Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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Regulatory Genomics<br />

Advanced Genomics Instruments,<br />

Technology and Methods for<br />

Determination of Transcription Factor<br />

Binding Specialities; Applications<br />

for Identifi cation of Genes Predisposing<br />

to Colorectal <strong>Cancer</strong><br />

Summary<br />

Determination of the sequence of the human genome, and<br />

knowledge of the genetic code through which mRNA is<br />

translated, have allowed rapid progress in the identifi cation<br />

of mammalian proteins. However, less is known about the<br />

molecular mechanisms that control the expression of genes.<br />

This project sets out to address this problem by developing<br />

novel tools and methods for analysing the specifi city of transcription<br />

factors to bind to particular sequences of DNA.<br />

Problem<br />

Not enough is known about the molecular mechanisms that<br />

control expression of human genes, and about the variations<br />

in gene expression that underlie many pathological<br />

states, including cancer. This is caused in part by a lack of<br />

information about the second genetic code – binding specifi<br />

cities of transcription factors (TFs). Deciphering this<br />

regulatory code is critical for cancer research, as little is<br />

known about the mechanisms by which the known genetic<br />

defects induce the transcriptional programs that control cell<br />

proliferation, survival and angiogenesis. In addition, changes<br />

in binding of transcription factors caused by single nucleotide<br />

polymorphisms (SNPs) are likely to be a major factor in many<br />

quantitative trait conditions, including familial predisposition<br />

to cancer.<br />

Aim<br />

The objective is to develop novel genomics tools and methods<br />

for the determination of transcription factor binding specifi<br />

city. These tools will be used for the identifi cation of<br />

regulatory SNPs that predispose to colorectal cancer, and<br />

for characterisation of downstream target genes that are<br />

common to multiple oncogenic TFs.<br />

68<br />

Keywords | Genomics | molecular genetics | transcription factors |<br />

The specifi c aims are:<br />

• to develop novel high throughput multiwell-plate and<br />

DNA-chipbased methods for determination of TF binding<br />

specifi city;<br />

• to determine experimentally the binding specifi cities of<br />

known cancer- associated TFs;<br />

• to predict computationally, and to verify experimentally,<br />

elements that are regulated by these TFs in genes that<br />

are essential for cell proliferation;<br />

• to develop a SNP genotyping chip composed of SNPs<br />

that aff ect the function of TF-binding sites conserved in<br />

mammalian species;<br />

• to use this chip for the genotyping of patients with<br />

hereditary cancer predisposition as well as controls in<br />

three European populations, for identifi cation of regulatory<br />

SNPs associated with cancer.<br />

Expected results<br />

This project aims to understand the basic principles involved<br />

in growth regulation by oncogenic TFs, and is expected to<br />

have a major impact in the understanding of cancer. Identifi -<br />

cation of SNPs associated with low penetrance cancer<br />

predisposition would be a major breakthrough in the eff ort<br />

to understand inheritance of quantitative trait loci, and will<br />

have implications on the population’s healthcare.<br />

The methods developed within the project ( 1) have already<br />

allowed genome-scale prediction of regulatory elements in<br />

the human genome, and the methods developed should<br />

make feasible the analysis of DNAbinding specifi cities of<br />

all TFs, and consequently signifi cantly improve our understanding<br />

regulation of gene expression.<br />

Potential applications<br />

We expect that the project will lead to the identifi cation of<br />

genes that associate with colorectal cancer. This will have<br />

direct implications on diagnosis and treatment of a cancer<br />

type that aff ects more than 200 000 Europeans every year.<br />

Methods, tools and instrumentation for advanced genomics<br />

developed within this project will improve EU scientifi c competitiveness<br />

in the rapidly developing fi eld of regulatory<br />

genomics, and will allow EU scientists to be in a very good<br />

starting position to decipher the genetic code controlling<br />

regulation of gene expression.<br />

(1) Hallikas O, Palin K, Sinjushina N, Rautiainen R, Partanen J, Ukkonen E, Taipale J,<br />

Genomewide Prediction of Mammalian Enhancers Based on Analysis of Transcription-<br />

Factor Binding Affi nity. Cell. 124:47-59, 2006.<br />


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