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Company’s existing share classes will benefit from fixed costs being spread across a larger asset base,<br />

they will continue, however, to be subject to the overall financial position and performance of that<br />

Company as a number of accounting, company law and <strong>VCT</strong> tests are applied at Company level. In<br />

addition, if, on liquidation, in the unlikely event there was a deficit in relation to one share class, such<br />

deficit would be borne by the other share classes.<br />

Existing Shareholders will be given the opportunity to receive additional Infrastructure Shares under the<br />

Offer (which will be in both Companies) through the reinvestment of initial commission payable to<br />

financial intermediaries (should their financial intermediary so direct) and a further loyalty commission,<br />

which, in aggregate will be equivalent to 5.5% of the amount invested. Existing shareholders who<br />

subscribe for Infrastructure Shares directly under the Offer will also receive an equivalent incentive.<br />

In order to launch the Offer, approval from Shareholders is required to amend the Articles of each<br />

Company to provide for the new class of Infrastructure Shares, to authorise the Board to issue such<br />

shares (having dis-applied pre-emption rights and enter into promotion, management and performance<br />

incentive arrangements for the Infrastructure Shares fund which are regarded as related party<br />

transactions with <strong>Foresight</strong> <strong>Group</strong>. In addition, each Board is seeking Shareholder approval to make<br />

market purchases of Infrastructure Shares from time to time, as well as cancel the share premium which<br />

will be created on the issue of the Infrastructure Shares to create reserves to be used for general<br />

corporate purposes. Such authorities are being sought pursuant to Resolution 1 to be proposed at each<br />

of the <strong>Foresight</strong> 1 Meetings and the <strong>Foresight</strong> 2 Meetings. The approval of Shareholders is required<br />

pursuant to CA 2006 and the Articles (other than the approval of the related party transactions which is<br />

required pursuant to the Listing Rules). Shareholder approval under the Listing Rules is also required to<br />

purchase shares at a price higher than 105% of the average of the mid-market quotations of the<br />

Infrastructure Shares for the five business days preceding the purchase.<br />

If the Resolutions are not approved, the Companies will continue in their current forms and the proposed<br />

Offer will not be launched (save that if the Resolutions are passed by one Company and not the other,<br />

the former may decide to proceed with an offer independently).<br />

Details relating to the Infrastructure Shares and related proposals (in particular the <strong>Foresight</strong> 1 Related<br />

Party Transactions and the <strong>Foresight</strong> 2 Related Party Transactions) are set out in Part II of this<br />

document. The Offer will, subject to Resolution 1 being passed at each of the <strong>Foresight</strong> 1 Meetings and<br />

the <strong>Foresight</strong> 2 Meetings, be contained in a prospectus to be issued jointly by the Companies.<br />

Enhanced Buyback Schemes<br />

Following the positive response from Shareholders of <strong>Foresight</strong> 1 of an enhanced buyback scheme in<br />

respect of its ordinary shares earlier in the year, each Board intends to provide a new opportunity for its<br />

Shareholders to tender Ordinary Shares in its Company and, in respect of <strong>Foresight</strong> 2, <strong>Foresight</strong> 2 C<br />

Shares. The shares of the relevant class of the relevant Company will be repurchased at a price<br />

equivalent to the latest published NAV per relevant share class (less transaction costs) and the proceeds<br />

reinvested in new shares of the relevant share class at a price equivalent to the latest published NAV per<br />

relevant share class.<br />

Each Board will only proceed in offering an enhanced buyback scheme over, in aggregate per Company,<br />

up to 10% of the issued Ordinary Share capital in its Company and/or, in the case of <strong>Foresight</strong> 2, up to<br />

10% of the issued <strong>Foresight</strong> 2 C Share capital, if, and to the extent permitted by statutory and other<br />

regulatory provisions and if it considers this to be in the best interests of the relevant Company.<br />

Enhanced buybacks are an efficient mechanism for significantly reducing the cost at which a market sale<br />

of <strong>VCT</strong> shares can normally be achieved for reinvestment on attractive terms as <strong>VCT</strong> shares are<br />

generally bought back in the market at a discount to the prevailing net asset value and the typical ‘all in’<br />

prices of fresh issues of <strong>VCT</strong> shares are usually at a premium of 5.5% of NAV. An enhanced buyback,<br />

therefore, rewards shareholder loyalty with further up front <strong>VCT</strong> tax relief (depending on the qualifying<br />

status of the shareholder) for reinvesting in the relevant Company and not in another <strong>VCT</strong>.<br />

The purchase and allotment of shares of the relevant class in the relevant Company at a price equivalent<br />

to their respective most recently published net asset value (less transaction costs) pursuant to an<br />

enhanced buyback scheme will require the approval by the Shareholders of the relevant Company.<br />

Resolution 2 to be proposed at the <strong>Foresight</strong> 1 Meetings and Resolutions 2 and 3 to be proposed at the<br />

<strong>Foresight</strong> 2 Meetings seek such approvals. The approval of Shareholders is required pursuant to CA<br />

2006 and the Articles. Shareholder approval under the Listing Rules is also required to purchase shares<br />

of the relevant class of the relevant company at a price higher than 105% of the average of the<br />


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