08/2008, 16-30 April - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...

08/2008, 16-30 April - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...

08/2008, 16-30 April - Fachinformationsverbund "Internationale ...


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Current Bibliography<br />

International Relations<br />

and Area Studies<br />

Literaturdienst<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen<br />

und Länderkunde<br />

Bulletin Bibliographique<br />

Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s<br />

et Etudes Régionales<br />

Vol. 17 (<strong>April</strong> <strong>16</strong>-<strong>30</strong>, 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>08</strong><br />

World Affairs Online (WAO)<br />

New entries to the database<br />

Neuzugänge zur Datenbasis<br />

Nouvelles acquisitions de la base de données<br />

ISSN <strong>16</strong>11–4248

<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Members / Mitglieder / Membres:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg<br />

Subject fields / Fachgebiete / Domaines traités:<br />

International Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen / Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s:<br />

International politics, worldwide international system, regional international systems, international conflicts, international<br />

security, international economics, international law, groups of countries, international organisations, foreign policies, defence<br />

policies, arms control, external cultural relations.<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik, weltweites internationales System, regionale internationale Systeme, internationale Konflikte,<br />

internationale Sicherheit, internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, internationales Recht, Staatengruppierungen, internationale<br />

Organisationen, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, Auswärtige Kulturpolitik.<br />

Politique internationale, système international à l'échelle mondiale, systèmes internationaux régionaux, conflits<br />

internationaux, sécurité internationale, relations économiques internationales, droit international, regroupements d'Etats,<br />

organisations internationales, politique extérieure, politiques de défense, maîtrise des armements, relations culturelles<br />

extérieures.<br />

Area studies / Länderkunde / Etudes régionales:<br />

Political and social structure of countries, political systems, national economics, social services, infrastructure, national law,<br />

defence and internal security, main historical developments.<br />

Ländergesamtstruktur, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, politische Systeme, nationale Wirtschaft, Sozialwesen, Infra-struktur,<br />

nationales Rechtswesen, Verteidigung und (innere) Sicherheit, historische Entwicklungslinien.<br />

Structure générale des pays, développement politique et social, systèmes politiques, économie nationale, réseau social,<br />

infrastructure, système juridique national, défense et sécurité intérieure, grandes lignes historiques.<br />

Volume 17, 20<strong>08</strong>, No. <strong>08</strong> ISSN <strong>16</strong>11-4248<br />

Data entry deadline / Redaktionsschluß / Clôture de la rédaction: 20<strong>08</strong>.05.06<br />

Publication date / Erscheinungsdatum / Date de parution: 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12<br />

The current bibliography is published twice a month, in the 2nd and 4th week of a month<br />

respectively<br />

Der Literaturdienst erscheint zweimal monatlich, jeweils in der zweiten bzw. vierten Monatswoche<br />

Le bulletin bibliographique paraît deux fois par mois, dans le courant de la 2ème et 4ème semaine<br />

Price / Preis / Prix: Euro 126 + Postage / Porto / Frais postales<br />

Editor / Herausgeber /Editeur: <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Redaction / Redaktion / Rédaction: Barbara Schmelz<br />

Printed and distributed by / Druck Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, D-10719 Berlin<br />

und Vertrieb / Impression et distribution: Phone: +49 <strong>30</strong> 88007-328<br />

e-mail: fiv@swp-berlin.org<br />

Fax: +49 <strong>30</strong> 88007-158<br />

All rights reserved. No storage in information systems and no other reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the expressed consent of<br />

the publisher.<br />

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Reproduktion jeder Art, insbesondere die Überführung in maschinen-lesbare Form sowie das<br />

Speichern in Informationssystemen, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Herausgebers gestattet.<br />

Tous droits réservés. Toute copie ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, même partielle, en particulier l'adaptation en langage<br />

machine ou l'enregistrement dans des systèmes informatiques, est illicite sans le consentement écrit de l'éditeur.<br />

© 20<strong>08</strong> Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany


I. Subject and regional Classification vii-xv<br />

Sach- und Regionalklassifikation<br />

Classification des matières et classification régionale<br />

II. Main part / Hauptteil / Partie principale<br />

1. General Literature<br />

Allgemeine Literatur / Littérature générale<br />

1<br />

2. International Politics<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

4<br />

3. International Security<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

24<br />

4. International Economy<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

37<br />

5. International Cultural Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />

45<br />

6. Government<br />

Staat / Etat<br />

50<br />

7. Society<br />

Gesellschaft / Société<br />

70<br />

8. Economy<br />

Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

89<br />

9. Technology<br />

Technologie / Technologie<br />

102<br />

10. Environment/Nature<br />

Umwelt/Natur / Environnement/Nature<br />

103<br />

11. Science/Research<br />

Wissenschaft/Forschung / Sciences/Recherche scientifique<br />

105<br />

III. Index / Registerteil / Index<br />

1. Author index<br />

Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

107<br />

2. Index of corporate authors<br />

Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

114<br />

3. Index of serials<br />

Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />

117<br />

IV. Regularly indexed serials (quarterly edition) --<br />

Regelmäßig ausgewertete Periodika (in erster Quartalsnummer)<br />

Périodiques régulièrement dépouillés (parution trimestrielle)<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> iii 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

I N D I C A T I O N S<br />

The source of this Current Bibliography, the database "World Affairs Online", contains about 688.000 referral<br />

units (since 1974) at the middle of 2006. The type of documents are: Articles (65%), books and reports (<strong>30</strong>%),<br />

official publications 5%. Approx. 47% of the original documents are in English, 29% in German, 12% in<br />

French, 4% in Spanish, the rest in other languages.<br />

Members of the <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> have access to the database on a server computer of the software<br />

house KTS Informationssysteme in Munich.<br />

For the public the database is available via the commercial host GENIOS.<br />

The database is produced and managed with the documentation software system DOMESTIC. The program<br />

ADP is used for printing. Both are software products of KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.<br />

The database is produced in co-operation of the following institutes:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

The “Specialized Information Network – International Relations and Area Studies” has started to applicate<br />

diacritics in its data base. For a transitional period the titles are shown both with and without diacritics.<br />

The literature generally can be found in the institution producing the record as well as in other institutions,<br />

whose location is represented by a code followed by the signature. If possible, one location of a accessible<br />

library is offered as well.<br />

You will find an online version of the current issue on: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/litd.pdf<br />

Example for a record:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André<br />

Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-<strong>16</strong>2 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

A list of regularly indexed serials is added each with the numbers 1, 7, 13 and 19.<br />

1) Current number used in the indexes for reference to the<br />

main part. Multiple entries of one record in the main part<br />

have reference numbers separated by a semicolon.<br />

2) Record producing institution<br />

3) Database ID<br />

4) Locations/shelf numbers of member institutes<br />

5) The library code helps you to identify the library, where<br />

the publication is available.<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> iv 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

H I N W E I S E<br />

Die diesem Informationsdienst zugrundeliegende Datenbasis „<strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde“<br />

enthält Mitte 2006 etwa 688.000 Literaturnachweise seit 1974. Zeitschriften- und Buchaufsätze haben einen<br />

Anteil von rund 65%, Bücher und Reports von <strong>30</strong>%, Amtsdruckschriften 5%. Rund 47% der Quellen sind in<br />

englischer Sprache, 29% in Deutsch, 12% in Französisch, 4% in Spanisch, der Rest in anderen Sprachen.<br />

Für Mitglieder des <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong>es ist die Datenbasis auf einem Server-Rechner des<br />

Software-Hauses KTS Informations-Systeme in München zugänglich.<br />

Für die Öffentlichkeit wird die Datenbasis auf dem kommerziellen Host GENIOS angeboten.<br />

Die Datenbasis wird mit dem Dokumentationsprogramm DOMESTIC aufgebaut und verwaltet. Die<br />

Druck-Aufbereitung erfolgt mit ADP. Beides sind Softwareprodukte der KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH<br />

München.<br />

Der Aufbau der Datenbasis erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit folgender Institutionen:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Der „<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde“ (FIV-IBLK) hat begonnen, in<br />

seiner Datenbank Diakritika zu verwenden. Übergangsweise werden somit Titel mit und ohne Diakritika<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die Literatur ist in der Regel bei dem Institut vorhanden, das den einzelnen Literaturdatensatz erfaßt hat<br />

und/oder bei dem Institut, dessen Standort durch seinen Kurzcode gefolgt von der jeweiligen Signatur<br />

angegeben wird. Wenn möglich, wird darüberhinaus ein Standort in einer zugänglichen Bibliothek<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die jeweils aktuellste Ausgabe finden Sie als online-version unter:<br />

http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/litd.pdf<br />

Beispiel für einen Literaturdatensatz:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André<br />

Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-<strong>16</strong>2 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Laufende Nummer, auf die von den Registern<br />

verwiesen wird. Laufende Nummern, die im Registerteil<br />

mit Semikolon verbunden sind, verweisen auf<br />

Mehrfacheinträge desselben Datensatzes im Hauptteil<br />

2) Erfassende Institution<br />

3) Datenbank-Identnummer<br />

4) Standorte/Signaturen einzelner Verbundinstitute<br />

5) Mit Hilfe des Bibliothekssigelverzeichnisses kann die<br />

durch den Code repräsentierte öffentliche Bibliothek<br />

ermittelt werden<br />

Eine Übersicht der regelmäßig ausgewerteten Periodika ist jeweils den Nummern 1, 7, 13, 19 beigefügt.<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> v 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

R E M A R Q U E S<br />

La base de données "Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s et Etudes Régionales" à partir de laquelle s'élabore ce produit<br />

documentaire, comprend jusqu' au milieu de 2006 quelque 688.000 références bibliographiques enregistrées<br />

depuis 1974. Les articles de périodiques et de livres constituent environ 65%, les monographies et les<br />

rapports représentent <strong>30</strong>%, les imprimés officiels 5%. Environ 47% des sources bibliographiques sont de<br />

langue anglaise, 29% sont en allemand, 12% en français et 4% en espagnol, le reste se répartissant entre les<br />

autres langues.<br />

La base de données est accessible aux membres du réseau d'information interinstitutionnel sur le serveur<br />

auprès KTS Informationssysteme à Munich.<br />

Pour le grand public, l'accès à la base de données se fait sur le serveur commerciaux GENIOS.<br />

La base de données est produite et gérée avec le logiciel documentaire DOMESTIC. La mise en forme<br />

pour l'édition est réalisée avec le programme ADP. Ces deux logiciels sont des produits de KTS<br />

Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.<br />

La base de données est réalisée en collaboration avec les organismes suivants:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Le réseau d’information spécialisée “Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s et Etudes Régionales” a commencé à<br />

introduire les signes diacritiques. On trouvera donc temporairement un mélange de titres avec et sans signes<br />

diacritiques.<br />

Le document cité se trouve normalement à l'institut qui a enregistré les données ou encore dans les instituts<br />

qui sont mentionnés par un code. Le cas échéant, on trouvera également la référence d'une bibliothèque<br />

accessible.<br />

Vouz trouvez le numéro actuel comme version online sous: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/litd.pdf<br />

Exemple d'une notice bibliographique:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André<br />

Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-<strong>16</strong>2 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Numéro d'ordre renvoyant à celui des registres. Les<br />

chiffres séparés dans les index par un point-virgule<br />

renvoient à plusieurs entrées d'un même<br />

enregistrement dans le corpus bibliographique<br />

2) Institution responsable de la saisie<br />

3) Numéro d'identification dans la base de données<br />

4) Localisation/cotes de chacun des organismes membres<br />

5) On peut retrouver à l'aide du répertoire des sigles de<br />

bibliothèques une bibliothèque publique symbolisée par<br />

un code.<br />

Les numéros 1, 7, 13 et 19 comprennent chaque fois un récapitulatif des périodiques régulièrement<br />

dépouillés.<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> vi 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

SA General literature<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

SA02 History<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

SB03 International law<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

SB06 Transnational relations /<br />

movements<br />

SB07 International organisations /<br />

institutions<br />

SC International security /<br />

Defense<br />

SC01 International relations in the field<br />

of international security<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

SC06.03 Organisation of military<br />

defence<br />

SC07 Military economy<br />

SC07.01 Armaments industry<br />

SC07.02 Arms trade<br />

SD International economy<br />

SD01 World economy / International<br />

economic system<br />

SD01.01 International trade /<br />

International trade system<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International<br />

monetary system<br />

SD02 International economic relations<br />

/ economic cooperation<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic<br />

cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

SD03 International transactions /<br />

capital flow<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

SD03.02 International capital<br />

movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

SD03.04 External public debts<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic<br />

relations<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

SE02 International relations in the field<br />

of education and science<br />


Version: January 2007<br />

SE03 International lingual relations /<br />

Foreign languages<br />

SE04 International media relations /<br />

Communication / Information<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural<br />

contact<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of<br />

foreigners<br />

SF Government<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system<br />

/ Democratisation<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

SF02 Governmental system /<br />

Government institutions<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic<br />

conflict<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

SF07 Military and society /<br />

Government<br />

SF<strong>08</strong> Regions / Local government<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

SF10 Law<br />

SG Society<br />

SG01 Social system / Social policy<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life<br />

partnerships<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of<br />

living<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of<br />

opinion<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

SG<strong>08</strong> Culture / Language / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

SH Economy<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic<br />

economic conditions<br />

SH02 Economic development /<br />

Economic policy<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy /<br />

Development policy<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development<br />

/ structure<br />

SH02.03 Business cycles / Business<br />

cycle policy<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development /<br />

Regional economic policy<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral<br />

development / Sectoral<br />

economic policy<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour<br />

culture<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing<br />

of raw materials<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry<br />

SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

SH<strong>08</strong> Tertiary sector / Services<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.01 Transport / Transportation /<br />

Tourism<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.02 Postal services /<br />

Telecommunication<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.03 Money / Loan / Banks /<br />

Insurances<br />

SH09 Informal sector<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

SI Technology<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological<br />

development<br />

SI02 Technology policy<br />

SI03 Domains of technology<br />

SI03.01 Space technology<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnology<br />

SI03.04 Environmental technology<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon<br />

systems<br />

SI04 International<br />

scientific-technological<br />

cooperation / relations<br />

SJ Environment / Nature<br />

SJ01 Geography / Geology<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages /<br />

protection / Environmental policy<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

SK04 Science policy / Research policy<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions /<br />

Universities<br />

SZ General literature / Other<br />

special fields<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> vii 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA Europe<br />

RA01 European organisations<br />

RA01.01 EU / EC and member<br />

countries<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 COMECON /<br />

COMECON-countries<br />

RA01.04 Warsaw Treaty<br />

RA01.05 Council of Europe<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Geographical areas of Europe<br />

RA02.01 Western Europe political<br />

RA02.02 Eastern Europe political<br />

RA02.03 Central and Eastern<br />

European countries<br />

RA02.11 North Sea region<br />

RA02.12 Baltic Sea region<br />

RA03 Northern Europe<br />

RA03.01 Finland<br />

RA03.02 Sweden<br />

RA03.03 Norway<br />

RA03.04 Denmark<br />

RA03.05 Iceland<br />

RA04 Western Europe<br />

RA04.01 Ireland<br />

RA04.02 United Kingdom<br />

RA04.03 Netherlands<br />

RA04.04 Belgium<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Central Europe<br />

RA05.01 Germany<br />

RA05.02 Federal Republic of Germany<br />

RA05.03 German Democratic Republic<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Poland<br />

RA05.12 Czechoslovakia<br />

RA05.13 Austria<br />

RA05.14 Switzerland<br />

RA05.21 Czech Republic<br />

RA05.22 Slovak Republic<br />

RA06 Southern Europe<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spain<br />

RA06.03 Italy<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Greece<br />

RA06.06 Turkey<br />

RA06.07 Cyprus<br />

RA07 Eastern Europe<br />

RA07.01 Soviet Union<br />

RA07.02 Successor states of the<br />

Soviet Union<br />

RA07.03 Commonwealth of<br />

Independent States<br />

RA07.11 Baltic states<br />

RA07.12 Estonia<br />

RA07.13 Latvia<br />

RA07.14 Lithuania<br />

RA07.21 Russian Federation<br />

I. REGIONAL CLASSIFICATION (political-geographical)<br />

Version: March 20<strong>08</strong><br />

RA07.31 European States of the former<br />

Soviet Union<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldova<br />

RA07.41 Caucasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.42 Georgia<br />

RA07.43 Armenia<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaijan<br />

RA07.51 Centralasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Uzbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kyrgyzstan<br />

RA07.56 Tajikistan<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> South-East Europe<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.01 Balkans<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.11 Yugoslavia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.12 Hungary<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.13 Romania<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.14 Bulgaria<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.15 Albania<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.21 Successor states of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.22 Slovenia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.23 Croatia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 Bosnia-Herzegovina<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.25 Macedonia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 Federal Republic of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.27 Serbia and Montenegro<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.28 Serbia<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.29 Montenegro<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Other European countries /<br />

areas<br />

RB The Americas<br />

RB01 American organisations<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC North America (without<br />

Mexico)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 United States<br />

RD Latin America<br />

RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe<br />

RD01 Mexico<br />

RD02 Central America<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caribbean<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominican Republic<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaica<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.15 St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.<strong>16</strong> St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (and Grenadines)<br />

RD03.18 Trinidad and Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 French Guyana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 United States Virgin Islands<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Netherlands Antilles<br />

RD03.51 French Antilles<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 British Antilles<br />

RD03.71 Other islands / countries of<br />

the Caribbean<br />

RD04 South America<br />

RD04.01 Andean countries<br />

RD04.02 Andean Group<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentina<br />

RD04.12 Bolivia<br />

RD04.13 Brazil<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.15 Ecuador<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> Colombia<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Other countries / Latin<br />

American areas<br />

RE Africa (total)<br />

RE01 African organisations<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographical areas of Africa<br />

(above country level)<br />

RF Africa south of Sahara<br />

RF01 West Africa<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Ivory Coast<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Cape Verde<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauritania<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> viii 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tome and Principe<br />

RF02 Central Africa<br />

RF02.01 Equatorial Guinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroon<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Chad<br />

RF02.<strong>08</strong> Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Central African Republic<br />

RF03 Southern Africa<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mozambique<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Zambia<br />

RF03.18 Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Republic of South Africa<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 East Africa<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tanzania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 North-East Africa<br />

RF05.01 Ethiopia<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 African islands and other<br />

African areas<br />

RG Near and Middle East and<br />

North Africa<br />

RG00 Geographical areas<br />

(trans-national) and<br />

organizations of the Near and<br />

Middle East / Northern Africa<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-countries<br />

RG00.11 Arab countries<br />

RG00.12 Islamic world<br />

RG00.13 Persian Gulf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 North Africa<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Morocco<br />

RG01.12 Western Sahara<br />

RG01.13 Algeria<br />

RG01.14 Tunisia<br />

RG01.15 Libya<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> Egypt<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Eastern Arabia / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Iraq<br />

RG02.12 Jordan<br />

RG02.13 Lebanon<br />

RG02.14 Syria<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> Territories occupied by Israel<br />

RG02.17 Palestinian self-rule areas<br />

RG03 Arabian peninsula<br />

RG03.01 Gulf States<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Saudi Arabia<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> Yemen<br />

RG03.17 United Arab Emirates<br />

RG04 Western Asia<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asia (total)<br />

RH01 Asian organisations<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographical areas of Asia<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya region<br />

RH02.02 Kashmir<br />

RH02.03 Golden Triangle<br />

RI Asia (without western Asia)<br />

RI01 South Asia<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC countries<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 India<br />

RI01.14 Maledives<br />

RI01.15 Nepal<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 South-East Asia<br />

RI02.01 Geographical areas of<br />

South-East Asia<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN countries<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesia<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.15 Singapore<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Cambodia<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Burma)<br />

RI02.32 East Timor<br />

RI03 East Asia<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 People's Republic of China<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (since 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 North Korea<br />

RI03.13 South Korea<br />

I. Regional Classification<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

RI03.31 Mongolia<br />

RI03.32 Far Eastern part of the<br />

Russian Federation / Soviet<br />

Union<br />

RI04 Other Asian areas<br />

RJ Oceania<br />

RJ01 South Pacific organisations<br />

RJ02 Australia / New Zealand<br />

RJ02.01 Australia<br />

RJ02.02 New Zealand<br />

RJ03 South Pacific Islands<br />

RJ04 Melanesia<br />

RJ04.01 Papua Neu Guinea<br />

RJ04.02 Single Melanesian islands<br />

without Papua<br />

RJ05 Micronesia<br />

RJ05.01 Single Micronesian islands<br />

RJ06 Polynesia<br />

RJ06.01 Single Polynesian islands<br />

RK Antarctica<br />

RL Oceans / supracontinental<br />

regions<br />

RL01 Atlantic Ocean<br />

RL02 Indian Ocean<br />

RL03 Pacific Ocean / Pacific region<br />

RL04 Mediterranean Sea /<br />

Mediterranean area<br />

RL05 Black Sea region<br />

RL06 Caspian Sea<br />

RL07 Arctic<br />

RM International organisations<br />

RM01 United Nations<br />

RM02 United Nations System special<br />

organisations<br />

RM03 Other universal governmental<br />

organisations<br />

RM04 Non-governmental organisations<br />

RN Developed countries<br />

RN01 Western countries<br />

RN02 OECD / OECD countries<br />

RN03 Socialist countries<br />

RO Developing countries<br />

RO01 Group of 77<br />

RO02 Non-aligned countries<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC countries<br />

RO04 ACP countries<br />

RP Other groups of countries /<br />

areas<br />

RP01 French-speaking countries<br />

RQ World wide<br />

RR Space<br />

RS Without regional aspect<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> ix 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

SA Allgemeine Literatur<br />

SA01 Übergreifende<br />

Gesamtdarstellungen /<br />

Länderkunde<br />

SA02 Geschichte<br />

SA03 Politik<br />

SA04 Biographisches / Memoiren<br />

SB <strong>Internationale</strong>(s) Politik /<br />

System<br />

SB01 <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen /<br />

Prozesse<br />

SB02 Außenpolitik<br />

SB03 <strong>Internationale</strong>s Recht /<br />

Völkerrecht<br />

SB04 <strong>Internationale</strong> politische<br />

Integration<br />

SB05 <strong>Internationale</strong> politische<br />

Konflikte<br />

SB06 Transnationale Beziehungen /<br />

Bewegungen<br />

SB07 <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen /<br />

Institutionen<br />

SC <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit /<br />

Verteidigung<br />

SC01 Sicherheitspolitische<br />

Beziehungen<br />

SC02 Verteidigungs- /<br />

Sicherheitspolitik<br />

SC03 Rüstungskontrolle / Abrüstung<br />

SC04 Militärstrategie<br />

SC05 Krieg / Kriegführung<br />

SC06 Wehrpotential<br />

SC06.01 Streitkräfte / Militärische<br />

Verbände<br />

SC06.02 Rüstung<br />

SC06.03 Organisation der Verteidigung<br />

SC07 Militärökonomie<br />

SC07.01 Rüstungsindustrie<br />

SC07.02 Waffenhandel<br />

SD <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft /<br />

Außenwirtschaft<br />

SD01 Weltwirtschaft / <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsordnung<br />

SD01.01 <strong>Internationale</strong>(r) Handel /<br />

Handelsordnung<br />

SD01.02 Währung / <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Währungsordnung<br />

SD02 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsbeziehungen /<br />

Wirtschaftszusammenarbeit<br />

SD02.01 Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftskooperation /<br />

Wirtschaftsintegration<br />

SD03 <strong>Internationale</strong>r Leistungs- /<br />

Kapitalverkehr<br />

SD03.01 Außenhandel<br />

SD03.02 <strong>Internationale</strong>r Kapitalverkehr<br />

/ Direktinvestitionen<br />

SD03.03 <strong>Internationale</strong>r<br />

Arbeitskräfteverkehr<br />

SD03.04 Externe öffentliche<br />

Verschuldung<br />

SD04 Außenwirtschaftspolitik<br />

SD05 Entwicklungshilfe / Auslandshilfe<br />


Stand: Januar 2007<br />

SE <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Kulturbeziehungen<br />

SE01 Auswärtige Kulturpolitik<br />

SE02 <strong>Internationale</strong> Bildungs- /<br />

Wissenschaftsbeziehungen<br />

SE03 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Sprachbeziehungen /<br />

Fremdsprachen<br />

SE04 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Medienbeziehungen /<br />

Kommunikation / Information<br />

SE05 Kulturaustausch / Kulturkontakt<br />

SE06 Auslandsbild / Fremdbilder<br />

SF Staat<br />

SF01 Politisches System / Verfassung<br />

SF01.01 Politischer Systemwandel /<br />

Demokratisierung<br />

SF01.02 Menschenrechte<br />

SF02 Regierungssystem /<br />

Staatsorgane<br />

SF03 Politische Parteien<br />

SF04 Politische Partizipation<br />

SF04.01 Wahlen<br />

SF05 Innenpolitik<br />

SF06 Innere Sicherheit /<br />

Innerstaatlicher Konflikt<br />

SF06.01 Bürgerkrieg<br />

SF06.02 Terrorismus<br />

SF06.03 Kriminalität<br />

SF07 Militär und Gesellschaft / Staat<br />

SF<strong>08</strong> Regionen / Kommunen<br />

SF09 Öffentliche Verwaltung<br />

SF10 Recht<br />

SG Gesellschaft<br />

SG01 Gesellschaftsordnung /<br />

Gesellschaftspolitik<br />

SG02 Gesellschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Gesellschaftsstruktur<br />

SG02.01 Demographie<br />

SG02.02 Gesellschaftliche Gruppen<br />

SG02.03 Nationalitäten / Minoritäten<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Wohnung / Siedlung /<br />

Urbanisierung<br />

SG02.06 Geschlechterbeziehungen /<br />

Lebensgemeinschaften<br />

SG02.07 Lebensbedingungen /<br />

Lebensformen<br />

SG03 Sozialpolitik / Soziales<br />

SG03.01 Soziale Sicherung<br />

SG03.02 Gesundheit<br />

SG04 Erziehung / Bildung / Ausbildung<br />

SG05 Politische Kultur /<br />

Meinungsbildung<br />

SG05.01 Ideologie<br />

SG05.02 Öffentliche Meinung<br />

SG06 Medien / Information<br />

SG07 Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen /<br />

Vereinigungen<br />

SG<strong>08</strong> Kultur / Sprache / Kunst<br />

SG09 Religion /<br />

Religionsgemeinschaften<br />

SH Wirtschaft<br />

SH01 Wirtschaftsordnung /<br />

Rahmenbedingungen<br />

SH02 Wirtschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH02.01 Wirtschaftspolitik /<br />

Entwicklungspolitik<br />

SH02.02 Sozio-ökonomische<br />

Entwicklung / Struktur<br />

SH02.03 Konjunktur / Konjunkturpolitik<br />

SH02.04 Regionale / lokale<br />

Entwicklung / Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftpolitik<br />

SH02.05 Branchen / Sektorale<br />

Entwicklung / Sektorale<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH03 Arbeit und Beschäftigung<br />

SH03.01 Unternehmenskultur /<br />

Arbeitskultur<br />

SH04 Natürliche Ressourcen /<br />

Rohstoffverarbeitung<br />

SH05 Energiewirtschaft<br />

SH06 Agrarsektor<br />

SH06.01 Ackerbau / Forstwirtschaft<br />

SH06.02 Viehwirtschaft /<br />

Fischereiwirtschaft<br />

SH06.03 Ernährung / Nahrungsmittel<br />

SH07 Gewerbliche Wirtschaft /<br />

Industrie<br />

SH<strong>08</strong> Tertiärer Sektor /<br />

Dienstleistungen<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.01 Verkehr / Transport /<br />

Tourismus<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.02 Post / Telekommunikation<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.03 Geld / Kredit / Banken /<br />

Versicherungen<br />

SH09 Informeller Sektor<br />

SH10 Öffentliche Finanzen<br />

SI Technik<br />

SI01 Technologie / Technologische<br />

Entwicklung<br />

SI02 Technologiepolitik<br />

SI03 Technikzweige<br />

SI03.01 Raumfahrttechnik<br />

SI03.02 Informationstechnologie<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologie<br />

SI03.04 Umwelttechnologie<br />

SI03.05 Wehrtechnik / Waffensysteme<br />

SI04 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

wissenschaftlich-technologische<br />

Kooperation / Beziehungen<br />

SJ Umwelt / Natur<br />

SJ01 Geographie / Geologie<br />

SJ02 Umweltschäden / Umweltschutz<br />

/ Umweltpolitik<br />

SK Wissenschaft / Forschung<br />

SK01 Wissenschaftsgebiete<br />

SK02 Theorie / Methodik<br />

SK03 Forschung / Entwicklung<br />

SK04 Wissenschaftspolitik /<br />

Forschungspolitik<br />

SK05 Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen<br />

/ Hochschulen<br />

SZ Allgemeine Literatur / andere<br />

Fachgebiete<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> x 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA Europa<br />

RA01 Europäische Organisationen<br />

RA01.01 EU / EG sowie<br />

Mitgliedsländer<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 RGW / RGW-Länder<br />

RA01.04 Warschauer Pakt<br />

RA01.05 Europarat<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSZE / KSZE<br />

RA02 Geographische Räume<br />

Europas<br />

RA02.01 Westeuropa politisch<br />

RA02.02 Osteuropa politisch<br />

RA02.03 Mittel- und osteuropäische<br />

Länder<br />

RA02.11 Nordseeraum<br />

RA02.12 Ostseeraum<br />

RA03 Nordeuropa<br />

RA03.01 Finnland<br />

RA03.02 Schweden<br />

RA03.03 Norwegen<br />

RA03.04 Dänemark<br />

RA03.05 Island<br />

RA04 Westeuropa<br />

RA04.01 Irland<br />

RA04.02 Vereinigtes Königreich<br />

RA04.03 Niederlande<br />

RA04.04 Belgien<br />

RA04.05 Luxemburg<br />

RA04.06 Frankreich<br />

RA05 Mitteleuropa<br />

RA05.01 Deutschland<br />

RA05.02 Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

RA05.03 Deutsche Demokratische<br />

Republik<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Polen<br />

RA05.12 Tschechoslowakei<br />

RA05.13 Österreich<br />

RA05.14 Schweiz<br />

RA05.21 Tschechien<br />

RA05.22 Slowakei<br />

RA06 Südeuropa<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spanien<br />

RA06.03 Italien<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Griechenland<br />

RA06.06 Türkei<br />

RA06.07 Zypern<br />

RA07 Osteuropa<br />

RA07.01 Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.02 Nachfolgestaaten der<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.03 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger<br />

Staaten<br />

RA07.11 Baltische Staaten<br />

RA07.12 Estland<br />

RA07.13 Lettland<br />

I. REGIONALKLASSIFIKATION (politisch-geographisch)<br />

Stand: März 20<strong>08</strong><br />

RA07.14 Litauen<br />

RA07.21 Russische Föderation<br />

RA07.31 Europäische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldau<br />

RA07.41 Kaukasische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.42 Georgien<br />

RA07.43 Armenien<br />

RA07.44 Aserbeidschan<br />

RA07.51 Zentralasiatische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.52 Kasachstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Usbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirgisistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadschikistan<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> Südosteuropa<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.01 Balkan<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.11 Jugoslawien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.12 Ungarn<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.13 Rumänien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.14 Bulgarien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.15 Albanien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.21 Nachfolgestaaten<br />

Jugoslawiens<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.22 Slowenien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.23 Kroatien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 Bosnien-Herzegowina<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.25 Makedonien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.27 Serbien und Montenegro<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.28 Serbien<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.29 Montenegro<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Europas<br />

RB Amerika (insgesamt)<br />

RB01 Amerikanische<br />

Organisationen<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko)<br />

RC01 Kanada<br />

RC02 Vereinigte Staaten<br />

RD Lateinamerika<br />

RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe<br />

RD01 Mexiko<br />

RD02 Zentralamerika<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nikaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Karibik / Karibischer Raum<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominikanische Republik<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaika<br />

RD03.05 Kuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua und Barbuda<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.15 St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.<strong>16</strong> St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (und Grenadinen)<br />

RD03.18 Trinidad und Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 Französisch-Guayana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Jungfern-Inseln<br />

(US-Territorium)<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Niederländische Antillen<br />

RD03.51 Französische Antillen<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Britische Antillen<br />

RD03.71 Sonstige Inseln / Länder der<br />

Karibik<br />

RD04 Südamerika<br />

RD04.01 Andenländer<br />

RD04.02 Grupo Andino<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentinien<br />

RD04.12 Bolivien<br />

RD04.13 Brasilien<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.15 Ecuador<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> Kolumbien<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Lateinamerikas<br />

RE Afrika (insgesamt)<br />

RE01 Afrikanische Organisationen<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographische Räume<br />

Afrikas (länderübergreifend)<br />

RF Afrika südlich der Sahara<br />

RF01 Westafrika<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Kapverdische Inseln<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauretanien<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> xi 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

I. Regionalklassifikation<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 São Tomé und Príncipe<br />

RF02 Zentralafrika<br />

RF02.01 Äquatorialguinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabun<br />

RF02.04 Kamerun<br />

RF02.05 Kongo<br />

RF02.06 Ruanda<br />

RF02.07 Tschad<br />

RF02.<strong>08</strong> Kongo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Zentralafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03 Südliches Afrika<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mosambik<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Sambia<br />

RF03.18 Simbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Südafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03.20 Swasiland<br />

RF04 Ostafrika<br />

RF04.01 Kenia<br />

RF04.02 Madagaskar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tansania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychellen<br />

RF05 Nordostafrika<br />

RF05.01 Äthiopien<br />

RF05.02 Dschibuti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 Afrikanische Inseln und<br />

andere Gebiete Afrikas<br />

RG Naher und Mittlerer Osten und<br />

Nordafrika<br />

RG00 Geographische Räume<br />

(länderübergreifend) und<br />

Organisationen des Nahen<br />

und Mittleren Ostens /<br />

Nordafrikas<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-Länder<br />

RG00.11 Arabische Länder<br />

RG00.12 Islamische Welt<br />

RG00.13 Persischer Golf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Nordafrika<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Marokko<br />

RG01.12 Westsahara<br />

RG01.13 Algerien<br />

RG01.14 Tunesien<br />

RG01.15 Libyen<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> Ägypten<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Arabischer Osten / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palästina<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanien<br />

RG02.13 Libanon<br />

RG02.14 Syrien<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> Israelisch besetzte Gebiete<br />

RG02.17 Palästinensische<br />

Selbstverwaltungsgebiete<br />

RG03 Arabische Halbinsel<br />

RG03.01 Golfstaaten<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Katar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Saudi-Arabien<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> Jemen<br />

RG03.17 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate<br />

RG04 Westasien<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asien (insgesamt)<br />

RH01 Asiatische Organisationen<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographische Räume Asiens<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya-Region<br />

RH02.02 Kaschmir<br />

RH02.03 Goldenes Dreieck<br />

RI Asien (ohne westliches Asien)<br />

RI01 Südasien<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC-Länder<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesch<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 Indien<br />

RI01.14 Malediven<br />

RI01.15 Nepal<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Südostasien<br />

RI02.01 Geographische Räume<br />

Südostasiens<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN-Länder<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesien<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippinen<br />

RI02.15 Singapur<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Kambodscha<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birma)<br />

RI02.32 Timor-Leste<br />

RI03 Ostasien<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 Volksrepublik China<br />

RI03.05 Hongkong (seit 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 Nordkorea<br />

RI03.13 Südkorea<br />

RI03.21 Hongkong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macau<br />

RI03.31 Mongolei<br />

RI03.32 Fernöstlicher Teil der<br />

Russischen Föderation /<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RI04 Andere Gebiete Asiens<br />

RJ Ozeanien<br />

RJ01 Südpazifische Organisationen<br />

RJ02 Australien / Neuseeland<br />

RJ02.01 Australien<br />

RJ02.02 Neuseeland<br />

RJ03 Südpazifische Inseln<br />

RJ04 Melanesien<br />

RJ04.01 Papua-Neuguinea<br />

RJ04.02 Einzelne Inseln Melanesiens,<br />

außer Papua<br />

RJ05 Mikronesien<br />

RJ05.01 Einzelne Inseln Mikronesiens<br />

RJ06 Polynesien<br />

RJ06.01 Einzelne Inseln Polynesiens<br />

RK Antarktis<br />

RL Meere /<br />

Kontinentübergreifende<br />

Regionen<br />

RL01 Atlantischer Ozean<br />

RL02 Indischer Ozean<br />

RL03 Pazifischer Ozean / Pazifischer<br />

Raum<br />

RL04 Mittelmeer / Mittelmeerraum<br />

RL05 Schwarzmeerraum<br />

RL06 Kaspisches Meer<br />

RL07 Arktis<br />

RM <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen<br />

RM01 Vereinte Nationen<br />

RM02 Sonderorganisationen des VN-<br />

Systems<br />

RM03 andere universale staatliche<br />

Organisationen<br />

RM04 Nichtstaatliche Organisationen<br />

RN Entwickelte Länder<br />

RN01 Westliche Länder<br />

RN02 OECD / OECD-Länder<br />

RN03 Sozialistische Länder<br />

RO Entwicklungsländer<br />

RO01 Gruppe der 77<br />

RO02 Blockfreie Staaten<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC-Länder<br />

RO04 AKP-Länder<br />

RP Sonstige Ländergruppen /<br />

Räume<br />

RP01 Französischsprachige Länder<br />

RQ Weltweit<br />

RR Weltraum<br />

RS Ohne direkten Regionalbezug<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> xii 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

SA Littérature générale<br />

SA01 Études générales / Études<br />

nationales<br />

SA02 Histoire<br />

SA03 Politique<br />

SA04 Biographies / Mémoires<br />

SB Politique internationale /<br />

Système international<br />

SB01 Relations internationales /<br />

Processus internationaux<br />

SB02 Politique étrangère<br />

SB03 Droit international<br />

SB04 Intégration politique<br />

internationale<br />

SB05 Conflits politiques / militaires<br />

SB06 Relations transnationales /<br />

Mouvements transnationaux<br />

SB07 Organisations / institutions<br />

internationales<br />

SC Sécurité internationale /<br />

Défense<br />

SC01 Relations internationales en<br />

matière de sécurité<br />

SC02 Politique de défense / de sécurité<br />

SC03 Contrôle des armements /<br />

Désarmement<br />

SC04 Stratégie militaire<br />

SC05 Guerre / Opérations de guerre<br />

SC06 Potentiel militaire<br />

SC06.01 Forces armées / Unités<br />

militaires<br />

SC06.02 Armement<br />

SC06.03 Organisation de la défense<br />

SC07 Économie de la défense<br />

SC07.01 Industrie de l'armement<br />

SC07.02 Commerce des armements<br />

SD Économie internationale<br />

SD01 Économie mondiale / Système<br />

économique international<br />

SD01.01 Commerce international /<br />

Organisation internationale<br />

du commerce<br />

SD01.02 Monnaie / Système monétaire<br />

international<br />

SD02 Relations économiques<br />

internationales / Coopération<br />

économique<br />

SD02.01 Coopération économique<br />

régionale / Intégration<br />

économique<br />

SD03 Transactions courantes /<br />

Mouvements internationaux de<br />

capitaux<br />

SD03.01 Commerce extérieur<br />

SD03.02 Mouvements internationaux<br />

de capitaux / Investissements<br />

directs<br />

SD03.03 Mouvements internationaux<br />

de main-d'oeuvre<br />

SD03.04 Dette publique extérieure<br />

SD04 Politique économique extérieure<br />

SD05 Politique d'aide au<br />

développement / Coopération<br />

SE Relations culturelles<br />

internationales<br />

SE01 Politique culturelle extérieure<br />


Mise a jour: Janvier 2007<br />

SE02 Relations en matière d'éducation<br />

et de science<br />

SE03 Relations linguistiques<br />

internationales / Langues<br />

étrangères<br />

SE04 Relations internationales des<br />

médias / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

SE05 Échange culturel / Contact des<br />

cultures<br />

SE06 Image de l'étranger<br />

SF État<br />

SF01 Système politique / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Transformation du système<br />

politique / Démocratisation<br />

SF01.02 Droits de l'homme<br />

SF02 Système de gouvernement /<br />

Institutions de l'État<br />

SF03 Partis politiques<br />

SF04 Participation politique<br />

SF04.01 Élections<br />

SF05 Politique intérieure<br />

SF06 Sécurité intérieure / Conflit<br />

interne<br />

SF06.01 Guerre civile<br />

SF06.02 Terrorisme<br />

SF06.03 Criminalité<br />

SF07 Armée et société / État<br />

SF<strong>08</strong> Régions / Communes<br />

SF09 Administration publique<br />

SF10 Droit<br />

SG Société<br />

SG01 Système social / Politique<br />

sociétale<br />

SG02 Évolution sociale / Structures<br />

sociales<br />

SG02.01 Démographie<br />

SG02.02 Groupes sociaux<br />

SG02.03 Nationalités / Minorités<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Logement / Habitat /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Rapports entre les sexes /<br />

Communautés de vie<br />

SG02.07 Conditions de vie / Modes<br />

d'existence<br />

SG03 Politique sociale / Problèmes<br />

sociaux<br />

SG03.01 Protection sociale<br />

SG03.02 Santé<br />

SG04 Éducation / Enseignement /<br />

Formation<br />

SG05 Culture politique / Opinion<br />

SG05.01 Idéologie<br />

SG05.02 Opinion publique<br />

SG06 Médias / Information<br />

SG07 Mouvements sociaux /<br />

Associations<br />

SG<strong>08</strong> Culture / Langue / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Communautés<br />

religieuses<br />

SH Économie<br />

SH01 Système économique / Cadre<br />

économique<br />

SH02 Développement économique /<br />

Politique économique<br />

SH02.01 Politique économique /<br />

Politique du développement<br />

SH02.02 Développement / structures<br />

socio-économiques<br />

SH02.03 Conjoncture / Politique<br />

conjoncturelle<br />

SH02.04 Développement régional /<br />

local / Politique économique<br />

régionale<br />

SH02.05 Branches économiques /<br />

Evolution sectorielle /<br />

Politique sectorielle<br />

SH03 Travail / Emploi<br />

SH03.01 Culture d'entreprise / Culture<br />

du travail<br />

SH04 Ressources naturelles /<br />

Traitement des matières<br />

premières<br />

SH05 Énergie<br />

SH06 Secteur agricole<br />

SH06.01 Cultures / Forêts<br />

SH06.02 Élevage / Pêche<br />

SH06.03 Alimentation / Produits<br />

alimentaires<br />

SH07 Industrie et artisanat<br />

SH<strong>08</strong> Secteur tertiaire / Services<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.01 Circulation / Transports /<br />

Tourisme<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.02 Poste / Télécommunications<br />

SH<strong>08</strong>.03 Argent / Crédit / Banques /<br />

Assurances<br />

SH09 Secteur informel<br />

SH10 Finances publiques<br />

SI Technologie<br />

SI01 Technologie / Développement<br />

technologique<br />

SI02 Politique technologique<br />

SI03 Domaines technologiques<br />

SI03.01 Technologie aérospatiale<br />

SI03.02 Technologie de l'information<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologies<br />

SI03.04 Technologies de<br />

l'environnement<br />

SI03.05 Technologie des armements /<br />

Systèmes d'armes<br />

SI04 Coopération / relations<br />

technologiques / scientifiques<br />

internationales<br />

SJ Environnement / Nature<br />

SJ01 Géographie / Géologie<br />

SJ02 Problèmes écologiques /<br />

Protection de l'environnement<br />

SK Sciences / Recherche<br />

scientifique<br />

SK01 Domaines scientifiques<br />

SK02 Théorie / Méthodes<br />

SK03 Recherche et développement<br />

SK04 Politique scientifique / Politique<br />

de la recherche<br />

SK05 Institutions scientifiques /<br />

Universités<br />

SZ Littérature générale / Autres<br />

domaines<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> xiii 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA Europe<br />

RA01 Organisations européennes<br />

RA01.01 Union / Communauté<br />

européenne et pays membres<br />

RA01.02 OTAN<br />

RA01.03 COMECON / pays du<br />


RA01.04 Traité de Varsovie<br />

RA01.05 Conseil de l'Europe<br />

RA01.06 UEO<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RA02.01 Europe occidentale politique<br />

RA02.02 Europe orientale politique<br />

RA02.03 Pays d'Europe centrale et<br />

orientale<br />

RA02.11 Région de la Mer du Nord<br />

RA02.12 Région de la Mer Baltique<br />

RA03 Europe du Nord<br />

RA03.01 Finlande<br />

RA03.02 Suède<br />

RA03.03 Norvège<br />

RA03.04 Danemark<br />

RA03.05 Islande<br />

RA04 Europe occidentale<br />

RA04.01 Irlande<br />

RA04.02 Royaume-Uni<br />

RA04.03 Pays-Bas<br />

RA04.04 Belgique<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Europe centrale<br />

RA05.01 Allemagne<br />

RA05.02 République Fédérale<br />

d'Allemagne<br />

RA05.03 République démocratique<br />

allemande<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Pologne<br />

RA05.12 Tchécoslovaquie<br />

RA05.13 Autriche<br />

RA05.14 Suisse<br />

RA05.21 République tchèque<br />

RA05.22 République slovaque<br />

RA06 Europe méridionale<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Espagne<br />

RA06.03 Italie<br />

RA06.04 Malte<br />

RA06.05 Grèce<br />

RA06.06 Turquie<br />

RA06.07 Chypre<br />

RA07 Europe orientale<br />

RA07.01 Union Soviétique<br />

RA07.02 États successeurs de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RA07.03 Communauté d'États<br />

Indépendants<br />

RA07.11 Pays Baltes<br />

RA07.12 Estonie<br />

I. CLASSIFICATION REGIONALE (politico-géographique)<br />

Mise a jour: Mars 20<strong>08</strong><br />

RA07.13 Lettonie<br />

RA07.14 Lituanie<br />

RA07.21 Fédération russe<br />

RA07.31 États européens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Biélorussie<br />

RA07.34 Moldavie<br />

RA07.41 États caucasiens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.42 Géorgie<br />

RA07.43 Arménie<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaidjan<br />

RA07.51 États d'Asie Centrale de<br />

l'ancienne Union soviétique<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkménistan<br />

RA07.54 Ouzbékistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirghizistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadjikistan<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> Europe du Sud-Est<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.01 Balkans<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.11 Yougoslavie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.12 Hongrie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.13 Roumanie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.14 Bulgarie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.15 Albanie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.21 États successeurs de la<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.22 Slovénie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.23 Croatie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 Bosnie-Herzégovine<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.25 Macédoine<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 République Fédérale de<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.27 Serbie et Monténégro<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.28 Serbie<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.29 Montenégro<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RB Amérique (entière)<br />

RB01 Organisations américaines<br />

RB01.01 OEA<br />

RB01.02 ALENA<br />

RC Amérique du Nord (sans<br />

Mexique)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 États-Unis<br />

RD Amérique Latine<br />

RD00.01 Groupe de Rio<br />

RD01 Mexique<br />

RD02 Amérique centrale<br />

RD02.01 Bélize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caraibes<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 République Dominicaine<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaique<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbade<br />

RD03.13 Dominique<br />

RD03.14 Grenade<br />

RD03.15 Saint Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.<strong>16</strong> Sainte Lucie<br />

RD03.17 Saint Vincent (et Grenadines)<br />

RD03.18 Trinité et Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyane<br />

RD03.22 Guyane francaise<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Iles Vierges américaines<br />

RD03.32 Porto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Antilles néerlandaises<br />

RD03.51 Antilles francaises<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Antilles britanniques<br />

RD03.71 Autres îles / pays des Caraibes<br />

RD04 Amérique du Sud<br />

RD04.01 Pays des Andes<br />

RD04.02 Groupe Andin<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentine<br />

RD04.12 Bolivie<br />

RD04.13 Brésil<br />

RD04.14 Chili<br />

RD04.15 Équateur<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> Colombie<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Pérou<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Vénézuela<br />

RD05 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Amérique Latine<br />

RE Afrique (entière)<br />

RE01 Organisations africaines<br />

RE01.01 OUA / Union africaine<br />

RE02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Afrique (niveau au-dessus des<br />

pays)<br />

RF Afrique subsaharienne<br />

RF01 Afrique occidentale<br />

RF01.01 CEDEAO<br />

RF01.11 Bénin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambie<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> Guinée<br />

RF01.17 Guinée-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Cap Vert<br />

RF01.19 Libéria<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> xiv 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RF01.21 Mauritanie<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigéria<br />

RF01.24 Sénégal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Léone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tomé et Principe<br />

RF02 Afrique centrale<br />

RF02.01 Guinée équatoriale<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroun<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Tchad<br />

RF02.<strong>08</strong> Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 République centrafricaine<br />

RF03 Afrique australe<br />

RF03.01 CDCAS / CDAS<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lésotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mozambique<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> Namibie<br />

RF03.17 Zambie<br />

RF03.18 Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 République sud-africaine<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 Afrique orientale<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Ile Maurice<br />

RF04.04 Tanzanie<br />

RF04.05 Ouganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 Afrique du Nord-Est<br />

RF05.01 Éthiopie<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalie<br />

RF05.04 Érithrée<br />

RF06 Iles africaines et autres régions<br />

de l'Afrique<br />

RG Proche-Orient / Moyen-Orient et<br />

Afrique du Nord<br />

RG00 Régions géographiques<br />

(transnationales) et<br />

organisations du Proche-Orient<br />

/ Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du<br />

Nord<br />

RG00.01 Ligue des États arabes<br />

RG00.02 OPAEP / pays de l'OPAEP<br />

RG00.11 Pays arabes<br />

RG00.12 Monde islamique<br />

RG00.13 Golfe Persique<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Afrique du Nord<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Maroc<br />

RG01.12 Sahara occidental<br />

RG01.13 Algérie<br />

RG01.14 Tunisie<br />

RG01.15 Libye<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> Égypte<br />

RG01.17 Soudan<br />

RG02 Arabie de l'Est / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanie<br />

RG02.13 Liban<br />

RG02.14 Syrie<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> Territoires occupés par Israel<br />

RG02.17 Territoires palestiniens<br />

autonomes<br />

RG03 Péninsule d'Arabie<br />

RG03.01 États du Golfe<br />

RG03.11 Bahrein<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Koweit<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Arabie Saoudite<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> Yémen<br />

RG03.17 Émirats Arabes Unis<br />

RG04 Asie de l'Ouest<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asie (entière)<br />

RH01 Organisations asiatiques<br />

RH01.01 CEAP<br />

RH02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie<br />

RH02.01 Région de l'Himalaya<br />

RH02.02 Cachemire<br />

RH02.03 Triangle d'or<br />

RI Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI01 Asie du Sud<br />

RI01.01 ASACR / pays de l'ASACR<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhoutan<br />

RI01.13 Inde<br />

RI01.14 Maldives<br />

RI01.15 Népal<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.01 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.02 ANASE / pays de l'ANASE<br />

RI02.03 Indochine<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonésie<br />

RI02.13 Malaysie<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.15 Singapour<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> Thailande<br />

RI02.21 Cambodge<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birmanie)<br />

RI02.32 Timor oriental<br />

RI03 Asie orientale<br />

RI03.01 Chine<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 République populaire de Chine<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (depuis 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Corée<br />

RI03.12 Corée du Nord<br />

RI03.13 Corée du Sud<br />

I. Classification régionale<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japon<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

RI03.31 Mongolie<br />

RI03.32 Partie extrême orientale de la<br />

Fédération russe / de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RI04 Autres régions de l'Asie<br />

RJ Océanie<br />

RJ01 Organsiations du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ02 Australie / Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ02.01 Australie<br />

RJ02.02 Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ03 Iles du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ04 Mélanésie<br />

RJ04.01 Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée<br />

RJ04.02 Autres îles mélanésiennes sans<br />

Papouasie<br />

RJ05 Micronésie<br />

RJ05.01 Iles micronésiennes<br />

RJ06 Polynésie<br />

RJ06.01 Iles polynésiennes<br />

RK Antarctique<br />

RL Océans / Régions<br />

transcontinentales<br />

RL01 Océan Atlantique<br />

RL02 Océan Indien<br />

RL03 Océan Pacifique / Région<br />

pacifique<br />

RL04 Méditerranée / région<br />

méditerranéenne<br />

RL05 Région de la mer Noire<br />

RL06 Mer Caspienne<br />

RL07 Arctique<br />

RM Organisations internationales<br />

RM01 Nations Unies<br />

RM02 Organisations spéciales du<br />

système des Nations Unies<br />

RM03 Autres organisations<br />

gouvernementales internationales<br />

RM04 Organisations non<br />

gouvernementales<br />

RN Pays développés<br />

RN01 Pays occidentaux<br />

RN02 OCDE / pays OCDE<br />

RN03 Pays socialistes<br />

RO Pays en voie de développement<br />

RO01 Groupe des 77<br />

RO02 Pays non-alignés<br />

RO03 OPEP / pays OPEP<br />

RO04 pays ACP<br />

RP Autres groupes de pays /<br />

régions<br />

RP01 Pays francophones<br />

RQ Universel<br />

RR Espace<br />

RS Sans aspect régional<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> xv 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12




1 Periferizacija Vostočnoj Evropy v istoričeskoj perspektive<br />

(Transl.: Peripherisation of Eastern Europe in historical<br />

perspective) - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva), (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 57-70, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841068 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

2 Allport, Alan: Jacques Chirac / Alan Allport. Introduction by<br />

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.. - New York/N.Y.: Chelsea House,<br />

2007. - 111 S., Ill., Zeittaf., Reg., Lit. S. 102-103 - (Modern world<br />

leaders) - ISBN 978-0-7910-9265-1<br />

DFI D 841<strong>30</strong>5 DFI: FC 570.CHIR/A Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

3 Baverez, Nicolas: France / Nicolas Baverez. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 71-75<br />

DFI D 839917 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

4 Hourdin, Hugues: République / Hugues Hourdin. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 136-138<br />

DFI D 839922 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

5 Lacoste, Yves: Le postcolonial et ses acceptions<br />

contradictoires dans trois récents recueils d'articles / Yves<br />

Lacoste. - In: Hérodote (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 128,<br />

S. 143-155, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 841275 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

6 Rencki, Julien: Comprendre la défaite de 1940 / Julien Rencki.<br />

- In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 359-369,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 839931 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

7 25 Menschen aus dem Innovationsland<br />

Nordrhein-Westfalen / Ministerium für Innovation,<br />

Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie des Landes<br />

Nordrhein-Westfalen. - Düsseldorf, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 107 S., zahlr. Ill.<br />

BICC D 841311 BICC: BC<br />

8 Leitlinien Politikberatung / Berlin-Brandenburgische<br />

Akademie der Wissenschaften. - Berlin, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 45 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.bbaw.de/bbaw/Akademie/dateien_bilder/LeitlinienPolit<br />

ikberatungFinal.pdf<br />

SWP D 840473<br />

9 Rencki, Julien: Comprendre la défaite de 1940 / Julien Rencki.<br />

- In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 359-369,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 839931 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

10 Kreiser, Klaus; Neumann, Christoph K.: Kleine Geschichte<br />

der Türkei / Klaus Kreiser / Christoph K. Neumann. - Lizenzausg.<br />

- Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2006. - 518 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. S.487-502 - (Schriftenreihe /<br />

Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; 529) -<br />

ISBN 3-89331-654-X<br />

GIGA D 840377 IMES: TUR-H/14 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

11 Naqvi, Leylac; Çelik, Aliye Pekin: Turkey: current and future<br />

political, economic, and security trends / by Aliye Pekin Çelik and<br />

Leylac Naqvi. - Calgary: Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs<br />

Institute, 2007. - 14 S., Lit. S. 11-13<br />

http://www.cdfai.org/PDF/Turkey%20Current%20and%20Future<br />

%20Political%20Economic%20and%20Security%20Trends.pdf<br />

D 841296<br />


12 Gill, Graeme J.: 'Lenin lives' : or does he? Symbols and the<br />

transition from socialism / Graeme Gill. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 173-196, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 195-196<br />

SWP D 841091 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

13 The Putin legacy - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 1-26<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840036<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

14 Ukraine : A net assessment of <strong>16</strong> years of independence : A<br />

report prepared for the U.S.-EU Partnership Committee for<br />

Ukraine / Authors: Janusz Bugajski ... Foreword by: Zbigniew<br />

Brzezinski ... Center for Strategic and International Studies -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 43 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-527-1<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/<strong>08</strong>0213-bugajski-ukraine.pdf<br />

SWP D 840009<br />


UNION<br />

15 Halbach, Uwe: Politik im Südkaukasus : Krisen und "doppelte<br />

Standards" / Uwe Halbach. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 31/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4890<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>16</strong> Der Kaukasus : Geschichte, Kultur, Politik / Marie-Carin von<br />

Gumppenberg ... (Hrsg.) - Orig.-Ausg. - München: Beck, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

254 S., Kt. - (Beck'sche Reihe; 1791) - ISBN 978-3-406-56800-8<br />

DGAP D 839944 DGAP: DG 46999<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> SOUTH-EAST EUROPE<br />

17 Sienerth, Stefan: Studien und Aufsätze zur Geschichte der<br />

deutschen Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft in Südosteuropa /<br />

Stefan Sienerth. - München: IKGS-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 1-2 -<br />

(Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsche Kultur und<br />

Geschichte Südosteuropas: Wissenschaftliche Reihe; ...)<br />

1. Theoretische Reflexionen und Überblicksarbeiten, Beiträge<br />

zur deutschen Literatur in Siebenbürgen im 17. und 18.<br />

Jahrhundert und zur Geschichte der<br />

siebenbürgisch-sächsischen Germanistik. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 391 S.,<br />

Reg. - (...; Bd. 112). - ISBN 978-3-9809851-8-0<br />

2. Beiträge zur deutschen Literatur in Südosteuropa im 19. und<br />

20. Jahrhundert. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 399 S., Reg. - (...; Bd. 113). - ISBN<br />

978-3-9809851-9-9<br />

IFA D 840518 IFA: 28/248 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.11 YUGOSLAVIA<br />

18 Ramet, Sabrina Petra: The three Yugoslavias : state-building<br />

and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina Petra Ramet. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXVI,817 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 747-774 -<br />

ISBN 0-253-34656-8<br />

HSFK D 841041 HSFK: 38.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.12 HUNGARY<br />

19 Ungváry, Krisztian: Der Umgang mit der kommunistischen<br />

Vergangenheit in der heutigen ungarischen Erinnerungskultur /<br />

Krisztian Ungváry. - In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1-2, S. 42-57<br />

SWP D 841001 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.21 SUCCESSSOR STATES OF YUGOSLAVIA<br />

20 Ramet, Sabrina Petra: The three Yugoslavias : state-building<br />

and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina Petra Ramet. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXVI,817 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 747-774 -<br />

ISBN 0-253-34656-8<br />

HSFK D 841041 HSFK: 38.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 1 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.1 General Literature / Allgemeine Literatur / Littérature générale<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA<br />

21 Ramet, Sabrina Petra: The three Yugoslavias : state-building<br />

and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina Petra Ramet. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXVI,817 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 747-774 -<br />

ISBN 0-253-34656-8<br />

HSFK D 841041 HSFK: 38.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


22 Informal Empire in Latin America : culture, commerce and<br />

capital / ed. by Matthew Brown. Society for Latin American<br />

Studies. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell Publishing, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XI,274 S., Tab., Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 242-266 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-4051-7932-4<br />

GIGA D 840427 ILAS: AAL-A/24 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

23 Mexiko 68 - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

406, S. 26-65, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 841137 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


24 Sandoval Wong, Sergio Roberto: ¿Retos de Centroamérica<br />

ante el panorama geopolítico actual? / Sergio Roberto Sandoval<br />

Wong. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte Político<br />

(Guatemala), 39 (julio-septiembre 2007) 2<strong>16</strong>, S. 28-32, Ill., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 32<br />

GIGA D 840379 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

25 Luna, Francisco Vidal; Klein, Herbert S.: Brazil since 1980 /<br />

Francisco Vidal Luna ... - New York/N.Y.: Cambridge Univ.<br />

Press, 2006. - XIV,267 S., Kt., Tab., graph. Darst., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 253-263 - (The world since 1980) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-52744-6<br />

GIGA D 839978 ILAS: BRA-H/11 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

26 Ndegwa, Duncan: Introduction to walking in Kenyatta struggles :<br />

with hindsight / by Duncan Ndegwa ... - Nairobi: Kenya<br />

Leadership Institute, 2007. - 70 S., Ill.<br />

GIGA D 840151 IAA: KEN-H/6 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


27 Petrini, Benjamin: Al-Zarqawi: profile of a terrorist / Benjamin<br />

Petrini. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 37-58, Lit. Hinw. S. 56-58<br />

GIGA D 840248 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


28 Emerging social & religious trends - In: Arab Insight (Cairo),<br />

2 (Winter 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 1-106<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/pdf/Arabinsight25.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840506<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

29 Mezran, Karim: Libya: evolution and prospect of a democratic<br />

change / Karim Mezran in collaboration with Tiziana Giuliani. -<br />

In: Oriente moderno (Roma), 37 (2007) 2, S. 457-482, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840470 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

<strong>30</strong> Streck, Bernhard: Sudan : Ansichten eines zerrissenen Landes<br />

/ Bernhard Streck. - Wuppertal: Hammer, Ed. Trickster, 2007. -<br />

267 S., Ill.,Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 253-263 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-7795-0155-8<br />

GIGA D 840152 IMES: SDN-Y/10 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

31 Marashi, Ibrahim al-; Salama, Sammy: Iraq's armed forces :<br />

An analytical history / Ibrahim Al-Marashi and Sammy Salama. -<br />

London ...: Routledge, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XI,240 S., Tab., Gloss., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 237-246 - (Middle Eastern Military Studies) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-40078-7<br />

GIGA D 840670 IMES: IRQ-B/5 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

32 Petrini, Benjamin: Al-Zarqawi: profile of a terrorist / Benjamin<br />

Petrini. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 37-58, Lit. Hinw. S. 56-58<br />

GIGA D 840248 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

33 Adelman, Jonathan R.: The rise of Israel : A history of a<br />

revolutionary state / Jonathan Adelman. - London ...: Routledge,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - X,269 S., Tab.,Reg., Lit. S. 243-256, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 207-242 - (Israeli History, Politics and Society; 49) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-77510-6<br />

GIGA D 840429 IMES: ISR-H/12 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

34 Bard, Mitchell G.: Will Israel survive? / Mitchell G. Bard. - 1st<br />

publ. - New York/N.Y.: PalgraveMacmillan, 2007. - 246 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 237-240 - ISBN 978-1-4039-8198-1<br />

GIGA D 840681 IMES: ISR-Y/6 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

35 Beck, Martin: Sechzig Jahre Israel : eine Erfolgsgeschichte mit<br />

sicherheitspolitischen Problemen / Martin Beck. - Hamburg:<br />

GIGA, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (GIGA Focus Nahost; (20<strong>08</strong>) 4)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_nahost_<strong>08</strong>04.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841046 DIE: 03KA014 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

36 Lozowick, Yaacov: Israels Existenzkampf : eine moralische<br />

Verteidigung seiner Kriege / Yaacov Lozowick. Aus dem Engl.<br />

von Ulrike Borchardt. - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für<br />

politische Bildung, 2006. - 340 S., Kt., Zeittaf., Reg. -<br />

(Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; 605) -<br />

ISBN 3-89331-746-5<br />

GIGA D 840375 IMES: ISR-H/11 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


37 Ghafouri, Mahmoud: Iran and the United Arab Emirates :<br />

dispute over three Persian Gulf islands / Mahmoud Ghafouri. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 67-78, Lit. Hinw. S. 77-78<br />

GIGA D 840628 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

38 Ghafouri, Mahmoud: Iran and the United Arab Emirates :<br />

dispute over three Persian Gulf islands / Mahmoud Ghafouri. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 67-78, Lit. Hinw. S. 77-78<br />

GIGA D 840628 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

39 The cohesion and stability of Pakistan / guest eds.: Shaun<br />

Gregory ... - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-106, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841103 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.15 SINGAPORE<br />

40 Jordan, Rolf: Singapur: globale Stadt und autoritärer Staat /<br />

Rolf Jordan. - Deutsche Originalausg. - Bad Honnef: Horlemann,<br />

2007. - 201 S., Ill., Lit. S. 193-200, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89502-237-1<br />

GIGA D 841146 IAS: 1.53.00/60 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

41 S. [Sinnathamby] Rajaratnam: A bibliography / comp. by<br />

Gandhimathy Durairaj. Ed. by Linda Yip Seong Chun. ISEAS<br />

Library, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. - Singapore: ISEAS<br />

Library, 2007. - XV,103 S. - (ISEAS Library Bibliography Series;<br />

23) - ISBN 978-981-2<strong>30</strong>-441-4<br />

GIGA D 841148 IAS: 1.53.02/31,1 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

42 Will, Gerhard: Ein Überblick über die Entwicklung Vietnams in<br />

den letzten Jahren / Gerhard Will. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 93-110,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841270 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 2 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


43 Sandschneider, Eberhard: Zwischen Entwicklung und<br />

Stabilitätstrauma : Gespräch mit Eberhard Sandschneider /<br />

Eberhard Sandschneider. - In: Die neue<br />

Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte (Bonn), 55 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 31-37<br />

DGAP D 840690 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

II.1 General Literature / Allgemeine Literatur / Littérature générale<br />

44 Yang, Kuisong: Reconsidering the campaign to suppress<br />

counterrevolutionaries / Yang Kuisong. - In: The China Quarterly<br />

(London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 102-121<br />

GIGA D 840593 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


45 Prenzel, Thorben: Handbuch Lobbyarbeit konkret / Thorben<br />

Prenzel. - Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau-Verl., 2007. - 185 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8997-4<strong>30</strong>4-3<br />

DGAP D 841098 DGAP: DG 47019<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 3 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12




46 Deal or no deal: The state of the trans-atlantic relationship :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,40 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-77)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36063.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840585 HSFK: 98.896 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


47 13th ECOWAS-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting, Luxembourg,<br />

28 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : final communiqué / Council of the European<br />

Union. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (8936/<strong>08</strong>(Presse1<strong>16</strong>))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/100203.pdf<br />

SWP D 841229<br />

48 17th Japan-EU Summit, Tokyo, 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : joint press<br />

statement / European Commission. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/japan/docs/joint_statement<br />

_04<strong>08</strong>_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 840723<br />

49 Balfour, Rosa; Schmid, Dorothée: Union for the<br />

Mediterranean, disunity for the EU? / by Rosa Balfour and<br />

Dorothée Schmid. - Brussels: European Policy Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

4 S. - (Policy Brief / European Policy Centre)<br />

http://www.epc.eu/TEWN/pdf/235206674_Union%20for%20the%<br />

20Mediterranean.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840076 DGAP: DG B01422c<br />

50 Beck, Thomas; Piazolo, Michael: Die Gemeinsame Außen-<br />

und Sicherheitspolitik der EU / Thomas Beck ; Michael Piazolo. -<br />

Berlin: Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege, 2007.<br />

- 82 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Schriftenreihe<br />

Europäisches Verwaltungsmanagement) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940056-01-6<br />

DGAP D 840037 DGAP: DG B01422p<br />

51 Böttger, Katrin: Die Beziehungen der Europäischen Union zur<br />

Ukraine / von Katrin Böttger. - In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(11.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 6-9<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/20<strong>08</strong>/UkraineAnalys<br />

en36.pdf<br />

SWP D 840059<br />

52 Brenner, Michael: The states of Europe and their discontent /<br />

Michael Brenner. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional<br />

dimensions of transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty.<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues<br />

Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. 31-54, Lit. Hinw. S. 50-54 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840138 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

53 China's policy and its effects on Africa : European<br />

Parliament resolution of 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> on China's policy and its<br />

effects on Africa (2007/2255(INI)) / Rapporteur: Ana Maria<br />

Gomes. - In: Texts adopted at the sitting of Wednesday, 23 <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - Provisional ed. / European Parliament.- Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 60-76 - (P6 TA-PROV(20<strong>08</strong>)0173)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+TA+20<strong>08</strong>0423+SIT+DOC+WORD+V0//EN&language<br />

=EN<br />

SWP D 840914<br />

54 Chopin, Thierry: Après Lisbonne? / Thierry Chopin. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 223-227<br />

DFI D 839924 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

55 Craig, Paul: The Treaty of Lisbon : process, architecture and<br />

substance / Paul Craig. - In: European Law Review (London),<br />

33 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 137-<strong>16</strong>6, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841064 SWP: Y. 1096 Öff.StaO: 188/8<strong>08</strong><br />

56 Denkschrift zum Vertrag von Lissabon vom 13. Dezember<br />

2007 / Auswärtiges Amt. - Berlin, 2007. - 144 S. - (AS-RK2007)<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Europa/Downloads/Den<br />

kschrift-lissabon.pdf<br />

SWP D 840605<br />

57 Eberhard, Harald: Das Legalitätsprinzip im Spannungsfeld von<br />

Gemeinschaftsrecht und nationalem Recht : Stand und<br />

Perspektive eines "europäischen Legalitätsprinzips" / Harald<br />

Eberhard. - In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien), 63 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 49-1<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840562 DGAP: ZD 329 Öff.StaO: 281<br />

58 Entwurf eines Gesetzes zum Vertrag von Lissabon vom 13.<br />

Dezember 2007 : Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung /<br />

Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 202 S.,<br />

Tab. - (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages:<br />

Drucksachen; <strong>16</strong>/8<strong>30</strong>0)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>08</strong>3/<strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong><strong>30</strong>0.pdf<br />

SWP D 8407<strong>16</strong> SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

59 Escribano, Gonzalo; Lorca, Alejandro V.: The Mediterranean<br />

Union: A union in search of a project / Gonzalo Escribano and<br />

Alejandro Lorca. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de<br />

Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; 13/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

(Mediterranean & Arab World)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Mediterran<br />

ean+Arab+World/DT13-20<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840505<br />

60 Europa als Partner der Welt / Europäische Kommission -<br />

Vertretung in Deutschland. - Berlin, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 24 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (EU-Nachrichten: Themenheft; Nr. 22)<br />

DGAP D 840565 DGAP: DG B01261<br />

61 Die Europäische Union : Governance und Policy-Making / hrsg.<br />

von Ingeborg Tömmel. Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische<br />

Wissenschaft. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 438 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Politische<br />

Vierteljahresschrift: Sonderheft; Sonderh. 40/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-531-14979-0<br />

DGAP D 839979 DGAP: DG 46843<br />

62 European politics : pasts, presents, futures / eds.: Klaus H.<br />

Goetz ... - In: West European Politics (Abingdon),<br />

31 (January - March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, Special Issue, S. 1-396, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 840366 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

63 The European Union's roles in international politics :<br />

concepts and analysis / ed. by Ole Elgström ... - Abingdon ...:<br />

Routledge, 2006. - XIX,260 S., Reg. - (Routledge/ECPR Studies<br />

in European Political Science; 45) - ISBN 0-415-39093-1<br />

HSFK D 841039 HSFK: 38.589 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

64 Fischer, Sabine: Die Ukraine und die ENP / Sabine Fischer. -<br />

In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen), (11.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/20<strong>08</strong>/UkraineAnalys<br />

en36.pdf<br />

SWP D 840052<br />

65 France-Europe : quelle stratégie? - In: Revue politique et<br />

parlementaire (Paris), 110 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1046, S. 1-132,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840519 OSI: ZS 732 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

66 García, Francisco: Primera ronda entre Centroamérica y la<br />

Unión Europea : ¿quién tiene la iniciativa política? / Francisco<br />

García. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte Político<br />

(Guatemala), 39 (julio-septiembre 2007) 2<strong>16</strong>, S. 4-14, Tab.<br />

GIGA D 840373 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 4 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

67 Germany's EU policy on asylum and defence:<br />

de-Europeanization by default? / ed. by Gunther Hellmann. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - XIII,207 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 185-202 - (New Perspectives in<br />

German Studies) - ISBN 1-4039-8798-X<br />

HSFK D 840140 HSFK: 38.579 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

68 Hansen, Gerda: Die Beziehungen zwischen Israel und der EU /<br />

Gerda Hansen. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global<br />

and Area Studies, Informationszentrum, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (Dok-line<br />

Nahost; 20<strong>08</strong>/1)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/content/bibliothek/bibliographien/pdf<br />

/dok-line_nahost_20<strong>08</strong>_1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840178<br />

69 Klossa, Guillaume; Rozès, Stéphane: L'identité à l'épreuve de<br />

l'Europe / Guillaume Klossa et Stéphane Rozès. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 235-243<br />

DFI D 839925 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

70 Kramer, Franklin D.; Serfaty, Simon: Recasting the<br />

Euro-Atlantic partnership / Franklin D. Kramer and Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 191-213, Lit. Hinw. S. 211-213 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840154 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

71 Krastev, Ivan I.: The crisis of the post-Cold War European<br />

order : what to do about Russia’s newfound taste for<br />

confrontation with the West / Ivan Krastev. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S. -<br />

(GMF Paper Series; Brusels Forum Paper Series)<br />

http://www.gmfus.org/brusselsforum/20<strong>08</strong>/doc/krastev_web.pdf<br />

SWP D 840046<br />

72 Kratochvíl, Petr; Lippert, Barbara: Improving the cost/benefit<br />

balance of the ENP for the EU's Eastern partners / Petr<br />

Kratochvíl ; Barbara Lippert. - Berlin: Institut für Europäische<br />

Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IEP Policy Brief; 3/<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.iep-berlin.de/fileadmin/website/09_Publikationen/Polic<br />

y_Brief/Policy-Brief_3_<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840223<br />

73 Kušić, Siniša: Zwischen Euphorie und Ernüchterung : Kroatien<br />

auf dem Weg in die EU / Siniša Kušić. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,<br />

2007. - <strong>16</strong>8 S., Tab., Lit. S.159-<strong>16</strong>8 - (Sozio-ökonomische<br />

Perspektiven in Südosteuropa; Bd. 1) - ISBN 978-3-631-55334-7<br />

DGAP D 841114 DGAP: DG 47021<br />

74 Leinen, Jo: Die Gewinner des neuen Europa-Vertrages / Jo<br />

Leinen. - Berlin ...: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-89892-877-9<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/05291-20<strong>08</strong>0428.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840682 DGAP: DG B01425s<br />

75 Maulny, Jean-Pierre; Veit, Winfried: Europäische<br />

Sicherheitspolitik nach dem Scheitern der Verfassung / Winfried<br />

Veit ; Jean-Pierre Maulny. - Paris: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005.<br />

- [10] S. - (Reihe Deutsch-Französische Strategiegespräche; 4)<br />

http://www.fesparis.org/Images/Upload/cerclefreiburgdeutsch.pdf<br />

DFI D 840065 DFI: YG 370.Y0556 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

76 Maurer, Andreas: Der Vertrag von Lissabon : Anreize für eine<br />

demokratischere und handlungsfähigere Europäische Union ;<br />

Gutachterliche Stellungnahme für die Anhörung des<br />

Ausschusses für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union /<br />

Andreas Maurer. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (SWP-Diskussionspapier;<br />

FG1-DP <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4872<br />

SWP D 840441<br />

77 Narramore, Terry: China and Europe : engagement,<br />

multipolarity and strategy / Terry Narramore. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 87-1<strong>08</strong><br />

GIGA D 840970 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

78 O'Donnell, Clara Marina: The EU, Israel and Hamas : working<br />

paper / Clara Marina O'Donnell. - London: Centre for European<br />

Reform, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-901229-82-0<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/wp_820.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841192<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

79 Progress report Israel : Commission staff working document<br />

accompanying the Communication from the Commission to the<br />

Council and the European Parliament "Implementation of the<br />

European Neighbourhood Policy in 2007" / Commission of the<br />

European Communities. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(SEC(20<strong>08</strong>)394)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/progress20<strong>08</strong>/sec<strong>08</strong>_394_en.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 841193<br />

80 A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 226 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (Significant Issues Series;<br />

Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1) - (Serfaty) - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840120 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

81 Rediscovering Europe in the Netherlands / WRR, Scientific<br />

Council for Government Policy. - Amsterdam ...: Amsterdam<br />

Univ. Press, 2007. - 179 S., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>9-179 -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5356-262-8<br />

DGAP D 840459 DGAP: DG 47007<br />

82 Report with a proposal for a European Parliament<br />

recommendation to the Council on the European Union's<br />

role in Iraq (2007/2181(INI)) / rapporteur: Ana Maria Gomes.<br />

Europäisches Parlament, Committee on Foreign Affairs. -<br />

Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 23 S. - (Sitzungsdokumente / Europäisches<br />

Parlament: Serie A, Berichte; A6-0052/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

(RR394095EN.doc)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+REPORT+A6-20<strong>08</strong>-0052+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN<br />

SWP D 840654<br />

83 Rotte, Ralph; Derichs, Sascha: Krise und Ende des<br />

Europäischen Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspaktes / Ralph Rotte ;<br />

Sascha Derichs. - München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2005. -<br />

52 S., Tab., Lit. S. 49-52 - (Aktuelle Analysen /<br />

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen;<br />

39) - ISBN 3-88795-288-X<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/aa39.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840677 DGAP: DG B01422n<br />

84 Rüger, Carolin; Wolf, Alexander: Die Herausforderungen der<br />

deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2007 / Carolin Rüger ;<br />

Alexander Wolf. - München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. -<br />

<strong>30</strong> S., graph. Darst. - (Aktuelle Analysen / Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung,<br />

Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen; 44) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-88795-314-0<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/aa44.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840117 DGAP: DG B01422g<br />

85 Rüger, Carolin; Wolf, Alexander: Perspektiven für den<br />

europäischen Verfassungsvertrag / [Alexander Wolf ; Carolin<br />

Rüger]. - München: Hanns-Seidel Stiftung, 2007. - 5 S. -<br />

(Argumentation kompakt)<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/070125_Argumentation_kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840190 DGAP: DG B01422h<br />

86 Rumelili, Bahar: Negotiating Europe : EU-Turkey relations from<br />

an identity perspective / Bahar Rumelili. - In: Insight Turkey<br />

(Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 97-110, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840747 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

87 Sasse, Gwendolyn: The European Neighbourhood Policy :<br />

conditionality revisited for the EU's eastern neighbours /<br />

Gwendolyn Sasse. - In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon),<br />

60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 295-3<strong>16</strong>, Lit. S. 314-3<strong>16</strong><br />

SWP D 841095 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

88 Schlomach, Gerrit F.: Deutsche Erfahrungen in der<br />

Nahost-Mittelmeer-Region verstärkt für die europäische Außen-<br />

und Sicherheitspoiltik nutzen / Gerrit F. Schlomach. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 51-64<br />

SWP D 841268 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 5 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

89 Schmidt, Vivien A.: The EU as a supranational regional state :<br />

rethinking what the EU is and where it is going / Vivien A.<br />

Schmidt. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 77-94, Lit. Hinw. S. 92-94 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840144 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

90 Schout, Adriaan; Schaik, Louise van: Reforming the EU<br />

presidency? / Adriaan Schout and Louise van Schaik. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften<br />

(Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 36-56, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841045 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

91 Schubert, Simon: Die Europäische Union 2007 : ein Rückblick /<br />

Simon Schubert. - In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und<br />

Europawissenschaften (Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 153-180,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841063 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

92 Selden, Zachary A.: Stabilization and democratization:<br />

renewing the transatlantic alliance / Zachary Selden. -<br />

In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.), 37 (Winter 2007-<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 85-98, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/07winter/selden.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 840502 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

93 Serfaty, Simon: The United States and Europe in a multipolar<br />

world / Simon Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional<br />

dimensions of transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty.<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues<br />

Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. 3-28, Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 25-28 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 8401<strong>30</strong> SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

94 Thürer, Daniel: Europa zwischen Erfahrung und Experiment :<br />

eine rule-of-law-Perspektive / Daniel Thürer. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Staats- und Europawissenschaften (Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 7-35, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841042 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

95 Umsetzung der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik im<br />

Jahr 2007 : Mitteilung der Kommission an das Parlament und<br />

den Rat ; SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx01, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx02, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx03,<br />

SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx04, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx05, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx06, SEK (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

xx07, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx<strong>08</strong>, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx09, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx10,<br />

SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx11, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx12, SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) xx13; KOM(20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

<strong>16</strong>4 / Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. - Brüssel,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S. - (KOM(20<strong>08</strong>)<strong>16</strong>4)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/progress20<strong>08</strong>/com<strong>08</strong>_<strong>16</strong>4_de.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 840481<br />

96 Der Vertrag von Lissabon : Kurzkommentar / Julia Lieb ...<br />

(Hg.). Forschungsgruppe EU-Integration, Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik - Berlin, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 80 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. -<br />

(SWP-Diskussionspapier; FG1-DP 07/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4861<br />

SWP D 840438<br />

97 Vogel, Wolfram: Narrative lost : der Diskurs der<br />

EU-Kommission zur Zukunft Europas / Wolfram Vogel. - In: Von<br />

welchem Europa reden wir? / Frank Baasner (Hrsg.). -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Denkart Europa; 5),<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>5-182, Lit. S. 179-182 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3277-0<br />

DFI D 840399 DFI: YC 480.VON Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

98 Wessels, Wolfgang: Das politische System der Europäischen<br />

Union / Wolfgang Wessels. - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für<br />

Sozialwissenschaften, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 560 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 509-544 - ISBN 978-3-8100-4065-7<br />

SWP D 840783 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0156 DGAP: DG 46979<br />

99 Westlicher Balkan: Stärkung der europäischen Perspektive :<br />

Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament und<br />

den Rat ; SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) 288; KOM(20<strong>08</strong>) 127 endgültig /<br />

Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. - Brüssel, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 27 S. - (KOM(20<strong>08</strong>)127endgültig)<br />

http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:200<br />

8:0127:FIN:DE:PDF<br />

SWP D 840483<br />

100 Wolff, Janna: Verhandeln im Schatten der Politikverflechtung :<br />

die deutsche Länder im Europäischen Konventsprozess / Janna<br />

Wolff. - Wien ...: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 191 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>3-176 - (Europäisierung: Beiträge zur transnationalen<br />

und transkulturellen Europadebatte; Bd. 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-03735-961-7 -- Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss., 2007<br />

DGAP D 84<strong>08</strong>33 DGAP: DG 47017<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

101 Aboville, Benoît d': NATO at 60 : A view from Europe / Benoît d'<br />

Aboville. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 145-158, Lit. Hinw. S. 158 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840149 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

102 Binnendijk, Hans; Kugler, Richard L.: NATO : surviving 9/11 /<br />

Hans Binnendijk and Richard L. Kugler. - In: A recast partnership?<br />

Institutional dimensions of transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon<br />

Serfaty. Center for Strategic and International Studies. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues<br />

Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. 115-144, Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 143-144 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840148 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

103 Kramer, Franklin D.; Serfaty, Simon: Recasting the<br />

Euro-Atlantic partnership / Franklin D. Kramer and Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 191-213, Lit. Hinw. S. 211-213 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840154 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

104 Krastev, Ivan I.: The age of populism / Ivan Krastev. - In: A<br />

recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. 55-73, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 72-73 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840141 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

105 Die NATO am Scheideweg - In: Politische Studien (München),<br />

59 (März-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 418, S. 25-78<br />

SWP D 840357 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P IFA: Z-D677<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

106 A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 226 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (Significant Issues Series;<br />

Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1) - (Serfaty) - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840120 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

107 Oberleitner, Gerd: The OSCE and human security / Gerd<br />

Oberleitner. - In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 64-72, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>57 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1<strong>08</strong> Zellner, Wolfgang: OSZE vor dem Aus? / Wolfgang Zellner. -<br />

In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),<br />

53 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 17-20<br />

DGAP D 840556 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 IMES: ZS-INT-B Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


109 Meier-Walser, Reinhard C.: Die Eskalation der Suez-Krise im<br />

Herbst 1956 / Reinhard C. Meier-Walser. - In: Politische Studien<br />

(München), 57 (September-Oktober 2006) 409, S. 5-<strong>30</strong>,<br />

Lit. S. 27-<strong>30</strong><br />

DFI D 840264 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P IFA: Z-D677<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


110 Rediscovering Europe in the Netherlands / WRR, Scientific<br />

Council for Government Policy. - Amsterdam ...: Amsterdam<br />

Univ. Press, 2007. - 179 S., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>9-179 -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5356-262-8<br />

DGAP D 840459 DGAP: DG 47007<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 6 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

111 Chopin, Thierry: Après Lisbonne? / Thierry Chopin. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 223-227<br />

DFI D 839924 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

112 Deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit in der<br />

Integrationspolitik : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die<br />

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Hakki Keskin ... und der<br />

Fraktion DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7631 / Deutscher<br />

Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7697)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/076/<strong>16</strong>07697.pdf<br />

SWP D 840710 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

113 France-Europe : quelle stratégie? - In: Revue politique et<br />

parlementaire (Paris), 110 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1046, S. 1-132,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840519 OSI: ZS 732 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

114 Guetta, Bernard: Superman et les contrats / par Bernard Guetta.<br />

- In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 185-197, graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841237 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

115 Höpel, Thomas: Zwischen nationaler Außenpolitik und<br />

interurbaner Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit : die<br />

Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Leipzig und Lyon in der zweiten<br />

Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts / Thomas Höpel. - In: Comparativ<br />

(Leipzig), 17 (2007) 4, S. 117-136, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840515 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D3757 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1<strong>16</strong> Klossa, Guillaume; Rozès, Stéphane: L'identité à l'épreuve de<br />

l'Europe / Guillaume Klossa et Stéphane Rozès. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 235-243<br />

DFI D 839925 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

117 Lacoste, Yves: Le postcolonial et ses acceptions<br />

contradictoires dans trois récents recueils d'articles / Yves<br />

Lacoste. - In: Hérodote (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 128,<br />

S. 143-155, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 841275 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

118 Meier-Walser, Reinhard C.: Die Eskalation der Suez-Krise im<br />

Herbst 1956 / Reinhard C. Meier-Walser. - In: Politische Studien<br />

(München), 57 (September-Oktober 2006) 409, S. 5-<strong>30</strong>,<br />

Lit. S. 27-<strong>30</strong><br />

DFI D 840264 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P IFA: Z-D677<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

119 Varin, Violaine: Partenariats franco-allemands : villes<br />

principales, Länder / Régions - académies ; état des lieux /<br />

dossier réalisé par Violaine Varin. - Berlin: Ambassade de<br />

France, 2007. - 258 S., Tab.<br />

DFI D 840418 DFI: WE 410.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

120 Veit, Winfried; Maulny, Jean-Pierre: Neue strategische<br />

Herausforderungen für die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen<br />

/ Winfried Veit ; Jean-Pierre Maulny. - Paris:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 13 S. - (Reihe<br />

Deutsch-Französische Strategiegespräche; 7)<br />

http://www.fesparis.org/Images/Upload/Cercle%20Juni%202007<br />

%20deutsch.pdf<br />

DFI D 840337 DFI: WD 210.W1199 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

121 Werdung, Daniel: Nicolas Sarkozy: Außen- und<br />

sicherheitspolitisches Profil des neuen französischen<br />

Präsidenten / [Daniel Werdung]. - München:<br />

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. - 4 S. - (Argumentation kompakt)<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/0705<strong>08</strong>_Argumentation_kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840191 DGAP: DG B01422i<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

122 Aktuelle Lage in Tibet : Aktuelle Stunde auf Verlangen der<br />

Fraktionen der CDU/CSU und der SPD - In: Verhandlungen des<br />

Deutschen Bundestages: Stenographischer Bericht (Köln),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 154, S.<strong>16</strong>151D-<strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong>4D<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>154.pdf<br />

SWP D 840209 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

123 Bartos, Helene: Israeli-German relations in the years<br />

2000-2006 : A special relationship revisited / Helene Bartos. -<br />

Oxford, 2007. - 136 S., Lit. S. 103-136 -- Oxford, Univ., Master<br />

thesis, 2007<br />

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~metheses/Bartos%20thesis.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841212<br />

124 Bellers, Jürgen: Deutschland / Jürgen Bellers. - In:<br />

Außenpolitik europäischer Staaten / Wolfgang Gieler ... (Hrsg.) -<br />

Bonn: Scientia Bonnensis, 2007, S. 68-79, Lit. S. 78-79 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940766-01-4<br />

DGAP D 840406 DFI: YV 240.AUS DGAP: DG 47010<br />

125 Deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit in der<br />

Integrationspolitik : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die<br />

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Hakki Keskin ... und der<br />

Fraktion DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7631 / Deutscher<br />

Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7697)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/076/<strong>16</strong>07697.pdf<br />

SWP D 840710 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

126 Germany's EU policy on asylum and defence:<br />

de-Europeanization by default? / ed. by Gunther Hellmann. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - XIII,207 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 185-202 - (New Perspectives in<br />

German Studies) - ISBN 1-4039-8798-X<br />

HSFK D 840140 HSFK: 38.579 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

127 Höpel, Thomas: Zwischen nationaler Außenpolitik und<br />

interurbaner Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit : die<br />

Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Leipzig und Lyon in der zweiten<br />

Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts / Thomas Höpel. - In: Comparativ<br />

(Leipzig), 17 (2007) 4, S. 117-136, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840515 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D3757 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

128 Milo, Paskal: Zwanzig Jahre albanisch-deutsche Beziehungen<br />

(1987-2007) / Paskal Milo. - In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen<br />

(München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 60-73<br />

SOI D 840648 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

129 [Pakistan: Umfassende Stabilisierungsstrategie - keine<br />

U-Boot-Lieferung] - In: Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages: Stenographischer Bericht (Köln), <strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 154, S. <strong>16</strong>231A-C, <strong>16</strong>259A-<strong>16</strong>264A<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>154.pdf<br />

SWP D 840214 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

1<strong>30</strong> Rechmann, Annika: Von Kriegsverächtern und<br />

Kriegsverfechtern : die Berichterstattung über den Irak-Krieg<br />

2003 in deutschen und amerikanischen Qualitätszeitungen /<br />

Annika Rechmann. - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Univ.-Verl., 2007. -<br />

175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 159-175 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-6090-6 -- Zugl.: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Kath.<br />

Univ., Dipl.-Arb.<br />

DGAP D 839962 DGAP: DG 46994<br />

131 Rüger, Carolin; Wolf, Alexander: Die Herausforderungen der<br />

deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2007 / Carolin Rüger ;<br />

Alexander Wolf. - München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. -<br />

<strong>30</strong> S., graph. Darst. - (Aktuelle Analysen / Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung,<br />

Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen; 44) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-88795-314-0<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/aa44.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840117 DGAP: DG B01422g<br />

132 Schlomach, Gerrit F.: Deutsche Erfahrungen in der<br />

Nahost-Mittelmeer-Region verstärkt für die europäische Außen-<br />

und Sicherheitspoiltik nutzen / Gerrit F. Schlomach. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 51-64<br />

SWP D 841268 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

133 Staack, Michael: Deutsche Interessen und Raketenabwehr /<br />

Michael Staack. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>30</strong>-37, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840222 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 7 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

134 Varin, Violaine: Partenariats franco-allemands : villes<br />

principales, Länder / Régions - académies ; état des lieux /<br />

dossier réalisé par Violaine Varin. - Berlin: Ambassade de<br />

France, 2007. - 258 S., Tab.<br />

DFI D 840418 DFI: WE 410.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

135 Veit, Winfried; Maulny, Jean-Pierre: Neue strategische<br />

Herausforderungen für die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen<br />

/ Winfried Veit ; Jean-Pierre Maulny. - Paris:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 13 S. - (Reihe<br />

Deutsch-Französische Strategiegespräche; 7)<br />

http://www.fesparis.org/Images/Upload/Cercle%20Juni%202007<br />

%20deutsch.pdf<br />

DFI D 840337 DFI: WD 210.W1199 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

136 Wolff, Janna: Verhandeln im Schatten der Politikverflechtung :<br />

die deutsche Länder im Europäischen Konventsprozess / Janna<br />

Wolff. - Wien ...: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 191 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>3-176 - (Europäisierung: Beiträge zur transnationalen<br />

und transkulturellen Europadebatte; Bd. 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-03735-961-7 -- Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss., 2007<br />

DGAP D 84<strong>08</strong>33 DGAP: DG 47017<br />


137 Höpel, Thomas: Zwischen nationaler Außenpolitik und<br />

interurbaner Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit : die<br />

Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Leipzig und Lyon in der zweiten<br />

Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts / Thomas Höpel. - In: Comparativ<br />

(Leipzig), 17 (2007) 4, S. 117-136, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840515 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D3757 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.03 ITALY<br />

138 Mezran, Karim; De Maio, Paola: Italy and the new Libya :<br />

continuity or change? / Karim Mezran and Paola De Maio. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (January-March 2007) 7, S. 43-50, Lit. S. 49-50<br />

GIGA D 840253 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RA06.05 GREECE<br />

139 Öniş, Ziya; Yilmaz, Suhnaz: Greek-Turkish rapprochement :<br />

rhetoric or reality? / Ziya Önis ; Şuhnaz Yilmaz. - In: Political<br />

Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 123-149<br />

SWP D 8406<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

140 Tzimitras, Harry G.: Europeanization and nationalism in the<br />

turkish-greek rapprochment / Harry G. Tzimitras. - In: Insight<br />

Turkey (Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 111-128, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840751 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

141 Aras, Bülent: Turkish policy toward Central Asia / Bülent Aras. -<br />

Ankara: SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social<br />

Research, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 5 S. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 12)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/Policy_Brief_No_12_Bulent_Aras<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 841<strong>16</strong>5<br />

142 Bozdaglioglu, Yucel: Modernity, identity and Turkey's foreign<br />

policy / Yücel Bozdaglioglu. - In: Insight Turkey (Ankara),<br />

10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 55-75, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840741 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

143 Davutoglu, Ahmet: Turkey's foreign policy vision : An<br />

assessment of 2007 / Ahmet Davutoglu. - In: Insight Turkey<br />

(Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 77-96<br />

DGAP D 840742 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

144 Öniş, Ziya; Yilmaz, Suhnaz: Greek-Turkish rapprochement :<br />

rhetoric or reality? / Ziya Önis ; Şuhnaz Yilmaz. - In: Political<br />

Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 123-149<br />

SWP D 8406<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

145 Rumelili, Bahar: Negotiating Europe : EU-Turkey relations from<br />

an identity perspective / Bahar Rumelili. - In: Insight Turkey<br />

(Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 97-110, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840747 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

146 Solberg, Anne Ross: The role of Turkish Islamic networks in<br />

the Western Balkans / Anne Ross Solberg. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 429-462<br />

SOI D 840656 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

147 Tzimitras, Harry G.: Europeanization and nationalism in the<br />

turkish-greek rapprochment / Harry G. Tzimitras. - In: Insight<br />

Turkey (Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 111-128, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840751 DGAP: ZD 27<br />


148 Kembayev, Zhenis: Probleme der Rechtsnachfolge von der<br />

Sowjetunion auf die Russische Föderation / Zhenis Kembayev. -<br />

In: Archiv des Völkerrechts (Tübingen), 46 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 106-129, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840610 SWP: X. 249 OSI: FUB: 2 ZA 266 DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


149 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan is back in the Collectice Security<br />

Treaty Organization / by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central<br />

Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 18-20<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/48<strong>30</strong>/print<br />

SWP D 840242<br />


150 Antonenko, Oksana: Medvedev's choice / Oksana Antonenko.<br />

- In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 25-31<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>95 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

151 Blank, Stephen J.: Towards a new Russia policy / Stephen J.<br />

Blank. - Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

VI,140 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-343-4<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB833.pdf<br />

SWP D 840001 DGAP: DG 46971e<br />

152 Cohen, Ariel: The Sochi Bush–Putin summit: last chance to<br />

improve relations / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage<br />

Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage Foundation;<br />

No. 1877)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_1877.pdf<br />

SWP D 840097<br />

153 Gvozdev, Nikolas K.: Parting with illusions : developing a<br />

realistic approach to relations with Russia / by Nikolas Gvosdev.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: Cato Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S. - (Policy<br />

Analysis / Cato Institute; No. 611)<br />

http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-611.pdf<br />

SWP D 840004<br />

154 Kazancev, Andrej A.: Vladimir Putin’s Central Asian policy<br />

2000–<strong>08</strong>: in search of security and influence / by Andrei A.<br />

Kazantsev. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (4. March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 17-20<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840034<br />

155 Kembayev, Zhenis: Probleme der Rechtsnachfolge von der<br />

Sowjetunion auf die Russische Föderation / Zhenis Kembayev. -<br />

In: Archiv des Völkerrechts (Tübingen), 46 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 106-129, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840610 SWP: X. 249 OSI: FUB: 2 ZA 266 DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

