salariés du secteur associatif sont-ils<br />

davantage intrinsèquement motivés que ceux du secteur privé?<br />

/ Mathieu Narcy. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2/188, S. 81-99, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 97<br />

DFI D 877070 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

255 Saint-Paul, Gilles: Immigration, qualifications et marché du<br />

travail / rapport: Gilles Saint-Paul, commentaires: Pierre Cahuc<br />

... - Paris: La Documentation Française, <strong>2009</strong>. - 255 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Rapports du Conseil d'Analyse<br />

Economique; 84) - ISBN 978-2-11-007726-4<br />

DFI D 877387 DFI: FO <strong>15</strong>0.SAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

256 Le patrimoine industriel comme vecteur de reconquête<br />

économique / Marina Gasnier ... (dir.) - Panazol: Lavauzelle,<br />

2007. - 199 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Histoire,<br />

mémoire & patrimoine) - ISBN 978-2-7025-1074-2<br />

DFI D 877337 DFI: FT 410.PAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

257 Hubert, Jean-Paul: Dans les grandes agglomérations, la<br />

mobilité quotidienne des habitants diminue, et elle augmente<br />

ailleurs / Jean-Paul Hubert. - In: INSEE première (Paris), (juillet<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1252, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876964 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

258 Sédillot, Franck: Les comptes financiers de la nation en 2008 :<br />

les taux d'endettement des agents non financiers augmentent<br />

toujours / Franck Sédillot. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France<br />

(Paris), (2e trimestre <strong>2009</strong>) 176, S. 17-23, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 876916 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

259 Kaplan, Daniel; Marcou, Thierry: La ville 2.0, plateforme<br />

d'innovation ouverte / Daniel Kaplan ; Thierry Marcou. -<br />

Limoges: FYP, <strong>2009</strong>. - 104 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (La fabrique des possibles; 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-916571-25-6<br />

DFI D 877103 DFI: FF 760.KAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

260 Bontemps, Christophe; Nauges, Céline: Carafe ou bouteille?<br />

Le rôle de la qualité de l'environnement dans la décision du<br />

consommateur / Christophe Bontemps ; Céline Nauges. -<br />

In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>) 2/188, S. 61-79,<br />

Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 77<br />

DFI D 877059 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

261 Djaout, Fabien; Le Goffe, Philippe; Tauber, Mélanie:<br />

Comment appliquer la directive nitrates et à quel coût? Une<br />

modélisation spatiale du marché de l'épandage / Fabien Djaout<br />

; Philippe Le Goffe ; Mélanie Tauber. - In: Economie et<br />

prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>) 2/188, S. 43-60, Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 58<br />

DFI D 877058 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities<br />

262 L'Université en crise : mort ou résurrection? - Paris: Ed. de la<br />

Découverte, <strong>2009</strong>. - 379 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Revue du MAUSS; n° 33) - ISBN 978-2-7071-5807-9<br />

DFI D 877016 DFI: FG 610.UNI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

263 Fortschrittsbericht 2008 zur nationalen<br />

Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie : Unterrichtung durch die<br />

Bundesregierung / Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln:<br />

Bundesanzeiger, 2008. - 218 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

16/10700)<br />

SWP D 876838 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

264 Frasch, Jutta: A fresh impetus for German Polish relations :<br />

proposals for an intensification of bilateral cooperation / Jutta<br />

Frasch. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S.<br />

- (SWP Comments; 14/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 34/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6216<br />

SWP D 876824<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

265 Trommler, Frank: Kulturpolitik versus Aussenpoliitk in the past<br />

sixty years / by Frank Trommler. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Institute for Contemporary German Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/trommler.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877311<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

266 Becker, Peter; Maurer, Andreas: German brakes on<br />

integration : consequences and dangers of the Federal<br />

Constitutional Court judgment for Germany and the EU / Peter<br />

Becker ; Andreas Maurer. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (SWP Comments; <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 41/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6217<br />

SWP D 876719<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

267 Hudemann, Rainer: Dekonstruktion des Nationalen in<br />

Nationsbildungskonflikten : Elsass-Lothringen und Luxemburg<br />

als Paradigmata / Rainer Hudemann. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem<br />

Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-<br />

Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 175-187, Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877214 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 13 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

268 Runder Tisch "Europa-Kommunikation und die<br />

Kommunen" : Ergebnisvermerk / Auswärtiges Amt, Aktion<br />

Europa. - Berlin, 2006. - 16 S., graph. Darst.<br />

IFA D 876973 IFA: Cb27/47 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

269 Dumoulin, André: La PESD autour du Sommet de Strasbourg-<br />

Kehl / André Dumoulin. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [franz. Ausg.] (Paris), (août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 722,<br />

S. 56-68, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 877039 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

270 Reeb, Hans-Joachim: Die Parteiprogramme zur<br />

Sicherheitspolitik vor den Bundestagswahlen / Hans-Joachim<br />

Reeb. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 68-71, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877229 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

271 Wiesner, Ina: Vernetzte Sicherheit und Knowledge<br />

Development : innovative Konzepte der Bundeswehr harren<br />

der ressortübergreifenden Umsetzung / Ina Wiesner. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 34-36, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877207 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

272 Klos, Dietmar: Nachrichten aus Brüssel / Dietmar Klos. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 57, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877221 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

273 Klos, Dietmar: Nachrichten aus Brüssel / Dietmar Klos. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 57, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877221 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

274 Arnold, Thomas: Luftverteidigungsübung : Beteiligung der<br />

Heeresflugabwehrtruppe / Thomas Arnold. - In: Strategie &<br />

Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 26-28,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876819 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

275 Dölling, Peter: Sanierung Kasernen West / Peter Dölling. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 72-74, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 876828 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

276 Geldmacher, Thorsten: Die Konzeptionellen<br />

Grundvorstellungen zur See als Basis für<br />

streitkräftegemeinsame Operationen der Bundeswehr /<br />

Thorsten Geldmacher. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 52-54, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877219 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

277 Horst, Michael: Neue Brandschutztechnologien / Michael<br />

Horst. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 29-31, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876820 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

278 Karkoska, Helge: Von der SAR-Lupe zu MUSIS : Deutschland<br />

und die europäische raumgestützte Aufklärung / Helge<br />

Karkoska. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 38-41, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877211 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

279 Klos, Dietmar: Symposium "Einsatz von Landstreitkräften<br />

20<strong>15</strong> +" / Dietmar Klos. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 49-50, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877217 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

280 Kühn, Wolfram: Die Streitkräftebasis im Einsatz / Wolfram<br />

Kühn. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 14-22, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877199 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

281 Neitzert, Achim: Führungszentrale Nationale Luftverteidigung /<br />

Achim Neitzert. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 32-35, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876821 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

282 Röllig, Peter: Das Gefechtsübungszentrum Heer :<br />

simulationsgestützte Ausbildung im Heer / Peter Röllig. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 18-22, Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

SWP D 876817 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

283 Rowley, Sven Colin: Ausbildung, Übungen im internationalen<br />

Rahmen / Sven Colin Rowley. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 24-25, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876818 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

284 Zillmer, Peter; Sunkimat, Klaus: Basisentwicklung des<br />

Systems Flugabwehr / Peter Zillmer ; Klaus Sunkimat. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 58-60, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877223 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

285 Bartels, Henning: Das künftige bodengebundene<br />

Luftverteidigungssystem MEADS : eine Bestandsaufnahme /<br />

Henning Bartels. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 44-47, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877213 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

286 Dean, Sidney E.: Bundeswehr beschafft Laser JDAM / Sidney<br />

E. Dean. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 47-49, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877216 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

287 Gräfe, Frank: Fünf Jahre EUROFIGHTER : Flugbetrieb in der<br />

Luftwaffe / Frank Gräfe. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 28-32, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877204 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

288 Horst, Michael; Heiming, Gerhard: Militärfahrzeuge abgeleitet<br />

aus der Großserie / Michael Horst und Gerhard Heimig. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 12-17, Ill.<br />

SWP D 8768<strong>15</strong> SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

289 Klos, Dietmar: Heeresrüstung für Einsätze (Teil 2) / Dietmar<br />

Klos. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

8, S. 61-68, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877227 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

290 Wagner, Hans Joachim: 50 Jahre Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-<br />

Institut / Hans Joachim Wagner. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 69-70, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

SWP D 876827 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.03 Organisation of military defence<br />

291 Raidel, Hans: Bundeswehr und Wehrverwaltung : sinnvolle<br />

Ergänzung oder anachronistische Verschwendung knapper<br />

Ressourcen? / Hans Raidel. - In: Politische Studien (München),<br />

60 (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 426, S. 73-80<br />

SWP D 876748 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser <strong>15</strong> DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 14 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SD International economy<br />

292 Zippel, Wulfdiether: Deutschland - eine Wirtschaftsmacht? /<br />

Wulfdiether Zippel. - In: Deutschlands Rolle in der Welt des 21.<br />

Jahrhunderts / Peter-Cornelius Mayer-Tasch, Heinrich<br />

Oberreuter (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>, S. 75-83 -<br />

(Zeitschrift für Politik; (<strong>2009</strong>), Sonderband 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-4686-9<br />

SWP D 876625 SWP: H.09/0129 OSI: Zs 228 DGAP: ZD 224 IFA: Z-D84<br />

SOI: Z7806 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

293 Asmussen, Jörg: Mastering global financial crises : A German<br />

perspective / Jörg Asmussen. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 197-204<br />

SWP D 876428 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

294 Schuber, Barik: Konjunkturspritze aus dem Morgenland / Barik<br />

Schuber. - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Sommer <strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 61-62,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 62<br />

GIGA D 877382 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

295 Fulda, Andreas Martin: Promoting participatory development<br />

in the People's Republic of China : A case study of<br />

Sino-German development cooperation (2003-2006) / Andreas<br />

Martin Fulda. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai <strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 97-118, Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 877174 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

296 Braune-Steininger, Wolfgang: Germanistische Perspektiven<br />

der deutschen auswärtigen Kulturpolitik seit 1945 :<br />

historisch-diskursive Studien zu einem Thema der Zukunft /<br />

Wolfgang Braune-Steininger. - Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl.,<br />

2007. - S. 3-10, Lit. S. 9-10 -- Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache<br />

Deutsch (Tübingen), 34 (2007) 3<br />

IFA D 876725 IFA: Cb29/474 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

297 Joras, Andrea; Vaitsenberg-Schwetje, Katharina: Die<br />

praktische Arbeit der GTZ hinsichtlich der Russlanddeutschen :<br />

konzeptionelle Ansätze, Alltagsprobleme, Wirkungen / von<br />

Andrea Joras und Katharina Vaitsenberg-Schwetje. - In: Die<br />

Russlanddeutschen in den Migrationsprozessen zwischen den<br />

GUS-Staaten und Deutschland / Otto Luchterhandt ... (Hrsg.).<br />

Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis. - Göttingen, 2008. -<br />

(Veröffentlichung / Göttinger Arbeitskreis; Nr. 519), S. 148-166,<br />

Tab. - ISBN 978-3-9806003-8-5<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>6 IFA: 29/32 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

298 Möller, Almute: Goethe goes good and gooder!!! Das<br />

Goethe-Zentrum in Windhoek öffnet sich zunehmend allen<br />

Bevölkerungsgruppen und gewinnt neue Partner und Besucher<br />

/ von Almute Möller. - In: Namibia-Magazin (Göttingen), (April<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 8-10, Ill.<br />

IFA D 876975 IFA: Z-D3713 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 212<br />

299 Riedner, Ursula Renate: Zur Problematik des Kulturbegriffs im<br />

"europäisch-islamischen Kulturdialog" / Ursula Renate Riedner.<br />

- Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl., 2006. - S. 63-77, Lit. S. 75-77 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006) 3<br />

IFA D 876761 IFA: Cb29/480 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

300 Trommler, Frank: Kulturpolitik versus Aussenpoliitk in the past<br />

sixty years / by Frank Trommler. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Institute for Contemporary German Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/trommler.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877311<br />

301 Wilke, Tabea: Brand new diplomacy : warum die deutsche<br />

Bundeskanzlerin manchmal ein grünes Fähnchen schwenken<br />

muss / von: Tabea Wilke. - Augsburg: Websquare, <strong>2009</strong>. - Ca.<br />

6 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://websquare.imb-uni-augsburg.de/<strong>2009</strong>-02/13<br />

IFA D 876642 IFA: Cb29/481 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education<br />

and science<br />

302 Gundlach, Christian; Schill, Sylvia: Ein Schuljahr in den USA<br />

: Austausch-Organisationen auf dem Prüfstand ; Infos zu über<br />

70 Anbietern; Ratgeber, Erfahrungsbericht, Stipendien und<br />

vieles mehr / Christian Gundlach ; Sylvia Schill. - 9., völlig neu<br />

bearb. und aktualisierte Aufl. - Berlin: Recherchen-Verl. Schill,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 286 S., Ill., Tab., Reg. - ISBN 978-3-930902-09-5<br />

IFA D 877347 IFA: HpVUSA29 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

303 Kováčová, Michaela; Eckert, Stefan: Zur Wirkung<br />

landesspezifischer interkultureller Trainings auf die<br />

interkulturelle Kompetenz : eine Evaluationsstudie am Beispiel<br />

von Studierenden aus mittel- und osteuropäischen<br />

Transformationsländern / Michaela Kováčová ; Stefan Eckert. -<br />

Zittau: Internat. Hochschulinst., <strong>2009</strong>. - 66 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 59-65 - (International Management Working<br />

Paper Series; no. 01/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

IFA D 877321 IFA: Cb29/447 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

304 Wissenswelten verbinden : deutsche Außenpolitik für mehr<br />

Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung ; Berlin, Auswärtiges<br />

Amt, 19.-20. Januar <strong>2009</strong>; Konferenzdokumentation /<br />

Auswärtiges Amt. Red. Andreas Huschen. - Berlin, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

141 S., Ill. - (Edition Diplomatie)<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Infoservice/Broschuere<br />

n/AWP-Konferenz.pdf<br />

IFA D 876704 IFA: 29/391 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

305 Wissenswelten verbinden : Magazin ; Initiative<br />

Außenwissenschaftspolitik <strong>2009</strong> / Hrsg. Auswärtiges Amt.<br />

Chefred.: Peter Hintereder. - Berlin, <strong>2009</strong>. - 19 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Aussenpolitik/KulturDial<br />

og/Aussenwissenschaftsinitiative<strong>2009</strong>/AktuellesAWP/AWP-Maga<br />

zin.pdf<br />

IFA D 876713 IFA: Cb29/454 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE04 International media relations / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

306 Hao, Gui: Das wahre und unwahre China : das China-Bild im<br />

Wochenmagazin "Der Spiegel" von 2001 bis 2004 / Hao Gui. -<br />

Saarbrücken: VDM-Verl. Müller, 2007. - 93 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 80-85 - ISBN 978-3-8364-0785-4<br />

IFA D 877401 IFA: 29/394 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

307 Reimer, Myriam: Mediale und nonmediale Wahrnehmungen<br />

und Einstellungen von Journalisten zu muslimischen Menschen<br />

/ Myriam Reimer. - Marburg: Tectum-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 163 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 135-148 - (Wissenschaftliche<br />

Beiträge aus dem Tectum-Verlag: Reihe<br />

Medienwissenschaften; Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-8288-9926-1 --<br />

Zugl.: Bielefeld, Univ., Diss., 2008<br />

IFA D 877372 IFA: 29/393 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

308 Schaeffer, Ute: Über das Ohr lernen / von Ute Schaeffer. -<br />

In: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

50 (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 7-8, S. 288-290, Ill.<br />

http://www.inwent.org/ez/articles/<strong>15</strong>4859/index.de.shtml<br />

IFA D 877079 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E<br />


IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

309 Trebbe, Joachim: Ethnische Minderheiten, Massenmedien<br />

und Integration : eine Untersuchung zu massenmedialer<br />

Repräsentation und Medienwirkungen / Joachim Trebbe. -<br />

1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., <strong>2009</strong>. - 267 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 249-267 - ISBN 978-3-531-16684-1 --<br />

Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2008<br />

IFA D 877358 IFA: 29/363 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

310 Aumüller, Jutta: Assimilation : Kontroversen um ein<br />

migrationspolitisches Konzept / Jutta Aumüller. - Bielefeld:<br />

Transcript-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 274 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 255-274 - (Kultur und soziale Praxis) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8376-1236-3<br />

IFA D 877390 IFA: 29/334 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

311 Bachner, David J.; Zeutschel, Ulrich: Students of four<br />

decades : participants' reflections on the meaning and impact<br />

of an international homestay experience / David J. Bachner ;<br />

Ulrich Zeutschel. - Münster: Waxmann, <strong>2009</strong>. - 183 S.,<br />

Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 175-180 - ISBN 978-3-8309-2082-3<br />

IFA D 877307 IFA: 29/182 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

312 Cosnac, Bettina de; Krämer-Anderson, Dagmar; Stamer,<br />

Sabine: Drei-Länder-Chat : Kulturführer für den alltäglichen<br />

Grenzverkehr / Bettina de Cosnac ; Dagmar Krämer-Anderson<br />

; Sabine Stamer. - Reinbek: Rowohlt, <strong>2009</strong>. - 253 S. - (Rororo)<br />

- ISBN 978-3-499-62488-9<br />

IFA D 877386 IFA: 29/239 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

313 Kováčová, Michaela; Eckert, Stefan: Zur Wirkung<br />

landesspezifischer interkultureller Trainings auf die<br />

interkulturelle Kompetenz : eine Evaluationsstudie am Beispiel<br />

von Studierenden aus mittel- und osteuropäischen<br />

Transformationsländern / Michaela Kováčová ; Stefan Eckert. -<br />

Zittau: Internat. Hochschulinst., <strong>2009</strong>. - 66 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 59-65 - (International Management Working<br />

Paper Series; no. 01/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

IFA D 877321 IFA: Cb29/447 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

314 Kulturschock in Deutschland? Zeitlicher Verlauf und<br />

Leistungseffekte der kulturellen Anpassung asiatischer<br />

Führungskräfte in Deutschland / Stefan Eckert ... - Düsseldorf:<br />

Handelsblatt, <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 639-359, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 654-656 -- Sonderdruck aus: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift<br />

für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Düsseldorf), 56 (2004) 7<br />

IFA D 876718 IFA: Cb29/476 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

3<strong>15</strong> "Mehr als ein Studium ..." : Gründung und Wirken der<br />

Gesellschaft zum Studium der Kultur der Sowjetunion,<br />

Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft,<br />

ostdeutsche Freundschaftsgesellschaften ; was war - was<br />

bleibt - wie weiter?; Beiträge und Materialien zum 60.<br />

Jahrestag der Gründung der "Gesellschaft zum Studium der<br />

Kultur der Sowjetunion" am 30. Juni 1947 in Berlin / Hrsg.:<br />

Berliner Freunde der Völker Russlands e.V. Red.: Horst<br />

Schützler ... - Berlin, 2008. - 174 S., Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89819-285-9<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>3 IFA: 29/376 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

316 Rink, Barbara; Altenähr, Adél: Interkulturelle Kompetenz<br />

durch internationale Kinderbegegnung : Vorstudie / Barbara<br />

Rink ; Adél Altenähr. - München: Dt. Jugendinst., 2008. - 68 S.,<br />

Tab.<br />

IFA D 877320 IFA: Cb29/459 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

317 Łada, Agnieszka: Wächst mit der Vertrautheit die Abneigung?<br />

/ Agnieszka, Łada. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin<br />

(Berlin), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 88, S. 58-61, 62-65, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876765 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

318 Fischer-Lescano, Andreas: Bundesverfassungsgericht:<br />

Zurück zum Nationalstaat / Andreas Fischer-Lescano. -<br />

In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),<br />

54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. <strong>15</strong>-18, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876577 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

319 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

320 Deutschland wählt - In: Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter<br />

Hefte (Bonn), 56 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7/8, S. 27-65<br />

DGAP D 876556 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

321 Kielinger, Thomas: German elections : hard times / Thomas<br />

Kielinger. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 34-36<br />

SWP D 876463 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

322 Klatt, Johanna; Walter, Franz: Implosion des Politischen?<br />

Deutschland im Krisenwahljahr / Johanne Klatt ; Franz Walter. -<br />

In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),<br />

54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 91-97, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876576 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

323 Reeb, Hans-Joachim: Die Parteiprogramme zur<br />

Sicherheitspolitik vor den Bundestagswahlen / Hans-Joachim<br />

Reeb. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 68-71, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877229 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

324 Hellmuth, Dorle: German and U.S. domestic counterterrorism<br />

responses : only half a world apart / by Dorle Hellmuth. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Institute for Contemporary German<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AICGS Transatlantic<br />

Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/hellmuth.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877310<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

325 Korruption : Ansätze zur präventiven und repressiven<br />

Bekämpfung korruptiver Strukturen / Hartmut Brenneisen ...<br />

(Hg.). Mit Beiträgen und unter Mitarbeit von Juliane Bohrer ... -<br />

Berlin: Lit, 2008. - 185 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Polizei und<br />

Sicherheitsmanagement; Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1694-0<br />

BICC D 877370 BICC: BI 3727<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

326 Korruption : Ansätze zur präventiven und repressiven<br />

Bekämpfung korruptiver Strukturen / Hartmut Brenneisen ...<br />

(Hg.). Mit Beiträgen und unter Mitarbeit von Juliane Bohrer ... -<br />

Berlin: Lit, 2008. - 185 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Polizei und<br />

Sicherheitsmanagement; Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1694-0<br />

BICC D 877370 BICC: BI 3727<br />

SF10 Law<br />

327 Weinzierl, Ruth: Der Asylkompromiss 1993 auf dem Prüfstand<br />

: Gutachten zur Vereinbarkeit der deutschen Regelungen über<br />

sichere EU-Staaten und sichere Drittstaaten mit der<br />

Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, dem EU-Recht und<br />

dem deutschen Grundgesetz ; Studie / Ruth Weinzierl. - Stand:<br />

April <strong>2009</strong> - Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S., Lit. S. 33-35 - ISBN 978-3-937714-82-0<br />

SWP D 876910 SWP: H.09/0179<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

328 Ramírez Agurto, José: La inmigración peruana a Alemania en<br />

los últimos 20 años : cambios y conflictos socio-culturales en la<br />

población peruana inmigrante en Hamburgo / José Ramírez<br />

Agurto. - Marburg: Tectum-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 160 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-8288-9972-8<br />

IFA D 877161 IFA: 29/354 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

329 Trebbe, Joachim: Ethnische Minderheiten, Massenmedien<br />

und Integration : eine Untersuchung zu massenmedialer<br />

Repräsentation und Medienwirkungen / Joachim Trebbe. -<br />

1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., <strong>2009</strong>. - 267 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 249-267 - ISBN 978-3-531-16684-1 --<br />

Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2008<br />

IFA D 877358 IFA: 29/363 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 16 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SG02.04 Migration<br />

330 Friedrich, Lena; Siegert, Manuel: Förderung des<br />

Bildungserfolgs von Migranten : Effekte familienorientierter<br />

Projekte ; Abschlussbericht zum Projekt Bildungserfolge bei<br />

Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund durch<br />

Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern / Lena Friedrich und Manuel<br />

Siegert. - Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 76 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 63-73 - (Working Paper /<br />

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge; 24)<br />

http://www.bamf.de/cln_092/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Migration/<br />

Publikationen/Forschung/WorkingPapers/wp24-f_C3_B6rderungbildungserfolge,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/wp2<br />

4-f%C3%B6rderung-bildungserfolge.pdf<br />

ECMI D 876740<br />

331 Nach Buenos Aires! Deutsche Auswanderer und Flüchtlinge<br />

im 20. Jahrhundert / hrsg. von Simone Eick. Mit Beiträgen von<br />

Brigitte Landes ... Deutsches Auswandererhaus -<br />

Bremerhaven, 2008. - 104 S., Ill. - (Edition DAH:<br />

Ausstellungsreihe) - ISBN 978-3-00-023793-5<br />

IFA D 877148 IFA: 29/197 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

332 Parusel, Bernd: Unbegleitete minderjährige Migranten in<br />

Deutschland : Aufnahme, Rückkehr und Integration / Bernd<br />

Parusel. - Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 81 S., Tab., Lit. S.75-78 - (Working Paper / Bundesamt<br />

für Migration und Flüchtlinge; 26)<br />

http://www.bamf.de/cln_101/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Migration/<br />

Publikationen/Forschung/WorkingPapers/wp26-unbegleitete-min<br />

derj_C3_A4hrige,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/wp<br />

26-unbegleitete-minderj%C3%A4hrige.pdf<br />

ECMI D 876706<br />

333 Schneider, Jan: Die Organisation der Asyl- und<br />

Zuwanderungspolitik in Deutschland / Jan Schneider. -<br />

Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

102 S., Lit. S. 88-94 - (Working Paper / Bundesamt für<br />

Migration und Flüchtlinge; 25)<br />

http://www.bamf.de/cln_101/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Migration/<br />

Publikationen/Forschung/WorkingPapers/wp25-organisation-zuw<br />

anderung,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/wp25-org<br />

anisation-zuwanderung.pdf<br />

ECMI D 876683<br />

334 Weinzierl, Ruth: Der Asylkompromiss 1993 auf dem Prüfstand<br />

: Gutachten zur Vereinbarkeit der deutschen Regelungen über<br />

sichere EU-Staaten und sichere Drittstaaten mit der<br />

Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, dem EU-Recht und<br />

dem deutschen Grundgesetz ; Studie / Ruth Weinzierl. - Stand:<br />

April <strong>2009</strong> - Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S., Lit. S. 33-35 - ISBN 978-3-937714-82-0<br />

SWP D 876910 SWP: H.09/0179<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

335 Friedrich, Lena; Siegert, Manuel: Förderung des<br />

Bildungserfolgs von Migranten : Effekte familienorientierter<br />

Projekte ; Abschlussbericht zum Projekt Bildungserfolge bei<br />

Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund durch<br />

Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern / Lena Friedrich und Manuel<br />

Siegert. - Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 76 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 63-73 - (Working Paper /<br />

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge; 24)<br />

http://www.bamf.de/cln_092/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Migration/<br />

Publikationen/Forschung/WorkingPapers/wp24-f_C3_B6rderungbildungserfolge,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/wp2<br />

4-f%C3%B6rderung-bildungserfolge.pdf<br />

ECMI D 876740<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

336 Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand = La "Nation" en question /<br />

hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XV,221 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Vice versa: deutsch-französische<br />

Kulturstudien; 3) - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877180 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

337 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

338 Becker, Carmen: Zurück zum Quellcode : salafistische<br />

Wissenspraktiken im Internet / Carmen Becker. - In: INAMO<br />

(Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 37-42, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 42<br />

GIGA D 877433 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

339 Kessler, Wolfgang: Sammlungen über die Deutschen aus<br />

Galizien in Deutschland / Wolfgang Kessler. - In: Zeitweiser der<br />

Galiziendeutschen (Stuttgart), 47 (<strong>2009</strong>), S. 170-177<br />

IFA D 877018 IFA: Ka-Hv37 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

340 Dnzoutchep Nguewo, Baudelaire Didier:<br />

Dankbarkeitsbekundung in Deutschland und Kamerun als<br />

kommunikatives und soziokulturelles Phänomen : unter<br />

besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gebietes der Bamiléké /<br />

Baudelaire Didier Dnzoutchep Nguewo. - Frankfurt/Main ...:<br />

Lang, 2006. - XI,195 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>5-175 - (Im<br />

Medium fremder Sprachen und Kulturen; Bd. 9) -<br />

ISBN 3-631-55291-2 -- Zugl.: Saarbrücken, Univ., Diss., 2005<br />

IFA D 877351 IFA: 29/327 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

341 Becker, Carmen: Zurück zum Quellcode : salafistische<br />

Wissenspraktiken im Internet / Carmen Becker. - In: INAMO<br />

(Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 37-42, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 42<br />

GIGA D 877433 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

342 Reimer, Myriam: Mediale und nonmediale Wahrnehmungen<br />

und Einstellungen von Journalisten zu muslimischen Menschen<br />

/ Myriam Reimer. - Marburg: Tectum-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 163 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 135-148 - (Wissenschaftliche<br />

Beiträge aus dem Tectum-Verlag: Reihe<br />

Medienwissenschaften; Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-8288-9926-1 --<br />

Zugl.: Bielefeld, Univ., Diss., 2008<br />

IFA D 877372 IFA: 29/393 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

343 Arbeitsmarktpolitik - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte<br />

(Bonn), (29. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 27, S. 3-46, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876570 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A<br />


INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

344 Schulze-Cleven, Tobias: The transatlantic agenda for labor<br />

market reform : increasing adaptability through continuing<br />

training / by Tobias Schulze-Cleven. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/schulzecleven.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877308<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

345 Kulturschock in Deutschland? Zeitlicher Verlauf und<br />

Leistungseffekte der kulturellen Anpassung asiatischer<br />

Führungskräfte in Deutschland / Stefan Eckert ... - Düsseldorf:<br />

Handelsblatt, <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 639-359, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 654-656 -- Sonderdruck aus: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift<br />

für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Düsseldorf), 56 (2004) 7<br />

IFA D 876718 IFA: Cb29/476 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

346 Matthes, Felix Christian: Ein weiter Blick auf die CO2-<br />

Infrastruktur : Schlüssel zur CCS-Debatte / Felix Chr. Matthes.<br />

- In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen), 59 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 8-11, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877241 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 17 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

347 Agrarpolitischer Bericht 2007 der Bundesregierung :<br />

Unterrichtung durch die Bundesregierung / Deutscher<br />

Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 2007. - V, 133 S., graph.<br />

Darst., zahlr. Tab., Anh. S. 57-133 - (Verhandlungen des<br />

Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen; 16/4289)<br />

SWP D 876908 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

348 Klimenta, Harald: Probleme und Chancen der deutschen<br />

Bankenlandschaft / Harald Klimenta. - In: Aus Politik und<br />

Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (22. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 26, S. 14-19, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876569 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A<br />


INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

349 Bartels, Henning: Das künftige bodengebundene<br />

Luftverteidigungssystem MEADS : eine Bestandsaufnahme /<br />

Henning Bartels. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 44-47, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877213 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

350 Dean, Sidney E.: Bundeswehr beschafft Laser JDAM / Sidney<br />

E. Dean. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 47-49, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877216 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

351 Gräfe, Frank: Fünf Jahre EUROFIGHTER : Flugbetrieb in der<br />

Luftwaffe / Frank Gräfe. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 28-32, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877204 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

352 Horst, Michael; Heiming, Gerhard: Militärfahrzeuge abgeleitet<br />

aus der Großserie / Michael Horst und Gerhard Heimig. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 12-17, Ill.<br />

SWP D 8768<strong>15</strong> SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

353 Klos, Dietmar: Heeresrüstung für Einsätze (Teil 2) / Dietmar<br />

Klos. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

8, S. 61-68, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877227 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

354 Matthes, Felix Christian: Ein weiter Blick auf die CO2-<br />

Infrastruktur : Schlüssel zur CCS-Debatte / Felix Chr. Matthes.<br />

- In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen), 59 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 8-11, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 877241 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

355 Braune-Steininger, Wolfgang: Germanistische Perspektiven<br />

der deutschen auswärtigen Kulturpolitik seit 1945 :<br />

historisch-diskursive Studien zu einem Thema der Zukunft /<br />

Wolfgang Braune-Steininger. - Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl.,<br />

2007. - S. 3-10, Lit. S. 9-10 -- Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache<br />

Deutsch (Tübingen), 34 (2007) 3<br />

IFA D 876725 IFA: Cb29/474 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

356 Lackner, Michael; Lehmkuhl, Ursula: Regionalstudien und<br />

"Fernkompetenz" / Michael Lackner. - In: Zur Situation der<br />

Geisteswissenschaften in Forschung und Lehre / Klaus W.<br />

Hempfer ... (Hg.). - Stuttgart: Steiner, <strong>2009</strong>, S. 69-89 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-5<strong>15</strong>-09379-8 -- Enth. außerdem: Lehmkuhl, Ursula:<br />

Replik. - S. 81-89<br />

IFA D 877073 IFA: 29/373 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

357 Riedner, Ursula Renate: Zur Problematik des Kulturbegriffs im<br />

"europäisch-islamischen Kulturdialog" / Ursula Renate Riedner.<br />

- Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl., 2006. - S. 63-77, Lit. S. 75-77 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006) 3<br />

IFA D 876761 IFA: Cb29/480 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

358 Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig: Sinologie und das Interesse an<br />

China / Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2007. -<br />

64 S. - (Abhandlungen der Geistes- und<br />

Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse; Jg. 2007, Nr. 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-5<strong>15</strong>-09058-2<br />

IFA D 877397 IFA: 29/395 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

359 Aumüller, Jutta: Assimilation : Kontroversen um ein<br />

migrationspolitisches Konzept / Jutta Aumüller. - Bielefeld:<br />

Transcript-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 274 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 255-274 - (Kultur und soziale Praxis) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8376-1236-3<br />

IFA D 877390 IFA: 29/334 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

360 Miard-Delacroix, Hélène: Filtres de perception et imbrication<br />

dynamique : formes de permanence de la nation allemande,<br />

élément indésirable / Hélène Miard-Delacroix. - In: Die "Nation"<br />

auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin:<br />

Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>, S. 79-88, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877210 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

361 Braune-Steininger, Wolfgang: Germanistische Perspektiven<br />

der deutschen auswärtigen Kulturpolitik seit 1945 :<br />

historisch-diskursive Studien zu einem Thema der Zukunft /<br />

Wolfgang Braune-Steininger. - Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl.,<br />

2007. - S. 3-10, Lit. S. 9-10 -- Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache<br />

Deutsch (Tübingen), 34 (2007) 3<br />

IFA D 876725 IFA: Cb29/474 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

362 Braune-Steininger, Wolfgang: Germanistische Perspektiven<br />

der deutschen auswärtigen Kulturpolitik seit 1945 :<br />

historisch-diskursive Studien zu einem Thema der Zukunft /<br />

Wolfgang Braune-Steininger. - Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl.,<br />

2007. - S. 3-10, Lit. S. 9-10 -- Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache<br />

Deutsch (Tübingen), 34 (2007) 3<br />

IFA D 876725 IFA: Cb29/474 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

363 "Mehr als ein Studium ..." : Gründung und Wirken der<br />

Gesellschaft zum Studium der Kultur der Sowjetunion,<br />

Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft,<br />

ostdeutsche Freundschaftsgesellschaften ; was war - was<br />

bleibt - wie weiter?; Beiträge und Materialien zum 60.<br />

Jahrestag der Gründung der "Gesellschaft zum Studium der<br />

Kultur der Sowjetunion" am 30. Juni 1947 in Berlin / Hrsg.:<br />

Berliner Freunde der Völker Russlands e.V. Red.: Horst<br />

Schützler ... - Berlin, 2008. - 174 S., Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89819-285-9<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>3 IFA: 29/376 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

364 Frasch, Jutta: A fresh impetus for German Polish relations :<br />

proposals for an intensification of bilateral cooperation / Jutta<br />

Frasch. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S.<br />

- (SWP Comments; 14/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 34/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6216<br />

SWP D 876824<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

365 Płóciennik, Sebastian: Der lange Abschied vom Złoty /<br />

Sebastian Płóciennik. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin<br />

(Berlin), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 88, S. 51-53, 54-56, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876764 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 18 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

366 Łada, Agnieszka: Wächst mit der Vertrautheit die Abneigung?<br />

/ Agnieszka, Łada. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin<br />

(Berlin), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 88, S. 58-61, 62-65, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876765 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF10 Law<br />

367 Piana, Daniela: The power knocks at the courts' back door :<br />

two waves of postcommunist judical reforms / Daniela Piana. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

42 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 816-840, Lit. S. 837-840<br />

DIE D 876499 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

368 Kessler, Wolfgang: Sammlungen über die Deutschen aus<br />

Galizien in Deutschland / Wolfgang Kessler. - In: Zeitweiser der<br />

Galiziendeutschen (Stuttgart), 47 (<strong>2009</strong>), S. 170-177<br />

IFA D 877018 IFA: Ka-Hv37 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA05.13 AUSTRIA<br />

SE04 International media relations / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

369 Trebbe, Joachim: Ethnische Minderheiten, Massenmedien<br />

und Integration : eine Untersuchung zu massenmedialer<br />

Repräsentation und Medienwirkungen / Joachim Trebbe. -<br />

1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., <strong>2009</strong>. - 267 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 249-267 - ISBN 978-3-531-16684-1 --<br />

Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2008<br />

IFA D 877358 IFA: 29/363 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

370 Islamophobie in Österreich / John Bunzl ... (Hrsg.) -<br />

Innsbruck ...: Studienverl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 224 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-7065-4785-7<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>0 IFA: 29/377 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

371 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

372 Trebbe, Joachim: Ethnische Minderheiten, Massenmedien<br />

und Integration : eine Untersuchung zu massenmedialer<br />

Repräsentation und Medienwirkungen / Joachim Trebbe. -<br />

1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., <strong>2009</strong>. - 267 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 249-267 - ISBN 978-3-531-16684-1 --<br />

Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2008<br />

IFA D 877358 IFA: 29/363 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

373 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

374 Kultur - Harmonie und Konflikt / Manfred Jochum (Hrsg.).<br />

Gedächtnisstiftung Peter Kaiser (1793-1864), Vaduz ... -<br />

Innsbruck ...: Studienverl., <strong>2009</strong>. - <strong>15</strong>5 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Kultur und Wirtschaft; Bd. 7) - ISBN 978-3-7065-4781-9<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>2 IFA: 29/378 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

375 Islamophobie in Österreich / John Bunzl ... (Hrsg.) -<br />

Innsbruck ...: Studienverl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 224 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-7065-4785-7<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>0 IFA: 29/377 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

376 Klimawandel und Energiewirtschaft : Schlüsselindikatoren<br />

und Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise / Daniela Kletzan-<br />

Slamanig ... - In: Monatsberichte / Österreichisches Institut für<br />

Wirtschaftsforschung (Wien), 82 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 505-523, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 523<br />

SWP D 876431 SWP: Y. 868 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

377 Klimawandel und Energiewirtschaft : Schlüsselindikatoren<br />

und Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise / Daniela Kletzan-<br />

Slamanig ... - In: Monatsberichte / Österreichisches Institut für<br />

Wirtschaftsforschung (Wien), 82 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 505-523, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 523<br />

SWP D 876431 SWP: Y. 868 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SF03 Political parties<br />

378 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

379 Kapeller, Jakob; Huber, Jakob: Politische Paradigmata und<br />

neoliberale Einflüsse am Beispiel von vier<br />

sozialdemokratischen Parteien in Europa / Jakob Kapeller;<br />

Jakob Huber. - In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 163-192, Tab.,<br />

Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876560 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


SB04 International political integration<br />

380 Fuksiewicz, Aleksander; Łada, Agnieszka: The Czech<br />

Presidency in the Council of the European Union : The view<br />

from Poland ; research report / Aleksander Fuksiewicz ;<br />

Agnieska Łada. - Warszawa: Instytut Spraw Publicznych, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- 38 S.<br />

http://www.isp.org.pl/files/2357647140875057001246526361.pdf<br />

SWP D 876906<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

381 Auclair, Denise: EU-Präsidentschaften im Entwicklungstest :<br />

von Frankreich zu Tschechien / Denise Auclair. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Dezember 2008) 12, S. 2-3<br />

DIE D 877380 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SF10 Law<br />

382 Piana, Daniela: The power knocks at the courts' back door :<br />

two waves of postcommunist judical reforms / Daniela Piana. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

42 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 816-840, Lit. S. 837-840<br />

DIE D 876499 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

RA06.02 SPAIN<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

383 Mar-Molinero, Clare: The European linguistic legacy in a<br />

global era : linguistic imperialism, Spanish and the "Instituto<br />

Cervantes" / Clare Mar-Molinero. - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2006. - S. 76-88 - ISBN 978-1-4039-9899-6 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Language ideologies, policies and practices /<br />

ed. by Clare Mar-Molinero ... - Basingstoke ..., Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2006<br />

IFA D 876368 IFA: Cb29/467 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 19 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

384 Mar-Molinero, Clare: Subverting Cervantes : language<br />

authority in global Spanish / Clare Mar-Molinero. -<br />

Mahwah/N.J.: Taylor & Francis, 2008. - S. 27-47, Lit. S. 45-47 -<br />

- Sonderdruck aus: International Multilingual Research Journal<br />

(Mahwah/N.J:), 2 (2008) 1-2<br />

IFA D 876369 IFA: Cb29/468 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

385 Aras, Bülent: Turkey and the Russian Federation : An<br />

emerging multidimensional partnership / Bülent Aras. - Ankara:<br />

SETA, Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S., Ill. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 35)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/Turkey%20and%20the%20Russi<br />

an%20Federation%20an%20Emerging%20Multi%20Dimensiona<br />

l%20Partnership.pdf<br />

SWP D 876783<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

386 Chislett, William: Turkey's EU accession reaches an impasse<br />

/ William Chislett. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2009</strong>. - 32 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos; 34/<strong>2009</strong>) - (Area: Europe)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/resources/fil<br />

e/eb56a1040802fa5/WP34-<strong>2009</strong>_Chislett_Turkey_EU_Accessio<br />

n_Impasse.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&attachment=true<br />

SWP D 876595<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

387 Bryant, Rebecca: The many Cyprus problems / Rebecca<br />

Bryant. - In: Middle East Report (Washington/D.C.),<br />

39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 2-7, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876398 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

388 Dorronsoro, Gilles; Watts, Nicole F.: Towards Kurdish<br />

distinctiveness in electoral politics : The 1977 local elections in<br />

Diyarbakir / Gilles Dorronsoro and Nicole F. Watts. -<br />

In: International Journal of Middle East Studies<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 457-478, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 475-478<br />

SWP D 876929 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

389 Dorronsoro, Gilles; Watts, Nicole F.: Towards Kurdish<br />

distinctiveness in electoral politics : The 1977 local elections in<br />

Diyarbakir / Gilles Dorronsoro and Nicole F. Watts. -<br />

In: International Journal of Middle East Studies<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 457-478, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 475-478<br />

SWP D 876929 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

390 Aras, Bülent; İşeri, Emre: The Nabucco natural gas pipeline :<br />

from opera to reality / Bülent Aras & Emre İşeri. - Ankara:<br />

SETA, Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Kt. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 34)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/SETA_Policy_Brief_No_34_Bule<br />

nt_Aras_Emre_Iseri_The_Nabucco_Natural_Gas_Pipeline_From<br />

_Opera_to_Reality.pdf<br />

SWP D 876583<br />

RA06.07 CYPRUS<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

391 Bryant, Rebecca: The many Cyprus problems / Rebecca<br />

Bryant. - In: Middle East Report (Washington/D.C.),<br />

39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 2-7, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876398 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

392 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF04.01 Elections<br />

393 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


RA07.01 SOVIET UNION<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

394 "Mehr als ein Studium ..." : Gründung und Wirken der<br />

Gesellschaft zum Studium der Kultur der Sowjetunion,<br />

Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft,<br />

ostdeutsche Freundschaftsgesellschaften ; was war - was<br />

bleibt - wie weiter?; Beiträge und Materialien zum 60.<br />

Jahrestag der Gründung der "Gesellschaft zum Studium der<br />

Kultur der Sowjetunion" am 30. Juni 1947 in Berlin / Hrsg.:<br />

Berliner Freunde der Völker Russlands e.V. Red.: Horst<br />

Schützler ... - Berlin, 2008. - 174 S., Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89819-285-9<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>3 IFA: 29/376 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


UNION<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

395 Socor, Vladimir: Uzbekistan quietly stalling on CSTO<br />

collective forces / Vladimir Socor. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (June 16, <strong>2009</strong>) 1<strong>15</strong>, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt<br />

_news%5D=35130&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=407&no_cache<br />

=1<br />

SWP D 876738<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

396 Galbreath, David J.: Putting the colour into revolutions? The<br />

OSCE and civil society in the post-Soviet region / David J.<br />

Galbreath. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies and<br />

Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3,<br />

Special Issue, S. 161-180, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876623 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


STATES<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

397 O'Hara, Sarah; Ivlevs, Artjoms; Gentile, Michael: The impact<br />

of global economic crisis on remittances in the Commonwealth<br />

of Independent States / Sarah O'Hara, Artjoms Ivlevs, and<br />

Michael Gentile. - In: Eurasian Geography and Economics<br />

(Palm Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 447-463, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 461-463<br />

SWP D 877094 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

398 Joras, Andrea; Vaitsenberg-Schwetje, Katharina: Die<br />

praktische Arbeit der GTZ hinsichtlich der Russlanddeutschen :<br />

konzeptionelle Ansätze, Alltagsprobleme, Wirkungen / von<br />

Andrea Joras und Katharina Vaitsenberg-Schwetje. - In: Die<br />

Russlanddeutschen in den Migrationsprozessen zwischen den<br />

GUS-Staaten und Deutschland / Otto Luchterhandt ... (Hrsg.).<br />

Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis. - Göttingen, 2008. -<br />

(Veröffentlichung / Göttinger Arbeitskreis; Nr. 519), S. 148-166,<br />

Tab. - ISBN 978-3-9806003-8-5<br />

IFA D 877<strong>15</strong>6 IFA: 29/32 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SA03 Politics<br />

399 Torkunov, Anatolij Vasil'evic: Four scenarios of Russia's<br />

future development / Anatoly Torkunov. - In: Rivista di studi<br />

politici internazionali (Firenze), 76 (Aprile-Giugno <strong>2009</strong>) 2/302,<br />

S. 179-184<br />

DGAP D 876564 DGAP: ZD 298 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 20 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SB01 International relations / process<br />

400 Abushov, Kavus: Policing the near abroad : Russian foreign<br />

policy in the South Caucasus / Kavus Abushov. - In: Australian<br />

Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 187-212, Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876661 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>0 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

401 Aras, Bülent: Turkey and the Russian Federation : An<br />

emerging multidimensional partnership / Bülent Aras. - Ankara:<br />

SETA, Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S., Ill. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 35)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/Turkey%20and%20the%20Russi<br />

an%20Federation%20an%20Emerging%20Multi%20Dimensiona<br />

l%20Partnership.pdf<br />

SWP D 876783<br />

402 Barnes, Joe; Smulcer, Lauren A.: Emerging U.S. policy<br />

toward Russia / Joe Barnes and Lauren A. Smulcer. -<br />

Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of<br />

Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S.<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-BarnesSmulce<br />

rUSRussia-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876468<br />

403 Bauer, John W.: Unlocking Russian interests on the Korean<br />

Peninsula / John W. Bauer. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 52-62, Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/bauer.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 877421 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

404 Blank, Stephen J.: Russia in Latin America: geopolitical<br />

games in the US's neighborhood / Stephen J. Blank. - Paris:<br />

Institut Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S. -<br />

(Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 38) - ISBN 978-2-86592-519-3<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_Blank_Russia_and_LatinAmeri<br />

ca_ENG_April_09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876458<br />

405 Charap, Samuel: After the "reset": A strategy and new agenda<br />

for U.S. Russia policy / Samuel Charap. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for American Progress, <strong>2009</strong>. - 68 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/<strong>2009</strong>/07/pdf/russia_repo<br />

rt.pdf<br />

SWP D 876781<br />

406 Charap, Samuel: Beyond the "reset button" : A strategy for<br />

U.S. Russia policy / Samuel Charap. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for American Progress, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S.<br />

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/<strong>2009</strong>/05/reset_russia.ht<br />

ml<br />

SWP D 876508<br />

407 Cohen, Ariel: The U.S. agenda for the Obama-Medvedev<br />

summit / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; N° 2506)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2506.pdf<br />

SWP D 876669<br />

408 Emerson, Michael: Russian games with the WTO / Michael<br />

Emerson. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 2 S. - (CEPS Commentary)<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1873<br />

SWP D 876776<br />

409 Ginsberg, Julie: Reassessing the Jackson-Vanik Amendment<br />

/ Julie Ginsberg. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign<br />

Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 3 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/19734/reassessing_the_jacksonva<br />

nik_amendment.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F323%2Feuro<br />

perussia<br />

SWP D 876731<br />

410 Graham, Thomas: Resurgent Russia and U.S. purposes /<br />

Thomas Graham. - New York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S. - (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/Graham.pdf<br />

SWP D 876677<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

411 Hagström Frisell, Eva; Oldberg, Ingmar: "Cool neighboors":<br />

Sweden's EU presidency and Russia / Eva Hagström Frisell ;<br />

Ingmar Oldberg. - Paris: Institut Français des Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 22 S. - (Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 42)<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_Russia_and_Sweden_ENG_ju<br />

ne_09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876733<br />

412 Jones, Stephen: Russia and the West / Stephen Jones. -<br />

London: House of Commons Library, <strong>2009</strong>. - 124 S. - (Library<br />

Research Papers; 09/36)<br />

http://www.parliament.uk/commons/lib/research/rp<strong>2009</strong>/rp09-036<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 876465<br />

413 Kanet, Roger E.: From cooperation to confrontation : Russia<br />

and the United States since 9/11 / Roger E. Kanet. - Urbana/Ill.:<br />

University of Illinois, <strong>2009</strong>. - 30 S. - (ACDIS Occasional Paper)<br />

http://acdis.illinois.edu/assets/docs/434/FromCooperationtoConfr<br />

ontationRussiaandtheUnitedStatessince911.pdf<br />

SWP D 876497<br />

414 Kramer, David J.: The Russia challenge: prospects for U.S.-<br />

Russian relations / by David J. Kramer. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

German Marshall Fund of the United States, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(Policy Brief / German Marshall Fund of the United States)<br />

http://gmfus.org/doc/Kramer_Russia_Final2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876786<br />

4<strong>15</strong> Laruelle, Marlène: Russia's arctic ambitions: transforming the<br />

"cost of cold" / Marlène Laruelle. - Stockholm: Institute for<br />

Security and Development Policy (Nacka), <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. - (Policy<br />

Brief / Institute for Security and Development Policy (Nacka);<br />

No. 7)<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/pb/09/ml09russiaarctic.pdf<br />

SWP D 876555<br />

416 Laumulin, Murat T.: Russia's strategic interests in Central Asia<br />

today / Murat Laumulin. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus<br />

(Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 89-104<br />

SWP D 876954 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

417 Machmudov, Rustam: The great game in the Eurasian<br />

heartland : A new spiral / Rustam Makhmudov. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 47-58<br />

SWP D 876945 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

418 Mendelson, Sarah E.: U.S.-Russian relations and the<br />

democracy and rule of law deficit / Sarah E. Mendelson. - New<br />

York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/US-RussianRel<br />

ationsandtheDemocracyandRuleofLawDeficit.pdf<br />

SWP D 876673<br />

419 Mendes, Carmen Amado; Freire, Maria Raquel Sousa:<br />

Realpolitik dynamics and image construction in the Russia-<br />

China relationship : forging a strategic partnership? / Maria<br />

Raquel Freire and Carmen Amado Mendes. - In: Journal of<br />

Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 27-52, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876346 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

420 Mikaelian, Hrant: Armenian foreign policy : coordinating the<br />

interests of the U.S., the EU, and Russia / Hrant Mikaelian. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 116-124<br />

SWP D 876960 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

421 Monaghan, Andrew: At the table or on the menu? Moscow's<br />

proposals for strategic reform / by Andrew Monaghan. - Roma:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (Research Report)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=87<br />

SWP D 876762<br />

422 Omarov, Mels; Omarov, Noor: Central Asia in the foreign<br />

policy of Russia, the United States and the European Union /<br />

Mels Omarov ; Noor Omarov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 71-78<br />

SWP D 876948 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 21 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

423 Paramonov, Vladimir; Strokov, Aleksej; Stolpovski, Oleg:<br />

Russia's foreign policy : Central Asia - a view from Uzbekistan /<br />

Vladimir Paramonov ; Alexey Strokov ; Oleg Stolpovskiy. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 105-116<br />

SWP D 876955 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

424 Pifer, Steven: Crisis between Ukraine and Russia / Steven<br />

Pifer. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

11 S. - (Contingency Planning Memorandum; N° 3)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/content/publications/attachments/CPA_conting<br />

encymemo_3.pdf<br />

SWP D 876789<br />

425 Popescu, Nicu; Wilson, Andrew: The limits of enlargementlite<br />

: European and Russian power in the troubled<br />

neighbourhood / Nicu Popescu & Andrew Wilson. - London:<br />

European Council on Foreign Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - 70 S. - (Policy<br />

Report) - ISBN 978-1-906538-13-2<br />

http://ecfr.3cdn.net/dc71693a5ae835b482_5om6bvdkn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876608<br />

426 Saichutdinov, Marat Ersainovic: Kazakhstan and the<br />

strategic interests of the global players in Central Asia / Marat<br />

Shaikhutdinov. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 134-142<br />

SWP D 876963 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

427 Szlajfer, Henryk: Central and Eastern Europe (as acronym)<br />

and Russia : some reflections / Henryk Szlajfer. - In: The Polish<br />

Quarterly of International Affairs (Warsaw), 17 (Spring 2008) 2,<br />

S. 5-21<br />

SWP D 876434 SWP: X. 757 DGAP: ZD 456 HSFK: ZS P Öff.StaO: 206<br />

428 Tardieu, Jean-Philippe: Russia and the "Eastern Partnership"<br />

after the war in Georgia / Jean-Philippe Tardieu. - Paris: Institut<br />

Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 26 S. -<br />

(Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 43) - ISBN 978-2-86592-567-4<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_tardieu_eastern_partnershp_af<br />

ter_georgia_war_ENG_july<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876758<br />

429 Valasek, Tomas: Obama, Russia and Europe / by Tomas<br />

Valasek. - London: Centre for European Reform, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Policy Brief / Centre for European Reform)<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/pb_TV_obama_russia_june09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876668<br />

430 Wood, Andrew: Dealing with Russia: The reset button /<br />

Andrew Wood. - London: Chatham House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (REP<br />

Programme Paper; REP PP <strong>2009</strong>/02)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14069_0509_wood.pdf<br />

SWP D 8765<strong>15</strong><br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

431 Jellinek, Robert: Russia and the global meltdown : domestic<br />

and foreign policy responses to the international financial crisis<br />

/ Robert Jellinek. - Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

44 S.<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/en/pubs/booklet/11972Jellinek.pdf<br />

SWP D 876532<br />

432 Russian foreign policy: sources and implications / Olga<br />

Oliker ... Rand Corporation - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - XXV,<br />

220 S., Lit. S. 196-220 - (MG-768) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4607-9<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG768.pdf<br />

SWP D 876446<br />

433 Secrieru, Stanislav: Russian foreign policy in times of crisis :<br />

greater compliance or resilient self-confidence? / Stanislav<br />

Secrieru. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- 10 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 192)<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1867<br />

SWP D 876732<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

434 Cheterian, Vicken: The <strong>August</strong> 2008 war in Georgia : from<br />

ethnic conflict to border wars / Vicken Cheterian. - In: Central<br />

Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>5-170, Lit. S. 169-170<br />

SWP D 876933 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

435 Georgia ablaze : war and revolution in the Caucasus -<br />

In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 91-246, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876943 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

436 Georgia-Russia: still insecure and dangerous / International<br />

Crisis Group. - Tbilisi ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S. - (ICG Europe Briefing;<br />

N° 53) - (Policy Briefing / International Crisis Group)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/caucasus/b<br />

53_georgia_russia___still_insecure_and_dangerous.pdf<br />

SWP D 876734<br />

437 Morozov, Yuri: Afghanistan : potential field of Russia-U.S.<br />

regional cooperation / Yuri Morozov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 125-134<br />

SWP D 876962 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

438 Silaev, Nikolai: How the <strong>August</strong> war affected the Caucasus /<br />

Nikolai Silaev. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 7-18<br />

SWP D 876938 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

439 Jones, Bruce: Suspicious minds : NATO-Russian relations<br />

have deteriorated / Bruce Jones. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 24-27<br />

SWP D 876413 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

440 Monaghan, Andrew: At the table or on the menu? Moscow's<br />

proposals for strategic reform / by Andrew Monaghan. - Roma:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (Research Report)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=87<br />

SWP D 876762<br />

441 Monaghan, Andrew: Russia will propose a new foreign policy<br />

concept to NATO / by Andrew Monaghan. - Rome: NATO<br />

Defense College, 2008. - 4 S. - (Immediate Report / NATO<br />

Defense College)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=75<br />

SWP D 876705<br />

442 Monaghan, Andrew: Russia's “big idea” : “Helsinki 2” and the<br />

reform of Euro-Atlantic security ; report / by Andrew Monaghan.<br />

- Rome: NATO Defense College, 2008. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=76<br />

SWP D 876708<br />

443 Sharip, Farkhad: Astana steps closer to military alliance with<br />

Moscow / by Farkhad Sharip. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (June 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 117, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt<br />

_news%5D=35143&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=27&cHash=184<br />

512d1ae<br />

SWP D 876736<br />

444 Starchak, Maksim: The U.S. vs Russia in military-political<br />

cooperation with Tajikistan / Maksim Starchak. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 19-32<br />

SWP D 876940 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

445 Haas, Marcel de: Medwedews Sicherheitspolitik: eine<br />

vorläufige Einschätzung / von Marcel de Haas. - In: Russland-<br />

Analysen (Bremen), (03.07.<strong>2009</strong>) 186, S. 2-5<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

86.pdf<br />

SWP D 876793<br />

446 Schröder, Hans-Henning: Ein strategisches Sammelsurium :<br />

Medwedews »Strategie für die nationale Sicherheit Russlands<br />

bis zum Jahre 2020« / von Hans-Henning Schröder. -<br />

In: Russland-Analysen (Bremen), (03.07.<strong>2009</strong>) 186, S. 6-11<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

86.pdf<br />

SWP D 876792<br />

447 Taylor, Claire: Russia's military posture / Claire Taylor. -<br />

London: House of Commons Library, <strong>2009</strong>. - 110 S. - (Library<br />

Research Papers; 09/35)<br />

http://www.parliament.uk/commons/lib/research/rp<strong>2009</strong>/rp09-035<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 876466<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 22 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

448 Russia and the United States / with articles by Dmitri Trenin<br />

... Ed. by Barry Blechman. The Henry L. Stimson Center -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 64 S.<br />

http://www.stimson.org/nuke/pdf/Russia_US_Format_FINAL.pdf<br />

SWP D 876784<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

449 Ginsberg, Julie: Reassessing the Jackson-Vanik Amendment<br />

/ Julie Ginsberg. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign<br />

Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 3 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/19734/reassessing_the_jacksonva<br />

nik_amendment.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F323%2Feuro<br />

perussia<br />

SWP D 876731<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

450 Bratersky, Maksim; Suzdaltsev, Andrei: Central Asia : A<br />

region of economic rivalry among Russia, China, the U.S. and<br />

the EU / Maksim Bratersky ; Andrei Suzdaltsev. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 79-88<br />

SWP D 876951 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

451 Korneeva, Lena: Putins Reich : Neostalinismus auf Verlangen<br />

des Volkes / Lena Kornyeyeva. Mit einem Nachw. von Vera<br />

Lengsfeld. Aus dem Russ. von Vlada Philipp. - Bremen:<br />

Aschenbeck, <strong>2009</strong>. - 184 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-939401-98-8<br />

SWP D 876393 SWP: A.09/0226<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

452 Wilson, Jeanne L.: Coloured revolutions : The view from<br />

Moscow and Beijing / Jeanne L. Wilson. - In: The Journal of<br />

Communist Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 369-395, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876660 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

453 Mäkinen, Sirke: Parties in Russia: from a pseudo-system<br />

towards fragmentation / Sirke Mäkinen. - Helsinki: Finnish<br />

Institute of International Affairs, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (UPI Briefing<br />

Paper; 34)<br />

http://www.upi-fiia.fi/assets/publications/UPI_Briefing_Paper_34_<br />

<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876558<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

454 Georgia ablaze : war and revolution in the Caucasus -<br />

In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 91-246, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876943 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

455 Violence in the North Caucasus: Fall/Winter 2008 / Center<br />

for Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - <strong>15</strong> S. - (Human Rights and Security Initiative)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/0901<strong>15</strong>_violence_north_cau<br />

casus.pdf<br />

SWP D 876443<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

456 Hahn, Gordon M.: U.S.-Russian relations and the war against<br />

jihadism / Gordon M. Hahn. - New York/N.Y. ...: The Century<br />

Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 31 S. - (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/hahn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876675<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

457 Olcott, Martha Brill; Petrov, Nikolaj: Russia's regions and<br />

energy policy in East Siberia / Martha Brill Olcott and Nikolai<br />

Petrov. - Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public<br />

Policy of Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 47 S.<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-OlcottPetrovEa<br />

stSiberia-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876504<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

458 Violence in the North Caucasus: Fall/Winter 2008 / Center<br />

for Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - <strong>15</strong> S. - (Human Rights and Security Initiative)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/0901<strong>15</strong>_violence_north_cau<br />

casus.pdf<br />

SWP D 876443<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

459 Visnevskij, Anatolij Grigor'evic: The challenges of Russia's<br />

demographic crisis / Anatoly Vishnevsky. - Paris: Institut<br />

Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S. -<br />

(Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 41) - ISBN 978-2-86592-550-6<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/IFRI_demography_Vishnevsky_E<br />

NG_june<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876527<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

460 Korneeva, Lena: Putins Reich : Neostalinismus auf Verlangen<br />

des Volkes / Lena Kornyeyeva. Mit einem Nachw. von Vera<br />

Lengsfeld. Aus dem Russ. von Vlada Philipp. - Bremen:<br />

Aschenbeck, <strong>2009</strong>. - 184 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-939401-98-8<br />

SWP D 876393 SWP: A.09/0226<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

461 Brüning, Jan: Die systemkonforme russische Rechte :<br />

Ideologie und Einfluss / Jan Brüning. - In: Russland-Analysen<br />

(Bremen), (22.05.<strong>2009</strong>) 183, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

83.pdf<br />

SWP D 876797<br />

462 Umland, Andreas: Faschistische Tendenzen im russischen<br />

politischen Establishment : der Aufstieg der <strong>Internationale</strong>n<br />

Eurasischen Bewegung / Andreas Umland. - In: Russland-<br />

Analysen (Bremen), (22.05.<strong>2009</strong>) 183, S. 7-10<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

83.pdf<br />

SWP D 876798<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

463 Schaaf, Matthew: An uncivil approach to civil society:<br />

continuing state curbs on independent NGOs and activists in<br />

Russia / by Matthew Schaaf. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2009</strong>. - 73 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-56432-499-0<br />

http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/russia0609web.pdf<br />

SWP D 876546<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

464 Hahn, Gordon M.: U.S.-Russian relations and the war against<br />

jihadism / Gordon M. Hahn. - New York/N.Y. ...: The Century<br />

Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 31 S. - (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/hahn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876675<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

465 Grätz, Jonas: Energy relations with Russia and gas market<br />

liberalization / Jonas Grätz. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 66-80<br />

