Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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POC4life<br />

Multiparametric quantum dot bioassay<br />

for point of care diagnosis<br />

Summary<br />

This project aims at improving the healthcare of patients<br />

by elaborating a unique POC diagnosis platform which will<br />

help specialists to deliver an earlier diagnosis and to<br />

decide for appropriate treatment. The goal is to provide<br />

the clinicians with multiparametric measurement of the<br />

main 4/5 essential markers and to support decision with<br />

a software tool. This will be a cost-eff ective breakthrough<br />

in the diagnosis market.<br />

Problem<br />

Keywords | Lung cancer | point of care | quantum dots | UV light source | fl ash lamp | fl uorescence | immuno-diagnosis |<br />

multiparameter | blood separation | expert system | molecule coupling | luminescent tags |<br />

Each year 377 000 new European citizens develop lung<br />

cancer and 340 000 die from it. Studies show that early<br />

diagnosis and accurate cancer typing could save number of<br />

lives. Laboratories nowadays have a wide panel of reproducible<br />

diagnostic tests at their disposal: these are mostly<br />

routine tests realised in centralized laboratories. The needs<br />

for early diagnosis, multiparametric analysis of results and<br />

quick monitoring of disease progression or therapeutic sensitivity<br />

were progressively left aside, whereas they could be<br />

fulfi lled with using decentralised diagnostic tools, close to<br />

the patient.<br />

Among the possible applications of this new concept, the<br />

partners have chosen to work on the primary diagnosis of<br />

the histological types of lung cancer to help to give an<br />

improved initial diagnosis and to eliminate the 15-20 % problematic<br />

or late diagnosed cases. The study will pay special<br />

care to women (lung cancer death rates for women have<br />

been still increasing in Europe since the 1990s and marker<br />

patterns may be diff erent). It will then have a huge impact<br />

on health by contributing to the fi ght against cancer and the<br />

development of gender dimension in research. For this purpose,<br />

the multidisciplinary project will involve academic<br />

researchers (from Germany, Spain and France) and SMEs<br />

(from Sweden and the UK) gathering around the initiators<br />

of the project (the SME CEZANNE, the University of<br />

Strasbourg in France and the University of Potsdam in<br />

Germany) which have the skills to build a multiparametric<br />

device, to develop immunoassays and to design an interpretation<br />

software.<br />

Aim<br />

Objective 1: Elaborate an innovative medical device: a unique<br />

point of care diagnosis platform which will help specialists<br />

to make earlier diagnosis and provide more appropriate<br />

treatments.<br />

Objective 2: Provide the best possible integration of parameters<br />

by means of a consortium composed of public and private<br />

partners such as research intensive SMEs and academic<br />

entities Europe-wide.<br />

Objective 3: Elaborate the new device for a specifi c application:<br />

the primary diagnosis of the diff erent types of lung<br />

cancer. The project will then have a huge impact on health by<br />

contributing to the fi ght against cancer and the development<br />

of gender dimension in research.<br />

The objective of the project is to generalize this approach to<br />

combinations of immuno-assay measurements to deliver<br />

a clear diagnosis of the disease or monitoring information.<br />

The generalization means fi rst that the diagnosis should be<br />

accessible to various types of medical practices (medical<br />

doctor to hospitals) and thus a low cost , easy to use ‘Point<br />

of Care’ (POC) device should be developed. However this<br />

should not be done to the detriment of quality and precision.<br />

A homogeneous technology known for high level precision<br />

can therefore be a judicious choice. Generalization means<br />

also that various pathologies could be addressed: typically<br />

from 2 to 4 or 5 immuno-assays. We thus aim at allowing on<br />

the POC device the simultaneous measurement of 4 to 5<br />

immuno-assays with one draw of patient sample (1 droplet).<br />

Finally generalization means universality of the measurement<br />

technique and of the data reduction process. In this<br />

way, fl uorescent measurement based on FRET (Fluorescence<br />

Resonance Energy Transfer) seems an excellent choice, since<br />

it may be extended in the future to other diagnostics such as<br />

DNA analysis, coagulation, microbiology…<br />


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