FORESIGHT 4 VCT PLC - Foresight Group

FORESIGHT 4 VCT PLC - Foresight Group

FORESIGHT 4 VCT PLC - Foresight Group


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omission to give notice to, or the non-receipt of notice by, any person entitled thereto shall not<br />

invalidate the proceedings at any general meeting.<br />

(ii) Notice of General Meetings<br />

(1) Every notice calling a general meeting shall specify the place and the day, time and<br />

place of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted. There<br />

shall appear with reasonable prominence in every such notice a statement that a<br />

member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and<br />

vote instead of him and that a proxy need not be a member. In the case of an annual<br />

general meeting, the notice shall also specify the meeting as such.<br />

(2) The Directors shall on the requisition of members in accordance with CA 2006 but<br />

subject as therein provided: (a) give to the members who would, if an annual general<br />

meeting were then to be held, be entitled to receive notice thereof notice of any<br />

resolution which may properly be moved and is intended to be moved at the meeting so<br />

requisitioned; and (b) circulate to such members any statement of not more than one<br />

thousand words with respect to the matter referred to in any proposed resolution for the<br />

business to be dealt with at that meeting.<br />

(3) Pursuant to Section 303 of CA 2006, the Directors must, on a members’ requisition,<br />

forthwith proceed duly to convene a general meeting of the Company. A members<br />

requisition is a requisition of members of the Company holding at the date of the deposit<br />

of the requisition not less than one-tenth of such of the paid up capital of the Company<br />

as at that date carries the right of voting at general meetings of the Company. For these<br />

purposes the Company’s paid up capital held as treasury shares would be disregarded.<br />

The requisition must state the objects of the meeting and must be signed by the<br />

requisitionists and deposited at the registered office of the Company and may consist of<br />

several documents in like form, each signed by one or more requisitionists. If the<br />

Directors do not within 28 days from the date of the deposit of the requisition proceed<br />

duly to convene a meeting, the requisitionists or any of them representing more than<br />

one half of the total voting rights of all of them may themselves convene a meeting but<br />

any meeting so convened must not be held after the expiration of three months from that<br />

date. A meeting convened under this section by requisitionists must be convened in the<br />

same manner as nearly as possible as that in which meetings are to be convened by<br />

Directors.<br />

(iii) Omission to Send Notice<br />

The accidental omission to send a notice of any meeting, or (where forms of proxy are sent<br />

out with notices) to send a form of proxy with a notice to any person entitled to receive the<br />

same, or the non-receipt of a notice of meeting or form of proxy by such a person, shall not<br />

invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.<br />

(iv) Quorum at General Meetings<br />

(1) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present.<br />

Two members present in person (or by representative) or by proxy and entitled to vote<br />

shall be a quorum.<br />

(2) If within 15 minutes (or such longer period as the chairman may determine) from the<br />

time fixed for a meeting a quorum is not present or if during a meeting a quorum ceases<br />

to be present, the meeting, if convened on the requisition of members, shall be<br />

dissolved and in any other case shall stand adjourned to such day and to such time<br />

(which must be not less than ten clear days thereafter) and place as may be determined<br />

by the chairman. At such adjourned meeting a quorum shall be two members present in<br />

person or by proxy and entitled to vote. If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes from<br />

the time fixed for holding the adjourned meeting or if during the adjourned meeting a<br />

quorum ceases to be present, the meeting shall be dissolved.<br />

(v) Votes of Members<br />

(1) Subject to any special rights which may apply to any class of shares that may have been<br />

issued or may from time to time be held, every member who is present in person,<br />


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