SWP D 877089 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

466 Jellinek, Robert: Russia and the global meltdown : domestic<br />

and foreign policy responses to the international financial crisis<br />

/ Robert Jellinek. - Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

44 S.<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/en/pubs/booklet/11972Jellinek.pdf<br />

SWP D 876532<br />

467 Russian Federation / OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation<br />

and Development. - Paris. - 165 S. - (OECD<br />

Economic Surveys; Vol. <strong>2009</strong> (July <strong>2009</strong>) 6) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-64-05433-2<br />

SWP D 877247 SWP: Y. 114 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 23 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

468 Belyj, Andrej: A Russian perspective on the Energy Charter<br />

Treaty / Andrei V. Belyi. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

3 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 98/<strong>2009</strong>) - (Area: Asia -<br />

Pacific)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Print?<br />

WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/Elcano_in/Zonas<br />

_in/ARI98-<strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 876557<br />

469 Belyj, Andrej: Why a political accord is needed to make EU-<br />

Russia energy relations work / Andrei V. Belyi. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano, <strong>2009</strong>. - 17 S. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto<br />

Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; 19/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Print?<br />

WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/Elcano_in/Zonas<br />

_in/DT19-<strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 876450<br />

470 Grätz, Jonas: Energy relations with Russia and gas market<br />

liberalization / Jonas Grätz. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 66-80<br />

SWP D 877089 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

471 Hartley, Peter; Medlock, Kenneth B. (III): Scenarios for<br />

Russian natural gas exports : The role of domestic investment,<br />

the Caspian and LNG / Peter Hartley and Kenneth B. Medlock<br />

III. - Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy<br />

of Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 65 S. - (Russian and the Caspian States<br />

in the Global Energy Balance)<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-HartleyMedloc<br />

kRussNatGas-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876506<br />

472 Myers Jaffe, Amy; Olcott, Martha Brill: The future of the<br />

Russian oil industry / Amy Myers Jaffe and Martha Brill Olcott. -<br />

Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of<br />

Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S. - (Russian and the Caspian States in<br />

the Global Energy Balance)<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-JaffeOlcottRus<br />

sOilFuture-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876679<br />

473 Olcott, Martha Brill; Petrov, Nikolaj: Russia's regions and<br />

energy policy in East Siberia / Martha Brill Olcott and Nikolai<br />

Petrov. - Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public<br />

Policy of Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 47 S.<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-OlcottPetrovEa<br />

stSiberia-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876504<br />

474 Russia and the Caspian states in the global energy balance<br />

/ by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice<br />

University. - Houston/Tex, <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S. - (Baker Institute Policy<br />

Report; No. 39) - (Russian and the Caspian States in the<br />

Global Energy Balance)<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-PolicyReport39<br />

-052209.pdf<br />

SWP D 876537<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

475 Wegren, Stephen K.: Russian agriculture in <strong>2009</strong> : continuity<br />

or change? / Stephen K. Wegren. - In: Eurasian Geography<br />

and Economics (Palm Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 464-479, Tab., Lit. S. 476-479<br />

SWP D 877095 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

476 Aron, Leon: "Oil-for-food": when oil is down (and the ruble is<br />

weak) : Russia's dependence on food imports and the<br />

economic crisis / by Leon Aron. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Enterprise Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 7 S. - (Russian Outlook)<br />

http://www.aei.org/docLib/23947%20RO%20Winter%20<strong>2009</strong>-g.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 876454<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

477 Jakovlev, Andrej; Simacev, Jurij; Danilov, Jurij:<br />

Verhaltensstrategien der russischen Unternehmen in der Krise:<br />

zur Bedeutung der mittelständischen Wirtschaft / von Andrei<br />

Yakovlev, Yuri Simachev und Yuri Danilov. - In: Russland-<br />

Analysen (Bremen), (05.06.<strong>2009</strong>) 184, S. 2-7 -- Enthält:<br />

Tabellen und Grafiken zum Text: Das russische<br />

Hochschulwesen in Zahlen<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

84.pdf<br />

SWP D 876796<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities<br />

478 Meister, Stefan: Föderale Hochschulen – Russlands neue<br />

Kaderschmieden? / von Stefan Meister. - In: Russland-<br />

Analysen (Bremen), (19.06.<strong>2009</strong>) 185, S. 2-5<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

85.pdf<br />

SWP D 876794<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

479 Drescher, Wiebke: The Eastern partnership and Ukraine : new<br />

label - old products? / Wiebke Drescher. - Bonn: Zentrum für<br />

Europäische Integrationsforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 27 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ZEI Discussion Paper; C194) - ISBN 978-3-936183-94-8<br />

SWP D 876399 SWP: H.09/0182 DGAP: DG 47824e<br />

480 Dzebisasvili, Kachaber: Grenzen des Möglichen : Europas<br />

Nachbarschaftspolitik nach Osten / Kakhaber Dzebisashvili. -<br />

In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 54 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 475,<br />

S. 39-43<br />

DGAP D 876567 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

481 The Eastern Partnership / Advisory Council on International<br />

Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2009</strong>. - 11 S., Anh. - (Advisory Letter; No.<br />

<strong>15</strong>)<br />

SWP D 876909 SWP: H.09/0181<br />

482 Ochmann, Cornelius: EU Eastern Partnership: fine, but what<br />

about Russia? / Cornelius Ochmann. - Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-<br />

Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (Spotlight Europe; <strong>2009</strong>/06)<br />

Außerdem erschienen unter dem Titel: Im Osten was Neues. -<br />

Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S.<br />

http://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/cps/rde/xbcr/SID-0E7D6D87-<br />

5779F530/bst/xcms_bst_dms_28487_28488_2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876529 DGAP: DG B01411:09/06.E<br />

483 Popescu, Nicu; Wilson, Andrew: The limits of enlargementlite<br />

: European and Russian power in the troubled<br />

neighbourhood / Nicu Popescu & Andrew Wilson. - London:<br />

European Council on Foreign Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - 70 S. - (Policy<br />

Report) - ISBN 978-1-906538-13-2<br />

http://ecfr.3cdn.net/dc71693a5ae835b482_5om6bvdkn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876608<br />

484 Tardieu, Jean-Philippe: Russia and the "Eastern Partnership"<br />

after the war in Georgia / Jean-Philippe Tardieu. - Paris: Institut<br />

Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 26 S. -<br />

(Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 43) - ISBN 978-2-86592-567-4<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_tardieu_eastern_partnershp_af<br />

ter_georgia_war_ENG_july<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876758<br />

485 Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evic: Competing for privilege / Dmitri<br />

Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: The Moscow Times, May 26, <strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=vi<br />

ew&id=23164&prog=zru<br />

SWP D 876488<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

486 Borderland 3 : The black sea region ; Romania, Moldova and<br />

Ukraine - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social<br />

Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 287-429, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 876384 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 24 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

487 Cohen, Ariel: Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine and Georgia / Ariel<br />

Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2565)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2565.pdf<br />

SWP D 876755<br />

488 Drescher, Wiebke: The Eastern partnership and Ukraine : new<br />

label - old products? / Wiebke Drescher. - Bonn: Zentrum für<br />

Europäische Integrationsforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 27 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ZEI Discussion Paper; C194) - ISBN 978-3-936183-94-8<br />

SWP D 876399 SWP: H.09/0182 DGAP: DG 47824e<br />

489 Pifer, Steven: Crisis between Ukraine and Russia / Steven<br />

Pifer. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

11 S. - (Contingency Planning Memorandum; N° 3)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/content/publications/attachments/CPA_conting<br />

encymemo_3.pdf<br />

SWP D 876789<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

490 Pifer, Steven: Ukraine's geopolitical choice, <strong>2009</strong> / Steven<br />

Pifer. - In: Eurasian Geography and Economics (Palm<br />

Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 387-401, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 399-401<br />

SWP D 877085 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

491 Shmelova, Maria: Ukraine's multi-vector foreign policy :<br />

Attempt at summary / Maria Shmelova. - In: The Polish<br />

Quarterly of International Affairs (Warsaw), 17 (Spring 2008) 2,<br />

S. 22-42<br />

SWP D 876435 SWP: X. 757 DGAP: ZD 456 HSFK: ZS P Öff.StaO: 206<br />

492 Szeptycki, Andrzej: Oligarchic groups and Ukrainian foreign<br />

policy / Andrzej Szeptycki. - In: The Polish Quarterly of<br />

International Affairs (Warsaw), 17 (Spring 2008) 2, S. 43-68<br />

SWP D 876436 SWP: X. 757 DGAP: ZD 456 HSFK: ZS P Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

493 Szeptycki, Andrzej: Oligarchic groups and Ukrainian foreign<br />

policy / Andrzej Szeptycki. - In: The Polish Quarterly of<br />

International Affairs (Warsaw), 17 (Spring 2008) 2, S. 43-68<br />

SWP D 876436 SWP: X. 757 DGAP: ZD 456 HSFK: ZS P Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

494 Mykhnenko, Vlad: Class voting and the orange revolution : A<br />

cultural political economy perspective on Ukraine's electoral<br />

geography / Vlad Mykhnenko. - In: The Journal of Communist<br />

Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 278-296,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876649 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

495 Polese, Abel: Ukraine 2004 : informal networks, transformation<br />

of social capital and coloured revolutions / Abel Polese. - In:<br />

The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue,<br />

S. 255-277, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876644 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

496 White, Stephen; McAllister, Ian: Rethinking the "orange<br />

revolution" / Stephen White and Ian McAllister. - In: The Journal<br />

of Communist Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 227-254,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876641 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

497 Mykhnenko, Vlad: Class voting and the orange revolution : A<br />

cultural political economy perspective on Ukraine's electoral<br />

geography / Vlad Mykhnenko. - In: The Journal of Communist<br />

Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 278-296,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876649 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

498 Jarábik, Balázs; Šapovalova, Natalja: Crimea in the<br />

European neighbourhood / Natalia Shapovalova and Balazs<br />

Jarabik. - Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (Policy Brief<br />

/ Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo<br />

Exterior; N° 14)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/PB14_Crimea-flash_point_ENG_j<br />

ul09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876778<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

499 Kessler, Wolfgang: Sammlungen über die Deutschen aus<br />

Galizien in Deutschland / Wolfgang Kessler. - In: Zeitweiser der<br />

Galiziendeutschen (Stuttgart), 47 (<strong>2009</strong>), S. 170-177<br />

IFA D 877018 IFA: Ka-Hv37 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

500 Stewart, Susan: NGO development in Ukraine since the<br />

Orange Revolution / Susan Stewart. - In: Ukraine on its way to<br />

Europe / ed. by Juliane Besters-Dilger. - Frankfurt/Main ...:<br />

Lang, <strong>2009</strong>, S. 177-194 - ISBN 978-3-631-58889-5<br />

SWP D 876927 DGAP: DG 47720<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

501 Åslund, Anders: Ukraine's financial crisis, <strong>2009</strong> / Anders<br />

Åslund. - In: Eurasian Geography and Economics (Palm<br />

Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 371-386, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 385-386<br />

SWP D 877082 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RA07.33 BELARUS<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

502 Korosteleva, Elena: Was there a quiet revolution? Belarus<br />

after the 2006 presidential election / Elena Korosteleva. - In:<br />

The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue,<br />

S. 324-346, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876655 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA07.34 MOLDOVA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

503 Borderland 3 : The black sea region ; Romania, Moldova and<br />

Ukraine - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social<br />

Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 287-429, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 876384 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

504 Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina; Munteanu, Igor: Moldova's "Twitter<br />

Revolution" / Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Igor Munteanu. -<br />

In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 136-142, Lit. S. 142<br />

SWP D 876643 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SG02.01 Demography<br />

505 Rowland, Richard H.: Population trends in Europe's poorest<br />

country : results of the most recent census of Moldova /<br />

Richard H. Rowland. - In: Eurasian Geography and Economics<br />

(Palm Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 480-495, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 493-495<br />

SWP D 877096 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

506 Iuriev, Tatiana: Das Deutsche Kulturzentrum der Republik<br />

Moldova "Hoffnung" / Tatiana Iuriev. - In: Jahrbuch der<br />

Deutschen aus Bessarabien (Stuttgart), 60 (<strong>2009</strong>), S. 148-<strong>15</strong>0<br />

IFA D 877027 IFA: Ka-Hv24 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 25 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

507 Abushov, Kavus: Policing the near abroad : Russian foreign<br />

policy in the South Caucasus / Kavus Abushov. - In: Australian<br />

Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 187-212, Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876661 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>0 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

508 Drescher, Wiebke: The Eastern partnership and Ukraine : new<br />

label - old products? / Wiebke Drescher. - Bonn: Zentrum für<br />

Europäische Integrationsforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 27 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ZEI Discussion Paper; C194) - ISBN 978-3-936183-94-8<br />

SWP D 876399 SWP: H.09/0182 DGAP: DG 47824e<br />

509 Dzebisasvili, Kachaber: Grenzen des Möglichen : Europas<br />

Nachbarschaftspolitik nach Osten / Kakhaber Dzebisashvili. -<br />

In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 54 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 475,<br />

S. 39-43<br />

DGAP D 876567 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

510 The Eastern Partnership / Advisory Council on International<br />

Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2009</strong>. - 11 S., Anh. - (Advisory Letter; No.<br />

<strong>15</strong>)<br />

SWP D 876909 SWP: H.09/0181<br />

511 Mkrtchyan, Tigran; Huseynov, Tabib; Gogolashvili, Kakha:<br />

The European Union and the South Caucasus : three<br />

perspectives on the future of the European project from the<br />

Caucasus / Tigran Mkrtchyan, Tabib Huseynov and Kakha<br />

Gogolashvili. - Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 136 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Europe in Dialogue; <strong>2009</strong>/01)<br />

http://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/bst/de/media/xcms_bst_dms<br />

_28297_28302_2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876482 DGAP: DG 47749<br />

512 Ochmann, Cornelius: EU Eastern Partnership: fine, but what<br />

about Russia? / Cornelius Ochmann. - Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-<br />

Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (Spotlight Europe; <strong>2009</strong>/06)<br />

Außerdem erschienen unter dem Titel: Im Osten was Neues. -<br />

Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S.<br />

http://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/cps/rde/xbcr/SID-0E7D6D87-<br />

5779F530/bst/xcms_bst_dms_28487_28488_2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876529 DGAP: DG B01411:09/06.E<br />

513 Popescu, Nicu; Wilson, Andrew: The limits of enlargementlite<br />

: European and Russian power in the troubled<br />

neighbourhood / Nicu Popescu & Andrew Wilson. - London:<br />

European Council on Foreign Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - 70 S. - (Policy<br />

Report) - ISBN 978-1-906538-13-2<br />

http://ecfr.3cdn.net/dc71693a5ae835b482_5om6bvdkn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876608<br />

514 Tardieu, Jean-Philippe: Russia and the "Eastern Partnership"<br />

after the war in Georgia / Jean-Philippe Tardieu. - Paris: Institut<br />

Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 26 S. -<br />

(Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 43) - ISBN 978-2-86592-567-4<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_tardieu_eastern_partnershp_af<br />

ter_georgia_war_ENG_july<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876758<br />

5<strong>15</strong> Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evic: Competing for privilege / Dmitri<br />

Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: The Moscow Times, May 26, <strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=vi<br />

ew&id=23164&prog=zru<br />

SWP D 876488<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

516 Cohen, Ariel: Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine and Georgia / Ariel<br />

Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2565)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2565.pdf<br />

SWP D 876755<br />

517 Jarábik, Balázs; Sharashenidze, Tornike: The EU and<br />

Georgia's turmoil / Balazs Jarabik and Tornike Sharashenidze.<br />

- Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (Policy Brief / Fundación para<br />

las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior; N° 12)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/PB12_Georgia_turmoil_ENG_jun0<br />

9.pdf<br />

SWP D 876553<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

518 Kakachia, Kornely K.: Post 8/8: shaping Georgia's future after<br />

the Russian invasion / Kornely K. Kakachia. - Maastricht:<br />

Cicero Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S. (o. Pag.) - (Cicero Foundation<br />

Great Debate Paper; 09/05)<br />

http://www.cicerofoundation.org/lectures/Kornely_Kakachia.pdf<br />

SWP D 876544<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

519 Cheterian, Vicken: The <strong>August</strong> 2008 war in Georgia : from<br />

ethnic conflict to border wars / Vicken Cheterian. - In: Central<br />

Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>5-170, Lit. S. 169-170<br />

SWP D 876933 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

520 Garb, Paula: The view from Abkhazia of South Ossetia ablaze<br />

/ Paula Garb. - In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 235-246, Lit. S. 245-246<br />

SWP D 876939 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

521 Georgia ablaze : war and revolution in the Caucasus -<br />

In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 91-246, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876943 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

522 Georgia-Russia: still insecure and dangerous / International<br />

Crisis Group. - Tbilisi ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S. - (ICG Europe Briefing;<br />

N° 53) - (Policy Briefing / International Crisis Group)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/caucasus/b<br />

53_georgia_russia___still_insecure_and_dangerous.pdf<br />

SWP D 876734<br />

523 Silaev, Nikolai: How the <strong>August</strong> war affected the Caucasus /<br />

Nikolai Silaev. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 7-18<br />

SWP D 876938 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

524 Mitchell, Lincoln: Georgia's story: competing narratives since<br />

the war / Lincoln Mitchell. - In: Survival (Abingdon),<br />

51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 87-100, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877231 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

525 Mitchell, Lincoln A.: Compromising democracy : state building<br />

in Saakashvili's Georgia / Lincoln A. Mitchell. - In: Central Asian<br />

Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue,<br />

S. 171-183, Tab., Lit. S. 182-183<br />

SWP D 876934 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

526 Ó Beacháin, Donnacha: Roses and tulips : dynamics of<br />

regime change in Georgia and Kyrgyztan / Donnacha Ó<br />

Beacháin. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies and<br />

Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3,<br />

Special Issue, S. 199-226, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876631 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

527 Sumbadze, Nana: Saakashvili in the public eye : what public<br />

opinion polls tell us / Nana Sumbadze. - In: Central Asian<br />

Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue,<br />

S. 185-197, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 197<br />

SWP D 876935 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

528 Broers, Laurence: "David and Goliath" and "Georgians in the<br />

Kremlin" : A post-colonial perspective on conflict in post-Soviet<br />

Georgia / Laurence Broers. - In: Central Asian Survey<br />

(Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 99-118,<br />

Lit. S. 116-118<br />

SWP D 876930 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 26 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

529 Georgia ablaze : war and revolution in the Caucasus -<br />

In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 91-246, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876943 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

530 Kukhianidze, Alexandre: Corruption and organized crime in<br />

Georgia before and after the "Rose Revolution" / Alexandre<br />

Kukhianidze. - In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 2<strong>15</strong>-234, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 233-234<br />

SWP D 876937 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

531 George, Julie A.: The dangers of reform : state building and<br />

national minorities in Georgia / Julie A. George. - In: Central<br />

Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue,<br />

S. 135-<strong>15</strong>4, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>1-<strong>15</strong>4<br />

SWP D 876932 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

532 Wheatley, Jonathan: Managing ethnic diversity in Georgia :<br />

one step forward, two steps back / Jonathan Wheatley. -<br />

In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 119-134, Lit. S. 132-134<br />

SWP D 876931 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

533 Sumbadze, Nana: Saakashvili in the public eye : what public<br />

opinion polls tell us / Nana Sumbadze. - In: Central Asian<br />

Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue,<br />

S. 185-197, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 197<br />

SWP D 876935 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

534 Papava, Vladimir: Georgia's economy : post-revolutionary<br />

development and post-war difficulties / Vladimer Papava. -<br />

In: Central Asian Survey (Abingdon), 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 199-213, Lit. S. 210-213<br />

SWP D 876936 SWP: X. 693 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.43 ARMENIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

535 Mikaelian, Hrant: Armenian foreign policy : coordinating the<br />

interests of the U.S., the EU, and Russia / Hrant Mikaelian. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 116-124<br />

SWP D 876960 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

536 Manowc'arean, Asot L.: Der Berg-Karabach-Konflikt nach der<br />

Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo / Aschot L. Manutscharjan. - Bonn:<br />

Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 32 S. -<br />

(ZEI Discussion Paper; C193) - ISBN 978-3-936183-93-1<br />

SWP D 876397 SWP: H.09/0183 DGAP: DG 47824f<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

537 Manowc'arean, Asot L.: Der Berg-Karabach-Konflikt nach der<br />

Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo / Aschot L. Manutscharjan. - Bonn:<br />

Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 32 S. -<br />

(ZEI Discussion Paper; C193) - ISBN 978-3-936183-93-1<br />

SWP D 876397 SWP: H.09/0183 DGAP: DG 47824f<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

538 Blank, Stephen J.: Challenges and opportunities for the<br />

Obama administration in Central Asia / Stephen J. Blank. -<br />

Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 65 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-58487-391-4<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/download.cfm?<br />

q=921<br />

SWP D 876521<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

539 Co-operation with Central Asia : The potential of the EU's<br />

Central Asia Strategy = Kooperation mit Zentralasien - Was<br />

kann und was will die EU leisten? / Corinna Hauswedell ...<br />

(Hrsg.). Evangelische Akademie Loccum - Rehburg-Loccum,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 278 S., graph. Darst., Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw., Anh. -<br />

(Loccumer Protokolle; 55/08) - ISBN 978-3-8172-5508-5<br />

IFSH D 877101<br />

540 Great powers and regional integration in Central Asia: A<br />

local perspective / Eds. Mario Esteban ... Fundación<br />

Alternativas - Madrid: Exlibris Ediciones, <strong>2009</strong>. - 138 S. -<br />

(Exlibris política exterior) - ISBN 978-84-95028-86-0<br />

http://www.falternativas.org/content/download/13847/420335/ver<br />

sion/8/file/Libro+Great+powers....+Central+Asia+OK.pdf<br />

SWP D 876449<br />

541 Laumulin, Murat T.: Russia's strategic interests in Central Asia<br />

today / Murat Laumulin. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus<br />

(Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 89-104<br />

SWP D 876954 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

542 Machmudov, Rustam: The great game in the Eurasian<br />

heartland : A new spiral / Rustam Makhmudov. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 47-58<br />

SWP D 876945 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

543 Omarov, Mels; Omarov, Noor: Central Asia in the foreign<br />

policy of Russia, the United States and the European Union /<br />

Mels Omarov ; Noor Omarov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 71-78<br />

SWP D 876948 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

544 Paramonov, Vladimir; Strokov, Aleksej; Stolpovski, Oleg:<br />

Russia's foreign policy : Central Asia - a view from Uzbekistan /<br />

Vladimir Paramonov ; Alexey Strokov ; Oleg Stolpovskiy. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 105-116<br />

SWP D 876955 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

545 South Asia and Central Asia: building political and<br />

economic linkages : collection of papers presented at an<br />

international seminar organized jointly by the Institute of<br />

Regional Studies & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Islamabad on<br />

20-21 Oct 2008 / Institute of Regional Studies. - 1st published -<br />

Islamabad, <strong>2009</strong>. - 344 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Seminar Papers /<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad); 10.2008) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8020-20-0<br />

GIGA D 876735 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

546 Tian, Robert Guang: From Central Asia to great Central Asia :<br />

The goals and adjustments of U.S. Central Asian strategy /<br />

Robert Guang Tian. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus<br />

(Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 58-71<br />

SWP D 876947 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

547 Toralieva, Gulnura: The EU' s approach to the development of<br />

mass media in Central Asia / Gulnura Toralieva. - Brussels ...:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Policy Brief; No. 6)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_PB6_ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876551<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

548 Eschment, Beate: Stabilität und Sicherheit in Zentralasien<br />

unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Afghanistans / Beate<br />

Eschment. - Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 36 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Materialien zum Thema "Demokratieförderung") -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86872-148-5<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/06560.pdf<br />

SWP D 877131<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

549 Peyrouse, Sébastien: Business and trade relationships<br />

between the EU and Central Asia / Sébastien Peyrouse. -<br />

Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

16 S. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 1)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_WP1_Business_tradeIII_<br />

ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876554<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 27 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

550 South Asia and Central Asia: building political and<br />

economic linkages : collection of papers presented at an<br />

international seminar organized jointly by the Institute of<br />

Regional Studies & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Islamabad on<br />

20-21 Oct 2008 / Institute of Regional Studies. - 1st published -<br />

Islamabad, <strong>2009</strong>. - 344 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Seminar Papers /<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad); 10.2008) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8020-20-0<br />

GIGA D 876735 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

551 Bratersky, Maksim; Suzdaltsev, Andrei: Central Asia : A<br />

region of economic rivalry among Russia, China, the U.S. and<br />

the EU / Maksim Bratersky ; Andrei Suzdaltsev. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 79-88<br />

SWP D 876951 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

552 Marat, Erica: Labor migration in Central Asia : implications of<br />

the global economic crisis / Erica Marat. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 50 S. - (Silk Road<br />

Paper; May <strong>2009</strong>) - ISBN 978-91-85937-57-8<br />

http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/silkroadpapers/0905mig<br />

ration.pdf<br />

SWP D 876524<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

553 Wigen, Einar: Islamic Jihad Union: Al-Qaida's key to the Turkic<br />

world? / Einar Wigen. - Kjeller: Norwegian Defence Research<br />

Establishment, <strong>2009</strong>. - 43 S. - (FFI Rapport; <strong>2009</strong>/00687)<br />

http://www.mil.no/multimedia/archive/00122/00687_122609a.pdf<br />

SWP D 876682<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

554 Radnitz, Scott; Wheatley, Jonathan; Zürcher, Christoph:<br />

The origins of social capital : evidence from a survey of<br />

post-soviet Central Asia / Scott Radnitz ; Jonathan Wheatley ;<br />

Christoph Zürcher. - In: Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 42 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 707-732, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 729-732<br />

DIE D 876496 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

555 Toralieva, Gulnura: The EU' s approach to the development of<br />

mass media in Central Asia / Gulnura Toralieva. - Brussels ...:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Policy Brief; No. 6)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_PB6_ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876551<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

556 Wigen, Einar: Islamic Jihad Union: Al-Qaida's key to the Turkic<br />

world? / Einar Wigen. - Kjeller: Norwegian Defence Research<br />

Establishment, <strong>2009</strong>. - 43 S. - (FFI Rapport; <strong>2009</strong>/00687)<br />

http://www.mil.no/multimedia/archive/00122/00687_122609a.pdf<br />

SWP D 876682<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

557 Olcott, Martha Brill: Asia's overlooked middle / Martha Brill<br />

Olcott. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 3 S., Tab. - (International<br />

Economic Bulletin; Vol. 1, Issue 2)<br />

http://carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id<br />

=23288&prog=zgp,zru&proj=zie<br />

SWP D 876702<br />

558 Pomfret, Richard: Central Asia and the global economic crisis<br />

/ Richard Pomfret. - Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy<br />

Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief; No. 7)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/EUCAM_PB7_ENG_jun09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876552<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

559 Denison, Michael: The EU and Central Asia: commercialising<br />

the energy relationship / Michael Denison. - Brussels ...: Centre<br />

for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Working Paper; No. 2) - ISBN 978-92-9079-901-6<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1883<br />

SWP D 876767<br />

560 Küçük, Zeki Furkan: China's energy policy toward Central<br />

Asia and the importance of Kazakhstan / Zeki Furkan Küçük. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 33-46<br />

SWP D 876942 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

561 Saichutdinov, Marat Ersainovic: Kazakhstan and the<br />

strategic interests of the global players in Central Asia / Marat<br />

Shaikhutdinov. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 134-142<br />

SWP D 876963 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

562 Challenges to the OSCE Chairman-in-Office in 2010 / CSIS-<br />

IND Task Force. - Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (CSIS-IND Taskforce<br />

Policy Brief; Vol. 2) - (Supporting Kazakhstan’s OSCE<br />

Chairmanship Agenda)<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090612_csis-ind_policy_brief_2.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 876662<br />

563 McDermott, Roger N.: Nazarbayev signals Kazakhstan's<br />

OSCE priorities / by Roger McDermott. - In: Eurasia Daily<br />

Monitor (Washington/D.C.), 6 (May 26, <strong>2009</strong>) 100, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt<br />

_news%5D=35036&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=407&no_cache<br />

=1<br />

SWP D 876519<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

564 Sharip, Farkhad: Astana steps closer to military alliance with<br />

Moscow / by Farkhad Sharip. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (June 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 117, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt<br />

_news%5D=35143&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=27&cHash=184<br />

512d1ae<br />

SWP D 876736<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

565 Shin, Jayoung F. M.; Kim, Yun Tae; Kim, Hyun Jeong: Art<br />

and morality of communication : A case study of the Soviet<br />

Koreans / Jayoung F. M. Shin, Yun Tae Kim, and Hyun Jeong<br />

Kim. - In: Korea Journal (Seoul), 48 (Autumn 2008) 3,<br />

S. 166-191<br />

GIGA D 876873 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

566 Ostrowski, Wojciech: The legacy of the "coloured revolutions"<br />

: The case of Kazakhstan / Wojciech Ostrowski. - In: The<br />

Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue,<br />

S. 347-368, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876658 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

567 Shin, Jayoung F. M.; Kim, Yun Tae; Kim, Hyun Jeong: Art<br />

and morality of communication : A case study of the Soviet<br />

Koreans / Jayoung F. M. Shin, Yun Tae Kim, and Hyun Jeong<br />

Kim. - In: Korea Journal (Seoul), 48 (Autumn 2008) 3,<br />

S. 166-191<br />

GIGA D 876873 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 28 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SH05 Energy industry<br />

568 Küçük, Zeki Furkan: China's energy policy toward Central<br />

Asia and the importance of Kazakhstan / Zeki Furkan Küçük. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 33-46<br />

SWP D 876942 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

569 Bohr, Annette: Kazakhstan: end of the banking boom /<br />

Annette Bohr. - London: Chatham House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (REP<br />

Programme Paper; REP PP <strong>2009</strong>/01)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14068_0509_bohr.pdf<br />

SWP D 876517<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

570 Jarábik, Balázs: The EU and Uzbekistan: short-term interests<br />

versus long-term engagement / Balázs Jarábik. - Brussels ...:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (EUCAM<br />

Policy Brief; No. 8)<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1881<br />

SWP D 876763<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

571 Socor, Vladimir: Uzbekistan quietly stalling on CSTO<br />

collective forces / Vladimir Socor. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (June 16, <strong>2009</strong>) 1<strong>15</strong>, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/programs/edm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt<br />

_news%5D=35130&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=407&no_cache<br />

=1<br />

SWP D 876738<br />

RA07.55 KYRGYZSTAN<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

572 Heathershaw, John: Rethinking the international diffusion of<br />

coloured revolutions : The power of representation in Kyrgyztan<br />

/ John Heathershaw. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies<br />

and Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2-3, Special Issue, S. 297-323, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876652 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

573 Ó Beacháin, Donnacha: Roses and tulips : dynamics of<br />

regime change in Georgia and Kyrgyztan / Donnacha Ó<br />

Beacháin. - In: The Journal of Communist Studies and<br />

Transition Politics (Abingdon), 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3,<br />

Special Issue, S. 199-226, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876631 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

574 Starchak, Maksim: The U.S. vs Russia in military-political<br />

cooperation with Tajikistan / Maksim Starchak. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 19-32<br />

SWP D 876940 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


SB04 International political integration<br />

575 Trauner, Florian: From membership conditionality to policy<br />

conditionality : EU external governance in South Eastern<br />

Europe / Florian Trauner. - In: Journal of European Public<br />

Policy (Abingdon), 16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 774-790<br />

SWP D 876442 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

576 Dialogue among civilizations : The Regional Summit Forum<br />

on Communication of Heritage ; a new vision of South East<br />

Europe; Opatija, Croatia, 31 May to 1 June 2006 / United<br />

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Ed.<br />

by FW (Russ) Russell. Stjepan Mesić ... - Paris, 2007. - 127 S.,<br />

Ill., Tab. - (Dialogue among Civilizations)<br />

http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/00<strong>15</strong>/00<strong>15</strong>09/<strong>15</strong>0959E.pdf<br />

IFA D 876602 IFA: Cb29/417 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

577 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF04.01 Elections<br />

578 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


RA08.01 BALKANS<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

579 Woehrel, Steven J.: Future of the Balkans and U.S. policy<br />

concerns / Steven J. Woehrel. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. - 18 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(CRS Report for Congress; RL32136)<br />

http://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL32136.pdf<br />

SWP D 876363<br />

RA08.12 HUNGARY<br />

SF10 Law<br />

580 Piana, Daniela: The power knocks at the courts' back door :<br />

two waves of postcommunist judical reforms / Daniela Piana. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

42 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 816-840, Lit. S. 837-840<br />

DIE D 876499 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

581 Brantsch, Ingmar: Vor dem europäischen Kulturhauptstadtjahr<br />

2010 : die ungarndeutsche Literatur, ihre Vermittlung und<br />

Identität / Ingmar Brantsch. - In: Deutscher Ostdienst (Bonn). -<br />

1-2<br />

1: 51 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 25-28, Ill.<br />

2: 51 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 21-24<br />

IFA D 876480 IFA: Z-D1310 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

582 Borderland 3 : The black sea region ; Romania, Moldova and<br />

Ukraine - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social<br />

Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 287-429, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 876384 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.23 CROATIA<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

583 Richter, Solveig: Stark im Auftritt, schwach im Abgang :<br />

Sanader hinterlässt der neuen kroatischen Regierung ein<br />

schwieriges Erbe / Solveig Richter. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 48/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

6240<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />


SB04 International political integration<br />

584 Šarčević, Edin: Bosnia and Herzegovina and controversies of<br />

the EU integration processes : constitutional view / Edin<br />

Šarčević. - In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien),<br />

64 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 237-249, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876563 DGAP: ZD 329 Öff.StaO: 281<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

585 Schroeder, Ursula C.; Friesendorf, Cornelius: State-building<br />

and organized crime : implementing the international law<br />

enforcement agenda in Bosnia / Ursula C. Schroeder and<br />

Cornelius Friesendorf. - In: Journal of International Relations<br />

and Development (Ljubljana), 12 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 137-167,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876561 DGAP: ZD 517 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 29 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />


SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

586 Lake, Daniel R.: The limits of coercive airpower : NATO's<br />

"victory" in Kosovo revisited / Daniel R. Lake. - In: International<br />

Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 83-112,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877348 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

587 Bahador, Bahak: The CNN effect in action : how the news<br />

media pushed the West toward war in Kosovo / Bahak<br />

Bahador. - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. -<br />

XXII,236 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 217-227 -<br />

(Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political<br />

Communication) - ISBN 1-4039-7519-1<br />

HSFK D 876681 HSFK: 39.869 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

588 Lamont, Christopher: Contested sovereignty : The<br />

international politics of regime change in the Federal Republic<br />

of Yugoslavia / Christopher Lamont. - In: The Journal of<br />

Communist Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 181-198,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876626 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

589 Bahador, Bahak: The CNN effect in action : how the news<br />

media pushed the West toward war in Kosovo / Bahak<br />

Bahador. - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. -<br />

XXII,236 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 217-227 -<br />

(Palgrave Macmillan Series in International Political<br />

Communication) - ISBN 1-4039-7519-1<br />

HSFK D 876681 HSFK: 39.869 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA08.28 SERBIA<br />

SA02 History<br />

590 Kosovo / Im Auftrag des Militärgeschichtlichen<br />

Forschungsamtes hrsg. von Bernhard Chiari ... - 3.,<br />

durchges. und erw. Aufl. - Paderborn ...: Schöning, 2008. -<br />

276 S., Kt., Reg., Zeittaf., Lit. S. 262-267 - (Wegweiser zur<br />

Geschichte) - ISBN 978-3-506-75665-7<br />

ECMI D 876806 ECMI: 949.703<br />

RA08.31 KOSOVO<br />

SF Government<br />

591 Weller, Marc: Contested statehood : Kosovo's struggle for<br />

independence / Marc Weller. - Oxford: Oxford University Press,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - XXVIII, 321 S., Reg., Lit. S. 284-303 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-956616-7<br />

ECMI D 876604 ECMI: 949.703<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

592 De Vrieze, Franklin: The assembly of Kosovo during its<br />

second mandate (2004-2007) : Analysis of the functioning of a<br />

young parliament under international supervision / Franklin De<br />

Vrieze. - In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles), 62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 75-1<strong>15</strong>, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876621 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 30 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25



RC01 CANADA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

593 Les relations transatlantiques dans la période de l'aprèsguerre-froide<br />

- In: Etudes internationales (Québec), 40 (juin<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 173-301, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876501 DGAP: ZD 304 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

594 Benzinger, Michael: Kanadas Donauschwaben / von Michael<br />

Benzinger. - In: Canadiana Germanica (Toronto), (September<br />

2008) 139, S. 12-16<br />

IFA D 877013 IFA: Z-KA149 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

595 Edwardson, Ryan: Canadian content : culture and the quest<br />

for nationhood / Ryan Edwardson. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto<br />

Press, 2008. - VIII,360 S., Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 325-343 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8020-9519-0<br />

IFA D 877316 IFA: 29/388 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SA03 Politics<br />

596 Barone, Michael: Obama's America / by Michael Barone. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 41 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28,<br />

S. 18-25, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876400 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

597 Solomon, Lewis D.: Paul D. Wolfowitz: visionary intellectual,<br />

policymaker, and strategist / Lewis D. Solomon. -<br />

Westport/Conn. ...: Praeger Security International, 2007. -<br />

209 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 199-200 - ISBN 0-275-99587-9<br />

HSFK D 876737 HSFK: 39.950 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

598 Blackwill, Robert D.: The geopolitical consequences of the<br />

world economic recession : A caution / Robert D. Blackwill. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Occasional Paper / Rand Corporation; OP-275) - (OP-275)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_OP27<br />

5.pdf<br />

SWP D 877346<br />

599 Gelb, Leslie H.: Power rules : how common sense can rescue<br />

American foreign policy / Leslie H. Gelb. - New York/N.Y.:<br />

HarperCollins Publ., <strong>2009</strong>. - XVII,334 S., Reg., Lit. S. 3<strong>15</strong>-318 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-06-171454-2<br />

DIE D 876923 HSFK: 41.592 DIE: 81EB017 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

600 Paupp, Terrence E.: Exodus from empire : The fall of<br />

America's empire and the rise of the global community /<br />

Terrence E. Paupp. - London ...: Pluto Pr., 2007. - XVIII,423 S.,<br />

Tab. - ISBN 0-7453-2613-7<br />

HSFK D 877111 HSFK: 39.780 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

601 Schaffer, Teresita C.: The United States, India, and global<br />

governance : can they work together? / Teresita C. Schaffer. -<br />

In: The Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 71-87, Lt. S. 86-87<br />

SWP D 876411 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

602 Wright, Thomas: Toward effective multilateralism : why bigger<br />

may not be better / Thomas Wright. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 163-180,<br />

Lit. S. 179-180<br />

SWP D 876425 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

603 Ahmed, Akbar S.: Journey into Islam : The crisis of<br />

globalization / Akbar Ahmed. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings<br />

Inst. Pr., 2007. - X,323 S., Ill., Reg. - ISBN 0-8165-0132-2<br />

HSFK D 877107 HSFK: 39.722 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

604 Barnes, Joe; Smulcer, Lauren A.: Emerging U.S. policy<br />

toward Russia / Joe Barnes and Lauren A. Smulcer. -<br />

Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of<br />

Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S.<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-BarnesSmulce<br />

rUSRussia-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876468<br />

605 Blank, Stephen J.: Challenges and opportunities for the<br />

Obama administration in Central Asia / Stephen J. Blank. -<br />

Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 65 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-58487-391-4<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/download.cfm?<br />

q=921<br />

SWP D 876521<br />

606 Carter, Phillip: The US government's approach to Somalia :<br />

transcript / Ambassador Philip Carter. - London: Chatham<br />

House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14425_220709carter.pdf<br />

SWP D 877314<br />

607 Charap, Samuel: After the "reset": A strategy and new agenda<br />

for U.S. Russia policy / Samuel Charap. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for American Progress, <strong>2009</strong>. - 68 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/<strong>2009</strong>/07/pdf/russia_repo<br />

rt.pdf<br />

SWP D 876781<br />

608 Charap, Samuel: Beyond the "reset button" : A strategy for<br />

U.S. Russia policy / Samuel Charap. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for American Progress, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S.<br />

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/<strong>2009</strong>/05/reset_russia.ht<br />

ml<br />

SWP D 876508<br />

609 Christensen, Thomas J.: Shaping the choices of a rising<br />

China : recent lessons for the Obama administration / Thomas<br />

J. Christensen. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 89-104<br />

SWP D 876414 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

610 Cohen, Ariel: Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine and Georgia / Ariel<br />

Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2565)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2565.pdf<br />

SWP D 876755<br />

611 Cohen, Ariel: The U.S. agenda for the Obama-Medvedev<br />

summit / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; N° 2506)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2506.pdf<br />

SWP D 876669<br />

612 Fingleton, Eamonn: In the jaws of the dragon : America's fate<br />

in the coming era of Chinese dominance / Eamonn Fingleton. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, <strong>2009</strong>. - X, 355 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-312-56162-8<br />

SWP D 876598 SWP: A.09/0239<br />

613 Ginsberg, Julie: Reassessing the Jackson-Vanik Amendment<br />

/ Julie Ginsberg. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign<br />

Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 3 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/19734/reassessing_the_jacksonva<br />

nik_amendment.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F323%2Feuro<br />

perussia<br />

SWP D 876731<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 31 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

614 Graham, Thomas: Resurgent Russia and U.S. purposes /<br />

Thomas Graham. - New York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S. - (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/Graham.pdf<br />

SWP D 876677<br />

6<strong>15</strong> Gratius, Susanne: Cuba, EE UU y Europa : perspectivas de<br />

cambio / Susanne Gratius. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 93-102<br />

SWP D 876351 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

616 Kanet, Roger E.: From cooperation to confrontation : Russia<br />

and the United States since 9/11 / Roger E. Kanet. - Urbana/Ill.:<br />

University of Illinois, <strong>2009</strong>. - 30 S. - (ACDIS Occasional Paper)<br />

http://acdis.illinois.edu/assets/docs/434/FromCooperationtoConfr<br />

ontationRussiaandtheUnitedStatessince911.pdf<br />

SWP D 876497<br />

617 Kramer, David J.: The Russia challenge: prospects for U.S.-<br />

Russian relations / by David J. Kramer. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

German Marshall Fund of the United States, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(Policy Brief / German Marshall Fund of the United States)<br />

http://gmfus.org/doc/Kramer_Russia_Final2.pdf<br />

SWP D 876786<br />

618 Liu, Jianfei: Sino-US relations and building a harmonious<br />

world / Liu Jianfei. - In: The Journal of Contemporary China<br />

(Abingdon), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60, S. 479 - 490<br />

GIGA D 877448 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

619 Lowenthal, Abraham F.: The Obama administration and the<br />

Americas : A promising start / Abraham F. Lowenthal. - In: The<br />

Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 119-136<br />

SWP D 876420 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

620 Machmudov, Rustam: The great game in the Eurasian<br />

heartland : A new spiral / Rustam Makhmudov. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 47-58<br />

SWP D 876945 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

621 Mendelson, Sarah E.: U.S.-Russian relations and the<br />

democracy and rule of law deficit / Sarah E. Mendelson. - New<br />

York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/US-RussianRel<br />

ationsandtheDemocracyandRuleofLawDeficit.pdf<br />

SWP D 876673<br />

622 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

623 Mikaelian, Hrant: Armenian foreign policy : coordinating the<br />

interests of the U.S., the EU, and Russia / Hrant Mikaelian. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 116-124<br />

SWP D 876960 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

624 Müller, Harald; Schmidt, Andreas: "Natural friends?" :<br />

relations between the United States and India after 2001 (Orig.:<br />

"Natürliche Freunde?") / Harald Müller ; Andreas Schmidt. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und<br />

Konfliktforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - III,32 S., Tab. - (PRIF Reports; No.<br />

87) - ISBN 978-3-937829-82-1<br />

http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/prif87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 876840 SWP: H.09/0192 HSFK: HSFK Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

625 Omarov, Mels; Omarov, Noor: Central Asia in the foreign<br />

policy of Russia, the United States and the European Union /<br />

Mels Omarov ; Noor Omarov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 71-78<br />

SWP D 876948 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

626 Pakistan and U.S. relations / Charles B. Kelly ... (eds) - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Nova Science Publ., <strong>2009</strong>. - VI,238 S.,<br />

Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-60692-649-9<br />

GIGA D 876994 IMES: PAK-A/6 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

627 Les relations transatlantiques dans la période de l'aprèsguerre-froide<br />

- In: Etudes internationales (Québec), 40 (juin<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 173-301, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876501 DGAP: ZD 304 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

628 Saichutdinov, Marat Ersainovic: Kazakhstan and the<br />

strategic interests of the global players in Central Asia / Marat<br />

Shaikhutdinov. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 134-142<br />

SWP D 876963 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

629 Tian, Robert Guang: From Central Asia to great Central Asia :<br />

The goals and adjustments of U.S. Central Asian strategy /<br />

Robert Guang Tian. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus<br />

(Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 58-71<br />

SWP D 876947 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

630 U.S. alliances and emerging partnerships in Southeast<br />

Asia : out of the shadows ; a report of the CSIS Southeast Asia<br />

Initiative - Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic & International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 97 S. - ISBN 978-0-89206-584-4<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090710_southeast_asia_alliances<br />

_partnerships.pdf<br />

SWP D 877121<br />

631 The United States and West Africa : interactions and<br />

relations / ed. by Alusine Jalloh ... - Rochester/N.Y.: Univ. of<br />

Rochester Press, 2008. - XII,477 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora; Vol.<br />

34) - ISBN 978-1-58046-308-9<br />

GIGA D 876473 HSFK: 41.345 IAA: AFW-A/7 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

632 Urquhart, Brian E.: Blundering in the Mideast with Prince<br />

Bandar / Brian Urquhart. - In: The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13,<br />

S. 44-47<br />

Enthält Rezensionen von: Tyler, Patrick: A world of trouble: The<br />

White House and the Middle East: from the Cold War to the<br />

War on Terror. - New York/N.Y.: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux,<br />

<strong>2009</strong> -- Khalidi, Rashid: Sowing crisis: The Cold War and<br />

American dominance in the Middle East. - Boston/Mass.:<br />

Beacon, <strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 877064 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

633 Valasek, Tomas: Obama, Russia and Europe / by Tomas<br />

Valasek. - London: Centre for European Reform, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Policy Brief / Centre for European Reform)<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/pb_TV_obama_russia_june09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876668<br />

634 Vis-à-vis : The China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue ;<br />

a window of opportunities - In: Beijing Review (Beijing),<br />

52 (<strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2009</strong>) 31, S. 10-17, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877097 SWP: Y. 1024 OSI: ZS 544 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

635 Weiss, Thomas George: Toward a third generation of<br />

international institutions : Obama's UN policy / Thomas G.<br />

Weiss. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 141-162, Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>8-162<br />

SWP D 876422 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

636 Why the Obama administration should not take Central and<br />

Eastern Europe for granted / by Pavol Demes ... German<br />

Marshall Fund of the United States - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

4 S. - (Policy Brief / German Marshall Fund of the United<br />

States)<br />

http://www.gmfus.org/doc/Obama_CEE.pdf<br />

SWP D 876773<br />

637 Woehrel, Steven J.: Future of the Balkans and U.S. policy<br />

concerns / Steven J. Woehrel. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. - 18 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(CRS Report for Congress; RL32136)<br />

http://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL32136.pdf<br />

SWP D 876363<br />

638 Wood, Andrew: Dealing with Russia: The reset button /<br />

Andrew Wood. - London: Chatham House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S. - (REP<br />

Programme Paper; REP PP <strong>2009</strong>/02)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14069_0509_wood.pdf<br />

SWP D 8765<strong>15</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 32 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

639 American foreign policy and the politics of fear : threat<br />

inflation since 9/11 / ed. by A. Trevor Thrall ... - 1st published -<br />

London ...: Routledge, <strong>2009</strong>. - XV,235 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., zahlr. Lit. - (Routledge Global Security<br />

Studies; [<strong>2009</strong>]) - ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-77769-8<br />

GIGA D 876999 ILAS: INT-A/128 IMES: INT-A/128 IAA: INT-A/128<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

640 The future of human rights : U.S. policy for a new era / ed. by<br />

William F. Schulz. - Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr.,<br />

2008. - VIII,312 S. - (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8122-4111-2<br />

HSFK D 877261 HSFK: 40.684 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

641 Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.: Making war to keep peace / Jeane J.<br />

Kirkpatrick. - New York/N.Y.: HarperCollins Publ., 2007. -<br />

367 S., Reg. - ISBN 0-06-119543-X<br />

HSFK D 876839 HSFK: 39.705 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

642 Quintana, Javier Soria: EE UU : hacia una diplomacia más<br />

activa / Javier Soria Quintana. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 123-131<br />

SWP D 876352 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

643 Skinner, E. Benjamin: The fight to end global slavery / E.<br />

Benjamin Skinner. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 33-41<br />

SWP D 876542 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

644 Solomon, Lewis D.: Paul D. Wolfowitz: visionary intellectual,<br />

policymaker, and strategist / Lewis D. Solomon. -<br />

Westport/Conn. ...: Praeger Security International, 2007. -<br />

209 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 199-200 - ISBN 0-275-99587-9<br />

HSFK D 876737 HSFK: 39.950 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB03 International law<br />

645 How do US economic sanctions affect EU's trade with<br />

target countries? / Jiawen Yang. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1223-1244, Tab., Lit. S. 1244<br />

SWP D 876691 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

646 Kaempf, Sebastian: Double standards in US warfare :<br />

exploring the historical legacy of civilian protection and the<br />

complex nature of the moral-legal nexus / Sebastian Kaempf. -<br />

In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

3, S. 651-674, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876957 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

647 Bonney, Richard: False prophets : The "clash of civilizations"<br />

and the global war on terror - Oxford: Lang, 2008. - X,352 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 271-278, Lit. Hinw. S. 279-336 - (The Past in the<br />

Present) - ISBN 978-1-906165-02-4<br />

GIGA D 876696 IFA: 29/358 IMES: MEA-A/82 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

648 Kaye, Dalia Dassa; Wehrey, Frederic M.: Containing Iran?<br />

Avoiding a two-dimensional strategy in a four-dimensional<br />

region / Dalia Dassa Kaye and Frederic Wehrey. - In: The<br />

Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 37-53, Lit. S. 49-53<br />

SWP D 876407 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

649 Maritime disputes and sovereignty issues in East Asia :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, one hundred eleventh Congress, first session,<br />

Wednesday, July <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2009</strong> - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - getr.<br />

Zähl.<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/<strong>2009</strong>/hrg0907<strong>15</strong>p.html<br />

SWP D 877426<br />

650 Morozov, Yuri: Afghanistan : potential field of Russia-U.S.<br />

regional cooperation / Yuri Morozov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 125-134<br />

SWP D 876962 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

651 Pham, Thuy Trang: Eastern Sea disputes and United States<br />

interests / by Pham Thuy Trang. - Honolulu/Haw.: Pacific<br />

Forum CSIS, <strong>2009</strong>. - 29 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol. 9 - No.<br />

13)<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/issuesinsights_v09n13.pdf<br />

SWP D 877125<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

652 Balance sheet : The Iraq War and U.S. national security / ed.<br />

by John S. Duffield ... - Stanford/Cal.: Stanford Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIV, 243 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 203-238 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8047-6013-3<br />

GIGA D 876987 IMES: IRQ-B/7 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

653 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Iraq: A time to stay? The US needs<br />

an exit strategy, not just an exit ; memorandum for the record /<br />

Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Strategic & International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090731_Iraq-MoreThanExit.pdf<br />

SWP D 876596<br />

654 Curtis, Lisa: From strategy to implementation: strengthening<br />

U.S.-Pakistan relations : testimony before the United States<br />

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental<br />

Affairs, Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management,<br />

Government Information, Federal Services, and International<br />

Security ; devlivered on July 7, <strong>2009</strong> / by Lisa Curtis. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 8 S.<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/AsiaandthePacific/tst070809a.<br />

cfm?renderforprint=1<br />

SWP D 877143<br />

655 D'Souza, Shanthie: Indo-US counter-terrorism cooperation :<br />

rhetoric versus substance / Shantie Mariet D'Souza. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6,<br />

S. 1067-1084<br />

SWP D 877357 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

656 Expectations out of sync : The second U.S.-Japan Strategic<br />

Dialogue / Pacific Forum CSIS. - Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S. -<br />

(Issues and Insights; Vol. 9 - No. 12)<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/issuesinsights_v09n12.pdf<br />

SWP D 877126<br />

657 Flexibility and sensitivity to local concerns are crucial to<br />

long-term U.S. security relations with Iraq and Afghanistan<br />

/ Rand Project Air Force. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 3 S. -<br />

(Research Brief / Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9312.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876360<br />

658 Hanif, Melanie: Die regionale Dimension des<br />

Afghanistankonfliktes in Obamas "AfPak-Strategie" : lessons<br />

learned? / Melanie Hanif. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of<br />

Global and Area Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. - (GIGA Focus<br />

Global; (<strong>2009</strong>) 7)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_global_0907.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877352 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

659 Holslag, Jonathan: Embracing Chinese global security<br />

ambitions / Jonathan Holslag. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 105-118,<br />

Lit. S. 116-118<br />

SWP D 876418 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

660 Khurana, Gurpreet S.: India-US combined defence exercises :<br />

An appraisal / Gurpreet S. Khurana. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6, S. 1047-1065<br />

SWP D 877356 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

661 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 33 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

662 Moore, Michael; Fussell, James: Kunar and Nuristan:<br />

rethinking U.S. counterinsurgency operations / Michael Moore<br />

and James Fussell. - Washington/D.C.: Institute for the Study<br />

of War, <strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Afghanistan Report;<br />

1)<br />

http://www.understandingwar.org/files/Afghanistan_Report_1.pdf<br />

SWP D 877239<br />

663 Müller, Harald; Schmidt, Andreas: "Natural friends?" :<br />

relations between the United States and India after 2001 (Orig.:<br />

"Natürliche Freunde?") / Harald Müller ; Andreas Schmidt. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und<br />

Konfliktforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - III,32 S., Tab. - (PRIF Reports; No.<br />

87) - ISBN 978-3-937829-82-1<br />

http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/prif87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 876840 SWP: H.09/0192 HSFK: HSFK Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

664 Samuel, Cherian: Enhanced international cooperation through<br />

aided military training programmes : A study of the US<br />

experience, with specific reference to South Asia / Cherian<br />

Samuel. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2, S. 214-228, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877019 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

665 Saunders, Phillip C.: Managing strategic competition with<br />

China / by Phillip C. Saunders. - Washington/D.C.: Institute for<br />

National Strategic Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategic<br />

Forum; No. 242)<br />

http://www.ndu.edu/inss/docUploaded/SF242China_Saunders.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 877146 DGAP: ZD 43 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

666 Serfaty, Simon; Biscop, Sven: A shared security strategy for<br />

a Euro-Atlantic partnership of equals : A report of the global<br />

dialogue between the European Union and the United States /<br />

authors: Simon Serfaty ; Sven Biscop. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic & International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-585-1<br />

http://www.irri-kiib.be/papers/09/other/Serfaty-Biscop.pdf<br />

SWP D 877312<br />

667 Smith, Paul J.: China's economic and political rise :<br />

implications for global terrorism and U.S.-China cooperation /<br />

Paul J. Smith. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 627-645, Lit. S. 641-645<br />

SWP D 877257 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

668 Starchak, Maksim: The U.S. vs Russia in military-political<br />

cooperation with Tajikistan / Maksim Starchak. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 19-32<br />

SWP D 876940 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

669 Withdrawing from Iraq : Alternative schedules, associated<br />

risks, and mitigating strategies / Walter L. Perry ... Prepared for<br />

the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Rand National Defense<br />

Research Institute - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 208 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>3-166 - (Rand Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-882) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4772-4<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG882.pdf<br />

SWP D 877265<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

670 America's strategic posture : The final report of the<br />

Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the<br />

United States / William J. Perry, chairman ... Harry Cartland ... -<br />

Advance copy - Washington/D.C.: United Institute of Peace,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 180 S. - ISBN 978-1-60127-045-0<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/file/strat_posture_report_adv_copy.pdf<br />

SWP D 877000<br />

671 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Salvaging American defense : The<br />

challenge of strategic overstretch / Anthony H. Cordesman with<br />

the assistance of Paul S. Frederiksen ... - Westport/Conn. ...:<br />

Praeger Security International, 2007. - XVI,470 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 0-275-99257-8<br />

HSFK D 876844 HSFK: 39.717 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

672 Feith, Douglas Jay; Shulsky, Abram N.; David, Jack:<br />

START Treaty renewal and America's strategic posture :<br />

(summarizing through excerpts the Final report of the<br />

Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the<br />

United States) / Douglas J. Feith ; Abram Shulsky ; Jack David.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: Hudson Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S.<br />

http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/START_<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876390<br />

673 Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.: Making war to keep peace / Jeane J.<br />

Kirkpatrick. - New York/N.Y.: HarperCollins Publ., 2007. -<br />

367 S., Reg. - ISBN 0-06-119543-X<br />

HSFK D 876839 HSFK: 39.705 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

674 London, Herbert I.: A strategy for winning the war of ideas / by<br />

Herbert London. - Washington/D.C.: Hudson Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

7 S. - (Perspectives for the New Administration; [Hudson<br />

Institute Presidential Transition Papers])<br />

http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/London%20-%20final%2<br />

0lo-res.pdf<br />

SWP D 876388<br />

675 Silverberg, Daniel; Heimann, Joseph: An ever-expanding<br />

war : legal aspects of online strategic communication / Daniel<br />

Silverberg and Joseph Heimann. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 77-93, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/silverb<br />

erg%20and%20heimann.pdf<br />

SWP D 877332 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

676 Solomon, Lewis D.: Paul D. Wolfowitz: visionary intellectual,<br />

policymaker, and strategist / Lewis D. Solomon. -<br />

Westport/Conn. ...: Praeger Security International, 2007. -<br />

209 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 199-200 - ISBN 0-275-99587-9<br />

HSFK D 876737 HSFK: 39.950 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

677 Thielmann, Greg: The national missile defense act of 1999 /<br />

by Greg Thielmann. - In: Arms Control Today<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 45-48, Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 48<br />

SWP D 876678 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

678 Wahlquist, John A.: Enhancing interrogation : Advancing a<br />

new agenda / John A. Wahlquist. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 38-51, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/wahlq<br />

uist.pdf<br />

SWP D 877339 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

679 Wolf, Charles (jr.); Chow, Brian G.; Jones, Gregory S.:<br />

Enhancement by enlargement : The Proliferation Security<br />

Initiative / Charles Wolf, Jr. ; Brian G. Chow ; Gregory S. Jones.<br />

- Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2008. - 82 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 59-62 - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

(MG-806) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4579-9<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2008/RAND_MG806.pdf<br />

SWP D 876366<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

680 Abe, Nobuyasu: Rebuilding the nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation<br />

regime in the post-US-India deal world / Nobuyasu<br />

Abe. - In: Asia-Pacific Review (Tokyo), 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 56-72, Tab., Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876654 DGAP: ZD 497 IAS: 3/861 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

681 Chyba, Christopher F.; Crouch, J. D.: Understanding the U.S.<br />

nuclear weapons policy debate / Christopher F. Chyba and J.<br />

D. Crouch. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 21-36, Lit. S. 35-36<br />

SWP D 876405 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

682 Developing a process to build partner capacity for<br />

combating weapons of mass destruction / Rand National<br />

Defense Research Institute. - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S.,<br />

Tab. - (Research Brief / Rand Corporation) - (RB-9382)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_RB9382.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876379<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 34 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

683 Feith, Douglas Jay; Shulsky, Abram N.; David, Jack:<br />

START Treaty renewal and America's strategic posture :<br />

(summarizing through excerpts the Final report of the<br />

Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the<br />

United States) / Douglas J. Feith ; Abram Shulsky ; Jack David.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: Hudson Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S.<br />

http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/START_<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 876390<br />

684 Ford, Christopher A.: Transformative leadership in arms<br />

control and nonproliferation / by Christopher A Ford. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Hudson Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S. -<br />

(Perspectives for the New Administration; [Hudson Institute<br />

Presidential Transition Papers])<br />

http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/Ford%20(Arms%20Cont<br />

%20)%20final%20lorespers.pdf<br />

SWP D 876389<br />

685 Moroney, Jennifer D. P.; Hogler, Joe L.: Building partner<br />

capacity to combat weapons of mass destruction / Jennifer D.<br />

P. Moroney ; Joe Hogler. With Benjamin Bahney ... - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 142 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 107-118 - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - (MG-783) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4552-2<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG783.pdf<br />

SWP D 876385<br />

686 Russia and the United States / with articles by Dmitri Trenin<br />

... Ed. by Barry Blechman. The Henry L. Stimson Center -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 64 S.<br />

http://www.stimson.org/nuke/pdf/Russia_US_Format_FINAL.pdf<br />

SWP D 876784<br />

687 Wolf, Charles (jr.); Chow, Brian G.; Jones, Gregory S.:<br />

Enhancement by enlargement : The Proliferation Security<br />

Initiative / Charles Wolf, Jr. ; Brian G. Chow ; Gregory S. Jones.<br />

- Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2008. - 82 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 59-62 - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

(MG-806) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4579-9<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2008/RAND_MG806.pdf<br />

SWP D 876366<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

688 Conducting counterinsurgency operations : lessons from<br />

Iraq (2003-2006) / Rand National Defense Research Institute. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S., graph. Darst. - (Research Brief<br />

/ Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9323.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876373<br />

689 Countering insurgency in the Muslim world : rethinking U.S.<br />

priorities and capabilities / Rand National Defense Research<br />

Institute. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S. - (Research Brief /<br />

Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9326.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876370<br />

690 Mukunda, Gautam; Troy, William J.: Caught in the net :<br />

lessons from the financial crisis for a networked future /<br />

Gautam Mukunda and William J. Troy. - In: Parameters<br />

(Carlisle Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 63-76, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/muku<br />

nda%20and%20troy.pdf<br />

SWP D 877330 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

691 The army's green warriors : environmental considerations in<br />

contingency operations / Rand Arroyo Center. - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S. - (Research Brief / Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9335.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876377<br />

692 Conducting counterinsurgency operations : lessons from<br />

Iraq (2003-2006) / Rand National Defense Research Institute. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S., graph. Darst. - (Research Brief<br />

/ Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9323.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876373<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

693 Countering insurgency in the Muslim world : rethinking U.S.<br />

priorities and capabilities / Rand National Defense Research<br />

Institute. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S. - (Research Brief /<br />

Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9326.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876370<br />

694 Cropsey, Seth: Avoiding hubris in a world of asymmetric<br />

warfare / by Seth Cropsey. - Washington/D.C.: Hudson<br />

Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 11 S. - (Perspectives for the New<br />