156 Kononenko, Vadim: Russia in 20<strong>08</strong> and beyond: what kind of<br />

foreign policy? / Vadim Kononenko. - Helsinki: Ulkopoliittinen<br />

Instituutti, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S. - (UPI Briefing Paper; 17)<br />

http://www.upi-fiia.fi/document.php?DOC_ID=257<br />

SWP D 840098<br />

157 Kotkin, Stephen: Myth of a new cold war : Russia was not a<br />

liberal democracy under Yeltsin, and neither has it reverted to<br />

totalitarianism under Putin ; but America's long-established<br />

religiosly inspired concern about 'losing' Russia is once more at<br />

the centre of debate / Stephen Kotkin. - In: Prospect (London),<br />

(<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 145, S. 38-44<br />

DGAP D 840644 DGAP: ZD 500<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 8 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

158 Krastev, Ivan I.: The crisis of the post-Cold War European<br />

order : what to do about Russia’s newfound taste for<br />

confrontation with the West / Ivan Krastev. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S. -<br />

(GMF Paper Series; Brusels Forum Paper Series)<br />

http://www.gmfus.org/brusselsforum/20<strong>08</strong>/doc/krastev_web.pdf<br />

SWP D 840046<br />

159 Kuchins, Andrew C.: Medvedev may seek warmer Russian<br />

relations with the West / Andrew C. Kuchins. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Atlantic Outlook; Vol. 2, Issue 2)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/<strong>08</strong>0324_ruseura_kuchinseur<br />

ope.pdf<br />

SWP D 840040<br />

<strong>16</strong>0 Lindner, Rainer: Scharfer Richtungsstreit zwischen Kiew und<br />

Moskau : Konfliktfelder Energiepolitik und äußere Sicherheit /<br />

Rainer Lindner. - Berlin: SWP, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4854<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>16</strong>1 Lindner, Rainer: Stormy relations between Kiev and Moscow :<br />

conflict over energy policy and external security / Rainer Lindner.<br />

- Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP<br />

Comments; 8/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

Rainer Lindner: Scharfer Richtungsstreit zwischen Kiew und<br />

Moskau: Konfliktfelder Energiepolitik und äußere Sicherheit . -<br />

SWP-Aktuell 20<strong>08</strong>/A 26, <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4912<br />

SWP D 840440<br />

<strong>16</strong>2 Lucas, Edward: Putin’s foreign policy legacy / by Edward Lucas.<br />

- In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36,<br />

S. 11-14<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840032<br />

<strong>16</strong>3 Markedonov, Sergej M.: The North and South Caucasus and<br />

Russia under Putin: problems and challenges / by Sergei<br />

Markedonov. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 21-25<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840035<br />

<strong>16</strong>4 Petrini, Benjamin: Russian post-Soviet foreign policy in Central<br />

Asia : The case of Tajikistan / Benjamin Petrini. - In: Journal of<br />

Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (January-March 2007) 7,<br />

S. 77-86, Lit. S. 85-86<br />

GIGA D 840255 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>5 Russia: rebuilding the iron curtain : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, May 17, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,50 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-65)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/354<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840577 HSFK: 98.889 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>16</strong>6 Skidelsky, Robert: Russia's place in the world in the 21st<br />

century / Robert Skidelsky. - London: Forumpress, 2007. - 52 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 44-52 - (Research / Global Policy Institute) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-9554975-4-4<br />

SWP D 840667 SWP: H.<strong>08</strong>/0122 DGAP: DG 46990n<br />

<strong>16</strong>7 Verdier, Arthur: Les relations russo-centrasiatiques : une<br />

nouvelle donne géopolitique, entre méfiance, velléité et intérêt /<br />

Arthur Verdier. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 29-43, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840404 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>8 Weitz, Richard: Georgian-Russian reconciliation proves<br />

short-lived / by Richard Weitz. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus<br />

Analyst (Washington/D.C.), 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7, S. 8-10<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/4827/print<br />

SWP D 840240<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />


UNION<br />

<strong>16</strong>9 Kratochvíl, Petr; Lippert, Barbara: Improving the cost/benefit<br />

balance of the ENP for the EU's Eastern partners / Petr<br />

Kratochvíl ; Barbara Lippert. - Berlin: Institut für Europäische<br />

Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IEP Policy Brief; 3/<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.iep-berlin.de/fileadmin/website/09_Publikationen/Polic<br />

y_Brief/Policy-Brief_3_<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840223<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

170 Böttger, Katrin: Die Beziehungen der Europäischen Union zur<br />

Ukraine / von Katrin Böttger. - In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(11.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 6-9<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/20<strong>08</strong>/UkraineAnalys<br />

en36.pdf<br />

SWP D 840059<br />

171 Fischer, Sabine: Die Ukraine und die ENP / Sabine Fischer. -<br />

In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen), (11.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/20<strong>08</strong>/UkraineAnalys<br />

en36.pdf<br />

SWP D 840052<br />

172 Lindner, Rainer: Scharfer Richtungsstreit zwischen Kiew und<br />

Moskau : Konfliktfelder Energiepolitik und äußere Sicherheit /<br />

Rainer Lindner. - Berlin: SWP, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4854<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

173 Lindner, Rainer: Stormy relations between Kiev and Moscow :<br />

conflict over energy policy and external security / Rainer Lindner.<br />

- Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP<br />

Comments; 8/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

Rainer Lindner: Scharfer Richtungsstreit zwischen Kiew und<br />

Moskau: Konfliktfelder Energiepolitik und äußere Sicherheit . -<br />

SWP-Aktuell 20<strong>08</strong>/A 26, <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong><br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4912<br />

SWP D 840440<br />

174 Sasse, Gwendolyn: The European Neighbourhood Policy :<br />

conditionality revisited for the EU's eastern neighbours /<br />

Gwendolyn Sasse. - In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon),<br />

60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 295-3<strong>16</strong>, Lit. S. 314-3<strong>16</strong><br />

SWP D 841095 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.34 MOLDOVA<br />

175 Sasse, Gwendolyn: The European Neighbourhood Policy :<br />

conditionality revisited for the EU's eastern neighbours /<br />

Gwendolyn Sasse. - In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon),<br />

60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 295-3<strong>16</strong>, Lit. S. 314-3<strong>16</strong><br />

SWP D 841095 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


UNION<br />

176 Kratochvíl, Petr; Lippert, Barbara: Improving the cost/benefit<br />

balance of the ENP for the EU's Eastern partners / Petr<br />

Kratochvíl ; Barbara Lippert. - Berlin: Institut für Europäische<br />

Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IEP Policy Brief; 3/<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.iep-berlin.de/fileadmin/website/09_Publikationen/Polic<br />

y_Brief/Policy-Brief_3_<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840223<br />

177 Markedonov, Sergej M.: The North and South Caucasus and<br />

Russia under Putin: problems and challenges / by Sergei<br />

Markedonov. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 21-25<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840035<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

178 Weitz, Richard: Georgian-Russian reconciliation proves<br />

short-lived / by Richard Weitz. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus<br />

Analyst (Washington/D.C.), 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7, S. 8-10<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/4827/print<br />

SWP D 840240<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 9 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

179 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />



180 Aras, Bülent: Turkish policy toward Central Asia / Bülent Aras. -<br />

Ankara: SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social<br />

Research, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 5 S. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 12)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/Policy_Brief_No_12_Bulent_Aras<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 841<strong>16</strong>5<br />

181 Boquérat, Gilles: L'Asie centrale au regard du Pakistan : si près,<br />

et pourtant si loin / Gilles Boquérat. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient<br />

(Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 95-102, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840487 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

182 Braconnay, Vincent: La vallée du Ferghana, cœur en<br />

fragments de l'Asie centrale (1) / Vincent Braconnay. - In: Les<br />

Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 103-112,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840618 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

183 Djalili, Mohammad Reza: L'Iran en Asie centrale, politique<br />

régionale d'un voisin proche / Mohammad-Reza Djalili. - In: Les<br />

Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 57-68, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840425 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

184 Flikke, Geir; Wilhelmsen, Julie: Central Asia: A testing ground<br />

for new great-power relations / Geir Flikke ; Julie Wilhelmsen. -<br />

Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 58 S. -<br />

(NUPI Report; [20<strong>08</strong>]) - ISBN 978-82-7002-181-9<br />

http://english.nupi.no/content/download/3724/56810/version/4/file<br />

/Flikke+og+Wihelmsen+Report-03-<strong>08</strong>-pdf.pdf<br />

SWP D 840094<br />

185 Kazancev, Andrej A.: Vladimir Putin’s Central Asian policy<br />

2000–<strong>08</strong>: in search of security and influence / by Andrei A.<br />

Kazantsev. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (4. March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 17-20<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840034<br />

186 Kellner, Thierry: Quand la Chine s'éveille... / Thierry Kellner. -<br />

In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89,<br />

S. 69-93, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840631 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

187 Sutter, Robert: Durability in China's strategy toward Central<br />

Asia – reasons for optimism / Robert Sutter. - In: The China and<br />

Eurasia Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 3-10<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/rs<strong>08</strong>durabilitychina.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 840748<br />

188 Verdier, Arthur: Les relations russo-centrasiatiques : une<br />

nouvelle donne géopolitique, entre méfiance, velléité et intérêt /<br />

Arthur Verdier. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 29-43, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840404 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

189 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan is back in the Collectice Security<br />

Treaty Organization / by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central<br />

Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 18-20<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/48<strong>30</strong>/print<br />

SWP D 840242<br />

190 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

191 Petrini, Benjamin: Russian post-Soviet foreign policy in Central<br />

Asia : The case of Tajikistan / Benjamin Petrini. - In: Journal of<br />

Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (January-March 2007) 7,<br />

S. 77-86, Lit. S. 85-86<br />

GIGA D 840255 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.01 BALKANS<br />

192 Solberg, Anne Ross: The role of Turkish Islamic networks in<br />

the Western Balkans / Anne Ross Solberg. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 429-462<br />

SOI D 840656 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

193 Westlicher Balkan: Stärkung der europäischen Perspektive :<br />

Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament und<br />

den Rat ; SEK(20<strong>08</strong>) 288; KOM(20<strong>08</strong>) 127 endgültig /<br />

Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. - Brüssel, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 27 S. - (KOM(20<strong>08</strong>)127endgültig)<br />

http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:200<br />

8:0127:FIN:DE:PDF<br />

SWP D 840483<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.15 ALBANIA<br />

194 Milo, Paskal: Zwanzig Jahre albanisch-deutsche Beziehungen<br />

(1987-2007) / Paskal Milo. - In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen<br />

(München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 60-73<br />

SOI D 840648 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.23 CROATIA<br />

195 Kušić, Siniša: Zwischen Euphorie und Ernüchterung : Kroatien<br />

auf dem Weg in die EU / Siniša Kušić. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,<br />

2007. - <strong>16</strong>8 S., Tab., Lit. S.159-<strong>16</strong>8 - (Sozio-ökonomische<br />

Perspektiven in Südosteuropa; Bd. 1) - ISBN 978-3-631-55334-7<br />

DGAP D 841114 DGAP: DG 47021<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA<br />

196 Moe, Christian: A Sultan in Brussels? European hopes and<br />

fears of Bosnian Muslims / Christian Moe. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 374-394<br />

SOI D 840653 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.31 KOSOVO<br />

197 Bermejo García, Romualdo; Gutiérrez Espada, Cesáreo:<br />

Kosovo's independence from the perspective of the right to free<br />

determination / Romualdo Bermejo García and Cesáreo<br />

Gutiérrez Espada. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos; 7/20<strong>08</strong>) - (Europe)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Europe/DT<br />

7-20<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840503<br />

RC01 CANADA<br />

198 Daglio, Dan: The United States and Canada: time to defrost /<br />

Dan Daglio. - In: Proceedings / United States Naval Institute<br />

(Annapolis/Md.), 134 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1262, S. 32-37<br />

HSFK D 839943 HSFK: ZS U Öff.StaO: 18<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 10 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


199 Between feckless and reckless: U.S. policy options to<br />

prevent a nuclear Iran / Gary L. Ackerman ... Chairman.<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Committee Hearing<br />

Information)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/hearing_notice.asp?i<br />

d=968<br />

SWP D 840764<br />

200 Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Manyin, Mark E.; Cooper, William H.:<br />

Japan-U.S. relations: issues for Congress : updated February 20,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> / Emma Chanlett-Avery ; Mark E. Manyin ; William H.<br />

Cooper. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL33436) -<br />

(RL33436)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103704.pdf<br />

SWP D 840661<br />

201 Cohen, Ariel: The Sochi Bush–Putin summit: last chance to<br />

improve relations / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage<br />

Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage Foundation;<br />

No. 1877)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_1877.pdf<br />

SWP D 840097<br />

202 The crisis in Tibet: finding a path to peace : hearing before<br />

the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One<br />

Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, Wednesday, <strong>April</strong> 23,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- getr. Zähl. - (Hearing / United States Senate)<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0423p.html<br />

SWP D 840957<br />

203 Daglio, Dan: The United States and Canada: time to defrost /<br />

Dan Daglio. - In: Proceedings / United States Naval Institute<br />

(Annapolis/Md.), 134 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1262, S. 32-37<br />

HSFK D 839943 HSFK: ZS U Öff.StaO: 18<br />

204 Deal or no deal: The state of the trans-atlantic relationship :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,40 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-77)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36063.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840585 HSFK: 98.896 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

205 Dumbaugh, Kerry B.: Tibet: problems, prospects, and U.S.<br />

policy / Kerry Dumbaugh. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 28 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL34445) - (RL34445)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103673.pdf<br />

SWP D 840657<br />

206 Executive sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations<br />

Committee together with joint sessions with the Senate<br />

Armed Services Committee (historical series), made public<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006.<br />

- Pt. 1-<br />

Pt. 19: 90th Congress, 1st Session, 1967. - XI,1071 S. - (S. PRT.<br />

110-20)<br />

HSFK D 840192 HSFK: 91.540 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

207 Extremist madrassas, ghost schools, and U.S. aid to<br />

Pakistan : Are we making the grade on the 9/11 Commission<br />

report card? hearing before the Subcommittee on National<br />

Security and Foreign Affairs of the Committee on Oversight and<br />

Government Reform, U.S.House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, May 9, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,70 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-17)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:37093.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>30</strong>1 HSFK: 98.904 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

2<strong>08</strong> Gvozdev, Nikolas K.: Parting with illusions : developing a<br />

realistic approach to relations with Russia / by Nikolas Gvosdev.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: Cato Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S. - (Policy<br />

Analysis / Cato Institute; No. 611)<br />

http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-611.pdf<br />

SWP D 840004<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

209 Haass, Richard N.: The age of nonpolarity : what will follow U.S.<br />

dominance / Richard N. Haass. - In: Foreign Affairs (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 44-56<br />

SWP D 840974 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

210 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

211 Iraq 2012: what can it look like, how do we get there?<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 3,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing /<br />

United States Senate; [03.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0403a.html<br />

SWP D 840244<br />

212 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

213 Johnstone, Ian; Corbin, Ethan: The US role in contemporary<br />

peace operations : A double-edged sword? / Ian Johnstone and<br />

Ethan Corbin. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford),<br />

15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-17<br />

SWP D 841246 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

214 Jones, Bruce; Hart, Andrew: Keeping Middle East peace? /<br />

Bruce Jones and Andrew Hart. - In: International Peacekeeping<br />

(Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 102-117<br />

SWP D 841254 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

215 Kotkin, Stephen: Myth of a new cold war : Russia was not a<br />

liberal democracy under Yeltsin, and neither has it reverted to<br />

totalitarianism under Putin ; but America's long-established<br />

religiosly inspired concern about 'losing' Russia is once more at<br />

the centre of debate / Stephen Kotkin. - In: Prospect (London),<br />

(<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 145, S. 38-44<br />

DGAP D 840644 DGAP: ZD 500<br />

2<strong>16</strong> Kramer, Franklin D.; Serfaty, Simon: Recasting the<br />

Euro-Atlantic partnership / Franklin D. Kramer and Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 191-213, Lit. Hinw. S. 211-213 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840154 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

217 Kronstadt, K. Alan: Pakistan-U.S. relations : updated February<br />

22, 20<strong>08</strong> / K. Alan Kronstadt. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 87 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL33498) - (RL33498)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103705.pdf<br />

SWP D 840660<br />

218 Little, Douglas: David or Goliath? The Israel lobby and its critics<br />

/ Douglas Little. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 151-156<br />

SWP D 840634 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

219 McGuinness, Margret E.: Medellin v. Texas: Supreme Court<br />

holds ICJ decisions under the consular convention not binding<br />

federal law, rejects presidential enforcement of ICJ judgments<br />

over state proceedings / by Margaret E. McGuinness. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Society of International Law, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 7 S. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue 6)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/20<strong>08</strong>/04/insights<strong>08</strong>0418.html<br />

SWP D 841043<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 11 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

220 Mikaïl, Barah: Les Etats-Unis et le Proche-Orient : vers une<br />

perpétuation des politiques sismiques? / Barah Mikaïl. -<br />

In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 117-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>3 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

221 Mora, Frank O.; Cooney, Jerry W.: Paraguay and the United<br />

States : distant allies - Athens/Ga. ...: Univ. of Georgia Press,<br />

2007. - XIV,333 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (The United States and the<br />

Americas) - ISBN 0-8203-2932-0<br />

GIGA D 839977 ILAS: PRY/2 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

222 Negotiating a long term relationship with Iraq : hearing<br />

before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 10, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [10.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0410a.html<br />

SWP D 840179<br />

223 Olsen, Edward A.: Korean nationalism in a divided nation :<br />

challenges to US policy / Edward A. Olsen. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 4-21<br />

GIGA D 841247 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

224 PEPFAR reauthorization: from emergency to sustainability :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, September 25,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,87 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-1<strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37971.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840567 HSFK: 98.917 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

225 A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 226 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (Significant Issues Series;<br />

Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1) - (Serfaty) - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840120 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

226 Rechmann, Annika: Von Kriegsverächtern und<br />

Kriegsverfechtern : die Berichterstattung über den Irak-Krieg<br />

2003 in deutschen und amerikanischen Qualitätszeitungen /<br />

Annika Rechmann. - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Univ.-Verl., 2007. -<br />

175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 159-175 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-6090-6 -- Zugl.: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Kath.<br />

Univ., Dipl.-Arb.<br />

DGAP D 839962 DGAP: DG 46994<br />

227 Report on Tibet negotiations as required by Section 611,<br />

Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 2003 "Tibetan Policy<br />

Act of 2002" / United States Department of State. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2007. - 11 S.<br />

http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/88264.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>24<br />

228 Ross, Maxim: Una Perspectiva de las Relaciones Económicas<br />

entre Estados Unidos y Venezuela / Maxim Ross. - Caracas:<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, julio,<br />

2007. - 33 S., Tab., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oUnaPerspectivaRelacionesMaximRoss.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840491<br />

229 Russia: rebuilding the iron curtain : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, May 17, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,50 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-65)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/354<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840577 HSFK: 98.889 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

2<strong>30</strong> Selden, Zachary A.: Stabilization and democratization:<br />

renewing the transatlantic alliance / Zachary Selden. -<br />

In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.), 37 (Winter 2007-<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 85-98, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/07winter/selden.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 840502 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

231 Serfaty, Simon: The United States and Europe in a multipolar<br />

world / Simon Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional<br />

dimensions of transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty.<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues<br />

Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. 3-28, Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 25-28 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 8401<strong>30</strong> SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

232 South America and the United States: how to fix a broken<br />

relationship : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,69 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-85)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36205.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840566 HSFK: 98.899 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

233 St. John, Ronald Bruce: Libya and the United States: A<br />

faustian pact? / Ronald Bruce St John. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 133-148, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 146-148<br />

GIGA D 840643 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

234 Taylor, Brendan: The Bush administration and Asia Pacific<br />

multilteralism : unrequited love? / Brendan Taylor. - In:<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 62 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-15, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840550 DGAP: ZD 150 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

235 U.S. policy challenges in North Africa : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, June 6, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-76)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35873.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840580 HSFK: 98.895 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

236 The United States-South Korea FTA: The foreign policy<br />

implications : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 13, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,42 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-89)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36060.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840698 HSFK: 98.880 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

237 White, Christopher M.: Creating a third world : Mexico, Cuba,<br />

and the United States during the Castro era / Christopher M.<br />

White. - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: University of New Mexico Press,<br />

2007. - XIV,250 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 215-235 - ISBN 978-0-8263-4238-6<br />

GIGA D 840383 ILAS: AME-A/10 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

238 Working in a war zone: post traumatic stress disorder in<br />

civilians returning from Iraq : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, June 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,48 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-71)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36206.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>80 HSFK: 98.881 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

239 Wu, Xinbo: Managing crisis and sustaining peace between<br />

China and the United States / Wu Xinbo. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

United States Institute of Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 48 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Peaceworks; No. 61) - ISBN 978-1-60127-032-0<br />

http://www.usip.org/pubs/peaceworks/pwks61.pdf<br />

SWP D 840942<br />

240 Zakaria, Fareed: The future of American power : how America<br />

can survive the rise of the rest / Farred Zakaria. - In: Foreign<br />

Affairs (New York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 18-43<br />

SWP D 840971 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 12 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


241 China's expansion into the Western hemisphere :<br />

implications for Latin America and the United States / Riordan<br />

Roett ... eds. The Brookings Institution - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Brookings Institutions Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - VIII,276 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8157-7553-9<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>10 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0159<br />

242 Informal Empire in Latin America : culture, commerce and<br />

capital / ed. by Matthew Brown. Society for Latin American<br />

Studies. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell Publishing, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XI,274 S., Tab., Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 242-266 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-4051-7932-4<br />

GIGA D 840427 ILAS: AAL-A/24 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

243 South America and the United States: how to fix a broken<br />

relationship : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,69 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-85)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36205.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840566 HSFK: 98.899 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

244 White, Christopher M.: Creating a third world : Mexico, Cuba,<br />

and the United States during the Castro era / Christopher M.<br />

White. - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: University of New Mexico Press,<br />

2007. - XIV,250 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 215-235 - ISBN 978-0-8263-4238-6<br />

GIGA D 840383 ILAS: AME-A/10 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


245 García, Francisco: Primera ronda entre Centroamérica y la<br />

Unión Europea : ¿quién tiene la iniciativa política? / Francisco<br />

García. - In: Panorama Centroamericano: Reporte Político<br />

(Guatemala), 39 (julio-septiembre 2007) 2<strong>16</strong>, S. 4-14, Tab.<br />

GIGA D 840373 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD03.05 CUBA<br />

246 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

247 White, Christopher M.: Creating a third world : Mexico, Cuba,<br />

and the United States during the Castro era / Christopher M.<br />

White. - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: University of New Mexico Press,<br />

2007. - XIV,250 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 215-235 - ISBN 978-0-8263-4238-6<br />

GIGA D 840383 ILAS: AME-A/10 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


248 Malamud, Carlos: Potential flashpoints in South America :<br />

(introduction) / Carlos Malamud. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 5 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 27/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

(Latin America)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Latin+Amer<br />

ica/ARI27-20<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840504<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

249 Palermo, Vicente: Sal en las heridas : las Malvinas en la cultura<br />

argentina contemporánea / Vicente Palermo. - Buenos Aires:<br />

Editorial Sudamericana, 2007. - 479 S., Tab., Lit. S. 469-477, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-950-07-2790-7<br />

GIGA D 839995 ILAS: FLK/2 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

250 Gratius, Susanne: ¿Hacia una OTAN sudamericana? Brasil y<br />

un Consejo de Defensa Sudamericano / Susanne Gratius. -<br />

Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S., Tab. - (Comentarios)<br />

http://www.fride.org/descarga/COM_OTAN_Sudamericana_ES_<br />

abr<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840110<br />

251 New directions in Brazilian foreign relations / The Brookings<br />

Institution .... - Washington/D.C., 2007. - 35 S.<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/english.brazil.foreignpoli<br />

cy.pdf<br />

SWP D 840612<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

252 Skuban, William E.: Lines in the sand : nationalism and identity<br />

on the Peruvian-Chilean frontier - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: Univ. of<br />

New Mexico Press, 2007. - XXVII,314 S., Kt., Ill., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 283-<strong>30</strong>3 - ISBN 0-8263-4223-X<br />

GIGA D 839967 ILAS: AAL-A/22 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.17 PARAGUAY<br />

253 Mora, Frank O.; Cooney, Jerry W.: Paraguay and the United<br />

States : distant allies - Athens/Ga. ...: Univ. of Georgia Press,<br />

2007. - XIV,333 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (The United States and the<br />

Americas) - ISBN 0-8203-2932-0<br />

GIGA D 839977 ILAS: PRY/2 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

254 Skuban, William E.: Lines in the sand : nationalism and identity<br />

on the Peruvian-Chilean frontier - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: Univ. of<br />

New Mexico Press, 2007. - XXVII,314 S., Kt., Ill., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 283-<strong>30</strong>3 - ISBN 0-8263-4223-X<br />

GIGA D 839967 ILAS: AAL-A/22 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

255 Ross, Maxim: Una Perspectiva de las Relaciones Económicas<br />

entre Estados Unidos y Venezuela / Maxim Ross. - Caracas:<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, julio,<br />

2007. - 33 S., Tab., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oUnaPerspectivaRelacionesMaximRoss.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840491<br />

256 Toro Hardy, José: Las alianzas extra regionales en la política<br />

exterior de Venezuela / José Toro Hardy. - Caracas: Instituto<br />

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(Serie Política Internacional)<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oLasAlianzasExtraRegionalesToroHardy.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840402 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


257 Palermo, Vicente: Sal en las heridas : las Malvinas en la cultura<br />

argentina contemporánea / Vicente Palermo. - Buenos Aires:<br />

Editorial Sudamericana, 2007. - 479 S., Tab., Lit. S. 469-477, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-950-07-2790-7<br />

GIGA D 839995 ILAS: FLK/2 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


258 China's policy and its effects on Africa : European<br />

Parliament resolution of 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> on China's policy and its<br />

effects on Africa (2007/2255(INI)) / Rapporteur: Ana Maria<br />

Gomes. - In: Texts adopted at the sitting of Wednesday, 23 <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - Provisional ed. / European Parliament.- Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 60-76 - (P6 TA-PROV(20<strong>08</strong>)0173)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+TA+20<strong>08</strong>0423+SIT+DOC+WORD+V0//EN&language<br />

=EN<br />

SWP D 840914<br />

259 Report on China's policy and its effects on Africa<br />

(2007/2255(INI)) / rapporteur: Ana Maria Gomes, European<br />

Parliament, Committee on Development. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

35 S., Tab. - (Sitzungsdokumente / Europäisches Parlament:<br />

Serie A, Berichte; A6-0<strong>08</strong>0/20<strong>08</strong>) - (RR396570EN.doc)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+REPORT+A6-20<strong>08</strong>-0<strong>08</strong>0+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN<br />

SWP D 840613<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 13 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

260 Sheth, V. S.: India-Africa relations : emerging policy and<br />

development perspective / V. S. Sheth. - Delhi: Academic<br />

Excellence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - IX,386 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 361-369 - ISBN 978-81-89901-<strong>30</strong>-1<br />

DIE D 840039 DIE: 21KB024 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


261 Souaré, Issaka K.: Egypt's evolving role in Africa : A<br />

presentation at the Institute of Diplomatic Studies, Cairo,<br />

Monday, 7th <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> / Issaka K. Souaré. - Pretoria: Institute<br />

for Security Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S., Lit.<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/EGYPROLEAFRICA.PDF?link_id=&slink_id=5857&link_ty<br />

pe=13&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 840173<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

262 13th ECOWAS-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting, Luxembourg,<br />

28 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : final communiqué / Council of the European<br />

Union. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (8936/<strong>08</strong>(Presse1<strong>16</strong>))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/100203.pdf<br />

SWP D 841229<br />

RF01.11 BENIN<br />

263 Krüger, Steffen: Benin / Steffen Krüger. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 65-72, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840443 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.12 BURKINA FASO<br />

264 Jetzlsperger, Florian: Burkina Faso / Florian Jetzlsperger. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 81-88, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840448 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.13 IVORY COAST<br />

265 Munoz-Perez, Bruno; Tien, Bienvenue: Elfenbeinküste /<br />

Bruno Munoz-Perez und Bienvenue Tien. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 103-1<strong>08</strong>, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840453 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.14 GAMBIA<br />

266 Bergstresser, Heinrich: Gambia / Heinrich Bergstresser. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 125-132, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840460 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.15 GHANA<br />

267 Bergstresser, Heinrich: Ghana / Heinrich Bergstresser. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 133-143, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840462 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> GUINEA<br />

268 Bennett, James G.: Guinea / James G. Bennett. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 144-150, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840464 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


269 Gebhard, Ute: Guinea-Bissau / Ute Gebhard. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 151-156, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840465 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.18 CAPE VERDE<br />

270 Fricke, Dietmar: Kap Verde / Dietmar Fricke. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. <strong>16</strong>9-173, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840469 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.19 LIBERIA<br />

271 Loetzer, Klaus D.: Liberia / Klaus D. Loetzer. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 221-229, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840488 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.20 MALI<br />

272 Gieler, Wolfgang: Mali / Wolfgang Gieler. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 252-256, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840495 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.21 MAURITANIA<br />

273 Akogo, David; Bauer, Tillmann: Mauretanien / David Akogo<br />

und Tillmann Bauer. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas:<br />

ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik /<br />

Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007,<br />

S. 271-277, Lit. - ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>93 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.22 NIGER<br />

274 Gieler, Wolfgang: Niger / Wolfgang Gieler. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. <strong>30</strong>0-<strong>30</strong>4, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 8409<strong>08</strong> IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

275 Gieler, Wolfgang: Nigeria / Wolfgang Gieler. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. <strong>30</strong>5-319, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840910 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.24 SENEGAL<br />

276 Cernicky, Jan: Senegal / Jan Cernicky. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 342-349, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840925 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.25 SIERRA LEONE<br />

277 Sperfeldt, Christoph: Sierra Leone / Christopf Sperfeldt. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 358-366, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 8409<strong>30</strong> IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 14 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RF01.26 TOGO<br />

278 Fricke, Dietmar; Tröger, Franziska: Togo / Dietmar Fricke und<br />

Franziska Tröger. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein<br />

Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang<br />

Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 437-445, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840946 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


279 Bellers, Jürgen; Seidel, René: São Tomé und Príncipe /<br />

Jürgen Bellers und René Seidel. - In: Die Außenpolitik der<br />

Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische<br />

Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh,<br />

2007, S. 412-419, Lit. - ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840944 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


280 Pinto Escoval, Alfredo; Weißenborn, Martin:<br />

Äquatorialguinea / Alfredo Pinto Escoval und Martin Weißenborn.<br />

- In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch:<br />

Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler<br />

(Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 26-<strong>30</strong>, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840433 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.02 BURUNDI<br />

281 Bauer, Stefan; Langen, Marc: Burundi / Stefan Bauer und Marc<br />

Langen. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein<br />

Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang<br />

Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 89-95, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840450 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.03 GABON<br />

282 Cernicky, Jan: Gabun / Jan Cernicky. - In: Die Außenpolitik der<br />

Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische<br />

Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh,<br />

2007, S. 119-124, Lit. - ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840458 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.04 CAMEROON<br />

283 Fegue, Cyril: Kamerun / Cyril Fegue. - In: Die Außenpolitik der<br />

Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische<br />

Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh,<br />

2007, S. 158-<strong>16</strong>8, Lit. - ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840467 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


284 Jetzlsperger, Florian: Republik Kongo / Florian Jetzlsperger. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 206-214, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840484 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.06 RWANDA<br />

285 Erdmannsdörfer, Viola: Ruanda / Viola Erdmannsdörfer. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 327-333, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840920 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.07 CHAD<br />

286 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/215)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/20<strong>08</strong>/215<br />

SWP D 840221<br />

287 Sperfeldt, Christoph: Tschad / Christoph Sperfeldt. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 446-454, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840947 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

288 Thomas-Jensen, Colin: Nasty neighbors : resolving the<br />

Chad–Sudan proxy war / by Colin Thomas-Jensen. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Enough, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S. - (Strategy Paper /<br />

Enough; 17)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/ChadSudan<strong>April</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840755<br />

289 Tubiana, Jérôme: The Chad-Sudan proxy war and the<br />

'Darfurization' of Chad : myths and reality / by Jérôme Tubiana. -<br />

Geneva: Small Arms Survey, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 75 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 70-75, Lit. S. 76-77 - (HSBA Working Paper; 12) -<br />

ISBN 2-8288-0095-4 -- Enthält Appendix: Armed groups of<br />

Darfur and Chad. - S. 63-69<br />

http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/files/portal/spotlight/sudan/Suda<br />

n_pdf/SWP%2012%20Chad%20Sudan%20Proxy%20War.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840263<br />

RF02.<strong>08</strong> CONGO (KINSHASA)<br />

290 Courting conflict? Justice, peace and the ICC in Africa / ed. by<br />

Nicholas Waddell ... Royal African Society - London, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

84 S. - ISBN 978-0-9558622-0-5<br />

http://www.royalafricansociety.org/documents/Courting_Conflict-<br />

Justice_Peace_and_the_ICC_in_Africa.pdf<br />

SWP D 841218<br />

291 König, Miriam: Demokratische Republik Kongo / Miriam König.<br />

- In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch:<br />

Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler<br />

(Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 196-205, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840478 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


292 Cernicky, Jan: Zentralafrikanische Republik / Jan Cernicky. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 477-483, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840951 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

293 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/215)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/20<strong>08</strong>/215<br />

SWP D 840221<br />

RF03.11 ANGOLA<br />

294 Kathage, Birte: Angola / Birte Kathage. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 56-64, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840439 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.12 BOTSWANA<br />

295 Kathage, Birte: Botswana / Birte Kathage. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 73-80, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840446 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.13 LESOTHO<br />

296 Krause, Britta: Lesotho / Britta Krause. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 215-220, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840486 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.14 MALAWI<br />

297 Klein-Arendt, Reinhard: Malawi / Reinhard Klein-Ahrendt. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 245-251, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840493 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 15 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RF03.15 MOZAMBIQUE<br />

298 Pinto Escoval, Alfredo; Weißenborn, Martin: Mosambik /<br />

Alfredo Pinto Escoval und Martin Weißenborn. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 286-291, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840903 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> NAMIBIA<br />

299 Kathage, Birte: Namibia / Birte Kathage. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 292-299, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840905 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.17 ZAMBIA<br />

<strong>30</strong>0 Klein-Arendt, Reinhard: Sambia / Reinhard Klein-Arendt. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 334-341, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840923 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.18 ZIMBABWE<br />

<strong>30</strong>1 Kathage, Birte: Simbabwe / Birte Kathage. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 367-374, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840933 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


<strong>30</strong>2 Nathan, Laurie: Anti-imperialism trumps human rights : South<br />

Africa's approach to the Darfur conflict / Laurie Nathan. - London:<br />

Crisis States Research Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S., Lit. - (Crisis States<br />

Working Paper: Series No. 2; No. 31)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/WP31.2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840241<br />

<strong>30</strong>3 Schultze, Michael: Südafrika / Michael Schultze. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 396-405, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840941 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.20 SWAZILAND<br />

<strong>30</strong>4 Schultze, Michael: Swasiland / Michael Schultze. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 406-411, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840943 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

<strong>30</strong>5 Klein-Arendt, Reinhard: Kenia / Reinhard Klein-Arendt. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 174-184, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840472 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.02 MADAGASCAR<br />

<strong>30</strong>6 Fricke, Dietmar: Madagaskar / Dietmar Fricke. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 239-244, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840492 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.03 MAURITIUS<br />

<strong>30</strong>7 Miltsch, Rebecca: Mauritius / Rebecca Miltsch. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 278-285, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>99 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

3<strong>08</strong> Hofmeier, Rolf: Tansania / Rolf Hofmeier. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 420-436, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840945 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.05 UGANDA<br />

<strong>30</strong>9 Bauer, Stefan; Langen, Marc: Uganda / Stefan Bauer und<br />

Marc Langen. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein<br />

Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang<br />

Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 469-476, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840950 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

310 Courting conflict? Justice, peace and the ICC in Africa / ed. by<br />

Nicholas Waddell ... Royal African Society - London, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

84 S. - ISBN 978-0-9558622-0-5<br />

http://www.royalafricansociety.org/documents/Courting_Conflict-<br />

Justice_Peace_and_the_ICC_in_Africa.pdf<br />

SWP D 841218<br />

RF04.06 SEYCHELLES<br />

311 Hofmeier, Rolf: Seychellen / Rolf Hofmeier. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 350-357, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840929 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


312 Focus on the Horn of Africa / Marianna Capasso ... -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 69-120, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840251 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RF05.01 ETHIOPIA<br />

313 Herz, Dietmar; Heide, Marlen: Äthiopien / Dietmar Herz und<br />

Marlen Heide. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein<br />

Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang<br />

Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 31-41, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840434 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

314 Special report of the Secretary-General on the United<br />

Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea / United Nations<br />

Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/226)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/226<br />

SWP D 840234<br />

RF05.02 DJIBOUTI<br />

315 Henrich, Christian Johannes: Dschibuti / Christian Johannes<br />

Henrich. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein<br />

Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang<br />

Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 96-102, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840452 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

3<strong>16</strong> Alexander, Constantin; Kühn, Raphaela: Somalia /<br />

Constantin Alexander und Raphaela Kühn. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 375-385, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840934 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> <strong>16</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RF05.04 ERITREA<br />

317 Idu, Paul Octavian; Rebeggiani, Luca: Eritrea / Paul Octavian<br />

Idu und Luca Rebeggiani. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten<br />

Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik<br />

/ Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007,<br />

S. 109-118, Lit. - ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840456 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

318 Special report of the Secretary-General on the United<br />

Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea / United Nations<br />

Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/226)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/226<br />

SWP D 840234<br />


319 Hofmeier, Rolf: Komoren / Rolf Hofmeier. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 185-194, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840477 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

320 Hofmeier, Rolf: Réunion / Rolf Hofmeier. - In: Die Außenpolitik<br />

der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 320-326, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840913 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


321 Escribano, Gonzalo; Lorca, Alejandro V.: The Mediterranean<br />

Union: A union in search of a project / Gonzalo Escribano and<br />

Alejandro Lorca. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de<br />

Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; 13/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

(Mediterranean & Arab World)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Mediterran<br />

ean+Arab+World/DT13-20<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840505<br />

322 Expanded Ministerial Conference of the Neighbouring<br />

Countries of Iraq 03. (Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>-04-22) ; Draft final<br />

communiqué of the Expanded Ministerial Conference of the<br />

Neighbouring Countries of Iraq / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. -<br />

Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.mofa.gov.iq/officialdocuments/communique%20final%<br />

20draft%20kuwait.pdf<br />

SWP D 841224<br />

323 Jones, Bruce; Hart, Andrew: Keeping Middle East peace? /<br />

Bruce Jones and Andrew Hart. - In: International Peacekeeping<br />

(Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 102-117<br />

SWP D 841254 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

324 Meyer, Berthold: Sub-regional or multilateral? New approaches<br />

to conflict management in the Middle Eastern Region under<br />

scrutiny ; Research paper drafted at the request of<br />

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Potsdam / Berthold<br />

Meyer. - Potsdam, 2007. - 26 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

::D841244<br />

http://www.fnst-freiheit.org/uploads/896/Meyer-Nahost-engl.pdf<br />

D 841276<br />

325 Meyer, Berthold: Subregional oder multilateral? Modelle zur<br />

Konfliktbearbeitung im Nahen und Mittleren Osten auf dem<br />

Prüfstand ; Hintergrundpapier erstellt im Auftrag der<br />

Friedrich-Naumann-Siftung für die Freiheit / Berthold Meyer. -<br />

Potsdam, 2007. - 26 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

auch veröff. als: Sub-regional or multilateral? New approaches<br />

to conflict management in the Middle Eastern Region under<br />

scrutiny.<br />

http://www.fnst-freiheit.org/uploads/896/Meyer-Nahost-deutsch.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 841244<br />

326 Mikaïl, Barah: Les Etats-Unis et le Proche-Orient : vers une<br />

perpétuation des politiques sismiques? / Barah Mikaïl. -<br />

In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 117-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>3 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

327 Schlomach, Gerrit F.: Deutsche Erfahrungen in der<br />

Nahost-Mittelmeer-Region verstärkt für die europäische Außen-<br />

und Sicherheitspoiltik nutzen / Gerrit F. Schlomach. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 51-64<br />

SWP D 841268 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

328 Steinbach, Udo: Nach dem Sommerkrieg 2006 - Perspektiven<br />

von Chaos oder tiefgreifender Wende im Nahen Osten? Die<br />

neue Dramatik des Nahostkonfliktes ; Dinner-Speech bei<br />

"aktuell 2006" am 8. September 2006 / Udo Steinbach. -<br />

In: Sicherheit + Stabilität (Berlin), 4 (November 2006) 2, S. 9-29<br />

SWP D 841018 SWP: X. 847 DGAP: ZD 47 DIE: ZK045 Öff.StaO: 25<br />


329 Thompson, Richard: Amr Moussa: secretary general, Arab<br />

League / Richard Thompson. - In: Middle East Economic Digest<br />

(London), 52 (18-24 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 26-28<br />

SWP D 840569 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />


3<strong>30</strong> U.S. policy challenges in North Africa : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, June 6, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-76)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35873.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840580 HSFK: 98.895 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

331 Reichmuth, Philipp: Marokko / Philipp Reichmuth. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 257-270, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840496 IMES: AFR-A/20 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

332 Reichmuth, Philipp: Algerien / Philipp Reichmuth. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 42-55, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840436 IMES: AFR-A/20 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

333 Reichmuth, Philipp: Tunesien / Philipp Reichmuth. - In: Die<br />

Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis<br />

Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 456-468, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840949 IMES: AFR-A/20 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

334 Dalay, Ismail: Libyen / Ismail Dalay. - In: Die Außenpolitik der<br />

Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische<br />

Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh,<br />

2007, S. 2<strong>30</strong>-238, Lit. - ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840490 IMES: AFR-A/20 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

335 Mezran, Karim; De Maio, Paola: Italy and the new Libya :<br />

continuity or change? / Karim Mezran and Paola De Maio. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (January-March 2007) 7, S. 43-50, Lit. S. 49-50<br />

GIGA D 840253 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

336 St. John, Ronald Bruce: Libya and the United States: A<br />

faustian pact? / Ronald Bruce St John. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 133-148, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 146-148<br />

GIGA D 840643 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 17 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> EGYPT<br />

337 Dalay, Ismail; Emmermann, Ines: Ägypten / Ismail Dalay und<br />

Ines Emmermann. - In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein<br />

Handbuch: Ägypten bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang<br />

Gieler (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 17-25, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840432 IMES: AFR-A/20 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

338 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

339 Meier-Walser, Reinhard C.: Die Eskalation der Suez-Krise im<br />

Herbst 1956 / Reinhard C. Meier-Walser. - In: Politische Studien<br />

(München), 57 (September-Oktober 2006) 409, S. 5-<strong>30</strong>,<br />

Lit. S. 27-<strong>30</strong><br />

DFI D 840264 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P IFA: Z-D677<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

340 Souaré, Issaka K.: Egypt's evolving role in Africa : A<br />

presentation at the Institute of Diplomatic Studies, Cairo,<br />

Monday, 7th <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> / Issaka K. Souaré. - Pretoria: Institute<br />

for Security Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S., Lit.<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/EGYPROLEAFRICA.PDF?link_id=&slink_id=5857&link_ty<br />

pe=13&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 840173<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

341 Courting conflict? Justice, peace and the ICC in Africa / ed. by<br />

Nicholas Waddell ... Royal African Society - London, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

84 S. - ISBN 978-0-9558622-0-5<br />

http://www.royalafricansociety.org/documents/Courting_Conflict-<br />

Justice_Peace_and_the_ICC_in_Africa.pdf<br />

SWP D 841218<br />

342 Klein-Arendt, Reinhard: Sudan / Reinhard Klein-Ahrend. -<br />

In: Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Afrikas: ein Handbuch: Ägypten<br />

bis Zentralafrikanische Republik / Wolfgang Gieler (Hrsg.) -<br />

Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2007, S. 386-395, Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76473-7<br />

GIGA D 840937 IMES: AFR-A/20 IAA: AFR-A/20 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

343 Nathan, Laurie: Anti-imperialism trumps human rights : South<br />

Africa's approach to the Darfur conflict / Laurie Nathan. - London:<br />

Crisis States Research Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S., Lit. - (Crisis States<br />

Working Paper: Series No. 2; No. 31)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/WP31.2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840241<br />

344 Thomas-Jensen, Colin: Nasty neighbors : resolving the<br />

Chad–Sudan proxy war / by Colin Thomas-Jensen. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Enough, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S. - (Strategy Paper /<br />

Enough; 17)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/ChadSudan<strong>April</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840755<br />

345 Tubiana, Jérôme: The Chad-Sudan proxy war and the<br />

'Darfurization' of Chad : myths and reality / by Jérôme Tubiana. -<br />

Geneva: Small Arms Survey, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 75 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 70-75, Lit. S. 76-77 - (HSBA Working Paper; 12) -<br />

ISBN 2-8288-0095-4 -- Enthält Appendix: Armed groups of<br />

Darfur and Chad. - S. 63-69<br />

http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/files/portal/spotlight/sudan/Suda<br />

n_pdf/SWP%2012%20Chad%20Sudan%20Proxy%20War.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840263<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

346 Expanded Ministerial Conference of the Neighbouring<br />

Countries of Iraq 03. (Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>-04-22) ; Draft final<br />

communiqué of the Expanded Ministerial Conference of the<br />

Neighbouring Countries of Iraq / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. -<br />

Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.mofa.gov.iq/officialdocuments/communique%20final%<br />

20draft%20kuwait.pdf<br />

SWP D 841224<br />

347 Iraq 2012: what can it look like, how do we get there?<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 3,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing /<br />

United States Senate; [03.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0403a.html<br />

SWP D 840244<br />

348 Negotiating a long term relationship with Iraq : hearing<br />

before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 10, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [10.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0410a.html<br />

SWP D 840179<br />

349 Rechmann, Annika: Von Kriegsverächtern und<br />

Kriegsverfechtern : die Berichterstattung über den Irak-Krieg<br />

2003 in deutschen und amerikanischen Qualitätszeitungen /<br />

Annika Rechmann. - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Univ.-Verl., 2007. -<br />

175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 159-175 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-6090-6 -- Zugl.: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Kath.<br />

Univ., Dipl.-Arb.<br />

DGAP D 839962 DGAP: DG 46994<br />

350 Report with a proposal for a European Parliament<br />

recommendation to the Council on the European Union's<br />

role in Iraq (2007/2181(INI)) / rapporteur: Ana Maria Gomes.<br />

Europäisches Parlament, Committee on Foreign Affairs. -<br />

Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 23 S. - (Sitzungsdokumente / Europäisches<br />

Parlament: Serie A, Berichte; A6-0052/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

(RR394095EN.doc)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+REPORT+A6-20<strong>08</strong>-0052+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN<br />

SWP D 840654<br />

351 Working in a war zone: post traumatic stress disorder in<br />

civilians returning from Iraq : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, June 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,48 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-71)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36206.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>80 HSFK: 98.881 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

352 Zweiri, Mahjoob: A new perspective on Jordanian-Iranian<br />

relations / Mahjoob Zweiri. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern<br />

Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 55-66,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 66<br />

GIGA D 840624 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

353 Müller, Patrick: Golanhöhen gegen Friedensgarantien :<br />

Interview mit Patrick Müller / Interv.: Khaula Saleh. -<br />

In: Qantara.de - Dialog mit der islamischen Welt (Bonn),<br />

(25.04.20<strong>08</strong>), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.qantara.de/webcom/show_article.php?wc_c=468&wc<br />

_id=938&printmode=1<br />

SWP D 841241<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

354 Agha, Hussein; Malley, Robert: Into the lion's den / Hussein<br />

Agha and Robert Malley. - In: The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 55 (May 1, 20<strong>08</strong>) 7, S. 57-60<br />

SWP D 840198 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

355 Bartos, Helene: Israeli-German relations in the years<br />

2000-2006 : A special relationship revisited / Helene Bartos. -<br />

Oxford, 2007. - 136 S., Lit. S. 103-136 -- Oxford, Univ., Master<br />

thesis, 2007<br />

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~metheses/Bartos%20thesis.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841212<br />

356 Beck, Martin: Sechzig Jahre Israel : eine Erfolgsgeschichte mit<br />

sicherheitspolitischen Problemen / Martin Beck. - Hamburg:<br />

GIGA, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (GIGA Focus Nahost; (20<strong>08</strong>) 4)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_nahost_<strong>08</strong>04.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841046 DIE: 03KA014 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 18 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

357 Hansen, Gerda: Die Beziehungen zwischen Israel und der EU /<br />

Gerda Hansen. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global<br />

and Area Studies, Informationszentrum, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (Dok-line<br />

Nahost; 20<strong>08</strong>/1)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/content/bibliothek/bibliographien/pdf<br />

/dok-line_nahost_20<strong>08</strong>_1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840178<br />

358 Little, Douglas: David or Goliath? The Israel lobby and its critics<br />

/ Douglas Little. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 151-156<br />

SWP D 840634 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

359 Müller, Patrick: Golanhöhen gegen Friedensgarantien :<br />

Interview mit Patrick Müller / Interv.: Khaula Saleh. -<br />

In: Qantara.de - Dialog mit der islamischen Welt (Bonn),<br />

(25.04.20<strong>08</strong>), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.qantara.de/webcom/show_article.php?wc_c=468&wc<br />

_id=938&printmode=1<br />

SWP D 841241<br />

360 O'Donnell, Clara Marina: The EU, Israel and Hamas : working<br />

paper / Clara Marina O'Donnell. - London: Centre for European<br />

Reform, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-901229-82-0<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/wp_820.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841192<br />

361 Progress report Israel : Commission staff working document<br />

accompanying the Communication from the Commission to the<br />

Council and the European Parliament "Implementation of the<br />

European Neighbourhood Policy in 2007" / Commission of the<br />

European Communities. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(SEC(20<strong>08</strong>)394)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/progress20<strong>08</strong>/sec<strong>08</strong>_394_en.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 841193<br />

362 Ravenel, Bernard: Israël-Iran : quel danger nucléaire? /<br />

Bernard Ravenel. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris),<br />

(printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 75-79<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>0 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

363 Rynhold, Jonathan; Waxman, Dov: Ideological change and<br />

Israel's disengagement from Gaza / Jonathan Rynhold ; Dov<br />

Waxman. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 11-37<br />

SWP D 840622 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL<br />

364 Müller, Patrick: Golanhöhen gegen Friedensgarantien :<br />

Interview mit Patrick Müller / Interv.: Khaula Saleh. -<br />

In: Qantara.de - Dialog mit der islamischen Welt (Bonn),<br />

(25.04.20<strong>08</strong>), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.qantara.de/webcom/show_article.php?wc_c=468&wc<br />

_id=938&printmode=1<br />

SWP D 841241<br />


365 Agha, Hussein; Malley, Robert: Into the lion's den / Hussein<br />

Agha and Robert Malley. - In: The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 55 (May 1, 20<strong>08</strong>) 7, S. 57-60<br />

SWP D 840198 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

366 Hamas’s military buildup in the Gaza Strip : (updated <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) / Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the<br />

Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center. - Tel<br />

Aviv, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 51 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/<br />

pdf/hamas_<strong>08</strong>04<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840371<br />

367 O'Donnell, Clara Marina: The EU, Israel and Hamas : working<br />

paper / Clara Marina O'Donnell. - London: Centre for European<br />

Reform, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-901229-82-0<br />

http://www.cer.org.uk/pdf/wp_820.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841192<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

368 Rynhold, Jonathan; Waxman, Dov: Ideological change and<br />

Israel's disengagement from Gaza / Jonathan Rynhold ; Dov<br />

Waxman. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 11-37<br />

SWP D 840622 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

369 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

370 Petrini, Benjamin: Saudi Arabian external relations after 9/11 /<br />

Benjamin Petrini. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics<br />

(Roma), 1 (<strong>April</strong>-June 2006) 4, S. 65-82, Lit. Hinw. S. 78-80;<br />

Lit. S. 80-82<br />

GIGA D 840229<br />


371 Ghafouri, Mahmoud: Iran and the United Arab Emirates :<br />

dispute over three Persian Gulf islands / Mahmoud Ghafouri. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 67-78, Lit. Hinw. S. 77-78<br />

GIGA D 840628 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


372 Weinbaum, Marvin G.; Harder, Jonathan B.: Pakistan's<br />

Afghan policies and their consequences / Marvin G. Weinbaum<br />

and Jonathan B. Harder. - In: Contemporary South Asia<br />

(Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 25-38, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841107 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

373 Between feckless and reckless: U.S. policy options to<br />

prevent a nuclear Iran / Gary L. Ackerman ... Chairman.<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Committee Hearing<br />

Information)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/hearing_notice.asp?i<br />

d=968<br />

SWP D 840764<br />

374 Djalili, Mohammad Reza: L'Iran en Asie centrale, politique<br />

régionale d'un voisin proche / Mohammad-Reza Djalili. - In: Les<br />

Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 57-68, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840425 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

375 Ghafouri, Mahmoud: Iran and the United Arab Emirates :<br />

dispute over three Persian Gulf islands / Mahmoud Ghafouri. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 67-78, Lit. Hinw. S. 77-78<br />

GIGA D 840628 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

376 Goodman, Adam: Iran: informal networks and leadership<br />

politics / Adam Goodman. - Shrivenham: Defence Academy of<br />

the United Kongdom, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC Middle<br />

East Series; <strong>08</strong>/12) - ISBN 978-1-905962-44-0<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/middle-ea<br />

st/<strong>08</strong>%2812%29AG.pdf<br />

SWP D 840753<br />

377 Hourcade, Bernard: Crise du nucléaire iranien : le rôle de la<br />

Russie et des vétérans de la guerre Iraq-Iran / Bernard<br />

Hourcade. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 17-<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841076 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

378 L'Iran : une puissance virtuelle? - In: Confluences Méditerranée<br />

(Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 9-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841067 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 19 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

379 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

380 Newkirk, Anthony: Diplomacy and hypocrisy : The case of Iran<br />

/ Anthony Newkirk. - In: Middle East Policy (Washington/D.C.),<br />

15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>30</strong>-45, Lit. Hinw. S. 40-45<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>72 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

381 Ravenel, Bernard: Israël-Iran : quel danger nucléaire? /<br />

Bernard Ravenel. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris),<br />

(printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 75-79<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>0 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

382 Salamatian, Ahmad: L'Iran, centre de gravité de plusieurs<br />

conflits / entretien avec Ahmad Salamatian. - In: Confluences<br />

Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 103-1<strong>16</strong><br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>2 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

383 Tabatabaei, Seyed Mohammad: La diplomatie nucléaire<br />

iranienne / Seyed Mohammad Tabatabaei. - In: Confluences<br />

Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 31-56, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841078 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

384 Vairon, Lionel: La diplomatie chinoise et l'Iran : un équilibrisme<br />

habile mais périlleux ... / Lionel Vairon. - In: Confluences<br />

Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 57-68, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841079 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

385 Zweiri, Mahjoob: A new perspective on Jordanian-Iranian<br />

relations / Mahjoob Zweiri. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern<br />

Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 55-66,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 66<br />

GIGA D 840624 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

386 Ahmed, Abu-Taher Salahuddin: The Kashmir conflict : A<br />

historical discourse / Abu Taher Salahuddin Ahmed. - In: Asian<br />

Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 109-134<br />

GIGA D 840989 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

387 Boquérat, Gilles: L'Asie centrale au regard du Pakistan : si près,<br />

et pourtant si loin / Gilles Boquérat. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient<br />

(Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 95-102, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840487 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

388 Extremist madrassas, ghost schools, and U.S. aid to<br />

Pakistan : Are we making the grade on the 9/11 Commission<br />

report card? hearing before the Subcommittee on National<br />

Security and Foreign Affairs of the Committee on Oversight and<br />

Government Reform, U.S.House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, May 9, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,70 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-17)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:37093.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>30</strong>1 HSFK: 98.904 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

389 Kronstadt, K. Alan: Pakistan-U.S. relations : updated February<br />

22, 20<strong>08</strong> / K. Alan Kronstadt. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 87 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL33498) - (RL33498)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103705.pdf<br />

SWP D 840660<br />

390 [Pakistan: Umfassende Stabilisierungsstrategie - keine<br />

U-Boot-Lieferung] - In: Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages: Stenographischer Bericht (Köln), <strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 154, S. <strong>16</strong>231A-C, <strong>16</strong>259A-<strong>16</strong>264A<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>154.pdf<br />

SWP D 840214 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

391 Schofield, Victoria: Kashmiri separatism and Pakistan in the<br />

current global environment / Victoria Schofield. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 83-92, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841110 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

392 Weinbaum, Marvin G.; Harder, Jonathan B.: Pakistan's<br />

Afghan policies and their consequences / Marvin G. Weinbaum<br />

and Jonathan B. Harder. - In: Contemporary South Asia<br />

(Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 25-38, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841107 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


393 Beehner, Lionel; Bhattacharjee, Preeti: The Shanghai<br />

Cooperation Organization : updated: <strong>April</strong> 8, 2oo8 / Lionel<br />

Beehner ; Preeti Bhattacharji. - New York/N.Y.: Council on<br />

Foreign Relations, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 3 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/1<strong>08</strong>83/shanghai_cooperation_orga<br />

nization.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F323%2Feuroperussia<br />

SWP D 840235<br />

RH02.02 KASHMIR<br />

394 Schofield, Victoria: Kashmiri separatism and Pakistan in the<br />

current global environment / Victoria Schofield. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 83-92, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841110 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


395 Assessing regional reactions to China's peaceful<br />

development doctrine / Travis Tanner ... - In: NBR Analysis<br />

(Seattle/Wash.), 18 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 1-36<br />

http://www.nbr.org/publications/analysis/pdf/vol18no5.pdf<br />

SWP D 840904<br />

396 Bae, Geung Chan: New government's task of regional<br />

cooperation diplomacy : "new Asia cooperation diplomacy"<br />

vision / Bea Geung Chan. - Seoul: Institute of Foreign Affairs and<br />

National Security, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 21 S., Tab. - (Policy Brief / Institute of<br />

Foreign Affairs and National Security (Seoul); No. 20<strong>08</strong>-3)<br />

http://www.ifans.go.kr/eng/publications/brief/index.jsp<br />

SWP D 841196<br />

397 Taylor, Brendan: The Bush administration and Asia Pacific<br />

multilteralism : unrequited love? / Brendan Taylor. - In:<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 62 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-15, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840550 DGAP: ZD 150 Öff.StaO: 7<br />


398 Sridharan, Kripa: Regional organisations and conflict<br />

management : comparing ASEAN and SAARC / Kripa Sridharan.<br />

- London: Crisis States Research Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

- (Crisis States Working Paper: Series No. 2; No. 33)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/wp33.2.pdf<br />

SWP D 841294<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

399 Ahmed, Abu-Taher Salahuddin: The Kashmir conflict : A<br />

historical discourse / Abu Taher Salahuddin Ahmed. - In: Asian<br />

Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 109-134<br />

GIGA D 840989 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

400 Holmes, James R.: An Indian Monroe Doctrine: but what kind? /<br />

James R. Holmes. - In: Proceedings / United States Naval<br />

Institute (Annapolis/Md.), 134 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1262, S. 20-25<br />

HSFK D 839942 HSFK: ZS U Öff.StaO: 18<br />

401 Jacob, Jabin T.: Shaping a 'new forward policy' : Tibet and<br />

India's options / Jabin T. Jacob. - New Delhi: Institute of Peace<br />

and Conflict Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (IPCS Issue Brief; No. 64)<br />

http://ipcs.org/IPCS-IssueBrief-No64.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>74<br />

402 Mazumdar, Arijit: India-China Relations : enduring rivalry / Arijit<br />

Mazumdar. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 1-8<br />

GIGA D 840973 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 20 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

403 Schofield, Victoria: Kashmiri separatism and Pakistan in the<br />

current global environment / Victoria Schofield. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 83-92, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841110 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

404 Sheth, V. S.: India-Africa relations : emerging policy and<br />

development perspective / V. S. Sheth. - Delhi: Academic<br />

Excellence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - IX,386 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 361-369 - ISBN 978-81-89901-<strong>30</strong>-1<br />

DIE D 840039 DIE: 21KB024 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

405 Singh, Langpoklakpam Suraj: Emerging scenario of India's<br />

Myanmar policy : The manipur dimension / Langpoklakpam<br />

Suraj Singh. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 37-56<br />

GIGA D 840979 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


406 Huisken, Ron: Southeast Asia: major power playground or<br />

finishing school? / Ron Huisken. - Canberra: Australian National<br />

University, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Strategic<br />

and Defence Studies Centre; No. 4<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7315-5484-3<br />

http://rspas.anu.edu.au/papers/sdsc/wp/wp_sdsc_4<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>55<br />


407 Mak, Joon Num: Sovereignty in ASEAN and the problem of<br />

maritime cooperation in the South China Sea / J. N. Mak. -<br />

Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 36 S., Lit. Hinw. - (RSIS Working Paper; No. 156)<br />

http://www.idss.edu.sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP156.pdf<br />

SWP D 841180<br />

4<strong>08</strong> Sridharan, Kripa: Regional organisations and conflict<br />

management : comparing ASEAN and SAARC / Kripa Sridharan.<br />

- London: Crisis States Research Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

- (Crisis States Working Paper: Series No. 2; No. 33)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/wp33.2.pdf<br />

SWP D 841294<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

409 Singh, Langpoklakpam Suraj: Emerging scenario of India's<br />

Myanmar policy : The manipur dimension / Langpoklakpam<br />

Suraj Singh. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 37-56<br />

GIGA D 840979 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

410 Japan in a dynamic Asia : coping with the new security<br />

challenges / ed. by Yoichiro Sato ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington<br />

Books, 2006. - XV,271 S., Tab. - (Studies of Modern Japan) -<br />

ISBN 0-7391-1021-7<br />

HSFK D 840129 HSFK: 38.650 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

411 Lee, Eun-jeung: Machtgleichgewicht und Frieden in Ostasien /<br />

Eun-Jeung Lee. - In: Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte<br />

(Bonn), 55 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 51-54<br />

DGAP D 840692 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />


412 Aktuelle Lage in Tibet : Aktuelle Stunde auf Verlangen der<br />

Fraktionen der CDU/CSU und der SPD - In: Verhandlungen des<br />

Deutschen Bundestages: Stenographischer Bericht (Köln),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 154, S.<strong>16</strong>151D-<strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong>4D<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>154.pdf<br />

SWP D 840209 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

413 Assessing regional reactions to China's peaceful<br />

development doctrine / Travis Tanner ... - In: NBR Analysis<br />

(Seattle/Wash.), 18 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 1-36<br />

http://www.nbr.org/publications/analysis/pdf/vol18no5.pdf<br />

SWP D 840904<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

414 Bader, Julia: Innenpolitischer Wandel und seine Auswirkungen<br />

auf die Außenpolitik Chinas / Julia Bader. - Bonn: Deutsches<br />

Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 47 S., Lit. S. 43-47 -<br />

(Discussion Paper / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik;<br />

4/20<strong>08</strong>) - ISBN 978-3-88985-371-4<br />

http://www.die-gdi.de/die_homepage.nsf/6f3fa777ba64bd9ec125<br />

69cb00547f1b/569d2dd71a9a9cf7c12573ae002eeff1/$FILE/DP<br />

%204.20<strong>08</strong>%20Bader%20Innenpol.%20Wandel.pdf<br />

DIE D 840194 SWP: H.<strong>08</strong>/0142 DIE: 11KC018-1 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

415 China's expansion into the Western hemisphere :<br />

implications for Latin America and the United States / Riordan<br />

Roett ... eds. The Brookings Institution - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Brookings Institutions Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - VIII,276 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8157-7553-9<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>10 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0159<br />

4<strong>16</strong> China's policy and its effects on Africa : European<br />

Parliament resolution of 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> on China's policy and its<br />

effects on Africa (2007/2255(INI)) / Rapporteur: Ana Maria<br />

Gomes. - In: Texts adopted at the sitting of Wednesday, 23 <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - Provisional ed. / European Parliament.- Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 60-76 - (P6 TA-PROV(20<strong>08</strong>)0173)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+TA+20<strong>08</strong>0423+SIT+DOC+WORD+V0//EN&language<br />

=EN<br />

SWP D 840914<br />

417 The crisis in Tibet: finding a path to peace : hearing before<br />

the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One<br />

Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, Wednesday, <strong>April</strong> 23,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- getr. Zähl. - (Hearing / United States Senate)<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0423p.html<br />

SWP D 840957<br />

418 Dumbaugh, Kerry B.: Tibet: problems, prospects, and U.S.<br />

policy / Kerry Dumbaugh. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 28 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL34445) - (RL34445)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103673.pdf<br />

SWP D 840657<br />

419 Jacob, Jabin T.: Shaping a 'new forward policy' : Tibet and<br />

India's options / Jabin T. Jacob. - New Delhi: Institute of Peace<br />

and Conflict Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (IPCS Issue Brief; No. 64)<br />

http://ipcs.org/IPCS-IssueBrief-No64.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>74<br />

420 Kellner, Thierry: Quand la Chine s'éveille... / Thierry Kellner. -<br />

In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89,<br />

S. 69-93, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840631 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

421 Mazumdar, Arijit: India-China Relations : enduring rivalry / Arijit<br />

Mazumdar. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 1-8<br />

GIGA D 840973 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

422 Narramore, Terry: China and Europe : engagement,<br />

multipolarity and strategy / Terry Narramore. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 87-1<strong>08</strong><br />

GIGA D 840970 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

423 Paltiel, Jeremy T.: The empire's new clothes : cultural<br />

particularism and universal value in China's quest for global<br />

status / Jeremy T. Paltiel. - 1st published - New York/N.Y. ...:<br />

Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - XI,318 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 245-<strong>30</strong>9 - ISBN 1-4039-6198-0<br />

GIGA D 841140 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

424 Report on China's policy and its effects on Africa<br />

(2007/2255(INI)) / rapporteur: Ana Maria Gomes, European<br />

Parliament, Committee on Development. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

35 S., Tab. - (Sitzungsdokumente / Europäisches Parlament:<br />

Serie A, Berichte; A6-0<strong>08</strong>0/20<strong>08</strong>) - (RR396570EN.doc)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+REPORT+A6-20<strong>08</strong>-0<strong>08</strong>0+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN<br />

SWP D 840613<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 21 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

425 Report on Tibet negotiations as required by Section 611,<br />

Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 2003 "Tibetan Policy<br />

Act of 2002" / United States Department of State. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2007. - 11 S.<br />

http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/88264.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>24<br />

426 Snyder, Scott: Lee Myung-bak and the future of Sino-South<br />

Korean relations / by Scott Snyder. - Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus<br />

Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Policy Forum Online / Nautilus<br />

Institute (Berkeley/Cal.); <strong>08</strong>-029A)<br />

http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/<strong>08</strong>029Snyder.html<br />

SWP D 840927<br />

427 Sutter, Robert: Durability in China's strategy toward Central<br />

Asia – reasons for optimism / Robert Sutter. - In: The China and<br />

Eurasia Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 3-10<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/rs<strong>08</strong>durabilitychina.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 840748<br />

428 Vairon, Lionel: La diplomatie chinoise et l'Iran : un équilibrisme<br />

habile mais périlleux ... / Lionel Vairon. - In: Confluences<br />

Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 57-68, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841079 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

429 Wacker, Gudrun: Beijing is haunted by Olympic ghosts /<br />

Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 9/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4920<br />

SWP D 841047<br />

4<strong>30</strong> Wacker, Gudrun: Die (olympischen) Geister, die Peking rief /<br />

Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 33/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4914<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

431 Wiegand, Thomas: China's naval build-up / Thomas Wiegand. -<br />

In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 7- 13,<br />

Lit. S.12-13<br />

IFSH D 840215 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

432 Wu, Xinbo: Managing crisis and sustaining peace between<br />

China and the United States / Wu Xinbo. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

United States Institute of Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 48 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Peaceworks; No. 61) - ISBN 978-1-60127-032-0<br />

http://www.usip.org/pubs/peaceworks/pwks61.pdf<br />

SWP D 840942<br />

RI03.11 KOREA<br />

433 Olsen, Edward A.: Korean nationalism in a divided nation :<br />

challenges to US policy / Edward A. Olsen. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 4-21<br />

GIGA D 841247 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

434 Chanlett-Avery, Emma: North Korea’s abduction of Japanese<br />

citizens and the Six-Party Talks / Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

- (CRS Report for Congress; RS22845) - (RS22845)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103697.pdf<br />

SWP D 840658<br />

435 Lee, Kwang-ho: Pyongyang's hardened stance on Seoul / by<br />

Lee Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 2-7, Ill.<br />

SWP D 841100 SWP: X. 6<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

436 Bae, Geung Chan: New government's task of regional<br />

cooperation diplomacy : "new Asia cooperation diplomacy"<br />

vision / Bea Geung Chan. - Seoul: Institute of Foreign Affairs and<br />

National Security, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 21 S., Tab. - (Policy Brief / Institute of<br />

Foreign Affairs and National Security (Seoul); No. 20<strong>08</strong>-3)<br />

http://www.ifans.go.kr/eng/publications/brief/index.jsp<br />

SWP D 841196<br />

437 Lee, Kwang-ho: Pyongyang's hardened stance on Seoul / by<br />

Lee Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 2-7, Ill.<br />

SWP D 841100 SWP: X. 6<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

438 Snyder, Scott: Lee Myung-bak and the future of Sino-South<br />

Korean relations / by Scott Snyder. - Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus<br />

Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Policy Forum Online / Nautilus<br />

Institute (Berkeley/Cal.); <strong>08</strong>-029A)<br />

http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/<strong>08</strong>029Snyder.html<br />

SWP D 840927<br />

439 The United States-South Korea FTA: The foreign policy<br />

implications : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 13, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,42 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-89)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36060.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840698 HSFK: 98.880 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

440 17th Japan-EU Summit, Tokyo, 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : joint press<br />

statement / European Commission. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/japan/docs/joint_statement<br />

_04<strong>08</strong>_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 840723<br />

441 Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Manyin, Mark E.; Cooper, William H.:<br />

Japan-U.S. relations: issues for Congress : updated February 20,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> / Emma Chanlett-Avery ; Mark E. Manyin ; William H.<br />

Cooper. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL33436) -<br />

(RL33436)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103704.pdf<br />

SWP D 840661<br />

442 Flowers, Petrice R.: Shaping state identity : international law<br />

and whaling in Japan / Petrice R. Flowers. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 97-120<br />

GIGA D 841258 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

443 Japan in a dynamic Asia : coping with the new security<br />

challenges / ed. by Yoichiro Sato ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington<br />

Books, 2006. - XV,271 S., Tab. - (Studies of Modern Japan) -<br />

ISBN 0-7391-1021-7<br />

HSFK D 840129 HSFK: 38.650 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


444 Balfour, Rosa; Schmid, Dorothée: Union for the<br />

Mediterranean, disunity for the EU? / by Rosa Balfour and<br />

Dorothée Schmid. - Brussels: European Policy Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

4 S. - (Policy Brief / European Policy Centre)<br />

http://www.epc.eu/TEWN/pdf/235206674_Union%20for%20the%<br />

20Mediterranean.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840076 DGAP: DG B01422c<br />

445 Escribano, Gonzalo; Lorca, Alejandro V.: The Mediterranean<br />

Union: A union in search of a project / Gonzalo Escribano and<br />

Alejandro Lorca. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de<br />

Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; 13/20<strong>08</strong>) -<br />

(Mediterranean & Arab World)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Mediterran<br />

ean+Arab+World/DT13-20<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840505<br />

446 Schlomach, Gerrit F.: Deutsche Erfahrungen in der<br />

Nahost-Mittelmeer-Region verstärkt für die europäische Außen-<br />

und Sicherheitspoiltik nutzen / Gerrit F. Schlomach. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 51-64<br />

SWP D 841268 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


447 Short- and long-term effects of United Nations peace<br />

operations / Nicholas Sambanis. - In: The World Bank<br />

Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 9-32, Tab., Lit. S. 32<br />

DIE D 840203 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 22 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

448 Special report of the Secretary-General on the United<br />

Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea / United Nations<br />

Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/226)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/226<br />

SWP D 840234<br />



449 Cho, Sungjoon: A WTO panel openly rejects the appellate<br />

body's "zeroing" case law / by Sungjoon Cho. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

American Society of International Law, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue 3)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/20<strong>08</strong>/03/insights<strong>08</strong>0311.html<br />

SWP D 840799<br />

450 Lester, Simon N.: The WTO gambling dispute: Antigua mulls<br />

retaliations as the U.S. negotiates withdrawal of its GATS<br />

commitments / by Simon Lester. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Society of International Law, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 4 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL<br />

Insights; Vol., 12, Issue 5)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/20<strong>08</strong>/04/insights<strong>08</strong>04<strong>08</strong>.html<br />

SWP D 840797<br />

451 Silva-Garbade, Caroline; Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Reform<br />

des <strong>Internationale</strong>n Währungsfonds geht in die nächste Runde /<br />

Caroline-Silva-Garbade ; Stormy Mildner. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 32/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4905<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

452 Singh, Rahul: The world trade organization and legitimacy :<br />

evolving a framework for bridging the democratic deficit / Rahul<br />

Singh. - In: Journal of World Trade (London), 42 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 347-365<br />

SWP D 839999 SWP: X. 435 DIE: ZA<strong>08</strong>4 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />



453 Courting conflict? Justice, peace and the ICC in Africa / ed. by<br />

Nicholas Waddell ... Royal African Society - London, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

84 S. - ISBN 978-0-9558622-0-5<br />

http://www.royalafricansociety.org/documents/Courting_Conflict-<br />

Justice_Peace_and_the_ICC_in_Africa.pdf<br />

SWP D 841218<br />


454 Blank, Stephen J.: Towards a new Russia policy / Stephen J.<br />

Blank. - Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

VI,140 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-343-4<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB833.pdf<br />

SWP D 840001 DGAP: DG 46971e<br />

455 Kuchins, Andrew C.: Medvedev may seek warmer Russian<br />

relations with the West / Andrew C. Kuchins. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Atlantic Outlook; Vol. 2, Issue 2)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/<strong>08</strong>0324_ruseura_kuchinseur<br />

ope.pdf<br />

SWP D 840040<br />

456 Mahbubani, Kishore: The case against the West : America and<br />

Europe in the Asian century / Kishore Mahbubani. - In: Foreign<br />

Affairs (New York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 111-124<br />

SWP D 840986 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />


457 Bocquet, Dominique: Les pays émergents : une nouvelle<br />

phase de l'histoire? / Dominique Bocquet. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 277-281<br />

SWP D 840609 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


458 Freedman, Jim: International remedies for resource-based<br />

conflict / Jim Freedman. - In: International Journal (Toronto),<br />

62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 1<strong>08</strong>-119, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840529 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

459 Global voices on regional integration / Ariane Kösler ... (eds.).<br />

Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung ... - Bonn, 2007.<br />

- 236 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ZEI Discussion Paper; C176 (2007))<br />

GIGA D 840485 ILAS: INT-A/53 IMES: INT-A/53 IAA: INT-A/53 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

460 Haass, Richard N.: The age of nonpolarity : what will follow U.S.<br />

dominance / Richard N. Haass. - In: Foreign Affairs (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 44-56<br />

SWP D 840974 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

461 Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Global Governance :<br />

Verantwortung, Macht, Politik / Petra C. Gruber (Hrsg.). -<br />

Opladen ...: Budrich, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 182 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-86649-153-3<br />

DGAP D 839950 DGAP: DG 47002<br />

462 PEPFAR reauthorization: from emergency to sustainability :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, September 25,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,87 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-1<strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37971.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840567 HSFK: 98.917 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

463 Toro Hardy, José: Las alianzas extra regionales en la política<br />

exterior de Venezuela / José Toro Hardy. - Caracas: Instituto<br />

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(Serie Política Internacional)<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oLasAlianzasExtraRegionalesToroHardy.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840402 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


464 Cullen, Anthony; Öberg, Marko Divac: Prosecutor v. Ramush<br />

Haradinaj et al.: The International Ciminal Tribunal for the<br />

Former Yugoslavia and the treshold of non-international armed<br />

conflict in international humanitarian Law / by Anthony Cullen<br />

and Marko Divac Öberg. - Washington/D.C.: American Society<br />

of International Law, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12,<br />

Issue 7)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/20<strong>08</strong>/04/insights<strong>08</strong>0423.html<br />

SWP D 841044<br />

465 Esteban, Joan; Schneider, Gerald: Polarization and conflict :<br />

Theoretical and empirical issues / Joan Esteban ; Gerald<br />

Schneider. - In: Journal of Peace Research (London), 45 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 131-141, Lit. S. 139-141<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>7 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

466 Riemer, Andrea K.: Strategie wofür? Texte zu strategischen<br />

Überlegungen im 21. Jahrhundert / Andrea K. Riemer. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2007. - 207 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>5-177 - (ISS International Security Studies; Bd. 6) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-631-56898-9<br />

DGAP D 841138 DGAP: DG 47020<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 23 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12




467 Báchora, Rastislav: Organisierte Kriminalität auf dem<br />

westlichen Balkan als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung für<br />

die EU : Schwerpunkt Kosovo / Rastislav Báchora. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 18-31<br />

SOI D 840594 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

468 Beck, Thomas; Piazolo, Michael: Die Gemeinsame Außen-<br />

und Sicherheitspolitik der EU / Thomas Beck ; Michael Piazolo. -<br />

Berlin: Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege, 2007.<br />

- 82 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Schriftenreihe<br />

Europäisches Verwaltungsmanagement) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940056-01-6<br />

DGAP D 840037 DGAP: DG B01422p<br />

469 Bendiek, Annegret; Bringmann, Oliver: Athena und die<br />

Finanzierung der militärischen ESVP / Annegret Bendiek ; Oliver<br />

Brigmann. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S.<br />

- (SWP-Diskussionspapier; FG2-DP 05/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

49<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840633<br />

470 Combarieu, Gilles: Security and defence aspects of the Lisboa<br />

Reform Treaty / Gilles Combarieu. - In: Défense nationale et<br />

sécurité collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3],<br />

S. 66-73, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840053 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

471 Fillon, François: Défense nationale, défense européenne /<br />

François Fillon. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[franz. Ausg.] (Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 17-22<br />

DFI D 840272 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

472 Frank, Johann: Perspektiven der europäischen militärischen<br />

integration : Entwicklungsszenarien und Konsequenzen für<br />

Österreich / Johann Frank. - Wien: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Institut für<br />

Liberale Politik, 2007. - 95 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 93-95 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-9501854-9-2<br />

SWP D 840540 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0<strong>16</strong>3<br />

473 Germany's EU policy on asylum and defence:<br />

de-Europeanization by default? / ed. by Gunther Hellmann. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - XIII,207 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 185-202 - (New Perspectives in<br />

German Studies) - ISBN 1-4039-8798-X<br />

HSFK D 840140 HSFK: 38.579 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

474 Howorth, Jolyon: The European Union : A power in the<br />

world - not ( yet) a world power? / Jolyon Howorth. - In: A recast<br />

partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic relations /<br />

ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant<br />

Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. 95-112, Lit. Hinw. S. 110-112 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840146 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

475 Kramer, Franklin D.; Serfaty, Simon: Recasting the<br />

Euro-Atlantic partnership / Franklin D. Kramer and Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 191-213, Lit. Hinw. S. 211-213 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840154 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

476 Lindley-French, Julian: NATO and the EU : terms of<br />

engagement or estrangement? / Julian Lindley-French. - In: A<br />

recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. <strong>16</strong>1-190, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 188-190 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840153 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

477 Maulny, Jean-Pierre; Veit, Winfried: Europäische<br />

Sicherheitspolitik nach dem Scheitern der Verfassung / Winfried<br />

Veit ; Jean-Pierre Maulny. - Paris: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005.<br />

- [10] S. - (Reihe Deutsch-Französische Strategiegespräche; 4)<br />

http://www.fesparis.org/Images/Upload/cerclefreiburgdeutsch.pdf<br />

DFI D 840065 DFI: YG 370.Y0556 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

478 Petritsch, Wolfgang: Russia, Kosovo and Europe : A case<br />

study in post-cold war conflict mangement / Wolfgang Petritsch.<br />

- In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 6-17<br />

SOI D 840591 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

479 A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 226 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (Significant Issues Series;<br />

Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1) - (Serfaty) - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840120 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

480 Revisiting NATO-ESDP relations : part 2 / Alyson Bailes ...<br />

Security and Defence Agenda - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Ill. -<br />

(SDA Discussion Paper)<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/SDA_Discussio<br />

n_Report_Part_II.pdf<br />

SWP D 841176<br />

481 Revisiting NATO-ESDP relations : part 1 / Daniel Korski ...<br />

Security and Defence Agenda - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Ill. -<br />

(SDA Discussion Paper)<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/Reports/2007/S<br />

DA_NATO_ESDP_relations_DiscussionPaper20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 841173<br />

482 Slocombe, Walter B.: Europe, Russia and American missile<br />

defence / Walter B. Slocombe. - In: Survival (Oxford),<br />

50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 19-24<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>92 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

483 Walter, Robert: The way ahead for Europe's security and<br />

defence / Robert Walter. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 59-65,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840051 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

484 Würdemann, Christian: Europäische Integration und äußere<br />

Sicherheit : Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Zentralisierung und<br />

Dezentralisierung / Christian Würdemann. - Berlin: Köster, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- VIII,<strong>30</strong>9 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 270-<strong>30</strong>9 - (Beiträge zur<br />

Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik; Bd. 28) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89574-659-8 -- Zugl.: Potsdam, Univ., Diss., 20<strong>08</strong><br />

unter dem Titel: Europäische Integration im Politikfeld der<br />

äußeren Sicherheit<br />

DGAP D 840479 DGAP: DG 470<strong>08</strong><br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

485 Carreiras, Helena: Gender and the military : women in the<br />

armed forces of Western democracies / Helena Carreiras. -<br />

Abingdon ...: Routledge, 2006. - XVIII,262 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 218-248 - (Cass Military Studies)<br />

- ISBN 0-415-38358-7<br />

HSFK D 840721 HSFK: 38.878 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

486 Flockhart, Trine; Kristensen, Kristian Søby: NATO and<br />

global partnerships : to be global or to act globally? / Trine<br />

Flockhart and Kristian Søby Kristensen. - Copenhagen: Danish<br />

Institute for International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S. - (DIIS Report;<br />

20<strong>08</strong>:7) - ISBN 978-87-7605-258-4<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/Reports%2020<strong>08</strong>/R<strong>08</strong>-7<br />

_NATO_and_Global_Partnerships.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840732 DGAP: DG B01425v<br />

487 Förster, Joachim: Braucht die NATO ein neues strategisches<br />

Konzept? / [Joachim Förster]. - München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung,<br />

2007. - 5 S. - (Argumentation kompakt)<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/071212_Argumentation-kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840193 DGAP: DG B01422k<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 24 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

488 Hodes, Cyrus: Identity crisis : split looms over NATO's Afghan<br />

operations / Cyrus Hodes. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 8-13<br />

SWP D 840327 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

489 Kramer, Franklin D.; Serfaty, Simon: Recasting the<br />

Euro-Atlantic partnership / Franklin D. Kramer and Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 191-213, Lit. Hinw. S. 211-213 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840154 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

490 Lindley-French, Julian: NATO and the EU : terms of<br />

engagement or estrangement? / Julian Lindley-French. - In: A<br />

recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1), S. <strong>16</strong>1-190, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 188-190 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840153 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

491 Mandić, Danilo: Myths and bombs : war, state popularity and<br />

the collapse of national mythology / Danilo Mandić. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 25-54,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50-52, Anh.<br />

SWP D 841279 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

492 Mihalka, Michael: Pashtunistan, NATO and the global war on<br />

terror : "If you don't fight, you cannot have peace in Afghanistan"<br />

/ Michael Mihalka. - In: The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 51-78, Tab.<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/mm<strong>08</strong>natoafghanist<br />

an.pdf<br />

SWP D 840752<br />

493 Partners in Central Asia / NATO. - Brussels: NATO Public<br />

Diplomacy Division, 2007. - 10 S., Ill. - (NATO Backgrounder) -<br />

(BGR5-ASI-ENG-1107)<br />

http://www.nato.int/ebookshop/backgrounder/partners_central_a<br />

sia/partners_central_asia-e.pdf<br />

SWP D 840091<br />

494 Quaranta, Paolo: Airborne electronic warfare / Paolo Quaranta.<br />

- In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 110-121<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>84 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

495 A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 226 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (Significant Issues Series;<br />

Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1) - (Serfaty) - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840120 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

496 Revisiting NATO-ESDP relations : part 2 / Alyson Bailes ...<br />

Security and Defence Agenda - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Ill. -<br />

(SDA Discussion Paper)<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/SDA_Discussio<br />

n_Report_Part_II.pdf<br />

SWP D 841176<br />

497 Revisiting NATO-ESDP relations : part 1 / Daniel Korski ...<br />

Security and Defence Agenda - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Ill. -<br />

(SDA Discussion Paper)<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/Reports/2007/S<br />

DA_NATO_ESDP_relations_DiscussionPaper20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 841173<br />

498 Riecke, Henning: L'Allemagne et l'OTAN / Henning Riecke. -<br />

Paris: IFRI, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S. - (Notes du Cerfa; 53) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-86592-274-1<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Cerfa/NDC_mars_20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840673 DGAP: DG B01426m<br />

499 Williams, Ellen: Out of area and very much in business? NATO,<br />

the U.S., and the post-9/11 international security environment /<br />

Ellen Williams. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 65-78<br />

SWP D 840070 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

500 Walter, Robert: The way ahead for Europe's security and<br />

defence / Robert Walter. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 59-65,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840051 SWP: X. 149 e<br />


501 Western Europe, Canada see Afghanistan mission as<br />

failure : global poll: Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada /<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor. - Vancouver: Angus Reid Strategies,<br />

2007. - 5 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/Afghanistan_Global.pdf<br />

SWP D 841049<br />


502 Walter, Robert: The way ahead for Europe's security and<br />

defence / Robert Walter. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 59-65,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840051 SWP: X. 149 e<br />


503 Agility and innovation in acquisition - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 12-15<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>0 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

504 Aitken, Robert: The Aitken report : An investigation into cases<br />

of deliberate abuse and unlawful killing in Iraq in 2003 and 2004<br />

/ [British] Army. - London: Ministry of Defence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S.<br />

http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/7AC894D3-14<strong>30</strong>-4AD1-911F-8<br />

210C3342CC5/0/aitken_rep.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841010<br />

505 Anderson, Guy: Looking to the west : UK defence industry /<br />

Guy Anderson. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (23<br />

<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 17, S. 34-38<br />

SWP D 840568 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

506 Applegate, Dick: Defence equipment and support : equipping<br />

and supporting our armed forces for operations / by Dick<br />

Applegate. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 93-95<br />

SWP D 840123 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

507 Bailey, Jonathan: Returning "the orchestra of fire" / Jonathan<br />

Bailey. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. <strong>30</strong>-33<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>3 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

5<strong>08</strong> Boissier, Paul: The challenges today of supporting both land<br />

and sea operations / by Paul Boissier. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 82-85<br />

SWP D 840119 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

509 Bradford, Jeffrey: A tale of two cities : transatlantic defence<br />

acquisition priorities / by Jeffrey Bradford. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 106-1<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840132 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

510 Camporini, Vincenzo: The future air equipment capability : An<br />

Italian perspective / Vincenzo Camporini. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 66-68<br />

SWP D 840111 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

511 Dye, Peter: Royal Air Force transformation / Peter Dye. -<br />

In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 76-78<br />

SWP D 840115 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

512 Johns, Adrian: Air power from the sea : next steps / Adrian<br />

Johns. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 69-71<br />

SWP D 840113 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

513 Moor, Alan L. (jr.): Cannons, missiles and mortars :<br />

cost-effectiveness of precision / by Alan L. Moore, Jr. - In: RUSI<br />

Defence Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 40-41<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>4 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 25 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

514 Wagstaff-Smith, Keri: Pressing needs : UK urgent operational<br />

requirements / Keri Wagstaff-Smith. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly<br />

(Coulsdon), 45 (<strong>16</strong> <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 28-<strong>30</strong>, Ill.<br />

SWP D 840177 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

515 Ward, Rees: The RDS acquisition interview / Reed Ward. Interv.:<br />

Bill Kincaid. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 8-11<br />

SWP D 840077 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

5<strong>16</strong> Wilson, Christine: Enhancing the UK's rapid intervention<br />

options : The joint medium weight capability / Chris Wilson. -<br />

In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 45-47<br />

SWP D 840101 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

517 Abrial, Stéphane: The future French Air Force / Stephane<br />

Abrial. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 64-65<br />

SWP D 8401<strong>08</strong> SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

518 Boone, Philippe: Connaissance et anticipation / Philippe Boone.<br />

- In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [franz. Ausg.]<br />

(Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 23-28<br />

DFI D 840274 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

519 Brenot, Jean-Marc: Adapting our air-ground operations<br />

doctrine / Jean-Marc Brenot. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 100-107,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840159 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

520 Dornier, Philippe-Pierre; Vassas, Thierry: Le MCO des<br />

matériels : la révolution du soutien / Philippe-Pierre Dornier et<br />

Thierry Vassas. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[franz. Ausg.] (Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 117-127, graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840275 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

521 Fillon, François: Défense nationale, défense européenne /<br />

François Fillon. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[franz. Ausg.] (Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 17-22<br />

DFI D 840272 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

522 Georgelin, Jean-Louis: War and transformation / Jean-Louis<br />

Georgelin. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [engl.<br />

Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 24-<strong>30</strong><br />

SWP D 840048 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

523 Herteman, Jean-Paul: La technologie : un impératif stratégique<br />

pour la France / Jean-Paul Herteman. - In: Défense nationale et<br />

sécurité collective [franz. Ausg.] (Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 135-143<br />

DFI D 840277 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

524 Kouchner, Bernard: Normalisation and truth / Bernard<br />

Kouchner. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [engl.<br />

Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 9-14<br />

SWP D 840045 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

525 Liebl, Vernie: Military policy options to revise the French military<br />

presence in the Horn of Africa / Vernie Liebl. - In: Comparative<br />

Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.), 27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 79-87<br />

SWP D 840071 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

526 Mathonnière, Julien: Network-centric warfare : technology in<br />

mourning? / Julien Mathonnière. - In: Défense nationale et<br />

sécurité collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3],<br />

S. 1<strong>08</strong>-115, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>0 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

527 Pellistrandi, Jérôme: Perspectives 20<strong>08</strong> / Jérôme Pellistrandi. -<br />

In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris),<br />

[64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 31-39, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840049 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

528 A propos du Livre Blanc - In: Défense nationale et sécurité<br />

collective [franz. Ausg.] (Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 144-<strong>16</strong>2, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840278 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

529 Sarkozy, Nicolas: La France ne baissera pas la garde / Nicolas<br />

Sarkozy. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [franz.<br />

Ausg.] (Paris), 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 5-14<br />

DFI D 840271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 233 HSFK: ZS D Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

5<strong>30</strong> Soudan, Pierre: France's Naval Training College : European<br />

and maritime ambitions / Pierre Soudan. - In: Défense nationale<br />

et sécurité collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3],<br />

S. 87-99, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840158 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

531 Tardy, Thierry: National threat perception: survey results from<br />

France / Thierry Tardy. - Coventry: Garnet, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Garnet Working Paper; No. 18.5)<br />

http://www.gcsp.ch/e/publications/Issues_Institutions/Europe/Aca<br />

demic_Papers/Tardy-GarnetPaper-07.pdf<br />

SWP D 840494<br />

532 Werdung, Daniel: Nicolas Sarkozy: Außen- und<br />

sicherheitspolitisches Profil des neuen französischen<br />

Präsidenten / [Daniel Werdung]. - München:<br />

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. - 4 S. - (Argumentation kompakt)<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/0705<strong>08</strong>_Argumentation_kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840191 DGAP: DG B01422i<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

533 Brinkmann, Rainer; Peters, Dirk: Herausforderung: maritime<br />

Sicherheit / Rainer Brinkmann ; Dirk Peters. - In: Sicherheit und<br />

Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 19-29, zalr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840217 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

534 Germany's EU policy on asylum and defence:<br />

de-Europeanization by default? / ed. by Gunther Hellmann. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. - XIII,207 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 185-202 - (New Perspectives in<br />

German Studies) - ISBN 1-4039-8798-X<br />

HSFK D 840140 HSFK: 38.579 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

535 [Pakistan: Umfassende Stabilisierungsstrategie - keine<br />

U-Boot-Lieferung] - In: Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages: Stenographischer Bericht (Köln), <strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 154, S. <strong>16</strong>231A-C, <strong>16</strong>259A-<strong>16</strong>264A<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>154.pdf<br />

SWP D 840214 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

536 Riecke, Henning: L'Allemagne et l'OTAN / Henning Riecke. -<br />

Paris: IFRI, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S. - (Notes du Cerfa; 53) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-86592-274-1<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/Cerfa/NDC_mars_20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840673 DGAP: DG B01426m<br />

537 Sicherheitspolitik 2010 - präventiv, umfassend, nachhaltig :<br />

Seminar für Sicherheitspolitik 2006 an der Bundesakademie für<br />

Sicherheitspolitik Berlin, <strong>16</strong>. Januar bis <strong>30</strong>. Juni 2006 -<br />

In: Sicherheit + Stabilität (Berlin), 4 (November 2006) 2,<br />

S. 70-107<br />

SWP D 841026 SWP: X. 847 DGAP: ZD 47 DIE: ZK045 Öff.StaO: 25<br />

538 Staack, Michael: Deutsche Interessen und Raketenabwehr /<br />

Michael Staack. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>30</strong>-37, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840222 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

539 Treche, Klaus-Peter: Supporting joint and combined<br />

operations : how do we improve performance? / by Klaus-Peter<br />

Treche. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 86-88<br />

SWP D 840121 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

540 Krakiewicz, Aleksandra: Polish defence Policy under the new<br />

government : The first 100 days / Aleksandra Krakiewicz. - Berlin:<br />

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP<br />

Comments; 3/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4805<br />

SWP D 840468<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 26 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA05.13 AUSTRIA<br />

541 Frank, Johann: Perspektiven der europäischen militärischen<br />

integration : Entwicklungsszenarien und Konsequenzen für<br />

Österreich / Johann Frank. - Wien: <strong>Internationale</strong>s Institut für<br />

Liberale Politik, 2007. - 95 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 93-95 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-9501854-9-2<br />

SWP D 840540 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0<strong>16</strong>3<br />


542 Bulik, Lubomir: Towards modern and interoperable Slovak<br />

Armed Forces / Lubomir Bulik. - In: Military Technology (Bonn),<br />

32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 54-59<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>79 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

543 Szulc, Tomasz: The Slovak defence industry : still on track /<br />

Tomasz Szulc. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 60-64<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>81 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

544 Satana, Nil S.: Transformation of the Turkish military and the<br />

path to democracy / Nil S. Satana. - In: Armed Forces and<br />

Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 34 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 357-388<br />

SWP D 840057 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


545 Kogan, Evgenij: The state of Eastern European defence<br />

industries / by Eugene Kogan. - In: RUSI Defence Systems<br />

(London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 102-104<br />

SWP D 840131 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


546 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan is back in the Collectice Security<br />

Treaty Organization / by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central<br />

Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 18-20<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/48<strong>30</strong>/print<br />

SWP D 840242<br />


547 New security and defense policy for a "strong Russia" - In:<br />

The strategic balance in Northeast Asia 2007 / Korea Research<br />

Institute for Strategy. - Seoul, 2007, S. 197-256 (Ch. V),<br />

Ill., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 978-89-952661-6-8<br />

DGAP D 840476 DGAP: DG 47006<br />

548 Paramonov, Vladimir; Stolpovski, Oleg: Russia and Central<br />

Asia: multilateral security cooperation / Vladimir Paramonov ;<br />

Oleg Stolpovski. - Camberley: Conflict Studies Research Centre,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S. - (CSRC Central Asian Series; <strong>08</strong>/<strong>08</strong> (E)) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-905962-40-2<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/ca/<strong>08</strong>%28<br />

<strong>08</strong>%29VP%20English.pdf<br />

SWP D 840027<br />

549 Petritsch, Wolfgang: Russia, Kosovo and Europe : A case<br />

study in post-cold war conflict mangement / Wolfgang Petritsch.<br />

- In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 6-17<br />

SOI D 840591 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

550 Slocombe, Walter B.: Europe, Russia and American missile<br />

defence / Walter B. Slocombe. - In: Survival (Oxford),<br />

50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 19-24<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>92 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


