Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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P-MARK<br />

Validation of recently developed<br />

diagnostic and prognostic<br />

markers and identifi cation of novel<br />

markersfor prostate cancer using<br />

European databases<br />

Summary<br />

The current diagnostic markers for prostate cancer have<br />

a low specifi city and lead to over-diagnosis and overtreatment<br />

due to the detection of small non-aggressive or<br />

non life-threatening cancers. In addition, there are currently<br />

no effi cient serum or urine markers available for the prognosis<br />

of this malignancy. The P-Mark project will address<br />

the growing need for improved diagnostic and prognostic<br />

markers for prostate cancer.<br />

Problem<br />

Keywords | Prostate cancer | markers | diagnosis | prognosis | serum | urine | proteomics | mass spectrometry |<br />

In Europe, prostate cancer (Pca) is the second most frequent<br />

lethal malignancy in men. Yearly about 40 000 men<br />

die of Pca in the EU countries. There is a slow increase of<br />

mortality and in addition, due to an ageing population,<br />

a 50 % increase in incidence is expected by 2020. So far, the<br />

only chance for cure is early detection and treatment by<br />

either surgery or radiotherapy. Diagnosis of Pca is made by<br />

ultrasound-guided transrectal biopsy of the prostate for histology.<br />

An increased level of the serum marker prostate<br />

specifi c antigen (PSA) often signals the presence of prostate<br />

cancer and the need to perform such a biopsy. A major<br />

disadvantage of this diagnostic marker is its low specifi city,<br />

resulting in a signifi cant amount of false biopsy indications.<br />

PSA is a normal excretion product of the prostate cells and<br />

is therefore not only found in the circulation of men with<br />

prostate cancer but also of men with a normal prostate and<br />

men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, a phenomenon that<br />

is associated with ageing. Nevertheless, PSA is the standard<br />

marker for Pca diagnosis and has been demonstrated to be<br />

eff ective in advancing the diagnosis by detecting Pca at<br />

earlier stages. A growing number of men choose to be<br />

screened for Pca by PSA analysis, even up to 60-70 % of<br />

men in the USA. However, the value of screening for Pca has<br />

not been established yet and is currently the subject of<br />

investigation in the European Randomised Study of Screening<br />

for Prostate <strong>Cancer</strong> (ERSPC). A major drawback of the<br />

standard diagnostic tools for Pca is the detection of small<br />

non-aggressive or non life-threatening cancers, leading to<br />

over-diagnosis and over-treatment, as well as the detection<br />

of tumours that are too advanced to cure. Currently, there<br />

are no serum or urine markers available for the prognosis of<br />

Pca at early disease stages apart from PSA. It is apparent<br />

that improved diagnostic and prognostic serum or urine<br />

markers are required that can discriminate men with clinically<br />

irrelevant Pca, curable Pca, or life-threatening Pca.<br />

Aim<br />

For three years, P-Mark will search for improved diagnostic<br />

and prognostic Pca markers by the identifi cation and evaluation<br />

of novel markers as well as the evaluation and validation<br />

of recently developed promising markers. Novel serum and<br />

urine markers will be identifi ed in clinically well-defi ned biomaterials<br />

using innovative mass spectrometry tools, and<br />

antibody-based immunoassays will be developed for these<br />

markers. The novel markers will be evaluated for their clinical<br />

importance using these assays. Recently developed, promising<br />

markers that prove their clinical value during the evaluation<br />

will be validated on a sample set derived from two European<br />

screening studies (the ERSPC study and the ProtecT study).<br />

Eventually, the markers arising from this project will be off ered<br />

to SMEs for commercialisation and to ongoing large European<br />

clinical studies for clinical implementation.<br />

Expected results<br />

• The establishment of a serum biorepository and a urine<br />

biorepository for the discovery, evaluation and validation<br />

of diagnostic and prognostic Pca markers.<br />

• The discovery of novel Pca markers in human body fl uids<br />

by innovative mass spectrometry tools.<br />

• The establishment of the clinical utility of recently developed<br />

promising Pca markers, including PCA3DD3, bone<br />

morphogenetic protein-6 (BMP-6), osteoprotegerin<br />

(OPG), nicked PSA, human kallikrein 2 (hK2) and cytochrome<br />

P450 3A5*3 polymorphism (CYP3A5*3).<br />

• The validation of Pca markers and identifi cation of risk<br />

groups in the general population in Europe.<br />

• The development of guidelines for cost-effi cient strategies<br />

for Pca detection and therapy.<br />


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