Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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Indices – Organisations<br />

● Aalborg Hospital 56, 99<br />

● Aalborg University 204<br />

● Aarhus University Hospital 56, 69, 110, 198<br />

● Abcam 35<br />

● Academic Hospital Groningen 202<br />

● Academisch Medisch Centrum 46<br />

● Academisch Ziekenhuis bij<br />

de Universiteit van Amsterdam 199<br />

● ACIES 171, 181, 221<br />

● ACN L’accessorio Nucleare S.R.L. 134<br />

● Addenbrooke’s Hospital 136<br />

● Adolf-Butenandt-Institut 76<br />

● Advalytix AG 141<br />

● ADVANCELL 90<br />

● Affimed Therapeutics AG 16<br />

● Affitech AS 128<br />

● Agendia 44, 120, 159, 224<br />

● Agricultural Biotechnology Centre 74<br />

● Akademia Medyczna w Warszawie,<br />

Medical University of Warsaw 199<br />

● Akdeniz University 84<br />

● Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg 204<br />

● ALMA Consulting Group 112, 210<br />

● AlPlanta-Institute for Plant <strong>Research</strong> 74<br />

● Altonabiotec 171<br />

● AMRI Hungary 174<br />

● AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH 20<br />

● Andalusian School of Public Health 99<br />

● AngioGenetics AB Medicinaregatan 48<br />

● Ankara University 198<br />

● Apotech Corporation 210<br />

● Apoxis S.A. 152<br />

● Applied Imaging 120<br />

● Aprea AB 59<br />

● Areta International Srl 229<br />

● Argos Therapeutics, Inc 183<br />

● Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 94<br />

● Ark Therapeutics Oy 171<br />

● Artinis 136<br />

● Arttic SA 25, 94, 117<br />

● Asper Biotech 59, 141<br />

● Assistance Publique –<br />

Hôpitaux de Paris 199, 202<br />

● Association pour la recherche<br />

et le développement des méthodes<br />

et processus industriels 245<br />

● Association pour la Recherche sur<br />

le dépistage des <strong>Cancer</strong>s du Sein 136<br />

264<br />

● Association pour la Recherche sur<br />

les Transplantations Médullaires 199<br />

● Associazione Iblea per<br />

la Ricerca Epidemiologica 99<br />

● Aureus Pharma 189<br />

● Austrian Academy of Sciences 63, 94<br />

● Avalon Product Development 136<br />

● Azienda Ospedaliera<br />

San Camillo-Forlanini 199, 200<br />

● Azienda Ospedaliera – Ospedali<br />

Riuniti di Bergamo 112, 134, 199<br />

● Azienda Sanitaria Locale 101<br />

● Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre 223<br />

● BaseClear B.V. 248<br />

● Bayerische Julius-Maximilian-<br />

Universität Würzburg 200<br />

● BCHM/Christian de Duve Institute<br />

of Cellular Pathology 48, 183<br />

● Beatson Institute for<br />

<strong>Cancer</strong> <strong>Research</strong> 12, 41, 44<br />

● Belarusion <strong>Research</strong> Center for<br />

Pediatric Oncology and Hematology 200<br />

● Belozersky Institute of<br />

Physico-Chemical Biology 154<br />

● Bender MedSystems 235<br />

● Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 132<br />

● Berthold GmbH & Co. KG 152<br />

● BioAlliance Pharma SA 163<br />

● BioBase 22<br />

● Biocrates Life Sciences GmbH 117<br />

● Bioflag Srl 128<br />

● Biofocus GmbH 145<br />

● BIOGEM Biotecnologie Avanzate 74<br />

● Bioinformatics ApS 96<br />

● BioInvent International AB 165<br />

● BioLigands ApS 18<br />

● Biological <strong>Research</strong> Centre 241<br />

● Biomedical Sciences <strong>Research</strong><br />

Centre ‘Alexander Fleming’ 159<br />

● Biopolo Scrl - c/o IFOM 185<br />

● Biopredic International 90<br />

● Biospace Mesures 192<br />

● BioSystems International 117<br />

● Biotecgen s.r.l. 12<br />

● Biotech <strong>Research</strong> and Innovation Centre 44<br />

● Biovex 182<br />

● BRACCO Imaging S.P.A. 192<br />

● Breast Institute 237<br />

● Breast International Group (BIG-aisbl) 223<br />

● Brucells 182, 185<br />

● Bruker Biospin SA. 130<br />

● Brunel University 54<br />

● Budapest University of<br />

Technology Economics 22<br />

● Bundesministerium für Bildung<br />

und Forschung 237<br />

● <strong>Cancer</strong> Coalition 224<br />

● <strong>Cancer</strong> <strong>Research</strong> UK 29, 39, 52, 65, 78,<br />

99, 141, 156, 183<br />

● <strong>Cancer</strong>Tek Pharmaceuticals Ltd 50<br />

● Capio Diagnostics Radiology Sweden 136<br />

● Cardiff University 165, 198<br />

● Catalan Institute of Oncology 99<br />

● CEA, Département d’Ingenierie<br />

et d’Études des Protéines 115<br />

● CEA – SHFJ 192<br />

● CEINGE Biotecnologie<br />

avanzate s.c.a.r.l. 128, 199<br />

● Cellartis 90<br />

● Center for Genomic Regulation 74<br />

● Center of Excellence in Medicine<br />

& IT GmBh 41<br />

● Center of Serbia 44<br />

● Central Manchester and Manchester,<br />

Children’s University Hospitals<br />

NHS Trust 199<br />

● Centre d’Immunologie de<br />

Marseille-Luminy 183<br />

● Centre de la recherche public<br />

de la santé 14<br />

● Centre de Recherche pour<br />

les pathologies prostatiques 67<br />

● Centre de Regulació Genòmica 226<br />

● Centre for Biotechnology 22<br />

● Centre for Blood Cell Therapies 187<br />

● Centre for Drug <strong>Research</strong> 208<br />

● Centre for Genomic Regulation 22<br />

● Centre for Medical Genetics 128<br />

● Centre for the Validation<br />

of Alternative Methods 90<br />

● Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg 223<br />

● Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Angers 199<br />

● Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen 199<br />

● Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes 176<br />

● Centre Hospitalier Universitaire<br />

de Saint-Louis 25<br />


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