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Current Bibliography<br />

International Relations<br />

and Area Studies<br />

Literaturdienst<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen<br />

und Länderkunde<br />

Bulletin Bibliographique<br />

Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s<br />

et Etudes Régionales<br />

Vol. 20 (April 16-30, 2011) 08<br />

World Affairs Online (WAO)<br />

New entries to the database<br />

Neuzugänge zur Datenbasis<br />

Nouvelles acquisitions de la base de données<br />

ISSN 1611–4248

<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Members / Mitglieder / Membres:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg<br />

Subject fields / Fachgebiete / Domaines traités:<br />

International Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen / Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s:<br />

International politics, worldwide international system, regional international systems, international conflicts, international<br />

security, international economics, international law, groups of countries, international organisations, foreign policies,<br />

defence policies, arms control, external cultural relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik, weltweites internationales System, regionale internationale Systeme, internationale Konflikte,<br />

internationale Sicherheit, internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, internationales Recht, Staatengruppierungen, internationale<br />

Organisationen, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, Auswärtige Kulturpolitik<br />

Politique internationale, système international à l'échelle mondiale, systèmes internationaux régionaux, conflits<br />

internationaux, sécurité internationale, relations économiques internationales, droit international, regroupements d'Etats,<br />

organisations internationales, politique extérieure, politiques de défense, maîtrise des armements, relations culturelles<br />

extérieures<br />

Area studies / Länderkunde / Etudes régionales:<br />

Political and social structure of countries, political systems, national economics, social services, infrastructure, national law,<br />

defence and internal security, main historical developments<br />

Ländergesamtstruktur, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, politische Systeme, nationale Wirtschaft, Sozialwesen, Infra-struktur,<br />

nationales Rechtswesen, Verteidigung und (innere) Sicherheit, historische Entwicklungslinien<br />

Structure générale des pays, développement politique et social, systèmes politiques, économie nationale, réseau social,<br />

infrastructure, système juridique national, défense et sécurité intérieure, grandes lignes historiques<br />

Volume 20, 2011, No. 08 ISSN 1611-4248<br />

Data entry deadline / Redaktionsschluss / Clôture de la rédaction: 2011.05.05<br />

Publication date / Erscheinungsdatum / Date de parution: 2011.05.06<br />

The Current Bibliography is published twice a month, in the 2nd and 4th week of a month<br />

respectively.<br />

Der Literaturdienst erscheint zweimal monatlich, jeweils in der zweiten bzw. vierten<br />

Monatswoche.<br />

Le bulletin bibliographique paraît deux fois par mois, dans le courant de la 2ème et 4ème<br />

semaine.<br />

Publisher / Herausgeber /Editeur: <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Editor / Redaktion / Rédaction: Barbara Schmelz<br />

Distributed by / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, 10719 Berlin<br />

Vertrieb / Distribution: Phone: +49 30 88007-302 Fax: +49 30 88007-158<br />

Email: fiv@swp-berlin.org<br />

All rights reserved. No storage in information systems and no other reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the expressed consent of<br />

the publisher.<br />

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Reproduktion jeder Art, insbesondere die Überführung in maschinenlesbare Form sowie das<br />

Speichern in Informationssystemen, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Herausgebers gestattet.<br />

Tous droits réservés. Toute copie ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, même partielle, en particulier l'adaptation en langage<br />

machine ou l'enregistrement dans des systèmes informatiques, est illicite sans le consentement écrit de l'éditeur.<br />

© 2011 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany


I. Subject and regional Classification vii-xv<br />

Sach- und Regionalklassifikation<br />

Classification des matières et classification régionale<br />

II. Main part / Hauptteil / Partie principale<br />

1. General Literature<br />

Allgemeine Literatur / Littérature générale<br />

1<br />

2. International Politics<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

4<br />

3. International Security<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

19<br />

4. International Economy<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

32<br />

5. International Cultural Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />

39<br />

6. Government<br />

Staat / Etat<br />

41<br />

7. Society<br />

Gesellschaft / Société<br />

55<br />

8. Economy<br />

Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

66<br />

9. Technology<br />

Technologie / Technologie<br />

75<br />

10. Environment/Nature<br />

Umwelt/Natur / Environnement/Nature<br />

78<br />

11. Science/Research<br />

Wissenschaft/Forschung / Sciences/Recherche scientifique<br />

81<br />

III. Index / Registerteil / Index<br />

1. Author index<br />

Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

83<br />

2. Index of corporate authors<br />

Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

89<br />

3. Index of serials<br />

Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />

91<br />

IV. Regularly indexed serials (quarterly edition) --<br />

Regelmäßig ausgewertete Periodika (in erster Quartalsnummer)<br />

Périodiques régulièrement dépouillés (parution trimestrielle)<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 iii 2011.05.06


The source of this Current Bibliography, the database WAO - World Affairs Online, contains more than<br />

800.000 referral units (since 1974). The type of documents are: Articles (58%), books and papers (34%),<br />

official publications (6%). Approx. 49% of the original documents are in English, 26% in German, 14% in<br />

French, 5% in Russian, 5% in Spanish, the rest in other languages. (Updated: October 2010)<br />

The database is available for the public free of charge at the subject gateway IREON and at GENIOS in the<br />

framework of WISO-Net.<br />

Members of FIV - The German Information Network International Relations and Area Studies have access to<br />

the database on a server computer of the software house KTS Informationssysteme GmbH in Munich. The<br />

database is produced and managed with the documentation software system DOMESTIC. The program ADP<br />

is used for printing. Both are software products of KTS Informations-Systeme.<br />

The database is produced with co-operation from the following institutes:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Peace Research Institute (PRIF/HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

FIV – The German Network International Relations and Area Studies has started to applicate diacritics in its<br />

data base. For a transitional period the titles are shown both with and without diacritics.<br />

The literature generally can be found in the institution producing the record as well as in other institutions,<br />

whose location is represented by a code followed by the signature. If possible, one location of a accessible<br />

library is offered as well.<br />

You will find the online edition of the Current Bibliography on:<br />

http://www.fiv-iblk.de/information/bibliography.htm<br />

Example for a record:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;<br />

André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

A list of regularly indexed serials is added each in the issues No. 1, 7, 13 and 19.<br />

1) Current number used in the indexes for reference to<br />

the main part. Multiple entries of one record in the<br />

main part have reference numbers separated by a<br />

semicolon.<br />

2) Record producing institution<br />

3) Database ID<br />

4) Locations/shelf numbers of member institutes<br />

5) The library code helps you to identify the library, where<br />

the publication is available.<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 iv 2011.05.06

H I N W E I S E<br />

Die diesem Literaturdienst zugrunde liegende Datenbasis WAO - World Affairs Online enthält mehr als<br />

800.000 Nachweise seit 1974. Zeitschriften- und Buchaufsätze haben einen Anteil von rund 58%, Bücher<br />

und Paper von 34%, amtliche Veröffentlichungen von 6%. Rund 49% der Quellen sind in englischer<br />

Sprache, 26% in Deutsch, 14% in Französisch, 5% in Russisch, 5% in Spanisch, der Rest in anderen<br />

Sprachen. (Stand: Oktober 2010)<br />

Für die Öffentlichkeit wird die Datenbasis im kostenlos zugänglichen Fachportal IREON und bei GENIOS im<br />

Rahmen von WISO-Net angeboten.<br />

Für Mitglieder des FIV - <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong>s <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde ist die<br />

Datenbasis auf einem Server-Rechner des Software-Hauses KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH in München<br />

zugänglich. Sie wird mit dem <strong>Dokument</strong>ationsprogramm DOMESTIC aufgebaut und verwaltet. Die Druck-<br />

Aufbereitung erfolgt mit ADP. Beides sind Softwareprodukte der KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH.<br />

Der Aufbau der Datenbasis erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit folgender Institutionen:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Der FIV - <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen und Länderkunde hat begonnen, in seiner<br />

Datenbank Diakritika zu verwenden. Übergangsweise werden somit Titel mit und ohne Diakritika<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die Literatur ist in der Regel bei dem Institut vorhanden, das den einzelnen Literaturdatensatz erfasst hat<br />

und/oder bei dem Institut, dessen Standort durch seinen Kurzcode gefolgt von der jeweiligen Signatur<br />

angegeben wird. Wenn möglich, wird darüberhinaus ein Standort in einer zugänglichen Bibliothek<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die Online-Ausgabe des Literaturdienstes finden Sie unter:<br />

http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/literaturdienst.htm<br />

Beispiel für einen Literaturdatensatz:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;<br />

André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Laufende Nummer, auf die von den Registern<br />

verwiesen wird. Laufende Nummern, die im<br />

Registerteil mit Semikolon verbunden sind, verweisen<br />

auf Mehrfacheinträge desselben Datensatzes im<br />

Hauptteil<br />

2) Erfassende Institution<br />

3) Datenbank-Identnummer<br />

4) Standorte/Signaturen einzelner Verbundinstitute<br />

5) Mit Hilfe des Bibliothekssigelverzeichnisses kann die<br />

durch den Code repräsentierte öffentliche Bibliothek<br />

ermittelt werden<br />

Eine Übersicht der regelmäßig ausgewerteten Periodika ist jeweils den Ausgaben Nr. 1, 7, 13, 19<br />

beigefügt.<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 v 2011.05.06

R E M A R Q U E S<br />

La base de données WAO - World Affairs Online à partir de laquelle s'élabore ce produit documentaire,<br />

comprend plus de 800.000 références bibliographiques enregistrées depuis 1974. Les articles de périodiques<br />

et de livres constituent environ 58%, les monographies et les papiers représentent 34%, les imprimés officiels<br />

6%. Environ 49% des sources bibliographiques sont de langue anglaise, 26% sont en allemand, 14% en<br />

français, 5% en russe et 5% en espagnol, le reste se répartissant entre les autres langues (dernière mise à<br />

jour : Octobre 2010).<br />

La base de données est accessible au public à partir du portail scientifique gratuit IREON et par GENIOS<br />

dans le cadre de WISO-NET.<br />

La base de données est accessible aux membres du réseau d'information spécialisée “Relations<br />

internationales et études régionales” (FIV) sur le serveur auprès KTS Informationssysteme GmbH à Munich.<br />

Elle est produite et gérée avec le logiciel documentaire DOMESTIC. La mise en forme pour l'édition<br />

est réalisée avec le programme ADP. Ces deux logiciels sont des produits de KTS Informations-<br />

Systeme.<br />

La base de données est réalisée en collaboration avec les organismes suivants:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Le réseau d’information spécialisée “Relations internationales et études régionales” (FIV) a commencé à<br />

introduire les signes diacritiques. On trouvera donc temporairement un mélange de titres avec et sans<br />

signes diacritiques.<br />

Le document cité se trouve normalement à l'institut qui a enregistré les données ou encore dans les<br />

instituts qui sont mentionnés par un code. Le cas échéant, on trouvera également la référence d'une<br />

bibliothèque accessible.<br />

Vouz trouvez l’édition en ligne de ce bulletin bibliographique sur:<br />

http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/literaturdienst.htm<br />

Exemple d'une notice bibliographique:<br />

418 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ;<br />

André Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Numéro d'ordre renvoyant à celui des registres. Les<br />

chiffres séparés dans les index par un point-virgule<br />

renvoient à plusieurs entrées d'un même<br />

enregistrement dans le corpus bibliographique<br />

2) Institution responsable de la saisie<br />

3) Numéro d'identification dans la base de données<br />

4) Localisation/cotes de chacun des organismes<br />

membres<br />

5) On peut retrouver à l'aide du répertoire des sigles de<br />

bibliothèques une bibliothèque publique symbolisée<br />

par un code.<br />

Les numéros n° 1, 7, 13 et 19 comprennent chaque fois un récapitulatif des périodiques régulièrement<br />

dépouillés.<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 vi 2011.05.06

SA General literature<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

SA02 History<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

SB03 International law<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

SB06 Transnational relations /<br />

movements<br />

SB07 International organisations /<br />

institutions<br />

SC International security /<br />

Defense<br />

SC01 International relations in the field<br />

of international security<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

SC06.03 Organisation of military<br />

defence<br />

SC07 Military economy<br />

SC07.01 Armaments industry<br />

SC07.02 Arms trade<br />

SD International economy<br />

SD01 World economy / International<br />

economic system<br />

SD01.01 International trade /<br />

International trade system<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International<br />

monetary system<br />

SD02 International economic relations<br />

/ economic cooperation<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic<br />

cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

SD03 International transactions /<br />

capital flow<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

SD03.02 International capital<br />

movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

SD03.04 External public debts<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic<br />

relations<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

SE02 International relations in the field<br />

of education and science<br />


Version: January 2007<br />

SE03 International lingual relations /<br />

Foreign languages<br />

SE04 International media relations /<br />

Communication / Information<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural<br />

contact<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of<br />

foreigners<br />

SF Government<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political<br />

system / Democratisation<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

SF02 Governmental system /<br />

Government institutions<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic<br />

conflict<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

SF07 Military and society /<br />

Government<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

SF10 Law<br />

SG Society<br />

SG01 Social system / Social policy<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life<br />

partnerships<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of<br />

living<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of<br />

opinion<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

SG07 Social movements /<br />

associations<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

SH Economy<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic<br />

economic conditions<br />

SH02 Economic development /<br />

Economic policy<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy /<br />

Development policy<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development<br />

/ structure<br />

SH02.03 Business cycles / Business<br />

cycle policy<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development<br />

/ Regional economic policy<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral<br />

development / Sectoral<br />

economic policy<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour<br />

culture<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing<br />

of raw materials<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry<br />

SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation /<br />

Tourism<br />

SH08.02 Postal services /<br />

Telecommunication<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks /<br />

Insurances<br />

SH09 Informal sector<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

SI Technology<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological<br />

development<br />

SI02 Technology policy<br />

SI03 Domains of technology<br />

SI03.01 Space technology<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnology<br />

SI03.04 Environmental technology<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon<br />

systems<br />

SI04 International scientifictechnological<br />

cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

SJ Environment / Nature<br />

SJ01 Geography / Geology<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages /<br />

protection / Environmental policy<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

SK04 Science policy / Research policy<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions /<br />

Universities<br />

SZ General literature / Other<br />

special fields<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 vii 2011.05.06

RA Europe<br />

RA01 European organisations<br />

RA01.01 EU / EC and member<br />

countries<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 COMECON / COMECONcountries<br />

RA01.04 Warsaw Treaty<br />

RA01.05 Council of Europe<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Geographical areas of Europe<br />

RA02.01 Western Europe political<br />

RA02.02 Eastern Europe political<br />

RA02.03 Central and Eastern<br />

European countries<br />

RA02.11 North Sea region<br />

RA02.12 Baltic Sea region<br />

RA03 Northern Europe<br />

RA03.01 Finland<br />

RA03.02 Sweden<br />

RA03.03 Norway<br />

RA03.04 Denmark<br />

RA03.05 Iceland<br />

RA04 Western Europe<br />

RA04.01 Ireland<br />

RA04.02 United Kingdom<br />

RA04.03 Netherlands<br />

RA04.04 Belgium<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Central Europe<br />

RA05.01 Germany<br />

RA05.02 Federal Republic of Germany<br />

RA05.03 German Democratic Republic<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Poland<br />

RA05.12 Czechoslovakia<br />

RA05.13 Austria<br />

RA05.14 Switzerland<br />

RA05.21 Czech Republic<br />

RA05.22 Slovak Republic<br />

RA06 Southern Europe<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spain<br />

RA06.03 Italy<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Greece<br />

RA06.06 Turkey<br />

RA06.07 Cyprus<br />

RA07 Eastern Europe<br />

RA07.01 Soviet Union<br />

RA07.02 Successor states of the<br />

Soviet Union<br />

RA07.03 Commonwealth of<br />

Independent States<br />

RA07.11 Baltic states<br />

RA07.12 Estonia<br />

RA07.13 Latvia<br />

RA07.14 Lithuania<br />

RA07.21 Russian Federation<br />

I. REGIONAL CLASSIFICATION (political-geographical)<br />

Version: March 2008<br />

RA07.31 European States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldova<br />

RA07.41 Caucasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.42 Georgia<br />

RA07.43 Armenia<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaijan<br />

RA07.51 Centralasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Uzbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kyrgyzstan<br />

RA07.56 Tajikistan<br />

RA08 South-East Europe<br />

RA08.01 Balkans<br />

RA08.11 Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.12 Hungary<br />

RA08.13 Romania<br />

RA08.14 Bulgaria<br />

RA08.15 Albania<br />

RA08.21 Successor states of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.22 Slovenia<br />

RA08.23 Croatia<br />

RA08.24 Bosnia-Herzegovina<br />

RA08.25 Macedonia<br />

RA08.26 Federal Republic of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.27 Serbia and Montenegro<br />

RA08.28 Serbia<br />

RA08.29 Montenegro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Other European countries /<br />

areas<br />

RB The Americas<br />

RB01 American organisations<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC North America (without<br />

Mexico)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 United States<br />

RD Latin America<br />

RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe<br />

RD01 Mexico<br />

RD02 Central America<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caribbean<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominican Republic<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaica<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.15 St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.16 St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (and Grenadines)<br />

RD03.18 Trinidad and Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 French Guyana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 United States Virgin Islands<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Netherlands Antilles<br />

RD03.51 French Antilles<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 British Antilles<br />

RD03.71 Other islands / countries of<br />

the Caribbean<br />

RD04 South America<br />

RD04.01 Andean countries<br />

RD04.02 Andean Group<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentina<br />

RD04.12 Bolivia<br />

RD04.13 Brazil<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.15 Ecuador<br />

RD04.16 Colombia<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Other countries / Latin<br />

American areas<br />

RE Africa (total)<br />

RE01 African organisations<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographical areas of Africa<br />

(above country level)<br />

RF Africa south of Sahara<br />

RF01 West Africa<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Ivory Coast<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.16 Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Cape Verde<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauritania<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 viii 2011.05.06

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tome and Principe<br />

RF02 Central Africa<br />

RF02.01 Equatorial Guinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroon<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Chad<br />

RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Central African Republic<br />

RF03 Southern Africa<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mozambique<br />

RF03.16 Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Zambia<br />

RF03.18 Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Republic of South Africa<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 East Africa<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tanzania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 North-East Africa<br />

RF05.01 Ethiopia<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 African islands and other<br />

African areas<br />

RG Near and Middle East and<br />

North Africa<br />

RG00 Geographical areas (transnational)<br />

and organizations of<br />

the Near and Middle East /<br />

Northern Africa<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-countries<br />

RG00.11 Arab countries<br />

RG00.12 Islamic world<br />

RG00.13 Persian Gulf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 North Africa<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Morocco<br />

RG01.12 Western Sahara<br />

RG01.13 Algeria<br />

RG01.14 Tunisia<br />

RG01.15 Libya<br />

RG01.16 Egypt<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Eastern Arabia / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Iraq<br />

RG02.12 Jordan<br />

RG02.13 Lebanon<br />

RG02.14 Syria<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.16 Territories occupied by Israel<br />

RG02.17 Palestinian self-rule areas<br />

RG03 Arabian peninsula<br />

RG03.01 Gulf States<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Saudi Arabia<br />

RG03.16 Yemen<br />

RG03.17 United Arab Emirates<br />

RG04 Western Asia<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asia (total)<br />

RH01 Asian organisations<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographical areas of Asia<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya region<br />

RH02.02 Kashmir<br />

RH02.03 Golden Triangle<br />

RI Asia (without western Asia)<br />

RI01 South Asia<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC countries<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 India<br />

RI01.14 Maledives<br />

RI01.15 Nepal<br />

RI01.16 Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 South-East Asia<br />

RI02.01 Geographical areas of South-<br />

East Asia<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN countries<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesia<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.15 Singapore<br />

RI02.16 Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Cambodia<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Burma)<br />

RI02.32 East Timor<br />

RI03 East Asia<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 People's Republic of China<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (since 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 North Korea<br />

RI03.13 South Korea<br />

I. Regional Classification<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

RI03.31 Mongolia<br />

RI03.32 Far Eastern part of the<br />

Russian Federation / Soviet<br />

Union<br />

RI04 Other Asian areas<br />

RJ Oceania<br />

RJ01 South Pacific organisations<br />

RJ02 Australia / New Zealand<br />

RJ02.01 Australia<br />

RJ02.02 New Zealand<br />

RJ03 South Pacific Islands<br />

RJ04 Melanesia<br />

RJ04.01 Papua Neu Guinea<br />

RJ04.02 Single Melanesian islands<br />

without Papua<br />

RJ05 Micronesia<br />

RJ05.01 Single Micronesian islands<br />

RJ06 Polynesia<br />

RJ06.01 Single Polynesian islands<br />

RK Antarctica<br />

RL Oceans / supracontinental<br />

regions<br />

RL01 Atlantic Ocean<br />

RL02 Indian Ocean<br />

RL03 Pacific Ocean / Pacific region<br />

RL04 Mediterranean Sea /<br />

Mediterranean area<br />

RL05 Black Sea region<br />

RL06 Caspian Sea<br />

RL07 Arctic<br />

RM International organisations<br />

RM01 United Nations<br />

RM02 United Nations System special<br />

organisations<br />

RM03 Other universal governmental<br />

organisations<br />

RM04 Non-governmental organisations<br />

RN Developed countries<br />

RN01 Western countries<br />

RN02 OECD / OECD countries<br />

RN03 Socialist countries<br />

RO Developing countries<br />

RO01 Group of 77<br />

RO02 Non-aligned countries<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC countries<br />

RO04 ACP countries<br />

RP Other groups of countries /<br />

areas<br />

RP01 French-speaking countries<br />

RQ World wide<br />

RR Space<br />

RS Without regional aspect<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 ix 2011.05.06