Administration; [Hudson Institute Presidential Transition<br />

Papers])<br />

http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/Cropsey%20-%20final%<br />

20low-res.pdf<br />

SWP D 876387<br />

695 Dobbins, James: Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan :<br />

testimony presented before the House Oversight and<br />

Government Reform Committee, Subcommittee on National<br />

Security and Foreign Affairs on March 26, <strong>2009</strong> / James<br />

Dobbins. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S.<br />

- (Rand Testimony; CT-323) - (CT-323)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_CT323.pdf<br />

SWP D 876381<br />

696 Fitzgerald, Erin; Cordesman, Anthony H.: Resourcing for<br />

defeat: critical failures in planning, programming, budgeting and<br />

resourcing the Afghan and Iraq wars : working draft, <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Erin K. Fitzgerald and Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 49 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090806_afghan_iraqwar_fund.pdf<br />

SWP D 877396<br />

697 Hybel, Alex Roberto; Kaufman, Justin Matthew: The Bush<br />

administrations and Saddam Hussein : deciding on conflict /<br />

Alex Roberto Hybel and Justin Matthew Kaufman. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - XVI,192 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 179-186 - (Advances in Foreign Policy Analysis) -<br />

ISBN 1-4039-7578-2<br />

HSFK D 876728 HSFK: 39.865 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

698 Kaempf, Sebastian: Double standards in US warfare :<br />

exploring the historical legacy of civilian protection and the<br />

complex nature of the moral-legal nexus / Sebastian Kaempf. -<br />

In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

3, S. 651-674, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876957 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

699 Ralph, Jason: The laws of war and the state of the American<br />

exception / Jason Ralph. - In: Review of International Studies<br />

(Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 631-649, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876956 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

700 Ripley, Tim: Mix and match : integrating UAVS into the<br />

battlespace / Tim Ripley. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly<br />

(Coulsdon), 46 (5 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 31, S. 26-31, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876670 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

701 Wong, Yuna Huh: Ignoring the innocent : non-combatants in<br />

urban operations and in military models and simulations / Yuna<br />

Huh Wong. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2006. -<br />

214 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 179-196 - (Pardee<br />

RAND Graduate School Dissertation Series) -- Zugl.: Santa<br />

Monica/Cal., Pardee Rand Graduate School, Diss., 2006<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/rgs_dissertations/2006/RAND_RGSD2<br />

01.pdf<br />

SWP D 877063<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

702 The army's green warriors : environmental considerations in<br />

contingency operations / Rand Arroyo Center. - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S. - (Research Brief / Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9335.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876377<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 35 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

703 Army's implementation of the Logistics Modernization<br />

Program : congressional briefing, March 31, <strong>2009</strong> ; [report to<br />

the Senate Committee on Armed Services and the House<br />

Committee on Armed Services] / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. [William M. Solis ... Key contrib.: J. Chris<br />

Martin ...] - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(GAO-09-852R)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09852r.pdf<br />

SWP D 876988<br />

704 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Salvaging American defense : The<br />

challenge of strategic overstretch / Anthony H. Cordesman with<br />

the assistance of Paul S. Frederiksen ... - Westport/Conn. ...:<br />

Praeger Security International, 2007. - XVI,470 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 0-275-99257-8<br />

HSFK D 876844 HSFK: 39.717 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

705 Department of Defense training for operations with<br />

interagency, multinational, and coalition partners / Michael<br />

Spirtas ... Prepared for the Office of the Secratary of Defense.<br />

Rand National Defense Research Institute - Santa Monica/Cal.,<br />

2008. - 180 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 149-<strong>15</strong>4, App.<br />

A-D - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) - (MG-707) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8330-4504-1<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2008/RAND_MG707.pdf<br />

SWP D 876367<br />

706 Ensuring that army infrastructure meets strategic needs /<br />

Ellen M. Pint ... Prepared for the United States Army. Rand<br />

Arroyo Center - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 122 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 97-104 - (Documented Briefing / Rand<br />

Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/2008/RAND_DB<br />

547.pdf<br />

SWP D 877048<br />

707 Force structure: Actions needed to improve DOD'ss ability<br />

to manage, assess, and report on global defense posture<br />

initiatives : [review of the Department of Defense 2008 Global<br />

Defense Posture Report to Congress] ; [report] / United States<br />

Government Accountability Office. [John Pendleton] -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 34 S. - (GAO-09-706R)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09706r.pdf<br />

SWP D 877006<br />

708 Francis, Paul L.: Defense acquisitions: issues to be<br />

considered for army's modernization of combat systems :<br />

statement of Paul L. Francis, managing director, Acquisition<br />

and Sourcing Management ; testimony before the<br />

Subcommittee on Airland, Committee on Armed Services, U.S.<br />

Senate - Washington/D.C.: United States Government<br />

Accountability Office, <strong>2009</strong>. - 18 S. - (GAO-09-793T)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09793t.pdf<br />

SWP D 876785<br />

709 Ordowich, Christopher: Considering a cadre augmented army<br />

/ Christopher Ordowich. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand<br />

Corporation, 2008. - 409 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 379-393<br />

- (Pardee RAND Graduate School Dissertation Series) -- Zugl.:<br />

Santa Monica/Cal., Pardee Rand Graduate School, Diss., 2008<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/rgs_dissertations/2008/RAND_RGSD2<br />

25.pdf<br />

SWP D 877076<br />

710 Overseas contingency operations : reported obligations for<br />

the Department of Defense ; [report to] Congressional<br />

Committees / United States Government Accountability Office.<br />

[Sharon L. Pickup] - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., graph.<br />

Darst. - (GAO-09-791R)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09791r.pdf<br />

SWP D 877009<br />

711 Peltz, Eric; Robbins, Marc L.: Leveraging complementary<br />

distribution channels for an effective, efficient global supply<br />

chain / Eric Peltz ; Marc Robbins. Prepared for the United<br />

States Army. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2007. -<br />

71 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 53 - (Documented Briefing /<br />

Rand Corporation) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4134-0<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/2007/RAND_DB<br />

5<strong>15</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 877043<br />

712 Rotmann, Philipp; Tohn, David; Wharton, Jaron: Learning<br />

under fire: progress and dissent in the US military / Philipp<br />

Rotmann, David Tohn and Jaron Wharton. - In: Survival<br />

(Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 31-48, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877226 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

713 Cowan, Gerrard: Fuelling change : Alternative fuels / Gerrard<br />

Cowan. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 46 (12 <strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 32, S. 24-30, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876950 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

714 Hill, Owen J.: Aircraft modifications : Assessing the current<br />

state of Air Force aircraft modifications and the implications for<br />

future military capability / Owen J. Hill. - Santa Monica/Cal.:<br />

Rand Corporation, 2006. - 162 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 136-140 - (Pardee RAND Graduate School Dissertation<br />

Series) -- Zugl.: Santa Monica/Cal., Pardee Rand Graduate<br />

School, Diss., 2006<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/rgs_dissertations/2006/RAND_RGSD2<br />

07.pdf<br />

SWP D 877057<br />

7<strong>15</strong> Sugden, Bruce M.: Speed kills : Analyzing the deployment of<br />

conventional ballistic missiles / Bruce M. Sugden. -<br />

In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 113-146, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877349 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

716 Thielmann, Greg: The national missile defense act of 1999 /<br />

by Greg Thielmann. - In: Arms Control Today<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 45-48, Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 48<br />

SWP D 876678 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

717 Unger, Eric J.: Am examination of the relationship between<br />

usage and operating and support costs for Air Force aircraft /<br />

Eric J. Unger. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2008. -<br />

1<strong>15</strong> S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 97-99 - (Pardee RAND<br />

Graduate School Dissertation Series) -- Zugl.: Santa<br />

Monica/Cal., Pardee Rand Graduate School, Diss., 2007<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/rgs_dissertations/2008/RAND_RGSD2<br />

29.pdf<br />

SWP D 877071<br />

SC07 Military economy<br />

718 Effectively sustaining forces overseas while minimizing<br />

supply chain costs : targeted theater inventory / Eric Peltz ...<br />

Prepared for the United States Army ... Rand National Defense<br />

Research Institute ... - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 76 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 55-56 - (Documented Briefing / Rand<br />

Corporation) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4308-5<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/2008/RAND_DB<br />

524.pdf<br />

SWP D 877051<br />

719 Estimating DoD transportation spending : Analyses of<br />

contract and payment transactions / Nancy Y. Moore ...<br />

Prepared for the U.S. Transportation Command. Rand National<br />

Defense Research Institute - Santa Monica/Cal., 2007. -<br />

<strong>15</strong>5 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 131-135 - (Rand Corporation<br />

Occasional Paper Series; Documented Briefing / Rand<br />

Corporation) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4164-7<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/2007/RAND_DB<br />

516.pdf<br />

SWP D 877045<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

720 Blackwill, Robert D.: The geopolitical consequences of the<br />

world economic recession : A caution / Robert D. Blackwill. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Occasional Paper / Rand Corporation; OP-275) - (OP-275)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_OP27<br />

5.pdf<br />

SWP D 877346<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 36 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

721 Cooper, William H.: EU-U.S. economic ties : framework,<br />

scope, and magnitude / William H. Cooper. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. - 11 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (CRS Report for Congress; RL30608)<br />

http://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL30608.pdf<br />

SWP D 876365<br />

722 Ginsberg, Julie: Reassessing the Jackson-Vanik Amendment<br />

/ Julie Ginsberg. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign<br />

Relations, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 3 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/19734/reassessing_the_jacksonva<br />

nik_amendment.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F323%2Feuro<br />

perussia<br />

SWP D 876731<br />

723 Mildner, Stormy-Annika; Ziegler, Oliver: Conflict<br />

management in transatlantic trade relations : not every dispute<br />

should be subject to the WTO / Stormy Mildner ; Oliver Ziegler.<br />

- Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP<br />

Comments; 16/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 36/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6218<br />

SWP D 877424<br />

724 Okimoto, Daniel I.: The financial crisis and America's capital<br />

dependence on Japan and China / Daniel I. Okimoto. - In: Asia-<br />

Pacific Review (Tokyo), 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 37-55, Graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

DGAP D 876653 DGAP: ZD 497 IAS: 3/861 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

725 Bratersky, Maksim; Suzdaltsev, Andrei: Central Asia : A<br />

region of economic rivalry among Russia, China, the U.S. and<br />

the EU / Maksim Bratersky ; Andrei Suzdaltsev. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 79-88<br />

SWP D 876951 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

726 Fingleton, Eamonn: In the jaws of the dragon : America's fate<br />

in the coming era of Chinese dominance / Eamonn Fingleton. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, <strong>2009</strong>. - X, 355 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-312-56162-8<br />

SWP D 876598 SWP: A.09/0239<br />

727 How do US economic sanctions affect EU's trade with<br />

target countries? / Jiawen Yang. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1223-1244, Tab., Lit. S. 1244<br />

SWP D 876691 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

728 International trade: four free trade agreements GAO<br />

reviewed have resulted in commercial benefits, but<br />

challenges on labor and environment remain : report to the<br />

chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate / United States<br />

Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

<strong>15</strong>4 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. - (GAO-09-439)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09439.pdf<br />

SWP D 877329<br />

729 Langhorst, Christina; Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Good for the<br />

economy - bad for trade? The effects of EU and US economic<br />

stimuli on international trade and competition / by Christina<br />

Langhorst and Stormy Mildner. - Brussels: Centre for European<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 20 S., Lit. S. 16-19<br />

This article is based on: Protektionismus durch die Hintertür?,<br />

in: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige<br />

Politik, 64 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6. - S. 18-23<br />

http://www.thinkingeurope.eu/images/dbimages/docs/Researchp<br />

aper_badfortrade_final.pdf<br />

SWP D 876350 SWP: H.09/0189<br />

730 Mansfield, Edward D.; Mutz, Diana C.: Support for free trade :<br />

self-interest, sociotropic politics, and out-group anxiety /<br />

Edward D. Mansfield and Diana C. Mutz. - In: International<br />

Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 425-457<br />

SWP D 877077 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

731 Guisinger, Alexandra: Determinating trade policy : do voters<br />

hold politicians accountable? / Alexandra Guisinger. -<br />

In: International Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 533-557<br />

SWP D 877081 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

732 Graves, Peter: U.S. public and private funding of independent<br />

media development abroad : A report to the Center for<br />

International Media Assistance ; December 10, 2007 / [Peter<br />

Graves]. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 28 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.ned.org/cima/CIMA-US_Public_and_Private_Funding<br />

_of_Media_Development.pdf<br />

IFA D 876711 IFA: Cb29/465 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

733 Picard, Louis A.; Buss, Terry F.: A fragile balance :<br />

re-examining the history of foreign aid, security, and diplomacy<br />

/ Louis A. Picard and Terry F. Buss. - Sterling/Va.: Kumarian<br />

Pr., <strong>2009</strong>. - XI,317 S., Lit. S. 301-303 - ISBN 978-1-56549-295-0<br />

DIE D 876383 DIE: 81SA017 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

734 Tarnoff, Curt: Afghanistan: U.S. foreign assistance / Curt<br />

Tarnoff. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 21 S., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress; R40699) -<br />

(R40699)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/126837.pdf<br />

SWP D 877187<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

735 Media as global diplomat / Sheldon Himelfarb ... United<br />

States Institute of Peace - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 11, Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United States Institute of<br />

Peace; 226)<br />

http://library.usip.org/articles/1012236.1111/1.PDF<br />

SWP D 876525<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education<br />

and science<br />

736 Gundlach, Christian; Schill, Sylvia: Ein Schuljahr in den USA<br />

: Austausch-Organisationen auf dem Prüfstand ; Infos zu über<br />

70 Anbietern; Ratgeber, Erfahrungsbericht, Stipendien und<br />

vieles mehr / Christian Gundlach ; Sylvia Schill. - 9., völlig neu<br />

bearb. und aktualisierte Aufl. - Berlin: Recherchen-Verl. Schill,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 286 S., Ill., Tab., Reg. - ISBN 978-3-930902-09-5<br />

IFA D 877347 IFA: HpVUSA29 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

737 Bachner, David J.; Zeutschel, Ulrich: Students of four<br />

decades : participants' reflections on the meaning and impact<br />

of an international homestay experience / David J. Bachner ;<br />

Ulrich Zeutschel. - Münster: Waxmann, <strong>2009</strong>. - 183 S.,<br />

Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 175-180 - ISBN 978-3-8309-2082-3<br />

IFA D 877307 IFA: 29/182 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

738 Cosnac, Bettina de; Krämer-Anderson, Dagmar; Stamer,<br />

Sabine: Drei-Länder-Chat : Kulturführer für den alltäglichen<br />

Grenzverkehr / Bettina de Cosnac ; Dagmar Krämer-Anderson<br />

; Sabine Stamer. - Reinbek: Rowohlt, <strong>2009</strong>. - 253 S. - (Rororo)<br />

- ISBN 978-3-499-62488-9<br />

IFA D 877386 IFA: 29/239 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

739 Schenk, Susan: Das Islambild im internationalen Fernsehen :<br />

ein Vergleich der Nachrichtensender "Al Jazeera English",<br />

"BBC World" und "CNN International" / Susan Schenk. - Berlin:<br />

Frank & Timme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 173 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 163-172 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation -<br />

Naher Osten und islamische Welt; Vol. 16) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86596-224-9 -- Zugl.: Magisterarb.<br />

IFA D 877374 IFA: 29/338 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

740 Gratius, Susanne: Cuba, EE UU y Europa : perspectivas de<br />

cambio / Susanne Gratius. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 93-102<br />

SWP D 876351 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 37 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

741 The future of human rights : U.S. policy for a new era / ed. by<br />

William F. Schulz. - Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr.,<br />

2008. - VIII,312 S. - (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8122-4111-2<br />

HSFK D 877261 HSFK: 40.684 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

742 Melish, Tara J.: From paradox to subsidiarity : The United<br />

States and human rights treaty bodies / Tara J. Melish. - In:<br />

The Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),<br />

34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 389-462, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876801 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

743 Skinner, E. Benjamin: The fight to end global slavery / E.<br />

Benjamin Skinner. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 33-41<br />

SWP D 876542 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

744 Wahlquist, John A.: Enhancing interrogation : Advancing a<br />

new agenda / John A. Wahlquist. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 38-51, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/wahlq<br />

uist.pdf<br />

SWP D 877339 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

745 Harris, Shane: Blind oversight / by Shane Harris. - In: National<br />

Journal (Washington/D.C.), 41 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28, S. 26-32, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876401 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

746 National summit on intelligence : gathering, sharing,<br />

analysis, and use afer 9-11 ; measuring success and setting<br />

goals for the future / COPS, Community Oriented Policing<br />

Services ... - Washington/D.C., 2008. - 47 S.<br />

http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/files/RIC/Publications/IntelSummitRep<br />

ort.pdf<br />

SWP D 877409<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

747 Guisinger, Alexandra: Determinating trade policy : do voters<br />

hold politicians accountable? / Alexandra Guisinger. -<br />

In: International Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 533-557<br />

SWP D 877081 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

748 Boyd, Dallas; Dunn, Lewis A.; Scouras, James: Why has the<br />

United States not been attacked again? / Dallas Boyd, Lewis A.<br />

Dunn, and James Scouras. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 3-19, Lit. S. 17-19<br />

SWP D 876404 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

749 Comparing alternative U.S.counterterrorism strategies :<br />

can assumption-based planning help elevate the debate? /<br />

Robert J. Lempert ... Rand Frederick S. Pardee Center - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal., 2008. - 80 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 61-62 -<br />

(Rand Documented Briefing; [548]) - (DB-548)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/2008/RAND_DB<br />

548.pdf<br />

SWP D 876374<br />

750 D'Souza, Shanthie: Indo-US counter-terrorism cooperation :<br />

rhetoric versus substance / Shantie Mariet D'Souza. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6,<br />

S. 1067-1084<br />

SWP D 877357 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

751 Hahn, Gordon M.: U.S.-Russian relations and the war against<br />

jihadism / Gordon M. Hahn. - New York/N.Y. ...: The Century<br />

Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 31 S. - (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/hahn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876675<br />

752 Hellmuth, Dorle: German and U.S. domestic counterterrorism<br />

responses : only half a world apart / by Dorle Hellmuth. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Institute for Contemporary German<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AICGS Transatlantic<br />

Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/hellmuth.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877310<br />

753 Smith, Paul J.: China's economic and political rise :<br />

implications for global terrorism and U.S.-China cooperation /<br />

Paul J. Smith. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 627-645, Lit. S. 641-645<br />

SWP D 877257 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

754 Cyran, Olivier: La crise vue des Etats-Unis : en Floride,<br />

l'éternel espoir du rebond / par Olivier Cyran. - In: Le Monde<br />

diplomatique (Paris), 56 (août <strong>2009</strong>) 665, S. 16-17<br />

SWP D 876471 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SF10 Law<br />

755 Munro, Neil: Do gender and race matter? / by Neil Munro. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 41 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28,<br />

S. 34-37, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876402 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

756 Silverberg, Daniel; Heimann, Joseph: An ever-expanding<br />

war : legal aspects of online strategic communication / Daniel<br />

Silverberg and Joseph Heimann. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 77-93, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/silverb<br />

erg%20and%20heimann.pdf<br />

SWP D 877332 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

757 Victor, Kirk: Judgment day / by Kirk Victor. - In: National<br />

Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29, S. 40-45, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877049 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

758 Growing old in America : expectations vs. reality / Paul<br />

Taylor, project director ... D'Vera Cohn, senior writer ... Pew<br />

Research Center - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - <strong>15</strong>2 S., zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst., Tab. - (Social & Demographic Trends Report /<br />

Pew Research Center)<br />

http://pewsocialtrends.org/assets/pdf/getting-old-in-america.pdf<br />

SWP D 876518<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

759 Wasem, Ruth Ellen: U.S. immigration policy on permanent<br />

admissions / Ruth Ellen Wasem. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. - 40 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32235) -<br />

(RL32235)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/126517.pdf<br />

SWP D 877326<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

760 Eggert, Wolfgang; Krieger, Tim: "Home ownership" als<br />

Substitut für Sozialpolitik : zum Entstehen der Finanzkrise in<br />

den USA / Wolfgang Eggert ; Tim Krieger. -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 89 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 390-397<br />

SWP D 876429 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020<br />

Öff.StaO: H 256<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

761 Edwards, Elizabeth: Hearing on: "Medical debt: is our health<br />

care system bankrupting Americans?" : Statement of Elizabeth<br />

Edwards [...] before the Subcommittee on Commercial and<br />

Administrative Law, Committee on the Judiciary, United States<br />

House of Representatives, July 28, <strong>2009</strong> - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for American Progress Action Fund, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/<strong>2009</strong>/07/pdf/edwa<br />

rds_health.pdf<br />

SWP D 876531<br />

762 Marmor, Theodore R.; Oberlander, Jonathan: Health reform :<br />

The fateful moment / Theodore R. Marmor and Jonathan<br />

Oberlander. - In: The New York Review of Books (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13, S. 69-74<br />

Enthält Rezension von: Daschle, Tom: Critical: what we can do<br />

about the health-care crisis. - New York/N.Y.: St. Martin's<br />

Press, 2008<br />

SWP D 877078 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 38 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

763 Serafini, Marilyn Werber: The lessons of Massachusetts / by<br />

Marilyn Werber Serafini. - In: National Journal<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 42 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29, S. 20-27, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

SWP D 877047 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

764 Graves, Peter: U.S. public and private funding of independent<br />

media development abroad : A report to the Center for<br />

International Media Assistance ; December 10, 2007 / [Peter<br />

Graves]. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 28 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.ned.org/cima/CIMA-US_Public_and_Private_Funding<br />

_of_Media_Development.pdf<br />

IFA D 876711 IFA: Cb29/465 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

765 Massing, Michael: The news about the internet / Michael<br />

Massing. - In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13, S. 29-32<br />

Enthält Rezensionen von: Boelert, Eric: Bloggers on the bus:<br />

how the internet changes politics and the press. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Free Press, <strong>2009</strong> -- Wasik, Bill: And then there's<br />

this: how stories live and die in viral culture. - New York/N.Y.:<br />

Viking, <strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 877053 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

766 Media as global diplomat / Sheldon Himelfarb ... United<br />

States Institute of Peace - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 11, Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United States Institute of<br />

Peace; 226)<br />

http://library.usip.org/articles/1012236.1111/1.PDF<br />

SWP D 876525<br />

767 Yazdi, Mohammad Rezaie: Hollywood mission : America the<br />

new Israel / Mohammad Rezaie Yazdi. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 305-314<br />

GIGA D 876884 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

768 Ahmed, Akbar S.: Journey into Islam : The crisis of<br />

globalization / Akbar Ahmed. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings<br />

Inst. Pr., 2007. - X,323 S., Ill., Reg. - ISBN 0-8165-0132-2<br />

HSFK D 877107 HSFK: 39.722 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

769 Hahn, Gordon M.: U.S.-Russian relations and the war against<br />

jihadism / Gordon M. Hahn. - New York/N.Y. ...: The Century<br />

Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 31 S. - (A Century Foundation Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/hahn.pdf<br />

SWP D 876675<br />

770 Schenk, Susan: Das Islambild im internationalen Fernsehen :<br />

ein Vergleich der Nachrichtensender "Al Jazeera English",<br />

"BBC World" und "CNN International" / Susan Schenk. - Berlin:<br />

Frank & Timme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 173 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 163-172 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation -<br />

Naher Osten und islamische Welt; Vol. 16) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86596-224-9 -- Zugl.: Magisterarb.<br />

IFA D 877374 IFA: 29/338 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

771 Yazdi, Mohammad Rezaie: Hollywood mission : America the<br />

new Israel / Mohammad Rezaie Yazdi. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 305-314<br />

GIGA D 876884 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

772 Iankova, Evguenia; Pochon, Florent; Teïletche, Jérôme:<br />

L'impact des décisions des agences de notation sur le prix des<br />

actions : une comparaison du cas français avec les cas<br />

euopéen et américain / Evguenia Iankova ; Florent Pochon ;<br />

Jérôme Teïletche. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2/188, S. 1-21, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 21<br />

DFI D 877046 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

773 Cyran, Olivier: La crise vue des Etats-Unis : en Floride,<br />

l'éternel espoir du rebond / par Olivier Cyran. - In: Le Monde<br />

diplomatique (Paris), 56 (août <strong>2009</strong>) 665, S. 16-17<br />

SWP D 876471 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

774 Eggert, Wolfgang; Krieger, Tim: "Home ownership" als<br />

Substitut für Sozialpolitik : zum Entstehen der Finanzkrise in<br />

den USA / Wolfgang Eggert ; Tim Krieger. -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 89 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 390-397<br />

SWP D 876429 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020<br />

Öff.StaO: H 256<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

775 Mansfield, Edward D.; Mutz, Diana C.: Support for free trade :<br />

self-interest, sociotropic politics, and out-group anxiety /<br />

Edward D. Mansfield and Diana C. Mutz. - In: International<br />

Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 425-457<br />

SWP D 877077 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

776 Offshoring white-collar work : Brookings Trade Forum<br />

Conference, May 2005 / Susan M. Collins ... (eds.) . Brookings<br />

Institution - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Inst. Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXX,490 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Brookings Trade Forum;<br />

2005) - ISBN 0-8<strong>15</strong>7-1284-7<br />

HSFK D 877100 HSFK: JB B Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

777 Schulze-Cleven, Tobias: The transatlantic agenda for labor<br />

market reform : increasing adaptability through continuing<br />

training / by Tobias Schulze-Cleven. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/schulzecleven.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877308<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

778 Cowan, Gerrard: Fuelling change : Alternative fuels / Gerrard<br />

Cowan. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 46 (12 <strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 32, S. 24-30, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876950 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

779 Offshoring white-collar work : Brookings Trade Forum<br />

Conference, May 2005 / Susan M. Collins ... (eds.) . Brookings<br />

Institution - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Inst. Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXX,490 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Brookings Trade Forum;<br />

2005) - ISBN 0-8<strong>15</strong>7-1284-7<br />

HSFK D 877100 HSFK: JB B Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

780 Bauer, Marc: Krisenbewältigung in der Finanzwirtschaft :<br />

Parallelen und Unterschiede der Bankenkrisen in Japan<br />

(1990-2006) und den USA (1980-1998) / Marc Bauer. -<br />

In: Japan: Analysen, Prognosen (München), (Dezember 2008)<br />

200, S. 1-22, Tab., Lit.<br />

http://www.djw.de/uploads/media/JAP_200__Banken__v1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877429<br />

781 Warde, Ibrahim: Aveuglement des autorités ou complicité des<br />

clients? Bernard Madoff, à la barbe des régulateurs de la<br />

finance / par Ibrahim Warde. - In: Le Monde diplomatique<br />

(Paris), 56 (août <strong>2009</strong>) 665, S. 4-5<br />

SWP D 876467 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

782 Fitzgerald, Erin; Cordesman, Anthony H.: Resourcing for<br />

defeat: critical failures in planning, programming, budgeting and<br />

resourcing the Afghan and Iraq wars : working draft, <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Erin K. Fitzgerald and Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 49 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090806_afghan_iraqwar_fund.pdf<br />

SWP D 877396<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 39 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

783 Mukunda, Gautam; Troy, William J.: Caught in the net :<br />

lessons from the financial crisis for a networked future /<br />

Gautam Mukunda and William J. Troy. - In: Parameters<br />

(Carlisle Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 63-76, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/muku<br />

nda%20and%20troy.pdf<br />

SWP D 877330 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

784 Ripley, Tim: Mix and match : integrating UAVS into the<br />

battlespace / Tim Ripley. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly<br />

(Coulsdon), 46 (5 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 31, S. 26-31, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876670 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

785 Sugden, Bruce M.: Speed kills : Analyzing the deployment of<br />

conventional ballistic missiles / Bruce M. Sugden. -<br />

In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 113-146, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877349 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

786 Stephenson, John: Climate change policy: preliminary<br />

observations on options for distributing emmissions allowances<br />

and revenue under a cap-and-trade program : statement of<br />

John Stephenson, Director, Natural Resources & Environment ;<br />

testimony before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate -<br />

Washington/D.C.: United States Government Accountability<br />

Office, <strong>2009</strong>. - 22 S., Lit. Hinw. - (GAO-09-950T)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09950t.pdf<br />

SWP D 877267<br />

787 Urpelainen, Johannes: Explaining the Schwarzenegger<br />

phenomenon : local frontrunners in climate policy / Johannes<br />

Urplainen. - In: Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 82-105, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 103-105<br />

SWP D 876698 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 40 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


SA03 Politics<br />


788 Fischer-Bollin, Peter: Hoffnung für Lateinamerika : Antworten<br />

auf die ordnungspolitischen Herausforderungen / Peter<br />

Fischer-Bollin. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),<br />

54 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 475, S. 16-20<br />

DGAP D 876566 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

789 Blank, Stephen J.: Russia in Latin America: geopolitical<br />

games in the US's neighborhood / Stephen J. Blank. - Paris:<br />

Institut Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S. -<br />

(Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 38) - ISBN 978-2-86592-519-3<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Russie/ifri_Blank_Russia_and_LatinAmeri<br />

ca_ENG_April_09.pdf<br />

SWP D 876458<br />

790 Lowenthal, Abraham F.: The Obama administration and the<br />

Americas : A promising start / Abraham F. Lowenthal. - In: The<br />

Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 119-136<br />

SWP D 876420 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

791 Boris, Dieter: Abgedämpfte Schockwellen : Lateinamerika und<br />

die global Finanzkrise / Dieter Boris. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn), (Dezember 2008) 12,<br />

S. 4<br />

DIE D 877381 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

792 ¿"El pueblo unido"? Soziale Bewegungen und politischer<br />

Protest in der Geschichte Lateinamerikas / Jürgen Mittag ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - 1. Aufl. - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

576 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89691-762-1<br />

GIGA D 876380 ILAS: AAL-G/62 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

793 Bua, Alessandro: Violencia de género y seguridad ciudadana<br />

en América Latina : Aporte para un enfoque integral /<br />

Alessandro Bua. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y<br />

Cooperación (Madrid), (<strong>2009</strong>) 24, S. 103-1<strong>15</strong>, Lit. S. 114-1<strong>15</strong><br />

GIGA D 876584 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

794 Arévalo-Robles, G. Andrés: Hibridaciones y subversiones al<br />

desarrollo : una mirada desde lo andino y lo afroamericano / G.<br />

Andrés Arévalo-Robles. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y<br />

Cooperación (Madrid), (<strong>2009</strong>) 24, S. 27-42, Lit. S. 41-42<br />

GIGA D 876580 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

795 Dello Buono, Richard A.; Barra, Ximena de la: Latin America<br />

after the neoliberal debacle : Another region is possible /<br />

Ximena de la Barra and Richard A. Dello Buono. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Rowman & Littlefield, <strong>2009</strong>. - 322 S., Reg., Lit. S.281-299 -<br />

(Another World Is Necessary: Human Rights, Environmental<br />

Justice, and Popular Democracy) - ISBN 0-7425-6606-4<br />

GIGA D 877105 ILAS: AAL-C/44 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

796 ¿"El pueblo unido"? Soziale Bewegungen und politischer<br />

Protest in der Geschichte Lateinamerikas / Jürgen Mittag ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - 1. Aufl. - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

576 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89691-762-1<br />

GIGA D 876380 ILAS: AAL-G/62 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

797 Dello Buono, Richard A.; Barra, Ximena de la: Latin America<br />

after the neoliberal debacle : Another region is possible /<br />

Ximena de la Barra and Richard A. Dello Buono. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Rowman & Littlefield, <strong>2009</strong>. - 322 S., Reg., Lit. S.281-299 -<br />

(Another World Is Necessary: Human Rights, Environmental<br />

Justice, and Popular Democracy) - ISBN 0-7425-6606-4<br />

GIGA D 877105 ILAS: AAL-C/44 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

798 Rojas-Suarez, Liliana: How will Latin America fare after the<br />

current crisis? Speech delivered at the "International<br />

Conference on the Global Financial Crisis", Central Bank and<br />

National Deposit Insurance Fund of Colombia, Bogota, May 28,<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Liliana Rojas-Suarez. - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Global Development, <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.cgdev.org/doc/Opinions/Latin_America_after_the_cris<br />

is-FINAL.pdf<br />

SWP D 877305<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional<br />

economic policy<br />

799 Arévalo-Robles, G. Andrés: Hibridaciones y subversiones al<br />

desarrollo : una mirada desde lo andino y lo afroamericano / G.<br />

Andrés Arévalo-Robles. - In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y<br />

Cooperación (Madrid), (<strong>2009</strong>) 24, S. 27-42, Lit. S. 41-42<br />

GIGA D 876580 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

800 Construyendo los temas clave de la cooperación<br />

internacional para el desarrollo en México / Beatriz<br />

Schmukler ...coordinadoras. Instituto Mora ... - Mexico: Grupo<br />

Editorial Miguel Angel Porrua, 2008. - 304 S., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Colección Cooperación Internacional) -<br />

ISBN 978-970-819-096-1<br />

DIE D 877268 DIE: 77EB008 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

801 Cooperación internacional para el desarrollo en México :<br />

hacia una agenda participativa / Beatriz Schmukler ...<br />

coordinadoras. Instituto Mora ... - Mexico: Grupo Editorial<br />

Miguel Angel Porrua, 2008. - 404 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Colección Cooperación Internacional) -<br />

ISBN 978-970-819-097-8<br />

DIE D 877170 DIE: 77EB007 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

802 Die Rückkehr des Dinosauriers? Der Wahlerfolg der PRI<br />

vergrößert die Reformunfähigkeit Mexikos / Günther Maihold. -<br />

Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (GIGA Focus Lateinamerika; (<strong>2009</strong>) 8)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_lateinamerika_0908.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877031 SWP: Y. 1013 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

803 Solidarität Mexiko - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin),<br />

(Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 421-422, S. 49-57, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 876593 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


SF06.03 Criminality<br />

804 Maihold, Günther; Brombacher, Daniel: Zentralamerika<br />

zwischen den Fronten : die Region wird zum Schauplatz der<br />

internationalen Drogenökonomie / Günther Maihold ; Daniel<br />

Brombacher. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 44/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

6219<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 41 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

RD02.03 EL SALVADOR<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

805 Colburn, Forrest D.: The turnover in El Salvador / Forrest D.<br />

Colburn. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 143-<strong>15</strong>2, Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>2<br />

SWP D 876646 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


RD02.04 HONDURAS<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

806 Cassel, Doug: Honduras: coup d'état in constitutional clothing?<br />

/ by Doug Cassel. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of<br />

International Law, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol.<br />

13, Issue 9)<br />

http://www.asil.org/files/insight090729pdf.pdf<br />

SWP D 876507<br />

RD02.05 NICARAGUA<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

807 Anderson, Leslie E.; Dodd, Lawrence C.: Nicaragua:<br />

progress amid regress? / Leslie E. Anderson and Lawrence C.<br />

Dodd. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. <strong>15</strong>3-167, Tab., Lit. S. 166-167<br />

SWP D 876648 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF04.01 Elections<br />

808 Anderson, Leslie E.; Dodd, Lawrence C.: Nicaragua:<br />

progress amid regress? / Leslie E. Anderson and Lawrence C.<br />

Dodd. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. <strong>15</strong>3-167, Tab., Lit. S. 166-167<br />

SWP D 876648 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />



SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

809 Marsteintredet, Leiv: Political institutions and democracy in<br />

the Dominican Republic : A comparative case-study / Leiv<br />

Marsteintredet. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

224 S., Lit. S.209-224 - ISBN 978-3-639-16169-4 -- Zugl.:<br />

Bergen, Univ., Diss. 2004<br />

GIGA D 877102 ILAS: DOM/4 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD03.05 CUBA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

810 Gratius, Susanne: Cuba, EE UU y Europa : perspectivas de<br />

cambio / Susanne Gratius. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 93-102<br />

SWP D 876351 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

811 Gratius, Susanne: Cuba, EE UU y Europa : perspectivas de<br />

cambio / Susanne Gratius. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),<br />

23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130, S. 93-102<br />

SWP D 876351 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />


SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

812 Les Antilles d'Aimé Césaire - In: Esprit (Paris),<br />

(août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 357, S. 7-39, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876914 SWP: X. 831 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

813 Nach Buenos Aires! Deutsche Auswanderer und Flüchtlinge<br />

im 20. Jahrhundert / hrsg. von Simone Eick. Mit Beiträgen von<br />

Brigitte Landes ... Deutsches Auswandererhaus -<br />

Bremerhaven, 2008. - 104 S., Ill. - (Edition DAH:<br />

Ausstellungsreihe) - ISBN 978-3-00-023793-5<br />

IFA D 877148 IFA: 29/197 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

814 Calamaro, Eduardo S.: La lucha por el poder cultural /<br />

Eduardo S. Calamaro. - Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal, 2008.<br />

- 379 S. - ISBN 978-987-599-117-0<br />

IFA D 877165 IFA: 29/357 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

8<strong>15</strong> Beri, Ruchita: IBSA dialogue forum : An assessment / Ruchita<br />

Beri. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008)<br />

5, S. 809-831<br />

SWP D 877364 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

816 Gomide, Raphael: Infiltré au coeur de la police brésilienne /<br />

par Raphael Gomide. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris),<br />

56 (août <strong>2009</strong>) 665, S. 18-19<br />

SWP D 876472 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

817 Selmikeit, Katja: Jenseits des Fortschritts / Katja Selmikeit. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 48 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 58-59, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 876603 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

818 Padovani, Roberto: Brasilien geht gestärkt aus der Krise<br />

hervor = Brasil sai fortalecido da crise / Roberto Padovani. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 48 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 14-17, graph. Darst.<br />

GIGA D 876600 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

819 Weidenberg, Kim: Wasser am Amazonas / Kim Weidenberg. -<br />

In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

421-422, S. 64-66, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 876594 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

820 Montero, Rodrigo; Garcés, Paz: ¿Existe discriminación<br />

salarial contra la población indígena en Chile? / Rodrigo<br />

Montero ; Paz Garcés. - In: El Trimestre Económico<br />

(México/D.F.), 76 (julio-septiembre <strong>2009</strong>) 303, S. 645-669,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 668-669<br />

GIGA D 876635 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

821 Navarro, Arturo: Cultura: ¿quién paga? Gestión, infrastructura<br />

y audiencias en el modelo chileno de desarrollo cultural / Arturo<br />

Navarro. - Santiago de Chile: RIL eds., 2006. - 261 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 255-260 - ISBN 956-284-509-5<br />

IFA D 877164 IFA: 29/367 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

822 Montero, Rodrigo; Garcés, Paz: ¿Existe discriminación<br />

salarial contra la población indígena en Chile? / Rodrigo<br />

Montero ; Paz Garcés. - In: El Trimestre Económico<br />

(México/D.F.), 76 (julio-septiembre <strong>2009</strong>) 303, S. 645-669,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 668-669<br />

GIGA D 876635 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

RD04.16 COLOMBIA<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

823 Rettberg, Angelika: Reparación en Colombia : ¿Qué quieren<br />

las víctimas? / Angelika Rettberg. - Eschborn: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, noviembre de<br />

2008. - 125 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-958-8438-28-4<br />

GIGA D 876924 ILAS: COL-H/55 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

824 Görzig, Carolin; Planta, Katrin: Das kolumbianische "ley de<br />

justicia y paz" : Wendepunkt oder Fallstrick? / Carolin Görzig ;<br />

Katrin Planta. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum),<br />

22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 94-100, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876805 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 42 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SF10 Law<br />

825 Görzig, Carolin; Planta, Katrin: Das kolumbianische "ley de<br />

justicia y paz" : Wendepunkt oder Fallstrick? / Carolin Görzig ;<br />

Katrin Planta. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum),<br />

22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 94-100, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876805 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

826 Mendoza Romero, Nydia Constanza; Molano Camargo,<br />

Frank: La educación rural en Colombia : entre la lógica del<br />

desarrollo-capital humano y los conocimientos otros / Nydia<br />

Constanza Mendoza Romero ; Frank Molano Camargo. -<br />

In: Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación (Madrid),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 24, S. 43-56, Lit. S. 55-56<br />

GIGA D 876581 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.17 PARAGUAY<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

827 Gephart, Malte: Korruption und Entwicklung in Paraguay :<br />

Möglichkeiten direkter Patrizipation zur Korruptionsbekämpfung<br />

/ Malte Gephart. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008. -<br />

125 S., Bibl. - ISBN 978-3-8364-6321-8<br />

GIGA D 877028 ILAS: PRY/16 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

828 Berger, Timo: Der zwiespältige Boom / Timo Berger. -<br />

In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

421-422, S. 42-47, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 876591 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

829 Hohmann, Mathias: Blutroter Teppich für Investoren / Mathias<br />

Hohmann. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Juli-<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 421-422, S. 25-30, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 876587 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.19 URUGUAY<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

830 Thimmel, Stefan: Klare Fronten vor der Präsidentschaftswahl /<br />

Stefan Thimmel. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin),<br />

(Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 421-422, S. 18-21, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 876586 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 43 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />


831 Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala): The Nordic Africa Institute's<br />

CD-ROM of publications / Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. - Uppsala:<br />

NAI, 2008. - 1 CD-ROM<br />

GIGA D 876791 IAA: AFR-Y/17 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SA02 History<br />

832 Soyinka, Wole: Ein afrikanischer Traum : Auf der Suche nach<br />

der afrikanischen Renaissance / Wole Soyinka. - In: Blätter für<br />

deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 57-71<br />

DGAP D 876574 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

833 Soyinka, Wole: Ein afrikanischer Traum : Auf der Suche nach<br />

der afrikanischen Renaissance / Wole Soyinka. - In: Blätter für<br />

deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 57-71<br />

DGAP D 876574 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

834 Adebajo, Adekeye: The bicycle strategy of South Africa's<br />

bilateral relations in Africa / Adekeye Adebajo. - In: The South<br />

African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. 121-136, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876634 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

835 Beri, Ruchita: India's role in keeping peace in Africa / Ruchita<br />

Beri. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2,<br />

S. 197-221, Tab., Lit. S. 217-221<br />

SWP D 877281 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

836 Holslag, Jonathan: China's new security strategy for Africa /<br />

Jonathan Holslag. - In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.),<br />

39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 23-37, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/holsla<br />

g.pdf<br />

SWP D 877420 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

837 Marti, Darlan F.; Ssenkubuge, Ivan: Industrialisation and<br />

industrial policy in Africa : is it a policy priority? / Darlan F. Marti<br />

and Ivan Ssenkubuge. - Geneva: South Centre, <strong>2009</strong>. - 54 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 51-53 - (Research Papers / South Centre<br />

(Geneva); 20)<br />

DIE D 876354 DIE: 04AY029 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

838 Dudek, Anna: Determinants of nature protection in Africa /<br />

Anna Dudek. - In: Africana Bulletin (Warszawa), (2008) 56,<br />

S. 165-189, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877035 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

839 Dudek, Anna: Determinants of nature protection in Africa /<br />

Anna Dudek. - In: Africana Bulletin (Warszawa), (2008) 56,<br />

S. 165-189, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877035 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

840 The African Union and new strategies for development in<br />

Africa / ed. by Said Adejumobi ... - Amherst/N.Y.: Cambria,<br />

2008. - XX,483 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 453-473, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-60497-574-1<br />

GIGA D 876795 IAA: AFR-C/66 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 44 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




SC International security / Defense<br />

841 Wilson, Brian: Naval diplomacy and maritime security in the<br />

Western Indian Ocean / Brian Wilson. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 488-497<br />

SWP D 877060 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

842 Development in Africa: what is the cutting edge in thinking<br />

and policy? debates - In: Review of African Political Economy<br />

(Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 273-282, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 8772<strong>15</strong> SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SE04 International media relations / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

843 Schaeffer, Ute: Über das Ohr lernen / von Ute Schaeffer. -<br />

In: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

50 (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 7-8, S. 288-290, Ill.<br />

http://www.inwent.org/ez/articles/<strong>15</strong>4859/index.de.shtml<br />

IFA D 877079 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E<br />


IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

844 Zuern, Elke: Democratization as liberation : competing African<br />

perspectives on democracy / Elke Zuern. - In: Democratization<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 585-603, Lit. S. 601-603<br />

DIE D 876834 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

845 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF04.01 Elections<br />

846 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


847 Rakner, Lise; Van de Walle, Nicolas: Democratization by<br />

elctions? Opposition weakness in Africa / Lise Rakner and<br />

Nicolas van de Walle. - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 108-121, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 120-121<br />

SWP D 876636 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

848 Konfliktbearbeitung - In: Welt-Sichten (Frankfurt/Main), (mai<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 12-31, Ill., Lit.<br />

DIE D 876382 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA168 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

849 Konfliktbearbeitung - In: Welt-Sichten (Frankfurt/Main), (mai<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 12-31, Ill., Lit.<br />

DIE D 876382 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA168 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

850 Wilson, Brian: Naval diplomacy and maritime security in the<br />

Western Indian Ocean / Brian Wilson. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 488-497<br />

SWP D 877060 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

851 Franke, Benedikt; Esmenjaud, Romain: Who owns African<br />

ownership? The Africanisation of security and its limits /<br />

Benedikt Franke and Romain Esmenjaud. - In: The South<br />

African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. 137-<strong>15</strong>8, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876638 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

852 Development in Africa: what is the cutting edge in thinking<br />

and policy? debates - In: Review of African Political Economy<br />

(Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 273-282, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 8772<strong>15</strong> SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

853 Thirst for African oil : Asian national oil companies in Nigeria<br />

and Angola / Alex Vines ... Royal Institute of International<br />

Affairs - London, <strong>2009</strong>. - 75 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Chatham House Report) - ISBN 978-1-86203-220-0<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14524_r0809_africanoil.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 877403<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

854 Thirst for African oil : Asian national oil companies in Nigeria<br />

and Angola / Alex Vines ... Royal Institute of International<br />

Affairs - London, <strong>2009</strong>. - 75 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Chatham House Report) - ISBN 978-1-86203-220-0<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14524_r0809_africanoil.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 877403<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

855 The United States and West Africa : interactions and<br />

relations / ed. by Alusine Jalloh ... - Rochester/N.Y.: Univ. of<br />

Rochester Press, 2008. - XII,477 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora; Vol.<br />

34) - ISBN 978-1-58046-308-9<br />

GIGA D 876473 HSFK: 41.345 IAA: AFW-A/7 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

856 Berry, Sara: Property, authority and citizenship : land claims,<br />

politics and the dynamics of social division in West Africa / Sara<br />

Berry. - In: Development and Change (Oxford), 40 (January<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 23-45, Lit. S. 42-45, Lit. Hinw.<br />


Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

857 Berry, Sara: Property, authority and citizenship : land claims,<br />

politics and the dynamics of social division in West Africa / Sara<br />

Berry. - In: Development and Change (Oxford), 40 (January<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 23-45, Lit. S. 42-45, Lit. Hinw.<br />


Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RF01.<strong>15</strong> GHANA<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

858 The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) as a tool to<br />

improve governance? Experience in Ghana ; final report of<br />

the Country Working Group Ghana / Sven Grimm ... Deutsches<br />

Institut für Entwicklungspolitik - Bonn, <strong>2009</strong>. - 161 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 135-143 - (Studies / Deutsches Institut für<br />

Entwicklungspolitik; 45) - ISBN 978-3-88985-481-0<br />

http://www.die-gdi.de/CMS-Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/(ynDK<br />

_contentByKey)/ANES-7UFMUU/$FILE/Studies%2045.<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

DIE D 877341 DIE: 42KD002-1 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 45 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

859 Ayee, Joseph R. A.: The evolution of the New Patriotic Party<br />

in Ghana / Joseph RA Ayee. - In: The South African Journal of<br />

International Affairs (Braamfontein), <strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2,<br />

S. 185-214, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876650 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

860 Ayee, Joseph R. A.: The evolution of the New Patriotic Party<br />

in Ghana / Joseph RA Ayee. - In: The South African Journal of<br />

International Affairs (Braamfontein), <strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2,<br />

S. 185-214, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876650 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

861 Zounmenou, David: Ghana's 2008 election : towards a<br />

consolidated democracy? / author: David Zounmenou. -<br />

Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 14 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Situation Report / Institute for Security Studies)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/GHANA%20NEW%2027-07-09.PDF?link_id=3&slink_id=7<br />

920&link_type=12&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 876599<br />

SF10 Law<br />

862 Lund, Christian: Recategorizing "public" and "private" property<br />

in Ghana / Christian Lund. - In: Development and Change<br />

(Oxford), 40 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 131-148, Lit. S. 147-148, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />


Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

863 Barrientos, Stephanie; Asenso-Okyere, W. Kwadwo: Cocoa<br />

value chain : challenges facing Ghana in a changing global<br />

confectionary market / Stephanie Barrientos ; Kwadwo Asenso-<br />

Okyere. - In: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (Wien), 25 (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2, S. 88-107, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 104-106, Lit. Hinw.<br />


Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

864 Lund, Christian: Recategorizing "public" and "private" property<br />

in Ghana / Christian Lund. - In: Development and Change<br />

(Oxford), 40 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 131-148, Lit. S. 147-148, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />


Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RF01.19 LIBERIA<br />

SF10 Law<br />

865 Ackerman, Ruthie: Rebuilding Liberia, one brick at a time /<br />

Ruthie Ackerman. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 83-92<br />

SWP D 876548 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

866 Ackerman, Ruthie: Rebuilding Liberia, one brick at a time /<br />

Ruthie Ackerman. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 83-92<br />

SWP D 876548 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

867 Obi, Cyril I.: "What happens to us after they suck out all the<br />

wealth from our lands?" : globalisation, environment and<br />

protest politics in Nigeria / Cyril I. Obi. - In: Politeia (Pretoria),<br />

28 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 89-107, Lit. S. 104-107<br />

GIGA D 877130 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

868 Smith, Ankar: Hornets' nest : Camp 5 ; Nigeria's strongest<br />

militant base / Ankar Smith. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 44-47<br />

SWP D 876421 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

RF01.24 SENEGAL<br />

SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry<br />

869 Ribot, Jesse C.: Authority over forests : empowerment and<br />

subordination in Senegal's democratic decentralization / Jesse<br />

C. Ribot. - In: Development and Change (Oxford), 40 (January<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 105-129, Lit. S. 126-129, Lit. Hinw.<br />


Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RF01.25 SIERRA LEONE<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

870 Castañeda, Carla: How liberal peacebuilding may be failing<br />

Sierra Leone / Carla Castañeda. - In: Review of African Political<br />

Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 235-251, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877209 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />


SH Economy<br />

871 Guinée Équatoriale : la politique du résultat - In: Jeune Afrique<br />

(Paris), 49 (2-8 août <strong>2009</strong>) 2534, S. 57-76, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876612 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

RF02.04 CAMEROON<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

872 Dnzoutchep Nguewo, Baudelaire Didier:<br />

Dankbarkeitsbekundung in Deutschland und Kamerun als<br />

kommunikatives und soziokulturelles Phänomen : unter<br />

besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gebietes der Bamiléké /<br />

Baudelaire Didier Dnzoutchep Nguewo. - Frankfurt/Main ...:<br />

Lang, 2006. - XI,195 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>5-175 - (Im<br />

Medium fremder Sprachen und Kulturen; Bd. 9) -<br />

ISBN 3-631-55291-2 -- Zugl.: Saarbrücken, Univ., Diss., 2005<br />

IFA D 877351 IFA: 29/327 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RF02.06 RWANDA<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

873 Hatzfeld, Jean: The strategy of antelopes : living in Rwanda<br />

after the genocide (Orig.: La stratégie des antilopes) / a report<br />

by Jean Hatzfeld. Transl. from the French by Linda Coverdale.<br />

- London: Serpent's Tail, <strong>2009</strong>. - 244 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84668-686-3<br />

GIGA D 876843 IAA: RWA-H/26 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.07 CHAD<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

874 Le Tchad et son potentiel économique / dir.: François<br />

Soudan. - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris), 49 (26 juillet-1 août <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2533, Suppl., S. 3-82 - (Les Guides écofinance pour<br />

l'information de l'investisseur)<br />

SWP D 876406 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: TCD-F/1 Öff.StaO: 21<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

875 Horta, Korinna: Das glatte Versagen der Weltbank im Tschad<br />

: Fiasko für Umwelt und Menschenrechte / Korinna Horta. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Oktober 2008) 10, S. 4<br />

DIE D 877373 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SH Economy<br />

876 Chad: A market and its potential / Groupe Jeune Afrique. -<br />

Paris: SIFIJA, <strong>2009</strong>. - 83 S., zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (The<br />

Africa Report; (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 18, Beilage) - (The<br />

Ecofinance Guides: Keys to Investment)<br />

GIGA D 876684 IAA: TCD-F/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

877 Le Tchad et son potentiel économique / dir.: François<br />

Soudan. - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris), 49 (26 juillet-1 août <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2533, Suppl., S. 3-82 - (Les Guides écofinance pour<br />

l'information de l'investisseur)<br />

SWP D 876406 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: TCD-F/1 Öff.StaO: 21<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 46 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SH05 Energy industry<br />

878 Horta, Korinna: Das glatte Versagen der Weltbank im Tschad<br />

: Fiasko für Umwelt und Menschenrechte / Korinna Horta. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Oktober 2008) 10, S. 4<br />

DIE D 877373 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

RF02.08 CONGO (KINSHASA)<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

879 Hochschild, Adam: Rape of the Congo / Adam Hochschild. -<br />

In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13, S. 18-20<br />

SWP D 877052 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

880 Stephan, Harry; Hervey, Angus Fane: New regionalism in<br />

southern Africa : functional developmentalism and the Southern<br />

African power pool / Harry Stephan and Angus Fane Hervey. -<br />

In: Politeia (Pretoria), 27 (2008) 3, S. 54-76, Lit. S. 74-75, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877118 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.11 ANGOLA<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

881 Vines, Alex; Weimer, Markus: Angola: thirty years of dos<br />

Santos / Alex Vines & Markus Weimer. - In: Review of African<br />

Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 287-294,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877218 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RF03.13 LESOTHO<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

882 Elections and democracy in Lesotho / ed. by Denis Kadima<br />

... - In: Journal of African Elections (Johannesburg), 7 (June<br />

2008) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-173, Tab., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 877002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

883 Kapa, Motlamelle Anthony; Theko, Lira: The role and<br />

position of civil society organisations in Lesotho's<br />

democratisation process / Motlamelle Anthony Kapa and Lina<br />

Theko. - In: Journal of African Elections (Johannesburg),<br />

7 (June 2008) 1, Special Issue: Elections and democracy in<br />

Lesotho, S. 124-137, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 877007 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

884 Elections and democracy in Lesotho / ed. by Denis Kadima<br />

... - In: Journal of African Elections (Johannesburg), 7 (June<br />

2008) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-173, Tab., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 877002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

885 Kapa, Motlamelle Anthony; Theko, Lira: The role and<br />

position of civil society organisations in Lesotho's<br />

democratisation process / Motlamelle Anthony Kapa and Lina<br />

Theko. - In: Journal of African Elections (Johannesburg),<br />

7 (June 2008) 1, Special Issue: Elections and democracy in<br />

Lesotho, S. 124-137, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 877007 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.16 NAMIBIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

886 Beri, Ruchita: IBSA dialogue forum : An assessment / Ruchita<br />

Beri. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008)<br />

5, S. 809-831<br />

SWP D 877364 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

887 Möller, Almute: Goethe goes good and gooder!!! Das<br />

Goethe-Zentrum in Windhoek öffnet sich zunehmend allen<br />

Bevölkerungsgruppen und gewinnt neue Partner und Besucher<br />

/ von Almute Möller. - In: Namibia-Magazin (Göttingen), (April<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 8-10, Ill.<br />

IFA D 876975 IFA: Z-D3713 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RF03.18 ZIMBABWE<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

888 Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J.: Making sense of Mugabeism in<br />

local and global politics : "so Blair, keep your England and let<br />

me keep my Zimbabwe" / Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni. -<br />

In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 1139-1<strong>15</strong>8<br />

SWP D 877171 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

889 Nkomzana, Njabulo; Tambudzai, Zachary: An analysis of the<br />

foreign currency crisis in Zimbabwe (1997-2008) / Njambulo<br />

Nkomazana ; Zachary Tambudzai. - In: Africana Bulletin<br />

(Warszawa), (2008) 56, S. 141-163, Tab., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 877032 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

890 Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J.: Making sense of Mugabeism in<br />

local and global politics : "so Blair, keep your England and let<br />

me keep my Zimbabwe" / Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni. -<br />

In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 1139-1<strong>15</strong>8<br />

SWP D 877171 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

891 Pilossof, Rory: 'Dollarisation' in Zimbabwe and the death of an<br />

industry / Rory Pilossof. - In: Review of African Political<br />

Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 294-299, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877220 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />


SA02 History<br />

892 The road to democracy in South Africa / South African<br />

Democracy Education Trust, University of South Africa. -<br />

Pretoria: Unisa Press ..., 2004-. - Vol. 1-X<br />

Vol. 1: (1960-1970). - 2004. - XXVIII,756 S., Ill., Kt., Lit.<br />

S. 699-724, Lit.Hinw. - ISBN 1-86872-906-0<br />

Vol. 2: (1970-1980). - 2006. - XXXV,963 S., Ill., Lit.S. 905-933,<br />

Lit.Hinw. - ISBN 1-86888-406-6<br />

Vol. 3, Part 1: International solidarity. - 2008. - XLV,744 S., Ill.,<br />

Lit.Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-86888-502-2<br />

Vol. 3, Part 2: International solidarity. - 2008. - XIX,745-1402<br />

S., Ill., Lit. S. 1321-1351, Lit.Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-86888-503-9<br />

GIGA D 768118 IAA: ZAF-H/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

893 Zapiro: The Mandela files / by Zapiro. Consultant ed.: Andy<br />

Mason. Foreword by Archbishop Tutu. - Cape Town: Double<br />

Storey Books, <strong>2009</strong>. - VI,206 S., überw. Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-77013-004-3<br />

GIGA D 876996 IAA: ZAF-L/14 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

894 Adebajo, Adekeye: The bicycle strategy of South Africa's<br />

bilateral relations in Africa / Adekeye Adebajo. - In: The South<br />

African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. 121-136, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876634 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

895 Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth: South African foreign policy in the<br />

post-Mbeki period / Elizabeth Sidoropoulos. - In: The South<br />

African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. 107-120, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876632 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 47 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

896 Römer-Heitman, Helmoed: "Vision 2020" : das<br />

südafrikanische Heer der Zukunft / Helmoed Römer Heitman. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 57-59, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876825 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

897 Ivanovic, Milena: Cultural tourism / Milena Ivanovic. - Cape<br />

Town: Juta, 2008. - XXVII,340 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 327-336 - ISBN 978-0-702-17185-7<br />

IFA D 877313 IFA: 29/359 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

898 Du Bois-Pedain, Antje: Transitional amnesty in South Africa /<br />

by Antje Du Bois-Pedain. - Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ.<br />

Press, 2007. - XXVI,391 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 349-371, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-521-87829-2<br />

GIGA D 876479 IAA: ZAF-H/32 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

899 Booysen, Susan: Public participation in democratic South<br />

Africa : from popular mobilisation to structured co-optation and<br />

protest / Susan Booysen. - In: Politeia (Pretoria), 28 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 1-27, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 24-27, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877128 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

900 Nathan, Laurie: Intelligence in South Africa : spies threaten<br />

democracy / Laurie Nathan. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 26-28<br />

SWP D 876460 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

901 White, David: Moving on in South Africa / David White. -<br />

In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 149-<strong>15</strong>8, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Gevisser, Mark: A legacy of<br />

liberation: Thabo Mbeki and the future of the South African<br />

dream. - New York/N.Y. and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 376 S.<br />

SWP D 877235 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

902 Naidoo, Pravine; Reddy, Purshottama Sivanarian: Total<br />

quality management and benchmarking in South African local<br />

government : towards improved service delivery / Pravine<br />

Naidoo and Purshottama Sivanarain Reddy. - In: Politeia<br />

(Pretoria), 27 (2008) 3, S. 37-53, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 51-53,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877113 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

903 Van der Westhuizen, E. J.: Gaps and paradoxes in theory and<br />

practice : The public sector human resource management<br />

discourse in South Africa / E. J. van der Westhuizen. -<br />

In: Politeia (Pretoria), 27 (2008) 3, S. 1-20, Lit. S. 18-20, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877109 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

904 Wessels, J. S.: Transforming the public service to serve a<br />

diverse society : can representativeness be the most decisive<br />

criterion? / J S Wessels. - In: Politeia (Pretoria), 27 (2008) 3,<br />

S. 21-36, Tab., Lit. S. 34-36, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877112 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

905 Zapiro: The Mandela files / by Zapiro. Consultant ed.: Andy<br />

Mason. Foreword by Archbishop Tutu. - Cape Town: Double<br />

Storey Books, <strong>2009</strong>. - VI,206 S., überw. Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-77013-004-3<br />

GIGA D 876996 IAA: ZAF-L/14 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

906 Zapiro: Pirates of Polokwane : cartoons from Mail & Guardian,<br />

Sunday Times, and independent newspapers / Zapiro. -<br />

Auckland Park: Jacana, 2008. - 134 S., überw. Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-77009-598-4<br />

GIGA D 876992 IAA: ZAF-L/3-2008 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

907 Padayachee, Vishnu: Capitalism of a special type? South<br />

African capitalism before and after 1994 / Vishnu Padayachee.<br />

- In: Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (Wien), 24 (2008) 4,<br />

S. 50-77, Lit. S. 73-75<br />


Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

908 Schweitzer, Erwin: How black farm workers become land and<br />

business owners : Actors, resources, contexts and outcomes of<br />

black empowerment projects in the South African wine industry<br />

/ Erwin Schweitzer. - In: Stichproben (Wien), 8 (2008) <strong>15</strong>,<br />

S. 31-53, Lit. S. 51-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877036 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

909 Van der Westhuizen, E. J.: Gaps and paradoxes in theory and<br />

practice : The public sector human resource management<br />

discourse in South Africa / E. J. van der Westhuizen. -<br />

In: Politeia (Pretoria), 27 (2008) 3, S. 1-20, Lit. S. 18-20, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877109 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

910 Naidoo, Pravine; Reddy, Purshottama Sivanarian: Total<br />

quality management and benchmarking in South African local<br />

government : towards improved service delivery / Pravine<br />

Naidoo and Purshottama Sivanarain Reddy. - In: Politeia<br />

(Pretoria), 27 (2008) 3, S. 37-53, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 51-53,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877113 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

911 Ivanovic, Milena: Cultural tourism / Milena Ivanovic. - Cape<br />

Town: Juta, 2008. - XXVII,340 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 327-336 - ISBN 978-0-702-17185-7<br />

