Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa

Cancer Research - Europa


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• Supporting clinical research, particularly early stage (phase I and II) clinical trials, targeted<br />

at validating new and improved interventions.<br />

• Funding translational research that takes basic knowledge through to applications in clinical<br />

practice and public health.<br />

• Other cancer related issues, such as ageing and cancer, gender related cancer; regional<br />

diff erences, psycho-social aspects, palliative care, and guidance for support groups.<br />

During the lifetime of FP6, many research groups applied and 108 projects were selected for funding.<br />

Among the funded ones are 37 large Integrated Projects (IP) or Networks of Excellence (NoE);<br />

64 Specifi c Targeted <strong>Research</strong> Projects (STREP) and 7 Coordination or Support Actions (CSA).<br />

The EU is committed to funding excellence in European biomedical research. All submitted<br />

proposals were subject to a rigorous, transparent and equitable peer-reviewed evaluation carried<br />

out by independent international panels of high-level experts from academia, public and private<br />

research organisations, and industry.<br />

Connecting European academic excellence with innovative research-based industry is the key to<br />

the success of translational research. Therefore, the Commission particularly encouraged small and<br />

medium-sized enterprises (SME) to participate in its research programmes.<br />

The present catalogue includes cancer projects on a variety of topics. No less than 1 500 research<br />

teams are collaborating in European Union Member States and other European countries associated<br />

with the Framework Programme, as well as selected third countries, such as USA, Chile,<br />

Australia, Russian Federation etc., thus consolidating an important critical mass to fi ght cancer.<br />

In fact, virtually all major European cancer research centres are taking part in one or several of<br />

the Commission-funded support schemes.<br />

The presentation of the catalogue follows the Common Scientifi c Outline (CSO) fi rst presented as<br />

a classifi cation system of scientifi c interest in cancer research, in the framework of the <strong>Cancer</strong><br />

<strong>Research</strong> Portfolio (CRP) of the National Institute of Health, USA.<br />

They include 7 broadly defi ned research areas:<br />

• Biology<br />

• Aetiology (causes of cancer)<br />

• Prevention<br />

• Early detection, diagnosis and prognosis<br />

• Treatment<br />

• <strong>Cancer</strong> control, survivorship and outcomes research<br />

• Scientifi c model systems<br />

The division into the diff erent groups is not always straightforward; therefore some of the<br />

projects could be classifi ed in one or more of the above areas. The essential fact is that these<br />

projects are all present in the catalogue and represent the enormous eff ort and constant<br />

devotion of the European research society to fi ght cancer.<br />

Manuel Hallen Maria José Vidal Ragout<br />

Acting Director Health <strong>Research</strong> Deputy Head of Unit<br />

DG <strong>Research</strong>, European Commission Medical and Public Health <strong>Research</strong><br />

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DG <strong>Research</strong>, European Commission<br />


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