SA Allgemeine Literatur<br />

SA01 Übergreifende<br />

Gesamtdarstellungen /<br />

Länderkunde<br />

SA02 Geschichte<br />

SA03 Politik<br />

SA04 Biographisches / Memoiren<br />

SB <strong>Internationale</strong>(s) Politik /<br />

System<br />

SB01 <strong>Internationale</strong> Beziehungen /<br />

Prozesse<br />

SB02 Außenpolitik<br />

SB03 <strong>Internationale</strong>s Recht /<br />

Völkerrecht<br />

SB04 <strong>Internationale</strong> politische<br />

Integration<br />

SB05 <strong>Internationale</strong> politische<br />

Konflikte<br />

SB06 Transnationale Beziehungen /<br />

Bewegungen<br />

SB07 <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen /<br />

Institutionen<br />

SC <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit /<br />

Verteidigung<br />

SC01 Sicherheitspolitische<br />

Beziehungen<br />

SC02 Verteidigungs- /<br />

Sicherheitspolitik<br />

SC03 Rüstungskontrolle / Abrüstung<br />

SC04 Militärstrategie<br />

SC05 Krieg / Kriegführung<br />

SC06 Wehrpotential<br />

SC06.01 Streitkräfte / Militärische<br />

Verbände<br />

SC06.02 Rüstung<br />

SC06.03 Organisation der<br />

Verteidigung<br />

SC07 Militärökonomie<br />

SC07.01 Rüstungsindustrie<br />

SC07.02 Waffenhandel<br />

SD <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft /<br />

Außenwirtschaft<br />

SD01 Weltwirtschaft / <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsordnung<br />

SD01.01 <strong>Internationale</strong>(r) Handel /<br />

Handelsordnung<br />

SD01.02 Währung / <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Währungsordnung<br />

SD02 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsbeziehungen /<br />

Wirtschaftszusammenarbeit<br />

SD02.01 Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftskooperation /<br />

Wirtschaftsintegration<br />

SD03 <strong>Internationale</strong>r Leistungs- /<br />

Kapitalverkehr<br />

SD03.01 Außenhandel<br />

SD03.02 <strong>Internationale</strong>r Kapitalverkehr<br />

/ Direktinvestitionen<br />

SD03.03 <strong>Internationale</strong>r<br />

Arbeitskräfteverkehr<br />

SD03.04 Externe öffentliche<br />

Verschuldung<br />

SD04 Außenwirtschaftspolitik<br />

SD05 Entwicklungshilfe / Auslandshilfe<br />


Stand: Januar 2007<br />

SE <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Kulturbeziehungen<br />

SE01 Auswärtige Kulturpolitik<br />

SE02 <strong>Internationale</strong> Bildungs- /<br />

Wissenschaftsbeziehungen<br />

SE03 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Sprachbeziehungen /<br />

Fremdsprachen<br />

SE04 <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Medienbeziehungen /<br />

Kommunikation / Information<br />

SE05 Kulturaustausch / Kulturkontakt<br />

SE06 Auslandsbild / Fremdbilder<br />

SF Staat<br />

SF01 Politisches System / Verfassung<br />

SF01.01 Politischer Systemwandel /<br />

Demokratisierung<br />

SF01.02 Menschenrechte<br />

SF02 Regierungssystem /<br />

Staatsorgane<br />

SF03 Politische Parteien<br />

SF04 Politische Partizipation<br />

SF04.01 Wahlen<br />

SF05 Innenpolitik<br />

SF06 Innere Sicherheit /<br />

Innerstaatlicher Konflikt<br />

SF06.01 Bürgerkrieg<br />

SF06.02 Terrorismus<br />

SF06.03 Kriminalität<br />

SF07 Militär und Gesellschaft / Staat<br />

SF08 Regionen / Kommunen<br />

SF09 Öffentliche Verwaltung<br />

SF10 Recht<br />

SG Gesellschaft<br />

SG01 Gesellschaftsordnung /<br />

Gesellschaftspolitik<br />

SG02 Gesellschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Gesellschaftsstruktur<br />

SG02.01 Demographie<br />

SG02.02 Gesellschaftliche Gruppen<br />

SG02.03 Nationalitäten / Minoritäten<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Wohnung / Siedlung /<br />

Urbanisierung<br />

SG02.06 Geschlechterbeziehungen /<br />

Lebensgemeinschaften<br />

SG02.07 Lebensbedingungen /<br />

Lebensformen<br />

SG03 Sozialpolitik / Soziales<br />

SG03.01 Soziale Sicherung<br />

SG03.02 Gesundheit<br />

SG04 Erziehung / Bildung / Ausbildung<br />

SG05 Politische Kultur /<br />

Meinungsbildung<br />

SG05.01 Ideologie<br />

SG05.02 Öffentliche Meinung<br />

SG06 Medien / Information<br />

SG07 Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen /<br />

Vereinigungen<br />

SG08 Kultur / Sprache / Kunst<br />

SG09 Religion /<br />

Religionsgemeinschaften<br />

SH Wirtschaft<br />

SH01 Wirtschaftsordnung /<br />

Rahmenbedingungen<br />

SH02 Wirtschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH02.01 Wirtschaftspolitik /<br />

Entwicklungspolitik<br />

SH02.02 Sozio-ökonomische<br />

Entwicklung / Struktur<br />

SH02.03 Konjunktur / Konjunkturpolitik<br />

SH02.04 Regionale / lokale<br />

Entwicklung / Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftpolitik<br />

SH02.05 Branchen / Sektorale<br />

Entwicklung / Sektorale<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH03 Arbeit und Beschäftigung<br />

SH03.01 Unternehmenskultur /<br />

Arbeitskultur<br />

SH04 Natürliche Ressourcen /<br />

Rohstoffverarbeitung<br />

SH05 Energiewirtschaft<br />

SH06 Agrarsektor<br />

SH06.01 Ackerbau / Forstwirtschaft<br />

SH06.02 Viehwirtschaft /<br />

Fischereiwirtschaft<br />

SH06.03 Ernährung / Nahrungsmittel<br />

SH07 Gewerbliche Wirtschaft /<br />

Industrie<br />

SH08 Tertiärer Sektor /<br />

Dienstleistungen<br />

SH08.01 Verkehr / Transport /<br />

Tourismus<br />

SH08.02 Post / Telekommunikation<br />

SH08.03 Geld / Kredit / Banken /<br />

Versicherungen<br />

SH09 Informeller Sektor<br />

SH10 Öffentliche Finanzen<br />

SI Technik<br />

SI01 Technologie / Technologische<br />

Entwicklung<br />

SI02 Technologiepolitik<br />

SI03 Technikzweige<br />

SI03.01 Raumfahrttechnik<br />

SI03.02 Informationstechnologie<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologie<br />

SI03.04 Umwelttechnologie<br />

SI03.05 Wehrtechnik /<br />

Waffensysteme<br />

SI04 <strong>Internationale</strong> wissenschaftlichtechnologische<br />

Kooperation /<br />

Beziehungen<br />

SJ Umwelt / Natur<br />

SJ01 Geographie / Geologie<br />

SJ02 Umweltschäden / Umweltschutz<br />

/ Umweltpolitik<br />

SK Wissenschaft / Forschung<br />

SK01 Wissenschaftsgebiete<br />

SK02 Theorie / Methodik<br />

SK03 Forschung / Entwicklung<br />

SK04 Wissenschaftspolitik /<br />

Forschungspolitik<br />

SK05 Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen<br />

/ Hochschulen<br />

SZ Allgemeine Literatur / andere<br />

Fachgebiete<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 x 2011.05.06

RA Europa<br />

RA01 Europäische Organisationen<br />

RA01.01 EU / EG sowie<br />

Mitgliedsländer<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 RGW / RGW-Länder<br />

RA01.04 Warschauer Pakt<br />

RA01.05 Europarat<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSZE / KSZE<br />

RA02 Geographische Räume<br />

Europas<br />

RA02.01 Westeuropa politisch<br />

RA02.02 Osteuropa politisch<br />

RA02.03 Mittel- und osteuropäische<br />

Länder<br />

RA02.11 Nordseeraum<br />

RA02.12 Ostseeraum<br />

RA03 Nordeuropa<br />

RA03.01 Finnland<br />

RA03.02 Schweden<br />

RA03.03 Norwegen<br />

RA03.04 Dänemark<br />

RA03.05 Island<br />

RA04 Westeuropa<br />

RA04.01 Irland<br />

RA04.02 Vereinigtes Königreich<br />

RA04.03 Niederlande<br />

RA04.04 Belgien<br />

RA04.05 Luxemburg<br />

RA04.06 Frankreich<br />

RA05 Mitteleuropa<br />

RA05.01 Deutschland<br />

RA05.02 Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

RA05.03 Deutsche Demokratische<br />

Republik<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Polen<br />

RA05.12 Tschechoslowakei<br />

RA05.13 Österreich<br />

RA05.14 Schweiz<br />

RA05.21 Tschechien<br />

RA05.22 Slowakei<br />

RA06 Südeuropa<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spanien<br />

RA06.03 Italien<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Griechenland<br />

RA06.06 Türkei<br />

RA06.07 Zypern<br />

RA07 Osteuropa<br />

RA07.01 Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.02 Nachfolgestaaten der<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.03 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger<br />

Staaten<br />

RA07.11 Baltische Staaten<br />

RA07.12 Estland<br />

RA07.13 Lettland<br />

I. REGIONALKLASSIFIKATION (politisch-geographisch)<br />

Stand: März 2008<br />

RA07.14 Litauen<br />

RA07.21 Russische Föderation<br />

RA07.31 Europäische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldau<br />

RA07.41 Kaukasische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.42 Georgien<br />

RA07.43 Armenien<br />

RA07.44 Aserbeidschan<br />

RA07.51 Zentralasiatische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.52 Kasachstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Usbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirgisistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadschikistan<br />

RA08 Südosteuropa<br />

RA08.01 Balkan<br />

RA08.11 Jugoslawien<br />

RA08.12 Ungarn<br />

RA08.13 Rumänien<br />

RA08.14 Bulgarien<br />

RA08.15 Albanien<br />

RA08.21 Nachfolgestaaten<br />

Jugoslawiens<br />

RA08.22 Slowenien<br />

RA08.23 Kroatien<br />

RA08.24 Bosnien-Herzegowina<br />

RA08.25 Makedonien<br />

RA08.26 Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien<br />

RA08.27 Serbien und Montenegro<br />

RA08.28 Serbien<br />

RA08.29 Montenegro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Europas<br />

RB Amerika (insgesamt)<br />

RB01 Amerikanische<br />

Organisationen<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko)<br />

RC01 Kanada<br />

RC02 Vereinigte Staaten<br />

RD Lateinamerika<br />

RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe<br />

RD01 Mexiko<br />

RD02 Zentralamerika<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nikaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Karibik / Karibischer Raum<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominikanische Republik<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaika<br />

RD03.05 Kuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua und Barbuda<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.15 St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.16 St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (und Grenadinen)<br />

RD03.18 Trinidad und Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 Französisch-Guayana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Jungfern-Inseln (US-<br />

Territorium)<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Niederländische Antillen<br />

RD03.51 Französische Antillen<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Britische Antillen<br />

RD03.71 Sonstige Inseln / Länder der<br />

Karibik<br />

RD04 Südamerika<br />

RD04.01 Andenländer<br />

RD04.02 Grupo Andino<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentinien<br />

RD04.12 Bolivien<br />

RD04.13 Brasilien<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.15 Ecuador<br />

RD04.16 Kolumbien<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Lateinamerikas<br />

RE Afrika (insgesamt)<br />

RE01 Afrikanische Organisationen<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographische Räume<br />

Afrikas (länderübergreifend)<br />

RF Afrika südlich der Sahara<br />

RF01 Westafrika<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.16 Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Kapverdische Inseln<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauretanien<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 xi 2011.05.06

I. Regionalklassifikation<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 São Tomé und Príncipe<br />

RF02 Zentralafrika<br />

RF02.01 Äquatorialguinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabun<br />

RF02.04 Kamerun<br />

RF02.05 Kongo<br />

RF02.06 Ruanda<br />

RF02.07 Tschad<br />

RF02.08 Kongo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Zentralafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03 Südliches Afrika<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mosambik<br />

RF03.16 Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Sambia<br />

RF03.18 Simbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Südafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03.20 Swasiland<br />

RF04 Ostafrika<br />

RF04.01 Kenia<br />

RF04.02 Madagaskar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tansania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychellen<br />

RF05 Nordostafrika<br />

RF05.01 Äthiopien<br />

RF05.02 Dschibuti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 Afrikanische Inseln und<br />

andere Gebiete Afrikas<br />

RG Naher und Mittlerer Osten und<br />

Nordafrika<br />

RG00 Geographische Räume<br />

(länderübergreifend) und<br />

Organisationen des Nahen<br />

und Mittleren Ostens /<br />

Nordafrikas<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-Länder<br />

RG00.11 Arabische Länder<br />

RG00.12 Islamische Welt<br />

RG00.13 Persischer Golf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Nordafrika<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Marokko<br />

RG01.12 Westsahara<br />

RG01.13 Algerien<br />

RG01.14 Tunesien<br />

RG01.15 Libyen<br />

RG01.16 Ägypten<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Arabischer Osten / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palästina<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanien<br />

RG02.13 Libanon<br />

RG02.14 Syrien<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.16 Israelisch besetzte Gebiete<br />

RG02.17 Palästinensische<br />

Selbstverwaltungsgebiete<br />

RG03 Arabische Halbinsel<br />

RG03.01 Golfstaaten<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Katar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Saudi-Arabien<br />

RG03.16 Jemen<br />

RG03.17 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate<br />

RG04 Westasien<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asien (insgesamt)<br />

RH01 Asiatische Organisationen<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographische Räume Asiens<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya-Region<br />

RH02.02 Kaschmir<br />

RH02.03 Goldenes Dreieck<br />

RI Asien (ohne westliches Asien)<br />

RI01 Südasien<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC-Länder<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesch<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 Indien<br />

RI01.14 Malediven<br />

RI01.15 Nepal<br />

RI01.16 Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Südostasien<br />

RI02.01 Geographische Räume<br />

Südostasiens<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN-Länder<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesien<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippinen<br />

RI02.15 Singapur<br />

RI02.16 Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Kambodscha<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birma)<br />

RI02.32 Timor-Leste<br />

RI03 Ostasien<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 Volksrepublik China<br />

RI03.05 Hongkong (seit 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 Nordkorea<br />

RI03.13 Südkorea<br />

RI03.21 Hongkong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macau<br />

RI03.31 Mongolei<br />

RI03.32 Fernöstlicher Teil der<br />

Russischen Föderation /<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RI04 Andere Gebiete Asiens<br />

RJ Ozeanien<br />

RJ01 Südpazifische Organisationen<br />

RJ02 Australien / Neuseeland<br />

RJ02.01 Australien<br />

RJ02.02 Neuseeland<br />

RJ03 Südpazifische Inseln<br />

RJ04 Melanesien<br />

RJ04.01 Papua-Neuguinea<br />

RJ04.02 Einzelne Inseln Melanesiens,<br />

außer Papua<br />

RJ05 Mikronesien<br />

RJ05.01 Einzelne Inseln Mikronesiens<br />

RJ06 Polynesien<br />

RJ06.01 Einzelne Inseln Polynesiens<br />

RK Antarktis<br />

RL Meere /<br />

Kontinentübergreifende<br />

Regionen<br />

RL01 Atlantischer Ozean<br />

RL02 Indischer Ozean<br />

RL03 Pazifischer Ozean / Pazifischer<br />

Raum<br />

RL04 Mittelmeer / Mittelmeerraum<br />

RL05 Schwarzmeerraum<br />

RL06 Kaspisches Meer<br />

RL07 Arktis<br />

RM <strong>Internationale</strong> Organisationen<br />

RM01 Vereinte Nationen<br />

RM02 Sonderorganisationen des VN-<br />

Systems<br />

RM03 andere universale staatliche<br />

Organisationen<br />

RM04 Nichtstaatliche Organisationen<br />

RN Entwickelte Länder<br />

RN01 Westliche Länder<br />

RN02 OECD / OECD-Länder<br />

RN03 Sozialistische Länder<br />

RO Entwicklungsländer<br />

RO01 Gruppe der 77<br />

RO02 Blockfreie Staaten<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC-Länder<br />

RO04 AKP-Länder<br />

RP Sonstige Ländergruppen /<br />

Räume<br />

RP01 Französischsprachige Länder<br />

RQ Weltweit<br />

RR Weltraum<br />

RS Ohne direkten Regionalbezug<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 xii 2011.05.06

SA Littérature générale<br />

SA01 Études générales / Études<br />

nationales<br />

SA02 Histoire<br />

SA03 Politique<br />

SA04 Biographies / Mémoires<br />

SB Politique internationale /<br />

Système international<br />

SB01 Relations internationales /<br />

Processus internationaux<br />

SB02 Politique étrangère<br />

SB03 Droit international<br />

SB04 Intégration politique<br />

internationale<br />

SB05 Conflits politiques / militaires<br />

SB06 Relations transnationales /<br />

Mouvements transnationaux<br />

SB07 Organisations / institutions<br />

internationales<br />

SC Sécurité internationale /<br />

Défense<br />

SC01 Relations internationales en<br />

matière de sécurité<br />

SC02 Politique de défense / de sécurité<br />

SC03 Contrôle des armements /<br />

Désarmement<br />

SC04 Stratégie militaire<br />

SC05 Guerre / Opérations de guerre<br />

SC06 Potentiel militaire<br />

SC06.01 Forces armées / Unités<br />

militaires<br />

SC06.02 Armement<br />

SC06.03 Organisation de la défense<br />

SC07 Économie de la défense<br />

SC07.01 Industrie de l'armement<br />

SC07.02 Commerce des armements<br />

SD Économie internationale<br />

SD01 Économie mondiale / Système<br />

économique international<br />

SD01.01 Commerce international /<br />

Organisation internationale<br />

du commerce<br />

SD01.02 Monnaie / Système<br />

monétaire international<br />

SD02 Relations économiques<br />

internationales / Coopération<br />

économique<br />

SD02.01 Coopération économique<br />

régionale / Intégration<br />

économique<br />

SD03 Transactions courantes /<br />

Mouvements internationaux de<br />

capitaux<br />

SD03.01 Commerce extérieur<br />

SD03.02 Mouvements internationaux<br />

de capitaux / Investissements<br />

directs<br />

SD03.03 Mouvements internationaux<br />

de main-d'oeuvre<br />

SD03.04 Dette publique extérieure<br />

SD04 Politique économique extérieure<br />

SD05 Politique d'aide au<br />

développement / Coopération<br />

SE Relations culturelles<br />

internationales<br />

SE01 Politique culturelle extérieure<br />


Mise a jour: Janvier 2007<br />

SE02 Relations en matière<br />

d'éducation et de science<br />

SE03 Relations linguistiques<br />

internationales / Langues<br />

étrangères<br />

SE04 Relations internationales des<br />

médias / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

SE05 Échange culturel / Contact des<br />

cultures<br />

SE06 Image de l'étranger<br />

SF État<br />

SF01 Système politique / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Transformation du système<br />

politique / Démocratisation<br />

SF01.02 Droits de l'homme<br />

SF02 Système de gouvernement /<br />

Institutions de l'État<br />

SF03 Partis politiques<br />

SF04 Participation politique<br />

SF04.01 Élections<br />

SF05 Politique intérieure<br />

SF06 Sécurité intérieure / Conflit<br />

interne<br />

SF06.01 Guerre civile<br />

SF06.02 Terrorisme<br />

SF06.03 Criminalité<br />

SF07 Armée et société / État<br />

SF08 Régions / Communes<br />

SF09 Administration publique<br />

SF10 Droit<br />

SG Société<br />

SG01 Système social / Politique<br />

sociétale<br />

SG02 Évolution sociale / Structures<br />

sociales<br />

SG02.01 Démographie<br />

SG02.02 Groupes sociaux<br />

SG02.03 Nationalités / Minorités<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Logement / Habitat /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Rapports entre les sexes /<br />

Communautés de vie<br />

SG02.07 Conditions de vie / Modes<br />

d'existence<br />

SG03 Politique sociale / Problèmes<br />

sociaux<br />

SG03.01 Protection sociale<br />

SG03.02 Santé<br />

SG04 Éducation / Enseignement /<br />

Formation<br />

SG05 Culture politique / Opinion<br />

SG05.01 Idéologie<br />

SG05.02 Opinion publique<br />

SG06 Médias / Information<br />

SG07 Mouvements sociaux /<br />

Associations<br />

SG08 Culture / Langue / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Communautés<br />

religieuses<br />

SH Économie<br />

SH01 Système économique / Cadre<br />

économique<br />

SH02 Développement économique /<br />

Politique économique<br />

SH02.01 Politique économique /<br />

Politique du développement<br />

SH02.02 Développement / structures<br />

socio-économiques<br />

SH02.03 Conjoncture / Politique<br />

conjoncturelle<br />

SH02.04 Développement régional /<br />

local / Politique économique<br />

régionale<br />

SH02.05 Branches économiques /<br />

Evolution sectorielle /<br />

Politique sectorielle<br />

SH03 Travail / Emploi<br />

SH03.01 Culture d'entreprise / Culture<br />

du travail<br />

SH04 Ressources naturelles /<br />

Traitement des matières<br />

premières<br />

SH05 Énergie<br />

SH06 Secteur agricole<br />

SH06.01 Cultures / Forêts<br />

SH06.02 Élevage / Pêche<br />

SH06.03 Alimentation / Produits<br />

alimentaires<br />

SH07 Industrie et artisanat<br />

SH08 Secteur tertiaire / Services<br />

SH08.01 Circulation / Transports /<br />

Tourisme<br />

SH08.02 Poste / Télécommunications<br />

SH08.03 Argent / Crédit / Banques /<br />

Assurances<br />

SH09 Secteur informel<br />

SH10 Finances publiques<br />

SI Technologie<br />

SI01 Technologie / Développement<br />

technologique<br />

SI02 Politique technologique<br />

SI03 Domaines technologiques<br />

SI03.01 Technologie aérospatiale<br />

SI03.02 Technologie de l'information<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologies<br />

SI03.04 Technologies de<br />

l'environnement<br />

SI03.05 Technologie des armements /<br />

Systèmes d'armes<br />

SI04 Coopération / relations<br />

technologiques / scientifiques<br />

internationales<br />

SJ Environnement / Nature<br />

SJ01 Géographie / Géologie<br />

SJ02 Problèmes écologiques /<br />

Protection de l'environnement<br />

SK Sciences / Recherche<br />

scientifique<br />

SK01 Domaines scientifiques<br />

SK02 Théorie / Méthodes<br />

SK03 Recherche et développement<br />

SK04 Politique scientifique / Politique<br />

de la recherche<br />

SK05 Institutions scientifiques /<br />

Universités<br />

SZ Littérature générale / Autres<br />

domaines<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 xiii 2011.05.06

RA Europe<br />

RA01 Organisations européennes<br />

RA01.01 Union / Communauté<br />

européenne et pays membres<br />

RA01.02 OTAN<br />

RA01.03 COMECON / pays du<br />


RA01.04 Traité de Varsovie<br />

RA01.05 Conseil de l'Europe<br />

RA01.06 UEO<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RA02.01 Europe occidentale politique<br />