IFA D 877313 IFA: 29/359 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

912 Agesa, Richard U.; Agesa, Jacqueline; Dabalen, Andrew:<br />

Changes in wage distributions, wage gaps and wage inequality<br />

by gender in Kenya / Richard U. Agesa, Jacqueline Agesa and<br />

Andrew Dabalen. - In: Journal of African Economies (Oxford),<br />

18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 431-460, graph. Darst., Tab., Anh.,<br />

Lit. S. 452-453, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877399 DIE: 04ZA019 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

913 Krenčeyová, Michaela: "I don't know what's wrong with us<br />

girls" - von gender und empowerment : Deutungen und<br />

Implikationen eines entwicklungspolitischen Schlagwortes in<br />

Nairobi / Michaela Krenčeyová. - In: Stichproben (Wien),<br />

8 (2008) <strong>15</strong>, S. 1-29, Tab., Lit. S. 28-29, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877034 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

914 Kabubo-Mariara, Jane; Ndenge, Godfrey K.; Mwabu,<br />

Domisiano K.: Determinants of children's nutritional status in<br />

Kenya : evidence from demographic and health surveys / Jane<br />

Kabubo-Mariara, Godfrey K. Ndenge and Domisiano K.<br />

Mwabu. - In: Journal of African Economies (Oxford), 18 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 363-387, Tab., Lit. S. 385-387, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877394 DIE: 04ZA019 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

9<strong>15</strong> Agesa, Richard U.; Agesa, Jacqueline; Dabalen, Andrew:<br />

Changes in wage distributions, wage gaps and wage inequality<br />

by gender in Kenya / Richard U. Agesa, Jacqueline Agesa and<br />

Andrew Dabalen. - In: Journal of African Economies (Oxford),<br />

18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 431-460, graph. Darst., Tab., Anh.,<br />

Lit. S. 452-453, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877399 DIE: 04ZA019 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 48 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RF04.05 UGANDA<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

916 Ciganikova, Martina: "Of mustard seeds and democracy" :<br />

Assessing the impact of "movementocracy" on Uganda's<br />

contemporary modes of governance / Martina Ciganikova. -<br />

In: Stichproben (Wien), 8 (2008) <strong>15</strong>, S. 55-86, Lit. S. 79-86, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877037 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

917 Bridges, Sarah; Lawson, David: A gender-based<br />

investigation into the determinants of labour market outcomes :<br />

evidence from Uganda / Sarah Bridges and David Lawson. -<br />

In: Journal of African Economies (Oxford), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 461-495, Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 487-489, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877404 DIE: 04ZA019 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

918 Bridges, Sarah; Lawson, David: A gender-based<br />

investigation into the determinants of labour market outcomes :<br />

evidence from Uganda / Sarah Bridges and David Lawson. -<br />

In: Journal of African Economies (Oxford), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 461-495, Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 487-489, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877404 DIE: 04ZA019 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

919 Cliffe, Lionel; Love, Roy; Tronvoll, Kjetil: Conflict and peace<br />

in the Horn of Africa / Lionel Cliffe, Roy Love & Kjetil Tronvoll. -<br />

In: Review of African Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. <strong>15</strong>1-163, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877195 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

920 Cliffe, Lionel; Love, Roy; Tronvoll, Kjetil: Conflict and peace<br />

in the Horn of Africa / Lionel Cliffe, Roy Love & Kjetil Tronvoll. -<br />

In: Review of African Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. <strong>15</strong>1-163, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877195 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RF05.01 ETHIOPIA<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

921 Lyons, Terrence: The Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict and the search<br />

for peace in the Horn of Africa / Terrence Lyons. - In: Review of<br />

African Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120,<br />

S. 167-180, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877197 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

922 Aalen, Lovise; Tronvoll, Kjetil: The end of democracy?<br />

Curtailing political and civil rights in Ethiopia / Lovise Aalen &<br />

Kjetil Tronvoll. - In: Review of African Political Economy<br />

(Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 193-207, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877200 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

923 Clapham, Christopher: Post-war Ethiopia: The trajectories of<br />

crisis / Christopher Clapham. - In: Review of African Political<br />

Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 181-192, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877198 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

924 Wondwosen, Teshome B.; Záhorik, Jan: Federalism in Africa<br />

: The case of ethnic-based federalism in Ethiopia / Teshome B.<br />

Wondwosen ; Jan Záhorik. - In: Africana Bulletin (Warszawa),<br />

(2008) 56, S. 77-107, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877030 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

925 Carter, Phillip: The US government's approach to Somalia :<br />

transcript / Ambassador Philip Carter. - London: Chatham<br />

House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14425_220709carter.pdf<br />

SWP D 877314<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

926 Dehéz, Dustin: Die Vereinten Nationen und Somalia :<br />

vorhersehbares Scheitern oder vielversprechender<br />

Neuanfang? / Dustin Dehéz. - In: Vereinte Nationen (Baden-<br />

Baden), 57 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 117-122, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876572 SWP: Y. 23 OSI: Zs 558 DGAP: ZD 212 HSFK: ZS V<br />


INT Öff.StaO: 212<br />

927 Menkhaus, Ken: Somalia: 'they created a desert and called it<br />

peace(building)' / Ken Menkhaus. - In: Review of African<br />

Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 223-233,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877206 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

928 Chalk, Peter; Smallman, Laurence: On dry land : The<br />

onshore drivers of piracy / Peter Chalk and Laurence<br />

Smallman. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon),<br />

31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 38-42<br />

SWP D 876419 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

929 Herrmann, Wilfried A.: Piraten vor Somalia : Herausforderung<br />

für die <strong>Internationale</strong> Gemeinschaft / Wilfried A. Herrmann. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 23-27, Ill., Kt.<br />

SWP D 877201 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF05.04 ERITREA<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

930 Lyons, Terrence: The Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict and the search<br />

for peace in the Horn of Africa / Terrence Lyons. - In: Review of<br />

African Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120,<br />

S. 167-180, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877197 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

931 Reid, Richard: The politics of silence: interpreting stasis in<br />

contemporary Eritrea / Richard Reid. - In: Review of African<br />

Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120, S. 209-221,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877203 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 49 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




AFRICA<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

932 Fisk, Robert: The great war for civilisation : The conquest of<br />

the Middle East / Robert Fisk. - rev. ed. - London ...: Harper<br />

Perennial, 2006. - XXIV,1368 S., Kt., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 1-841<strong>15</strong>-008-8<br />

HSFK D 876841 HSFK: 39.670 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

933 Stewart, Dona J.: The Middle East today : political,<br />

geographical and cultural perspectives / Dona J. Stewart. - 1st<br />

publ. - London ...: Routledge, <strong>2009</strong>. - XI,213 S.,<br />

Ktn., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 201-206, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-77242-6<br />

GIGA D 876490 IMES: MEA-Y/29 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SA02 History<br />

934 Fisk, Robert: The great war for civilisation : The conquest of<br />

the Middle East / Robert Fisk. - rev. ed. - London ...: Harper<br />

Perennial, 2006. - XXIV,1368 S., Kt., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 1-841<strong>15</strong>-008-8<br />

HSFK D 876841 HSFK: 39.670 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

935 Urquhart, Brian E.: Blundering in the Mideast with Prince<br />

Bandar / Brian Urquhart. - In: The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13,<br />

S. 44-47<br />

Enthält Rezensionen von: Tyler, Patrick: A world of trouble: The<br />

White House and the Middle East: from the Cold War to the<br />

War on Terror. - New York/N.Y.: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux,<br />

<strong>2009</strong> -- Khalidi, Rashid: Sowing crisis: The Cold War and<br />

American dominance in the Middle East. - Boston/Mass.:<br />

Beacon, <strong>2009</strong><br />

SWP D 877064 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

936 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


937 Lust, Ellen: Democratization by elections? Competitive<br />

clientelism in the Middle East / Ellen Lust. - In: Journal of<br />

Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 122-135,<br />

Lit. S. 134-135<br />

SWP D 876640 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF04.01 Elections<br />

938 Democratization by elections? - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 86-135, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876629 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


939 Lust, Ellen: Democratization by elections? Competitive<br />

clientelism in the Middle East / Ellen Lust. - In: Journal of<br />

Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 122-135,<br />

Lit. S. 134-135<br />

SWP D 876640 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

940 Federalism: A tool for conflict management in multicultural<br />

societies with regard to the conflicts in the Near East : à la<br />

mémoire de Jean Nordmann ; Jean Nordmann Colloquium on<br />

Federal Co-Existence in the Near East (March 14th to March<br />

17th 2004); avec l'aide de la Fondation Nordmann / Thomas<br />

Fleiner (ed.). Institute of Federalism Fribourg Switzerland. -<br />

Wien ...: Lit, 2008. - XII, 281 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Publications de<br />

l'Institut du Fédéralisme Fribourg Suisse: Études et colloques;<br />

vol. 50) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1442-7<br />

BICC D 877378 BICC: BI 3728<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

941 New media and the new Middle East / ed. by Philip Seib. -<br />

1st ed. - New York/N.Y. ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. -<br />

XIII,263 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Palgrave<br />

Macmillan Series in International Political Communication) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-4039-7973-5<br />

GIGA D 876977 IMES: MEA-P/12 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

942 Brach, Juliane; Loewe, Markus: Getting off lightly? The<br />

impact of the international financial crisis on the Middle East<br />

and North Africa / Juliane Brach and Markus Loewe. -<br />

Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (GIGA Focus: International Edition;<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 1)<br />

Orig. erschienen unter dem Titel: Nur ein blaues Auge?<br />

Auswirkungen der internationalen Finanzkrise auf Nahost und<br />

Nordafrika (GIGA Focus Nahost 2/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_international_0901.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877259 DIE: DIE0232 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

943 Almulhim, Mohamed Bin-Abdul-Latif Bin-Mohamed: Middle<br />

East oil : A redistribution of values arising from the oil industry /<br />

Mohamed bin Abdul Latif bin Mohamed Almuhim. - 1st<br />

paperback ed. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Press of America, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- XXI,329 S., Reg., Lit. S. 307-312, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7618-4550-8 -- Zugl.: New Haven, Univ. Diss. 1970<br />

GIGA D 876849 IMES: MEA-C/23 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

944 Almulhim, Mohamed Bin-Abdul-Latif Bin-Mohamed: Middle<br />

East oil : A redistribution of values arising from the oil industry /<br />

Mohamed bin Abdul Latif bin Mohamed Almuhim. - 1st<br />

paperback ed. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Press of America, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- XXI,329 S., Reg., Lit. S. 307-312, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7618-4550-8 -- Zugl.: New Haven, Univ. Diss. 1970<br />

GIGA D 876849 IMES: MEA-C/23 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


SA03 Politics<br />

945 Hicham Ben Abdallah el Alaoui: Entre nationalisme et<br />

islamisme : retoure vers le futur dans le monde arabe / par<br />

Hicham Ben Abdallah el Alaoui. - In: Le Monde diplomatique<br />

(Paris), 56 (août <strong>2009</strong>) 665, S. 10-11<br />

SWP D 876469 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

946 Maloney, Suzanne: Iran's long reach : Iran as a pivotal state in<br />

the Muslim world / Suzanne Maloney. - 1st publ. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: US Institute of Peace Press, 2008. -<br />

IX,143 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Pivotal states in<br />

the Muslim world) - ISBN 978-1-60127-033-7<br />

GIGA D 876717 IMES: IRN-A/18 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

947 Dialogue among Civilizations : International Conference:<br />

Fostering Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations through<br />

Concrete and Sustainable Initiatives ; Rabat, Morocco, 14-16<br />

June 2005 / publ. ... by the United Nations Educational,<br />

Scientific and Cultural Organization. Ed. by Ann-Belinda Preis<br />

... Abdulaziz Othman Altwajiri ... - Paris, 2007. - 175 S. -<br />

(Dialogue among Civilizations)<br />

http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/00<strong>15</strong>/00<strong>15</strong>41/<strong>15</strong>4100E.pdf<br />

IFA D 876485 IFA: Cb29/418 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 50 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

948 Browers, Michaelle L.: Political ideology in the Arab world :<br />

Accomodation and transformation / Michaelle L. Browers. -<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - IX,198 S.,<br />

Gloss., Reg., Lit. S. 180-192, Lit. Hinw. - (Cambridge Middle<br />

East Studies; 31) - ISBN 978-0-521-74934-3<br />

GIGA D 876483 IMES: ARC-H/42 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

949 Browers, Michaelle L.: Political ideology in the Arab world :<br />

Accomodation and transformation / Michaelle L. Browers. -<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - IX,198 S.,<br />

Gloss., Reg., Lit. S. 180-192, Lit. Hinw. - (Cambridge Middle<br />

East Studies; 31) - ISBN 978-0-521-74934-3<br />

GIGA D 876483 IMES: ARC-H/42 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

950 Azergui, Lhoussain; Moniquet, Claude: The Arab media and<br />

the Arab public confront the Gaza crisis / by Lhoussain Azergui<br />

and Claude Moniquet. - Brussels: European Strategic<br />

Intelligence and Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ESISC Background Note)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/the-arab-media-and-the-a<br />

rab-public-confront-the-gaza-crisis-431.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877455<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

951 Azergui, Lhoussain; Moniquet, Claude: The Arab media and<br />

the Arab public confront the Gaza crisis / by Lhoussain Azergui<br />

and Claude Moniquet. - Brussels: European Strategic<br />

Intelligence and Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ESISC Background Note)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/the-arab-media-and-the-a<br />

rab-public-confront-the-gaza-crisis-431.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877455<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

952 Hassan, Riaz: Interrupting a history of tolerance :<br />

Anti-semitism and the Arabs / Riaz Hassan. - In: Asian Journal<br />

of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 452-462<br />

GIGA D 876866 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

953 Mohamadieh, Kinda; Pearce, Oliver: Facing challenges of<br />

poverty, unemployment, and inequalities in the Arab region : do<br />

policy choices of Arab governments still hold after the global<br />

economic crisis? / written by Kinda Mohamadieh of the Arab<br />

NGO Network for Development (ANND) and Oliver Pearce of<br />

Christian Aid. - Beirut: ANND ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 19 S., Lit.<br />

http://www.annd.org/images/stories/front%20page/Facing_Challe<br />

nges_of_Povertyfrontpage.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877133<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

954 Ahmed, Akbar S.: Journey into Islam : The crisis of<br />

globalization / Akbar Ahmed. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings<br />

Inst. Pr., 2007. - X,323 S., Ill., Reg. - ISBN 0-8165-0132-2<br />

HSFK D 877107 HSFK: 39.722 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

955 Bonney, Richard: False prophets : The "clash of civilizations"<br />

and the global war on terror - Oxford: Lang, 2008. - X,352 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 271-278, Lit. Hinw. S. 279-336 - (The Past in the<br />

Present) - ISBN 978-1-906165-02-4<br />

GIGA D 876696 IFA: 29/358 IMES: MEA-A/82 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

956 Countering insurgency in the Muslim world : rethinking U.S.<br />

priorities and capabilities / Rand National Defense Research<br />

Institute. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S. - (Research Brief /<br />

Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9326.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876370<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

957 Countering insurgency in the Muslim world : rethinking U.S.<br />

priorities and capabilities / Rand National Defense Research<br />

Institute. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S. - (Research Brief /<br />

Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9326.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876370<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

958 Riedner, Ursula Renate: Zur Problematik des Kulturbegriffs im<br />

"europäisch-islamischen Kulturdialog" / Ursula Renate Riedner.<br />

- Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl., 2006. - S. 63-77, Lit. S. 75-77 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006) 3<br />

IFA D 876761 IFA: Cb29/480 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

959 Islamic attitudes to Israel / ed. by Efraim Karsh and ... - 1st<br />

publ. - London ...: Routledge, 2008. - 200 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-44025-7<br />

Previously published as a special issue of the journal Israel<br />

Affairs<br />

GIGA D 877427 IMES: MEA-A/83 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

960 Holtmann, Philipp: Abu Mus'ab al-Suri's Jihad concept / by<br />

Philipp Holtmann. - Tel Aviv: Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv<br />

Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 209 S., Gloss., Lit. S. 197-[210] -<br />

ISBN 978-965-224-084-2<br />

SWP D 877108 SWP: A.09/0241<br />

961 Wigen, Einar: Islamic Jihad Union: Al-Qaida's key to the Turkic<br />

world? / Einar Wigen. - Kjeller: Norwegian Defence Research<br />

Establishment, <strong>2009</strong>. - 43 S. - (FFI Rapport; <strong>2009</strong>/00687)<br />

http://www.mil.no/multimedia/archive/00122/00687_122609a.pdf<br />

SWP D 876682<br />

SF10 Law<br />

962 Scharia - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 4-36,<br />

Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877430 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

963 Shah, Niaz A.: Self-defense in Islamic and international law :<br />

Assessing Al-Qaeda and the invasion of Iraq / Niaz A. Shah. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - X,192 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 183-190, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-60618-0<br />

GIGA D 877250 IMES: MEA-D/12 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

964 Ahmed, Akbar S.: Journey into Islam : The crisis of<br />

globalization / Akbar Ahmed. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings<br />

Inst. Pr., 2007. - X,323 S., Ill., Reg. - ISBN 0-8165-0132-2<br />

HSFK D 877107 HSFK: 39.722 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

965 Lane, Jan-Erik; Redissi, Hamadi: Religion and politics : Islam<br />

and Muslim civilization / Jan-Erik Lane, Hamadi Redissi, with a<br />

chapter by Riadh Sidaoui. - 2nd ed. - Farnham ...: Ashgate,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - XVII,336 S.graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 297-327,<br />

Literaturangaben - ISBN 978-0-7546-7418-4<br />

GIGA D 876978 IMES: MEA-L/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

966 Scharia - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57, S. 4-36,<br />

Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877430 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

967 Wigen, Einar: Islamic Jihad Union: Al-Qaida's key to the Turkic<br />

world? / Einar Wigen. - Kjeller: Norwegian Defence Research<br />

Establishment, <strong>2009</strong>. - 43 S. - (FFI Rapport; <strong>2009</strong>/00687)<br />

http://www.mil.no/multimedia/archive/00122/00687_122609a.pdf<br />

SWP D 876682<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

968 Riedner, Ursula Renate: Zur Problematik des Kulturbegriffs im<br />

"europäisch-islamischen Kulturdialog" / Ursula Renate Riedner.<br />

- Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl., 2006. - S. 63-77, Lit. S. 75-77 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006) 3<br />

IFA D 876761 IFA: Cb29/480 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 51 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />


SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

969 Werenfels, Isabelle; Westphal, Kirsten: Solar power from the<br />

desert : A sensible and feasible energy solution? / Isabelle<br />

Werenfels ; Kirsten Westphal. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 13/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 38/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6208<br />

SWP D 876511<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

970 Werenfels, Isabelle; Westphal, Kirsten: Solar power from the<br />

desert : A sensible and feasible energy solution? / Isabelle<br />

Werenfels ; Kirsten Westphal. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 13/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 38/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6208<br />

SWP D 876511<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

971 1999-<strong>2009</strong> : dix ans qui ont changé le Maroc - In: Jeune<br />

Afrique (Paris), 49 (26 juillet-1 août <strong>2009</strong>) 2533, S. 55-92<br />

SWP D 876403 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

972 Martín, Iván: EU-Morocco relations : how advanced is the<br />

"advanced status"? / Iván Martín. - In: Mediterranean Politics<br />

(London) , 14 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 239-245,<br />

Lit. S. 245<br />

SWP D 877242 SWP: X. 795 OSI: Zw 359 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

973 Reform in the Arab world : The experience of Morocco -<br />

In: Mediterranean Politics (London) , 14 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 143-237, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877238 SWP: X. 795 OSI: Zw 359 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

974 Reform in the Arab world : The experience of Morocco -<br />

In: Mediterranean Politics (London) , 14 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 143-237, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877238 SWP: X. 795 OSI: Zw 359 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

975 Khachani, Mohamed: Les migrants mineurs marocains non<br />

accompagnés / Mohamed Khachani. - San Domenico di<br />

Fiesole: Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research<br />

on International Migration, <strong>2009</strong>. - 14 S., Lit. S. 13-14, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (CARIM Analytical and Synthetic Notes; <strong>2009</strong>/32) -<br />

(CARIM-AS<strong>2009</strong>/32)<br />

http://cadmus.eui.eu/dspace/bitstream/1814/12258/2/CARIM_AS<br />

N_<strong>2009</strong>_32.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877428<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

976 Abssi, Marion: Le nationalisme algérien dans l'immigration en<br />

France métropolitaine pendant la guerre d'indépendance /<br />

Marion Abssi. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von<br />

Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 101-111, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877212 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

977 Peyroulou, Jean-Pierre: Guelma, 1945 : une subversion<br />

française dans l'Algérie coloniale / Jean-Pierre Peyroulou.<br />

Préface de Marc Olivier Baruch. - Paris: Ed. La Découverte,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 404 S., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 375-394 - (Textes à<br />

l'appui / Études coloniales) - ISBN 978-2-7071-5464-4<br />

DFI D 877099 DFI: YF 840.PEY Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

978 Bouandel, Youcef: Algeria's presidential election of April <strong>2009</strong><br />

/ Youcef Bouandel. - In: Mediterranean Politics (London) ,<br />

14 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 247-253, Tab., Lit. S. 253<br />

SWP D 877245 SWP: X. 795 OSI: Zw 359 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

979 Abssi, Marion: Le nationalisme algérien dans l'immigration en<br />

France métropolitaine pendant la guerre d'indépendance /<br />

Marion Abssi. - In: Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand / hrsg. von<br />

Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 101-111, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877212 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RG01.<strong>15</strong> LIBYA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

980 Tarhuni, Molly: Libya : revolution forty years on ; living with<br />

Libya / Molly Tarhuni. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 23-25<br />

SWP D 876459 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

981 Perrin, Delphine: La gestion des frontières en Libye / Delphine<br />

Perrin. - San Domenico di Fiesole: Euro-Mediterranean<br />

Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S., Lit. S. 16, Lit. Hinw. - (CARIM Analytical and<br />

Synthetic Notes; <strong>2009</strong>/31) - (Module juridique) -<br />

(CARIM-AS<strong>2009</strong>/31)<br />

http://cadmus.eui.eu/dspace/bitstream/1814/12257/2/CARIM_AS<br />

N_<strong>2009</strong>_31.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877423<br />

RG01.16 EGYPT<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

982 Roll, Stephan: Die Gas-Connection : [Israel braucht es,<br />

Ägypten und der Gazastreifen haben es - der Streit ums<br />

Erdgas ist entfacht] / von Stephan Roll. - Hamburg:<br />

Zenithonline, 2007. - 4 S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: Zenith 9 (2007) 2, S. 40-42<br />

http://www.zenithonline.de/wirtschaft/hintergruende/?article=277<br />

&cHash=250d885d8b<br />

SWP D 876759<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

983 Ottaway, Marina S.: The more things change... : political<br />

reform in the Arab world / Marina Ottaway. - In: World Policy<br />

Journal (New York/N.Y.), 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 43-51<br />

SWP D 876543 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

984 Gamal El-Din, Ashraf: Board practices among CASE 30<br />

companies in Egypt : A survey presented to the Conference<br />

"Challenges of Accounting and Auditing: Reality and Future<br />

Expectations", 27-28 October, 2008, Cairo, Egypt / Ashraf<br />

Gamal El-Din. - Cairo: Egyptian Institute of Directors, 2008. -<br />

39 S., Lit. S. 27-30<br />

http://www.eiodqa.eiod.org/PDF/Case%2030-Eng.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877459<br />

985 Gamal El-Din, Ashraf: Corporate governance in family owned<br />

businesses in Egypt : The case of Egytrans / Ashraf Gamal El-<br />

Din. - Cairo: Egyptian Institute of Directors, 2008. - 32 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 29-32<br />

http://www.eiodqa.eiod.org/PDF/CG%20in%20Family%20Owned<br />

%20B-Final-Single.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877458<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

986 Roll, Stephan: Die Gas-Connection : [Israel braucht es,<br />

Ägypten und der Gazastreifen haben es - der Streit ums<br />

Erdgas ist entfacht] / von Stephan Roll. - Hamburg:<br />

Zenithonline, 2007. - 4 S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: Zenith 9 (2007) 2, S. 40-42<br />

http://www.zenithonline.de/wirtschaft/hintergruende/?article=277<br />

&cHash=250d885d8b<br />

SWP D 876759<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 52 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

SA02 History<br />

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

987 Daly, M. W.: Darfur's sorrow : A history of destruction and<br />

genocide / M. W. Daly. - repr. - New York/N.Y. ...: Cambridge<br />

Univ. Press, 2007. - XIX,368 S., Ill., Kt., Zeittaf., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 349-355, Lit. Hinw. S. 323-348 - ISBN 978-0-521-69962-4<br />

GIGA D 877236 IMES: SDN-H/81 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

988 Large, Daniel: Ausdruck des Wandels : die Beziehungen<br />

China-Sudan / Daniel Large. - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Sommer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 36-40, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 40<br />

GIGA D 877266 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

989 Sudan: zwischen Kosmos und Chaos - In: INAMO (Berlin),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (Sommer <strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 4-40, Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877256 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

990 Kalpakian, Jack V.: The narrow prospects of the SPLA/M's<br />

transition into a political party in the short term / Jack V.<br />

Kalpakian. - In: The South African Journal of International<br />

Affairs (Braamfontein), <strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. <strong>15</strong>9-183, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876647 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

991 Daly, M. W.: Darfur's sorrow : A history of destruction and<br />

genocide / M. W. Daly. - repr. - New York/N.Y. ...: Cambridge<br />

Univ. Press, 2007. - XIX,368 S., Ill., Kt., Zeittaf., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 349-355, Lit. Hinw. S. 323-348 - ISBN 978-0-521-69962-4<br />

GIGA D 877236 IMES: SDN-H/81 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

992 Kalpakian, Jack V.: The narrow prospects of the SPLA/M's<br />

transition into a political party in the short term / Jack V.<br />

Kalpakian. - In: The South African Journal of International<br />

Affairs (Braamfontein), <strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. <strong>15</strong>9-183, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876647 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

993 Sudan: zwischen Kosmos und Chaos - In: INAMO (Berlin),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (Sommer <strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 4-40, Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 877256 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

994 Zahlan, Rosemarie Said: Palestine and the Gulf States : The<br />

presence at the table / Rosemarie Said Zahlan. - 1st publ. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: Routledge, <strong>2009</strong>. - 117 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 111-112, Lit. Hinw. S. 101-109 - (Middle East Studies) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-80496-7<br />

GIGA D 876982 IMES: GST-B/6 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

995 Azergui, Lhoussain; Moniquet, Claude: The Arab media and<br />

the Arab public confront the Gaza crisis / by Lhoussain Azergui<br />

and Claude Moniquet. - Brussels: European Strategic<br />

Intelligence and Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ESISC Background Note)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/the-arab-media-and-the-a<br />

rab-public-confront-the-gaza-crisis-431.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877455<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

996 Azergui, Lhoussain; Moniquet, Claude: The Arab media and<br />

the Arab public confront the Gaza crisis / by Lhoussain Azergui<br />

and Claude Moniquet. - Brussels: European Strategic<br />

Intelligence and Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ESISC Background Note)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/the-arab-media-and-the-a<br />

rab-public-confront-the-gaza-crisis-431.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877455<br />

RG02.01 PALESTINE<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

997 Flottau, Heiko: Die eiserne Mauer : Palästinenser und Israelis<br />

in einem zerrissenen Land / Heiko Flottau. - Berlin: Ch. Links<br />

Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - 222 S., Reg., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86<strong>15</strong>3-5<strong>15</strong>-7<br />

IFSH D 877033<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

998 Iraq: capacity building programme <strong>2009</strong>-2010 / European<br />

Commission - External Relations. - [Brussels], <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/iraq/docs/programme_200<br />

9_2010_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 876589<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

999 Balance sheet : The Iraq War and U.S. national security / ed.<br />

by John S. Duffield ... - Stanford/Cal.: Stanford Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIV, 243 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 203-238 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8047-6013-3<br />

GIGA D 876987 IMES: IRQ-B/7 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1000 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Iraq: A time to stay? The US needs<br />

an exit strategy, not just an exit ; memorandum for the record /<br />

Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Strategic & International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090731_Iraq-MoreThanExit.pdf<br />

SWP D 876596<br />

1001 Flexibility and sensitivity to local concerns are crucial to<br />

long-term U.S. security relations with Iraq and Afghanistan<br />

/ Rand Project Air Force. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 3 S. -<br />

(Research Brief / Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9312.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876360<br />

1002 Withdrawing from Iraq : Alternative schedules, associated<br />

risks, and mitigating strategies / Walter L. Perry ... Prepared for<br />

the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Rand National Defense<br />

Research Institute - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 208 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>3-166 - (Rand Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-882) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4772-4<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG882.pdf<br />

SWP D 877265<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

1003 Conducting counterinsurgency operations : lessons from<br />

Iraq (2003-2006) / Rand National Defense Research Institute. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S., graph. Darst. - (Research Brief<br />

/ Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9323.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876373<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1004 Conducting counterinsurgency operations : lessons from<br />

Iraq (2003-2006) / Rand National Defense Research Institute. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 5 S., graph. Darst. - (Research Brief<br />

/ Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9323.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876373<br />

1005 Fitzgerald, Erin; Cordesman, Anthony H.: Resourcing for<br />

defeat: critical failures in planning, programming, budgeting and<br />

resourcing the Afghan and Iraq wars : working draft, <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Erin K. Fitzgerald and Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 49 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090806_afghan_iraqwar_fund.pdf<br />

SWP D 877396<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 53 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1006 Hybel, Alex Roberto; Kaufman, Justin Matthew: The Bush<br />

administrations and Saddam Hussein : deciding on conflict /<br />

Alex Roberto Hybel and Justin Matthew Kaufman. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - XVI,192 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 179-186 - (Advances in Foreign Policy Analysis) -<br />

ISBN 1-4039-7578-2<br />

HSFK D 876728 HSFK: 39.865 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1007 Jasparro, Chris: Generation kill : insurgent youth movements /<br />

Chris Jasparro. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon),<br />

31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 8-13<br />

SWP D 876408 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1008 Iraq: capacity building programme <strong>2009</strong>-2010 / European<br />

Commission - External Relations. - [Brussels], <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/iraq/docs/programme_200<br />

9_2010_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 876589<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1009 Beetham, David: The contradictions of democratization by<br />

force : The case of Iraq / David Beetham. - In: Democratization<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 443-454, Lit. S. 453-454<br />

DIE D 876829 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1010 Fürtig, Henner: The absence of nonsectarian parties in the<br />

Iraqi political arena / Henner Fürtig. - In: The Arabian Gulf<br />

between conservatism and change / The Emirates Center for<br />

Strategic Studies and Research (ed.). - Abu Dhabi, <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>9-187 - ISBN 978-9948-14-013-9<br />

GIGA D 876614 IMES: GST-H/5 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1011 Ismael, Tareq Y.: The rise and fall of the Communist Party of<br />

Iraq / Tareq Y. Ismael. - 1st publ. - New York/N.Y. ...:<br />

Cambridge Univ. Press, 2008. - XI,338 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-87394-9<br />

GIGA D 876701 IMES: IRQ-H/22 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1012 Spatial and temporal analyses of terrorist incidents in Iraq,<br />

2004-2006 / Laura K. Siebeneck ... - In: Studies in Conflict and<br />

Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 591-610,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 609-610<br />

SWP D 877253 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1013 Wardi, Ali: Understanding Iraq : society, culture, and<br />

personality / Ali Wardi. - Lewiston/N.Y. ...: Edwin Mellen Press,<br />

2008. - IX,129 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 117-120 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7734-5120-9<br />

IFA D 877302 IFA: 29/332 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

1014 Fitzgerald, Erin; Cordesman, Anthony H.: Resourcing for<br />

defeat: critical failures in planning, programming, budgeting and<br />

resourcing the Afghan and Iraq wars : working draft, <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Erin K. Fitzgerald and Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 49 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090806_afghan_iraqwar_fund.pdf<br />

SWP D 877396<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

SH Economy<br />

10<strong>15</strong> Jordan : special report - In: Middle East Economic Digest<br />

(London), 53 (24-30 July <strong>2009</strong>) 30, S. 24-41<br />

SWP D 876433 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

RG02.13 LEBANON<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1016 Tzanakopoulos, Antonios: Special Tribunal for Lebanon : first<br />

orders by the pre-trial judge / by Antonios Tzanakopoulos. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Society of International Law, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 13, Issue 11)<br />

http://www.asil.org/files/insight090807pdf.pdf<br />

SWP D 877402<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1017 The war on Lebanon : A reader / ed. by Nubar Hovsepian;<br />

foreword by .. - Northampton/Mass.: Olive Branch Press, 2008.<br />

- XXVI,422 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-56656-680-3<br />

GIGA D 876700 IMES: LBN-B/2 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

1018 Barak, Oren: The Lebanese army : A national institution in a<br />

divided society / Oren Barak. - Albany/N.Y.: State Univ. of New<br />

York Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIII,272 S., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 249-263<br />

- ISBN 978-0-7914-9345-8<br />

GIGA D 877001 IMES: LBN-B/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1019 Sakmani, Manuel Samir: Nach Doha : neue Ära? Neue<br />

Politik? / Manuel Samir Sakmani. - In: INAMO (Berlin),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (Sommer <strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 46-50, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 50<br />

GIGA D 877193 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF07 Military and society / Government<br />

1020 Barak, Oren: The Lebanese army : A national institution in a<br />

divided society / Oren Barak. - Albany/N.Y.: State Univ. of New<br />

York Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIII,272 S., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 249-263<br />

- ISBN 978-0-7914-9345-8<br />

GIGA D 877001 IMES: LBN-B/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1021 Jouni, Hassan: Migration circulaire au Liban / Hassan Jouni. -<br />

San Domenico di Fiesole: Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for<br />

Applied Research on International Migration, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (CARIM Analytical and Synthetic Notes; <strong>2009</strong>/30) -<br />

(Module juridique) - (CARIM-AS<strong>2009</strong>/30)<br />

http://cadmus.eui.eu/dspace/bitstream/1814/12256/2/CARIM_AS<br />

N_<strong>2009</strong>_30.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877418<br />

RG02.<strong>15</strong> ISRAEL<br />

SA02 History<br />

1022 Stein, Leslie: The making of modern Israel : 1848-1967 /<br />

Leslie Stein. - Cambridge ...: Polity Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - XII,411 S.,<br />

Ill., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 379-396 , Lit. Hinw. S. 337-378 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7456-4466-0<br />

GIGA D 876729 IMES: ISR-H/38 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1023 Ben-Meir, Alon: Israeli settlements : getting it settled / Alon<br />

Ben-Meir. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 20-21<br />

SWP D 876457 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1024 Marcus, Jonathan: The <strong>2009</strong> Israeli election : A bump in the<br />

road to peace? / Jonathan Marcus. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 55-69,<br />

Lit. S. 68-69<br />

SWP D 876409 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1025 The operation in Gaza : 27 December 2008 - 18 January <strong>2009</strong><br />

; factual and legal aspects / the State of Israel. - Jerusalem:<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, <strong>2009</strong>. - 164 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.mfa.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/E89E699D-A435-491B-B2D0<br />

-017675DAFEF7/0/GazaOperation.pdf<br />

SWP D 876592<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 54 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1026 Brym, Robert J.; Maoz-Shai, Yael: Israel state violence during<br />

the Second Intifada : combining new institutionalist and rational<br />

choice approaches / Robert J. Brym ; Yael Maoz-Shai. -<br />

In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 611-626, Tab., Lit. S. 626-626<br />

SWP D 877255 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1027 Dubois, Emmanuel: Operation 'Cast lead' in Gaza : Analysis<br />

and prospects / by Emmanuel Dubois. - Brussels: European<br />

Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (ESISC Analysis)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/operation-cast-lead-in-ga<br />

za-436.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877457<br />

1028 Gaza <strong>2009</strong> - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57,<br />

S. 43-65<br />

GIGA D 877435 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1029 Kasher, Asa: Operation cast lead and the ethics of just war /<br />

by Asa Kasher. - In: Azure (Jerusalem), (Summer 5769/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

37, ca. 17 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.azure.co.il/include/print.php?id=502<br />

SWP D 876588<br />

1030 The operation in Gaza : 27 December 2008 - 18 January <strong>2009</strong><br />

; factual and legal aspects / the State of Israel. - Jerusalem:<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, <strong>2009</strong>. - 164 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.mfa.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/E89E699D-A435-491B-B2D0<br />

-017675DAFEF7/0/GazaOperation.pdf<br />

SWP D 876592<br />

1031 The war on Lebanon : A reader / ed. by Nubar Hovsepian;<br />

foreword by .. - Northampton/Mass.: Olive Branch Press, 2008.<br />

- XXVI,422 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-56656-680-3<br />

GIGA D 876700 IMES: LBN-B/2 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1032 Roll, Stephan: Die Gas-Connection : [Israel braucht es,<br />

Ägypten und der Gazastreifen haben es - der Streit ums<br />

Erdgas ist entfacht] / von Stephan Roll. - Hamburg:<br />

Zenithonline, 2007. - 4 S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: Zenith 9 (2007) 2, S. 40-42<br />

http://www.zenithonline.de/wirtschaft/hintergruende/?article=277<br />

&cHash=250d885d8b<br />

SWP D 876759<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

1033 Islamic attitudes to Israel / ed. by Efraim Karsh and ... - 1st<br />

publ. - London ...: Routledge, 2008. - 200 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-44025-7<br />

Previously published as a special issue of the journal Israel<br />

Affairs<br />

GIGA D 877427 IMES: MEA-A/83 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1034 Marcus, Jonathan: The <strong>2009</strong> Israeli election : A bump in the<br />

road to peace? / Jonathan Marcus. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 55-69,<br />

Lit. S. 68-69<br />

SWP D 876409 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1035 Abu-Bader, Suleiman; Gottlieb, Daniel: Poverty, education,<br />

and employment in the Arab-Bedouin society : A comparative<br />

view / Suleiman Abu-Bader ; Daniel Gottlieb. - Jerusalem:<br />

National Insurance Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 68 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 58-63 - (Working Papers / National Insurance Institute;<br />

No. 98)<br />

http://www.btl.gov.il/%D7%A4%D7%A8%D7%A1%D7%95%D7<br />

%9E%D7%99%D7%9D/pub/research/Documents/mechkar_98.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 877431<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

1036 Gottlieb, Daniel; Fruman, Alex; Endeweld, Miri: Poverty and<br />

social gaps in 2007 : Annual report / written by Miri Endeweld,<br />

Alex Fruman and Daniel Gottlieb. - Jerusalem: National<br />

Insurance Institute, 2008. - 52 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.btl.gov.il/English%20Homepage/Publications/Poverty<br />

_Report/Documents/oni2007-E.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877443<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1037 Yazdi, Mohammad Rezaie: Hollywood mission : America the<br />

new Israel / Mohammad Rezaie Yazdi. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 305-314<br />

GIGA D 876884 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1038 Yazdi, Mohammad Rezaie: Hollywood mission : America the<br />

new Israel / Mohammad Rezaie Yazdi. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 305-314<br />

GIGA D 876884 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1039 Gottlieb, Daniel; Fruman, Alex; Endeweld, Miri: Poverty and<br />

social gaps in 2007 : Annual report / written by Miri Endeweld,<br />

Alex Fruman and Daniel Gottlieb. - Jerusalem: National<br />

Insurance Institute, 2008. - 52 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.btl.gov.il/English%20Homepage/Publications/Poverty<br />

_Report/Documents/oni2007-E.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877443<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1040 Roll, Stephan: Die Gas-Connection : [Israel braucht es,<br />

Ägypten und der Gazastreifen haben es - der Streit ums<br />

Erdgas ist entfacht] / von Stephan Roll. - Hamburg:<br />

Zenithonline, 2007. - 4 S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: Zenith 9 (2007) 2, S. 40-42<br />

http://www.zenithonline.de/wirtschaft/hintergruende/?article=277<br />

&cHash=250d885d8b<br />

SWP D 876759<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1041 Ben-Meir, Alon: Israeli settlements : getting it settled / Alon<br />

Ben-Meir. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 20-21<br />

SWP D 876457 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1042 Dombret, Dimitri: Hamas - the armed wing of Iran / by Dimitri<br />

Dombret. - Brussels: European Strategic Intelligence and<br />

Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ESISC Analysis)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/hamas-the-armed-wing-o<br />

f-iran-433.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877456<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1043 Dombret, Dimitri: Hamas - the armed wing of Iran / by Dimitri<br />

Dombret. - Brussels: European Strategic Intelligence and<br />

Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ESISC Analysis)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/hamas-the-armed-wing-o<br />

f-iran-433.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877456<br />

SF07 Military and society / Government<br />

1044 Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera: Militarization and violence<br />

against women in conflict zones in the Middle East : A<br />

Palestinian case-study / Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. - 1st<br />

publ. - New York/N. Y. ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XIV,231 S., ill., Reg., Lit. S. 214-226 - (Cambridge Studies in<br />

Law and Society) - ISBN 978-0-521-70879-1<br />

GIGA D 877208 IMES: PAL-G/4 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 55 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1045 Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera: Militarization and violence<br />

against women in conflict zones in the Middle East : A<br />

Palestinian case-study / Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. - 1st<br />

publ. - New York/N. Y. ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XIV,231 S., ill., Reg., Lit. S. 214-226 - (Cambridge Studies in<br />

Law and Society) - ISBN 978-0-521-70879-1<br />

GIGA D 877208 IMES: PAL-G/4 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1046 Dombret, Dimitri: Hamas - the armed wing of Iran / by Dimitri<br />

Dombret. - Brussels: European Strategic Intelligence and<br />

Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ESISC Analysis)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/hamas-the-armed-wing-o<br />

f-iran-433.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877456<br />

1047 The operation in Gaza : 27 December 2008 - 18 January <strong>2009</strong><br />

; factual and legal aspects / the State of Israel. - Jerusalem:<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, <strong>2009</strong>. - 164 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.mfa.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/E89E699D-A435-491B-B2D0<br />

-017675DAFEF7/0/GazaOperation.pdf<br />

SWP D 876592<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1048 Brym, Robert J.; Maoz-Shai, Yael: Israel state violence during<br />

the Second Intifada : combining new institutionalist and rational<br />

choice approaches / Robert J. Brym ; Yael Maoz-Shai. -<br />

In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 611-626, Tab., Lit. S. 626-626<br />

SWP D 877255 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1049 Dubois, Emmanuel: Operation 'Cast lead' in Gaza : Analysis<br />

and prospects / by Emmanuel Dubois. - Brussels: European<br />

Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 25 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (ESISC Analysis)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/operation-cast-lead-in-ga<br />

za-436.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877457<br />

1050 Gaza <strong>2009</strong> - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57,<br />

S. 43-65<br />

GIGA D 877435 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1051 Kasher, Asa: Operation cast lead and the ethics of just war /<br />

by Asa Kasher. - In: Azure (Jerusalem), (Summer 5769/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

37, ca. 17 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.azure.co.il/include/print.php?id=502<br />

SWP D 876588<br />

1052 The operation in Gaza : 27 December 2008 - 18 January <strong>2009</strong><br />

; factual and legal aspects / the State of Israel. - Jerusalem:<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, <strong>2009</strong>. - 164 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.mfa.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/E89E699D-A435-491B-B2D0<br />

-017675DAFEF7/0/GazaOperation.pdf<br />

SWP D 876592<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1053 Roll, Stephan: Die Gas-Connection : [Israel braucht es,<br />

Ägypten und der Gazastreifen haben es - der Streit ums<br />

Erdgas ist entfacht] / von Stephan Roll. - Hamburg:<br />

Zenithonline, 2007. - 4 S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: Zenith 9 (2007) 2, S. 40-42<br />

http://www.zenithonline.de/wirtschaft/hintergruende/?article=277<br />

&cHash=250d885d8b<br />

SWP D 876759<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1054 Dombret, Dimitri: Hamas - the armed wing of Iran / by Dimitri<br />

Dombret. - Brussels: European Strategic Intelligence and<br />

Security Center, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ESISC Analysis)<br />

http://www.esisc.org/documents/pdf/en/hamas-the-armed-wing-o<br />

f-iran-433.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877456<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1055 Mendelsohn, Barak: Al-Qaeda's Palestinian problem / Barak<br />

Mendelsohn. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 71-86, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877230 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF07 Military and society / Government<br />

1056 Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera: Militarization and violence<br />

against women in conflict zones in the Middle East : A<br />

Palestinian case-study / Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. - 1st<br />

publ. - New York/N. Y. ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XIV,231 S., ill., Reg., Lit. S. 214-226 - (Cambridge Studies in<br />

Law and Society) - ISBN 978-0-521-70879-1<br />

GIGA D 877208 IMES: PAL-G/4 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1057 Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera: Militarization and violence<br />

against women in conflict zones in the Middle East : A<br />

Palestinian case-study / Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. - 1st<br />

publ. - New York/N. Y. ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XIV,231 S., ill., Reg., Lit. S. 214-226 - (Cambridge Studies in<br />

Law and Society) - ISBN 978-0-521-70879-1<br />

GIGA D 877208 IMES: PAL-G/4 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1058 Roll, Stephan: Die Gas-Connection : [Israel braucht es,<br />

Ägypten und der Gazastreifen haben es - der Streit ums<br />

Erdgas ist entfacht] / von Stephan Roll. - Hamburg:<br />

Zenithonline, 2007. - 4 S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: Zenith 9 (2007) 2, S. 40-42<br />

http://www.zenithonline.de/wirtschaft/hintergruende/?article=277<br />

&cHash=250d885d8b<br />

SWP D 876759<br />


SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1059 Ottaway, Marina S.: The more things change... : political<br />

reform in the Arab world / Marina Ottaway. - In: World Policy<br />

Journal (New York/N.Y.), 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 43-51<br />

SWP D 876543 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RG03.01 GULF STATES<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1060 Zahlan, Rosemarie Said: Palestine and the Gulf States : The<br />

presence at the table / Rosemarie Said Zahlan. - 1st publ. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: Routledge, <strong>2009</strong>. - 117 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 111-112, Lit. Hinw. S. 101-109 - (Middle East Studies) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-80496-7<br />

GIGA D 876982 IMES: GST-B/6 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1061 Future Arabian Gulf energy sources : hydrocarbon, nuclear<br />

or renewable? / The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and<br />

Research. - Abu Dhabi: Emirates Center for Strategic Studies<br />

and Research, 2008. - XXII,448 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 409-432, Lit. Hinw. S. 379-407 - ISBN 978-9948-00-989-4<br />

GIGA D 876727 IMES: GST-F/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.12 QATAR<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

1062 Schenk, Susan: Das Islambild im internationalen Fernsehen :<br />

ein Vergleich der Nachrichtensender "Al Jazeera English",<br />

"BBC World" und "CNN International" / Susan Schenk. - Berlin:<br />

Frank & Timme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 173 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 163-172 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation -<br />

Naher Osten und islamische Welt; Vol. 16) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86596-224-9 -- Zugl.: Magisterarb.<br />

IFA D 877374 IFA: 29/338 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 56 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1063 Schenk, Susan: Das Islambild im internationalen Fernsehen :<br />

ein Vergleich der Nachrichtensender "Al Jazeera English",<br />

"BBC World" und "CNN International" / Susan Schenk. - Berlin:<br />

Frank & Timme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 173 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 163-172 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation -<br />

Naher Osten und islamische Welt; Vol. 16) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86596-224-9 -- Zugl.: Magisterarb.<br />

IFA D 877374 IFA: 29/338 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RG03.13 KUWAIT<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1064 Herb, Michael: A nation of bureaucrats : political participation<br />

and economic diversification in Kuwait and the United Arab<br />

Emirates / Michael Herb. - In: International Journal of Middle<br />

East Studies (Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 375-395, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 392-395<br />

SWP D 876926 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1065 Herb, Michael: A nation of bureaucrats : political participation<br />

and economic diversification in Kuwait and the United Arab<br />

Emirates / Michael Herb. - In: International Journal of Middle<br />

East Studies (Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 375-395, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 392-395<br />

SWP D 876926 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG03.14 OMAN<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1066 Khalili, Majid al-: Oman's foreign policy : foundation and<br />

practice / Majid al-Khalili. - Westport/Conn. ...: Praeger Security<br />

International, <strong>2009</strong>. - X,184 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 169-179, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 139-167 - ISBN 978-0-313-35224-9<br />

GIGA D 876690 IMES: OMN-A/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.<strong>15</strong> SAUDI ARABIA<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1067 Al-Qaida's doctrine for insurgency : Abd-al-Aziz al-Muqrin's<br />

practical course for guerilla war / transl. and analyzed by<br />

Norman Cigar, foreword by ... - Dulles/Va.: Potomac Books,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - XVI,193 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 181-187, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-59797-253-6<br />

GIGA D 876703 IMES: SAU-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

1068 Al-Qaida's doctrine for insurgency : Abd-al-Aziz al-Muqrin's<br />

practical course for guerilla war / transl. and analyzed by<br />

Norman Cigar, foreword by ... - Dulles/Va.: Potomac Books,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - XVI,193 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 181-187, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-59797-253-6<br />

GIGA D 876703 IMES: SAU-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.16 YEMEN<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1069 Hundhammer, Marianus: Jemenitischer Bürgerkrieg /<br />

Marianus Hundhammer. - In: Blätter für deutsche und<br />

internationale Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. <strong>15</strong>-18<br />

DGAP D 876573 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1070 Schuber, Barik: Konjunkturspritze aus dem Morgenland / Barik<br />

Schuber. - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Sommer <strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 61-62,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 62<br />

GIGA D 877382 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1071 Herb, Michael: A nation of bureaucrats : political participation<br />

and economic diversification in Kuwait and the United Arab<br />

Emirates / Michael Herb. - In: International Journal of Middle<br />

East Studies (Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 375-395, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 392-395<br />

SWP D 876926 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH Economy<br />

1072 Davidson, Christopher M.: Dubai: foreclosure of a dream /<br />

Christopher M. Davidson. - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 8-13, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876396 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1073 Herb, Michael: A nation of bureaucrats : political participation<br />

and economic diversification in Kuwait and the United Arab<br />

Emirates / Michael Herb. - In: International Journal of Middle<br />

East Studies (Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 375-395, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 392-395<br />

SWP D 876926 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1074 Hvidt, Martin: The Dubai model : An outline of key<br />

development-process elements in Dubai / Martin Hvidt. -<br />

In: International Journal of Middle East Studies<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 397-418,<br />

Lit. S. 412-418<br />

SWP D 876928 SWP: Y. 361 OSI: Zt 944 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1075 Machmudov, Rustam: The great game in the Eurasian<br />

heartland : A new spiral / Rustam Makhmudov. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 47-58<br />

SWP D 876945 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1076 South Asia and Central Asia: building political and<br />

economic linkages : collection of papers presented at an<br />

international seminar organized jointly by the Institute of<br />

Regional Studies & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Islamabad on<br />

20-21 Oct 2008 / Institute of Regional Studies. - 1st published -<br />

Islamabad, <strong>2009</strong>. - 344 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Seminar Papers /<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad); 10.2008) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8020-20-0<br />

GIGA D 876735 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1077 South Asia and Central Asia: building political and<br />

economic linkages : collection of papers presented at an<br />

international seminar organized jointly by the Institute of<br />

Regional Studies & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Islamabad on<br />

20-21 Oct 2008 / Institute of Regional Studies. - 1st published -<br />

Islamabad, <strong>2009</strong>. - 344 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Seminar Papers /<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad); 10.2008) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8020-20-0<br />

GIGA D 876735 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1078 Kumar, Sumita: Pakistan-Afghanistan relations : stabilizing<br />

politics through economics / Sumita Kumar. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2, S. 223-243, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 239-243<br />

SWP D 877282 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1079 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1080 Wilde, Andreas: Continuity and hiatus : structural patterns of<br />

Iran's policy in Afghanistan / Andreas Wilde. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 11-38, Lit. S. 36-38<br />

DIE D 877<strong>15</strong>8 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 57 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1081 Morozov, Yuri: Afghanistan : potential field of Russia-U.S.<br />

regional cooperation / Yuri Morozov. - In: Central Asia and the<br />

Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 125-134<br />

SWP D 876962 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1082 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1083 Eschment, Beate: Stabilität und Sicherheit in Zentralasien<br />

unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Afghanistans / Beate<br />

Eschment. - Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 36 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Materialien zum Thema "Demokratieförderung") -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86872-148-5<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/06560.pdf<br />

SWP D 877131<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1084 Ainsworth, Bob: Afghanistan: turning tactical gains into<br />

strategic success : transcript / Bob Ainsworth. - London:<br />

Chatham House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14347_080709ainsworth.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 877389<br />

1085 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The Afghanistan campaign: can we<br />

win? / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090722_CanWeAchieveMission.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 877395<br />

1086 Flexibility and sensitivity to local concerns are crucial to<br />

long-term U.S. security relations with Iraq and Afghanistan<br />

/ Rand Project Air Force. - Santa Monica/Cal., 2008. - 3 S. -<br />

(Research Brief / Rand Corporation)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/2008/RAND_RB9312.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876360<br />

1087 Hanif, Melanie: Die regionale Dimension des<br />

Afghanistankonfliktes in Obamas "AfPak-Strategie" : lessons<br />

learned? / Melanie Hanif. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of<br />

Global and Area Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. - (GIGA Focus<br />

Global; (<strong>2009</strong>) 7)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_global_0907.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877352 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1088 Moore, Michael; Fussell, James: Kunar and Nuristan:<br />

rethinking U.S. counterinsurgency operations / Michael Moore<br />

and James Fussell. - Washington/D.C.: Institute for the Study<br />

of War, <strong>2009</strong>. - 35 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Afghanistan Report;<br />

1)<br />

http://www.understandingwar.org/files/Afghanistan_Report_1.pdf<br />

SWP D 877239<br />

1089 Morgan, Wesley: Order of battle: coalition combat forces in<br />

Afghanistan : [February - <strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>] / Wesley Morgan. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Institute for the Study of War, <strong>2009</strong>. - 34 S.<br />

http://www.understandingwar.org/files/AfghanistanOrbatto<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 877260<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1090 Dobbins, James: Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan :<br />

testimony presented before the House Oversight and<br />

Government Reform Committee, Subcommittee on National<br />

Security and Foreign Affairs on March 26, <strong>2009</strong> / James<br />

Dobbins. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S.<br />

- (Rand Testimony; CT-323) - (CT-323)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_CT323.pdf<br />

SWP D 876381<br />

1091 Fitzgerald, Erin; Cordesman, Anthony H.: Resourcing for<br />

defeat: critical failures in planning, programming, budgeting and<br />

resourcing the Afghan and Iraq wars : working draft, <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Erin K. Fitzgerald and Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 49 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090806_afghan_iraqwar_fund.pdf<br />

SWP D 877396<br />

1092 Jasparro, Chris: Generation kill : insurgent youth movements /<br />

Chris Jasparro. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon),<br />

31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 8-13<br />

SWP D 876408 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

1093 Chandra, Vishal: Making of the new Afghan National Army :<br />

challenges and prospects / Vishal Chandra. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 55-70<br />

SWP D 876981 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1094 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Afghan national security forces :<br />

shaping the path to victory / Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 60 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090727_ansf_draft.pdf<br />

SWP D 877392<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1095 Kumar, Sumita: Pakistan-Afghanistan relations : stabilizing<br />

politics through economics / Sumita Kumar. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2, S. 223-243, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 239-243<br />

SWP D 877282 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1096 Daxner, Michael: Afghanistan : graveyard of good intent /<br />

Michael Daxner. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 13-23<br />

SWP D 876540 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1097 Simmonds, Stephanie; Ferozuddin, Feroz: Support to the<br />

health sector in Helmand Province, Afghanistan : final report /<br />

Stephanie Simmonds ; Feroz Ferozuddin. - London: DFID<br />

Health Resource Centre, 2008. - 91 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/13663_100309lillywhite.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 877142<br />

1098 Tarnoff, Curt: Afghanistan: U.S. foreign assistance / Curt<br />

Tarnoff. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 21 S., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress; R40699) -<br />

(R40699)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/126837.pdf<br />

SWP D 877187<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1099 Chandra, Vishal: The National Front in Afghan politics : An<br />

exploratory study / Vishal Chandra. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 528-540<br />

SWP D 877065 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1100 Afghanistan elections : guns and money / The International<br />

Council on Security and Development. - London, <strong>2009</strong>. - 39 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 39<br />

http://www.icosgroup.net/home/Guns_and_Money.pdf<br />

SWP D 877263<br />

1101 Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission:<br />

AIHRC-UNAMA joint monitoring of political rights : presidential<br />

and Provincial Council elections ; first report, 25 April - 12 June<br />

<strong>2009</strong> - Kabul: Afghanistan Independent Human Rights<br />

Commission, <strong>2009</strong>. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.aihrc.org.af/english/Eng_pages/Reports_eng/PRV_20<br />

09/PRV_<strong>2009</strong>_July_7.pdf<br />

SWP D 877<strong>15</strong>4<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 58 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1102 Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission:<br />

AIHRC-UNAMA joint monitoring of political rights : presidential<br />

and Provincial Council elections ; second report, 16 June - 1<br />

<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong> - Kabul: United Nations Assistance Mission in<br />

Afghanistan, <strong>2009</strong>. - 23 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://unama.unmissions.org/Portals/UNAMA/human%20rights/P<br />

olitical%20Rights%20Monitoring%20Report%20II%20in%20Engli<br />

sh%209%20<strong>August</strong>%20<strong>2009</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 877<strong>15</strong>5<br />

1103 Ruttig, Thomas: Präsident Karzai vor zweiter Amtszeit?<br />

Sicherheitsprobleme und Legitimitätsdefizite bei den<br />

Präsidentschaftswahlen in Afghanistan / Thomas Ruttig. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S. - (SWPaktuell;<br />

43/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

http://swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=6206<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1104 Sticking power : post-election prospects in Afghanistan -<br />

In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 32-37<br />

SWP D 876417 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1105 Afghanistan: mid year bulletin on protection of civilians in<br />

armed conflict, <strong>2009</strong> / United Nations Assistance Mission to<br />

Afghanistan, Human Rights Unit. - Kabul, <strong>2009</strong>. - 21 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Gloss.<br />

http://unama.unmissions.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=A4j0gxPUr<br />

ck%3d&tabid=1741&mid=1882<br />

SWP D 877183<br />

1106 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Afghan national security forces :<br />

shaping the path to victory / Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 60 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090727_ansf_draft.pdf<br />

SWP D 877392<br />

1107 D'Souza, Shanthie: 'Unity of effort' : The missing link in the<br />

Afghan counter-insurgency campaign / Shantie Mariet D'Souza.<br />

- In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008) 5,<br />

S. 855-878<br />

SWP D 877367 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1108 D’Souza, Shanthie Mariet: Talking to the Taliban: will it ensure<br />

'peace' in Afghanistan? / Shanthie Mariet D'Souza. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 254-272, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877022 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1109 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1110 Sedra, Mark: Afghanistan / [Mark Sedra]. - Waterloo: Centre<br />

for International Governance Innovation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Kt.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Security Sector Reform Monitor; (July <strong>2009</strong>) 1)<br />

http://www.cigionline.org/sites/default/files/SSRM%20-%20Afgha<br />

nistan%20v1.pdf<br />

SWP D 877393<br />

1111 Sticking power : post-election prospects in Afghanistan -<br />

In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 32-37<br />

SWP D 876417 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

1112 Simmonds, Stephanie; Ferozuddin, Feroz: Support to the<br />

health sector in Helmand Province, Afghanistan : final report /<br />

Stephanie Simmonds ; Feroz Ferozuddin. - London: DFID<br />

Health Resource Centre, 2008. - 91 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/13663_100309lillywhite.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 877142<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1113 Daxner, Michael: Afghanistan : graveyard of good intent /<br />

Michael Daxner. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 13-23<br />

SWP D 876540 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

1114 Fitzgerald, Erin; Cordesman, Anthony H.: Resourcing for<br />

defeat: critical failures in planning, programming, budgeting and<br />

resourcing the Afghan and Iraq wars : working draft, <strong>August</strong> 6<br />

<strong>2009</strong> / Erin K. Fitzgerald and Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 49 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090806_afghan_iraqwar_fund.pdf<br />

SWP D 877396<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

11<strong>15</strong> Kumar, Sumita: Pakistan-Iran relations : The US factor /<br />

Sumita Kumar. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (September 2008) 5, S. 773-789<br />

SWP D 877362 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1116 Maloney, Suzanne: Iran's long reach : Iran as a pivotal state in<br />

the Muslim world / Suzanne Maloney. - 1st publ. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: US Institute of Peace Press, 2008. -<br />

IX,143 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Pivotal states in<br />

the Muslim world) - ISBN 978-1-60127-033-7<br />

GIGA D 876717 IMES: IRN-A/18 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1117 Wilde, Andreas: Continuity and hiatus : structural patterns of<br />

Iran's policy in Afghanistan / Andreas Wilde. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 11-38, Lit. S. 36-38<br />

DIE D 877<strong>15</strong>8 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1118 Kaye, Dalia Dassa; Wehrey, Frederic M.: Containing Iran?<br />

Avoiding a two-dimensional strategy in a four-dimensional<br />

region / Dalia Dassa Kaye and Frederic Wehrey. - In: The<br />

Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 37-53, Lit. S. 49-53<br />

SWP D 876407 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1119 Forden, Geoffrey E.: Alternative energy : two scenarios for a<br />

nuclear Iran / Geoffrey Forden. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 48-53<br />

SWP D 876423 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1120 Ufomba, Henry U.: Will technical isolation work? A proposed<br />

solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis / Henry U Ufomba. - In:<br />

The South African Journal of International Affairs<br />

(Braamfontein), <strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2, S. 2<strong>15</strong>-227, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876651 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

1121 Haghani, Nader: Zur Stellung der deutschen Sprache im<br />

iranischen Schulsystem / Nader Haghani. - Tübingen:<br />

Stauffenburg-Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 17-31, Tab., Lit. S 29-30 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache Deutsch (Tübingen), 36 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1<br />

IFA D 876720 IFA: Cb29/472 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1122 Cohen, Roger: Iran: The tragedy & the future / Roger Cohen. -<br />

In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13, S. 7-10<br />

SWP D 877050 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1123 Fürtig, Henner: Turbulente Wahlen in Iran : die Islamische<br />

Republik am Scheideweg? / Henner Fürtig. - Hamburg: GIGA<br />

Institut für Nahost-Studien, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. - (GIGA Focus<br />

Nahost; (<strong>2009</strong>) 6)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_nahost_0906.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877408 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 59 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1124 Iran ohne Wahl - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale<br />

Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 70-88, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876579 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1125 Iran ohne Wahl - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale<br />