UNION<br />

551 Nichol, Jim: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: security issues<br />

and implications for U.S. interests : updated January 31, 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

Jim Nichol. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 62 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL<strong>30</strong>679)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/102644.pdf<br />

SWP D 840073<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />



552 Paramonov, Vladimir; Stolpovski, Oleg: Russia and Central<br />

Asia: multilateral security cooperation / Vladimir Paramonov ;<br />

Oleg Stolpovski. - Camberley: Conflict Studies Research Centre,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S. - (CSRC Central Asian Series; <strong>08</strong>/<strong>08</strong> (E)) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-905962-40-2<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/ca/<strong>08</strong>%28<br />

<strong>08</strong>%29VP%20English.pdf<br />

SWP D 840027<br />

553 Partners in Central Asia / NATO. - Brussels: NATO Public<br />

Diplomacy Division, 2007. - 10 S., Ill. - (NATO Backgrounder) -<br />

(BGR5-ASI-ENG-1107)<br />

http://www.nato.int/ebookshop/backgrounder/partners_central_a<br />

sia/partners_central_asia-e.pdf<br />

SWP D 840091<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

554 Abdurasulov, Abdujalil: Kazakhstan: Adding fuel to the fire? /<br />

by Abdujalil Abdurasulov. - Praha ...: Transitions Online, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 3 S. - (Transitions Online ; 9 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=264&NrSection=1&NrArticle=19505&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 840238<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

555 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan is back in the Collectice Security<br />

Treaty Organization / by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central<br />

Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 18-20<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/48<strong>30</strong>/print<br />

SWP D 840242<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> SOUTH-EAST EUROPE<br />

556 Kogan, Evgenij: The state of Eastern European defence<br />

industries / by Eugene Kogan. - In: RUSI Defence Systems<br />

(London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 102-104<br />

SWP D 840131 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.01 BALKANS<br />

557 Schwarz-Schilling, Christian: Sicherheitsrisiken und<br />

Instabilitäten auf dem Balkan : Manfred-Wörner-Rede am 9.<br />

September 2006 an der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik /<br />

Christian Schwarz-Schilling. - In: Sicherheit + Stabilität (Berlin),<br />

4 (November 2006) 2, S. 50-69<br />

SWP D 841025 SWP: X. 847 DGAP: ZD 47 DIE: ZK045 Öff.StaO: 25<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.13 ROMANIA<br />

558 Cazacu, Aurel: The Romanian defence industry has a superior<br />

level of technology and competitiveness : interview with Aurel<br />

Cazacu, General Director in Ministry of Economy and Finance /<br />

Interv.: Manfred Sadlowski. - In: Military Technology (Bonn),<br />

32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 50-51<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>75 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA<br />

559 Mandić, Danilo: Myths and bombs : war, state popularity and<br />

the collapse of national mythology / Danilo Mandić. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 25-54,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50-52, Anh.<br />

SWP D 841279 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.31 KOSOVO<br />

560 Báchora, Rastislav: Organisierte Kriminalität auf dem<br />

westlichen Balkan als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung für<br />

die EU : Schwerpunkt Kosovo / Rastislav Báchora. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 18-31<br />

SOI D 840594 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

561 Petritsch, Wolfgang: Russia, Kosovo and Europe : A case<br />

study in post-cold war conflict mangement / Wolfgang Petritsch.<br />

- In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 6-17<br />

SOI D 840591 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 27 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

562 Security sector reform and UN integrated missions :<br />

experience from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo,<br />

Haiti, and Kosovo / ed. by Heiner Hänggi ... Geneva Centre for<br />

the Democratic Control of Armed Forces - Wien ...: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 247 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-03735-239-7<br />

BICC D 84<strong>08</strong>14 BICC: BI 3548<br />

RC01 CANADA<br />

563 Hillier, Rick: Growing and re-equipping the Canadian Forces :<br />

Canada's experience with military transformation / Rick Hillier. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 68-71<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>82 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

564 Western Europe, Canada see Afghanistan mission as<br />

failure : global poll: Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada /<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor. - Vancouver: Angus Reid Strategies,<br />

2007. - 5 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/Afghanistan_Global.pdf<br />

SWP D 841049<br />


565 Africa Command: opportunity for enhanced engagement or<br />

the militarization of U.S.-Africa relations? Hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, August 2, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,86 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-104)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37068.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>47 HSFK: 98.879 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

566 Agency stovepipes vs strategic agility : lessons we need to<br />

learn from Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan / U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on<br />

Armed Services, Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 84 S., Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

http://armedservices.house.gov/pdfs/Reports/PRT_Report.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>40<br />

567 Bah, A. Sarjoh; Aning, Kwesi: US peace operations policy in<br />

Africa : from ACRI to AFRICOM / A. Sarjoh Bah and Kwesi Aning.<br />

- In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 118-132<br />

SWP D 841255 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

568 Between feckless and reckless: U.S. policy options to<br />

prevent a nuclear Iran / Gary L. Ackerman ... Chairman.<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Committee Hearing<br />

Information)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/hearing_notice.asp?i<br />

d=968<br />

SWP D 840764<br />

569 Bradford, Jeffrey: A tale of two cities : transatlantic defence<br />

acquisition priorities / by Jeffrey Bradford. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 106-1<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840132 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

570 Budget request for space activities : hearings on National<br />

Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and Oversight of<br />

Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before the Strategic<br />

Forces Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

hearing held March <strong>16</strong>, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,1<strong>08</strong> S. - (Hearings on<br />

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and<br />

Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs; 2007) - (Hearing /<br />

Committee on Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C.<br />

No. 109-72)<br />

HSFK D 840210 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

571 Butler, Amy: Fast and secure / Amy Butler. - In: Aviation Week<br />

and Space Technology (New York/N.Y.), <strong>16</strong>8 (<strong>April</strong> 7, 20<strong>08</strong>) 14,<br />

S. 52-54<br />

SWP D 840184 SWP: X. 157 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AWST Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

572 Cappuccio, Frank: The next generation of air mobility : where<br />

do we go from here? / by Frank Cappuccio. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 79-81<br />

SWP D 8401<strong>16</strong> SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

573 Combating terrorism: The United States lacks<br />

comprehensive plan to destroy the terrorist threat and<br />

close the safe haven in Pakistan's Federally Administered<br />

Tribal Area : report to Congressional requesters / United States<br />

Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

37 S., Kt., Tab., Anh. - (GAO-<strong>08</strong>-622)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d<strong>08</strong>622.pdf<br />

SWP D 840959<br />

574 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Iran and the United States : The<br />

nuclear issue / Anthony H. Cordesman. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 19-29, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 29<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>77 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

575 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The ongoing lessons of the Afghan<br />

and Iraq wars / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 99 S.,<br />

überw. graph. Darst., Kt. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/<strong>08</strong>0415_afgh-iraqlessonbrief<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840789<br />

576 Department of Defense and nondepartmental witnesses :<br />

hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on<br />

Appropriations, United States Senate, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session on H.R. 3222, February 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, <strong>April</strong> 11,<br />

25, May 9, <strong>16</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007, graph. Darst., Tab. - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; S. HRG. 110-219) - (Department of Defense<br />

Appropriations Fiscal Year; 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

HSFK D 840189 HSFK: 91.771 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

577 Department of Defense and nondepartmental witnesses :<br />

hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on<br />

Appropriations, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session on H.R. 5631, March 7, 15, 28, 29, <strong>April</strong> 26, May 3, 10,<br />

17, 24, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - [Getr. Zählung], graph. Darst., Tab. - (Hearing /<br />

United States Senate; S. HRG. 109-<strong>30</strong>1, PT. 2) - (Department of<br />

Defense Appropriations Fiscal Year; 2007)<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>08</strong>5 HSFK: 91.771 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

578 Ding, Arthur S.: Sino-U.S. competition in strategic arms / Arthur<br />

S. Ding. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 42 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (RSIS Working Paper;<br />

No. 157)<br />

http://www.idss.edu.sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP157.pdf<br />

SWP D 841181<br />

579 Executive sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations<br />

Committee together with joint sessions with the Senate<br />

Armed Services Committee (historical series), made public<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006.<br />

- Pt. 1-<br />

Pt. 19: 90th Congress, 1st Session, 1967. - XI,1071 S. - (S. PRT.<br />

110-20)<br />

HSFK D 840192 HSFK: 91.540 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

580 Extremist madrassas, ghost schools, and U.S. aid to<br />

Pakistan : Are we making the grade on the 9/11 Commission<br />

report card? hearing before the Subcommittee on National<br />

Security and Foreign Affairs of the Committee on Oversight and<br />

Government Reform, U.S.House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, May 9, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,70 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-17)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:37093.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>30</strong>1 HSFK: 98.904 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

581 Ferguson, Charles D.: Reshaping the U.S.-Indian nuclear deal<br />

to lessen the nonproliferation losses / by Charles D. Ferguson. -<br />

In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 15-21<br />

SWP D 841231 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

582 Freedberg, Sydney J. (jr.): Chess with the sheiks / by Sydney J.<br />

Freedberg Jr.. - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.),<br />

40 (<strong>April</strong> 12, 20<strong>08</strong>) 15, S. 26-31<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>50 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 28 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

583 Hathaway, Robert M.: Leverage and largesse : Pakistan's<br />

post-9/11 partnership with America / Robert M. Hathaway. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 11-24, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841106 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

584 Holt, Victoria K.; MacKinnon, Michael G.: The origins and<br />

evolution of US policy towards peace operations / Victoria K.<br />

Holt and Michael G. MacKinnon. - In: International<br />

Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 35-50<br />

SWP D 841248 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

585 Iraq 2012: what can it look like, how do we get there?<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 3,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing /<br />

United States Senate; [03.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0403a.html<br />

SWP D 840244<br />

586 Iraq after the surge: military prospects : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, Wednesday, <strong>April</strong> 2, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [02.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0402a.html<br />

SWP D 840247<br />

587 Is this any way to treat our troops? - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - Pt. 1- - (Serial / Committee<br />

on Oversight and Government Reform (United States /<br />

House); ...)<br />

Pt. 2: Follow-up on corrective measures taken at Walter Reed<br />

and other medical facilities caring for wounded<br />

soldiers. - Hearing, 110th Congress, 1st Session, <strong>April</strong> 17,<br />

2007. - III,152 S. - (...; No. 110-<strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:36999.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840405 HSFK: 98.905 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

588 Issues relating to defense acquisition reform : hearing<br />

before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, hearing held<br />

March 29, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,82 S. - (Hearing / Committee on Armed<br />

Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 109-104)<br />

HSFK D 840212 HSFK: 98.876 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

589 Judt, Tony: What have we learned, if anything? / Tony Judt. - In:<br />

The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.), 55 (May 1,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 7, S. <strong>16</strong>-20<br />

SWP D 840195 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

590 Klare, Michael T.: Oil, Iraq, and American foreign policy : The<br />

continuing salience of the Carter doctrine / Michael T. Klare. -<br />

In: International Journal (Toronto), 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1,<br />

S. 31-42, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840525 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

591 Kramer, Franklin D.; Serfaty, Simon: Recasting the<br />

Euro-Atlantic partnership / Franklin D. Kramer and Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of<br />

transatlantic relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Significant Issues Series; Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1),<br />

S. 191-213, Lit. Hinw. S. 211-213 - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840154 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

592 Laird, Robin: The maritime trade dynamic : reshaping the US<br />

coast guard role / by Robbin Laird. - In: RUSI Defence Systems<br />

(London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 110-112<br />

SWP D 840134 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

593 Lambakis, Steven: Missile defense in 2027 / Steven Lambakis.<br />

- In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 57-64<br />

SWP D 840069 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

594 Lennox, Robert P.: The state of US Air Defence Artillery /<br />

Robert P. Lennox. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 34-41<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>69 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

595 Lobell, Steven E.: The second face of American security : The<br />

US-Jordan free trade agreement as security policy / Steven E.<br />

Lobell. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 88-100<br />

SWP D 840072 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

596 McConell, J. Michael: Annual threat assessment of the<br />

Intelligence Community for the Senate Armed Services<br />

Committee : unclassified statement for the record / J. Michael<br />

McConnell. - Washington/D.C.: Office of the Director of National<br />

Intelligence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 46 S.<br />

http://www.dni.gov/testimonies/20<strong>08</strong>0227_testimony.pdf<br />

SWP D 840489<br />

597 Mikaïl, Barah: Les Etats-Unis et le Proche-Orient : vers une<br />

perpétuation des politiques sismiques? / Barah Mikaïl. -<br />

In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 117-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>3 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

598 Moseley, T. Michael: The imperative to recapitalise and<br />

modernise / Michael Moseley. - In: RUSI Defence Systems<br />

(London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 60-63<br />

SWP D 840103 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

599 Negotiating a long term relationship with Iraq : hearing<br />

before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 10, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [10.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0410a.html<br />

SWP D 840179<br />

600 Nichol, Jim: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: security issues<br />

and implications for U.S. interests : updated January 31, 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

Jim Nichol. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 62 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL<strong>30</strong>679)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/102644.pdf<br />

SWP D 840073<br />

601 Noël, Pierre: The new US Middle East policy and energy<br />

security challenges / Pierre Noël. - In: International Journal<br />

(Toronto), 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 43-54, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840526 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

602 O'Rourke, Ronald: Sea-based missile defence / Ronald<br />

O'Rourke. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 122-127<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>86 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

603 Patrick, Stewart: A return to realism? The United States and<br />

global peace operations since 9/11 / Stewart Patrick. -<br />

In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 133-148<br />

SWP D 841257 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

604 Pirnie, Bruce R.; O'Connell, Edward: Counterinsurgency in<br />

Iraq (2003–2006) / Bruce R. Pirnie, Edward O'Connell. Prepared<br />

for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. - Santa Monica/Cal.:<br />

Rand Corporation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 136 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4297-2<br />

http://rand.org/pubs/monographs/20<strong>08</strong>/RAND_MG595.3.pdf<br />

SWP D 839968<br />

605 A recast partnership? Institutional dimensions of transatlantic<br />

relations / ed. by Simon Serfaty. Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies. - Washington/D.C.: The CSIS Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 226 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (Significant Issues Series;<br />

Vol. <strong>30</strong>, No. 1) - (Serfaty) - ISBN 978-0-89206-518-9<br />

SWP D 840120 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0148<br />

606 Reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism : A review of the<br />

Department of Energy's Global Threat Reduction Initiative ;<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and<br />

Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May<br />

24, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2005. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on Energy and Commerce<br />

(United States / House); No. 109-67)<br />

HSFK D 840197 HSFK: 98.910 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 29 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

607 Reilly, Robert D. (jr.): Military sealift command : sealift for the<br />

defence distribution process / by Robert D. Reilly Jr. - In: RUSI<br />

Defence Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 90-92<br />

SWP D 840122 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

6<strong>08</strong> Ryan, Mick: The military and reconstruction operations / Mick<br />

Ryan. - In: Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.), 37 (Winter<br />

2007-<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 58-70, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/07winter/ryan.pdf<br />

SWP D 840501 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

609 Schwarte, Kristina Isabel: Embedded Journalists :<br />

Kriegsberichterstattung im Wandel / Kristina Isabel Schwarte. -<br />

Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2007. - 136 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 131-136 - (Einsprüche; 18) - ISBN 978-3-89691-591-7<br />

DGAP D 841102 DGAP: DG 47023<br />

610 Serwer, Daniel P.; Parker, Sam: Iraq after the surge : options<br />

and questions / by Daniel Serwer and Sam Parker. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S. -<br />

(USIPeace Briefing)<br />

http://www.usip.org/pubs/usipeace_briefings/20<strong>08</strong>/iraq_surge.pdf<br />

SWP D 839975<br />

611 Simon, Steven: The price of the surge : how U.S. strategy is<br />

hastening Iraq's demise / Steven Simon. - In: Foreign Affairs<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 57-76<br />

SWP D 840980 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

612 Slocombe, Walter B.: Europe, Russia and American missile<br />

defence / Walter B. Slocombe. - In: Survival (Oxford),<br />

50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 19-24<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>92 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

613 Smith, Matthew: Onwards and upwards : life after Bush, part<br />

one ; the defence budget / Matthew Smith. - In: Jane's Defence<br />

Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 17, S. <strong>30</strong>-33<br />

SWP D 840564 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

614 Speakes, Stephen M.; Martin, Gregory M.: Modernising the<br />

American army in an era of persistent conflict / Stephen M.<br />

Speakes and Gregory M. Martin. - In: RUSI Defence Systems<br />

(London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 42-44<br />

SWP D 840090 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

615 Stabilization and reconstruction staffing : developing U.S.<br />

civilian personnel capabilities / Terrence K. Kelly ... Rand<br />

Corporation - Santa Monica/Cal., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 131 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit., Anh. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4137-1<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/20<strong>08</strong>/RAND_MG580.pdf<br />

SWP D 840639<br />

6<strong>16</strong> Stiglitz, Joseph: The three trillion dollar war: The true cost of<br />

the Iraq conflict : transcript / speaker: Joseph Stiglitz. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Federal News Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 24 S. - (CEIP<br />

Event)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/04<strong>08</strong>_transcript_stiglitzir<br />

aq.pdf<br />

SWP D 840776<br />

617 Szabo, David: Disarming rogues: deterring first-use of weapons<br />

of mass destruction / David Szabo. - In: Parameters (Carlisle<br />

Barracks/Pa.), 37 (Winter 2007-<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 71-84, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usawc/Parameters/07winter/szabo.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 840500 Öff.StaO: 213<br />

618 To receive testimony on the situation in Iraq and progress<br />

made by the Government of Iraq in meeting benchmarks<br />

and achieving reconciliation / United States Senate<br />

Committee on Armed Services. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr.<br />

Zählung<br />

http://armed-services.senate.gov/e_witnesslist.cfm?id=3256<br />

SWP D 840369<br />

619 U.S. security assidstance to Mexico : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,96 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-115)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38543.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841007 HSFK: 98.928 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

620 White, Richard: The design of coastguard vessels / by Richard<br />

White. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 113-115<br />

SWP D 840135 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

621 Williams, Ellen: Out of area and very much in business? NATO,<br />

the U.S., and the post-9/11 international security environment /<br />

Ellen Williams. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 65-78<br />

SWP D 840070 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

622 Wood, Jason D.: Clausewitz in the caliphate : center of gravity<br />

in the post-9/11 security environment / Jason D. Wood. -<br />

In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 44-56<br />

SWP D 840068 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

623 Zuhur, Sherifa: Precision in the global war on terror : inciting<br />

muslims through the war of ideas / Sherifa Zuhur. - Carlisle/Pa.:<br />

Strategic Studies Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 152 S. - ISBN 1-58487-353-1<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB843.pdf<br />

SWP D 8406<strong>08</strong><br />


624 Cardozo, Elsa: Integración, gobernabilidad y seguridad<br />

regional en la América Latina de los inicios del siglo XXI: bajo el<br />

signo de la fragmentación / Elsa Cardozo. - Caracas: Instituto<br />

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, diciembre de<br />

2007. - 13 S., Lit. S. 12<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oIntegracionSeguridadGobernabilidadCardozo.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840482 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

625 Reporte del Sector Seguridad de América Latina y el Caribe<br />

/ coordinado por Lucia Dammert. - Santiago: FLACSO, 2007. -<br />

204 S., Tab., Lit. <strong>16</strong>9-192, Internet Hiw. S. 192-200 -<br />

ISBN 978-956-205-217-7<br />

http://www.flacso.cl/flacso/biblos.php?code=2572<br />

GIGA D 840020 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

626 Resende-Santos, Joao: Neorealism, states, and the modern<br />

mass army - 1st ed. - Cambridge ...: Cambridge University Press,<br />

2007. - XII,321 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-68965-6<br />

GIGA D 840412 ILAS: AAL-B/7 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

627 U.S. security assidstance to Mexico : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,96 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-115)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38543.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841007 HSFK: 98.928 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RD03.03 HAITI<br />

628 Security sector reform and UN integrated missions :<br />

experience from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo,<br />

Haiti, and Kosovo / ed. by Heiner Hänggi ... Geneva Centre for<br />

the Democratic Control of Armed Forces - Wien ...: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 247 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-03735-239-7<br />

BICC D 84<strong>08</strong>14 BICC: BI 3548<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> <strong>30</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

629 Gratius, Susanne: ¿Hacia una OTAN sudamericana? Brasil y<br />

un Consejo de Defensa Sudamericano / Susanne Gratius. -<br />

Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S., Tab. - (Comentarios)<br />

http://www.fride.org/descarga/COM_OTAN_Sudamericana_ES_<br />

abr<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840110<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

6<strong>30</strong> Colomine Rincones, Feijóo; Hernández, Luis Fernando: Los<br />

desafíos de la seguridad transfronteriza : perspectivas de los<br />

acuerdos de seguridad en el norte de América del Sur / Feijóo<br />

Colomine Rincones ; Luis Fernando Hernández. - Caracas:<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

31 S., Lit. S. 29<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oSeguridadTransfronterizaColomineHernandez.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840423<br />


631 Africa Command: opportunity for enhanced engagement or<br />

the militarization of U.S.-Africa relations? Hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, August 2, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,86 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-104)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37068.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>47 HSFK: 98.879 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

632 Bah, A. Sarjoh; Aning, Kwesi: US peace operations policy in<br />

Africa : from ACRI to AFRICOM / A. Sarjoh Bah and Kwesi Aning.<br />

- In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 118-132<br />

SWP D 841255 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />


633 Woodside, Duncan: Oil and water : A new source of tension in<br />

Central Africa / Duncan Woodside. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 56-57<br />

SWP D 840343 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

RF02.02 BURUNDI<br />

634 Security sector reform and UN integrated missions :<br />

experience from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo,<br />

Haiti, and Kosovo / ed. by Heiner Hänggi ... Geneva Centre for<br />

the Democratic Control of Armed Forces - Wien ...: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 247 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-03735-239-7<br />

BICC D 84<strong>08</strong>14 BICC: BI 3548<br />

RF02.06 RWANDA<br />

635 Kouchner, Bernard: Normalisation and truth / Bernard<br />

Kouchner. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective [engl.<br />

Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 9-14<br />

SWP D 840045 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

636 Lafourcade, Jean-Claude: Turquoise : An essential operation,<br />

a difficult mission / Jean-Claude Lafourcade. - In: Défense<br />

nationale et sécurité collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 15-21<br />

SWP D 840047 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

RF02.07 CHAD<br />

637 Debos, Marielle: Fluid loyalities in a regional crisis : Chadian<br />

"ex-liberators" in the Central African Republic / Marielle Debos. -<br />

In: African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 225-241<br />

SWP D 840604 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF02.<strong>08</strong> CONGO (KINSHASA)<br />

638 Security sector reform and UN integrated missions :<br />

experience from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo,<br />

Haiti, and Kosovo / ed. by Heiner Hänggi ... Geneva Centre for<br />

the Democratic Control of Armed Forces - Wien ...: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XIII, 247 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-03735-239-7<br />

BICC D 84<strong>08</strong>14 BICC: BI 3548<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />


639 Debos, Marielle: Fluid loyalities in a regional crisis : Chadian<br />

"ex-liberators" in the Central African Republic / Marielle Debos. -<br />

In: African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 225-241<br />

SWP D 840604 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


640 South African army vision 2020 : security challenges shaping<br />

the future South African army / ed. by Len Le Roux. Institute for<br />

Security Studies. - Pretoria, 2007. - <strong>30</strong>4 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-920114-24-4<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/SAARMYVISION2020FULL.PDF?link_id=&slink_id=5663&<br />

link_type=&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 840180<br />


641 Liebl, Vernie: Military policy options to revise the French military<br />

presence in the Horn of Africa / Vernie Liebl. - In: Comparative<br />

Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.), 27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 79-87<br />

SWP D 840071 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />


642 Chain reaction: Avoiding a nuclear arms race in the Middle<br />

East : report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, February 20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 61 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab. - (Committee Print / Senate (United States);<br />

110th Congress, 2nd Session, S. PRT. 110-34)<br />

http://www.saudi-us-relations.org/fact-book/documents/20<strong>08</strong>/<strong>08</strong>0<br />

315-arms-race.pdf<br />

SWP D 839965<br />

643 Mikaïl, Barah: Les Etats-Unis et le Proche-Orient : vers une<br />

perpétuation des politiques sismiques? / Barah Mikaïl. -<br />

In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 117-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>3 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

644 Noël, Pierre: The new US Middle East policy and energy<br />

security challenges / Pierre Noël. - In: International Journal<br />

(Toronto), 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 43-54, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840526 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


645 Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Datuk: The West and the<br />

Muslim world : defusing the defining tension of our times / Datuk<br />

Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi. - In: Military Technology<br />

(Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 14-18<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>59 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

646 Zuhur, Sherifa: Precision in the global war on terror : inciting<br />

muslims through the war of ideas / Sherifa Zuhur. - Carlisle/Pa.:<br />

Strategic Studies Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 152 S. - ISBN 1-58487-353-1<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB843.pdf<br />

SWP D 8406<strong>08</strong><br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

647 Kalpakian, Jack: Developing a civil-military economic<br />

relationship : international case studies and their implications for<br />

Morocco / Jack Kalpakian. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern<br />

Geopolitics (Roma), 1 (<strong>April</strong>-June 2006) 4, S. 5-<strong>30</strong>, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 28-<strong>30</strong><br />

GIGA D 840224 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

648 Agency stovepipes vs strategic agility : lessons we need to<br />

learn from Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan / U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on<br />

Armed Services, Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 84 S., Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

http://armedservices.house.gov/pdfs/Reports/PRT_Report.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>40<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 31 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

649 Aitken, Robert: The Aitken report : An investigation into cases<br />

of deliberate abuse and unlawful killing in Iraq in 2003 and 2004<br />

/ [British] Army. - London: Ministry of Defence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S.<br />

http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/7AC894D3-14<strong>30</strong>-4AD1-911F-8<br />

210C3342CC5/0/aitken_rep.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841010<br />

650 Chatfield, Tom: Whispers in the desert : it is conventional<br />

wisdom that there were no WMD in Iraq, yet there remains a<br />

dissenting minority who don't accept this ; their views may be<br />

easily dismissed, but cynicsm about Iraq's WMD should not feed<br />

complacency about the continuing threats from the region / Tom<br />

Chatfield. - In: Prospect (London), (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 145, S. 62-66<br />

DGAP D 840647 DGAP: ZD 500<br />

651 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The ongoing lessons of the Afghan<br />

and Iraq wars / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 99 S.,<br />

überw. graph. Darst., Kt. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/<strong>08</strong>0415_afgh-iraqlessonbrief<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840789<br />

652 Freedberg, Sydney J. (jr.): Chess with the sheiks / by Sydney J.<br />

Freedberg Jr.. - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.),<br />

40 (<strong>April</strong> 12, 20<strong>08</strong>) 15, S. 26-31<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>50 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

653 Iraq 2012: what can it look like, how do we get there?<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 3,<br />

20<strong>08</strong> - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing /<br />

United States Senate; [03.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0403a.html<br />

SWP D 840244<br />

654 Iraq after the surge: military prospects : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, Wednesday, <strong>April</strong> 2, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [02.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0402a.html<br />

SWP D 840247<br />

655 Long, Austin: The Anbar awakening / Austin Long. - In: Survival<br />

(Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 67-94<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>98 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

656 Marashi, Ibrahim al-; Salama, Sammy: Iraq's armed forces :<br />

An analytical history / Ibrahim Al-Marashi and Sammy Salama. -<br />

London ...: Routledge, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XI,240 S., Tab., Gloss., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 237-246 - (Middle Eastern Military Studies) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-40078-7<br />

GIGA D 840670 IMES: IRQ-B/5 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

657 Negotiating a long term relationship with Iraq : hearing<br />

before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 10, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [10.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0410a.html<br />

SWP D 840179<br />

658 Pirnie, Bruce R.; O'Connell, Edward: Counterinsurgency in<br />

Iraq (2003–2006) / Bruce R. Pirnie, Edward O'Connell. Prepared<br />

for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. - Santa Monica/Cal.:<br />

Rand Corporation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 136 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4297-2<br />

http://rand.org/pubs/monographs/20<strong>08</strong>/RAND_MG595.3.pdf<br />

SWP D 839968<br />

659 Serwer, Daniel P.; Parker, Sam: Iraq after the surge : options<br />

and questions / by Daniel Serwer and Sam Parker. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S. -<br />

(USIPeace Briefing)<br />

http://www.usip.org/pubs/usipeace_briefings/20<strong>08</strong>/iraq_surge.pdf<br />

SWP D 839975<br />

660 Simon, Steven: The price of the surge : how U.S. strategy is<br />

hastening Iraq's demise / Steven Simon. - In: Foreign Affairs<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 57-76<br />

SWP D 840980 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

661 Stiglitz, Joseph: The three trillion dollar war: The true cost of<br />

the Iraq conflict : transcript / speaker: Joseph Stiglitz. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Federal News Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 24 S. - (CEIP<br />

Event)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/04<strong>08</strong>_transcript_stiglitzir<br />

aq.pdf<br />

SWP D 840776<br />

662 To receive testimony on the situation in Iraq and progress<br />

made by the Government of Iraq in meeting benchmarks<br />

and achieving reconciliation / United States Senate<br />

Committee on Armed Services. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr.<br />

Zählung<br />

http://armed-services.senate.gov/e_witnesslist.cfm?id=3256<br />

SWP D 840369<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

663 Lobell, Steven E.: The second face of American security : The<br />

US-Jordan free trade agreement as security policy / Steven E.<br />

Lobell. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 88-100<br />

SWP D 840072 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

664 Barari, Hassan A.: Israel's security : Another perspective /<br />

Hassan A. Barari. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics<br />

(Roma), 2 (January-March 2007) 7, S. 23-42, Lit. S. 40-42<br />

GIGA D 840252 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

665 Groll-Yaari, Yedidia: Situational cognition / by Yedidia<br />

Groll-Yaari. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London), 10 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 96-97<br />

SWP D 840125 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

666 Lozowick, Yaacov: Israels Existenzkampf : eine moralische<br />

Verteidigung seiner Kriege / Yaacov Lozowick. Aus dem Engl.<br />

von Ulrike Borchardt. - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für<br />

politische Bildung, 2006. - 340 S., Kt., Zeittaf., Reg. -<br />

(Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; 605) -<br />

ISBN 3-89331-746-5<br />

GIGA D 840375 IMES: ISR-H/11 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

667 Malka, Amos: Israel and asymmetrical deterrence / Amos<br />

Malka. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-19<br />

SWP D 840061 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

668 Ravenel, Bernard: Israël-Iran : quel danger nucléaire? /<br />

Bernard Ravenel. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris),<br />

(printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 75-79<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>0 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />


669 Hamas’s military buildup in the Gaza Strip : (updated <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) / Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the<br />

Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center. - Tel<br />

Aviv, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 51 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/<br />

pdf/hamas_<strong>08</strong>04<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840371<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> YEMEN<br />

670 Zein, Ahmed: Armed and dangerous: Arms proliferation inside<br />

Yemen / Ahmed Zein. - In: Arab Insight (Cairo), 2 (Winter 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2: Emerging social & religious trends, S. 81-87, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/aiarticles/182.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840563<br />


671 Policy of the United Arab Emirates on the evaluation and<br />

potential development of peaceful nuclear energy : [white<br />

paper policy document] - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 17 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/static/npp/reports/UAE_white<br />

_paper.pdf<br />

SWP D 840955<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 32 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


672 Agency stovepipes vs strategic agility : lessons we need to<br />

learn from Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan / U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on<br />

Armed Services, Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 84 S., Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

http://armedservices.house.gov/pdfs/Reports/PRT_Report.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>40<br />

673 Cordesman, Anthony H.: The ongoing lessons of the Afghan<br />

and Iraq wars / Anthony H. Cordesman. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 99 S.,<br />

überw. graph. Darst., Kt. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/<strong>08</strong>0415_afgh-iraqlessonbrief<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840789<br />

674 Hodes, Cyrus: Identity crisis : split looms over NATO's Afghan<br />

operations / Cyrus Hodes. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 8-13<br />

SWP D 840327 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

675 Mihalka, Michael: Pashtunistan, NATO and the global war on<br />

terror : "If you don't fight, you cannot have peace in Afghanistan"<br />

/ Michael Mihalka. - In: The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 51-78, Tab.<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/mm<strong>08</strong>natoafghanist<br />

an.pdf<br />

SWP D 840752<br />

676 Neumann, Ronald E.: Implementation: A new approach to<br />

multinational coordination in Afghanistan / Ronald E. Neumann.<br />

- Muscatine/Iowa: Stanley Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (Policy<br />

Analysis Brief / The Stanley Foundation)<br />

http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/pab/NeumannPAB<br />

4<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840792<br />

677 Phillips, James; Curtis, Lisa: The war in Afghanistan: more<br />

help needed / James Phillips and Lisa Curtis. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Heritage Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S., Kt., Tab. - (Backgrounder /<br />

Heritage Foundation; No. 2124)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/NationalSecurity/upload/bg_21<br />

24.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>64<br />

678 Western Europe, Canada see Afghanistan mission as<br />

failure : global poll: Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada /<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor. - Vancouver: Angus Reid Strategies,<br />

2007. - 5 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/Afghanistan_Global.pdf<br />

SWP D 841049<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

679 Berman, Ilan: Toward an economic strategy against Iran / Ilan<br />

Berman. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 20-26<br />

SWP D 840066 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

680 Between feckless and reckless: U.S. policy options to<br />

prevent a nuclear Iran / Gary L. Ackerman ... Chairman.<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Committee Hearing<br />

Information)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/hearing_notice.asp?i<br />

d=968<br />

SWP D 840764<br />

681 Byman, Daniel: Iran, terrorism, and weapons of mass<br />

destruction / Daniel Byman. - In: Studies in Conflict and<br />

Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. <strong>16</strong>9-181, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>1 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

682 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Iran and the United States : The<br />

nuclear issue / Anthony H. Cordesman. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 19-29, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 29<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>77 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

683 Crail, Peter: Security Council adopts more Iran sanctions / Peter<br />

Crail. - In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 37-40<br />

SWP D 841236 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

684 Forden, Geoffrey: Smoke and mirrors : Analysing the Iranian<br />

missile test / Geoffrey Forden. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 47-51<br />

SWP D 840341 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

685 Goldschmidt, Pierre; Perkovich, George; Klaeden, Eckart<br />

von: Dealing with Iran nuclear ambitions : what future strategy<br />

for the international community? transcript / speakers: Pierre<br />

Goldschmidt ; George Perkovich ; Eckart von Klaeden. Chair:<br />

Volker Perthes. - Washington/D.C.: Federal News Service, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 27 S.<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/3-11-20<strong>08</strong>_iranpanel2.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>9<br />

686 Hourcade, Bernard: Crise du nucléaire iranien : le rôle de la<br />

Russie et des vétérans de la guerre Iraq-Iran / Bernard<br />

Hourcade. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 17-<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841076 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

687 L'Iran : une puissance virtuelle? - In: Confluences Méditerranée<br />

(Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 9-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841067 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

688 Jafarzadeh, Alireza: The Iran threat : President Ahmadinejad<br />

and the coming nuclear crisis / Alireza Jafarzadeh. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XX,<strong>30</strong>0 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 263-293 - ISBN 978-0-2<strong>30</strong>-60128-4<br />

GIGA D 840674 IMES: IRN-B/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

689 Ravenel, Bernard: Israël-Iran : quel danger nucléaire? /<br />

Bernard Ravenel. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris),<br />

(printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 75-79<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>0 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

690 Tabatabaei, Seyed Mohammad: La diplomatie nucléaire<br />

iranienne / Seyed Mohammad Tabatabaei. - In: Confluences<br />

Méditerranée (Paris), (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 31-56, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841078 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

691 A. Q. Khan's nuclear wal-mart: out of business or under<br />

new management? joint hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

the Middle East and South Asia and the Subcommittee on<br />

Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, June 27, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - V,50 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-97)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36424.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>85 HSFK: 98.922 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

692 Combating terrorism: The United States lacks<br />

comprehensive plan to destroy the terrorist threat and<br />

close the safe haven in Pakistan's Federally Administered<br />

Tribal Area : report to Congressional requesters / United States<br />

Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

37 S., Kt., Tab., Anh. - (GAO-<strong>08</strong>-622)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d<strong>08</strong>622.pdf<br />

SWP D 840959<br />

693 Extremist madrassas, ghost schools, and U.S. aid to<br />

Pakistan : Are we making the grade on the 9/11 Commission<br />

report card? hearing before the Subcommittee on National<br />

Security and Foreign Affairs of the Committee on Oversight and<br />

Government Reform, U.S.House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, May 9, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,70 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-17)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:37093.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>30</strong>1 HSFK: 98.904 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 33 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

694 Hathaway, Robert M.: Leverage and largesse : Pakistan's<br />

post-9/11 partnership with America / Robert M. Hathaway. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 11-24, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841106 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

695 Looney, Robert; McNab, Robert: Pakistan's economic and<br />

security dilemma : expanded defence expenditures and the<br />

relative governance syndrome / Robert Looney and Robert<br />

McNab. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 63-82, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841109 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

696 [Pakistan: Umfassende Stabilisierungsstrategie - keine<br />

U-Boot-Lieferung] - In: Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages: Stenographischer Bericht (Köln), <strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 154, S. <strong>16</strong>231A-C, <strong>16</strong>259A-<strong>16</strong>264A<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>154.pdf<br />

SWP D 840214 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />


697 Riedel, Bruce: South Asia's nuclear decade / Bruce Riedel. -<br />

In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 107-126<br />

SWP D 840901 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


698 Sridharan, Kripa: Regional organisations and conflict<br />

management : comparing ASEAN and SAARC / Kripa Sridharan.<br />

- London: Crisis States Research Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

- (Crisis States Working Paper: Series No. 2; No. 33)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/wp33.2.pdf<br />

SWP D 841294<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

699 Ferguson, Charles D.: Reshaping the U.S.-Indian nuclear deal<br />

to lessen the nonproliferation losses / by Charles D. Ferguson. -<br />

In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 15-21<br />

SWP D 841231 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

700 Holmes, James R.: An Indian Monroe Doctrine: but what kind? /<br />

James R. Holmes. - In: Proceedings / United States Naval<br />

Institute (Annapolis/Md.), 134 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1262, S. 20-25<br />

HSFK D 839942 HSFK: ZS U Öff.StaO: 18<br />

701 India and the call for tougher international arms control :<br />

proceedings of the 18 May 2006 civil society seminar on control<br />

arms, held in New Delhi, India / Oxfam (India) Trust ... - Delhi:<br />

Oxfam (India) Trust, [2007]. - 109 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

BICC D 841313 BICC: BC<br />

702 Kanwal, Gurmeet: China's rising defence expenditure :<br />

implications for India / Gurmeet Kanwal. - New Delhi: Institute of<br />

Peace and Conflict Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (IPCS Issue Brief; No.<br />

65)<br />

http://ipcs.org/IPCS-IssueBrief-No65.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>70<br />


703 Sridharan, Kripa: Regional organisations and conflict<br />

management : comparing ASEAN and SAARC / Kripa Sridharan.<br />

- London: Crisis States Research Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

- (Crisis States Working Paper: Series No. 2; No. 33)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/wp33.2.pdf<br />

SWP D 841294<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

704 Japan in a dynamic Asia : coping with the new security<br />

challenges / ed. by Yoichiro Sato ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington<br />

Books, 2006. - XV,271 S., Tab. - (Studies of Modern Japan) -<br />

ISBN 0-7391-1021-7<br />

HSFK D 840129 HSFK: 38.650 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

705 The strategic balance in Northeast Asia 2007 / Korea<br />

Research Institute for Strategy. - Seoul, 2007. - XIV,392 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. - ISBN 978-89-952661-6-8<br />

DGAP D 840471 DGAP: DG 47006<br />


706 Chinese strategy of asymmetrical balance and information<br />

warfare capability buildup - In: The strategic balance in<br />

Northeast Asia 2007 / Korea Research Institute for Strategy. -<br />

Seoul, 2007, S. <strong>16</strong>1-196 (Ch. IV), graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-89-952661-6-8<br />

DGAP D 840474 DGAP: DG 47006<br />

707 Ding, Arthur S.: Sino-U.S. competition in strategic arms / Arthur<br />

S. Ding. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 42 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (RSIS Working Paper;<br />

No. 157)<br />

http://www.idss.edu.sg/publications/WorkingPapers/WP157.pdf<br />

SWP D 841181<br />

7<strong>08</strong> Kanwal, Gurmeet: China's rising defence expenditure :<br />

implications for India / Gurmeet Kanwal. - New Delhi: Institute of<br />

Peace and Conflict Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (IPCS Issue Brief; No.<br />

65)<br />

http://ipcs.org/IPCS-IssueBrief-No65.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>70<br />

709 Wiegand, Thomas: China's naval build-up / Thomas Wiegand. -<br />

In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 7- 13,<br />

Lit. S.12-13<br />

IFSH D 840215 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

710 Lee, Jong-heon: Economic analysis of North Korea's nuclear<br />

choice / Jong-heon Lee. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 46-57, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841101 SWP: X. 6<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

711 Péron-Doise, Marianne: Péninsule coréenne: une nation, deux<br />

identités stratégiques : Réseau Asie - IIIe Congrès, 26-27-28<br />

septembre 2007, Maison de la Chimie (Paris) / Marianne<br />

Péron-Doise. - Paris: Centre Asie Ifri, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-86592-282-6<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/centre_asie/SEM_perondoise.pdf<br />

SWP D 841293<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

712 Péron-Doise, Marianne: Péninsule coréenne: une nation, deux<br />

identités stratégiques : Réseau Asie - IIIe Congrès, 26-27-28<br />

septembre 2007, Maison de la Chimie (Paris) / Marianne<br />

Péron-Doise. - Paris: Centre Asie Ifri, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-86592-282-6<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/centre_asie/SEM_perondoise.pdf<br />

SWP D 841293<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

713 Japan in a dynamic Asia : coping with the new security<br />

challenges / ed. by Yoichiro Sato ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington<br />

Books, 2006. - XV,271 S., Tab. - (Studies of Modern Japan) -<br />

ISBN 0-7391-1021-7<br />

HSFK D 840129 HSFK: 38.650 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

714 Yoshihara, Toshi; Holmes, James R.: Japan's emerging<br />

maritime strategy : out of sync or out of reach? / Toshi<br />

Yoshihara ; James R. Holmes. - In: Comparative Strategy<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 27-43<br />

SWP D 840067 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

715 Davies, Andrew: ADF capability review : Royal Australian Navy<br />

/ by Andrew Davies. - Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=<strong>16</strong>2&pubtype=9<br />

SWP D 841297<br />

7<strong>16</strong> Hledik, Stephen: Defence intelligence, surveillance and<br />

reconnaissance : decision confidence for the future force / by<br />

Stephen Hledik. - In: RUSI Defence Systems (London),<br />

10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 98-101<br />

SWP D 840127 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 34 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

717 Lantis, Jeffrey S.: Elections and enduring realities : Australia's<br />

nuclear debate / by Jeffrey S. Lantis. - In: Arms Control Today<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 22-29<br />

SWP D 841233 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

718 Quaife, John: Flexible, expeditionary and effective : The<br />

Australian air power aspiration / John Quaife. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 72-74<br />

SWP D 840114 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

719 Ungerer, Carl: A new agenda for national security / by Carl<br />

Ungerer. - Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

12 S. - (Special Report / Australian Strategic Policy Institute<br />

(Barton); Issue 15)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=<strong>16</strong>1&pubtype=10<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>61<br />

720 White, Hugh: The new defence white paper : why we need it,<br />

and what it needs to do / Hugh White. - Sydney: Lowy Institute<br />

for International Policy, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S. - (Lowy Institute<br />

Perspectives)<br />

http://www.lowyinstitute.org/PublicationGet.asp?i=793<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>94<br />


721 Brinkmann, Rainer; Peters, Dirk: Herausforderung: maritime<br />

Sicherheit / Rainer Brinkmann ; Dirk Peters. - In: Sicherheit und<br />

Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 19-29, zalr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840217 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


722 Faugeron, Bruno: Maritime operations in the Mediterranean /<br />

Bruno Faugeron. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 80-86<br />

SWP D 840056 SWP: X. 149 e<br />


723 Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Datuk: The West and the<br />

Muslim world : defusing the defining tension of our times / Datuk<br />

Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi. - In: Military Technology<br />

(Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 14-18<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>59 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

724 Cyberwar, netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs / ed.<br />

by Edward Halpin ... - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.<br />

- XX,253 S., Tab., Reg. - ISBN 1-4039-8717-3<br />

HSFK D 840143 HSFK: 38.581 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


725 Gruiters, Jan: Human security and development : An<br />

ambivalent relationship / Jan Gruiters. - In: Security and Human<br />

Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 54-63, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>48 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


726 Annati, Massimo: OPV programmes & development worldwide<br />

/ Massimo Annati. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 20-33<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>67 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

727 Bendix, Daniel; Stanley, Ruth: Engendering security sector<br />

reform: : where to from here? / Daniel Bendix ; Ruth Stanley. -<br />

In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 44-48,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840228 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

728 Elhefnawy, Nader: The impending oil shock / Nader Elhefnawy.<br />

- In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 37-66<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>96 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

729 Flockhart, Trine; Kristensen, Kristian Søby: NATO and<br />

global partnerships : to be global or to act globally? / Trine<br />

Flockhart and Kristian Søby Kristensen. - Copenhagen: Danish<br />

Institute for International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S. - (DIIS Report;<br />

20<strong>08</strong>:7) - ISBN 978-87-7605-258-4<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/Reports%2020<strong>08</strong>/R<strong>08</strong>-7<br />

_NATO_and_Global_Partnerships.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840732 DGAP: DG B01425v<br />

7<strong>30</strong> Helbling, Jürg: Tribale Kriege : Konflikte in Gesellschaften ohne<br />

Zentralgewalt / Jürg Helbling. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus-Verl.,<br />

2006. - 672 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 611-672 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-593-38225-8<br />

GIGA D 840480 ILAS: GEN-B/7 IMES: GEN-B/7 IAA: GEN-B/7 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

731 Kalpakian, Jack: Developing a civil-military economic<br />

relationship : international case studies and their implications for<br />

Morocco / Jack Kalpakian. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern<br />

Geopolitics (Roma), 1 (<strong>April</strong>-June 2006) 4, S. 5-<strong>30</strong>, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 28-<strong>30</strong><br />

GIGA D 840224 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

732 Light & medium armoured vehicles : special focus -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, Special Supplement,<br />

S. 73-105<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>83 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

733 Lyman, Edwin S.; Hippel, Frank N. von: Reprocessing<br />

revisited : The international dimensions of the global nuclear<br />

energy partnership / by Edwin Lyman and Frank N. von Hippel. -<br />

In: Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 6-14<br />

SWP D 841226 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

734 Mader, Georg: Assessing the GBAD systems market : just Third<br />

World's assets? / Georg Mader. - In: Military Technology (Bonn),<br />

32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 42-49<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>71 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

735 Nayberg, Roberto: Subcontinental states : A look ahead /<br />

Roberto Nayberg. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 50-58, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 840050 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

736 Potter, William C.: Using Murphy's law against nuclear<br />

terrorists / William C. Potter. - In: Arms Control Today<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 53-56<br />

Enthält Rezension von Levi, Michael: On nuclear terrorism. -<br />

Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007<br />

SWP D 841238 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

737 Schwarte, Kristina Isabel: Embedded Journalists :<br />

Kriegsberichterstattung im Wandel / Kristina Isabel Schwarte. -<br />

Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2007. - 136 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 131-136 - (Einsprüche; 18) - ISBN 978-3-89691-591-7<br />

DGAP D 841102 DGAP: DG 47023<br />

738 Shue, Henry: Concept wars / Henry Shue. - In: Survival<br />

(Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 185-192<br />

Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Guthrie, Charles; Quinlan,<br />

Michael: Just war: The just war tradition; ethics in modern<br />

warfare. - London: Bloomsbury, 2007<br />

SWP D 840911 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

739 Umbach, Frank: Energiepolitik als Außenpolitik : Rede bei<br />

"aktuell 2006" am 8. September 2006 an der Bundesakademie<br />

für Sicherheitspolitik / Frank Umbach. - In: Sicherheit + Stabilität<br />

(Berlin), 4 (November 2006) 2, S. <strong>30</strong>-49<br />

SWP D 841023 SWP: X. 847 DGAP: ZD 47 DIE: ZK045 Öff.StaO: 25<br />


740 Arbuckle, James V.: Military forces in 21st century peace<br />

operations : no job for a soldier? / James V. Arbuckle. -<br />

Abingdon ...: Routledge, 2006. - X,194 S., graph. Darst., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 181-187 - (Contemporary Security Studies) -<br />

ISBN 0-415-39370-1<br />

HSFK D 840718 HSFK: 39.<strong>08</strong>7 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 35 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

741 Every state a superpower? stopping the spread of nuclear<br />

weapons in the 21st century ; hearing before the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, May 10, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - III,58 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-64)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/353<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840589 HSFK: 98.884 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

742 Hiemann, Roland; Thränert, Oliver: A world without nuclear<br />

weapons? The new charms of an old vision / Roland Hiemann ;<br />

Oliver Thränert. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 4/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4865<br />

SWP D 840455<br />

743 A symposium on post-conflict transitions - In: The World<br />

Bank Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-140, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. -- Enthält u.a. Postconflict transitions, an<br />

overview / Ibrahim Ahmed Elbadawi. - S. 1-7<br />

DIE D 840202 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 36 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12




744 13th ECOWAS-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting, Luxembourg,<br />

28 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : final communiqué / Council of the European<br />

Union. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (8936/<strong>08</strong>(Presse1<strong>16</strong>))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/100203.pdf<br />

SWP D 841229<br />

745 17th Japan-EU Summit, Tokyo, 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : joint press<br />

statement / European Commission. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/japan/docs/joint_statement<br />

_04<strong>08</strong>_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 840723<br />

746 Adam, Antonis; Moutos, Thomas: The trade effects of the<br />

EU-Turkey customs union / Antonis Adam and Thomas Moutos.<br />

- In: The World Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 685-700<br />

SWP D 840711 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

747 Baldwin, Richard; Wyplosz, Charles: The economics of<br />

European integration / Richard Baldwin ; Charles Wyplosz. - 2nd<br />

ed. - London ...: McGraw-Hill, 2006. - XXIV, 464 S., Ill., zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst. u. Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-077-11119-2<br />

SWP D 840018 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/01<strong>16</strong><br />

748 The consumer markets scoreboard : monitoring consumer<br />

outcomes in the single market / Health & Consumer Protection<br />

Directorate-General. - Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of<br />

the EC, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 74 S., zahlr. graph. Darst - (ND-81-<strong>08</strong>-192-EN-C)<br />

- ISBN 978-92-79-<strong>08</strong>066-1<br />

DGAP D 840994 DGAP: DG B01422f<br />

749 Daugbjerg, Carsten; Swinbank, Alan: Curbing agricultural<br />

exceptionalism : The EU's response to external challenge /<br />

Carsten Daugbjerg and Alan Swinbank. - In: The World<br />

Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 631-652<br />

SWP D 840707 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

750 L'Europe, camp de base dans la compétition internationale<br />

/ un dossier coordonné par Marie-France Baud ... -<br />

In: Confrontations Europe (Paris), (avril-juin 20<strong>08</strong>) 82, S. <strong>16</strong>-33,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840547 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

751 Flint, Adrian: Marrying poverty alleviation and sustainable<br />

development? An analysis of the the EU ACP Cotonou<br />

agreement / Adrian Flint. - In: Journal of International Relations<br />

and Development (Ljubljana), 11 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 55-74, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840545 DGAP: ZD 517 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

752 Hansakul, Syetarn: EMU economic outlook in 20<strong>08</strong> : impacts<br />

on Asia / Syetarn Hansakul. - Frankfurt/Main: Deutsche Bank<br />

Research, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S., überw. graph. Darst. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.dbresearch.com/PROD/DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD/<br />

PROD0000000000224666.pdf<br />

SWP D 841197<br />

753 Inaugural meeting of the EU-China High Level Economic<br />

and Trade Dialogue Mechanism (HLM) : 25 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

European Commission, Directorate-General for Trade. -<br />

Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/20<strong>08</strong>/april/tradoc_138632.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 841050<br />

754 Karray, Bassem: L'assistance financière communautaire aux<br />

pays du Maghreb dans le cadre de la politique européenne de<br />

voisinage et de partenariat / par Bassem Karray. - In: Revue du<br />

marché commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

517, S. 233-244, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841058 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

755 Krakowski, Michael: The relations between the European<br />

Union and Latin America and the Caribbean : current state and<br />

perspectives / Michael Krakowski. - In: Intereconomics<br />

(Heidelberg), 43 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 112-120<br />

SWP D 840760 SWP: Y. 145 DGAP: ZD 191 ILAS: 1.538 INT DIE: ZA054<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/289 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

756 Lisbonne-de Vergeron, Karine: The strategic aspects of<br />

EU-China commercial and monetary relations / auteur: Karine<br />

Lisbonne-de Vergeron. - Paris: Fondation Robert Schuman,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 6 S., graph. Darst. - (European Issues / Fondation<br />

Robert Schuman; No. 96)<br />

http://www.robert-schuman.eu/question_europe.php?num=qe-96<br />

DGAP D 840688 DGAP: DG B01425m<br />

757 Mandelson, Peter: Unfinished globalisation: investment and the<br />

EU-Japan relationship : speech by Peter Mandelson, Tokyo, 21<br />

<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> - Brussels: European Commission, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 5 S. -<br />

(Speech / European Commission)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/mandelson/speeches_a<br />

rticles/sppm201_en.htm<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>36<br />

758 Müller, Franziska; Scherrer, Christoph: Soziale<br />

Ausgestaltung durch Sozialkapitel? EU-Handelspolitik / EPAs /<br />

Franziska Müller und Christoph Scherrer. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>), S. 1-4, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 840445 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

759 Ould Ahmed Salem, Zekeria: Le partenariat Union<br />

Européenne - Afrique dans l'impasse? Le cas des accords de<br />

pêche / Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem. - Leiden: African Studies<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 49 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (ASC Working Paper;<br />

78/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.ascleiden.nl/Pdf/workingpaper78.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840249<br />

760 Papaioannou, Elias; Portes, Richard: The international role of<br />

the euro : A status report / Elias Papaioannou and Richard<br />

Portes. - Brussels: European Commission, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 70 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 59-68 - (Economic Papers / European<br />

Commission; 317) - (doi:10.2765/6<strong>30</strong>55) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-79-<strong>08</strong>242-9<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/publication124<br />

09_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 840619<br />

761 Schubert, Simon: Die Europäische Union 2007 : ein Rückblick /<br />

Simon Schubert. - In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und<br />

Europawissenschaften (Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 153-180,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841063 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

762 Theophanous, Andreas; Pelagidis, Theodoros; Tirkides,<br />

Yiannis: Cyprus' accession to the eurozone and the<br />

reunification of the Island's economy / Andreas Theophanous ;<br />

Yiannis Tirkides ; Theodore Pelagidis. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 74-89<br />

SOI D 840649 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />



763 Drahokoupil, Jan: The investment-promotion machines : The<br />

politics of foreign direct investment promotion in Central and<br />

Eastern Europe / Jan Drahokoupil. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 197-225, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 223-225<br />

SWP D 841092 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

764 L'Europe, camp de base dans la compétition internationale<br />

/ un dossier coordonné par Marie-France Baud ... -<br />

In: Confrontations Europe (Paris), (avril-juin 20<strong>08</strong>) 82, S. <strong>16</strong>-33,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840547 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

765 Expatriation : les meilleures pratiques pour les jeunes diplômés<br />

- In: Le MOCI (Paris), (17-<strong>30</strong> avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 18<strong>16</strong>, S. 36-50<br />

DFI D 840544 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 37 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

766 [Afghanistan: wirkungsvolle Aufbauarbeit - Chance für<br />

legalen lizensierten Mohnanbau] : Tagesordnungspunkt 25 a<br />

und b - In: Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages:<br />

Stenographischer Bericht (Köln), <strong>16</strong> (24. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 157,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>605C, <strong>16</strong>653A-<strong>16</strong>658D<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>157.pdf<br />

SWP D 841185 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

767 Ein asiatisches Jahrhundert? Deutschland vor neuen<br />

Herausforderungen ; fünfzehntes Gesellschaftspolitisches<br />

Forum der Banken, 28. und 29. November 2007, Berlin / [Hrsg.:<br />

Bundesverband Deutscher Banken. Red.: Christian Jung]. -<br />

Berlin, 2007. - 113 S., Ill. - (Schönhauser Gespräche; 15)<br />

DGAP D 84<strong>08</strong>39 DGAP: DG B01423<br />

768 Gundel, Sebastian: Declining German export prices due to<br />

increased competition from newly industrializing countries :<br />

evidence from Germany and the CEECs / Sebastian Gundel. -<br />

In: Prague Economic Papers (Praha), 17 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 3-22<br />

SWP D 840694 SWP: X. 774 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

769 Konzept für die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit<br />

mit den Ländern der Lateinamerikas und der Karibik /<br />

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und<br />

Entwicklung. - Bonn: BMZ, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 36 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (BMZ Konzepte; Nr. <strong>16</strong>1)<br />

http://www.bmz.de/de/service/infothek/fach/konzepte/konzept<strong>16</strong>1<br />

.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841120 ILAS: AAL-A/21 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

770 Messner, Dirk: Entwicklungspolitik als globale Strukturpolitik :<br />

Leitbild, Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen aus deutscher<br />

Perspektive / Dirk Messner. - In: Nachhaltige Entwicklung und<br />

Global Governance / Petra C. Gruber (Hrsg.). - Opladen ...:<br />

Budrich, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 141-155, Lit. S. 154-155 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86649-153-3<br />

DGAP D 839953 DGAP: DG 47002<br />

771 Stamm, Andreas: Wissenschaftskooperation : neue Formen<br />

der Zusammenarbeit mit Subsahara-Afrika / Andreas Stamm. -<br />

In: Afrika-Agenda 2007 / Stephan Klingebiel (Hrsg.). Deutsches<br />

Institut für Entwicklungspolitik. - Bonn, 2006. - (Discussion Paper<br />

/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik; 18/2006, S. 107-111,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-88985-329-3<br />

http://www.die-gdi.de/die_homepage.nsf/6f3fa777ba64bd9ec125<br />

69cb00547f1b/fa3dec97006fa14ac12570fb002cc3ea/$FILE/Inter<br />

netfassung-DiscPaper%2018.2006%20Klingebiel%20et%20al.pd<br />

f<br />

IFA D 839982 SWP: H.07/0011 IFA: 4B27/26 BICC: BC 3434 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


772 Frank, Rüdiger: Lessons from the past : The first wave of<br />

developmental assistance to North Korea and the German<br />

reconstruction of Hamhùng / Rüdiger Frank. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 46-74<br />

GIGA D 841253 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


773 Galeotti, Elisa; Nollen, Stanley D.: How foreign influence and<br />

local managers affect the successful transition of the firm : The<br />

case of AGC Flat Glass Czech / Elisa Galeotti and Stanley<br />

Nollen. - In: Post-Communist Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 77-95, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 92-94, Anh.<br />

S. 94-95<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>8 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

774 Adam, Antonis; Moutos, Thomas: The trade effects of the<br />

EU-Turkey customs union / Antonis Adam and Thomas Moutos.<br />

- In: The World Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 685-700<br />

SWP D 840711 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.07 CYPRUS<br />

775 Theophanous, Andreas; Pelagidis, Theodoros; Tirkides,<br />

Yiannis: Cyprus' accession to the eurozone and the<br />

reunification of the Island's economy / Andreas Theophanous ;<br />

Yiannis Tirkides ; Theodore Pelagidis. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 74-89<br />

SOI D 840649 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />


776 Krkoska, Libor; Kornijenko, Evgenija: China's investments in<br />

Russia : where do they go and how important are they? / Libor<br />

Krkoska ; Yevgenia Korniyenko. - In: The China and Eurasia<br />

Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 39-49, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/lk<strong>08</strong>chinainvestment<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840750<br />

777 Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tarr, David G.: Regional household<br />

and poverty effects of Russia’s accession to the World Trade<br />

Organization / Thomas Rutherford ; David Tarr. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 73 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4570)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/24/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0324110449/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4570.pdf<br />

SWP D 840118<br />



778 Sadovskaja, Elena Y.: Regionalisierung und Globalisierung:<br />

neue Tendenzen der Arbeitsmigration in Zentralasien / von<br />

Jelena Sadowskaja. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(28.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen03.pdf<br />

SWP D 840100<br />


779 Shadlen, Kenneth C.: Globalisation, power and integration :<br />

The political economy of regional and bilateral trade agreements<br />

in the Americas / Ken Shadlen. - In: The Journal of Development<br />

Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-20, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 18-20<br />

DIE D 841070 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />


780 Beyond oil and gas : African Growth and Opportunity Act's<br />

benefits to Africa ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa<br />

and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,62 S., Kt. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-83)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36726.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>53 HSFK: 98.920 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

781 Conducting government affairs in China / USCBC staff. - In:<br />

The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 35 (March-<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 46-50<br />

GIGA D 839963 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

782 Exports controls: Are we protecting security and<br />

facilitating exports? hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, July <strong>16</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - III,86 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-92)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36991.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840988 HSFK: 98.924 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 38 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

783 Food security in Africa : The impact of agricultural<br />

development ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 18, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,61 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-94)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36824.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>54 HSFK: 98.919 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

784 International food aid programs: options to enhance<br />

effectiveness : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,112 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-67)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35676.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>68 HSFK: 98.893 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

785 International trade: U.S. trade preference programs provide<br />

important benefits, but a more integrated approach would<br />

better ensure programs meet shared goals : report to the<br />

Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, and the<br />

Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, House of<br />

Representatives / United States Government Accountability<br />

Office. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 100 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Anh. - (GAO-<strong>08</strong>-443)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d<strong>08</strong>443.pdf<br />

SWP D 840794<br />

786 James, Sallie: Race to the bottom? The Presidential<br />

candidate's positions on trade / by Sallie James. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Trade Policy Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Trade Briefing Paper / Center for Trade Policy<br />

Studies (Cato Institute, Washington/D.C.); No. 27)<br />

http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/briefs/tbp-027.pdf<br />

SWP D 840175<br />

787 The Millennium Challenge Corporation in Africa: promise<br />

versus progress : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa<br />

and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June<br />

28, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2007. - III,87 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-82)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36426.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>43 HSFK: 98.918 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

788 Protection and money: U.S. companies, their employees,<br />

and violence in Colombia : joint hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on international Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight and the Subcommittee on the Western<br />

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the<br />

Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions<br />

and the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections of the<br />

Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 28, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

VII,82 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-74) - (Serial / Committee on Education and<br />

Labor (United States / House); No. 110-50)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36425.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840286 HSFK: 98.927 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

789 The reauthorization of OPIC : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,64 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-95)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35674.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840693 HSFK: 98.894 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

790 U.S. assistance to the Palestinians : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, May 23, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,34 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-70)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35673.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840985 HSFK: 98.892 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

791 U.S. security assidstance to Mexico : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,96 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-115)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38543.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841007 HSFK: 98.928 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

792 The United States-South Korea FTA: The foreign policy<br />

implications : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 13, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,42 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-89)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36060.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840698 HSFK: 98.880 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

793 Xu, Yi-chong: China and the United States in Africa : coming<br />

conflict or commercial coexistence? / Xu Yi-chong. - In:<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 62 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>16</strong>-37, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840552 DGAP: ZD 150 Öff.StaO: 7<br />


794 Cardozo, Elsa: Integración, gobernabilidad y seguridad<br />

regional en la América Latina de los inicios del siglo XXI: bajo el<br />

signo de la fragmentación / Elsa Cardozo. - Caracas: Instituto<br />

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, diciembre de<br />

2007. - 13 S., Lit. S. 12<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oIntegracionSeguridadGobernabilidadCardozo.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840482 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

795 China's expansion into the Western hemisphere :<br />

implications for Latin America and the United States / Riordan<br />

Roett ... eds. The Brookings Institution - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Brookings Institutions Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - VIII,276 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8157-7553-9<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>10 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0159<br />

796 The decline of Latin American economies : growth,<br />

institutions, and crises / Sebastian Edwards ... (eds) -<br />

Chicago/Ill.: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007. - 418 S., Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-226-18500-1<br />

GIGA D 839948 ILAS: AAL-F/22 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

797 Konzept für die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit<br />

mit den Ländern der Lateinamerikas und der Karibik /<br />

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und<br />

Entwicklung. - Bonn: BMZ, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 36 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (BMZ Konzepte; Nr. <strong>16</strong>1)<br />

http://www.bmz.de/de/service/infothek/fach/konzepte/konzept<strong>16</strong>1<br />

.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841120 ILAS: AAL-A/21 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

798 Krakowski, Michael: The relations between the European<br />

Union and Latin America and the Caribbean : current state and<br />

perspectives / Michael Krakowski. - In: Intereconomics<br />

(Heidelberg), 43 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 112-120<br />

SWP D 840760 SWP: Y. 145 DGAP: ZD 191 ILAS: 1.538 INT DIE: ZA054<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/289 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

799 Upgrading to compete : global value chains, clusters, and<br />

SMEs in Latin America / Carlo Pietrobelli ... (eds.).<br />

Inter-American Development Bank ... - Washington/D.C. ...:<br />

Harvard Univ. Press, 2007. - XV,3<strong>30</strong> S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 1-59782032-6<br />

GIGA D 839956 ILAS: AAL-F/21 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

800 U.S. security assidstance to Mexico : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,96 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-115)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38543.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841007 HSFK: 98.928 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 39 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

RD02.05 NICARAGUA<br />

801 Pineda, Claudia; Schulz, Nils-Sjard: El reto nicaragüense :<br />

Armonización de los donantes: entre la eficacia y la<br />

democratización ; estudio de caso II / Claudia Pineda y<br />

Nils-Sjard Schulz. - Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 26-27 - (Working Paper / Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior; 48)<br />

http://fride.org/descarga/WP_Reto_Nicaragua_ESP_ene<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840075<br />

RD02.06 COSTA RICA<br />

802 García, Francisco; Araya Alvarado, Sergio: Costa Rica: la<br />

dura confrontación que produjo el referéndum del TLC /<br />

Francisco García ; Sergio Araya Alvarado. - In: Panorama<br />

Centroamericano: Reporte Político (Guatemala),<br />

39 (julio-septiembre 2007) 2<strong>16</strong>, S. 15-27, Tab.<br />

GIGA D 840376 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


803 No island is an island : The impact of globalization on the<br />

Commonwealth Caribbean / ed. by Gordon Baker. Chatham<br />

House. - London, 2007. - VIII,135 S., graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-86203-172-2<br />

DGAP D 841154 DGAP: DG 47012<br />


804 González Silva, Milko Luis: Nuevas Perspectivas de la<br />

Integración Energética en América del Sur. : ¿Cambios<br />

paradigmáticos en la integración energética regional? / Milko<br />

Luis González Silva. - Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de<br />

Investigaciones Sociales, agosto, 2007. - 26 S., Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 25-26<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oNuevasPerspectivasIntegracionMLGonzalez.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840497<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

805 González Silva, Milko Luis: Nuevas Perspectivas de la<br />

Integración Energética en América del Sur. : ¿Cambios<br />

paradigmáticos en la integración energética regional? / Milko<br />

Luis González Silva. - Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de<br />

Investigaciones Sociales, agosto, 2007. - 26 S., Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 25-26<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oNuevasPerspectivasIntegracionMLGonzalez.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840497<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> COLOMBIA<br />

806 Protection and money: U.S. companies, their employees,<br />

and violence in Colombia : joint hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on international Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight and the Subcommittee on the Western<br />

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the<br />

Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions<br />

and the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections of the<br />

Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 28, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

VII,82 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-74) - (Serial / Committee on Education and<br />

Labor (United States / House); No. 110-50)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36425.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840286 HSFK: 98.927 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


807 From the slave trade to "free" trade : how trade undermines<br />

democracy and justice in Africa / ed. by Patrick Burnett and<br />

Firoze Manji. - Oxford ...: Fahamu, 2007. - 180 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-9545637-1-4<br />

http://www.fahamu.org/downloads/tj_book_forweb.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840324<br />

8<strong>08</strong> The Millennium Challenge Corporation in Africa: promise<br />

versus progress : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa<br />

and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June<br />

28, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2007. - III,87 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-82)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36426.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>43 HSFK: 98.918 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

809 Ould Ahmed Salem, Zekeria: Le partenariat Union<br />

Européenne - Afrique dans l'impasse? Le cas des accords de<br />

pêche / Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem. - Leiden: African Studies<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 49 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (ASC Working Paper;<br />

78/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.ascleiden.nl/Pdf/workingpaper78.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840249<br />

810 Report on China's policy and its effects on Africa<br />

(2007/2255(INI)) / rapporteur: Ana Maria Gomes, European<br />

Parliament, Committee on Development. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

35 S., Tab. - (Sitzungsdokumente / Europäisches Parlament:<br />

Serie A, Berichte; A6-0<strong>08</strong>0/20<strong>08</strong>) - (RR396570EN.doc)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+REPORT+A6-20<strong>08</strong>-0<strong>08</strong>0+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN<br />

SWP D 840613<br />

811 Vulture funds and the threat to debt relief in Africa : A call to<br />

action at the G-8 and beyond ; hearing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 22, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-72)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35672.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>63 HSFK: 98.890 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


812 Beyond oil and gas : African Growth and Opportunity Act's<br />

benefits to Africa ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa<br />

and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,62 S., Kt. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-83)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36726.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>53 HSFK: 98.920 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

813 Food security in Africa : The impact of agricultural<br />

development ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 18, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,61 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-94)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36824.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>54 HSFK: 98.919 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

814 Mayer, Jörg; Fajarnes, Pilar: Tripling Africa's primary exports :<br />

what, how, where? / Jörg Mayer, Pilar Fajarnes. - In: The Journal<br />

of Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 80-102, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 101-102<br />

DIE D 841074 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

815 Stamm, Andreas: Wissenschaftskooperation : neue Formen<br />

der Zusammenarbeit mit Subsahara-Afrika / Andreas Stamm. -<br />

In: Afrika-Agenda 2007 / Stephan Klingebiel (Hrsg.). Deutsches<br />

Institut für Entwicklungspolitik. - Bonn, 2006. - (Discussion Paper<br />

/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik; 18/2006, S. 107-111,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-88985-329-3<br />

http://www.die-gdi.de/die_homepage.nsf/6f3fa777ba64bd9ec125<br />

69cb00547f1b/fa3dec97006fa14ac12570fb002cc3ea/$FILE/Inter<br />

netfassung-DiscPaper%2018.2006%20Klingebiel%20et%20al.pd<br />

f<br />

IFA D 839982 SWP: H.07/0011 IFA: 4B27/26 BICC: BC 3434 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

8<strong>16</strong> Xu, Yi-chong: China and the United States in Africa : coming<br />

conflict or commercial coexistence? / Xu Yi-chong. - In:<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 62 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>16</strong>-37, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840552 DGAP: ZD 150 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 40 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

817 13th ECOWAS-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting, Luxembourg,<br />

28 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : final communiqué / Council of the European<br />

Union. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (8936/<strong>08</strong>(Presse1<strong>16</strong>))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/100203.pdf<br />

SWP D 841229<br />


818 Jenkins, Rhys: Trade, technology and employment in South<br />

Africa / Rhys Jenkins. - In: The Journal of Development Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 60-79, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 74-76<br />

DIE D 841073 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RG01.01 MAGHREB<br />

819 Karray, Bassem: L'assistance financière communautaire aux<br />

pays du Maghreb dans le cadre de la politique européenne de<br />

voisinage et de partenariat / par Bassem Karray. - In: Revue du<br />

marché commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

517, S. 233-244, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841058 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

820 Uprooted and unstable: meeting urgent humanitarian<br />

needs in Iraq / Refugees International. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 28 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.refintl.org/files/10570_file_UprootedandUnstable.pdf<br />

SWP D 840759<br />


821 U.S. assistance to the Palestinians : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, May 23, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,34 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-70)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35673.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840985 HSFK: 98.892 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG03.01 GULF STATES<br />

822 Abu-Qarn, Aamer S.; Abu-Bader, Suleiman: On the optimality<br />

of a GCC monetary union : structural VAR, common trends, and<br />

common cycles evidence / Aamer S. Abu-Quarn and Suleiman<br />

Abu-Bader. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5,<br />

S. 612-6<strong>30</strong><br />

SWP D 840706 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

823 Razzak, Weshah: In the middle of the heat : The GCC countries<br />

between rising oil prices and the sliding greenback / Weshah<br />

Razzak. - Safat: API, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 38 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 17-18 - (Working Paper Series / Arab Planning Institute;<br />

WPS <strong>08</strong>/02)<br />

http://www.arab-api.org/jodep/products/delivery/wps<strong>08</strong>01.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840258<br />


824 [Afghanistan: wirkungsvolle Aufbauarbeit - Chance für<br />

legalen lizensierten Mohnanbau] : Tagesordnungspunkt 25 a<br />

und b - In: Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages:<br />

Stenographischer Bericht (Köln), <strong>16</strong> (24. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 157,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>605C, <strong>16</strong>653A-<strong>16</strong>658D<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btp/<strong>16</strong>/<strong>16</strong>157.pdf<br />

SWP D 841185 SWP: X. 273 OSI: GES 97 DGAP: ZD 213 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

825 Neumann, Ronald E.: Implementation: A new approach to<br />

multinational coordination in Afghanistan / Ronald E. Neumann.<br />

- Muscatine/Iowa: Stanley Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (Policy<br />

Analysis Brief / The Stanley Foundation)<br />

http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/pab/NeumannPAB<br />

4<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840792<br />

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />


826 Ein asiatisches Jahrhundert? Deutschland vor neuen<br />

Herausforderungen ; fünfzehntes Gesellschaftspolitisches<br />

Forum der Banken, 28. und 29. November 2007, Berlin / [Hrsg.:<br />

Bundesverband Deutscher Banken. Red.: Christian Jung]. -<br />

Berlin, 2007. - 113 S., Ill. - (Schönhauser Gespräche; 15)<br />

DGAP D 84<strong>08</strong>39 DGAP: DG B01423<br />


827 Hansakul, Syetarn: EMU economic outlook in 20<strong>08</strong> : impacts<br />

on Asia / Syetarn Hansakul. - Frankfurt/Main: Deutsche Bank<br />

Research, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S., überw. graph. Darst. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.dbresearch.com/PROD/DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD/<br />

PROD0000000000224666.pdf<br />

SWP D 841197<br />

828 Regional economic outlook: Asia and Pacific / International<br />

Monetary Fund. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 51 S., zahlr. graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Regional Economic Outlook Reports:<br />

Asia and Pacific; 04.20<strong>08</strong>) - (World Economic and Financial<br />

Surveys) - ISBN 978-1-58906-710-3<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/reo/20<strong>08</strong>/APD/ENG/areo04<strong>08</strong><br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840958<br />

829 True, Jacqui: Global accountability and transnational networks :<br />

The women leaders' network and Asia Pacific economic<br />

cooperation / Jacqui True. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-26<br />

GIGA D 840965 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

8<strong>30</strong> Hussain, Mohammed Nur: Is there a long-run relationship<br />

between exports and imports for the Bangladesh economy /<br />

Mohammed Nur Hussain. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),<br />

36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 187-196<br />

GIGA D 841000 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

831 Smith, David: Growling tiger, roaring dragon : India, China and<br />

the new world order / David Smith. - Vancouver ...: Douglas &<br />

McIntyre, 2007. - 266 S., Reg.,Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-55365-334-9<br />

GIGA D 840388 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

832 WTO, intellectual property rights and branding / Shri<br />

Prakash ... (eds) Birla Institute of Scientific Research - New<br />

Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 2007. - 380 S., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 840426 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


833 Martin, Michael F.: East Asia's foreign exchange rate policies /<br />

Michael F. Martin. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research<br />

Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (CRS Report for<br />

Congress; RS22860) - (RS22860)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RS22860_20<strong>08</strong>0410.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>31<br />


834 Agreement on comprehensive economic partnership<br />

among Japan and member states of the Association of<br />

Southeast Asian Nations / The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of<br />

Japan. - Tokyo, 20<strong>08</strong>. - getr. Zähl.<br />

http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/economy/fta/asean/agreement.html<br />

SWP D 840663<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> THAILAND<br />

835 Aoki-Okabe, Maki: Looking toward the "new era" : features and<br />

background of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership<br />

Agreement / Maki Aoko-Okabe. - Chiba: Institute of Developing<br />

Economies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>30</strong> S., Tab. - (Discussion Paper / Institute of<br />

Developing Economies; No. 132)<br />

http://ir.ide.go.jp/dspace/bitstream/2344/720/1/ARRIDE_Discussi<br />

on_No.132_aoki.pdf<br />

SWP D 840727<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 41 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

836 Brahmbhatt, Milan: East Asia: testing times ahead / Milan<br />

Brahmbhatt with the assistance of Antonio Ollero ... -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 83 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (East Asia & Pacific Update; 04.20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTEAPHALFYEARLYUPDAT<br />

E/Resources/550192-1207007015255/EAPUpdate_Apr<strong>08</strong>_fullre<br />

port.pdf<br />

SWP D 840960<br />

837 Martin, Michael F.: East Asia's foreign exchange rate policies /<br />

Michael F. Martin. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research<br />

Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (CRS Report for<br />

Congress; RS22860) - (RS22860)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RS22860_20<strong>08</strong>0410.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>31<br />


838 China's expansion into the Western hemisphere :<br />

implications for Latin America and the United States / Riordan<br />

Roett ... eds. The Brookings Institution - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Brookings Institutions Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - VIII,276 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8157-7553-9<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>10 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0159<br />

839 Conducting government affairs in China / USCBC staff. - In:<br />

The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 35 (March-<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 46-50<br />

GIGA D 839963 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

840 Das, Dilip K.: A Chinese renaissance in an unremittingly<br />

integrating global economy / Dilip K. Das. - In: CESifo Forum<br />

(München), 9 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 39-46, Tab., Lit.<br />

http://www.cesifo-group.de/pls/guestci/download/CESifo%20Foru<br />

m%2020<strong>08</strong>/CESifo%20Forum%201/20<strong>08</strong>/forum1-<strong>08</strong>-special2.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 841292<br />

841 Debating China's exchange rate policy / ed. by Morris<br />

Goldstein ... - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 401 S.<br />

http://bookstore.petersoninstitute.org/book-store/4150.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>29<br />

842 Inaugural meeting of the EU-China High Level Economic<br />

and Trade Dialogue Mechanism (HLM) : 25 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

European Commission, Directorate-General for Trade. -<br />

Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/20<strong>08</strong>/april/tradoc_138632.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 841050<br />

843 Krkoska, Libor; Kornijenko, Evgenija: China's investments in<br />

Russia : where do they go and how important are they? / Libor<br />

Krkoska ; Yevgenia Korniyenko. - In: The China and Eurasia<br />

Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 39-49, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/lk<strong>08</strong>chinainvestment<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840750<br />

844 Lafrance, Robert: China's exchange rate policy: A survey of the<br />

literature / by Robert Lafrance. - Ottawa: Bank of Canada, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 29 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>-20 - (Discussion Paper / Bank of<br />

Canada; 20<strong>08</strong>-5)<br />

http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/res/dp/20<strong>08</strong>/dp<strong>08</strong>-5.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>28<br />

845 Lisbonne-de Vergeron, Karine: The strategic aspects of<br />

EU-China commercial and monetary relations / auteur: Karine<br />

Lisbonne-de Vergeron. - Paris: Fondation Robert Schuman,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 6 S., graph. Darst. - (European Issues / Fondation<br />

Robert Schuman; No. 96)<br />

http://www.robert-schuman.eu/question_europe.php?num=qe-96<br />

DGAP D 840688 DGAP: DG B01425m<br />

846 Nicolas, Françoise: China and foreign investors : The end of a<br />

beautiful friendship ? / Françoise Nicolas. - Paris: Institut<br />

Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 42 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 33-34 - (Asie Visions; n° 4)<br />

http://www.ifri.org/files/centre_asie/Asie_Visions_4_Nicolas.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>66<br />

847 Report on China's policy and its effects on Africa<br />

(2007/2255(INI)) / rapporteur: Ana Maria Gomes, European<br />

Parliament, Committee on Development. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

35 S., Tab. - (Sitzungsdokumente / Europäisches Parlament:<br />

Serie A, Berichte; A6-0<strong>08</strong>0/20<strong>08</strong>) - (RR396570EN.doc)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//N<br />

ONSGML+REPORT+A6-20<strong>08</strong>-0<strong>08</strong>0+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN<br />

SWP D 840613<br />

848 Smith, David: Growling tiger, roaring dragon : India, China and<br />

the new world order / David Smith. - Vancouver ...: Douglas &<br />

McIntyre, 2007. - 266 S., Reg.,Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-55365-334-9<br />

GIGA D 840388 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

849 Smith, Robert: 2007: A big year for customs regulatory<br />

developments / Robert Smith. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 35 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 36-41<br />

GIGA D 839959 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

850 Xu, Yi-chong: China and the United States in Africa : coming<br />

conflict or commercial coexistence? / Xu Yi-chong. - In:<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs (Abingdon), 62 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>16</strong>-37, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840552 DGAP: ZD 150 Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

851 Frank, Rüdiger: Lessons from the past : The first wave of<br />

developmental assistance to North Korea and the German<br />

reconstruction of Hamhùng / Rüdiger Frank. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 46-74<br />

GIGA D 841253 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

852 Nanto, Dick K.; Chanlett-Avery, Emma: The North Korean<br />

economy: leverage and policy analysis : updated March 4, 20<strong>08</strong><br />

/ Dick K. Nanto ; Emma Chanlett-Avery. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 61 S. - (CRS Report<br />

for Congress; RL32493) - (RL32493)<br />

http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL32493.pdf<br />

SWP D 840659<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

853 Australia - Republic of Korea free trade agreement<br />

feasibility study : A joint study by ITS Global and the Korean<br />

Institute for International Economic Policy - Canberra:<br />

Government of Australia, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 132 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 127-132<br />

http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/rok/fta/rok-au-study-report.pdf<br />

SWP D 840954<br />

854 The United States-South Korea FTA: The foreign policy<br />

implications : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 13, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,42 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-89)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36060.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840698 HSFK: 98.880 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

855 17th Japan-EU Summit, Tokyo, 23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> : joint press<br />

statement / European Commission. - Brussels, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/japan/docs/joint_statement<br />

_04<strong>08</strong>_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 840723<br />

856 Agreement on comprehensive economic partnership<br />

among Japan and member states of the Association of<br />

Southeast Asian Nations / The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of<br />

Japan. - Tokyo, 20<strong>08</strong>. - getr. Zähl.<br />

http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/economy/fta/asean/agreement.html<br />

SWP D 840663<br />

857 Aoki-Okabe, Maki: Looking toward the "new era" : features and<br />

background of the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership<br />

Agreement / Maki Aoko-Okabe. - Chiba: Institute of Developing<br />

Economies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>30</strong> S., Tab. - (Discussion Paper / Institute of<br />

Developing Economies; No. 132)<br />

http://ir.ide.go.jp/dspace/bitstream/2344/720/1/ARRIDE_Discussi<br />

on_No.132_aoki.pdf<br />

SWP D 840727<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 42 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

858 Capling, Ann: Preferential trade agreements as instruments of<br />

foreign policy : An Australia-Japan free trade agreement and its<br />

implications for the Asia Pacific region / Ann Capling. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 27-43<br />

GIGA D 840966 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

859 Mandelson, Peter: Unfinished globalisation: investment and the<br />

EU-Japan relationship : speech by Peter Mandelson, Tokyo, 21<br />

<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> - Brussels: European Commission, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 5 S. -<br />

(Speech / European Commission)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/mandelson/speeches_a<br />

rticles/sppm201_en.htm<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>36<br />


860 True, Jacqui: Global accountability and transnational networks :<br />

The women leaders' network and Asia Pacific economic<br />

cooperation / Jacqui True. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-26<br />

GIGA D 840965 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

861 Australia - Republic of Korea free trade agreement<br />

feasibility study : A joint study by ITS Global and the Korean<br />

Institute for International Economic Policy - Canberra:<br />

Government of Australia, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 132 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 127-132<br />

http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/rok/fta/rok-au-study-report.pdf<br />

SWP D 840954<br />

862 Capling, Ann: Preferential trade agreements as instruments of<br />

foreign policy : An Australia-Japan free trade agreement and its<br />

implications for the Asia Pacific region / Ann Capling. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 27-43<br />

GIGA D 840966 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


863 International food aid programs: options to enhance<br />

effectiveness : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,112 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-67)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35676.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>68 HSFK: 98.893 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />



864 Baldwin, Richard; Thornton, Phil: Multilateralising<br />

regionalism : ideas for a WTO Action Plan on Regionalism /<br />

Richard Baldwin and Phil Thornton. - London: CEPR, [20<strong>08</strong>]. -<br />

XIII, 65 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.,Tab., Lit. S. 53-54, Anh.<br />

S. 55-65 - ISBN 978-1-898128-99-1<br />

SWP D 840015 SWP: H.<strong>08</strong>/0119<br />

865 Cho, Sungjoon: A WTO panel openly rejects the appellate<br />

body's "zeroing" case law / by Sungjoon Cho. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

American Society of International Law, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue 3)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/20<strong>08</strong>/03/insights<strong>08</strong>0311.html<br />

SWP D 840799<br />

866 Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tarr, David G.: Regional household<br />

and poverty effects of Russia’s accession to the World Trade<br />

Organization / Thomas Rutherford ; David Tarr. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 73 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4570)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/24/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0324110449/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4570.pdf<br />

SWP D 840118<br />

867 Trakman, Leon E.: The proliferation of free trade agreements :<br />

bane or beauty? / Leon E. Trakman. - In: Journal of World Trade<br />

(London), 42 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 367-388<br />

SWP D 840003 SWP: X. 435 DIE: ZA<strong>08</strong>4 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />


868 Greening aid? Understanding the environmental impact of<br />

development assistance / Robert L. Hicks ... - Oxford: Oxford<br />

Univ. Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,344 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 293-327 - ISBN 978-0-19-921394-8<br />

DIE D 839947 DIE: AZM629 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


869 Beine, Michel; Docquier, Frédéric; Rapoport, Hillel: Brain<br />

drain and human capital formation in developing countries :<br />

winners and losers / Michel Beine, Fréderic Docquier and Hillel<br />

Rapoport. - In: The Economic Journal (Oxford), 118 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

528, S. 631-652, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 651-652<br />

DIE D 841<strong>30</strong>1 DIE: ZA005 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

870 Elbadawi, Ibrahim A.; Kaltani, Linda; Schmidt-Hebbel,<br />

Klaus: Foreign aid, the real exchange rate, and economic<br />

growth in the aftermath of civil war / Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Linda<br />

Kaltani, and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel. - In: The World Bank<br />

Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 113-140, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 137-140<br />

DIE D 8402<strong>08</strong> DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

871 Fugazza, Marco; Vanzetti, David: A South-South survival<br />

strategy : The potential for trade among developing countries /<br />

Marco Fugazza and David Vanzetti. - In: The World Economy<br />

(Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 663-684<br />

SWP D 840709 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

872 Greening aid? Understanding the environmental impact of<br />

development assistance / Robert L. Hicks ... - Oxford: Oxford<br />

Univ. Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,344 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 293-327 - ISBN 978-0-19-921394-8<br />

DIE D 839947 DIE: AZM629 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

873 International food aid programs: options to enhance<br />

effectiveness : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,112 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-67)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35676.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>68 HSFK: 98.893 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

874 Razmi, Arslan; Blecker, Robert A.: Developing country<br />

exports of manufactures : moving up the ladder to escape the<br />

fallacy of composition? / Arslan Razmi, Robert A. Blecker. - In:<br />

The Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 21-48, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 44-45<br />

DIE D 841071 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

875 Schiff, Maurice; Wang, Yangling: North-South and<br />

South-South trade-related technology diffusion : how important<br />

are they in improving TFP growth? / Maurice Schiff, Yangling<br />

Wang. - In: The Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon),<br />

44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 49-59, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 58-59<br />

DIE D 841072 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

876 Shah, Syed Muhammad Ali: Women and globalization / Syed<br />

Muhammad Ali Shah. - In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi),<br />

60 (October 2007) 4, S. 47-67, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>3 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

877 Zorn und Zärtlichkeit : 50 Jahre Miseror ; das Magazin /<br />

Misereor. - Köln: Bachem, [20<strong>08</strong>]. - 96 S., zahlr. Ill.<br />

BICC D 841312 BICC: BC<br />


878 Flint, Adrian: Marrying poverty alleviation and sustainable<br />

development? An analysis of the the EU ACP Cotonou<br />

agreement / Adrian Flint. - In: Journal of International Relations<br />

and Development (Ljubljana), 11 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 55-74, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840545 DGAP: ZD 517 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

879 Müller, Franziska; Scherrer, Christoph: Soziale<br />

Ausgestaltung durch Sozialkapitel? EU-Handelspolitik / EPAs /<br />

Franziska Müller und Christoph Scherrer. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>), S. 1-4, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 840445 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 43 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />


880 Aizenman, Joshua; Lee, Jaewoo: Financial versus monetary<br />

mercantilism : long-run view of large international reserves<br />

hoarding / Joshua Aizenman and Jaewoo Lee. - In: The World<br />

Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 593-611<br />

SWP D 840705 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

881 Biodiversität: Bedrohung und Erhalt - In: Böll.Thema: das<br />

Magazin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Berlin), (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 3-35, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DGAP D 840546 DGAP: DG B01414p<br />

882 Mishkin, Frederic S.: The economics of money, banking, and<br />

financial markets / Frederic S. Mishkin. - 8th ed., internat. ed. -<br />

Boston/Mass. ...: Pearson Addison Wesley, 2007. - Getr.<br />

Zählung, Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., 1 Beil. - (Pearson International<br />

Edition) - ISBN 0-321-42281-3<br />

SWP D 840722 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0<strong>16</strong>2<br />

883 Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Global Governance :<br />

Verantwortung, Macht, Politik / Petra C. Gruber (Hrsg.). -<br />

Opladen ...: Budrich, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 182 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-86649-153-3<br />

DGAP D 839950 DGAP: DG 47002<br />

884 Understanding the latest wave of regional trade and<br />

cooperation agreements : mini symposium / John Whalley. - In:<br />

The World Economy (Oxford), 31 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 461-592<br />

SWP D 839980 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 44 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12




885 Kulturstereotype und unbekannte Kulturlandschaften : Am<br />

Beispiel von Amerika und Europa ; erweiterter Tagungsband des<br />

gleichnamigen Symposions im Rahmen der <strong>Internationale</strong>n<br />

Sommerakademie, 5. und 6. August 2005, in Kooperation der<br />

Universität Mozarteum Salzburg mit der<br />

Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg und dem Salzburger<br />

Landesinstitut für Volkskunde / hrsg. von Joachim Brügge ... -<br />

Anif/Salzburg: Mueller-Speiser, 2007. - 257 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Notenbeisp. - (Wort und Musik; Bd. 66) - (Salzburger Beiträge<br />

zur Volkskunde; Bd. 17) - ISBN 978-3-902537-<strong>08</strong>-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>17 IFA: 28/258 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

886 Rydzy, Edda: Europäische Kulturhauptstädte - ein<br />

Erfolgsmodell europäischer Kulturpolitik / Edda Rydzy. -<br />

In: Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa / Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ...<br />

- Rehburg-Loccum: Evang. Akad. Loccum, 2007. - (Loccumer<br />

Protokolle; 54/06), S. 121-127 - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 841211 IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

887 Skirpekk, Sigurd N.: The other's image : real and false fears in<br />

Arab-European relations / Sigurd N. Skirpekk. - In: Imagining the<br />

Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by<br />

Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern<br />

Middle East Studies; 69), S. 261-268 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840781 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


888 Ammon, Ulrich: Stellung der Zukunftsperspektiven der<br />

deutschen Sprache in Europa und in der Welt / Ulrich Ammon. -<br />

In: Deutsch in Norwegen / John Ole Askedal ... (Hrsg.). -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Osloer Beiträge zur<br />

Germanistik; Bd. 40), S. 25-40, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-631-56986-3<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>13 IFA: 28/260 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

889 Dialogue with African media : German-European African<br />

relations - highlighting development cooperation / Federal<br />

Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development .. Inwent,<br />

Capacity Building International Germany - Berlin, ca. 2007. -<br />

132 S., Ill.<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>07 IFA: 4B28/61 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

890 Foreign languages and multicultural perspectives in the<br />

European context = Fremdsprachen und multikulturelle<br />

Perspektiven im europäischen Kontext / ed. by Annikki<br />

Koskensalo ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 2007. - 359 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0106-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>30</strong> IFA: 28/269 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

891 Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa : eine Lernpartnerschaft ;<br />

51. Loccumer Kulturpolitisches Kolloquium; Dokumentation<br />

einer Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum vom 20. bis<br />

22. Oktober 2006 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kulturpolitischen<br />

Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn / Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ... -<br />

Rehburg-Loccum, 2007. - 147 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

(Loccumer Protokolle; 54/06) - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 8412<strong>08</strong> IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

892 Phillipson, Robert: Language policy and linguistic imperialism /<br />

Robert Phillipson. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell, 2006. - S.<br />

346-361, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4051-1497-4 -- Sonderdruck<br />

aus: An introduction to language policy / ed. by Thomas<br />

Ricento. - Malden/Mass. ..., Blackwell, 2006<br />

IFA D 841123 IFA: Cb28/235 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

893 Reform des Studiensystems : Analysen zum Bologna-Prozess<br />

/ Martin Winter (Hrsg.). - In: Die Hochschule (Wittenberg),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (2007) 2, S. 5-124, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFA D 839945<br />

894 Rydzy, Edda: Europäische Kulturhauptstädte - ein<br />

Erfolgsmodell europäischer Kulturpolitik / Edda Rydzy. -<br />

In: Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa / Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ...<br />

- Rehburg-Loccum: Evang. Akad. Loccum, 2007. - (Loccumer<br />

Protokolle; 54/06), S. 121-127 - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 841211 IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA03.01 FINLAND<br />

895 Foreign languages and multicultural perspectives in the<br />

European context = Fremdsprachen und multikulturelle<br />

Perspektiven im europäischen Kontext / ed. by Annikki<br />

Koskensalo ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 2007. - 359 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0106-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>30</strong> IFA: 28/269 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA03.03 NORWAY<br />

896 Deutsch in Norwegen : Akten der nationalen Fachtagung in<br />

Oslo / John Ole Askedal ... (Hrsg.) - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 125 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Osloer Beiträge zur<br />

Germanistik; Bd. 40) - ISBN 978-3-631-56986-3<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>11 IFA: 28/260 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


897 Phillipson, Robert: Language policy and linguistic imperialism /<br />

Robert Phillipson. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell, 2006. - S.<br />

346-361, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4051-1497-4 -- Sonderdruck<br />

aus: An introduction to language policy / ed. by Thomas<br />

Ricento. - Malden/Mass. ..., Blackwell, 2006<br />

IFA D 841123 IFA: Cb28/235 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

898 Denscheilmann, Heike: Der Mensch im Zentrum : wie Nicolas<br />

Sarkozy mit seiner Politik der Zivilisation die Kulturbeziehungen<br />

Frankreichs neu definieren will / Heike Denscheilmann. -<br />

In: Kulturaustausch (Stuttgart), 58 (20<strong>08</strong>) 11, S. 81-82<br />

DFI D 840517 OSI: Zu 986 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 222 IFA: JAB1 ILAS: ZS-INT<br />


899 Erfurt, Jürgen: Qu'est-ce que l'OIF? / Jürgen Erfurt. -<br />

In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig), 13 (2006) 26, S. 10-22, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840266 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

900 Foual, Mohand Aomar: Etudiants algériens en France : des<br />

itinéraires difficiles / Mohand Aomar Foual. - In: Pour (Paris),<br />

(mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 196-197, S. 42-49, Lit. S. 49<br />

DFI D 840513 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 29<br />

901 Kube, Sabine: Frankophonie und afrikanische Renaissance?<br />

neue Perspektiven für Sprachpolitik im "frankophonen" Afrika /<br />

Sabine Kube. - In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig), 13 (2006) 26, S. 23-36,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840267 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

902 McKenzie, Brian Angus: Remaking France : Americanization,<br />

Public Diplomacy and the Marshall Plan / Brian Angus McKenzie.<br />

- New York/N.Y. ...: Berghahn, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XII,259 S., Ill., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 241-251 - (Explorations in Culture and International<br />

