Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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e developed by eTUMOUR is likely to become a powerful<br />

tool for accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment selection<br />

and monitoring. The development of a web-based<br />

decision support system is innovative in itself and will promote<br />

the concept of how a multi-centre, web-distributed<br />

database of clinical information can be accessed, used and<br />

updated within healthcare systems with their unique and<br />

stringent constraints of data security and privacy. New criteria<br />

for classifying brain tumours will arise from eTUMOUR by<br />

determining the metabolomic and genomic profi les of<br />

tumours and relating these to prognosis and treatment<br />

response. Particularly signifi cant will be the DNA microarray<br />

data, which may suggest the most appropriate genes to be<br />

used as markers for tumour classifi cation and may lead to<br />

development of new or customised microarrays for routine<br />

clinical use. Genomic and metabolomic data is complementary<br />

to standard WHO pathological classifi cations. The<br />

combined molecular and clinical data is likely to produce<br />

a new and more complete methodology for classifi cation<br />

and grading of all types of tumours and should also increase<br />

our understanding of tumour biology and its variation.<br />

Coordinator<br />

Bernardo Celda<br />

University of Valencia<br />

Dept. of Physical Chemistry<br />

Valencia, Spain<br />

bernardo.celda@uv.es<br />

Partners<br />

Carles Arús<br />

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona<br />

Unitat de Ciències<br />

Departament de Bioquímica<br />

i Biologia Molecular<br />

Bellaterra, Spain<br />

carles.arus@uab.es<br />

Franklyn Arron Howe<br />

St George’s Hospital Medical School<br />

Basic Medical Sciences<br />

London, United Kingdom<br />

howefa@sghms.ac.uk<br />

Arend Heerschap<br />

University Medical Center Nijmegen<br />

Nijmegen, The Netherlands<br />

a.heerschap@rad.umcn.nl<br />

Lutgarde Buydens<br />

Stichting Katholieke Universiteit<br />

Dept. of Analytical Chemistry<br />

Nijmegen, The Netherlands<br />

l.buydens@sci.kun.nl<br />

130<br />

Christoph Segebarth<br />

Unité Mixte INSERM<br />

Université Joseph Fourier U594<br />

Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle<br />

et Métabolique<br />

Grenoble, France<br />

christoph.segebarth@ujf-grenoble.fr<br />

Magí Lluch<br />

MICROART, S.L.<br />

Barcelona.,Spain<br />

mlluch@microart.es<br />

Antoni Capdevila<br />

Hospital San Joan de Deu<br />

Esplugues de Llobregat, Spain<br />

acapdevila@hsjdbcn.org<br />

Gilda D’Incerti<br />

Pharma Quality Europe, s.r.l.<br />

Florence, Italy<br />

g.dincerti@pqe.it<br />

Luigi Visani<br />

Hyperphar Group SpA.<br />

Milan, Italy<br />

lvisani@hyperphar.it<br />

Sabine van Huffel<br />

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven<br />

<strong>Research</strong> and Development<br />

Leuven, Belgium<br />

sabine.vanhuffel@esat.kuleuven.ac.be<br />

Peter Kreisler<br />

Siemens AG, Medical Solutions<br />

Erlangen, Germany<br />

stefan.roell@siemens.com<br />

Arno Klaassen<br />

Scito S.A.<br />

Grenoble, France<br />

arno@scito.com<br />

Montserrat Robles<br />

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia<br />

Valencia, Spain<br />

mrobles@fis.upv.es<br />

Semmler Wolfhard<br />

Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum<br />

Heidelberg<br />

Heidelberg, Germany<br />

Wolfhard.Semmler@dkfz.de<br />

Martial Piotto<br />

Bruker Biospin SA.<br />

Wissembourg, France<br />

martial.piotto@bruker.fr<br />

Richard Grundy<br />

Institute of Child Health<br />

University of Birmingham<br />

Birmingham, United Kingdom<br />

r.g.grundy@bham.ac.uk<br />

Project number<br />

LSHC-CT-2004-503094<br />

EC contribution<br />

€ 7 499 982<br />

Duration<br />

60 months<br />

Starting date<br />

01/02/2004<br />

Instrument<br />

IP<br />

Project website<br />

www.uv.es/etumour<br />

www.etumour.net<br />

François Berger<br />

INSERM U318<br />

Grenoble, France<br />

francois.berger@ujf-grenoble.fr<br />

Jorge Calvar<br />

Fundación para la Lucha contra<br />

Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia<br />

Buenos Aires, Argentina<br />

jcalvar@fleni.org.ar<br />

Witold Gajewicz<br />

Medical University Lodz<br />

Lodz, Poland<br />

gajewicz@onet.pl<br />


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