RA02.02 Europe orientale politique<br />

RA02.03 Pays d'Europe centrale et<br />

orientale<br />

RA02.11 Région de la Mer du Nord<br />

RA02.12 Région de la Mer Baltique<br />

RA03 Europe du Nord<br />

RA03.01 Finlande<br />

RA03.02 Suède<br />

RA03.03 Norvège<br />

RA03.04 Danemark<br />

RA03.05 Islande<br />

RA04 Europe occidentale<br />

RA04.01 Irlande<br />

RA04.02 Royaume-Uni<br />

RA04.03 Pays-Bas<br />

RA04.04 Belgique<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Europe centrale<br />

RA05.01 Allemagne<br />

RA05.02 République Fédérale<br />

d'Allemagne<br />

RA05.03 République démocratique<br />

allemande<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Pologne<br />

RA05.12 Tchécoslovaquie<br />

RA05.13 Autriche<br />

RA05.14 Suisse<br />

RA05.21 République tchèque<br />

RA05.22 République slovaque<br />

RA06 Europe méridionale<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Espagne<br />

RA06.03 Italie<br />

RA06.04 Malte<br />

RA06.05 Grèce<br />

RA06.06 Turquie<br />

RA06.07 Chypre<br />

RA07 Europe orientale<br />

RA07.01 Union Soviétique<br />

RA07.02 États successeurs de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RA07.03 Communauté d'États<br />

Indépendants<br />

RA07.11 Pays Baltes<br />

RA07.12 Estonie<br />

I. CLASSIFICATION REGIONALE (politico-géographique)<br />

Mise a jour: Mars 2008<br />

RA07.13 Lettonie<br />

RA07.14 Lituanie<br />

RA07.21 Fédération russe<br />

RA07.31 États européens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Biélorussie<br />

RA07.34 Moldavie<br />

RA07.41 États caucasiens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.42 Géorgie<br />

RA07.43 Arménie<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaidjan<br />

RA07.51 États d'Asie Centrale de<br />

l'ancienne Union soviétique<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkménistan<br />

RA07.54 Ouzbékistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirghizistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadjikistan<br />

RA08 Europe du Sud-Est<br />

RA08.01 Balkans<br />

RA08.11 Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.12 Hongrie<br />

RA08.13 Roumanie<br />

RA08.14 Bulgarie<br />

RA08.15 Albanie<br />

RA08.21 États successeurs de la<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.22 Slovénie<br />

RA08.23 Croatie<br />

RA08.24 Bosnie-Herzégovine<br />

RA08.25 Macédoine<br />

RA08.26 République Fédérale de<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.27 Serbie et Monténégro<br />

RA08.28 Serbie<br />

RA08.29 Montenégro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RB Amérique (entière)<br />

RB01 Organisations américaines<br />

RB01.01 OEA<br />

RB01.02 ALENA<br />

RC Amérique du Nord (sans<br />

Mexique)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 États-Unis<br />

RD Amérique Latine<br />

RD00.01 Groupe de Rio<br />

RD01 Mexique<br />

RD02 Amérique centrale<br />

RD02.01 Bélize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caraibes<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 République Dominicaine<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaique<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbade<br />

RD03.13 Dominique<br />

RD03.14 Grenade<br />

RD03.15 Saint Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.16 Sainte Lucie<br />

RD03.17 Saint Vincent (et Grenadines)<br />

RD03.18 Trinité et Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyane<br />

RD03.22 Guyane francaise<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Iles Vierges américaines<br />

RD03.32 Porto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Antilles néerlandaises<br />

RD03.51 Antilles francaises<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Antilles britanniques<br />

RD03.71 Autres îles / pays des Caraibes<br />

RD04 Amérique du Sud<br />

RD04.01 Pays des Andes<br />

RD04.02 Groupe Andin<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentine<br />

RD04.12 Bolivie<br />

RD04.13 Brésil<br />

RD04.14 Chili<br />

RD04.15 Équateur<br />

RD04.16 Colombie<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.18 Pérou<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Vénézuela<br />

RD05 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Amérique Latine<br />

RE Afrique (entière)<br />

RE01 Organisations africaines<br />

RE01.01 OUA / Union africaine<br />

RE02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Afrique (niveau au-dessus des<br />

pays)<br />

RF Afrique subsaharienne<br />

RF01 Afrique occidentale<br />

RF01.01 CEDEAO<br />

RF01.11 Bénin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambie<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.16 Guinée<br />

RF01.17 Guinée-Bissau<br />

RF01.18 Cap Vert<br />

RF01.19 Libéria<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 xiv 2011.05.06

RF01.21 Mauritanie<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigéria<br />

RF01.24 Sénégal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Léone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tomé et Principe<br />

RF02 Afrique centrale<br />

RF02.01 Guinée équatoriale<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroun<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Tchad<br />

RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 République centrafricaine<br />

RF03 Afrique australe<br />

RF03.01 CDCAS / CDAS<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lésotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mozambique<br />

RF03.16 Namibie<br />

RF03.17 Zambie<br />

RF03.18 Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 République sud-africaine<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 Afrique orientale<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Ile Maurice<br />

RF04.04 Tanzanie<br />

RF04.05 Ouganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 Afrique du Nord-Est<br />

RF05.01 Éthiopie<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalie<br />

RF05.04 Érithrée<br />

RF06 Iles africaines et autres régions<br />

de l'Afrique<br />

RG Proche-Orient / Moyen-Orient et<br />

Afrique du Nord<br />

RG00 Régions géographiques<br />

(transnationales) et<br />

organisations du Proche-Orient<br />

/ Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du<br />

Nord<br />

RG00.01 Ligue des États arabes<br />

RG00.02 OPAEP / pays de l'OPAEP<br />

RG00.11 Pays arabes<br />

RG00.12 Monde islamique<br />

RG00.13 Golfe Persique<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Afrique du Nord<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Maroc<br />

RG01.12 Sahara occidental<br />

RG01.13 Algérie<br />

RG01.14 Tunisie<br />

RG01.15 Libye<br />

RG01.16 Égypte<br />

RG01.17 Soudan<br />

RG02 Arabie de l'Est / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanie<br />

RG02.13 Liban<br />

RG02.14 Syrie<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.16 Territoires occupés par Israel<br />

RG02.17 Territoires palestiniens<br />

autonomes<br />

RG03 Péninsule d'Arabie<br />

RG03.01 États du Golfe<br />

RG03.11 Bahrein<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Koweit<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Arabie Saoudite<br />

RG03.16 Yémen<br />

RG03.17 Émirats Arabes Unis<br />

RG04 Asie de l'Ouest<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asie (entière)<br />

RH01 Organisations asiatiques<br />

RH01.01 CEAP<br />

RH02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie<br />

RH02.01 Région de l'Himalaya<br />

RH02.02 Cachemire<br />

RH02.03 Triangle d'or<br />

RI Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI01 Asie du Sud<br />

RI01.01 ASACR / pays de l'ASACR<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhoutan<br />

RI01.13 Inde<br />

RI01.14 Maldives<br />

RI01.15 Népal<br />

RI01.16 Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.01 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.02 ANASE / pays de l'ANASE<br />

RI02.03 Indochine<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonésie<br />

RI02.13 Malaysie<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.15 Singapour<br />

RI02.16 Thailande<br />

RI02.21 Cambodge<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birmanie)<br />

RI02.32 Timor oriental<br />

RI03 Asie orientale<br />

RI03.01 Chine<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 République populaire de Chine<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (depuis 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Corée<br />

RI03.12 Corée du Nord<br />

RI03.13 Corée du Sud<br />

I. Classification régionale<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japon<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

RI03.31 Mongolie<br />

RI03.32 Partie extrême orientale de la<br />

Fédération russe / de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RI04 Autres régions de l'Asie<br />

RJ Océanie<br />

RJ01 Organsiations du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ02 Australie / Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ02.01 Australie<br />

RJ02.02 Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ03 Iles du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ04 Mélanésie<br />

RJ04.01 Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée<br />

RJ04.02 Autres îles mélanésiennes sans<br />

Papouasie<br />

RJ05 Micronésie<br />

RJ05.01 Iles micronésiennes<br />

RJ06 Polynésie<br />

RJ06.01 Iles polynésiennes<br />

RK Antarctique<br />

RL Océans / Régions<br />

transcontinentales<br />

RL01 Océan Atlantique<br />

RL02 Océan Indien<br />

RL03 Océan Pacifique / Région<br />

pacifique<br />

RL04 Méditerranée / région<br />

méditerranéenne<br />

RL05 Région de la mer Noire<br />

RL06 Mer Caspienne<br />

RL07 Arctique<br />

RM Organisations internationales<br />

RM01 Nations Unies<br />

RM02 Organisations spéciales du<br />

système des Nations Unies<br />

RM03 Autres organisations<br />

gouvernementales internationales<br />

RM04 Organisations non<br />

gouvernementales<br />

RN Pays développés<br />

RN01 Pays occidentaux<br />

RN02 OCDE / pays OCDE<br />

RN03 Pays socialistes<br />

RO Pays en voie de développement<br />

RO01 Groupe des 77<br />

RO02 Pays non-alignés<br />

RO03 OPEP / pays OPEP<br />

RO04 pays ACP<br />

RP Autres groupes de pays /<br />

régions<br />

RP01 Pays francophones<br />

RQ Universel<br />

RR Espace<br />

RS Sans aspect régional<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 xv 2011.05.06




1 Sirot, Stéphane: Le syndicalisme, la politique et la grève :<br />

France et Europe ; XIXe-XXIe siècles / Stéphane Sirot. -<br />

Nancy: Arbre bleu éd., 2011. - 355 S., Tab., Lit. S. 351-352 -<br />

(Le corps social) - ISBN 979-10-90129-00-9<br />

DFI D 925655 DFI: VP 130.SIR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


2 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis: Triangle rose : la persécution nazie<br />

des homosexuels et sa mémoire / Régis Schlagdenhauffen.<br />

Préface d'Annette Wieviorka. - Paris: Autrement, 2011. -<br />

308 S., Reg., Lit. S. 292-300 - (Collection mutations; n° 264) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7467-1485-4<br />

DFI D 926319 DFI: ZA 540.SCHLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.04 BELGIUM<br />

3 Ces chers voisins : l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 2010. - 306 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Integration;<br />

Nr. 2) - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926570 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

4 Ces chers voisins : l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 2010. - 306 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Integration;<br />

Nr. 2) - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926570 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

5 Chafer, Tony; Godin, Emmanuel: French exceptionalism and<br />

the Sarkozy presidency / Tony Chafer and Emmanuel Godin. -<br />

In: The end of the French exception?: Decline and revival of the<br />

'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2010, S. 239-250 - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925646 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

6 The end of the French exception? Decline and revival of the<br />

'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2010. - XIII, 279 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 251-270 - (French Politics, Society and Culture) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925616 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

7 Galloro, Piero-D.; Pascutto, Tamara; Serré, Alexia: Mineurs<br />

algériens et marocains : une autre mémoire du charbon lorrain<br />

/ Piero-D. Galloro, Tamara Pascutto et Alexia Serré. - Paris:<br />

Autrement, 2011. - 195 S., Ill., Lit. S. 184-187 -<br />

(Mémoires/Histoire) - ISBN 978-2-7467-1480-9<br />

DFI D 926385 DFI: FN 850.GAL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

8 Gögelein, Alisa: La maison de l'histoire de France : offizielle<br />

Geschichtsschreibung in Frankreich anhand eines umstrittenen<br />

Projekts / Alisa Gögelein. - Passau, 2011. - 44 S., Lit. S. 38-43<br />

-- Passau, Univ., Bachelorarb., 2011<br />

DFI D 925622 DFI: ZA 230.GOEG Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

9 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis: Triangle rose : la persécution nazie<br />

des homosexuels et sa mémoire / Régis Schlagdenhauffen.<br />

Préface d'Annette Wieviorka. - Paris: Autrement, 2011. -<br />

308 S., Reg., Lit. S. 292-300 - (Collection mutations; n° 264) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7467-1485-4<br />

DFI D 926319 DFI: ZA 540.SCHLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

10 Sirot, Stéphane: Le syndicalisme, la politique et la grève :<br />

France et Europe ; XIXe-XXIe siècles / Stéphane Sirot. -<br />

Nancy: Arbre bleu éd., 2011. - 355 S., Tab., Lit. S. 351-352 -<br />

(Le corps social) - ISBN 979-10-90129-00-9<br />

DFI D 925655 DFI: VP 130.SIR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

11 Brenner, Michael: The role of the German Jewish community<br />

in postwar Germany's international recognition / by Michael<br />

Brenner. - Washington/D.C.: American Institute for<br />

Contemporary German Studies, 2011. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/atp/brenner201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925628<br />

12 Ces chers voisins : l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 2010. - 306 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Integration;<br />

Nr. 2) - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926570 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

13 Feferman, Kiril: Nazi Germany and the Karaites in 1938-1944<br />

: between racial theory and Realpolitik / Kiril Feferman. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 277-294<br />

SWP D 925878 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

14 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis: Triangle rose : la persécution nazie<br />

des homosexuels et sa mémoire / Régis Schlagdenhauffen.<br />

Préface d'Annette Wieviorka. - Paris: Autrement, 2011. -<br />

308 S., Reg., Lit. S. 292-300 - (Collection mutations; n° 264) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7467-1485-4<br />

DFI D 926319 DFI: ZA 540.SCHLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


15 Stölken-Fitschen, Ilona: Wissenschaftler im politischen<br />

Diskurs : die Göttinger Erklärung von 1957 - eine Fallstudie /<br />

Ilona Stölken-Fitschen. - In: Zur Verantwortung der<br />

Wissenschaft - Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker zu Ehren /<br />

Stephan Albrecht ... (Hg.). - Berlin: Lit Verl., 2008. -<br />

(Weltinnenpolitische Colloquien; 3), S. 67-79 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-1769-5<br />

HSFK D 926441 HSFK: 41.050 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


16 Veselkova, Marcela; Horvath, Julius: National identity and<br />

money : Czech and Slovak lands ; 1918-2008 / Marcela<br />

Veselkova and Julius Horvath. - In: Nationalities Papers<br />

(Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2, S. 237-255<br />

SWP D 925875 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


17 Mesežnikov, Grigorij: Die Slowakei nach der Wahl : das erste<br />

halbe Jahr der Mitte-Rechts-Regierung / Grigorij Mesežnikov. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 27 (2011) 4,<br />

S. 142-158<br />

SWP D 926212 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

18 Veselkova, Marcela; Horvath, Julius: National identity and<br />

money : Czech and Slovak lands ; 1918-2008 / Marcela<br />

Veselkova and Julius Horvath. - In: Nationalities Papers<br />

(Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2, S. 237-255<br />

SWP D 925875 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


19 Kurilla, Ivan I.: Local chronicles vs. national history : The<br />

search for Russian identity / Ivan Kurilla. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

115)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_115.pdf<br />

SWP D 925944<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 1 2011.05.06

II.1 General Literature / Allgemeine Literatur / Littérature générale<br />

20 Wu, Yu-shan: Russia and the CIS in 2010 : post-crisis tests /<br />

Yu-shan Wu. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 64-75<br />

SWP D 926477 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

21 Die Ukraine auf dem Weg nach Europa : die Ära<br />

Juschtschenko / Juliane Besters-Dilger ... (Hrsg.). Universität<br />

Wien, Forschungsschwerpunkt Europäische Integration und<br />

südöstliches/östliches Europa - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2011. -<br />

311 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-631-60456-4<br />

Außerdem erschienen mit wenigen Abweichungen u.d.T.:<br />

Ukraine on its way to Europe: interim results of the Orange<br />

Revolution. - Frankfurt/Main: Lang, 2009<br />

DGAP D 926389 DGAP: DG 48901<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

22 Tendenz uneinheitlich? Ein Meinungsbild aus Kasachstan -<br />

In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (26.11.2010) 35, S. 12-17<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen35.pdf<br />

SWP D 926033<br />

RA08.11 YUGOSLAVIA<br />

23 Gašparič, Jure: The country at a standstill : Yugoslavia and<br />

Slovene politics in the 1930s / Jure Gašparič. - In: Nationalities<br />

Papers (Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2, S. 223-236<br />

SWP D 925869 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

24 Ciobanu, Monica: Rewriting and remembering Romanian<br />

communism : some controversial issues / Monica Ciobanu. -<br />

In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 205-221<br />

SWP D 925866 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


25 Brewer, Susan A.: Why America fights : patriotism and war<br />

propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq / Susan A. Brewer. -<br />

Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - X, 342 S., Ill., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 319-333 - ISBN 978-0-19-975396-3<br />

DGAP D 926214 DGAP: DG 48867<br />

26 Rofe, J. Simon; Thompson, John M.: 'Internationalists in<br />

isolationist times' : Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt and a<br />

Rooseveltian Maxim / J. Simon Rofe and John M. Thompson. -<br />

In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies (Abingdon), 9 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 46-62<br />

SWP D 926191 SWP: X. 873<br />

27 Smith, Steven B.: In defense of politics / Steven B. Smith. -<br />

In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011) 7,<br />

S. 131-143<br />

SWP D 926642 SWP: X. 897<br />

RF01.13 IVORY COAST<br />

28 Côte d'Ivoire: peut-il réussir? - In: Jeune Afrique (Paris),<br />

51 (17-30 avril 2011) 2623-2624, S. 10-18<br />

SWP D 926646 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

29 Nyang'oro, Julius E.: JK: A political biography of Jakaya<br />

Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania /<br />

Julius E. Nyang'oro. - Trenton/N.J. ...: Africa World Press,<br />

2011. - XLIII,308 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 295-301 -<br />

ISBN 1-59221-775-3<br />

GIGA D 926244 IAA: TZA-X/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


30 Bilgin, Fevzi: Political liberalism in Muslim societies / Fevzi<br />

Bilgin. - London ...: Routledge, 2011. - IX,141 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 130-138, Lit. Hinw. S. 122-129 - (Routledge Islamic<br />

Studies Series; 15) - ISBN 978-0-415-78182-4<br />

GIGA D 926388 IMES: MEA-H/139 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

31 Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Geschichte und Erinnerung im<br />

gegenwärtigen Islam : zwischen Aufklärung und Apologetik<br />

= History and memory in contemporary islam ; between<br />

enlightenment and apologetic / Hrsg.: Berliner Forum für<br />

Progressive Muslime, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ; Text: Jörg<br />

Schlabach ... - Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 59 S., Ill.<br />

- (Politische Akademie (Bonn)) - (Berliner<br />

Akademiegespräche/Interkultureller Dialog) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86872-449-3<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/akademie/berlin/07545.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926561 IMES: MEA-L/219 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

32 Political Islam : context versus ideology / edited by Khaled<br />

Hroub. - London: Saqi, 2010. - 315 S., graph. Darst, Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 293-304, Lit. Hinw. - (SOAS Middle East issues) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-86356-659-2<br />

GIGA D 925926 IMES: MEA-H/138 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

33 Wright, John: History of Libya / John Wright. - London: Hurst,<br />

2010. - XV,254 S., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 231-240, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84904-041-9<br />

GIGA D 925705 IMES: LBY-H/18 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.16 EGYPT<br />

34 Egypt : special report - In: Middle East Economic Digest<br />

(London), 55 (22-28 April 2011) 16, S. 31-41<br />

SWP D 926538 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

35 Saudi Arabia : special report - In: Middle East Economic<br />

Digest (London), 55 (15-21 April 2011) 15, S. 29-41<br />

SWP D 926534 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />


36 Maley, William: Afghanistan in 2010 : continuing governance<br />

challenges and faltering security / William Maley. - In: Asian<br />

Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 85-96<br />

SWP D 926480 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

37 Fair, C. Christine: Pakistan in 2010 : Flooding, governmental<br />

inefficiency and continued insurgency / C. Christine Fair. - In:<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 97-110<br />

SWP D 926481 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


38 Dittmer, Lowell: Asia in 2010 : continent ascendant / Lowell<br />

Dittmer. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 1-4<br />

SWP D 926464 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

39 D'Costa, Bina: Bangladesh in 2010 : digital makeover but<br />

continued human and economic insecurity / Bina D'Costa. - In:<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 138-147<br />

SWP D 926490 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

40 Sharma, Shalendra: India in 2010 : robust economics amid<br />

political stasis / Shalendra Sharma. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 111-124<br />

SWP D 926484 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

41 Zou, David Vumlallian; Kumar, M. Satish: Mapping a colonial<br />

borderland : objectifying the geo-body of India's Northeast /<br />

David Vumlallian Zou and M. Satish Kumar. - In: The Journal of<br />

Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.), 70 (February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 141-170<br />

GIGA D 925947 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 2 2011.05.06

RI01.15 NEPAL<br />

42 Hangen, Susan: Nepal and Bhutan in 2010 : At an impasse /<br />

Susan Hangen. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 125-130<br />

SWP D 926487 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

43 Uyangoda, Jayadeva: Sri Lanka in 2010 : regime<br />

consolidation in a post-civil war era / Jayadeva Uyangoda. - In:<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 131-137<br />

SWP D 926489 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

44 Kimura, Ehito: Indonesia in 2010 / Ehito Kimura. - In: Asian<br />

Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 186-195<br />

SWP D 926505 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

45 O'Shannassy, Michael: Malaysia in 2010 : between a rock and<br />

a hard place / Michael O'Shannassy. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 173-185<br />

SWP D 926502 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

46 Heder, Steve: Cambodia in 2010 : Hun Sen's further<br />

consolidation / Steve Heder. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 208-214<br />

SWP D 926511 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.22 LAOS<br />

47 Case, William: Laos in 2010 : political stasis, rabid<br />

development and regional counter-weighting / William Case. -<br />

In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011)<br />

1, S. 202-207<br />

SWP D 926509 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

48 Amer, Ramses: Vietnam in 2010 : regional leadership /<br />

Ramses Amer. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 196-201<br />

SWP D 926507 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

49 Turnell, Sean: Myanmar in 2010 : doors open, doors close /<br />

Sean Turnell. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 148-154<br />

SWP D 926493 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI02.32 EAST TIMOR<br />