Politik (Bonn), 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 70-88, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876579 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG Society<br />

1126 Abdollahyan, Hamid; Yeganeh, Mohammad Reza Javadi:<br />

Introduction: media and society in Iran / Hamid Abdollahyan ;<br />

Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh. - In: Asian Journal of Social<br />

Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion<br />

and society in Iran, S. 189-191<br />

GIGA D 876876 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1127 Abdollahyan, Hamid; Nayebi, Hooshang: Conceptualizing<br />

occupational prestige : An empirical case study from Iran /<br />

Hamid Abdollahyan ; Hooshang Nayebi. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 192-207<br />

GIGA D 876877 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1128 Abdollahyan, Hamid; Yeganeh, Mohammad Reza Javadi:<br />

Introduction: media and society in Iran / Hamid Abdollahyan ;<br />

Mohammad Reza Javadi Yeganeh. - In: Asian Journal of Social<br />

Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion<br />

and society in Iran, S. 189-191<br />

GIGA D 876876 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1129 Ameli, Saied Reza: Virtual religion and duality of religious<br />

spaces / Saied Reza Ameli. - In: Asian Journal of Social<br />

Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion<br />

and society in Iran, S. 208-231<br />

GIGA D 876878 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1130 Bahar, Mehri: Television, religious objects and secularism /<br />

Mehri Bahar. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden),<br />

37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion and society in Iran,<br />

S. 232-241<br />

GIGA D 876879 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1131 Bahonar, Nasser: Policy of religious media in Iran : interactive,<br />

dynamic and convergent system of religious communication /<br />

Nasser Bahonar. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden),<br />

37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion and society in Iran,<br />

S. 242-255<br />

GIGA D 876880 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1132 Dehghan, Ali Reza: Media and public sphere in Iran / Ali Reza<br />

Dehghan. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden),<br />

37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion and society in Iran,<br />

S. 256-273<br />

GIGA D 876881 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1133 Khojastea, Hassan; Kalantarib, Abdolhosein: The media<br />

rituals : The relationship between media and religion / Hassan<br />

Khojaste and Abdolhosein Kalantarib. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 284-304<br />

GIGA D 876883 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1134 Amanat, Abbas: Apocalyptic Islam and Iranian Shi'ism / Abbas<br />

Amanat. - London ...: Tauris, <strong>2009</strong>. - XVI,286 S., Ill., Reg., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S.253-280 - (Library of Modern Religion; 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-981-2<br />

GIGA D 877191 IMES: IRN-L/7 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1135 Ameli, Saied Reza: Virtual religion and duality of religious<br />

spaces / Saied Reza Ameli. - In: Asian Journal of Social<br />

Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion<br />

and society in Iran, S. 208-231<br />

GIGA D 876878 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1136 Bahar, Mehri: Television, religious objects and secularism /<br />

Mehri Bahar. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden),<br />

37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion and society in Iran,<br />

S. 232-241<br />

GIGA D 876879 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1137 Bahonar, Nasser: Policy of religious media in Iran : interactive,<br />

dynamic and convergent system of religious communication /<br />

Nasser Bahonar. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden),<br />

37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion and society in Iran,<br />

S. 242-255<br />

GIGA D 876880 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1138 Khojastea, Hassan; Kalantarib, Abdolhosein: The media<br />

rituals : The relationship between media and religion / Hassan<br />

Khojaste and Abdolhosein Kalantarib. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media,<br />

religion and society in Iran, S. 284-304<br />

GIGA D 876883 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1139 Yeganeh, Mohammad Reza Javadi; Hashemi, Seyed Zeia: A<br />

comparative analysis of traditional and modern modes of<br />

religious preaching / Seyed Zeia Hashemi and Mohammad<br />

Reza Javadi Yeganeh. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, Special focus: Media, religion and<br />

society in Iran, S. 274-283<br />

GIGA D 876882 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1140 Kumar, Sumita: Pakistan-Afghanistan relations : stabilizing<br />

politics through economics / Sumita Kumar. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2, S. 223-243, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 239-243<br />

SWP D 877282 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1141 Kumar, Sumita: Pakistan-Iran relations : The US factor /<br />

Sumita Kumar. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (September 2008) 5, S. 773-789<br />

SWP D 877362 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1142 Pakistan and U.S. relations / Charles B. Kelly ... (eds) - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Nova Science Publ., <strong>2009</strong>. - VI,238 S.,<br />

Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-60692-649-9<br />

GIGA D 876994 IMES: PAK-A/6 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1143 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1144 India-Pakistan relations : 10 years after Kargil - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 319-364,<br />

S. 433-449, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877360 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1145 Jamal, Arif: Shadow war : The untold story of Jihad in Kashmir<br />

/ Arif Jamal. - New York/N.Y.: Melville House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 303 S.,<br />

Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-933633-59-6<br />

SWP D 877116 SWP: A.09/0242<br />

1146 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1147 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: War on terror and its impact on<br />

Pakistan's Kashmir policy / Smruti S. Pattanaik. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 389-412, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 407-412<br />

SWP D 877275 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 60 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1148 Curtis, Lisa: From strategy to implementation: strengthening<br />

U.S.-Pakistan relations : testimony before the United States<br />

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental<br />

Affairs, Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management,<br />

Government Information, Federal Services, and International<br />

Security ; devlivered on July 7, <strong>2009</strong> / by Lisa Curtis. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2009</strong>. - ca. 8 S.<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/AsiaandthePacific/tst070809a.<br />

cfm?renderforprint=1<br />

SWP D 877143<br />

1149 Hanif, Melanie: Die regionale Dimension des<br />

Afghanistankonfliktes in Obamas "AfPak-Strategie" : lessons<br />

learned? / Melanie Hanif. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of<br />

Global and Area Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. - (GIGA Focus<br />

Global; (<strong>2009</strong>) 7)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_global_0907.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877352 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1<strong>15</strong>0 Jasparro, Chris: Generation kill : insurgent youth movements /<br />

Chris Jasparro. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon),<br />

31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 8-13<br />

SWP D 876408 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

1<strong>15</strong>1 Nawaz, Shuja: Crossed swords : Pakistan, its army, and the<br />

wars within / Shuja Nawaz. - 2nd impression - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2008. - XLIV,655 S., Ill., Reg., Anh.,<br />

Lit. S. 608-619, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-19-547660-6<br />

GIGA D 877237 IAS: 1.<strong>15</strong>.07.12/5 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1<strong>15</strong>2 Khan, Feroz Hassan: Nuclear security in Pakistan : separating<br />

myth from reality / by Feroz Hassan Khan. - In: Arms Control<br />

Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 12-20,<br />

Ill., Lit. S. 19-20<br />

SWP D 876674 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1<strong>15</strong>3 Kumar, Sumita: Pakistan-Afghanistan relations : stabilizing<br />

politics through economics / Sumita Kumar. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2, S. 223-243, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 239-243<br />

SWP D 877282 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1<strong>15</strong>4 Khan, Mohsin S.: India-Pakistan trade: A roadmap for<br />

enhancing economic relations / Mohsin S. Khan. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Peterson Institute for International<br />

Economics, <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S., Tab., Lit. S. 5 - (Policy Brief / Peter G.<br />

Peterson Institute for International Economics<br />

(Washington/D.C.); PB09-<strong>15</strong>)<br />

http://www.piie.com/publications/pb/pb09-<strong>15</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 877119<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1<strong>15</strong>5 Thakar, Milind: Examining Pakistan's democratic deficit /<br />

Milind Thakar. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March<br />

2008) 2, S. 258-295<br />

SWP D 877284 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1<strong>15</strong>6 Indurthy, Rathnam: The uncertainty of Pakistan's fledgling<br />

democracy : explanations / Rathnam Indurthy. - In: Asian<br />

Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 225-240<br />

GIGA D 877437 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1<strong>15</strong>7 Khan, Feroz Hassan: Nuclear security in Pakistan : separating<br />

myth from reality / by Feroz Hassan Khan. - In: Arms Control<br />

Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 12-20,<br />

Ill., Lit. S. 19-20<br />

SWP D 876674 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1<strong>15</strong>8 Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf: Nuclear security in Pakistan : reducing<br />

the risks of nuclear terrorism / by Rolf Mowatt-Larssen. - In:<br />

Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

6, S. 6-11<br />

SWP D 876671 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1<strong>15</strong>9 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1160 Saini, S. K.: Storming of Lal Masjid in Pakistan : An analysis /<br />

S. K. Saini. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

4, S. 553-565<br />

SWP D 877068 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1161 Cloughley, Brian: Swat team : Pakistan targets militants in<br />

tribal areas / Brian Cloughley. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 14-19<br />

SWP D 876410 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1162 Jamal, Arif: Shadow war : The untold story of Jihad in Kashmir<br />

/ Arif Jamal. - New York/N.Y.: Melville House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 303 S.,<br />

Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-933633-59-6<br />

SWP D 877116 SWP: A.09/0242<br />

1163 Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf: Nuclear security in Pakistan : reducing<br />

the risks of nuclear terrorism / by Rolf Mowatt-Larssen. - In:<br />

Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

6, S. 6-11<br />

SWP D 876671 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1164 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: War on terror and its impact on<br />

Pakistan's Kashmir policy / Smruti S. Pattanaik. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 389-412, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 407-412<br />

SWP D 877275 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1165 Rashid, Tahmina: Militarized masculinities, female bodies, and<br />

'security discourse' in post-9/11 Pakistan / Tahmina Rashid. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 566-578<br />

SWP D 877069 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional<br />

economic policy<br />

1166 Ikram, Khalid: Economic development : A view from the<br />

provinces / Khalid Ikram. - Lahore: Centre for Research in<br />

Economics and Business (Lahore School of Economics), <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- 65 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 62-65, Lit. Hinw. - (CREB<br />

Working Paper; 1 (<strong>2009</strong>))<br />

GIGA D 876489 IMES: PAK-F/2 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1167 Mirza, Nawazish: Speculative bubbles in Karachi stock<br />

exchange / Nawazish Mirza. - Lahore: Centre for Research in<br />

Economics and Business, <strong>2009</strong>. - V,38 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 35-38, Lit. Hinw. - (CREB Working Paper; 2 (<strong>2009</strong>))<br />

http://www.creb.org.pk/Attachments/WorkingPapers/Working_Pa<br />

per_Series_No.02-09_Complete.pdf<br />

GIGA D 876739 IMES: PAK-F/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 61 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1168 Stobdan, P.: Shanghai Cooperation Organization : challenges<br />

to China's leadership / P. Stobdan. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4, S. 527-547<br />

SWP D 877331 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1169 Lin, Christina Y.: NATO and the Shanghai Cooperation<br />

Organization : new energy geopolitics for the transatlantic<br />

alliance / by Christina Y. Lin. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Institute for Contemporary German Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 7 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/lin.atp09.pdf<br />

SWP D 877405<br />


RH02.02 KASHMIR<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1170 Jamal, Arif: Shadow war : The untold story of Jihad in Kashmir<br />

/ Arif Jamal. - New York/N.Y.: Melville House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 303 S.,<br />

Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-933633-59-6<br />

SWP D 877116 SWP: A.09/0242<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1171 Jamal, Arif: Shadow war : The untold story of Jihad in Kashmir<br />

/ Arif Jamal. - New York/N.Y.: Melville House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 303 S.,<br />

Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-933633-59-6<br />

SWP D 877116 SWP: A.09/0242<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 62 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


DE L'OUEST)<br />


SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

1172 Scalapino, Robert A.: From Leavenworth to Lhasa : living in a<br />

revolutionary era / Robert A. Scalapino. - Berkeley/Cal.:<br />

Institute of East Asian Studies, 2008. - VII,212 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-55729-092-2<br />

GIGA D 876751 IAS: 0.09/100 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1173 Bisley, Nick: Geopolitical shifts in Australia's region toward<br />

2030 / Nick Bisley. - In: Security Challenges [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Canberra), 5 (Autumn <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. <strong>15</strong>-36<br />

http://www.securitychallenges.org.au/ArticlePDFs/vol5no1Bisley.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 8774<strong>15</strong><br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1174 Smith, Richard C.: Military change in Asia / Richard C. Smith. -<br />

In: Asia-Pacific Review (Tokyo), 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 73-83, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876657 DGAP: ZD 497 IAS: 3/861 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1175 Dieter, Heribert: Bilateral economic arrangements in the Asia-<br />

Pacific : implications for competitiveness / Heribert Dieter. -<br />

In: Southeast Asia in the global economy: securing<br />

competitiveness and social protection / ed. by Helen E. S.<br />

Nesadurai ... S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies ... -<br />

Singapore: ISEAS, <strong>2009</strong>. - ISBN 978-981-230-823-8,<br />

S. 89-113, Tab., Lit. - ISBN 978-981-230-823-8<br />

GIGA D 877177 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG Society<br />

1176 Clammer, John: Sociology and beyond : towards a deep<br />

sociology / John Clammer. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond Sociology,<br />

S. 332-346<br />

GIGA D 876860 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

1177 HIV transmission in intimate partner relationships in Asia /<br />

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. - Geneva, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

- 20 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://data.unaids.org/pub/Report/<strong>2009</strong>/intimate_partners_report_<br />

en.pdf<br />

SWP D 877406<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1178 Living the information society in Asia / ed. by Erwin<br />

Alampay. International Development Research ´Center ... - 1st<br />

published - Singapore ...: IDRC ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - XXIII,253 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-981-230-873-3<br />

GIGA D 877004 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1179 McKinney, Bruce C.: Communication apprehension in Asia /<br />

Bruce C. McKinney. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 201-208<br />

GIGA D 877434 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1180 Prasad, Eswar S.: Rebalancing growth in Asia / Eswar S.<br />

Prasad. - Bonn: Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 59 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 32-36 - (IZA<br />

Discussion Paper; IZA DP No. 4298)<br />

http://ftp.iza.org/dp4298.pdf<br />

SWP D 877<strong>15</strong>1<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1181 Thirst for African oil : Asian national oil companies in Nigeria<br />

and Angola / Alex Vines ... Royal Institute of International<br />

Affairs - London, <strong>2009</strong>. - 75 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Chatham House Report) - ISBN 978-1-86203-220-0<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14524_r0809_africanoil.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 877403<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1182 Chen, Fengying; Ni, Jiejun: Asian energy security : The role<br />

of China and India / Chen Fengying and Ni Jiejun. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1,<br />

S. 41-55, Lit. S. 54-55<br />

SWP D 877270 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1183 Thirst for African oil : Asian national oil companies in Nigeria<br />

and Angola / Alex Vines ... Royal Institute of International<br />

Affairs - London, <strong>2009</strong>. - 75 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Chatham House Report) - ISBN 978-1-86203-220-0<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/14524_r0809_africanoil.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 877403<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1184 Clammer, John: Sociology and beyond : towards a deep<br />

sociology / John Clammer. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond Sociology,<br />

S. 332-346<br />

GIGA D 876860 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1185 South Asia and Central Asia: building political and<br />

economic linkages : collection of papers presented at an<br />

international seminar organized jointly by the Institute of<br />

Regional Studies & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Islamabad on<br />

20-21 Oct 2008 / Institute of Regional Studies. - 1st published -<br />

Islamabad, <strong>2009</strong>. - 344 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Seminar Papers /<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad); 10.2008) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8020-20-0<br />

GIGA D 876735 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1186 Samuel, Cherian: Enhanced international cooperation through<br />

aided military training programmes : A study of the US<br />

experience, with specific reference to South Asia / Cherian<br />

Samuel. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2, S. 214-228, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877019 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1187 India-Pakistan relations : 10 years after Kargil - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 365-432, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877385 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1188 South Asia and Central Asia: building political and<br />

economic linkages : collection of papers presented at an<br />

international seminar organized jointly by the Institute of<br />

Regional Studies & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Islamabad on<br />

20-21 Oct 2008 / Institute of Regional Studies. - 1st published -<br />

Islamabad, <strong>2009</strong>. - 344 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Seminar Papers /<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad); 10.2008) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8020-20-0<br />

GIGA D 876735 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 63 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1189 Jabeen, Nasira; Iqbal, Muhammad Zafar: Good enough<br />

governance : A possible governance framework for South Asia<br />

/ Nasira Jabeen ; Muhammad Zafar Iqbal. - In: Asian Profile<br />

(Hong Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 209-224<br />

GIGA D 877436 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1190 Das, Pushpita: India-Bangladesh border management : A<br />

review of government's response / Pushpita Das. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 367-388,<br />

Lit. S. 385-388<br />

SWP D 877274 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1191 Datta, Sreeradha: Bangladesh's relations with China and India<br />

: A comparative study / Sreeradha Datta. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008) 5, S. 755-772<br />

SWP D 877361 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1192 Alamgir, Jalal: Bangladesh's fresh start / Jalal Alamgir. -<br />

In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 41-55, Lit. S. 54-55<br />

SWP D 876624 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF03 Political parties<br />

1193 Kumar, Anand: Jamaat and its agenda of Islamic state in<br />

Bangladesh / Anand Kumar. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 541-552<br />

SWP D 877066 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1194 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: Ascendancy of the religious right in<br />

Bangladesh politics : A study of Jamaat Islami / Smruti S.<br />

Pattanaik. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2, S. 273-286, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877023 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1195 Alamgir, Jalal: Bangladesh's fresh start / Jalal Alamgir. -<br />

In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 41-55, Lit. S. 54-55<br />

SWP D 876624 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF07 Military and society / Government<br />

1196 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: Re-emergence of the military and the<br />

future of democracy in Bangladesh / Smruti S. Pattanaik. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6,<br />

S. 975-995<br />

SWP D 877353 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

1197 Osman, Ferdous Arfina: Public health, urban governance and<br />

the poor in Bangladesh : policy and practice / Ferdous Arfina<br />

Osman. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 389-406<br />

GIGA D 876905 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

1198 Osman, Ferdous Arfina: Public health, urban governance and<br />

the poor in Bangladesh : policy and practice / Ferdous Arfina<br />

Osman. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 389-406<br />

GIGA D 876905 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1199 Kumar, Anand: Jamaat and its agenda of Islamic state in<br />

Bangladesh / Anand Kumar. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 541-552<br />

SWP D 877066 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1200 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: Ascendancy of the religious right in<br />

Bangladesh politics : A study of Jamaat Islami / Smruti S.<br />

Pattanaik. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

2, S. 273-286, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877023 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1201 Datta, Sreeradha: Bangladesh factor in the Indo-Myanmarese<br />

gas deal / Sreeradha Datta. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1, S. 103-122, Lit. S. 119-122<br />

SWP D 877272 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1202 Chowdhury, Saber Ahmed: Participation in forestry : The role<br />

of patron-client relationship in ensuring people's participation in<br />

the social forestry policy of Bangladesh / Saber Ahmed<br />

Chowdhury. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 267-286<br />

GIGA D 877440 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

1203 Schaffer, Teresita C.: The United States, India, and global<br />

governance : can they work together? / Teresita C. Schaffer. -<br />

In: The Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 71-87, Lt. S. 86-87<br />

SWP D 876411 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1204 Beri, Ruchita: IBSA dialogue forum : An assessment / Ruchita<br />

Beri. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008)<br />

5, S. 809-831<br />

SWP D 877364 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1205 Das, Pushpita: India-Bangladesh border management : A<br />

review of government's response / Pushpita Das. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 367-388,<br />

Lit. S. 385-388<br />

SWP D 877274 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1206 Das, Pushpita: Towards a regulated Indo-Nepal border /<br />

Pushpita Das. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (September 2008) 5, S. 879-900<br />

SWP D 877369 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1207 Datta, Sreeradha: Bangladesh's relations with China and India<br />

: A comparative study / Sreeradha Datta. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008) 5, S. 755-772<br />

SWP D 877361 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1208 Giné, Jaume: Asia: diplomacia entre gigantes / Jaume Giné. -<br />

In: Politica Exterior (Madrid), 23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130,<br />

S. 145-<strong>15</strong>4<br />

SWP D 876353 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1209 Jha, Pankaj Kumar: India-Indonesia : emerging strategic<br />

confluence in the Indian Ocean region / Pankaj K. Jha. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3,<br />

S. 439-458, Tab., Lit. S. 455-458<br />

SWP D 877278 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1210 Jha, Pankaj Kumar: India-Vietnam relations : need for<br />

enhanced cooperation / Pankaj Kumar Jha. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6, S. 1085-1099<br />

SWP D 877359 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1211 Mills, Greg: Reflections: India, IBSA and the IOR / Greg Mills. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1,<br />

S. 131-140, Lit. S. 139-140<br />

SWP D 877273 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1212 Müller, Harald; Schmidt, Andreas: "Natural friends?" :<br />

relations between the United States and India after 2001 (Orig.:<br />

"Natürliche Freunde?") / Harald Müller ; Andreas Schmidt. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und<br />

Konfliktforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - III,32 S., Tab. - (PRIF Reports; No.<br />

87) - ISBN 978-3-937829-82-1<br />

http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/prif87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 876840 SWP: H.09/0192 HSFK: HSFK Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1213 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 64 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

1214 Sachdeva, Gulshan: India and the European Union : time to<br />

de-bureaucratize strategic partnership / Gulshan Sachdeva. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 202-207, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877017 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

12<strong>15</strong> Holmes, James R.; Yoshihara, Toshi: India's 'Monroe<br />

Doctrine' and Asia's maritime future / James R. Holmes and<br />

Toshi Yoshihara. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (November 2008) 6, S. 997-1011<br />

SWP D 877354 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1216 Dutta, Sujit: Revisiting China's territorial claims on Arunachal /<br />

Sujit Dutta. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008)<br />

4, S. 549-581<br />

SWP D 877333 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1217 India-Pakistan relations : 10 years after Kargil - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 319-364,<br />

S. 433-449, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877360 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1218 Jamal, Arif: Shadow war : The untold story of Jihad in Kashmir<br />

/ Arif Jamal. - New York/N.Y.: Melville House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 303 S.,<br />

Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-933633-59-6<br />

SWP D 877116 SWP: A.09/0242<br />

1219 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1220 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: War on terror and its impact on<br />

Pakistan's Kashmir policy / Smruti S. Pattanaik. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 389-412, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 407-412<br />

SWP D 877275 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1221 Beri, Ruchita: India's role in keeping peace in Africa / Ruchita<br />

Beri. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2,<br />

S. 197-221, Tab., Lit. S. 217-221<br />

SWP D 877281 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1222 D'Souza, Shanthie: Indo-US counter-terrorism cooperation :<br />

rhetoric versus substance / Shantie Mariet D'Souza. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6,<br />

S. 1067-1084<br />

SWP D 877357 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1223 Khurana, Gurpreet S.: India-US combined defence exercises :<br />

An appraisal / Gurpreet S. Khurana. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6, S. 1047-1065<br />

SWP D 877356 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1224 Müller, Harald; Schmidt, Andreas: "Natural friends?" :<br />

relations between the United States and India after 2001 (Orig.:<br />

"Natürliche Freunde?") / Harald Müller ; Andreas Schmidt. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und<br />

Konfliktforschung, <strong>2009</strong>. - III,32 S., Tab. - (PRIF Reports; No.<br />

87) - ISBN 978-3-937829-82-1<br />

http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/prif87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 876840 SWP: H.09/0192 HSFK: HSFK Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1225 Gautam, P. K.: Changing geographical factors in planning and<br />

conduct of Indian military operations / P. K. Gautam. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2,<br />

S. 245-258, Tab., Lit. S. 257-258<br />

SWP D 877283 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1226 Panda, Jagannath Prasad: Debating China's 'RMA-driven<br />

military modernization' : implications for India / Jagannath P.<br />

Panda. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 287-299, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877025 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1227 Upadhyaya, Priyankar: Peace and conflict : reflections on<br />

Indian thinking / Priyanka Upadhyaya. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 71-83<br />

SWP D 876983 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1228 Abe, Nobuyasu: Rebuilding the nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation<br />

regime in the post-US-India deal world / Nobuyasu<br />

Abe. - In: Asia-Pacific Review (Tokyo), 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 56-72, Tab., Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876654 DGAP: ZD 497 IAS: 3/861 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1229 Kumar, A. Vinod: India's role in global anti-proliferation<br />

challenges and opportunities / A Vinod Kumar. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008) 5, S. 791-808<br />

SWP D 877363 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1230 India-Pakistan relations : 10 years after Kargil - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 365-432, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877385 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1231 Kumar, A. Vinod: A phased approach to India's missile<br />

defence planning / A. Vinod Kumar. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 32 (March 2008) 2, S. 171-195, Lit. S. 190-195<br />

SWP D 877280 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC07 Military economy<br />

1232 Behera, Laxman Kumar: India's defence offset policy /<br />

Laxman Kumar Behera. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 242-253, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877021 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1233 Khan, Mohsin S.: India-Pakistan trade: A roadmap for<br />

enhancing economic relations / Mohsin S. Khan. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Peterson Institute for International<br />

Economics, <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S., Tab., Lit. S. 5 - (Policy Brief / Peter G.<br />

Peterson Institute for International Economics<br />

(Washington/D.C.); PB09-<strong>15</strong>)<br />

http://www.piie.com/publications/pb/pb09-<strong>15</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 877119<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1234 Nayak, Nihar: Maoists in Nepal and India : tactical alliances<br />

and ideological differences / Nihar Nayak. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 459-475<br />

SWP D 877279 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1235 Prasad, M. Madhava: Fan bhakti and subaltern sovereignty :<br />

enthusiasm as political factor / M. Madhava Prasad. -<br />

In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

29, S. 68-76, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876716 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1236 Pakistan under pressure - In: Middle East Report<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251, S. 20-47, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876391 SWP: Y. 706 OSI: Zu 840 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1237 D'Souza, Shanthie: Indo-US counter-terrorism cooperation :<br />

rhetoric versus substance / Shantie Mariet D'Souza. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6,<br />

S. 1067-1084<br />

SWP D 877357 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1238 Haragopal, G.; Jagannatham, B.: Terrorism and human rights<br />

: Indian experience with repressive laws / G. Haragopal ; B.<br />

Jagannatham. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai),<br />

44 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28, S. 76-85, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876656 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 65 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1239 Jamal, Arif: Shadow war : The untold story of Jihad in Kashmir<br />

/ Arif Jamal. - New York/N.Y.: Melville House, <strong>2009</strong>. - 303 S.,<br />

Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-933633-59-6<br />

SWP D 877116 SWP: A.09/0242<br />

1240 Kazi, Reshmi: The danger of nuclear terrorism : The Indian<br />

case / Reshmi Kazi. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 498-5<strong>15</strong><br />

SWP D 877061 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1241 Pattanaik, Smruti S.: War on terror and its impact on<br />

Pakistan's Kashmir policy / Smruti S. Pattanaik. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 389-412, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 407-412<br />

SWP D 877275 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1242 Saini, S. K.: Problems and prospects of combating terrorist<br />

financing in India / S. K. Saini. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 85-100<br />

SWP D 876984 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF10 Law<br />

1243 Haragopal, G.; Jagannatham, B.: Terrorism and human rights<br />

: Indian experience with repressive laws / G. Haragopal ; B.<br />

Jagannatham. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai),<br />

44 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28, S. 76-85, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876656 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SG Society<br />

1244 Giri, Ananta Kumar: Sociology and beyond : The limits of<br />

loyalty / Ananta Kumar Giri. - In: Asian Journal of Social<br />

Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond<br />

Sociology, S. 4<strong>15</strong>-426<br />

GIGA D 876865 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1245 Banerjee, Arpita; Raju, Saraswati: Gendered mobility :<br />

women migrants and work in urban India / Arpita Banerjee ;<br />

Saraswati Raju. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai),<br />

44 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28, S. 1<strong>15</strong>-123, graph. Darst., Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876665 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1246 Srivastava, Sanjay: Urban spaces, Disney-divinity and moral<br />

middle classes in Delhi / Sanjay Srivastava. - In: Economic and<br />

Political Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (June 27 - July 10, <strong>2009</strong>) 26-27,<br />

S. 338-345, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876606 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

1247 Chattopadhyay, Saumen: The market in higher education :<br />

concern for equity and quality / Saumen Chattopadhyay. -<br />

In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

29, S. 53-61, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876672 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1248 Clemens, Iris; Holzwarth, Simone: Mit Bildung in die "Flat<br />

World"? Bildung in Indien zwischen Reproduktion sozialer<br />

Strukturen und Transformation kultureller Tradierung / Iris<br />

Clemens ; Simone Holzwarth. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai <strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 39-58, Lit. S. 57-58<br />

DIE D 877160 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1249 Upadhyaya, Priyankar: Peace and conflict : reflections on<br />

Indian thinking / Priyanka Upadhyaya. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 71-83<br />

SWP D 876983 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

1250 Heredia, Rudolf C.: Gandhi's Hinduism and Savarkar's<br />

Hindutva / Rudolf C. Heredia. - In: Economic and Political<br />

Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29, S. 62-67, Lit.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876680 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1251 Bhatia, Mohita: Women's mobilisation in the Jammu agitation /<br />

Mohita Bhatia. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai),<br />

44 (June 27 - July 10, <strong>2009</strong>) 26-27, S. 447-453, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876645 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1252 Coelho, Karen; Venkat, T.: The politics of civil society in<br />

Chennai / Karen Coelho ; T. Venkat. - In: Economic and<br />

Political Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (June 27 - July 10, <strong>2009</strong>) 26-27,<br />

S. 358-367, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876617 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1253 Kamath, Lalitha; Vijayabaskar, M.: Limits and possibilities of<br />

middle class associations as urban collective actors / Lalitha<br />

Kamath ; M. Vijayabaskar. - In: Economic and Political Weekly<br />

(Mumbai), 44 (June 27 - July 10, <strong>2009</strong>) 26-27, S. 368-376, Lit.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876630 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1254 Mukherjee, Ananya: Conflict and coexistence in a National<br />

Park / Ananya Mukherjee. - In: Economic and Political Weekly<br />

(Mumbai), 44 (June 6, <strong>2009</strong>) 23, S. 52-60, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876371 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1255 Prasad, M. Madhava: Fan bhakti and subaltern sovereignty :<br />

enthusiasm as political factor / M. Madhava Prasad. -<br />

In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

29, S. 68-76, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876716 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1256 Heredia, Rudolf C.: Gandhi's Hinduism and Savarkar's<br />

Hindutva / Rudolf C. Heredia. - In: Economic and Political<br />

Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29, S. 62-67, Lit.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876680 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SH Economy<br />

1257 Sengupta, Jayshree: A nation in transition : understanding the<br />

Indian economy / Jayshree Sengupta. - 1st published - New<br />

Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2007. - 296 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-81-7188-624-1<br />

GIGA D 876516 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

1258 Thakur, Sudhir K.: Studies in regional economic structure and<br />

structural changes of India : towards a new approach / Sudhir<br />

K. Thakur. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 359-380<br />

GIGA D 876903 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1259 Siggel, Eckhard; Agrawal, Pradeep: The impact of economic<br />

reforms on Indian manufacturers : evidence from a small<br />

sample survey / Eckhard Siggel and Pradeep Agrawal. - In:<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 347-358<br />

GIGA D 876902 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1260 Banerjee, Arpita; Raju, Saraswati: Gendered mobility :<br />

women migrants and work in urban India / Arpita Banerjee ;<br />

Saraswati Raju. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai),<br />

44 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28, S. 1<strong>15</strong>-123, graph. Darst., Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876665 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 66 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1261 Bhattacharya, B. B.; Batra, Amita: Fuel pricing policy reform<br />

in India : implications and way forward / B. B. Bhattacharya ;<br />

Amita Batra. - In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai),<br />

44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29, S. 77-86, graph. Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876722 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1262 Datta, Sreeradha: Bangladesh factor in the Indo-Myanmarese<br />

gas deal / Sreeradha Datta. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1, S. 103-122, Lit. S. 119-122<br />

SWP D 877272 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1263 Olsen, Wendy: Exploring practical horizons of beyond<br />

sociology : structure, agency, and strategy among tenants in<br />

India / Wendy Olsen. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond Sociology,<br />

S. 366-390<br />

GIGA D 876862 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

1264 Siggel, Eckhard; Agrawal, Pradeep: The impact of economic<br />

reforms on Indian manufacturers : evidence from a small<br />

sample survey / Eckhard Siggel and Pradeep Agrawal. - In:<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 347-358<br />

GIGA D 876902 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1265 Mukherjee, Ananya: Conflict and coexistence in a National<br />

Park / Ananya Mukherjee. - In: Economic and Political Weekly<br />

(Mumbai), 44 (June 6, <strong>2009</strong>) 23, S. 52-60, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 876371 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/<strong>15</strong>8 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1266 Giri, Ananta Kumar: Sociology and beyond : The limits of<br />

loyalty / Ananta Kumar Giri. - In: Asian Journal of Social<br />

Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond<br />

Sociology, S. 4<strong>15</strong>-426<br />

GIGA D 876865 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1267 Olsen, Wendy: Exploring practical horizons of beyond<br />

sociology : structure, agency, and strategy among tenants in<br />

India / Wendy Olsen. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond Sociology,<br />

S. 366-390<br />

GIGA D 876862 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.<strong>15</strong> NEPAL<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1268 Das, Pushpita: Towards a regulated Indo-Nepal border /<br />

Pushpita Das. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (September 2008) 5, S. 879-900<br />

SWP D 877369 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1269 Nayak, Nihar: Involvement of major powers in Nepal since the<br />

1990s : implications for India / Nihar Nayak. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 41-53<br />

SWP D 876980 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1270 Nayak, Nihar: Maoists in Nepal and India : tactical alliances<br />

and ideological differences / Nihar Nayak. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3, S. 459-475<br />

SWP D 877279 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1271 Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for<br />

United Nations assistance in support of its peace process /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2009</strong>. - 14 S.<br />

- (S/<strong>2009</strong>/351)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/<strong>2009</strong>/351<br />

SWP D 877178<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI01.16 SRI LANKA<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1272 Hogg, Charu Lata: Sri Lanka after the Tamil Tiger defeat :<br />

Army takes over / Charu Lata Hogg. - In: The World Today<br />

(London), 65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 18-19<br />

SWP D 876456 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1273 Hellmann-Rajanayagam, Dagmar: Drawing in Treacle :<br />

mediation efforts in Sri Lanka, 1983 to 2007 / Dagmar<br />

Hellmann-Rajanayagam. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai <strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 59-96, Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 877162 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1274 Mayilvaganan, M.: Is it endgame for LTTE? / M.<br />

Mayilvaganan. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (January<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 25-39<br />

SWP D 876979 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

1275 Weeratunga, Manori; Dissanayake, Lakshman: Tsunami<br />

mortality and the future : The case of Sri Lanka / Manori<br />

Weeratunga ; Lakshman Dissanayake. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 253-266<br />

GIGA D 877439 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1276 Mayilvaganan, M.: The Muslim factor in the Sri Lankan ethnic<br />

conflict / M. Mayilvaganan. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (September 2008) 5, S. 833-854<br />

SWP D 877366 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

1277 Weeratunga, Manori; Dissanayake, Lakshman: Tsunami<br />

mortality and the future : The case of Sri Lanka / Manori<br />

Weeratunga ; Lakshman Dissanayake. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 253-266<br />

GIGA D 877439 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1278 Kim, Sung Won; Fidler, David P.; Ganguly, Sumit:<br />

Eastphalia rising? Asian influence and the fate of human<br />

security / Sung Won Kim, David P. Fidler, and Sumit Ganguly. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 53-64<br />

SWP D 876545 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1279 U.S. alliances and emerging partnerships in Southeast<br />

Asia : out of the shadows ; a report of the CSIS Southeast Asia<br />

Initiative - Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic & International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 97 S. - ISBN 978-0-89206-584-4<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/090710_southeast_asia_alliances<br />

_partnerships.pdf<br />

SWP D 877121<br />

SD International economy<br />

1280 Southeast Asia in the global economy : securing<br />

competitiveness and social protection / ed. by Helen E. S.<br />

Nesadurai ... S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies ... -<br />

Singapore: ISEAS ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - XVII,259 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. - ISBN 978-981-230-823-8<br />

GIGA D 877005 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

1281 Kulturschock in Deutschland? Zeitlicher Verlauf und<br />

Leistungseffekte der kulturellen Anpassung asiatischer<br />

Führungskräfte in Deutschland / Stefan Eckert ... - Düsseldorf:<br />

Handelsblatt, <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 639-359, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 654-656 -- Sonderdruck aus: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift<br />

für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Düsseldorf), 56 (2004) 7<br />

IFA D 876718 IFA: Cb29/476 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 67 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1282 Conflict, community, and criminality in Southeast Asia and<br />

Australia : Assessments from the field ; a report of the CSIS<br />

Transnational Threats Project / eds: Arnaud de Borchgrave ...<br />

Foreword: Marc Sageman - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Strategic & International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 94 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-583-7<br />

http://www.ciaonet.org/wps/csis/0016762/f_0016762_14465.pdf<br />

SWP D 877129<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1283 Emmers, Ralf: Comprehensive security and resilience in<br />

Southeast Asia: : ASEAN's approach to terrorism / Ralf<br />

Emmers. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>9-177<br />

GIGA D 877451 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1284 Ismail, Noor Huda; Ungerer, Carl: Jemaah Islamiyah: A<br />

renewed struggle? / Noor Huda Ismail ; Carl Ungerer. - Barton:<br />

Australian Strategic Policy Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 6 S., Tab. - (Policy<br />

Analysis / Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton); 46)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=219&pubtype=9<br />

SWP D 877147<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

1285 Kulturschock in Deutschland? Zeitlicher Verlauf und<br />

Leistungseffekte der kulturellen Anpassung asiatischer<br />

Führungskräfte in Deutschland / Stefan Eckert ... - Düsseldorf:<br />

Handelsblatt, <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 639-359, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 654-656 -- Sonderdruck aus: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift<br />

für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Düsseldorf), 56 (2004) 7<br />

IFA D 876718 IFA: Cb29/476 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

1286 Sam, Choon-yin: A case for area/cultural studies as a field of<br />

research on Southeast Asian studies / Choon Yin Sam. - In:<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 325-336<br />

GIGA D 876900 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


ASIA<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1287 Pham, Thuy Trang: Eastern Sea disputes and United States<br />

interests / by Pham Thuy Trang. - Honolulu/Haw.: Pacific<br />

Forum CSIS, <strong>2009</strong>. - 29 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol. 9 - No.<br />

13)<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/issuesinsights_v09n13.pdf<br />

SWP D 877125<br />


SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1288 ASEAN Ministerial Meeting 42. (Phuket, <strong>2009</strong>-07-19/<strong>2009</strong>-<br />

07-21): List of outcome documents to be signed/adopted/noted/<br />

during the 42nd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting / Post Ministerial<br />

Conferences / 16th ASEAN Regional Forum - Bangkok:<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand, <strong>2009</strong>. - getr.<br />

Zähl.<br />

http://www.14thaseansummit.org/document-03.php<br />

SWP D 877149<br />

1289 Jetschke, Anja; Rüland, Jürgen: Decoupling rhetoric and<br />

practice : The cultural limits of ASEAN cooperation / Anja<br />

Jetschke; Jürgen Rüland. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 179-203<br />

GIGA D 877452 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1290 Emmers, Ralf: Comprehensive security and resilience in<br />

Southeast Asia: : ASEAN's approach to terrorism / Ralf<br />

Emmers. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>9-177<br />

GIGA D 877451 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1291 Jha, Pankaj Kumar: India-Indonesia : emerging strategic<br />

confluence in the Indian Ocean region / Pankaj K. Jha. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (May 2008) 3,<br />

S. 439-458, Tab., Lit. S. 455-458<br />

SWP D 877278 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF Government<br />

1292 Boudreau, Vince: Elections, repression and authoritarian<br />

survival in post-transition Indonesia and the Philippines / Vince<br />

Boudreau. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 233-253<br />

GIGA D 877454 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 DIE: A0616 IAS: 3/797<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1293 Kandale, Frauke-Katrin: Der Islam in Indonesien nach 1998<br />

am Beispiel der Partai Keadilan Sejahtera / Frauke-Katrin<br />

Kandale. - Berlin: regiospectra, 2008. - 139 S., Gloss.,<br />

Lit. S. 126-139, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-940132-03-1<br />

GIGA D 877190 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1294 Weck, Winfried: SBY bleibt Indonesiens Präsident / Winfried<br />

Weck. - Jakarta: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S., Tab. -<br />

(Länderberichte / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_17059-544-1-30.pdf<br />

SWP D 877144<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1295 Ward, Ken: Non-violent extremists? Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia /<br />

Ken Ward. - In: Australian Journal of International Affairs<br />

(Abingdon), 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 149-164, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876659 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>0 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1296 Indonesia: The hotel bombings / International Crisis Group. -<br />

Jakarta ..., <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Asia Briefing; No. 94)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_east_asi<br />

a/b94_indonesia___the_hotel_bombings.pdf<br />

SWP D 877398<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1297 Holike, Christine: Islam und Geschlechterpolitiken in<br />

Indonesien : der Einzug der Scharia in die regionale<br />

Gesetzgebung / Christine Holike. - Berlin: regiospectra, 2008. -<br />

101 S., Gloss., Lit. S. 94-101, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940132-04-8<br />

GIGA D 877192 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1298 McGregor, Katharine E.: Confronting the past in contemporary<br />

Indonesia : The anticommunist killings of 1965-66 and the role<br />

of the Nahdlatul Ulama / Katharine E. McGregor. - In: Critical<br />

Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.), 41 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 195-224<br />

GIGA D 876341 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1299 Holike, Christine: Islam und Geschlechterpolitiken in<br />

Indonesien : der Einzug der Scharia in die regionale<br />

Gesetzgebung / Christine Holike. - Berlin: regiospectra, 2008. -<br />

101 S., Gloss., Lit. S. 94-101, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940132-04-8<br />

GIGA D 877192 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1300 Kandale, Frauke-Katrin: Der Islam in Indonesien nach 1998<br />

am Beispiel der Partai Keadilan Sejahtera / Frauke-Katrin<br />

Kandale. - Berlin: regiospectra, 2008. - 139 S., Gloss.,<br />

Lit. S. 126-139, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-940132-03-1<br />

GIGA D 877190 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 68 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1301 Ufen, Andreas: The transformation of political party opposition<br />

in Malaysia and its implication for the electoral authoritarian<br />

regime / Andreas Ufen. - In: Democratization (Abingdon),<br />

16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 604-627, Tab., Lit. S. 625-627<br />

DIE D 876835 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1302 Chin, James; Wong, Chin Huat: Malysia's electoral upheaval /<br />

James Chin and Wong Chin Huat. - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 71-85, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 84-85<br />

SWP D 876921 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


1303 Ufen, Andreas: The transformation of political party opposition<br />

in Malaysia and its implication for the electoral authoritarian<br />

regime / Andreas Ufen. - In: Democratization (Abingdon),<br />

16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 604-627, Tab., Lit. S. 625-627<br />

DIE D 876835 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1304 Osman, Mohamed Nawab Mohamed: Reviving the Caliphate<br />

in Malaysia / Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman. - In: Studies<br />

in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 646-663, Lit. S. 660-663<br />

SWP D 877258 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1305 Jha, Pankaj: Changing political dynamics in Malaysia : role of<br />

ethnic minorities / Pankai Jha. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 117-125<br />

SWP D 876985 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1306 Moten, Abdul-Rashid; Wok, Saodah; Ushama, Thameem:<br />

Non-Muslims, Islam and muslims in Malaysia / Abdul Rashid<br />

Moten ; Saodah Wok ; Thameem Ushama. - In: Asian Profile<br />

(Hong Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 241-252<br />

GIGA D 877438 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SF Government<br />

1307 Boudreau, Vince: Elections, repression and authoritarian<br />

survival in post-transition Indonesia and the Philippines / Vince<br />

Boudreau. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 233-253<br />

GIGA D 877454 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 DIE: A0616 IAS: 3/797<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1308 Palma, Mary Ann: The Philippines as an archipelagic and<br />

maritime nation : interests, challenges, and perspectives / Mary<br />

Ann Palma. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 55 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (RSIS Working<br />

Paper; No. 182)<br />

http://www.rsis.edu.sg/publications/workingpapers/wp182.pdf<br />

SWP D 877400<br />

RI02.16 THAILAND<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

1309 Liow, Joseph Chin Young: Islam, education and reform in<br />

Southern Thailand : tradition & transformation / Joseph<br />

Chinyong Liow. - 1st published - Singapore: ISEAS, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XXIII,218 S., Reg., Gloss., Anh., Lit. S. 197-204, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-981-230-954-9<br />

GIGA D 877188 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1310 Liow, Joseph Chin Young: Islam, education and reform in<br />

Southern Thailand : tradition & transformation / Joseph<br />

Chinyong Liow. - 1st published - Singapore: ISEAS, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XXIII,218 S., Reg., Gloss., Anh., Lit. S. 197-204, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-981-230-954-9<br />

GIGA D 877188 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1311 Dyrchs, Susanne: Das hybride Khmer Rouge-Tribunal :<br />

Entstehung, Entwicklung und rechtliche Grundlagen / Susanne<br />

Dyrchs. - Frankfurt ...: Peter Lang, 2008. - 327 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 301-327, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Kölner Schriften zu Recht<br />

und Staat; Bd. 36) - ISBN 978-3-631-56981-8 -- Zugl.: Köln,<br />

Univ., Diss., 2006<br />

IFSH D 877024<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1312 Wille, Kirstin: Film production in Cambodia : conditions and<br />

structure of the Cambodian film production market - demand<br />

and supply in consideration of film genre / Kirstin Wille. - Erfurt:<br />

Thüringisch-Kambodschanische Gesellschaft, <strong>2009</strong>. - 177 S.,<br />

zahlr. graph. Darst., Anh., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>4-163 - (Schriftenreihe der<br />

Thüringisch-Kambodschanischen Gesellschaft; Bd. 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-9811860-2-4<br />

GIGA D 877194 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1313 Wille, Kirstin: Film production in Cambodia : conditions and<br />

structure of the Cambodian film production market - demand<br />

and supply in consideration of film genre / Kirstin Wille. - Erfurt:<br />

Thüringisch-Kambodschanische Gesellschaft, <strong>2009</strong>. - 177 S.,<br />

zahlr. graph. Darst., Anh., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>4-163 - (Schriftenreihe der<br />

Thüringisch-Kambodschanischen Gesellschaft; Bd. 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-9811860-2-4<br />

GIGA D 877194 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.22 LAOS<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1314 Khamvongsa, Channapha; Russell, Elaine: Legacies of war :<br />

cluster bombs in Laos / Channapha Khamvongsa and Elaine<br />

Russell. - In: Critical Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.), 41 (June<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 281-306<br />

GIGA D 876344 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

13<strong>15</strong> Jha, Pankaj Kumar: India-Vietnam relations : need for<br />

enhanced cooperation / Pankaj Kumar Jha. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6, S. 1085-1099<br />

SWP D 877359 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1316 Datta, Sreeradha: Bangladesh factor in the Indo-Myanmarese<br />

gas deal / Sreeradha Datta. - In: Strategic Analysis (New<br />

Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1, S. 103-122, Lit. S. 119-122<br />

SWP D 877272 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.32 EAST TIMOR<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1317 Harmer, Andrew; Frith, Robert: "Walking together" toward<br />

independence? A civil society perspective on the United<br />

Nations administration in East Timor, 1999-2002 / Andrew<br />

Harmer and Robert Frith. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 239-258, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 255-258<br />

DIE D 876484 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1318 Ballard, John R.: Triumph of self-determination : Operation<br />

Stabilise and United Nations peacemaking in East Timor / John<br />

R. Ballard. - Westport/Conn. ...: Praeger Security International,<br />

2008. - XI,220 S., Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 207-213 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-313-34841-9<br />

HSFK D 877010 HSFK: 40.539 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 69 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1319 Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus: A security and peace<br />

mechanism for Northeast Asia : The economic dimension /<br />

Stephan Haggard; Marcus Noland. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 119-137<br />

GIGA D 877449 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1320 Kim, Sung Won; Fidler, David P.; Ganguly, Sumit:<br />

Eastphalia rising? Asian influence and the fate of human<br />

security / Sung Won Kim, David P. Fidler, and Sumit Ganguly. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 53-64<br />

SWP D 876545 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1321 Maritime disputes and sovereignty issues in East Asia :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, one hundred eleventh Congress, first session,<br />

Wednesday, July <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2009</strong> - Washington/D.C., <strong>2009</strong>. - getr.<br />

Zähl.<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/<strong>2009</strong>/hrg0907<strong>15</strong>p.html<br />

SWP D 877426<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1322 Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus: A security and peace<br />

mechanism for Northeast Asia : The economic dimension /<br />

Stephan Haggard; Marcus Noland. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 119-137<br />

GIGA D 877449 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

1323 Kulturschock in Deutschland? Zeitlicher Verlauf und<br />

Leistungseffekte der kulturellen Anpassung asiatischer<br />

Führungskräfte in Deutschland / Stefan Eckert ... - Düsseldorf:<br />

Handelsblatt, <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 639-359, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 654-656 -- Sonderdruck aus: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift<br />

für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Düsseldorf), 56 (2004) 7<br />

IFA D 876718 IFA: Cb29/476 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

1324 Kulturschock in Deutschland? Zeitlicher Verlauf und<br />

Leistungseffekte der kulturellen Anpassung asiatischer<br />

Führungskräfte in Deutschland / Stefan Eckert ... - Düsseldorf:<br />

Handelsblatt, <strong>2009</strong>. - S. 639-359, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 654-656 -- Sonderdruck aus: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift<br />

für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (Düsseldorf), 56 (2004) 7<br />

IFA D 876718 IFA: Cb29/476 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI03.01 CHINA<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1325 Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig: Sinologie und das Interesse an<br />

China / Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2007. -<br />

64 S. - (Abhandlungen der Geistes- und<br />

Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse; Jg. 2007, Nr. 4) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-5<strong>15</strong>-09058-2<br />

IFA D 877397 IFA: 29/395 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1326 Tzeng, Shih-jung: From Honto Jin to Bensheng Ren : The<br />

origin and development of Taiwanese national consciousness /<br />

Shih-jung Tzeng. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Press of America,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - XXVIII,232 S., Reg., Gloss., Anh., Lit. S. 208-223, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7618-4471-6<br />

D 877254 IAS: 1.63.06/56 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

1327 Pepper, Suzanne: Taiwan, Hong Kong and the challenge of<br />

national unification / by Suzanne Pepper. - In: Hong Kong<br />

Journal (Washington/D.C.), (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>, 8 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hkjournal.org/PDF/<strong>2009</strong>_fall/3.pdf<br />

SWP D 877412<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1328 A question of balance : political context and military aspects<br />

of the China-Taiwan dispute / David A. Shlapak ... Prepared for<br />

the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rand National Security<br />

Research Division - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 185 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>1-<strong>15</strong>7 - (RAND Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-888) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4746-5<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG888.pdf<br />

SWP D 877262<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1329 A question of balance : political context and military aspects<br />

of the China-Taiwan dispute / David A. Shlapak ... Prepared for<br />

the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rand National Security<br />

Research Division - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 185 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>1-<strong>15</strong>7 - (RAND Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-888) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4746-5<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG888.pdf<br />

SWP D 877262<br />

SF Government<br />

1330 Copper, John F.: The devolution of Taiwan's democracy<br />

during the Chen Shui-bian era / John F. Copper. - In: The<br />

Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60,<br />

S. 463-478<br />

GIGA D 877447 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1331 Tzeng, Shih-jung: From Honto Jin to Bensheng Ren : The<br />

origin and development of Taiwanese national consciousness /<br />

Shih-jung Tzeng. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Press of America,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - XXVIII,232 S., Reg., Gloss., Anh., Lit. S. 208-223, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7618-4471-6<br />

D 877254 IAS: 1.63.06/56 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1332 Laliberté, André: The regulation of religious affairs in Taiwan :<br />

from state control to laisser-faire? / André Laliberté. -<br />

In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 53-83, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876347 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1333 Laliberté, André: The regulation of religious affairs in Taiwan :<br />

from state control to laisser-faire? / André Laliberté. -<br />

In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 53-83, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876347 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

1334 Power and sustainability of the Chinese state / ed. by Keun<br />

Lee ... - 1st published - London ...: Routledge, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XI,220 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (China Policy<br />

Series; 6) - ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-46939-5<br />

GIGA D 876530 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

1335 Zhao, Ziyang: Prisoner of the state : The secret journal of<br />

Zhao Ziyang / Zhao Ziyang. Transl. and ed. by Bao Pu ...<br />

Foreword by Roderick MacFarquhar - 1st published - London<br />

...: Simon & Schuster, <strong>2009</strong>. - XXV,306 S., Anh. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84737-697-8<br />

GIGA D 877240 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1336 Christensen, Thomas J.: Shaping the choices of a rising<br />

China : recent lessons for the Obama administration / Thomas<br />

J. Christensen. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 89-104<br />

SWP D 876414 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1337 Datta, Sreeradha: Bangladesh's relations with China and India<br />

: A comparative study / Sreeradha Datta. - In: Strategic<br />

Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (September 2008) 5, S. 755-772<br />

SWP D 877361 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 70 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

1338 Fingleton, Eamonn: In the jaws of the dragon : America's fate<br />

in the coming era of Chinese dominance / Eamonn Fingleton. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, <strong>2009</strong>. - X, 355 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-312-56162-8<br />

SWP D 876598 SWP: A.09/0239<br />

1339 Giné, Jaume: Asia: diplomacia entre gigantes / Jaume Giné. -<br />

In: Politica Exterior (Madrid), 23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130,<br />

S. 145-<strong>15</strong>4<br />

SWP D 876353 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1340 Global giant : China changing the rules of the game? / ed. by<br />

Eva Paus ... - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIV,<br />

274 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-6<strong>15</strong>89-2<br />

SWP D 876601 SWP: A.09/0233<br />

1341 Koo, Min-gyo: The Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute and Sino-<br />

Japanese political-economic relations : cold politics and hot<br />

economics? / Min Gyo Koo. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 205-232<br />

GIGA D 877453 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1342 Large, Daniel: Ausdruck des Wandels : die Beziehungen<br />

China-Sudan / Daniel Large. - In: INAMO (Berlin), <strong>15</strong> (Sommer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 58, S. 36-40, Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 40<br />

GIGA D 877266 IFA: Z-D4081 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1343 Liu, Jianfei: Sino-US relations and building a harmonious<br />

world / Liu Jianfei. - In: The Journal of Contemporary China<br />

(Abingdon), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60, S. 479 - 490<br />

GIGA D 877448 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1344 Manicom, James; O'Neil, Andrew: Sino-Japanese strategic<br />

relations : will rivalry lead to confrontation? / James Manicom<br />

and Andrew O'Neil. - In: Australian Journal of International<br />

Affairs (Abingdon), 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 213-232, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876663 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>0 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

1345 Mendes, Carmen Amado; Freire, Maria Raquel Sousa:<br />

Realpolitik dynamics and image construction in the Russia-<br />

China relationship : forging a strategic partnership? / Maria<br />

Raquel Freire and Carmen Amado Mendes. - In: Journal of<br />

Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 27-52, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876346 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1346 Saichutdinov, Marat Ersainovic: Kazakhstan and the<br />

strategic interests of the global players in Central Asia / Marat<br />

Shaikhutdinov. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 134-142<br />

SWP D 876963 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1347 Vis-à-vis : The China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue ;<br />

a window of opportunities - In: Beijing Review (Beijing),<br />

52 (<strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2009</strong>) 31, S. 10-17, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877097 SWP: Y. 1024 OSI: ZS 544 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1348 Yang, Jian: China in the South Pacific : hegemon on the<br />

horizon? / Jian Yang. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 139-<strong>15</strong>8<br />

GIGA D 877450 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1349 Bell, Daniel A.: War, peace, and China's soft power : A<br />

Confucian approach / Daniel A. Bell. - London: Sage, <strong>2009</strong>. - S.<br />

26-40, Lit. S. 40 -- Sonderdruck aus: Diogenes (London),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 221<br />

IFA D 876372 IFA: Cb29/466 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1350 Scobell, Andrew: Is there a civil-military gap in China's<br />

peaceful rise? / Andrew Scobell. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 4-22, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/scobel<br />

l.pdf<br />

SWP D 877419 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

1351 Pepper, Suzanne: Taiwan, Hong Kong and the challenge of<br />

national unification / by Suzanne Pepper. - In: Hong Kong<br />

Journal (Washington/D.C.), (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>, 8 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hkjournal.org/PDF/<strong>2009</strong>_fall/3.pdf<br />

SWP D 877412<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1352 Dutta, Sujit: Revisiting China's territorial claims on Arunachal /<br />

Sujit Dutta. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008)<br />

4, S. 549-581<br />

SWP D 877333 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1353 A question of balance : political context and military aspects<br />

of the China-Taiwan dispute / David A. Shlapak ... Prepared for<br />

the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rand National Security<br />

Research Division - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 185 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>1-<strong>15</strong>7 - (RAND Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-888) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4746-5<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG888.pdf<br />

SWP D 877262<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1354 Yang, Jian: China in the South Pacific : hegemon on the<br />

horizon? / Jian Yang. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 139-<strong>15</strong>8<br />

GIGA D 877450 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1355 Erickson, Andrew S.: The growth of China's navy :<br />

implications for Indian Ocean security / Andrew S. Erickson. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4, S. 655-676<br />

SWP D 877344 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1356 Holslag, Jonathan: China's new security strategy for Africa /<br />

Jonathan Holslag. - In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.),<br />

39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 23-37, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/holsla<br />

g.pdf<br />

SWP D 877420 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1357 Holslag, Jonathan: Embracing Chinese global security<br />

ambitions / Jonathan Holslag. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 105-118,<br />

Lit. S. 116-118<br />

SWP D 876418 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1358 Khurana, Gurpreet S.: China's "string of pearls" in the Indian<br />

Ocean and its security implications / Gurpreet S. Khurana. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1,<br />

S. 1-39, Lit. S. 31-39<br />

SWP D 877269 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1359 Saunders, Phillip C.: Managing strategic competition with<br />

China / by Phillip C. Saunders. - Washington/D.C.: Institute for<br />

National Strategic Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategic<br />

Forum; No. 242)<br />

http://www.ndu.edu/inss/docUploaded/SF242China_Saunders.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 877146 DGAP: ZD 43 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1360 Smith, Paul J.: China's economic and political rise :<br />

implications for global terrorism and U.S.-China cooperation /<br />

Paul J. Smith. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 627-645, Lit. S. 641-645<br />

SWP D 877257 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1361 Zhang, Hui: Ending North Korea's nuclear ambitions : The<br />

need for stronger Chinese action / by Hui Zhang. - In: Arms<br />

Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 21-27, Ill., Lit. S. 27<br />

SWP D 876676 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1362 Erickson, Andrew: Pipe dream : China seeks land and sea<br />

energy security / Andrew Erickson. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 54-55<br />

SWP D 876424 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1363 Panda, Jagannath Prasad: Debating China's 'RMA-driven<br />

military modernization' : implications for India / Jagannath P.<br />

Panda. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 287-299, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877025 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 71 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1364 Scobell, Andrew: Is there a civil-military gap in China's<br />

peaceful rise? / Andrew Scobell. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 4-22, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/scobel<br />

l.pdf<br />

SWP D 877419 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1365 Shen, Dingli: China's nuclear perspective : deterrence<br />

reduction, nuclear non-proliferation, and disarmament / Dingli<br />

Shen. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4,<br />

S. 637-653<br />

SWP D 877343 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1366 Zhang, Hui: Ending North Korea's nuclear ambitions : The<br />

need for stronger Chinese action / by Hui Zhang. - In: Arms<br />

Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 21-27, Ill., Lit. S. 27<br />

SWP D 876676 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

1367 Rajagopalan, Rajeswari Pillai: Understanding China's military<br />

strategy / Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 32 (November 2008) 6, S. 1013-1046<br />

SWP D 877355 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1368 A question of balance : political context and military aspects<br />

of the China-Taiwan dispute / David A. Shlapak ... Prepared for<br />

the Smith Richardson Foundation. Rand National Security<br />

Research Division - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2009</strong>. - 185 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>1-<strong>15</strong>7 - (RAND Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-888) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4746-5<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_MG888.pdf<br />

SWP D 877262<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1369 Shen, Dingli: China's nuclear perspective : deterrence<br />

reduction, nuclear non-proliferation, and disarmament / Dingli<br />

Shen. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4,<br />

S. 637-653<br />

SWP D 877343 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC07.02 Arms trade<br />

1370 Kan, Shirley A.: China and proliferation of weapons of mass<br />

destruction and missiles : policy issues / Shirley A. Kan. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

67 S., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL3<strong>15</strong>55) - (RL3<strong>15</strong>55)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/126871.pdf<br />

SWP D 877186<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

1371 Goldstein, Morris; Lardy, Nicholas R.: The future of China's<br />

exchange rate policy / Morris Goldstein and Nicholas R. Lardy.<br />

Peterson Institute for International Economics. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Peterson Institute for International<br />

Economics, <strong>2009</strong>. - XI,112 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 97-106 - (Policy Analyses in International Economics;<br />

87) - ISBN 978-0-88132-416-7<br />

DIE D 876769 DIE: 11EJC003 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1372 Okimoto, Daniel I.: The financial crisis and America's capital<br />

dependence on Japan and China / Daniel I. Okimoto. - In: Asia-<br />

Pacific Review (Tokyo), 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 37-55, Graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

DGAP D 876653 DGAP: ZD 497 IAS: 3/861 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1373 Bratersky, Maksim; Suzdaltsev, Andrei: Central Asia : A<br />

region of economic rivalry among Russia, China, the U.S. and<br />

the EU / Maksim Bratersky ; Andrei Suzdaltsev. - In: Central<br />

Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 79-88<br />

SWP D 876951 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

1374 Lei, Peng; Pei, Changhong: Reform and opening up in the<br />

area of circulation : A retrospect / Pei Changhong and Peng<br />

Lei. - In: Social Sciences in China (Beijing), 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

1, S. 36-53<br />

GIGA D 876891 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1375 Fingleton, Eamonn: In the jaws of the dragon : America's fate<br />

in the coming era of Chinese dominance / Eamonn Fingleton. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: St. Martin's Griffin, <strong>2009</strong>. - X, 355 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-312-56162-8<br />

SWP D 876598 SWP: A.09/0239<br />

1376 Sun, Sizhong: How does FDI affect domestic firms' exports?<br />

Industrial evidence / Sizhong Sun. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1203-1222, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1221-1222<br />

SWP D 876689 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1377 Galbraith, James K.; Hsu, Sara; Zhang, Wenjie: Bejing<br />

bubble, Bejing bust : inequality, trade and capital inflow into<br />

China / James K. Galbraith, Sara Hsu, and Wenjie Zhang. -<br />

In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 3-26, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876345 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1378 Mergers and acquisitions / Matthew Bachrack. - In: The<br />

China Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 36 (July-<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 18-31<br />

GIGA D 876875 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1379 Sun, Sizhong: How does FDI affect domestic firms' exports?<br />

Industrial evidence / Sizhong Sun. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1203-1222, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1221-1222<br />

SWP D 876689 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1380 Fulda, Andreas Martin: Promoting participatory development<br />

in the People's Republic of China : A case study of<br />

Sino-German development cooperation (2003-2006) / Andreas<br />

Martin Fulda. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai <strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 97-118, Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 877174 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SE04 International media relations / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

1381 Hao, Gui: Das wahre und unwahre China : das China-Bild im<br />

Wochenmagazin "Der Spiegel" von 2001 bis 2004 / Hao Gui. -<br />

Saarbrücken: VDM-Verl. Müller, 2007. - 93 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 80-85 - ISBN 978-3-8364-0785-4<br />

IFA D 877401 IFA: 29/394 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF Government<br />

1382 Bhattacharya, Abanti: Interpreting the Chinese discourse on<br />

state in the era of globalization / Abanti Bhattacharya. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4, S. 583-603<br />

SWP D 877334 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1383 Wang, Weiguang: Reform and opening up are a powerful<br />

motive force for developing socialism with Chinese<br />

characteristics / Wang Weiguang. - In: Social Sciences in<br />

China (Beijing), 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 5-19<br />

GIGA D 876889 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1384 Wilson, Jeanne L.: Coloured revolutions : The view from<br />

Moscow and Beijing / Jeanne L. Wilson. - In: The Journal of<br />

Communist Studies and Transition Politics (Abingdon),<br />

25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3, Special Issue, S. 369-395, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876660 SWP: X. 820 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 72 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SF03 Political parties<br />

1385 Brown, Kerry: Friends and enemies : The past, present and<br />

future of the Communist Party of China / Kerry Brown.<br />

Foreword by Will Hutton. - London ...: Anthem Press, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XX,201 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-84331-781-4<br />

GIGA D 877003 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1386 Zhao, Ziyang: Prisoner of the state : The secret journal of<br />

Zhao Ziyang / Zhao Ziyang. Transl. and ed. by Bao Pu ...<br />

Foreword by Roderick MacFarquhar - 1st published - London<br />

...: Simon & Schuster, <strong>2009</strong>. - XXV,306 S., Anh. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84737-697-8<br />

GIGA D 877240 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1387 Yang, Guobin: The power of the internet in China : citizen<br />

activism online / Guobin Yang. - New York/N.Y.: Columbia<br />

Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - XV,302 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 261-287, Lit. Hinw. S. 227-259 - (Contemporary Asia in<br />

the World) - ISBN 978-0-231-14420-9<br />

GIGA D 877185 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1388 State of the field : Assessing village elections in China / Kevin<br />

J. O'Brien ... - In: The Journal of Contemporary China<br />

(Abingdon), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60, S. 359-420<br />

GIGA D 877444 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1389 China since Tiananmen - In: Journal of Democracy<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 5-40, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876618 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J<br />


SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1390 Bulard, Martine: Les conflits ethniques fragilisent Pékin :<br />

quand la fièvre montait dans le Far West chinois / par Martine<br />

Bulard. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 56 (août <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

665, S. 1, 12-13<br />

SWP D 876470 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1391 Smith, Paul J.: China's economic and political rise :<br />

implications for global terrorism and U.S.-China cooperation /<br />

Paul J. Smith. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 627-645, Lit. S. 641-645<br />

SWP D 877257 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1392 Cheng, Jie: The story of a new policy / by Jie Cheng. -<br />

In: Hong Kong Journal (Washington/D.C.), (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>, 7 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hkjournal.org/PDF/<strong>2009</strong>_fall/1.pdf<br />

SWP D 877410<br />

1393 Ching, Frank: How Beijing plays its hand : As seen from Hong<br />

Kong ... / by Frank Ching. - In: Hong Kong Journal<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>, 7 S.<br />

http://www.hkjournal.org/PDF/<strong>2009</strong>_fall/2.pdf<br />

SWP D 877411<br />

1394 Gertel, Jörg; Gruschke, Andreas; Breuer, Ingo:<br />

Regionalisierung und Urbanisierung in Osttibet / Jörg Gertel ;<br />

Andreas Gruschke ; Ingo Breuer. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong>s<br />

Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 40 (Mai <strong>2009</strong>) 1-2, S. 119-141,<br />

Ill., Tab., Kt., Lit. S. 140-141<br />

DIE D 877175 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1395 Groenewold, Nicolaas; Chen, Anping; Lee, Guoping:<br />

Linkages between China's regions : measurement and policy /<br />

Nicolaas Groenewold, Anping Chen and Guoping Lee. -<br />

Cheltenham ...: Edward Elgar, 2008. - X,176 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. - (Advances in Chinese Economic<br />

Studies) - ISBN 978-1-84720-242-0<br />

GIGA D 876528 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SF10 Law<br />

1396 Mergers and acquisitions / Matthew Bachrack. - In: The<br />

China Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 36 (July-<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 18-31<br />

GIGA D 876875 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1397 Yi, Jun; Wang, Liming: China's civil law since reform and<br />

opening up in 1978 / Wang Liming and Yi Jun. - In: Social<br />

Sciences in China (Beijing), 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 83-99<br />

GIGA D 876894 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1398 Zhu, Jingwen: Data analysis of flow of litigation into different<br />

channels in China / Zhu Jingwen. - In: Social Sciences in China<br />

(Beijing), 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 100-118<br />

GIGA D 876895 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1399 Chen, Xueming; Luo, Qian: The scientific outlook on<br />

development and changes in the mode of human existence /<br />

Chen Xueming and Luo Qian. - In: Social Sciences in China<br />

(Beijing), 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 54-67<br />

GIGA D 876892 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1400 The Chinese approach to aging / Guangzong Mu ... -<br />

In: Social Sciences in China (Beijing), 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 119-208<br />

GIGA D 876896 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1401 Liu, Guoguang: Thirty years of reform and opening up<br />

summarized from the perspective of Marxist philosophy /<br />

Guoguang Liu. - In: Social Sciences in China (Beijing),<br />

30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 20-35<br />

GIGA D 876890 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1402 Yi, Junqing: On the inherent mechanism of emancipation of<br />

the mind / Yi Junqing. - In: Social Sciences in China (Beijing),<br />

30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 68-82<br />

GIGA D 876893 OSI: Zv 701 IAS: 3/656 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1403 Barabantseva, Elena: Development as localization : ethnic<br />

minorities in China's official discourse on the western<br />

development project / Elena V. Barabantseva. - In: Critical<br />

Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.), 41 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 225-254<br />

GIGA D 876342 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

1404 Urban villages in China : A 2008 survey of migrant<br />

settlements in Beijing / Siqi Zheng ... - In: Eurasian Geography<br />

and Economics (Palm Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 425-446, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 443-445<br />

SWP D 877091 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

1405 Bell, Daniel A.: War, peace, and China's soft power : A<br />

Confucian approach / Daniel A. Bell. - London: Sage, <strong>2009</strong>. - S.<br />

26-40, Lit. S. 40 -- Sonderdruck aus: Diogenes (London),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 221<br />

IFA D 876372 IFA: Cb29/466 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1406 Frisch, Nora: Nationalismus im Sonderangebot :<br />

Coca-Cola-Werbung zwischen Lifestyle-Kreation und<br />

politischer Mythenbildung = Nationalism to go - Coke<br />

commercials between lifestyle and political myth / Nora Frisch.<br />

- In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 85-120, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876348 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1407 Frisch, Nora: Nationalismus im Sonderangebot :<br />

Coca-Cola-Werbung zwischen Lifestyle-Kreation und<br />

politischer Mythenbildung = Nationalism to go - Coke<br />

commercials between lifestyle and political myth / Nora Frisch.<br />

- In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 85-120, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876348 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 73 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1408 Lu, Yiyi: Online protests in China : internet manhunts / Yiyi Lu.<br />

- In: The World Today (London), 65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

8-9, S. 16-17<br />

SWP D 876455 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1409 Yang, Guobin: The power of the internet in China : citizen<br />

activism online / Guobin Yang. - New York/N.Y.: Columbia<br />

Univ. Press, <strong>2009</strong>. - XV,302 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 261-287, Lit. Hinw. S. 227-259 - (Contemporary Asia in<br />

the World) - ISBN 978-0-231-14420-9<br />

GIGA D 877185 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1410 Zhang, Xing-Ping; Cheng, Xiao-Mei: Energy consumption,<br />

carbon emissions, and economic growth in China / Xing-Ping<br />

Zhang , Xiao-Mei Cheng. - In: Ecological Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 68 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 10, S. 2706-2712, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 2711-2712<br />

DIE D 876362 DIE: A0610 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1411 Strong, Maurice F.: Facing down Armageddon : our<br />

environment at a crossroads / Maurice Strong. - In: World<br />

Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 25-32<br />

SWP D 876541 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional<br />

economic policy<br />

1412 Donaldson, John A.: Why do similar areas adopt different<br />

developmental strategies? A study of two puzzling Chinese<br />

provinces / John A. Donaldson. - In: The Journal of<br />

Contemporary China (Abingdon), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60,<br />

S. 421-445<br />

GIGA D 877445 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1413 Su, Minzi: China's rural development policy : exploring the<br />

"new socialist countryside" / Minzi Su. - Boulder/Colo. ...:<br />

FirstForumPress, <strong>2009</strong>. - XVI,313 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-935049-06-7<br />

GIGA D 877172 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

1414 Galbraith, James K.; Hsu, Sara; Zhang, Wenjie: Bejing<br />

bubble, Bejing bust : inequality, trade and capital inflow into<br />

China / James K. Galbraith, Sara Hsu, and Wenjie Zhang. -<br />

In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (Hamburg), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 3-26, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 876345 SWP: Y. 195 OSI: Zu 552 DGAP: ZD 175 IFA: Z-D2513<br />

DIE: 11ZA002 IAS: 3/293 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

14<strong>15</strong> Erickson, Andrew: Pipe dream : China seeks land and sea<br />

energy security / Andrew Erickson. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 54-55<br />

SWP D 876424 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1416 Küçük, Zeki Furkan: China's energy policy toward Central<br />

Asia and the importance of Kazakhstan / Zeki Furkan Küçük. -<br />

In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57,<br />

S. 33-46<br />

SWP D 876942 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1417 Hoering, Uwe: Beijing entdeckt die Landwirtschaft :<br />

Agrarreformen in Zeiten der Finanzmarktkrise / Uwe Hoering. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(November 2008) 11, S. 4-5<br />

DIE D 877377 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

1418 Lin, George C. S.; Wang, Cassandra C.: Technological<br />

innovation in China's high-tech sector : insights from a 2008<br />

survey of the integrated circuit design industry in Shanghai /<br />

Georg C. S. Lin and Cassandra Wang. - In: Eurasian<br />

Geography and Economics (Palm Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 402-424, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit S. 422-424<br />

SWP D 877088 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

1419 Zhan, Jing Vivian: Decentralizing China : Analysis of central<br />

strategies in China's fiscal reforms / Jing Vivian Zhan. - In: The<br />

Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60,<br />

S. 445-463<br />

GIGA D 877446 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

1420 Innovation with Chinese characteristics : high-tech research<br />

in China / ed. by Linda Jakobsen. - 1st published - Houndmills<br />

...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - XXII,178 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-00692-8<br />

GIGA D 876513 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1421 Lin, George C. S.; Wang, Cassandra C.: Technological<br />

innovation in China's high-tech sector : insights from a 2008<br />

survey of the integrated circuit design industry in Shanghai /<br />

Georg C. S. Lin and Cassandra Wang. - In: Eurasian<br />

Geography and Economics (Palm Beach/Fla.), 50 (July-<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 402-424, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit S. 422-424<br />

SWP D 877088 SWP: Y. 929 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SI03.01 Space technology<br />

1422 Lele, Ajey: China's posture in space and its implications / Ajey<br />

Lele. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4,<br />

S. 605-620<br />

SWP D 877338 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1423 Wu, Chunsi: China's outer space activities : motivations, goals,<br />

and policy / Wu Chunsi. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (July 2008) 4, S. 621-635<br />

SWP D 877340 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1424 Strong, Maurice F.: Facing down Armageddon : our<br />

environment at a crossroads / Maurice Strong. - In: World<br />

Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 25-32<br />

SWP D 876541 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1425 Zhang, Xing-Ping; Cheng, Xiao-Mei: Energy consumption,<br />

carbon emissions, and economic growth in China / Xing-Ping<br />

Zhang , Xiao-Mei Cheng. - In: Ecological Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 68 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 10, S. 2706-2712, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 2711-2712<br />

DIE D 876362 DIE: A0610 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.05 HONG KONG (SINCE 1997)<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

1426 Pepper, Suzanne: Taiwan, Hong Kong and the challenge of<br />

national unification / by Suzanne Pepper. - In: Hong Kong<br />

Journal (Washington/D.C.), (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>, 8 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hkjournal.org/PDF/<strong>2009</strong>_fall/3.pdf<br />

SWP D 877412<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1427 Cheng, Jie: The story of a new policy / by Jie Cheng. -<br />

In: Hong Kong Journal (Washington/D.C.), (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>, 7 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hkjournal.org/PDF/<strong>2009</strong>_fall/1.pdf<br />

SWP D 877410<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

1428 Panday, Pranab Kumar: Manpower planning in Hong Kong<br />

civil service : present problems and future challenges / Pranab<br />

Kumar Panday. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

3, S. 299-310<br />

GIGA D 877442 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1429 Bauer, John W.: Unlocking Russian interests on the Korean<br />

Peninsula / John W. Bauer. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 52-62, Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/bauer.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 877421 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 74 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

1430 Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus: A security and peace<br />

mechanism for Northeast Asia : The economic dimension /<br />

Stephan Haggard; Marcus Noland. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 119-137<br />

GIGA D 877449 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1431 Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus: A security and peace<br />

mechanism for Northeast Asia : The economic dimension /<br />

Stephan Haggard; Marcus Noland. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 119-137<br />

GIGA D 877449 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1432 Zhang, Hui: Ending North Korea's nuclear ambitions : The<br />

need for stronger Chinese action / by Hui Zhang. - In: Arms<br />

Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 21-27, Ill., Lit. S. 27<br />

SWP D 876676 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1433 Fitzpatrick, Mark: Stopping nuclear North Korea / Mark<br />

Fitzpatrick. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 5-12, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877222 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1434 Ramberg, Bennett: Living with nuclear North Korea / Bennett<br />

Ramberg. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 13-20, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877224 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1435 Zhang, Hui: Ending North Korea's nuclear ambitions : The<br />

need for stronger Chinese action / by Hui Zhang. - In: Arms<br />

Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 21-27, Ill., Lit. S. 27<br />

SWP D 876676 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1436 Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Nanto, Dick K.; Niksch, Larry A.:<br />

North Korea's second nuclear test : implications of U.N.<br />

Security Council Resolution 1874 / Emma Chanlett-Avery ; Dick<br />

K. Nanto ; Larry A. Niksch. Mary Beth Nikitin, coord. ... -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

18 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; R40684) -<br />

(R40684)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/126838.pdf<br />

SWP D 877189<br />

1437 Fitzpatrick, Mark: Stopping nuclear North Korea / Mark<br />

Fitzpatrick. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 5-12, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877222 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1438 Ramberg, Bennett: Living with nuclear North Korea / Bennett<br />

Ramberg. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 13-20, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877224 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1439 Rey, Santaro: Rising son : North Korea's political succession /<br />

Santaro Rey. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon),<br />

31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 28-31<br />

SWP D 876416 SWP: Y. 908 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1440 Bauer, John W.: Unlocking Russian interests on the Korean<br />

Peninsula / John W. Bauer. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 52-62, Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/parameters/09summer/bauer.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 877421 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1441 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1442 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

1443 Choi, Young-jin: Jenseits des "cultural turn" : regionale<br />

Aspekte von DaF am Beispiel Korea / Young-Jin Choi. -<br />

Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl., 2006. - S. 43- 49, Lit. S. 49 --<br />

Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006)<br />

1-2<br />

IFA D 876753 IFA: Cb29/479 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1444 Kim, Nam-kook: Consensus democracy as an alternative<br />

model in Korean politics / Nam-kook Kim. - In: Korea Journal<br />

(Seoul), 48 (Winter 2008) 4, S. 181-213<br />

GIGA D 876888 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living<br />

1445 Later life in flux : The reality and meaning of getting old / Ki-<br />

Soo Eun ... - In: Korea Journal (Seoul), 48 (Winter 2008) 4,<br />

S. 5-114<br />

GIGA D 876885 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1446 Lim, In-sook: The trend of creating atypical male images in<br />

heterosexist Korean society / Lim In-Sook. - In: Korea Journal<br />

(Seoul), 48 (Winter 2008) 4, S. 1<strong>15</strong>-146<br />

GIGA D 876886 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1447 Moon, Seungsook: Buddhist temple food in South Korea :<br />

interests and agency in the reinvention of tradition in the age of<br />

globalization / Seungsook Moon. - In: Korea Journal (Seoul),<br />

48 (Winter 2008) 4, S. 147-180<br />

GIGA D 876887 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

1448 Han, Seung-mi: The limits of rapid growth in an embedded<br />

market : An anthropological account of the cultures and<br />

corporate governance of a venture firm in Korea / Seung-mi<br />

Han. - In: Korea Journal (Seoul), 48 (Autumn 2008) 3, S. 192-ff<br />

GIGA D 876874 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1449 Bukh, Alexander: Japan's national identity and foreign policy :<br />

Russia as Japan's "other" / Alexander Bukh. - 1st published -<br />

London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XII,178 S., Reg., Lit. S. 140-168,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 134-139 - (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies /<br />

Routledge Series) - ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-45055-3<br />

GIGA D 877246 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1450 Giné, Jaume: Asia: diplomacia entre gigantes / Jaume Giné. -<br />

In: Politica Exterior (Madrid), 23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130,<br />

S. 145-<strong>15</strong>4<br />

SWP D 876353 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1451 Haffner, John; Casas i Klett, Thomas; Lehmann, Jean-<br />

Pierre: Japan's open future : An agenda for global citizenship /<br />

John Haffner, Thomas Casas i Klett and Jean-Pierre Lehmann.<br />

- London ...: Anthem Pr., <strong>2009</strong>. - 320 S., Reg., Lit.. S. 275-300 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84331-311-3<br />

DIE D 8767<strong>15</strong> DIE: 14EB0<strong>15</strong> Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 75 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1452 Ishihara, Yusuke: Partnership adrift: reshaping Australia-<br />

Japan strategic relations / Yusuke Ishihara. - In: Security<br />

Challenges [Elektronische Ressource] (Canberra), 5 (Autumn<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 103-122, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.securitychallenges.org.au/ArticlePDFs/vol5no1Ishihar<br />

a.pdf<br />

SWP D 877417<br />

1453 Koo, Min-gyo: The Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute and Sino-<br />

Japanese political-economic relations : cold politics and hot<br />

economics? / Min Gyo Koo. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 205-232<br />

GIGA D 877453 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1454 Manicom, James; O'Neil, Andrew: Sino-Japanese strategic<br />

relations : will rivalry lead to confrontation? / James Manicom<br />

and Andrew O'Neil. - In: Australian Journal of International<br />

Affairs (Abingdon), 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 213-232, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876663 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>0 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

1455 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1456 Mulgan, Aurelia George: Why Japan can't lead / Aurelia<br />

George Mulgan. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 101-110<br />

SWP D 876549 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1457 Bukh, Alexander: Japan's national identity and foreign policy :<br />

Russia as Japan's "other" / Alexander Bukh. - 1st published -<br />

London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XII,178 S., Reg., Lit. S. 140-168,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 134-139 - (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies /<br />

Routledge Series) - ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-45055-3<br />

GIGA D 877246 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1458 Expectations out of sync : The second U.S.-Japan Strategic<br />

Dialogue / Pacific Forum CSIS. - Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2009</strong>. - 28 S. -<br />

(Issues and Insights; Vol. 9 - No. 12)<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/issuesinsights_v09n12.pdf<br />

SWP D 877126<br />

1459 Menon, Rajan: The end of alliances / Rajan Menon. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVII,258 S., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-518927-8<br />

HSFK D 877110 HSFK: 39.712 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1460 Okimoto, Daniel I.: The financial crisis and America's capital<br />

dependence on Japan and China / Daniel I. Okimoto. - In: Asia-<br />

Pacific Review (Tokyo), 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 37-55, Graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

DGAP D 876653 DGAP: ZD 497 IAS: 3/861 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1461 Day, Stephen: Japan : The contested boundaries of alien<br />

suffrage at the local level / Stephen Day. - In: Democratization<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 558-584, Lit. S. 581-584<br />

DIE D 876833 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1462 Kingston, Jeff: Elections in Japan : poised for power / Jeff<br />

Kingston. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 37-39<br />

SWP D 876464 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1463 Hashimoto, Kazutaka: Understanding Shitamachi in<br />

Yokahama / Kazutaka Hashimoto. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 287-298<br />

GIGA D 877441 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1464 Day, Stephen: Japan : The contested boundaries of alien<br />

suffrage at the local level / Stephen Day. - In: Democratization<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 558-584, Lit. S. 581-584<br />

DIE D 876833 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SH Economy<br />

1465 Fluch, Helge: The "New Rich" and the premium segement in<br />

Japan : marketing strategies in the face of changing consumer<br />

behavior / Helge Fluch. - In: Japan: Analysen, Prognosen<br />

(München), (Februar <strong>2009</strong>) 201, S. 1-31, zahlr. graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit.<br />

http://www.djw.de/uploads/media/JAP_201__Rich_Market.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877432<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1466 Bauer, Marc: Krisenbewältigung in der Finanzwirtschaft :<br />

Parallelen und Unterschiede der Bankenkrisen in Japan<br />

(1990-2006) und den USA (1980-1998) / Marc Bauer. -<br />

In: Japan: Analysen, Prognosen (München), (Dezember 2008)<br />

200, S. 1-22, Tab., Lit.<br />

http://www.djw.de/uploads/media/JAP_200__Banken__v1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 877429<br />



SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1467 Olcott, Martha Brill; Petrov, Nikolaj: Russia's regions and<br />

energy policy in East Siberia / Martha Brill Olcott and Nikolai<br />

Petrov. - Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public<br />

Policy of Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 47 S.<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-OlcottPetrovEa<br />

stSiberia-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876504<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1468 Olcott, Martha Brill; Petrov, Nikolaj: Russia's regions and<br />

energy policy in East Siberia / Martha Brill Olcott and Nikolai<br />

Petrov. - Houston/Tex.: James A. Baker III Institute for Public<br />

Policy of Rice Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 47 S.<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-OlcottPetrovEa<br />

stSiberia-050609.pdf<br />

SWP D 876504<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 76 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1469 Yang, Jian: China in the South Pacific : hegemon on the<br />

horizon? / Jian Yang. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 139-<strong>15</strong>8<br />

GIGA D 877450 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1470 Yang, Jian: China in the South Pacific : hegemon on the<br />

horizon? / Jian Yang. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 139-<strong>15</strong>8<br />

GIGA D 877450 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1471 Nabers, Dirk: The "war on terrorism" and security cooperation<br />

in the Pacific / Dirk Nabers. - In: Redefining the Pacific?<br />

Regionalism past, present and future / ed. by Jenny Bryant-<br />

Tokalau ... - Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006. - 978-0-7546-4673-0,<br />

S. 67-87, Tab. - ISBN 978-0-7546-4673-0<br />

GIGA D 876523 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1472 Nabers, Dirk: The "war on terrorism" and security cooperation<br />

in the Pacific / Dirk Nabers. - In: Redefining the Pacific?<br />

Regionalism past, present and future / ed. by Jenny Bryant-<br />

Tokalau ... - Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006. - 978-0-7546-4673-0,<br />

S. 67-87, Tab. - ISBN 978-0-7546-4673-0<br />

GIGA D 876523 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1473 Bisley, Nick: Geopolitical shifts in Australia's region toward<br />

2030 / Nick Bisley. - In: Security Challenges [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Canberra), 5 (Autumn <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. <strong>15</strong>-36<br />

http://www.securitychallenges.org.au/ArticlePDFs/vol5no1Bisley.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 8774<strong>15</strong><br />

1474 Ishihara, Yusuke: Partnership adrift: reshaping Australia-<br />

Japan strategic relations / Yusuke Ishihara. - In: Security<br />

Challenges [Elektronische Ressource] (Canberra), 5 (Autumn<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 103-122, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.securitychallenges.org.au/ArticlePDFs/vol5no1Ishihar<br />

a.pdf<br />

SWP D 877417<br />


SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1475 Wesley, Michael: Australia's international future / Michael<br />

Wesley. - Sydney: Lowy Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 14 S. - (Perspectives<br />

/ Lowy Institute for International Policy)<br />

http://www.lowyinstitute.org/Publication.asp?pid=1078<br />

SWP D 877145<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

1476 Schmidt, Gabriele: <strong>15</strong>0 Jahre Deutsch an australischen<br />

Universitäten : von der Germanistik über DaF zu German<br />

Studies / Gabriele Schmidt. - Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl.,<br />

2006. - S. 79-98, Lit. S. 95-98 -- Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache<br />

Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006) 3<br />

IFA D 876756 IFA: Cb29/471 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1477 Conflict, community, and criminality in Southeast Asia and<br />

Australia : Assessments from the field ; a report of the CSIS<br />

Transnational Threats Project / eds: Arnaud de Borchgrave ...<br />

Foreword: Marc Sageman - Washington/D.C.: Center for<br />

Strategic & International Studies, <strong>2009</strong>. - 94 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-583-7<br />

http://www.ciaonet.org/wps/csis/0016762/f_0016762_14465.pdf<br />

SWP D 877129<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1478 Schmidt, Gabriele: <strong>15</strong>0 Jahre Deutsch an australischen<br />

Universitäten : von der Germanistik über DaF zu German<br />

Studies / Gabriele Schmidt. - Tübingen: Stauffenburg-Verl.,<br />

2006. - S. 79-98, Lit. S. 95-98 -- Sonderdruck aus: Zielsprache<br />

Deutsch (Tübingen), 33 (2006) 3<br />

IFA D 876756 IFA: Cb29/471 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SG02.01 Demography<br />

1479 Hadj, Laure: Wallis et Futuna : recensement de la population<br />

de 2008 : 10 % d'habitants en moins depuis 2003 / Laure Hadj.<br />

- In: INSEE première (Paris), (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1251, S. 1-4, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 876395 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 77 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




SC International security / Defense<br />

1480 Wilson, Brian: Naval diplomacy and maritime security in the<br />

Western Indian Ocean / Brian Wilson. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 488-497<br />

SWP D 877060 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1481 Erickson, Andrew S.: The growth of China's navy :<br />

implications for Indian Ocean security / Andrew S. Erickson. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4, S. 655-676<br />

SWP D 877344 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1482 Khurana, Gurpreet S.: China's "string of pearls" in the Indian<br />

Ocean and its security implications / Gurpreet S. Khurana. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (January 2008) 1,<br />

S. 1-39, Lit. S. 31-39<br />

SWP D 877269 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

1483 Wilson, Brian: Naval diplomacy and maritime security in the<br />

Western Indian Ocean / Brian Wilson. - In: Strategic Analysis<br />

(New Delhi), 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 488-497<br />

SWP D 877060 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1484 Tan, Andrew: Security challenges in the Malay archipelago /<br />

Andrew T H Tan. - In: Rivista di studi politici internazionali<br />

(Firenze), 76 (Aprile-Giugno <strong>2009</strong>) 2/302, S. 185-205, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876565 DGAP: ZD 298 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1485 Dieter, Heribert: Bilateral economic arrangements in the Asia-<br />

Pacific : implications for competitiveness / Heribert Dieter. -<br />

In: Southeast Asia in the global economy: securing<br />

competitiveness and social protection / ed. by Helen E. S.<br />

Nesadurai ... S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies ... -<br />

Singapore: ISEAS, <strong>2009</strong>. - ISBN 978-981-230-823-8,<br />

S. 89-113, Tab., Lit. - ISBN 978-981-230-823-8<br />

GIGA D 877177 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

1486 Barcham, Manuhuia: Cleaning up the Pacific : Anti-corruption<br />

initiatives / Manuhuia Barcham. - In: Australian Journal of<br />

International Affairs (Abingdon), 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 249-267,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876667 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>0 Öff.StaO: 7<br />


AREA<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1487 Werenfels, Isabelle; Westphal, Kirsten: Solar power from the<br />

desert : A sensible and feasible energy solution? / Isabelle<br />

Werenfels ; Kirsten Westphal. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 13/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 38/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6208<br />

SWP D 876511<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

1488 Agreed conclusions of the third Euro-Mediterranean<br />

Conference of Ministers of Culture : Athens, 29 - 30 May<br />

2008 / [European Commission]. - Brussels, 2008. - [8] S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/euromed/docs/culture_con<br />

cl_0508_en.pdf<br />

IFA D 876364 IFA: Cb29/456 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1489 Werenfels, Isabelle; Westphal, Kirsten: Solar power from the<br />

desert : A sensible and feasible energy solution? / Isabelle<br />

Werenfels ; Kirsten Westphal. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, <strong>2009</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 13/<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

English version of SWP-Aktuell 38/<strong>2009</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=6208<br />

SWP D 876511<br />


SH05 Energy industry<br />

1490 Russia and the Caspian states in the global energy balance<br />

/ by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice<br />

University. - Houston/Tex, <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S. - (Baker Institute Policy<br />

Report; No. 39) - (Russian and the Caspian States in the<br />

Global Energy Balance)<br />

http://www.bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-PolicyReport39<br />

-052209.pdf<br />

SWP D 876537<br />

RL07 ARCTIC<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1491 Laruelle, Marlène: Russia's arctic ambitions: transforming the<br />

"cost of cold" / Marlène Laruelle. - Stockholm: Institute for<br />

Security and Development Policy (Nacka), <strong>2009</strong>. - 3 S. - (Policy<br />

Brief / Institute for Security and Development Policy (Nacka);<br />

No. 7)<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/pb/09/ml09russiaarctic.pdf<br />

SWP D 876555<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1492 Holtsmark, Sven G.: Cooperation rather than confrontation :<br />

security in the High North / by Sven g. Holtsmark. - Rome:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Research Briefing / NATO Defense College)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=40<br />

SWP D 876710<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 78 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1493 Katz Cogan, Jacob: Representation and power in international<br />

organization : The operational constitution and its critics / Jacob<br />

Katz Cogan. - In: American Journal of International Law<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 103 (April <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 209-263<br />

SWP D 876451 SWP: X. <strong>15</strong>0 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1494 Melish, Tara J.: From paradox to subsidiarity : The United<br />

States and human rights treaty bodies / Tara J. Melish. - In:<br />

The Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),<br />

34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 389-462, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876801 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1495 Weiss, Thomas George: Toward a third generation of<br />

international institutions : Obama's UN policy / Thomas G.<br />

Weiss. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 141-162, Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>8-162<br />

SWP D 876422 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1496 Abrisketa, Joana: Blue helmets and international humanitarian<br />

law : how they come together / Joana Abrisketa. -<br />

In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 85-93,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876804 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1497 Fox, Gregory H.: Humanitarian occupation / Gregory H. Fox. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2008. - XI,320 S., Reg. -<br />

(Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law; 58)<br />

- ISBN 978-0-521-67189-7<br />

HSFK D 876788 HSFK: 40.578 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1498 Geneva Conventions sixty years on - In: The World Today<br />

(London), 65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 4-<strong>15</strong><br />

SWP D 876452 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1499 Abrisketa, Joana: Blue helmets and international humanitarian<br />

law : how they come together / Joana Abrisketa. -<br />

In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 85-93,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876804 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

<strong>15</strong>00 Piiparinen, Touko: Related powers of the United Nations :<br />

reconsidering conflict management of international<br />

organizations in ontological light / Touko Piiparinen. -<br />

In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

3, S. 675-699, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876958 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

<strong>15</strong>01 Coate, Roger A.: The John W. Holmes lecture : growing the<br />

"Third UN" for people-centered development ; the United<br />

Nations, civil society, and beyond / Roger A. Coate. - In: Global<br />

Governance (Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>15</strong>3-168, Lit. S. 166-168<br />

DIE D 876474 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>15</strong>02 Harmer, Andrew; Frith, Robert: "Walking together" toward<br />

independence? A civil society perspective on the United<br />

Nations administration in East Timor, 1999-2002 / Andrew<br />

Harmer and Robert Frith. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 239-258, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 255-258<br />

DIE D 876484 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

<strong>15</strong>03 Geneva Conventions sixty years on - In: The World Today<br />

(London), 65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 4-<strong>15</strong><br />

SWP D 876452 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

SD01 World economy / International economic system<br />

<strong>15</strong>04 Falk, Rainer: Ein New Deal gegen die globale Unsicherheit :<br />

UN für Kehrtwende in der Wirtschaftspolitik / Rainer Falk. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung:<br />

Hintergrund (Bonn), (Juli 2008), S. 3-4, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 4<br />

DIE D 877304 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

<strong>15</strong>05 Ballard, John R.: Triumph of self-determination : Operation<br />

Stabilise and United Nations peacemaking in East Timor / John<br />

R. Ballard. - Westport/Conn. ...: Praeger Security International,<br />

2008. - XI,220 S., Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 207-213 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-313-34841-9<br />

HSFK D 877010 HSFK: 40.539 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>15</strong>06 Fox, Gregory H.: Humanitarian occupation / Gregory H. Fox. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2008. - XI,320 S., Reg. -<br />

(Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law; 58)<br />

- ISBN 978-0-521-67189-7<br />

HSFK D 876788 HSFK: 40.578 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

<strong>15</strong>07 Rosand, Eric: Den Terrorismus weltweit bekämpfen : die Rolle<br />

der Vereinten Nationen / Eric Rosand. - In: Vereinte Nationen<br />

(Baden-Baden), 57 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 99-103, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876571 SWP: Y. 23 OSI: Zs 558 DGAP: ZD 212 HSFK: ZS V<br />


INT Öff.StaO: 212<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>15</strong>08 Emerson, Michael: Russian games with the WTO / Michael<br />

Emerson. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. - 2 S. - (CEPS Commentary)<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=1873<br />

SWP D 876776<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

<strong>15</strong>09 Mattoo, Aaditya; Subramanian, Arvind: Currency<br />

undervaluation and sovereign wealth funds : A new role for the<br />

World Trade Organization / Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind<br />

Subramanian. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1135-1164, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 1163-1164<br />

SWP D 876685 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

<strong>15</strong>10 Griesgraber, Jo Marie: Reforms of major new roles of the<br />

International Monetary Fund? The IMF-post-G20 summit / Jo<br />

Marie Griesgraber. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 179-185, Lit. S. 184-185<br />

DIE D 876476 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>15</strong>11 Thimann, Christian; Just, Christian; Ritter, Raymond:<br />

Strengthening the governance of the International Monetary<br />

Fund : how a dual board structure could raise the effectiveness<br />

and legitimacy of key global institution / Christian Thimann,<br />

Christian Just, and Raymond Ritter. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 187-193,<br />

Lit. S. 192-193<br />

DIE D 876477 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 79 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.13 International organisations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen / Organisations internationales<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

<strong>15</strong>12 Mattoo, Aaditya; Subramanian, Arvind: Currency<br />

undervaluation and sovereign wealth funds : A new role for the<br />

World Trade Organization / Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind<br />

Subramanian. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1135-1164, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 1163-1164<br />

SWP D 876685 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

<strong>15</strong>13 Horta, Korinna: Das glatte Versagen der Weltbank im Tschad<br />

: Fiasko für Umwelt und Menschenrechte / Korinna Horta. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Oktober 2008) 10, S. 4<br />

DIE D 877373 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

<strong>15</strong>14 Joosten, Véronique: The UN human rights council at work : A<br />

provisional appraisal of the Council's institution-building work /<br />

Véronique Joosten. - In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles),<br />

62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 139-164, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876628 DGAP: ZD <strong>15</strong>1 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

<strong>15</strong><strong>15</strong> Horta, Korinna: Das glatte Versagen der Weltbank im Tschad<br />

: Fiasko für Umwelt und Menschenrechte / Korinna Horta. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(Oktober 2008) 10, S. 4<br />

DIE D 877373 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />



SB03 International law<br />

<strong>15</strong>16 Weber, Stephan: International oder nicht-international? Die<br />

Konfliktqualifikation in der Lubanga-Entscheidung des IStGH /<br />

Stephan Weber. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum),<br />

22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 75-84, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876803 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>15</strong>17 Weber, Stephan: International oder nicht-international? Die<br />

Konfliktqualifikation in der Lubanga-Entscheidung des IStGH /<br />

Stephan Weber. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum),<br />

22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 75-84, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876803 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

<strong>15</strong>18 Weber, Stephan: International oder nicht-international? Die<br />

Konfliktqualifikation in der Lubanga-Entscheidung des IStGH /<br />

Stephan Weber. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum),<br />

22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 75-84, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876803 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />


SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

<strong>15</strong>19 Brown, Garrett Wallace: Multisectoralism, participation, and<br />

stakeholder effectiveness : increasing the role of nonstate<br />

actors in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and<br />

Malaria / Garrett Wallace Brown. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 169-177,<br />

Lit. S. 176-177<br />

DIE D 876475 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

<strong>15</strong>20 Brown, Garrett Wallace: Multisectoralism, participation, and<br />

stakeholder effectiveness : increasing the role of nonstate<br />

actors in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and<br />

Malaria / Garrett Wallace Brown. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 169-177,<br />

Lit. S. 176-177<br />

DIE D 876475 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 80 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25



SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

<strong>15</strong>21 Braunmühl, Claudia von: Eigenverantwortung und politischer<br />

Gestaltungsraum : sieben Thesen zur Pariser Erklärung /<br />

Claudia von Braunmühl. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft<br />

und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (<strong>August</strong> 2008), S. 3-4<br />

DIE D 877309 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>22 Herfkens, Eveline: Was die Geber den Nehmern so alles<br />

zumuten : die Verbesserung der Entwicklungshilfe stagniert /<br />

Eveline Herfkens. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (<strong>August</strong> 2008), S. 1-2<br />

DIE D 877306 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>23 Martens, Jens; Schilder, Klaus: Der bemerkenswerte<br />

Konsens von Doha : nach dem Gipfel ist vor dem Gipfel / Jens<br />

Martens und Klaus Schilder. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn), (Dezember 2008) 12,<br />

S. 1-2<br />

DIE D 877379 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

<strong>15</strong>24 General assessment of the macroeconomic situation -<br />

In: OECD Economic Outlook (Paris), 85 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 11-62, graph. Darst.,Tab., Lit. S. 65<br />

DIE D 876533 DIE: AG235<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>15</strong>25 Jones, Stephen: Russia and the West / Stephen Jones. -<br />

London: House of Commons Library, <strong>2009</strong>. - 124 S. - (Library<br />

Research Papers; 09/36)<br />

http://www.parliament.uk/commons/lib/research/rp<strong>2009</strong>/rp09-036<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 876465<br />

<strong>15</strong>26 Monaghan, Andrew: At the table or on the menu? Moscow's<br />

proposals for strategic reform / by Andrew Monaghan. - Roma:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (Research Report)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=87<br />

SWP D 876762<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>15</strong>27 Bonney, Richard: False prophets : The "clash of civilizations"<br />

and the global war on terror - Oxford: Lang, 2008. - X,352 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 271-278, Lit. Hinw. S. 279-336 - (The Past in the<br />

Present) - ISBN 978-1-906165-02-4<br />

GIGA D 876696 IFA: 29/358 IMES: MEA-A/82 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

<strong>15</strong>28 Monaghan, Andrew: At the table or on the menu? Moscow's<br />

proposals for strategic reform / by Andrew Monaghan. - Roma:<br />

NATO Defense College, <strong>2009</strong>. - 9 S. - (Research Report)<br />

http://www.ndc.nato.int/download/downloads.php?icode=87<br />

SWP D 876762<br />

SF10 Law<br />

<strong>15</strong>29 Shah, Niaz A.: Self-defense in Islamic and international law :<br />

Assessing Al-Qaeda and the invasion of Iraq / Niaz A. Shah. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - X,192 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 183-190, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-60618-0<br />

GIGA D 877250 IMES: MEA-D/12 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

<strong>15</strong>30 Becker, Uwe: Innovation and competitiveness : A field of<br />

sloppy thinking / Uwe Becker. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 117-138<br />

SWP D 877093 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

<strong>15</strong>31 Leaders and laggards in environmental policy : A<br />

quantitative analysis of domestic policy outputs / Duncan<br />

Liefferink ... - In: Journal of European Public Policy (Abingdon),<br />

16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 677-700<br />

SWP D 876439 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />

<strong>15</strong>32 Linking emissions trading schemes / guest ed.: Andreas<br />

Tuerk. - In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 9 (<strong>2009</strong>) 4, Special<br />

Issue, S. 1-430<br />

SWP D 876721 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

<strong>15</strong>33 Becker, Uwe: Innovation and competitiveness : A field of<br />

sloppy thinking / Uwe Becker. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und<br />

Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 117-138<br />

SWP D 877093 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

<strong>15</strong>34 Beyond the crisis : medium-term challenges relating to<br />

potential output, unemployment and fiscal positions - In: OECD<br />

Economic Outlook (Paris), 85 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 211-242,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 239-241<br />

DIE D 876539 DIE: AG235<br />

<strong>15</strong>35 Developments in individual OECD countries - In: OECD<br />

Economic Outlook (Paris), 85 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 67-176, zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst.,Tab.<br />

DIE D 876535 DIE: AG235<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

<strong>15</strong>36 Offshoring white-collar work : Brookings Trade Forum<br />

Conference, May 2005 / Susan M. Collins ... (eds.) . Brookings<br />

Institution - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Inst. Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXX,490 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Brookings Trade Forum;<br />

2005) - ISBN 0-8<strong>15</strong>7-1284-7<br />

HSFK D 877100 HSFK: JB B Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

<strong>15</strong>37 Offshoring white-collar work : Brookings Trade Forum<br />

Conference, May 2005 / Susan M. Collins ... (eds.) . Brookings<br />

Institution - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Inst. Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXX,490 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Brookings Trade Forum;<br />

2005) - ISBN 0-8<strong>15</strong>7-1284-7<br />

HSFK D 877100 HSFK: JB B Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 81 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

<strong>15</strong>38 Álvarez, Roberto; López, Ricardo A.: Skill upgrading and the<br />

real exchange rate / Roberto Álvarez and Ricardo A. López. -<br />

In: The World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 1165-1179, Tab., Lit. S. 1178-1179<br />

SWP D 876687 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

<strong>15</strong>39 Braunmühl, Claudia von: Eigenverantwortung und politischer<br />

Gestaltungsraum : sieben Thesen zur Pariser Erklärung /<br />

Claudia von Braunmühl. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft<br />

und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (<strong>August</strong> 2008), S. 3-4<br />

DIE D 877309 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>40 Falk, Rainer: Paradoxe Kapitalflüsse zwischen Süd und Nord :<br />

ein neues Modell der Entwicklungsfinanzierung? / Rainer Falk.<br />

- In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(September 2008) 9, S. 1-2, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 2<br />

DIE D 877365 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

<strong>15</strong>41 Herfkens, Eveline: Was die Geber den Nehmern so alles<br />

zumuten : die Verbesserung der Entwicklungshilfe stagniert /<br />

Eveline Herfkens. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (<strong>August</strong> 2008), S. 1-2<br />

DIE D 877306 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>42 Hermle, Reinhard; Kowalzig, Jan: Die Anpassung des<br />

Südens an den Klimawandel : Herausforderung für<br />

Entwicklungspolitik und -finanzierung / Reinhard Hermle und<br />

Jan Kowalzig. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (September 2008), S. 1-4,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DIE D 8773<strong>15</strong> DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>43 Martens, Jens; Schilder, Klaus: Der bemerkenswerte<br />

Konsens von Doha : nach dem Gipfel ist vor dem Gipfel / Jens<br />

Martens und Klaus Schilder. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn), (Dezember 2008) 12,<br />

S. 1-2<br />

DIE D 877379 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

<strong>15</strong>44 Schalatek, Liane: Der Wettlauf um den besten<br />

Klimaschutzfonds : neue Umweltarchitektur oder globaler<br />

Flickenteppich? / Liane Schalatek. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn),<br />

(September 2008), S. 5-6, Tab., Lit. S. 6<br />

DIE D 877317 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>45 Six, Clemens: The rise of postcolonial states as donors : A<br />

challenge to the development paradigm? / Clemens Six. -<br />

In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 1103-1121<br />

SWP D 877167 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

<strong>15</strong>46 Wennmann, Achim: Getting armed groups to the table : peace<br />

processes, the political economy of conflict and the mediated<br />

state / Achim Wennmann. - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 1123-1138<br />

SWP D 877168 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF10 Law<br />

<strong>15</strong>47 Missachtetes Recht - In: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), 50 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 230-249, Ill., Lit.<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Unenforced laws. - In:<br />

Development and Cooperation. - 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6. - S. 230-<br />

249<br />

DIE D 876505 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E<br />


IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>15</strong>48 Unenforced laws - In: Development and Cooperation<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 230-249, Ill., Lit.<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Missachtetes Recht. - In:<br />

Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. - 50 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6. - S. 230-<br />

249<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

<strong>15</strong>49 Cattaneo, Cristina: International migration, the brain drain and<br />

poverty : A cross-country analysis / Cristina Cattaneo. - In: The<br />

World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1180-1202,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 1201-1202<br />

SWP D 876688 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

<strong>15</strong>50 Mosebach, Kai: Überwindung globaler Gesundheitslücke :<br />

WHO-Bericht präsentiert radikale Reformagenda / Kai<br />

Mosebach. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung (Bonn), (Oktober 2008) 10, S. 2-3, graph. Darst.<br />

DIE D 877371 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

<strong>15</strong>51 Álvarez, Roberto; López, Ricardo A.: Skill upgrading and the<br />

real exchange rate / Roberto Álvarez and Ricardo A. López. -<br />

In: The World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 1165-1179, Tab., Lit. S. 1178-1179<br />

SWP D 876687 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>52 Cattaneo, Cristina: International migration, the brain drain and<br />

poverty : A cross-country analysis / Cristina Cattaneo. - In: The<br />

World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 1180-1202,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 1201-1202<br />

SWP D 876688 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

<strong>15</strong>53 Cavero, Teresa; Galián, Carlos: Die Lehren aus der<br />

Nahrungsmittelkrise : zweischneidige Preise / Teresa Cavero<br />

und Carlos Galián. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (Dezember 2008), S. 1-8,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab. -- Online-Zugriff auf abweichende Version<br />

Außerdem erschienen (elektronische Fassung) u. d. T.:<br />

Double-edged prices / Oxfam International. - 47 S. - (Oxfam<br />

briefing paper: 121)<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/bp121-double-ed<br />

ged-prices-lessons-from-food-price-crisis-0810.pdf<br />

DIE D 877319 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>54 Food focus - In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke),<br />

30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 1<strong>15</strong>9-1225<br />

SWP D 877173 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>55 Mousseau, Frederic: Toward a future without want / Frederic<br />

Mousseau. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 73-81<br />

SWP D 876547 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

<strong>15</strong>56 Kleidung: wer zieht uns an? - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 12-31, Ill.<br />

DIE D 876502 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA168 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

<strong>15</strong>57 Hermle, Reinhard; Kowalzig, Jan: Die Anpassung des<br />

Südens an den Klimawandel : Herausforderung für<br />

Entwicklungspolitik und -finanzierung / Reinhard Hermle und<br />

Jan Kowalzig. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (September 2008), S. 1-4,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DIE D 8773<strong>15</strong> DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 82 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

<strong>15</strong>58 Schalatek, Liane: Der Wettlauf um den besten<br />

Klimaschutzfonds : neue Umweltarchitektur oder globaler<br />

Flickenteppich? / Liane Schalatek. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

II.<strong>15</strong> Developing countries / Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn),<br />

(September 2008), S. 5-6, Tab., Lit. S. 6<br />

DIE D 877317 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 83 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

<strong>15</strong>59 Agarwal, Manmohan: The BRICSAM countries and changing<br />

world economic power : scenarios to 2050 / Manmohan<br />

Agarwal. - Ontario: Centre for International Governance<br />

Innovation, 2008. - 48 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CIGI Working<br />

Paper Series; 39)<br />

http://www.cigionline.org/sites/default/files/Paper_39-web-1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 876856<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 84 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


SA02 History<br />

<strong>15</strong>60 Johnston, Douglas M.: The historical foundations of world<br />

order : The tower and the arena / Douglas M. Johnston. -<br />

Leiden ...: Nijhoff Publ., 2008. - XXI,875 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 773-835 - ISBN 978-90-04-16167-2<br />

HSFK D 876780 HSFK: 40.585 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

<strong>15</strong>61 Seifert, Matthias: Good Governance in der Sackgasse? Ein<br />

Problemaufriss / Matthias Seifert. - In: Good Governance in der<br />

Sackgasse? / Heribert Weiland ... (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>. - (Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik;<br />

Nr. 5), S. 9-27, Lit. S. 23-27 - ISBN 978-3-8329-4292-2<br />

GIGA D 877388 ILAS: INT-C/85 IMES: INT-C/85 IAA: INT-C/85 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

<strong>15</strong>62 Blackwill, Robert D.: The geopolitical consequences of the<br />

world economic recession : A caution / Robert D. Blackwill. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Occasional Paper / Rand Corporation; OP-275) - (OP-275)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_OP27<br />

5.pdf<br />

SWP D 877346<br />

<strong>15</strong>63 Johnston, Douglas M.: The historical foundations of world<br />

order : The tower and the arena / Douglas M. Johnston. -<br />

Leiden ...: Nijhoff Publ., 2008. - XXI,875 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 773-835 - ISBN 978-90-04-16167-2<br />

HSFK D 876780 HSFK: 40.585 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>15</strong>64 Lafont Rapnouil, Manuel: A European view on the future of<br />

multilateralism / Manuel Lafont Rapnouil. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 181-196,<br />

Lit. S. 194-196<br />

SWP D 876427 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

<strong>15</strong>65 Paupp, Terrence E.: Exodus from empire : The fall of<br />

America's empire and the rise of the global community /<br />

Terrence E. Paupp. - London ...: Pluto Pr., 2007. - XVIII,423 S.,<br />

Tab. - ISBN 0-7453-2613-7<br />

HSFK D 877111 HSFK: 39.780 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>15</strong>66 Wright, Thomas: Toward effective multilateralism : why bigger<br />

may not be better / Thomas Wright. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 163-180,<br />

Lit. S. 179-180<br />

SWP D 876425 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>15</strong>67 G20 and the G8 - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 30-33<br />

SWP D 876462 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

<strong>15</strong>68 Hafner-Burton, Emilie M.; Kahler, Miles; Montgomery,<br />

Alexander H.: Network analysis for international relations /<br />

Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Miles Kahler, and Alexander H.<br />

Montgomery. - In: International Organization<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 559-592<br />

SWP D 877083 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>69 Kreide, Regina: Globale Politik und Menschenrechte : Macht<br />

und Ohnmacht eines politischen Instruments / Regina Kreide. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus Verl., 2008. - 264 S., Reg., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 235-257 - (Campus Forschung; Bd. 929) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-593-38597-6<br />

HSFK D 877264 HSFK: 40.602 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>15</strong>70 Williams, Ian: Nationhood : ties that bind, or free? / Ian<br />

Williams. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 123-133<br />

SWP D 876550 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


SB02 Foreign policy<br />

<strong>15</strong>71 American foreign policy and the politics of fear : threat<br />

inflation since 9/11 / ed. by A. Trevor Thrall ... - 1st published -<br />

London ...: Routledge, <strong>2009</strong>. - XV,235 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., zahlr. Lit. - (Routledge Global Security<br />

Studies; [<strong>2009</strong>]) - ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-77769-8<br />

GIGA D 876999 ILAS: INT-A/128 IMES: INT-A/128 IAA: INT-A/128<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SB03 International law<br />

<strong>15</strong>72 Abrisketa, Joana: Blue helmets and international humanitarian<br />

law : how they come together / Joana Abrisketa. -<br />

In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 85-93,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876804 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

<strong>15</strong>73 Chander, Anupam: Trade 2.0 / Anupam Chander. - In: The<br />

Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),<br />

34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 281-330, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876799 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>15</strong>74 Abrisketa, Joana: Blue helmets and international humanitarian<br />

law : how they come together / Joana Abrisketa. -<br />

In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 85-93,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876804 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

<strong>15</strong>75 Schweitzer, Christine: Erfolgreich gewaltfrei : professionelle<br />

Praxis in ziviler Friedensförderung / Christine Schweitzer. -<br />

Stuttgart: Inst. für Auslandsbeziehungen, <strong>2009</strong>. - 89 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 68-86 - (ifa-Studien)<br />

http://www.ifa.de/pdf/zivik/studie<strong>2009</strong>_haupttext.pdf<br />

IFA D 877062 IFA: JAB441 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

<strong>15</strong>76 Dubash, Navroz K.: Global norms through global deliberation?<br />

Reflections on the World Commission on Dams / Navroz K.<br />

Dubash. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 219-238, Lit. S. 235-238<br />

DIE D 876481 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>15</strong>77 Lesage, Dries; Van de Graaf, Thijs; Westphal, Kirsten: The<br />

G8's role in global energy governance since the 2005<br />

Gleneagles summit / Dries Lesage, Thijs van de Graaf, and<br />

Kirsten Wesphal. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 259-277, Lit. S. 274-277<br />

DIE D 876486 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>15</strong>78 Steinberg, Paul F.: Institutional resilience amid political<br />

change : The case of biodiversity conservation / Paul F.<br />

Steinberg. - In: Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 61-81, Lit. S. 78-81<br />

SWP D 876697 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

<strong>15</strong>79 Booth, Ken: Theory of world security / Ken Booth. - Cambridge<br />

...: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVIII,489 S., Reg. -<br />

(Cambridge Studies in International Relations; 105) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-54317-0<br />

HSFK D 877248 HSFK: 40.703 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>15</strong>80 Bottlenecks to deployment? The challenges of deploying<br />

civilian personnel to peace operations / Audun Solli ...<br />

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs - Oslo, <strong>2009</strong>. - 30 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Security in Pratice; 3) - (NUPI<br />

Report) - ISBN 978-82-7002-239-7<br />

http://english.nupi.no/content/download/10199/102525/version/3/<br />

file/SIP-3-09-Solli+et+al.pdf<br />

SWP D 877038<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 85 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

<strong>15</strong>81 Layne, Christopher: The waning of U.S. hegemony - myth or<br />

reality? A review essay / Christopher Layne. - In: International<br />

Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 147-172,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Brooks, Stephen G., Wohlforth,<br />

William C.: World out of balance: international relations and the<br />

challenge of American primacy. - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton<br />

University Press, 2008<br />

SWP D 877350 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

<strong>15</strong>82 Stanley, Elizabeth A.: Ending the Korean war : The role of<br />

domestic coalition shifts in overcoming obstacles to peace /<br />

Elizabeth A. Stanley. - In: International Security<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 42-82, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877345 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

<strong>15</strong>83 Fornefeld, Ralf: Combined endeavor 2008 / Ralf Fornefeld. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

[8], S. 60-63, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 876826 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>84 Globale Fernerkundungssysteme und Sicherheit : Beiträge<br />

durch neue Sicherheitsdienstleistungen? / Stephan Lingner ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Europäische Akademie zur<br />

Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer<br />

Entwicklungen, <strong>2009</strong>. - 128 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Graue Reihe; Nr. 49)<br />

http://www.ea-aw.de/fileadmin/downloads/Graue_Reihe/GR_49_<br />

GlobaleFernerkundungssysteme.pdf<br />

IFSH D 877414<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

<strong>15</strong>85 Acton, James M.: Nuclear power, disarmament and<br />

technological restraint / James M. Acton. - In: Survival<br />

(Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 101-126, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877232 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>86 Ford, Christopher A.: Nuclear technology rights and wrongs :<br />

The NPT, article IV, and nonproliferation / by Christopher A.<br />

Ford. - Washington/D.C.: Hudson Institute, <strong>2009</strong>. - 80 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

Außerdem erschienen bei: Nonproliferation Policy Education<br />

Center<br />

http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/<strong>2009</strong>0601-Ford-Nuclear<br />

RightsAndWrongs.pdf<br />

SWP D 876493<br />

<strong>15</strong>87 Fuhrmann, Matthew: Spreading temptation : proliferation and<br />

peaceful nuclear cooperation agreements / Matthew Fuhrmann.<br />

- In: International Security (Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 7-41, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877335 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

<strong>15</strong>88 Longo, Matthew; Lust, Ellen: The case for peace before<br />

disarmament / Matthew Longo and Ellen Lust. - In: Survival<br />

(Abingdon), 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 127-148, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877234 SWP: X. 1<strong>15</strong> OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>89 Ochmanek, David A.; Schwartz, Lowell H.: The challenge of<br />

nuclear-armed regional adversaries / David Ochmanek ; Lowell<br />

H. Schwartz. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2008. -<br />

79 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 57-61 - (Rand Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-671) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4232-3<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2008/RAND_MG671.pdf<br />

SWP D 876376<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

<strong>15</strong>90 Rid, Thomas; Hecker, Marc: War 2.0 : irregular warfare in the<br />

information age / Thomas Rid and Marc Hecker. -<br />

Westport/Conn.: Praeger Security Internat., <strong>2009</strong>. - IX, 280 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 263-273 - ISBN 978-0-313-36470-9<br />

SWP D 876666 SWP: A.09/0232<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

<strong>15</strong>91 Barakat, Sultan; Zyck, Steven A.: The evolution of postconflict<br />

recovery / Sultan Barakat and Steven A. Zyck. -<br />

In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 1069-1086<br />

SWP D 877163 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>92 Rid, Thomas; Hecker, Marc: War 2.0 : irregular warfare in the<br />

information age / Thomas Rid and Marc Hecker. -<br />

Westport/Conn.: Praeger Security Internat., <strong>2009</strong>. - IX, 280 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 263-273 - ISBN 978-0-313-36470-9<br />

SWP D 876666 SWP: A.09/0232<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

<strong>15</strong>93 Rapreger, Ulrich: Paris International Air Show <strong>2009</strong> / Ulrich<br />

Rapreger. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 40-46, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876822 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

<strong>15</strong>94 Ochmanek, David A.; Schwartz, Lowell H.: The challenge of<br />

nuclear-armed regional adversaries / David Ochmanek ; Lowell<br />

H. Schwartz. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2008. -<br />

79 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 57-61 - (Rand Corporation<br />

Monograph Series) - (MG-671) - ISBN 978-0-8330-4232-3<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2008/RAND_MG671.pdf<br />

SWP D 876376<br />

SD International economy<br />

<strong>15</strong>95 Aufgewacht? Die Folgen der Finanzkrise - In: Schweizer<br />

Monatshefte (Zürich), 89 (Mai/Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 969, S. 19-42<br />

DGAP D 876500 OSI: ZS 88 DGAP: ZD 344 IFA: Z-SZ34 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SD01 World economy / International economic system<br />

<strong>15</strong>96 Altvater, Elmar: Die Vierfach-Krise des globalen Kapitalismus :<br />

Energie und Klima, Hunger und Finanzen / Elmar Altvater. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung:<br />

Hintergrund (Bonn), (Juli 2008), S. 1-3, Lit. S. 3<br />

DIE D 877303 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>97 Falk, Rainer: Ein New Deal gegen die globale Unsicherheit :<br />

UN für Kehrtwende in der Wirtschaftspolitik / Rainer Falk. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung:<br />

Hintergrund (Bonn), (Juli 2008), S. 3-4, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 4<br />

DIE D 877304 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

<strong>15</strong>98 ifo Konjunkturprognose <strong>2009</strong>/2010 : Abschwung setzt sich<br />

fort / K. Carstensen ... - In: Ifo-Schnelldienst (München),<br />

62 (26. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 12, S. 11-57, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 877123 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 IAS: 3/856 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>15</strong>99 Nerb, Gernot; Stangl, Anna: Weltwirtschaftsklima hellt sich<br />

auf : Ergebnisse des 104. World Economic Survey (WES) vom<br />

April <strong>2009</strong> / Gernot Nerb und Anna Stangl. - In: Ifo-<br />

Schnelldienst (München), 62 (12. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 11, S. 39-48,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 877122 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 IAS: 3/856 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1600 Prabhakar, Akhilesh Chandra: The first global economic<br />

crisis in the 21st century / Akhilesh Chandra Prabhakar. - In:<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 3<strong>15</strong>-324<br />

GIGA D 876899 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

1601 Akkumulation von Auslandsvermögen durch öffentliche<br />

Stellen in Schwellenländern - In: Monatsbericht /<br />

Europäische Zentralbank (Frankfurt/Main), (Januar <strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 79-92, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877140 SWP: Y. 1012 DGAP: ZD 65 BICC: BZ EZBMON DIE: 08ZA008<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1602 Blackwill, Robert D.: The geopolitical consequences of the<br />

world economic recession : A caution / Robert D. Blackwill. -<br />

Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2009</strong>. - 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Occasional Paper / Rand Corporation; OP-275) - (OP-275)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/<strong>2009</strong>/RAND_OP27<br />

5.pdf<br />

SWP D 877346<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 86 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

1603 La crise, et après? - In: La Revue de la CFDT (Paris), (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

93, S. 4-50, Lit. S. 50<br />

DFI D 876918 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

1604 Baker, Andrew: Deliberative equality and the<br />

transgovernmental politics of the global financial architecture /<br />

Andrew Baker. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 195-218, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 216-218<br />

DIE D 876478 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1605 Costa, Anna: The financial crisis and new economic balances :<br />

The risks od Europe's absence / Anna Costa. - In: The<br />

Federalist (Pavia), 50 (2008) 3, S. 194-202<br />

HSFK D 876494 HSFK: ZS F Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1606 Sachs, Jeffrey D.: Eine Agenda für Bretton Woods II : es geht<br />

nicht nur um Finanzstabilität / Jeffrey Sachs. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(November 2008) 11, S. 3-4<br />

DIE D 877376 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1607 Stiglitz, Joseph: Prinzipien für eine Finanzreform : für einen<br />

neuen globalen Wirtschaftsvertrag / Joseph Stiglitz. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(November 2008) 11, S. 2-3<br />

DIE D 877375 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1608 Chander, Anupam: Trade 2.0 / Anupam Chander. - In: The<br />

Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),<br />

34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 281-330, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876799 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1609 Gawande, Kishore; Krishna, Pravin; Olarreaga, Marcelo:<br />

What governments maximize and why : The view from trade /<br />

Kishore Gawanda, Pravin Krishna, and Marcelo Olarreaga. -<br />

In: International Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 491-532<br />

