Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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Potential applications<br />

The use of therapeutic cancer vaccines still has to be fi rmly<br />

established and previous clinical trials strongly indicate that<br />

not all patients benefi t from receiving such treatment. The<br />

present study will allow us to establish whether the results of<br />

ENACT can be used in a clinical setting. The identifi cation of<br />

indicators of patient response to immunotherapy would<br />

allow clinicians to target vaccination to those patients who<br />

are most likely to respond. The fi ndings of the present study<br />

could result in assays that could be used to predict treatment<br />

outcome and/or monitor patients during the course of<br />

treatment. This would benefi t the health care industry and<br />

patient care and the fi ndings may be applicable to cancers<br />

other than those included in the research programme. The<br />

approach will allow us to gain further scientifi c understanding<br />

of the immune response to tumour antigens, which may<br />

infl uence the development of future generations of cancer<br />

vaccine. This research represents a valuable contribution to<br />

the welfare of patients who would be considered to be suitable<br />

candidates for vaccine-based therapy.<br />

Coordinator<br />

Robert Rees<br />

Interdisciplinary Biomedical<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Centre<br />

Nottingham Trent University<br />

Faculty of Science and Land-based Studies<br />

Nottingham, United Kingdom<br />

robert.rees@ntu.ac.uk<br />

Partners<br />

Elissaveta Naumova<br />

Laboratory of Clinical Immunology<br />

University Hospital<br />

Sofia, Bulgaria<br />

immun@medun.acad.bg<br />

Graham Pawelec<br />

Abt.Innere Medizin II Zentrum<br />

für Medizinische Forschung,<br />

ZMF Universitätsklinikum<br />

Tübingen, Germany<br />

graham.pawelec@uni-tuebingen.de<br />


Rolf Kiessling<br />

Dept. of Oncology-Pathology<br />

Karolinska Institute<br />

Stockholm, Sweden<br />

rolf.kiessling@mtc.ki.se<br />

Francine Jotereau<br />

INSERM U463, Institut de Biologie<br />

Nantes, France<br />

jotereau@nantes.inserm<br />

Piotr Laidler<br />

Institute of Medical Biochemistry<br />

Jagiellonian University<br />

Medical College<br />

Krakow, Poland<br />

mblaidle@cyf-kr.edu.pl<br />

Aija Line<br />

Biomedical <strong>Research</strong> Study Centre<br />

University of Latvia<br />

Riga, Latvia<br />

aija@biomed.lu.lv<br />

Federico Garrido<br />

Departamento de Analisis Clinicos<br />

Hospital Universitario<br />

Granada, Spain<br />

fgarrido@hvn.sas.junta-andalucia.es<br />

Dirk Schadendorf<br />

Deutsches Krebsforschungzentrum (DKFZ)<br />

Heidelberg, Germany<br />

d.schladendorf@dkfz.de<br />

Gustav Gaudernack<br />

Dept. of Immunology<br />

Institute for <strong>Cancer</strong> <strong>Research</strong><br />

The Norwegian Radium Hospital<br />

Oslo, Norway<br />

gustav.gaudemack@labmed.uio.no<br />

Graham Ball<br />

Loreus Ltd<br />

Nottingham Trent University<br />

Nottingham, United Kingdom<br />

graham.balls@ntu.ac.uk<br />

Project number<br />

LSHC-CT-2004-503306<br />

EC contribution<br />

€ 4 166 513<br />

Duration<br />

42 months<br />

Starting date<br />

01/01/2005<br />

Instrument<br />

STREP<br />

Project website<br />

www.enactcancer<br />

research.org<br />

Costas Baxevanis<br />

Dept. of Immunology<br />

Hellenic Anticancer Institute<br />

Athens, Greece<br />

Anthony Walker<br />

Onyvax Ltd<br />

St George’s Hospital Medical School<br />

London, United Kingdom<br />

Italo Dodi<br />

School of Science and Technology<br />

Nottingham Trent University<br />

Nottingham, United Kingdom<br />


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