50 Arnold, Matthew B.: Timor-Leste in 2010 : The window for a<br />

"normal" future? / Matthew B. Arnold. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 215-220<br />

SWP D 926513 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

II.1 General Literature / Allgemeine Literatur / Littérature générale<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

51 Tien, Hung-mao; Tung, Chen-yuan: Taiwan in 2010 :<br />

mapping for a new political landscape and economic outlook /<br />

Hung-Mao Tien and Chen-Yuan Tung. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 76-84<br />

SWP D 926478 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


52 Wu, Guoguang: China in 2010 : dilemmas of "scientific<br />

development" / Guoguang Wu. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 18-32<br />

SWP D 926469 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

53 Beck, Peter M.: North Korea in 2010 : provocations and<br />

succession / Peter M. Beck. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 33-40<br />

SWP D 926470 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

54 Song, Jong Hwan: Prospects for N. Korea's behavior after its<br />

hereditary succession in leadership & a proposal for S. Korea's<br />

policy toward the North / by Jong-Hwan Song. - In: Vantage<br />

Point (Seoul), 34 (April 2011) 4, S. 47-57<br />

SWP D 926530 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

55 Suh, Serk-bae: The location of "Korean" culture : Ch'oe<br />

Chaesŏ and Korean literature in a time of transition / Serk-Bae<br />

Suh. - In: The Journal of Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.),<br />

70 (February 2011) 1, S. 53-76<br />

GIGA D 925906 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

56 Suh, Serk-bae: The location of "Korean" culture : Ch'oe<br />

Chaesŏ and Korean literature in a time of transition / Serk-Bae<br />

Suh. - In: The Journal of Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.),<br />

70 (February 2011) 1, S. 53-76<br />

GIGA D 925906 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

57 Rosenbluth, Frances McCall: Japan in 2010 / Frances McCall<br />

Rosenbluth. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 41-53<br />

SWP D 926473 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


58 Nach Krieg, Gewalt und Repression : vom schwierigen<br />

Umgang mit der Vergangenheit / Susanne Buckley-Zistel ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 258 S., Ill., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (AFK-Friedensschriften; 36) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6242-5<br />

GIGA D 926081 ILAS: INT-G/79 IMES: INT-G/79 IAA: INT-G/79 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


59 Frazer, Elizabeth; Hutchings, Kimberly: Remnants and<br />

revenants : politics and violence in the work of Agamben and<br />

Derrida / Elizabeth Frazer and Kimberly Hutchings. - In: The<br />

British Journal of Politics and International Relations (London),<br />

13 (Mai 2011) 2, S. 127-144, Lit. S. 142-144<br />

FUB D 926448 OSI: Zw 608 Öff.StaO: 188/211<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 3 2011.05.06




60 States, regions and the global system : Europe and Northern<br />

Asia -Pacific in globalized governance / Hrsg. von Andreas<br />

Vasilache ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011 - (Transformation,<br />

Development, and Regionalization in Greater Asia; Bd. 8) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8328-6180-0<br />

DIE D 926404 DGAP: DG 48891 DIE: 08EL212 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


61 20 years of support for European integration studies : from<br />

the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme ;<br />

[Brussels, 7-8 September 2009] = 20 ans de soutien aux<br />

études en intégration européenne : de l'action Jean Monnet au<br />

Programme Jean Monnet / European Commission, Directorate<br />

General for Education and Culture. - Luxembourg: Publications<br />

Office of the EU, 2011. - 354 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(NC-31-10-683-EN-C) - ISBN 978-92-79-17614-2<br />

DGAP D 926399 DGAP: DG 48879<br />

62 60 Jahre Integration in Europa : variable Geometrien und<br />

politische Verflechtung jenseits der EU / Stefan Kadelbach<br />

(Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 159 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (Schriften zur europäischen Integration und<br />

internationalen Wirtschaftsordnung; Bd. 23) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6282-1<br />

DGAP D 926379 DGAP: DG 48892<br />

63 Bernard, Élise: L'Union européenne et la République de<br />

Serbie : relaions et perspectives d'adhesion / par Élise Bernard.<br />

- In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union européenne<br />

(Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 239-246<br />

SWP D 926533 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

64 Beyond development aid : EU-Africa political dialogue on<br />

global issues of common concern / Europe Africa Policy<br />

Research Network. - Maastricht, 2010. - 131 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/17854_11110cargill_euaf.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925760<br />

65 Capelli, Fausto: La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice en<br />

matière de qualité des produits alimentaires / par Fausto<br />

Capelli. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 247-259<br />

SWP D 926535 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

66 Casarini, Nicola: Security developments in East Asia : what<br />

implications for the EU? / Nicola Casarini. - Paris: European<br />

Union Institute for Security Studies, 2011. - [4] S., Ill., Kt., Tab. -<br />

(ISS Policy Brief / EU Institute for Security Studies; 07)<br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/PB007-Security_develo<br />

pments_in_East_Asia_-_what_implications_for_the_EU.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926550 DGAP: DG B01609k<br />

67 Cebeci, Münevver: The Middle East and Iraq in EU and US<br />

foreign policy : implications for transatlantic relations /<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed.<br />

by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 133-177, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925726 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

68 Cebeci, Münevver: Reassessing EU and US foreign policy :<br />

The Lisbon Treaty, the Obama administration, and beyond /<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed.<br />

by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 309-330, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925735 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

69 Cebeci, Münevver; Aaltola, Mika: Transatlantic foreign policy<br />

research communities : A debate on US and European<br />

approaches in scholarship / Münevver Cebeci and Mika<br />

Aaltola. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 13-44, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925719 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

70 Claaßen, Julian: Die deutsch-französische Beziehungen :<br />

funktioniert der "Motor der Integration" in der EU-27? /<br />

eingereicht von: Julian Claaßen. - Würzburg, 2011. - 147 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 124-144 -- Würzburg, Univ., Magisterarb., 2011<br />

DFI D 925617 DFI: WD 330.CLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

71 Dieter, Heribert: Belohnung für Fehlverhalten? Deutschland ist<br />

nicht verpflichtet, europäischer Zahlmeister zu sein / Heribert<br />

Dieter. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für<br />

Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 117-121<br />

DGAP D 926620 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

72 Drake, Helen: France, Europe and the limits of exceptionalism<br />

/ Helen Drake. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline<br />

and revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 187-202, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925638 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

73 Duarte, José Augusto: West Africa and the European Union :<br />

key areas and possible response measures / José Augusto<br />

Duarte. - In: Portuguese Journal of International Affairs<br />

(Lisbon), (Autumn-Winter 2010) 4, S. 8-13<br />

http://www.ipris.org/php/download.php?fid=378<br />

SWP D 925755<br />

74 Dyevre, Arthur: The German Federal Constitutional Court and<br />

European judicial politics / Arthur Dyevre. - In: West European<br />

Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 346-361<br />

SWP D 925918 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

75 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus: Sanftes Monster Brüssel oder<br />

die Entmündigung Europas / Hans Magnus Enzensberger. -<br />

Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011. - 67 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-518-06172-5<br />

SWP D 925626 SWP: H.11/0042 DGAP: DG 48830r<br />

76 The EU member states and the Eastern neighbourhood :<br />

composite to consistent EU foreign policy? / Sebastian Schäffer<br />

... (eds.) - München: Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung,<br />

2009. - 34 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CAP Policy Analysis; No. 1/2009)<br />

http://www.cap.uni-muenchen.de/download/2009/CAP-Policy-An<br />

alysis-2009-0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

DGAP D 926482<br />

77 Europa von A bis Z : Taschenbuch der europäischen<br />

Integration / Werner Weidenfeld ... (Hrsg.) - 12. Aufl.,<br />

Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung,<br />

2011. - 501 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Gloss., Reg., Zeittaf. -<br />

(Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; Bd.<br />

1123) - ISBN 978-3-8389-0123-7<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Europa von A bis Z:<br />

Taschenbuch der europäischen Integration. - 12. Aufl. - Baden-<br />

Baden: Nomos, 2011<br />

DGAP D 926371 DGAP: DG 33110.A12<br />

78 Europa von A bis Z : Taschenbuch der europäischen<br />

Integration / hrsg. von Werner Weidenfeld ... - 12. Aufl. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 501 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Gloss., Reg., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw. - (Uni-<br />

Taschenbücher; 3528) - ISBN 978-3-8252-3528-4<br />

Außerdem erschienen als Lizenzausg.: Bonn: Bundeszentrale<br />

für Politische Bildung, 2011. - (Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale<br />

für Politische Bildung; Bd. 1123)<br />

DFI D 926309 DFI: YC 110.EURO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

79 Feichtinger, Walter E.: Transition in Arab states : time for an<br />

"EU-master plan" / by Walter Feichtinger. - Geneva: Geneva<br />

Centre for Security Policy, 2011. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (GCSP Policy Papers; N° 13)<br />

http://www.gcsp.ch/content/download/5101/49121/download<br />

SWP D 925768<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 4 2011.05.06

80 Giegerich, Bastian; Wallace, William: Foreign and security<br />

policy : civilian power Europe and American leadership /<br />

Bastian Giegerich and William Wallace. - In: Policy-making in<br />

the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union<br />

Series), S. 431-455 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926017 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

81 Harmsen, Robert: French euroscepticism and the construction<br />

of national exceptionalism / Robert Harmsen. - In: The end of<br />

the French exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French<br />

model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2010, S. 105-122, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925625 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

82 Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011. - XV, 394 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 331-379, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925718 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

83 Kaczyński, Piotr Maciej: How to assess a rotating presidency<br />

of the Council under the Lisbon rules : The case of Hungary /<br />

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy<br />

Studies, 2011. - 4 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 232)<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4151<br />

SWP D 925598<br />

84 Meister, Stefan: EU-Russia relations after the Gas-conflict :<br />

what lessons we have learned / by Stefan Meister. - In: The EU<br />

member states and the Eastern neighbourhood: composite to<br />

consistent EU foreign policy? / Sebastian Schäffer ... (eds.). -<br />

München: Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung, 2009. -<br />

(CAP Policy Analysis; No. 1/2009), S. 20-23<br />

http://www.cap.uni-muenchen.de/download/2009/CAP-Policy-An<br />

alysis-2009-0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

DGAP D 926488<br />

85 Molina, Ignacio: The 2010 Spanish EU Presidency : trying to<br />

innovate Europe in troubled times / Ignacio Molina. -<br />

Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies,<br />

2010. - 90 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (SIEPS<br />

Occasional Papers; 2010:1) - ISBN 91-85129-81-X<br />

http://www.sieps.se/sites/default/files/2010_1op.pdf<br />

SWP D 925603<br />

86 Möller, Almut: Was kommt nach dem "Euro-Sprech"? Europas<br />

neue Mittelmeerpolitik muss endlich glaubwürdig sein / Almut<br />

Möller. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für<br />

Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 105-109,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926611 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

87 O'Sullivan, David: Setting up the EEAS : IIEA, Dublin, 14<br />

January 2011 / by David O'Sullivan. - Dublin: European Union,<br />

European External Action Service, 2011. - 8 S.<br />

http://www.eeas.europa.eu/speeches/2011_1201_dos_iiea_en.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 925809<br />

88 Ojanen, Hanna: Turkey in US and EU foreign policy : shared<br />

ally, different relationship? / Hanna Ojanen. - In: Issues in EU<br />

and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 249-269, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925731 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

89 Policies within the EU multi-level system : instruments and<br />

strategies of European governance / Hubert Heinelt ... (eds.) -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 410 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8329-6142-8<br />

DGAP D 926381 DGAP: DG 48890<br />

90 Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace<br />

... - 6th ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - XLII, 597 S.<br />

- (The New European Union Series) - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 925999 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

91 Pollack, Mark A.: Theorizing EU policy-making / Mark A.<br />

Pollack. - In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by<br />

Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.<br />

- (The New European Union Series), S. 15-44 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926001 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

92 Schwarzer, Daniela: EU: schlecht ausbalanciert : vor allem gilt<br />

es, die Divergenzen innerhalb der EU zu beseitigen / Daniela<br />

Schwarzer. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft<br />

für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3,<br />

S. 30-33, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926569 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

93 Sedelmeier, Ulrich: Enlargement: from rules for accession to a<br />

policy towards Europe / Ulrich Sedelmeier. - In: Policy-making<br />

in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. -<br />

Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European<br />

Union Series), S. 401-429 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926016 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

94 Spolander, Charlotta: Theoretical approaches to European<br />

foreign policy : A debate across paradigms / Charlotta<br />

Spolander. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 45-60, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925720 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

95 Stewart, Emma J.: Assessing EU and US foreign policy in the<br />

South Caucasus / Emma J. Stewart. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 229-248, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925730 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

96 Stumbaum, May-Britt: How to deal with China's military rise?<br />

Differing responses of the EU and the US and the case of<br />

dual-use technology transfer / May-Britt U. Stumbaum. -<br />

In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 293-308,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925734 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

97 Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Tsantoulis, Yannis: Russia in EU<br />

and US foreign policy : The energy security dimension /<br />

Dimitrios Triantaphyllou and Yannis Tsantoulis. - In: Issues in<br />

EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. -<br />

Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 271-292, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925733 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

98 Uba, Katrin; Uggla, Frederik: Protest actions against the<br />

European Union, 1992-2007 / Katrin Uba and Frederik Uggla. -<br />

In: West European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 384-393<br />

SWP D 925928 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

99 Vaïsse, Justin; Kundnani, Hans: European foreign policy<br />

scorecard 2010 / Justin Vaïsse and Hans Kundnani. With<br />

Dimitar Bechev ... - London: European Council on Foreign<br />

Relations, 2011. - 156 S., Tab. - (EFCR/29) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-906538-28-6<br />

http://www.ecfr.eu/page/-/ECFR_SCORECARD_2010_PDF.pdf<br />

SWP D 925810<br />

100 Wallace, Helen: An institutional anatomy and five policy modes<br />

/ Helen Wallace. - In: Policy-making in the European Union /<br />

ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ.<br />

Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series), S. 69-104 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926003 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

101 Frank, Cornelia: NATOisierung polnischer und tschechischer<br />

Sicherheitspolitik : Normübernahme aus Sicht des rationalen<br />

und konstruktivistischen Institutionalismus / Cornelia Frank. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 338 S., Lit. S. 313-338 -<br />

(Aussenpolitik und <strong>Internationale</strong> Ordnung) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6243-2 -- Zugl.: Trier, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926450 SWP: A.11/0049 DGAP: DG 48894<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 5 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

102 Developing an OSCE mediation-support capacity: first<br />

steps / Alice Ackermann ... - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 369-376, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926380 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

103 Dreiski, Patrice: Energy security: An OSCE perspective /<br />

Patrice Dreiski. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 301-312<br />

IFSH D 926326 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

104 Laumulin, Murat: Kazakhstan's OSCE Chairmanship: history<br />

and challenges / Murat Laumulin. - In: OSCE Yearbook<br />

(Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 317-326, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926362 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

105 Rašcan, Stanislav: Slovenia and the OSCE / Stanislav<br />

Rašcan. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 179-192, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926205 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

106 Stöber, Silvia: The failure of the OSCE Mission to Georgia -<br />

what remains? / Silvia Stöber. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 203-220, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926221 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

107 Tudyka, Kurt P.: The Greek OSCE Chairmanship 2009 / Kurt<br />

P. Tudyka. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 327-336, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926368 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

108 Wohlfeld, Monika: The OSCE and the Mediterranean :<br />

Assessment of a decade of efforts to reinvigorate a dialogue /<br />

Monika Wohlfeld. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 351-368, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926378 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

109 Zagorskij, Andrej Vladimirovič: The Astana Summit has left<br />

the OSCE in a state of limbo / Andrei Zagorski. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 30-34<br />

IFSH D 926140 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

110 Zellner, Wolfgang: The 2010 OSCE Astana Summit : An initial<br />

assessment / Wolfgang Zellner. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 23-30, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926138 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA03.01 FINLAND<br />

111 Aaltola, Mika: Agile small state agency : heuristic plays and<br />

flexible national identity markers in Finnish foreign policy / Mika<br />

Aaltola. - In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon), 39 (March 2011)<br />

2, S. 257-276<br />

SWP D 925877 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA03.04 DENMARK<br />

112 Lüddecke, René: Parlamentarisierung der nationalen<br />

Außenpolitik / René Lüddecke. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. -<br />

372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 355-372 - (Studien zum<br />

Parlamentarismus; 16) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5912-8 -- Zugl.:<br />

Halle-Wittenberg, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926233 DGAP: DG 48893<br />


113 Bratton, Patrick C.; Thies, Wallace J.: When governments<br />

collide in the South Atlantic : Britain coerces Argentina during<br />

the Falklands War / Patrick Bratton ; Wallace Thies. -<br />

In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 1-27<br />

SWP D 926020 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

114 Lüddecke, René: Parlamentarisierung der nationalen<br />

Außenpolitik / René Lüddecke. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. -<br />

372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 355-372 - (Studien zum<br />

Parlamentarismus; 16) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5912-8 -- Zugl.:<br />

Halle-Wittenberg, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926233 DGAP: DG 48893<br />

115 Mills, Thomas C.: The 'Hemisphere isolationists' and Anglo-<br />

American economic diplomacy during the Second World War /<br />

Thomas C. Mills. - In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 63-75<br />

SWP D 926193 SWP: X. 873<br />

116 Prows, Peter: Mauritius brings UNCLOS arbitration against the<br />

United Kingdom over the Chagos Archipelago / by Peter<br />

Prows. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of International<br />

Law, 2011. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 15, Issue 8)<br />

http://www.asil.org/pdfs/insights/insight110405.pdf<br />

SWP D 925630<br />

RA04.04 BELGIUM<br />

117 Ces chers voisins : l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 2010. - 306 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Integration;<br />

Nr. 2) - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926570 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

118 Dumoulin, Michel: La Belgique, l'Allemagne et la France dans<br />

le monde / Michel Dumoulin. - In: Ces chers voisins:<br />

l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe du XIXe au<br />

XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... - Stuttgart: Steiner,<br />

2010, S. 89-102, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926582 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

119 Cahn, Jean-Paul: Quelques réflexions sur l'attitude des deux<br />

Allemagnes face à la décolonialisation française / Jean-Paul<br />

Cahn. - In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la<br />

France en Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel<br />

Dumoulin ... - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 135-152, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926585 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

120 Ces chers voisins : l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 2010. - 306 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Integration;<br />

Nr. 2) - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926570 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

121 Charillon, Frédéric: Politique étrangère: à la recherche de<br />

nouveaux horizons / Frédéric Charillon. - In: La France en ...<br />

(Paris), (2010), S. 109-134, Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926387 DFI: FA 840.FRA DGAP: ZD 239 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

122 Claaßen, Julian: Die deutsch-französische Beziehungen :<br />

funktioniert der "Motor der Integration" in der EU-27? /<br />

eingereicht von: Julian Claaßen. - Würzburg, 2011. - 147 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 124-144 -- Würzburg, Univ., Magisterarb., 2011<br />

DFI D 925617 DFI: WD 330.CLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

123 Desmoulins, Lucile: Les think tanks français : Au coeur des<br />

débats, en marge des décisions / Lucile Desmoulins. - In: Le<br />

partenariat franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska<br />

... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international),<br />

S. 140-157, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926301 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

124 Drake, Helen: France, Europe and the limits of exceptionalism<br />

/ Helen Drake. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline<br />

and revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 187-202, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925638 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

125 Dumoulin, Michel: La Belgique, l'Allemagne et la France dans<br />

le monde / Michel Dumoulin. - In: Ces chers voisins:<br />

l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe du XIXe au<br />

XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... - Stuttgart: Steiner,<br />

2010, S. 89-102, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926582 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 6 2011.05.06

126 Gueye, Abdoulaye: A view from the South : France in African<br />

eyes: universalism and francophonie reassessed / Abdoulaye<br />

Gueye. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline and<br />

revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 223-236, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925643 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

127 Harmsen, Robert: French euroscepticism and the construction<br />

of national exceptionalism / Robert Harmsen. - In: The end of<br />

the French exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French<br />

model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2010, S. 105-122, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925625 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

128 Holeindre, Jean-Vincent: Raymond Aron : le spectateur<br />

engagé / Jean-Vincent Holeindre. - In: Sciences humaines<br />

(Auxerre), (mai 2011) 226, n° spécial, S. 58-63, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925834 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

129 Hudemann, Rainer: La France face à l'émergence de la<br />

République fédérale d'Allemagne : réflexions méthodiques sur<br />

une politique à multiples volets / Rainer Hudemann. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 45-61, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926578 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

130 Majumdar, Margaret A.; Chafer, Tony: Back to the future?<br />

Franco-African relations in the shadow of France's colonial past<br />

/ Margaret A. Majumdar and Tony Chafer. - In: The end of the<br />

French exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French model' /<br />

ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,<br />

2010, S. 203-220, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925639 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

131 Martens, Stephan: De la coopération franco-allemande à la<br />

politique étrangère commune / Stephan Martens. - In: Le<br />

partenariat franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska<br />

... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 35-50,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926270 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

132 Myard, Jacques: Atout France : [manifeste pour la France<br />

dans un monde multipolaire] / Jacques Myard. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2011. - 86 S. - ISBN 978-2-296-12918-4<br />

DFI D 926382 DFI: YF 230.MYA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

133 Le partenariat franco-allemand : entre européanisation et<br />

transnationalisation / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - 207 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Chaos<br />

international) - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926255 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

134 Schwabe, Klaus: Adenauer und Frankreich / Klaus Schwabe. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 63-78, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926579 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

135 Visier, Claire: La Méditerranée : un nouveau terriotire d'action<br />

publique pour la France / Claire Visier. - In: Le partenariat<br />

franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 103-120, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926298 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

136 Wassenberg, Birte: La coopération transfrontalière dans<br />

l'espace du Rhin supérieur depuis les années 90 : une solution<br />

pour une Europe des citoyens? / Birte Wassenberg. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 261-280, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926593 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