History Series; Vol. 2) - ISBN 1-84545-154-6<br />

IFA D 840269 IFA: 28/227 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

903 Nassr, Marilyn: The image of Arabs and Islam in French<br />

textbooks / Marilyn Nassr. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how<br />

Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. -<br />

London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69), S. 223-250 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840779 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

904 Obergöker, Timo: Le Pop? Anatomie d'un transfert culturel<br />

franco-allemand / Timo Obergöker. - In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig),<br />

13 (2006) 26, S. 95-106, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840268 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 45 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.5 International Cultural Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />

905 Schmidt, Burghart: La chronologie d'une réussite : cinquante<br />

ans de jumelage universitaire entre Bordeaux et Hambourg /<br />

Burghart Schmidt. - In: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und<br />

ihre Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans<br />

l'histoire / Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007,<br />

S. 65-84 - ISBN 978-3-934632-20-2<br />

außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Chronologie einer<br />

Erfolgsgeschichte: 50 Jahre Hochschulpartnerschaft Bordeaux -<br />

Hamburg, in: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und ihre<br />

Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans l'histoire /<br />

Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007<br />

DFI D 841264 DFI: WE 420.BOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

906 Schmidt, Burghart: Chronologie einer Erfolgsgeschichte : 50<br />

Jahre Hochschulpartnerschaft Bordeaux - Hamburg / Burghart<br />

Schmidt. - In: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und ihre<br />

Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans l'histoire /<br />

Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007, S. 24-64,<br />

Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-934632-20-2<br />

außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: La chronologie d'une réussite:<br />

cinquante ans de jumelage universitaire entre Bordeaux et<br />

Hambourg, in: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und ihre<br />

Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans l'histoire /<br />

Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007<br />

DFI D 841262 DFI: WE 420.BOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

907 [La Villa Abd-el-Tif] - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er<br />

trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 141-152, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841298 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

9<strong>08</strong> Abkommen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und<br />

der Regierung von Bosnien und Herzegowina über<br />

Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen der Kultur, Bildung und<br />

Wissenschaft - In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Bonn),<br />

(12. Oktober 2004) 33, S. 1443-1444<br />

http://cms.ifa.de/fileadmin/content/informationsforum/auswaertige<br />

s_amt/bosnien-herzegowina.pdf<br />

IFA D 840136 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DGAP: MD 23 IFA: Z-D732<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

909 Antisemitismus - In: Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1-2, S. 3-69<br />

SWP D 840359 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 2<strong>16</strong> HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188<br />

910 Bartos, Helene: Israeli-German relations in the years<br />

2000-2006 : A special relationship revisited / Helene Bartos. -<br />

Oxford, 2007. - 136 S., Lit. S. 103-136 -- Oxford, Univ., Master<br />

thesis, 2007<br />

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~metheses/Bartos%20thesis.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841212<br />

911 Begegnungen der Jugend Deutschland - Iran : Jugend im<br />

Dialog - Austausch der Kulturen / Internatsschule<br />

Königin-Luise-Stiftung. Manfred Grüter - Projektleiter. - Berlin,<br />

2007. - 12 S. + 1 DVD, zahlr. Ill.<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>06 IFA: Cb28/222 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

912 Bister, Daniel: Deutsche Auswärtige Kulturpolitik in Kroatien :<br />

eine Untersuchung der Ziele und Praxis kultureller Projektarbeit<br />

des Goethe-Instituts in Zagreb / vorgelegt von: Daniel Bister. -<br />

Hildesheim, 2007. - 98,VII,2 S., Lit. S. 91-97 -- Hildesheim, Univ.,<br />

Diplomarb., 2007<br />

IFA D 840976 IFA: 4B28/67 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

913 Die deutsche Präsenz in Film und Medien der USA = The<br />

German presence in American film and media - In: Die deutsche<br />

Präsenz in den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. /<br />

hrsg. von Josef Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 417-512,<br />

Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839990 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

914 Deutsche Spuren in der amerikanischen Kultur = German<br />

influences in American culture - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den<br />

USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef<br />

Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 513-625, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839998 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

915 Deutschland in der amerikanischen Literatur = Germany in<br />

American literature - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den USA = The<br />

German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef Raab ... -<br />

Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 357-4<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839988 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

9<strong>16</strong> Drache und Adler : ein deutsch-chinesischer<br />

Schüleraustausch - Bischöfliches Pius-Gymnasium Aachen &<br />

Ningbo Foreign Affairs School ; Reiseimpressionen / hrsg. von<br />

Christel Ellerich. - Aachen: Einhard, 2007. - 89,73 S., Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-936342-58-1<br />

IFA D 840297 IFA: 28/241 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

917 Eggers, Dietrich: Auswahlbibliographie von Neuerscheinungen<br />

für das Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2007 / zusammengest.<br />

von Dietrich Eggers unter Mitarb. von Dorothee Schwarck. -<br />

In: Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache (München),<br />

35 (Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 91-121<br />

IFA D 841136 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D2802 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

918 Esselborn, Karl: Der Adelbert-von-Chamisso-Preis und die<br />

Förderung der Migrationsliteratur / Karl Esselborn. -<br />

In: Migrationsliteratur / hrsg. von Klaus Schenk ... - Tübingen ...:<br />

Francke, 2004, S. 317-325 - ISBN 3-7720-8068-5<br />

IFA D 841217 IFA: 28/310 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

919 Federal Office of Administration - Central Agency for<br />

Schools Abroad (Cologne): Bund-Länder-Inspektion<br />

deutscher Schulen im Ausland : Ziele, Durchführung, Nutzen /<br />

Bundesverwaltungsamt, Zentralstelle für das<br />

Auslandsschulwesen. - Köln, 2007. - 23 S., Ill., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Schulmanagement weltweit)<br />

IFA D 840676 IFA: Cb28/221 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

920 Fremd im eigenen Land? Erkundung in den Zonen der<br />

Verwundbarkeit ; Xenos - Berichte aus der Praxis /<br />

Heinz-Hermann Krüger ... (Hrsg.) - Hamburg: VSA-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

206 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89965-218-5<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>08</strong> IFA: 28/261 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

921 Fuest, Veronika: Normative German-African research<br />

cooperation : practices, problems and policies / Veronika Fuest.<br />

- In: Afrika Spectrum (Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3, S. 483-505,<br />

Lit. S. 501-504, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

922 Gysi, Gregor: Die Haltung der deutschen Linken zum Staat<br />

Israel : Vortrag auf einer Veranstaltung "60 Jahre Israel" der<br />

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung am 14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> / Gregor Gysi. -<br />

Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (RLS<br />

Standpunkte; 9/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/Standpunkt<br />

e_<strong>08</strong>09.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841223<br />

923 Kleinsteuber, Hans J.: "Deutsche Welle" und "German TV" in<br />

den USA : Auswärtige Kulturpolitik auf einem schwierigen Markt<br />

/ Hans J. Kleinsteuber. - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den USA<br />

= The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef Raab ... -<br />

Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 451-478, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839994 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

924 Kotthoff, Helga: Ritual and style across cultures / Helga<br />

Kotthoff. - In: Handbook of intercultural communication / ed. by<br />

Helga Kotthoff ... - Berlin ...: Mouton de Gruyter, 2007. -<br />

(Handbooks of Applied Linguistics; vol. 7), S. 173-197, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-3-11-018471-6<br />

IFA D 841222 IFA: 28/268 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

925 Matelski, Dariusz: Polityka Niemiec wobec polskich dóbr<br />

kultury w XX wieku (Übers.: Deutschlands Politik in Bezug auf<br />

die polnischen Kulturgüter im 20. Jahrhundert) / Dariusz<br />

Matelski. - Toruń: Marszałek, 2005. - 600 S., Ill., Kt., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 453-510 - ISBN 83-7441-173-2<br />

IFA D 840285 IFA: 28/152 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

926 Migrationsliteratur : Schreibweisen einer interkulturellen<br />

Moderne / hrsg. von Klaus Schenk ... - Tübingen ...: Francke,<br />

2004. - XI,334 S., Ill., Reg. - ISBN 3-7720-8068-5<br />

IFA D 841214 IFA: 28/310 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 46 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

927 Obergöker, Timo: Le Pop? Anatomie d'un transfert culturel<br />

franco-allemand / Timo Obergöker. - In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig),<br />

13 (2006) 26, S. 95-106, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840268 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

928 Pohl, Karl-Heinz: Unser Chinabild - von Marco Polo bis heute /<br />

von Karl-Heinz Pohl. - In: China-Report (Konstanz), (15. März<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 47, S. 7-12, Ill.<br />

IFA D 839939 IFA: Z-D3784 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

929 Schmidt, Burghart: La chronologie d'une réussite : cinquante<br />

ans de jumelage universitaire entre Bordeaux et Hambourg /<br />

Burghart Schmidt. - In: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und<br />

ihre Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans<br />

l'histoire / Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007,<br />

S. 65-84 - ISBN 978-3-934632-20-2<br />

außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Chronologie einer<br />

Erfolgsgeschichte: 50 Jahre Hochschulpartnerschaft Bordeaux -<br />

Hamburg, in: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und ihre<br />

Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans l'histoire /<br />

Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007<br />

DFI D 841264 DFI: WE 420.BOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

9<strong>30</strong> Schmidt, Burghart: Chronologie einer Erfolgsgeschichte : 50<br />

Jahre Hochschulpartnerschaft Bordeaux - Hamburg / Burghart<br />

Schmidt. - In: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und ihre<br />

Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans l'histoire /<br />

Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007, S. 24-64,<br />

Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-934632-20-2<br />

außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: La chronologie d'une réussite:<br />

cinquante ans de jumelage universitaire entre Bordeaux et<br />

Hambourg, in: Bordeaux - Hamburg, zwei Städte und ihre<br />

Geschichte = Bordeaux - Hambourg, deux villes dans l'histoire /<br />

Bernard Lachaise ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU, 2007<br />

DFI D 841262 DFI: WE 420.BOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

931 Schreiner, Patrick: Auswärtige Kulturarbeit zwischen<br />

Konzeption und Umsetzung : Steuerungsprobleme in einem<br />

schwierigen Politikfeld / Patrick Schreiner. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., Lit. Hinw. - (SWP-Studie;<br />

S 12/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4878<br />

SWP D 841178 SWP: H.<strong>08</strong>/0124 DGAP: DG B01426a IFA: Cb28/226 SOI: 15288<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />

932 Schwan, Anna: Das Deutschlandbild in den amerikanischen<br />

Medien : der Bundestagswahlkampf 2002 und die Irak-Frage im<br />

Spiegel der US-Presse / Anna Schwan. - In: Die deutsche<br />

Präsenz in den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. /<br />

hrsg. von Josef Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 479-512,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839996 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

933 Stereotypen = Stereotypes - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den<br />

USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef<br />

Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 291-355, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839987 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

934 Drexlerowa, Anna M.; Olszewski, Andrzej K.: Polska i Polacy<br />

na powszechnych wystawach światowych : 1851-2000<br />

(Übers.: Polen und die Polen auf den Weltausstellungen<br />

1851-2000) / Anna M. Drexlerowa ; Andrzej K. Olszewski. -<br />

Warszawa: Inst. Sztuki Polskiej Akad. Nauk, 2005. - 314, Ill., Lit.<br />

Hinw. + CD-ROM - ISBN 83-89101-42-4<br />

IFA D 840287 IFA: 28/201 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

935 Matelski, Dariusz: Polityka Niemiec wobec polskich dóbr<br />

kultury w XX wieku (Übers.: Deutschlands Politik in Bezug auf<br />

die polnischen Kulturgüter im 20. Jahrhundert) / Dariusz<br />

Matelski. - Toruń: Marszałek, 2005. - 600 S., Ill., Kt., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 453-510 - ISBN 83-7441-173-2<br />

IFA D 840285 IFA: 28/152 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.5 International Cultural Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />

RA05.13 AUSTRIA<br />

936 Kulturstereotype und unbekannte Kulturlandschaften : Am<br />

Beispiel von Amerika und Europa ; erweiterter Tagungsband des<br />

gleichnamigen Symposions im Rahmen der <strong>Internationale</strong>n<br />

Sommerakademie, 5. und 6. August 2005, in Kooperation der<br />

Universität Mozarteum Salzburg mit der<br />

Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg und dem Salzburger<br />

Landesinstitut für Volkskunde / hrsg. von Joachim Brügge ... -<br />

Anif/Salzburg: Mueller-Speiser, 2007. - 257 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Notenbeisp. - (Wort und Musik; Bd. 66) - (Salzburger Beiträge<br />

zur Volkskunde; Bd. 17) - ISBN 978-3-902537-<strong>08</strong>-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>17 IFA: 28/258 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


937 Antisemitismus - In: Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1-2, S. 3-69<br />

SWP D 840359 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 2<strong>16</strong> HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188<br />

938 Perrot, Anne-Catherine de: Evaluation bei Pro Helvetia :<br />

Lessons learnt und Best Practice / Anne-Catherine de Perrot. -<br />

In: Evaluation als Grundlage und Instrument kulturpolitischer<br />

Steuerung / Karl Ermert (Hrsg.). Bundesakademie für Kulturelle<br />

Bildung Wolfenbüttel. - Wolfenbüttel, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Wolfenbütteler<br />

Akademie-Texte; Bd. 34), S. 50-59 - ISBN 978-3-929622-34-8<br />

IFA D 8405<strong>16</strong> IFA: 28/175 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

939 Bakadir, Abu-Bakr Ahmed: Arab and Turkish images of each<br />

other / Abu Bakr Ahmed Bakadir. - In: Imagining the Arab other:<br />

how Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. -<br />

London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69), S. 284-315 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840782 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

940 Kotthoff, Helga: Ritual and style across cultures / Helga<br />

Kotthoff. - In: Handbook of intercultural communication / ed. by<br />

Helga Kotthoff ... - Berlin ...: Mouton de Gruyter, 2007. -<br />

(Handbooks of Applied Linguistics; vol. 7), S. 173-197, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-3-11-018471-6<br />

IFA D 841222 IFA: 28/268 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.23 CROATIA<br />

941 Bister, Daniel: Deutsche Auswärtige Kulturpolitik in Kroatien :<br />

eine Untersuchung der Ziele und Praxis kultureller Projektarbeit<br />

des Goethe-Instituts in Zagreb / vorgelegt von: Daniel Bister. -<br />

Hildesheim, 2007. - 98,VII,2 S., Lit. S. 91-97 -- Hildesheim, Univ.,<br />

Diplomarb., 2007<br />

IFA D 840976 IFA: 4B28/67 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA<br />

942 Abkommen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und<br />

der Regierung von Bosnien und Herzegowina über<br />

Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen der Kultur, Bildung und<br />

Wissenschaft - In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Bonn),<br />

(12. Oktober 2004) 33, S. 1443-1444<br />

http://cms.ifa.de/fileadmin/content/informationsforum/auswaertige<br />

s_amt/bosnien-herzegowina.pdf<br />

IFA D 840136 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DGAP: MD 23 IFA: Z-D732<br />

Öff.StaO: 212<br />


943 Amerikanische Varietäten der deutschen Sprache<br />

= American varieties of German - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in<br />

den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef<br />

Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 627-763, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0 -- Enth.<br />

außerdem: Sprache und Identität = Language and<br />

identity. - S. 701-764<br />

IFA D 840000 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

944 Deutsche Literatur und Germanistik in den USA = German<br />

literature and German studies in the U.S.A. - In: Die deutsche<br />

Präsenz in den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. /<br />

hrsg. von Josef Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 765-786,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 840005 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 47 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.5 International Cultural Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />

945 Die deutsche Präsenz in Film und Medien der USA = The<br />

German presence in American film and media - In: Die deutsche<br />

Präsenz in den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. /<br />

hrsg. von Josef Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 417-512,<br />

Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839990 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

946 Deutsche Spuren in der amerikanischen Kultur = German<br />

influences in American culture - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den<br />

USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef<br />

Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 513-625, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839998 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

947 Deutschland in der amerikanischen Literatur = Germany in<br />

American literature - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den USA = The<br />

German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef Raab ... -<br />

Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 357-4<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839988 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

948 Kleinsteuber, Hans J.: "Deutsche Welle" und "German TV" in<br />

den USA : Auswärtige Kulturpolitik auf einem schwierigen Markt<br />

/ Hans J. Kleinsteuber. - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den USA<br />

= The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef Raab ... -<br />

Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 451-478, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839994 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

949 Kulturstereotype und unbekannte Kulturlandschaften : Am<br />

Beispiel von Amerika und Europa ; erweiterter Tagungsband des<br />

gleichnamigen Symposions im Rahmen der <strong>Internationale</strong>n<br />

Sommerakademie, 5. und 6. August 2005, in Kooperation der<br />

Universität Mozarteum Salzburg mit der<br />

Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg und dem Salzburger<br />

Landesinstitut für Volkskunde / hrsg. von Joachim Brügge ... -<br />

Anif/Salzburg: Mueller-Speiser, 2007. - 257 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Notenbeisp. - (Wort und Musik; Bd. 66) - (Salzburger Beiträge<br />

zur Volkskunde; Bd. 17) - ISBN 978-3-902537-<strong>08</strong>-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>17 IFA: 28/258 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

950 McKenzie, Brian Angus: Remaking France : Americanization,<br />

Public Diplomacy and the Marshall Plan / Brian Angus McKenzie.<br />

- New York/N.Y. ...: Berghahn, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XII,259 S., Ill., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 241-251 - (Explorations in Culture and International<br />

History Series; Vol. 2) - ISBN 1-84545-154-6<br />

IFA D 840269 IFA: 28/227 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

951 Phillipson, Robert: Language policy and linguistic imperialism /<br />

Robert Phillipson. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell, 2006. - S.<br />

346-361, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4051-1497-4 -- Sonderdruck<br />

aus: An introduction to language policy / ed. by Thomas<br />

Ricento. - Malden/Mass. ..., Blackwell, 2006<br />

IFA D 841123 IFA: Cb28/235 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

952 Schwan, Anna: Das Deutschlandbild in den amerikanischen<br />

Medien : der Bundestagswahlkampf 2002 und die Irak-Frage im<br />

Spiegel der US-Presse / Anna Schwan. - In: Die deutsche<br />

Präsenz in den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. /<br />

hrsg. von Josef Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 479-512,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839996 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

953 Stereotypen = Stereotypes - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in den<br />

USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef<br />

Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 291-355, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 839987 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


954 Fuest, Veronika: Normative German-African research<br />

cooperation : practices, problems and policies / Veronika Fuest.<br />

- In: Afrika Spectrum (Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3, S. 483-505,<br />

Lit. S. 501-504, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

955 Kube, Sabine: Frankophonie und afrikanische Renaissance?<br />

neue Perspektiven für Sprachpolitik im "frankophonen" Afrika /<br />

Sabine Kube. - In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig), 13 (2006) 26, S. 23-36,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840267 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


956 Dialogue with African media : German-European African<br />

relations - highlighting development cooperation / Federal<br />

Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development .. Inwent,<br />

Capacity Building International Germany - Berlin, ca. 2007. -<br />

132 S., Ill.<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>07 IFA: 4B28/61 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


957 Atrissi, Talal: Arab and Iranian images of each other / Talal<br />

Atrissi. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs<br />

view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 3<strong>16</strong>-356 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840784 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

958 Bakadir, Abu-Bakr Ahmed: Arab and Turkish images of each<br />

other / Abu Bakr Ahmed Bakadir. - In: Imagining the Arab other:<br />

how Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. -<br />

London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69), S. 284-315 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840782 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

959 Imagining the Arab other : how Arabs and non-Arabs view<br />

each other / ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: I.B. Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

X,356 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69) - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840641 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

960 Kilani, Munzer A.: Orientalism and occidentalism : The<br />

invention of the other in anthropological discourse / Munzer A.<br />

Kilani. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs<br />

view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 10-<strong>16</strong> -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840650 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

961 Labib, Tahar: The other in Arab culture / Tahar Labib. -<br />

In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs view<br />

each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 47-91 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840773 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

962 Nassr, Marilyn: The image of Arabs and Islam in French<br />

textbooks / Marilyn Nassr. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how<br />

Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. -<br />

London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69), S. 223-250 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840779 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

963 Sharawi, Helmy: The African in Arab culture : dynamics of<br />

inclusion and exclusion / Helmi Sharawi. - In: Imagining the Arab<br />

other: how Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar<br />

Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle<br />

East Studies; 69), S. 92-156 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840774 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

964 Skirpekk, Sigurd N.: The other's image : real and false fears in<br />

Arab-European relations / Sigurd N. Skirpekk. - In: Imagining the<br />

Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by<br />

Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern<br />

Middle East Studies; 69), S. 261-268 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840781 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

965 Foual, Mohand Aomar: Etudiants algériens en France : des<br />

itinéraires difficiles / Mohand Aomar Foual. - In: Pour (Paris),<br />

(mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 196-197, S. 42-49, Lit. S. 49<br />

DFI D 840513 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 29<br />

966 [La Villa Abd-el-Tif] - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er<br />

trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 141-152, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841298 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 48 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

967 Suleiman, Michael W.: Tunesia and the world : Attitude of the<br />

young Tunisian to other countries / Michael Suleiman. -<br />

In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs view<br />

each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 203-222 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840777 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

968 Bartos, Helene: Israeli-German relations in the years<br />

2000-2006 : A special relationship revisited / Helene Bartos. -<br />

Oxford, 2007. - 136 S., Lit. S. 103-136 -- Oxford, Univ., Master<br />

thesis, 2007<br />

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~metheses/Bartos%20thesis.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841212<br />

969 Gysi, Gregor: Die Haltung der deutschen Linken zum Staat<br />

Israel : Vortrag auf einer Veranstaltung "60 Jahre Israel" der<br />

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung am 14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> / Gregor Gysi. -<br />

Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (RLS<br />

Standpunkte; 9/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/Standpunkt<br />

e_<strong>08</strong>09.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841223<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

970 Atrissi, Talal: Arab and Iranian images of each other / Talal<br />

Atrissi. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs<br />

view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 3<strong>16</strong>-356 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840784 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

971 Begegnungen der Jugend Deutschland - Iran : Jugend im<br />

Dialog - Austausch der Kulturen / Internatsschule<br />

Königin-Luise-Stiftung. Manfred Grüter - Projektleiter. - Berlin,<br />

2007. - 12 S. + 1 DVD, zahlr. Ill.<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>06 IFA: Cb28/222 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI03.01 CHINA<br />

972 Pohl, Karl-Heinz: Unser Chinabild - von Marco Polo bis heute /<br />

von Karl-Heinz Pohl. - In: China-Report (Konstanz), (15. März<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 47, S. 7-12, Ill.<br />

IFA D 839939 IFA: Z-D3784 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

973 Lay, Tristan: Motivation beim Fremdsprachenerwerb :<br />

Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Moivation taiwanischer<br />

Studierender, im Rahmen ihres fachfremden Studiums Deutsch<br />

als Fremdsprache zu lernen / Tristan Lay. - In: Informationen<br />

Deutsch als Fremdsprache (München), 35 (Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 15-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFA D 841134 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D2802 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


974 Drache und Adler : ein deutsch-chinesischer<br />

Schüleraustausch - Bischöfliches Pius-Gymnasium Aachen &<br />

Ningbo Foreign Affairs School ; Reiseimpressionen / hrsg. von<br />

Christel Ellerich. - Aachen: Einhard, 2007. - 89,73 S., Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-936342-58-1<br />

IFA D 840297 IFA: 28/241 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

975 Pohl, Karl-Heinz: Unser Chinabild - von Marco Polo bis heute /<br />

von Karl-Heinz Pohl. - In: China-Report (Konstanz), (15. März<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 47, S. 7-12, Ill.<br />

IFA D 839939 IFA: Z-D3784 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.5 International Cultural Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />



976 Welterbe und Tourismus : Schützen und Nützen aus einer<br />

Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit / Kurt Luger ... (Hg.) -<br />

Innsbruck ...: Studienverl., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 454 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Tourismus: transkulturell &<br />

transdisziplinär; Bd. 9) - ISBN 978-3-7065-4518-1<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>27 IFA: 28/264 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


977 Imagining the Arab other : how Arabs and non-Arabs view<br />

each other / ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: I.B. Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

X,356 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69) - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840641 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

978 Kilani, Munzer A.: Orientalism and occidentalism : The<br />

invention of the other in anthropological discourse / Munzer A.<br />

Kilani. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs<br />

view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 10-<strong>16</strong> -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840650 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


979 Erfurt, Jürgen: Qu'est-ce que l'OIF? / Jürgen Erfurt. -<br />

In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig), 13 (2006) 26, S. 10-22, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840266 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

980 Kube, Sabine: Frankophonie und afrikanische Renaissance?<br />

neue Perspektiven für Sprachpolitik im "frankophonen" Afrika /<br />

Sabine Kube. - In: Grenzgänge (Leipzig), 13 (2006) 26, S. 23-36,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840267 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D4068 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


981 Ammon, Ulrich: Stellung der Zukunftsperspektiven der<br />

deutschen Sprache in Europa und in der Welt / Ulrich Ammon. -<br />

In: Deutsch in Norwegen / John Ole Askedal ... (Hrsg.). -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Osloer Beiträge zur<br />

Germanistik; Bd. 40), S. 25-40, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-631-56986-3<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>13 IFA: 28/260 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

982 Giovannini, Arno: Business-Knigge international :<br />

interkulturelle Kompetenz als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor / Arno<br />

Giovannini. - Zürich: WEKA-Verl., 2007. - 39 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (WEKA-Business-Dossier) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-297-00500-2<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>05 IFA: Cb28/210 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

983 Handbook of intercultural communication / ed. by Helga<br />

Kotthoff ... - Berlin ...: Mouton de Gruyter, 2007. - XXI,560 S.,<br />

Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Handbooks of Applied Linguistics; vol. 7)<br />

- ISBN 978-3-11-018471-6<br />

IFA D 841220 IFA: 28/268 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

984 The public diplomacy reader / J. Michael Waller, ed. The<br />

Institute of World Politics. - Washington/D.C.: Inst. of World<br />

Politics Press, 2007. - 515 S. - ISBN 978-0-6151-5465-7<br />

IFA D 841239 IFA: 28/284 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


985 Barnett, George A.; Sung, Eunjung: Culture and the structure<br />

of international communication / George A. Barnett & Eunjung<br />

Sung. - Sydney: Macquarie Univ., 2005. - S. 75-88, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. -- Sonderdruck aus: The Journal of International<br />

Communication (Sydney), 11 (2005) 2<br />

http://www.internationalcommunicationsjournal.com/issues/volum<br />

e-11-no-2/culture-and-the-structure-of-international-communicati<br />

on-.asp<br />

IFA D 840532 IFA: Cb28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 49 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


986 Gowan, Richard: The United States and peacekeeping policy in<br />

Europe and Latin America : An uncertain catalyst? / Richard<br />

Gowan. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 84-101<br />

SWP D 841252 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

987 Spitzer, Giselher: "Rechtliche Möglichkeiten und Praxis der<br />

Aufarbeitung der Herrschaftsinstrumente totalitärer Systeme<br />

insbesondere durch Medien in Europa" : 6. Frankfurter<br />

Medienrechtstage 2007 an der Europa-Universität Viadrina,<br />

Frankfurt (Oder): 28. bis 29. November 2007 / Giselher Stitzer. -<br />

In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 68-76<br />

SWP D 8410<strong>08</strong> SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />


988 Acuña, Carlos H.: La política de la modernización estatal :<br />

notas comparando la experiencia europea con la<br />

latinoamericana (con foco en Argentina) / Carlos H. Acuña. -<br />

In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 103-124, Lit. S. 123-124<br />

GIGA D 841189 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

989 Adding Hezbollah to the EU terrorist list : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 20, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,41 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-79)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36207.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841009 HSFK: 98.901 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

990 Auber, Emmanuel: États-Unis versus Union européenne :<br />

observations comparatives sur la répartition des compétences /<br />

par Emmanuel Auber. - In: Revue du marché commun et de<br />

l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 517, S. 221-226<br />

SWP D 841055 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

991 Báchora, Rastislav: Organisierte Kriminalität auf dem<br />

westlichen Balkan als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung für<br />

die EU : Schwerpunkt Kosovo / Rastislav Báchora. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 18-31<br />

SOI D 840594 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

992 Bacquias, Jérôme: Freedom, security and justice : The new<br />

Lisbon (Treaty) agenda / by Jérôme Bacquias. - Brussels:<br />

European Policy Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (Policy Brief / European<br />

Policy Centre)<br />

http://www.epc.eu/TEWN/pdf/87<strong>30</strong>79151_Freedom,%20security<br />

%20and%20justice.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840038 DGAP: DG B01422b<br />

993 Bericht der Europäischen Kommission zur Umsetzung des<br />

Haager Programms : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die<br />

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Jan Korte ... und der Fraktion<br />

DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7389 / Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln:<br />

Bundesanzeiger, 2007. - 7 S. - (Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages: Drucksachen; <strong>16</strong>/7621)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/076/<strong>16</strong>07621.pdf<br />

SWP D 840713 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

994 Eberhard, Harald: Das Legalitätsprinzip im Spannungsfeld von<br />

Gemeinschaftsrecht und nationalem Recht : Stand und<br />

Perspektive eines "europäischen Legalitätsprinzips" / Harald<br />

Eberhard. - In: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien), 63 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 49-1<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840562 DGAP: ZD 329 Öff.StaO: 281<br />

995 Francis, Céline: 'Selective affinities' : The reaction of the<br />

Council of Europe and the European Union to the second armed<br />

conflict in Chechnya ; (1999-2006) / Céline Francis. -<br />

In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 317-338, Lit. S. 337-338<br />

SWP D 841096 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


996 Gessler, Barbara: Die Bedeutung der kommunalen Kulturpolitik<br />

für die Kulturpolitik in Europa / Barbara Gessler. -<br />

In: Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa / Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ...<br />

- Rehburg-Loccum: Evang. Akad. Loccum, 2007. - (Loccumer<br />

Protokolle; 54/06), S. 111-119 - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 841210 IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

997 Islam, Shada: Building democracy and fighting extremism in<br />

Pakistan : A role for the EU / by Shada Islam. - Brussels:<br />

European Policy Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (Policy Brief / European<br />

Policy Centre)<br />

http://www.epc.eu/TEWN/pdf/83885473_Building%20democracy<br />

%20and%20fighting%20extremism%20in%20Pakistan.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840019 DGAP: DG B01422a<br />

998 Leczykiewicz, Dorota: Constitutional conflicts and the third<br />

pillar / Dorota Leczykiewicz. - In: European Law Review<br />

(London), 33 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 2<strong>30</strong>-242, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841066 SWP: Y. 1096 Öff.StaO: 188/8<strong>08</strong><br />

999 Petritsch, Wolfgang: Russia, Kosovo and Europe : A case<br />

study in post-cold war conflict mangement / Wolfgang Petritsch.<br />

- In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 6-17<br />

SOI D 840591 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1000 Rüger, Carolin; Wolf, Alexander: Perspektiven für den<br />

europäischen Verfassungsvertrag / [Alexander Wolf ; Carolin<br />

Rüger]. - München: Hanns-Seidel Stiftung, 2007. - 5 S. -<br />

(Argumentation kompakt)<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/070125_Argumentation_kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840190 DGAP: DG B01422h<br />

1001 Sauter, Wolf: Services of general economic interest and<br />

universal service in EU law / Wolf Sauter. - In: European Law<br />

Review (London), 33 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>7-193, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841065 SWP: Y. 1096 Öff.StaO: 188/8<strong>08</strong><br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

1002 Blank, Stephen J.: NATO: keeping Kosovo from becoming<br />

entangled with Caucasus complexities / Stephen J. Blank. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 2 S. - (Eurasia<br />

Insight)<br />

http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav04010<br />

8a_pr.shtml<br />

SWP D 840096<br />


1003 Francis, Céline: 'Selective affinities' : The reaction of the<br />

Council of Europe and the European Union to the second armed<br />

conflict in Chechnya ; (1999-2006) / Céline Francis. -<br />

In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 317-338, Lit. S. 337-338<br />

SWP D 841096 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />



1004 Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing the democratic<br />

transition : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

July 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,56 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-102)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36990.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840574 HSFK: 98.915 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1005 Lauth, Hans-Joachim: Qualität und Konsolidierung der<br />

Demokratie im Osten Europas / Hans-Joachim Lauth. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften<br />

(Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 101-122, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841057 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1006 Rechel, Bernd: What has limited the EU's impact on minority<br />

rights in accession countries? / Bernd Rechel. - In: East<br />

European Politics and Societies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 22 (Fall<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 171-191<br />

SOI D 840587 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.125 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 50 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1007 Rüb, Friedbert W.: Bipolare Exekutiven in postsozialistischen<br />

Verfassungen / Friedbert W. Rüb. - In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und<br />

Europawissenschaften (Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 123-146,<br />

Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält außerdem: Lauth, Hans-Joachim<br />

u. Rüb, Friedbert W.: Ein Fazit: machtvolle Exekutiven als<br />

Achillesferse junger Demokratien? - S. 147-152<br />

FUB D 841059 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA04.01 IRELAND<br />

10<strong>08</strong> Boyne, Sean: Republic resistance : fighting back against Irish<br />

organised crime / Sean Boyne. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 32-35<br />

SWP D 840335 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />


1009 Aitken, Robert: The Aitken report : An investigation into cases<br />

of deliberate abuse and unlawful killing in Iraq in 2003 and 2004<br />

/ [British] Army. - London: Ministry of Defence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S.<br />

http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/7AC894D3-14<strong>30</strong>-4AD1-911F-8<br />

210C3342CC5/0/aitken_rep.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841010<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1010 68, une histoire collective : 1962-1981 / sous la dir. de Philippe<br />

Artières ... - Paris: La Découverte, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 847 S., Ill.,<br />

Zeittaf., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Cahiers libres) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7071-4996-1<br />

DFI D 841295 DFI: FC 510.HIST Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1011 Aunay, Typhaine; Gremillet, Mayette; Sezeur, Sylvie: SCoT<br />

de la Région de Saverne : regain de vitalité dans le nord-est /<br />

Typhaine Aunay ; Mayette Gremillet ; Sylvie Sezeur. -<br />

In: Chiffres pour l'Alsace: Revue (Strasbourg), (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 43,<br />

S. 3-6, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

DFI D 840542 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1012 Balladur, Edouard: Constitution / Edouard Balladur. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 51-56<br />

DFI D 839915 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1013 Braconnier, Céline: Les sages interpellés : quelques usages<br />

profanes du Conseil constitutionnel / Céline Braconnier. -<br />

In: Revue française de science politique (Paris), 58 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2, S. 197-2<strong>30</strong>, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840507 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1014 Brézet, Alexis: Les trois pilliers de Sarkozy / par Alexis Brézet. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 67-78, graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841219 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1015 Chaussebourg, Laure; Lumbroso, Sonia: L'appel des<br />

décisions des cours d'assises : conséquences sur la déclaration<br />

de culpabilité / Laure Chaussebourg ; Sonia Lumbroso. -<br />

In: Infostat Justice (Paris), (janvier 20<strong>08</strong>) 100, S. 1-4, Tab.<br />

DFI D 841282 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

10<strong>16</strong> Croix, la mémoire d'une ville / Martine Aubry ... , sous la dir. de<br />

Robert Vandenbussche. Préface d'Arnaud Desplechin - Paris:<br />

La Martinière, 2006. - 265 S., zahlr. Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 2-7324-3525-2<br />

DFI D 841284 DFI: FD 680.CRO/CR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1017 Gobillon, Laurent; Selod, Harris: Les déterminants locaux du<br />

chômage en région parisienne / Laurent Gobillon ; Harris Selod.<br />

- In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181, S. 19-38,<br />

Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 37-38<br />

DFI D 840291 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1018 Grunberg, Gérard: Quelques leçons de la défaite socialiste /<br />

par Gérard Grunberg. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres.<br />

- Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 33-53, zahlr. graph. Darst. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841215 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1019 Horgues-Debat, Jean: La proximité : une autre logique pour les<br />

services publics / Jean Horgues-Debat. - In: Pour (Paris), (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 196-197, S. 25-33<br />

DFI D 840512 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 29<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1020 House, Jim; MacMaster, Neil: Paris 1961 : Algerians, state<br />

terror, and memory / Jim House and Neil MacMaster. - Oxford:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. - XI,375 S., Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 339-359 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-924725-7<br />

DFI D 841203 DFI: FC 7<strong>30</strong>.HOU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1021 Kriesi, Hanspeter: Frankreich / Hanspeter Kriesi. -<br />

In: Hanspeter Kriesi: Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Bd. II. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 200<strong>08</strong>, S. 177-229, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-8329-3<strong>08</strong>8-2<br />

DFI D 841135 DFI: VB 370.KRIE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1022 Luck, Simon: Entre contestation et participation : l'ambiguïté du<br />

rapport au vote des activistes de la gauche libertaire / Simon<br />

Luck. - In: Revue française de science politique (Paris), 58 (avril<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 231-256, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 8405<strong>08</strong> OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1023 La mission de la Cours des Comptes : un discours du<br />

Président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy ; (novembre 2007) -<br />

In: La Revue administrative (Paris), 61 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 362,<br />

S. 120-124<br />

DFI D 839936 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1024 Premat, Christophe: Les effets de l'institutionnalisation du<br />

référendum local en France et en Allemagne / Christophe<br />

Premat. - In: Revue française de science politique (Paris),<br />

58 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 257-283, Tab., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840510 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1025 La révision générale des politiques publiques (RGPP) :<br />

Conseil de la modernisation des politiques publics, vendredi 4<br />

avril 20<strong>08</strong> / [Rapport présenté par Eric Woerth]. - [Paris]:<br />

[Ministère du Budget, des Comptes Publics et de la Fonction<br />

Publique], 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 180 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.minefi.gouv.fr/directions_services/sircom/rapport_rgp<br />

p<strong>08</strong>0404.pdf<br />

DFI D 840549 DFI: FD 140.REV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1026 Rivière, Emmanuel: Majorité présidentielle : le fragile ralliement<br />

des cetégories populaires / par Emmanuel Rivière. - In: L'Etat de<br />

l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 79-95,<br />

graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841221 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1027 Robert, Hervé: Magistrature / Hervé Robert. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 105-1<strong>08</strong><br />

DFI D 839921 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1028 Sauger, Nicolas: Le MoDem, menace pour le duopole UMP-PS?<br />

/ par Nicolas Sauger. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres.<br />

- Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 55-66, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 8412<strong>16</strong> DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1029 Silicani, Jean-Ludovic: Livre blanc sur l'avenir de la fonction<br />

publique : faire des services publics et de la fonction publique<br />

des atouts pour la France ; conférence nationale sur les valeurs,<br />

les missions et les métiers du service public et de la fonction<br />

publique / par Jean-Ludovic Silicani. - Paris: Ministère du Budget,<br />

des Comptes Publics et de la Fonction Publique, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 235 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840326 DFI: FD 110.SIL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

10<strong>30</strong> Sureau, François: Libertés / François Sureau. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 100-104<br />

DFI D 839920 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1031 Teinturier, Brice: Nicolas Sarkozy et la fonction présidentielle :<br />

premier bilan / par Brice Teinturier. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 11-32, zahlr. graph.<br />

Darst. - ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841213 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1032 Tewocht, Hannah: Der Schutz von Ehe und Familie im<br />

Ausländer- und Asylrecht : rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung<br />

zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur Familienzusammenführung in<br />

Deutschland und Frankreich / Hannah Tewocht. - Halle:<br />

Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 65 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 63-65 - (Hallesche Schriften zum öffentlichen Recht; N.F.,<br />

Bd. 3) - ISBN 978-3-86010-970-0<br />

DFI D 839981 DFI: VN 840.TEW Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 51 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1033 Van Ruymbeke, Renaud: Instruction / Renaud Van Ruymbeke.<br />

- In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 84-87<br />

DFI D 839918 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

1034 Beestermöller, Gerhard: Darf der Staat doch Unschuldige<br />

opfern? Taugt die Analogie mit der Wehrpflicht zur<br />

Rechtfertigung der Tötung Unschuldiger beim<br />

Flugzeugabschuss? / Gerhard Beestermöller. - In: Sicherheit<br />

und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 38-43, Lit. S. 43,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840227 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1035 Demirtas-Coskun, Birgül: Systematic changes and state<br />

identity : Turkish and German responses / Birgül<br />

Demirtaş-Coşkun. - In: Insight Turkey (Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 31-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840740 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

1036 Gast, Henrik; Kranenpohl, Uwe: Große Koalition - schwacher<br />

Bundestag? / Henrik Gast ; Uwe Kranenpohl. - In: Aus Politik<br />

und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 18-23, Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840736 SWP: X. 1<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>7 HSFK: ZS A<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1037 Hartleb, Florian: "Fleisch vom Fleisch der Sozialdemokratie" :<br />

die Partei "Die Linke" ist über ihr Verhältnis zur SPD zerstritten,<br />

allerdings schwächt sie das nicht / Florian Hartleb. -<br />

In: Vorgänge (Wiesbaden), 47 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 91-98, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840689 OSI: Zs 662 DGAP: ZD 25 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1038 Hildmann, Philipp W.; Urban, Johannes: Muslime in<br />

Deutschland : eine doppelte Herausforderung für die C-Parteien<br />

/ [Philipp W. Hildmann ; Johannes Urban]. - München:<br />

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. - 4 S.<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/071220_Argumentation-kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840598 DGAP: DG B01422m<br />

1039 Marschall, Stefan: Das politische System Deutschlands /<br />

Stefan Marschall. - Konstanz: UKV Verl.-Ges., 2007. - <strong>30</strong>0 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Uni-Taschenbücher; 2923)<br />

- ISBN 978-3-8252-2923-8<br />

DGAP D 839976 DGAP: DG 47003<br />

1040 Mielke, Gerd; Eith, Ulrich: Im Versuchslabor : der<br />

Strukturwandel des deutschen Parteiensystems / Gerd Mielke<br />

und Ulrich Eith. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale<br />

Politik (Bonn), 53 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 94-103, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840560 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 IMES: ZS-INT-B Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1041 Niclauß, Karlheinz: Kiesinger und Merkel in der Großen<br />

Koalition / Karlheinz Niclauß. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte<br />

(Bonn), (14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 3-10, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840728 SWP: X. 1<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>7 HSFK: ZS A<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1042 Premat, Christophe: Les effets de l'institutionnalisation du<br />

référendum local en France et en Allemagne / Christophe<br />

Premat. - In: Revue française de science politique (Paris),<br />

58 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 257-283, Tab., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840510 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1043 Rudzio, Wolfgang: Informelles Regieren : das<br />

Koalitionsmanagement der Regierung Merkel / Wolfgang Rudzio.<br />

- In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>,<br />

S. 11-17, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840733 SWP: X. 1<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>7 HSFK: ZS A<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1044 Tate Kagel, Laura: Germany's involvement in extraordinary<br />

renditions and its responsibility under international law / Laura<br />

Tate Kagel. - In: German Politics and Society (New York/N.Y.),<br />

25 (Winter 2007) 4, S. 1-<strong>30</strong>, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 840276 OSI: Zs OSI DGAP: ZD 384 Öff.StaO: 6<br />

1045 Tewocht, Hannah: Der Schutz von Ehe und Familie im<br />

Ausländer- und Asylrecht : rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung<br />

zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur Familienzusammenführung in<br />

Deutschland und Frankreich / Hannah Tewocht. - Halle:<br />

Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 65 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 63-65 - (Hallesche Schriften zum öffentlichen Recht; N.F.,<br />

Bd. 3) - ISBN 978-3-86010-970-0<br />

DFI D 839981 DFI: VN 840.TEW Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1046 Trebbe, Roman: Der zivile CBRN-Schutz des Bundes / Roman<br />

Trebbe. - In: Der Mittler-Brief (Hamburg), 23 (1. Quartal 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 1-8<br />

SWP D 840200 SWP: Y. 772 DGAP: ZD 535 HSFK: ZS M BICC: BZ BMVMB<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1047 Waldhoff, Christian: "Hartz IV" vor dem<br />

Bundesverfassungsgericht : die Selbstverwaltung der Kreise<br />

zwischen eigenverantwortlicher Aufgabenwahrnehmung und<br />

verfassungswidriger Mischverwaltung / Christian Waldhoff. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften<br />

(Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 57-74, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841053 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1048 Gast, Henrik; Kranenpohl, Uwe: Große Koalition - schwacher<br />

Bundestag? / Henrik Gast ; Uwe Kranenpohl. - In: Aus Politik<br />

und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 18-23, Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840736 SWP: X. 1<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>7 HSFK: ZS A<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1049 Niclauß, Karlheinz: Kiesinger und Merkel in der Großen<br />

Koalition / Karlheinz Niclauß. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte<br />

(Bonn), (14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 3-10, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840728 SWP: X. 1<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>7 HSFK: ZS A<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA06.02 SPAIN<br />

1050 Informe global de la corrupción 2006 : corrupción y salud /<br />

Transparency International. - Washington/D.C.: BID, 2007. -<br />

253 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-59782-056-3<br />

http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=1321<br />

695<br />

GIGA D 839964 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1051 Navarro, Clemente J.: Los rendimientos de los mecanismos de<br />

participación : propuesta de sistema de evaluación y aplicación<br />

al caso de los presupuestos participativos / Clemente J. Navarro.<br />

- In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 81-102, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 101-102<br />

GIGA D 841188 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

1052 Demirtas-Coskun, Birgül: Systematic changes and state<br />

identity : Turkish and German responses / Birgül<br />

Demirtaş-Coşkun. - In: Insight Turkey (Ankara), 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 31-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840740 DGAP: ZD 27<br />

1053 Jonsson, Michael; Cornell, Svante E.: Kurds and pay :<br />

examining PKK financing / Michael Jonsson and Svante Cornell.<br />

- In: Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 19-21<br />

SWP D 8403<strong>30</strong> SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1054 Kösebalaban, Hasan: The AK Party closure case : domestic<br />

situation and international reactions / Hasan Kösebalaban. -<br />

Ankara: Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 5 S. - (SETA Policy Brief; No. 10)<br />

http://www.setav.org/document/Policy_Brief_No_10_Hasan_Kos<br />

ebalaban.pdf<br />

SWP D 840220<br />

1055 Satana, Nil S.: Transformation of the Turkish military and the<br />

path to democracy / Nil S. Satana. - In: Armed Forces and<br />

Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 34 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 357-388<br />

SWP D 840057 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 52 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1056 Unwelcome guests: The detention of refugees in Turkey’s<br />

"foreigners guesthouses" : November 2007 / Helsinki<br />

Citizens' Assembly, Refugee Advocacy and Support Program. -<br />

Istanbul: Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 58 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hyd.org.tr/staticfiles/files/rasp_detention_report.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840385<br />

RA07.01 SOVIET UNION<br />

1057 Rhéaume, Charles: Western scientists' reactions to Andrei<br />

Sakharov's human rights struggle in the Soviet Union,<br />

1968-1989 / Charles Rhéaume. - In: Human Rights Quarterly<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), <strong>30</strong> (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 2-20, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

ECMI D 841121 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 18<br />


1058 Beissinger, Mark R.: Ethnic identity and democratization :<br />

lessons from the post-soviet region / Mark R. Beissinger. -<br />

In: Taiwan Journal of Democracy (Taipei), 3 (December 2007) 2,<br />

S. 73-99, Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840697 DGAP: ZD 60<br />

1059 Kembayev, Zhenis: Probleme der Rechtsnachfolge von der<br />

Sowjetunion auf die Russische Föderation / Zhenis Kembayev. -<br />

In: Archiv des Völkerrechts (Tübingen), 46 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 106-129, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840610 SWP: X. 249 OSI: FUB: 2 ZA 266 DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA07.12 ESTONIA<br />

1060 Fisch-Uibopuu, Katriin: The cultural sector in Tartu (Estonia) /<br />

Katriin Fisch-Uibopuu. - In: Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa /<br />

Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ... - Rehburg-Loccum: Evang. Akad.<br />

Loccum, 2007. - (Loccumer Protokolle; 54/06), S. 11-24, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 841209 IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


1061 Antonenko, Oksana: Medvedev's choice / Oksana Antonenko.<br />

- In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 25-31<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>95 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1062 Cashaback, David: Assessing asymmetrical federal design in<br />

the Russian Federation : A case study of language policy in<br />

Tatarstan / David Cashaback. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 249-275, Lit. S. 273-275<br />

SWP D 841094 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1063 Francis, Céline: 'Selective affinities' : The reaction of the<br />

Council of Europe and the European Union to the second armed<br />

conflict in Chechnya ; (1999-2006) / Céline Francis. -<br />

In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 317-338, Lit. S. 337-338<br />

SWP D 841096 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1064 Gerber, Theodore P.; Mendelson, Sarah E.: Casualty<br />

sensitivity in a post-Soviet context : Russian views of the second<br />

Chechen war, 2001-2004 / Theodore P. Gerber ; Sarah E.<br />

Mendelson. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 39-68<br />

SWP D 840626 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1065 Kembayev, Zhenis: Probleme der Rechtsnachfolge von der<br />

Sowjetunion auf die Russische Föderation / Zhenis Kembayev. -<br />

In: Archiv des Völkerrechts (Tübingen), 46 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 106-129, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840610 SWP: X. 249 OSI: FUB: 2 ZA 266 DGAP: ZD <strong>16</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1066 Klicunova, Elena: Promoting human rights in Russia by<br />

supporting NGOs : how to improve EU strategies / Elena<br />

Klitsounova. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 25 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (CEPS Working<br />

Document; No. 287) - ISBN 978-92-9079-776-0<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=<strong>16</strong>37<br />

SWP D 840236<br />

1067 Knobloch, Jörn: Hybride Systeme : Politische Praxis und<br />

Theorie am Beispiel Russlands / Jörn Knobloch. - Hamburg: Lit<br />

Verl., 2006. - 285 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 269-285 -<br />

(Region - Nation - Europa; Bd. 37) - ISBN 978-3-8258-9602-7 --<br />

Zugl.: Potsdam, Univ., Diss., 2006<br />

SWP D 840668 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0152<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1068 Krasnov, Michail Aleksandrovič: Konstitucija v našej žizni<br />

(Transl.: The constitution and Russia’s political life) / Michail<br />

Krasnov. - In: Pro et contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>-42<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/krasnov3.pdf<br />

SWP D 840744 SWP: X. 867<br />

1069 Kuchins, Andrew C.; Mendelson, Sarah E.; Åslund, Anders:<br />

The Putin succession: what's at stake and what to expect :<br />

transcript by Federal News Service, Washington, D.C. / Andrew<br />

Kuchins ; Sarah Mendelson ; Anders Aslund. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 24 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/events/<strong>08</strong>0228_csis_putin_succe<br />

ssion.pdf<br />

SWP D 840017<br />

1070 Makarenko, Boris Igorevic: "Nanopartijnaja" sistema (Transl.:<br />

Russia’s "nano-party" system) / Boris Makarenko. - In: Pro et<br />

contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 43-57<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/makarenko4.pdf<br />

SWP D 840763 SWP: X. 867<br />

1071 Makarkin, Aleksej Vladimirovic: Rossijskie elity i kremlevskie<br />

"atomy" (Transl.: Russian elites and "free radicals" in the Kremlin)<br />

/ Aleksej Makarkin. - In: Pro et contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr'<br />

2007) 4-5, S. 19-29<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/makarkin2.pdf<br />

SWP D 840737 SWP: X. 867<br />

1072 Markedonov, Sergej M.: The North and South Caucasus and<br />

Russia under Putin: problems and challenges / by Sergei<br />

Markedonov. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 21-25<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840035<br />

1073 Mendras, Marie: "Vladimir Poutine est un homme chanceux" /<br />

entretien avec Marie Mendras. - In: L'Histoire (Paris), (février<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 328, 10 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

http://www.ceri-sciences-po.org/cherlist/mendras/0220<strong>08</strong>histoire.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 840043<br />

1074 Orttung, Robert W.: Putin’s political legacy / by Robert Orttung.<br />

- In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36,<br />

S. 2-5<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 8400<strong>30</strong><br />

1075 Peter, Jörg; Solovjov, Maxim: Erste umfassende Novellierung<br />

des russischen Arbeitsgesetzbuchs : die wichtigsten<br />

Änderungen / Jörg Peter ; Maxim Solovjov. -<br />

In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 18-34<br />

SWP D 840996 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1076 Petritsch, Wolfgang: Russia, Kosovo and Europe : A case<br />

study in post-cold war conflict mangement / Wolfgang Petritsch.<br />

- In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 6-17<br />

SOI D 840591 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1077 Petrov, Nikolaj: Korporativizm vs. regionalizm (Transl.:<br />

Corporatism vs. regionalism) / Nikolaj Petrov. - In: Pro et contra<br />

(Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 75-89<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/petrov6.pdf<br />

SWP D 840765 SWP: X. 867<br />

1078 Petrov, Nikolaj: Russia after the presidential election: major<br />

challenges and prospects for the future : transcript by Federal<br />

News Service / Speaker: Nikolaj Petrov. Welcome and<br />

moderator: James F. Collins. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S.<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/0222_transcript_petrove<br />

lections.pdf<br />

SWP D 840024<br />

1079 Rogov, Kirill: Nepriemlemyj preemnik (Transl.: The<br />

unacceptable successor) / Kirill Rogov. - In: Pro et contra<br />

(Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 6-18<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/rogov1.pdf<br />

SWP D 840734 SWP: X. 867<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 53 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1<strong>08</strong>0 Ryžkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič: Lenivye i truslivye (Transl.:<br />

Sloth and cowardice in the Russian parliament) / Vladimir<br />

Ryžkov. - In: Pro et contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5,<br />

S. 58-74<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/rijkov5.pdf<br />

SWP D 840746 SWP: X. 867<br />

1<strong>08</strong>1 Schmidt, Lars Peter: Präsidentschaftswahlen in Russland :<br />

Ergebnis und Bewertung der Wahl / Lars Peter Schmidt. -<br />

Moskau: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Länderbericht)<br />

http://www.kas.de/db_files/dokumente/laenderberichte/7_dokum<br />

ent_dok_pdf_13146_1.pdf<br />

SWP D 840060<br />

1<strong>08</strong>2 Titkov, Aleksej: Krizis naznačenij (Transl.: The crisis of<br />

gubernatorial appointments) / Aleksej Titkov. - In: Pro et contra<br />

(Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 90-103<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/titkov7.pdf<br />

SWP D 840766 SWP: X. 867<br />

1<strong>08</strong>3 Wahlprotokoll: vorläufiges Ergebnis der<br />

Präsidentenwahlen vom 2.3.20<strong>08</strong> - In: Russland-Analysen<br />

(Bremen), (07.03.20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 15-24, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

60.pdf<br />

SWP D 840029<br />

1<strong>08</strong>4 Wieser, Bernd: Das Parteienauflösungsurteil des russischen<br />

Verfassungsgerichts vom <strong>16</strong>. Juli 2007 / Bernd Wieser. -<br />

In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 1-17<br />

SWP D 840990 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA07.34 MOLDOVA<br />

1<strong>08</strong>5 Rodkiewicz, Witold: The frozen conflict in Transnistria: A<br />

chance for agreement? / by Witold Rodkiewicz. - Warsaw:<br />

Centre for Eastern Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 2 S. - (CES Commentary;<br />

No. 2)<br />

http://osw.waw.pl/en/epub/ecomment/20<strong>08</strong>/<strong>08</strong>0310/Commentary<br />

02.htm<br />

SWP D 840025<br />


UNION<br />

1<strong>08</strong>6 Markedonov, Sergej M.: The North and South Caucasus and<br />

Russia under Putin: problems and challenges / by Sergei<br />

Markedonov. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36, S. 21-25<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840035<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

1<strong>08</strong>7 Blank, Stephen J.: NATO: keeping Kosovo from becoming<br />

entangled with Caucasus complexities / Stephen J. Blank. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 2 S. - (Eurasia<br />

Insight)<br />

http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav04010<br />

8a_pr.shtml<br />

SWP D 840096<br />

RA07.43 ARMENIA<br />

1<strong>08</strong>8 Armenia: picking up the pieces / International Crisis Group. -<br />

Yerevan ..., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S. - (ICG Europe Briefing; No. 48) -<br />

(Policy Briefing / International Crisis Group)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/caucasus/b<br />

48_armenia_picking_up_the_pieces.pdf<br />

SWP D 840233 DGAP: DG B01426d<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

1<strong>08</strong>9 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />



1090 Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas; Haberstock, Holger: Sultan,<br />

Klan und Patronage : Regimedilemmata in Zentralasien / A.<br />

Heinemann-Grüder ; Holger Haberstock. - In: Machtmosaik<br />

Zentralasien: Traditionen, Restriktionen, Aspirationen / Manfred<br />

Sapper ... (Hrsg.). - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für<br />

Politische Bildung, 2007. - (Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für<br />

Politische Bildung; Bd. 656), S. 121-138, Ill. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89331-515-5<br />

Beitrag außerdem in: Osteuropa (Berlin) 57 (August-September<br />

2007) 8-9<br />

BICC D 840186 DGAP: DG 46961 BICC: BI 3538<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

1091 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA07.55 KYRGYZSTAN<br />

1092 Kachkeev, Maksat: Die Verfassungsentwicklung in Kirgistan<br />

nach der "Tulpenrevolution" von 2005 / Maksat Kachkeev. -<br />

In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 58-67<br />

SWP D 841006 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1093 Kyrgyzstan: The challenge of judicial reform / International<br />

Crisis Group. - Bishkek ..., 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>30</strong> S. - (ICG Asia Report; No.<br />

150)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/central_asia/15<br />

0_kyrgyzstan__the_challenge_of_judicial_reform.pdf<br />

SWP D 840239 DGAP: DG B01426b<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> SOUTH-EAST EUROPE<br />

1094 Schenker, Harald: Minderheitenrechte und lokale Demokratie<br />

fördern - eine Intervention / Harald Schenker. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 32-41<br />

SOI D 840640 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.11 YUGOSLAVIA<br />

1095 Ramet, Sabrina Petra: The three Yugoslavias : state-building<br />

and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina Petra Ramet. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXVI,817 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 747-774 -<br />

ISBN 0-253-34656-8<br />

HSFK D 841041 HSFK: 38.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.14 BULGARIA<br />

1096 Rechel, Bernd: What has limited the EU's impact on minority<br />

rights in accession countries? / Bernd Rechel. - In: East<br />

European Politics and Societies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 22 (Fall<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 171-191<br />

SOI D 840587 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.125 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.21 SUCCESSSOR STATES OF YUGOSLAVIA<br />

1097 Ramet, Sabrina Petra: The three Yugoslavias : state-building<br />

and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina Petra Ramet. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXVI,817 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 747-774 -<br />

ISBN 0-253-34656-8<br />

HSFK D 841041 HSFK: 38.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 54 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA<br />

1098 Empathie und Politik : Dokumentation der Verleihung des<br />

Hessischen Friedenspreises 2007 an Christian<br />

Schwarz-Schilling / Hessische Stifrtung Friedens- und<br />

Konfliktforschung. - Frankfurt/Main: Hessische Stiftung<br />

Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2007. - <strong>16</strong> S., Ill. -<br />

(HSFK-Standpunkte; Nr. 6/2007)<br />

http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/Standpunkte_6_2007_bil<br />

dschirmoptimiert_.pdf.pdf<br />

HSFK D 839940 SWP: Y. 925 DGAP: ZD 491 HSFK: HSFK BICC: BZ HSFK<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1099 Goodwin, Stephen R.: Fractured land, healing nations : A<br />

contextual analysis of the role of religious faith sodalities towards<br />

peace-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina / Stephen R. Goodwin. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2006. - XXIV,<strong>30</strong>7 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 271-299 - (Studien zur<br />

interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums; Vol. 139) -<br />

ISBN 3-631-55<strong>30</strong>6-4 -- Zugl.: Edinburgh, Univ., Diss., 2005<br />

HSFK D 840761 HSFK: 38.891 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1100 Kastler, Martin: Bosnien und Herzegowina - ein Plädoyer für<br />

eine multiethnische Zukunft / Martin Kastler. - In: Politische<br />

Studien (München), 59 (März-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 418, S. 79-85<br />

SWP D 840355 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P IFA: Z-D677<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.25 MACEDONIA<br />

1101 Chivvis, Christopher S.: The making of Macedonia /<br />

Christopher S. Chivvis. - In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 141-<strong>16</strong>2<br />

SWP D 840906 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1102 Cobanov, Goran: Neuere Entwicklungen des "Flaggenstreits"<br />

in Mazedonien / Goran Cobanov. - In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin),<br />

54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 81-107<br />

SWP D 841012 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1103 Schrameyer, Klaus: Das Versammlungsrecht der Republik<br />

Mazedonien / Klaus Schrameyer. - In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin),<br />

54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 1<strong>08</strong>-113<br />

SWP D 841013 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA<br />

1104 Ramet, Sabrina Petra: The three Yugoslavias : state-building<br />

and legitimation, 1918-2005 / Sabrina Petra Ramet. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Pr., 2006. -<br />

XXVI,817 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 747-774 -<br />

ISBN 0-253-34656-8<br />

HSFK D 841041 HSFK: 38.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.28 SERBIA<br />

1105 Gowan, David: Kosovo's moment, Serbia's Change / David<br />

Gowan. - In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 5-10<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>90 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.31 KOSOVO<br />

1106 Báchora, Rastislav: Organisierte Kriminalität auf dem<br />

westlichen Balkan als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung für<br />

die EU : Schwerpunkt Kosovo / Rastislav Báchora. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 18-31<br />

SOI D 840594 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1107 Bermejo García, Romualdo; Gutiérrez Espada, Cesáreo:<br />

Kosovo's independence from the perspective of the right to free<br />

determination / Romualdo Bermejo García and Cesáreo<br />

Gutiérrez Espada. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos; 7/20<strong>08</strong>) - (Europe)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Europe/DT<br />

7-20<strong>08</strong><br />

SWP D 840503<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

11<strong>08</strong> Blank, Stephen J.: NATO: keeping Kosovo from becoming<br />

entangled with Caucasus complexities / Stephen J. Blank. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 2 S. - (Eurasia<br />

Insight)<br />

http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav04010<br />

8a_pr.shtml<br />

SWP D 840096<br />

1109 Kosovo's first month / International Crisis Group. - Pristina ...,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S. - (ICG Europe Briefing; No. 47) - (Policy Briefing /<br />

International Crisis Group)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/balkans/b47<br />

_kosovo_first_month.pdf<br />

SWP D 840225 DGAP: DG B01420g<br />

1110 Petritsch, Wolfgang: Russia, Kosovo and Europe : A case<br />

study in post-cold war conflict mangement / Wolfgang Petritsch.<br />

- In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 6-17<br />

SOI D 840591 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1111 Reljić, Dušan: Der Staat der Mafia : organisierte Kriminalität im<br />

Kosovo / Dušan Reljić. - In: Blätter für deutsche und<br />

internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 83-93, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840559 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 IMES: ZS-INT-B Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1112 Yakemtchouk, Romain: L'indépendance du Kosovo : quelles<br />

conséquences pour les Balkans et l'Europe? / par Romain<br />

Yakemtchouk. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 517, S. 213-220<br />

SWP D 841051 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />


1113 Auber, Emmanuel: États-Unis versus Union européenne :<br />

observations comparatives sur la répartition des compétences /<br />

par Emmanuel Auber. - In: Revue du marché commun et de<br />

l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 517, S. 221-226<br />

SWP D 841055 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1114 Bello, Jason; Shapiro, Robert Y.: On to the convention! /<br />

Jason Bello ; Robert Y. Shapiro. - In: Political Science Quarterly<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-9<br />

SWP D 840617 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1115 Brand, Donald D.: The president as chief administrator : James<br />

Landis and the Brownlow Report / Donald R. Brand. - In: Political<br />

Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 69-93<br />

SWP D 840627 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

11<strong>16</strong> Chronic failures in the war on terror : from Afghanistan to<br />

Somalia / The Senlis Council. - London: MF Publ., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 79 S.,<br />

Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 0-95550<strong>08</strong>-4-2<br />

http://www.senliscouncil.net/documents/chronic_failures_war_ter<br />

ror<br />

SWP D 840754<br />

1117 Combating terrorism: The United States lacks<br />

comprehensive plan to destroy the terrorist threat and<br />

close the safe haven in Pakistan's Federally Administered<br />

Tribal Area : report to Congressional requesters / United States<br />

Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

37 S., Kt., Tab., Anh. - (GAO-<strong>08</strong>-622)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d<strong>08</strong>622.pdf<br />

SWP D 840959<br />

1118 Comprehensive immigration reform: perspectives from<br />

faith-based and immigrant communities : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border<br />

Security, and International Law of the Committee on the<br />

Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, 110thCongress, 1st<br />

Session, May 22, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - IV,159 S. - (Serial / Committee on the<br />

Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-37)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35602.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840204 HSFK: 98.871 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1119 Dobbins, James F.: Towards a more professional approach to<br />

nation-building / James F. Dobbins. - In: International<br />

Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 67-83<br />

SWP D 841251 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 55 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1120 Dumbaugh, Kerry B.: Tibet: problems, prospects, and U.S.<br />

policy / Kerry Dumbaugh. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 28 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL34445) - (RL34445)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103673.pdf<br />

SWP D 840657<br />

1121 Gerste, Ronald D.: Duell ums Weiße Haus : Amerikanische<br />

Präsidentschaftswahlen von George Washington bis 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

Ronald D. Gerste. - Paderborn ..: Schöningh, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 226 S., Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 220-222 - ISBN 978-3-506-76539-0<br />

DGAP D 841104 DGAP: DG 47022<br />

1122 Gowan, Richard: The United States and peacekeeping policy in<br />

Europe and Latin America : An uncertain catalyst? / Richard<br />

Gowan. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 84-101<br />

SWP D 841252 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1123 Holt, Victoria K.; MacKinnon, Michael G.: The origins and<br />

evolution of US policy towards peace operations / Victoria K.<br />

Holt and Michael G. MacKinnon. - In: International<br />

Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 35-50<br />

SWP D 841248 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1124 Howard, Dick: Die amerikanische Demokratie nach Bush / Dick<br />

Howard. - In: Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 111-119<br />

SWP D 840361 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 2<strong>16</strong> HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1125 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1126 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1127 James, Sallie: Race to the bottom? The Presidential<br />

candidate's positions on trade / by Sallie James. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Trade Policy Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Trade Briefing Paper / Center for Trade Policy<br />

Studies (Cato Institute, Washington/D.C.); No. 27)<br />

http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/briefs/tbp-027.pdf<br />

SWP D 840175<br />

1128 Johnstone, Ian; Corbin, Ethan: The US role in contemporary<br />

peace operations : A double-edged sword? / Ian Johnstone and<br />

Ethan Corbin. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford),<br />

15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-17<br />

SWP D 841246 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1129 McGuinness, Margret E.: Medellin v. Texas: Supreme Court<br />

holds ICJ decisions under the consular convention not binding<br />

federal law, rejects presidential enforcement of ICJ judgments<br />

over state proceedings / by Margaret E. McGuinness. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Society of International Law, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 7 S. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue 6)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/20<strong>08</strong>/04/insights<strong>08</strong>0418.html<br />

SWP D 841043<br />

11<strong>30</strong> The Millennium Challenge Corporation in Africa: promise<br />

versus progress : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa<br />

and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June<br />

28, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2007. - III,87 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-82)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36426.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>43 HSFK: 98.918 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1131 Muhammed Ally, Sahr: Arbitrary justice: trials of Bagram and<br />

Guantánamo detainees in Afghanistan / by Sahr Muhammed<br />

Ally. Ed. by Kevin Lanigan. - New York/N.Y.: Human Rights First,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 46 S.<br />

http://www.humanrightsfirst.info/pdf/USLS-<strong>08</strong>0409-arbitrary-justic<br />

e-report.pdf<br />

SWP D 840798<br />

1132 Perito, Robert M.: Police in peace and stability operations :<br />

evolving US policy and practice / Robert M. Perito. -<br />

In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 51-66<br />

SWP D 841250 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1133 Reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism : A review of the<br />

Department of Energy's Global Threat Reduction Initiative ;<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and<br />

Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May<br />

24, 2005 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2005. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on Energy and Commerce<br />

(United States / House); No. 109-67)<br />

HSFK D 840197 HSFK: 98.910 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1134 Tate Kagel, Laura: Germany's involvement in extraordinary<br />

renditions and its responsibility under international law / Laura<br />

Tate Kagel. - In: German Politics and Society (New York/N.Y.),<br />

25 (Winter 2007) 4, S. 1-<strong>30</strong>, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 840276 OSI: Zs OSI DGAP: ZD 384 Öff.StaO: 6<br />

1135 To receive testimony on the situation in Iraq and progress<br />

made by the Government of Iraq in meeting benchmarks<br />

and achieving reconciliation / United States Senate<br />

Committee on Armed Services. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr.<br />

Zählung<br />

http://armed-services.senate.gov/e_witnesslist.cfm?id=3256<br />

SWP D 840369<br />

1136 Wood, Jason D.: Clausewitz in the caliphate : center of gravity<br />

in the post-9/11 security environment / Jason D. Wood. -<br />

In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 44-56<br />

SWP D 840068 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1137 Zuhur, Sherifa: Precision in the global war on terror : inciting<br />

muslims through the war of ideas / Sherifa Zuhur. - Carlisle/Pa.:<br />

Strategic Studies Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 152 S. - ISBN 1-58487-353-1<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB843.pdf<br />

SWP D 8406<strong>08</strong><br />


1138 Acuña, Carlos H.: La política de la modernización estatal :<br />

notas comparando la experiencia europea con la<br />

latinoamericana (con foco en Argentina) / Carlos H. Acuña. -<br />

In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 103-124, Lit. S. 123-124<br />

GIGA D 841189 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1139 Castro, José Esteban: Water struggles, citizenship and<br />

governance in Latin America / José Esteban Castro. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 72-76,<br />

Lit. S. 75-76<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1140 Chayer, Héctor Mario: Ética judicial y sociedad civil : técnicas<br />

de incidencia / Héctor Mario Chayer con la colaboración de Nina<br />

Di Salvo y Milagros Jutard. - Montevideo: KAS/FORES, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

114 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-9974-8099-1-8<br />

GIGA D 841183 ILAS: AAL-D/8 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1141 Cotino Hueso, Lorenzo: Supremacía y control civiles de la<br />

defensa y las fuerzas armadas : eguimiento y propuestas para<br />

América Latina / Lorenzo Cotino Hueso. - Barcelona: Fundació<br />

CIDOB, 2007. - 173 S., Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 119-133 - (Documentos<br />

CIDOB: América Latina; No. 22)<br />

GIGA D 839985 ILAS: AAL-B/8 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1142 Democratization and the judiciary : The accountability<br />

function of courts in new democracies / ed. by Siri Gloppen ... -<br />

1st ed. - London ...: Frank Cass Pub., 2004. - 210 S., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-7146-8449-X<br />

GIGA D 840435 ILAS: INT-H/60 IMES: INT-H/60 IAA: INT-H/60 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 56 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1143 Deportees in Latin America and the Caribbean : hearing and<br />

briefing before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 24, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,78 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-107)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36988.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841002 HSFK: 98.925 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1144 Derechos humanos y desarrollo : justicia universal ; el caso<br />

latinoamericano / Antonio Aranibar Quiroga ... - Barcelona:<br />

Icaria, 2007. - 188 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Icaria Antrazyt: Análisis<br />

Contemporáneo; 249) - ISBN 978-84-7426-286-5<br />

GIGA D 840133 ILAS: AAL-H/63 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1145 Gowan, Richard: The United States and peacekeeping policy in<br />

Europe and Latin America : An uncertain catalyst? / Richard<br />

Gowan. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (February<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 84-101<br />

SWP D 841252 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1146 Guimarães, Roberto P.: Estado, mercado y democracia :<br />

oportunidades y límites de la participación ciudadana en el<br />

fortalecimiento de la gobernabilidad democrática / Roberto P.<br />

Guimarães. - In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro<br />

Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas),<br />

(febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40, S. 125-150, Lit. S. 148-150<br />

GIGA D 841190 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1147 Informe global de la corrupción 2006 : corrupción y salud /<br />

Transparency International. - Washington/D.C.: BID, 2007. -<br />

253 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-59782-056-3<br />

http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=1321<br />

695<br />

GIGA D 839964 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1148 Mainwaring, Scott: La democracia en América Latina : una<br />

conversación con Scott Mainwaring - In: Perfiles<br />

Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>9-177<br />

GIGA D 841156 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

1149 Sotelo Maciel, Aníbal Jorge: La relación<br />

planificación-presupuesto en el marco de la gestión orientada a<br />

resultados / Aníbal Jorge Sotelo Maciel. - In: Reforma y<br />

Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el<br />

Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40, S. 151-176, graph,<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 174-176<br />

GIGA D 841191 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

1150 Greene, Kenneth F.: Why dominant parties lose : Mexico's<br />

democratization in comparative perspective / Kenneth F. Greene.<br />

- New York/N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 2007. -<br />

XVI,350 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 311-331 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-87719-0<br />

GIGA D 839952 ILAS: MEX-H/12 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


1151 Violence in Central America : briefing and hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, June 26, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,87 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-78)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36422.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840992 HSFK: 98.902 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RD02.02 GUATEMALA<br />

1152 Briscoe, Ivan: Reforma versus captura: Guatemala después de<br />

laselecciones / Ivan Briscoe. - Madrid: Fundación para las<br />

Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, noviembre de<br />

2007. - 9S. - (Comentarios)<br />

http://www.fride.org/descarga/guatemala.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840126<br />

RD02.03 EL SALVADOR<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1153 Tardanico, Richard: Post-civil war San Salvador : Social<br />

inequalities of household and basic infrastructure in a Central<br />

American City / Richard Tardanico. - In: The Journal of<br />

Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 127-152, Tab., Lit. S. 145 - 147<br />

DIE D 841077 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />


1154 Deportees in Latin America and the Caribbean : hearing and<br />

briefing before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 24, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,78 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-107)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36988.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841002 HSFK: 98.925 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RD03.05 CUBA<br />

1155 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1156 Payne, Leigh A.: Unsettling accounts : neither truth nor<br />

reconciliation in confessions of state violence / Leigh A. Payne. -<br />

Durham/N.C. ...: Duke University Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVI,374 S.,<br />

Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 343-352, Lit. Hinw. - (The Cultures and Practice<br />

of Violence Series) - ISBN 978-0-8223-4<strong>08</strong>2-9<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>08</strong>2 ILAS: AAL-H/50 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


1157 Sind die Andenstaaten unregierbar? Ursachen der<br />

politischen Krise in Bolivien, Ecuador und Peru / Johannes<br />

Winter ; André Scharmanski. - In: Zeitschrift Entwicklungspolitik<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juli 2005) 14 - Frankfurt/Main, S. <strong>30</strong>-34, Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 34<br />

http://www.weltpolitik.net/attachment/0644a9<strong>30</strong>ba1074b5cca2ac<br />

d4809cbed5/e4676d0e834eb7113f113de47<strong>08</strong>12<strong>16</strong>e/EP+14-200<br />

5_Winter.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840739 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

1158 Acuña, Carlos H.: La política de la modernización estatal :<br />

notas comparando la experiencia europea con la<br />

latinoamericana (con foco en Argentina) / Carlos H. Acuña. -<br />

In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 103-124, Lit. S. 123-124<br />

GIGA D 841189 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1159 Bonner, Michelle D.: Sustaining human rights : women and<br />

Argentine human rights organizations / Michelle D. Bonner. -<br />

University Park/PA: Pennsylvania State Univ.Press, 2007. -<br />

XII,203 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 181-192 - ISBN 0-271032-64-2<br />

GIGA D 840582 ILAS: ARG-H/28 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1<strong>16</strong>0 Feierstein, Daniel: El genocido como práctica social : entre el<br />

nazismo y la experiencia argentina ; hacia un análisis del<br />

aniquilamiento como reorganizador de las relaciones sociales /<br />

Daniel Feierstein. - Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica,<br />

2007. - 405 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Sociología) -<br />

ISBN 978-950-557-714-9<br />

GIGA D 840104 ILAS: ARG-H/27 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 57 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

RD04.12 BOLIVIA<br />

1<strong>16</strong>1 Driessen, Travis: Collective management strategies and elite<br />

resistance in Cochabamba, Bolivia / Travis Driessen. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 89-95,<br />

Lit. S. 94-95<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

1<strong>16</strong>2 Secchi, Leonardo: Agenda building in Brazilian municipalities :<br />

when and how citizens partizipate / Leonardo Secchi. -<br />

In: Making civil societies work: Zivilgesellschaft und<br />

gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.). - Potsdam:<br />

Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN 978-3-939469-40-7. -<br />

(Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9), S. 109-124, Tab., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 123-124 - ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>9 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 IAS: INT-G/14<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

1<strong>16</strong>3 Memoriales de derechos humanos en Chile : homenage a las<br />

victímas de violaciones a los derechos humanos entre 1973 y<br />

1990 / Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Chile). -<br />

Santiago, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-956-205-7<br />

http://www.flacso.cl/flacso/biblos.php?code=29<strong>30</strong><br />

GIGA D 8400<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.15 ECUADOR<br />

1<strong>16</strong>4 Ortiz Crespo, Santiago: Gobiernos locales indigenas en<br />

Ecuador / por Santiago Ortiz Crespo. - Ottawa: Canadian<br />

Foundation for the Americas, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit.<br />

http://www.focal.ca/pdf/OrtizCrespo_abril20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840795<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> COLOMBIA<br />

1<strong>16</strong>5 Elecciones 2007 : el nuevo mapa político local - In: Revista<br />

Foro (Bogotá), (diciembre 2007-enero 20<strong>08</strong>) 63, S. 3-83, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>1 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1<strong>16</strong>6 Kruijt, Dirk; Koonings, Kees: Colombia, Estado paradójico /<br />

Dirk Kruijt y Kees Koonings. - Madrid: Fundación para las<br />

Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S. -<br />

(Comentarios)<br />

http://fride.org/descarga/COM_Colombia_Estado_Paradojico_ES<br />

P_ene<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>08</strong>7<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

1<strong>16</strong>7 Alasino, Enrique: Perú: ¿el reino de las ONG? Armonización<br />

de los donantes : entre la eficacia y la democratización ; estudio<br />

de caso III / Enrique Alasino. - Madrid: Fundación para las<br />

Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, febrero de<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-32 - (Working Paper / Fundación para<br />

las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior; 49)<br />

http://fride.org/descarga/WP49_ONGs_Peru_ESP_feb<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840064<br />

RD04.19 URUGUAY<br />

1<strong>16</strong>8 Thimmel, Stefan: Mehr Tabaré Vasquez, weniger Frente<br />

Amplio : "Postneoliberaler Neo-Sozialismus" statt Sozialismus<br />

des 21. Jahrhunderts / Stefan Thimmel. - In: Lateinamerika<br />

Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 406, S. 6-8, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 841048 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

1<strong>16</strong>9 Gabaldón, Luis Gerardo: Seguridad ciudadana y políticas<br />

públicas en Venezuela / Luis Gerardo Gabaldón. - Caracas:<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

10 S., Lit. S. 10 - (Serie Diálogo Político)<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Gabaldon<br />

%20Vfinal.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840415<br />

1170 Gratius, Susanne; Tedesco, Laura: La derrota de Chávez<br />

abre un nuevo horizonte político en Venezuela / Susanne<br />

Gratius; Laura Tedesco. - Madrid: Fundación para las<br />

Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (Madrid),<br />

diciembre de 2007. - 8S. - (Comentarios)<br />

http://fride.org/descarga/venezuela2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840093<br />

1171 Rigoulot, Pierre: Le Venezuela et les risques de dérives<br />

totalitaires / Pierre Rigoulot. - In: Commentaire (Paris),<br />

31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 287-291<br />

SWP D 840615 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1172 Africa's long road to rights : reflections on the 20th<br />

anniversary of the African Commission on Human and Peoples'<br />

Rights = Long trajet de L'Afrique vers les droits : réflexions lors<br />

du 20ème anniversaire de la Commission Africaine des Droits<br />

de l'Homme et des Peuples / ed. by Hakima Abbas. - Oxford ...:<br />

Fahamu, 2007. - 190 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-906387-25-9<br />

http://www.fahamu.org/downloads/au_book.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840320<br />

1173 Democratization and the judiciary : The accountability<br />

function of courts in new democracies / ed. by Siri Gloppen ... -<br />

1st ed. - London ...: Frank Cass Pub., 2004. - 210 S., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-7146-8449-X<br />

GIGA D 840435 ILAS: INT-H/60 IMES: INT-H/60 IAA: INT-H/60 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1174 Grace, tenacity and eloquence : The struggle for women's<br />

rights in Africa / ed. by Patrick Burnett, Shereen Karmali, Firoze<br />

Manji. - Oxford ...: Fahamu, 2007. - 321 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-9545637-2-1<br />

http://www.fahamu.org/downloads/gte_download.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840340<br />

1175 The Millennium Challenge Corporation in Africa: promise<br />

versus progress : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa<br />

and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June<br />

28, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2007. - III,87 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-82)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36426.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>43 HSFK: 98.918 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1176 Spears, Ian S.: When good government go bad : leadership and<br />

the limits of intervention in Africa / Ian S. Spears. -<br />

In: International Journal (Toronto), 62 (Spring 2007) 2,<br />

S. 344-361<br />

DGAP D 8405<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1177 Report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the<br />

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/249)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/249<br />

SWP D 840635<br />


1178 Englebert, Pierre; Tull, Denis Michael: Postconflict<br />

reconstruction in Africa : flawed ideas about failed states / Pierre<br />

Englebert and Denis M. Tull. - In: International Security<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 32 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 106-139, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841271 SWP: X. 579 OSI: Zv 382 DGAP: ZD 387 HSFK: ZS I<br />

BICC: BZ INTSECU Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1179 Torenvlied, René; Klein Haarhuis, Carolien M.: Polarization<br />

and policy reform : Anti-corruption policymaking in sub-Saharan<br />

Africa / René Torenvlied ; Carolien M. Klein Haarhuis. -<br />

In: Journal of Peace Research (London), 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 223-240, Tab., Lit. S. 237-240<br />

SWP D 840170 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 58 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1180 World Refugee Day: Addressing the needs of African<br />

refugees : briefing and hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 20, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,70 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-81)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/362<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840701 HSFK: 98.900 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1181 Palmer, Ronald D.: Political terrorism in West Africa / Ronald D.<br />

Palmer. - In: Africa and the war on terrorism / ed. by John Davis.<br />

- Aldershot ...: Ashgate, 2007, S. 104-112, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7<strong>08</strong>3-4<br />

GIGA D 840218<br />

RF01.13 IVORY COAST<br />

1182 Cote d'Ivoire : faut-il croire à la paix? / direction: Danielle Ben<br />

Yahmed ... - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris), 48 (10-<strong>16</strong> février 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2457, Le Plus de Jeune Afrique, S. 59-72, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 840322 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

1183 Côte d'Ivoire: garantir un processus électoral crédible /<br />

International Crisis Group. - Dakar ...: ICG, 20<strong>08</strong>. - IV,39 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Rapport Afrique; No. 139)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/west_africa/1<br />

39_cote_d_ivoire_garantir_un_processus_electoral_credible.pdf<br />

SWP D 840599 IAA: CIV-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1184 Rompel, Dörte: Rebellen oder Patrioten? Jugend im politischen<br />

Prozess der Côte d'Ivoire von 1990 bis heute / Dörte Rompel. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main: Brandes und Apsel, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 179 S., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 149-<strong>16</strong>5, Lit. Hinw. - (Wissen und Praxis; 146) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86099-346-0<br />

GIGA D 840757 IAA: CIV-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1185 Sixteenth progress report of the Secretary-General on the<br />

United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire / United Nations<br />

Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Kt. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/250)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/250<br />

SWP D 840632<br />

1186 Zeebroek, Xavier: Côte d'Ivoire : la paix malgré l'ONU? / Xavier<br />

Zeebroek. - Bruxelles: GRIP, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 41 S., Tab., Lit. - (Les<br />

Rapports du GRIP; 20<strong>08</strong>/2)<br />

http://www.grip.org/pub/rapports/rg<strong>08</strong>-2_coteivoire.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840400<br />

RF01.15 GHANA<br />

1187 Lentz, Carola; Budniok, Jan: Ghana@50 : celebrating the<br />

nation : An account from Accra / Carola Lentz ; Jan Budniok. - In:<br />

Afrika Spectrum (Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3, S. 531-541, Lit. S. 541,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>58 SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1188 Lindberg, Staffan I.; Morrison, Minion K. C.: Are African<br />

voters really ethnic or clientelistic? Survey evidence from Ghana<br />

/ Staffan I. Lindberg ; Minion K. C. Morrison. - In: Political<br />

Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 95-122<br />

SWP D 840629 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF01.19 LIBERIA<br />

1189 Sawyer, Amos C.: Emerging patterns in Liberia's post-conflict<br />

politics : observations from the 2005 elections / Amos Sawyer. -<br />

In: African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 177-199<br />

SWP D 840602 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

1190 Joseph, Richard; Kew, Darren: Nigeria confronts Obasanjo's<br />

legacy / Richard Joseph and Darren Kew. - In: Current History<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7<strong>08</strong>, S. <strong>16</strong>7-173<br />

SWP D 839971 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1191 Nigeria at a crossroads: elections, legitimacy and a way<br />

forward : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 7, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,64 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-80)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35872.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>78 HSFK: 98.897 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1192 Politics as war : The human rights impact and causes of<br />

post-election violence in Rivers State, Nigeria / Human Rights<br />

Watch. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 61 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Human<br />

Rights Watch Publications: A, Sub-Saharan Africa; 20 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 3A)<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/20<strong>08</strong>/nigeria03<strong>08</strong>/nigeria03<strong>08</strong>web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841036<br />

RF02.07 CHAD<br />

1193 Debos, Marielle: Fluid loyalities in a regional crisis : Chadian<br />

"ex-liberators" in the Central African Republic / Marielle Debos. -<br />

In: African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 225-241<br />

SWP D 840604 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1194 Dickow, Helga: Tschad: Diktatur von Frankreichs Gnaden /<br />

Helga Dickow. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik<br />

(Bonn), 53 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 24-28<br />

DGAP D 840558 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 IMES: ZS-INT-B Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1195 Dossier: Tchad : le coup d'État permanent / Myrtille<br />

Delamarche ... - In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens (Paris),<br />

62 (21 mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 3244, S. 5-8, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 840211 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1196 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/215)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/20<strong>08</strong>/215<br />

SWP D 840221<br />

1197 Thomas-Jensen, Colin: Nasty neighbors : resolving the<br />

Chad–Sudan proxy war / by Colin Thomas-Jensen. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Enough, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S. - (Strategy Paper /<br />

Enough; 17)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/ChadSudan<strong>April</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840755<br />

1198 Tubiana, Jérôme: The Chad-Sudan proxy war and the<br />

'Darfurization' of Chad : myths and reality / by Jérôme Tubiana. -<br />

Geneva: Small Arms Survey, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 75 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 70-75, Lit. S. 76-77 - (HSBA Working Paper; 12) -<br />

ISBN 2-8288-0095-4 -- Enthält Appendix: Armed groups of<br />

Darfur and Chad. - S. 63-69<br />

http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/files/portal/spotlight/sudan/Suda<br />

n_pdf/SWP%2012%20Chad%20Sudan%20Proxy%20War.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840263<br />

RF02.<strong>08</strong> CONGO (KINSHASA)<br />

1199 Autesserre, Séverine: The trouble with Congo : how local<br />

disputes fuel regional conflict / Séverine Autesserre. -<br />

In: Foreign Affairs (New York/N.Y.), 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 94-110<br />

SWP D 840984 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1200 Feeley, Rebecca; Thomas-Jensen, Colin: Getting serious<br />

about ending conflict and sexual violence in Congo / Rebecca<br />

Feeley and Colin Thomas-Jensen. - Washington/D.C.: Enough,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 9 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategy Paper / Enough; 15)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/congoserious.pdf<br />

SWP D 840232<br />

1201 Liegeois, Michel: La décentralisation en RD Congo : enjeux et<br />

défis / Michel Liégeois. - Bruxelles: GRIP, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S.,<br />

graph.Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Rapports du GRIP; 20<strong>08</strong>/1)<br />

http://grip.org/pub/rapports/rg<strong>08</strong>-1_decentra_rdc.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840394<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 59 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1202 Puijenbroek, Joost van: Human security from below : A case<br />

study from the Ituri destrict, Democratic Republic of Congo /<br />

Joost von Puijenbroek. - In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden),<br />

19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 45-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>41 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1203 Twenty-fifth report of the Secretary-General on the United<br />

Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic<br />

of the Congo / United Nations Security Council. - New<br />

York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S., Kt. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/218)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/20<strong>08</strong>/218<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>5<br />


1204 Debos, Marielle: Fluid loyalities in a regional crisis : Chadian<br />

"ex-liberators" in the Central African Republic / Marielle Debos. -<br />

In: African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 225-241<br />

SWP D 840604 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1205 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/215)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/20<strong>08</strong>/215<br />

SWP D 840221<br />

RF03.18 ZIMBABWE<br />

1206 All over again : human rights abuses and flawed electoral<br />

conditions in Zimbabwe's coming general elections / Human<br />

Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 48 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Human Rights Watch Publications: A, Sub-Saharan Africa; 20<br />

(March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2A)<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/20<strong>08</strong>/zimbabwe03<strong>08</strong>/zimbabwe03<strong>08</strong>web.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 841033<br />

1207 García Rivero, Carlos: Failed states in Africa : The<br />

Zimbabwean experience / Carlos García Rivero. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 29/20<strong>08</strong>) - (Area:<br />

Subsaharan Africa)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9S<br />

Pykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4k3NHYFSYGYTn76kShCBv<br />

GOCJEgfW99X4_83FT9AP2C3NCIckdHRQAUwpTT/delta/base<br />

64xml/L0lDU0lKQ1RPN29na21BISEvb0VvUUFBSVFnakZJQUF<br />


SWP D 8406<strong>16</strong><br />

12<strong>08</strong> Rupiya, Martin: Leaders in waiting : Zimbabwe prepares for<br />

post-election tussle / Martin Rupiya. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 28-31<br />

SWP D 840334 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1209 Zimbabwe: prospects from a flawed election / International<br />

Crisis Group. - Pretoria ..., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S., Kt. - (ICG Africa Report;<br />

No. 138)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/southern_afri<br />

ca/138_zimbabwe_prospects_from_a_flawed_election.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840012 DGAP: DG B01420c IAA: ZWE-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


1210 Gumede, William Mervin: South Africa: Jacob Zuma and the<br />

difficulties of consolidating South Africa's democracy / William M.<br />

Gumede. - In: African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427,<br />

S. 261-271<br />

SWP D 840607 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1211 Herbst, Jeffrey: South Africa after the age of heroes / Jeffrey<br />

Herbst. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

7<strong>08</strong>, S. <strong>16</strong>1-<strong>16</strong>6<br />

SWP D 839970 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1212 Payne, Leigh A.: Unsettling accounts : neither truth nor<br />

reconciliation in confessions of state violence / Leigh A. Payne. -<br />

Durham/N.C. ...: Duke University Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVI,374 S.,<br />

Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 343-352, Lit. Hinw. - (The Cultures and Practice<br />

of Violence Series) - ISBN 978-0-8223-4<strong>08</strong>2-9<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>08</strong>2 ILAS: AAL-H/50 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

1213 Ahner-Tönnis, Wolfgang: Kenia: Auf der Suche nach einem<br />

Wahlsieger / Wolfgang Ahner-Tönnis. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 26-50,<br />

Tab.<br />

SWP D 841267 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1214 Ballots to bullets : organized political violence and Kenya's<br />

crisis of governance / Human Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 81 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Human Rights Watch Publications:<br />

A, Sub-Saharan Africa; 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1A)<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/20<strong>08</strong>/kenya03<strong>08</strong>/kenya03<strong>08</strong>web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 8410<strong>30</strong><br />

1215 Barkan, Joel D.: Will the Kenyan settlement hold? / Joel D.<br />

Barkan. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

7<strong>08</strong>, S. 147-153<br />

SWP D 839966 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

12<strong>16</strong> Eaton, David: The business of peace : raiding and peace work<br />

along the Kenya-Uganda border (Part II) / Dave Eaton. - In:<br />

African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 243-259<br />

SWP D 840606 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1217 Kidombo, Pius Kipketer: The architecture of corruption in<br />

Kenya / Pius K. Kidombo. Ed. by Hermon Manyora. - Nairobi:<br />

Sino Printers and Publishers, 2007. - 258 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- ISBN 9966-701-92-3<br />

GIGA D 840099 IAA: KEN-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1218 Ndegwa, Duncan: Introduction to walking in Kenyatta struggles :<br />

with hindsight / by Duncan Ndegwa ... - Nairobi: Kenya<br />

Leadership Institute, 2007. - 70 S., Ill.<br />

GIGA D 840151 IAA: KEN-H/6 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1219 Pre-elections observation: registration of voters in 2007 :<br />

An audit / Institute for Education in Democracy. - Nairobi: IED,<br />

2007. - XVII,84 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840142 IAA: KEN-H/8 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1220 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights:<br />

Report from OHCHR fact-finding mission to Kenya : 6-28<br />

February 20<strong>08</strong> / United Nations High Commissioner for Human<br />

Rights. - Genève: United Nations, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Press/OHCHRKenyareport.pdf<br />

SWP D 841133<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

1221 Brockington, Dan: Corruption, taxation and natural resource<br />

management in Tanzania / Dan Brockington. - In: The Journal of<br />

Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 103-136, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 124-126<br />

DIE D 841075 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1222 Chaligha, Amon: Local governance in Tanzania : observations<br />

from six councils 2002-2003 / Amon Chaligha ... - Dar es Salaam:<br />

REPOA, 2007. - XII,42 S., zahlr. Tab., Anh. S. 32-33, Lit. S. 35,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Special Paper / Research on Poverty Alleviation;<br />

07.22) - ISBN 9987-449-37-9<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Special_Paper_07.22<br />

.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841177<br />

1223 Tanzanian non-governmental organisations : Their<br />

perceptions of their relationships with the government of<br />

Tanzania and donors, and their role in poverty reduction and<br />

development - Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty Alleviation,<br />

2007. - XIV,32 S., Tab., Lit. S. 27, Lit. Hinw. - (Special Paper /<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation; 07.21) - ISBN 9987-449-36-0<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Research_Activities/S<br />

pecial_Paper_07.21.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841027<br />

RF04.05 UGANDA<br />

1224 Eaton, David: The business of peace : raiding and peace work<br />

along the Kenya-Uganda border (Part II) / Dave Eaton. - In:<br />

African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 243-259<br />

SWP D 840606 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 60 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RF05.01 ETHIOPIA<br />

1225 Ethiopia and the state of democracy : effects on human rights<br />

and humanitarian conditions in the Ogaden and Somalia ;<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, October 2, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,106 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 110-111)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38139.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>52 HSFK: 98.921 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1226 Lyons, Terrence: Ethiopia's convergence of crises / Terrence<br />

Lyons. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

7<strong>08</strong>, S. 154-<strong>16</strong>0<br />

SWP D 839969 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

1227 Chronic failures in the war on terror : from Afghanistan to<br />

Somalia / The Senlis Council. - London: MF Publ., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 79 S.,<br />

Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 0-95550<strong>08</strong>-4-2<br />

http://www.senliscouncil.net/documents/chronic_failures_war_ter<br />

ror<br />

SWP D 840754<br />

1228 Ethiopia and the state of democracy : effects on human rights<br />

and humanitarian conditions in the Ogaden and Somalia ;<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, October 2, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,106 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 110-111)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38139.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>52 HSFK: 98.921 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1229 Prendergast, John: 15 years after black hawk down : Somalia's<br />

Chance? / by John Prendergast. - Washington/D.C.: Enough,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategy Paper / Enough; 18)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/Somalia<strong>April</strong>20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 841105<br />

12<strong>30</strong> Renders, Marleen: Appropriate 'governance-technology'?<br />

Somali clan elders and institutions in the making of the 'Republic<br />

of Somaliland' / Merleen Renders. - In: Afrika Spectrum<br />

(Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3, S. 439-459, Lit. S. 456-458, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840358 SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1231 Expanded Ministerial Conference of the Neighbouring<br />

Countries of Iraq 03. (Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>-04-22) ; Draft final<br />

communiqué of the Expanded Ministerial Conference of the<br />

Neighbouring Countries of Iraq / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. -<br />

Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.mofa.gov.iq/officialdocuments/communique%20final%<br />

20draft%20kuwait.pdf<br />

SWP D 841224<br />

1232 Petrini, Benjamin: Al-Zarqawi: profile of a terrorist / Benjamin<br />

Petrini. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 37-58, Lit. Hinw. S. 56-58<br />

GIGA D 840248 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


1233 Eyadat, Zaid: The calculus of consensus: An alternative path to<br />

Arab democracy / Zaid Eyadat. - In: Oriente moderno (Roma),<br />

37 (2007) 2, S. 371-381, Lit. S. 378-381<br />

GIGA D 840463 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1234 Human rights in the Arab world: independent voices / ed. by<br />

Anthony Chase ... - Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr.,<br />

2006. - VIII,322 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. - (Pennsylvania<br />

Studies in Human Rights) - ISBN 0-8122-3935-0<br />

HSFK D 840758 HSFK: 38.829 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1235 Measuring and evaluating e-government in Arab countries /<br />

prepared by Marco Daglio and Melissa Peerless. - [Paris]:<br />

OECD, [2007]. - 149 S., Tab., Lit. S. 131-133<br />

http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/55/<strong>16</strong>/39856235.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840262<br />


II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1236 Fadl, Khaled Abou Omar al-: Rebellion and violence in Islamic<br />

law / Khaled Abou El Fadl. - 1st publ. 2001 - Cambridge ...:<br />

Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006. - XII,391 S., Reg., Lit. S. 343-371,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-521-0<strong>30</strong>57-9<br />

GIGA D 840370 IMES: MEA-D/8 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1237 Islams and democracy / ed. by Massimo Campanini. -<br />

In: Oriente moderno (Roma), 37 (2007) 2, S. I-IV,247-496,<br />

Lit.Hinw<br />

GIGA D 840442 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1238 Shahi, Afshin: The Islamisation of democracy or the<br />

democratisation of Islam? / Afshin Shahi. - In: Journal of Middle<br />

Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10,<br />

S. 79-107, Lit. S. 104-105, Lit. Hinw. S. 105-107<br />

GIGA D 840637 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1239 Zuhur, Sherifa: Precision in the global war on terror : inciting<br />

muslims through the war of ideas / Sherifa Zuhur. - Carlisle/Pa.:<br />

Strategic Studies Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 152 S. - ISBN 1-58487-353-1<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB843.pdf<br />

SWP D 8406<strong>08</strong><br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

1240 Ottaway, Marina S.; Riley, Meredith: Marocco: top-down<br />

reform without democratic transition / Marina Ottaway and<br />

Meredith Riley. - In: Beyond the façade: political reform in the<br />

Arab world / Marina Ottaway ... eds. Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. <strong>16</strong>1-186, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 186 - ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 840002 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

1241 Algeria: briefing to the Committee Against Torture /<br />

Amnesty International. - London: AI, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 39 S. -<br />

(AIIndex:MDE28/001/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/docs/ngos/AI-AlgeriaAp<br />

ril20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841194<br />

1242 Algeria: torture remains a common practice : report<br />

submitted to the Committee against Torture in the context of the<br />

review of the periodic report for Algeria /<br />

Alkarama for Human Rights. - Geneva, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S.<br />

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/docs/ngos/ReportAlkar<br />

ama_CAT4apr<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841195<br />

1243 Commission Nationale Consultative de Promotion et de<br />

Protection des Droits de l'Homme (Algérie): Textes<br />

constitutifs / République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire,<br />

Commission Nationale Consultative de Promotion et de<br />

Protection des Droits de l'Homme. - Alger, 2007. - 94 S.<br />

Außerdem erschienen Englisch: Constitutive texts / People's<br />

Democratic Republic of Algeria, National Consultative<br />

Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights.<br />

- Algiers, 2007<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>42 IMES: DZA-H/14-1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1244 Commission Nationale Consultative de Promotion et de<br />

Protection des Droits de l'Homme (Algérie): Constitutive<br />

texts / People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, National<br />

Consultative Commission for the Protection and Promotion of<br />

Human Rights. - Algiers, 2007. - 84 S.<br />

Außerdem erschienen Französisch: Textes constitutifs /<br />

République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire, Commission<br />

Nationale Consultative de Promotion et de Protection des Droits<br />

de l'Homme. - Alger, 2007<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>45 IMES: DZA-H/14-2 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1245 House, Jim; MacMaster, Neil: Paris 1961 : Algerians, state<br />

terror, and memory / Jim House and Neil MacMaster. - Oxford:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. - XI,375 S., Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 339-359 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-924725-7<br />

DFI D 841203 DFI: FC 7<strong>30</strong>.HOU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1246 Pargeter, Alison: Algeria and the national reconciliation<br />

process : three Algerians give their views / Alison Pargeter. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 59-67, Lit. Hinw. S. 67<br />

GIGA D 840250 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 61 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1247 Quandt, William Baver: Algeria in limbo : stable now, but still<br />

underperforming / William B. Quandt. - In: Current History<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7<strong>08</strong>, S. 174-179<br />

SWP D 839972 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1248 Roberts, Hugh: Demilitarizing Algeria / Hugh Roberts. -<br />

In: Beyond the façade: political reform in the Arab world / Marina<br />

Ottaway ... eds. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 137-159, Lit. Hinw. S. 157-159 -<br />

ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 839997 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1249 Tlemcani, Rachid: Algeria under Bouteflika : civil strife and<br />

national reconciliation / Rachid Tlemcani. - Washington/D.C. ...:<br />

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 17-18 - (Carnegie Papers / Carnegie Middle East<br />

Center; No. 7/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/cmec7_tlemcani_algeria<br />

_final.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841022<br />

1250 Zemni, Sami: From local insurgency to Al-Qaida franchise /<br />

Sami Zemni. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 21,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>-17, Lit. Hinw. S. 17<br />

http://www.isim.nl/files/review_21/review_21-<strong>16</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841200 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

1251 Amri, Laroussi: Le omda aujourd'hui ou le notable modélisé :<br />

développement et changement social / Laroussi Amri. - In: Les<br />

changements sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de<br />

Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales),<br />

S. 263-280, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 841052 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1252 Krichen, Zyed: Droits de l'homme en Tunisie : état des lieux /<br />

par Zyed Krichen. - In: Réalités (Tunis), (10-<strong>16</strong> avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 1<strong>16</strong>3,<br />

S. 10-12, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 840391 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1253 Tunisie: examen des rapports présentés par les Etats<br />

parties conformément à l'article 40 du pacte : observations<br />

finales du Comité des droits de l'homme ; version non éditée /<br />

Comité des Droits de l'Homme, Distr. Generale. - New York/N.Y,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (CCPR/C/TUN/CO/5)<br />

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrc/docs/AdvanceDocs/CC<br />

PR-C-TUN-CO.5_fr.doc<br />

SWP D 840372<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

1254 Mezran, Karim: Libya: evolution and prospect of a democratic<br />

change / Karim Mezran in collaboration with Tiziana Giuliani. -<br />

In: Oriente moderno (Roma), 37 (2007) 2, S. 457-482, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840470 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> EGYPT<br />

1255 Bernard-Maugiron, Nathalie: Le printemps des juges et la<br />

réactualisation autoritaire en Egypte / Nathalie<br />

Bernard-Maugiron. - In: Politique africaine (Paris), (décembre<br />

2007) 1<strong>08</strong>, S. 67-85, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840026 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1256 L'Egypte sous pression? Des mobilisations au verrouillage<br />

politique - In: Politique africaine (Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 5-125, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 839909 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1257 Herzallah, Mohammed; Hamzawy, Amr: Egypt's local<br />

elections farce : causes and consequences / by Mohammed<br />

Herzallah and Amr Hamzawy. - Washington/D.C: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. - (Policy<br />

Outlook / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 40)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/egypt's_local_elections_<br />

final2.pdf<br />

SWP D 840767<br />

1258 Ideals vs. reality in human rights and U.S. foreign policy :<br />

The cases of Azerbaijan, Cuba, and Egypt ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 12, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-84)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36727.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840685 HSFK: 98.923 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1259 Legeay, Hélène: La citoyenneté des Bahaï : l'identité<br />

égyptienne en procès / Hélène Legeay. - In: Politique africaine<br />

(Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>, S. 86-105, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840021 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1260 Stachursky, Benjamin: Globale Normen, lokaler Aktivismus :<br />

Advocacy NGOs und die Sozialisierung der Menschenrechte<br />

von Frauen am Beispiel Ägyptens / Benjamin Stachursky. -<br />

In: Making civil societies work: Zivilgesellschaft und<br />

gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.). - Potsdam:<br />

Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN 978-3-939469-40-7. -<br />

(Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9), S. 63-97, Lit. S. 92-97 -<br />

ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841159 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1261 Vannetzel, Marie: "Ils nous ont déjà essayés!" : Clientélisme et<br />

mobilisation électorale frériste en Egypte / Marie Vannetzel. -<br />

In: Politique africaine (Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>, S. 47-66, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840028 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

1262 Natsios, Andrew S.: Beyond Darfur : Sudan's slide toward civil<br />

war / Andrew S. Natsios. - In: Foreign Affairs (New York/N.Y.),<br />

87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 77-93<br />

SWP D 840982 SWP: X. 52 OSI: Zs 260 DGAP: ZD 382 HSFK: ZS F IFA: Z-USA4<br />

BICC: BZ FOREAF DIE: ZK007 IAS: 3/240 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1263 Prendergast, John; Fowler, Jerry: Creating a peace to keep in<br />

Darfur : A joint report by the Enough project and the Save Darfur<br />

Coalition / by John Prendergast and Jerry Fowler. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Enough, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/%20Sudan%20peace<br />

%20process%20.pdf<br />

SWP D 841141<br />

1264 Report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the<br />

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/249)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/249<br />

SWP D 840635<br />

1265 Report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/267)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/267<br />

SWP D 841127<br />

1266 South Sudan: The Comprehensive Peace Agreement on life<br />

support : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global<br />

Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, January 24,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,74 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 110-2)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/32846.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>56 HSFK: 98.882 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1267 Thomas-Jensen, Colin: Nasty neighbors : resolving the<br />

Chad–Sudan proxy war / by Colin Thomas-Jensen. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Enough, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S. - (Strategy Paper /<br />

Enough; 17)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/ChadSudan<strong>April</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840755<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 62 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1268 Tubiana, Jérôme: The Chad-Sudan proxy war and the<br />

'Darfurization' of Chad : myths and reality / by Jérôme Tubiana. -<br />

Geneva: Small Arms Survey, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 75 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 70-75, Lit. S. 76-77 - (HSBA Working Paper; 12) -<br />

ISBN 2-8288-0095-4 -- Enthält Appendix: Armed groups of<br />

Darfur and Chad. - S. 63-69<br />

http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/files/portal/spotlight/sudan/Suda<br />

n_pdf/SWP%2012%20Chad%20Sudan%20Proxy%20War.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840263<br />

1269 Uncivil war? Sudan peace rests on a knife edge - In: Jane's<br />

Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 22-27<br />

SWP D 840332 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1270 Winter, Roger: Sounding the alarm on Abyei / by Roger Winter.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: Enough, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Strategy Paper / Enough; <strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/SoundingAlarmonAby<br />

ei.pdf<br />

SWP D 840636<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

1271 Aitken, Robert: The Aitken report : An investigation into cases<br />

of deliberate abuse and unlawful killing in Iraq in 2003 and 2004<br />

/ [British] Army. - London: Ministry of Defence, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S.<br />

http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/7AC894D3-14<strong>30</strong>-4AD1-911F-8<br />

210C3342CC5/0/aitken_rep.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841010<br />

1272 Expanded Ministerial Conference of the Neighbouring<br />

Countries of Iraq 03. (Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>-04-22) ; Draft final<br />

communiqué of the Expanded Ministerial Conference of the<br />

Neighbouring Countries of Iraq / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. -<br />

Kuwait, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.mofa.gov.iq/officialdocuments/communique%20final%<br />

20draft%20kuwait.pdf<br />

SWP D 841224<br />

1273 Goodman, Adam: Informal networks and insurgency in Iraq /<br />

Adam Goodman. - Shrivenham: Defence Academy of the United<br />

Kingdom, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 35 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC Middle East Series;<br />

<strong>08</strong>/11) - ISBN 978-1-905962-43-3<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/middle-ea<br />

st/<strong>08</strong>%2811%29AG.pdf<br />

SWP D 840956<br />

1274 Human rights report : 1 July - 31 December 2007 / United<br />

Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq. - Bagdad, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.uniraq.org/FileLib/misc/HR%20Report%20Jul%20Dec<br />

%202007%20EN.pdf<br />

SWP D 840023<br />

1275 Iraq after the surge: political prospects : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, Wednesday, <strong>April</strong> 2, 20<strong>08</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung - (Hearing / United<br />

States Senate; [02.04.20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/20<strong>08</strong>/hrg<strong>08</strong>0402p.html<br />

SWP D 840245<br />

1276 Knights, Michael; McCarthy, Eamon: Provincial politics in Iraq :<br />

fragmentation or new awakening? / Michael Knights and Eamon<br />

McCarthy. - Washington/D.C.: Washington Institute for Near<br />

East Policy, 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr. Zählung, Kt., Tab., Anh. - (Policy<br />

Focus / Washington Institute for Near East Policy; 81)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us81.pdf<br />

SWP D 840738<br />

1277 Petrini, Benjamin: Al-Zarqawi: profile of a terrorist / Benjamin<br />

Petrini. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 37-58, Lit. Hinw. S. 56-58<br />

GIGA D 840248 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1278 Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 6 of<br />

resolution 1770 (2007 / United Nations Security Council. - New<br />

York/N.Y., 2007. - 15 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/266)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/266<br />

SWP D 841234<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1279 To receive testimony on the situation in Iraq and progress<br />

made by the Government of Iraq in meeting benchmarks<br />

and achieving reconciliation / United States Senate<br />

Committee on Armed Services. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - Getr.<br />

Zählung<br />

http://armed-services.senate.gov/e_witnesslist.cfm?id=3256<br />

SWP D 840369<br />

1280 Visser, Reidar: Historical myths of a divided Iraq / Reidar Visser.<br />

- In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 95-106<br />

SWP D 840900 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

1281 Echagüe, Ana: Planting an olive tree: The state of reform in<br />

Jordan / Ana Echagüe. - Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 36 S. - (Working<br />

Paper / Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior; 56)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/WP56_Jordan_Reform_ENG_abr<br />

<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840769<br />

RG02.13 LEBANON<br />

1282 Choucair-Vizoso, Julia: Lebanon: The challenge of reform in a<br />

weak state / Julia Choucair-Vizoso. - In: Beyond the façade:<br />

political reform in the Arab world / Marina Ottaway ... eds.<br />

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 115-136, Tab. - ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 839992 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1283 Seventh semi-annual report of the Secretary-General on the<br />

implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/264)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/264<br />

SWP D 841242<br />

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

1284 Lust-Okar, Ellen Marie: Reform in Syria: steering between the<br />

Chinese model and regime change / Ellen Lust-Okar. -<br />

In: Beyond the façade: political reform in the Arab world / Marina<br />

Ottaway ... eds. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 71-92, Lit. Hinw. S. 92 -<br />

ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 839983 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


1285 Ali, Fadhil: Al-Qaeda's Palestinian inroads / by Fadhil Ali. -<br />

In: Terrorism Monitor (Washington/D.C.), 6 (<strong>April</strong> 17, 20<strong>08</strong>) 8, 3<br />

S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=23<br />

74109<br />

SWP D 840620<br />

1286 Brown, Nathan J.: Requiem for Palestinian reform: clear<br />

lessons from a troubled record / Nathan J. Brown. - In: Beyond<br />

the façade: political reform in the Arab world / Marina Ottaway ...<br />

eds. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 93-113, Lit. Hinw. S. 113 -<br />

ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 839989 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1287 Höhne-Sparborth, Thomas: "Change or fail" : Hamas' lonely<br />

experiment in political participation / Thomas Höhne-Sparborth. -<br />

In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (July-December 2006) 5-6, S. 9-36, Lit. Hinw. S. <strong>30</strong>-36<br />

GIGA D 840246 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.12 QATAR<br />

1288 Williams, John: Al Jazeera's booming voice : developing<br />

Qatar's comparative advantage in the Middle East / John<br />

Williams. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (<strong>April</strong>-June 2006) 4, S. 31-46, Lit. Hinw. S. 44-46<br />

GIGA D 840226 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 63 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

RG03.13 KUWAIT<br />

1289 Mekaimi, Haila al-: Kuwaiti women's tepid political awakening /<br />

Haila al-Mekaimi. - In: Arab Insight (Cairo), 2 (Winter 20<strong>08</strong>) 2:<br />

Emerging social & religious trends, S. 53-59<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/aiarticles/183.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840601<br />

1290 Salem, Paul: Kuwait: politics in a participatory emirate / Paul<br />

Salem. - In: Beyond the façade: political reform in the Arab world<br />

/ Marina Ottaway ... eds. Carnegie Endowment for International<br />

Peace. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 211-2<strong>30</strong> -<br />

ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 8400<strong>08</strong> SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

1291 Hamzawy, Amr: The Saudi labyrinth: is there a political opening?<br />

/ Amr Hamzawy. - In: Beyond the façade: political reform in the<br />

Arab world / Marina Ottaway ... eds. Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 187-210, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 210 - ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 840006 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1292 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1293 Wittes, Tamara Cofman; Coleman, Isobel: Economic and<br />

political development report : Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia /<br />

Tamara Cofman Wittes and Isobel Coleman. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Saban Center, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S. - (Council on Foreign Relations<br />

Project)<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/reports/20<strong>08</strong>/04_saudi<br />

_arabia_wittes/04_saudi_arabia_wittes.pdf<br />

SWP D 840374<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> YEMEN<br />

1294 Phillips, Sarah: Yemen: The centrality of process / Sarah<br />

Phillips. - In: Beyond the façade: political reform in the Arab<br />

world / Marina Ottaway ... eds. Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 231-259, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 258-259 - ISBN 0-87003-239-9<br />

SWP D 840010 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0143 DIE: 03KC028 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


1295 Chronic failures in the war on terror : from Afghanistan to<br />

Somalia / The Senlis Council. - London: MF Publ., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 79 S.,<br />

Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 0-95550<strong>08</strong>-4-2<br />

http://www.senliscouncil.net/documents/chronic_failures_war_ter<br />

ror<br />

SWP D 840754<br />

1296 Mez, Lutz; Abdolvand, Behrooz: Afghanistan: Die gescheiterte<br />

Mission / Lutz Mez und Behrooz Abdolvand. - In: Blätter für<br />

deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 21-24,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840557 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 IMES: ZS-INT-B Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1297 Muhammed Ally, Sahr: Arbitrary justice: trials of Bagram and<br />

Guantánamo detainees in Afghanistan / by Sahr Muhammed<br />

Ally. Ed. by Kevin Lanigan. - New York/N.Y.: Human Rights First,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 46 S.<br />

http://www.humanrightsfirst.info/pdf/USLS-<strong>08</strong>0409-arbitrary-justic<br />

e-report.pdf<br />

SWP D 840798<br />

1298 Nixon, Hamish: Subnational state-building in Afghanistan /<br />

Hamish Nixon. - Kabul: Afghanistan Research and Evaluation<br />

Unit, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 80 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 61-64 - (Synthesis<br />

Paper Series)<br />

http://www.areu.org.af/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=<br />

&task=doc_download&gid=580<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>60<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

1299 Ansari, Ali M.: Iran, Islam and democracy : The politics of<br />

managing change / Ali M. Ansari. - 2nd ed. - London: Royal<br />

Institute of International Affairs, 2006. - XXIII,327 S., Reg., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. <strong>30</strong>9-320 - ISBN 1-86203-151-7<br />

HSFK D 841172 HSFK: 38.822 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1<strong>30</strong>0 Azadarmaki, Taghi: Good or bad government: The case study<br />

of Iran / Taghi Azadarmaki. - In: Making civil societies work:<br />

Zivilgesellschaft und gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke<br />

(Hrsg.). - Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN<br />

978-3-939469-40-7. - (Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9),<br />

S. 142-153, Tab., Lit. S. 153 - ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841179 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1<strong>30</strong>1 Barlow, Rebecca; Akbarzadeh, Shahram: Prospects for<br />

feminism in the Islamic Republic of Iran / Rebecca Barlow and<br />

Shahram Akbarzadeh. - In: Human Rights Quarterly<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), <strong>30</strong> (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 21-40, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

ECMI D 8411<strong>30</strong> ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1<strong>30</strong>2 Byman, Daniel: Iran, terrorism, and weapons of mass<br />

destruction / Daniel Byman. - In: Studies in Conflict and<br />

Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. <strong>16</strong>9-181, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>1 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1<strong>30</strong>3 Ehteshami, Anoushiravan: The rise and impact of Iran's<br />

Neocons / Anoush Ehteshami. - Muscatine/Iowa: The Stanley<br />

Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. - (Policy Analysis Brief / The Stanley<br />

Foundation)<br />

DGAP D 840187 DGAP: DG B01422x<br />

1<strong>30</strong>4 Goodman, Adam: Iran: informal networks and leadership<br />

politics / Adam Goodman. - Shrivenham: Defence Academy of<br />

the United Kongdom, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC Middle<br />

East Series; <strong>08</strong>/12) - ISBN 978-1-905962-44-0<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/middle-ea<br />

st/<strong>08</strong>%2812%29AG.pdf<br />

SWP D 840753<br />

1<strong>30</strong>5 Is there a human rights double standard? U.S. policy toward<br />

Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 14, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,83 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-62)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840687 HSFK: 98.898 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1<strong>30</strong>6 Shahi, Afshin: The Islamisation of democracy or the<br />

democratisation of Islam? / Afshin Shahi. - In: Journal of Middle<br />

Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10,<br />

S. 79-107, Lit. S. 104-105, Lit. Hinw. S. 105-107<br />

GIGA D 840637 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

1<strong>30</strong>7 Combating terrorism: The United States lacks<br />

comprehensive plan to destroy the terrorist threat and<br />

close the safe haven in Pakistan's Federally Administered<br />

Tribal Area : report to Congressional requesters / United States<br />

Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

37 S., Kt., Tab., Anh. - (GAO-<strong>08</strong>-622)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d<strong>08</strong>622.pdf<br />

SWP D 840959<br />

13<strong>08</strong> Fair, C. Christine: The educated militants of Pakistan :<br />

implications for Pakistan's domestic security / C. Christine Fair. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 93-106, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841111 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1<strong>30</strong>9 Gregory, Shaun; Revill, James: The role of the military in the<br />

cohesion and stability of Pakistan / Shaun Gregory and James<br />

Revill. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 39-61, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 8411<strong>08</strong> SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 64 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1310 Islam, Shada: Building democracy and fighting extremism in<br />

Pakistan : A role for the EU / by Shada Islam. - Brussels:<br />

European Policy Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (Policy Brief / European<br />

Policy Centre)<br />

http://www.epc.eu/TEWN/pdf/83885473_Building%20democracy<br />

%20and%20fighting%20extremism%20in%20Pakistan.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840019 DGAP: DG B01422a<br />

1311 Islamic Republic of Pakistan: national and provincial<br />

assembly elections 18 February 20<strong>08</strong> : final report / European<br />

Union Election Observer Mission. - Bruxelles, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 69 S.<br />

http://www.eueompakistan.org/PDF/final%20report/EU_EOM_Pa<br />

kistan_Final_Report.pdf<br />

SWP D 840785<br />

1312 Rashid, Tahmina: Politics of female body : Pakistan's military<br />

and religious elite / Tahmina Rashid. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 21-36<br />

GIGA D 840977 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1313 Wagner, Christian; Wilke, Boris: Große Koalition in Pakistan:<br />

Nach der Parlamentswahl wird das Regieren schwieriger /<br />

Christian Wagner ; Boris Wilke. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft<br />

und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; <strong>30</strong>/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4889<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1314 Wirsing, Robert G.: Baloch nationalism and the geopolitics of<br />

energy resources : The changing context of separatism in<br />

Pakistan / Robert G. Wirsing. - Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies<br />

Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 62 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-349-3<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB853.pdf<br />

SWP D 840936<br />


1315 [Natural resources and violent ethnic conflicts in the Asia<br />

Pacific region] / Jefferson Fox ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-127 -- Enthält<br />

9 Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 840684 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

13<strong>16</strong> Chakma, Bhumitra: Assessing the 1997 chittagong hill tracts<br />

peace accord / Bhumitra Chakma. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 92-106<br />

GIGA D 840987 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1317 Restoring democracy in Bangladesh / International Crisis<br />

Group. - Dhaka ..., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 47 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (ICG Asia<br />

Report; No. 151)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/151<br />

_restoring_democracy_in_bangladesh.pdf<br />

SWP D 841<strong>30</strong>2<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1318 Manoharan, N.: Situation in Sri Lanka : options for India / N.<br />

Manoharan. - New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (IPCS Issue Brief; No. 63)<br />

http://ipcs.org/IPCS-IssueBrief-No63.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>76<br />

1319 WTO, intellectual property rights and branding / Shri<br />

Prakash ... (eds) Birla Institute of Scientific Research - New<br />

Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 2007. - 380 S., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 840426 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI01.15 NEPAL<br />

1320 Gul, Nabiha: Women in conflict zones : case study of Nepal /<br />

Nabiha Gul. - In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007)<br />

4, S. 69-79, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841175 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1321 Nepal Constituent Assembly election 10 <strong>April</strong>, 20<strong>08</strong> : largely<br />

successful election day despite tense campaign ; preliminary<br />

statement / European Union Election Observer Mission. -<br />

Kathmandu, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/human_rights/eu_election_<br />

ass_observ/nepal/prelim_statement_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>22<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1322 Ogura, Kiyoko: Seeking state power : The Communist Party of<br />

Nepal (Maoist) / Kiyoko Ogura. - Berlin: Berghof<br />

Forschungszentrum für Konstruktive Konfliktbearbeitung, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 56 S., Lit. S. 48, Anh. S. 49-55 - (Berghof Transitions Series;<br />

No. 3) - ISBN 978-3-927783-89-8<br />

http://www.berghof-center.org/uploads/download/transitions_cpn<br />

m.pdf<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>9<br />

1323 Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed<br />

conflict in Nepal / United Nations Security Council. - New<br />

York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/259)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/259<br />

SWP D 840918 SWP: http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/sgrep<strong>08</strong>.htm<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> SRI LANKA<br />

1324 Manoharan, N.: Situation in Sri Lanka : options for India / N.<br />

Manoharan. - New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (IPCS Issue Brief; No. 63)<br />

http://ipcs.org/IPCS-IssueBrief-No63.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>76<br />

1325 Nadarajah, Suthaharan; Vimalarajah, Luxshi: The politics of<br />

transformation : The LTTE and the 2002-2006 peace process in<br />

Sri Lanka / Suthanaran Nadarajan ; Luxshi Vimalarajah. - Berlin:<br />

Berghof Forschungszentrum für Konstruktive<br />

Konfliktbearbeitung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 60 S., Lit. S. 50-55, Anh. S. 55-60 -<br />

(Berghof Transitions Series; No. 4) - ISBN 978-3-927783-90-4<br />

http://www.berghof-center.org/uploads/download/transitions_ltte.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>6<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1326 Indonesia today - problems and perspectives : politics and<br />

society five years into Reformasi / ed. by Norbert Eschborn ...<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - 1st ed. - Jakarta, 2004. - IV,186 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - ISBN 979-99134-1-1<br />

GIGA D 841158 IAS:<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1327 Klinken, Gerry van: Blood, timber, and the state in West<br />

Kalimantan, Indonesia / Gerry van Klinken. - In: Asia Pacific<br />

Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue,<br />

S. 35-47<br />

GIGA D 841029 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1328 Lee Peluso, Nancy: A political ecology of violence and territory<br />

in West Kalimantan / Nancy Lee Peluso. - In: Asia Pacific<br />

Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue,<br />

S. 48-67<br />

GIGA D 841031 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1329 Satrya, Aryana: Explaining union strategy in Indonesia / Aryana<br />

Satrya. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 57-66<br />

GIGA D 840981 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

13<strong>30</strong> Ufen, Andreas: The evolution of cleavages in the Indonesian<br />

party system / Andreas Ufen. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute<br />

of Global and Area Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 25 S., Tab., Lit. - (GIGA<br />

Working Papers; No. 74) - (GIGA Research Programme:<br />

Legitimacy and Efficiency of Political Systems)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp74_ufen.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840431 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

1331 Pasch, Paul: Wahlen in Malaysia - politisches Erwachen der<br />

Bürger / Paul Pasch. - Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

6 S., graph. Darst. - (Kurzberichte aus der internationalen<br />

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik; [<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>])<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/05355.pdf<br />

SWP D 841<strong>30</strong>0<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> THAILAND<br />

1332 Wittayapak, Chusak: History and geography of identifications<br />

related to resource conflicts and ethnic violence in Northern<br />

Thailand / Chusak Wittayapak. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 111-127<br />

GIGA D 841038 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 65 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

1333 Meyer, Wolfgang: Das Rote-Khmer-Tribunal : Kambodscha im<br />

Schatten der Geschichte / Wolfgang Meyer. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 65-92,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841269 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

1334 Human rights concerns in Vietnam : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, November 6,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,73 S., Ill. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 110-117)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38819.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840680 HSFK: 98.929 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

1335 Bersick, Sebastian; Wacker, Gudrun: Great expectations for<br />

cross strait relations : Ma Ying-jeou wins presidential elections /<br />

Sebastian Bersick ; Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments;<br />

6/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4880<br />

SWP D 840181<br />

1336 Bersick, Sebastian; Wacker, Gudrun: Hoffnung auf Stabilität<br />

in der Taiwanstraße : Ma Ying-jeou gewinnt die<br />

Präsidentschaftswahl / Sebastian Bersick ; Gudrun Wacker. -<br />

Berlin: SWP, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 27/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/de/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4860<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1337 Kleining, Jochen: Tauwetter in der Taiwanstraße? Analyse der<br />

Präsidentschaftswahlen in Taiwan am 22. März 20<strong>08</strong> / Jochen<br />

Kleining. - Peking: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. -<br />

(Länderbericht)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_13488-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>87<br />


1338 Bader, Julia: Innenpolitischer Wandel und seine Auswirkungen<br />

auf die Außenpolitik Chinas / Julia Bader. - Bonn: Deutsches<br />

Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 47 S., Lit. S. 43-47 -<br />

(Discussion Paper / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik;<br />

4/20<strong>08</strong>) - ISBN 978-3-88985-371-4<br />

http://www.die-gdi.de/die_homepage.nsf/6f3fa777ba64bd9ec125<br />

69cb00547f1b/569d2dd71a9a9cf7c12573ae002eeff1/$FILE/DP<br />

%204.20<strong>08</strong>%20Bader%20Innenpol.%20Wandel.pdf<br />

DIE D 840194 SWP: H.<strong>08</strong>/0142 DIE: 11KC018-1 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1339 Cai, Yongshun: Local governments and the suppression of<br />

popular resistance in China / Yongshun Cai. - In: The China<br />

Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 24-42<br />

GIGA D 840578 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1340 China human rights report 2007 / Taiwan Foundation for<br />

Democracy. - Taipei, 2007. - 142 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (China Human Rights Report; 2007)<br />

SWP D 841187 SWP: V. 853 DGAP: DG 45931<br />

1341 Davies, Gloria; Ramia, Gaby: Governance reform towards<br />

''serving migrant workers'' : The local implementation of central<br />

government regulations / Gloria Davies and Gaby Ramia. - In:<br />

The China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 140-149<br />

GIGA D 840596 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1342 Dumbaugh, Kerry B.: Tibet: problems, prospects, and U.S.<br />

policy / Kerry Dumbaugh. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 28 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL34445) - (RL34445)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103673.pdf<br />

SWP D 840657<br />

1343 Fei, Wenting: Local public participation in government<br />

legislation and decision-making in China : The case of Shanghai<br />

/ Wenting Fei. - In: Making civil societies work: Zivilgesellschaft<br />

und gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.). -<br />

Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN<br />

978-3-939469-40-7. - (Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9),<br />

S. 125-141, Lit. S. 140-141 - ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841174 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1344 Holbig, Heike; Giese, Karsten: Der Dissens unter den<br />

Exiltibetern wächst / [Interview mit:] Heike Holbig und Karsten<br />

Giese. Text: Philipp Jarke. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of<br />

Global and Area Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 2. S.<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/presse/<br />

pdf/giga_news_<strong>08</strong>0320_1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 839941<br />

1345 Kunst, Alexander: China in their hands : cracks form in a<br />

delicately crafted economy / Alexander Kunst. - In: Jane's<br />

Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 52-54<br />

SWP D 840342 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1346 Michelson, Ethan: Justice from above or below? Popular<br />

strategies for resolving grievances in rural China / Ethan<br />

Michelson. - In: The China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

193, S. 43-64<br />

GIGA D 840583 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1347 Pei, Minxin: Political reform in China : leadership differences<br />

and convergence / Minxin Pei. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, ca. 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S.<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/China1.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>51<br />

1348 Wacker, Gudrun: Beijing is haunted by Olympic ghosts /<br />

Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 9/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/en/common/get_document.php?asset_<br />

id=4920<br />

SWP D 841047<br />

1349 Wacker, Gudrun: Die (olympischen) Geister, die Peking rief /<br />

Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 33/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4914<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1350 Yang, Kuisong: Reconsidering the campaign to suppress<br />

counterrevolutionaries / Yang Kuisong. - In: The China Quarterly<br />

(London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 102-121<br />

GIGA D 840593 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1351 Yu, Keping: Demokratie ist eine gute Sache / Yu Keping. -<br />

In: Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte (Bonn), 55 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 44-46<br />

DGAP D 840691 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RI03.05 HONG KONG (SINCE 1997)<br />

1352 Lee, Francis L. F.; Chan, Joseph Man: Making sense of<br />

participation : The political culture of pro-democracy<br />

demonstrators in Hong Kong / Francis L. F. Lee and Joseph M.<br />

Chan. - In: The China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193,<br />

S. 84-101<br />

GIGA D 840588 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

1353 Chanlett-Avery, Emma: North Korea’s abduction of Japanese<br />

citizens and the Six-Party Talks / Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

- (CRS Report for Congress; RS22845) - (RS22845)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103697.pdf<br />

SWP D 840658<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 66 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

1354 Lee, Sook-jong; Arrington, Celeste: The politics of NGOs and<br />

democratic governance in South Korea and Japan / Sook-jong<br />

Lee and Celeste Arrington. - In: Pacific Focus (Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 75-96<br />

GIGA D 841256 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1355 Ziemek, Marc: Wahlen in Südkorea : Konservative sichern sich<br />

die Parlamentsmehrheit / Marc Ziemek. - Seoul:<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. - (Länderbericht)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_13467-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>88<br />

RI03.21 HONG KONG<br />

1356 Yep, Ray: The 1967 riots in Hong Kong : The diplomatic and<br />

domestic fronts of the colonial governor / Ray Yep. - In: The<br />

China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 122-139<br />

GIGA D 840595 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

1357 Blathwayt, Will: Yakuza bared : The changing face of Japanese<br />

organised crime / Will Blathwayt. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 36-41<br />

SWP D 840336 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1358 Lee, Sook-jong; Arrington, Celeste: The politics of NGOs and<br />

democratic governance in South Korea and Japan / Sook-jong<br />

Lee and Celeste Arrington. - In: Pacific Focus (Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 75-96<br />

GIGA D 841256 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1359 Lippert, William: Geiger counting : Interpol's hunt for<br />

radiological and nuclear threats / William Lippert. - In: Jane's<br />

Intelligence Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 42-46<br />

SWP D 840338 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />


1360 [Natural resources and violent ethnic conflicts in the Asia<br />

Pacific region] / Jefferson Fox ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-127 -- Enthält<br />

9 Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 840684 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1361 Banks, Glenn: Understanding 'resource' conflicts in Papua New<br />

Guinea / Glenn Banks. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 23-34<br />

GIGA D 841028 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1362 MacDonald, Rosita: Safety, security, and accessible justice :<br />

participatory approaches to law and justice reform in Papua New<br />

Guinea / by Rosita MacDonald. - Honolulu/Haw.: East-West<br />

Center, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 39 S., Lit. S. 32-37 - (Pacific Islands Policy; No. 3)<br />

- ISBN 978-0-86638-214-4<br />

http://www.eastwestcenter.org/fileadmin/stored/pdfs/pip003.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>62<br />

1363 Reilly, Benjamin: Ethnic conflict in Papua New Guinea /<br />

Benjamin Reilly. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 12-22<br />

GIGA D 841024 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1364 Härpfer, Susanne: Mehr maritime Sicherheit / Susanne Härpfer.<br />

- In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-6,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840213 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


1365 Oberleitner, Gerd: Global human rights institutions : between<br />

remedy and ritual / Gerd Oberleitner. With a foreword by Conor<br />

Gearty. - Cambridge ...: Polity, 2007. - XVII,225 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 192-211 - ISBN 978-0-7456-3439-5<br />

DGAP D 841099 DGAP: DG 47018<br />


II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1366 Frerks, Georg: Human security as a discourse and<br />

counter-discourse / Georg Frerks. - In: Security and Human<br />

Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 8-14, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 8407<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1367 Report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the<br />

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/249)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/249<br />

SWP D 840635<br />

1368 Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 6 of<br />

resolution 1770 (2007 / United Nations Security Council. - New<br />

York/N.Y., 2007. - 15 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/266)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/266<br />

SWP D 841234<br />

1369 Short- and long-term effects of United Nations peace<br />

operations / Nicholas Sambanis. - In: The World Bank<br />

Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 9-32, Tab., Lit. S. 32<br />

DIE D 840203 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1370 Sixteenth progress report of the Secretary-General on the<br />

United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire / United Nations<br />

Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S., Kt. -<br />

(S/20<strong>08</strong>/250)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/250<br />

SWP D 840632<br />

1371 Twenty-fifth report of the Secretary-General on the United<br />

Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic<br />

of the Congo / United Nations Security Council. - New<br />

York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 19 S., Kt. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/218)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/20<strong>08</strong>/218<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>5<br />



1372 Hough, Peter: Global steps towards human security / Peter<br />

Hough. - In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 15-23, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>26 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


1373 Eaton, David: The business of peace : raiding and peace work<br />

along the Kenya-Uganda border (Part II) / Dave Eaton. - In:<br />

African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 243-259<br />

SWP D 840606 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1374 Guilloux, Annick; Bénard, Sylvie: Quelles évolutions de<br />

l'emploi public dans les pays développés? / Annick Guilloux et<br />

Sylvie Bénard. - In: La Note de Veille (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 96, 6 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/NoteVeille96.pdf<br />

DFI D 840581 DFI: YC 6<strong>30</strong>.Y0280 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


1375 Gruiters, Jan: Human security and development : An<br />

ambivalent relationship / Jan Gruiters. - In: Security and Human<br />

Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 54-63, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>48 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1376 Wibbels, Erik: Federalism and the market : intergovernmental<br />

conflict and economic reform in the developing world - 1st ed. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. - XI,276 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 249-272 - ISBN 978-0-521-84381-2<br />

GIGA D 839991 ILAS: INT-H/57 IMES: INT-H/57 IAA: INT-H/57 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


1377 Brooke, Steven: Jihadist strategic debates before 9/11 / Steven<br />

Brooke. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 201-226, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>3 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 67 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1378 Buse, Philip: Sicherheit der Seewege - eine Betrachtung aus<br />

wirtschaftlicher Sicht / Philip Buse. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden<br />

(Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 14-18, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 8402<strong>16</strong> SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1379 Converse, Nathan; Kapstein, Ethan Barnaby: The threat to<br />

young democracies / Nathan Converse and Ethan B. Kapstein. -<br />

In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 127-140<br />

SWP D 840902 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1380 David, Charles-Philippe; Gagné, Jean-François: Natural<br />

resources : A source of conflict? / Charles-Philippe David &<br />

Jean-François Gagné. - In: International Journal (Toronto),<br />

62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 5-17, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840524 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1381 Dehnert, Stefan: Demokratieförderung in<br />

Post-Konflikt-Gesellschaften : Konkordanzdemokratie als<br />

Konfliktlösungsmodell? / Stefan Dehnert. - Berlin ...:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S. - ISBN 978-2-89892-869-4<br />

DGAP D 840686 DGAP: DG B01425t<br />

1382 Dekker, Matijn; Faber, Mient Jan: Human security from below<br />

in a Hobbesian environment / Matijn Dekker ; Mient Jan Faber. -<br />

In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 37-44,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>35 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1383 Deroy, Franck: Al-Qaeda's communication strategy : A window<br />

on the movement / Franck Deroy. - In: Défense nationale et<br />

sécurité collective [engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3],<br />

S. 74-79<br />

SWP D 840055 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

1384 Etzioni, Amitai: Religion and social order : filling the gap when<br />

autocrats fall / by Amitai Etzioni. - In: Policy Review Online<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 148, ca. 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/17<strong>08</strong>9741.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>04 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1385 Federalism and economic reform : international perspectives -<br />

1st ed. - Cambridge ...: Cambridge University Press, 2006. -<br />

IX,5<strong>16</strong> S., Tab., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-85580-8<br />

GIGA D 840396 ILAS: INT-H/56 IMES: INT-H/56 IAA: INT-H/56 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1386 Forsberg, Erika: Polarization and ethnic conflict in a widened<br />

strategic setting / Erika Forsberg. - In: Journal of Peace<br />

Research (London), 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 283-<strong>30</strong>0, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 297-<strong>30</strong>0<br />

SWP D 840174 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1387 Hecker, Marc: Les trois âges du terrorisme / Marc Hecker. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 283-286<br />

SWP D 840614 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1388 Hegre, Håvard: Polarization and interstate conflict / Havard<br />

Hegre. - In: Journal of Peace Research (London), 45 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 261-282, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 280-282<br />

SWP D 840172 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1389 Indridason, Indridi H.: Does terrorism influence domestic<br />

politics? Coalition formation and terrorist incidents / Indridi H.<br />

Indridason. - In: Journal of Peace Research (London),<br />

45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 241-259, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 257-259<br />

SWP D 840171 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1390 Innes, Michael A.: Deconstructing political orthodoxies on<br />

insurgent and terrorist sanctuaries / Michael A. Innes. -<br />

In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 251-267, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>6 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1391 King, Preston: Challenging democratic sovereignty / Preston<br />

King. - In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>3-184<br />

SWP D 840909 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1392 Knights, Michael: Rebel with a pause : Sadr under pressure as<br />

truce is renewed / Michael Knights. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 14-18<br />

SWP D 840329 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1393 Kriesi, Hanspeter: Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft : eine<br />

Einführung / Hanspeter Kriesi.: NomosVerl-Ges., 2007-20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

1-2 - (Studienkurs Politikwissenschaft)<br />

T. I: Grundlagen. - 2007. - 314 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>1-314<br />

T. II: Institutionen und Länderbeispiele. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 361 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 343-361<br />

DFI D 841128 DFI: VB1<strong>30</strong>.KRIE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1394 Locicero, Alice; Sinclair, Samuel J.: Terrorism and terrorist<br />

leaders : insights from developmental and ecological psychology<br />

/ Alice Locicero ; Samuel J. Sinclair. - In: Studies in Conflict and<br />

Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 227-250, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>4 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1395 Navarro, Clemente J.: Los rendimientos de los mecanismos de<br />

participación : propuesta de sistema de evaluación y aplicación<br />

al caso de los presupuestos participativos / Clemente J. Navarro.<br />

- In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 81-102, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 101-102<br />

GIGA D 841188 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1396 The other, the self and the idea of citizenship / Pierre Paolo<br />

Donatti. - In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and<br />

non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...:<br />

Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69),<br />

S. 35-46 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

D 840771 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1397 Partidos políticos : quatro continentes / Wilhelm Hofmeister ...<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Rio de Janeiro: KAS, 2007. - 173 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Cadernos Adenauer; VIII (2007) 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-85-7504-119-2<br />

GIGA D 841273 ILAS: AAL-A/5-07-3 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1398 Pluchinsky, Dennis A.: Global jihadist recidivism : A red flag /<br />

Dennis A. Pluchinsky. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 182-200, Anh.<br />

S. 189-200<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>2 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1399 Potter, William C.: Using Murphy's law against nuclear<br />

terrorists / William C. Potter. - In: Arms Control Today<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 53-56<br />

Enthält Rezension von Levi, Michael: On nuclear terrorism. -<br />

Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007<br />

SWP D 841238 SWP: Y. 828 DGAP: ZD 374 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ ACT<br />

Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1400 Riorda, Mario: "Gobierno bien pero comunico mal" : Análisis de<br />

las rutinas de la comunicación gubernamental / Mario Riorda. -<br />

In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 25-52, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 49-52<br />

GIGA D 841182 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1401 Shue, Henry: Concept wars / Henry Shue. - In: Survival<br />

(Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 185-192<br />

Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Guthrie, Charles; Quinlan,<br />

Michael: Just war: The just war tradition; ethics in modern<br />

warfare. - London: Bloomsbury, 2007<br />

SWP D 840911 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1402 Structural stability: on the prerequisites of nonviolent<br />

conflict management / Andreas Mehler ... - Hamburg: GIGA<br />

German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-33 - (GIGA Working Papers; No. 75) - (GIGA Research<br />

Programme: Violence, Power and Security)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp75_mehler-engel-giesbert-kuhlmann-soest.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>30</strong>3 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1403 Wibbels, Erik: Federalism and the market : intergovernmental<br />

conflict and economic reform in the developing world - 1st ed. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. - XI,276 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 249-272 - ISBN 978-0-521-84381-2<br />

GIGA D 839991 ILAS: INT-H/57 IMES: INT-H/57 IAA: INT-H/57 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 68 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


1404 Adam, Christopher; Collier, Paul; Davies, Victor A. B.:<br />

Postconflict monetary reconstruction / Christopher Adam, Paul<br />

Collier, and Victor A.B. Davies. - In: The World Bank Economic<br />

Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 87-112, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 111-112<br />

DIE D 840207 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1405 Chen, Siyan; Loayza, Norman; Reynal-Querol, Marta: The<br />

aftermath of civil war / Siyan Chen, Norman V. Loayza, and<br />

Marta Reynal-Querol. - In: The World Bank Economic Review<br />

(Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 63-85, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 84-85<br />

DIE D 840206 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1406 Esteban, Joan; Schneider, Gerald: Polarization and conflict :<br />

Theoretical and empirical issues / Joan Esteban ; Gerald<br />

Schneider. - In: Journal of Peace Research (London), 45 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 131-141, Lit. S. 139-141<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>7 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1407 Kane, John: The ethical paradox of democratic leadership /<br />

John Kane. - In: Taiwan Journal of Democracy (Taipei),<br />

3 (December 2007) 2, S. 33-52, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840696 DGAP: ZD 60<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

14<strong>08</strong> Keefer, Philip: Insurgency and credible commitment in<br />

autocracies and democracies / Philip Keefer. - In: The World<br />

Bank Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 33-61<br />

DIE D 840205 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1409 Klein Goldewijk, Berma: Why human? The interlinkage<br />

between security, rights and development / Berma Klein<br />

Goldewijk. - In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 24-36, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>32 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1410 Østby, Gudrun: Polarization, horizontal inequalities and violent<br />

civil conflict / Gudrun Østby. - In: Journal of Peace Research<br />

(London), 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 143-<strong>16</strong>2, Tab., Lit. S. 158-<strong>16</strong>0,<br />

Anh. S. <strong>16</strong>1-<strong>16</strong>2<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>8 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1411 A symposium on post-conflict transitions - In: The World<br />

Bank Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-140, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. -- Enthält u.a. Postconflict transitions, an<br />

overview / Ibrahim Ahmed Elbadawi. - S. 1-7<br />

DIE D 840202 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 69 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


1412 Patchi, Anzo: The catholic church and Islam / Anzo Patchi. -<br />

In: Imagining the Arab other: how Arabs and non-Arabs view<br />

each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. - London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

(Library of Modern Middle East Studies; 69), S. 251-260 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840780 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1413 Spitzer, Giselher: "Rechtliche Möglichkeiten und Praxis der<br />

Aufarbeitung der Herrschaftsinstrumente totalitärer Systeme<br />

insbesondere durch Medien in Europa" : 6. Frankfurter<br />

Medienrechtstage 2007 an der Europa-Universität Viadrina,<br />

Frankfurt (Oder): 28. bis 29. November 2007 / Giselher Stitzer. -<br />

In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2, S. 68-76<br />

SWP D 8410<strong>08</strong> SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1414 Allard, Marc-André: Une première mondiale : un sondage<br />

déliberatif en Europe et sur l'Europe / par Marc-André Allard. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 199-219, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841240 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1415 Armut, Reichtum und Sozialstaat / eds.: Claus Schäfer ... -<br />

In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

Schwerpunktheft, S. 118-<strong>16</strong>9, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 8399<strong>30</strong> OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

14<strong>16</strong> Böhnke, Petra: Are the poor socially integrated? The link<br />

between poverty and social support in different welfare regimes /<br />

Petra Böhnke. - In: Journal of European Social Policy (London),<br />

18 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 133-150<br />

SWP D 840363 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1417 Child poverty and well-being in the EU : current status and<br />

way forward / The Social Protection Committee, European<br />

Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social<br />

Affairs and Equal Opportunities. - Luxembourg: Office for Official<br />

Publications of the EC, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 246 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab.<br />

- (KE-<strong>30</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-251-EN-C) - ISBN 978-92-79-<strong>08</strong>343-3<br />

DGAP D 840571 DGAP: DG B01418<br />

1418 The consumer markets scoreboard : monitoring consumer<br />

outcomes in the single market / Health & Consumer Protection<br />

Directorate-General. - Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of<br />

the EC, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 74 S., zahlr. graph. Darst - (ND-81-<strong>08</strong>-192-EN-C)<br />

- ISBN 978-92-79-<strong>08</strong>066-1<br />

DGAP D 840994 DGAP: DG B01422f<br />

1419 Die Europäisierung sozialer Ungleichheit : zur<br />

transnationalen Klassen- und Sozialstrukturanalyse / Martin<br />

Heidenreich (Hg.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus Verl., 2006. -<br />

363 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - ISBN 3-593-38040-4<br />

HSFK D 840107 HSFK: 38.457 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1420 Foreign languages and multicultural perspectives in the<br />

European context = Fremdsprachen und multikulturelle<br />

Perspektiven im europäischen Kontext / ed. by Annikki<br />

Koskensalo ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 2007. - 359 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0106-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>30</strong> IFA: 28/269 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1421 Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas: The refugee, the sovereign and<br />

the sea : EU interdiction policies in the Mediterranean / Thomas<br />

Gammeltoft-Hansen. - Copenhagen: Danish Institute for<br />

International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Lit. S. 31-32 - (DIIS Working<br />

Paper; 20<strong>08</strong>/6) - ISBN 978-87-7605-254-6<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP20<strong>08</strong>/WP<strong>08</strong>-6_Refug<br />

ee_Sovereign_Sea_EU%20Interdiction_Policies_Mediterranean.<br />

pdf<br />

DGAP D 840735 DGAP: DG B01425u<br />


1422 Gessler, Barbara: Die Bedeutung der kommunalen Kulturpolitik<br />

für die Kulturpolitik in Europa / Barbara Gessler. -<br />

In: Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa / Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ...<br />

- Rehburg-Loccum: Evang. Akad. Loccum, 2007. - (Loccumer<br />

Protokolle; 54/06), S. 111-119 - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 841210 IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1423 Hartmann, Michael: Elitenstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit in<br />

Europa / Michael Hartmann. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), 61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, Schwerpunktheft: Armut,<br />

Reichtum und Sozialstaat, S. <strong>16</strong>4-<strong>16</strong>9, Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>9<br />

FUB D 839935 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1424 Hauser, Richard: Altersarmut in der Europäischen Union /<br />

Richard Hauser. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, Schwerpunktheft: Armut, Reichtum und<br />

Sozialstaat, S. 125-132, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 132<br />

FUB D 839933 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1425 Klammer, Ute: Armut und Verteilung in Deutschland und<br />

Europa / Ute Klammer. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, Schwerpunktheft: Armut, Reichtum und<br />

Sozialstaat, S. 119-124, Tab., Lit. S. 124<br />

FUB D 839932 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1426 Klossa, Guillaume; Rozès, Stéphane: L'identité à l'épreuve de<br />

l'Europe / Guillaume Klossa et Stéphane Rozès. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 235-243<br />

DFI D 839925 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1427 Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa : eine Lernpartnerschaft ;<br />

51. Loccumer Kulturpolitisches Kolloquium; Dokumentation<br />

einer Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum vom 20. bis<br />

22. Oktober 2006 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kulturpolitischen<br />

Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn / Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ... -<br />

Rehburg-Loccum, 2007. - 147 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

(Loccumer Protokolle; 54/06) - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 8412<strong>08</strong> IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1428 Math, Antoine: Les familles pauvres sont-elles plus mal traitées<br />

en France? une comparaison des revenus minima garantis dans<br />

douze pays européens / Antoine Math. - In: La Revue de l'IRES<br />

(Noisy-le-Grand), (2007) 2/54, S. 41-69, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 67-69<br />

DFI D 839911 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1429 Parkes, Roderick: Debating the EU's immigrant integration<br />

activity : The state of play / Roderick Parkes. - In: Humanitäres<br />

Völkerrecht (Bochum), 21 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 34-40, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841272 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

14<strong>30</strong> Phillipson, Robert: Language policy and linguistic imperialism /<br />

Robert Phillipson. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell, 2006. - S.<br />

346-361, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4051-1497-4 -- Sonderdruck<br />

aus: An introduction to language policy / ed. by Thomas<br />

Ricento. - Malden/Mass. ..., Blackwell, 2006<br />

IFA D 841123 IFA: Cb28/235 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1431 Reform des Studiensystems : Analysen zum Bologna-Prozess<br />

/ Martin Winter (Hrsg.). - In: Die Hochschule (Wittenberg),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (2007) 2, S. 5-124, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFA D 839945<br />

1432 Rosenwald, Fabienne: La réussite scolaire des femmes et des<br />

hommes en Europe / Fabienne Rosenwald. - In: Note<br />

d'information / Ministère de l'Education Nationale (Paris), (février<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 11, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 841281 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1433 Simon, Fabienne: Discriminations : mutations à l'oeuvre et<br />

perspectives en France et en Europe / par Fabienne Simon. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 155-172, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841232 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 70 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1434 Soziale Sicherheit in der EU : Antwort der Bundesregierung<br />

auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Hakki Keskin ...<br />

und der Fraktion DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7714 / Deutscher<br />

Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7992)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/079/<strong>16</strong>07992.pdf<br />

SWP D 8407<strong>08</strong> SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

1435 Triandafyllidou, Anna: Popular perceptions of Europe and the<br />

nation : The case of Italy / Anna Triandafyllidou. - In: Nations and<br />

Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 261-282, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 281-282<br />

ECMI D 840968 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1436 Vogel, Dita; Cyrus, Norbert: Irreguläre Migration in Europa –<br />

Zweifel an der Wirksamkeit der Bekämpfungsstrategien /<br />

Herausgeber: Migration Research Group (MRG) c/o<br />

Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut. - Hamburg, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S.<br />

- (Focus Migration: Kurzdossier; Nr. 9)<br />

http://www.focus-migration.de/uploads/tx_wilpubdb/KD09-Irregul<br />

aere-Migration.pdf<br />

SWP D 840642<br />

1437 Von welchem Europa reden wir? Reichweiten nationaler<br />

Europadiskurse / Frank Baasner (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos Verl.-Ges., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 240 S., Ill. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Reihe<br />

Denkart Europa; 5) - ISBN 978-3-8329-3277-0<br />

DFI D 840360 DFI: YC 480.VON Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1438 Voss, Christian: Einheit in der Vielfalt? Eine Gegenüberstellung<br />

der Kulturpolitik in Tito-Jugoslawien und der Europäischen<br />

Union / Christian Voss. - In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen<br />

(München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 42-59<br />

SOI D 840645 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

1439 Carreiras, Helena: Gender and the military : women in the<br />

armed forces of Western democracies / Helena Carreiras. -<br />

Abingdon ...: Routledge, 2006. - XVIII,262 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 218-248 - (Cass Military Studies)<br />

- ISBN 0-415-38358-7<br />

HSFK D 840721 HSFK: 38.878 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1440 Mandić, Danilo: Myths and bombs : war, state popularity and<br />

the collapse of national mythology / Danilo Mandić. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 25-54,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50-52, Anh.<br />

SWP D 841279 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1441 Mihalka, Michael: Pashtunistan, NATO and the global war on<br />

terror : "If you don't fight, you cannot have peace in Afghanistan"<br />

/ Michael Mihalka. - In: The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 51-78, Tab.<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/mm<strong>08</strong>natoafghanist<br />

an.pdf<br />

SWP D 840752<br />


1442 Noor, Sanam: Hijab controversy in Europe / Sanam Noor. -<br />

In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007) 4, S. 27-45,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>2 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1443 Western Europe, Canada see Afghanistan mission as<br />

failure : global poll: Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada /<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor. - Vancouver: Angus Reid Strategies,<br />

2007. - 5 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/Afghanistan_Global.pdf<br />

SWP D 841049<br />



1444 Loužek, Marek: Pension system reform in Central and Eastern<br />

Europe / Marek Louzek. - In: Post-Communist Economies<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 119-131, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 1<strong>30</strong>-131<br />

SWP D 841090 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1445 Rechel, Bernd: What has limited the EU's impact on minority<br />

rights in accession countries? / Bernd Rechel. - In: East<br />

European Politics and Societies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 22 (Fall<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 171-191<br />

SOI D 840587 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.125 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1446 Szelewa, Dorota; Polakowski, Michal P.: Who cares?<br />

Changing patterns of childcare in Central and Eastern Europe /<br />

Dorota Szelewa ; Michael P. Polakowski. - In: Journal of<br />

European Social Policy (London), 18 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 115-131<br />

SWP D 840362 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RA03.01 FINLAND<br />

1447 Foreign languages and multicultural perspectives in the<br />

European context = Fremdsprachen und multikulturelle<br />

Perspektiven im europäischen Kontext / ed. by Annikki<br />

Koskensalo ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 2007. - 359 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0106-9<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>30</strong> IFA: 28/269 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


1448 Glossaire comparé de concepts de l'aménagement urbain :<br />

Projet Europolis / présenté par Rémy Allain ... - o.O, 2006. -<br />

65 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.europolis.equipement.gouv.fr/IMG/doc/glossaireeurop<br />

olis-sept_06_cle1<strong>16</strong>b21.doc<br />

DFI D 840671 DFI: VN 350.GLO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1449 Phillipson, Robert: Language policy and linguistic imperialism /<br />

Robert Phillipson. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell, 2006. - S.<br />

346-361, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4051-1497-4 -- Sonderdruck<br />

aus: An introduction to language policy / ed. by Thomas<br />

Ricento. - Malden/Mass. ..., Blackwell, 2006<br />

IFA D 841123 IFA: Cb28/235 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA04.04 BELGIUM<br />

1450 Glossaire comparé de concepts de l'aménagement urbain :<br />

Projet Europolis / présenté par Rémy Allain ... - o.O, 2006. -<br />

65 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.europolis.equipement.gouv.fr/IMG/doc/glossaireeurop<br />

olis-sept_06_cle1<strong>16</strong>b21.doc<br />

DFI D 840671 DFI: VN 350.GLO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1451 Augris, Nathalie: Les allocataires du minimum vieillesse /<br />

Nathalie Augris. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris), (avril<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 631, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 84<strong>08</strong>19 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1452 Bacher, Kerstin: L'Amérique en campagne : les analyses du<br />

Monde et de la Süddeutsche Zeitung / Kerstin Bacher. -<br />

In: Documents (Paris), 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 13-15, Tab.<br />

außerdem erschienen in: Dokumente (Bonn), 64 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2. -<br />

S. 12-14<br />

DFI D 840288 OSI: Zu 421 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 244 IFA: Z-D542 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1453 Barthélémy, Fabrice; Michelangeli, Alessandra; Trannoy,<br />

Alain: La rénovation de la Goutte d'Or est-elle un succès? un<br />

diagnostic à l'aide d'indices de prix immobilier / Fabrice<br />

Bathélémy ; Alessandra Michelangeli ; Alain Trannoy. -<br />

In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181,<br />

S. 107-126, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 123<br />

DFI D 840295 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1454 Bogner, Alexander: Difficultés face à l'écrit : l'Alsace dans la<br />

moyenne / Alexander Bogner. - In: Chiffres pour l'Alsace: Revue<br />

(Strasbourg), (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 43, S. 7-10, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

DFI D 840543 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1455 Boisguérin, Bénédicte; Pichetti, Sylvain: Panorama de<br />

l'accès aux soins de ville des bénéficiaires de la CMU<br />

complémentaire en 2006 / Bénédicte Boisguérin et Sylvain<br />

Pichetti. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris), (mars 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

629, S. 1-8, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840534 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1456 Bourricaud, François: Laïcité / François Bourricaud. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 94-99<br />

DFI D 839919 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 71 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1457 Bowen, John R.: Why the French don't like headscarves : Islam,<br />

the state, and public space / John R. Bowen. - Princeton/N.J. ...:<br />

Princeton Univ. Press, 2007. - X,290 S., Gloss., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 275-282 - ISBN 0-691-12506-6<br />

DFI D 841205 DFI: FH 580.BOW Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1458 Brokopf, Ellen: Schreiben als kultureller Widerstand : die 2.<br />

Generation in der Migration am Beispiel von zwei Romanen aus<br />

Deutschland und Frankreich / Ellen Brokopf. - Berlin: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

147 S., Lit. S. 1<strong>30</strong>-147 - (Folies: Forum Literaturen Europas; Bd.<br />

6) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1158-7<br />

DFI D 840041 DFI: VK 570.BRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1459 Chenu, Alain: Des sentiers de la gloire aux boulevards de la<br />

célébrité : sociologie des couvertures de Paris Match,<br />

1949-2005 / Alain Chenu. - In: Revue française de sociologie<br />

(Paris), 49 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 3-52, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 50-52<br />

DFI D 840279 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1460 Cousteaux, Anne-Sophie; Pan Ké Shon, Jean-Louis: Le<br />

mal-être a-t-il un genre? suicide, risque suicidaire, dépression et<br />

dépendance alcoolique / Anne-Sophie Cousteaux ; Jean-Louis<br />

Pan Ké Shon. - In: Revue française de sociologie (Paris),<br />

49 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 53-92, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 88-92<br />

DFI D 840281 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1461 Demesmay, Claire: Wortkrieg um das europäische<br />

Selbstverständnis : eine Verlgeichsanalyse der Türkei-Debatte<br />

in Deutschland und Frankreich / Claire Demesmay. - In: Von<br />

welchem Europa reden wir? / Frank Baasner (Hrsg.). -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Denkart Europa; 5),<br />

S. 183-202, Lit. S. 200-202 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3277-0<br />

DFI D 840403 DFI: YC 480.VON Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1462 Des éco-quartiers aux villes durables - In: Territoires (Paris),<br />

48 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 487, S. 19-35<br />

DFI D 840520 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1463 Deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit in der<br />

Integrationspolitik : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die<br />

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Hakki Keskin ... und der<br />

Fraktion DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7631 / Deutscher<br />

Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7697)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/076/<strong>16</strong>07697.pdf<br />

SWP D 840710 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

1464 Le développement des transferts publics d'éducation et<br />

d'assurance vieillesse par génération en France : 1850-2000<br />

- In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181, S. 1-17,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 14<br />

DFI D 840290 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1465 Duhamel, Alain: Consulat / Alain Duhamel. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 57-60<br />

DFI D 8399<strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1466 Dynamiques démographiques : une revolution<br />

socioéconomique / Crédit Agricole. - Paris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 105 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Horizons Bancaires; N° 335)<br />

http://kiosque-eco.credit-agricole.fr/medias/HB335_mars20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 840570 DFI: FN 2<strong>30</strong>.DYN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1467 Dynamiques démographiques : quelles stratégies bancaires?<br />

/ Crédit Agricole. - Paris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 104 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Horizons Bancaires; N° 336)<br />

http://kiosque-eco.credit-agricole.fr/medias/HB_336_BAT_11040<br />

8.pdf<br />

DFI D 840675 DFI: FN 2<strong>30</strong>.DYN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1468 Ferréol, Gilles: L'expérimentation Lycée de toutes les chances :<br />

un premier bilan / Gilles Ferreol. - In: La Revue de l'IRES<br />

(Noisy-le-Grand), (2007) 2/54, S. 121-150, Tab., Lit. S. 146<br />

DFI D 839913 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1469 Formes urbaines, mobilités et ségrégation : une<br />

comparaison Lille - Lyon - Marseille ; rapport final / Dominique<br />

Mignot (dir.) ... INRETS ... - [Arcueil], 2007. - 118 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 111-115<br />

http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/20/34/62/PDF/rapport_<br />

final_GRRT.pdf<br />

DFI D 840939 DFI: FT 760.FOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1470 François, Jean-Cristophe; Poupeau, Franck: Les<br />

déterminants socio-spatiaux du placement scolaire : essai de<br />

modélisation statistique appliquée aux collèges parisiens /<br />

Jean-Christoph François ; Franck Poupeau. - In: Revue<br />

française de sociologie (Paris), 49 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 93-126, Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 124-126<br />

DFI D 840282 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1471 Génération 68 - In: Documents (Paris), 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 17-36, Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 36<br />

Außerdem in: Dokumente (Bonn), 64 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2. - S. 15-34<br />

DFI D 840289 OSI: Zu 421 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 244 IFA: Z-D542 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1472 Glossaire comparé de concepts de l'aménagement urbain :<br />

Projet Europolis / présenté par Rémy Allain ... - o.O, 2006. -<br />

65 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.europolis.equipement.gouv.fr/IMG/doc/glossaireeurop<br />

olis-sept_06_cle1<strong>16</strong>b21.doc<br />

DFI D 840671 DFI: VN 350.GLO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1473 Gonthier, Frédéric: La justice sociale entre égalité et liberté /<br />

Frédéric Gonthier. - In: Revue française de science politique<br />

(Paris), 58 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 285-<strong>30</strong>7, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840511 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1474 Griffond, Corinne: Les viagers immobiliers en France / étude<br />

du Conseil économique et social présentée par Corinne Griffond<br />

au nom de la section du cadre de vie. - Paris: CES, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 81 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 79-81 - (Journal officiel de la République française:<br />

Avis et rapports du Conseil Economique et Social; (.20<strong>08</strong>) 8)<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000215/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 8410<strong>16</strong> DFI: FN 370.GRI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1475 Guignon, Nathalie: La santé des enfants scolarisés en CM2 en<br />

2004-2005 : premiers résultats / Nathalie Guignon avec la collab.<br />

de Jean-Baptiste Herbet ... - In: Etudes et résultats DREES<br />

(Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 632, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 84<strong>08</strong>18 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1476 Hoctan, Caroline: Mai 68 en revues / Caroline Hoctan. -<br />

[Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe]: IMEC, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>30</strong>1 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 279-<strong>30</strong>1 - (Collection pièces d'archives) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-9<strong>08</strong>295-91-7<br />

DFI D 841290 DFI: FN 640.HOC Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1477 Höhne, Roland A.: Französische Integrationspolitik - ein neuer<br />

Ansatz? Die Institutionalisierung des Islam / Roland Höhne. -<br />

In: Politische Studien (München), 57 (September-Oktober 2006)<br />

409, S. 71-81, Lit. S. 81<br />

DFI D 840265 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P IFA: Z-D677<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1478 Hummel, Christiane: Lutte contre les discriminations : rapport<br />

d'information fait au nom de la délégation aux droits des femmes<br />

et à l'égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes [...] /<br />

par Christiane Hummel. - Paris: Sénat, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 51 S. -<br />

(Document / Sénat; N° 252) - (Les Rapports du Sénat) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-11-126<strong>08</strong>9-4<br />

http://www.senat.fr/rap/r07-252/r07-2521.pdf<br />

DFI D 840237 DFI: FN 8<strong>30</strong>.HUM Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1479 Jany-Catrice, Florence; Zotti, Rabih: Les régions françaises<br />

face à leur santé sociale / Florence Jany-Catrice et Rabih Zotti. -<br />

In: Territoires (Paris), 48 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 487, S. 42-45, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840521 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1480 Klossa, Guillaume; Rozès, Stéphane: L'identité à l'épreuve de<br />

l'Europe / Guillaume Klossa et Stéphane Rozès. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 235-243<br />

DFI D 839925 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1481 Knobel, Marc: L'internet francophone : sommes nous<br />

impuissants à endiguer la diffusion de la propagande raciste sur<br />

internet et dans les libraires extrémistes, en 2007? / Marc<br />

Knobel. - In: La lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la<br />

xénophobie, année 2007 / Commission nationale consultative<br />

des droits de l'homme. - Paris: La Documentation Française,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 277-288, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-11-007093-7<br />

DFI D 841265 DFI: FN 855.LUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 72 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1482 Lieb, Julia: Die französische Kampagne zum Referendum über<br />

den Vertag über eine Verfassung für Europa : Probleme mit der<br />

europäischen Wirklichkeit / Julia Lieb. - In: Von welchem Europa<br />

reden wir? / Frank Baasner (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos<br />

Verl.-Ges., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Denkart Europa; 5), S. 55-75, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 73-75 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3277-0<br />

DFI D 840397 DFI: YC 480.VON Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1483 Maguain, Denis: Les rendements de l'éducation en<br />

comparaison internationale / Denis Maguain. - In: Economie et<br />

prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181, S. 87-106, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 105-106<br />

DFI D 840294 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1484 Mai-juin 68 / sous la dir. de Dominique Damamme ... -<br />

Ivry-sur-Seine: Ed. de l'Atelier, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 445 S.,<br />

Tab., Gloss., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-7<strong>08</strong>2-3976-0<br />

DFI D 841291 DFI: FN 640.MAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1485 Math, Antoine: Les familles pauvres sont-elles plus mal traitées<br />

en France? une comparaison des revenus minima garantis dans<br />

douze pays européens / Antoine Math. - In: La Revue de l'IRES<br />

(Noisy-le-Grand), (2007) 2/54, S. 41-69, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 67-69<br />

DFI D 839911 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1486 Mayer, Nonna; Michelat, Guy; Tiberj, Vincent: Etranger,<br />

immigré, musulman : les représentations de "l'autre" dans la<br />

société française / Nonna Mayer ; Guy Michelat ; Vincent Tiberj.<br />

- In: La lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la xénophobie,<br />

année 2007 / Commission nationale consultative des droits de<br />

l'homme. - Paris: La Documentation Française, 20<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 104-123, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-11-007093-7<br />

DFI D 841263 DFI: FN 855.LUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1487 Nivière, Delphine; Marpsat, Maryse; Renard, Eric: Les<br />

difficultés de logement des bénéficiaires de minima sociaux /<br />

Delphine Nivière, Maryse Marpsat et Eric Renard. - In: Etudes et<br />

résultats DREES (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 6<strong>30</strong>, S. 1-4, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840535 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1488 L'ombre portée de Mai 68 / Jean-Pierre Rioux ... -<br />

In: Vingtième siècle (Paris), (avril-juin 20<strong>08</strong>) 98, S. 2-124, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 839914 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1489 Perrat, Jacques: Appropriation syndicale des enjeux<br />

territoriaux : la question nodale du rapport firme/territoire /<br />

Jacques Perrat. - In: La Revue de l'IRES (Noisy-le-Grand),<br />

(2007) 2/54, S. 71-93, Tab., Lit. S. 93<br />

DFI D 839912 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1490 Perrot, Anne; Leclerc, Jean-Pierre: Cinéma et concurrence :<br />

rapport remis à Christine Lagard, ministre de l'économie, de<br />

l'industrie et de l'emploi et Christine Albanel, ministre de la<br />

culture et de la communication / Anne Perrot ; Jean-Pierre<br />

Leclerc. Assistés par Célia Verot. - o.O, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 81 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 81<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000189/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 840231 DFI: FJ 460.PER Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1491 Peu de meilleur et trop de pire : soupçonnés, humiliés,<br />

réprimés ; des couples mixtes témoignent / Les Amoreux au Ban<br />

Public. - Paris: Cimade, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 56 S., Ill., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Rapport d'observation / Cimade)<br />

http://www.cimade.org/uploads/File/admin/Rapport_Cimade_Cou<br />

ples%20Mixtes.pdf<br />

DFI D 840683 DFI: FN 840.PEU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1492 Pour une pérennisation des modes de garde sur horaires<br />

décalés / Service des droits des femmes et de l'égalité ... -<br />

[Paris], 2007. - 35,32 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.travail-solidarite.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Rapport_et_annexes<br />

_version_finale.pdf<br />

DFI D 841040 DFI: FN 450.POU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1493 Rapport du groupe de travail DGEFP / Unedic / ANPE /<br />

CGEFI relatif à la préparation de la fusion de l'ANPE et du<br />

réseau de l'Assurance chômage / Présidente: Marie-Ange du<br />

Mesnil du Buisson. Rapporteur: Olivier Toche. - Paris:<br />

Inspection Générale des Affaires Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 99 S., graph.<br />

Darst., zahlr. Tab.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000218/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 840331 DFI: FO 350.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1494 Raynaud, Philippe: Université / Philippe Raynaud. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 139-143,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 839923 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1495 Régnier-Loilier, Arnaud: Conditions de passation et biais<br />

occasionnés par la présence d'un tiers sur les réponses<br />

obtenues à l'enquête Erfi / Arnaud Régnier-Loilier. -<br />

In: Economie et statistique (Paris), (2007) 407, S. 27-49, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 48-49<br />

DFI D 840531 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1496 Reynié, Dominique: Une crise n'a pas eu lieu : l'échec de<br />

l'opposition à la loi sur l'autonomie des universités / par<br />

Dominique Reynié. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. -<br />

Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 97-110, graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841225 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1497 Sanchez, Ruby: L'apprentissage en 2006 : les entrées<br />

s'accroissent surtout dans le tertiaire / Ruby Sanchez. -<br />

In: Premières informations (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 15-2, S. 1-4,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 841278 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1498 Schnapper, Dominique: Fin de la représentation? / Dominique<br />

Schnapper. - In: Cause commune (Paris), (automne 2007) 2,<br />

S. 191-199, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 84<strong>08</strong>15 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1499 Simon, Fabienne: Discriminations : mutations à l'oeuvre et<br />

perspectives en France et en Europe / par Fabienne Simon. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 155-172, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841232 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1500 Staat und Religion in Frankreich und Deutschland = l'Etat et<br />

la religion en France et en Allemagne / Felix Heidenreich ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - Berlin: LIT, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 245 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Kultur und<br />

Technik; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1105-1<br />

DFI D 839951 DFI: VH 580.STAA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1501 L'univers des organisations professionnelles agricoles /<br />

coordonné par Jean-François Ayats ... - In: Pour (Paris), (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 196-197, S. 61-320, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840514 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 29<br />

1502 L'usage des catégories ethniques en sociologie /<br />

dossier-débat coordonné et présenté par Georges Felouzis. -<br />

In: Revue française de sociologie (Paris), 49 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 127-<strong>16</strong>7, Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>3-<strong>16</strong>7<br />

DFI D 840284 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1503 [La Villa Abd-el-Tif] - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er<br />

trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 141-152, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841298 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1504 Les violences et menaces recensées par le ministère de<br />

l'Intérieur et de l'Aménagement du territoire - In: La lutte<br />

contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la xénophobie, année 2007<br />

/ Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme. -<br />

Paris: La Documentation Française, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 22-50, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-2-11-007093-7<br />

DFI D 841261 DFI: FN 855.LUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

1505 Antisemitismus - In: Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1-2, S. 3-69<br />

SWP D 840359 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 2<strong>16</strong> HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 73 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1506 Bacher, Kerstin: L'Amérique en campagne : les analyses du<br />

Monde et de la Süddeutsche Zeitung / Kerstin Bacher. -<br />

In: Documents (Paris), 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 13-15, Tab.<br />

außerdem erschienen in: Dokumente (Bonn), 64 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2. -<br />

S. 12-14<br />

DFI D 840288 OSI: Zu 421 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 244 IFA: Z-D542 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1507 Bartos, Helene: Israeli-German relations in the years<br />

2000-2006 : A special relationship revisited / Helene Bartos. -<br />

Oxford, 2007. - 136 S., Lit. S. 103-136 -- Oxford, Univ., Master<br />

thesis, 2007<br />

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~metheses/Bartos%20thesis.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841212<br />

15<strong>08</strong> Brokopf, Ellen: Schreiben als kultureller Widerstand : die 2.<br />

Generation in der Migration am Beispiel von zwei Romanen aus<br />

Deutschland und Frankreich / Ellen Brokopf. - Berlin: Lit, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

147 S., Lit. S. 1<strong>30</strong>-147 - (Folies: Forum Literaturen Europas; Bd.<br />

6) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1158-7<br />

DFI D 840041 DFI: VK 570.BRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1509 Demesmay, Claire: Wortkrieg um das europäische<br />

Selbstverständnis : eine Verlgeichsanalyse der Türkei-Debatte<br />

in Deutschland und Frankreich / Claire Demesmay. - In: Von<br />

welchem Europa reden wir? / Frank Baasner (Hrsg.). -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Denkart Europa; 5),<br />

S. 183-202, Lit. S. 200-202 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3277-0<br />

DFI D 840403 DFI: YC 480.VON Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1510 Deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit in der<br />

Integrationspolitik : Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die<br />

Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Dr. Hakki Keskin ... und der<br />

Fraktion DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7631 / Deutscher<br />

Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7697)<br />

http://dip21.bundestag.de/dip21/btd/<strong>16</strong>/076/<strong>16</strong>07697.pdf<br />

SWP D 840710 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

1511 Esselborn, Karl: Der Adelbert-von-Chamisso-Preis und die<br />

Förderung der Migrationsliteratur / Karl Esselborn. -<br />

In: Migrationsliteratur / hrsg. von Klaus Schenk ... - Tübingen ...:<br />

Francke, 2004, S. 317-325 - ISBN 3-7720-8068-5<br />

IFA D 841217 IFA: 28/310 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1512 Evaluation als Grundlage und Instrument kulturpolitischer<br />

Steuerung : Dokumentation der Tagung "Evaluation als<br />

Grundlage und Instrument kulturpolitischer Steuerung" der<br />

Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel am 29. und<br />

<strong>30</strong>. August 2007 in Kooperation mit der Kulturpolitischen<br />

Gesellschaft / Karl Ermert (Hrsg.). Bundesakademie für<br />

Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel. - Wolfenbüttel, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 151 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Wolfenbütteler<br />

Akademie-Texte; Bd. 34) - ISBN 978-3-929622-34-8<br />

IFA D 840509 IFA: 28/175 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1513 Fleckenstein, Timo: Restructuring welfare for the unemployed :<br />

The Hartz legislation in Germany / Timo Fleckenstein. -<br />

In: Journal of European Social Policy (London), 18 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 177-188<br />

SWP D 840368 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1514 Fremd im eigenen Land? Erkundung in den Zonen der<br />

Verwundbarkeit ; Xenos - Berichte aus der Praxis /<br />

Heinz-Hermann Krüger ... (Hrsg.) - Hamburg: VSA-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

206 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89965-218-5<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong><strong>08</strong> IFA: 28/261 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1515 Génération 68 - In: Documents (Paris), 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 17-36, Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 36<br />

Außerdem in: Dokumente (Bonn), 64 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2. - S. 15-34<br />

DFI D 840289 OSI: Zu 421 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 244 IFA: Z-D542 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

15<strong>16</strong> Glossaire comparé de concepts de l'aménagement urbain :<br />

Projet Europolis / présenté par Rémy Allain ... - o.O, 2006. -<br />

65 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.europolis.equipement.gouv.fr/IMG/doc/glossaireeurop<br />

olis-sept_06_cle1<strong>16</strong>b21.doc<br />

DFI D 840671 DFI: VN 350.GLO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1517 Gysi, Gregor: Die Haltung der deutschen Linken zum Staat<br />

Israel : Vortrag auf einer Veranstaltung "60 Jahre Israel" der<br />

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung am 14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> / Gregor Gysi. -<br />

Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (RLS<br />

Standpunkte; 9/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/Standpunkt<br />

e_<strong>08</strong>09.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841223<br />

1518 Hadjar, Andreas; Boehnke, Klaus: Fremdenfeindlichkeit in<br />

Deutschland : Stand der Forschung / Andreas Hadjar ; Klaus<br />

Boehnke. - In: Fremd im eigenen Land? / Heinz-Hermann<br />

Krüger ... (Hrsg.). - Hamburg: VSA-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 23-41, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89965-218-5<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>09 IFA: 28/261 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1519 Hildmann, Philipp W.; Urban, Johannes: Muslime in<br />

Deutschland : eine doppelte Herausforderung für die C-Parteien<br />

/ [Philipp W. Hildmann ; Johannes Urban]. - München:<br />

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2007. - 4 S.<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/071220_Argumentation-kompakt.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 840598 DGAP: DG B01422m<br />

1520 Holst, Hajo; Aust, Andreas; Pernicka, Susanne: Kollektive<br />

Interessenvertretung im strategischen Dilemma : Atypisch<br />

Beschäftigte und die "dreifache Krise" der Gewerkschaften /<br />

Hajo Holst ; Andreas Aust ; Susanne Pernicka. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Soziologie (Stuttgart), 37 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 158-176,<br />

Lit. S. 174-176<br />

FUB D 841288 OSI: R 113 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1521 Klammer, Ute: Armut und Verteilung in Deutschland und<br />

Europa / Ute Klammer. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, Schwerpunktheft: Armut, Reichtum und<br />

Sozialstaat, S. 119-124, Tab., Lit. S. 124<br />

FUB D 839932 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1522 Migrationsliteratur : Schreibweisen einer interkulturellen<br />

Moderne / hrsg. von Klaus Schenk ... - Tübingen ...: Francke,<br />

2004. - XI,334 S., Ill., Reg. - ISBN 3-7720-8068-5<br />

IFA D 841214 IFA: 28/310 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1523 Rechmann, Annika: Von Kriegsverächtern und<br />

Kriegsverfechtern : die Berichterstattung über den Irak-Krieg<br />

2003 in deutschen und amerikanischen Qualitätszeitungen /<br />

Annika Rechmann. - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Univ.-Verl., 2007. -<br />

175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 159-175 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-6090-6 -- Zugl.: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Kath.<br />

Univ., Dipl.-Arb.<br />

DGAP D 839962 DGAP: DG 46994<br />

1524 Siebter Bericht über die Lage der Ausländerinnen und<br />

Ausländer in Deutschland : Unterrichtung durch die<br />

Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und<br />

Integration / Deutscher Bundestag ... - Köln: Bundesanzeiger,<br />

2007. - 191 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Anh. S. 145-191 - (German;<br />

Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7600) - (Bericht über die Lage der Ausländerinnen und<br />

Ausländer in Deutschland; 7)<br />

Außerdem ersch. als: Siebter Bericht der Beauftragten der<br />

Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration über<br />

die Lage der Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in Deutschland.<br />

Berlin. - Dezember 2007, 248 S. - ISBN 3-937619-24-0<br />

SWP D 840387 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

1525 Staat und Religion in Frankreich und Deutschland = l'Etat et<br />

la religion en France et en Allemagne / Felix Heidenreich ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - Berlin: LIT, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 245 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Kultur und<br />

Technik; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-8258-1105-1<br />

DFI D 839951 DFI: VH 580.STAA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1526 TASD-Studie : Ausgewählte Ergebnisse über die türkischen<br />

Bildungseliten in Deutschland ; Zwischenergebnisse /<br />

Futureorg-Institut. - Krefeld, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 25 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.tasd.futureorg.de/_files/_publikationen/ZW_TASD-Stu<br />

die.pdf<br />

IFA D 841122 IFA: Cb28/204 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 74 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1527 Türkische Rechtsextreme in Deutschland : Antwort der<br />

Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulla<br />

Jelpke ... und der Fraktion DIE LINKE - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/7455 /<br />

Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S. -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/7682)<br />

SWP D 840386 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

1528 Waldhoff, Christian: "Hartz IV" vor dem<br />

Bundesverfassungsgericht : die Selbstverwaltung der Kreise<br />

zwischen eigenverantwortlicher Aufgabenwahrnehmung und<br />

verfassungswidriger Mischverwaltung / Christian Waldhoff. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften<br />

(Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 57-74, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841053 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1529 Génération 68 - In: Documents (Paris), 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 17-36, Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 36<br />

Außerdem in: Dokumente (Bonn), 64 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2. - S. 15-34<br />

DFI D 840289 OSI: Zu 421 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 244 IFA: Z-D542 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

15<strong>30</strong> Milej, Tomasz: Unterschiedliche Voraussetzungen des Eintritts<br />

in den Ruhestand bei Frauen und Männern aus<br />

verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht : neue Entwicklungen in Polen /<br />

Tomaz Milej. - In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 35-41<br />

SWP D 840999 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1531 Antisemitismus - In: Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1-2, S. 3-69<br />

SWP D 840359 SWP: X. 761 OSI: Zw 2<strong>16</strong> HSFK: ZS B Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1532 Vavrejnova, Marie; Rack, Herta M.: Financing the health care<br />

in the Czech Republic : some comparisons with Austria / Marie<br />

Vavrejnová ; Herta M. Rack. - In: Prague Economic Papers<br />

(Praha), 17 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 54-73<br />

SWP D 840704 SWP: X. 774 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA06.02 SPAIN<br />

1533 Informe global de la corrupción 2006 : corrupción y salud /<br />

Transparency International. - Washington/D.C.: BID, 2007. -<br />

253 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-59782-056-3<br />

http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=1321<br />

695<br />

GIGA D 839964 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RA06.03 ITALY<br />

1534 Triandafyllidou, Anna: Popular perceptions of Europe and the<br />

nation : The case of Italy / Anna Triandafyllidou. - In: Nations and<br />

Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 261-282, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 281-282<br />

ECMI D 840968 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA06.05 GREECE<br />

1535 Nikolentzos, Athanasios; Mays, Nicholas: Can existing<br />

theories of health care reform explain the Greek case<br />

(1983-2001) / Athanasios Nikolentzos and Nicholas Mays. -<br />

In: Journal of European Social Policy (London), 18 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>3-176<br />

SWP D 840365 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1536 Tsitselikis, Konstantinos: The pending modernisation of Islam<br />

in Greece : from millet to minority status / Konstantinos<br />

Tsitselikis. - In: Südosteuropa (München), 55 (2007) 4,<br />

S. 354-373<br />

SOI D 840652 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1537 Kirişci, Kemal: Informal 'circular migration' into Turkey : The<br />

bureaucratic and political context / Kemal Kirişci. - San<br />

Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute, Robert<br />

Schuman Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong> - (CARIM<br />

Analytical and Synthetic Notes; 20<strong>08</strong>/21) - (Circular Migration<br />

Series: Political and Social Module)<br />

http://www.eui.eu/RSCAS/e-texts/CARIM_AS&N_20<strong>08</strong>_21.pdf<br />

GIGA D 8413<strong>16</strong><br />

1538 Solberg, Anne Ross: The role of Turkish Islamic networks in<br />

the Western Balkans / Anne Ross Solberg. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 429-462<br />

SOI D 840656 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1539 Unwelcome guests: The detention of refugees in Turkey’s<br />

"foreigners guesthouses" : November 2007 / Helsinki<br />

Citizens' Assembly, Refugee Advocacy and Support Program. -<br />

Istanbul: Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 58 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hyd.org.tr/staticfiles/files/rasp_detention_report.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840385<br />

1540 Wedel, Heidi: The role of civil society organisations for<br />

democratisation : lessons from Turkey / Heidi Wedel. -<br />

In: Making civil societies work: Zivilgesellschaft und<br />

gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.). - Potsdam:<br />

Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN 978-3-939469-40-7. -<br />

(Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9), S. 98-1<strong>08</strong>, Lit. S. 1<strong>08</strong> -<br />

ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>7 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RA07.01 SOVIET UNION<br />

1541 Massino, Jill: Gender as survival : woman's experiences of<br />

deportation from Romania to the Soviet Union, 1945-1950 / Jill<br />

Massino. - In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 55-83, Lit. S. 79-83<br />

SWP D 841283 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1542 Beissinger, Mark R.: Ethnic identity and democratization :<br />

lessons from the post-soviet region / Mark R. Beissinger. -<br />

In: Taiwan Journal of Democracy (Taipei), 3 (December 2007) 2,<br />

S. 73-99, Graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840697 DGAP: ZD 60<br />

1543 Laruelle, Marlène: Les Russes de l'étranger proche : le thème<br />

diasporique et ses lobbies en Russie / Marlène Laruelle. -<br />

In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 11-38<br />

SWP D 840344 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1544 Les Russes de l'étranger proche et la question de la<br />

"diaspora" - In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris),<br />

39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 5-177<br />

SWP D 840354 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />


1545 Bonnard, Pascal: Entre adaptation et résistance : requalifier les<br />

populations russes dans les pays baltes / Pascal Bonnard. -<br />

In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 67-94<br />

SWP D 840346 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

RA07.12 ESTONIA<br />

1546 Fisch-Uibopuu, Katriin: The cultural sector in Tartu (Estonia) /<br />

Katriin Fisch-Uibopuu. - In: Kommunale Kulturpolitik in Europa /<br />

Hrsg. Reinhart Richter ... - Rehburg-Loccum: Evang. Akad.<br />

Loccum, 2007. - (Loccumer Protokolle; 54/06), S. 11-24, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-3-8172-5406-4<br />

IFA D 841209 IFA: 28/287 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1547 Spencer, Vicki: Language, history and nation : An historical<br />

approach to evaluating language and cultural claims / Vicki<br />

Spencer. - In: Nations and Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2, S. 241-259, Lit. S. 257-259<br />

ECMI D 840666 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 75 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

RA07.13 LATVIA<br />

1548 Spencer, Vicki: Language, history and nation : An historical<br />

approach to evaluating language and cultural claims / Vicki<br />

Spencer. - In: Nations and Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2, S. 241-259, Lit. S. 257-259<br />

ECMI D 840666 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1549 Bertin, Alexandre; Clément, Matthieu: Pauvreté, pénurie et<br />

transition en Russie : de l'économie soviétique à l'économie de<br />

marché / Alexandre Bertin et Matthieu Clément. - In: Revue<br />

d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Schwerpunktheft, S. 179-202<br />

SWP D 840351 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1550 Cashaback, David: Assessing asymmetrical federal design in<br />

the Russian Federation : A case study of language policy in<br />

Tatarstan / David Cashaback. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 249-275, Lit. S. 273-275<br />

SWP D 841094 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1551 Cook, Linda J.: The politics of welfare reform in Russia: The<br />

dominance of bureaucratic interests / by Linda J. Cook. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (19. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 37,<br />

S. 2-6<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=8E83D01E-0FBA-3D06-8D2B-7D9034AF9D2B&ln<br />

g=en<br />

SWP D 840062<br />

1552 Flynn, Moya: Expérience du déplacement et perception de la<br />

patrie : les communautés de rapatriés et la diaspora russes /<br />

Moya Flynn. - In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris),<br />

39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 39-65<br />

SWP D 840345 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1553 Gerber, Theodore P.; Mendelson, Sarah E.: Casualty<br />

sensitivity in a post-Soviet context : Russian views of the second<br />

Chechen war, 2001-2004 / Theodore P. Gerber ; Sarah E.<br />

Mendelson. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 39-68<br />

SWP D 840626 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1554 Gill, Graeme J.: 'Lenin lives' : or does he? Symbols and the<br />

transition from socialism / Graeme Gill. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 173-196, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 195-196<br />

SWP D 841091 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1555 Gontmacher, Evgenij Slemovic: Social'nye ugrozy<br />

inercionnogo razvitija (Transl.: The social risks of political inertia)<br />

/ Evgenij Gontmacher. - In: Pro et contra (Moskva),<br />

11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 147-159<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/gontmaher110.pdf<br />

SWP D 840778 SWP: X. 867<br />

1556 Grigor'ev, Leonid: Konflikty interesov i koalicii (Transl.:<br />

Coalitions and conflicts of interest) / Leonid Grigor'ev. - In: Pro et<br />

contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 104-117<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/grigoriev8.pdf<br />

SWP D 840770 SWP: X. 867<br />

1557 Klicunova, Elena: Promoting human rights in Russia by<br />

supporting NGOs : how to improve EU strategies / Elena<br />

Klitsounova. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 25 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (CEPS Working<br />

Document; No. 287) - ISBN 978-92-9079-776-0<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=<strong>16</strong>37<br />

SWP D 840236<br />

1558 Laruelle, Marlène: Les Russes de l'étranger proche : le thème<br />

diasporique et ses lobbies en Russie / Marlène Laruelle. -<br />

In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 11-38<br />

SWP D 840344 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1559 Marcinkevic, Viktor Iosifovic: Celovoj naučno-obrazovatel'nyj<br />

kapital na zapade i v Rossii : (o sobstvennosti nekommerčeskich<br />

organizacij) (Transl.: Target scientific-educational capital in<br />

West and Russia (about property of non-profit organizations)) / V.<br />

Marcinkevič. - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva), (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 21-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841061 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1560 Les Russes de l'étranger proche et la question de la<br />

"diaspora" - In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris),<br />

39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 5-177<br />

SWP D 840354 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1561 Wengle, Susanne; Rasell, Michael: Reforming the l’goty<br />

system: The future of in-kind benefits in post-Soviet Russia / by<br />

Michael Rasell, and Susanne Wengle. - In: Russian Analytical<br />

Digest (Bremen), (19. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 37, S. 6-10<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=8E83D01E-0FBA-3D06-8D2B-7D9034AF9D2B&ln<br />

g=en<br />

SWP D 840063<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

1562 Dafflon, Denis: Les Russes d'Ukraine : un enjeu lié à définition<br />

de l'identité nationale / Denis Dafflon. - In: Revue d'études<br />

comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Schwerpunktheft, S. 95-120<br />

SWP D 840348 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1563 Janmaat, Jan Germen: Nation building, democratization and<br />

globalization as competing priorities in Ukraine's education<br />

system / Jan Germen Janmaat. - In: Nationalities Papers<br />

(Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-23, Tab., Lit. S. 22-23<br />

SWP D 841274 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.33 BELARUS<br />

1564 Pershai, Alexander: Localness and mobility in Belarusian<br />

nationalism : The tactic of tuteishaćś / Alexander Pershai. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 85-103, Lit. S. 102-103<br />

SWP D 841285 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


UNION<br />

1565 Serrano, Silvia: Les Russes du Caucase du Sud : du malheur<br />

d'avoir un empire (et de le perdre) / Silvia Serrano. - In: Revue<br />

d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Schwerpunktheft, S. 121-147<br />

SWP D 840349 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

1566 Hunner-Kreisel, Christine: Erziehung zum "wahren" Muslim :<br />

islamische Bildung in den Institutionen Aserbaidschans /<br />

Christine Hunner-Kreisel. - Bielefeld: Transcript, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 288 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 263-276, Anh. S. 277-288 - (Bibliotheca eurasia) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-89942-839-1<br />

SWP D 840672 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0153<br />



1567 Léotar, Frédéric: Musiques méconnues d'Asie centrale /<br />

Frédéric Léotar. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er<br />

trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 133-140<br />

GIGA D 840523 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1568 Peyrouse, Sébastien: Les Russes d'Asie centrale : une<br />

minorité en déclin face à de multiples défis / Sébastien Peyrouse.<br />

- In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris), 39 (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 149-177<br />

SWP D 840350 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

1569 Peyrouse, Sébastien: The "imperial minority" : An interpretative<br />

framework of the Russians in Kazakhstan in the 1990s /<br />

Sébastien Peyrouse. - In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon),<br />

36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 105-123, Lit. S. 122-123<br />

SWP D 841287 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

1570 Flynn, Moya: Expérience du déplacement et perception de la<br />

patrie : les communautés de rapatriés et la diaspora russes /<br />

Moya Flynn. - In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris),<br />

39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 39-65<br />

SWP D 840345 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 76 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA<strong>08</strong> SOUTH-EAST EUROPE<br />

1571 Bougarel, Xavier: Balkan Muslims and Islam in Europe / Xavier<br />

Bougarel. - In: Südosteuropa (München), 55 (2007) 4,<br />

S. 339-352<br />

SOI D 840651 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1572 Schenker, Harald: Minderheitenrechte und lokale Demokratie<br />

fördern - eine Intervention / Harald Schenker. -<br />

In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 32-41<br />

SOI D 840640 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1573 Sienerth, Stefan: Studien und Aufsätze zur Geschichte der<br />

deutschen Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft in Südosteuropa /<br />

Stefan Sienerth. - München: IKGS-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 1-2 -<br />

(Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsche Kultur und<br />

Geschichte Südosteuropas: Wissenschaftliche Reihe; ...)<br />

1. Theoretische Reflexionen und Überblicksarbeiten, Beiträge<br />

zur deutschen Literatur in Siebenbürgen im 17. und 18.<br />

Jahrhundert und zur Geschichte der<br />

siebenbürgisch-sächsischen Germanistik. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 391 S.,<br />

Reg. - (...; Bd. 112). - ISBN 978-3-9809851-8-0<br />

2. Beiträge zur deutschen Literatur in Südosteuropa im 19. und<br />

20. Jahrhundert. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 399 S., Reg. - (...; Bd. 113). - ISBN<br />

978-3-9809851-9-9<br />

IFA D 840518 IFA: 28/248 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.01 BALKANS<br />

1574 Solberg, Anne Ross: The role of Turkish Islamic networks in<br />

the Western Balkans / Anne Ross Solberg. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 429-462<br />

SOI D 840656 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.11 YUGOSLAVIA<br />

1575 Voss, Christian: Einheit in der Vielfalt? Eine Gegenüberstellung<br />

der Kulturpolitik in Tito-Jugoslawien und der Europäischen<br />

Union / Christian Voss. - In: Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen<br />

(München), 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 42-59<br />

SOI D 840645 SWP: X. 70 DGAP: ZD 211 IFA: Z-D1429 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.329<br />

DIE: 09ZA014 IMES: ZS-INT-S Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.12 HUNGARY<br />

1576 Ungváry, Krisztian: Der Umgang mit der kommunistischen<br />

Vergangenheit in der heutigen ungarischen Erinnerungskultur /<br />

Krisztian Ungváry. - In: Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin), 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1-2, S. 42-57<br />

SWP D 841001 SWP: X. 84 DGAP: ZD 200 IFA: Z-EUII41 SOI: Z4520B<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.13 ROMANIA<br />

1577 Culic, Irina: Eluding exit and entry controls : Romanian and<br />

Moldavan immigrants in the European Union / Irina Culic. -<br />

In: East European Politics and Societies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

22 (Fall 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 145-170<br />

SOI D 840584 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.125 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1578 Massino, Jill: Gender as survival : woman's experiences of<br />

deportation from Romania to the Soviet Union, 1945-1950 / Jill<br />

Massino. - In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 55-83, Lit. S. 79-83<br />

SWP D 841283 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.14 BULGARIA<br />

1579 Christova, Christiana; Förger, Dirk: Zur Situation der Medien<br />

in Bulgarien : mit Blick auf deren zivilgesellschaftlichen Beitrag /<br />

Christiana Christova ; Dirk Förger. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 6-25,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841266 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1580 Culic, Irina: Eluding exit and entry controls : Romanian and<br />

Moldavan immigrants in the European Union / Irina Culic. -<br />

In: East European Politics and Societies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

22 (Fall 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 145-170<br />

SOI D 840584 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.125 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1581 Rechel, Bernd: What has limited the EU's impact on minority<br />

rights in accession countries? / Bernd Rechel. - In: East<br />

European Politics and Societies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 22 (Fall<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 171-191<br />

SOI D 840587 SOI: Z20<strong>08</strong>.125 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.24 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA<br />

1582 Goodwin, Stephen R.: Fractured land, healing nations : A<br />

contextual analysis of the role of religious faith sodalities towards<br />

peace-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina / Stephen R. Goodwin. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2006. - XXIV,<strong>30</strong>7 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 271-299 - (Studien zur<br />

interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums; Vol. 139) -<br />

ISBN 3-631-55<strong>30</strong>6-4 -- Zugl.: Edinburgh, Univ., Diss., 2005<br />

HSFK D 840761 HSFK: 38.891 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1583 Macháček, Štěpán: "European Islam" and Islam education in<br />

Bosnia-Herzegovina / Štěpán Macháček. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 395-428<br />

SOI D 840655 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1584 Moe, Christian: A Sultan in Brussels? European hopes and<br />

fears of Bosnian Muslims / Christian Moe. - In: Südosteuropa<br />

(München), 55 (2007) 4, S. 374-394<br />

SOI D 840653 SWP: X. 128 DGAP: ZD 210 HSFK: ZS S IFA: Z-EUIII17<br />

SOI: Z4056 BICC: BZ SOE DIE: 09ZA011 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.25 MACEDONIA<br />

1585 Chivvis, Christopher S.: The making of Macedonia /<br />

Christopher S. Chivvis. - In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 141-<strong>16</strong>2<br />

SWP D 840906 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.26 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA<br />

1586 Mandić, Danilo: Myths and bombs : war, state popularity and<br />

the collapse of national mythology / Danilo Mandić. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 25-54,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50-52, Anh.<br />

SWP D 841279 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RC01 CANADA<br />

1587 Andersen, Chris: From nation to population : The racialisation<br />

of 'Métis' in the Canadian census / Chris Andersen. - In: Nations<br />

and Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 347-368,<br />

Lit. S. 365-368<br />

ECMI D 841017 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1588 Spencer, Vicki: Language, history and nation : An historical<br />

approach to evaluating language and cultural claims / Vicki<br />

Spencer. - In: Nations and Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2, S. 241-259, Lit. S. 257-259<br />

ECMI D 840666 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1589 Western Europe, Canada see Afghanistan mission as<br />

failure : global poll: Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada /<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor. - Vancouver: Angus Reid Strategies,<br />

2007. - 5 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/Afghanistan_Global.pdf<br />

SWP D 841049<br />


1590 Amerikanische Varietäten der deutschen Sprache<br />

= American varieties of German - In: Die deutsche Präsenz in<br />

den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. / hrsg. von Josef<br />

Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 627-763, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0 -- Enth.<br />

außerdem: Sprache und Identität = Language and<br />

identity. - S. 701-764<br />

IFA D 840000 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1591 Bacher, Kerstin: L'Amérique en campagne : les analyses du<br />

Monde et de la Süddeutsche Zeitung / Kerstin Bacher. -<br />

In: Documents (Paris), 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 13-15, Tab.<br />

außerdem erschienen in: Dokumente (Bonn), 64 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2. -<br />

S. 12-14<br />

DFI D 840288 OSI: Zu 421 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 244 IFA: Z-D542 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 77 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1592 Comprehensive immigration reform: becoming Americans -<br />

U.S. immigrant integration : hearing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and<br />

International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, May <strong>16</strong>, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

IV,115 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on the<br />

Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-27)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35450.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>30</strong>4 HSFK: 98.870 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1593 Comprehensive immigration reform: becoming Americans -<br />

U.S. immigrant integration (continued) : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border<br />

Security, and International Law of the Committee on the<br />

Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, May 23, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - III,87 S. - (Serial / Committee on the<br />

Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-39)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35604.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840315 HSFK: 98.872 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1594 Comprehensive immigration reform: government<br />

perspectives on immigration statistics : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border<br />

Security, and International Law of the Committee on the<br />

Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, June 6, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - IV,239 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on the Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-42)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35859.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840<strong>30</strong>9 HSFK: 98.874 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1595 Comprehensive immigration reform: government<br />

perspectives on immigration statistics (continued) : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees,<br />

Border Security, and International Law of the Committee on the<br />

Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, June 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - III,51 S., graph. Darst. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on the Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-43)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:36174.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840313 HSFK: 98.907 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1596 Comprehensive immigration reform: impact 0f immigration<br />

on states and localities : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and<br />

International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, May 17, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

IV,151 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on the<br />

Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-28)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35452.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840317 HSFK: 98.869 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1597 Comprehensive immigration reform: labor movement<br />

perspectives : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and<br />

International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, May 24, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

IV,139 S. - (Serial / Committee on the Judiciary (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-40)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35605.pdf<br />

HSFK D 8403<strong>08</strong> HSFK: 98.873 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1598 Comprehensive immigration reform: perspectives from<br />

faith-based and immigrant communities : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border<br />

Security, and International Law of the Committee on the<br />

Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, 110thCongress, 1st<br />

Session, May 22, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - IV,159 S. - (Serial / Committee on the<br />

Judiciary (United States / House); No. 110-37)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35602.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840204 HSFK: 98.871 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1599 Global polling data on opinion of American policies, values<br />

and people : hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, March 6, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,29 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-4)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/33821.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840679 HSFK: 98.883 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>16</strong>00 Hagan, Jacqueline; Eschbach, Karl; Rodríguez, Néstor: U.S.<br />

deportation policy, family separation, and circular migration /<br />

Jacqueline Hagan ; Karl Eschbach ; Nestor Rodriguez. -<br />

In: International Migration Review (Malden/Mass.), 42 (Spring<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1/<strong>16</strong>1, S. 64-88<br />

SWP D 839961 SWP: X. 879 IFA: Z-USA849 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

<strong>16</strong>01 Little, Douglas: David or Goliath? The Israel lobby and its critics<br />

/ Douglas Little. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 151-156<br />

SWP D 840634 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>02 Marx, Leo: The idea of nature in America / Leo Marx. -<br />

In: Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.), 137 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 8-21,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841112 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

<strong>16</strong>03 Olsen, Edward A.: Korean nationalism in a divided nation :<br />

challenges to US policy / Edward A. Olsen. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 4-21<br />

GIGA D 841247 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

<strong>16</strong>04 PEPFAR reauthorization: from emergency to sustainability :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, September 25,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,87 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-1<strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37971.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840567 HSFK: 98.917 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>16</strong>05 Phillipson, Robert: Language policy and linguistic imperialism /<br />

Robert Phillipson. - Malden/Mass. ...: Blackwell, 2006. - S.<br />

346-361, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4051-1497-4 -- Sonderdruck<br />

aus: An introduction to language policy / ed. by Thomas<br />

Ricento. - Malden/Mass. ..., Blackwell, 2006<br />

IFA D 841123 IFA: Cb28/235 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

<strong>16</strong>06 Rechmann, Annika: Von Kriegsverächtern und<br />

Kriegsverfechtern : die Berichterstattung über den Irak-Krieg<br />

2003 in deutschen und amerikanischen Qualitätszeitungen /<br />

Annika Rechmann. - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Univ.-Verl., 2007. -<br />

175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 159-175 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-6090-6 -- Zugl.: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Kath.<br />

Univ., Dipl.-Arb.<br />

DGAP D 839962 DGAP: DG 46994<br />

<strong>16</strong>07 Schwarte, Kristina Isabel: Embedded Journalists :<br />

Kriegsberichterstattung im Wandel / Kristina Isabel Schwarte. -<br />

Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2007. - 136 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 131-136 - (Einsprüche; 18) - ISBN 978-3-89691-591-7<br />

DGAP D 841102 DGAP: DG 47023<br />


<strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong> Chayer, Héctor Mario: Ética judicial y sociedad civil : técnicas<br />

de incidencia / Héctor Mario Chayer con la colaboración de Nina<br />

Di Salvo y Milagros Jutard. - Montevideo: KAS/FORES, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

114 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-9974-8099-1-8<br />

GIGA D 841183 ILAS: AAL-D/8 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>09 Deportees in Latin America and the Caribbean : hearing and<br />

briefing before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 24, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,78 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-107)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36988.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841002 HSFK: 98.925 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 78 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

<strong>16</strong>10 Informe global de la corrupción 2006 : corrupción y salud /<br />

Transparency International. - Washington/D.C.: BID, 2007. -<br />

253 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-59782-056-3<br />

http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=1321<br />

695<br />

GIGA D 839964 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>11 Inglehart, Ronald; Carballo, Marita: ¿Existe Latinoamérica?<br />

Un análisis global de diferencias transculturales / Ronald<br />

Inglehart ; Marita Carballo. - In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos<br />

(México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31, S. 13-38, Kt., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 37-38<br />

GIGA D 841147 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

<strong>16</strong>12 Lamas, Marta: El aborto en la agenda del desarrollo en América<br />

Latina / Marta Lamas. - In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos<br />

(México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31, S. 65-93, Lit. S. 90-93<br />

GIGA D 841150 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

<strong>16</strong>13 Arellano Gault, David: Transparencia desde un análisis<br />

organizativo : los límites del nuevo institucionalismo económico<br />

y las "fallas de transparencia" / David Arellano Gault. -<br />

In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 53-80, Lit. S. 78-80<br />

GIGA D 841186 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>14 Mexiko 68 - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

406, S. 26-65, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 841137 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>15 Moreno, Alejandro: La opinión pública mexicana en el contexto<br />

postelectoral de 2006 / Alejandro Moreno. - In: Perfiles<br />

Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31,<br />

S. 39-63, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 62-63<br />

GIGA D 841149 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />


<strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong> Imaginaciones y percepciones : sie estudiantes de Costa Rica,<br />

El Salvador y Nicaragua fueran presidentes / Sebastian Huhn ...<br />

(eds.) - Managua: Universidad Centroamericana (Managua),<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 170 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>8-170 - (Colección<br />

humanidades; 24)<br />

GIGA D 840407 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD02.03 EL SALVADOR<br />

<strong>16</strong>17 Tardanico, Richard: Post-civil war San Salvador : Social<br />

inequalities of household and basic infrastructure in a Central<br />

American City / Richard Tardanico. - In: The Journal of<br />

Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 127-152, Tab., Lit. S. 145 - 147<br />

DIE D 841077 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />


<strong>16</strong>18 Deportees in Latin America and the Caribbean : hearing and<br />

briefing before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 24, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,78 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-107)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36988.pdf<br />

HSFK D 841002 HSFK: 98.925 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RD03.03 HAITI<br />

<strong>16</strong>19 Cordobés, Fernando: Cuatro visiones de Haití / Fernando<br />

Cordobés. - In: Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (Madrid),<br />

(diciembre 2007) 690, S. 53-67<br />

GIGA D 841206 IFA: Z-SP31 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

RD03.05 CUBA<br />

<strong>16</strong>20 Fernandes, Sujatha: Cupa represent! Cuban arts, state power,<br />

and the making of new revolutionary cultures / Sujatha<br />

Fernandes. - Durham/N.C. ...: Duke Univ. Press, 2006. -<br />

XIX,218 S., Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 199-212 - ISBN 978-0-8223-3891-8<br />

IFA D 840283 IFA: 28/249 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

<strong>16</strong>21 Bonner, Michelle D.: Sustaining human rights : women and<br />

Argentine human rights organizations / Michelle D. Bonner. -<br />

University Park/PA: Pennsylvania State Univ.Press, 2007. -<br />

XII,203 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 181-192 - ISBN 0-271032-64-2<br />

GIGA D 840582 ILAS: ARG-H/28 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>22 Muñoz, María Antonia; Retamozo, Martín: Hegemonía y<br />

discurso en la Argentina contemporánea : efectos políticos de<br />

los usos de "pueblo" en la retórica de Néstor Kirchner / María<br />

Antonia Muñoz ; Martín Retamozo. - In: Perfiles<br />

Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31,<br />

S. 121-149, Lit. S. 147-149<br />

GIGA D 841153 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

<strong>16</strong>23 Palermo, Vicente: Sal en las heridas : las Malvinas en la cultura<br />

argentina contemporánea / Vicente Palermo. - Buenos Aires:<br />

Editorial Sudamericana, 2007. - 479 S., Tab., Lit. S. 469-477, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-950-07-2790-7<br />

GIGA D 839995 ILAS: FLK/2 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>24 Poblete, Lorena: La burocratización de las políticas sociales : la<br />

administración de programas alimentarios en la Argentina rural /<br />

Lorena Poblete. - In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31, S. 151-<strong>16</strong>8, Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>7-<strong>16</strong>8<br />

GIGA D 841155 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

<strong>16</strong>25 Gasto social e política macroeconômica : trajectórias e<br />

tensões no período 1995-2005 / Jorge Abrahão de Castro ... .<br />

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada - Brasilia, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

43 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 34-36 - (Texto para Discussão /<br />

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada; No. 1324)<br />

http://www.ipea.gov.br/sites/000/2/publicacoes/tds/td_1324.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840536 ILAS: BRA-F/1-1324 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>26 Suruí, Almir: "Wir wollen politische Autonomie" : Interview mit<br />

Almir Suruí, Direktor der Umweltabteilung der Indigenen<br />

Organisation des brasilianischen Amazonasgebiets / Almir Suruí.<br />

Interviewer Domink Zimmer. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten<br />

(Berlin), (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 406, S. 20-21, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 841126 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

<strong>16</strong>27 Construyendo la Nueva Agenda Social desde la mirada de<br />

los determinantes sociales de la salud : documento síntesis<br />

del ciclo de diálogos democráticos / Alejandra Faúndez. -<br />

Santiago: FLACSO, 2006. - 1<strong>30</strong> S., Tab., Lit. S. 119-122<br />

http://cronopio.flacso.cl/fondo/pub/publicos/2005/libro/026065.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840022 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>28 Skuban, William E.: Lines in the sand : nationalism and identity<br />

on the Peruvian-Chilean frontier - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: Univ. of<br />

New Mexico Press, 2007. - XXVII,314 S., Kt., Ill., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 283-<strong>30</strong>3 - ISBN 0-8263-4223-X<br />

GIGA D 839967 ILAS: AAL-A/22 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.15 ECUADOR<br />

<strong>16</strong>29 Ortiz Crespo, Santiago: Gobiernos locales indigenas en<br />

Ecuador / por Santiago Ortiz Crespo. - Ottawa: Canadian<br />

Foundation for the Americas, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 20 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit.<br />

http://www.focal.ca/pdf/OrtizCrespo_abril20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840795<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> COLOMBIA<br />

<strong>16</strong><strong>30</strong> Rendón Acevedo, Jaime Alberto; Martínez Reina, Jaime:<br />

Renta ciudadana y pobreza en Bogotá : propuesta para<br />

garantizar la superación de la pobreza a la población<br />

escolarizada menor de 18 años / Jaime Alberto Rendón<br />

Acevedo ; Jaime Martínez Reina. - In: Revista Foro (Bogotá),<br />

(diciembre 2007-enero 20<strong>08</strong>) 63, S. 84-95, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>8 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 79 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

<strong>16</strong>31 Bryce Echenique, Alfredo: "Me fascinan los seres<br />

incoherentes y contradictorios / Alfredo Bryce Echenique. -<br />

In: Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (Madrid), (diciembre 2007)<br />

690, S. 139-146<br />

GIGA D 841207 IFA: Z-SP31 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

<strong>16</strong>32 Delgado, Juana Vera; Zwarteveen, Margreet: Modernity,<br />

exclusion and resistance : water and indigenous struggles in<br />

Peru / Juana Vera Delgado and Margreet Zwarteveen. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 114-120, Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 119-120<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>33 Skuban, William E.: Lines in the sand : nationalism and identity<br />

on the Peruvian-Chilean frontier - Albuquerque/N.Mex.: Univ. of<br />

New Mexico Press, 2007. - XXVII,314 S., Kt., Ill., Reg., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 283-<strong>30</strong>3 - ISBN 0-8263-4223-X<br />

GIGA D 839967 ILAS: AAL-A/22 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

<strong>16</strong>34 Lisio, Antonio de: La seguridad ambiental venezolana bajo la<br />

concepción eco-política del estado multidimensional / Antonio<br />

De Lisio. - Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de<br />

Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-31<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oElEstadomultimensionalDeLisio.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840461<br />


<strong>16</strong>35 Palermo, Vicente: Sal en las heridas : las Malvinas en la cultura<br />

argentina contemporánea / Vicente Palermo. - Buenos Aires:<br />

Editorial Sudamericana, 2007. - 479 S., Tab., Lit. S. 469-477, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-950-07-2790-7<br />

GIGA D 839995 ILAS: FLK/2 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


<strong>16</strong>36 Ellis, Stephen; Ter Haar, Gerrie: Africa's religious resurgence<br />

and the politics of good and evil / Stephen Ellis and Gerrie ter<br />

Haar. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

7<strong>08</strong>, S. 180-185<br />

SWP D 839973 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>37 Grace, tenacity and eloquence : The struggle for women's<br />

rights in Africa / ed. by Patrick Burnett, Shereen Karmali, Firoze<br />

Manji. - Oxford ...: Fahamu, 2007. - 321 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-9545637-2-1<br />

http://www.fahamu.org/downloads/gte_download.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840340<br />

<strong>16</strong>38 Hexenglauben im modernen Afrika : Hexen, Hexenverfolgung<br />

und magische Vorstellungswelten = Witchcraft in modern Africa<br />

/ Burghart Schmidt ... (Hg.) - Hamburg: DOBU-Verl., 2007. -<br />

255 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Veröffentlichungen<br />

des Arbeitskreises für historische Hexen- und<br />

Kriminalitätsforschung in Norddeutschland; Bd. 5) -<br />

ISBN 3-934632-15-7<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>20 IAA: AFR-L/11 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

<strong>16</strong>39 Kohnert, Dirk: On the renaissance of African modes of thought :<br />

The example of occult belief systems / Dirk Kohnert. -<br />

In: Hexenglauben im modernen Afrika: witchcraft in modern<br />

Africa: Hexen, Hexenverfolgung und magische<br />

Vorstellungswelten / Burghart Schmidt ... (Hg.) - Hamburg:<br />

DOBU-Verl., 2007, S. 32-54, Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-934632-15-7<br />

GIGA D 841143 IAA: AFR-L/11 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

<strong>16</strong>40 Shivji, Issa G.: Silences in NGO discourse : The role and future<br />

of NGOs in Africa / Issa G. Shivji. - Oxford ...: Fahamu, 2007. -<br />

84 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-9545637-5-2<br />

http://www.fahamu.org/downloads/shivji_forweb.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840333<br />


<strong>16</strong>41 Harnischfeger, Johannes: Sozialer Niedergang und Kampf<br />

gegen das Böse : Hexerei im postmodernen Afrika / Johannes<br />

Harnischfeger. - In: Hexenglauben im modernen Afrika:<br />

witchcraft in modern Africa: Hexen, Hexenverfolgung und<br />

magische Vorstellungswelten / Burghart Schmidt ... (Hg.) -<br />

Hamburg: DOBU-Verl., 2007, S. 96-109, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 3-934632-15-7<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>6 IAA: AFR-L/11 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

<strong>16</strong>42 World Refugee Day: Addressing the needs of African<br />

refugees : briefing and hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

June 20, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,70 S., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-81)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/362<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840701 HSFK: 98.900 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RF01.11 BENIN<br />

<strong>16</strong>43 Klein, Thamar: Selecting therapies in Benin : making choices<br />

between informal, formal, private and public health services /<br />

Thamar Klein. - In: Afrika Spectrum (Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3,<br />

S. 461-481, graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 478-480, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840367 SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF01.13 IVORY COAST<br />

<strong>16</strong>44 Rompel, Dörte: Rebellen oder Patrioten? Jugend im politischen<br />

Prozess der Côte d'Ivoire von 1990 bis heute / Dörte Rompel. -<br />

Frankfurt/Main: Brandes und Apsel, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 179 S., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 149-<strong>16</strong>5, Lit. Hinw. - (Wissen und Praxis; 146) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86099-346-0<br />

GIGA D 840757 IAA: CIV-G/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.19 LIBERIA<br />

<strong>16</strong>45 Fuest, Veronika: 'This is the time to get in front' : changing roles<br />

and opportunities for women in Liberia / Veronika Fuest. - In:<br />

African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 210-224<br />

SWP D 840603 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

<strong>16</strong>46 Kohnert, Dirk: On the articulation of witchcraft and modes of<br />

production among the Nupe, northern Nigeria / Dirk Kohnert. -<br />

In: Hexenglauben im modernen Afrika: witchcraft in modern<br />

Africa: Hexen, Hexenverfolgung und magische<br />

Vorstellungswelten / Burghart Schmidt ... (Hg.) - Hamburg:<br />

DOBU-Verl., 2007, S. 55-87, Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 3-934632-15-7<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>4 IAA: AFR-L/11 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


<strong>16</strong>47 Nattrass, Nicoli: AIDS and the scientific governance of<br />

medicine in post-apartheid South Africa / Nicoli Nattrass. - In:<br />

African Affairs (Oxford), 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427, S. 157-176<br />

SWP D 840600 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

<strong>16</strong>48 Künzler, Daniel: Nothing actually really changed? Die<br />

kenianische Bildungsreform von 2003 im Licht der sozialen<br />

Ungleichheit / Daniel Künsler. - In: Afrika Spectrum (Hamburg),<br />

42 (2007) 3, S. 507-517, Lit. S. 5<strong>16</strong>-517, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>34 SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

<strong>16</strong>49 Bryceson, Deborah Fahy: Creole and tribal designs : Dar es<br />

Salaam and Kampala as ethnic cities in coalescing states /<br />

Deborah Fahy Bryceson. - London: Crisis States Research<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 29 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Crisis States Working<br />

Paper: Series No. 2; No. 35)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/WP35.2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840243<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 80 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

<strong>16</strong>50 Mushi, Deograsias P.: Financing public health care : insurance,<br />

user fees, or taxes? Welfare comparisons in Tanzania /<br />

Deograsias P. Mushi. - Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty<br />

Alleviation, 2007. - IX,<strong>30</strong> S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 21-23 -<br />

(Research Report / Research on Poverty Alleviation; 07.2) -<br />

ISBN 9987-449-39-5<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/RR_07.2_Mushi.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840997<br />

<strong>16</strong>51 Shivji, Issa G.: Silences in NGO discourse : The role and future<br />

of NGOs in Africa / Issa G. Shivji. - Oxford ...: Fahamu, 2007. -<br />

84 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-9545637-5-2<br />

http://www.fahamu.org/downloads/shivji_forweb.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840333<br />

<strong>16</strong>52 Tanzanian non-governmental organisations : Their<br />

perceptions of their relationships with the government of<br />

Tanzania and donors, and their role in poverty reduction and<br />

development - Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty Alleviation,<br />

2007. - XIV,32 S., Tab., Lit. S. 27, Lit. Hinw. - (Special Paper /<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation; 07.21) - ISBN 9987-449-36-0<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Research_Activities/S<br />

pecial_Paper_07.21.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841027<br />

<strong>16</strong>53 Wuyts, Marc: Developing social protection in Tanzania within a<br />

context of generalised insecurity / By Marc Wuyts. - Dar es<br />

Salaam: Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2006. - VI,<strong>30</strong> S.,<br />

Lit. S. 21-24, Lit. Hinw. - (Special Paper / Research on Poverty<br />

Alleviation; 06.19) - ISBN 9987-449-35-2<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Research_Activities/S<br />

pecial_Paper_No._06.19.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841019<br />

RF04.05 UGANDA<br />

<strong>16</strong>54 Bryceson, Deborah Fahy: Creole and tribal designs : Dar es<br />

Salaam and Kampala as ethnic cities in coalescing states /<br />

Deborah Fahy Bryceson. - London: Crisis States Research<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 29 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Crisis States Working<br />

Paper: Series No. 2; No. 35)<br />

http://www.crisisstates.com/download/wp/wpSeries2/WP35.2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840243<br />


<strong>16</strong>55 Addi, Lahouari: Religion et culture politique dans le monde<br />

arabe / Lahouari Addi. - In: Making civil societies work:<br />

Zivilgesellschaft und gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke<br />

(Hrsg.). - Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN<br />

978-3-939469-40-7. - (Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9), S. 41-62,<br />

Lit. S. 61-62 - ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841152 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

<strong>16</strong>56 Gender & WDM in the Middle East & North Africa /<br />

written by Doaa Arafa ...<br />

Regional Water Demand Initiative in the Middle East and North<br />

Africa - Ottawa: International Development Research Centre,<br />

2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 18-20 - (Water Demand Management<br />

Research Series: Working Paper; No. 3)<br />

http://www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/12051452741WDM_RS_3,_W<br />

DM_and_Gender_ENG.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840963<br />


<strong>16</strong>57 Arab League Satellite Broadcasting Charter : principles for<br />

regulating satellite broadcasting transmission in the Arab world ;<br />

draft - In: Arab Media and Society (Cairo), (February 20<strong>08</strong>), 13 S.<br />

-- Enthält: -- - Unofficial Translation (10 S.) -- - Arabic Text (13<br />

S.)<br />

http://www.arabmediasociety.com<br />

SWP D 840611<br />


<strong>16</strong>58 20<strong>08</strong> annual Arab public opinion poll : survey conducted<br />

March 20<strong>08</strong> in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia<br />

(KSA) and the UAE / Shibley Telhami, principle investigator.<br />

Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University<br />

of Maryland. With Zogby International. - College Park/Md., 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 83 S., überw. graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/events/20<strong>08</strong>/~/media/Files/events/200<br />

8/0414_middle_east/0414_middle_east_telhami.pdf<br />

SWP D 840219<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

<strong>16</strong>59 Ali, Ali Abdel-Gadir: Child poverty: concept and measurement /<br />

Ali Abdel Gadir Ali. - Safat: API, 2007. - 17 S., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>-17<br />

- (Working Paper Series / Arab Planning Institute; WPS 07/01)<br />

http://www.arab-api.org/jodep/products/delivery/wps0701.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840257<br />

<strong>16</strong>60 Ali, Haidar Ibrahim: The other's image : The sociology of<br />

difference / Haidar Ibrahim Ali. - In: Imagining the Arab other:<br />

how Arabs and non-Arabs view each other/ ed. by Tahar Labib. -<br />

London ...: Tauris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - (Library of Modern Middle East<br />

Studies; 69), S. 17-34 - ISBN 978-1-84511-384-1<br />

GIGA D 840768 IMES: ARC-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>61 Arab League Satellite Broadcasting Charter : principles for<br />

regulating satellite broadcasting transmission in the Arab world ;<br />

draft - In: Arab Media and Society (Cairo), (February 20<strong>08</strong>), 13 S.<br />

-- Enthält: -- - Unofficial Translation (10 S.) -- - Arabic Text (13<br />

S.)<br />

http://www.arabmediasociety.com<br />

SWP D 840611<br />

<strong>16</strong>62 Ayis, Muhammad I.: The new Arab public sphere / Muhammad<br />

I. Ayish. - Berlin: Frank und Timme, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 251 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 2<strong>30</strong>-251 - (Medien und politische Kommunikation - Naher<br />

Osten und islamische Welt; 15) - ISBN 978-3-86596-<strong>16</strong>8-6<br />

GIGA D 840044 IMES: ARC-P/8 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>63 Emerging social & religious trends - In: Arab Insight (Cairo),<br />

2 (Winter 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 1-106<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/pdf/Arabinsight25.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840506<br />

<strong>16</strong>64 Ravens, Jan van; Aggio, Carlos: Expanding early childhood<br />

care and education : how much does it cost? / by Jan van<br />

Ravens and Carlos Aggio. - The Hague: Bernard van Leer<br />

Foundation, 20<strong>08</strong>. - X,72 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 65-67 -<br />

(Working Papers in Early Childhood Development; 46) -<br />

ISBN 978-90-6195-101-8<br />

http://www.bernardvanleer.org/publication_store/publication_stor<br />

e_publications/expanding_early_childhood_care_and_education<br />

_how_much_does_it_cost/file<br />

GIGA D 840256<br />


<strong>16</strong>65 Courbage, Youssef; Todd, Emmanuel: Die unaufhaltsame<br />

Revolution : wie die Werte der Moderne die islamische Welt<br />

verändern (Orig.: Le rendez-vous des civilisations) / Youssef<br />

Courbage ; Emmanuel Todd. - München: Piper, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 218 S.,<br />

Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-492-05131-6<br />

GIGA D 840079 IMES: MEA-L/94 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>66 Habib, Samar: Queer-friendly Islamic hermeneutics / Samar<br />

Habib. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 21, S. 32-33, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 33<br />

http://www.isim.nl/files/review_21/review_21-32.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841202 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>16</strong>67 Hackensberger, Alfred: Lexikon der Islam-Irrtümer : Vorurteile,<br />

Halbwahrheiten und Missverständnisse von Al-Qaida bis<br />

Zeitehe / Alfred Hackensberger. - Frankfurt/Main: Eichborn.,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 274 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8218-5674-2<br />

GIGA D 840157 IMES: MEA-L/95 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>68 Heger, Timo-Christian: Die Linke und der Jihad : ideologische<br />

Schnittstellen zwischen der extremen Linken und dem<br />

sunnitischen Islamismus / Timo-Christian Heger. - Potsdam,<br />

2007. - II,123 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 113-122 -- Potsdam, Univ.,<br />

Magisterarb., 2007<br />

http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2007/1561/pdf/heger_magister_<br />

A1b.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841097<br />

<strong>16</strong>69 Islams and democracy / ed. by Massimo Campanini. -<br />

In: Oriente moderno (Roma), 37 (2007) 2, S. I-IV,247-496,<br />

Lit.Hinw<br />

GIGA D 840442 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>70 Jafri, S. A. Minam: Missing women : trends, protraction and<br />

economic development in Muslim countries / S. A. Minam Jafri. -<br />

In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007) 4, S. 1-25,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841125 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 81 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

<strong>16</strong>71 Meddeb, Abdelwahab: Zwischen Europa und Islam : 115<br />

Gegenpredigten ; (März 2003 - Januar 2006) (Orig.: Contre<br />

Prêches) - Heidelberg: Wunderhorn, 2007. - 418 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-88423-288-0<br />

GIGA D 840156 IMES: MEA-L/96 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>72 Mirza, Qudsia: Islamic feminism and gender equality / Qudsia<br />

Mirza. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 21, S. <strong>30</strong>-31, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 31<br />

http://www.isim.nl/files/review_21/review_21-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841201 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>16</strong>73 Rosignoli, Valeria: Islamic feminism : The woman's voice in the<br />

reading of the Koran / Valeria Rosignoli. - In: Journal of Middle<br />

Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (January-March 2007) 7,<br />

S. 77-86, Lit. S. 85-86<br />

GIGA D 840254 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>74 Shahi, Afshin: The Islamisation of democracy or the<br />

democratisation of Islam? / Afshin Shahi. - In: Journal of Middle<br />

Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10,<br />

S. 79-107, Lit. S. 104-105, Lit. Hinw. S. 105-107<br />

GIGA D 840637 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

<strong>16</strong>75 [La Villa Abd-el-Tif] - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (1er<br />

trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 141-152, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841298 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

<strong>16</strong>76 Alberti, Hugh; Boudriga, Nessiba; Nabli, Mounira: Primary<br />

care management of diabetes in a low/middle incomecountry : A<br />

multi-method, qualitative study of barriers andfacilitators to care /<br />

Hugh Alberti, Nessiba Boudriga and Mounira Nabli. - In: BMC<br />

Family Practice (London), 8 (9. November 2007) 63, S. 1-7,<br />

Lit. S. 7<br />

http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2296-8-63.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840665<br />

<strong>16</strong>77 Ben-Salem, Lilia: Famille et changements sociaux, révolution<br />

ou reproduction? / Lilia Ben Salem. - In: Les changements<br />

sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de Laroussi Amri. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales), S. 49-60, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840299 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>78 Boissevain, Katia: Changements urbains et nouvelles<br />

fréquentations des sanctuaires de Sayyda Mannubiya (Tunis) /<br />

Katia Boissevain. - In: Les changements sociaux en Tunisie,<br />

1950-2000 / sous la dir. de Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007. - (Logiques sociales), S. 159-173, Lit. S. 172-173, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840318 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>79 Boukraa, Ridha: Acteurs sociaux et changement social en<br />

Tunisie (1956-1986) / Ridha Boukrâa. - In: Les changements<br />

sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de Laroussi Amri. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales), S. 183-190, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 841014 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>80 Cherni, Abdelwaheb: Du rôle des wakils dans le<br />

fonctionnement des zaouias : observations empiriques dans le<br />

sanctuaire de Saïda Manoubiya / Abdelwaheb Cherni. - In: Les<br />

changements sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de<br />

Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales),<br />

S. 143-157, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840314 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>81 Melliti, Imed: Les avatars de l'individuation dans la société<br />

tunisienne : le cas des adolescents / Imed Melliti. - In: Les<br />

changements sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de<br />

Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales),<br />

S. 111-1<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>30</strong>5 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>82 Ounaïna, Hamdi: Peindre le changement, peindre pour le<br />

changement : préliminaires à une sociologie de la naissance de<br />

la peinture du chevalet en Tunisie / Hamdi Ounaina. - In: Les<br />

changements sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de<br />

Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales),<br />

S. 175-181, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840321 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>83 Smida, Nabil: L'espace résidentiel nord de Tunis : un nouveau<br />

territoire urbain / Nabil Smida. - In: Les changements sociaux en<br />

Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de Laroussi Amri. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales), S. 219-245,<br />

Lit. S. 243-245 - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 841069 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

<strong>16</strong>84 Zbiss, Hanène: Marché de l'art en Tunisie : à la recherche d'une<br />

identité / Hanène Zbis. - In: Réalités (Tunis), (3-9 avril 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1<strong>16</strong>2, S. 52-55, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 840392 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> EGYPT<br />

<strong>16</strong>85 Aclimandos, Tewfik: Les Frères musulmans égyptiens : pour<br />

une critique des vœux pieux / Tewfik Aclimandos. - In: Politique<br />

africaine (Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>, S. 25-46, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840033 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>16</strong>86 L'Egypte sous pression? Des mobilisations au verrouillage<br />

politique - In: Politique africaine (Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 5-125, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 839909 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>16</strong>87 Legeay, Hélène: La citoyenneté des Bahaï : l'identité<br />

égyptienne en procès / Hélène Legeay. - In: Politique africaine<br />

(Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>, S. 86-105, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840021 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />

<strong>16</strong>88 Stachursky, Benjamin: Globale Normen, lokaler Aktivismus :<br />

Advocacy NGOs und die Sozialisierung der Menschenrechte<br />

von Frauen am Beispiel Ägyptens / Benjamin Stachursky. -<br />

In: Making civil societies work: Zivilgesellschaft und<br />

gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.). - Potsdam:<br />

Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - ISBN 978-3-939469-40-7. -<br />

(Potsdamer Textbücher; Bd. 9), S. 63-97, Lit. S. 92-97 -<br />

ISBN 3-939469-40-8<br />

GIGA D 841159 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


<strong>16</strong>89 Gorenberg, Gershom: The accidental empire : Israel and the<br />

birth of the settlements, 1967-1977 / Gershom Gorenberg. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Times Books, 2006. - XVII,454 S., Ill., Kt., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 0-8050-7564-X<br />

HSFK D 840717 HSFK: 38.882 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

<strong>16</strong>90 Goodman, Adam: Informal networks and insurgency in Iraq /<br />

Adam Goodman. - Shrivenham: Defence Academy of the United<br />

Kingdom, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 35 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC Middle East Series;<br />

<strong>08</strong>/11) - ISBN 978-1-905962-43-3<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/middle-ea<br />

st/<strong>08</strong>%2811%29AG.pdf<br />

SWP D 840956<br />

<strong>16</strong>91 Rechmann, Annika: Von Kriegsverächtern und<br />

Kriegsverfechtern : die Berichterstattung über den Irak-Krieg<br />

2003 in deutschen und amerikanischen Qualitätszeitungen /<br />

Annika Rechmann. - Wiesbaden: Deutscher Univ.-Verl., 2007. -<br />

175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 159-175 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-6090-6 -- Zugl.: Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Kath.<br />

Univ., Dipl.-Arb.<br />

DGAP D 839962 DGAP: DG 46994<br />

<strong>16</strong>92 Uprooted and unstable: meeting urgent humanitarian<br />

needs in Iraq / Refugees International. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 28 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.refintl.org/files/10570_file_UprootedandUnstable.pdf<br />

SWP D 840759<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

<strong>16</strong>93 Abu-Dayyeh, Nabil: Amman: le passé et l'avenir d'une capitale<br />

arabe moderne / Nabil Abu Dayyeh. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient<br />

(Paris), (3e trimestre 2004) 75, S. 125-138, Kt., Lit. S. 136-137<br />

GIGA D 8413<strong>08</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 82 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

<strong>16</strong>94 Bel-Air, Françoise de: Circular migration to and from Jordan :<br />

An issue of high politics / Françoise De Bel-Air. - San Domenico<br />

di Fiesole: European University Institute, Robert Schuman<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 11 S., Lit. S. 10-11 - (CARIM Analytical and<br />

Synthetic Notes; 20<strong>08</strong>/20) - (Circular Migration Series: Political<br />

and Social Module)<br />

http://www.eui.eu/RSCAS/e-texts/CARIM_AS&N_20<strong>08</strong>_20.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841315<br />

<strong>16</strong>95 Bel-Air, Françoise de: Les jeunes Jordaniens et la transition /<br />

Françoise de Bel-Air. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (3e<br />

trimestre 2004) 75, S. 63-76, Lit. S. 75-76<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>30</strong>7 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>96 Iraqi refugee women and youth in Jordan : reproductive<br />

health findings ; a snapshot from the field / Women’s<br />

Commission for Refugee Women and Children. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

2007. - 11 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. S. 11 - ISBN 1-580<strong>30</strong>-068-5<br />

http://www.womenscommission.org/pdf/jo_rh.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840664<br />

<strong>16</strong>97 Jungen, Christine: Tribus et tribalisme : organisation sociale et<br />

idéologie / Christine Jungen. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris),<br />

(3e trimestre 2004) 75, S. 51-62, Lit. S. 62<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>30</strong>6 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>98 Lavergne, Marc: Face à l'extraversion d'Amman, un réseau<br />

urbain en quête de sens / Marc Lavergne. - In: Les Cahiers de<br />

l'Orient (Paris), (3e trimestre 2004) 75, S. 139-154, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 152, Lit. S. 152-154<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>30</strong>9 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.13 LEBANON<br />

<strong>16</strong>99 Juilliard-Beaudan, Colette: Vénus Khoury-Ghata sous le signe<br />

du plein et du vide / Colette Juilliard Beaudan. - In: Les Cahiers<br />

de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 153-158, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>30</strong>4 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

1700 Bartos, Helene: Israeli-German relations in the years<br />

2000-2006 : A special relationship revisited / Helene Bartos. -<br />

Oxford, 2007. - 136 S., Lit. S. 103-136 -- Oxford, Univ., Master<br />

thesis, 2007<br />

http://users.ox.ac.uk/~metheses/Bartos%20thesis.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841212<br />

1701 Gysi, Gregor: Die Haltung der deutschen Linken zum Staat<br />

Israel : Vortrag auf einer Veranstaltung "60 Jahre Israel" der<br />

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung am 14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong> / Gregor Gysi. -<br />

Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (RLS<br />

Standpunkte; 9/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/pdfs/Standpunkt<br />

e_<strong>08</strong>09.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841223<br />

1702 Little, Douglas: David or Goliath? The Israel lobby and its critics<br />

/ Douglas Little. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.),<br />

123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 151-156<br />

SWP D 840634 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1703 Michel, Dirk; Schertges, Claudia: Poverty in Israel / Dirk<br />

Michel and Claudia Schertges. - In: Social Work & Society<br />

(Bielefeld), 5 (2007) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>4-178, Lit. S. 177-178<br />

http://www.socwork.net/2007/2/essays/michelschertges/Debate_<br />

MichelSchertges.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841184<br />

1704 Yacobi, Haim: Circular migration in Israel / Haim Yacobi. - San<br />

Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute, Robert<br />

Schuman Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 5 S., Tab., Lit. S. 5 - (CARIM<br />

Analytical and Synthetic Notes; 20<strong>08</strong>/19) - (Circular Migration<br />

Series: Political and Social Module)<br />

http://www.eui.eu/RSCAS/e-texts/CARIM_AS&N_20<strong>08</strong>_19.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841314<br />

RG03.12 QATAR<br />

1705 Williams, John: Al Jazeera's booming voice : developing<br />

Qatar's comparative advantage in the Middle East / John<br />

Williams. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

1 (<strong>April</strong>-June 2006) 4, S. 31-46, Lit. Hinw. S. 44-46<br />

GIGA D 840226 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.13 KUWAIT<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1706 Mekaimi, Haila al-: Kuwaiti women's tepid political awakening /<br />

Haila al-Mekaimi. - In: Arab Insight (Cairo), 2 (Winter 20<strong>08</strong>) 2:<br />

Emerging social & religious trends, S. 53-59<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/aiarticles/183.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840601<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

1707 Dabbagh, May al-: The context for intergroup leadership among<br />

women's groups in Saudi Arabia / May Al-Dabbagh. - Dubai:<br />

DSG, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 11-13 - (Dubai School of<br />

Government Working Paper; No. <strong>08</strong>-03)<br />

http://www.dsg.ae/cms/_data/global/Publications/MayAlDabbagh<br />

-WP<strong>08</strong>-03.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840261<br />

17<strong>08</strong> Lacroix, Stéphane: Al-Albani's revolutionary approach to hadith<br />

/ Stéphane Lacroix. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden), (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 21,<br />

S. 6-7, Lit. Hinw. S. 7<br />

http://www.isim.nl/files/review_21/review_21-6.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841198 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1709 Rasheed, Madawi al-: The local and the global in Saudi<br />

Salafism / Madawi Al-Raheed. - In: ISIM Review (Leiden),<br />

(Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 21, S. 8-9, Lit. Hinw. S. 9<br />

http://www.isim.nl/files/review_21/review_21-8.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841199 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 12<br />


1710 Borchgrevink, Kaja; Hernes, Helga; Haavardsson, Ingeborg:<br />

Peacebuilding in Afghanistan : how to reach the women ;<br />

conference report, <strong>16</strong> February, 20<strong>08</strong> / Katja Borchgrevink ;<br />

Helga Hernes ; Ingeborg Haavardsson. - Oslo: International<br />

Peace Research Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (PRIO Paper) -<br />

ISBN 978-82-7288-261-6<br />

http://www.prio.no/files/file5<strong>08</strong>25_women_and_peacebuilding_in<br />

_afghanistan_prio_paper_feb_<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 840092<br />

1711 The general situation of children in Afghanistan : research<br />

report / Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission<br />

(AIHRC), Research and Policy Unit. - Kabul, 2007. - 24 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.aihrc.org.af/20<strong>08</strong>/<strong>April</strong>/Rep_eng_Chi_Nov_2007_U_A<br />

pr_20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>44<br />

1712 Mihalka, Michael: Pashtunistan, NATO and the global war on<br />

terror : "If you don't fight, you cannot have peace in Afghanistan"<br />

/ Michael Mihalka. - In: The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 51-78, Tab.<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/<strong>08</strong>/mm<strong>08</strong>natoafghanist<br />

an.pdf<br />

SWP D 840752<br />

1713 Western Europe, Canada see Afghanistan mission as<br />

failure : global poll: Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Canada /<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor. - Vancouver: Angus Reid Strategies,<br />

2007. - 5 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/Afghanistan_Global.pdf<br />

SWP D 841049<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

1714 Ansari, Ali M.: Iran, Islam and democracy : The politics of<br />

managing change / Ali M. Ansari. - 2nd ed. - London: Royal<br />

Institute of International Affairs, 2006. - XXIII,327 S., Reg., Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. <strong>30</strong>9-320 - ISBN 1-86203-151-7<br />

HSFK D 841172 HSFK: 38.822 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1715 Barlow, Rebecca; Akbarzadeh, Shahram: Prospects for<br />

feminism in the Islamic Republic of Iran / Rebecca Barlow and<br />

Shahram Akbarzadeh. - In: Human Rights Quarterly<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), <strong>30</strong> (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 21-40, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

ECMI D 8411<strong>30</strong> ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 18<br />

17<strong>16</strong> Barnes, Jeremy: Esther's people in an Islamic Republic /<br />

Jeremy Barnes. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics<br />

(Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 109-140,<br />

Lit. S. 134-136, Lit. Hinw. S. 136-140<br />

GIGA D 840638 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 83 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1717 Goodman, Adam: Iran: informal networks and leadership<br />

politics / Adam Goodman. - Shrivenham: Defence Academy of<br />

the United Kongdom, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CSRC Middle<br />

East Series; <strong>08</strong>/12) - ISBN 978-1-905962-44-0<br />

http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/csrc/document-listings/middle-ea<br />

st/<strong>08</strong>%2812%29AG.pdf<br />

SWP D 840753<br />

1718 Kelly, John; Etling, Bruce: Mapping Iran's online public:<br />

politics and culture in the Persian blogosphere / John Kelly and<br />

Bruce Etling. - Cambridge/Mass.: Berkman Center for Internet &<br />

Society, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 68 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Anh. - (Research<br />

Publication / Berkman Center for Internet & Society (Harvard<br />

Law School, Cambridge/Mass.); No. 20<strong>08</strong>-01)<br />

http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/sites/cyber.law.harvard.edu/files/Kell<br />

y&Etling_Mapping_Irans_Online_Public_20<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 839974<br />

1719 Nasseri, Aydin: Internet und Gesellschaft in Iran / Aydin<br />

Nasseri. Mit einem Vorw. von Katajun Amirpur. - Berlin: Frank<br />

und Timme, 2007. - 195 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 181-189,<br />

Internet Hinw. - (Medien und politische Kommunikation - Naher<br />

Osten und islamische Welt; 12) - ISBN 978-3-86596-1<strong>16</strong>-7<br />

GIGA D 840124 IMES: IRN-P/2 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1720 Rahimi, Babak; Gheytanchi, Elham: Iran's reformists and<br />

activists : Internet exploiters / Babak Rahimi and Elham<br />

Gheytanchi. - In: Middle East Policy (Washington/D.C.),<br />

15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 46-59, Lit. Hinw. S. 58-59<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>65 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1721 Shahi, Afshin: The Islamisation of democracy or the<br />

democratisation of Islam? / Afshin Shahi. - In: Journal of Middle<br />

Eastern Geopolitics (Roma), 2 (October-December 2007) 10,<br />

S. 79-107, Lit. S. 104-105, Lit. Hinw. S. 105-107<br />

GIGA D 840637 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

1722 Chaudhry, Imran Sharif: Gender inequality in education and<br />

economic growth : case study of Pakistan / Imran Sharif<br />

Chaudhry. - In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007) 4,<br />

S. 81-91, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841145 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1723 Fair, C. Christine: The educated militants of Pakistan :<br />

implications for Pakistan's domestic security / C. Christine Fair. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 93-106, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841111 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1724 Malik, Mustafa: Pakistan: terror war bolsters Islamism,<br />

nationhood / Mustafa Malik. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 111-124, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 124<br />

GIGA D 840646 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1725 Rashid, Tahmina: Politics of female body : Pakistan's military<br />

and religious elite / Tahmina Rashid. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 21-36<br />

GIGA D 840977 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1726 Udink, Betsy: Allah & Eva : Frauen in Pakistan (Orig.: Allah &<br />

Eva) / Betsy Udink. Aus dem Niederl. von Anna Berger. -<br />

Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2007.<br />

- 237 S., Lit. S. 237 - (Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für<br />

Politische Bildung; 660) - ISBN 978-3-89331-819-3<br />

GIGA D 840380 IMES: PAK-G/2 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


1727 Asia: AIDS epidemic update 07 - regional summary / Joint<br />

United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS ... - Geneva, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

36 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 21-28 - ISBN 978-92-9-173665-2<br />

http://data.unaids.org/pub/Report/20<strong>08</strong>/jc1527_epibriefs_asia_en<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>00<br />

1728 Labour migration in Asia / International Organization for<br />

Migration. - Geneva: IOM, 2003-2005. - 1-2<br />

1.: Trends, challenges and policy responses in countries of<br />

origin.- 184 S., Tab., Lit. - 92-9068-177-22.: Protection of<br />

migrant workers, support services and enhancing development<br />

benefits.- 358 S.: Tab. - 978-92-9068-242-4<br />

GIGA D 840414<br />

1729 Migration, development and poverty reduction in Asia /<br />

International Organization for Migration. - Geneva: IOM, 2005. -<br />

273 S., Tab., Lit. - ISBN 978-92-9068-248-6<br />

GIGA D 8404<strong>16</strong> IAS: 1.<strong>30</strong>.05.01/44? Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

17<strong>30</strong> [Natural resources and violent ethnic conflicts in the Asia<br />

Pacific region] / Jefferson Fox ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-127 -- Enthält<br />

9 Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 840684 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1731 Swamy, Arun; Fox, Jefferson M.: Introduction: natural<br />

resources and ethnic conflicts in Asia Pacific / Arun Swamy and<br />

Jefferson Fox. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-11<br />

GIGA D 841020 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1732 True, Jacqui: Global accountability and transnational networks :<br />

The women leaders' network and Asia Pacific economic<br />

cooperation / Jacqui True. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-26<br />

GIGA D 840965 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


1733 Fafchamps, Marcel; Shilpi, Forhad: Isolation and subjective<br />

welfare : evidence from South Asia / Marcel Fafchamps ; Forhad<br />

Shilpi. - Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, February 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

55 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working<br />

Papers; 4535) - (WPS4535)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/02/26/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0226170950/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4535.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840328<br />

1734 Jalal, Ayesha: Partisans of Allah : jihad in South Asia / Ayesha<br />

Jalal. - Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XVI,373 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-674-02801-2<br />

SWP D 840712 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0154<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

1735 Jahan, Ferdous: Islamic fundamentalism in Bangladesh : A<br />

quest for the root / Ferdous Jahan. - In: Asian Profile (Hong<br />

Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 197-212<br />

GIGA D 841004 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1736 Maternatl, neonatal and child health programmes in<br />

Bangladesh : review of good practices and lessons learned /<br />

Hashima-e-Nasreen ... Bangladesh Rural Advancement<br />

Committee - Dhaka: BRAC, July 2007. - 126 S., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Research Monograph Series / Bangladesh Rural Advancement<br />

Committee; No. 32)<br />

http://www.bracresearch.org/monographs/Monograph_32.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840499<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1737 Jewitt, Sarah: Political ecology of Jharkhand conflicts / Sarah<br />

Jewitt. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 68-82<br />

GIGA D 841034 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1738 Kannabiran, Kalpana: Making the forked tongue speak ... : An<br />

ethnography of the self / Kalpana Kannabiran. - In: Economic<br />

and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 43 (<strong>April</strong> 19, 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 63-70,<br />

Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.epw.org.in/epw/user/userindexHome.jsp<br />

GIGA D 840548 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1739 Pitfalls of participatory programs : evidence from a<br />

randomized evaluation in education in India / Abhijit V.<br />

Banerjee ... - Washington/D.C.: World Bank, March 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4584) - (WPS4584)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/31/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0331<strong>16</strong>5144/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4584.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840437<br />

1740 Rao, P. Madhava: Social security administration in India : A<br />

study of provident funds and pension scheme / P. Madhava Rao.<br />

- 1st ed. - Hyderabad: Ifcai Univ. Press, 2007. - III,312 S.,<br />

zahlr. Tab., Reg. Lit. S. 295-3<strong>08</strong> - ISBN 81-314-<strong>08</strong>50-7<br />

GIGA D 840424 IAS: 1.13.13/33 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 84 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1741 Roy, Ananya: Calcutta requiem : gender and the politics of<br />

poverty / Ananya Roy. - 1st impression - Delhi: Pearson, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

XLX,288 S., Ill., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 257-277, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 81-317-1299-0<br />

GIGA D 840420 IAS: 1.13.13/34 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1742 Singal, Nidhi; Jeffrey, Roger: Measuring disability in India /<br />

Roger Jeffrey ; Nidhi Singal. - In: Economic and Political Weekly<br />

(Mumbai), 43 (March 22, 20<strong>08</strong>) 12, S. 22-24, Lit., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.epw.org.in/epw/user/userindexHome.jsp<br />

GIGA D 840573 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1743 South Asia human development sector : skill development in<br />

India ; the vocational edcation and training system / The World<br />

Bank. - Washingon/D.C., January 20<strong>08</strong>. - 123 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Discussion Paper Series / World Bank;<br />

42315)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/02/05/000020953_20<strong>08</strong>0205092505/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/423150India0VET0no02201PUBLIC1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840466<br />

1744 Stuligross, David: Resources, representation, and authority in<br />

Jharkhand, India / David Stuligross. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 83-97<br />

GIGA D 841035 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1745 [Tsunami rehabilitation three years after] / Ajit Menon ... -<br />

In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 43 (<strong>April</strong> 19, 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

<strong>16</strong>, S. 35-43, Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält 2 Beitr.: Menon, Ajit;<br />

Karuppiah, Subramanian; Stephen, Johny: Reconfiguring the<br />

coast. - S. 35-38 -- Vembulu, Panananthi R.; Kumar, R. John<br />

Suresh; Sathyamala, C.: Post-tsunami housing in Tamil<br />

Nadu. - S. 39-43<br />

http://www.epw.org.in/epw/user/userindexHome.jsp<br />

GIGA D 840555 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

RI01.15 NEPAL<br />

1746 Dastider, Mollica: Understanding Nepal : Muslims in a plural<br />

society / Mollica Dastider. - New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications,<br />

2007. - 2<strong>16</strong> S., Kt., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 200-2<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840422 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1747 Gul, Nabiha: Women in conflict zones : case study of Nepal /<br />

Nabiha Gul. - In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007)<br />

4, S. 69-79, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841175 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1748 Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed<br />

conflict in Nepal / United Nations Security Council. - New<br />

York/N.Y., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 12 S. - (S/20<strong>08</strong>/259)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/20<strong>08</strong>/259<br />

SWP D 840918 SWP: http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/sgrep<strong>08</strong>.htm<br />


1749 Labour migration in Asia : protection of migrant workers,<br />

support services and enhancing development benefits /<br />

International Organization for Migration. - Geneva: IOM, 2005. -<br />

358 S., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-9068-242-4<br />

GIGA D 840411 IAS: 1.<strong>30</strong>.05.01/19 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1750 Indonesia today - problems and perspectives : politics and<br />

society five years into Reformasi / ed. by Norbert Eschborn ...<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - 1st ed. - Jakarta, 2004. - IV,186 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - ISBN 979-99134-1-1<br />

GIGA D 841158 IAS:<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

1751 Lee Hock Guan: Education and ethnic relations in Malaysia /<br />

Lee Hock Guan. - Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian<br />

Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (ISEAS Working Papers:<br />

Social and Cultural Issues; 1 (20<strong>08</strong>))<br />

GIGA D 8404<strong>08</strong> IAS: 1.36.<strong>08</strong>.01/26 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1752 Menon, Jayant: Macroeconomic management amid ethnic<br />

diversity : fifty years of Malaysian experience / Jayant Menon. -<br />

Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 12-14 - (Discussion Paper / Asian Development Bank<br />

Institute; No. 102)<br />

http://www.adbi.org/files/dp102.macroeconomic.management.ma<br />

laysia.pdf<br />

SWP D 840952<br />


1753 Yang, Dean: International migration, remittances and household<br />

investment : evidence from Philippine migrants' exchange rate<br />

shocks / Dean Yang. - In: The Economic Journal (Oxford),<br />

118 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 528, S. 591-6<strong>30</strong>, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 529-5<strong>30</strong><br />

DIE D 841299 DIE: ZA005 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> THAILAND<br />

1754 Englehart, Neil A.: Resource conflict and ethnic peace in<br />

northern Thailand / Neil A. Englehart. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 98-110<br />

GIGA D 841037 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

1755 Kimsey, William D.; McKinney, Bruce C.; Phuc, Ha: Speech<br />

communication education in Vietnam : The climate of opinion<br />

among Vietnamese business and education leaders / William D.<br />

Kimsey and Bruce C. McKinney and Ha Phuc. - In: Asian Profile<br />

(Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>3-170<br />

GIGA D 840995 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.32 EAST TIMOR<br />

1756 Timor-Leste youth development and the labor market / The<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., October 13, 2007. - 24 S.,<br />

graph. Darst.; 42769<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/06/00033<strong>30</strong>38_20<strong>08</strong>0<strong>30</strong>6<strong>08</strong>2604/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/427690WP01NO0P1ReportSummaryEnglish.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840475<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

1757 Duara, Prasenjit: The global and regional constitution of<br />

nations : The view from East Asia / Prasenjit Duara. - In: Nations<br />

and Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 323-345,<br />

Lit. S. 342-345<br />

ECMI D 841003 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1758 Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Selbstbehauptung :<br />

Ostasiatische Diskurse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts / Michael<br />

Lackner (Hrsg.). Unter Mitarb. von Clemens Büttner. - 1. Aufl. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 421 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Neue<br />

China-Studien; 1) - ISBN 978-3-8329-3219-0<br />

SWP D 840715 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0<strong>16</strong>1<br />


1759 Bajoria, Jayshree: Nationalism in China / Jayshree Bajoria. -<br />

New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 3 S. -<br />

(Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/<strong>16</strong>079/china_projects_its_voice.ht<br />

ml?breadcrumb=%2F<br />

SWP D 840919<br />

1760 Bhalla, Ajit S.; Qiu, Shufang: Poverty and inequality among<br />

Chinese minorities / A. S. Bhalla and Shufang Qiu. - London ...:<br />

Routledge, 2006. - XX,202 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy; 22) -<br />

ISBN 0-415-3<strong>08</strong>40-2<br />

GIGA D 839954 Öff.StaO: 21<br />

1761 Cai, Yongshun: Local governments and the suppression of<br />

popular resistance in China / Yongshun Cai. - In: The China<br />

Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 24-42<br />

GIGA D 840578 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 85 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1762 De Brauw, Alan; Giles, John: Migrant opportunity and the<br />

educational attainment of youth in rural China / Alan de Brauw ;<br />

John Giles. - Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, February 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 53 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working<br />

Papers; 4526) - (WPS4526)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/02/21/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0221100315/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4526.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840323<br />

1763 Governing China's multiethnic frontiers / ed. by Morris<br />

Rossabi. - Seattle ...: Univ. of Washington Press, 2004. -<br />

VIII,296 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Studies on<br />

Ethnic Groups in China) - ISBN 0-295-98390-6<br />

GIGA D 840444 Öff.StaO: 20<br />

1764 Holbig, Heike; Giese, Karsten: Der Dissens unter den<br />

Exiltibetern wächst / [Interview mit:] Heike Holbig und Karsten<br />

Giese. Text: Philipp Jarke. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of<br />

Global and Area Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 2. S.<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/presse/<br />

pdf/giga_news_<strong>08</strong>0320_1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 839941<br />

1765 Intellectuals in contemporary China : The emergence of a<br />

new media elite and its impact / von Ning Fang ...<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Beijing) - Beijing, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 76 S., Tab.<br />

- (KAS-Schriftenreihe China; No. 80)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_13524-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>91<br />

1766 Li, Lianjiang; O'Brien, Kevin J.: Protest leadership in rural<br />

China / Lianjiang Li and Kevin J. O'Brien. - In: The China<br />

Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 1-23<br />

GIGA D 840576 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1767 Lothaire, Fanny: La Chine et ses minorités : les Ouïghours<br />

entre incorporation et répression / Fanny Lothaire. - Paris ...:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2006. - 196 S., Ill., Kt. - (Inter-national: Série<br />

première synthese) - ISBN 2-296-01159-4<br />

GIGA D 840395 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1768 Michelson, Ethan: Justice from above or below? Popular<br />

strategies for resolving grievances in rural China / Ethan<br />

Michelson. - In: The China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

193, S. 43-64<br />

GIGA D 840583 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1769 Shih, Chih-yu: Autonomy, ethnicity, and poverty in<br />

Southwestern China : The state turned upside down / Chih-yu<br />

Shih. - 1st publ. - New York/ N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. -<br />

IV,268 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4039-8446-3<br />

GIGA D 840413 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1770 Wang, Dewen; Cai, Fang: Migration and poverty alleviation in<br />

China / prepared for IOM by Wang Dewen and Cai Fang. -<br />

Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2007. - 39 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. - (IOM Migration Research Series; No. 27)<br />

GIGA D 841129 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1771 Wenzel-Teuber, Katharina: Migration und katholische Kirche in<br />

China / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - In: China heute (St.<br />

Augustin), 27 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2/155-156, S. 34-39<br />

GIGA D 840561 IFA: Z-D3337 IAS: 3/674 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI03.05 HONG KONG (SINCE 1997)<br />

1772 Lee, Francis L. F.; Chan, Joseph Man: Making sense of<br />

participation : The political culture of pro-democracy<br />

demonstrators in Hong Kong / Francis L. F. Lee and Joseph M.<br />

Chan. - In: The China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193,<br />

S. 84-101<br />

GIGA D 840588 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.11 KOREA<br />

1773 Olsen, Edward A.: Korean nationalism in a divided nation :<br />

challenges to US policy / Edward A. Olsen. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 4-21<br />

GIGA D 841247 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

1774 Frank, Rüdiger: Socialist neo-conservatism in North Korea? A<br />

return to old principles in the 20<strong>08</strong> New Year joint editorial / by<br />

Rüdiger Frank. - Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - ca. 5 S.<br />

- (Policy Forum Online / Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.);<br />

<strong>08</strong>-032A)<br />

http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/<strong>08</strong>032.Frank.html<br />

SWP D 840924<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

1775 Kern, Thomas; Nam, Sang-hui: Social movements as agents<br />

of innovation : citizen journalism in South Korea / Thomas Kern<br />

and Sang-Hui Nam. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of<br />

Global and Area Studies, <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. - (GIGA Working Papers; No. 73) - (GIGA Research<br />

Programme: Legitimacy and Efficiency of Political Systems)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp73_kern-nam.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840298<br />

1776 Lee, Seungjoo; Rhyu, Sang-young: The political dynamics of<br />

informal networks in South Korea : The case of parachute<br />

appointment / Seungjoo Lee and Sang-young Rhyu. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 45-66<br />

GIGA D 840967 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1777 Lee, Sook-jong; Arrington, Celeste: The politics of NGOs and<br />

democratic governance in South Korea and Japan / Sook-jong<br />

Lee and Celeste Arrington. - In: Pacific Focus (Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 75-96<br />

GIGA D 841256 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

1778 Baron, Peter; Saaler, Sven: Rechtsradikale Angriffe auf<br />

Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit in Japan / Peter Baron ; Sven<br />

Saaler. - St. Augustin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 7 S. -<br />

(Länderbericht)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_134<strong>30</strong>-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>89<br />

1779 Lee, Sook-jong; Arrington, Celeste: The politics of NGOs and<br />

democratic governance in South Korea and Japan / Sook-jong<br />

Lee and Celeste Arrington. - In: Pacific Focus (Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 75-96<br />

GIGA D 841256 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1780 [Natural resources and violent ethnic conflicts in the Asia<br />

Pacific region] / Jefferson Fox ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-127 -- Enthält<br />

9 Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 840684 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1781 Swamy, Arun; Fox, Jefferson M.: Introduction: natural<br />

resources and ethnic conflicts in Asia Pacific / Arun Swamy and<br />

Jefferson Fox. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-11<br />

GIGA D 841020 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1782 True, Jacqui: Global accountability and transnational networks :<br />

The women leaders' network and Asia Pacific economic<br />

cooperation / Jacqui True. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-26<br />

GIGA D 840965 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RJ02.02 NEW ZEALAND<br />

1783 Settlement Patterns and the Geographic Mobility of Recent<br />

Migrants to New Zealand / prepared by David C. Maré ... Motu<br />

Economic and Public Policy Research. For the Department of<br />

Labour - Wellington, 2007. - 36 S., Tab. - (Economic Impacts of<br />

Immigration Working Paper Series)<br />

http://www.dol.govt.nz/PDFs/settlement-patterns.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840382<br />


1784 Reilly, Benjamin: Ethnic conflict in Papua New Guinea /<br />

Benjamin Reilly. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 12-22<br />

GIGA D 841024 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 86 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


1785 Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas: The refugee, the sovereign and<br />

the sea : EU interdiction policies in the Mediterranean / Thomas<br />

Gammeltoft-Hansen. - Copenhagen: Danish Institute for<br />

International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Lit. S. 31-32 - (DIIS Working<br />

Paper; 20<strong>08</strong>/6) - ISBN 978-87-7605-254-6<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP20<strong>08</strong>/WP<strong>08</strong>-6_Refug<br />

ee_Sovereign_Sea_EU%20Interdiction_Policies_Mediterranean.<br />

pdf<br />

DGAP D 840735 DGAP: DG B01425u<br />


1786 Busemeyer, Marius R.; Goerres, Achim; Weschle, Simon:<br />

Demands for redistributive policies in an era of demographic<br />

aging : The rival pressures from age and class in 15 OECD<br />

countries / Marius R. Busemeyer ; Achim Goerres and Simon<br />

Weschle. - Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 29 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27-29 - (MPIfG<br />

Discussion Paper; <strong>08</strong>/3)<br />

DGAP D 840579 DGAP: DG B01422r<br />

1787 Jensen, Carsten Strøby: Worlds of welfare services and<br />

transfers / Carsten Jensen. - In: Journal of European Social<br />

Policy (London), 18 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 151-<strong>16</strong>2<br />

SWP D 840364 SWP: Y. 1101 Öff.StaO: 12<br />


1788 Ali, Ali Abdel-Gadir: Child poverty: concept and measurement /<br />

Ali Abdel Gadir Ali. - Safat: API, 2007. - 17 S., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>-17<br />

- (Working Paper Series / Arab Planning Institute; WPS 07/01)<br />

http://www.arab-api.org/jodep/products/delivery/wps0701.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840257<br />

1789 Das, Jishnu; Hammer, Jeffrey S.; Leonard, Kenneth L.: The<br />

quality of medical advice in low-income countries / Jishnu Das ;<br />

Jeffrey Hammer ; Kenneth Leonard. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

World Bank, January 20<strong>08</strong>. - 38 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Policy Research Working Papers; 4501) - (WPS4501)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/01/<strong>30</strong>/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>01<strong>30</strong><strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong>25/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4501.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840428<br />

1790 Do Quy Toan; Friedman, Jed; McKenzie, David: Mental<br />

health patterns and consequences : results from survey data in<br />

five developing countries - Washington/D.C.: World Bank,<br />

January 20<strong>08</strong>. - 29 S., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working<br />

Papers; 4495)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/02/05/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0205131<strong>30</strong>1/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4495.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840449<br />

1791 Filmer, Deon: Disability, poverty, and schooling in developing<br />

countries : results from 14 household surveys / Deon Filmer. - In:<br />

The World Bank Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 141-<strong>16</strong>3, Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>2-<strong>16</strong>3<br />

DIE D 840196 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1792 McCleary, Rachel M.: Religion and economic development :<br />

The advantage of moderation / by Rachel M. McCleary. -<br />

In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

148, ca. 5 S.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/17105851.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>02 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1793 Shah, Syed Muhammad Ali: Women and globalization / Syed<br />

Muhammad Ali Shah. - In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi),<br />

60 (October 2007) 4, S. 47-67, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>16</strong>3 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


1794 Bendix, Daniel; Stanley, Ruth: Engendering security sector<br />

reform: : where to from here? / Daniel Bendix ; Ruth Stanley. -<br />

In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 44-48,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 840228 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1795 Dekker, Matijn; Faber, Mient Jan: Human security from below<br />

in a Hobbesian environment / Matijn Dekker ; Mient Jan Faber. -<br />

In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 37-44,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>35 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1796 Developing cultures : essays on cultural change / Ed. by<br />

Lawrence E. Harrison ... - New York/N.Y. ...: Routledge, 2006. -<br />

XVI,399 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-415-95282-8<br />

GIGA D 840007 ILAS: INT-L/6 IMES: INT-L/6 IAA: INT-L/6 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1797 Drakulic, Slobodan: Whence nationalism? / Slobodan Drakulic.<br />

- In: Nations and Nationalism (Oxford), 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 221-239, Lit. S. 236-239<br />

ECMI D 840669 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1798 Etzioni, Amitai: Religion and social order : filling the gap when<br />

autocrats fall / by Amitai Etzioni. - In: Policy Review Online<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 148, ca. 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/17<strong>08</strong>9741.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>04 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1799 Forsberg, Erika: Polarization and ethnic conflict in a widened<br />

strategic setting / Erika Forsberg. - In: Journal of Peace<br />

Research (London), 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 283-<strong>30</strong>0, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 297-<strong>30</strong>0<br />

SWP D 840174 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1800 Global polling data on opinion of American policies, values<br />

and people : hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, March 6, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,29 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-4)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/33821.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840679 HSFK: 98.883 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1801 Heger, Timo-Christian: Die Linke und der Jihad : ideologische<br />

Schnittstellen zwischen der extremen Linken und dem<br />

sunnitischen Islamismus / Timo-Christian Heger. - Potsdam,<br />

2007. - II,123 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 113-122 -- Potsdam, Univ.,<br />

Magisterarb., 2007<br />

http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2007/1561/pdf/heger_magister_<br />

A1b.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841097<br />

1802 Helbling, Jürg: Tribale Kriege : Konflikte in Gesellschaften ohne<br />

Zentralgewalt / Jürg Helbling. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus-Verl.,<br />

2006. - 672 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 611-672 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-593-38225-8<br />

GIGA D 840480 ILAS: GEN-B/7 IMES: GEN-B/7 IAA: GEN-B/7 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1803 Islamic finance: global trends and challenges - In: NBR<br />

Analysis (Seattle/Wash.), 18 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 1-32, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://nbr.org/publications/analysis/pdf/vol18no4.pdf<br />

SWP D 840953<br />

1804 Knobel, Marc: L'internet francophone : sommes nous<br />

impuissants à endiguer la diffusion de la propagande raciste sur<br />

internet et dans les libraires extrémistes, en 2007? / Marc<br />

Knobel. - In: La lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la<br />

xénophobie, année 2007 / Commission nationale consultative<br />

des droits de l'homme. - Paris: La Documentation Française,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 277-288, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-11-007093-7<br />

DFI D 841265 DFI: FN 855.LUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1805 Maguain, Denis: Les rendements de l'éducation en<br />

comparaison internationale / Denis Maguain. - In: Economie et<br />

prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181, S. 87-106, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 105-106<br />

DFI D 840294 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1806 Making civil societies work : Zivilgesellschaft und<br />

gesellschaftliche Praxis / Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.). - Potsdam:<br />

Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2006. - 188 S., Tab., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit.HInw. - (Potsdamer Textbücher; 9) - ISBN 978-3-939469-40-7<br />

GIGA D 841139 ILAS: INT-G/14 IMES: INT-G/14 IAA: INT-G/14 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 87 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1807 Marcinkevic, Viktor Iosifovic: Celovoj naučno-obrazovatel'nyj<br />

kapital na zapade i v Rossii : (o sobstvennosti nekommerčeskich<br />

organizacij) (Transl.: Target scientific-educational capital in<br />

West and Russia (about property of non-profit organizations)) / V.<br />

Marcinkevič. - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva), (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 21-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841061 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

18<strong>08</strong> A mídia entre regulamentação e concentração / Ángela<br />

Vivanco Martínez ... . Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung - Rio de Janeiro:<br />

KAS, 2007. - 153 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cadernos<br />

Adenauer; VIII (2007) 4) - ISBN 978-85-7504-121-5<br />

GIGA D 841289 ILAS: AAL-A/5-07-4 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1809 Nayberg, Roberto: Subcontinental states : A look ahead /<br />

Roberto Nayberg. - In: Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[engl. Ausg.] (Paris), [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3], S. 50-58, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 840050 SWP: X. 149 e<br />

1810 PEPFAR reauthorization: from emergency to sustainability :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, September 25,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,87 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-1<strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37971.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840567 HSFK: 98.917 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1811 Riorda, Mario: "Gobierno bien pero comunico mal" : Análisis de<br />

las rutinas de la comunicación gubernamental / Mario Riorda. -<br />

In: Reforma y Democracia / Centro Latinoamericano de<br />

Administración para el Desarrollo (Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40,<br />

S. 25-52, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 49-52<br />

GIGA D 841182 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1812 Schwarte, Kristina Isabel: Embedded Journalists :<br />

Kriegsberichterstattung im Wandel / Kristina Isabel Schwarte. -<br />

Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2007. - 136 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 131-136 - (Einsprüche; 18) - ISBN 978-3-89691-591-7<br />

DGAP D 841102 DGAP: DG 47023<br />

1813 World population prospects : The 2006 revision / Department<br />

of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, United<br />

Nations. - New York/N.Y., 2007. - 1-2 - (ST/ESA/SER.A/261)<br />

Vol. 1: Comprehensive tables. - 2007. - CXXXV,793 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., überw. Tab. - ISBN 978-92-1-151429-2<br />

DGAP D 840978 DGAP: UN XIII:07,2<br />


1814 Barnett, George A.; Sung, Eunjung: Culture and the structure<br />

of international communication / George A. Barnett & Eunjung<br />

Sung. - Sydney: Macquarie Univ., 2005. - S. 75-88, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. -- Sonderdruck aus: The Journal of International<br />

Communication (Sydney), 11 (2005) 2<br />

http://www.internationalcommunicationsjournal.com/issues/volum<br />

e-11-no-2/culture-and-the-structure-of-international-communicati<br />

on-.asp<br />

IFA D 840532 IFA: Cb28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1815 Collins, Samuel Gerald: All tomorrow's cultures :<br />

Anthropological engagements with the future / Samuel Gerald<br />

Collins. - New York/N.Y. ...: Berghahn, 20<strong>08</strong>. - IX,140 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 126-137 - ISBN 978-1-84545-4<strong>08</strong>-1<br />

IFA D 840280 IFA: 28/250 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

18<strong>16</strong> Druckman, Daniel: Explaining national identity : from group<br />

attachments to collective action / Daniel Druckman. - Brisbane:<br />

Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, 2006. - II,<br />

35 S., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-35 - (Occasional Papers Series / Australian<br />

Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies; No. 2)<br />

http://www.uq.edu.au/acpacs/docs/papers/ExplainingIdentityDruc<br />

kman.pdf<br />

BICC D 841011 BICC: BC 3648<br />

1817 Prenzel, Thorben: Handbuch Lobbyarbeit konkret / Thorben<br />

Prenzel. - Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau-Verl., 2007. - 185 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8997-4<strong>30</strong>4-3<br />

DGAP D 841098 DGAP: DG 47019<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 88 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


1818 Baumann, Florian: Energy security as multidimensional<br />

concept / Florian Baumann. - München: Center for Applied<br />

Policy Research, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 14 S. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No.<br />

1/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

DGAP D 840185 DGAP: DG B01422w<br />

1819 Christensen, Svend Aage: Trade-offs in European energy<br />

policy : on choice, losses, gains, and how to have a go on both<br />

the swings and the roundabouts / Svend Aage Christensen. -<br />

Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

9 S. - (DIIS Brief)<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/Briefs20<strong>08</strong>/sac_Trade-of<br />

fs.pdf<br />

DGAP D 84<strong>08</strong>23 DGAP: DG B01425w<br />

1820 Dabrowski, Marcin: Structural funds as a driver for institutional<br />

change in Poland / Marcin Dabrowski. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 227-248, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 247-248<br />

SWP D 841093 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1821 Daugbjerg, Carsten; Swinbank, Alan: Curbing agricultural<br />

exceptionalism : The EU's response to external challenge /<br />

Carsten Daugbjerg and Alan Swinbank. - In: The World<br />

Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 631-652<br />

SWP D 840707 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1822 Economic forecast : Autumn 2007 - In: European Economy<br />

(Luxembourg), (2007) 7, S. 1-<strong>16</strong>3, graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab.,<br />

Anh. S. 1<strong>30</strong>-<strong>16</strong>3<br />

SWP D 841015 SWP: Y. 556.1 DIE: <strong>08</strong>ZA005-2 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1823 Ex-post evaluation of European energy models / P. A.<br />

Pilavachi. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5,<br />

S. 1726-1735<br />

SWP D 840731 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1824 Flexicurity: A European approach to labour market policy -<br />

In: Intereconomics (Heidelberg), 43 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 68-111<br />

SWP D 840756 SWP: Y. 145 DGAP: ZD 191 ILAS: 1.538 INT DIE: ZA054<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/289 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1825 Locatelli, Catherine: Russie-Caspienne : la concurrence des<br />

voies d'exportation pour l'approvisionnement gazier de l'Europe<br />

/ par Catherine Locatelli. - In: Revue du marché commun et de<br />

l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 517, S. 267-270, Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841062 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1826 Ould Ahmed Salem, Zekeria: Le partenariat Union<br />

Européenne - Afrique dans l'impasse? Le cas des accords de<br />

pêche / Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem. - Leiden: African Studies<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 49 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (ASC Working Paper;<br />

78/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.ascleiden.nl/Pdf/workingpaper78.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840249<br />

1827 The potential role of hydrogen energy in India and Western<br />

Europe / Bas van Ruijven. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. <strong>16</strong>49-<strong>16</strong>65<br />

SWP D 840724 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1828 Remme, Uwe; Blesl, Markus; Fahl, Ulrich: Future European<br />

gas supply in the resource triangle of the former Soviet Union,<br />

the Middle East and Northern Africa / Uwe Remme ; Markus<br />

Blesl ; Ulrich Fahl. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>22-<strong>16</strong>41<br />

SWP D 840719 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1829 Rotte, Ralph; Derichs, Sascha: Krise und Ende des<br />

Europäischen Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspaktes / Ralph Rotte ;<br />

Sascha Derichs. - München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2005. -<br />

52 S., Tab., Lit. S. 49-52 - (Aktuelle Analysen /<br />

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen;<br />

39) - ISBN 3-88795-288-X<br />

http://www.hss.de/downloads/aa39.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840677 DGAP: DG B01422n<br />


18<strong>30</strong> Rudloff, Bettina: Parallele europäische Agrarreform und<br />

WTO-Agrarverhandlungen : behindern oder stärken sich beide<br />

Prozesse wechselseitig? / Bettina Rudloff. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(SWP-aktuell; 29/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4881<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1831 Sauter, Wolf: Services of general economic interest and<br />

universal service in EU law / Wolf Sauter. - In: European Law<br />

Review (London), 33 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>7-193, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841065 SWP: Y. 1096 Öff.StaO: 188/8<strong>08</strong><br />

1832 Zuleeg, Fabian; Hagemann, Sara: A bigger bang for our euros :<br />

how to reform the EU budget / by Fabian Zuleeg and Sara<br />

Hagemann. - Brussels: European Policy Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(Policy Brief / European Policy Centre)<br />

http://www.epc.eu/TEWN/pdf/29000018_Bigger%20bang%20for<br />

%20our%20euros.pdf<br />

DGAP D 840078 DGAP: DG B01422d<br />


1833 Periferizacija Vostočnoj Evropy v istoričeskoj perspektive<br />

(Transl.: Peripherisation of Eastern Europe in historical<br />

perspective) - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva), (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 57-70, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841068 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />



1834 Fertö, Imre: The evolution of agri-food trade patterns in Central<br />

European countries / Imre Fertö. - In: Post-Communist<br />

Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-10, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 10<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>4 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1835 Kokko, Ari; Kravtsova, Victoria: Innovative capability in MNC<br />

subsidiaries : evidence from four European transition economies<br />

/ Ari Kokko and Victoria Kravtsova. - In: Post-Communist<br />

Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 57-75, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 73-75<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>7 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1836 Tipurić, Darko; Pejić Bach, Mirjana; Pavić, Tomislava:<br />

Concentration of the insurance industry in selected transition<br />

countries of Central and Eastern Europe : 1998-2006 / Darko<br />

Tipurić, Mirjana Pejić Bach and Tomislava Pavić. -<br />

In: Post-Communist Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 97-118, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 118<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>9 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1837 Vojinović, Borut; Oplotnik, Žan Jan: Real convergence in the<br />

new EU member states / Borut Vojinović ; Žan Jan Oplotnik. -<br />

In: Prague Economic Papers (Praha), 17 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 23-39<br />

SWP D 840700 SWP: X. 774 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA03.02 SWEDEN<br />

1838 Györffy, Dóra: Political trust and the success of fiscal<br />

consolidation : lessons from Sweden and Hungary / Dóra<br />

Györffy. - In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften<br />

(Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 75-100, graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841054 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1839 Boissinot, Jean: Le salaire minimum britannique est-il<br />

comparable au smic? / Jean Boissinot. - In: Problèmes<br />

économiques (Paris), (9 avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2945, S. 32-39, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

außerdem erschienen in: La Lettre trésor-éco (20<strong>08</strong>) 31<br />

DFI D 839986 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 89 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1840 Chick, Martin: Electricity and energy policy in Britain, France<br />

and the United States since 1945 / Martin Chick. - Cheltenham:<br />

Edgar Elgar, 2007. - X,205 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>9-193 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84542-111-3<br />

DFI D 841204 DFI: VT 6<strong>30</strong>.CHICK Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1841 Archambault, Claude; Pautrat, Rémy: Les pôles de<br />

compétitivité et la sécurité économique / Claude Archambault ;<br />

Rémy Pautrat. - In: Les Notes bleues de Bercy [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Paris), (<strong>16</strong>-31 janvier 20<strong>08</strong>) 340-2. - 5 S.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: La revue du Trésor, (2007) 10<br />

DFI D 840592 DFI: FT 440.F1245 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1842 Argenton, Cédric: Grandes surfaces, petits commerces : le<br />

rapport Attali et les faits / Cédric Argenton. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 311-315, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 839928 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1843 Arthuis, Jean; Marini, Philippe; Bricq, Nicole: Rapport<br />

d'information fait au nom de la commission des Finances, du<br />

contrôle budgétaire et des comptes économiques de la Nation<br />

sur les conditions d'évolution de l'actionnariat d'EADS / par Jean<br />

Arthuis, Philippe Marini et Nicole Bricq. - Paris: Sénat, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

1-2 - (Document / Sénat; N° 251) - (Les Rapports du Sénat)<br />

T. 1: Rapport. - 59 S., Tab.<br />

T. 2: Auditions. - 124 S.<br />

http://www.senat.fr/rap/r07-251-2/r07-251-21.pdf<br />

DFI D 840312 DFI: WF 3<strong>30</strong>.ART Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1844 Boissinot, Jean: Le salaire minimum britannique est-il<br />

comparable au smic? / Jean Boissinot. - In: Problèmes<br />

économiques (Paris), (9 avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2945, S. 32-39, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

außerdem erschienen in: La Lettre trésor-éco (20<strong>08</strong>) 31<br />

DFI D 839986 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1845 Bourdin, Joël: Les haras nationaux : pour un outil modernisé au<br />

service de la filière cheval ; rapport d'information fait au nom de<br />

la commission des Finances, du contrôle budgétaire et des<br />

comptes économiques de la Nation [...] sur l'établissement<br />

public "les Haras nationaux" / par Joël Bourdin. - Paris: Sénat,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 68 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Document / Sénat; N° 218) -<br />

(Les Rapports du Sénat) - ISBN 978-2-11-126<strong>08</strong>8-7<br />

http://www.senat.fr/rap/r07-218/r07-2181.pdf<br />

DFI D 840522 DFI: FT 2<strong>30</strong>.BOU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1846 Briard, Karine: Profils types des salariés du secteur privé :<br />

Approche par une classification des carrières / Karine Briard. -<br />

In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181, S. 59-85,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 80-81<br />

DFI D 840293 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1847 Chauvet, Eric: Vision du travail et de l'entreprise dans les<br />

principales économies mondiales / par Eric Chauvet. - In: L'Etat<br />

de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 111-127, graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841227 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1848 Chick, Martin: Electricity and energy policy in Britain, France<br />

and the United States since 1945 / Martin Chick. - Cheltenham:<br />

Edgar Elgar, 2007. - X,205 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>9-193 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84542-111-3<br />

DFI D 841204 DFI: VT 6<strong>30</strong>.CHICK Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1849 Dynamiques démographiques : quelles stratégies bancaires?<br />

/ Crédit Agricole. - Paris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 104 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Horizons Bancaires; N° 336)<br />

http://kiosque-eco.credit-agricole.fr/medias/HB_336_BAT_11040<br />

8.pdf<br />

DFI D 840675 DFI: FN 2<strong>30</strong>.DYN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1850 Economie politique - In: Idées: la revue des sciences<br />

économiques et sociales (Futuroscope), (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 151,<br />

S. 4-39, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840537 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1851 Felxicurité et réforme du marché du travail - In: Travail et<br />

emploi (Paris), (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 113, S. 1-149, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 839984 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1852 Follot, Jean-Claude: Les pôles de compétitivité lyonnais /<br />

Jean-Claude Follot. - In: Les Notes bleues de Bercy<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Paris), (<strong>16</strong>-31 janvier 20<strong>08</strong>) 340-1, 5<br />

S., Ill.<br />

Außerdem erschienen in: La revue du Trésor, (2007) 10<br />

DFI D 840074 DFI: FT 440.F1244 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1853 Formes urbaines, mobilités et ségrégation : une<br />

comparaison Lille - Lyon - Marseille ; rapport final / Dominique<br />

Mignot (dir.) ... INRETS ... - [Arcueil], 2007. - 118 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 111-115<br />

http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/20/34/62/PDF/rapport_<br />

final_GRRT.pdf<br />

DFI D 840939 DFI: FT 760.FOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1854 France 2025 : diagnostique stratégique ; état des lieux 20<strong>08</strong> /<br />

Premier ministre, Secrétariat d'Etat chargé de la prospective de<br />

l'évaluation des politiques publiques et du développement de<br />

l'économie numérique. - [Paris], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 267 S., zahlr. graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., zahlr. Tab.<br />

http://www.premier-ministre.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/RAPPORT_OFFICI<br />

EL.pdf<br />

DFI D 840917 DFI: FS 210.FRA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1855 Freyssinet, Jacques: L'accord du 11 janvier 20<strong>08</strong> sur la<br />

modernisation du marché du travail : un avenir incertain /<br />

Jacques Freyssinet. - In: La Revue de l'IRES (Noisy-le-Grand),<br />

(2007) 2/54, S. 3-39, Tab., Lit. S. 37-39<br />

DFI D 839910 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1856 Garcia-Parpet, Marie-France: La construction sociale d'un<br />

marché parfait : le maché au cadran de Fontaines-en-Sologne /<br />

Marie-France Garcia-Parpet. - In: Idées: la revue des sciences<br />

économiques et sociales (Futuroscope), (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 151,<br />

S. 59-72, Ill., Lit.Hinw<br />

Außerdem in: Actes de la Recherche en Science Sociales<br />

(Paris), (1986) 65. - S. 2-13<br />

DFI D 840541 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1857 Gobillon, Laurent; Selod, Harris: Les déterminants locaux du<br />

chômage en région parisienne / Laurent Gobillon ; Harris Selod.<br />

- In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (2007) 4-5/180-181, S. 19-38,<br />

Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 37-38<br />

DFI D 840291 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1858 Humbertjean, Muriel: L'investissement socialement<br />

responsable : clé de voûte du nouveau capitalisme / par Muriel<br />

Humbertjean. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris<br />

Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 173-183, graph. Darst. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841235 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1859 La LOLF et les collectivités locales : une démarche de<br />

performance déjà engagée - In: Les Notes bleues de Bercy<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Paris), (février 20<strong>08</strong>) 342, 8 S.<br />

http://www.minefi.gouv.fr/notes_bleues/nbb/342/lolf.pdf<br />

DFI D 839938 DFI: FU 2<strong>30</strong>.F1243 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1860 Mallard, Alexandre: La pluralité des rapports au marché dans<br />

les très petites entreprises : une approche typologique /<br />

Alexandre Mallard. - In: Economie et statistique (Paris), (2007)<br />

407, S. 51-71, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 67-68<br />

DFI D 840533 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1861 Mansouri-Guilani, Nasser: Dynamiser l'investissement<br />

productif en France / rapport présenté par Nasser<br />

Mansouri-Guilani. - Paris: CES, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 54,284 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Journal officiel de la République française: Avis et<br />

rapports du Conseil Economique et Social; (20<strong>08</strong>) 7) -- Entält<br />

außerdem: Avis du Conseil économique et social sur le rapport<br />

présenté par Nasser Mansouri-Guilani, au nom de la section des<br />

questions économiques générales et de la conjoncture. - 284 S.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000213/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 840948 DFI: FS 3<strong>30</strong>.MAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1862 Margirier, Gilles: Taille des entreprises et salaires / Gilles<br />

Margirier. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris), (2007)<br />

4-5/180-181, S. 39-58, Tab., Lit. S. 55-56<br />

DFI D 840292 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 90 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

1863 Perrot, Anne; Leclerc, Jean-Pierre: Cinéma et concurrence :<br />

rapport remis à Christine Lagard, ministre de l'économie, de<br />

l'industrie et de l'emploi et Christine Albanel, ministre de la<br />

culture et de la communication / Anne Perrot ; Jean-Pierre<br />

Leclerc. Assistés par Célia Verot. - o.O, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 81 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 81<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000189/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 840231 DFI: FJ 460.PER Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1864 Perspectives économiques 20<strong>08</strong>-2009 / [Direction générale<br />

du Trésor et de la Politique économique]. - [Paris], 20<strong>08</strong>. - 40 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.minefe.gouv.fr/directions_services/dgtpe/ref_mars/per<br />

s04<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 841142 DFI: FS 210.PER Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1865 Quel avenir pour les transports terrestres? - In:<br />

Administration (Paris), (mars-avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 217, S. 9-89, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

DFI D 840270 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1866 Rapport du groupe de travail DGEFP / Unedic / ANPE /<br />

CGEFI relatif à la préparation de la fusion de l'ANPE et du<br />

réseau de l'Assurance chômage / Présidente: Marie-Ange du<br />

Mesnil du Buisson. Rapporteur: Olivier Toche. - Paris:<br />

Inspection Générale des Affaires Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 99 S., graph.<br />

Darst., zahlr. Tab.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000218/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 840331 DFI: FO 350.RAP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1867 Sanchez, Ruby: Le contrat de professionnalisation en 2006 : de<br />

plus en plus d'entrées dans le dispositif / Ruby Sanchez. -<br />

In: Premières informations (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 15-2, S. 1-6,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 841277 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1868 Saubert, Alain: Projet de loi de programme pour le<br />

développement économique et la promotion de l'excellence<br />

outre-mer / avis présenté par Alain Saubert. - Paris: CES, 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />

- 99 S., Tab. - (Journal officiel de la République française: Avis et<br />

rapports du Conseil Economique et Social; (20<strong>08</strong>) 9)<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000214/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 841032 DFI: YF 860.SAU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1869 Simon, Pierre: Le marché des enchères publiques en France /<br />

rapport présenté par Pierre Simon. - Paris: CES, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

40,157 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Journal officiel de la République<br />

française: Avis et rapports du Conseil Economique et Social;<br />

(20<strong>08</strong>) 10) -- Enthält Außerdem: Avis du Conseil économique et<br />

social sur le rapport présenté par Pierre Simon au nom de la<br />

section des finances. - 40 S.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/<strong>08</strong>4000211/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 841005 DFI: FT 7<strong>30</strong>.SIM Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1870 Thaurel-Richard, Michèle: Motivations, perspectives et<br />

conditions d'exercice des nouveaux personnels de direction<br />

nommés en septembre 2004 / Michèle Thaurel-Richard. -<br />

In: Note d'information / Ministère de l'Education Nationale<br />

(Paris), (février 20<strong>08</strong>) 12, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 841280 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1871 Trainar, Philippe: Le retour de l'inflation? / Philippe Trainar. -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121, S. 257-261,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 839926 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1872 L'univers des organisations professionnelles agricoles /<br />

coordonné par Jean-François Ayats ... - In: Pour (Paris), (mars<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 196-197, S. 61-320, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 840514 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 29<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

1873 Bispinck, Reinhard; Schulten, Thorsten: Aktuelle<br />

Mindestlohndebatte : Branchenlösungen oder gesetzlicher<br />

Mindestlohn? / Reinhard Bispinck ; Thorsten Schulten. -<br />

In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

Schwerpunktheft: Armut, Reichtum und Sozialstaat, S. 151-158,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 158<br />

FUB D 839934 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1874 Brenke, Karl; Zimmermann, Klaus F.: Reformagenda 2010 -<br />

Strukturreformen für Wachstum und Beschäftigung / Karl<br />

Brenke ; Klaus F. Zimmermann. - In: Wochenbericht / Deutsches<br />

Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin), 75 (13. März 20<strong>08</strong>) 11,<br />

S. 117-124, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/79926/<strong>08</strong>-11-1.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 840796 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1875 Germany / OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation<br />

and Development. - Paris, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 185 S. - (OECD Economic<br />

Surveys; Vol. 20<strong>08</strong> (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7)<br />

SWP D 841260 SWP: Y. 114 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1876 Glachant, Jean Michel; Dubois, Ute; Perez, Yannick:<br />

Deregulating with no regulator : is the German electricity<br />

transmission regime institutionally correct? / Jean-Michael<br />

Glachant ; Ute Dubois ; Yannick Perez. - In: Energy Policy<br />

(Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. <strong>16</strong>00-<strong>16</strong>10<br />

SWP D 840714 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1877 Hirschl, Bernd: Erneuerbare Energie-Politik : eine Multi-level<br />

Policy-Analyse mit Fokus auf den deutschen Strommarkt / Bernd<br />

Hirschl. Mit einem Geleitw.von Lutz Metz. - Wiesbaden: VS Verl.<br />

für Sozialwissenschaften, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 663 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