SWP D 877080 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1610 Bhat, K. Sham; Pradhan, Kailash Chandra: The effect of<br />

futures market volume and open interest on spot market<br />

volatility, a vector autoregression model approach / Kailash<br />

Chandra Pradhan and K. Sham Bhat. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 337-346<br />

GIGA D 876901 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1611 Golub, Stephen S.: Openness to foreign direct investment in<br />

services : An international comparative analysis / Stephen S.<br />

Golub. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 1245-1268, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1267-1268<br />

SWP D 876692 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1612 Mauro, Paolo; Sussman, Nathan; Yafeh, Yishay: Emerging<br />

markets and financial globalization : sovereign bond spreads in<br />

1870-1913 and today / Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman, Yishay<br />

Yafeh. - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2007. - XIV,193 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 174-182 - ISBN 978-0-19-922613-9<br />

DIE D 876959 DIE: EJB247 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1613 Tett, Gillian: Fool's gold : how unrestrained greed corrupted a<br />

dream, shattered global markets and unleashed a catastrophe /<br />

Gillian Tett. - London: Little, Brown, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIV, 338 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4087-0167-6<br />

SWP D 876782 SWP: A.09/0235<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

1614 Dialogue among Civilizations : International Conference:<br />

Fostering Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations through<br />

Concrete and Sustainable Initiatives ; Rabat, Morocco, 14-16<br />

June 2005 / publ. ... by the United Nations Educational,<br />

Scientific and Cultural Organization. Ed. by Ann-Belinda Preis<br />

... Abdulaziz Othman Altwajiri ... - Paris, 2007. - 175 S. -<br />

(Dialogue among Civilizations)<br />

http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/00<strong>15</strong>/00<strong>15</strong>41/<strong>15</strong>4100E.pdf<br />

IFA D 876485 IFA: Cb29/418 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education<br />

and science<br />

16<strong>15</strong> Ehlich, Konrad; König, Ekkehard: "Lingua franca" in der<br />

Wissenschaft - 17 Thesen und fünf Szenarien / Konrad Ehlich.<br />

- In: Zur Situation der Geisteswissenschaften in Forschung und<br />

Lehre / Klaus W. Hempfer ... (Hg.). - Stuttgart: Steiner, <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 91-118 - ISBN 978-3-5<strong>15</strong>-09379-8 -- Enth. außerdem: König,<br />

Ekkehard: Replik. - S. 111-118<br />

IFA D 877075 IFA: 29/373 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

1616 List, Johann-Mattis: Studien- und Forschungsbibliographie<br />

Chinesisch als Fremdsprache / Projektleitung: Andreas Guder.<br />

Durchführung: Johann-Mattis List. - Düsseldorf: Heinrich-<br />

Heine-Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 133 S.<br />

http://www-public.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/~jorom002/bibliographie.<br />

pdf<br />

IFA D 876607 IFA: HpIICHJ19 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF Government<br />

1617 Williams, Ian: Nationhood : ties that bind, or free? / Ian<br />

Williams. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 123-133<br />

SWP D 876550 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1618 Hiroi, Taeko; Omori, Sawa: Perils of parliamentarism?<br />

Political systems and the stability of democracy revisited /<br />

Taeko Hiroi and Sawa Omori. - In: Democratization (Abingdon),<br />

16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 485-507, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 504-505<br />

DIE D 876830 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1619 Gurses, Mehmet: State-sponsored development, oil and<br />

democratization / Mehmet Gurses. - In: Democratization<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 508-529, Tab., Lit. S. 527-529<br />

DIE D 876831 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1620 Saxer, Marc: Performace matters : challenges for the<br />

democratic model and democracy promotion / Marc Saxer. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und Gesellschaft (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 81-99<br />

SWP D 877090 SWP: X. 776 OSI: Zw 318 DGAP: ZD 485 HSFK: ZS I<br />

IFA: Z-D14<strong>15</strong> ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: 09ZS001 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1621 Khan, Md. Iqbal Shahin: Human security and human rights<br />

issues : searching religious ideals / Md. Iqbal Shahin Khan. - In:<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 381-388<br />

GIGA D 876904 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1622 Kreide, Regina: Globale Politik und Menschenrechte : Macht<br />

und Ohnmacht eines politischen Instruments / Regina Kreide. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus Verl., 2008. - 264 S., Reg., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 235-257 - (Campus Forschung; Bd. 929) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-593-38597-6<br />

HSFK D 877264 HSFK: 40.602 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1623 LaViolette, Nicole: The UNHCR'S guidance note on refugee<br />

claims relating to sexual orientation and gender identity / by<br />

Nicole LaViolette. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of<br />

International Law, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol.<br />

13, Issue 10)<br />

http://www.asil.org/files/insight090730pdf.pdf<br />

SWP D 876510<br />

1624 Mantilla, Giovanni: Emerging international human rights<br />

norms for transnational corporations / Giovanni Mantilla. -<br />

In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 279-298, Lit. S. 296-298<br />

DIE D 876487 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 87 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

1625 Schorlemer, Sabine von: Armutsbekämpfung und<br />

Menschenrechte? / Sabine von Schorlemer. - In: Deutschlands<br />

Rolle in der Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts / Peter-Cornelius<br />

Mayer-Tasch, Heinrich Oberreuter (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>, S. 149-<strong>15</strong>9 - (Zeitschrift für Politik; (<strong>2009</strong>),<br />

Sonderband 3) - ISBN 978-3-8329-4686-9<br />

SWP D 876637 SWP: H.09/0129 OSI: Zs 228 DGAP: ZD 224 IFA: Z-D84<br />

SOI: Z7806 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1626 Hiroi, Taeko; Omori, Sawa: Perils of parliamentarism?<br />

Political systems and the stability of democracy revisited /<br />

Taeko Hiroi and Sawa Omori. - In: Democratization (Abingdon),<br />

16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 485-507, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 504-505<br />

DIE D 876830 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1627 Barakat, Sultan; Zyck, Steven A.: The evolution of postconflict<br />

recovery / Sultan Barakat and Steven A. Zyck. -<br />

In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 1069-1086<br />

SWP D 877163 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1628 Atanesjan, Artur: Terrorism as a communication phenomenon<br />

/ Arthur Atanesian. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 143-<strong>15</strong>2<br />

SWP D 876965 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1629 Cragin, Kim: Al Qaeda confronts Hamas : divisions in the<br />

Sunni jihadist movement and its implications for U.S. policy /<br />

Kim Cragin. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 576-590, Lit. S. 588-590<br />

SWP D 877252 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1630 Cunningham, Karla J.: Female survival calculations in<br />

politically violent settings : how political violence and terrorism<br />

are viewed as pathways to life / Karla J. Cunningham. -<br />

In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 561-575, Lit. S. 572<br />

SWP D 877249 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1631 Holtmann, Philipp: Abu Mus'ab al-Suri's Jihad concept / by<br />

Philipp Holtmann. - Tel Aviv: Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv<br />

Univ., <strong>2009</strong>. - 209 S., Gloss., Lit. S. 197-[210] -<br />

ISBN 978-965-224-084-2<br />

SWP D 877108 SWP: A.09/0241<br />

1632 Renwick, James; Treverton, Gregory F.: The challenges of<br />

trying terrorists as criminals : proceedings of a RAND/SAIS<br />

colloquium / James Renwick ; Gregory F. Treverton. - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2008. - 25 S. - (Rand<br />

Conference Proceedings; [249]) - (CF-249)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/2008/RAND_CF249.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 876375<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

1633 Chaikin, David; Sharman, J. C.: Corruption and money<br />

laundering : A symbiotic relationship / David Chaikin and J. C.<br />

Sharman. - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, <strong>2009</strong>. - 234 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Palgrave Series on Asian Governance; Bd. 2) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-61360-7<br />

SWP D 876712 SWP: A.09/0236<br />

SG Society<br />

1634 Clammer, John: Sociology and beyond : towards a deep<br />

sociology / John Clammer. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond Sociology,<br />

S. 332-346<br />

GIGA D 876860 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1635 Giri, Ananta Kumar: Sociology and beyond : cultivating an<br />

ontological epistemology of participation / Ananta Kumar Giri. -<br />

In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

Special focus: beyond Sociology, S. 347-365<br />

GIGA D 876861 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1636 Politik der Gerechtigkeit : zur praktischen Orientierungskraft<br />

eines umkämpften Ideals / Peter Siller ... (Hrsg.). Heinrich-Böll-<br />

Stiftung - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>. - 385 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-4267-0<br />

GIGA D 876726 ILAS: INT-H/130 IMES: INT-H/130 IAA: INT-H/130<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1637 LaViolette, Nicole: The UNHCR'S guidance note on refugee<br />

claims relating to sexual orientation and gender identity / by<br />

Nicole LaViolette. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of<br />

International Law, <strong>2009</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol.<br />

13, Issue 10)<br />

http://www.asil.org/files/insight090730pdf.pdf<br />

SWP D 876510<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1638 Nuscheler, Franz: Migration und Entwicklung / Franz<br />

Nuscheler. - In: Deutschlands Rolle in der Welt des 21.<br />

Jahrhunderts / Peter-Cornelius Mayer-Tasch, Heinrich<br />

Oberreuter (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>, S. 141-148 -<br />

(Zeitschrift für Politik; (<strong>2009</strong>), Sonderband 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-4686-9<br />

SWP D 876633 SWP: H.09/0129 OSI: Zs 228 DGAP: ZD 224 IFA: Z-D84<br />

SOI: Z7806 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1639 Cunningham, Karla J.: Female survival calculations in<br />

politically violent settings : how political violence and terrorism<br />

are viewed as pathways to life / Karla J. Cunningham. -<br />

In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 7, S. 561-575, Lit. S. 572<br />

SWP D 877249 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

1640 Gawande, Kishore; Krishna, Pravin; Olarreaga, Marcelo:<br />

What governments maximize and why : The view from trade /<br />

Kishore Gawanda, Pravin Krishna, and Marcelo Olarreaga. -<br />

In: International Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 491-532<br />

SWP D 877080 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

1641 Ullrich, Heidi: Global health governance and multi-level policy<br />

coherence : can the G8 provide a cure? / Heidi Ullrich. -<br />

Ontario: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2008.<br />

- 48 S., Tab., Lit. - (CIGI Working Paper Series; 35)<br />

http://www.cigionline.org/sites/default/files/Paper_35-Final.pdf<br />

GIGA D 876852<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1642 Atanesjan, Artur: Terrorism as a communication phenomenon<br />

/ Arthur Atanesian. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea),<br />

(<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57, S. 143-<strong>15</strong>2<br />

SWP D 876965 SWP: X. 861 IFSH: Z <strong>15</strong> ba DIE: 09ZA012 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1643 Khan, Md. Iqbal Shahin: Human security and human rights<br />

issues : searching religious ideals / Md. Iqbal Shahin Khan. - In:<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 381-388<br />

GIGA D 876904 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

1644 Yunus, Muhammad: Economic security for a world in crisis /<br />

Mohammad Yunus. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 5-12<br />

SWP D 876534 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1645 Developments in selected non-member economies -<br />

In: OECD Economic Outlook (Paris), 85 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 177-210, zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DIE D 876538 DIE: AG235<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 88 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1646 Schorlemer, Sabine von: Armutsbekämpfung und<br />

Menschenrechte? / Sabine von Schorlemer. - In: Deutschlands<br />

Rolle in der Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts / Peter-Cornelius<br />

Mayer-Tasch, Heinrich Oberreuter (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>, S. 149-<strong>15</strong>9 - (Zeitschrift für Politik; (<strong>2009</strong>),<br />

Sonderband 3) - ISBN 978-3-8329-4686-9<br />

SWP D 876637 SWP: H.09/0129 OSI: Zs 228 DGAP: ZD 224 IFA: Z-D84<br />

SOI: Z7806 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1647 Yunus, Muhammad: Economic security for a world in crisis /<br />

Mohammad Yunus. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 5-12<br />

SWP D 876534 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1648 Dubash, Navroz K.: Global norms through global deliberation?<br />

Reflections on the World Commission on Dams / Navroz K.<br />

Dubash. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 219-238, Lit. S. 235-238<br />

DIE D 876481 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1649 Gervais, Olivier; Kolet, Ilan: The outlook for the global supply<br />

of oil : running on faith? / by Olivier Gervais and Ilan Kolet. -<br />

Ottawa: Bank of Canada, <strong>2009</strong>. - 16 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 11-12 - (Discussion Paper / Bank of Canada; <strong>2009</strong>-9)<br />

http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/collection_<strong>2009</strong>/banque-bank-canada<br />

/FB3-4-<strong>2009</strong>-9E.pdf<br />

SWP D 877324<br />

1650 Gurses, Mehmet: State-sponsored development, oil and<br />

democratization / Mehmet Gurses. - In: Democratization<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 508-529, Tab., Lit. S. 527-529<br />

DIE D 876831 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1651 Kesicki, Fabian: Beeinflussen Spekulanten den Ölpreis? /<br />

Fabian Kesicki. - In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen<br />

(Essen), 59 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 18-22, Ill., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877243 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1652 Dauvergne, Peter; Neville, Kate J.: The chaning North-South<br />

and South-South political economy of biofuels / Peter<br />

Dauvergne and Kate J. Neville. - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 1087-1102<br />

SWP D 877166 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1653 Hulbert, Matthew: Oil : A year after peak prices ; dash for<br />

survival / Matthew Hulbert. - In: The World Today (London),<br />

65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9, S. 29-30<br />

SWP D 876461 SWP: X. 109 DGAP: ZD 276 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1654 Lesage, Dries; Van de Graaf, Thijs; Westphal, Kirsten: The<br />

G8's role in global energy governance since the 2005<br />

Gleneagles summit / Dries Lesage, Thijs van de Graaf, and<br />

Kirsten Wesphal. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

<strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 259-277, Lit. S. 274-277<br />

DIE D 876486 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry<br />

1655 Haug, Constanze; Pattberg, Philipp H.: Der REDD-Hype in<br />

den Klimaverhandlungen : internationale Waldschutzdebatte<br />

nach Bali / Constanze Haug und Philipp Pattberg. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(September 2008) 9, S. 4-5<br />

DIE D 877368 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

1656 Clapp, Jennifer: The global food crisis and international<br />

agricultural policy : which way forward? / Jennifer Clapp. -<br />

In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 299-312, Lit. S. 311-312<br />

DIE D 876492 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1657 Food focus - In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke),<br />

30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 1<strong>15</strong>9-1225<br />

SWP D 877173 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

1658 Mantilla, Giovanni: Emerging international human rights<br />

norms for transnational corporations / Giovanni Mantilla. -<br />

In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 279-298, Lit. S. 296-298<br />

DIE D 876487 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

1659 Golub, Stephen S.: Openness to foreign direct investment in<br />

services : An international comparative analysis / Stephen S.<br />

Golub. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 1245-1268, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1267-1268<br />

SWP D 876692 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1660 Bhat, K. Sham; Pradhan, Kailash Chandra: The effect of<br />

futures market volume and open interest on spot market<br />

volatility, a vector autoregression model approach / Kailash<br />

Chandra Pradhan and K. Sham Bhat. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4, S. 337-346<br />

GIGA D 876901 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1661 Tett, Gillian: Fool's gold : how unrestrained greed corrupted a<br />

dream, shattered global markets and unleashed a catastrophe /<br />

Gillian Tett. - London: Little, Brown, <strong>2009</strong>. - XIV, 338 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4087-0167-6<br />

SWP D 876782 SWP: A.09/0235<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

1662 Globale Fernerkundungssysteme und Sicherheit : Beiträge<br />

durch neue Sicherheitsdienstleistungen? / Stephan Lingner ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Europäische Akademie zur<br />

Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer<br />

Entwicklungen, <strong>2009</strong>. - 128 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Graue Reihe; Nr. 49)<br />

http://www.ea-aw.de/fileadmin/downloads/Graue_Reihe/GR_49_<br />

GlobaleFernerkundungssysteme.pdf<br />

IFSH D 877414<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

1663 Chander, Anupam: Trade 2.0 / Anupam Chander. - In: The<br />

Yale Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.),<br />

34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 281-330, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876799 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

1664 Foss, Christopher F.: Drive-by shooting / Christopher F. Foss.<br />

- In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 46 (29 July <strong>2009</strong>) 30,<br />

S. 24-31<br />

SWP D 876432 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

1665 Rapreger, Ulrich: Paris International Air Show <strong>2009</strong> / Ulrich<br />

Rapreger. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8], S. 40-46, Ill.<br />

SWP D 876822 SWP: X. 191 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1666 Haug, Constanze; Pattberg, Philipp H.: Der REDD-Hype in<br />

den Klimaverhandlungen : internationale Waldschutzdebatte<br />

nach Bali / Constanze Haug und Philipp Pattberg. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(September 2008) 9, S. 4-5<br />

DIE D 877368 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1667 Hovi, Jon; Sprinz, Detlef F.; Underdal, Arild: Implementing<br />

long-term climate policy : time inconsistency, domestic politics,<br />

international anarchy / Jon Hovi, Detlef F. Sprinz, and Arild<br />

Underdal. - In: Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 20-39, Lit. S. 37-39<br />

SWP D 876694 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1668 Jaggard, Lyn: Climate policy, the UN and international<br />

interests / Lyn Jaggard. - In: Environmental Policy and Law<br />

(Amsterdam), 38 (October 2008) 5, S. 230-238, Ill., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 238<br />

DIE D 876752 DIE: A0611 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 89 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

1669 Messner, Dirk: "Alle Länder müssen CO2 einsparen" / Inteview<br />

mit Dirk Messner. - In: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), 50 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6, S. 260-261, Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Messner, Dirk: "Even poorest<br />

countries must cut carbon emissions". - In: Development and<br />

Cooperation. - 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6. - S. 260-261<br />

DIE D 876509 SWP: X. 72 OSI: Zs 948 DGAP: ZD 180 HSFK: ZS E<br />


IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/66 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1670 Messner, Dirk: "Even poorest countries must cut carbon<br />

emissions" / Interview with Dirk Messner. - In: Development<br />

and Cooperation (Frankfurt/Main), 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 260-261, Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Messner, Dirk: "Alle Länder<br />

müssen CO2 einsparen". - In: Entwicklung und<br />

Zusammenarbeit. - 50 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6. - S. 260-261<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1671 Simonis, Udo Ernst: Globale Umweltprobleme - und die Rolle<br />

Deutschlands / Udo E. Simonis. - In: Deutschlands Rolle in der<br />

Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts / Peter-Cornelius Mayer-Tasch,<br />

Heinrich Oberreuter (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

S. 161-169 - (Zeitschrift für Politik; (<strong>2009</strong>), Sonderband 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-4686-9<br />

SWP D 876639 SWP: H.09/0129 OSI: Zs 228 DGAP: ZD 224 IFA: Z-D84<br />

SOI: Z7806 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1672 Steinberg, Paul F.: Institutional resilience amid political<br />

change : The case of biodiversity conservation / Paul F.<br />

Steinberg. - In: Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 61-81, Lit. S. 78-81<br />

SWP D 876697 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1673 Zanotti, Laura; Sepez, Jennifer; Vaccaro, Ismael: Commons<br />

and markets : opportunities for development of local<br />

sustainability / Ismael Vaccaro, Laura C. Zanotti and Jennifer<br />

Sepez. - In: Environmental Politics (Abingdon), 18 (Juli <strong>2009</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 522-538, Lit. S. 536-538<br />

FUB D 8771<strong>15</strong> OSI: UB: 28/95/61(2) Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

1674 Images of Gramsci : connections and contentions in political<br />

theory and international relations / ed. by Andreas Bieler ... -<br />

1st published - London ...: Routledge, 2006. - XXV,186 S.,<br />

Reg., zahlr. Lit. - (Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global Political<br />

Economy; 21) - ISBN 978-0-4<strong>15</strong>-46365-2<br />

GIGA D 876995 ILAS: GEN-I/91 IMES: GEN-I/91 IAA: GEN-I/91 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1675 Clammer, John: Sociology and beyond : towards a deep<br />

sociology / John Clammer. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond Sociology,<br />

S. 332-346<br />

GIGA D 876860 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1676 Giri, Ananta Kumar: Sociology and beyond : cultivating an<br />

ontological epistemology of participation / Ananta Kumar Giri. -<br />

In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

Special focus: beyond Sociology, S. 347-365<br />

GIGA D 876861 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

1677 Stanley, Elizabeth A.: Ending the Korean war : The role of<br />

domestic coalition shifts in overcoming obstacles to peace /<br />

Elizabeth A. Stanley. - In: International Security<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 1, S. 42-82, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877345 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

1678 Sumner, Andrew; Tiwari, Meera: After 20<strong>15</strong> : international<br />

development policy at a crossroads / Andy Sumner and Meera<br />

Tiwari. - Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, <strong>2009</strong>. - XII,2<strong>15</strong> S.,<br />

graph. Darst.,Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Rethinking International<br />

Development Series) - ISBN 978-1-4039-8772-3<br />

DIE D 876386 DIE: T218 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 90 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

RR SPACE<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

1679 Karkoska, Helge: Von der SAR-Lupe zu MUSIS : Deutschland<br />

und die europäische raumgestützte Aufklärung / Helge<br />

Karkoska. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 58 (<strong>August</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 8, S. 38-41, Ill.<br />

SWP D 877211 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SI03.01 Space technology<br />

1680 Lele, Ajey: China's posture in space and its implications / Ajey<br />

Lele. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 32 (July 2008) 4,<br />

S. 605-620<br />

SWP D 877338 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1681 Wu, Chunsi: China's outer space activities : motivations, goals,<br />

and policy / Wu Chunsi. - In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi),<br />

32 (July 2008) 4, S. 621-635<br />

SWP D 877340 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 91 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25




SA03 Politics<br />

1682 Béland, Daniel: Ideas, institutions, and policy change / Daniel<br />

Béland. - In: Journal of European Public Policy (Abingdon),<br />

16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5, S. 701-718<br />

SWP D 876440 SWP: X. 853 DGAP: ZD 102 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

1683 Löwenheim, Nava: A haunted past: requesting forgiveness for<br />

wrongdoing in international relations / Nava Löwenheim. -<br />

In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

3, S. 531-555, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876949 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1684 Phillips, P. Michael: Deconstructing our dark age future / P.<br />

Michael Phillips. - In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.),<br />

39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 94-110, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/09summer/phillip<br />

s.pdf<br />

SWP D 877336 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1685 Sutch, Peter: International justice and the reform of global<br />

governance : A reconsideration of Michael Walzer's<br />

international political theory / Peter Sutch. - In: Review of<br />

International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 513-530, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876946 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1686 Barry, Christian; Valentini, Laura: Egalitarian challenges to<br />

global egalitarianism : A critique / Christian Barry and Laura<br />

Valentini. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),<br />

35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 485-512, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876941 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1687 Benhabib, Seyla: Kosmopolitismus und Demokratie : eine<br />

Debatte (Orig.: Another cosmopolitanism) / Seyla Benhabib. Mit<br />

Jeremy Waldron ... - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus Verl., 2008. -<br />

192 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 180-192 - (Theorie und Gesellschaft; Bd.<br />

66) - ISBN 978-3-593-38640-9<br />

HSFK D 877233 HSFK: 40.633 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1688 Brincat, Shannon: Reclaiming the utopian imaginary in IR<br />

theory / Shannon Brincat. - In: Review of International Studies<br />

(Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 581-609, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876953 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1689 The king of thought: Theory, the subject, and Waltz : part 1:<br />

perspectives on structural realism / Ken Booth (ed.). -<br />

In: International Relations (London), 23 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 179-303<br />

HSFK D 8770<strong>15</strong> HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1690 Reflexiones sobre la ética y la cooperación internacional<br />

para el desarrollo : los retos del siglo XXI / Markus<br />

Gottsbacher ... compiladores. Instituto Mora - Mexico, 2008. -<br />

389 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Colección Cooperación<br />

Internacional) - ISBN 978-970-684-178-0<br />

DIE D 877271 DIE: EB436 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1691 Richmond, Oliver P.: A post-liberal peace: eirenism and the<br />

everyday / Oliver P. Richmond. - In: Review of International<br />

Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 557-580, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876952 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1692 Stone, Randall W.: Risk in international politics / Randall W.<br />

Stone. - In: Global Environmental Politics (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 40-60, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 58-60<br />

SWP D 876695 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1693 Suter, Keith: The future of the nation-state in the era of<br />

globalisation / Keith Suter. - In: The Federalist (Pavia),<br />

50 (2008) 3, S. 203-2<strong>15</strong><br />

HSFK D 876495 HSFK: ZS F Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1694 Criddle, Evan J.; Fox-Decent, Evan: A fiduciary theory of jus<br />

cogens / Evan J. Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent. - In: The Yale<br />

Journal of International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 34 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 331-387, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876800 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1695 Garraway, Charles H. B.: Occupation responsibilities and<br />

constraints / Charles Garraway. - In: The legitimate use of<br />

military force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...:<br />

Ashgate Publ., 2008, S. 263-282 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876768 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1696 Hayashi, Mika Nishimura: The Martens clause and military<br />

necessity / Mika Nishimura Hayashi. - In: The legitimate use of<br />

military force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...:<br />

Ashgate Publ., 2008, S. 135-<strong>15</strong>9 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876749 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1697 Henckaerts, Jean-Marie: The development of international<br />

humanitarian law and the continued relevance of custom /<br />

Jean-Marie Henckaerts. - In: The legitimate use of military force<br />

/ ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 117-133 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876746 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1698 Hensel, Howard M.: Anthropocentric natural law and its<br />

implications for international relations and armed conflict /<br />

Howard M.Hensel. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed.<br />

by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 29-62 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876743 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1699 Hensel, Howard M.: The rejection of natural law and its<br />

implications for international relations and armed conflict /<br />

Howard M.Hensel. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed.<br />

by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 63-96 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876744 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1700 Hensel, Howard M.: Theocentric natural law and Just War<br />

doctrine / Howard M.Hensel. - In: The legitimate use of military<br />

force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ.,<br />

2008, S. 5-27 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876742 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1701 Kornat, Marek: Barbarity, vandalism, terrorism, genocide : on<br />

Raphael Lemkin and the idea of defining "the crime under the<br />

law of nations" / Marek Kornat. - In: The Polish Quarterly of<br />

International Affairs (Warsaw), 17 (Spring 2008) 2, S. 79-98<br />

SWP D 876437 SWP: X. 757 DGAP: ZD 456 HSFK: ZS P Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1702 The legitimate use of military force : The Just War tradition<br />

and the customary law of armed conflict / ed. by Howard M.<br />

Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008. - VI,300 S., Reg. -<br />

(Justice, International Law and Global Security) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876741 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1703 McDonald, Avril: Hors de combat: post-September 11<br />

challenges to the rules / Avril McDonald. - In: The legitimate<br />

use of military force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...:<br />

Ashgate Publ., 2008, S. 219-262 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876766 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1704 Quéguiner, Jean-François: The principle of distiction: beyond<br />

an obligation of customary international humanitarian law /<br />

Jean-François Quéguiner. - In: The legitimate use of military<br />

force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ.,<br />

2008, S. 161-187 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876750 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1705 Rogers, A. P. V.: The principle of proportionality / A. P. V.<br />

Rogers. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed. by<br />

Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 189-218 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876754 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 92 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

1706 Sutch, Peter: International justice and the reform of global<br />

governance : A reconsideration of Michael Walzer's<br />

international political theory / Peter Sutch. - In: Review of<br />

International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 513-530, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876946 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1707 Weissbrodt, David; De la Vega, Constance: International<br />

human rights law : An introduction / David Weissbrodt and<br />

Connie de la Vega. - Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania<br />

Pr., 2007. - X,432 S., Reg. - (Pennsylvania Studies in Human<br />

Rights) - ISBN 0-8122-4032-4<br />

HSFK D 876498 HSFK: HB 834.6 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1708 Richmond, Oliver P.: A post-liberal peace: eirenism and the<br />

everyday / Oliver P. Richmond. - In: Review of International<br />

Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 557-580, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876952 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

1709 Raymond, Gregory A.; Kegley, Charles W. (jr.): Preemption<br />

and preventive war / Gregory A. Raymond and Charles W.<br />

Kegley, Jr.. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed. by<br />

Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 99-1<strong>15</strong> - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876745 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1710 Hayashi, Mika Nishimura: The Martens clause and military<br />

necessity / Mika Nishimura Hayashi. - In: The legitimate use of<br />

military force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...:<br />

Ashgate Publ., 2008, S. 135-<strong>15</strong>9 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876749 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1711 Henckaerts, Jean-Marie: The development of international<br />

humanitarian law and the continued relevance of custom /<br />

Jean-Marie Henckaerts. - In: The legitimate use of military force<br />

/ ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 117-133 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876746 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1712 Hensel, Howard M.: Anthropocentric natural law and its<br />

implications for international relations and armed conflict /<br />

Howard M.Hensel. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed.<br />

by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 29-62 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876743 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1713 Hensel, Howard M.: The rejection of natural law and its<br />

implications for international relations and armed conflict /<br />

Howard M.Hensel. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed.<br />

by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 63-96 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876744 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1714 Hensel, Howard M.: Theocentric natural law and Just War<br />

doctrine / Howard M.Hensel. - In: The legitimate use of military<br />

force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ.,<br />

2008, S. 5-27 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876742 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

17<strong>15</strong> The legitimate use of military force : The Just War tradition<br />

and the customary law of armed conflict / ed. by Howard M.<br />

Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008. - VI,300 S., Reg. -<br />

(Justice, International Law and Global Security) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876741 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1716 McDonald, Avril: Hors de combat: post-September 11<br />

challenges to the rules / Avril McDonald. - In: The legitimate<br />

use of military force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...:<br />

Ashgate Publ., 2008, S. 219-262 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876766 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1717 Quéguiner, Jean-François: The principle of distiction: beyond<br />

an obligation of customary international humanitarian law /<br />

Jean-François Quéguiner. - In: The legitimate use of military<br />

force / ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ.,<br />

2008, S. 161-187 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876750 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

1718 Rogers, A. P. V.: The principle of proportionality / A. P. V.<br />

Rogers. - In: The legitimate use of military force / ed. by<br />

Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 189-218 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876754 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

1719 De Jong, Jacques J.; Kate, Warner ten: Some policy<br />

challenges of a global nuclear renaissance / Warner ten Kate &<br />

Jacques de Jong. - The Hague: Clingendael International<br />

Energy Programme, <strong>2009</strong>. - 22 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. -<br />

(Briefing Papers / Clingendael International Energy<br />

Programme)<br />

http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>2009</strong>0700_briefing_p<br />

aper_nuclear_final_kate.pdf<br />

SWP D 877407<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

1720 Pfeiffer, Georg: Privatisierung des Krieges? Zur Rolle von<br />

privaten Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen in bewaffneten<br />

Konflikten / Georg Pfeiffer. - Stuttgart: Steiner, <strong>2009</strong>. - 172 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>15</strong>4-172 - (Staatsdiskurse; 6) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-5<strong>15</strong>-09365-1 -- Zugl.: München, Univ. d.<br />

Bundeswehr, Diss., <strong>2009</strong><br />

DIE D 876944 DIE: AZL111 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1721 Gawande, Kishore; Krishna, Pravin; Olarreaga, Marcelo:<br />

What governments maximize and why : The view from trade /<br />

Kishore Gawanda, Pravin Krishna, and Marcelo Olarreaga. -<br />

In: International Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 491-532<br />

SWP D 877080 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1722 Krugman, Paul R.: The increasing returns revolution in trade<br />

and geography / Paul Krugman. - In: The American Economic<br />

Review (Nashville/Tenn.), 99 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 561-571, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 570-571<br />

DIE D 876361 DIE: PDF0925<br />

SF Government<br />

1723 Boehme-Neßler, Volker: Das Ende des Staates? Zu den<br />

Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den Staat / Volker<br />

Boehme-Neßler. - In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien),<br />

64 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 145-199, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876562 DGAP: ZD 329 Öff.StaO: 281<br />

1724 Suter, Keith: The future of the nation-state in the era of<br />

globalisation / Keith Suter. - In: The Federalist (Pavia),<br />

50 (2008) 3, S. 203-2<strong>15</strong><br />

HSFK D 876495 HSFK: ZS F Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1725 Bechtel, Michael M.: Tanzt auch die Politik auf dem<br />

Börsenparkett? Wahlen, Parteipolitik und die Entwicklung von<br />

Aktienmärkten / Michael M. Bechtel. - In: Österreichische<br />

Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 133-162, Tab., Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876559 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1726 Smith, Jackie: Social movements for global democracy /<br />

Jackie Smith. - Baltimore/Md.: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr.,<br />

2008. - XIII,286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 255-279 - (Themes in Global Social Change) -<br />

ISBN 0-8018-8744-5<br />

HSFK D 876503 HSFK: 40.510 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1727 Henckaerts, Jean-Marie: The development of international<br />

humanitarian law and the continued relevance of custom /<br />

Jean-Marie Henckaerts. - In: The legitimate use of military force<br />

/ ed. by Howard M. Hensel. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate Publ., 2008,<br />

S. 117-133 - ISBN 978-0-7546-4980-9<br />

HSFK D 876746 HSFK: 40.528 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 93 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

1728 Weissbrodt, David; De la Vega, Constance: International<br />

human rights law : An introduction / David Weissbrodt and<br />

Connie de la Vega. - Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania<br />

Pr., 2007. - X,432 S., Reg. - (Pennsylvania Studies in Human<br />

Rights) - ISBN 0-8122-4032-4<br />

HSFK D 876498 HSFK: HB 834.6 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1729 Höglund, Kristine; Jarstad, Anna K.; Söderberg Kovacs,<br />

Mimmi: The predicament of elections in war-torn societies /<br />

Kristine Höglund, Anna K. Jarstad and Mimmi Söderberg<br />

Kovacs. - In: Democratization (Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 530-537, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 554-557<br />

DIE D 876832 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1730 Höglund, Kristine; Jarstad, Anna K.; Söderberg Kovacs,<br />

Mimmi: The predicament of elections in war-torn societies /<br />

Kristine Höglund, Anna K. Jarstad and Mimmi Söderberg<br />

Kovacs. - In: Democratization (Abingdon), 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 530-537, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 554-557<br />

DIE D 876832 SWP: X. 869 OSI: Zw 305 HSFK: ZS D DIE: ZK048<br />

Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

1731 Gould, Harry D.: International criminal bodies / Harry D. Gould.<br />

- In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge), 35 (July<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 701-721, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876961 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SG Society<br />

1732 Benhabib, Seyla: Kosmopolitismus und Demokratie : eine<br />

Debatte (Orig.: Another cosmopolitanism) / Seyla Benhabib. Mit<br />

Jeremy Waldron ... - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus Verl., 2008. -<br />

192 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 180-192 - (Theorie und Gesellschaft; Bd.<br />

66) - ISBN 978-3-593-38640-9<br />

HSFK D 877233 HSFK: 40.633 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1733 Dahl, Gudrun: Sociology and beyond : Agency, victimisation<br />

and the ethics of writing / Gudrun Dahl. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond<br />

Sociology, S. 391-407<br />

GIGA D 876863 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1734 Giri, Ananta Kumar: Sociology and beyond / Ananta Kumar<br />

Giri. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

Special focus: beyond Sociology, S. 329-331<br />

GIGA D 876859 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1735 Jain, Anil: Sociology, contingency and utopia / Anil K. Jain. -<br />

In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

Special focus: beyond Sociology, S. 408-414<br />

GIGA D 876864 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1736 On being human - In: Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

138 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 5-106, Special Issue<br />

SWP D 876816 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1737 Bhandari, Humnath; Yasunobu, Kumi: What is social capital?<br />

A comprehensive review of the concept / Humnath Bhandari<br />

and Kumi Yasunobu. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 480-510<br />

GIGA D 876867 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

1738 Gawande, Kishore; Krishna, Pravin; Olarreaga, Marcelo:<br />

What governments maximize and why : The view from trade /<br />

Kishore Gawanda, Pravin Krishna, and Marcelo Olarreaga. -<br />

In: International Organization (Cambridge/Mass.), 63 (Summer<br />

<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 491-532<br />

SWP D 877080 SWP: X. 185 OSI: Zs 405 DGAP: ZD 386 HSFK: ZS I<br />

DIE: ZV001 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1739 Die "Nation" auf dem Prüfstand = La "Nation" en question /<br />

hrsg. von Rainer Hudemann ... - Berlin: Akademie Verl., <strong>2009</strong>. -<br />

XV,221 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Vice versa: deutsch-französische<br />

Kulturstudien; 3) - ISBN 978-3-05-004570-2<br />

DFI D 877180 DFI: VL <strong>15</strong>0.NAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1740 Smith, Jackie: Social movements for global democracy /<br />

Jackie Smith. - Baltimore/Md.: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr.,<br />

2008. - XIII,286 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 255-279 - (Themes in Global Social Change) -<br />

ISBN 0-8018-8744-5<br />

HSFK D 876503 HSFK: 40.510 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1741 Gute Stiftung, böse Stiftung? Der schmale Grat zwischen<br />

Gemeinnützigkeit und politischer Einflussnahme - In: Rundbrief<br />

/ Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (Bonn), (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 3-<strong>15</strong>, Ill.,<br />

Lit.<br />

DIE D 876837 DIE: ZA162 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1742 Barry, Christian; Valentini, Laura: Egalitarian challenges to<br />

global egalitarianism : A critique / Christian Barry and Laura<br />

Valentini. - In: Review of International Studies (Cambridge),<br />

35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 485-512, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876941 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1743 Bechtel, Michael M.: Tanzt auch die Politik auf dem<br />

Börsenparkett? Wahlen, Parteipolitik und die Entwicklung von<br />

Aktienmärkten / Michael M. Bechtel. - In: Österreichische<br />

Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Wien), 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 133-162, Tab., Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876559 OSI: ZU 565 DGAP: ZD 104 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

1744 Bräuninger, Michael: Konjunkturbedingte Budgetdefizite und<br />

die Entwicklung der Staatsschulden / Michael Bräuninger. -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 89 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6,<br />

S. 403-407<br />

SWP D 876430 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020<br />

Öff.StaO: H 256<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

1745 Boehme-Neßler, Volker: Das Ende des Staates? Zu den<br />

Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den Staat / Volker<br />

Boehme-Neßler. - In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien),<br />

64 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2, S. 145-199, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 876562 DGAP: ZD 329 Öff.StaO: 281<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

1746 Lele, Ajey: Role of the nanotechnology in defence / Ajey Lele. -<br />

In: Strategic Analysis (New Delhi), 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 229-241, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 877020 SWP: X. 772 DGAP: ZD 281 HSFK: ZS S Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1747 Lempert, Robert; Scheffran, Jürgen; Sprinz, Detlef F.:<br />

Methods for long-term environmental policy challenges / Robert<br />

Lempert, Jürgen Scheffran, and Detlef F. Sprinz. - In: Global<br />

Environmental Politics (Cambridge/Mass.), 9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 106-133, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 128-133<br />

SWP D 876699 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1748 Políticas públicas y desastres / Daniel Rodríguez Valázquez<br />

... coordinadores. Instituto Mora ... - Mexico, 2008. - 170 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Colección Cooperación<br />

Internacional) - ISBN 978-607-7613-07-7<br />

DIE D 877277 DIE: AZM681 Öff.StaO: B <strong>15</strong>03<br />

1749 Stone, Randall W.: Risk in international politics / Randall W.<br />

Stone. - In: Global Environmental Politics (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 40-60, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 58-60<br />

SWP D 876695 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA167 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 94 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1750 Bhandari, Humnath; Yasunobu, Kumi: What is social capital?<br />

A comprehensive review of the concept / Humnath Bhandari<br />

and Kumi Yasunobu. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science<br />

(Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 480-510<br />

GIGA D 876867 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1751 Dahl, Gudrun: Sociology and beyond : Agency, victimisation<br />

and the ethics of writing / Gudrun Dahl. - In: Asian Journal of<br />

Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3, Special focus: beyond<br />

Sociology, S. 391-407<br />

GIGA D 876863 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1752 Giri, Ananta Kumar: Sociology and beyond / Ananta Kumar<br />

Giri. - In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

Special focus: beyond Sociology, S. 329-331<br />

GIGA D 876859 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

1753 Jain, Anil: Sociology, contingency and utopia / Anil K. Jain. -<br />

In: Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden), 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3,<br />

Special focus: beyond Sociology, S. 408-414<br />

GIGA D 876864 IAS: 3/440 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

1754 Brincat, Shannon: Reclaiming the utopian imaginary in IR<br />

theory / Shannon Brincat. - In: Review of International Studies<br />

(Cambridge), 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3, S. 581-609, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 876953 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1755 The king of thought: Theory, the subject, and Waltz : part 1:<br />

perspectives on structural realism / Ken Booth (ed.). -<br />

In: International Relations (London), 23 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 179-303<br />

HSFK D 8770<strong>15</strong> HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 95 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

Aalen, Lovise 922<br />

Abdollahyan, Hamid 1126;1128 1127<br />

Abe, Nobuyasu 680;1228<br />

Abrisketa, Joana 1496;1499;<strong>15</strong>72;<strong>15</strong>74<br />

Abssi, Marion 210;225;976;979<br />

Abu-Bader, Suleiman 1035<br />

Abushov, Kavus 400;507<br />

Ackerman, Ruthie 865;866<br />

Acton, James M. <strong>15</strong>85<br />

Adebajo, Adekeye 834;894<br />

Adejumobi, Said 840<br />

Adelle, Camilla 110;124<br />

Agarwal, Manmohan <strong>15</strong>59<br />

Agesa, Jacqueline 912;9<strong>15</strong><br />

Agesa, Richard U. 912;9<strong>15</strong><br />

Agrawal, Pradeep 1259;1264<br />

Ahmed, Akbar S. 603;768;954;964<br />

Ainsworth, Bob 177;1084<br />

Alamgir, Jalal 1192;1195<br />

Alampay, Erwin 1178<br />

Allmendinger, Michael 37;82<br />

Almulhim, Mohamed Bin-Abdul-Latif Bin-<br />

Mohamed 943;944<br />

Aloisio, Salvatore 39<br />

Altenähr, Adél 316<br />

Altvater, Elmar <strong>15</strong>96<br />

Altwaijri, Abdulaziz Othman 947;1614<br />

Álvarez, Roberto <strong>15</strong>38;<strong>15</strong>51<br />

Amanat, Abbas 1134<br />

Ameli, Saied Reza 1129;1135<br />

Anderson, Leslie E. 807;808<br />

Aras, Bülent 111;390 385;401<br />

Arévalo-Robles, G. Andrés 794;799<br />

Arnold, Thomas 274<br />

Aron, Leon 476<br />

Arregui, Javier 76<br />

Arrondel, Luc 233<br />

Asenso-Okyere, W. Kwadwo 863<br />

Åslund, Anders 501<br />

Asmussen, Jörg 293<br />

Atanesjan, Artur 1628;1642<br />

Auclair, Denise 72;218;381<br />

Aumüller, Jutta 310;359<br />

Ayee, Joseph R. A. 859;860<br />

Azergui, Lhoussain 950;951;995;996<br />

Bachner, David J. 311;737<br />

Bachrack, Matthew 1378;1396<br />

Bahador, Bahak 144;146;587;589<br />

Bahar, Mehri 1130;1136<br />

Bahney, Benjamin 685<br />

Bahonar, Nasser 1131;1137<br />

Baker, Andrew 1604<br />

Ballard, John R. 1318;<strong>15</strong>05<br />

Banerjee, Arpita 1245;1260<br />

Barabantseva, Elena 1403<br />

Barak, Oren 1018;1020<br />

Barakat, Sultan <strong>15</strong>91;1627<br />

Barcham, Manuhuia 1486<br />

Barlet, Muriel 250<br />

Barnes, Joe 402;604<br />

Barnscheid, Ralf 59;123<br />

Barone, Michael 596<br />

Barra, Ximena de la 795;797<br />

Barrientos, Stephanie 863<br />

Barry, Christian 1686;1742<br />

Bartels, Henning 285;349<br />

Batra, Amita 1261<br />

Bauer, John W. 403;1429;1440<br />

Bauer, Marc 780;1466<br />

Bechtel, Michael M. 1725;1743<br />


Becker, Carmen 199;200;338;341<br />

Becker, Joachim <strong>15</strong>6;162<br />

Becker, Peter 40;266<br />

Becker, Uwe <strong>15</strong>30;<strong>15</strong>33<br />

Beetham, David 1009<br />

Behera, Laxman Kumar 1232<br />

Béland, Daniel 1682<br />

Bell, Daniel A. 1349;1405<br />

Belyj, Andrej 112;468 113;469<br />

Ben-Meir, Alon 1023;1041<br />

Benhabib, Seyla 1687;1732<br />

Benhamou, Françoise 247<br />

Benoist, Pierre 206<br />

Benzinger, Michael 594<br />

Berger, Timo 828<br />

Beri, Ruchita 8<strong>15</strong>;886;1204 835;1221<br />

Berry, Sara 856;857<br />

Bertozzi, Stefano M. 84;90<br />

Bhandari, Humnath 1737;1750<br />

Bhat, K. Sham 1610;1660<br />

Bhatia, Mohita 1251<br />

Bhattacharya, Abanti 1382<br />

Bhattacharya, B. B. 1261<br />

Bieler, Andreas 1674<br />

Bieling, Hans-Jürgen 4<br />

Biscop, Sven 49 51;666<br />

Bisley, Nick 1173;1473<br />

Blackwill, Robert D. 598;720;<strong>15</strong>62;1602<br />

Blank, Stephen J. 404;789 538;605<br />

Blechman, Barry M. 448;686<br />

Boehme-Neßler, Volker 1723;1745<br />

Bohr, Annette 569<br />

Bohrer, Juliane 85;86;325;326<br />

Bonney, Richard 647;955;<strong>15</strong>27<br />

Bontemps, Christophe 260<br />

Booth, Ken <strong>15</strong>79 1689;1755<br />

Booysen, Susan 899<br />

Borchgrave, Arnaud de 1282;1477<br />

Boris, Dieter 791<br />

Borras, Isabelle 239<br />

Boster, James Shilts 3<br />

Bouandel, Youcef 978<br />

Boudreau, Vince 1292;1307<br />

Boyd, Dallas 748<br />

Brach, Juliane 942<br />

Brady, Hugo 83<br />

Brantsch, Ingmar 581<br />

Bratersky, Maksim 67;450;551;725;1373<br />

Braune-Steininger, Wolfgang 296;355;361;362<br />

Bräuninger, Michael 1744<br />

Braunmühl, Claudia von <strong>15</strong>21;<strong>15</strong>39<br />

Bray, Aurélie 229<br />

Bregha, François 173;198;201<br />

Brenneisen, Hartmut 85;86;325;326<br />

Brenneisen, Julia 85;86;325;326<br />

Breuer, Ingo 1394<br />

Briard, Karine 237<br />

Bridges, Sarah 917;918<br />

Brincat, Shannon 1688;1754<br />

Broers, Laurence 528<br />

Brombacher, Daniel 804<br />

Browers, Michaelle L. 948;949<br />

Brown, Garrett Wallace <strong>15</strong>19;<strong>15</strong>20<br />

Brown, Kerry 1385<br />

Brüggemann, Michael 96<br />

Brüning, Jan 461<br />

Bryant, Rebecca 387;391<br />

Brym, Robert J. 1026;1048<br />

Bua, Alessandro 793<br />

Bukh, Alexander 1449;1457<br />

Bulard, Martine 1390<br />

Bunzl, John 370;375<br />

Buss, Terry F. 733<br />

Cahuc, Pierre 89;109;228;255<br />

Calamaro, Eduardo S. 814<br />

Carstensen, Kai <strong>15</strong>98<br />

Carter, Phillip 606;925<br />

Cartland, Harry 670<br />

Casas i Klett, Thomas 1451<br />

Cassel, Doug 806<br />

Castañeda, Carla 870<br />

Castel, Robert 222<br />

Cattaneo, Cristina <strong>15</strong>49;<strong>15</strong>52<br />

Cavero, Teresa <strong>15</strong>53<br />

Chaikin, David 1633<br />

Chaleix, Mylène 238<br />

Chalk, Peter 928<br />

Chander, Anupam <strong>15</strong>73;1608;1663<br />

Chandra, Vishal 1093 1099<br />

Chanlett-Avery, Emma 1436<br />

Charap, Samuel 405;607 406;608<br />

Chattopadhyay, Saumen 1247<br />

Chen, Anping 1395<br />

Chen, Fengying 1182<br />

Chen, Xueming 1399<br />

Cheng, Jie 1392;1427<br />

Cheng, Xiao-Mei 1410;1425<br />

Cheterian, Vicken <strong>15</strong>7 434;519<br />

Chiang, Renee 1335;1386<br />

Chiari, Bernhard 590<br />

Chiavari, Joana 110;124<br />

Chin, James 1302<br />

Ching, Frank 1393<br />

Chislett, William 41;386<br />

Choi, Young-jin 1443<br />

Chow, Brian G. 679;687<br />

Chowdhury, Saber Ahmed 1202<br />

Christensen, Thomas J. 609;1336<br />

Chyba, Christopher F. 681<br />

Ciganikova, Martina 916<br />

Cigar, Norman 1067;1068<br />

Clammer, John 1176;1184;1634;1675<br />

Clapham, Christopher 923<br />

Clapp, Jennifer 1656<br />

Clemens, Iris 1248<br />

Clement, Rolf 130<br />

Cliffe, Lionel 919;920<br />

Cloughley, Brian 1161<br />

Coate, Roger A. <strong>15</strong>01<br />

Cochet, François 204;245<br />

Coelho, Karen 1252<br />

Cohen, Ariel 407;611 487;516;610<br />

Cohen, Roger 1122<br />

Cohn, D'Vera 758<br />

Colburn, Forrest D. 805<br />

Collins, Susan M. 776;779;<strong>15</strong>36;<strong>15</strong>37<br />

Cooper, William H. 63;721<br />

Copper, John F. 1330<br />

Cordesman, Anthony H. 131;1085 653;1000<br />

671;704 696;782;1005;1014;1091;1114 1094;1106<br />

Cosnac, Bettina de 219;312;738<br />

Costa, Anna 1605<br />

Coverdale, Linda 873<br />

Cowan, Gerrard 713;778<br />

Cragin, Kim 1629<br />

Criddle, Evan J. 1694<br />

Cropsey, Seth 694<br />

Crouch, J. D. 681<br />

Crusson, Laure 250<br />

Cunningham, Karla J. 1630;1639<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 97 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Curtis, Lisa 654;1148<br />

Cyran, Olivier 754;773<br />

D'Souza, Shanthie 655;750;1222;1237 1107<br />

Dabalen, Andrew 912;9<strong>15</strong><br />

Dahl, Gudrun 1733;1751<br />

Daly, M. W. 987;991<br />

Danilov, Jurij 477<br />

Das, Pushpita 1190;1205 1206;1268<br />

Datta, Sreeradha 1191;1207;1337 1201;1262;1316<br />

Daum, Pierre 205;226<br />

Dauvergne, Peter 1652<br />

David, Jack 672;683<br />

Davidson, Christopher M. 1072<br />

Daxner, Michael 1096;1113<br />

Day, Stephen 1461;1464<br />

De Jong, Jacques J. 1719<br />

De la Vega, Constance 1707;1728<br />

De Vrieze, Franklin 592<br />

Dean, Sidney E. 286;350<br />

Dehéz, Dustin 926<br />

Dehghan, Ali Reza 1132<br />

Dello Buono, Richard A. 795;797<br />

Delreux, Tom 125<br />

Demes, Pavol 164;636<br />

Denison, Michael 114;559<br />

Deumier, Pascale 221<br />

Dickson, Brice 187;190<br />

Dieter, Heribert 1175;1485<br />

Dissanayake, Lakshman 1275;1277<br />

Dixon, Paul 179;181 191<br />

Djaout, Fabien 261<br />

Dnzoutchep Nguewo, Baudelaire Didier<br />

340;872<br />

Dobbins, James 695;1090<br />

Dodd, Lawrence C. 807;808<br />

Dölling, Peter 275<br />

Dombret, Dimitri 1042;1043;1046;1054<br />

Donaldson, John A. 1412<br />

Dorronsoro, Gilles 388;389<br />

Drescher, Wiebke 13;479;488;508<br />

Du Bois-Pedain, Antje 898<br />

Dubash, Navroz K. <strong>15</strong>76;1648<br />

Dubet, François 223<br />

Dubois, Emmanuel 1027;1049<br />

Dudek, Anna 838;839<br />

Duffield, John S. 652;999<br />

Dumoulin, André 52;2<strong>15</strong>;269<br />

Dunn, Lewis A. 748<br />

Dutta, Sujit 1216;1352<br />

Dyrchs, Susanne 1311<br />

Dzebisasvili, Kachaber 14;480;509<br />

D’Souza, Shanthie Mariet 1108<br />

Eckert, Stefan 166;167;303;313<br />

314;345;1281;1285;1323;1324<br />

Edwards, Elizabeth 761<br />

Edwardson, Ryan 595<br />

Eggert, Wolfgang 760;774<br />

Ehlich, Konrad 16<strong>15</strong><br />

Ehlke, Erin 234<br />

Ehrke, Michael 68<br />

Eick, Simone 331;813<br />

Emerson, Michael 408;<strong>15</strong>08<br />

Emmers, Ralf 1283;1290<br />

Endeweld, Miri 1036;1039<br />

Erdmenger, Katharina 94<br />

Erickson, Andrew 1362;14<strong>15</strong><br />

Erickson, Andrew S. 1355;1481<br />

Eschment, Beate 548;1083<br />

Esmenjaud, Romain 851<br />

Esquerre, Arnaud 248<br />

Esteban, Mario 540<br />

Eun, Kisoo 1445<br />

Euskirchen, Markus 91<br />

Falk, Rainer <strong>15</strong>04;<strong>15</strong>97 <strong>15</strong>40<br />

Feith, Douglas Jay 672;683<br />

Ferozuddin, Feroz 183;194;1097;1112<br />

Fidler, David P. 1278;1320<br />

Fingleton, Eamonn 612;726;1338;1375<br />

Fischer-Bollin, Peter 788<br />

Fischer-Lescano, Andreas 77;318<br />

Fisk, Robert 932;934<br />

Fitzgerald, Erin 696;782;1005;1014;1091;1114<br />

Fitzpatrick, Mark 1433;1437<br />

Fleiner, Thomas 940<br />

Flottau, Heiko 997<br />

Fluch, Helge 1465<br />

Ford, Christopher A. 684 <strong>15</strong>86<br />

Forden, Geoffrey E. 1119<br />

Fornefeld, Ralf <strong>15</strong>83<br />

Foss, Christopher F. 1664<br />

Fox, Gregory H. 1497;<strong>15</strong>06<br />

Fox-Decent, Evan 1694<br />

Francis, Paul L. 708<br />

François, Jean-Christophe 231;242<br />

Franke, Benedikt 851<br />

Frasch, Jutta 264;364<br />

Frederiksen, Paul S. 671;704<br />

Freire, Maria Raquel Sousa 419;1345<br />

Friedrich, Lena 330;335<br />

Friesendorf, Cornelius 585<br />

Frisch, Nora 1406;1407<br />

Frith, Robert 1317;<strong>15</strong>02<br />

Fruman, Alex 1036;1039<br />

Frydel, Yves 224<br />

Fuhrmann, Matthew <strong>15</strong>87<br />

Fuksiewicz, Aleksander 42;380<br />

Fulda, Andreas Martin 295;1380<br />

Fürtig, Henner 1010 1123<br />

Fussell, James 662;1088<br />

Galbraith, James K. 1377;1414<br />

Galbreath, David J. <strong>15</strong>3;396<br />

Galián, Carlos <strong>15</strong>53<br />

Gallagher, Tom 188;192<br />

Gamal El-Din, Ashraf 984 985<br />

Ganguly, Sumit 1278;1320<br />

Gänzle, Stefan 33;54 34<br />

Garb, Paula 520<br />

Garcés, Paz 820;822<br />

Garraway, Charles H. B. 1695<br />

Gasnier, Marina 256<br />

Gaudeul, Sophie 235<br />

Gautam, P. K. 1225<br />

Gawande, Kishore 1609;1640;1721;1738<br />

Gelb, Leslie H. 599<br />

Geldmacher, Thorsten 276<br />

Gentile, Michael 397<br />

George, Julie A. 531<br />

Gephart, Malte 827<br />

Gergaud, Olivier 247<br />

Gertel, Jörg 1394<br />

Gervais, Olivier 1649<br />

Giné, Jaume 1208;1339;1450<br />

Ginsberg, Julie 409;449;613;722<br />

Giri, Ananta Kumar 1244;1266 1635;1676<br />

1734;1752<br />

Le Goffe, Philippe 261<br />

Gogolashvili, Kakha 24;511<br />

Goldstein, Morris 1371<br />

Golub, Stephen S. 1611;1659<br />

Gomide, Raphael 816<br />

Gonzalez, Lucie 252<br />

Görzig, Carolin 824;825<br />

Gottlieb, Daniel 1035 1036;1039<br />

Gottsbacher, Markus 1690<br />

Gould, Harry D. 1731<br />

Gräfe, Frank 287;351<br />

Graham, Thomas 410;614<br />

Grant, Charles 35<br />

Gratius, Susanne 16;78;6<strong>15</strong>;740;810;811<br />

Grätz, Jonas 102;1<strong>15</strong>;465;470<br />

Graves, Peter 732;764<br />

Grenat, Pascale 241<br />

Griesgraber, Jo Marie <strong>15</strong>10<br />

Grimm, Sven 858<br />

Groenewold, Nicolaas 1395<br />

Gronwald, Marc 126<br />

Gruschke, Andreas 1394<br />

Guder, Andreas 1616<br />

Guisinger, Alexandra 731;747<br />

Gundlach, Christian 302;736<br />

Gurses, Mehmet 1619;1650<br />

Haas, Marcel de 445<br />

Hacker, Björn 170<br />

Hadj, Laure 1479<br />

Haffner, John 1451<br />

Hafner-Burton, Emilie M. <strong>15</strong>68<br />

Haggard, Stephan 1319;1322;1430;1431<br />

Haghani, Nader 1121<br />

Hagström Frisell, Eva 17;171;411<br />

Hahn, Gordon M. 456;464;751;769<br />

Han, Seung-mi 1448<br />

Hanif, Melanie 658;1087;1149<br />

Hao, Gui 306;1381<br />

Haragopal, G. 1238;1243<br />

Harmer, Andrew 1317;<strong>15</strong>02<br />

Harris, Shane 745<br />

Hart, Simon 185;193<br />

Hartley, Peter 471<br />

Hashemi, Seyed Zeia 1139<br />

Hashimoto, Kazutaka 1463<br />

Hassan, Riaz 952<br />

Hatzfeld, Jean 873<br />

Haug, Constanze 1655;1666<br />

Hauswedell, Corinna 12;539<br />

Hayashi, Mika Nishimura 1696;1710<br />

Heathershaw, John 572<br />

Hecker, Marc <strong>15</strong>90;<strong>15</strong>92<br />

Heimann, Joseph 675;756<br />

Heiming, Gerhard 288;352<br />

Hellmann-Rajanayagam, Dagmar 1273<br />

Hellmuth, Dorle 324;752<br />

Henckaerts, Jean-Marie 1697;1711;1727<br />

Hensel, Howard M. 1698;1712 1699;1713<br />

1700;1714 1702;17<strong>15</strong><br />

Herb, Michael 1064;1065;1071;1073<br />

Heredia, Rudolf C. 1250;1256<br />

Herfkens, Eveline <strong>15</strong>22;<strong>15</strong>41<br />

Hermle, Reinhard <strong>15</strong>42;<strong>15</strong>57<br />

Herrmann, Wilfried A. 929<br />

Hervey, Angus Fane 880<br />

Hicham Ben Abdallah el Alaoui 945<br />

Hill, Owen J. 714<br />

Himelfarb, Sheldon 735;766<br />

Hintereder, Peter 305<br />

Hiroi, Taeko 1618;1626<br />

Hochschild, Adam 879<br />

Hoering, Uwe 1417<br />

Hofmann, Björn 37;82<br />

Hogg, Charu Lata 1272<br />

Hogler, Joe L. 685<br />

Höglund, Kristine 1729;1730<br />

Hohmann, Mathias 829<br />

Holert, Tom 7;8<br />

Holike, Christine 1297;1299<br />

Holmes, James R. 12<strong>15</strong><br />

Holslag, Jonathan 659;1357 836;1356<br />

Holtmann, Philipp 960;1631<br />

Holtsmark, Sven G. 1492<br />

Holzwarth, Simone 1248<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 98 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

Honig, Bonnie 1687;1732<br />

Horst, Michael 277 288;352<br />

Horta, Korinna 875;878;<strong>15</strong>13;<strong>15</strong><strong>15</strong><br />