137 Balleis, Siegfried: Die Renaissance der kommunalen<br />

Selbstverwaltung : politische Entscheidung vor Ort / Siegfried<br />

Balleis. - In: Politische Studien (München), 62 (März-April<br />

2011) 436, S. 61-67<br />

SWP D 925749 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

138 Brenner, Michael: The role of the German Jewish community<br />

in postwar Germany's international recognition / by Michael<br />

Brenner. - Washington/D.C.: American Institute for<br />

Contemporary German Studies, 2011. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(AICGS Transatlantic Perspectives)<br />

http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/atp/brenner201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925628<br />

139 Ces chers voisins : l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 2010. - 306 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Integration;<br />

Nr. 2) - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926570 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

140 Claaßen, Julian: Die deutsch-französische Beziehungen :<br />

funktioniert der "Motor der Integration" in der EU-27? /<br />

eingereicht von: Julian Claaßen. - Würzburg, 2011. - 147 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 124-144 -- Würzburg, Univ., Magisterarb., 2011<br />

DFI D 925617 DFI: WD 330.CLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

141 Dieter, Heribert: Belohnung für Fehlverhalten? Deutschland ist<br />

nicht verpflichtet, europäischer Zahlmeister zu sein / Heribert<br />

Dieter. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für<br />

Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 117-121<br />

DGAP D 926620 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

142 Dumoulin, Michel: La Belgique, l'Allemagne et la France dans<br />

le monde / Michel Dumoulin. - In: Ces chers voisins:<br />

l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe du XIXe au<br />

XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... - Stuttgart: Steiner,<br />

2010, S. 89-102, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926582 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

143 Dyevre, Arthur: The German Federal Constitutional Court and<br />

European judicial politics / Arthur Dyevre. - In: West European<br />

Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 346-361<br />

SWP D 925918 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

144 Lüddecke, René: Parlamentarisierung der nationalen<br />

Außenpolitik / René Lüddecke. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. -<br />

372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 355-372 - (Studien zum<br />

Parlamentarismus; 16) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5912-8 -- Zugl.:<br />

Halle-Wittenberg, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926233 DGAP: DG 48893<br />

145 Martens, Stephan: De la coopération franco-allemande à la<br />

politique étrangère commune / Stephan Martens. - In: Le<br />

partenariat franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska<br />

... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 35-50,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926270 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

146 Müller, Harald: Ein Desaster. Deutschland und der Fall Libyen<br />

: wie sich Deutschland moralisch und außenpolitisch in die<br />

Isolation manövrierte / Harald Müller. - Frankfurt/Main:<br />

Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2011. -<br />

12 S. - (HSFK-Standpunkte; Nr. 2/2011)<br />

http://www.hsfk.de/fileadmin/downloads/standpunkt021<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

HSFK D 925891 SWP: Y. 925 DGAP: ZD 491 HSFK: HSFK BICC: BZ HSFK<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

147 Le partenariat franco-allemand : entre européanisation et<br />

transnationalisation / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - 207 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Chaos<br />

international) - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926255 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

148 La puissance allemande - In: Diplomatie (Paris), (mars-avril<br />

2011) 49, S. 34-53, Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926392 DFI: RV<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 7 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

149 Schoettli, Urs Werner: Mehr Indien, weniger China :<br />

Deutschland braucht eine neue Asienpolitik ; ein Standpunkt /<br />

von Urs Schoettli. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, 2011. -<br />

107 S. - ISBN 978-3-89684-142-1<br />

DGAP D 926522 DGAP: DG 48913<br />

150 Wassenberg, Birte: La coopération transfrontalière dans<br />

l'espace du Rhin supérieur depuis les années 90 : une solution<br />

pour une Europe des citoyens? / Birte Wassenberg. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 261-280, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926593 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


151 Cahn, Jean-Paul: Quelques réflexions sur l'attitude des deux<br />

Allemagnes face à la décolonialisation française / Jean-Paul<br />

Cahn. - In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la<br />

France en Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel<br />

Dumoulin ... - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 135-152, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926585 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

152 Hudemann, Rainer: La France face à l'émergence de la<br />

République fédérale d'Allemagne : réflexions méthodiques sur<br />

une politique à multiples volets / Rainer Hudemann. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 45-61, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926578 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

153 Martens, Stephan: De la coopération franco-allemande à la<br />

politique étrangère commune / Stephan Martens. - In: Le<br />

partenariat franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska<br />

... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 35-50,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926270 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

154 Schwabe, Klaus: Adenauer und Frankreich / Klaus Schwabe. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 63-78, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926579 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


155 Cahn, Jean-Paul: Quelques réflexions sur l'attitude des deux<br />

Allemagnes face à la décolonialisation française / Jean-Paul<br />

Cahn. - In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la<br />

France en Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel<br />

Dumoulin ... - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 135-152, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926585 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

156 Frank, Cornelia: NATOisierung polnischer und tschechischer<br />

Sicherheitspolitik : Normübernahme aus Sicht des rationalen<br />

und konstruktivistischen Institutionalismus / Cornelia Frank. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 338 S., Lit. S. 313-338 -<br />

(Aussenpolitik und <strong>Internationale</strong> Ordnung) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6243-2 -- Zugl.: Trier, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926450 SWP: A.11/0049 DGAP: DG 48894<br />


157 Wassenberg, Birte: La coopération transfrontalière dans<br />

l'espace du Rhin supérieur depuis les années 90 : une solution<br />

pour une Europe des citoyens? / Birte Wassenberg. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 261-280, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926593 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


158 Frank, Cornelia: NATOisierung polnischer und tschechischer<br />

Sicherheitspolitik : Normübernahme aus Sicht des rationalen<br />

und konstruktivistischen Institutionalismus / Cornelia Frank. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 338 S., Lit. S. 313-338 -<br />

(Aussenpolitik und <strong>Internationale</strong> Ordnung) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6243-2 -- Zugl.: Trier, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926450 SWP: A.11/0049 DGAP: DG 48894<br />

RA06.02 SPAIN<br />

159 Cámara, Manuel de la: Relations between Spain and the<br />

Russian Federation / Manuel de la Cámara. - In: International<br />

Yearbook CIDOB (Barcelona), (2010), S. 179-190,<br />

Lit. S. 189-190<br />

SWP D 925642 SWP: V. 715.E DGAP: DG B01611<br />

160 Gusev, Alexander: The relations between Russian Federation<br />

and Spain / Alexander Gusev. - In: International Yearbook<br />

CIDOB (Barcelona), (2010), S. 173-177, Lit. S. 177<br />

SWP D 925636 SWP: V. 715.E DGAP: DG B01611<br />

161 Maihold, Günther: Spain's foreign and security policy 2009 :<br />

The search for "Spain's place" in international relations /<br />

Günther Maihold. - In: International Yearbook CIDOB<br />

(Barcelona), (2010), S. 9-17, Lit. S. 16-17<br />

SWP D 925632 SWP: V. 715.E DGAP: DG B01611<br />

162 Molina, Ignacio: The 2010 Spanish EU Presidency : trying to<br />

innovate Europe in troubled times / Ignacio Molina. -<br />

Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies,<br />

2010. - 90 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (SIEPS<br />

Occasional Papers; 2010:1) - ISBN 91-85129-81-X<br />

http://www.sieps.se/sites/default/files/2010_1op.pdf<br />

SWP D 925603<br />

163 Ríos, Xulio: Las relaciones políticas y comerciales España-<br />

China / Xulio Ríos. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera<br />

2011) 56, S. 123-130<br />

SWP D 925836 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

RA06.05 GREECE<br />

164 Tudyka, Kurt P.: The Greek OSCE Chairmanship 2009 / Kurt<br />

P. Tudyka. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 327-336, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926368 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

165 Ojanen, Hanna: Turkey in US and EU foreign policy : shared<br />

ally, different relationship? / Hanna Ojanen. - In: Issues in EU<br />

and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 249-269, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925731 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RA06.07 CYPRUS<br />

166 Napolitano, Luigi: The Cyprus peace process since March<br />

2008 : short history, state of the art and what is next in store /<br />

Luigi Napolitano. - Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2011. -<br />

13 S. - (IAI Working Papers; 11/01)<br />

http://www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iaiwp110<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925605<br />


167 Bordyuzha, Nikolai: The Collective Security Treaty<br />

Organization: A brief overview / Nikolai Bordyuzha. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 339-350<br />

IFSH D 926370 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


168 Cámara, Manuel de la: Relations between Spain and the<br />

Russian Federation / Manuel de la Cámara. - In: International<br />

Yearbook CIDOB (Barcelona), (2010), S. 179-190,<br />

Lit. S. 189-190<br />

SWP D 925642 SWP: V. 715.E DGAP: DG B01611<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 8 2011.05.06

169 Frear, Matthew: Friends or foes? Developments in relations<br />

between Russia and Belarus / by Matthew Frear. - In: Russian<br />

Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (19<br />

November 2010) 87, S. 2-4<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925988<br />

170 Gusev, Alexander: The relations between Russian Federation<br />

and Spain / Alexander Gusev. - In: International Yearbook<br />

CIDOB (Barcelona), (2010), S. 173-177, Lit. S. 177<br />

SWP D 925636 SWP: V. 715.E DGAP: DG B01611<br />

171 Katz, Mark N.: Russia's policy toward the Middle East / by<br />

Mark N. Katz. - In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen), (28 September 2010) 83, S. 2-4<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/121789/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/d0f2b999-cef5-4e36-84ab<br />

-66ea0dddca57/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_83.pdf<br />

SWP D 925679<br />

172 Kukeyeva, Fatima: Developments and trends in the Russian-<br />

Kazakh strategic partnership / by Fatima Kukeyeva. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Bremen), (19 November 2010) 87, S. 4-7<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925989<br />

173 Meister, Stefan: EU-Russia relations after the Gas-conflict :<br />

what lessons we have learned / by Stefan Meister. - In: The EU<br />

member states and the Eastern neighbourhood: composite to<br />

consistent EU foreign policy? / Sebastian Schäffer ... (eds.). -<br />

München: Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung, 2009. -<br />

(CAP Policy Analysis; No. 1/2009), S. 20-23<br />

http://www.cap.uni-muenchen.de/download/2009/CAP-Policy-An<br />

alysis-2009-0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

DGAP D 926488<br />

174 A relic of the Cold War : is it time to repeal Jackson-Vanik for<br />

Russia? Joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe and<br />

the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, April 27, 2010<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

V,79 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 111-112)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:561<br />

98.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926314<br />

175 Subin, Vladimir: Russia and Africa: coming back? / by<br />

Vladimir Shubin. - In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen), (28 September 2010) 83, S. 4-7<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/121789/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/d0f2b999-cef5-4e36-84ab<br />

-66ea0dddca57/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_83.pdf<br />

SWP D 925680<br />

176 Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Tsantoulis, Yannis: Russia in EU<br />

and US foreign policy : The energy security dimension /<br />

Dimitrios Triantaphyllou and Yannis Tsantoulis. - In: Issues in<br />

EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. -<br />

Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 271-292, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925733 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

177 Zhemukhov, Sufian: The Circassian question in Russian-<br />

Georgian relations / Sufian Zhemukhov. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

118)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_118.pdf<br />

SWP D 925948<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

178 Dubovyk, Volodymyr: Is a junior partner really a partner?<br />

Making sense of Ukrainian foreign policy / Volodymyr Dubovyk.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 4 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 119)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_119.pdf<br />

SWP D 925952<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

179 Evers, Frank: Damaged prospects/damaged dialogue in<br />

Ukraine and Crimea : The current situation in Ukraine and<br />

future co-operation with the OSCE / Frank Evers. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 221-243, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926228 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

180 Melnykovska, Inna: Rückkehr zum Multivektoralismus? Eine<br />

Bilanz der Außenpolitik Janukowytschs / von Inna<br />

Melnykovska. - In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen), (08.03.2011)<br />

88, S. 8-11<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen88.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926026<br />

181 Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič: Can Ukraine still perform its balancing<br />

act? / Arkady Moshes. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia,<br />

2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 122)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_122.pdf<br />

SWP D 925958<br />

RA07.33 BELARUS<br />

182 Frear, Matthew: Friends or foes? Developments in relations<br />

between Russia and Belarus / by Matthew Frear. - In: Russian<br />

Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (19<br />

November 2010) 87, S. 2-4<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925988<br />


UNION<br />

183 Stewart, Emma J.: Assessing EU and US foreign policy in the<br />

South Caucasus / Emma J. Stewart. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 229-248, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925730 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

184 Stöber, Silvia: The failure of the OSCE Mission to Georgia -<br />

what remains? / Silvia Stöber. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 203-220, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926221 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

185 Zhemukhov, Sufian: The Circassian question in Russian-<br />

Georgian relations / Sufian Zhemukhov. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

118)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_118.pdf<br />

SWP D 925948<br />

RA07.43 ARMENIA<br />

186 Shahnazarian, Nona: A return to tradition? Aspects of postwar<br />

political culture in Nagorno-Karabakh / Nona Shahnazarian. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 3 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 133)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_133.pdf<br />

SWP D 925978<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

187 Shahnazarian, Nona: A return to tradition? Aspects of postwar<br />

political culture in Nagorno-Karabakh / Nona Shahnazarian. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 3 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 133)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_133.pdf<br />

SWP D 925978<br />

188 Valiyev, Anar: Finlandization or strategy of keeping the<br />

balance? Azerbaijan's foreign policy since the<br />

Russian-Georgian war / Anar Valiyev. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

112)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/PONARS_Eurasia_P<br />

olicy_Conference_Book_Oct2010.pdf<br />

SWP D 925936<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 9 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />



189 The emerging importance of the U.S.-Central Asia<br />

partnership : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the<br />

Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, November 17, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,51 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-134)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:624<br />

00.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926316<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

190 Kukeyeva, Fatima: Developments and trends in the Russian-<br />

Kazakh strategic partnership / by Fatima Kukeyeva. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Bremen), (19 November 2010) 87, S. 4-7<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925989<br />

191 Laumulin, Murat: Kazakhstan's OSCE Chairmanship: history<br />

and challenges / Murat Laumulin. - In: OSCE Yearbook<br />

(Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 317-326, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926362 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

192 Muzalevsky, Roman: Nazarbayev's visit to China reveals<br />

Kazakhstan's balancing strategy / by Roman Muzalevsky. -<br />

In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (02.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5505/print<br />

SWP D 925984<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

193 Bensmann, Marcus: Operation Roghun : Geschichte und<br />

Gefahren eines schwelenden Konflikts / von Marcus<br />

Bensmann. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (26.11.2010)<br />

35, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen35.pdf<br />

SWP D 926030<br />

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

194 Bensmann, Marcus: Operation Roghun : Geschichte und<br />

Gefahren eines schwelenden Konflikts / von Marcus<br />

Bensmann. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (26.11.2010)<br />

35, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen35.pdf<br />

SWP D 926030<br />

RA08.01 BALKANS<br />

195 Daxner, Michael; Riese, Sarah: Long-time effects from<br />

Kosovo, little ado about Bosnia-Herzegovina / Michael Daxner ;<br />

Sarah Riese. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 24-30, Lit. S. 30, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925993 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

RA08.12 HUNGARY<br />

196 Kaczyński, Piotr Maciej: How to assess a rotating presidency<br />

of the Council under the Lisbon rules : The case of Hungary /<br />

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy<br />

Studies, 2011. - 4 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 232)<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4151<br />

SWP D 925598<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

197 Cantir, Cristian A.: Leaving the war in Iraq or "staying the<br />

course" : why did Bulgaria withdraw and Romania stay? /<br />

Cristian Cantir. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 179-200, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925727 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RA08.14 BULGARIA<br />

198 Cantir, Cristian A.: Leaving the war in Iraq or "staying the<br />

course" : why did Bulgaria withdraw and Romania stay? /<br />

Cristian Cantir. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 179-200, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925727 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RA08.22 SLOVENIA<br />

199 Rašcan, Stanislav: Slovenia and the OSCE / Stanislav<br />

Rašcan. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 179-192, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926205 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA08.28 SERBIA<br />

200 Bernard, Élise: L'Union européenne et la République de<br />

Serbie : relaions et perspectives d'adhesion / par Élise Bernard.<br />

- In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union européenne<br />

(Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 239-246<br />

SWP D 926533 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />


201 Afghanistan reconstruction oversight : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 20,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,43 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-96)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:565<br />

58.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926308<br />

202 America and the Iranian political reform movement : first,<br />

do no harm ; hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle<br />

East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

February 3, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2010. - III,64 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 111-93)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:549<br />

40.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926115<br />

203 Burton, Brian M.; Lord, Kristin M.: Did the State Department<br />

get the quadrennial diplomacy and development review right? /<br />

Brian M. Burton and Kristin M. Lord. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 111-123<br />

SWP D 926623 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

204 Cebeci, Münevver: The Middle East and Iraq in EU and US<br />

foreign policy : implications for transatlantic relations /<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed.<br />

by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 133-177, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925726 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

205 Cebeci, Münevver: Reassessing EU and US foreign policy :<br />

The Lisbon Treaty, the Obama administration, and beyond /<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed.<br />

by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 309-330, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925735 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

206 Cebeci, Münevver; Aaltola, Mika: Transatlantic foreign policy<br />

research communities : A debate on US and European<br />

approaches in scholarship / Münevver Cebeci and Mika<br />

Aaltola. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 13-44, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925719 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

207 Christensen, Thomas J.: The need to pursue mutual interests<br />

in U.S.-PRC relations / Thomas J. Christensen. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2011. - 12 S. - (Special Report / United<br />

States Institute of Peace; 269)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/SR269Christensen.pdf<br />

SWP D 925793<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 10 2011.05.06

208 Crothers, Lane: The cultural roots of isolationism and<br />

internationalism in American foreign policy / Lane Crothers. -<br />

In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies (Abingdon), 9 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 21-34<br />

SWP D 926188 SWP: X. 873<br />

209 The emerging importance of the U.S.-Central Asia<br />

partnership : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the<br />

Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, November 17, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,51 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-134)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:624<br />

00.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926316<br />

210 Feigenbaum, Evan A.: Why America no longer gets Asia /<br />

Evan A. Feigenbaum. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 25-43<br />

SWP D 926613 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

211 Godement, François: The United States and Asia in 2010 :<br />

uncertain relations / François Godement. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 5-17<br />

SWP D 926466 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

212 The Great Lakes region: current conditions and U.S. policy<br />

: hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health<br />

of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 25, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,68 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-106)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:566<br />

82.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926410<br />

213 Horn of Africa: current conditions and U.S. policy : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

111th Congress, 2nd Session, June 17, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,79 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-108)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:569<br />

97.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926352<br />

214 Hwang, Balbina Y.: Furthering North Korean human rights<br />

through U.S.-ROK cooperation / Balbina Y. Hwang. - San<br />

Francisco/Cal.: Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, 2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/HwangNorthKorea<br />

HumanRightsApril201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925784<br />

215 Implementing tougher sanctions on Iran : A progress report ;<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, December<br />

1, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,75 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-136)<br />

HSFK D 926622<br />

216 Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011. - XV, 394 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 331-379, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925718 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

217 Johnston, Alastair Iain: Stability and instability in Sino-US<br />

relations : A response to Yan Xuetong's superficial friendship<br />

theory / Alastair Iain Johnston. - In: The Chinese Journal of<br />

International Politics (Oxford), 4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 5-29<br />

SWP D 925859 SWP: X. 892<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

218 Johnstone, Andrew: Isolationism and internationalism in<br />

American foreign relations / Andrew Johnstone. - In: Journal of<br />

Transatlantic Studies (Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 7-20<br />

SWP D 926185 SWP: X. 873<br />

219 Mariano, Marco: Isolationism, internationalism and the Monroe<br />

Doctrine / Marco Mariano. - In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 35-45<br />

SWP D 926189 SWP: X. 873<br />

220 Mills, Thomas C.: The 'Hemisphere isolationists' and Anglo-<br />

American economic diplomacy during the Second World War /<br />

Thomas C. Mills. - In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 63-75<br />

SWP D 926193 SWP: X. 873<br />

221 Neither appeasement nor improvement? Prospects for U.S.<br />

engagement with Syria ; hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

the Middle East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, April 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,43 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-99)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:560<br />

93.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925971<br />

222 Next steps for Honduras : hearing before the Subcommittee<br />

on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, March 18, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,157 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-94)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:555<br />

17.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925778<br />

223 Ojanen, Hanna: Turkey in US and EU foreign policy : shared<br />

ally, different relationship? / Hanna Ojanen. - In: Issues in EU<br />

and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 249-269, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925731 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

224 Oversight: hard lessons learned in Iraq and benchmarks<br />

for the future reconstruction efforts : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, February<br />

24, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-82)<br />

http://www.hcfa.house.gov/111/55125.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926312<br />

225 An overview of U.S. policy in Africa : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, March 24, 2010 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,122 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

107)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:556<br />

89.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926409<br />

226 Regional overview of East Asia and the Pacific : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global<br />

Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, March 3,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,49 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-115)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:552<br />

72.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926351<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 11 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

227 A relic of the Cold War : is it time to repeal Jackson-Vanik for<br />

Russia? Joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Europe and<br />

the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, April 27, 2010<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

V,79 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 111-112)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:561<br />

98.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926314<br />

228 Rofe, J. Simon; Thompson, John M.: 'Internationalists in<br />

isolationist times' : Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt and a<br />

Rooseveltian Maxim / J. Simon Rofe and John M. Thompson. -<br />

In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies (Abingdon), 9 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 46-62<br />

SWP D 926191 SWP: X. 873<br />

229 Russett, Bruce Martin: Hegemony and democracy / Bruce<br />

Martin Russett. - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XV,265 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 226-258 - (Security and Governance) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-57571-3<br />

GIGA D 926150 HSFK: 43.537 ILAS: USA-A/53 IMES: USA-A/53 IAA: USA-A/53<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

230 Stewart, Emma J.: Assessing EU and US foreign policy in the<br />

South Caucasus / Emma J. Stewart. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 229-248, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925730 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

231 Stumbaum, May-Britt: How to deal with China's military rise?<br />

Differing responses of the EU and the US and the case of<br />

dual-use technology transfer / May-Britt U. Stumbaum. -<br />

In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 293-308,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925734 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

