Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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groups and management structures. These subnets and platforms<br />

will then be integrated in the European Leukaemia<br />

Network which will conduct the integrated research programme<br />

detailed below. The network will be managed by the Network<br />

Coordinator (NC), the Scientifi c Network Manager (SNM) and<br />

the Steering Committee (SC) consisting of the coordinators<br />

(=Lead participants) of the work packages (WP). The University<br />

of Heidelberg will provide the expertise for fi nancial, legal and<br />

contractual management.<br />

2. Set-up of European networks for each leukaemia and<br />

related syndrome.<br />

These networks will comprise the national trial groups for<br />

each leukaemia and represent the fi rst stage of networking<br />

and European integration.<br />

3. Set-up of European platforms for each interdisciplinary<br />

specialty.<br />

These platforms are sub-networks of excellence of diagnostic,<br />

therapeutic and biometric research groups on their own<br />

and constitute interdisciplinary partners enabling the clinical<br />

trial groups to achieve the high quality patient care and<br />

research required for European leadership.<br />

4. Performance of clinical trials (all leukaemias).<br />

Employing uniform common data sets the trial groups will<br />

continue their current trials funded by alternative sources and<br />

will start new trials using diagnostic standards established by<br />

the diagnostic platforms (WPs 10-13). Criteria for accreditation<br />

of trials will be set up.<br />

Lung infection and infl ammation is a growing problem within<br />

all states of the EU, and the infections are routinely treated<br />

with antibiotics. The pharmaceutical industry is interested in<br />

the development of protein therapeutics, which can be used as<br />

alternatives to antibiotics. There is a relatively fragile protective<br />

barrier, the alveolar lining layer, which controls the interaction<br />

between the atmosphere and the lung. The fi lm, known as lung<br />

surfactant, plays two important roles, prevention of lung collapse<br />

during respiration and provision of a fi rst line of defence<br />

against the extremely varied range of particles, allergens and<br />

microbes that are present in the environment. The lung surfactant<br />

is a surfaceactive mixture of phospholipids and four<br />

main surfactant proteins – SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D. The SP-<br />

B and SP-C proteins are small, highly hydrophobic, polypeptides,<br />

which are strongly associated with the phospholipid portion of<br />

the surfactant, whereas SP-A and SP-D are large (approximately<br />

600kDa) and complex, disulphide-bonded, proteins of<br />

a more hydrophilic nature. They can bind, via their lectin<br />

domains, to arrays of carbohydrate structures on the surfaces<br />

of pathogenic microbes and to glycosylated allergens, thus<br />

initiating defence against a range of viral, fungal and bacterial<br />

lung infections and modulating allergic reactions. There is<br />


evidence of lowered levels of SP-A, and SP-D, in the lung<br />

surfactant of a growing number of types of infection- or<br />

allergy-mediated lung infl ammation, which strengthens the<br />

case for testing the use of recombinant forms of these proteins<br />

as therapeutic alternatives to antibiotics.<br />

5. European Registry (all leukaemias).<br />

A European registry will allow to determine incidence and<br />

disease patterns across Europe including gender, age and<br />

ethnic diff erences, investigate familiar aggregations, overlap<br />

syndromes or precursor conditions, explore risk factors associations<br />

and diff erences in gene environment interaction,<br />

using data from cytogenetic analyses (WP 11) and genomic<br />

profi ling (WP 13), perform quality of life assessments, recognize<br />

sub-entities on the basis of cytogenetic or gene profi ling<br />

information, follow-up patients for the development of prognostic<br />

scores for old and new therapies and determine<br />

proportions of patients in individual countries treated on specifi<br />

c protocols or with specifi c therapies e.g. SCT (WP 14).<br />

The registry will be run by the expert group Biometry for<br />

Registry, Epidemiology, Metaanalyses and Prognosis (WP 17).<br />

This group has gained a long-standing broad experience in<br />

collecting data, performing meta-analyses and establishing<br />

prognostic scores. The database established by the network<br />

will have far-reaching implications for research and public<br />

health planning far beyond the period of EC funding.<br />

6. Standardisation.<br />

Standardised and quality controlled diagnostic procedures<br />

and therapies constitute the basis for improvements of clinical<br />

outcomes. This concerns all diagnostic approaches such as<br />

morphological diagnosis of blood and marrow cells (WP 10),<br />

cytogenetics (WP 11), detection of minimal residual disease<br />

(WP 12) and gene expression profi ling (WP 13) as well as therapies<br />

such as transplantation, anti-infection prophylaxis and<br />

treatment and the testing of new drugs in phase I/II trials<br />

(WP 14 and 15). The establishment of standards for a wide<br />

spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic applications will raise<br />

the quality of research and patient care beyond the period of<br />

EC funding and will predictively have a profound impact on<br />

outcome as measured by prolongation of life and cure rates<br />

across Europe.<br />

7. Meta-analysis and guidelines.<br />

Whenever randomised trials are available for analysis (mostly<br />

CML and AML), meta-analysis will be performed and published<br />

(WP 17). On the basis of meta-analysis, evidence-based guidelines<br />

will be worked out and used for the improvement of<br />

patient management and for educational purposes (training<br />

programmes, workshops in associated countries, exchange of<br />

researchers and physicians for training purposes). Meta-analysis<br />

will be also performed on combined data sets with rare<br />

subtypes of leukaemias (WP6).<br />


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