S 601-663 - (VS Research: Engergiepolitik und Klimaschutz) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8350-7024-0 -- Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 2007<br />

DGAP D 839946 DGAP: DG 46996<br />

1878 Holst, Hajo; Aust, Andreas; Pernicka, Susanne: Kollektive<br />

Interessenvertretung im strategischen Dilemma : Atypisch<br />

Beschäftigte und die "dreifache Krise" der Gewerkschaften /<br />

Hajo Holst ; Andreas Aust ; Susanne Pernicka. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Soziologie (Stuttgart), 37 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 158-176,<br />

Lit. S. 174-176<br />

FUB D 841288 OSI: R 113 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1879 Schäfer, Dorothea: Angst vor Finanzinvestoren unbegründet /<br />

Dorothea Schäfer ; Alexander Fisher. - In: Wochenbericht /<br />

Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin),<br />

75 (13. März 20<strong>08</strong>) 11, S. 125-135, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/79927/<strong>08</strong>-11-2.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 840791 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1880 Schrooten, Mechthild: <strong>Internationale</strong> Finanzkrise erhöht<br />

Reformdruck im Bankensektor / Mechthild Schrooten. -<br />

In: Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung<br />

(Berlin), 75 (20. Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 8, S. 77-82, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/79252/<strong>08</strong>-8-1.pdf<br />

SWP D 840788 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1881 Technikfolgenabschätzung (TA): TA-Zukunftsreport :<br />

Arbeiten in der Zukunft - Strukturen und Trends der<br />

Industriearbeit ; Bericht des Ausschusses für Bildung,<br />

Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung (18. Ausschuss)<br />

gemäß § 56a der Geschäftsordnung / Deutscher Bundestag. -<br />

Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong>3 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 141-152, Anh. S. 153-<strong>16</strong>3 - (Verhandlungen des<br />

Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen)<br />

SWP D 840390 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

1882 Dabrowski, Marcin: Structural funds as a driver for institutional<br />

change in Poland / Marcin Dabrowski. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 227-248, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 247-248<br />

SWP D 841093 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1883 Szule, Adam: Checking the consistency of poverty in Poland :<br />

1997-2003 evidence / Adam Szule. - In: Post-Communist<br />

Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 33-55, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 49-50, Anh. S. 50-55<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>6 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 91 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />


1884 Galeotti, Elisa; Nollen, Stanley D.: How foreign influence and<br />

local managers affect the successful transition of the firm : The<br />

case of AGC Flat Glass Czech / Elisa Galeotti and Stanley<br />

Nollen. - In: Post-Communist Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 77-95, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 92-94, Anh.<br />

S. 94-95<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>8 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1885 Fertö, Imre: The evolution of agri-food trade patterns in Central<br />

European countries / Imre Fertö. - In: Post-Communist<br />

Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-10, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 10<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>4 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1886 Åslund, Anders: Putin’s economic legacy / Anders Åslund. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen), (4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36,<br />

S. 5-8<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=23<strong>16</strong>ED31-41E5-E1A3-4114-27C3C2DED643&lng<br />

=en<br />

SWP D 840031<br />

1887 Grigor'ev, Leonid: Konflikty interesov i koalicii (Transl.:<br />

Coalitions and conflicts of interest) / Leonid Grigor'ev. - In: Pro et<br />

contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 104-117<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/grigoriev8.pdf<br />

SWP D 840770 SWP: X. 867<br />

1888 Hanson, Philip: How sustainable is Russia’s energy power? /<br />

by Philip Hanson. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(02. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 38, S. 8-12<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=2692ED19-912C-5B85-F349-D95864278C68&lng=<br />

en<br />

SWP D 840109<br />

1889 Jakovlev, Andrej Aleksandrovic; Frye, Timothy M.: Reformy<br />

v Rossii glazami biznessa (Transl.: Reforms in Russia: A<br />

business-eye view) / Andrej Jakovlev ; Timoti Fraj. - In: Pro et<br />

contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5, S. 118-134<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/jakovlev9.pdf<br />

SWP D 840772 SWP: X. 867<br />

1890 Keeping, Janet: Where law does not rule : The Russian oil and<br />

gas sector / Janet Keeping. - In: International Journal (Toronto),<br />

62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 69-80, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840527 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1891 Malofeeva, Katya; Sharipova, Elena: The king is dead; long<br />

live the king : reform of stabilisation fund; the details / Katya<br />

Malofeeva ; Elena Sharipova. - Moscow: Renaissance Capital,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 10 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.rencap.com/eng/research/morningmonitors/attachme<br />

nts/Stabilisation_fund_11_Feb.pdf?id=undefined<br />

SWP D 839993<br />

1892 Milov, Vladimir Stanislavovic: Uzkie mesta rossijskoj<br />

ekonomiki (Transl.: Bottlenecks in the Russian economy) /<br />

Vladimir Milov. - In: Pro et contra (Moskva), 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007)<br />

4-5, S. 135-146<br />

http://www.carnegie.ru/ru/pubs/procontra/milov100.pdf<br />

SWP D 840775 SWP: X. 867<br />

1893 Nikitin, Sergej Michajlovic; Stepanova, Marija Porfir'evna:<br />

Infljacija i antiinfljacionnaja politika : zarubežnyj i otečestvennyj<br />

opyt (Transl.: Inflation and anti-inflation policy: foreign and<br />

domestic experiences) / S. Nikitin, M. Stepanova. - In: Mirovaja<br />

ekonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija (Moskva), (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

4, S. <strong>16</strong>-20, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841056 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1894 Russia in economy-related country rankings :<br />

documentation - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(02. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 38, S. 12-27, zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab.<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=2692ED19-912C-5B85-F349-D95864278C68&lng=<br />

en<br />

SWP D 840112<br />

1895 Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tarr, David G.: Regional household<br />

and poverty effects of Russia’s accession to the World Trade<br />

Organization / Thomas Rutherford ; David Tarr. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 73 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4570)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/24/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0324110449/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4570.pdf<br />

SWP D 840118<br />

1896 Sutela, Pekka: Economic growth remains surprisingly high / by<br />

Pekka Sutela. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(02. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 38, S. 2-7, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=2692ED19-912C-5B85-F349-D95864278C68&lng=<br />

en<br />

SWP D 840106<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

1897 Ismayilov, Rovshan: Baku and Ashgabat solved long-lasted<br />

problem while US is pushing for Trans-Caspian deal / Rovshan<br />

Ismayilov. - New York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 2 S. - (Business & Economics)<br />

http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav031<strong>30</strong><br />

8_pr.shtml<br />

SWP D 840011<br />



1898 Die zentralasiatischen Staaten in wirtschaftsbezogenen<br />

Länderratings : Wirtschaftssystem, Geschäftsumfeld und<br />

Kreditwürdigkeit im internationalen Vergleich / Einleitung: Heiko<br />

Pleines. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (28.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 9-25, zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen03.pdf<br />

SWP D 840102<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

1899 Abdurasulov, Abdujalil: Kazakhstan: Adding fuel to the fire? /<br />

by Abdujalil Abdurasulov. - Praha ...: Transitions Online, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 3 S. - (Transitions Online ; 9 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=264&NrSection=1&NrArticle=19505&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 840238<br />

1900 Brauer, Birgit: Der Streit um das Kaschagan-Ölfeld :<br />

Ressourcennationalismus oder Emanzipation auf Kasachisch? /<br />

von Birgit Brauer. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(29.02.20<strong>08</strong>) 2, 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 2-10, graph. Darst., Tab. -- Enthält:<br />

Tabellen und Grafiken zum Text: -- - Erdölfelder und -pipelines in<br />

Kasachstan und Zentralasien -- - Anteilseigner des<br />

Kaschagan-Konsortiums -- - Weltweite Ölreserven<br />

und -förderung<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen02.pdf<br />

SWP D 840042<br />


1901 Ismayilov, Rovshan: Baku and Ashgabat solved long-lasted<br />

problem while US is pushing for Trans-Caspian deal / Rovshan<br />

Ismayilov. - New York/N.Y.: Open Society Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 2 S. - (Business & Economics)<br />

http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/insight/articles/eav031<strong>30</strong><br />

8_pr.shtml<br />

SWP D 840011<br />

1902 Kamenka, Patrick: Le Turkménistan au centre d'une guerre du<br />

gaz entre Russie et Occident? / P. Kamenka. - In: Les Cahiers<br />

de l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 45-56<br />

GIGA D 840421 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 92 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

1903 Brownbridge, Martin; Canagarajah, Sudharshan: Fiscal<br />

policy for growth and development in Tajikistan / Martin<br />

Brownbridge ; Sudharshan Canagarajah. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 36 S., Tab. - (Policy Research Working<br />

Papers; 4532)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/27/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0327131032/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4532.pdf<br />

SWP D 840625<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> SOUTH-EAST EUROPE<br />

1904 Tipurić, Darko; Pejić Bach, Mirjana; Pavić, Tomislava:<br />

Concentration of the insurance industry in selected transition<br />

countries of Central and Eastern Europe : 1998-2006 / Darko<br />

Tipurić, Mirjana Pejić Bach and Tomislava Pavić. -<br />

In: Post-Communist Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 97-118, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 118<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>9 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.12 HUNGARY<br />

1905 Györffy, Dóra: Political trust and the success of fiscal<br />

consolidation : lessons from Sweden and Hungary / Dóra<br />

Györffy. - In: Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften<br />

(Baden-Baden), 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 75-100, graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

FUB D 841054 OSI: UB 28/2003/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA<strong>08</strong>.14 BULGARIA<br />

1906 Ménard, Claude; Gradeva, Milena: Le contournement des<br />

règles contractuelles dans une économie en transition : les<br />

salaires non déclarés en Bulgarie / Claude Ménard, Milena<br />

Gradeva. - In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest (Paris),<br />

39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Schwerpunktheft, S. 203-224<br />

SWP D 840353 SWP: X 5<strong>08</strong> IFA: Z-F313 Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1907 Meurs, Mieke: Decentralisation and development in<br />

post-socialism : local characteristics and outcomes in<br />

post-socialist Bulgaria / Mieke Meurs. - In: Post-Communist<br />

Economies (Abingdon), 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 11-32, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>5 SWP: X. 562 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


19<strong>08</strong> Chick, Martin: Electricity and energy policy in Britain, France<br />

and the United States since 1945 / Martin Chick. - Cheltenham:<br />

Edgar Elgar, 2007. - X,205 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>9-193 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84542-111-3<br />

DFI D 841204 DFI: VT 6<strong>30</strong>.CHICK Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1909 Comprehensive immigration reform: labor movement<br />

perspectives : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and<br />

International Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, May 24, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

IV,139 S. - (Serial / Committee on the Judiciary (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-40)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35605.pdf<br />

HSFK D 8403<strong>08</strong> HSFK: 98.873 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1910 Creighton, Adam: Taxing private equity : Anomalies of a<br />

Byzantine tax code / by Adam Creighton. - In: Policy Review<br />

Online (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 148, ca. 5 S.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/17097781.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>01 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1911 Food security in Africa : The impact of agricultural<br />

development ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 18, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,61 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-94)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36824.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>54 HSFK: 98.919 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1912 International food aid programs: options to enhance<br />

effectiveness : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,112 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-67)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35676.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>68 HSFK: 98.893 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1913 Klare, Michael T.: Oil, Iraq, and American foreign policy : The<br />

continuing salience of the Carter doctrine / Michael T. Klare. -<br />

In: International Journal (Toronto), 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1,<br />

S. 31-42, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840525 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1914 Noël, Pierre: The new US Middle East policy and energy<br />

security challenges / Pierre Noël. - In: International Journal<br />

(Toronto), 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 43-54, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840526 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1915 Protection and money: U.S. companies, their employees,<br />

and violence in Colombia : joint hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on international Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight and the Subcommittee on the Western<br />

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the<br />

Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions<br />

and the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections of the<br />

Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 28, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

VII,82 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-74) - (Serial / Committee on Education and<br />

Labor (United States / House); No. 110-50)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36425.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840286 HSFK: 98.927 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

19<strong>16</strong> Ross, Maxim: Una Perspectiva de las Relaciones Económicas<br />

entre Estados Unidos y Venezuela / Maxim Ross. - Caracas:<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, julio,<br />

2007. - 33 S., Tab., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oUnaPerspectivaRelacionesMaximRoss.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840491<br />

1917 Smith, Matthew: Onwards and upwards : life after Bush, part<br />

one ; the defence budget / Matthew Smith. - In: Jane's Defence<br />

Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 17, S. <strong>30</strong>-33<br />

SWP D 840564 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

1918 Stein, Steve: Energy independence isn't very green : conflicting<br />

priorities are confusing policy / by Steve Stein. - In: Policy<br />

Review Online (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 148, ca. 9<br />

S.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/17<strong>08</strong>6446.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>03 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1919 Stiglitz, Joseph: The three trillion dollar war: The true cost of<br />

the Iraq conflict : transcript / speaker: Joseph Stiglitz. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Federal News Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 24 S. - (CEIP<br />

Event)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/04<strong>08</strong>_transcript_stiglitzir<br />

aq.pdf<br />

SWP D 840776<br />


1920 Castro, José Esteban: Water struggles, citizenship and<br />

governance in Latin America / José Esteban Castro. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 72-76,<br />

Lit. S. 75-76<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1921 The decline of Latin American economies : growth,<br />

institutions, and crises / Sebastian Edwards ... (eds) -<br />

Chicago/Ill.: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007. - 418 S., Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-226-18500-1<br />

GIGA D 839948 ILAS: AAL-F/22 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 93 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1922 Grynspan, Rebeca; Kliksberg, Bernardo: Inequidad: notas<br />

para una reflexion estratégica de un tema clave / Rebeca<br />

Grynspan ; Bernardo Kliksberg. - In: Reforma y Democracia /<br />

Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo<br />

(Caracas), (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40, S. 5-24, Tab., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 22-24<br />

GIGA D 841144 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD02.05 NICARAGUA<br />

1923 Pineda, Claudia; Schulz, Nils-Sjard: El reto nicaragüense :<br />

Armonización de los donantes: entre la eficacia y la<br />

democratización ; estudio de caso II / Claudia Pineda y<br />

Nils-Sjard Schulz. - Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 32 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 26-27 - (Working Paper / Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior; 48)<br />

http://fride.org/descarga/WP_Reto_Nicaragua_ESP_ene<strong>08</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840075<br />


1924 No island is an island : The impact of globalization on the<br />

Commonwealth Caribbean / ed. by Gordon Baker. Chatham<br />

House. - London, 2007. - VIII,135 S., graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-86203-172-2<br />

DGAP D 841154 DGAP: DG 47012<br />


1925 González Silva, Milko Luis: Nuevas Perspectivas de la<br />

Integración Energética en América del Sur. : ¿Cambios<br />

paradigmáticos en la integración energética regional? / Milko<br />

Luis González Silva. - Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de<br />

Investigaciones Sociales, agosto, 2007. - 26 S., Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 25-26<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oNuevasPerspectivasIntegracionMLGonzalez.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840497<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

1926 González Silva, Milko Luis: Nuevas Perspectivas de la<br />

Integración Energética en América del Sur. : ¿Cambios<br />

paradigmáticos en la integración energética regional? / Milko<br />

Luis González Silva. - Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de<br />

Investigaciones Sociales, agosto, 2007. - 26 S., Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 25-26<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oNuevasPerspectivasIntegracionMLGonzalez.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840497<br />

RD04.12 BOLIVIA<br />

1927 Driessen, Travis: Collective management strategies and elite<br />

resistance in Cochabamba, Bolivia / Travis Driessen. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 89-95,<br />

Lit. S. 94-95<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

1928 Integração, usinas hidrelétricas e impactos<br />

socioambientais / Alejandro O. Balazote ...;Ricardo Verdum,<br />

organizador - Brasilía, 2007. - 197 S., Kt., Ill., Tab., Lit.Hiw.<br />

http://www.inesc.org.br/biblioteca/publicacoes/outras-publicacoe<br />

s/Integr_Usinas%20Hidro_Impactos%20Socio_INESC-1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>73 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1929 O jogo das águas transfronteiriças no contexto da<br />

integração regional / Luciano Costa (ed.). - Brasilía, 2007. -<br />

80 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.inesc.org.br/biblioteca/publicacoes/outras-publicacoe<br />

s/O%20jogo%20das%20aguas.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840907<br />

19<strong>30</strong> Pêgo, Bolívar; Campos Neto, Carlos Alvares da Silva: O<br />

PAC e o sector elétrico : desafios para o abastecimento do<br />

mercado brasileiro, 2007-2010 / Bolívar Pêgo ; Carlos Álvares<br />

da Silva Campos Neto. - Brasília: Instituto de Pesquisa<br />

Econômica Aplicada, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., Tab., Lit. S. 31 - (Texto para<br />

Discussão / Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada; No.<br />

1329)<br />

http://www.ipea.gov.br/sites/000/2/publicacoes/tds/td_1329.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840498 ILAS: BRA-F/1-1329 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> COLOMBIA<br />

1931 Protection and money: U.S. companies, their employees,<br />

and violence in Colombia : joint hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on international Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight and the Subcommittee on the Western<br />

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the<br />

Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions<br />

and the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections of the<br />

Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, June 28, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

VII,82 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-74) - (Serial / Committee on Education and<br />

Labor (United States / House); No. 110-50)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36425.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840286 HSFK: 98.927 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

1932 Delgado, Juana Vera; Zwarteveen, Margreet: Modernity,<br />

exclusion and resistance : water and indigenous struggles in<br />

Peru / Juana Vera Delgado and Margreet Zwarteveen. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 114-120, Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 119-120<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD04.19 URUGUAY<br />

1933 Taks, Javier: "El agua es de todos/water for all" : water<br />

resources and development in Uruguay / Javier Taks. -<br />

In: Development (London), 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 17-22,<br />

Lit. S. 22<br />


IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

1934 Ross, Maxim: Una Perspectiva de las Relaciones Económicas<br />

entre Estados Unidos y Venezuela / Maxim Ross. - Caracas:<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, julio,<br />

2007. - 33 S., Tab., graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oUnaPerspectivaRelacionesMaximRoss.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840491<br />

1935 Toro Hardy, José: Las alianzas extra regionales en la política<br />

exterior de Venezuela / José Toro Hardy. - Caracas: Instituto<br />

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(Serie Política Internacional)<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oLasAlianzasExtraRegionalesToroHardy.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840402 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


1936 Bayly, C. A.: Indigenous and colonial origins of comparative<br />

economic development : The case of colonial India and Africa / C.<br />

A. Bayly. - Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, January 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

37 S., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers; 4474) -<br />

(WPS4474)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/01/15/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0115<strong>08</strong>40<strong>08</strong>/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4474.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>30</strong>3<br />

1937 Dollar, David: Lessons from China for Africa / David Dollar. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, February 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4531) - (WPS4531)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/02/25/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0225<strong>16</strong>1200/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4531.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840319<br />

1938 Ould Ahmed Salem, Zekeria: Le partenariat Union<br />

Européenne - Afrique dans l'impasse? Le cas des accords de<br />

pêche / Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem. - Leiden: African Studies<br />

Centre, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 49 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (ASC Working Paper;<br />

78/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.ascleiden.nl/Pdf/workingpaper78.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840249<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 94 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


1939 Food security in Africa : The impact of agricultural<br />

development ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 18, 2007<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. -<br />

III,61 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-94)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36824.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>54 HSFK: 98.919 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RF01.15 GHANA<br />

1940 Laube, Wolfram: The promise and perils of water reform :<br />

perspectives from Nothern Ghana / Wolfram Laube. - In: Afrika<br />

Spectrum (Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3, S. 419-437, Lit. S. 433-437,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840339 SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1941 Woodside, Duncan: Oil and water : A new source of tension in<br />

Central Africa / Duncan Woodside. - In: Jane's Intelligence<br />

Review (Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 56-57<br />

SWP D 840343 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

1942<br />


Institutional assessment for effective WDM implement<br />

ation & capacity development / written by David Brooks ...<br />

Reviewed and ed.<br />

by Sarah Wolfe. Regional Water Demand Initiative in the Middl<br />

e East and North Africa - Ottawa: International Development<br />

Research Centre, 2007. - 23 S., Lit. S. 21-23 - (Water Demand<br />

Management Research Series: Working Paper; No. 4)<br />

http://www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/12047281801WDM_RS_4,_in<br />

stitutions_ENG.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840964<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

1943 Anyang' Nyong'o, Peter: A leap into the future : A vision for<br />

Kenya's socio-political and economic transformation / Anyang'<br />

Nyong'o. Publ. by African Reseach and Resource Forum. -<br />

Nairobi: ARRF, 2007. - XIV,269 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 9966-7062-6-7<br />

GIGA D 840105 IAA: KEN-C/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

1944 Braathen, Einar; Mwambe, Geoffrey: Service delivery in<br />

Tanzania : findings from six councils ; 2000-2003 / Einar<br />

Braathen ; Geoffrey Mwambe. - Dar es Salaam: Research on<br />

Poverty Alleviation, 2007. - XIV,60 S., Kt., zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 53,<br />

Anh. S 49-52, Lit. Hinw. - (Special Paper / Research on Poverty<br />

Alleviation; 06.20) - ISBN 9987-449-34-4<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Special_Paper_06.20<br />

.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841021<br />

1945 Fraser, Hugh K.; Kazi, Vivian: Assessing the relative poverty of<br />

clients and non-clients of non-bank micro-finance institutions in<br />

Tanzania : The case of the Dar es Salaam and coast regions /<br />

Hugh K. fraser ; Vivian Kazi. - Dar es Salaam: Research on<br />

Poverty Alleviation, 2004. - XIII,45 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 41 - (Research Report / Research on Poverty Alleviation;<br />

No. 04.2) - ISBN 9978-417-26-4<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

04.2_Fraser_and_Kazi.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840912<br />

1946 Kaswamila, Abiud L.; Masuruli, Baker M.: The role of<br />

traditional irrigation systems in poverty alleviation in semi-arid<br />

areas : The case of Chamazi in Lushoto district, Tanzania /<br />

Abuid L. Kaswamila ; Baker M. Masuruli. - Dar es Salaam:<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2004. - 35 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-31 - (Research Report / Research on<br />

Poverty Alleviation; No. 04.3) - ISBN 9987-417-32-9<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

04.3_Kaswamila_and_Masuruli.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840915<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1947 Kessy, Severine S. A.; Urio, Fratern M.: The contribution of<br />

microfinance institutions to poverty reduction in Tanzania /<br />

Severine S. A. Kessy ; Fratern M. Urio. - Dar es Salaam:<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2006. - IX,42 S., zahlr. Tab.,<br />

Anh. S. 24-35, Lit. S. 36-37, Lit. Hinw. - (Research Report /<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation; 06.3) - ISBN 9987-449-22-0<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

06.3_Kessy_and_Urio.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840931<br />

1948 Mwakalila, Shadrack; Noe, Christine: The use of sustainable<br />

irrigation for poverty alleviation in Tanzania : The case of<br />

smallholder irrigation schemes in Igurusi, Mbarali District /<br />

Shadrack Mwakalila ; Christine Noe. - Dar es Salaam: Research<br />

on Poverty Alleviation, 2004. - XXII,55 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Kt., lit. S. 50-51 - (Research Report / Research on<br />

Poverty Alleviation; No. 04.1) - ISBN 9987-417-28-0<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

04.1_Mwakalila_and_Noe.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840729<br />

1949 Ngailo, Jerry A.; Kaswamila, Abiud L.; Senkoro, Catherine<br />

J.: Rice production in the Maswa district, Tanzania an its<br />

contribution to poverty alleviation / Jerry A. Ngailo, Abuid L.<br />

Kaswamila and Catherine J. Senkoro. - Dar es Salaam:<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2007. - XII,48 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

zahlr. tab., Kt., Anh. S. 37-39, Lit. S. 41-42, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Research Report / Research on Poverty Alleviation; No. 07.1) -<br />

ISBN 9987-449-38-7<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/07.1_Ngailo_Kaswam<br />

ila_and_Senkoro.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840961<br />

1950 Rweyemamu, Dennis; Kimaro, Monica: Assessing market<br />

distortions affecting poverty reduction efforts on smallholder<br />

tobacco production in Tanzania / Dennis Rweyemamu and<br />

Monica Kimaro. - Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty<br />

Alleviation, 2006. - IX, 33 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. S. 20-27,<br />

Lit. S. 28 - (Research Report / Research on Poverty Alleviation;<br />

06.1) - ISBN 9987-449-07-7<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

06.1_-_Rweyemamu_and_Kimaro.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840921<br />

1951 Sokoni, Cosmas H.; Shechambo, Tamilwai C.: Changes in<br />

the upland irrigation system and implications for rural poverty<br />

alleviation : A case of the Ndiwa irrigation system, west<br />

Usambara Mountains, Tanzania / Cosmas H. Sokoni ; Tamilwai<br />

C. Shechambo. - Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty<br />

Alleviation, 2004. - IX,44 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 39-41,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Research Report / Research on Poverty Alleviation;<br />

05.01) - ISBN 9987-417-50-7<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

05.1_Sokoni_and_Shechambo.pdf<br />

GIGA D 8409<strong>16</strong><br />

1952 Wickama, Juma M.; Mwihomeke, Stephen T.: The role of<br />

indigenous knowledge in compbating soil infertility and poverty<br />

in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania / Juma M. Wickama ;<br />

Stephen T. Mwihomeke. - Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty<br />

Alleviation, 2006. - X,24 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 18-19,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Research Report / Research on Poverty Alleviation;<br />

No. 06.2) - ISBN 9978-449-21-2<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/<br />

06.2_Wickama_and_Mwihomeke.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840926<br />

RF05.01 ETHIOPIA<br />

1953 Stellmacher, Till: The historical development of local forest<br />

governance in Ethiopia : from the imperial times to the military<br />

regime of the Derg / Till Stellmacher. - In: Afrika Spectrum<br />

(Hamburg), 42 (2007) 3, S. 519-5<strong>30</strong>, Lit. S. 528-5<strong>30</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 84<strong>08</strong>38 SWP: X. 486 OSI: Zt 245 IFA: Z-D2104 BICC: BZ AFRSPC<br />

DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 95 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />


1954 Gender & WDM in the Middle East & North Africa /<br />

written by Doaa Arafa ...<br />

Regional Water Demand Initiative in the Middle East and North<br />

Africa - Ottawa: International Development Research Centre,<br />

2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 18-20 - (Water Demand Management<br />

Research Series: Working Paper; No. 3)<br />

http://www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/12051452741WDM_RS_3,_W<br />

DM_and_Gender_ENG.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840963<br />

1955<br />

Institutional assessment for effective WDM implement<br />

ation & capacity development / written by David Brooks ...<br />

Reviewed and ed.<br />

by Sarah Wolfe. Regional Water Demand Initiative in the Middl<br />

e East and North Africa - Ottawa: International Development<br />

Research Centre, 2007. - 23 S., Lit. S. 21-23 - (Water Demand<br />

Management Research Series: Working Paper; No. 4)<br />

http://www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/12047281801WDM_RS_4,_in<br />

stitutions_ENG.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840964<br />

1956 Noël, Pierre: The new US Middle East policy and energy<br />

security challenges / Pierre Noël. - In: International Journal<br />

(Toronto), 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 43-54, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840526 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1957 Oil & gas : special report - In: Middle East Economic Digest<br />

(London), 52 (18-24 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 35-57<br />

SWP D 840572 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1958 Water demand management, poverty & equity / written by<br />

Stephen Tyler. Reviewed and ed. by Sarah Wolfe.<br />

Regional Water Demand Initiative in the Middle East and North<br />

Africa . - Ottawa: International Development Research Centre,<br />

2007. - 27 S., Lit. S. 24-27 - (Water Demand Management<br />

Research Series: Working Paper; No. 2)<br />

http://www.idrc.ca/uploads/user-S/12047270451WDM_RS2,_Pov<br />

erty_and_Equity,_ENG.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840962<br />


1959 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia:<br />

ESCWA water development report 2 : state of water resources in<br />

the ESCWA Region / Economic and Social Commission for<br />

Western Asia. - New York/N.Y.: United Nations, 2007. - 68 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (United Nations Publication; No.<br />

E.<strong>08</strong>.II.L.1) - (E/ESCWA/SDPD/2007/6) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-1-128314-3<br />

http://www.escwa.un.org/information/publications/edit/upload/sdp<br />

d-07-6-e.pdf<br />

SWP D 841131<br />

1960 Noland, Marcus; Pack, Howard: Arab economies at a tipping<br />

point / Marcus Noland and Howard Pack. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 60-69, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 69<br />

GIGA D 840790 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />


1961 Jafri, S. A. Minam: Missing women : trends, protraction and<br />

economic development in Muslim countries / S. A. Minam Jafri. -<br />

In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007) 4, S. 1-25,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841125 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

1962 Denieuil, Pierre-Noël: Interventions de l'Etat et appui<br />

institutionnel aux acteurs du développement local et à la création<br />

de micro et petites entreprises : Approche comparative de la<br />

Tunisie et du Maroc / Pierre-Noël Denieuil. - In: Les<br />

changements sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de<br />

Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales),<br />

S. 193-218, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840381 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

1963 Ben-Sedrine, Fathia: Changement social et problèmes<br />

d'appréhension : le cas du souk des chaouachias de Tunis /<br />

Fathia Ben Sedrine. - In: Les changements sociaux en Tunisie,<br />

1950-2000 / sous la dir. de Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007. - (Logiques sociales), S. 131-141, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>30</strong>7 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1964 Denieuil, Pierre-Noël: Interventions de l'Etat et appui<br />

institutionnel aux acteurs du développement local et à la création<br />

de micro et petites entreprises : Approche comparative de la<br />

Tunisie et du Maroc / Pierre-Noël Denieuil. - In: Les<br />

changements sociaux en Tunisie, 1950-2000 / sous la dir. de<br />

Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Logiques sociales),<br />

S. 193-218, Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840381 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1965 Hamzaoui, Sonia: Changement social, changements culinaires<br />

/ Sonia Hamzaoui. - In: Les changements sociaux en Tunisie,<br />

1950-2000 / sous la dir. de Laroussi Amri. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007. - (Logiques sociales), S. 87-98, Lit. S. 98, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04310-7<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>30</strong>2 IMES: TUN-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> EGYPT<br />

1966 Egypt : special report - In: Middle East Economic Digest<br />

(London), 52 (11-17 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 15, S. 37-57<br />

SWP D 839958 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1967 Lamei, Aya; Zaag, Pieter van der; Münch, Elisabeth von:<br />

Impact of solar energy cost on water production cost of seawater<br />

desalination plants in Egypt / A. Lamei ; P. van der Zaag ; E. von<br />

Münch. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5,<br />

S. 1748-1756<br />

SWP D 840745 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1968 Moisseron, Jean-Yves; Clément, Françoise: Changements<br />

visibles ou invisibles : la question de l'émergence de l'économie<br />

égyptienne? / Jean-Yves Moisseron et Françoise Clément. -<br />

In: Politique africaine (Paris), (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>, S. 106-125,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840014 SWP: X. 862 IMES: ZS-AF IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12<br />


1969 Ben-Naceur, Samy; Ghazouani, Samir; Boubakri, Narjess:<br />

Privatization and financial market development : A comparison<br />

between MENA countries and other regions / Samy Ben Naceur,<br />

Narjess Boubakri and Samir Ghazouani. - Cairo, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 14-15 - (Working Paper Series / Economic<br />

Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey; No.<br />

390)<br />

http://www.erf.org.eg/CMS/getFile.php?id=1194<br />

GIGA D 840378<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

1970 Stiglitz, Joseph: The three trillion dollar war: The true cost of<br />

the Iraq conflict : transcript / speaker: Joseph Stiglitz. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Federal News Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 24 S. - (CEIP<br />

Event)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/04<strong>08</strong>_transcript_stiglitzir<br />

aq.pdf<br />

SWP D 840776<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

1971 Darmame, Khadija: Qui gère l'eau en Jordanie? / Khadija<br />

Darmame. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris), (3e trimestre<br />

2004) 75, S. 155-<strong>16</strong>9, Kt.<br />

GIGA D 841310 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1972 Saif, Ibrahim: Understanding the economic reform process in a<br />

semi rentier state : The case of Jordan (1990-2005) / Ibrahim<br />

Saif. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics (Roma),<br />

2 (October-December 2007) 10, S. 27-44, Tab.,Lit. S. 42-44<br />

GIGA D 840621 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 96 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

1973 Nasser, Rabie: Could new growth cross-country empirics<br />

explain the single country growth of Syria during 1965-2004? /<br />

Rabie Nasser. - Safat: API, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S., Tab., Lit. S. 26-<strong>30</strong> -<br />

(Working Paper Series / Arab Planning Institute; WPS <strong>08</strong>/02)<br />

http://www.arab-api.org/jodep/products/delivery/wps<strong>08</strong>02.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840259<br />

1974 Tabus verzögern Wirtschaftsreformen in Syrien / Christine<br />

Binzel ... - In: Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für<br />

Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin), 75 (13. Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 7, S. 69-74,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/79207/<strong>08</strong>-7-1.pdf<br />

SWP D 840786 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG03.01 GULF STATES<br />

1975 Hakim, Sam R.: Gulf Cooperation Council stock markets since<br />

September 11 / Sam R. Hakim. - In: Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 70-81, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 81<br />

GIGA D 840787 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1976 Razzak, Weshah: In the middle of the heat : The GCC countries<br />

between rising oil prices and the sliding greenback / Weshah<br />

Razzak. - Safat: API, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 38 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 17-18 - (Working Paper Series / Arab Planning Institute;<br />

WPS <strong>08</strong>/02)<br />

http://www.arab-api.org/jodep/products/delivery/wps<strong>08</strong>01.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840258<br />

RG03.14 OMAN<br />

1977 Yahya, Khalid O. al-: The over-educated, under-utilized Arab<br />

professional : why doesn't human capital development bring<br />

desired outcomes? Evidence from Oman and Saudi Arabia /<br />

Khalid O. Al-Yahya. - Dubai: DSG, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 25 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 19-23 - (Dubai School of Government Working Paper; No.<br />

<strong>08</strong>-01)<br />

http://www.dsg.ae/cms/_data/global/Publications/WP<strong>08</strong>-01%20D<br />

raft1_KhalidAl-Yahya.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840260<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

1978 Wittes, Tamara Cofman; Coleman, Isobel: Economic and<br />

political development report : Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia /<br />

Tamara Cofman Wittes and Isobel Coleman. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Saban Center, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 6 S. - (Council on Foreign Relations<br />

Project)<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/reports/20<strong>08</strong>/04_saudi<br />

_arabia_wittes/04_saudi_arabia_wittes.pdf<br />

SWP D 840374<br />

1979 Yahya, Khalid O. al-: The over-educated, under-utilized Arab<br />

professional : why doesn't human capital development bring<br />

desired outcomes? Evidence from Oman and Saudi Arabia /<br />

Khalid O. Al-Yahya. - Dubai: DSG, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 25 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 19-23 - (Dubai School of Government Working Paper; No.<br />

<strong>08</strong>-01)<br />

http://www.dsg.ae/cms/_data/global/Publications/WP<strong>08</strong>-01%20D<br />

raft1_KhalidAl-Yahya.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840260<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

1980 Farkhondeh, Sepideh: Elections sous contrôles, paupérisation<br />

et contestations civiles : dans l'ombre de la menace étrangère /<br />

Sepideh Farkhondeh. - In: Confluences Méditerranée (Paris),<br />

(printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65, S. 93-102, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841<strong>08</strong>1 SWP: X. 818 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

1981 Chaudhry, Imran Sharif: Gender inequality in education and<br />

economic growth : case study of Pakistan / Imran Sharif<br />

Chaudhry. - In: Pakistan Horizon (Karachi), 60 (October 2007) 4,<br />

S. 81-91, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 841145 DGAP: ZD 3<strong>30</strong> IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1982 Looney, Robert; McNab, Robert: Pakistan's economic and<br />

security dilemma : expanded defence expenditures and the<br />

relative governance syndrome / Robert Looney and Robert<br />

McNab. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 63-82, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841109 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />


1983 Quest for energy security in Asia / ed. by Pervaiz Iqbal<br />

Cheema ... Islamabad Policy Research Institute - Islamabad,<br />

2007. - X,113 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-969-8721-21-3<br />

DGAP D 84<strong>08</strong>25 DGAP: DG B01425r<br />


1984 [Natural resources and violent ethnic conflicts in the Asia<br />

Pacific region] / Jefferson Fox ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-127 -- Enthält<br />

9 Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 840684 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1985 Regional economic outlook: Asia and Pacific / International<br />

Monetary Fund. - Washington/D.C., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 51 S., zahlr. graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Regional Economic Outlook Reports:<br />

Asia and Pacific; 04.20<strong>08</strong>) - (World Economic and Financial<br />

Surveys) - ISBN 978-1-58906-710-3<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/reo/20<strong>08</strong>/APD/ENG/areo04<strong>08</strong><br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 840958<br />

1986 Swamy, Arun; Fox, Jefferson M.: Introduction: natural<br />

resources and ethnic conflicts in Asia Pacific / Arun Swamy and<br />

Jefferson Fox. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-11<br />

GIGA D 841020 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1987 Amin, Mohammad; Mattoo, Aaditya: Human capital and the<br />

changing structure of the Indian economy / Mohammad Amin :<br />

Aaditya Mattoo. - Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4576)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/24/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0324135340/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4576.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840311<br />

1988 Bayly, C. A.: Indigenous and colonial origins of comparative<br />

economic development : The case of colonial India and Africa / C.<br />

A. Bayly. - Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, January 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

37 S., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers; 4474) -<br />

(WPS4474)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/01/15/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0115<strong>08</strong>40<strong>08</strong>/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4474.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840<strong>30</strong>3<br />

1989 Chatterjee, Partha: Democracy and economic transformation in<br />

India / Partha Chatterjee. - In: Economic and Political Weekly<br />

(Mumbai), 43 (<strong>April</strong> 19, 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 53-62, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.epw.org.in/epw/user/userindexHome.jsp<br />

GIGA D 840538 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

1990 Jewitt, Sarah: Political ecology of Jharkhand conflicts / Sarah<br />

Jewitt. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

Special Issue, S. 68-82<br />

GIGA D 841034 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1991 Misra, Sib Ranjan: Towards understanding employment policy<br />

in Japan : some lessons for India / Sib Ranjan Misra. - In: Asian<br />

Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 135-148<br />

GIGA D 840991 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1992 The potential role of hydrogen energy in India and Western<br />

Europe / Bas van Ruijven. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. <strong>16</strong>49-<strong>16</strong>65<br />

SWP D 840724 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1993 Smith, David: Growling tiger, roaring dragon : India, China and<br />

the new world order / David Smith. - Vancouver ...: Douglas &<br />

McIntyre, 2007. - 266 S., Reg.,Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-55365-334-9<br />

GIGA D 840388 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1994 Stuligross, David: Resources, representation, and authority in<br />

Jharkhand, India / David Stuligross. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 83-97<br />

GIGA D 841035 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 97 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />


1995 Symon, Andrew: Nuclear power in Southeast Asia :<br />

implications for Australia and non-proliferation / Andrew Symon.<br />

- Sydney: Lowy Institute for International Policy, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Lowy Institute Analysis)<br />

http://www.lowyinstitute.org/PublicationGet.asp?i=786<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>97<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1996 Klinken, Gerry van: Blood, timber, and the state in West<br />

Kalimantan, Indonesia / Gerry van Klinken. - In: Asia Pacific<br />

Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue,<br />

S. 35-47<br />

GIGA D 841029 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

1997 Aslam, Mohamed: Capital control and corporate restructuring in<br />

Malaysia / Mohamed Aslam. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),<br />

36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 67-92<br />

GIGA D 840983 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1998 Jajri, Idris; Ismail, Rahmah: Source of output growth in small<br />

and medium scale enterprises in Malaysia / Idris Jajri and<br />

Rahmah Ismail. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 149-<strong>16</strong>2<br />

GIGA D 840993 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1999 Menon, Jayant: Macroeconomic management amid ethnic<br />

diversity : fifty years of Malaysian experience / Jayant Menon. -<br />

Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 18 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 12-14 - (Discussion Paper / Asian Development Bank<br />

Institute; No. 102)<br />

http://www.adbi.org/files/dp102.macroeconomic.management.ma<br />

laysia.pdf<br />

SWP D 840952<br />


2000 Magnoli Bocchi, Alessandro: Rising growth, declining<br />

investment : The puzzle of the Philippines ; breaking the<br />

''low-capital-stock'' equilibrium / Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, January 20<strong>08</strong>. - 51 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers; 4472) -<br />

(WPS4472)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/01/09/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0109144527/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4472.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840419<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> THAILAND<br />

2001 Englehart, Neil A.: Resource conflict and ethnic peace in<br />

northern Thailand / Neil A. Englehart. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 98-110<br />

GIGA D 841037 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2002 Pongponrat, Kannapa; Pongquan, Soparth: Community<br />

participation in local tourism planning in Thailand : A case study<br />

of Koh Samui Surat Thani province / Kannapa Pongponrat and<br />

Soparth Pongquan. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 171-186<br />

GIGA D 840998 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2003 Wittayapak, Chusak: History and geography of identifications<br />

related to resource conflicts and ethnic violence in Northern<br />

Thailand / Chusak Wittayapak. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 111-127<br />

GIGA D 841038 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.32 EAST TIMOR<br />

2004 Lundahl, Mats; Sjöholm, Fredrik: The oil resources of<br />

Timor-Leste : curse or blessing? / Mats Lundahl and Frederik<br />

Sjöholm. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 67-86<br />

GIGA D 840969 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

2005 Timor-Leste youth development and the labor market / The<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., October 13, 2007. - 24 S.,<br />

graph. Darst.; 42769<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/06/00033<strong>30</strong>38_20<strong>08</strong>0<strong>30</strong>6<strong>08</strong>2604/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/427690WP01NO0P1ReportSummaryEnglish.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840475<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

2006 Brahmbhatt, Milan: East Asia: testing times ahead / Milan<br />

Brahmbhatt with the assistance of Antonio Ollero ... -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 83 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (East Asia & Pacific Update; 04.20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTEAPHALFYEARLYUPDAT<br />

E/Resources/550192-1207007015255/EAPUpdate_Apr<strong>08</strong>_fullre<br />

port.pdf<br />

SWP D 840960<br />


2007 Davies, Gloria; Ramia, Gaby: Governance reform towards<br />

''serving migrant workers'' : The local implementation of central<br />

government regulations / Gloria Davies and Gaby Ramia. - In:<br />

The China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 140-149<br />

GIGA D 840596 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

20<strong>08</strong> Dollar, David: Lessons from China for Africa / David Dollar. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, February 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4531) - (WPS4531)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/02/25/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0225<strong>16</strong>1200/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4531.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840319<br />

2009 Holz, Carsten A.: China's 2004 economic census and 2006<br />

benchmark revision of GDP statistics : more questions than<br />

answers? / Carsten A. Holz. - In: The China Quarterly (London),<br />

(March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 150-<strong>16</strong>3<br />

GIGA D 840597 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2010 Huang, Yasheng: Just how capitalist is China? / Yasheng<br />

Huang. - Cambridge/Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of<br />

Technology, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 58 S., Lit. S. 54-57 - (MIT Sloan School<br />

Working Paper; 4699-<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1118019&d<br />

ownload=yes<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>46<br />

2011 Kennedy, Scott: China's emerging credit rating industry : The<br />

official foundations of private authority / Scott Kennedy. - In: The<br />

China Quarterly (London), (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193, S. 65-83<br />

GIGA D 840586 SWP: X. 43 OSI: Zs 482 DGAP: ZD 260 HSFK: Zs C IFA: Z-GB91<br />

IAS: 3/9 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2012 Li, Jun: Towards a low-carbon future in China's building sector :<br />

A review of energy and climate models forecast / Jun Li. -<br />

In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 1736-1747<br />

SWP D 840743 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

2013 Ma, Chunbo; He, Lining: From state monopoly to renewable<br />

portfolio : restructing China's electric utility / Chunbo Ma ; Lining<br />

He. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. <strong>16</strong>79-1711<br />

SWP D 840726 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

2014 Mertha, Andrew C.: China's water warriors : citizen action and<br />

policy change / Andrew C. Mertha. - 1st published -<br />

Ithaca/N.Y. ...: Cornell Univ. Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,<strong>16</strong>8 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Gloss., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8014-4636-8<br />

GIGA D 840389 IAS: 1.62.13/280 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

2015 Mui, Matthew; Wong, Raymond: Tax regime change / Matthew<br />

Mui and Raymond Wong. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 35 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 32-35<br />

GIGA D 839957 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

20<strong>16</strong> [Politics and Economy] / Cheng Li ... - In: The China Business<br />

Review (Washington/D.C.), 35 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 20-31<br />

http://www.chinabusinessreview.com/public/<strong>08</strong>03/<br />

GIGA D 839955 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

2017 Privatizing China : socialism from afar ; papers originally<br />

presented at a conference held in Shanghai, China, June 27-29,<br />

2004 / ed. by Li Zhang ... - 1st published - Ithaca/NY ...: Cornell<br />

Univ. Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - VIII,282 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 237-270 -<br />

ISBN 0-801-47378-0<br />

GIGA D 8411<strong>16</strong> IAS:<strong>08</strong> Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 98 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

2018 Shaping China's energy security : The inside perspective / ed.<br />

by Michal Meidan. Asia Centre - Centre études Asie. - Paris,<br />

2007. - 239 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-2-9531435-0-8<br />

DGAP D 840409 DGAP: DG 47005<br />

2019 Smith, David: Growling tiger, roaring dragon : India, China and<br />

the new world order / David Smith. - Vancouver ...: Douglas &<br />

McIntyre, 2007. - 266 S., Reg.,Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-55365-334-9<br />

GIGA D 840388 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

2020 Tibet: A human development and environment report /<br />

Central Tibetan Administration. - Dharamsala, 2007. - 267 S.,<br />

Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 255-267<br />

http://www.tibetgov.net/en/diir/pubs/edi/tib2007/content.html<br />

SWP D 840183<br />

RI03.11 KOREA<br />

2021 Jung, Joo-youn: Reinventing the interventionist state : The<br />

Korean economic bureaucracy reform under the economic crisis<br />

/ Joo-Youn Jung. - In: Pacific Focus (Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 121ff<br />

GIGA D 841259 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

2022 Nanto, Dick K.; Chanlett-Avery, Emma: The North Korean<br />

economy: leverage and policy analysis : updated March 4, 20<strong>08</strong><br />

/ Dick K. Nanto ; Emma Chanlett-Avery. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Congressional Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 61 S. - (CRS Report<br />

for Congress; RL32493) - (RL32493)<br />

http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL32493.pdf<br />

SWP D 840659<br />

2023 Toloraja, Georgij Davidovic; Trigubenko, Marina<br />

Evgen'evna: North Korean energy problems and solutions : A<br />

Russian perspective / Georgy Toloraya and Marina Trigubenko.<br />

- In: Pacific Focus (Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 22-45<br />

GIGA D 841249 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

2024 Bustelo, Pablo: Energy security with a high external<br />

dependence : The strategies of Japan and South Korea / Pablo<br />

Bustelo. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 23-25 - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de<br />

Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; WP <strong>16</strong>/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/resources/fil<br />

e/ebb00505d13e2f3/WP<strong>16</strong>-20<strong>08</strong>_Bustelo_Energy_Security_Jap<br />

an_SouthKorea.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&attachment=true<br />

SWP D 840932<br />

2025 Kee, Tan Soo: Influences of confucianism on Korean corporate<br />

culture / Tan Soo Kee. - In: Asian Profile (Hong Kong),<br />

36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 9-20<br />

GIGA D 840975 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2026 Lee, Seungjoo; Rhyu, Sang-young: The political dynamics of<br />

informal networks in South Korea : The case of parachute<br />

appointment / Seungjoo Lee and Sang-young Rhyu. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 45-66<br />

GIGA D 840967 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

2027 Bustelo, Pablo: Energy security with a high external<br />

dependence : The strategies of Japan and South Korea / Pablo<br />

Bustelo. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 23-25 - (Working Paper / Real Instituto Elcano de<br />

Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; WP <strong>16</strong>/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/resources/fil<br />

e/ebb00505d13e2f3/WP<strong>16</strong>-20<strong>08</strong>_Bustelo_Energy_Security_Jap<br />

an_SouthKorea.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&attachment=true<br />

SWP D 840932<br />

2028 Koike, Masanari; Mogi, Gento; Albedaiwi, Waleed H.:<br />

Overseas oil-development policy of resource-poor countries : A<br />

case study from Japan / Masanari Koike ; Gento Mogi ; Waleed<br />

H. Albedaiwi. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5,<br />

S. 1764-1775<br />

SWP D 840749 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

2029 Misra, Sib Ranjan: Towards understanding employment policy<br />

in Japan : some lessons for India / Sib Ranjan Misra. - In: Asian<br />

Profile (Hong Kong), 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 135-148<br />

GIGA D 840991 IAS: 3/375 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


20<strong>30</strong> [Natural resources and violent ethnic conflicts in the Asia<br />

Pacific region] / Jefferson Fox ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-127 -- Enthält<br />

9 Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 840684 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2031 Swamy, Arun; Fox, Jefferson M.: Introduction: natural<br />

resources and ethnic conflicts in Asia Pacific / Arun Swamy and<br />

Jefferson Fox. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 (<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 1-11<br />

GIGA D 841020 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

2032 Symon, Andrew: Nuclear power in Southeast Asia :<br />

implications for Australia and non-proliferation / Andrew Symon.<br />

- Sydney: Lowy Institute for International Policy, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 34 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Lowy Institute Analysis)<br />

http://www.lowyinstitute.org/PublicationGet.asp?i=786<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>97<br />


2033 Banks, Glenn: Understanding 'resource' conflicts in Papua New<br />

Guinea / Glenn Banks. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, Special Issue, S. 23-34<br />

GIGA D 841028 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


2034 International food aid programs: options to enhance<br />

effectiveness : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,112 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-67)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35676.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>68 HSFK: 98.893 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />



2035 Rudloff, Bettina: Parallele europäische Agrarreform und<br />

WTO-Agrarverhandlungen : behindern oder stärken sich beide<br />

Prozesse wechselseitig? / Bettina Rudloff. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 8 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(SWP-aktuell; 29/20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

4881<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

2036 Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tarr, David G.: Regional household<br />

and poverty effects of Russia’s accession to the World Trade<br />

Organization / Thomas Rutherford ; David Tarr. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 73 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Research Working Papers;<br />

4570)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/03/24/000158349_20<strong>08</strong>0324110449/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/wps4570.pdf<br />

SWP D 840118<br />

2037 Welterbe und Tourismus : Schützen und Nützen aus einer<br />

Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit / Kurt Luger ... (Hg.) -<br />

Innsbruck ...: Studienverl., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 454 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Tourismus: transkulturell &<br />

transdisziplinär; Bd. 9) - ISBN 978-3-7065-4518-1<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>27 IFA: 28/264 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


2038 Guilloux, Annick; Bénard, Sylvie: Quelles évolutions de<br />

l'emploi public dans les pays développés? / Annick Guilloux et<br />

Sylvie Bénard. - In: La Note de Veille (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 96, 6 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/NoteVeille96.pdf<br />

DFI D 840581 DFI: YC 6<strong>30</strong>.Y0280 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 99 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

2039 Kubátová, Kvêta; Vančurová, Alena; Foltysová, Michaela:<br />

Impact of globalization in taxation mixes in OECD countries<br />

during 1965-2003 / Kvêta Kubátová ; Alena Vančurová ;<br />

Michaela Foltysová. - In: Prague Economic Papers (Praha),<br />

17 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 40-53<br />

SWP D 840702 SWP: X. 774 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


2040 Ben-Naceur, Samy; Ghazouani, Samir; Boubakri, Narjess:<br />

Privatization and financial market development : A comparison<br />

between MENA countries and other regions / Samy Ben Naceur,<br />

Narjess Boubakri and Samir Ghazouani. - Cairo, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 26 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 14-15 - (Working Paper Series / Economic<br />

Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey; No.<br />

390)<br />

http://www.erf.org.eg/CMS/getFile.php?id=1194<br />

GIGA D 840378<br />

2041 Elbadawi, Ibrahim A.; Kaltani, Linda; Schmidt-Hebbel,<br />

Klaus: Foreign aid, the real exchange rate, and economic<br />

growth in the aftermath of civil war / Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Linda<br />

Kaltani, and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel. - In: The World Bank<br />

Economic Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 113-140, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 137-140<br />

DIE D 8402<strong>08</strong> DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

2042 International food aid programs: options to enhance<br />

effectiveness : hearing and briefing before the Subcommittee<br />

on Africa and Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

May 24, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,112 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-67)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35676.pdf<br />

HSFK D 84<strong>08</strong>68 HSFK: 98.893 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

2043 McCleary, Rachel M.: Religion and economic development :<br />

The advantage of moderation / by Rachel M. McCleary. -<br />

In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

148, ca. 5 S.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/17105851.html<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>02 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

2044 Nasser, Rabie: Could new growth cross-country empirics<br />

explain the single country growth of Syria during 1965-2004? /<br />

Rabie Nasser. - Safat: API, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 37 S., Tab., Lit. S. 26-<strong>30</strong> -<br />

(Working Paper Series / Arab Planning Institute; WPS <strong>08</strong>/02)<br />

http://www.arab-api.org/jodep/products/delivery/wps<strong>08</strong>02.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840259<br />

2045 Razmi, Arslan; Blecker, Robert A.: Developing country<br />

exports of manufactures : moving up the ladder to escape the<br />

fallacy of composition? / Arslan Razmi, Robert A. Blecker. - In:<br />

The Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 21-48, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 44-45<br />

DIE D 841071 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

2046 Wibbels, Erik: Federalism and the market : intergovernmental<br />

conflict and economic reform in the developing world - 1st ed. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. - XI,276 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 249-272 - ISBN 978-0-521-84381-2<br />

GIGA D 839991 ILAS: INT-H/57 IMES: INT-H/57 IAA: INT-H/57 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


2047 Aizenman, Joshua; Lee, Jaewoo: Financial versus monetary<br />

mercantilism : long-run view of large international reserves<br />

hoarding / Joshua Aizenman and Jaewoo Lee. - In: The World<br />

Economy (Oxford), 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 593-611<br />

SWP D 840705 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2048 Buse, Philip: Sicherheit der Seewege - eine Betrachtung aus<br />

wirtschaftlicher Sicht / Philip Buse. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden<br />

(Baden-Baden), 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 14-18, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 8402<strong>16</strong> SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

2049 Chauvet, Eric: Vision du travail et de l'entreprise dans les<br />

principales économies mondiales / par Eric Chauvet. - In: L'Etat<br />

de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil, 20<strong>08</strong>,<br />

S. 111-127, graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 841227 DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

2050 David, Charles-Philippe; Gagné, Jean-François: Natural<br />

resources : A source of conflict? / Charles-Philippe David &<br />

Jean-François Gagné. - In: International Journal (Toronto),<br />

62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 5-17, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840524 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2051 Elhefnawy, Nader: The impending oil shock / Nader Elhefnawy.<br />

- In: Survival (Oxford), 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 37-66<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>96 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2052 Freedman, Jim: International remedies for resource-based<br />

conflict / Jim Freedman. - In: International Journal (Toronto),<br />

62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1, S. 1<strong>08</strong>-119, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840529 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2053 Giovannini, Arno: Business-Knigge international :<br />

interkulturelle Kompetenz als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor / Arno<br />

Giovannini. - Zürich: WEKA-Verl., 2007. - 39 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (WEKA-Business-Dossier) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-297-00500-2<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>05 IFA: Cb28/210 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2054 Islamic finance: global trends and challenges - In: NBR<br />

Analysis (Seattle/Wash.), 18 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 1-32, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://nbr.org/publications/analysis/pdf/vol18no4.pdf<br />

SWP D 840953<br />

2055 Le Billon, Philippe: Securing transparency : Armed conflicts<br />

and the managing of natural resource revenues / Philippe Le<br />

Billon. - In: International Journal (Toronto), 62 (Winter<br />

2006-2007) 1, S. 93-107, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840528 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2056 Mishkin, Frederic S.: The economics of money, banking, and<br />

financial markets / Frederic S. Mishkin. - 8th ed., internat. ed. -<br />

Boston/Mass. ...: Pearson Addison Wesley, 2007. - Getr.<br />

Zählung, Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., 1 Beil. - (Pearson International<br />

Edition) - ISBN 0-321-42281-3<br />

SWP D 840722 SWP: A.<strong>08</strong>/0<strong>16</strong>2<br />

2057 Nikitin, Sergej Michajlovic; Stepanova, Marija Porfir'evna:<br />

Infljacija i antiinfljacionnaja politika : zarubežnyj i otečestvennyj<br />

opyt (Transl.: Inflation and anti-inflation policy: foreign and<br />

domestic experiences) / S. Nikitin, M. Stepanova. - In: Mirovaja<br />

ekonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija (Moskva), (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

4, S. <strong>16</strong>-20, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841056 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

2058 Remme, Uwe; Blesl, Markus; Fahl, Ulrich: Future European<br />

gas supply in the resource triangle of the former Soviet Union,<br />

the Middle East and Northern Africa / Uwe Remme ; Markus<br />

Blesl ; Ulrich Fahl. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>22-<strong>16</strong>41<br />

SWP D 840719 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

2059 Russia in economy-related country rankings :<br />

documentation - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(02. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 38, S. 12-27, zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab.<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=2692ED19-912C-5B85-F349-D95864278C68&lng=<br />

en<br />

SWP D 840112<br />

2060 Toro Hardy, José: Las alianzas extra regionales en la política<br />

exterior de Venezuela / José Toro Hardy. - Caracas: Instituto<br />

Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(Serie Política Internacional)<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oLasAlianzasExtraRegionalesToroHardy.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840402 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

2061 Umbach, Frank: Energiepolitik als Außenpolitik : Rede bei<br />

"aktuell 2006" am 8. September 2006 an der Bundesakademie<br />

für Sicherheitspolitik / Frank Umbach. - In: Sicherheit + Stabilität<br />

(Berlin), 4 (November 2006) 2, S. <strong>30</strong>-49<br />

SWP D 841023 SWP: X. 847 DGAP: ZD 47 DIE: ZK045 Öff.StaO: 25<br />

2062 Wibbels, Erik: Federalism and the market : intergovernmental<br />

conflict and economic reform in the developing world - 1st ed. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005. - XI,276 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 249-272 - ISBN 978-0-521-84381-2<br />

GIGA D 839991 ILAS: INT-H/57 IMES: INT-H/57 IAA: INT-H/57 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 100 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

2063 World crude-oil pricing : hearing before the Committee on<br />

Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, 109th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, May 4, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2006. - III,111 S., graph. Darst. -<br />

(Serial / Committee on Energy and Commerce (United States /<br />

House); No. 109-96)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=109<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:29386.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840201 HSFK: 98.909 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

2064 Die zentralasiatischen Staaten in wirtschaftsbezogenen<br />

Länderratings : Wirtschaftssystem, Geschäftsumfeld und<br />

Kreditwürdigkeit im internationalen Vergleich / Einleitung: Heiko<br />

Pleines. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (28.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 9-25, zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen03.pdf<br />

SWP D 840102<br />


2065 Adam, Christopher; Collier, Paul; Davies, Victor A. B.:<br />

Postconflict monetary reconstruction / Christopher Adam, Paul<br />

Collier, and Victor A.B. Davies. - In: The World Bank Economic<br />

Review (Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 87-112, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 111-112<br />

DIE D 840207 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 101 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12



2066 Escajedo San Epifanio, Leire: Biotechnologie, santé et<br />

environnement dans l'Union européenne : Aspects politiques et<br />

juridiques / par Leire Escajedo San Epifanio. - In: Revue du<br />

marché commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

517, S. 255-266, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841060 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />


2067 Moor, Alan L. (jr.): Cannons, missiles and mortars :<br />

cost-effectiveness of precision / by Alan L. Moore, Jr. - In: RUSI<br />

Defence Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 40-41<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>4 SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

2068 Suire, Raphaël: Encastrement social et usages de l'Internet :<br />

une analyse jointe du commerce et de l'administration<br />

électronique / Raphaël Suire. - In: Economie et prévision (Paris),<br />

(2007) 4-5/180-181, S. <strong>16</strong>1-174, Tab., Lit. S. 171<br />

DFI D 840296 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

2069 Koppel, Oliver: Das Wertpotenzial brachliegender Patente in<br />

Deutschland / Oliver Koppel. - In: Sozialer Fortschritt (Berlin),<br />

57 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 93-99, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 99<br />

FUB D 841286 OSI: UB: 3 ZA 507 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


2070 Szulc, Tomasz: The Slovak defence industry : still on track /<br />

Tomasz Szulc. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 60-64<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>81 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


2071 Budget request for space activities : hearings on National<br />

Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 and Oversight of<br />

Previously Authorized Programs ; hearing before the Strategic<br />

Forces Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

hearing held March <strong>16</strong>, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,1<strong>08</strong> S. - (Hearings on<br />

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and<br />

Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs; 2007) - (Hearing /<br />

Committee on Armed Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C.<br />

No. 109-72)<br />

HSFK D 840210 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

2072 Butler, Amy: Fast and secure / Amy Butler. - In: Aviation Week<br />

and Space Technology (New York/N.Y.), <strong>16</strong>8 (<strong>April</strong> 7, 20<strong>08</strong>) 14,<br />

S. 52-54<br />

SWP D 840184 SWP: X. 157 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AWST Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2073 Cappuccio, Frank: The next generation of air mobility : where<br />

do we go from here? / by Frank Cappuccio. - In: RUSI Defence<br />

Systems (London), 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3, S. 79-81<br />

SWP D 8401<strong>16</strong> SWP: Y. 1079 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2074 Kerr, Paul K.: U.S. nuclear cooperation with India: issues for<br />

Congress : updated February 12, 20<strong>08</strong> / Paul K. Kerr. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

39 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL3<strong>30</strong><strong>16</strong>) - (RL3<strong>30</strong><strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103700.pdf<br />

SWP D 840662<br />

2075 Lennox, Robert P.: The state of US Air Defence Artillery /<br />

Robert P. Lennox. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 34-41<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>69 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2076 Skinner, Tony: Seeing the light : directed-energy weapons /<br />

Tony Skinner. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (<strong>16</strong><br />

<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>, S. 22-27, Ill.<br />

SWP D 840176 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />


2077 Jenkins, Rhys: Trade, technology and employment in South<br />

Africa / Rhys Jenkins. - In: The Journal of Development Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 60-79, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 74-76<br />

DIE D 841073 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

2078 Forden, Geoffrey: Smoke and mirrors : Analysing the Iranian<br />

missile test / Geoffrey Forden. - In: Jane's Intelligence Review<br />

(Coulsdon), 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 47-51<br />

SWP D 840341 SWP: Y. 9<strong>08</strong> DGAP: ZD 57 BICC: BZ JIR Öff.StaO: 705<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

2079 Kerr, Paul K.: U.S. nuclear cooperation with India: issues for<br />

Congress : updated February 12, 20<strong>08</strong> / Paul K. Kerr. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

39 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL3<strong>30</strong><strong>16</strong>) - (RL3<strong>30</strong><strong>16</strong>)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/103700.pdf<br />

SWP D 840662<br />


2<strong>08</strong>0 Cyberwar, netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs / ed.<br />

by Edward Halpin ... - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.<br />

- XX,253 S., Tab., Reg. - ISBN 1-4039-8717-3<br />

HSFK D 840143 HSFK: 38.581 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


2<strong>08</strong>1 Schiff, Maurice; Wang, Yangling: North-South and<br />

South-South trade-related technology diffusion : how important<br />

are they in improving TFP growth? / Maurice Schiff, Yangling<br />

Wang. - In: The Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon),<br />

44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 49-59, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 58-59<br />

DIE D 841072 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />


2<strong>08</strong>2 Annati, Massimo: OPV programmes & development worldwide<br />

/ Massimo Annati. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 20-33<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>67 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2<strong>08</strong>3 Baddeley, Adam: Broadening the horizon : battlefield<br />

broadband / Adam Baddeley. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly<br />

(Coulsdon), 45 (<strong>30</strong> <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 18, S. 23-31<br />

SWP D 841243 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

2<strong>08</strong>4 Light & medium armoured vehicles : special focus -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, Special Supplement,<br />

S. 73-105<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>83 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

2<strong>08</strong>5 Mader, Georg: Assessing the GBAD systems market : just Third<br />

World's assets? / Georg Mader. - In: Military Technology (Bonn),<br />

32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4, S. 42-49<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>71 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 102 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

2<strong>08</strong>6 Bedeau, Laurence; Gault, Guénaëlle: De l'écologie à<br />

l'éconologie : ou comment les Français se sont emparés de la<br />

question environnementale pour sauver la planète ... et leur<br />

portefeuille! / par Laurence Bedeau et Guénaëlle Gault. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion 20<strong>08</strong> / TNS Sofres. - Paris Ed. du Seuil,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>, S. 129-154, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-02-092827-4<br />

DFI D 8412<strong>30</strong> DFI: FL 3<strong>30</strong>.ETA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

2<strong>08</strong>7 Boiteux, Marcel: L'effet de serre, la taxe aveugle ou le dogme?<br />

/ Marcel Boiteux. - In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

121, S. 273-276<br />

DFI D 839927 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />



2<strong>08</strong>8 Chomette, Guy-Pierre: La vallée de Ferghana, poudrière<br />

environnementale / Guy-Pierre Chomette. - In: Les Cahiers de<br />

l'Orient (Paris), (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89, S. 113-125, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 840623 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


2<strong>08</strong>9 U.S. re-engagement in the global effort to fight climate<br />

change : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, May<br />

15, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2007. - III,83 S., graph. Darst. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-68)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/35427.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840575 HSFK: 98.887 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

2090 Where is EPA? - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.),<br />

40 (<strong>April</strong> 12, 20<strong>08</strong>) 15, S. 18-24<br />

SWP D 84<strong>08</strong>49 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

2091 Lisio, Antonio de: La seguridad ambiental venezolana bajo la<br />

concepción eco-política del estado multidimensional / Antonio<br />

De Lisio. - Caracas: Instituto Latinoamericano de<br />

Investigaciones Sociales, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 31 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-31<br />

http://www.ildis.org.ve/website/administrador/uploads/Document<br />

oElEstadomultimensionalDeLisio.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840461<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

2092 Brockington, Dan: Corruption, taxation and natural resource<br />

management in Tanzania / Dan Brockington. - In: The Journal of<br />

Development Studies (Abingdon), 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 103-136, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 124-126<br />

DIE D 841075 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

2093 After the cyclone : lessons from a disaster / Oxfam<br />

International. - Oxford, 15 February 20<strong>08</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S., Lit. - (Oxfam<br />

Briefing Paper)<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/en/files/bn_bangladesh_cyclone_sidr_<strong>08</strong>02<br />

14.pdf/download<br />

GIGA D 8404<strong>30</strong><br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

2094 Saran, Shyam: Climate change – from back room to board room<br />

– what Indian business needs to know about India's approach to<br />

multilateral negotiations on climate change : talk by Special<br />

Envoy of Prime Minister, Shri Shyam Saran in Mumbai on<br />

climate change - New Delhi: Ministry of External Affairs, 20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

ca. 6 S.<br />

http://meaindia.nic.in/speech/20<strong>08</strong>/04/23ss01.htm<br />

SWP D 840922<br />

2095 [Tsunami rehabilitation three years after] / Ajit Menon ... -<br />

In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 43 (<strong>April</strong> 19, 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

<strong>16</strong>, S. 35-43, Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält 2 Beitr.: Menon, Ajit;<br />

Karuppiah, Subramanian; Stephen, Johny: Reconfiguring the<br />

coast. - S. 35-38 -- Vembulu, Panananthi R.; Kumar, R. John<br />

Suresh; Sathyamala, C.: Post-tsunami housing in Tamil<br />

Nadu. - S. 39-43<br />

http://www.epw.org.in/epw/user/userindexHome.jsp<br />

GIGA D 840555 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

2096 ACEH poverty asessment 20<strong>08</strong> : The impact of the conflict, the<br />

tsunami and reconstruction on poverty in ACEH / The World<br />

Bank. - Washingon/D.C., January 20<strong>08</strong>. - 79 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.; 42101<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/20<strong>08</strong>/01/09/000020953_20<strong>08</strong>0109<strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong><strong>16</strong>/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/421010Aceh0Pov1nt0P010437501PUBLIC1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 840457<br />


2097 Li, Jun: Towards a low-carbon future in China's building sector :<br />

A review of energy and climate models forecast / Jun Li. -<br />

In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5, S. 1736-1747<br />

SWP D 840743 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

2098 Mertha, Andrew C.: China's water warriors : citizen action and<br />

policy change / Andrew C. Mertha. - 1st published -<br />

Ithaca/N.Y. ...: Cornell Univ. Press, 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,<strong>16</strong>8 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Gloss., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8014-4636-8<br />

GIGA D 840389 IAS: 1.62.13/280 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

2099 Flowers, Petrice R.: Shaping state identity : international law<br />

and whaling in Japan / Petrice R. Flowers. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 97-120<br />

GIGA D 841258 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


2100 Greening aid? Understanding the environmental impact of<br />

development assistance / Robert L. Hicks ... - Oxford: Oxford<br />

Univ. Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,344 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 293-327 - ISBN 978-0-19-921394-8<br />

DIE D 839947 DIE: AZM629 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


2101 Greening aid? Understanding the environmental impact of<br />

development assistance / Robert L. Hicks ... - Oxford: Oxford<br />

Univ. Pr., 20<strong>08</strong>. - XVII,344 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 293-327 - ISBN 978-0-19-921394-8<br />

DIE D 839947 DIE: AZM629 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


2102 Addressing climate change: views from private sector<br />

panels : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air<br />

Quality of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, February 13,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007.<br />

- III,89 S. - (Serial / Committee on Energy and Commerce<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-4)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:35445.pdf<br />

HSFK D 840401 HSFK: 98.911 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

2103 Biodiversität: Bedrohung und Erhalt - In: Böll.Thema: das<br />

Magazin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Berlin), (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 3-35, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DGAP D 840546 DGAP: DG B01414p<br />

2104 Heiße Zeiten : wie uns das Klima verändert ; der Bruch mit der<br />

Natur - In: Kulturaustausch (Stuttgart), 58 (20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 14-75, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

IFA D 841171 OSI: Zu 986 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 222 IFA: JAB1 ILAS: ZS-INT<br />


Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 103 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.10 Environment/Nature / Umwelt/Natur / Environnement/Nature<br />


2105 Kevles, Daniel J.: The contested Earth : science, equity and the<br />

environment / Daniel J. Kevles. - In: Daedalus<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 137 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 80-95, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841119 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

2106 Schabas, Margaret: Nature does nothing in vain / Margaret<br />

Schabas. - In: Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.), 137 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

2, S. 71-79, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841118 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

2107 Sunstein, Cass R.: Precautions and nature / Cass R. Sunstein.<br />

- In: Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.), 137 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 49-58, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841115 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

21<strong>08</strong> Tetlock, Philip E.; Oppenheimer, Michael: The boundaries of<br />

the thinkable / Philip E. Tetlock and Michael Oppenheimer. -<br />

In: Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.), 137 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 59-70,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 841117 SWP: X. 124 IFA: Z-USA798 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 104 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

RA03.03 NORWAY<br />



2109 Deutsch in Norwegen : Akten der nationalen Fachtagung in<br />

Oslo / John Ole Askedal ... (Hrsg.) - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 125 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Osloer Beiträge zur<br />

Germanistik; Bd. 40) - ISBN 978-3-631-56986-3<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>11 IFA: 28/260 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

2110 France : Annual innovation policy trends and appraisal report<br />

2007 / European Commission, Enterprise Directorate-General. -<br />

Luxembourg, [20<strong>08</strong>]. - 96 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 91-96 -<br />

(European trend chart on innovation)<br />

http://www.proinno-europe.eu/docs/reports/documents/Country_<br />

Report_France_2007.pdf<br />

DFI D 841157 DFI: FR 450.FRA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

2111 Langlois, Simon: Trente ans de sociologie en France / Simon<br />

Langlois. - In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121,<br />

S. 349-359<br />

DFI D 839929 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

2112 Mendelson, Jean: Les archives diplomatiques françaises, du<br />

Quai d'Orsay à La Courneuve / Jean Mendelson. - In: La Revue<br />

administrative (Paris), 61 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 362, S. 193-196<br />

DFI D 839937 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

2113 Bundesbericht zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen<br />

Nachwuchses : Unterrichtung durch die Bundesregierung /<br />

Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln: Bundesanzeiger, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 313 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 207-237, Anh. S. 238-<strong>30</strong>6 -<br />

(Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages: Drucksachen;<br />

<strong>16</strong>/8491)<br />

SWP D 840384 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

2114 Eggers, Dietrich: Auswahlbibliographie von Neuerscheinungen<br />

für das Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2007 / zusammengest.<br />

von Dietrich Eggers unter Mitarb. von Dorothee Schwarck. -<br />

In: Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache (München),<br />

35 (Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 91-121<br />

IFA D 841136 DFI: RV IFA: Z-D2802 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2115 Evaluation als Grundlage und Instrument kulturpolitischer<br />

Steuerung : Dokumentation der Tagung "Evaluation als<br />

Grundlage und Instrument kulturpolitischer Steuerung" der<br />

Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel am 29. und<br />

<strong>30</strong>. August 2007 in Kooperation mit der Kulturpolitischen<br />

Gesellschaft / Karl Ermert (Hrsg.). Bundesakademie für<br />

Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel. - Wolfenbüttel, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 151 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Wolfenbütteler<br />

Akademie-Texte; Bd. 34) - ISBN 978-3-929622-34-8<br />

IFA D 840509 IFA: 28/175 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

21<strong>16</strong> Hadjar, Andreas; Boehnke, Klaus: Fremdenfeindlichkeit in<br />

Deutschland : Stand der Forschung / Andreas Hadjar ; Klaus<br />

Boehnke. - In: Fremd im eigenen Land? / Heinz-Hermann<br />

Krüger ... (Hrsg.). - Hamburg: VSA-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 23-41, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89965-218-5<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>09 IFA: 28/261 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2117 Houben, Vincent J. H.: Southeast Asian studies in Germany /<br />

Vincent J. H. Houben. - Gießen: Indonesia Research Unit, 2007.<br />

- 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper Series / Indonesia Research<br />

Unit; vol. 3, no. 1)<br />

http://www.ea-iru.org/IRU-Series_Vol.03_No.01_Houben.pdf<br />

IFA D 841113 IFA: Cb28/218 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2118 Leitlinien Politikberatung / Berlin-Brandenburgische<br />

Akademie der Wissenschaften. - Berlin, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 45 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.bbaw.de/bbaw/Akademie/dateien_bilder/LeitlinienPolit<br />

ikberatungFinal.pdf<br />

SWP D 840473<br />


2119 Teichmann, Christine: Academic studies at Russian state<br />

universities: state funding vs. tuition fees / by Christine<br />

Teichmann. - In: Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen),<br />

(19. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 37, S. <strong>16</strong>-19<br />

http://se1.isn.ch/serviceengine/FileContent?serviceID=Publishing<br />

House&fileid=8E83D01E-0FBA-3D06-8D2B-7D9034AF9D2B&ln<br />

g=en<br />

SWP D 840<strong>08</strong>8<br />

RA<strong>08</strong> SOUTH-EAST EUROPE<br />

2120 Sienerth, Stefan: Studien und Aufsätze zur Geschichte der<br />

deutschen Literatur und Sprachwissenschaft in Südosteuropa /<br />

Stefan Sienerth. - München: IKGS-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 1-2 -<br />

(Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsche Kultur und<br />

Geschichte Südosteuropas: Wissenschaftliche Reihe; ...)<br />

1. Theoretische Reflexionen und Überblicksarbeiten, Beiträge<br />

zur deutschen Literatur in Siebenbürgen im 17. und 18.<br />

Jahrhundert und zur Geschichte der<br />

siebenbürgisch-sächsischen Germanistik. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 391 S.,<br />

Reg. - (...; Bd. 112). - ISBN 978-3-9809851-8-0<br />

2. Beiträge zur deutschen Literatur in Südosteuropa im 19. und<br />

20. Jahrhundert. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 399 S., Reg. - (...; Bd. 113). - ISBN<br />

978-3-9809851-9-9<br />

IFA D 840518 IFA: 28/248 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


2121 Deutsche Literatur und Germanistik in den USA = German<br />

literature and German studies in the U.S.A. - In: Die deutsche<br />

Präsenz in den USA = The German presence in the U.S.A. /<br />

hrsg. von Josef Raab ... - Berlin ...: Lit-Verl., 20<strong>08</strong>, S. 765-786,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8258-0039-0<br />

IFA D 840005 IFA: 28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


2122 Torenvlied, René; Klein Haarhuis, Carolien M.: Polarization<br />

and policy reform : Anti-corruption policymaking in sub-Saharan<br />

Africa / René Torenvlied ; Carolien M. Klein Haarhuis. -<br />

In: Journal of Peace Research (London), 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 223-240, Tab., Lit. S. 237-240<br />

SWP D 840170 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

2123 Institute for Education in Democracy (Nairobi): IED strategic<br />

plan 2003-20<strong>08</strong> / Institute for Education in Democracy. - Nairobi:<br />

IED, 2005. - 76 S., Ill., Tab.<br />

GIGA D 840137 IAA: KEN-I/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


2124 Kurzman, Charles: Cross-regional approaches to Middle East<br />

studies : constructing and deconstructing a region / Charles<br />

Kurzman. - In: Middle East Studies Association Bulletin<br />

(Tucson/Ariz), 41 (June 2007) 1, S. 24-29, Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.unc.edu/mideast/Kurzman_MESA_Bulletin.doc<br />

GIGA D 840356 SWP: X. 672 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

2125 Barari, Hassan A.: Israel's security : Another perspective /<br />

Hassan A. Barari. - In: Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics<br />

(Roma), 2 (January-March 2007) 7, S. 23-42, Lit. S. 40-42<br />

GIGA D 840252 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

2126 The impact of decentralized data entry on the quality of<br />

household survey data in developing countries : evidence<br />

from a randomized experiment in Vietnam / Paul Glewwe and<br />

Hai-Anh Hoang Dang. - In: The World Bank Economic Review<br />

(Oxford), 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. <strong>16</strong>5-185, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 185<br />

DIE D 840199 DIE: ZA154 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 105 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

II.11 Science/Research / Wissenschaft/Forschung / Sciences/Recherche scientifique<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

2127 Kim, Euikon: Dawning of a new horizon : recent trends in East<br />

Asian studies ; Editor's note / Euikon Kim. - In: Pacific Focus<br />

(Inchon), 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1, S. 1-3<br />

GIGA D 841245 IAS: 3/890 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


2128 Thorpe, Evan: Bringing R&D to China / Evan Thorpe. - In: The<br />

China Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 35 (March-<strong>April</strong><br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 42-45<br />

GIGA D 839960 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />



2129 Hough, Peter: Global steps towards human security / Peter<br />

Hough. - In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 15-23, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>26 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


21<strong>30</strong> Busemeyer, Marius R.; Goerres, Achim; Weschle, Simon:<br />

Demands for redistributive policies in an era of demographic<br />

aging : The rival pressures from age and class in 15 OECD<br />

countries / Marius R. Busemeyer ; Achim Goerres and Simon<br />

Weschle. - Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>. - 29 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27-29 - (MPIfG<br />

Discussion Paper; <strong>08</strong>/3)<br />

DGAP D 840579 DGAP: DG B01422r<br />


2131 Hegre, Håvard: Polarization and interstate conflict / Havard<br />

Hegre. - In: Journal of Peace Research (London), 45 (March<br />

20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 261-282, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 280-282<br />

SWP D 840172 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

2132 Kriesi, Hanspeter: Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft : eine<br />

Einführung / Hanspeter Kriesi.: NomosVerl-Ges., 2007-20<strong>08</strong>. -<br />

1-2 - (Studienkurs Politikwissenschaft)<br />

T. I: Grundlagen. - 2007. - 314 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>1-314<br />

T. II: Institutionen und Länderbeispiele. - 20<strong>08</strong>. - 361 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 343-361<br />

DFI D 841128 DFI: VB1<strong>30</strong>.KRIE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

2133 Marchart, Oliver: Cultural Studies / Oliver Marchart. - Konstanz:<br />

UVK-Verl.-Ges., 20<strong>08</strong>. - 277 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 255-277 -<br />

(Uni-Taschenbücher; 2883) - (Kulturwissenschaft,<br />

Politikwissenschaft) - ISBN 978-3-8252-2883-5<br />

IFA D 84<strong>08</strong>37 IFA: 28/259 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2134 Structural stability: on the prerequisites of nonviolent<br />

conflict management / Andreas Mehler ... - Hamburg: GIGA<br />

German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 20<strong>08</strong>. - 33 S.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>-33 - (GIGA Working Papers; No. 75) - (GIGA Research<br />

Programme: Violence, Power and Security)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp75_mehler-engel-giesbert-kuhlmann-soest.pdf<br />

GIGA D 841<strong>30</strong>3 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

2135 Valdés Ugalde, Francisco: Gobernanza e instituciones :<br />

propuestas para una agenda de investigación / Francisco<br />

Valdés Ugalde. - In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31, S. 95-119, Lit. S. 117-119<br />

GIGA D 841151 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />


2136 Barnett, George A.; Sung, Eunjung: Culture and the structure<br />

of international communication / George A. Barnett & Eunjung<br />

Sung. - Sydney: Macquarie Univ., 2005. - S. 75-88, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. -- Sonderdruck aus: The Journal of International<br />

Communication (Sydney), 11 (2005) 2<br />

http://www.internationalcommunicationsjournal.com/issues/volum<br />

e-11-no-2/culture-and-the-structure-of-international-communicati<br />

on-.asp<br />

IFA D 840532 IFA: Cb28/137 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2137 Collins, Samuel Gerald: All tomorrow's cultures :<br />

Anthropological engagements with the future / Samuel Gerald<br />

Collins. - New York/N.Y. ...: Berghahn, 20<strong>08</strong>. - IX,140 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 126-137 - ISBN 978-1-84545-4<strong>08</strong>-1<br />

IFA D 840280 IFA: 28/250 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

2138 Godet, Michel: Creating futures : scenario planning as a<br />

strategic management tool (Orig.: Manuel de prospective<br />

stratégique ) / Michel Godet. Preface by Joseph F. Coates.<br />

Translated by Adam Gerber ... - 2. ed. - London ...: Economica,<br />

2006. - XIII, 349 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S.339-346 -<br />

ISBN 2-7178-5244-1<br />

DIE D 840188 DIE: T210(2) Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

2139 Kane, John: The ethical paradox of democratic leadership /<br />

John Kane. - In: Taiwan Journal of Democracy (Taipei),<br />

3 (December 2007) 2, S. 33-52, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 840696 DGAP: ZD 60<br />

2140 Klein Goldewijk, Berma: Why human? The interlinkage<br />

between security, rights and development / Berma Klein<br />

Goldewijk. - In: Security and Human Rights (Leiden), 19 (20<strong>08</strong>)<br />

1, S. 24-36, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 84<strong>08</strong>32 SWP: X. 791 OSI: Zw 228 HSFK: ZS H IFSH: Oa/36sm 19/1<br />

ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

2141 Østby, Gudrun: Polarization, horizontal inequalities and violent<br />

civil conflict / Gudrun Østby. - In: Journal of Peace Research<br />

(London), 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2, S. 143-<strong>16</strong>2, Tab., Lit. S. 158-<strong>16</strong>0,<br />

Anh. S. <strong>16</strong>1-<strong>16</strong>2<br />

SWP D 840<strong>16</strong>8 SWP: X. 228 OSI: Zs 743 DGAP: ZD 326 HSFK: ZS J<br />

BICC: BZ JPR Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 106 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

Abbas, Hakima 1172<br />

Abdolvand, Behrooz 1296<br />

Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Datuk<br />

644;722<br />

Abdurasulov, Abdujalil 553;1898<br />

Aboville, Benoît d' 101<br />

Abrial, Stéphane 5<strong>16</strong><br />

Abu-Bader, Suleiman 822<br />

Abu-Dayyeh, Nabil <strong>16</strong>90<br />

Abu-Qarn, Aamer S. 822<br />

Abu-Qdais, Hani 1941;1954<br />

Achmadov, Erkin 149;189;545;554<br />

Ackerman, Gary L. 199;373;567;679<br />

Aclimandos, Tewfik <strong>16</strong>82<br />

Acuña, Carlos H. 988;1138;1158<br />

Adam, Antonis 746;774<br />

Adam, Christopher 1404;2064<br />

Addi, Lahouari <strong>16</strong>52<br />

Adelman, Jonathan R. 33<br />

Aggio, Carlos <strong>16</strong>61<br />

Agha, Hussein 354;365<br />

Ahmed, Abu-Taher Salahuddin 386;398<br />

Ahner-Tönnis, Wolfgang 1213<br />

Aitken, Robert 503;648;1009;1271<br />

Aizenman, Joshua 880;2046<br />

Akbarzadeh, Shahram 1<strong>30</strong>1;1712<br />

Akogo, David 273<br />

Alasino, Enrique 1<strong>16</strong>7<br />

Albedaiwi, Waleed H. 2027<br />

Alberti, Hugh <strong>16</strong>73<br />

Alexander, Constantin 3<strong>16</strong><br />

Ali, Ali Abdel-Gadir <strong>16</strong>56;1785<br />

Ali, Fadhil 1285<br />

Ali, Haidar Ibrahim <strong>16</strong>57;18<strong>16</strong><br />

Allain, Rémy 1446;1448;1470;1514<br />

Allard, Marc-André 1413<br />

Allport, Alan 2<br />

Amin, Mohammad 1986<br />

Amirpur, Katajun 17<strong>16</strong><br />

Ammon, Ulrich 888;981<br />

Amri, Laroussi 1251<br />

Andersen, Chris 1584<br />

Anderson, Guy 504<br />

Aning, Kwesi 566;631<br />

Annati, Massimo 725;2<strong>08</strong>1<br />

Ansari, Ali M. 1299;1711<br />

Antonenko, Oksana 150;1061<br />

Anyang' Nyong'o, Peter 1942<br />

Aoki-Okabe, Maki 835;857<br />

Applegate, Dick 505<br />

Arafa, Doaa <strong>16</strong>53;1953<br />

Aranibar Quiroga, Antonio 1144<br />

Aras, Bülent 141;180<br />

Araya Alvarado, Sergio 802<br />

Arbuckle, James V. 739<br />

Archambault, Claude 1840<br />

Arellano Gault, David <strong>16</strong>10<br />

Argenton, Cédric 1841<br />

Arrington, Celeste 1354;1358;1774;1776<br />

Arthuis, Jean 1842<br />

Artières, Philippe 1010<br />

Askedal, John Ole 896;21<strong>08</strong><br />

Aslam, Mohamed 1996<br />

Åslund, Anders 1069 1885<br />

Atrissi, Talal 957;970<br />

Auber, Emmanuel 990;1113<br />

Aubry, Martine 10<strong>16</strong><br />

Augris, Nathalie 1449<br />

Aunay, Typhaine 1011<br />

Aust, Andreas 1518;1877<br />


Autesserre, Séverine 1199<br />

Ayats, Jean-François 1499;1871<br />

Ayis, Muhammad I. <strong>16</strong>59<br />

Azadarmaki, Taghi 1<strong>30</strong>0<br />

Baasner, Frank 1436<br />

Bacher, Kerstin 1450;1504;1588<br />

Báchora, Rastislav 466;559;991;1106<br />

Bacquias, Jérôme 992<br />

Baddeley, Adam 2<strong>08</strong>2<br />

Bader, Julia 413;1338<br />

Bae, Geung Chan 395;435<br />

Bah, A. Sarjoh 566;631<br />

Bailes, Alyson J. K. 479;495<br />

Bailey, Jonathan 506<br />

Bajoria, Jayshree 1756<br />

Bakadir, Abu-Bakr Ahmed 939;958<br />

Baker, Gordon 803;1923<br />

Baldwin, Richard 747 864<br />

Balfour, Rosa 49;443<br />

Balladur, Edouard 1012<br />

Banerjee, Abhijit V. 1736<br />

Banks, Glenn 1361;2032<br />

Barari, Hassan A. 663;2124<br />

Bard, Mitchell G. 34<br />

Barkan, Joel D. 1215<br />

Barlow, Rebecca 1<strong>30</strong>1;1712<br />

Barnes, Jeremy 1713<br />

Barnett, George A. 985;1812;2135<br />

Baron, Peter 1775<br />

Barthélémy, Fabrice 1451<br />

Bartos, Helene 123;355;910;968;1505;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Baud, Marie-France 750;764<br />

Bauer, Stefan 281 <strong>30</strong>9<br />

Bauer, Tillmann 273<br />

Baumann, Florian 1817<br />

Baverez, Nicolas 3<br />

Bayly, C. A. 1935;1987<br />

Beck, Martin 35;356<br />

Beck, Thomas 50;467<br />

Bedeau, Laurence 2<strong>08</strong>5<br />

Beehner, Lionel 393<br />

Beestermöller, Gerhard 1034<br />

Beine, Michel 869<br />

Beissinger, Mark R. 1058;1540<br />

Bel-Air, Françoise de <strong>16</strong>91 <strong>16</strong>92<br />

Bellers, Jürgen 124 279<br />

Bello, Jason 1114<br />

Ben-Naceur, Samy 1968;2039<br />

Ben-Salem, Lilia <strong>16</strong>74<br />

Ben-Sedrine, Fathia 1962<br />

Ben-Yahmed, Danielle 1182<br />

Bénard, Sylvie 1374;2037<br />

Bendiek, Annegret 468<br />

Bendix, Daniel 726;1791<br />

Bennett, James G. 268<br />

Berger, Anna 1723<br />

Bergstresser, Heinrich 266 267<br />

Berman, Ilan 678<br />

Bermejo García, Romualdo 197;1107<br />

Bernard-Maugiron, Nathalie 1255<br />

Bersick, Sebastian 1335 1336<br />

Bertin, Alexandre 1547<br />

Bhalla, Ajit S. 1757<br />

Bhattacharjee, Preeti 393<br />

Le Billon, Philippe 2054<br />

Binnendijk, Hans 102<br />

Binzel, Christine 1973<br />

Bispinck, Reinhard 1872<br />

Bister, Daniel 912;941<br />

Blank, Stephen J. 151;453 1002;1<strong>08</strong>7;11<strong>08</strong><br />

Blathwayt, Will 1357<br />

Blecker, Robert A. 874;2044<br />

Blesl, Markus 1827;2057<br />

Bocquet, Dominique 456<br />

Boehnke, Klaus 15<strong>16</strong>;2115<br />

Bogner, Alexander 1452<br />

Böhnke, Petra 1415<br />

Boisguérin, Bénédicte 1453<br />

Boissevain, Katia <strong>16</strong>75<br />

Boissier, Paul 507<br />

Boissinot, Jean 1838;1843<br />

Boiteux, Marcel 2<strong>08</strong>6<br />

Bonnard, Pascal 1543<br />

Bonner, Michelle D. 1159;<strong>16</strong>18<br />

Boone, Philippe 517<br />

Boquérat, Gilles 181;387<br />

Borchardt, Ulrike 36;665<br />

Borchgrevink, Kaja 1707<br />

Böttger, Katrin 51;170<br />

Boubakri, Narjess 1968;2039<br />

Boudriga, Nessiba <strong>16</strong>73<br />

Bougarel, Xavier 1569<br />

Boukraa, Ridha <strong>16</strong>76<br />

Bourdin, Joël 1844<br />

Bourricaud, François 1454<br />

Bowen, John R. 1455<br />

Boyne, Sean 10<strong>08</strong><br />

Bozdaglioglu, Yucel 142<br />

Braathen, Einar 1943<br />

Braconnay, Vincent 182<br />

Braconnier, Céline 1013<br />

Bradford, Jeffrey 5<strong>08</strong>;568<br />

Brahmbhatt, Milan 836;2005<br />

Brand, Donald D. 1115<br />

Brauer, Birgit 1899<br />

Brenke, Karl 1873<br />

Brenner, Michael 52<br />

Brenot, Jean-Marc 518<br />

Brézet, Alexis 1014<br />

Briard, Karine 1845<br />

Bricq, Nicole 1842<br />

Bringmann, Oliver 468<br />

Brinkmann, Rainer 532;720<br />

Briscoe, Ivan 1152<br />

Brockington, Dan 1221;2091<br />

Brokopf, Ellen 1456;1506<br />

Brooke, Steven 1377<br />

Brooks, David 1941;1954<br />

Brown, Matthew 22;242<br />

Brown, Nathan J. 1286<br />

Brownbridge, Martin 1902<br />

Brügge, Joachim 885;936;949<br />

Bryce Echenique, Alfredo <strong>16</strong>28<br />

Bryceson, Deborah Fahy <strong>16</strong>46;<strong>16</strong>51<br />

Brzezinski, Zbigniew K. 14<br />

Budniok, Jan 1187<br />

Bugajski, Janusz 14<br />

Bulik, Lubomir 541<br />

Burnett, Patrick 807 1174;<strong>16</strong>34<br />

Buse, Philip 1378;2047<br />

Busemeyer, Marius R. 1783;2129<br />

Bustelo, Pablo 2023;2026<br />

Butler, Amy 570;2071<br />

Büttner, Clemens 1755<br />

Byman, Daniel 680;1<strong>30</strong>2<br />

Cai, Fang 1767<br />

Cai, Yongshun 1339;1758<br />

Campanini, Massimo 1237;<strong>16</strong>66<br />

Camporini, Vincenzo 509<br />

Campos Neto, Carlos Alvares da Silva 1929<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 107 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Canagarajah, Sudharshan 1902<br />

Capasso, Marianna 312<br />

Capling, Ann 858;862<br />

Cappuccio, Frank 571;2072<br />

Carballo, Marita <strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong><br />

Cardozo, Elsa 623;794<br />

Carreiras, Helena 484;1438<br />

Cashaback, David 1062;1548<br />

Castro, Jorge Abrahão de <strong>16</strong>22<br />

Castro, José Esteban 1139;1919<br />

Cazacu, Aurel 557<br />

Çelik, Aliye Pekin 11<br />

Cernicky, Jan 276 282 292<br />

Chakma, Bhumitra 13<strong>16</strong><br />

Chaligha, Amon 1222<br />

Chan, Joseph Man 1352;1769<br />

Chanlett-Avery, Emma 200;440;433;1353<br />

852;2021<br />

Chase, Anthony B. Tirado 1234<br />

Chatfield, Tom 649<br />

Chatterjee, Partha 1988<br />

Chaudhry, Imran Sharif 1719;1980<br />

Chaussebourg, Laure 1015<br />

Chauvet, Eric 1846;2048<br />

Chayer, Héctor Mario 1140;<strong>16</strong>05<br />

Cheema, Pervaiz Iqbal 1982<br />

Chen, Siyan 1405<br />

Chenu, Alain 1457<br />

Cherni, Abdelwaheb <strong>16</strong>77<br />

Chick, Martin 1839;1847;1907<br />

Chivvis, Christopher S. 1101;1583<br />

Cho, Sungjoon 448;865<br />

Chomette, Guy-Pierre 2<strong>08</strong>7<br />

Chopin, Thierry 54;111<br />

Choucair-Vizoso, Julia 1282<br />

Christensen, Svend Aage 1818<br />

Christova, Christiana 1577<br />

Chun, Linda Yip Seong 41<br />

Clément, Françoise 1967<br />

Clément, Matthieu 1547<br />

Coates, Joseph F. 2137<br />

Cobanov, Goran 1102<br />

Cohen, Ariel 152;201<br />

Coleman, Isobel 1293;1977<br />

Collier, Paul 1404;2064<br />

Collins, James F. 1078<br />

Collins, Samuel Gerald 1813;2136<br />

Colomine Rincones, Feijóo 629<br />

Combarieu, Gilles 469<br />

Converse, Nathan 1379<br />

Cook, Linda J. 1549<br />

Cooney, Jerry W. 221;253<br />

Cooper, William H. 200;440<br />

Corbin, Ethan 213;1128<br />

Cordesman, Anthony H. 573;681 574;650;672<br />

Cordobés, Fernando <strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong><br />