232 Teng, Jianqun: The third-party factors in China-U.S. relations /<br />

Teng Jianqun. - In: China International Studies (Beijing),<br />

26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 62-79<br />

DIE D 925927 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

233 Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios; Tsantoulis, Yannis: Russia in EU<br />

and US foreign policy : The energy security dimension /<br />

Dimitrios Triantaphyllou and Yannis Tsantoulis. - In: Issues in<br />

EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. -<br />

Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 271-292, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925733 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

234 Twining, Daniel; Fontaine, Richard: The ties that bind?<br />

U.S.-Indian values-based cooperation / Daniel Twining and<br />

Richard Fontaine. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 193-205<br />

SWP D 926629 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

235 U.S.-Japan relations: enduring ties, recent developments :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the<br />

Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

March 17, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2010. - III,82 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 111-116)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:555<br />

15.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926350<br />


236 Mariano, Marco: Isolationism, internationalism and the Monroe<br />

Doctrine / Marco Mariano. - In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 35-45<br />

SWP D 926189 SWP: X. 873<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

237 Hernández Ulate, Aurora; López Ramírez, Alexander;<br />

Jiménez Elizondo, Alicia: Gobernabilidad e instituciones en<br />

las cuencas transfronterizas de América Central y México /<br />

Aurora Hernández Ulate ; Alexander López Ramírez ; Alicia<br />

Jiménez Elizondo. - San José: FLACSO, 2009. - 150 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit S. 137-150 -<br />

ISBN 978-9977-68-175-7<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/2010/LIBRO_CUE<br />


GIGA D 926458<br />


238 Hernández Ulate, Aurora; López Ramírez, Alexander;<br />

Jiménez Elizondo, Alicia: Gobernabilidad e instituciones en<br />

las cuencas transfronterizas de América Central y México /<br />

Aurora Hernández Ulate ; Alexander López Ramírez ; Alicia<br />

Jiménez Elizondo. - San José: FLACSO, 2009. - 150 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit S. 137-150 -<br />

ISBN 978-9977-68-175-7<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/2010/LIBRO_CUE<br />


GIGA D 926458<br />

RD02.04 HONDURAS<br />

239 Next steps for Honduras : hearing before the Subcommittee<br />

on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, March 18, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,157 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-94)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:555<br />

17.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925778<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

240 Bratton, Patrick C.; Thies, Wallace J.: When governments<br />

collide in the South Atlantic : Britain coerces Argentina during<br />

the Falklands War / Patrick Bratton ; Wallace Thies. -<br />

In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 1-27<br />

SWP D 926020 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

241 Brands, Hal: Evaluating Brazilian grand strategy under Lula /<br />

Hal Brands. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 28-49<br />

SWP D 926027 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

242 Landau, Georges D.: A Diplomacia latino-americana do<br />

governo Lula / George D. Landau. - In: O Brasil no contexto<br />

político regional. / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Hrsg.) - Rio de<br />

Janeiro: Fundação Konrad Adenauer, novembro 2010. -<br />

(Cadernos Adenauer; 4), S. 11-24, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-85-7504-154-3<br />

GIGA D 926162 ILAS: BRA-A/32 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.16 COLOMBIA<br />

243 Rochlin, James F.: Who said the Cold War is over? The<br />

political economy of strategic conflict between Venezuela and<br />

Colombia / James F. Rochlin. - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2, S. 237-260<br />

SWP D 926496 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

244 Rochlin, James F.: Who said the Cold War is over? The<br />

political economy of strategic conflict between Venezuela and<br />

Colombia / James F. Rochlin. - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2, S. 237-260<br />

SWP D 926496 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 12 2011.05.06


245 Beyond development aid : EU-Africa political dialogue on<br />

global issues of common concern / Europe Africa Policy<br />

Research Network. - Maastricht, 2010. - 131 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/17854_11110cargill_euaf.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925760<br />

246 Gueye, Abdoulaye: A view from the South : France in African<br />

eyes: universalism and francophonie reassessed / Abdoulaye<br />

Gueye. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline and<br />

revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 223-236, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925643 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

247 Majumdar, Margaret A.; Chafer, Tony: Back to the future?<br />

Franco-African relations in the shadow of France's colonial past<br />

/ Margaret A. Majumdar and Tony Chafer. - In: The end of the<br />

French exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French model' /<br />

ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,<br />

2010, S. 203-220, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925639 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

248 Mulikita, Njunga M.: The AU Peace and Security Council and<br />

the quest for constitutional democratic governance in Africa : A<br />

critical assessment / Njunga M. Mulikita. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 147-156<br />

SWP D 926103 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

249 An overview of U.S. policy in Africa : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, March 24, 2010 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,122 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

107)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:556<br />

89.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926409<br />


250 Mulikita, Njunga M.: The AU Peace and Security Council and<br />

the quest for constitutional democratic governance in Africa : A<br />

critical assessment / Njunga M. Mulikita. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 147-156<br />

SWP D 926103 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />



251 The Great Lakes region: current conditions and U.S. policy<br />

: hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health<br />

of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 25, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,68 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-106)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:566<br />

82.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926410<br />


252 Ferrari, Lisa L.: Catholic and non-Catholic NGOs fighting<br />

HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa : issue framing and<br />

collaboration / Lisa L. Ferrari. - In: International Relations<br />

(London), 25 (March 2011) 1, S. 85-107<br />

HSFK D 926430 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

253 Subin, Vladimir: Russia and Africa: coming back? / by<br />

Vladimir Shubin. - In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen), (28 September 2010) 83, S. 4-7<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/121789/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/d0f2b999-cef5-4e36-84ab<br />

-66ea0dddca57/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_83.pdf<br />

SWP D 925680<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />


254 Duarte, José Augusto: West Africa and the European Union :<br />

key areas and possible response measures / José Augusto<br />

Duarte. - In: Portuguese Journal of International Affairs<br />

(Lisbon), (Autumn-Winter 2010) 4, S. 8-13<br />

http://www.ipris.org/php/download.php?fid=378<br />

SWP D 925755<br />


255 Kalron, Nir: The Great Lakes of confusion / Nir Kalron. - In:<br />

African Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (June 2010) 2, S. 25-37,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 36-37<br />

GIGA D 926225 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />


256 Nyakwaka, Dorothy A.: The third United Nations law of the<br />

Sea Treaty and the piracy question : The case of the East<br />

African coast / Dorothy A. Nyakwaka. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (September 2010) 2, S. 74-84<br />

SWP D 926080 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF04.03 MAURITIUS<br />

257 Prows, Peter: Mauritius brings UNCLOS arbitration against the<br />

United Kingdom over the Chagos Archipelago / by Peter<br />

Prows. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of International<br />

Law, 2011. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 15, Issue 8)<br />

http://www.asil.org/pdfs/insights/insight110405.pdf<br />

SWP D 925630<br />


258 Horn of Africa: current conditions and U.S. policy : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

111th Congress, 2nd Session, June 17, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,79 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-108)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:569<br />

97.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926352<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

259 Nyakwaka, Dorothy A.: The third United Nations law of the<br />

Sea Treaty and the piracy question : The case of the East<br />

African coast / Dorothy A. Nyakwaka. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (September 2010) 2, S. 74-84<br />

SWP D 926080 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


260 Feichtinger, Walter E.: Transition in Arab states : time for an<br />

"EU-master plan" / by Walter Feichtinger. - Geneva: Geneva<br />

Centre for Security Policy, 2011. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (GCSP Policy Papers; N° 13)<br />

http://www.gcsp.ch/content/download/5101/49121/download<br />

SWP D 925768<br />


261 Todorov, Tzvetan: Die Angst vor den Barbaren : kulturelle<br />

Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen (Orig.: La peur des<br />

barbares) / Tzvetan Todorov. Aus dem Französischen von Ilse<br />

Utz. - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische<br />

Bildung, 2011. - 287 S., Reg., Lit. S. 276-281 - (Schriftenreihe<br />

der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; Bd. 1125) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8389-0125-1<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Die Angst vor den Barbaren:<br />

kulturelle Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen. - Hamburg:<br />

Hamburger Ed., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926276 DGAP: DG 48899 ILAS: INT-B/127 IMES: INT-B/127 IAA: INT-<br />

B/127 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 13 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

RG00.13 PERSIAN GULF<br />

262 Davidson, Christopher M.: The Persian Gulf and Pacific Asia :<br />

from indifference to interdependence / Christopher Davidson. -<br />

London: Hurst, 2010. - XIV,145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 133-136, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-8490-4099-0<br />

GIGA D 926568 IMES: GST-A/15 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


263 Wohlfeld, Monika: The OSCE and the Mediterranean :<br />

Assessment of a decade of efforts to reinvigorate a dialogue /<br />

Monika Wohlfeld. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 351-368, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926378 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

264 Berti, Benedetta; Lindenstrauss, Gallia: The international<br />

action in Libya : revitalizing the responsibility [to protect] /<br />

Benedetta Berti and Gallia Lindenstrauss. - Tel Aviv: Institute<br />

for National Security Studies, 2011. - 3 S. - (INSS Insight; No.<br />

250)<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291301995826.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926556<br />

265 Hague, William: Statement by Foreign Secretary William<br />

Hague following the Libya Contact Group meeting in Doha -<br />

London: Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 2011. - ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/news/latest-news/?view=News&id=583<br />

592582<br />

SWP D 925764<br />

266 Shrivastav, Sanjeev Kumar: India’s response to the Libyan<br />

crisis / Sanjeev Kumar Shrivastav. - New Delhi: Institute for<br />

Defence Studies & Analyses, 2011. - 8 S. - (IDSA Issue Brief)<br />

http://www.idsa.in/system/files/IB_IndiaLibyaCrisis.pdf<br />

SWP D 925789<br />


267 Cebeci, Münevver: The Middle East and Iraq in EU and US<br />

foreign policy : implications for transatlantic relations /<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed.<br />

by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 133-177, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925726 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

268 Katz, Mark N.: Russia's policy toward the Middle East / by<br />

Mark N. Katz. - In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen), (28 September 2010) 83, S. 2-4<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/121789/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/d0f2b999-cef5-4e36-84ab<br />

-66ea0dddca57/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_83.pdf<br />

SWP D 925679<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

269 Cantir, Cristian A.: Leaving the war in Iraq or "staying the<br />

course" : why did Bulgaria withdraw and Romania stay? /<br />

Cristian Cantir. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 179-200, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925727 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

270 Cebeci, Münevver: The Middle East and Iraq in EU and US<br />

foreign policy : implications for transatlantic relations /<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed.<br />

by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 133-177, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925726 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

271 Oversight: hard lessons learned in Iraq and benchmarks<br />

for the future reconstruction efforts : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, February<br />

24, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-82)<br />

http://www.hcfa.house.gov/111/55125.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926312<br />

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

272 Neither appeasement nor improvement? Prospects for U.S.<br />

engagement with Syria ; hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

the Middle East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, April 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,43 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-99)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:560<br />

93.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925971<br />

RG03.11 BAHRAIN<br />

273 Ottaway, Marina S.: Bahrain: between the United States and<br />

Saudi Arabia / Marina Ottaway. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, 2011. - ca. 5 S. -<br />

(Commentary / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)<br />

http://carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id<br />

=43416<br />

SWP D 925914<br />


274 Afghanistan reconstruction oversight : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 20,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,43 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-96)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:565<br />

58.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926308<br />

275 D'Souza, Shanthie: India, Afghanistan and the 'end game'? /<br />

Shanthie Mariet D'Souza. - Singapore: Institute of South Asian<br />

Studies, National Univ. of Singapore, 2011. - 28 S. - (ISAS<br />

Working Paper; No. 124)<br />

http://www.isas.nus.edu.sg/Attachments/PublisherAttachment/IS<br />

AS_Working_Paper_124_-_Email_-_India,_Afghanistan_and_the<br />

_%27End_Game%27_23032011185007.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925684<br />

276 Weitz, Richard: The SCO's failure in Afghanistan / by Richard<br />

Weitz. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.02.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5494/print<br />

SWP D 925691<br />

277 Yusufzai, Rahimullah: Pakistan-Afghanistan relations : A<br />

Pakistani narrative / Rahim Ullah Youzafzai. - Islamabad:<br />

PILDAT, Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and<br />

Transparency, 2011. - 28 S. - (Background Paper) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-558-210-7<br />

http://www.pildat.org/Publications/publication/FP/Pak-AfghanParli<br />

amentarianDialoguePaper25031<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925645<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

278 America and the Iranian political reform movement : first,<br />

do no harm ; hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle<br />

East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

February 3, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2010. - III,64 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 111-93)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:549<br />

40.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926115<br />

279 Implementing tougher sanctions on Iran : A progress report ;<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, December<br />

1, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,75 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-136)<br />

HSFK D 926622<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 14 2011.05.06

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

280 Yusufzai, Rahimullah: Pakistan-Afghanistan relations : A<br />

Pakistani narrative / Rahim Ullah Youzafzai. - Islamabad:<br />

PILDAT, Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and<br />

Transparency, 2011. - 28 S. - (Background Paper) -<br />

ISBN 978-969-558-210-7<br />

http://www.pildat.org/Publications/publication/FP/Pak-AfghanParli<br />

amentarianDialoguePaper25031<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925645<br />


281 Godement, François: The United States and Asia in 2010 :<br />

uncertain relations / François Godement. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 5-17<br />

SWP D 926466 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


282 Weitz, Richard: The SCO's failure in Afghanistan / by Richard<br />

Weitz. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.02.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5494/print<br />

SWP D 925691<br />


283 Casarini, Nicola: Security developments in East Asia : what<br />

implications for the EU? / Nicola Casarini. - Paris: European<br />

Union Institute for Security Studies, 2011. - [4] S., Ill., Kt., Tab. -<br />

(ISS Policy Brief / EU Institute for Security Studies; 07)<br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/PB007-Security_develo<br />

pments_in_East_Asia_-_what_implications_for_the_EU.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926550 DGAP: DG B01609k<br />

284 Feigenbaum, Evan A.: Why America no longer gets Asia /<br />

Evan A. Feigenbaum. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 25-43<br />

SWP D 926613 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

285 States, regions and the global system : Europe and Northern<br />

Asia -Pacific in globalized governance / Hrsg. von Andreas<br />

Vasilache ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011 - (Transformation,<br />

Development, and Regionalization in Greater Asia; Bd. 8) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8328-6180-0<br />

DIE D 926404 DGAP: DG 48891 DIE: 08EL212 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

286 D'Souza, Shanthie: India, Afghanistan and the 'end game'? /<br />

Shanthie Mariet D'Souza. - Singapore: Institute of South Asian<br />

Studies, National Univ. of Singapore, 2011. - 28 S. - (ISAS<br />

Working Paper; No. 124)<br />

http://www.isas.nus.edu.sg/Attachments/PublisherAttachment/IS<br />

AS_Working_Paper_124_-_Email_-_India,_Afghanistan_and_the<br />

_%27End_Game%27_23032011185007.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925684<br />

287 Dasgupta, Sunil; Cohen, Stephen P.: Is India ending its<br />

strategic restraint doctrine? / Sunil Dasgupta and Stephen P.<br />

Cohen. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Washington/D.C.),<br />

34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 163-177<br />

SWP D 926627 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

288 Dutta, Sujit: Managing and engaging rising China : India's<br />

evolving posture / Sujit Dutta. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 127-144<br />

SWP D 926624 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

289 Ollapally, Deepa; Rajagopalan, Rajesh: The pragmatic<br />

challenge to Indian foreign policy / Deepa Ollapally and Rajesh<br />

Rajagopalan. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 145-162<br />

SWP D 926625 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

290 Shrivastav, Sanjeev Kumar: India’s response to the Libyan<br />

crisis / Sanjeev Kumar Shrivastav. - New Delhi: Institute for<br />

Defence Studies & Analyses, 2011. - 8 S. - (IDSA Issue Brief)<br />

http://www.idsa.in/system/files/IB_IndiaLibyaCrisis.pdf<br />

SWP D 925789<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

291 Twining, Daniel; Fontaine, Richard: The ties that bind?<br />

U.S.-Indian values-based cooperation / Daniel Twining and<br />

Richard Fontaine. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 193-205<br />

SWP D 926629 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />


292 Carroll, Toby; Sovacool, Benjamin: Pipelines, crisis and<br />

capital : understanding the contested regionalism of Southeast<br />

Asia / Toby Carroll and Benjamin Sovacool. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 625-648<br />

GIGA D 925839 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

293 Fuker, Michael: Konflikte und maritime Sicherheitspolitik : das<br />

Südchinesische Meer und die Transitrouten Südostasiens /<br />

Michael Fuker. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 19-23, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925981 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


294 Carroll, Toby; Sovacool, Benjamin: Pipelines, crisis and<br />

capital : understanding the contested regionalism of Southeast<br />

Asia / Toby Carroll and Benjamin Sovacool. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 625-648<br />

GIGA D 925839 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

295 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: Vom Fahrersitz auf die Rückbank :<br />

regionale Zusammenarbeit in Südostasien / Wilhelm<br />

Hofmeister. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin),<br />

27 (2011) 4, S. 117-141<br />

SWP D 926210 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI02.16 THAILAND<br />

296 Jamaluddin, J. M.: Thai-Cambodia border tensions : ASEAN<br />

meeting cools / J. M. Jamaluddin. - In: Asian Defence Journal<br />

(Kuala Lumpur), (March 2011) [3], S. 4-6<br />

SWP D 925884 SWP: Y. 1039 DGAP: ZD 53 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

297 Jamaluddin, J. M.: Thai-Cambodia border tensions : ASEAN<br />

meeting cools / J. M. Jamaluddin. - In: Asian Defence Journal<br />

(Kuala Lumpur), (March 2011) [3], S. 4-6<br />

SWP D 925884 SWP: Y. 1039 DGAP: ZD 53 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

298 Finding dollars, sense, and legitimacy in Burma / ed. by<br />

Susan L. Levenstein. Essays by Bradley O. Babson ...<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Asia<br />

Program - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 160 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-933549-85-8<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/ASIA_092010_Burma_r<br />

pt_for%20web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926227<br />

RI02.32 EAST TIMOR<br />

299 Richmond, Oliver P.: De-romanticising the local, de-mystifying<br />

the international : hybridity in Timor Leste and the Solomon<br />

Islands / Oliver P. Richmond. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

24 (March 2011) 1, S. 115-135<br />

GIGA D 925883<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

300 Davidson, Christopher M.: The Persian Gulf and Pacific Asia :<br />

from indifference to interdependence / Christopher Davidson. -<br />

London: Hurst, 2010. - XIV,145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 133-136, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-8490-4099-0<br />

GIGA D 926568 IMES: GST-A/15 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 15 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

301 Regional overview of East Asia and the Pacific : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global<br />

Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, March 3,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,49 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-115)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:552<br />

72.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926351<br />

302 Wübbeke, Jost: Saurer Regen über Nordostasien : Warum<br />

effektive Kooperation versagt / Jost Wübbeke. - In: Asien<br />

(Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 7-28, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 25-28<br />

GIGA D 926403 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

303 Bush, Richard C. (III): Taiwan and East Asian security / by<br />

Richard C. Bush. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June<br />

2011) 2, S. 274-289<br />

SWP D 925713 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


304 Bush, Richard C. (III): Taiwan and East Asian security / by<br />

Richard C. Bush. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June<br />

2011) 2, S. 274-289<br />

SWP D 925713 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

305 Chen, Dongxiao: Evolution of international security pattern<br />

and opportunities and challenges for relations between China<br />

and big powers / Chen Dongxiao. - In: China International<br />

Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 15-28<br />

DIE D 925919 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

306 Christensen, Thomas J.: The need to pursue mutual interests<br />

in U.S.-PRC relations / Thomas J. Christensen. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2011. - 12 S. - (Special Report / United<br />

States Institute of Peace; 269)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/SR269Christensen.pdf<br />

SWP D 925793<br />

307 Delage, Fernando: Bajo la sombra de China / Fernando<br />

Delage. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera 2011) 56,<br />

S. 21-28<br />

SWP D 925815 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

308 Johnston, Alastair Iain: Stability and instability in Sino-US<br />

relations : A response to Yan Xuetong's superficial friendship<br />

theory / Alastair Iain Johnston. - In: The Chinese Journal of<br />

International Politics (Oxford), 4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 5-29<br />

SWP D 925859 SWP: X. 892<br />

309 Muzalevsky, Roman: Nazarbayev's visit to China reveals<br />

Kazakhstan's balancing strategy / by Roman Muzalevsky. -<br />

In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (02.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5505/print<br />

SWP D 925984<br />

310 Oertel, Janka: China und das Sanktionsregime der Vereinten<br />

Nationen : pragmatische Positionierung im Sicherheitsrat /<br />

Janka Oertel. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2011. -<br />

4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 23/2011)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/aktuell/201<br />

1A23_oer_ks.pdf<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

311 Ríos, Xulio: Las relaciones políticas y comerciales España-<br />

China / Xulio Ríos. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera<br />

2011) 56, S. 123-130<br />

SWP D 925836 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

312 Stumbaum, May-Britt: How to deal with China's military rise?<br />

Differing responses of the EU and the US and the case of<br />

dual-use technology transfer / May-Britt U. Stumbaum. -<br />

In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 293-308,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925734 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

313 Teng, Jianqun: The third-party factors in China-U.S. relations /<br />

Teng Jianqun. - In: China International Studies (Beijing),<br />

26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 62-79<br />

DIE D 925927 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

314 Yang, Jiechi: The envolving international pattern and China's<br />

diplomacy / Yang Jiechi. - In: China International Studies<br />

(Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 4-14<br />

DIE D 925917 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

315 Zheng, Yongnian; Lye, Liang Fook; Chen, Gang: China's<br />

foreign policy in an eventful 2010 : facing multiple challenges in<br />

a deteriorating environment / by Zheng Yongnian, Lye Liang<br />

Fook and Chen Gang. - In: East Asian Policy (Singapore),<br />

3 (January-March 2011) 1, Special feature, S. 27-36<br />

GIGA D 925821 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

316 Cha, Victor D.: The end of history : "neojuche revivalism" and<br />

Korean unification / by Victor D. Cha. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam),<br />

55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 290-297<br />

SWP D 925714 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

317 Hwang, Balbina Y.: Furthering North Korean human rights<br />

through U.S.-ROK cooperation / Balbina Y. Hwang. - San<br />

Francisco/Cal.: Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, 2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/HwangNorthKorea<br />

