Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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EUSTIR<br />

A European strategy for the integration<br />

of research on breast cancer<br />

Summary<br />

Keywords | Breast cancer | funding | harmonisation |<br />

The overall objective is to create a permanent European<br />

overview process for the award, audit and recording of all<br />

research on breast cancer.<br />

The project aims to create:<br />

• a European overview process for project proposals<br />

received by all funding bodies. This will:<br />

• prevent research from being funded for similar work<br />

in multiple projects;<br />

• result in a few large, rather than multiple small series,<br />

which are much more likely to yield defi nite results;<br />

• a body of the leading researchers in breast cancer which<br />

agree the areas most likely to give results of clinical relevance<br />

and agree certain issues that must be included in<br />

all proposals (such as validation of the results);<br />

• an audit process of research work. This addresses the<br />

problem that many projects do not address their aims.<br />

The audit outcomes will be accessible to research funders,<br />

so that institutes most likely to complete valuable projects<br />

are identifi ed (and the converse!).<br />

This project will be divided into three parts:<br />

• a workshop of leading European research workers in<br />

breast cancer to defi ne the most important areas for<br />

research and to make suggestions on an overview<br />

process;<br />

• a workshop of the funding organisations and other<br />

interested parties to discuss and agree a strategy for<br />

harmonising research in the identifi ed areas;<br />

• validation of projects funded to date against criteria<br />

established within the project.<br />

Problem<br />

The present methods of awarding research grants in cancer<br />

suff er from many defects and appear to result in repetitive<br />

research, often with no clear result and no clinical relevance.<br />

There is no agreement as to which areas are the most important,<br />

there is no attempt to ensure claims are validated, there<br />

is no audit process for success/failure and no ranking of ability<br />

of individual units to complete projects and their value.<br />

This means that monies for research are often spent poorly.<br />

Aim<br />

1. Long-term aims<br />

• To harmonise breast cancer research through individual<br />

funding organisations operating within Europe.<br />

• To encourage research to be focused on that which will<br />

have ultimate clinical application.<br />

• To ensure that validation is a part of the design of all<br />

applications.<br />

• To establish an audit system backed by a database that<br />

allows assessment of the success rate of individual<br />

research groups.<br />

2. Project-specifi c aims<br />

• To bring together all organisations involved in developing,<br />

supporting and undertaking breast cancer research<br />

in Europe to design a strategy for the pan-European<br />

harmonisation of breast cancer research.<br />

• To develop a process of audit of completed research<br />

whereby research projects will also be judged as to<br />

whether they have advanced the science and to what<br />

degree they are relevant to clinical practice.<br />

• To maintain a database of projects and of the audit of<br />

completed projects.<br />

• Audit of past projects and production of a policy paper<br />

for implementation.<br />

• To infl uence journal editors, to ensure higher standards<br />

are set for acceptances for publication of results; validation<br />

and clinical relevance will be the most important<br />

issues.<br />


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