Hovi, Jon 1667<br />

Hovsepian, Nubar 1017;1031<br />

Hsu, Sara 1377;1414<br />

Huber, Jakob 189;195;319;337;371;373;378;379<br />

Hubert, Jean-Paul 230;257<br />

Hudemann, Rainer 202;213;267 246;336;1739<br />

Hulbert, Matthew 1653<br />

Hundhammer, Marianus 1069<br />

Hunter, Robert E. 139<br />

Huschen, Andreas 304<br />

Huseynov, Tabib 24;511<br />

Hvidt, Martin 1074<br />

Hybel, Alex Roberto 697;1006<br />

Iankova, Evguenia 103;249;772<br />

Ignatius, Adi 1335;1386<br />

Ikram, Khalid 1166<br />

Indurthy, Rathnam 1<strong>15</strong>6<br />

Iqbal, Muhammad Zafar 1189<br />

İşeri, Emre 111;390<br />

Ishihara, Yusuke 1452;1474<br />

Ismael, Tareq Y. 1011<br />

Ismail, Noor Huda 1284<br />

Iuriev, Tatiana 506<br />

Ivanovic, Milena 897;911<br />

Ivlevs, Artjoms 397<br />

Izák, Vratislav 121<br />

Jabeen, Nasira 1189<br />

Jagannatham, B. 1238;1243<br />

Jaggard, Lyn 1668<br />

Jain, Anil 1735;1753<br />

Jakobson, Linda 1420<br />

Jakovlev, Andrej 477<br />

Jalloh, Alusine 631;855<br />

Jamal, Arif 1145;1162;1170;1171;1218;1239<br />

Jans, Theo 45;79<br />

Jarábik, Balázs 19;570 20;517 498<br />

Jarstad, Anna K. 1729;1730<br />

Jasparro, Chris 1007;1092;1<strong>15</strong>0<br />

Jauneau, Yves 253<br />

Jellinek, Robert 431;466<br />

Jetschke, Anja 1289<br />

Jha, Pankaj 1305<br />

Jha, Pankaj Kumar 1209;1291 1210;13<strong>15</strong><br />

Jochum, Manfred 374<br />

Johnston, Douglas M. <strong>15</strong>60;<strong>15</strong>63<br />

Jones, Bruce 132;439<br />

Jones, Gregory S. 679;687<br />

Jones, Stephen 412;<strong>15</strong>25<br />

Joosten, Véronique <strong>15</strong>14<br />

Joras, Andrea 297;398<br />

Jouni, Hassan 1021<br />

Juncker, Jean-Claude 21;148<br />

Just, Christian <strong>15</strong>11<br />

Kabubo-Mariara, Jane 914<br />

Kadima, Denis K. 882;884<br />

Kaempf, Sebastian 646;698<br />

Kahler, Miles <strong>15</strong>68<br />

Kakachia, Kornely K. 518<br />

Kalantarib, Abdolhosein 1133;1138<br />

Kalpakian, Jack V. 990;992<br />

Kamath, Lalitha 1253<br />

Kamp, Karl-Heinz 140<br />

Kan, Shirley A. 1370<br />

Kandale, Frauke-Katrin 1293;1300<br />

Kanet, Roger E. 413;616<br />

Kapa, Motlamelle Anthony 883;885<br />

Kapeller, Jakob 189;195;319;337;371;373;378;379<br />

Kaplan, Daniel 220;259<br />

Karkoska, Helge 278;1679<br />

Karsh, Efraim 959;1033<br />

Kasher, Asa 1029;1051<br />

Kate, Warner ten 1719<br />

Katsioulis, Christos 53<br />

Katz Cogan, Jacob 1493<br />

Kaufman, Justin Matthew 697;1006<br />

Kaye, Dalia Dassa 648;1118<br />

Kazi, Reshmi 1240<br />

Kegley, Charles W. (jr.) 1709<br />

Kelly, Charles B. 626;1142<br />

Kesicki, Fabian 1651<br />

Kessler, Wolfgang 339;368;499<br />

Ketterer, Janina 126<br />

Khachani, Mohamed 975<br />

Khalili, Majid al- 1066<br />

Khamvongsa, Channapha 1314<br />

Khan, Feroz Hassan 1<strong>15</strong>2;1<strong>15</strong>7<br />

Khan, Md. Iqbal Shahin 1621;1643<br />

Khan, Mohsin S. 1<strong>15</strong>4;1233<br />

Khan, Naseem 184;196<br />

Khojastea, Hassan 1133;1138<br />

Khurana, Gurpreet S. 660;1223 1358;1482<br />

Kielinger, Thomas 321<br />

Kietz, Daniela 81<br />

Kim, Hyun Jeong 565;567<br />

Kim, Nam-kook 1444<br />

Kim, Sung Won 1278;1320<br />

Kim, Yun Tae 565;567<br />

Kingston, Jeff 1462<br />

Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. 641;673<br />

Kissack, Robert 80<br />

Klatt, Johanna 322<br />

Kletzan-Slamanig, Daniela 376;377<br />

Klimenta, Harald 348<br />

Klos, Dietmar 272;273 279 289;353<br />

Kolet, Ilan 1649<br />

König, Ekkehard 16<strong>15</strong><br />

Koo, Min-gyo 1341;1453<br />

Kornat, Marek 1701<br />

Korneeva, Lena 451;460<br />

Korosteleva, Elena 502<br />

Kováčová, Michaela 166;167;303;313<br />

Kowalzig, Jan <strong>15</strong>42;<strong>15</strong>57<br />

Kramer, David J. 414;617<br />

Krämer-Anderson, Dagmar 219;312;738<br />

Kreide, Regina <strong>15</strong>69;1622<br />

Krenčeyová, Michaela 913<br />

Krieger, Tim 760;774<br />

Krishna, Pravin 1609;1640;1721;1738<br />

Krugman, Paul R. 1722<br />

Küçük, Zeki Furkan 560;568;1416<br />

Kühn, Wolfram 280<br />

Kukhianidze, Alexandre 530<br />

Kumar, A. Vinod 1229 1231<br />

Kumar, Anand 1193;1199<br />

Kumar, Sumita 1078;1095;1140;1<strong>15</strong>3 11<strong>15</strong>;1141<br />

Kymlicka, Will 1687;1732<br />

Lackner, Michael 356<br />

Łada, Agnieszka 42;380 317;366<br />

Lafont Rapnouil, Manuel 11;<strong>15</strong>64<br />

Lake, Daniel R. 133;586<br />

Laliberté, André 1332;1333<br />

Lamont, Christopher 588<br />

Landes, Brigitte 331;813<br />

Lane, David <strong>15</strong>8<br />

Lane, Jan-Erik 965<br />

Langdal, Fredrik 43;172<br />

Langhorst, Christina 71;729<br />

Larcan, Alain 208<br />

Lardy, Nicholas R. 1371<br />

Large, Daniel 988;1342<br />

Laruelle, Marlène 4<strong>15</strong>;1491<br />

Lauk, Kurt J. 75<br />

Laumulin, Murat T. 416;541<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Laursen, Finn 33;54<br />

Lavallée, Chantal 57<br />

LaViolette, Nicole 1623;1637<br />

Lawson, Colin W. 165<br />

Lawson, David 917;918<br />

Layne, Christopher <strong>15</strong>81<br />

Lebuhn, Henrik 91<br />

Lecherbonnier, Bernard 227<br />

Lee, Guoping 1395<br />

Lee, Keun 1334<br />

Lehmann, Jean-Pierre 1451<br />

Lehmkuhl, Ursula 356<br />

Lei, Peng 1374<br />

Lele, Ajey 1422;1680 1746<br />

Lempert, Robert 1747<br />

Lempert, Robert J. 749<br />

Lesage, Dries <strong>15</strong>77;1654<br />

Liefferink, Duncan 9;<strong>15</strong>31<br />

Lim, In-sook 1446<br />

Lin, Christina Y. 141;1169<br />

Lin, George C. S. 1418;1421<br />

Lingner, Stephan <strong>15</strong>84;1662<br />

Liow, Joseph Chin Young 1309;1310<br />

Lippert, Barbara 44<br />

List, Johann-Mattis 1616<br />

Liu, Guoguang 1401<br />

Liu, Jianfei 618;1343<br />

Loewe, Markus 942<br />

London, Herbert I. 674<br />

Longo, Matthew <strong>15</strong>88<br />

López, Ricardo A. <strong>15</strong>38;<strong>15</strong>51<br />

Love, Roy 919;920<br />

Löwenheim, Nava 1683<br />

Lowenthal, Abraham F. 619;790<br />

Lozès, Patrick 227<br />

Lu, Yiyi 1408<br />

Lund, Christian 862;864<br />

Luo, Qian 1399<br />

Lust, Ellen 937;939 <strong>15</strong>88<br />

Lyons, Terrence 921;930<br />

Machmudov, Rustam 417;542;620;1075<br />

Madsen, Stig Toft 174;175<br />

Maihold, Günther 804<br />

Mäkinen, Sirke 453<br />

Maloney, Suzanne 946;1116<br />

Maltseva, Kateryna 3<br />

Manicom, James 1344;1454<br />

Manowc'arean, Asot L. 536;537<br />

Mansfield, Edward D. 730;775<br />

Mansuy, Anne 252<br />

Mantilla, Giovanni 1624;1658<br />

Maoz-Shai, Yael 1026;1048<br />

Mar-Molinero, Clare 383 384<br />

Marat, Erica 552<br />

Marcou, Thierry 220;259<br />

Marcus, Jonathan 1024;1034<br />

Marmor, Theodore R. 762<br />

Marmot, Claude 209<br />

Marsteintredet, Leiv 809<br />

Martens, Jens <strong>15</strong>23;<strong>15</strong>43<br />

Martens, Quentin 36;98<br />

Marti, Darlan F. 837<br />

Martín, Iván 22;972<br />

Martin, J. Chris 703<br />

Mason, Andy 893;905<br />

Massing, Michael 765<br />

Masson, Luc 241<br />

Matthes, Felix Christian 346;354<br />

Mattoo, Aaditya <strong>15</strong>09;<strong>15</strong>12<br />

Maurer, Andreas 40;266<br />

Mauro, Paolo 1612<br />

Mayilvaganan, M. 1274 1276<br />

McAllister, Ian 496<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 99 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

McDermott, Roger N. <strong>15</strong>0;563<br />

McDonald, Avril 1703;1716<br />

McGregor Pursley, David 142<br />

McGregor, Katharine E. 1298<br />

McKinney, Bruce C. 1179<br />

Meadowcroft, James 173;198;201<br />

Medlock, Kenneth B. (III) 471<br />

Meister, Stefan 478<br />

Melish, Tara J. 742;1494<br />

Mendelsohn, Barak 1055<br />

Mendelson, Sarah E. 418;621<br />

Mendes, Carmen Amado 419;1345<br />

Mendoza Romero, Nydia Constanza 826<br />

Menkhaus, Ken 927<br />

Menon, Rajan<br />

127;134;622;661;1441;1442;1455;1459<br />

Mesić, Stjepan 2;576<br />

Messner, Dirk 1669 1670<br />

Meyer, Dirk 60<br />

Miard-Delacroix, Hélène 211;360<br />

Mikaelian, Hrant 23;420;535;623<br />

Mildner, Stormy-Annika 64;723 71;729<br />

Mills, Greg 1211<br />

Mirza, Nawazish 1167<br />

Mitchell, Lincoln 524<br />

Mitchell, Lincoln A. 525<br />

Mittag, Jürgen 792;796<br />

Mkrtchyan, Tigran 24;511<br />

Mohamadieh, Kinda 953<br />

Molano Camargo, Frank 826<br />

Möller, Almute 298;887<br />

Monaghan, Andrew 128;135;421;440;<strong>15</strong>26;<strong>15</strong>28<br />

136;441 137;442 143;147<br />

Mongin, Philippe 236<br />

Moniquet, Claude 950;951;995;996<br />

Montero, Rodrigo 820;822<br />

Montgomery, Alexander H. <strong>15</strong>68<br />

Moon, Seungsook 1447<br />

Moore, Michael 662;1088<br />

Moore, Nancy 719<br />

Morgan, Wesley 138;1089<br />

Moroney, Jennifer D. P. 685<br />

Morozov, Yuri 437;650;1081<br />

Mosebach, Kai <strong>15</strong>50<br />

Moten, Abdul-Rashid 1306<br />

Moureau, Nathalie 247<br />

Mousseau, Frederic <strong>15</strong>55<br />

Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf 1<strong>15</strong>8;1163<br />

Mu, Guangzong 1400<br />

Muck, Bernd 3<strong>15</strong>;363;394<br />

Mukherjee, Ananya 1254;1265<br />

Mukunda, Gautam 690;783<br />

Mulgan, Aurelia George 1456<br />

Müller, Harald 624;663;1212;1224<br />

Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina 504<br />

Munro, Neil 168;169 755<br />

Munteanu, Igor 504<br />

Mutz, Diana C. 730;775<br />

Mwabu, Domisiano K. 914<br />

Myers Jaffe, Amy 472<br />

Mykhnenko, Vlad 494;497<br />

Nabers, Dirk 1471;1472<br />

Naether, Marc 36;98<br />

Naidoo, Pravine 902;910<br />

Nanto, Dick K. 1436<br />

Narcy, Mathieu 254<br />

Nathan, Laurie 900<br />

Nauges, Céline 260<br />

Navarro, Arturo 821<br />

Nawaz, Shuja 1<strong>15</strong>1<br />

Nayak, Nihar 1234;1270 1269<br />

Nayebi, Hooshang 1127<br />

Ndenge, Godfrey K. 914<br />

Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. 888;890<br />

Neitzert, Achim 281<br />

Nerb, Gernot <strong>15</strong>99<br />

Nesadurai, Helen E. S. 1280<br />

Neville, Kate J. 1652<br />

Ni, Jiejun 1182<br />

Nielitz-Hart, Lilly 185;193<br />

Nielsen, Kenneth 174;175<br />

Nikitin, Mary Beth 1436<br />

Niksch, Larry A. 1436<br />

Nkomzana, Njabulo 889<br />

Noland, Marcus 1319;1322;1430;1431<br />

Nötzold, Antje 116<br />

Nuscheler, Franz 1638<br />

Ó Beacháin, Donnacha 526;573<br />

O'Brien, Kevin J. 1388<br />

O'Hara, Sarah 397<br />

O'Neil, Andrew 1344;1454<br />

O'Reilly, Carina 5<br />

Oberlander, Jonathan 762<br />

Obi, Cyril I. 867<br />

Ochmanek, David A. <strong>15</strong>89;<strong>15</strong>94<br />

Ochmann, Cornelius 25;482;512<br />

Oikonomou, Iraklis 50<br />

Okimoto, Daniel I. 724;1372;1460<br />

Olarreaga, Marcelo 1609;1640;1721;1738<br />

Olcott, Martha Brill 457;473;1467;1468 472 557<br />

Oldberg, Ingmar 17;171;411<br />

Oliker, Olga 432<br />

Olschok, Harald 85;86;325;326<br />

Olsen, Wendy 1263;1267<br />

Omarov, Mels 26;422;543;625<br />

Omarov, Noor 26;422;543;625<br />

Omori, Sawa 1618;1626<br />

Ordowich, Christopher 709<br />

Osman, Ferdous Arfina 1197;1198<br />

Osman, Mohamed Nawab Mohamed 1304<br />

Ostrowski, Wojciech 566<br />

Ottaway, Marina S. 983;1059<br />

Padayachee, Vishnu 907<br />

Padovani, Roberto 818<br />

Pallemaerts, Marc 110;124<br />

Palma, Mary Ann 1308<br />

Panda, Jagannath Prasad 1226;1363<br />

Panday, Pranab Kumar 1428<br />

Papava, Vladimir 534<br />

Paramonov, Vladimir 423;544<br />

Parkes, Roderick 81<br />

Parusel, Bernd 332<br />

Pattanaik, Smruti S. 1147;1164;1220;1241<br />

1194;1200 1196<br />

Pattberg, Philipp H. 1655;1666<br />

Paupp, Terrence E. 600;<strong>15</strong>65<br />

Paus, Eva A. 1340<br />

Pearce, Oliver 953<br />

Pei, Changhong 1374<br />

Peltz, Eric 711 718<br />

Pendleton, John 707<br />

Pepper, Suzanne 1327;1351;1426<br />

Perrin, Delphine 981<br />

Perry, Walter L. 669;1002<br />

Perry, William J. 670<br />

Petrov, Nikolaj 457;473;1467;1468<br />

Peyroulou, Jean-Pierre 212;977<br />

Peyrouse, Sébastien 65;549<br />

Pfeiffer, Georg 1720<br />

Pham, Thuy Trang 651;1287<br />

Philipp, Vlada 451;460<br />

Phillips, P. Michael 1684<br />

Piana, Daniela 367;382;580<br />

Picard, Louis A. 733<br />

Pickup, Sharon 710<br />

Piedrafita, Sonia 45;79<br />

Pifer, Steven 424;489 490<br />

Piiparinen, Touko <strong>15</strong>00<br />

Pilossof, Rory 891<br />

Pint, Ellen M. 706<br />

Planta, Katrin 824;825<br />

Płóciennik, Sebastian 61;365<br />

Pochon, Florent 103;249;772<br />

Polese, Abel 495<br />

Pomfret, Richard 558<br />

Popescu, Nicu 27;425;483;513<br />

Poupeau, Franck 231;242<br />

Prabhakar, Akhilesh Chandra 1600<br />

Pradhan, Kailash Chandra 1610;1660<br />

Prasad, Eswar S. 1180<br />

Prasad, M. Madhava 1235;1255<br />

Preis, Ann-Belinda 947;1614<br />

Pu, Bao 1335;1386<br />

Quéguiner, Jean-François 1704;1717<br />

Quintana, Javier Soria 642<br />

Radnitz, Scott 554<br />

Raidel, Hans 291<br />

Rajagopalan, Rajeswari Pillai 1367<br />

Raju, Saraswati 1245;1260<br />

Rakner, Lise 847<br />

Ralph, Jason 699<br />

Ramberg, Bennett 1434;1438<br />

Ramírez Agurto, José 328<br />

Rangwala, Glen 180;182<br />

Rapreger, Ulrich <strong>15</strong>93;1665<br />

Rashid, Tahmina 1165<br />

Ray, Gene 91<br />

Raymond, Gregory A. 1709<br />

Reddy, Purshottama Sivanarian 902;910<br />

Redissi, Hamadi 965<br />

Reeb, Hans-Joachim 270;323<br />

Reid, Richard 931<br />

Reimer, Myriam 307;342<br />

Renwick, James 1632<br />

Rettberg, Angelika 823<br />

Rey, Santaro 1439<br />

Ribot, Jesse C. 869<br />

Richmond, Oliver P. 1691;1708<br />

Richter, Solveig 583<br />

Rid, Thomas <strong>15</strong>90;<strong>15</strong>92<br />

Riedner, Ursula Renate 299;357;958;968<br />

Rink, Barbara 316<br />

Ripley, Tim 700;784<br />

Ritter, Raymond <strong>15</strong>11<br />

Robbins, Marc L. 711<br />

Rodríguez Velázquez, Daniel 1748<br />

Rogers, A. P. V. 1705;1718<br />

Rojas-Suarez, Liliana 798<br />

Roll, Stephan 982;986;1032;1040;1053;1058<br />

Röllig, Peter 282<br />

Romani, Claudine 239<br />

Römer-Heitman, Helmoed 896<br />

Rosand, Eric <strong>15</strong>07<br />

Rose, Richard 168;169<br />

Rotmann, Philipp 712<br />

Rowland, Richard H. 505<br />

Rowley, Sven Colin 283<br />

Rubio Plo, Antonio Rafael <strong>15</strong>1;<strong>15</strong>2<br />

Rüland, Jürgen 1289<br />

Russell, Elaine 1314<br />

Russell, F. W. 2;576<br />

Ruttig, Thomas 1103<br />

Sachdeva, Gulshan 29;1214<br />

Sachs, Jeffrey D. 1606<br />

Saichutdinov, Marat Ersainovic<br />

30;426;561;628;1346<br />

Saini, S. K. 1160 1242<br />

Saint-Paul, Gilles 89;109;228;255<br />

Sakmani, Manuel Samir 1019<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 100 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

Sam, Choon-yin 1286<br />

Samuel, Cherian 664;1186<br />

Šapovalova, Natalja 498<br />

Šarčević, Edin 46;584<br />

Saunders, Phillip C. 665;1359<br />

Saxer, Marc 1620<br />

Scalapino, Robert A. 1172<br />

Schaaf, Matthew 463<br />

Schaeffer, Ute 308;843<br />

Schaffer, Teresita C. 601;1203<br />

Schalatek, Liane <strong>15</strong>44;<strong>15</strong>58<br />

Scheffran, Jürgen 1747<br />

Schenk, Susan 186;197;739;770;1062;1063<br />

Schilder, Klaus <strong>15</strong>23;<strong>15</strong>43<br />

Schill, Sylvia 302;736<br />

Schmidt, Andreas 624;663;1212;1224<br />

Schmidt, Gabriele 1476;1478<br />

Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig 358;1325<br />

Schmukler, Beatriz 800 801<br />

Schneider, Jan 333<br />

Scholz, Wolfgang 93<br />

Schorlemer, Sabine von 1625;1646<br />

Schröder, Hans-Henning 446<br />

Schroeder, Ursula C. 585<br />

Schuber, Barik 294;1070<br />

Schulz, Alexander 87;92<br />

Schulz, William F. 640;741<br />

Schulze-Cleven, Tobias 344;777<br />

Schützler, Horst 3<strong>15</strong>;363;394<br />

Schwartz, Lowell H. <strong>15</strong>89;<strong>15</strong>94<br />

Schweitzer, Christine <strong>15</strong>75<br />

Schweitzer, Erwin 908<br />

Scobell, Andrew 1350;1364<br />

Scouras, James 748<br />

Secrieru, Stanislav 433<br />

Sédillot, Franck 258<br />

Sedra, Mark 1110<br />

Seib, Philip 941<br />

Seifert, Matthias <strong>15</strong>61<br />

Selmikeit, Katja 817<br />

Sengupta, Jayshree 1257<br />

Sepez, Jennifer 1673<br />

Serafini, Marilyn Werber 763<br />

Serfaty, Simon 51;666<br />

Shah, Niaz A. 963;<strong>15</strong>29<br />

Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Nadera<br />

1044;1045;1056;1057<br />

Sharashenidze, Tornike 20;517<br />

Sharip, Farkhad 443;564<br />

Sharman, J. C. 1633<br />

Shen, Dingli 1365;1369<br />

Shin, Jayoung F. M. 565;567<br />

Shlapak, David A. 1328;1329;1353;1368<br />

Shmelova, Maria 491<br />

Shulsky, Abram N. 672;683<br />

Sidibé, Aboubacar 241<br />

Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth 895<br />

Siebeneck, Laura K. 1012<br />

Siegert, Manuel 330;335<br />

Siggel, Eckhard 1259;1264<br />

Silaev, Nikolai 438;523<br />

Siller, Peter 1636<br />

Silverberg, Daniel 675;756<br />

Simacev, Jurij 477<br />

Simmonds, Stephanie 183;194;1097;1112<br />

Simonis, Udo Ernst 1671<br />

Six, Clemens <strong>15</strong>45<br />

Skinner, E. Benjamin 643;743<br />

Smallman, Laurence 928<br />

Smith, Ankar 868<br />

Smith, Jackie 1726;1740<br />

Smith, Paul J. 667;753;1360;1391<br />

Smith, Richard C. 1174<br />

Smulcer, Lauren A. 402;604<br />

Socor, Vladimir 395;571<br />

Söderberg Kovacs, Mimmi 1729;1730<br />

Solis, William M. 703<br />

Sollin, Audun <strong>15</strong>80<br />

Solomon, Lewis D. 597;644;676<br />

Soudan, François 874;877<br />

Soyinka, Wole 832;833<br />

Spirtas, Michael 705<br />

Sprinz, Detlef F. 1667 1747<br />

Srivastava, Sanjay 1246<br />

Ssenkubuge, Ivan 837<br />

Stamer, Sabine 219;312;738<br />

Stangl, Anna <strong>15</strong>99<br />

Stanley, Elizabeth A. <strong>15</strong>82;1677<br />

Starchak, Maksim 444;574;668<br />

Stein, Leslie 1022<br />

Steinberg, Paul F. <strong>15</strong>78;1672<br />

Stephan, Harry 880<br />

Stephenson, John 786<br />

Stewart, Dona J. 933<br />

Stewart, Susan 500<br />

Stiglitz, Joseph 1607<br />

Stobdan, P. 1168<br />

Stolpovski, Oleg 423;544<br />

Stone, Randall W. 1692;1749<br />

Strachan, Hew 178<br />

Strokov, Aleksej 423;544<br />

Strong, Maurice F. 1411;1424<br />

Su, Minzi 1413<br />

Subramanian, Arvind <strong>15</strong>09;<strong>15</strong>12<br />

Sugden, Bruce M. 7<strong>15</strong>;785<br />

Sullivan, William D. 671;704<br />

Sumbadze, Nana 527;533<br />

Sumner, Andrew 1678<br />

Sun, Sizhong 1376;1379<br />

Sunkimat, Klaus 284<br />

Sussman, Nathan 1612<br />

Sutch, Peter 1685;1706<br />

Suter, Keith 1693;1724<br />

Suzdaltsev, Andrei 67;450;551;725;1373<br />

Sydow, Göran von 43;172<br />

Szeptycki, Andrzej 492;493<br />

Szlajfer, Henryk 163;427<br />

Tambudzai, Zachary 889<br />

Tan, Andrew 1484<br />

Tardieu, Jean-Philippe 428;484;514<br />

Tarhuni, Molly 176;980<br />

Tarnoff, Curt 734;1098<br />

Tauber, Mélanie 261<br />

Taylor, Claire 447<br />

Taylor, Paul 758<br />

Teïletche, Jérôme 103;249;772<br />

Terkessidis, Mark 7;8<br />

Tett, Gillian 1613;1661<br />

Thabet, Soraya 229<br />

Thakar, Milind 1<strong>15</strong>5<br />

Thakur, Sudhir K. 1258<br />

Theko, Lira 883;885<br />

Thielmann, Greg 677;716<br />

Thimann, Christian <strong>15</strong>11<br />

Thimmel, Stefan 830<br />

Thomson, Robert 76<br />

Thrall, A. Trevor 639;<strong>15</strong>71<br />

Tian, Robert Guang 546;629<br />

Tiwari, Meera 1678<br />

Tohn, David 712<br />

Toralieva, Gulnura 31;97;547;555<br />

Torkunov, Anatolij Vasil'evic 399<br />

Trauner, Florian 47;575<br />

Trebbe, Joachim 309;329;369;372<br />

Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evic 32;485;5<strong>15</strong> 448;686<br />

Treverton, Gregory F. 1632<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Trommler, Frank 265;300<br />

Tronvoll, Kjetil 919;920 922<br />

Troy, William J. 690;783<br />

Tuerk, Andreas <strong>15</strong>32<br />

Tzanakopoulos, Antonios 1016<br />

Tzeng, Shih-jung 1326;1331<br />

Ufen, Andreas 1301;1303<br />

Ufomba, Henry U. 1120<br />

Uhde, Dirk 145<br />

Ullrich, Heidi 1641<br />

Umland, Andreas 462<br />

Underdal, Arild 1667<br />

Unger, Eric J. 717<br />

Ungerer, Carl 1284<br />

Upadhyaya, Priyankar 1227;1249<br />

Urpelainen, Johannes 787<br />

Urquhart, Brian E. 632;935<br />

Ushama, Thameem 1306<br />

Vaccaro, Ismael 1673<br />

Vaitsenberg-Schwetje, Katharina 297;398<br />

Valasek, Tomas 1;429;633<br />

Valentini, Laura 1686;1742<br />

Van de Graaf, Thijs <strong>15</strong>77;1654<br />

Van de Walle, Nicolas 847<br />

Van der Westhuizen, E. J. 903;909<br />

Venkat, T. 1252<br />

Vermeiren, Mattias 62<br />

Victor, Kirk 757<br />

Vijayabaskar, M. 1253<br />

Vincent, Jean 240<br />

Vines, Alex 853;854;1181;1183 881<br />

Visier, Laurent 244<br />

Visnevskij, Anatolij Grigor'evic 459<br />

Voigt, Marga 3<strong>15</strong>;363;394<br />

Wagner, Hans Joachim 290<br />

Wahlquist, John A. 678;744<br />

Waldron, Jeremy 1687;1732<br />

Walter, Franz 322<br />

Wang, Cassandra C. 1418;1421<br />

Wang, Liming 1397<br />

Wang, Weiguang 1383<br />

Ward, Ken 1295<br />

Warde, Ibrahim 781<br />

Wardi, Ali 1013<br />

Ware, Alan 168;169<br />

Wasem, Ruth Ellen 759<br />

Watts, Nicole F. 388;389<br />

Weber, Stephan <strong>15</strong>16;<strong>15</strong>17;<strong>15</strong>18<br />

Weck, Winfried 1294<br />

Weeratunga, Manori 1275;1277<br />

Wegren, Stephen K. 475<br />

Wehrey, Frederic M. 648;1118<br />

Weidenberg, Kim 819<br />

Weimer, Markus 881<br />

Wein, Tim 85;86;325;326<br />

Weinzierl, Ruth 327;334<br />

Weiss, Thomas George 635;1495<br />

Weissbrodt, David 1707;1728<br />

Weller, Marc 6;10 591<br />

Wennmann, Achim <strong>15</strong>46<br />

Werenfels, Isabelle 66;117;969;970;1487;1489<br />

Wesley, Michael 1475<br />

Wessels, J. S. 904<br />

Westphal, Kirsten 66;117;969;970;1487;1489<br />

<strong>15</strong>77;1654<br />

Wharton, Jaron 712<br />

Wheatley, Jonathan 532 554<br />

White, David 901<br />

White, Stephen 160 496<br />

Wiesner, Ina 271<br />

Wigen, Einar 553;556;961;967<br />

Wilde, Andreas 1080;1117<br />

Wilke, Tabea 301<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 101 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Wille, Kirstin 1312;1313<br />

Williams, Ian <strong>15</strong>70;1617<br />

Wilson, Andrew 27;425;483;513<br />

Wilson, Brian 841;850;1480;1483<br />

Wilson, Jeanne L. 161;452;1384<br />

Woehrel, Steven J. 579;637<br />

Wok, Saodah 1306<br />

Wolf, Charles (jr.) 679;687<br />

Wondwosen, Teshome B. 924<br />

Wong, Chin Huat 1302<br />

Wong, Yuna Huh 701<br />

Wood, Andrew 430;638<br />

Wright, Thomas 602;<strong>15</strong>66<br />

Wu, Chunsi 1423;1681<br />

Wulff, Karsten 85;86;325;326<br />

Yafeh, Yishay 1612<br />

Yang, Guobin 1387;1409<br />

Yang, Jian 1348;1354;1469;1470<br />

Yang, Jiawen 38;70;645;727<br />

Yasunobu, Kumi 1737;1750<br />

Yazdi, Mohammad Rezaie 767;771;1037;1038<br />

Yeganeh, Mohammad Reza Javadi<br />

1126;1128 1139<br />

Yi, Jun 1397<br />

Yi, Junqing 1402<br />

Yoshihara, Toshi 12<strong>15</strong><br />

Yunus, Muhammad 1644;1647<br />

Zahlan, Rosemarie Said 994;1060<br />

Záhorik, Jan 924<br />

Zanotti, Laura 1673<br />

Zapiro 893;905 906<br />

Zellner, Wolfgang 58<br />

Zeutschel, Ulrich 311;737<br />

Zhan, Jing Vivian 1419<br />

Zhang, Hui 1361;1366;1432;1435<br />

Zhang, Wenjie 1377;1414<br />

Zhang, Xing-Ping 1410;1425<br />

Zhao, Ziyang 1335;1386<br />

Zheng, Siqi 1404<br />

Zhu, Jingwen 1398<br />

Ziegler, Oliver 64;723<br />

Zillmer, Peter 284<br />

Zimková, Emília 165<br />

Zippel, Wulfdiether 292<br />

Zoïa, Geneviève 244<br />

Zounmenou, David 861<br />

Zuern, Elke 844<br />

Zürcher, Christoph 554<br />

Zyck, Steven A. <strong>15</strong>91;1627<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 102 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25



Academic Foundation (New Delhi) 1257<br />

Advisory Council on International Affairs<br />

(Netherlands) <strong>15</strong>;481;510<br />

Afghanistan Independent Human Rights<br />

Commission 1101 1102<br />

Akademie der Wissenschaften und der<br />

Literatur (Mainz) 358;1325<br />

American Enterprise Institute for Public<br />

Policy Research (Washington/D.C.) 476<br />

American Institute for Contemporary<br />

German Studies (Washington/D.C.)<br />

141;1169 265;300 324;752 344;777<br />

American Society of International Law 806<br />

1016<br />

Arab NGO Network for Development 953<br />

Arroyo Center (Pasadena/Cal.) 691;702 706<br />

711 718<br />

ASEAN Ministerial Meeting 42. (Phuket,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>-07-19/<strong>2009</strong>-07-21) 1288<br />

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton)<br />

1284<br />

Bank of Canada (Ottawa) 1649<br />

Berliner Freunde der Völker Russlands<br />

3<strong>15</strong>;363;394<br />

Bertelsmann-Stiftung 24;511 25;482;512<br />

Brookings Institution (Washington/D.C.)<br />

776;779;<strong>15</strong>36;<strong>15</strong>37<br />

Carnegie Endowment for International<br />

Peace 32;485;5<strong>15</strong> 557<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center 431;466<br />

Center for American Progress<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 405;607 406;608<br />

Center for American Progress Action Fund<br />

(Washington/D.C) 761<br />

Center for European Integration Studies<br />

(University of Bonn) 13;479;488;508 536;537<br />

Center for Global Development<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 798<br />

Center for Global Risk and Security (Rand<br />

Corporation, Santa Monica/Cal.) 1632<br />

Center for International Media Assistance<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 732;764<br />

Center for Preventive Action (New<br />

York/N.Y.) 424;489<br />

Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies (Washington/D.C.) 51;666 131;1085<br />

149;562 455;458 630;1279 671;704<br />

696;782;1005;1014;1091;1114 1094;1106 1282;1477<br />

Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies / Arleigh A. Burke Chair in<br />

Strategy (Washington/D.C.) 653;1000<br />

Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk<br />

Road Studies Program (Washington/D.C.,<br />

Uppsala) 552<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies<br />

(Brussels) 19;570 31;97;547;555 65;549<br />

114;559 408;<strong>15</strong>08 433 558<br />

Centre for European Reform (London)<br />

1;429;633 83<br />

Centre for European Studies (Brussels)<br />

71;729<br />

Centre for International Governance<br />

Innovation (Waterloo) 1110 <strong>15</strong>59 1641<br />

Centre for Research in Economics and<br />

Business (Lahore School of Economics)<br />

1166 1167<br />

Century Foundation 410;614 418;621<br />

456;464;751;769<br />

Christian Aid (London) 953<br />

Cicero Foundation 518<br />

Clingendael International Energy<br />

Programme (The Hague) 1719<br />

Commission of the European Communities<br />

55 56<br />

Commission on the Strategic Posture of the<br />

United States (United States / Congress)<br />

670<br />

Committee on Foreign Relations (United<br />

States / Senate) 649;1321<br />

Congressional Research Service (Library of<br />

Congress, Washington/D.C.) 63;721<br />

579;637 734;1098 759 1370 1436<br />

Council of Europe 21;148<br />

Council on Foreign Relations (New<br />

York/N.Y.) 409;449;613;722<br />

Department of Defense / Office of the<br />

Secretary of Defense (United States)<br />

669;1002 679;687 705<br />

Department of Justice / Office of Community<br />

Oriented Policing Services (United States)<br />

746<br />

Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte<br />

(Berlin) 327;334<br />

Deutsches Jugendinstitut (München) 316<br />

DFID Health Resource Centre (London)<br />

183;194;1097;1112<br />

Directorate-General External Relations<br />

(European Commission) 18;73;998;1008<br />

Education and Culture Directorate-General<br />

(European Commission) 95;99<br />

Elcano Royal Institute (Madrid) 41;386<br />

112;468 113;469<br />

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and<br />

Research (Abu Dhabi) 1061<br />

EU-Central Asia Monitoring 19;570<br />

31;97;547;555 65;549 114;559 558<br />

Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied<br />

Research on International Migration (San<br />

Domenico di Fiesole) 975 981 1021<br />

Europäisches Forum Alpbach (Wien) 374<br />

European Commission 74;1488 95;99 100 101<br />

European Council on Foreign Relations<br />

27;425;483;513<br />

European Strategic Intelligence and Security<br />

Center (Brussels) 950;951;995;996 1027;1049<br />

1042;1043;1046;1054<br />

European Union 21;148<br />

Evangelische Akademie Loccum 12;539<br />

Federal Foreign Office (Germany) 48;268<br />

304 305<br />

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees<br />

(Germany) 330;335 332 333<br />

Finnish Institute of International Affairs 453<br />

Foundation for Political, Economic and<br />

Social Research (Ankara) 111;390 385;401<br />

Foundation for Science and Politics (Berlin)<br />

40;266 44 64;723 66;117;969;970;1487;1489 81<br />

264;364 583 804 1103<br />

French Institute of International Relations<br />

(Paris) 84;90<br />

Friedrich Ebert Foundation 53 87;92 94<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Referat<br />

Naher/Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika<br />

(Berlin) 548;1083<br />

Fundación Alternativas (Madrid) 540<br />

Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior<br />

(Madrid) 19;570 20;517 31;97;547;555 65;549<br />

114;559 498 558<br />

Gedächtnisstiftung Peter Kaiser (1793-1864)<br />

374<br />

German Agency for Technical Cooperation<br />

(Eschborn) 823<br />

German Bundestag (Germany) 263 347<br />

German Development Institute (Bonn) 858<br />

German Emigration Center (Bremerhaven)<br />

331;813<br />

German Marshall Fund of the United States<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 164;636 414;617<br />

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area<br />

Studies (Hamburg) 658;1087;1149 942<br />

GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies<br />

(Hamburg) 802<br />

GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies<br />

(Hamburg) 942 1123<br />

Government Accountability Office (United<br />

States) 703 707 708 710 728 786<br />

Government of the State of Israel<br />

1025;1030;1047;1052<br />

Groupe Jeune Afrique 876<br />

Grupo Editorial Miguel Angel Porrua<br />

(Mexico/D.F.) 800 801<br />

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 1636<br />

Henry L. Stimson Center (Washington/D.C.)<br />

448;686<br />

Heritage Foundation (Washington/D.C.)<br />

407;611 487;516;610 654;1148<br />

House of Commons / Library (United<br />

Kingdom) 412;<strong>15</strong>25 447<br />

Hudson Institute (Washington/D.C.) 672;683<br />

674 684 694 <strong>15</strong>86<br />

Human Rights Watch (New York/N.Y.) 463<br />

Institut du Fédéralisme (Université de<br />

Fribourg) 940<br />

Institute for European Environmental Policy<br />

(London) 110;124<br />

Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations<br />

(Stuttgart) <strong>15</strong>75<br />

Institute for National Strategic Studies<br />

(National Defense University,<br />

Washington/D.C.) 665;1359<br />

Institute for New Democracies<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 149;562<br />

Institute for Security and Development<br />

Policy (Nacka) 4<strong>15</strong>;1491<br />

Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, Cape<br />

Town) 861<br />

Institute for the Study of Labor (Bonn) 1180<br />

Institute for the Study of War<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 138;1089 662;1088<br />

Institute of East Asian Studies (University of<br />

California, Berkeley/Cal.) 1172<br />

Institute of Public Affairs (Warsaw) 42;380<br />

Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad)<br />

545;550;1076;1077;1185;1188<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 103 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies<br />

(Singapore) 1178 1280 1309;1310<br />

Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María<br />

Luis Mora (Mexico/D.F.) 800 801 1690<br />

1748<br />

International Council on Security and<br />

Development (London) 1100<br />

International Crisis Group (Brussels) 436;522<br />

1296<br />

International Development Research Centre<br />

(Ottawa) 1178<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s Hochschulinstitut (Zittau)<br />

166;167;303;313<br />

James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy<br />

(Rice University, Houston/Tex.) 402;604<br />

457;473;1467;1468 471 472 474;1490<br />

Joint United Nations Programme on<br />

HIV/AIDS 1177<br />

Konrad Adenauer Foundation 71;729<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Jakarta) 1294<br />

Lowy Institute for International Policy<br />

(Sydney) 1475<br />

Military History Research Institute<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau) 590<br />

Ministry of Defence (Spain) <strong>15</strong>1;<strong>15</strong>2<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel)<br />

1025;1030;1047;1052<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Thailand) 1288<br />

Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and<br />

African Studies (Tel Aviv University)<br />

960;1631<br />

National Defense Research Institute (Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.) 669;1002 679;687 682 685<br />

688;692;1003;1004 689;693;956;957 705 718 719<br />

National Insurance Institute / Research and<br />

Planning Administration (Jerusalem) 1035<br />

1036;1039<br />

NATO Defense College<br />

128;135;421;440;<strong>15</strong>26;<strong>15</strong>28 136;441 137;442 142<br />

143;147<br />

Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala) 831<br />

Norwegian Defence Research<br />

Establishment (Kjeller) 553;556;961;967<br />

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs<br />

(Oslo) <strong>15</strong>80<br />

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and<br />

Development 467<br />

Pacific Forum CSIS (Honolulu/Haw.)<br />

651;1287 656;1458<br />

Pardee Center (Rand Corporation, Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.) 749<br />

Pardee Rand Graduate School (Rand<br />

Corporation, Santa Monica/Cal.) 701 709<br />

714 717<br />

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt<br />

624;663;1212;1224<br />

Peter G. Peterson Institute for International<br />

Economics (Washington/D.C.) 1<strong>15</strong>4;1233<br />

1371<br />

Pew Research Center (Washington/D.C.)<br />

758<br />

Policy Research Initiative (Ottawa)<br />

173;198;201<br />

Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and<br />

International Security (University of<br />

Illinois, Urbana/Ill.) 413;616<br />

Rand Corporation (Santa Monica/Cal.) 139<br />

432 598;720;<strong>15</strong>62;1602 695;1090<br />

1328;1329;1353;1368<br />

Rand Corporation / Project Air Force (Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.) 657;1001;1086 <strong>15</strong>89;<strong>15</strong>94<br />

Red Mexicana de Estudios<br />

Interdisciplinarios para la Prevención de<br />

Desastres 1748<br />

Robert Schuman Centre (European<br />

University Institute, San Domenico di<br />

Fiesole) 975 981 1021<br />

Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

(London) 177;1084 430;638 569 606;925<br />

853;854;1181;1183<br />

Russia/NIS Center (Institut Français des<br />

Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, Paris)<br />

17;171;411 404;789 428;484;514 459<br />

S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies (Nanyang Technological<br />

University, Singapore) 1280 1308<br />

Smith Richardson Foundation<br />

(Westport/Conn.) 1328;1329;1353;1368<br />

Sonderforschungsbereich Staatlichkeit im<br />

Wandel (Universität Bremen) 96<br />

South African Democracy Education Trust<br />

892<br />

South Centre (Geneva) 837<br />

Strategic Studies Institute (United States<br />

Army War College, Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)<br />

538;605<br />

Swedish Institute for European Policy<br />

Studies (Stockholm) 43;172 110;124<br />

Thüringisch-Kambodschanische<br />

Gesellschaft 1312;1313<br />

United Nations Assistance Mission in<br />

Afghanistan 1101 1102 1105<br />

United Nations Educational, Scientific and<br />

Cultural Organization 2;576 947;1614<br />

United Nations Security Council 1271<br />

United States Air Force <strong>15</strong>89;<strong>15</strong>94<br />

United States Army 706 711 718<br />

United States Institute of Peace<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 670 735;766<br />

United States Transportation Command<br />

719<br />

Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) 823<br />

Universität Düsseldorf 1616<br />

Zenithonline 982;986;1032;1040;1053;1058<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 104 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25


Africana Bulletin (Warszawa)<br />

- (2008) 56: 838;839 889 924<br />

The American Economic Review<br />

(Nashville/Tenn.)<br />

- 99 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 1722<br />

American Journal of International Law<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 103 (April <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 1493<br />

Après-demain (Paris)<br />

- (août <strong>2009</strong>) 11: 232<br />

Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 39 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 6: 677;716 1<strong>15</strong>2;1<strong>15</strong>7<br />

1<strong>15</strong>8;1163 1361;1366;1432;1435<br />

Asia-Pacific Review (Tokyo)<br />

- 16 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 680;1228 724;1372;1460 1174<br />

Asian Journal of Social Science (Leiden)<br />

- 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 767;771;1037;1038 1126;1128 1127<br />

1129;1135 1130;1136 1131;1137 1132 1133;1138 1139<br />

- 37 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3: 952 1737;1176;1184;1634;1675<br />

1244;1266 1263;1267 1635;1676 1733;1751 1734;1752<br />

1735;1750;1753<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong)<br />

- 37 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 1<strong>15</strong>6 1179 1189 1202<br />

1275;1277 1306 1428 1463<br />

- 37 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 1197;1198 1258 1259;1264<br />

1286 1600 1610;1660 1621;1643<br />

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn)<br />

- (22. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 26: 348<br />

- (29. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 27: 343<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 63 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 400;507 1295 1344;1454<br />

1486<br />

Azure (Jerusalem)<br />

- (Summer 5769/<strong>2009</strong>) 37: 1029;1051<br />

Beijing Review (Beijing)<br />

- 52 (<strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2009</strong>) 31: 634;1347<br />

Blätter für deutsche und internationale<br />

Politik (Bonn)<br />

- 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7: 91 322 832;833 1069<br />

- 54 (<strong>2009</strong>) 8: 58 77;318 1124;1125<br />

Bref / Centre d'Études et de Recherches<br />

sur les Qualifications (Marseille)<br />

- (mai <strong>2009</strong>) 264: 239<br />

Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris)<br />

- (2e trimestre <strong>2009</strong>) 176: 217 258<br />

Les Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel<br />

(Paris)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 26: 221<br />

Canadiana Germanica (Toronto)<br />

- (September 2008) 139: 594<br />

Central Asia and the Caucasus (Lulea)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 3/57: 23;420;535;623 26;422;543;625<br />

30;426;561;628;1346 67;450;551;725;1373 416;541<br />

417;542;620;1075 423;544 437;650;1081 438;523<br />

444;574;668 546;629 560;568;1416 1628;1642<br />

Central Asian Survey (Abingdon)<br />

- 28 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 434;519 435;454;521;529 520<br />

525 527;533 528 530 531 532 534<br />

Chiffres pour l'Alsace (Strasbourg)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 224<br />

The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 36 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 1378;1396<br />

Climate Policy (Amsterdam)<br />

- 9 (<strong>2009</strong>) 4, Special Issue: <strong>15</strong>32<br />

Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.)<br />

- 42 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6: 367;382;580 554<br />

Connaissance de l'emploi<br />

(Noisy-le-Grand)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 67: 237<br />

Critical Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.)<br />

- 41 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 174;175 1298 1314 1403<br />

Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 138 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 1736<br />

Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[franz. Ausg.] (Paris)<br />

- (août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 722: 52;2<strong>15</strong>;269 214<br />

Democratization (Abingdon)<br />

- 16 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 844 1009 1301;1303<br />

1461;1464 1618;1626 1619;1650 1729;1730<br />

Deutscher Ostdienst (Bonn)<br />

- 1: 51 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6<br />

2: 51 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7: 581<br />

Development and Change (Oxford)<br />

- 40 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 856;857 862;864 869<br />

Development and Cooperation<br />

(Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 6: <strong>15</strong>48 1670<br />

Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin<br />

(Berlin)<br />

- 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 88: 61;365 317;366<br />

Ecological Economics (Amsterdam)<br />

- 68 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 10: 1410;1425<br />

Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai)<br />

- 44 (June 6, <strong>2009</strong>) 23: 1254;1265<br />

- 44 (June 27 - July 10, <strong>2009</strong>) 26-27: 1246<br />

1251 1252 1253<br />

- 44 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28: 1238;1243 1245;1260<br />

- 44 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29: 1235;1255 1247<br />

1250;1256 1261<br />

Economie et prévision (Paris)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 2/188: 103;249;772 247 250 254 260 261<br />

EIPA Scope (Maastricht)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 1: 45;79<br />

Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen<br />

(Essen)<br />

- 59 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8: 346;354 1651<br />

Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit<br />

(Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- 50 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6: <strong>15</strong>47 1669<br />

- 50 (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 7-8: 308;843<br />

Environmental Policy and Law<br />

(Amsterdam)<br />

- 38 (October 2008) 5: 1668<br />

Environmental Politics (Abingdon)<br />

- 18 (Juli <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 1673<br />

Espoir (Paris)<br />

- (juin <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>7: 203 208 209<br />

Esprit (Paris)<br />

- (août-septembre <strong>2009</strong>) 357: 207;812<br />

Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 696: 241<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 697: 238<br />

Etudes internationales (Québec)<br />

- 40 (juin <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 28;129;593;627<br />

Eurasia Daily Monitor (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 6 (May 26, <strong>2009</strong>) 100: <strong>15</strong>0;563<br />

- 6 (June 16, <strong>2009</strong>) 1<strong>15</strong>: 395;571<br />

- 6 (June 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 117: 443;564<br />

Eurasian Geography and Economics<br />

(Palm Beach/Fla.)<br />

- 50 (July-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 397 475 490 501<br />

505 1404 1418;1421<br />

Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg)<br />

- 58 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8: 130 270;323 271 272;273<br />

276 278;1679 279 280 284 285;349 286;350 287;351<br />

289;353 929<br />

European Economy (Luxembourg)<br />

- (2008) 1: 108<br />

- (2008) 2: 69<br />

- (2008) 3: 104<br />

- (2008) 4: 122<br />

- (2008) 6: 106<br />

- (2008) 7: 88;105<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 3: 107<br />

The Federalist (Pavia)<br />

- 50 (2008) 3: 39 1605 1693;1724<br />

Food Policy (Amsterdam)<br />

- 34 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 118<br />

Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 9 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 787 <strong>15</strong>78;1672 1667<br />

1692;1749 1747<br />

Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.)<br />

- <strong>15</strong> (April-June <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 1317;<strong>15</strong>02 <strong>15</strong>01 <strong>15</strong>10<br />

<strong>15</strong>11 <strong>15</strong>19;<strong>15</strong>20 <strong>15</strong>76;1648 <strong>15</strong>77;1654 1604 1624;1658<br />

1656<br />

Hong Kong Journal (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (July <strong>2009</strong>) <strong>15</strong>: 1327;1351;1426 1392;1427 1393<br />

Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum)<br />

- 22 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 37;82 824;825 1496;1499;<strong>15</strong>72;<strong>15</strong>74<br />

<strong>15</strong>16;<strong>15</strong>17;<strong>15</strong>18<br />

Ifo-Schnelldienst (München)<br />

- 62 (12. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 11: 126 <strong>15</strong>99<br />

- 62 (26. Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 12: <strong>15</strong>98<br />

INAMO (Berlin)<br />

- <strong>15</strong> (Frühling <strong>2009</strong>) 57: <strong>15</strong>4;<strong>15</strong>5;962;966<br />

199;200;338;341 1028;1050<br />

- <strong>15</strong> (Sommer <strong>2009</strong>) 58: 294;1070 988;1342<br />

989;993 1019<br />

Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung (Bonn)<br />

- (September 2008) 9: <strong>15</strong>40 1655;1666<br />

- (Oktober 2008) 10: 875;878;<strong>15</strong>13;<strong>15</strong><strong>15</strong> <strong>15</strong>50<br />

- (November 2008) 11: 1417 1606 1607<br />

- (Dezember 2008) 12: 72;218;381 791<br />

<strong>15</strong>23;<strong>15</strong>43<br />

Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung : Hintergrund (Bonn)<br />

- (Juli 2008): <strong>15</strong>04;<strong>15</strong>97 <strong>15</strong>96<br />

- (<strong>August</strong> 2008): <strong>15</strong>21;<strong>15</strong>39 <strong>15</strong>22;<strong>15</strong>41<br />

- (September 2008): <strong>15</strong>42;<strong>15</strong>57 <strong>15</strong>44;<strong>15</strong>58<br />

- (Oktober 2008): <strong>15</strong>6;162<br />

- (Dezember 2008): <strong>15</strong>53<br />

INSEE première (Paris)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1249: 252<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1250: 253<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1251: 1479<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1252: 230;257<br />

International Journal of Middle East<br />

Studies (Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 41 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 388;389<br />

1064;1065;1071;1073 1074<br />

International Organization<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 63 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 730;775 731;747 <strong>15</strong>68<br />

1609;1640;1721;1738<br />

International Relations (London)<br />

- 23 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 1689;1755<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 105 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />

International Security (Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 133;586 7<strong>15</strong>;785 <strong>15</strong>81<br />

<strong>15</strong>82;1677 <strong>15</strong>87<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik und Gesellschaft<br />

(Bonn)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 3: 4 68 93 102;1<strong>15</strong>;465;470 170 <strong>15</strong>30;<strong>15</strong>33<br />

1620<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau)<br />

- 40 (Mai <strong>2009</strong>) 1-2: 295;1380 1080;1117 1248<br />

1273 1394<br />

Jahrbuch der Deutschen aus<br />

Bessarabien (Stuttgart)<br />

- 60 (<strong>2009</strong>): 506<br />

Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon)<br />

- 46 (29 July <strong>2009</strong>) 30: 1664<br />

- 46 (5 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 31: 700;784<br />

- 46 (12 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 32: 713;778<br />

Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon)<br />

- 31 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8: 5 132;439 868 928<br />

1007;1092;1<strong>15</strong>0 1104;1111 1119 1161 1362;14<strong>15</strong> 1439<br />

Japan: Analysen, Prognosen (München)<br />

- (Dezember 2008) 200: 780;1466<br />

- (Februar <strong>2009</strong>) 201: 1465<br />

Jeune Afrique (Paris)<br />

- 49 (26 juillet-1 août <strong>2009</strong>) 2533: 971<br />

874;877<br />

- 49 (2-8 août <strong>2009</strong>) 2534: 871<br />

Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (Wien)<br />

- 24 (2008) 4: 907<br />

- 25 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 863<br />

Journal of African Economies (Oxford)<br />

- 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 912;9<strong>15</strong> 914 917;918<br />

Journal of African Elections<br />

(Johannesburg)<br />

- 7 (June 2008) 1: 882;884 883;885<br />

The Journal of Communist Studies and<br />

Transition Politics (Abingdon)<br />

- 25 (June-September <strong>2009</strong>) 2-3: <strong>15</strong>3;396<br />

<strong>15</strong>7 <strong>15</strong>8 <strong>15</strong>9 160 161;452;1384 494;497 495 496 502<br />

526;573 566 572 588<br />

The Journal of Contemporary China<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 18 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 60: 618;1343 1330 1388 1412<br />

1419<br />

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs<br />

(Hamburg)<br />

- 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 419;1345 1332;1333 1377;1414<br />

1406;1407<br />

Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.)<br />

- 20 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 188;192<br />

392;393;577;578;845;846;936;938 504 805 807;808 847<br />

937;939 1192;1195 1302 1389<br />

Journal of European Public Policy<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 16 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 5: 9;<strong>15</strong>31 47;575 76 125<br />

1682<br />

Journal of International Relations and<br />

Development (Ljubljana)<br />

- 12 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 585<br />

The Journal of Strategic Studies<br />

(London)<br />

- 32 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 179;181 180;182 187;190 191<br />

Korea Journal (Seoul)<br />

- 48 (Autumn 2008) 3: 565;567 1448<br />

- 48 (Winter 2008) 4: 1444 1445 1446 1447<br />

Kredit und Kapital (Berlin)<br />

- 42 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 60<br />

Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin)<br />

- (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 421-422: 803 819 828<br />

829 830<br />

Mediterranean Politics (London)<br />

- 14 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 22;972 973;974 978<br />

Middle East Economic Digest (London)<br />

- 53 (24-30 July <strong>2009</strong>) 30: 10<strong>15</strong><br />

Middle East Report (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2/251: 387;391 1072<br />

1079;1082;1109;1143;1146;1<strong>15</strong>9;1213;1219;1236<br />

Monatsbericht / Europäische Zentralbank<br />

(Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- (Januar <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 1601<br />

- (Juli <strong>2009</strong>) 7: 119;120<br />

Monatsberichte / Österreichisches<br />

Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung<br />

(Wien)<br />

- 82 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7: 376;377<br />

Le Monde diplomatique (Paris)<br />

- 56 (août <strong>2009</strong>) 665: 754;773 781 816 945 1390<br />

Namibia-Magazin (Göttingen)<br />

- (April <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 298;887<br />

National Journal (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 41 (July 11, <strong>2009</strong>) 28: 596 745 755<br />

- 42 (July 18, <strong>2009</strong>) 29: 757 763<br />

Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte<br />

(Bonn)<br />

- 56 (<strong>2009</strong>) 7/8: 320<br />

The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 56 (<strong>August</strong> 13-September 23, <strong>2009</strong>) 13:<br />

632;935 762 765 879 1122<br />

Octant (Rennes)<br />

- (juin <strong>2009</strong>) 116: 251<br />

OECD Economic Outlook (Paris)<br />

- 85 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 1: <strong>15</strong>24 <strong>15</strong>34 <strong>15</strong>35 1645<br />

Österreichische Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Wien)<br />

- 38 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 189;195;319;337;371;373;378;379<br />

1725;1743<br />

The Pacific Review (Oxford)<br />

- 22 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 1283;1290 1289 1292;1307<br />

1319;1322;1430;1431 1341;1453 1348;1354;1469;1470<br />

Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)<br />

- 39 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 403;1429;1440 675;756<br />

678;744 690;783 836;1356 1350;1364 1684<br />

The Polish Quarterly of International<br />

Affairs (Warsaw)<br />

- 17 (Spring 2008) 2: 163;427 491 492;493 1701<br />

Politeia (Pretoria)<br />

- 27 (2008) 3: 880 902;910 903;909 904<br />

- 28 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1: 867 899<br />

Politica Exterior (Madrid)<br />

- 23 (julio-agosto <strong>2009</strong>) 130:<br />

16;78;6<strong>15</strong>;740;810;811 35 642 1208;1339;1450<br />

Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück)<br />

- 54 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 475: 14;480;509 116 788<br />

Politische Studien (München)<br />

- 60 (Juli-<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 426: 291<br />

Pour (Paris)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 200: 240<br />

Prague Economic Papers (Praha)<br />

- 18 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 121 165<br />

Review of African Political Economy<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 36 (June <strong>2009</strong>) 120: 842;852 870 881 891<br />

919;920 921;930 922 923 927 931<br />

Review of International Studies<br />

(Cambridge)<br />

- 35 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 646;698 699 <strong>15</strong>00 1683<br />

1685;1706 1686;1742 1688;1754 1691;1708 1731<br />

Revista Española de Desarrollo y<br />

Cooperación (Madrid)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 24: 793 794;799 826<br />

La Revue de la CFDT (Paris)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 93: 216;1603 235<br />

Revue française d'économie (Paris)<br />

- 24 (juillet <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 233 236<br />

Rivista di studi politici internazionali<br />

(Firenze)<br />

- 76 (Aprile-Giugno <strong>2009</strong>) 2/302: 399 1484<br />

Rundbrief / Forum Umwelt und<br />

Entwicklung (Bonn)<br />

- (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 1741<br />

Russland-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (22.05.<strong>2009</strong>) 183: 461 462<br />

- (05.06.<strong>2009</strong>) 184: 477<br />

- (19.06.<strong>2009</strong>) 185: 478<br />

- (03.07.<strong>2009</strong>) 186: 445 446<br />

Schweizer Monatshefte (Zürich)<br />

- 89 (Mai/Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 969: <strong>15</strong>95<br />

Security Challenges [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Canberra)<br />

- 5 (Autumn <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 1173;1473 1452;1474<br />

Social Sciences in China (Beijing)<br />

- 30 (February <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 1374 1383 1397 1398<br />

1399 1400 1401 1402<br />

The South African Journal of<br />

International Affairs (Braamfontein)<br />

- <strong>15</strong> (December 2008) 2: 834;894 851 859;860<br />

895 990;992 1120<br />

South-East Europe Review for Labour<br />

and Social Affairs (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 11 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3: 486;503;582<br />

Stichproben (Wien)<br />

- 8 (2008) <strong>15</strong>: 908 913 916<br />

Strategic Analysis (New Delhi)<br />

- 32 (January 2008) 1: 1182 1201;1262;1316<br />

1211 1358;1482<br />

- 32 (March 2008) 2: 835;1221<br />

1078;1095;1140;1<strong>15</strong>3 1<strong>15</strong>5 1225 1231<br />

- 32 (May 2008) 3: 1147;1164;1220;1241<br />

1190;1205 1209;1291 1234;1270<br />

- 32 (July 2008) 4: 1168 1216;1352 1355;1481<br />

1365;1369 1382 1422;1680 1423;1681<br />

- 32 (September 2008) 5: 8<strong>15</strong>;886;1204 1107<br />

11<strong>15</strong>;1141 1191;1207;1337 1206;1268 1229 1276<br />

- 32 (November 2008) 6: 655;750;1222;1237<br />

660;1223 1196 1210;13<strong>15</strong> 12<strong>15</strong> 1367<br />

- 33 (January <strong>2009</strong>) 1: 1093 1227;1249 1242<br />

1269 1274 1305<br />

- 33 (March <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 29;1214 664;1186 1108<br />

1194;1200 1226;1363 1232 1746<br />

- 33 (May <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 1144;1217 1187;1230<br />

- 33 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 841;850;1480;1483 1099 1160<br />

1165 1193;1199 1240<br />

Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus)<br />

- 52 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) [8]: 59;123 145 274 275 277<br />

281 282 283 288;352 290 896 <strong>15</strong>83 <strong>15</strong>93;1665<br />

Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles)<br />

- 62 (<strong>2009</strong>) 1: 36;98 49 50 62 80 592 <strong>15</strong>14<br />

Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 7: 667;753;1360;1391 1012<br />

1026;1048 1304 1629 1630;1639<br />

Survival (Abingdon)<br />

- 51 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 4: 140 178<br />

524 712 901 1055 1433;1437 1434;1438 <strong>15</strong>85 <strong>15</strong>88<br />

Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke)<br />

- 30 (<strong>2009</strong>) 6: 888;890 <strong>15</strong>45 <strong>15</strong>46 <strong>15</strong>54;1657<br />

<strong>15</strong>91;1627 1652<br />

Tópicos (Bonn)<br />

- 48 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 817 818<br />

El Trimestre Económico (México/D.F.)<br />

- 76 (julio-septiembre <strong>2009</strong>) 303: 820;822<br />

Vereinte Nationen (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 57 (<strong>2009</strong>) 3: 926 <strong>15</strong>07<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 106 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 32 (July <strong>2009</strong>) 3: 11;<strong>15</strong>64 293 601;1203<br />

602;<strong>15</strong>66 609;1336 619;790 635;1495 648;1118<br />

659;1357 681 748 1024;1034<br />

Welt-Sichten (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- (mai <strong>2009</strong>) 5: 848;849<br />

- (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6: <strong>15</strong>56<br />

Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 89 (Juni <strong>2009</strong>) 6: 760;774 1744<br />

The World Economy (Oxford)<br />

- 32 (<strong>August</strong> <strong>2009</strong>) 8: 38;70;645;727 1376;1379<br />

<strong>15</strong>09;<strong>15</strong>12 <strong>15</strong>38;<strong>15</strong>51 <strong>15</strong>49;<strong>15</strong>52 1611;1659<br />

World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 26 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 643;743 865;866<br />

983;1059 1096;1113 1278;1320 1411;1424 1456 <strong>15</strong>55<br />

<strong>15</strong>70;1617 1644;1647<br />

The World Today (London)<br />

- 65 (<strong>August</strong>-September <strong>2009</strong>) 8-9: 176;980<br />

321 900 1023;1041 1272 1408 1462 1498;<strong>15</strong>03 <strong>15</strong>67<br />

1653<br />

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />

The Yale Journal of International Law<br />

(New Haven/Conn.)<br />

- 34 (Summer <strong>2009</strong>) 2: 742;1494 <strong>15</strong>73;1608;1663<br />

1694<br />

Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien)<br />

- 64 (<strong>2009</strong>) 2: 46;584 1723;1745<br />

Zeitweiser der Galiziendeutschen<br />

(Stuttgart)<br />

- 47 (<strong>2009</strong>): 339;368;499<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>15</strong>/<strong>2009</strong> 107 <strong>2009</strong>.09.25

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