Cornell, Svante E. 1053<br />

Costa, Luciano 1928<br />

Cotino Hueso, Lorenzo 1141<br />

Courbage, Youssef <strong>16</strong>62<br />

Cousteaux, Anne-Sophie 1458<br />

Craig, Paul 55<br />

Crail, Peter 682<br />

Creighton, Adam 1909<br />

Culic, Irina 1575;1578<br />

Cullen, Anthony 463<br />

Curtis, Lisa 676<br />

Cyrus, Norbert 1435<br />

Dabbagh, May al- 1704<br />

Dabrowski, Marcin 1819;1881<br />

Dafflon, Denis 1560<br />

Daglio, Dan 198;203<br />

Daglio, Marco 1235<br />

Dalay, Ismail 334 337<br />

Damamme, Dominique 1482<br />

Dammert, Lucía 624<br />

Darmame, Khadija 1970<br />

Das, Dilip K. 840<br />

Das, Jishnu 1786 1787<br />

Dastider, Mollica 1743<br />

Daugbjerg, Carsten 749;1820<br />

David, Charles-Philippe 1380;2049<br />

Davies, Andrew 714<br />

Davies, Gloria 1341;2006<br />

Davies, Victor A. B. 1404;2064<br />

Davutoglu, Ahmet 143<br />

De Brauw, Alan 1759<br />

De Maio, Paola 138;335<br />

Debos, Marielle 636;638;1193;1204<br />

Dehnert, Stefan 1381<br />

Dekker, Matijn 1382;1792<br />

Delgado, Juana Vera <strong>16</strong>29;1931<br />

Demesmay, Claire 1459;1507<br />

Demirtas-Coskun, Birgül 1035;1052<br />

Denieuil, Pierre-Noël 1961;1963<br />

Denscheilmann, Heike 898<br />

Derichs, Sascha 83;1828<br />

Deroy, Franck 1383<br />

Desplechin, Arnaud 10<strong>16</strong><br />

Di Salvo, Nina 1140;<strong>16</strong>05<br />

Dickow, Helga 1194<br />

Ding, Arthur S. 577;706<br />

Djalili, Mohammad Reza 183;374<br />

Do Quy Toan 1787<br />

Dobbins, James F. 1119<br />

Docquier, Frédéric 869<br />

Dollar, David 1936;2007<br />

Dornier, Philippe-Pierre 519<br />

Drahokoupil, Jan 763<br />

Drakulic, Slobodan 1794<br />

Drexlerowa, Anna M. 934<br />

Driessen, Travis 1<strong>16</strong>1;1926<br />

Druckman, Daniel 1814<br />

Du Mesnil du Buisson, Marie-Ange 1491;1865<br />

Duara, Prasenjit 1754<br />

Dubois, Ute 1875<br />

Duhamel, Alain 1463<br />

Dumbaugh, Kerry B. 205;417;1120;1342<br />

Durairaj, Gandhimathy 41<br />

Dye, Peter 510<br />

Eaton, David 12<strong>16</strong>;1224;1373<br />

Eberhard, Harald 57;994<br />

Echagüe, Ana 1281<br />

Edwards, Sebastian 796;1920<br />

Eggers, Dietrich 917;2113<br />

Ehteshami, Anoushiravan 1<strong>30</strong>3<br />

Eith, Ulrich 1040<br />

Elbadawi, Ibrahim A. 870;2040<br />

Elgström, Ole 63<br />

Elhefnawy, Nader 727;2050<br />

Ellerich, Christel 9<strong>16</strong>;974<br />

Ellis, Stephen <strong>16</strong>33<br />

Emmermann, Ines 337<br />

Englebert, Pierre 1178<br />

Englehart, Neil A. 1751;2000<br />

Erdmannsdörfer, Viola 285<br />

Erfurt, Jürgen 899;979<br />

Ermert, Karl 1510;2114<br />

Escajedo San Epifanio, Leire 2065<br />

Eschbach, Karl 1597<br />

Eschborn, Norbert 1326;1747<br />

Escribano, Gonzalo 59;321;444<br />

Esselborn, Karl 918;1509<br />

Esteban, Joan 464;1406<br />

Etling, Bruce 1715<br />

Etzioni, Amitai 1384;1795<br />

Eun, Sung­ soo 836;2005<br />

Eyadat, Zaid 1233<br />

Faber, Mient Jan 1382;1792<br />

Fadl, Khaled Abou Omar al- 1236<br />

Fafchamps, Marcel 17<strong>30</strong><br />

Fahl, Ulrich 1827;2057<br />

Fair, C. Christine 13<strong>08</strong>;1720<br />

Fajarnes, Pilar 814<br />

Fang, Ning 1762<br />

Farkhondeh, Sepideh 1979<br />

Fattal, Lamia el- <strong>16</strong>53;1953<br />

Faugeron, Bruno 721<br />

Faúndez, Alejandra <strong>16</strong>24<br />

Feeley, Rebecca 1200<br />

Fegue, Cyril 283<br />

Fei, Wenting 1343<br />

Feierstein, Daniel 1<strong>16</strong>0<br />

Felouzis, Georges 1500<br />

Ferguson, Charles D. 580;698<br />

Fernandes, Sujatha <strong>16</strong>17<br />

Ferréol, Gilles 1466<br />

Fertö, Imre 1833;1884<br />

Fillon, François 470;520<br />

Filmer, Deon 1788<br />

Fisch-Uibopuu, Katriin 1060;1544<br />

Fischer, Sabine 64;171<br />

Fleckenstein, Timo 1511<br />

Flikke, Geir 184<br />

Flint, Adrian 751;878<br />

Flockhart, Trine 485;728<br />

Flowers, Petrice R. 441;2098<br />

Flynn, Moya 1550;1568<br />

Follot, Jean-Claude 1851<br />

Foltysová, Michaela 2038<br />

Fonteneau, Laure 1473<br />

Forden, Geoffrey 683;2077<br />

Förger, Dirk 1577<br />

Forsberg, Erika 1386;1796<br />

Förster, Joachim 486<br />

Foual, Mohand Aomar 900;965<br />

Fowler, Jerry 1263<br />

Fox, Jefferson M. 1315;1360;1727;1777;1983;2029<br />

1728;1778;1985;20<strong>30</strong><br />

Francis, Céline 995;1003;1063<br />

François, Jean-Cristophe 1468<br />

Frank, Johann 471;540<br />

Frank, Rüdiger 772;851 1771<br />

Franzke, Jochen 1803<br />

Fraser, Hugh K. 1944<br />

Freedberg, Sydney J. (jr.) 581;651<br />

Freedman, Jim 457;2051<br />

Frerks, Georg 1366<br />

Freyssinet, Jacques 1854<br />

Fricke, Dietmar 270 278 <strong>30</strong>6<br />

Friedman, Jed 1787<br />

Frye, Timothy M. 1888<br />

Fuest, Veronika 921;954 <strong>16</strong>42<br />

Fugazza, Marco 871<br />

Gabaldón, Luis Gerardo 1<strong>16</strong>9<br />

Gagné, Jean-François 1380;2049<br />

Galeotti, Elisa 773;1883<br />

Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas 1420;1782<br />

García Rivero, Carlos 1207<br />

García, Francisco 66;245 802<br />

Garcia-Parpet, Marie-France 1855<br />

Gast, Henrik 1036;1048<br />

Gault, Guénaëlle 2<strong>08</strong>5<br />

Gearty, Conor 1365<br />

Gebhard, Ute 269<br />

Georgelin, Jean-Louis 521<br />

Gerber, Adam 2137<br />

Gerber, Theodore P. 1064;1551<br />

Gerste, Ronald D. 1121<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 1<strong>08</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

Gessler, Barbara 996;1421<br />

Ghafouri, Mahmoud 37;38;371;375<br />

Ghazouani, Samir 1968;2039<br />

Gheytanchi, Elham 1717<br />

Gieler, Wolfgang 272 274 275<br />

Giese, Karsten 1344;1761<br />

Giles, John 1759<br />

Gill, Graeme J. 12;1552<br />

Giovannini, Arno 982;2052<br />

Giuliani, Tiziana 29;1254<br />

Glachant, Jean Michel 1875<br />

Gloppen, Siri 1142;1173<br />

Gobillon, Laurent 1017;1856<br />

Godet, Michel 2137<br />

Goerres, Achim 1783;2129<br />

Goetz, Klaus H. 62<br />

Goldschmidt, Pierre 684<br />

Goldstein, Morris 841<br />

Gomes, Ana Maria 53;258;415 82;350<br />

259;423;810;847<br />

Gonthier, Frédéric 1471<br />

Gontmacher, Evgenij Slemovic 1553<br />

González Silva, Milko Luis 804;805;1924;1925<br />

Goodman, Adam 376;1<strong>30</strong>4;1714 1273;<strong>16</strong>87<br />

Goodwin, Stephen R. 1099;1580<br />

Gorenberg, Gershom <strong>16</strong>86<br />

Gowan, David 1105<br />

Gowan, Richard 986;1122;1145<br />

Gradeva, Milena 1905<br />

Gratius, Susanne 250;628 1170<br />

Greene, Kenneth F. 1150<br />

Gregory, Shaun 39 1<strong>30</strong>9<br />

Gremillet, Mayette 1011<br />

Griffond, Corinne 1472<br />

Grigor'ev, Leonid 1554;1886<br />

Groll-Yaari, Yedidia 664<br />

Gruber, Petra C. 460;883<br />

Gruiters, Jan 724;1375<br />

Grunberg, Gérard 1018<br />

Grüter, Manfred 911;971<br />

Grynspan, Rebeca 1921<br />

Guetta, Bernard 114<br />

Guignon, Nathalie 1473<br />

Guilloux, Annick 1374;2037<br />

Guimarães, Roberto P. 1146<br />

Gul, Nabiha 1320;1744<br />

Gumede, William Mervin 1210<br />

Gumppenberg, Marie-Carin von <strong>16</strong><br />

Gundel, Sebastian 768<br />

Guthmann, Jean-Paul 1473<br />

Gutiérrez Espada, Cesáreo 197;1107<br />

Gvozdev, Nikolas K. 153;2<strong>08</strong><br />

Györffy, Dóra 1837;1904<br />

Gysi, Gregor 922;969;1515;<strong>16</strong>98<br />

Haass, Richard N. 209;459<br />

Haavardsson, Ingeborg 1707<br />

Haberstock, Holger 1090<br />

Habib, Samar <strong>16</strong>63<br />

Hackensberger, Alfred <strong>16</strong>64<br />

Hadjar, Andreas 15<strong>16</strong>;2115<br />

Hagan, Jacqueline 1597<br />

Hagemann, Sara 1831<br />

Hakim, Sam R. 1974<br />

Halbach, Uwe 15<br />

Halpin, Edward F. 723;2079<br />

Hammer, Jeffrey S. 1786<br />

Hamzaoui, Sonia 1964<br />

Hamzawy, Amr 1257 1291<br />

Hänggi, Heiner 561;627;633;637<br />

Hansakul, Syetarn 752;827<br />

Hansen, Gerda 68;357<br />

Hanson, Philip 1887<br />

Harder, Jonathan B. 372;392<br />

Harnischfeger, Johannes <strong>16</strong>38<br />

Härpfer, Susanne 1364<br />

Harrison, Lawrence E. 1793<br />

Hart, Andrew 214;323<br />

Hartleb, Florian 1037<br />

Hartmann, Michael 1422<br />

Hathaway, Robert M. 582;693<br />

Hauser, Richard 1423<br />

He, Lining 2012<br />

Hecker, Marc 1387<br />

Heger, Timo-Christian <strong>16</strong>65;1798<br />

Hegre, Håvard 1388;21<strong>30</strong><br />

Heide, Marlen 313<br />

Heidenreich, Felix 1498;1523<br />

Heidenreich, Martin 1418<br />

Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas 1090<br />

Helbling, Jürg 729;1799<br />

Hellmann, Gunther 67;126;472;533<br />

Henrich, Christian Johannes 315<br />

Herbet, Jean-Baptiste 1473<br />

Herbst, Jeffrey 1211<br />

Hernández, Luis Fernando 629<br />

Hernes, Helga 1707<br />

Herteman, Jean-Paul 522<br />

Herz, Dietmar 313<br />

Herzallah, Mohammed 1257<br />

Hicks, Robert L. 868;872;2099;2100<br />

Hiemann, Roland 741<br />

Hildmann, Philipp W. 1038;1517<br />

Hillier, Rick 562<br />

Hippel, Frank N. von 732<br />

Hirschl, Bernd 1876<br />

Hledik, Stephen 715<br />

Hoctan, Caroline 1474<br />

Hodes, Cyrus 487;673<br />

Hofmeier, Rolf 3<strong>08</strong> 311 319 320<br />

Hofmeister, Wilhelm 1397<br />

Höhne, Roland A. 1475<br />

Höhne-Sparborth, Thomas 1287<br />

Holbig, Heike 1344;1761<br />

Holmes, James R. 399;699 713<br />

Holst, Hajo 1518;1877<br />

Holt, Victoria K. 583;1123<br />

Holz, Carsten A. 20<strong>08</strong><br />

Höpel, Thomas 115;127;137<br />

Horgues-Debat, Jean 1019<br />

Houben, Vincent J. H. 21<strong>16</strong><br />

Hough, Peter 1372;2128<br />

Hourcade, Bernard 377;685<br />

Hourdin, Hugues 4<br />

House, Jim 1020;1245<br />

Howard, Dick 1124<br />

Howorth, Jolyon 473<br />

Huang, Yasheng 2009<br />

Huhn, Sebastian <strong>16</strong>13<br />

Huisken, Ron 405<br />

Humbertjean, Muriel 1857<br />

Hummel, Christiane 1476<br />

Hunner-Kreisel, Christine 1564<br />

Hussain, Mohammed Nur 8<strong>30</strong><br />

Idu, Paul Octavian 317<br />

Indridason, Indridi H. 1389<br />

Inglehart, Ronald <strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong><br />

Innes, Michael A. 1390<br />

Islam, Shada 997;1310<br />

Ismail, Rahmah 1997<br />

Ismayilov, Rovshan 1896;1900<br />

Jacob, Jabin T. 400;418<br />

Jafarzadeh, Alireza 687<br />

Jafri, S. A. Minam <strong>16</strong>67;1960<br />

Jahan, Ferdous 1732<br />

Jajri, Idris 1997<br />

Jakovlev, Andrej Aleksandrovic 1888<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Jalal, Ayesha 1731<br />

James, Sallie 786;1127<br />

Janmaat, Jan Germen 1561<br />

Jany-Catrice, Florence 1477<br />

Jeffrey, Roger 1739<br />

Jenkins, Rhys 818;2076<br />

Jensen, Carsten Strøby 1784<br />

Jetzlsperger, Florian 264 284<br />

Jewitt, Sarah 1734;1989<br />

Johns, Adrian 511<br />

Johnstone, Ian 213;1128<br />

Jones, Bruce 214;323<br />

Jonsson, Michael 1053<br />

Jordan, Rolf 40<br />

Joseph, Richard 1190<br />

Judt, Tony 588<br />

Juilliard-Beaudan, Colette <strong>16</strong>96<br />

Jung, Christian 767;826<br />

Jung, Joo-youn 2020<br />

Jungen, Christine <strong>16</strong>94<br />

Jutard, Milagros 1140;<strong>16</strong>05<br />

Kachkeev, Maksat 1092<br />

Kalpakian, Jack 646;7<strong>30</strong><br />

Kaltani, Linda 870;2040<br />

Kamenka, Patrick 1901<br />

Kane, John 1407;2138<br />

Kannabiran, Kalpana 1735<br />

Kanwal, Gurmeet 701;707<br />

Kapstein, Ethan Barnaby 1379<br />

Karray, Bassem 754;819<br />

Kastler, Martin 1100<br />

Kaswamila, Abiud L. 1945 1948<br />

Kathage, Birte 294 295 299 <strong>30</strong>1<br />

Kazancev, Andrej A. 154;185<br />

Kazi, Vivian 1944<br />

Kee, Tan Soo 2024<br />

Keefer, Philip 14<strong>08</strong><br />

Keeping, Janet 1889<br />

Kellner, Thierry 186;419<br />

Kelly, John 1715<br />

Kelly, Terrence K. 614<br />

Kembayev, Zhenis 148;155;1059;1065<br />

Kennedy, Scott 2010<br />

Kern, Thomas 1772<br />

Kerr, Paul K. 2073;2078<br />

Kessy, Severine S. A. 1946<br />

Kevles, Daniel J. 2104<br />

Kew, Darren 1190<br />

Kidombo, Pius Kipketer 1217<br />

Kilani, Munzer A. 960;978<br />

Kim, Euikon 2126<br />

Kimaro, Monica 1949<br />

Kimsey, William D. 1752<br />

King, Preston 1391<br />

Kirişci, Kemal 1535<br />

Klaeden, Eckart von 684<br />

Klammer, Ute 1424;1519<br />

Klare, Michael T. 589;1912<br />

Klein Goldewijk, Berma 1409;2139<br />

Klein Haarhuis, Carolien M. 1179;2121<br />

Klein, Herbert S. 25<br />

Klein, Thamar <strong>16</strong>40<br />

Klein-Arendt, Reinhard 297 <strong>30</strong>0 <strong>30</strong>5 342<br />

Kleining, Jochen 1337<br />

Kleinsteuber, Hans J. 923;948<br />

Klicunova, Elena 1066;1555<br />

Kliksberg, Bernardo 1921<br />

Klinken, Gerry van 1327;1995<br />

Klossa, Guillaume 69;1<strong>16</strong>;1425;1478<br />

Knights, Michael 1276 1392<br />

Knobel, Marc 1479;1801<br />

Knobloch, Jörn 1067<br />

Kogan, Evgenij 544;555<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 109 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Kohnert, Dirk <strong>16</strong>36 <strong>16</strong>43<br />

Koike, Masanari 2027<br />

Kokko, Ari 1834<br />

König, Miriam 291<br />

Kononenko, Vadim 156<br />

Koonings, Kees 1<strong>16</strong>6<br />

Koppel, Oliver 2068<br />

Kornijenko, Evgenija 776;843<br />

Korski, Daniel 480;496<br />

Kösebalaban, Hasan 1054<br />

Koskensalo, Annikki 890;895;1419;1445<br />

Kösler, Ariane 458<br />

Kotkin, Stephen 157;215<br />

Kotthoff, Helga 924;940 983<br />

Kouchner, Bernard 523;634<br />

Krakiewicz, Aleksandra 539<br />

Krakowski, Michael 755;798<br />

Kramer, Franklin D. 70;103;2<strong>16</strong>;474;488;590<br />

Kranenpohl, Uwe 1036;1048<br />

Krasnov, Michail Aleksandrovič 1068<br />

Krastev, Ivan I. 71;158 104<br />

Kratochvíl, Petr 72;<strong>16</strong>9;176<br />

Krause, Britta 296<br />

Kravtsova, Victoria 1834<br />

Kreiser, Klaus 10<br />

Krichen, Zyed 1252<br />

Kriesi, Hanspeter 1021 1393;2131<br />

Kristensen, Kristian Søby 485;728<br />

Krkoska, Libor 776;843<br />

Kronstadt, K. Alan 217;389<br />

Krüger, Heinz-Hermann 920;1512<br />

Krüger, Steffen 263<br />

Kruijt, Dirk 1<strong>16</strong>6<br />

Kubátová, Kvêta 2038<br />

Kube, Sabine 901;955;980<br />

Kuchins, Andrew C. 159;454 1069<br />

Kugler, Richard L. 102<br />

Kühn, Raphaela 3<strong>16</strong><br />

Kunst, Alexander 1345<br />

Künzler, Daniel <strong>16</strong>45<br />

Kurzman, Charles 2123<br />

Kušić, Siniša 73;195<br />

Laamrani, Hammou <strong>16</strong>53;1953<br />

Labib, Tahar 959;977 961<br />

Lackner, Michael 1755<br />

Lacoste, Yves 5;117<br />

Lacroix, Stéphane 1705<br />

Lafourcade, Jean-Claude 635<br />

Lafrance, Robert 844<br />

Laird, Robin 591<br />

Lamas, Marta <strong>16</strong>09<br />

Lambakis, Steven 592<br />

Lamei, Aya 1966<br />

Langen, Marc 281 <strong>30</strong>9<br />

Langlois, Simon 2110<br />

Lanigan, Kevin 1131;1297<br />

Lantis, Jeffrey S. 7<strong>16</strong><br />

Laruelle, Marlène 1541;1556<br />

Laube, Wolfram 1939<br />

Lauth, Hans-Joachim 1005<br />

Lavergne, Marc <strong>16</strong>95<br />

Lay, Tristan 973<br />

Leclerc, Jean-Pierre 1488;1862<br />

Leczykiewicz, Dorota 998<br />

Lee Hock Guan 1748<br />

Lee Peluso, Nancy 1328<br />

Lee, Eun-jeung 410<br />

Lee, Francis L. F. 1352;1769<br />

Lee, Jaewoo 880;2046<br />

Lee, Jong-heon 709<br />

Lee, Kwang-ho 434;436<br />

Lee, Seungjoo 1773;2025<br />

Lee, Sook-jong 1354;1358;1774;1776<br />

Legeay, Hélène 1259;<strong>16</strong>84<br />

Leinen, Jo 74<br />

Lennox, Robert P. 593;2074<br />

Lentz, Carola 1187<br />

Leonard, Kenneth L. 1786<br />

Léotar, Frédéric 1565<br />

Lester, Simon N. 449<br />

Li, Cheng 2015<br />

Li, Jun 2011;2096<br />

Li, Lianjiang 1763<br />

Li, Zhang 20<strong>16</strong><br />

Lieb, Julia 96 1480<br />

Liebl, Vernie 524;640<br />

Liegeois, Michel 1201<br />

Lindberg, Staffan I. 1188<br />

Lindley-French, Julian 475;489<br />

Lindner, Rainer <strong>16</strong>0;172 <strong>16</strong>1;173<br />

Lippert, Barbara 72;<strong>16</strong>9;176<br />

Lippert, William 1359<br />

Lisbonne-de Vergeron, Karine 756;845<br />

Lisio, Antonio de <strong>16</strong>31;2090<br />

Little, Douglas 218;358;1598;<strong>16</strong>99<br />

Loayza, Norman 1405<br />

Lobell, Steven E. 594;662<br />

Locatelli, Catherine 1824<br />

Locicero, Alice 1394<br />

Loetzer, Klaus D. 271<br />

Long, Austin 654<br />

Looney, Robert 694;1981<br />

Lorca, Alejandro V. 59;321;444<br />

Lothaire, Fanny 1764<br />

Loužek, Marek 1442<br />

Lozowick, Yaacov 36;665<br />

Lucas, Edward <strong>16</strong>2<br />

Luck, Simon 1022<br />

Luger, Kurt 976;2036<br />

Lumbroso, Sonia 1015<br />

Luna, Francisco Vidal 25<br />

Lundahl, Mats 2003<br />

Lust-Okar, Ellen Marie 1284<br />

Lyman, Edwin S. 732<br />

Lyons, Terrence 1226<br />

Ma, Chunbo 2012<br />

MacDonald, Rosita 1362<br />

Macháček, Štěpán 1581<br />

MacKinnon, Michael G. 583;1123<br />

MacMaster, Neil 1020;1245<br />

Mader, Georg 733;2<strong>08</strong>4<br />

Magnoli Bocchi, Alessandro 1999<br />

Magnoli, Alessandro 836;2005<br />

Maguain, Denis 1481;1802<br />

Mahbubani, Kishore 455<br />

Mainwaring, Scott 1148<br />

Mak, Joon Num 406<br />

Makarenko, Boris Igorevic 1070<br />

Makarkin, Aleksej Vladimirovic 1071<br />

Malamud, Carlos 248<br />

Malik, Mustafa 1721<br />

Malka, Amos 666<br />

Mallard, Alexandre 1859<br />

Malley, Robert 354;365<br />

Malofeeva, Katya 1890<br />

Mandelson, Peter 757;859<br />

Mandić, Danilo 490;558;743<br />

Manoharan, N. 1318;1324<br />

Mansouri-Guilani, Nasser 1860<br />

Manyin, Mark E. 200;440<br />

Manyora, Hermon 1217<br />

Marashi, Ibrahim al- 31;655<br />

Marchart, Oliver 2132<br />

Marcinkevic, Viktor Iosifovic 1557;1804<br />

Maré, David C. 1780<br />

Margirier, Gilles 1861<br />

Marini, Philippe 1842<br />

Markedonov, Sergej M. <strong>16</strong>3;177;1072;1<strong>08</strong>6<br />

Marpsat, Maryse 1485<br />

Marschall, Stefan 1039<br />

Martin, Gregory M. 613<br />

Martin, Michael F. 833;837<br />

Martínez Reina, Jaime <strong>16</strong>27<br />

Marx, Leo 1599<br />

Massino, Jill 1539;1576<br />

Masuruli, Baker M. 1945<br />

Matelski, Dariusz 925;935<br />

Math, Antoine 1427;1483<br />

Mathonnière, Julien 525<br />

Mattoo, Aaditya 1986<br />

Maulny, Jean-Pierre 75;476 120;135<br />

Maurer, Andreas 76<br />

Mayer, Jörg 814<br />

Mayer, Nonna 1484<br />

Mays, Nicholas 1533<br />

Mazumdar, Arijit 401;420<br />

McCarthy, Eamon 1276<br />

McCleary, Rachel M. 1789;2042<br />

McConell, J. Michael 595<br />

McGuinness, Margret E. 219;1129<br />

McKenzie, Brian Angus 902;950<br />

McKenzie, David 1787<br />

McKinney, Bruce C. 1752<br />

McNab, Robert 694;1981<br />

Meddeb, Abdelwahab <strong>16</strong>68<br />

Mehler, Andreas 1402;2133<br />

Meidan, Michal 2017<br />

Meier-Walser, Reinhard C. 109;118;339<br />

Mekaimi, Haila al- 1289;1703<br />

Melliti, Imed <strong>16</strong>78<br />

Ménard, Claude 1905<br />

Mendelson, Jean 2111<br />

Mendelson, Sarah E. 1064;1551 1069<br />

Mendras, Marie 1073<br />

Menon, Ajit 1742;2094<br />

Menon, Jayant 1749;1998<br />

Mertha, Andrew C. 2013;2097<br />

Messner, Dirk 770<br />

Meurs, Mieke 1906<br />

Meyer, Berthold 324 325<br />

Meyer, Wolfgang 1333<br />

Mez, Lutz 1296 1876<br />

Mezran, Karim 29;1254 138;335<br />

Michel, Dirk 1700<br />

Michelangeli, Alessandra 1451<br />

Michelat, Guy 1484<br />

Michelson, Ethan 1346;1765<br />

Mielke, Gerd 1040<br />

Mignot, Dominique 1467;1852<br />

Mihalka, Michael 491;674;1439;1709<br />

Mikaïl, Barah 220;326;596;642<br />

Mildner, Stormy-Annika 450<br />

Milej, Tomasz 1528<br />

Milo, Paskal 128;194<br />

Milov, Vladimir Stanislavovic 1891<br />

Miltsch, Rebecca <strong>30</strong>7<br />

Mirza, Qudsia <strong>16</strong>69<br />

Mishkin, Frederic S. 882;2055<br />

Misra, Sib Ranjan 1990;2028<br />

Moe, Christian 196;1582<br />

Mogi, Gento 2027<br />

Moisseron, Jean-Yves 1967<br />

Moor, Alan L. (jr.) 512;2066<br />

Mora, Frank O. 221;253<br />

Moreno, Alejandro <strong>16</strong>12<br />

Morrison, Minion K. C. 1188<br />

Morten, Melanie 1780<br />

Moseley, T. Michael 597<br />

Moutos, Thomas 746;774<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 110 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

Muhammed Ally, Sahr 1131;1297<br />

Mui, Matthew 2014<br />

Müller, Franziska 758;879<br />

Müller, Patrick 353;359;364<br />

Münch, Elisabeth von 1966<br />

Muñoz, María Antonia <strong>16</strong>19<br />

Munoz-Perez, Bruno 265<br />

Mushi, Deograsias P. <strong>16</strong>47<br />

Mwakalila, Shadrack 1947<br />

Mwambe, Geoffrey 1943<br />

Mwihomeke, Stephen T. 1951<br />

Nabli, Mounira <strong>16</strong>73<br />

Nadarajah, Suthaharan 1325<br />

Nam, Sang-hui 1772<br />

Nanto, Dick K. 852;2021<br />

Naqvi, Leylac 11<br />

Narramore, Terry 77;421<br />

Nasreen, Hashima 1733<br />

Nasser, Rabie 1972;2043<br />

Nasseri, Aydin 17<strong>16</strong><br />

Nassr, Marilyn 903;962<br />

Nathan, Laurie <strong>30</strong>2;343<br />

Natsios, Andrew S. 1262<br />

Nattrass, Nicoli <strong>16</strong>44<br />

Navarro, Clemente J. 1051;1395<br />

Nayberg, Roberto 734;1806<br />

Ndegwa, Duncan 26;1218<br />

Neumann, Christoph K. 10<br />

Neumann, Ronald E. 675;825<br />

Newkirk, Anthony 380<br />

Ngailo, Jerry A. 1948<br />

Nichol, Jim 550;599<br />

Niclauß, Karlheinz 1041;1049<br />

Nicolas, Françoise 846<br />

Nikitin, Sergej Michajlovic 1892;2056<br />

Nikolentzos, Athanasios 1533<br />

Nivière, Delphine 1485<br />

Nixon, Hamish 1298<br />

Noe, Christine 1947<br />

Noël, Pierre 600;643;1913;1955<br />

Noland, Marcus 1959<br />

Nollen, Stanley D. 773;1883<br />

Noor, Sanam 1440<br />

O'Brien, Kevin J. 1763<br />

O'Connell, Edward 603;657<br />

O'Donnell, Clara Marina 78;360;367<br />

O'Rourke, Ronald 601<br />

Öberg, Marko Divac 463<br />

Obergöker, Timo 904;927<br />

Oberleitner, Gerd 107 1365<br />

Ogura, Kiyoko 1322<br />

Ollero, Antonio 836;2005<br />

Olsen, Edward A. 223;432;<strong>16</strong>00;1770<br />

Olszewski, Andrzej K. 934<br />

Öniş, Ziya 139;144<br />

Oplotnik, Žan Jan 1836<br />

Oppenheimer, Michael 2107<br />

Ortiz Crespo, Santiago 1<strong>16</strong>4;<strong>16</strong>26<br />

Orttung, Robert W. 1074<br />

Østby, Gudrun 1410;2140<br />

Ottaway, Marina S. 1240<br />

Ould Ahmed Salem, Zekeria 759;809;1825;1937<br />

Ounaïna, Hamdi <strong>16</strong>79<br />

Pack, Howard 1959<br />

Palermo, Vicente 249;257;<strong>16</strong>20;<strong>16</strong>32<br />

Palmer, Ronald D. 1181<br />

Paltiel, Jeremy T. 422<br />

Pan Ké Shon, Jean-Louis 1458<br />

Papaioannou, Elias 760<br />

Paramonov, Vladimir 547;551<br />

Pargeter, Alison 1246<br />

Parker, Sam 609;658<br />

Parkes, Roderick 1428<br />

Pasch, Paul 1331<br />

Patchi, Anzo 1807<br />

Patrick, Stewart 602<br />

Pautrat, Rémy 1840<br />

Pavić, Tomislava 1835;1903<br />

Payne, Leigh A. 1156;1212<br />

Peerless, Melissa 1235<br />

Pêgo, Bolívar 1929<br />

Pei, Minxin 1347<br />

Pejić Bach, Mirjana 1835;1903<br />

Pelagidis, Theodoros 762;775<br />

Pellistrandi, Jérôme 526<br />

Perez, Yannick 1875<br />

Perito, Robert M. 1132<br />

Perkovich, George 684<br />

Pernicka, Susanne 1518;1877<br />

Péron-Doise, Marianne 710;711<br />

Perrat, Jacques 1487<br />

Perrot, Anne 1488;1862<br />

Perrot, Anne-Catherine de 938<br />

Pershai, Alexander 1562<br />

Perthes, Volker 684<br />

Peter, Jörg 1075<br />

Peters, Dirk 532;720<br />

Petrini, Benjamin 27;32;1232;1277 <strong>16</strong>4;191 370<br />

Petritsch, Wolfgang 477;548;560;999;1076;1110<br />

Petrov, Nikolaj 1077 1078<br />

Peyrouse, Sébastien 1566 1567<br />

Phillips, James 676<br />

Phillips, Sarah 1294<br />

Phillipson, Robert 892;897;951;1429;1447;<strong>16</strong>02<br />

Phuc, Ha 1752<br />

Piazolo, Michael 50;467<br />

Pichetti, Sylvain 1453<br />

Pietrobelli, Carlo 799<br />

Pilavachi, Petros A. 1822<br />

Pineda, Claudia 801;1922<br />

Pinto Escoval, Alfredo 280 298<br />

Pirnie, Bruce R. 603;657<br />

Pleines, Heiko 1897;2063<br />

Pluchinsky, Dennis A. 1398<br />

Poblete, Lorena <strong>16</strong>21<br />

Pohl, Karl-Heinz 928;972;975<br />

Polakowski, Michal P. 1444<br />

Pongponrat, Kannapa 2001<br />

Pongquan, Soparth 2001<br />

Portes, Richard 760<br />

Potter, William C. 735;1399<br />

Poupeau, Franck 1468<br />

Prakash, Shri 832;1319<br />

Premat, Christophe 1024;1042<br />

Prendergast, John 1229 1263<br />

Prenzel, Thorben 45;1815<br />

Puijenbroek, Joost van 1202<br />

Qiu, Shufang 1757<br />

Quaife, John 717<br />

Quandt, William Baver 1247<br />

Quaranta, Paolo 493<br />

Rack, Herta M. 15<strong>30</strong><br />

Radford, Kathryn 2137<br />

Rahimi, Babak 1717<br />

Ramet, Sabrina Petra 18;20;21;1095;1097;1104<br />

Ramia, Gaby 1341;2006<br />

Rao, P. Madhava 1737<br />

Rapoport, Hillel 869<br />

Rasell, Michael 1559<br />

Rasheed, Madawi al- 1706<br />

Rashid, Tahmina 1312;1722<br />

Ravenel, Bernard 362;381;667;688<br />

Ravens, Jan van <strong>16</strong>61<br />

Raynaud, Philippe 1492<br />

Razmi, Arslan 874;2044<br />

Razzak, Weshah 823;1975<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Rebeggiani, Luca 317<br />

Rechel, Bernd 1006;1096;1443;1579<br />

Rechmann, Annika 1<strong>30</strong>;226;349;1521;<strong>16</strong>03;<strong>16</strong>88<br />

Régnier-Loilier, Arnaud 1493<br />

Reichmuth, Philipp 331 332 333<br />

Reilly, Benjamin 1363;1781<br />

Reilly, Robert D. (jr.) 606<br />

Reljić, Dušan 1111<br />

Remme, Uwe 1827;2057<br />

Renard, Eric 1485<br />

Rencki, Julien 6;9<br />

Renders, Marleen 12<strong>30</strong><br />

Rendón Acevedo, Jaime Alberto <strong>16</strong>27<br />

Resende-Santos, Joao 625<br />

Retamozo, Martín <strong>16</strong>19<br />

Revill, James 1<strong>30</strong>9<br />

Reynal-Querol, Marta 1405<br />

Reynié, Dominique 1494<br />

Rhéaume, Charles 1057<br />

Rhyu, Sang-young 1773;2025<br />

Richter, Reinhart 891;1426<br />

Riecke, Henning 497;535<br />

Riedel, Bruce 696<br />

Riemer, Andrea K. 465<br />

Rigoulot, Pierre 1171<br />

Riley, Meredith 1240<br />

Riorda, Mario 1400;1809<br />

Rioux, Jean-Pierre 1486<br />

Rivière, Emmanuel 1026<br />

Robert, Hervé 1027<br />

Roberts, Hugh 1248<br />

Rodkiewicz, Witold 1<strong>08</strong>5<br />

Rodríguez, Néstor 1597<br />

Roett, Riordan 241;414;795;838<br />

Rogov, Kirill 1079<br />

Rompel, Dörte 1184;<strong>16</strong>41<br />

Rosenwald, Fabienne 1431<br />

Rosignoli, Valeria <strong>16</strong>70<br />

Ross, Maxim 228;255;1915;1933<br />

Rossabi, Morris 1760<br />

Rotte, Ralph 83;1828<br />

Le Roux, Len 639<br />

Roy, Ananya 1738<br />

Rozès, Stéphane 69;1<strong>16</strong>;1425;1478<br />

Rüb, Friedbert W. 1007<br />

Rudloff, Bettina 1829;2034<br />

Rudzio, Wolfgang 1043<br />

Rüger, Carolin 84;131 85;1000<br />

Rühe, Volker 14<br />

Ruijven, Bas van 1826;1991<br />

Rumelili, Bahar 86;145<br />

Rupiya, Martin 12<strong>08</strong><br />

Rutherford, Thomas F. 777;866;1894;2035<br />

Rweyemamu, Dennis 1949<br />

Ryan, Mick 607<br />

Rydzy, Edda 886;894<br />

Rynhold, Jonathan 363;368<br />

Ryžkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovič 1<strong>08</strong>0<br />

Saaler, Sven 1775<br />

Sadovskaja, Elena Y. 778<br />

Saif, Ibrahim 1971<br />

Salama, Sammy 31;655<br />

Salamatian, Ahmad 382<br />

Salem, Paul 1290<br />

Sanchez, Ruby 1495 1866<br />

Sandoval Wong, Sergio Roberto 24<br />

Sandschneider, Eberhard 43<br />

Saran, Shyam 2093<br />

Sarkozy, Nicolas 528<br />

Sasse, Gwendolyn 87;174;175<br />

Satana, Nil S. 543;1055<br />

Sato, Yoichiro 409;442;703;712<br />

Satrya, Aryana 1329<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 111 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Saubert, Alain 1867<br />

Sauger, Nicolas 1028<br />

Sauter, Wolf 1001;18<strong>30</strong><br />

Sawyer, Amos C. 1189<br />

Schabas, Margaret 2105<br />

Schäfer, Claus 1414<br />

Schäfer, Dorothea 1878<br />

Schaik, Louise van 90<br />

Schenk, Klaus 926;1520<br />

Schenker, Harald 1094;1570<br />

Scherrer, Christoph 758;879<br />

Schertges, Claudia 1700<br />

Schiff, Maurice 875;2<strong>08</strong>0<br />

Schlesinger, Arthur M. (jr.) 2<br />

Schlomach, Gerrit F. 88;132;327;445<br />

Schmid, Dorothée 49;443<br />

Schmidt, Burghart 905;929 906;9<strong>30</strong> <strong>16</strong>35<br />

Schmidt, Lars Peter 1<strong>08</strong>1<br />

Schmidt, Vivien A. 89<br />

Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus 870;2040<br />

Schnapper, Dominique 1496<br />

Schneider, Gerald 464;1406<br />

Schofield, Victoria 391;402<br />

Schout, Adriaan 90<br />

Schrameyer, Klaus 1103<br />

Schreiner, Patrick 931<br />

Schrooten, Mechthild 1879<br />

Schubert, Simon 91;761<br />

Schulten, Thorsten 1872<br />

Schultze, Michael <strong>30</strong>3 <strong>30</strong>4<br />

Schulz, Nils-Sjard 801;1922<br />

Schwan, Anna 932;952<br />

Schwarck, Dorothee 917;2113<br />

Schwarte, Kristina Isabel 6<strong>08</strong>;736;<strong>16</strong>04;1810<br />

Schwarz-Schilling, Christian 556<br />

Secchi, Leonardo 1<strong>16</strong>2<br />

Seidel, René 279<br />

Selden, Zachary A. 92;2<strong>30</strong><br />

Selod, Harris 1017;1856<br />

Senkoro, Catherine J. 1948<br />

Serfaty, Simon 70;103;2<strong>16</strong>;474;488;590<br />

80;106;225;478;494;604 93;231<br />

Serrano, Silvia 1563<br />

Serwer, Daniel P. 609;658<br />

Sezeur, Sylvie 1011<br />

Shadlen, Kenneth C. 779<br />

Shah, Syed Muhammad Ali 876;1790<br />

Shahi, Afshin 1238;1<strong>30</strong>6;<strong>16</strong>71;1718<br />

Shapiro, Robert Y. 1114<br />

Sharawi, Helmy 963<br />

Sharipova, Elena 1890<br />

Shechambo, Tamilwai C. 1950<br />

Sheth, V. S. 260;403<br />

Shih, Chih-yu 1766<br />

Shilpi, Forhad 17<strong>30</strong><br />

Shivji, Issa G. <strong>16</strong>37;<strong>16</strong>48<br />

Shue, Henry 737;1401<br />

Sienerth, Stefan 17;1571;2119<br />

Silicani, Jean-Ludovic 1029<br />

Silva-Garbade, Caroline 450<br />

Simon, Fabienne 1432;1497<br />

Simon, Pierre 1868<br />

Simon, Steven 610;659<br />

Sinclair, Samuel J. 1394<br />

Singal, Nidhi 1739<br />

Singh, Langpoklakpam Suraj 404;4<strong>08</strong><br />

Singh, Rahul 451<br />

Sjöholm, Fredrik 2003<br />

Skidelsky, Robert <strong>16</strong>6<br />

Skinner, Tony 2075<br />

Skirpekk, Sigurd N. 887;964<br />

Skuban, William E. 252;254;<strong>16</strong>25;<strong>16</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

Slocombe, Walter B. 481;549;611<br />

Smida, Nabil <strong>16</strong>80<br />

Smith, David 831;848;1992;2018<br />

Smith, Matthew 612;19<strong>16</strong><br />

Smith, Robert 849<br />

Snyder, Scott 425;437<br />

Sokoni, Cosmas H. 1950<br />

Solberg, Anne Ross 146;192;1536;1572<br />

Solovjov, Maxim 1075<br />

Sotelo Maciel, Aníbal Jorge 1149<br />

Souaré, Issaka K. 261;340<br />

Soudan, Pierre 529<br />

Speakes, Stephen M. 613<br />

Spears, Ian S. 1176<br />

Spencer, Vicki 1545;1546;1585<br />

Sperfeldt, Christoph 277 287<br />

Spitzer, Giselher 987;1412<br />

Sridharan, Kripa 397;407;697;702<br />

St. John, Ronald Bruce 233;336<br />

Staack, Michael 133;537<br />

Stachursky, Benjamin 1260;<strong>16</strong>85<br />

Stamm, Andreas 771;815<br />

Stanley, Ruth 726;1791<br />

Stein, Steve 1917<br />

Steinbach, Udo 328<br />

Stellmacher, Till 1952<br />

Stepanova, Marija Porfir'evna 1892;2056<br />

Stiglitz, Joseph 615;660;1918;1969<br />

Stillman, Steven 1780<br />

Stolpovski, Oleg 547;551<br />

Streck, Bernhard <strong>30</strong><br />

Stuligross, David 1741;1993<br />

Suire, Raphaël 2067<br />

Suleiman, Michael W. 967<br />

Sung, Eunjung 985;1812;2135<br />

Sunstein, Cass R. 2106<br />

Sureau, François 10<strong>30</strong><br />

Suruí, Almir <strong>16</strong>23<br />

Sutela, Pekka 1895<br />

Sutter, Robert 187;426<br />

Swamy, Arun 1728;1778;1985;20<strong>30</strong><br />

Swinbank, Alan 749;1820<br />

Symon, Andrew 1994;2031<br />

Szabo, David 6<strong>16</strong><br />

Szelewa, Dorota 1444<br />

Szulc, Tomasz 542;2069<br />

Szule, Adam 1882<br />

Tabatabaei, Seyed Mohammad 383;689<br />

Taks, Javier 1932<br />

Talati, Cyrus 836;2005<br />

Tanner, Travis 394;412<br />

Tardanico, Richard 1153;<strong>16</strong>14<br />

Tardy, Thierry 5<strong>30</strong><br />

Tarr, David G. 777;866;1894;2035<br />

Tate Kagel, Laura 1044;1134<br />

Taylor, Brendan 234;396<br />

Tedesco, Laura 1170<br />

Teichmann, Christine 2118<br />

Teinturier, Brice 1031<br />

Telhami, Shibley I. <strong>16</strong>55<br />

Ter Haar, Gerrie <strong>16</strong>33<br />

Tetlock, Philip E. 2107<br />

Tewocht, Hannah 1032;1045<br />

Thaurel-Richard, Michèle 1869<br />

Theophanous, Andreas 762;775<br />

Thimmel, Stefan 1<strong>16</strong>8<br />

Thomas-Jensen, Colin 288;344;1197;1267 1200<br />

Thompson, Richard 329<br />

Thornton, Phil 864<br />

Thorpe, Evan 2127<br />

Thränert, Oliver 741<br />

Thürer, Daniel 94<br />

Tiberj, Vincent 1484<br />

Tien, Bienvenue 265<br />

Tipurić, Darko 1835;1903<br />

Tirkides, Yiannis 762;775<br />

Titkov, Aleksej 1<strong>08</strong>2<br />

Tlemcani, Rachid 1249<br />

Toche, Olivier 1491;1865<br />

Todd, Emmanuel <strong>16</strong>62<br />

Toloraja, Georgij Davidovic 2022<br />

Tömmel, Ingeborg 61<br />

Torenvlied, René 1179;2121<br />

Toro Hardy, José 256;462;1934;2059<br />

Trainar, Philippe 1870<br />

Trakman, Leon E. 867<br />

Trannoy, Alain 1451<br />

Trebbe, Roman 1046<br />

Treche, Klaus-Peter 538<br />

Triandafyllidou, Anna 1434;1532<br />

Trigubenko, Marina Evgen'evna 2022<br />

Tröger, Franziska 278<br />

True, Jacqui 829;860;1729;1779<br />

Tsering, Tempa 2019<br />

Tsitselikis, Konstantinos 1534<br />

Tubiana, Jérôme 289;345;1198;1268<br />

Tull, Denis Michael 1178<br />

Tyler, Stephen 1957<br />

Tzimitras, Harry G. 140;147<br />

Udink, Betsy 1723<br />

Ufen, Andreas 13<strong>30</strong><br />

Umbach, Frank 738;2060<br />

Ungerer, Carl 718<br />

Ungváry, Krisztian 19;1574<br />

Urban, Johannes 1038;1517<br />

Urio, Fratern M. 1946<br />

Vairon, Lionel 384;427<br />

Valdés Ugalde, Francisco 2134<br />

Van Ruymbeke, Renaud 1033<br />

Vančurová, Alena 2038<br />

Vandenbussche, Robert 10<strong>16</strong><br />

Vannetzel, Marie 1261<br />

Vanzetti, David 871<br />

Varin, Violaine 119;134<br />

Vassas, Thierry 519<br />

Vavrejnova, Marie 15<strong>30</strong><br />

Veit, Winfried 75;476 120;135<br />

Verdier, Arthur <strong>16</strong>7;188<br />

Verdum, Ricardo 1927<br />

Verot, Célia 1488;1862<br />

Vimalarajah, Luxshi 1325<br />

Visser, Reidar 1280<br />

Vivanco Martínez, Angela 1805<br />

Vogel, Dita 1435<br />

Vogel, Wolfram 97<br />

Vojinović, Borut 1836<br />

Voss, Christian 1437;1573<br />

Wacker, Gudrun 428;1348 429;1349 1335 1336<br />

Waddell, Nicholas 290;310;341;452<br />

Wagner, Christian 1313<br />

Wagstaff-Smith, Keri 513<br />

Waldhoff, Christian 1047;1526<br />

Wallack, Jessica Seddon 1385<br />

Waller, J. Michael 984<br />

Walter, Robert 482;499;501<br />

Wang, Dewen 1767<br />

Wang, Yangling 875;2<strong>08</strong>0<br />

Ward, Rees 514<br />

Waxman, Dov 363;368<br />

Wedel, Heidi 1538<br />

Weinbaum, Marvin G. 372;392<br />

Weißenborn, Martin 280 298<br />

Weitz, Richard <strong>16</strong>8;178<br />

Wengle, Susanne 1559<br />

Wenzel-Teuber, Katharina 1768<br />

Werdung, Daniel 121;531<br />

Weschle, Simon 1783;2129<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 112 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

Wessels, Wolfgang 98<br />

Whalley, John 884<br />

White, Christopher M. 237;244;247<br />

White, Hugh 719<br />

White, Richard 619<br />

Wibbels, Erik 1376;1403;2045;2061<br />

Wickama, Juma M. 1951<br />

Wiegand, Thomas 4<strong>30</strong>;7<strong>08</strong><br />

Wieser, Bernd 1<strong>08</strong>4<br />

Wilhelmsen, Julie 184<br />

Wilke, Boris 1313<br />

Will, Gerhard 42<br />

Williams, Ellen 498;620<br />

Williams, John 1288;1702<br />

Wilson, Christine 515<br />

Winter, Martin 893;14<strong>30</strong><br />

Winter, Roger 1270<br />

Wirsing, Robert G. 1314<br />

Wittayapak, Chusak 1332;2002<br />

Wittes, Tamara Cofman 1293;1977<br />

Woerth, Eric 1025<br />

Wolf, Alexander 84;131 85;1000<br />

Wolf, Sarah 1941;1954<br />

Wolfe, Sarah 1941;1954 1957<br />

Wolff, Janna 100;136<br />

Wong, Raymond 2014<br />

Wood, Jason D. 621;1136<br />

Woodside, Duncan 632;1940<br />

Wu, Xinbo 239;431<br />

Würdemann, Christian 483<br />

Wuyts, Marc <strong>16</strong>50<br />

Wyplosz, Charles 747<br />

Xu, Yi-chong 793;8<strong>16</strong>;850<br />

Yacobi, Haim 1701<br />

Yahya, Khalid O. al- 1976;1978<br />

Yakemtchouk, Romain 1112<br />

Yang, Dean 1750<br />

Yang, Kuisong 44;1350<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Yep, Ray 1356<br />

Yilmaz, Suhnaz 139;144<br />

Yoshihara, Toshi 713<br />

Yu, Keping 1351<br />

Zaag, Pieter van der 1966<br />

Zakaria, Fareed 240<br />

Zbiss, Hanène <strong>16</strong>81<br />

Zeebroek, Xavier 1186<br />

Zein, Ahmed 669<br />

Zellner, Wolfgang 1<strong>08</strong><br />

Zemni, Sami 1250<br />

Ziemek, Marc 1355<br />

Zimmermann, Klaus F. 1873<br />

Zotti, Rabih 1477<br />

Zuhur, Sherifa 622;645;1137;1239<br />

Zuleeg, Fabian 1831<br />

Zwarteveen, Margreet <strong>16</strong>29;1931<br />

Zweiri, Mahjoob 352;385<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 113 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12



Aerospace Industries Association of America<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 782<br />

Afghanistan Independent Human Rights<br />

Commission 17<strong>08</strong><br />

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit<br />

(Kabul) 1298<br />

African Research and Resource Forum<br />

(Nairobi) 1942<br />

African Studies Centre (Leiden)<br />

759;809;1825;1937<br />

Air National Guard (United States) 575 576<br />

Akademie für Politik und Zeitgeschehen<br />

(Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, München) 84;131<br />

Alkarama for Human Rights 1242<br />

Ambassade de France (Berlin) 119;134<br />

American Federation of Labor and Congress<br />

of Industrial Organizations 789 1594;19<strong>08</strong><br />

American Foreign Service Association<br />

238;351<br />

American Legion 1590<br />

American Society of International Law<br />

219;1129 448;865 449 463<br />

Amnesty International 1241<br />

Les Amoureux au Ban Public 1489<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor<br />

500;563;677;1441;1586;1710<br />

Arab Planning Institute (Safat) 823;1975<br />

<strong>16</strong>56;1785 1972;2043<br />

Army National Guard (United States) 575 576<br />

Asia Centre (Paris) 2017<br />

Asian Development Bank Institute (Tokyo)<br />

1749;1998<br />

Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict<br />

Studies (University of Queensland,<br />

Brisbane) 1814<br />

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton)<br />

714 718<br />

Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee<br />

1733<br />

Bank of Canada (Ottawa) 844<br />

Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für<br />

Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration<br />

(Deutschland) 1522<br />

Berghof Research Center for Constructive<br />

Conflict Management (Berlin) 1322 1325<br />

Berkman Center for Internet & Society<br />

(Harvard Law School, Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

1715<br />

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der<br />

Wissenschaften (Berlin) 8;2117<br />

Bernard van Leer Foundation (The Hague)<br />

<strong>16</strong>61<br />

Birla Institute of Scientific Research (New<br />

Delhi) 832;1319<br />

Bischöfliches Pius-Gymnasium (Aachen)<br />

9<strong>16</strong>;974<br />

Brookings Institution (Washington/D.C.)<br />

241;414;795;838 251 1593<br />

Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung<br />

(Wolfenbüttel) 1510;2114<br />

Bundesverband Deutscher Banken 767;826<br />

Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs<br />

Institute (Calgary) 11<br />

Canadian Foundation for the Americas<br />

(Ottawa) 1<strong>16</strong>4;<strong>16</strong>26<br />

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace<br />

190;212;369;379;1091;1126;1292;1<strong>30</strong>5<br />

615;660;1918;1969 684 1078 1257 1347<br />

Carnegie Middle East Center (Beirut) 1249<br />

Cato Institute (Washington/D.C.) 153;2<strong>08</strong><br />

Center for Applied Policy Research<br />

(University of Munich) 1817<br />

Center for European Integration Studies<br />

(University of Bonn) 458<br />

Center for Global Development<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 787;8<strong>08</strong>;11<strong>30</strong>;1175<br />

Center for Security Policy (Washington/D.C.)<br />

789<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

14 80;106;225;478;494;604 159;454 207;388;579;692<br />

574;650;672 587 618;626;791;800 1069<br />

Center for Trade Policy Studies (Cato<br />

Institute, Washington/D.C.) 786;1127<br />

Centre for Arab Unity Studies (Bairut) 959;977<br />

Centre for Economic Policy Research<br />

(London) 864<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels)<br />

1066;1555<br />

Centre for European Reform (London)<br />

78;360;367<br />

CIDOB Foundation (Barcelona) 1141<br />

CIMADE 1489<br />

Comité d'Etude des Relations<br />

Franco-Allemandes (Paris) 497;535<br />

Commission Nationale Consultative de<br />

Promotion et de Protection des Droits de<br />

l'Homme (Algérie) 1243 1244<br />

Commission of the European Communities<br />

95 99;193<br />

Committee on Armed Services (United<br />

States / House) 587<br />

Committee on Armed Services (United<br />

States / Senate) 206;578 617;661;1135;1279<br />

Committee on Energy and Commerce<br />

(United States / House) 2062<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House) 46;204 <strong>16</strong>5;229 224;461;<strong>16</strong>01;18<strong>08</strong><br />

232;243 235;3<strong>30</strong> 740 1004 2<strong>08</strong>8<br />

Committee on Foreign Relations (United<br />

States / Senate) 202;4<strong>16</strong> 206;578<br />

211;347;584;652 222;348;598;656 585;653 641 1275<br />

Conflict Studies Research Centre (Defence<br />

Academy of the United Kingdom,<br />

Shrivenham) 376;1<strong>30</strong>4;1714 547;551 1273;<strong>16</strong>87<br />

Congressional Research Service (Library of<br />

Congress, Washington/D.C.)<br />

200;440 205;417;1120;1342 217;389 433;1353<br />

550;599 833;837 852;2021 2073;2078<br />

Conseil Economique et Social (France) 1472<br />

1860 1867 1868<br />

Conseil Régional du Nord-Pas-de-Calais<br />

1467;1852<br />

Control Arms Foundation of India 700<br />

Council of the European Union 47;262;744;817<br />

Council on Foreign Relations (New York/N.Y.)<br />

<strong>16</strong>5;229 393 605;1133 1756<br />

Crédit Agricole (Paris) 1464 1465;1848<br />

Crisis States Research Centre (London<br />

School of Economics and Political Science)<br />

<strong>30</strong>2;343 397;407;697;702 <strong>16</strong>46;<strong>16</strong>51<br />

Danish Institute for International Studies<br />

(Copenhagen) 485;728 1420;1782 1818<br />

David Rockefeller Center for Latin American<br />

Studies (Harvard University,<br />

Cambridge/Mass.) 799<br />

Délégation Interministérielle à la Famille<br />

(France) 1490<br />

Department of Commerce (United States)<br />

782<br />

Department of Defense (United States)<br />

564;6<strong>30</strong> 575 576 586 782<br />

Department of Defense / Office of the<br />

Secretary of Defense (United States)<br />

603;657<br />

Department of Homeland Security (United<br />

States) 1143;1154;<strong>16</strong>06;<strong>16</strong>15 1591<br />

Department of Labor (United States) 1591<br />

Department of Labour (New Zealand) 1780<br />

Department of State (United States)<br />

227;424 235;3<strong>30</strong> 236;438;792;854 238;351 564;6<strong>30</strong><br />

782 790;821 1143;1154;<strong>16</strong>06;<strong>16</strong>15 1180;<strong>16</strong>39 1191<br />

1225;1228 1334 1591<br />

Department of the Air Force (United States)<br />

569;2070 575 576<br />

Department of the Army (United States) 575<br />

576<br />

Department of the Navy (United States) 575<br />

576<br />

Deutsche Bank Research (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

752;827<br />

Director of National Intelligence (United<br />

States) 595<br />

Directorate-General Economic and Financial<br />

Affairs (European Communities /<br />

Commission) 760<br />

Directorate-General External Relations<br />

(European Commission) 48;439;745;855<br />

Directorate-General for Trade (European<br />

Commission) 753;842 757;859<br />

Dubai School of Government 1235 1704<br />

1976;1978<br />

East-West Center (Honolulu/Haw.) 1362<br />

Economic and Social Commission for<br />

Western Asia 1958<br />

Economic Research Forum for the Arab<br />

Countries, Iran and Turkey (Cairo)<br />

1968;2039<br />

Elcano Royal Institute (Madrid) 59;321;444<br />

197;1107 248 1207 2023;2026<br />

Employment, Social Affairs and Equal<br />

Opportunities Directorate-General<br />

(European Commission) 14<strong>16</strong><br />

Enough 288;344;1197;1267 1200 1229 1263 1270<br />

Enterprise Directorate-General (European<br />

Commission) 2109<br />

EurasiaNet 1002;1<strong>08</strong>7;11<strong>08</strong> 1896;1900<br />

Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied<br />

Research on International Migration (San<br />

Domenico di Fiesole) 1535 <strong>16</strong>91 1701<br />

European Commission 79;361 458<br />

European Parliament (2004/2009)<br />

82;350;259;423;810;847<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 114 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

European Policy Centre (Brussels) 49;443<br />

992 997;1310 1831<br />

European Union Election Observer Mission<br />

1311 1321<br />

Evangelische Akademie Loccum 891;1426<br />

Expanded Ministerial Conference of the<br />

Neighbouring Countries of Iraq 03. (Kuwait,<br />

20<strong>08</strong>-04-22) 322;346;1231;1272<br />

Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und<br />

Rechtspflege (Berlin) 50;467<br />

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias<br />

Sociales - Chile (Santiago de Chile)<br />

624;1<strong>16</strong>3<br />

Fahamu 807 1172 1174;<strong>16</strong>34 <strong>16</strong>37;<strong>16</strong>48<br />

Federal Foreign Office (Germany) 56<br />

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation<br />

and Development (Germany) 769;797<br />

889;956<br />

Federal Office of Administration - Central<br />

Agency for Schools Abroad (Cologne) 919<br />

Finnish Institute of International Affairs<br />

(Helsinki) 156<br />

Fondation Robert Schuman (Paris) 756;845<br />

Foro de Estudios sobre la Administración de<br />

Justicia (Buenos Aires) 1140;<strong>16</strong>05<br />

Forschungsgruppe EU-Außenbeziehungen<br />

(SWP Berlin) 468<br />

Forschungsgruppe EU-Integration (SWP<br />

Berlin) 76 96<br />

Foundation for Science and Politics (Berlin)<br />

15 <strong>16</strong>0;172 <strong>16</strong>1;173 428;1348 450 539 741 931<br />

1313 1335 1336 1829;2034<br />

Freedom House (New York/N.Y.)<br />

179;210;246;338;1<strong>08</strong>9;1125;1155;1258<br />

Friedrich Ebert Foundation 1331<br />

Friedrich Naumann Foundation 324 325<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Paris) 75;476 120;135<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Abteilung<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>r Dialog (Berlin) 74 1381<br />

Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior<br />

(Madrid) 250;628 801;1922 1152 1<strong>16</strong>6 1<strong>16</strong>7<br />

1170 1281<br />

Futureorg, Institut für Angewandte Zukunftsund<br />

Organisationsforschung (Krefeld)<br />

1524<br />

Garnet Network of Excellence 5<strong>30</strong><br />

Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of<br />

Armed Forces 561;627;633;637<br />

German Bundestag (Germany) 58<br />

112;125;1461;15<strong>08</strong> 993 1433 1522 1525 1880 2112<br />

German Development Institute (Bonn)<br />

413;1338<br />

German Marshall Fund of the United States<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 71;158<br />

German Political Science Association 61<br />

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area<br />

Studies (Hamburg) 13<strong>30</strong> 1344 1761 1402<br />

2133 1772<br />

GIGA Informationszentrum (Hamburg)<br />

68;357<br />

GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies<br />

(Hamburg) 35;356<br />

Global Policy Institute (London Metropolitan<br />

University) <strong>16</strong>6<br />

Government Accountability Office (United<br />

States) 572;691;1117;1<strong>30</strong>7 785<br />

Graduate Institute of International Studies<br />

(Geneva) 864<br />

III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la<br />

Paix et la Sécurité (Bruxelles) 1186 1201<br />

Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut 1435<br />

Hanns Seidel Foundation 83;1828 85;1000<br />

121;531 486 1038;1517<br />

Health and Consumer Protection<br />

Directorate-General (European<br />

Commission) 748;1417<br />

Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği 1056;1537<br />

Heritage Foundation (Washington/D.C.)<br />

152;201 207;388;579;692 676 690 789 989 1592<br />

1593<br />

Hudson Institute (Indianapolis/Ind.) <strong>16</strong>5;229<br />

232;243 1004 1589<br />

Hudson Institute (New York/N.Y.) 1118;1595<br />

Human Rights Committee 1253<br />

Human Rights First (New York/N.Y.)<br />

1131;1297<br />

Human Rights Watch (New York/N.Y.)<br />

190;212;369;379;1091;1126;1292;1<strong>30</strong>5<br />

788;806;1914;19<strong>30</strong> 1192 1206 1214 1225;1228 1334<br />

Initiative on Good Governance for<br />

Development in the Arab Countries 1235<br />

Inspection Générale des Affaires Sociales<br />

(France) 1491;1865<br />

Institut de Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s et<br />

Stratégiques (Université de Paris 13)<br />

75;476 120;135<br />

Institut Français des Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s (Paris) 710;711 846<br />

Institut für Deutsche Kultur und Geschichte<br />

Südosteuropas (München) 17;1571;2119<br />

Institut für Kulturpolitik (Universität<br />

Hildesheim) 912;941<br />

Institut für Politikwissenschaft / Indonesia<br />

Research Unit (Universität Gießen) 21<strong>16</strong><br />

Institut National de Recherche sur les<br />

Transports et leur Sécurité (Arcueil)<br />

1467;1852<br />

Institute for Education in Democracy (Nairobi)<br />

1219 2122<br />

Institute for European Policy (Berlin)<br />

72;<strong>16</strong>9;176<br />

Institute for Policy Studies (Washington/D.C.)<br />

811<br />

Institute for Science and International<br />

Security (Washington/D.C.) 690<br />

Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, Cape<br />

Town) 261;340 639<br />

Institute of Developing Economies (Chiba)<br />

835;857<br />

Institute of Foreign Affairs and National<br />

Security (Seoul) 395;435<br />

Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (New<br />

Delhi) 400;418 701;707 1318;1324<br />

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies<br />

(Singapore) 41 1748<br />

Institute of World Politics (Washington/D.C.)<br />

984<br />

Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos<br />

(Brasília) 1927<br />

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada<br />

(Brasília) <strong>16</strong>22 1929<br />

Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones<br />

Sociales (Caracas) 228;255;1915;1933<br />

256;462;1934;2059 623;794 629 804;805;1924;1925<br />

1<strong>16</strong>9 <strong>16</strong>31;2090<br />

Instytut Sztuki (Polska Akademia Nauk,<br />

Warszawa) 934<br />

Intelligence and Terrorism Information<br />

Center (Tel Aviv) 366;668<br />

Inter-American Development Bank 799<br />

International Bank for Reconstruction and<br />

Development 777;866;1894;2035 836;2005 17<strong>30</strong><br />

1736 1740 1753;2004 1759 1786 1787 1902<br />

1935;1987 1936;2007 1986 1999 2095<br />

International Crisis Group (Brussels)<br />

207;388;579;692 1<strong>08</strong>8 1093 1109 1183 1209 1317<br />

International Institute for Strategic Studies<br />

(London) 690<br />

International Monetary Fund 828;1984<br />

International Organization for Migration<br />

(Geneva) 1725 1726 1746 1767<br />

International Peace Research Institute (Oslo)<br />

1707<br />

International Republican Institute<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1191<br />

International Trade Strategies Global Asia<br />

Pacific (Melbourne) 853;861<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s Institut für Liberale Politik<br />

(Wien) 471;540<br />

Inwent - <strong>Internationale</strong> Weiterbildung und<br />

Entwicklung (Bonn) 889;956<br />

Islamabad Policy Research Institute 1982<br />

Joint Chiefs of Staff (United States /<br />

Department of Defense) 575 576<br />

Joint United Nations Programme on<br />

HIV/AIDS 1724<br />

Kenya Leadership Institute (Nairobi) 26;1218<br />

Königin-Luise-Stiftung (Berlin) 911;971<br />

Konrad Adenauer Foundation 1<strong>08</strong>1 1140;<strong>16</strong>05<br />

1337 1355 1397 1775 1805<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Beijing) 1762<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Jakarta)<br />

1326;1747<br />

Korea Institute for International Economic<br />

Policy (Seoul) 853;861<br />

Korea Research Institute for Strategy (Seoul)<br />

704<br />

Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (Bonn) 891;1426<br />

1510;2114<br />

Lowy Institute for International Policy<br />

(Sydney) 719 1994;2031<br />

Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.) 2009<br />

Max-Planck-Institut für<br />

Gesellschaftsforschung (Köln) 1783;2129<br />

Middle East Institute (Columbia University,<br />

New York/N.Y.)<br />

190;212;369;379;1091;1126;1292;1<strong>30</strong>5<br />

Millennium Challenge Corporation<br />

(Arlington/Va.) 787;8<strong>08</strong>;11<strong>30</strong>;1175<br />

Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de<br />

l'Emploi (France) 1488;1862<br />

Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de<br />

l'Emploi / Direction générale du Trésor et<br />

de la Politique Economique (France) 1863<br />

Ministère de la Culture et de la<br />

Communication (France) 1488;1862<br />

Ministère du Budget, des Comptes Publics et<br />

de la Fonction Publique (France) 1029<br />

Ministère du Budget, des comptes publics et<br />

de la Fonction Publique / Direction<br />

Générale de la Modernisation de l'Etat<br />

(France) 1025<br />

Ministère du Travail, des Relations Sociales<br />

et de la Solidarité (France) 1490<br />

Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft,<br />

Forschung und Technologie des Landes<br />

Nordrhein-Westfalen 7<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 115 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom)<br />

503;648;1009;1271<br />

Ministry of External Affairs (India) 2093<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan) 834;856<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kuwait)<br />

322;346;1231;1272<br />

Misereor (Aachen) 877<br />

Missile Defense Agency (United States /<br />

Department of Defense) 575 576 587<br />

Motu Economic and Public Policy Research<br />

(Wellington) 1780<br />

National Bureau of Economic Research<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.) 796;1920<br />

National Centres of Competence in Research<br />

(Bern) 864<br />

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks<br />

upon the United States 207;388;579;692<br />

National Democratic Institute for International<br />

Affairs (Washington/D.C.) 1191<br />

National Nuclear Security Administration<br />

(United States / Department of Energy)<br />

605;1133<br />

National Reconnaissance Office (United<br />

States) 569;2070<br />

Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.) 425;437 1771<br />

Ningbo Foreign Affairs School 9<strong>16</strong>;974<br />

Nonproliferation Policy Education Center<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 740<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 492;552<br />

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs<br />

(Oslo) 184<br />

Nuclear Threat Initiative 605;1133 740<br />

Office of the European Commission in the<br />

Federal Republic of Germany 60<br />

Office of the United States Trade<br />

Representative (Washington/D.C.)<br />

236;438;792;854 780;812<br />

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and<br />

Development 1235 1874<br />

Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich (Warszawa)<br />

1<strong>08</strong>5<br />

Overseas Private Investment Corporation<br />

789<br />

Oxfam (India) Trust 700<br />

Oxfam International 2092<br />

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt 1098<br />

Peter G. Peterson Institute for International<br />

Economics (Washington/D.C.) 841<br />

Rand Corporation (Santa Monica/Cal.)<br />

603;657 614<br />

Refugees International (Washington/D.C.)<br />

820;<strong>16</strong>89<br />

Regional Water Demand Initiative for the<br />

Middle East and North Africa <strong>16</strong>53;1953<br />

1941;1954 1957<br />

Renaissance Capital (Moscow) 1890<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation (Dar es<br />

Salaam) 1222 1223;<strong>16</strong>49 <strong>16</strong>47 <strong>16</strong>50 1943 1944<br />

1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951<br />

Robert Schuman Centre (European<br />

University Institute, San Domenico di<br />

Fiesole) 1535 <strong>16</strong>91 1701<br />

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung 922;969;1515;<strong>16</strong>98<br />

Royal African Society (London)<br />

290;310;341;452<br />

Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

(London) 803;1923 1299;1711<br />

S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies (Nanyang Technological<br />

University, Singapore) 406 577;706<br />

Saban Center for Middle East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1293;1977<br />

Salzburger Landesinstitut für Volkskunde<br />

885;936;949<br />

Save Darfur Coalition (Washington/D.C.)<br />

1263<br />

Secrétariat d'Etat Chargé de la Prospective<br />

de l'Evaluation des Politiques Publiques et<br />

du Dévoloppement de l'Economie<br />

Numérique (France) 1853<br />

Security and Defence Agenda (Brussels)<br />

479;495 480;496<br />

Sénat (France) 1476 1842 1844<br />

Senlis Council 11<strong>16</strong>;1227;1295<br />

Service des Droits des Femmes et de<br />

l'Egalité (France) 1490<br />

Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları<br />

Vakfı (Ankara) 141;180 1054<br />

Small Arms Survey 289;345;1198;1268<br />

Society for Latin American Studies 22;242<br />

Stanley Foundation (Muscatine/Iowa)<br />

675;825 1<strong>30</strong>3<br />

Strategic and Defence Studies Centre<br />

(Australian National University, Canberra)<br />

405<br />

Strategic Studies Institute (United States<br />

Army War College, Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)<br />

151;453 622;645;1137;1239 1314<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health<br />

(United States / House / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs) 564;6<strong>30</strong> 780;812<br />

783;813;1910;1938 784;863;873;1911;2033;2041<br />

787;8<strong>08</strong>;11<strong>30</strong>;1175 811 1180;<strong>16</strong>39 1191 1225;1228<br />

1266<br />

Subcommittee on Defense (United States /<br />

Senate / Committee on Appropriations)<br />

575 576<br />

Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality<br />

(United States / House / Committee on<br />

Energy and Commerce) 2101<br />

Subcommittee on Europe (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

989<br />

Subcommittee on Health, Employment,<br />

Labor, and Pensions (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Education and<br />

Labor) 788;806;1914;19<strong>30</strong><br />

Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship,<br />

Refugees, Border Security, and<br />

International Law (United States / House /<br />

Committee on the Judiciary) 1118;1595 1589<br />

1590 1591 1592 1593 1594;19<strong>08</strong><br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight (United<br />

States / House / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs) 179;210;246;338;1<strong>08</strong>9;1125;1155;1258<br />

190;212;369;379;1091;1126;1292;1<strong>30</strong>5<br />

788;806;1914;19<strong>30</strong> 1334 1596;1797<br />

Subcommittee on National Security and<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government<br />

Reform) 207;388;579;692 586<br />

Subcommittee on Oversight and<br />

Investigations (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Armed Services) 565;647;671<br />

Subcommittee on Oversight and<br />

Investigations (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Energy and Commerce)<br />

605;1133<br />

Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (United<br />

States / House / Committee on Armed<br />

Services) 569;2070<br />

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation,<br />

and Trade (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

199;373;567;679 236;438;792;854 690 782 789<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia (United States / House / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs) 199;373;567;679 238;351<br />

690 790;821<br />

Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere<br />

Affairs (United States / House / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs) 618;626;791;800<br />

788;806;1914;19<strong>30</strong> 1143;1154;<strong>16</strong>06;<strong>16</strong>15 1151<br />

Subcommittee on Workforce Protections<br />

(United States / House / Committee on<br />

Education and Labor) 788;806;1914;19<strong>30</strong><br />

Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (Taipei)<br />

1340<br />

Tibetan Government-in-Exile 2019<br />

Transitions Online 553;1898<br />

Transparency International 1050;1147;1531;<strong>16</strong>07<br />

United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq<br />

1274<br />

United Nations Department of Economic and<br />

Social Affairs 1811<br />

United Nations High Commissioner for<br />

Human Rights 1220<br />

United Nations Security Council<br />

286;293;1196;1205 314;318;447 1177;1264;1367<br />

1185;1370 1203;1371 1265 1278;1368 1283<br />

1323;1745<br />

United States Agency for International<br />

Development 564;6<strong>30</strong> 783;813;1910;1938<br />

784;863;873;1911;2033;2041 790;821<br />

United States Air Force 575 576<br />

United States Army 575 576<br />

United States Institute of Peace<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 239;431 609;658<br />

United States Marine Corps 575 576<br />

United States Navy 575 576<br />

United States Space Command 569;2070<br />

Universität Mozarteum Salzburg 885;936;949<br />

Universität Salzburg 885;936;949<br />

University of Maryland (College Park/Md.)<br />

<strong>16</strong>55<br />

US-China Business Council 781;839<br />

Washington Institute for Near East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1276<br />

Washington Office on Latin America<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 618;626;791;800 1151<br />

Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het<br />

Regeringsbeleid (Den Haag) 81;110<br />

Women's Commission for Refugee Women<br />

and Children <strong>16</strong>93<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for<br />

Scholars (Washington/D.C.)<br />

18;20;21;1095;1097;1104 251 1004<br />

World Health Organization 1724<br />

World Resources Institute (Washington/D.C.)<br />

789<br />

Zogby International (Utica/N.Y.) <strong>16</strong>55<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 1<strong>16</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12


Administration (Paris)<br />

- (mars-avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 217: 1864<br />

African Affairs (Oxford)<br />

- 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 427: 636;638;1193;1204 1189<br />

1210 12<strong>16</strong>;1224;1373 <strong>16</strong>42 <strong>16</strong>44<br />

Afrika Spectrum (Hamburg)<br />

- 42 (2007) 3:<br />

921 954 1187 12<strong>30</strong> <strong>16</strong>40 <strong>16</strong>45 1939 1952<br />

Arab Insight (Cairo)<br />

- 2 (Winter 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 28; 669;289;<strong>16</strong>60; 1703<br />

Arab Media and Society (Cairo)<br />

- (February 20<strong>08</strong>): <strong>16</strong>54;<strong>16</strong>58<br />

Archiv des Völkerrechts (Tübingen)<br />

- 46 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 148;155;1059;1065<br />

Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.)<br />

- 34 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 543;1055<br />

Arms Control Today (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 38 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 580;698 682 7<strong>16</strong> 732 735;1399<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington)<br />

- 49 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1315;1360;1727;1777;1983;2029<br />

1327;1995 1328 1332;2002 1361;2032 1363;1781<br />

1728;1778;1985;20<strong>30</strong> 1734;1989 1741;1993 1751;2000<br />

Asian Profile (Hong Kong)<br />

- 36 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 401;420 404;4<strong>08</strong><br />

1312;1722 13<strong>16</strong> 1329 1996 2024<br />

- 36 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 386;398 8<strong>30</strong> 1732 1752<br />

1990;2028 1997 2001<br />

Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn)<br />

- (14. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>: 1036;1048 1041;1049 1043<br />

Australian Journal of International Affairs<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 62 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 234;396 793;8<strong>16</strong>;850<br />

Aviation Week and Space Technology<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- <strong>16</strong>8 (<strong>April</strong> 7, 20<strong>08</strong>) 14: 570;2071<br />

Berliner Debatte Initial (Berlin)<br />

- 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2: 909;937;1503;1529 1124<br />

Blätter für deutsche und internationale<br />

Politik (Bonn)<br />

- 53 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 1<strong>08</strong> 1040 1111 1194 1296<br />

BMC Family Practice (London)<br />

- 8 (9. November 2007) 63: <strong>16</strong>73<br />

Böll.Thema: das Magazin der<br />

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Berlin)<br />

- (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 881;2102<br />

Bundesgesetzblatt : Teil II (Bonn)<br />

- (12. Oktober 2004) 33: 9<strong>08</strong>;942<br />

Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris)<br />

- (3e trimestre 2004) 75: <strong>16</strong>90 <strong>16</strong>92 <strong>16</strong>94 <strong>16</strong>95<br />

1970<br />

- (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 89: <strong>16</strong>7;188 181;387 182<br />

183;374 186;419 907;966;1501;<strong>16</strong>72 1565 <strong>16</strong>96 1901<br />

2<strong>08</strong>7<br />

Cause commune (Paris)<br />

- (automne 2007) 2: 1496<br />

Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 10 (2 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7: 149;189;545;554 <strong>16</strong>8;178<br />

CESifo Forum (München)<br />

- 9 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 840<br />

Chiffres pour l'Alsace : Revue<br />

(Strasbourg)<br />

- (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 43: 1011 1452<br />

The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 6 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1:<br />

187;426 491;674; 776;843;1439;1709<br />

The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 35 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 781;839 849 2014<br />

2015 2127<br />

China heute (St. Augustin)<br />

- 27 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2/155-156: 1768<br />

The China Quarterly (London)<br />

- (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 193: 44;1350 1339;1758 1341;2006<br />

1346;1765 1352;1769 1356 1763 20<strong>08</strong> 2010<br />

China-Report (Konstanz)<br />

- (15. März 20<strong>08</strong>) 47: 928;972;975<br />

Commentaire (Paris)<br />

- 31 (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 121: 3 ;4;6;9 54;111<br />

69;1<strong>16</strong>;1425;1478 456 1012 1027 10<strong>30</strong> 1033 1171 1387<br />

1454 1463 1492 1841 1870 2<strong>08</strong>6 2110<br />

Comparativ (Leipzig)<br />

- 17 (2007) 4: 115;127;137<br />

Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 27 (January-February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 498;620<br />

524;640 592 594;662 621;1136 666 678 713<br />

Confluences Méditerranée (Paris)<br />

- (printemps 20<strong>08</strong>) 65:<br />

220;326;596;642;362; 381;667;688 ;377;685;<br />

378;686;382 ;383;689 ;384;427;1979<br />

Confrontations Europe (Paris)<br />

- (avril-juin 20<strong>08</strong>) 82: 750;764<br />

Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 39 372;392 391;402 582;693<br />

694;1981 13<strong>08</strong>;1720 1<strong>30</strong>9<br />

Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (Madrid)<br />

- (diciembre 2007) 690: <strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong> <strong>16</strong>28<br />

Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 107 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 7<strong>08</strong>: 1190 1211 1215 1226<br />

1247 <strong>16</strong>33<br />

Daedalus (Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 137 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1599 2104 2105 2106 2107<br />

Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[engl. Ausg.] (Paris)<br />

- [64] (March 20<strong>08</strong>) [3]: 469 482;499;501 518 521<br />

523;634 525 526 529 635 721 734;1806 1383<br />

Défense nationale et sécurité collective<br />

[franz. Ausg.] (Paris)<br />

- 64 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 470;520 517 519 522 527 528<br />

Development (London)<br />

- 51 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1139;1919 1<strong>16</strong>1;1926<br />

<strong>16</strong>29;1931 1932<br />

Documents (Paris)<br />

- 63 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1450;1504;1588 1469;1513;1527<br />

East European Politics and Societies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.)<br />

- 22 (Fall 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1006;1096;1443;1579 1575;1578<br />

Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai)<br />

- 43 (March 22, 20<strong>08</strong>) 12: 1739<br />

- 43 (<strong>April</strong> 19, 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>: 1735 1742;2094 1988<br />

The Economic Journal (Oxford)<br />

- 118 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 528: 869 1750<br />

Economie et prévision (Paris)<br />

- (2007) 4-5/180-181: 1017;1856 1451 1462<br />

1481;1802 1845 1861 2067<br />

Economie et statistique (Paris)<br />

- (2007) 407: 1493 1859<br />

Energy Policy (Oxford)<br />

- 36 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5: 1822 1826;1991 1827;2057 1875<br />

1966 2011;2096 2012 2027<br />

Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris)<br />

- (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 629: 1453<br />

- (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 6<strong>30</strong>: 1485<br />

- (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 631: 1449<br />

- (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 632: 1473<br />

Europe-Asia Studies (Abingdon)<br />

- 60 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 12;1552 87;174;175 763<br />

995;1003;1063 1062;1548 1819;1881<br />

European Economy (Luxembourg)<br />

- (2007) 7: 1821<br />

European Law Review (London)<br />

- 33 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 55 998 1001;18<strong>30</strong><br />

Foreign Affairs (New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 87 (May-June 20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 209;459 240 455<br />

610;659 1199 1262<br />

German Politics and Society<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 25 (Winter 2007) 4: 1044;1134<br />

Grenzgänge (Leipzig)<br />

- 13 (2006) 26: 899;979 901;955;980 904;927<br />

Hérodote (Paris)<br />

- (1er trimestre 20<strong>08</strong>) 128: 5;117<br />

L'Histoire (Paris)<br />

- (février 20<strong>08</strong>) 328: 1073<br />

Die Hochschule (Wittenberg)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (2007) 2: 893;14<strong>30</strong><br />

Human Rights Quarterly (Baltimore/Md.)<br />

- <strong>30</strong> (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1057 1<strong>30</strong>1;1712<br />

Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum)<br />

- 21 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1428<br />

Idées: la revue des sciences<br />

économiques et sociales (Futuroscope)<br />

- (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 151: 1849 1855<br />

Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache<br />

(München)<br />

- 35 (Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 917;2113 973<br />

Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung : Hintergrund (Bonn)<br />

- (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>): 758;879<br />

Infostat Justice (Paris)<br />

- (janvier 20<strong>08</strong>) 100: 1015<br />

Insight Turkey (Ankara)<br />

- 10 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 86;145 140;147 142 143 1035;1052<br />

Intereconomics (Heidelberg)<br />

- 43 (March-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 755;798 1823<br />

International Journal (Toronto)<br />

- 62 (Winter 2006-2007) 1: 457;2051 589;1912<br />

600;643;1913;1955 1380;2049 1889 2054<br />

- 62 (Spring 2007) 2: 1176<br />

International Migration Review<br />

(Malden/Mass.)<br />

- 42 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1/<strong>16</strong>1: 1597<br />

International Peacekeeping (Ilford)<br />

- 15 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 213;1128 214;323 566;631<br />

583;1123 602 986;1122;1145 1119 1132<br />

International Security (Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 32 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 1178<br />

ISIM Review (Leiden)<br />

- (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 21: 1250 <strong>16</strong>63 <strong>16</strong>69 1705 1706<br />

Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon)<br />

- 45 (<strong>16</strong> <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>: 513 2075<br />

- 45 (23 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 17: 504 612;19<strong>16</strong><br />

- 45 (<strong>30</strong> <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 18: 2<strong>08</strong>2<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 117 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des periodiques<br />

Jane's Intelligence Review (Coulsdon)<br />

- 20 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 487;673 632;1940 683;2077<br />

10<strong>08</strong> 1053 12<strong>08</strong> 1269 1345 1357 1359 1392<br />

Jeune Afrique (Paris)<br />

- 48 (10-<strong>16</strong> février 20<strong>08</strong>) 2457, Le Plus de<br />

Jeune Afrique: 1182<br />

The Journal of Development Studies<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 44 (January 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 779 814 818;2076 874;2044<br />

875;2<strong>08</strong>0 1153;<strong>16</strong>14 1221;2091<br />

Journal of European Social Policy<br />

(London)<br />

- 18 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1415 1444 1511 1533 1784<br />

Journal of International Relations and<br />

Development (Ljubljana)<br />

- 11 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 751;878<br />

Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics<br />

(Roma)<br />

- 1 (<strong>April</strong>-June 2006) 4: 370 646;7<strong>30</strong> 1288;1702<br />

- 1 (July-December 2006) 5-6: 27;32;1232;1277<br />

312 1246 1287<br />

- 2 (January-March 2007) 7: 138;335 <strong>16</strong>4;191<br />

663;2124 <strong>16</strong>70<br />

- 2 (October-December 2007) 10:<br />

37;38;371;375 352;385 1238;1<strong>30</strong>6;<strong>16</strong>71;1718 1713 1971<br />

Journal of Peace Research (London)<br />

- 45 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 464;1406 1179;2121<br />

1386;1796 1388;21<strong>30</strong> 1389 1410;2140<br />

Journal of World Trade (London)<br />

- 42 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 451 867<br />

KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin)<br />

- 24 (20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 42 88;132;327;445 1213 1333 1577<br />

Kulturaustausch (Stuttgart)<br />

- 58 (20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 2103<br />

- 58 (20<strong>08</strong>) 11: 898<br />

Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin)<br />

- (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 406: 23;<strong>16</strong>11 1<strong>16</strong>8 <strong>16</strong>23<br />

Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens<br />

(Paris)<br />

- 62 (21 mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 3244: 1195<br />

Middle East Economic Digest (London)<br />

- 52 (11-17 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 15: 1965<br />

- 52 (18-24 <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>: 329 1956<br />

Middle East Policy (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 15 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 233;336 380 573;681 1717<br />

1721 1959 1974<br />

Middle East Studies Association Bulletin<br />

(Tucson/Ariz)<br />

- 41 (June 2007) 1: 2123<br />

Military Technology (Bonn)<br />

- 32 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 493 541 542 557 562 593 601 644<br />

722 725 731 733 2069 2074 2<strong>08</strong>1 2<strong>08</strong>3 2<strong>08</strong>4<br />

Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva)<br />

- (aprel' 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 1;1832 1557;1804 1892;2056<br />

Der Mittler-Brief (Hamburg)<br />

- 23 (1. Quartal 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1046<br />

Le MOCI (Paris)<br />

- (17-<strong>30</strong> avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 18<strong>16</strong>: 765<br />

National Journal (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 40 (<strong>April</strong> 12, 20<strong>08</strong>) 15: 581;651 2<strong>08</strong>9<br />

Nationalities Papers (Abingdon)<br />

- 36 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 490;558;743 1539;1576 1561<br />

1562 1567<br />

Nations and Nationalism (Oxford)<br />

- 14 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1434;1532 1545;1546;1585 1584<br />

1754 1794<br />

NBR Analysis (Seattle/Wash.)<br />

- 18 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 1800;2053<br />

- 18 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 5: 394;412<br />

Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte<br />

(Bonn)<br />

- 55 (20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 43 410 1351<br />

The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 55 (May 1, 20<strong>08</strong>) 7: 354;365 588<br />

Note d'information / Ministère de<br />

l'Education Nationale (Paris)<br />

- (février 20<strong>08</strong>) 11: 1431<br />

- (février 20<strong>08</strong>) 12: 1869<br />

La Note de Veille (Paris)<br />

- (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 96: 1374;2037<br />

Les Notes bleues de Bercy [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Paris)<br />

- (janvier 20<strong>08</strong>) 340-1: 1851 1840<br />

- (février 20<strong>08</strong>) 342: 1858<br />

Oriente moderno (Roma)<br />

- 37 (2007) 2: 29;1254 1233 1237;<strong>16</strong>66<br />

Osteuropa-Recht (Berlin)<br />

- 54 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2: 19;1574 987;1412 1075 1<strong>08</strong>4<br />

1092 1102 1103 1528<br />

Pacific Focus (Inchon)<br />

- 23 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 223;432;<strong>16</strong>00;1770 441;2098<br />

772;851 1354;1358;1774;1776 2020 2022 2126<br />

The Pacific Review (Oxford)<br />

- 21 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 77;421 829;860;1729;1779<br />

858;862 1773;2025 2003<br />

Pakistan Horizon (Karachi)<br />

- 60 (October 2007) 4: 876;1790 1320;1744 1440<br />

<strong>16</strong>67;1960 1719;1980<br />

Panorama Centroamericano : Reporte<br />

Político (Guatemala)<br />

- 39 (julio-septiembre 2007) 2<strong>16</strong>:<br />

24 66 245 802<br />

Parameters (Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)<br />

- 37 (Winter 2007-<strong>08</strong>) 4: 92;2<strong>30</strong> 607 6<strong>16</strong><br />

Perfiles Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (enero-junio 20<strong>08</strong>) 31: 1148 <strong>16</strong><strong>08</strong> <strong>16</strong>09 <strong>16</strong>12<br />

<strong>16</strong>19 <strong>16</strong>21 2134<br />

Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 148: 1384;1795 1789;2042<br />

1909 1917<br />

Political Science Quarterly<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 123 (Spring 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 139;144 218;358;1598;<strong>16</strong>99<br />

363;368 1064;1551 1114 1115 1188<br />

Politique africaine (Paris)<br />

- (décembre 2007) 1<strong>08</strong>: 1255 1256;<strong>16</strong>83<br />

1259;<strong>16</strong>84 1261 <strong>16</strong>82 1967<br />

Politische Studien (München)<br />

- 57 (September-Oktober 2006) 409:<br />

109;118;339 1475<br />

- 59 (März-<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 418: 105 1100<br />

Post-Communist Economies (Abingdon)<br />

- 20 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 773;1883 1442 1833;1884<br />

1834 1835;1903 1882 1906<br />

Pour (Paris)<br />

- (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 196-197: 900;965 1019 1499;1871<br />

Prague Economic Papers (Praha)<br />

- 17 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 768 15<strong>30</strong> 1836 2038<br />

Premières informations (Paris)<br />

- (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 15-2: 1495 1866<br />

Pro et contra (Moskva)<br />

- 11 (ijul'-oktjabr' 2007) 4-5: 1068 1071 1077<br />

1079 1<strong>08</strong>0 1<strong>08</strong>2 1553 1554;1886 1888 1891 1070<br />

Problèmes économiques (Paris)<br />

- (9 avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2945: 1838;1843<br />

Proceedings / United States Naval<br />

Institute (Annapolis/Md.)<br />

- 134 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 1262: 198;203 399;699<br />

Prospect (London)<br />

- (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 145: 157;215 649<br />

Qantara.de - Dialog mit der islamischen<br />

Welt (Bonn)<br />

- (25.04.20<strong>08</strong>): 353;359;364<br />

Réalités (Tunis)<br />

- (3-9 avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 1<strong>16</strong>2: <strong>16</strong>81<br />

- (10-<strong>16</strong> avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 1<strong>16</strong>3: 1252<br />

Reforma y Democracia / Centro<br />

Latinoamericano de Administración<br />

para el Desarrollo (Caracas)<br />

- (febrero 20<strong>08</strong>) 40: 988;1138;1158 1051;1395 1146<br />

1149 1400;1809 <strong>16</strong>10 1921<br />

Revista Foro (Bogotá)<br />

- (diciembre 2007-enero 20<strong>08</strong>) 63: 1<strong>16</strong>5 <strong>16</strong>27<br />

La Revue administrative (Paris)<br />

- 61 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 362: 1023 2111<br />

Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest<br />

(Paris)<br />

- 39 (mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1541;1556 1542;1558 1543<br />

1547 1550;1568 1560 1563 1566 1905<br />

La Revue de l'IRES (Noisy-le-Grand)<br />

- (2007) 2/54: 1427;1483 1466 1487 1854<br />

Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris)<br />

- (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 517: 754;819 990;1113 1112 1824<br />

2065<br />

Revue française de science politique<br />

(Paris)<br />

- 58 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1013 1022 1024;1042 1471<br />

Revue française de sociologie (Paris)<br />

- 49 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1457 1458 1468 1500<br />

Revue politique et parlementaire (Paris)<br />

- 110 (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 1046: 65;113<br />

RUSI Defence Systems (London)<br />

- 10 (February 20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 502 505 506 507 5<strong>08</strong>;568<br />

509 510 511 512;2066 514 515 5<strong>16</strong> 538 544;555<br />

571;2072 591 597 606 613 619 664 715 717<br />

Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen)<br />

- (4. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 36: 13 154;185 <strong>16</strong>2<br />

<strong>16</strong>3;177;1072;1<strong>08</strong>6 1074 1885<br />

- (19. March 20<strong>08</strong>) 37: 1549 1559 2118<br />

- (02. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 38: 1887 1893;2058 1895<br />

Russland-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (07.03.20<strong>08</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0: 1<strong>08</strong>3<br />

Security and Human Rights (Leiden)<br />

- 19 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 107 724;1375 1202 1366 1372;2128<br />

1382;1792 1409;2139<br />

Sicherheit + Stabilität (Berlin)<br />

- 4 (November 2006) 2: 328 536 556 738;2060<br />

Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 26 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 133;537 4<strong>30</strong>;7<strong>08</strong> 532;720 726;1791<br />

1034 1364 1378;2047<br />

Social Work & Society (Bielefeld)<br />

- 5 (2007) 2: 1700<br />

Sozialer Fortschritt (Berlin)<br />

- 57 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 2068<br />

Studies in Conflict and Terrorism<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 31 (March 20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 680;1<strong>30</strong>2 1377 1390 1394<br />

1398<br />

Südosteuropa (München)<br />

- 55 (2007) 4: 146;192;1536;1572 196;1582 1534<br />

1569 1581<br />

Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (München)<br />

- 48 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 128;194 466;559;991;1106<br />

477;548;560;999;1076;1110 762;775 1094;1570<br />

1437;1573<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 118 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

Survival (Oxford)<br />

- 50 (<strong>April</strong>-May 20<strong>08</strong>) 2:<br />

150;1061 481;549;611 654 696 727;2050 737;1401<br />

1101;1583 1105 1280 1379 1391<br />

Taiwan Journal of Democracy (Taipei)<br />

- 3 (December 2007) 2: 1058;1540 1407;2138<br />

Territoires (Paris)<br />

- 48 (avril 20<strong>08</strong>) 487: 1460 1477<br />

Terrorism Monitor (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 6 (<strong>April</strong> 17, 20<strong>08</strong>) 8: 1285<br />

Travail et emploi (Paris)<br />

- (janvier-mars 20<strong>08</strong>) 113: 1850<br />

Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (11.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 36: 51;170 64;171<br />

Vantage Point (Seoul)<br />

- 31 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 434;436 709<br />

Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages : Stenographischer<br />

Bericht (Köln)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (10. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 154: 122;411<br />

129;390;534;695<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (24. <strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 157: 766;824<br />

Vingtième siècle (Paris)<br />

- (avril-juin 20<strong>08</strong>) 98: 1486<br />

Vorgänge (Wiesbaden)<br />

- 47 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 1037<br />

West European Politics (Abingdon)<br />

- 31 (January - March 20<strong>08</strong>) 1-2: 62<br />

Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für<br />

Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin)<br />

- 75 (13. Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 7: 1973<br />

- 75 (20. Februar 20<strong>08</strong>) 8: 1879<br />

- 75 (13. März 20<strong>08</strong>) 11: 1873 1878<br />

The World Bank Economic Review<br />

(Oxford)<br />

- 22 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 446;1369 742;1411 870;2040<br />

1404;2064 1405 14<strong>08</strong> 1788 2125<br />

The World Economy (Oxford)<br />

- 31 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 4: 884<br />

- 31 (May 20<strong>08</strong>) 5: 746;774 749;1820 822 871<br />

880;2046<br />

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des periodiques<br />

WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- 61 (März 20<strong>08</strong>) 3:<br />

1414 1422 1423 1424;1519 1872<br />

Zeitschrift Entwicklungspolitik<br />

(Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- (Juli 2005) 14: 1157<br />

Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (Wien)<br />

- 63 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 57;994<br />

Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Stuttgart)<br />

- 37 (<strong>April</strong> 20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1518;1877<br />

Zeitschrift für Staats- und<br />

Europawissenschaften (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 6 (20<strong>08</strong>) 1: 90 91;761 94 1005 1007 1047;1526<br />

1837;1904<br />

Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (29.02.20<strong>08</strong>) 2: 1899<br />

- (28.03.20<strong>08</strong>) 3: 778 1897;2063<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>08</strong>/20<strong>08</strong> 119 20<strong>08</strong>.05.12

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