HumanRightsApril201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925784<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

318 Hwang, Balbina Y.: Furthering North Korean human rights<br />

through U.S.-ROK cooperation / Balbina Y. Hwang. - San<br />

Francisco/Cal.: Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, 2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/HwangNorthKorea<br />

HumanRightsApril201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925784<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

319 Lam, Peng Er: Japan 2010 : foreign relations setbacks<br />

impacting domestic politics / by Lam Peng Er. - In: East Asian<br />

Policy (Singapore), 3 (January-March 2011) 1, Special feature,<br />

S. 37-44<br />

GIGA D 925822 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

320 U.S.-Japan relations: enduring ties, recent developments :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the<br />

Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

March 17, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2010. - III,82 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 111-116)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:555<br />

15.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926350<br />

321 Zhang, Yaohua: The political turmoil in Japan and the effects<br />

on its domestic and foreign policies / Zhang Yaohua. - In: China<br />

International Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 80-98<br />

DIE D 925929 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

322 Allen, Matthew: Long term engagement : The future of the<br />

Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands / Matthew<br />

Allen. - Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2011. -<br />

20 S. - (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute;<br />

51)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=284&pubtype=-1<br />

SWP D 925787<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 16 2011.05.06


PAPUA<br />

323 Allen, Matthew: Long term engagement : The future of the<br />

Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands / Matthew<br />

Allen. - Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2011. -<br />

20 S. - (Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute;<br />

51)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=284&pubtype=-1<br />

SWP D 925787<br />

324 Richmond, Oliver P.: De-romanticising the local, de-mystifying<br />

the international : hybridity in Timor Leste and the Solomon<br />

Islands / Oliver P. Richmond. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

24 (March 2011) 1, S. 115-135<br />

GIGA D 925883<br />


325 Fuker, Michael: Konflikte und maritime Sicherheitspolitik : das<br />

Südchinesische Meer und die Transitrouten Südostasiens /<br />

Michael Fuker. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 19-23, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925981 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


326 Möller, Almut: Was kommt nach dem "Euro-Sprech"? Europas<br />

neue Mittelmeerpolitik muss endlich glaubwürdig sein / Almut<br />

Möller. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für<br />

Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 105-109,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926611 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

327 Visier, Claire: La Méditerranée : un nouveau terriotire d'action<br />

publique pour la France / Claire Visier. - In: Le partenariat<br />

franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 103-120, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926298 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RL07 ARCTIC<br />

328 Summers, Christopher: Arctic solutions : The frozen (thawing)<br />

relations of the High North / Christopher Summers. - Paris ...:<br />

Institut Français des Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s, 2011. - 54 S. -<br />

(Note de l'ifri) - ISBN 978-2-86592-829-3<br />

http://www.ifri.org/downloads/noteenergiecsummers.pdf<br />

SWP D 925600<br />


329 Balleis, Siegfried: Die Renaissance der kommunalen<br />

Selbstverwaltung : politische Entscheidung vor Ort / Siegfried<br />

Balleis. - In: Politische Studien (München), 62 (März-April<br />

2011) 436, S. 61-67<br />

SWP D 925749 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

330 Gheciu, Alexandra: Divided partners : The challenge of<br />

NATO-NGO cooperation in peacebuilding operations /<br />

Alexandra Gheciu. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 95-113, Lit. S. 110-113<br />

DIE D 925912 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

331 Gheciu, Alexandra; Paris, Roland: NATO and the challenge<br />

of sustainable peacebuilding / Alexandra Gheciu and Roland<br />

Paris. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 75-79, Lit. S. 78-79<br />

DIE D 925905 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

332 Gradziuk, Artur: The G20 on the path to finding relevance in<br />

the new world economic order / Artur Gradziuk. - Warsaw:<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2011. - 9 S. - (PISM<br />

Policy Paper; No. 5)<br />

http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=6299<br />

DGAP D 926552<br />

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />

333 Menon, Anand; Welsh, Jennifer M.: Understanding NATO's<br />

sustainability : The limits of institutionalist theory / Anand<br />

Menon and Jennifer Welsh. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), 17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 81-94,<br />

Lit. S. 91-94<br />

DIE D 925909 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

334 Williams, M. J.: (Un)sustainable peacebuilding : NATO's<br />

suitability for postconflict reconstruction in multiactor<br />

environments / M. J. Williams. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), 17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 115-134,<br />

Lit. S. 132-134<br />

DIE D 925916 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />


335 Berti, Benedetta; Lindenstrauss, Gallia: The international<br />

action in Libya : revitalizing the responsibility [to protect] /<br />

Benedetta Berti and Gallia Lindenstrauss. - Tel Aviv: Institute<br />

for National Security Studies, 2011. - 3 S. - (INSS Insight; No.<br />

250)<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291301995826.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926556<br />

336 Hague, William: Statement by Foreign Secretary William<br />

Hague following the Libya Contact Group meeting in Doha -<br />

London: Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 2011. - ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/news/latest-news/?view=News&id=583<br />

592582<br />

SWP D 925764<br />

337 Hunt, Charles; Bellamy, Alex J.: Mainstreaming the<br />

Responsibility to Protect in peace operations / Charles T. Hunt<br />

and Alex J. Bellamy. - In: Civil Wars (Abingdon), 13 (March<br />

2011) 1, S. 1-20<br />

HSFK D 925903 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

338 Jenkins, Rob: Re-engineering the UN peacebuilding<br />

architecture / Rob Jenkins. - Oslo: Norwegian Institute of<br />

International Affairs ..., 2010. - 34 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working<br />

Paper: The Future of the Peacebuilding Architecture Project) -<br />

ISBN 978-82-7002-271-7<br />

http://www.sciencessociales.uottawa.ca/cepi-cips/eng/document<br />

s/Jenkins.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926315<br />

339 Oertel, Janka: China und das Sanktionsregime der Vereinten<br />

Nationen : pragmatische Positionierung im Sicherheitsrat /<br />

Janka Oertel. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2011. -<br />

4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 23/2011)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/aktuell/201<br />

1A23_oer_ks.pdf<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

340 Santos, Sofia: Die Reform des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten<br />

Nationen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die internationale<br />

Ordnung / Sofia Santos. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. -<br />

199 S., Lit. S. 183-199 - (Saarbrücker Studien zum<br />

internationalen Recht; 46) - ISBN 978-3-8329-6143-5 -- Zugl.:<br />

Saarbrücken, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926238 DGAP: DG 48895<br />


341 Conway, Janet: Cosmopolitan or colonial? The World Social<br />

Forum as 'contact zone' / Janet Conway. - In: Third World<br />

Quarterly (Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2, S. 217-236<br />

SWP D 926494 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

342 Ferrari, Lisa L.: Catholic and non-Catholic NGOs fighting<br />

HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa : issue framing and<br />

collaboration / Lisa L. Ferrari. - In: International Relations<br />

(London), 25 (March 2011) 1, S. 85-107<br />

HSFK D 926430 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

343 Gheciu, Alexandra: Divided partners : The challenge of<br />

NATO-NGO cooperation in peacebuilding operations /<br />

Alexandra Gheciu. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 95-113, Lit. S. 110-113<br />

DIE D 925912 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 17 2011.05.06

II.2 International Politics / <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Politique internationale<br />


344 Todorov, Tzvetan: Die Angst vor den Barbaren : kulturelle<br />

Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen (Orig.: La peur des<br />

barbares) / Tzvetan Todorov. Aus dem Französischen von Ilse<br />

Utz. - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische<br />

Bildung, 2011. - 287 S., Reg., Lit. S. 276-281 - (Schriftenreihe<br />

der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; Bd. 1125) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8389-0125-1<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Die Angst vor den Barbaren:<br />

kulturelle Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen. - Hamburg:<br />

Hamburger Ed., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926276 DGAP: DG 48899 ILAS: INT-B/127 IMES: INT-B/127 IAA: INT-<br />

B/127 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


345 Kirton, John James: G8 sanctioning success / John J. Kirton.<br />

- In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance for a<br />

post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 153-178 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925802 SWP: A.11/0050<br />


346 Beyond a global deal : A UN+ approach to climate<br />

governance / Global Public Policy Institute. - Berlin: Global<br />

Public Policy Institute, jan. 2011. - 31 S. - (Global Governance<br />

2020)<br />

http://www.gg2020.net/fileadmin/media/gg2020/GG2020_2011_<br />

Climate_Beyond_Global_Deal.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926605<br />

347 Biswaro, Joram Mukama: The quest for regional integration in<br />

Africa, Latin America and beyond in the twenty first century :<br />

experience, progress and prospects / Joram Mukama Biswaro;<br />

Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão. - Brasília: Fundação<br />

Alexandre de Gusmão, 2011. - 460 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.funag.gov.br/biblioteca-digital/pdfs_livros/lancamento<br />

s/pdf_the-quest-for-regional-integration<br />

GIGA D 926359<br />

348 Brzoska, Michael; Fischer, Martina: Zum 10-jährigen<br />

Bestehen der Deutschen Stiftung Friedensforschung :<br />

Friedensforschung für das 21.Jahrhundert / Michael Brzoska ;<br />

Martina Fischer. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 31-41, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925997 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

349 Florini, Ann M.; Sovacool, Benjamin K.: Bridging the gaps in<br />

global energy governance / Ann Florini and Benjamin K.<br />

Sovacool. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 57-74, Lit. S. 71-74<br />

DIE D 925902 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

350 Gnath, Katharina: A group's architecture in flux : The G8 and<br />

the Heiligendann process / Katharina Gnath. - San Domenico<br />

di Fiesole: European University Institute, 2010. - 9 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (EUI Working Paper RSCAS; 2010/06)<br />

http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/13097/RSCAS_2010<br />

_06.pdf?sequence=1<br />

DGAP D 926317<br />

351 Hobermann, John: The myth of sport as a peace-promoting<br />

political force / John Hobermann. - In: The SAIS Review of<br />

International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1,<br />

S. 17-29<br />

SWP D 925837 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

352 Hulsman, John C.; Korteweg, Rem: Managing elegant<br />

decline / John C. Hulsman ; A. Rem Korteweg. - The Hague:<br />

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, 2011. - 9 S.<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/29<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

GIGA D 926597<br />

353 Hulsman, John C.; Quasem, Islam Y.; Sweijs, Tim: A<br />

narrative for the age of multipolarity / John Hulsman ; Islam Y.<br />

Qasem ; Tim Sweijs. - The Hague: The Hague Centre for<br />

Strategic Studies, 2010. - 48 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-94-91040-15-3<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/43.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926595<br />

354 Nolte, Detlef: How to compare regional powers : Analytical<br />

concepts and research topics / Detlef Nolte. - In: Review of<br />

International Studies (Cambridge), 36 (November 2010) 4,<br />

S. 881-901<br />

GIGA D 925591 SWP: X. 549 OSI: ZU 954 HSFK: ZS R ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 12<br />

355 Regional sub-state diplomacy today / ed. by David<br />

Criekemans. - Leiden ...: Nijhoff, 2010. - 210 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-90-04-18357-5<br />

Außerdem ersch. als: The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 5<br />

(2010) 1<br />

IFA D 926437 IFA: 31/161 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

356 Russett, Bruce Martin: Hegemony and democracy / Bruce<br />

Martin Russett. - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XV,265 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 226-258 - (Security and Governance) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-57571-3<br />

GIGA D 926150 HSFK: 43.537 ILAS: USA-A/53 IMES: USA-A/53 IAA: USA-A/53<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

357 Serfaty, Simon: Moving into a post-Western world / Simon<br />

Serfaty. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Washington/D.C.),<br />

34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 7-23<br />

SWP D 926612 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

358 Torres, Cesar R.: Morally incompatible? An analysis of the<br />

relationship between competitive sport and international<br />

relations at the Olympic Games / Cesar R. Torres. - In: The<br />

SAIS Review of International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 3-16<br />

SWP D 925831 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

359 Tuohey, Brendan; Cognato, Brian: PeacePlayers<br />

International : A case study on the use of sport as a tool for<br />

conflict transformation / Brendan Tuohey and Brian Cognato. -<br />

In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 51-63<br />

SWP D 925847 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />


360 Buzan, Barry G.: A world order without superpowers:<br />

decentred globalism / Barry Buzan. - In: International Relations<br />

(London), 25 (March 2011) 1, S. 3-25<br />

HSFK D 926426 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

361 Holeindre, Jean-Vincent: Raymond Aron : le spectateur<br />

engagé / Jean-Vincent Holeindre. - In: Sciences humaines<br />

(Auxerre), (mai 2011) 226, n° spécial, S. 58-63, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925834 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

362 Huibregtse, Ada: Interstate conflict and ethnicity / Ada<br />

Huibregtse. - In: Civil Wars (Abingdon), 13 (March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 40-60<br />

HSFK D 925950 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

363 Nishimura, Kuniyuki: E. H. Carr, Dostoevsky, and the<br />

problem of irrationality in modern Europe / Kuniyuki Nishimura.<br />

- In: International Relations (London), 25 (March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 45-64<br />

HSFK D 926428 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

364 Schouenborg, Laust: A new institutionalism? The English<br />

School as international sociological theory / Laust<br />

Schouenborg. - In: International Relations (London), 25 (March<br />

2011) 1, S. 26-44<br />

HSFK D 926427 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

365 Sjoberg, Laura: Gender, the state, and war redux : feminist<br />

International Relations across the 'levels of analysis' / Laura<br />

Sjoberg. - In: International Relations (London), 25 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 108-134<br />

HSFK D 926432 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

366 Tan, Xiao; Hui, Chunlin: Public opinion and foreign policy : A<br />

comparison from realist and liberal perspectives / Tan Xiao &<br />

Hui Chunlin. - In: China International Studies (Beijing),<br />

26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 147-156<br />

DIE D 925940 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 18 2011.05.06




367 Herd, Graeme P.; Dunay, Pál: The European Security Treaty<br />

(EST) : collective security or collective inaction? / Graeme P.<br />

Herd ; Pál Dunay. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden),<br />

(2010), S. 45-59, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926145 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

368 Salzman, Rachel S.: The Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative /<br />

Rachel S. Salzman. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden),<br />

(2010), S. 85-90, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926152 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


369 Dover, Robert: Britain, Europe and defense in the postindustrial<br />

age / Robert Dover. - In: Defense and Security<br />

Analysis (Abingdon), 27 (March 2011) 1, S. 19-30<br />

SWP D 925722 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

370 EUropäische Streitkräfte / Kommission Europäische<br />

Sicherheit und Zukunft der Bundeswehr. - In: Sicherheit und<br />

Frieden (Baden-Baden), 29 (2011) 1, S. 41-44<br />

IFSH D 926000 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

371 Frumkina-Kobrinskaja, Irina: Russia and the Eastern<br />

Partnership states in a new European security architecture /<br />

Irina Kobrinskaya. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 4 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 128)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_128.pdf<br />

SWP D 925973<br />

372 Giegerich, Bastian; Wallace, William: Foreign and security<br />

policy : civilian power Europe and American leadership /<br />

Bastian Giegerich and William Wallace. - In: Policy-making in<br />

the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford<br />

...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union<br />

Series), S. 431-455 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926017 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

373 Hill, Kevin: Transatlantische Rüstungskooperation / Kevin Hill.<br />

- In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011)<br />

[4], S. 76-79<br />

SWP D 926303 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

374 Irondelle, Bastien: L'européanisation des armées face à la<br />

PESC-PESD / Bastien Irondelle. - In: Le partenariat francoallemand<br />

/ sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 51-67, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926280 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

375 Mair, Stefan; Petretto, Kerstin: Peace and security :<br />

unremitting challenges for African-European relations / Stefan<br />

Mair and Kerstin Petretto. - In: Beyond development aid: EU-<br />

Africa political dialogue on global issues of common concern /<br />

Europe Africa Policy Research Network. - Maastricht, 2010,<br />

S. 37-44<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/17854_11110cargill_euaf.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925761<br />

376 Müller, Niels; Kottke, Kian: Quo vadis GSVP? / Niels Müller ;<br />

Kian Kottke. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 90-93<br />

SWP D 926355 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

377 Pawlak, Patryk: Transatlantic homeland security cooperation :<br />

The art of balancing internal security objectives with foreign<br />

policy concerns / Patryk Pawlak. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 63-84, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925721 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

378 Puhl, Detlef: Europa im Abstieg? / Detlef Puhl. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4,<br />

S. 20-21<br />

SWP D 926334 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

379 Ruffa, Chiara: With or without you? A comparison of EU,<br />

European, and US policies in Afghanistan / Chiara Ruffa. -<br />

In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 85-105,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925723 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

380 Samaan, Jean-Loup: Security governance in the maritime<br />

commons : The case for a transatlantic partnership / by Jean-<br />

Loup Samaan. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June 2011)<br />

2, S. 314-324<br />

SWP D 925716 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

381 Ünver Noi, Aylın: Iran in EU and US foreign policy : The case<br />

of Iran's nuclear program / Aylin Ünver Noi. - In: Issues in EU<br />

and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 201-227, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925729 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

382 Bauer, Thomas: Stürmische Zeiten für Seestreitkräfte /<br />

Thomas Bauer. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (März 2011) [3], S. 68-71<br />

SWP D 926254 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

383 Copija, Matthew R.: Interview mit Matthew R. Copija,<br />

Programm Director, NATO AGS, Northrop Grumman<br />

Corporation / Interv. : Rudolf K. Schiwon. - In: Wehrtechnik<br />

(Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 92-95<br />

SWP D 926095 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

384 Donaldson, Peter: Exploiting the electronic spectrum / Peter<br />

Donaldson. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 102-105<br />

SWP D 926064 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

385 Drwiega, Andrew: Specialist care extends CSAR golden hour /<br />

Andrew Drwiega. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 99-101<br />

SWP D 926061 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

386 Frank, Cornelia: NATOisierung polnischer und tschechischer<br />

Sicherheitspolitik : Normübernahme aus Sicht des rationalen<br />

und konstruktivistischen Institutionalismus / Cornelia Frank. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 338 S., Lit. S. 313-338 -<br />

(Aussenpolitik und <strong>Internationale</strong> Ordnung) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6243-2 -- Zugl.: Trier, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926450 SWP: A.11/0049 DGAP: DG 48894<br />

387 Frumkina-Kobrinskaja, Irina: Russia and the Eastern<br />

Partnership states in a new European security architecture /<br />

Irina Kobrinskaya. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 4 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 128)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_128.pdf<br />

SWP D 925973<br />

388 Glaser, Kristian: Das vereinte Deutschland und die<br />

Transformation der Nato (1990-2008) / Kristian Glaser. -<br />

Hamburg: Kovač, 2011. - 407 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 360-407 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 30) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8300-5469-6 -- Zugl.: Münster, Univ., Diss., 2009<br />

DGAP D 926287 DGAP: DG 48900<br />

389 Gottwald, Peter: Options for arms control to reduce the role of<br />

nuclear weapons in NATO / Peter Gottwald. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Arms Control Association ..., 2010. - 4 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear<br />

Policy Paper; No. 1)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

IFSH D 926486<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 19 2011.05.06

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

390 Kibaroğlu, Mustafa: Turkey, NATO and and nuclear sharing :<br />

prospects after NATO's Lisbon Summit / Mustafa Kibaroglu. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2011. - 11 S.,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy Paper; No. 5)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No5.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926465<br />

391 Knutsen, Bjørn Olav: Europe, the US, and the creation of a<br />

multilayered NATO : lessons from Afghanistan / Bjørn Olav<br />

Knutsen. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 107-131, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925725 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

392 Kulesa, Łukasz: Polish and Central European priorities on<br />

NATO's future nuclear policy / Łukasz Kulesa. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2010. - 11 S.,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy Paper; No.2)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No2.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926456<br />

393 Löser, Wolf-Dieter: Militärische Ausbildung und Erziehung im<br />

Zeitalter des Comprehensive Approach / Wolf-Dieter Löser. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4,<br />

S. 12-15<br />

SWP D 926332 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

394 Meier, Oliver: NATO's new Strategic Concept and the future of<br />

tactical nuclear weapons / Oliver Meier. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Arms Control Association ..., 2010. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear<br />

Policy Paper; No.4)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No4.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926462<br />

395 Myrli, Sverre: NATO and cyber defence / Sverre Myrli. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 86-90<br />

SWP D 926057 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

396 NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting (Berlin, 2011-04-14/2011-<br />

04-15) ; Statement on Libya following Berlin working lunch, 14<br />

April 2011 / NATO, Berlin, 14-15-IV-2011, Foreign Ministers. -<br />

Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, 2011. - 2 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/573098/<br />

publicationFile/151270/110414-Libyen-Statement-eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 925765<br />

397 Orfy, Mohammed Moustafa: NATO and the Middle East : The<br />

geopolitical context post-9/11 / Mohammed Moustafa Orfy. -<br />

London ...: Routledge, 2011. - 234 S., graph. Darst., Reg.,<br />

Anh., Lit. Hinw. S. 182-204, Lit. S. 205-231 - (Routledge<br />

Studies in Middle Eastern Politics; 30) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-59234-5<br />

GIGA D 925992 IMES: MEA-B/47 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

398 Pifer, Steven: The United States, NATO's Strategic Concept,<br />

and nuclear issues / Steven Pifer. - Washington/D.C.: Arms<br />

Control Association ..., 2011. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy<br />

Paper; No. 6)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No6.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926468<br />

399 Susko, Oleksandr: Security bridge or vacuum in post-Orange<br />

Ukraine : how operative is the European-Atlantic toolbox? /<br />

Oleksandr Sushko. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia,<br />

2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 123)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_123.pdf<br />

SWP D 925961<br />

400 Tempel, Sylke: Einsatz in Afghanistan : was wäre die Folge,<br />

wenn die internationale Gemeinschaft dort scheitert? / von<br />

Sylke Tempel. - Berlin: Deutschlandradio Kultur, 2011. -<br />

ca. 2 S., Ill. - (Politisches Feuilleton / Deutschlandradio Kultur)<br />

http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/politischesfeuilleton/143<br />

6155/drucken/<br />

DGAP D 926472<br />

401 Zajac, Paul: NATO's defense and deterrence posture review :<br />

A French perspective on nuclear issues / Paul Zajac. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2011. - 4 S. -<br />

(Nuclear Policy Paper; No. 7)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No7.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926471<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

402 Ackermann, Alice; Salber, Herbert: The OSCE "Corfu<br />

Process" : A preliminary view of the security dialogue on early<br />

warning, conflict prevention and resolution, crisis management,<br />

and post-conflict rehabilitation / Alice Ackermann ; Herbert<br />

Salber. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 197-202, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926209 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

403 Developing an OSCE mediation-support capacity: first<br />

steps / Alice Ackermann ... - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 369-376, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926380 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

404 Grudzinski, Przemyslaw: Contract 2015: A conceptual<br />

framework for regional security / Przemyslaw Grudzinski. -<br />

In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 75-84, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926151 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

405 Peško, Marcel: The Corfu Process - opportunity to establish a<br />

new security order in Europe or recipe for yet another failure? /<br />

Marcel Peško. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 61-73, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926147 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

406 Voronkov, Vladimir: The OSCE Summit and the European<br />

Security Treaty / Vladimir I. Voronkov. - In: OSCE Yearbook<br />

(Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 35-43, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926143 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA03.02 SWEDEN<br />

407 Danielsson, Erna; Carlstedt, Berit: The Swedish reserve<br />

officer : filling vacancies or using competences / Erna<br />

Danielsson and Berit Carlstedt. - In: Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 284-300<br />

SWP D 926187 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


408 Bratton, Patrick C.; Thies, Wallace J.: When governments<br />

collide in the South Atlantic : Britain coerces Argentina during<br />

the Falklands War / Patrick Bratton ; Wallace Thies. -<br />

In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 1-27<br />

SWP D 926020 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

409 Chappell, Gareth: Impact of the Libyan crisis on the UK-<br />

France defence programme / Gareth Chappell. - Warsaw:<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2011. - 2 S. - (Bulletin /<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs; No. 36 (253))<br />

http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=6127<br />

DGAP D 926555<br />

410 Chin, Warren: British defense policy and the war in Iraq 2003-<br />

2009 / Warren Chin. - In: Defense and Security Analysis<br />

(Abingdon), 27 (March 2011) 1, S. 65-76<br />

SWP D 925741 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

411 Dandeker, Christopher; Greenberg, Neil; Orme, Geoffrey:<br />

The UK's reserve forces : retrospect and prospect / Christopher<br />

Dandeker, Neil Greenberg, and Geoffrey Orme. - In: Armed<br />

Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2,<br />

S. 341-360<br />

SWP D 926198 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

412 Dorman, Andrew M.: Making 2 + 2 = 5 : The 2010 Strategic<br />

Defence and Security Review / Andrew M. Dorman. -<br />

In: Defense and Security Analysis (Abingdon), 27 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 77-87<br />

SWP D 925744 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 20 2011.05.06

413 Dover, Robert: Britain, Europe and defense in the postindustrial<br />

age / Robert Dover. - In: Defense and Security<br />

Analysis (Abingdon), 27 (March 2011) 1, S. 19-30<br />

SWP D 925722 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

414 Dunn, David Hastings: UK-US relations after the three Bs :<br />

Blair, Brown and Bush / David Hastings Dunn. - In: Defense<br />

and Security Analysis (Abingdon), 27 (March 2011) 1, S. 5-18<br />

SWP D 925717 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

415 Dyson, Tom: Defence policy under the labour government :<br />

operational dynamism and strategic inertia / Tom Dyson. - In:<br />

The British Journal of Politics and International Relations<br />

(London), 13 (Mai 2011) 2, S. 206-229, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 926449 OSI: Zw 608 Öff.StaO: 188/211<br />

416 Rees, G. Wyn: Britain and the wider world / Wyn Rees. -<br />

In: Defense and Security Analysis (Abingdon), 27 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 31-41<br />

SWP D 925724 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

RA04.04 BELGIUM<br />

417 Romer, Jean-Christophe: L'Allemagne, la Belgique, la France<br />

et la défense européenne / Jean Christophe Romer. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 209-218, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926587 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

418 Chappell, Gareth: Impact of the Libyan crisis on the UK-<br />

France defence programme / Gareth Chappell. - Warsaw:<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2011. - 2 S. - (Bulletin /<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs; No. 36 (253))<br />

http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=6127<br />

DGAP D 926555<br />

419 Irondelle, Bastien: L'européanisation des armées face à la<br />

PESC-PESD / Bastien Irondelle. - In: Le partenariat francoallemand<br />

/ sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 51-67, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926280 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

420 Jospin, Lionel: Parcours politique et responsabilité de défense<br />

/ Lionel Jospin. - In: Revue défense nationale [franz. Ausg.]<br />

(Paris), (avril 2011) 739, S. 13-21<br />

DFI D 925880 SWP: X. 149 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

421 Romer, Jean-Christophe: L'Allemagne, la Belgique, la France<br />

et la défense européenne / Jean Christophe Romer. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 209-218, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926587 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

422 Roudeillac, Daniel: 1989-1992: la coopération militaire francoallemande<br />

: l'exigence opérationnelle / Daniel Roudeillac. -<br />

In: Chronique militaire de la chute du mur: "Attaché de<br />

Défense" à Bonn, 1989-1992 / Daniel Roudeillac. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2010, S. 143-160, Tab. - ISBN 978-2-296-12583-4<br />

DFI D 926400 DFI: YG 530.ROU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

423 Weber, Claude: The French military reserve : real or abstract<br />

force? / Claude Weber. - In: Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 321-340<br />

SWP D 926194 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

424 Zajac, Paul: NATO's defense and deterrence posture review :<br />

A French perspective on nuclear issues / Paul Zajac. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2011. - 4 S. -<br />

(Nuclear Policy Paper; No. 7)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No7.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926471<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

425 [Aus der Bundeswehr: Gorch Fock] - In: Wehrtechnik<br />

(Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 104-107<br />

SWP D 926102 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

426 Becker, Eduard; Stockfisch, Dieter: Forum Unmanned<br />

Vehicles III : UVs für Land-, Luft- und Seeeinsätze / Eduard<br />

Becker und Dieter Stockfisch. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 72-73<br />

SWP D 926297 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

427 Brunstetter, Daniel; Brunstetter, Scott: Shades of green :<br />

engaged pacifism, the Just War tradition, and the German<br />

Greens / Daniel Brunstetter ; Scott Brunstetter. -<br />

In: International Relations (London), 25 (March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 65-84<br />

HSFK D 926429 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

428 Clement, Rolf: Die Krisen in Nordafrika haben auch Einfluss<br />

auf die Bundeswehrreform / Rolf Clement. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 10-11<br />

SWP D 926331 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

429 Dean, Sidney E.: Granatwaffe XM25 : deutsche Technologien<br />

für die U.S. Army / Sidney E. Dean. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 88-90<br />

SWP D 926354 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

430 Ebinger, Lars: Das Führungsinformationssystem der<br />

Streitkräfte im Einsatz / Lars Ebinger. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 64-68<br />

SWP D 926344 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

431 Endler, Frank: FüInfoSysHeer : Einsatz bei ISAF / Frank<br />

Endler. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März<br />

2011) [3], S. 14-18<br />

SWP D 926215 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

432 Glaser, Kristian: Das vereinte Deutschland und die<br />

Transformation der Nato (1990-2008) / Kristian Glaser. -<br />

Hamburg: Kovač, 2011. - 407 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 360-407 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 30) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8300-5469-6 -- Zugl.: Münster, Univ., Diss., 2009<br />

DGAP D 926287 DGAP: DG 48900<br />

433 Grohmann, Hans-Christoph: Führung im Gefecht :<br />

Erfahrungen und Gedanken zur Verantwortung und Belastung<br />

des militärischen Führers / Hans-Christoph Grohmann. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4],<br />

S. 11-16<br />

SWP D 926262 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

434 Hodouschek, Theodor; Heiming, Gerhard: CeBIT 2011 :<br />

Impulse für die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik /<br />

Theodor Hodouschek und Gerhard Heiming. - In: Strategie &<br />

Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 66-69<br />

SWP D 926294 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

435 Irondelle, Bastien: L'européanisation des armées face à la<br />

PESC-PESD / Bastien Irondelle. - In: Le partenariat francoallemand<br />

/ sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska ... - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 51-67, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926280 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

436 John, Christian: Flugbereitschaft BMVg im Wandel / Christian<br />

John. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 88-91<br />

SWP D 926093 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

437 Kaltenegger, Werner: Interview mit Werner Kaltenegger,<br />

Geschäftsführer der LFK-Lenkflugskörpersysteme GmbH und<br />

Managing Directoe der MBDA Deutschland / Intev.: Rudolf K.<br />

Schiwon. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 96-99<br />

SWP D 926097 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

438 Klos, Dietmar: PUMA und BOXER auf der Zielgeraden /<br />

Dietmar Klos. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 34-42<br />

SWP D 926337 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

439 Krah, Michael: Der Einsatz der Luftwaffe in Afghanistan /<br />

Michael Krah. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 24-28<br />

SWP D 926335 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 21 2011.05.06

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

440 Krogmann, Heiko; Hohmann, Rainer: NetOpFü und IT-<br />

SysBw im Einsatz / Heiko Krogmann und Rainer Hohmann. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4],<br />

S. 46-49<br />

SWP D 926282 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

441 Legien, Wolfgang: Die Deutsche Marineindustrie : Teil 2:<br />

Übersicht Zuliefer-Industrie / Wolfgang Legien. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 37-43<br />

SWP D 926078 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

442 Linnenbaum, Christoph: Aufklärungsbataillon 13 im<br />

Afghanistan-Einsatz / Christoph Linnenbaum. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 58-63<br />

SWP D 926343 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

443 Lowin, Thomas; Koch, Jochen; Trusch, Sven: Das System<br />

Artillerie im ISAF-Einsatz / Thomas Lowin ; Jochen Koch ; Sven<br />

Trusch. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 108-114<br />

SWP D 926105 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

444 Mölling, Christian: Für eine sicherheitspolitische Begründung<br />

der Bundeswehr : zehn Punkte für die Reform der Reform /<br />

Christian Mölling. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,<br />

2011. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 20/2011)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/aktuell/201<br />

1A20_mlg_ks.pdf<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

445 Neuhaus, Patrick; Chall, Marcus; Thull, Andreas: Die<br />

Rechnung bitte ... / Patrick Neuhaus, Marcus Chall und<br />

Andreas Thull. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (April 2011) [4], S. 54-56<br />

SWP D 926286 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

446 Nitschke, Stefan: Führungs- und Waffeneinsatzsysteme auf<br />

Überwasserschiffen der Deutschen Marine / Stefan Nitschke. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 47-51<br />

SWP D 926083 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

447 Nitschke, Stefan: PUMA - ein Programm der neuen<br />

Generation mit großem Potential / Stefan Nitschke. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 62-64<br />

SWP D 926088 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

448 Nitschke, Stefan: Schutz bei Rad- und Kettenfahrzeugen: Teil<br />

1 / Stefan Nitschke. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1,<br />

S. 52-57<br />

SWP D 926084 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

449 Noeske, Andreas; Hellmann, Mike: Aspekte der Luftwaffe zur<br />

Nutzung des Weltraums / Andreas Noeske ; Mike Hellmann. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4,<br />

S. 43-45<br />

SWP D 926338 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

450 Paape, Hans Hermann: Bundeswehr - Reservisten - zivile<br />

Arbeitgeber / Hans Hermann Paape. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 52-54<br />

SWP D 926340 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

451 Peter, Jürgen: Führungsunterstützung der Marine im Einsatz /<br />

Jürgen Peter. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 68-71<br />

SWP D 926345 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

452 Romer, Jean-Christophe: L'Allemagne, la Belgique, la France<br />

et la défense européenne / Jean Christophe Romer. - In: Ces<br />

chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en Europe<br />

du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 209-218, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926587 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

453 Roudeillac, Daniel: 1989-1992: la coopération militaire francoallemande<br />

: l'exigence opérationnelle / Daniel Roudeillac. -<br />

In: Chronique militaire de la chute du mur: "Attaché de<br />

Défense" à Bonn, 1989-1992 / Daniel Roudeillac. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2010, S. 143-160, Tab. - ISBN 978-2-296-12583-4<br />

DFI D 926400 DFI: YG 530.ROU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

454 Roudeillac, Daniel: Chronique militaire de la chute du mur :<br />

"Attaché de Défense" à Bonn ; 1989-1992 / Daniel Roudeillac. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010. - 289 S., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-12583-4<br />

DFI D 926398 DFI: YG 530.ROU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

455 Rüdiger, Lars; Heckersbruch, Andreas; Thoma, Rainer<br />

Walter: Vernetzter Schutz militärischer Infrastruktur / Lars<br />

Rüdiger, Andreas Heckersbruch und Rainer Walter Thoma. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3],<br />

S. 46-49<br />

SWP D 926236 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

456 Schimpf, Axel: Maritime Fähigkeiten der Bundeswehr<br />

sicherstellen / Axel Schimpf. Interv.: Dieter Stockfisch. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3],<br />

S. 36-40<br />

SWP D 926231 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

457 Schmidt, Armin: Deutsche Marine-Schiffbauindustrie / Armin<br />

Schmidt. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 46-51<br />

SWP D 926339 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

458 Schmidt, Christian: "Wir müssen den Blick für solche Einsätze<br />

behalten, die bisher nicht auf der Tagesordnung stehen" :<br />

Interview mit Christian Schmidt, Parlamentarischer<br />

Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung / Interv.:<br />

Rudolf K. Schiwon. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1,<br />

S. 11-16<br />

SWP D 926075 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

459 Schnurr, Christoph: Nachwuchsgewinnung : eine strategische<br />

Aufgabe für die Bundeswehr / Christoph Schnurr. - In: Strategie<br />

& Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3], S. 11-13<br />

SWP D 926211 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

460 Schöppl, Sebastian: Lehrgang taktische Gesprächsführung :<br />

ein Qualitätssprung in der Informationsgewinnung / Sebastian<br />

Schöppl. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 55-57<br />

SWP D 926341 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

461 Schubert, Volker: Odins Auge überm Hindukusch :<br />

unbemannte, luftgestützte Aufklärung im Deutschen Heer /<br />

Volker Schubert. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1,<br />

S. 65-69<br />

SWP D 926091 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

462 Schubert, Volker: Zweites Infantry Symposium Rheinmetall<br />

Defence : mit Smoke, Flash & Bang in Unterlüß / Volker<br />

Schubert. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 59-61<br />

SWP D 926086 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

463 Schultz, Ronny: CD&E : Aufklärungsverband im<br />

Informationsverbund Aufklärung Heer / Ronny Schultz. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4],<br />

S. 22-23<br />

SWP D 926267 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

464 Schumacher, Wolfgang: Maritime Ideenschmiede / Wolfgang<br />

Schumacher. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (April 2011) [4], S. 36-41<br />

SWP D 926275 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

465 Seyfarth, Marco; Diehm, Jens: Sanitätsdienst im Einsatz -<br />

Leistungsfähigkeit weltweit / Jens Diehm ; Marco Seyfarth. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4,<br />

S. 28-33<br />

SWP D 926336 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

466 Stockfisch, Dieter: Deutschlands Sicherheit : maritime<br />

Aspekte globaler Sicherheitspolitik / Dieter Stockfisch. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3],<br />

S. 42-45<br />

SWP D 926235 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

467 Stockfisch, Dieter: Neue Generation der Brückentechnik /<br />

Dieter Stockfisch. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (April 2011) [4], S. 33-35<br />

SWP D 926273 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 22 2011.05.06

468 Strachwitz, Rochus von: Neue Aufgaben der Wehrverwaltung<br />

im Einsatz / Rochus Graf von Strachwitz. - In: Wehrtechnik<br />

(Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 115-120<br />

SWP D 926106 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

469 Vetter, Bernd; Vetter, Frank: Der Eurofighter / Bernd Vetter ;<br />

Frank Vetter. - Stuttgart: Motorbuch-Verl., 2008. - 187 S.,<br />

zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 186 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-613-02820-3<br />

SWP D 925644 SWP: A.11/0048<br />

470 Weisswange, Jan-Phillipp: IDEX 2011 / Jan-Phillipp<br />

Weisswange. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (April 2011) [4], S. 62-65<br />

SWP D 926291 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

471 Weisswange, Jan-Phillipp: Schutz und Evakuierung :<br />

Ressortgemeinsame Aufgabe deutscher Sicherheitspolitik /<br />

Jan-Phillipp Weisswange. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 8-10<br />

SWP D 926259 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

472 Weisswange, Jan-Phillipp: Vielseitige Dienstleister :<br />

Aufgaben und Ausrüstung der Feldjäger der Bundeswehr / Jan-<br />

Phillipp Weisswange. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 42-45<br />

SWP D 926279 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

473 Wiedemann, Jan; Nitschke, Stefan: Kiellegung 3.<br />

Einsatzgruppenversorger in Wolgast / Jan Wiedemann und<br />

Stefan Nitschke. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1,<br />

S. 44-46<br />

SWP D 926082 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

474 Frank, Cornelia: NATOisierung polnischer und tschechischer<br />

Sicherheitspolitik : Normübernahme aus Sicht des rationalen<br />

und konstruktivistischen Institutionalismus / Cornelia Frank. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 338 S., Lit. S. 313-338 -<br />

(Aussenpolitik und <strong>Internationale</strong> Ordnung) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6243-2 -- Zugl.: Trier, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926450 SWP: A.11/0049 DGAP: DG 48894<br />

475 Kulesa, Łukasz: Polish and Central European priorities on<br />

NATO's future nuclear policy / Łukasz Kulesa. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2010. - 11 S.,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy Paper; No.2)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No2.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926456<br />

RA05.13 AUSTRIA<br />

476 Mader, Georg: "Oiso wia jetzt?" - "Also wie nun?" / Georg<br />

Mader. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011)<br />

4, S. 79-82<br />

SWP D 926348 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


477 Tresch, Tibor Szvircsev: The transformation of Switzerland's<br />

militia armed forces and the role of the citizen in uniform / Tibor<br />

Szvircsev Tresch. - In: Armed Forces and Society (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 239-260<br />

SWP D 926183 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


478 Frank, Cornelia: NATOisierung polnischer und tschechischer<br />

Sicherheitspolitik : Normübernahme aus Sicht des rationalen<br />

und konstruktivistischen Institutionalismus / Cornelia Frank. -<br />

Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 338 S., Lit. S. 313-338 -<br />

(Aussenpolitik und <strong>Internationale</strong> Ordnung) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6243-2 -- Zugl.: Trier, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926450 SWP: A.11/0049 DGAP: DG 48894<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

479 Calligaris, Marius: Die Rolle der Türkei in internationalen<br />

Friedensoperationen - Wien: Landesverteidigungsakademie,<br />

2011. - 57 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 57, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie; 2011,2) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-902670-2-5 (formal falsch)<br />

GIGA D 926563 IMES: TUR-B/6 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

480 Kibaroğlu, Mustafa: Turkey, NATO and and nuclear sharing :<br />

prospects after NATO's Lisbon Summit / Mustafa Kibaroglu. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2011. - 11 S.,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy Paper; No. 5)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No5.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926465<br />

481 Sünnetci, Ibrahim: High-tech in Turkey : A special report /<br />

Ibrahim Sunnetci. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 107-110<br />

SWP D 926065 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.01 SOVIET UNION<br />

482 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic; Dvorkin, Vladimir Zinov'evic:<br />

Strategičeskaja stabilnost' do i posle cholodnoj vojny (Transl.:<br />

Strategic stability before and after Cold War) / A. Arbatov ; V.<br />

Dvorkin. - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija<br />

(Moskva), (mart 2011), S. 3-11<br />

SWP D 926111 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />


483 Bordyuzha, Nikolai: The Collective Security Treaty<br />

Organization: A brief overview / Nikolai Bordyuzha. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 339-350<br />

IFSH D 926370 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


484 Kulesa, Łukasz: Polish and Central European priorities on<br />

NATO's future nuclear policy / Łukasz Kulesa. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Arms Control Association ..., 2010. - 11 S.,<br />

zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy Paper; No.2)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No2.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926456<br />


485 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic; Dvorkin, Vladimir Zinov'evic:<br />

Strategičeskaja stabilnost' do i posle cholodnoj vojny (Transl.:<br />

Strategic stability before and after Cold War) / A. Arbatov ; V.<br />

Dvorkin. - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija<br />

(Moskva), (mart 2011), S. 3-11<br />

SWP D 926111 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

486 Gorenburg, Dmitrij: Russia’s state armaments program 2020 :<br />

is the third time the charm for military modernization? / Dmitry<br />

Gorenburg. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S.<br />

- (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 125)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_125.pdf<br />

SWP D 925968<br />

487 Herd, Graeme P.; Dunay, Pál: The European Security Treaty<br />

(EST) : collective security or collective inaction? / Graeme P.<br />

Herd ; Pál Dunay. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden),<br />

(2010), S. 45-59, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926145 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

488 Johnson, John D.: Developing better relations / by John D.<br />

Johnson. - In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.),<br />

148 (April 2011) 8/5989, S. 14-17<br />

SWP D 926543 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

489 Peško, Marcel: The Corfu Process - opportunity to establish a<br />

new security order in Europe or recipe for yet another failure? /<br />

Marcel Peško. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 61-73, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926147 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

490 Shilibekova, Aigerim: Russian-Kazakh security relations<br />

revisited / by Aigerim Shilibekova. - In: Russian Analytical<br />

Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (19 November<br />

2010) 87, S. 7-10<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925990<br />

491 Szulc, Tomasz: Eastern armour / Tomasz Szulc. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011, S. 18-19<br />

SWP D 926068 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 23 2011.05.06

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />


UNION<br />

492 Frumkina-Kobrinskaja, Irina: Russia and the Eastern<br />

Partnership states in a new European security architecture /<br />

Irina Kobrinskaya. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 4 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 128)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_128.pdf<br />

SWP D 925973<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

493 Susko, Oleksandr: Security bridge or vacuum in post-Orange<br />

Ukraine : how operative is the European-Atlantic toolbox? /<br />

Oleksandr Sushko. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia,<br />

2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 123)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_123.pdf<br />

SWP D 925961<br />


UNION<br />

494 Frumkina-Kobrinskaja, Irina: Russia and the Eastern<br />

Partnership states in a new European security architecture /<br />

Irina Kobrinskaya. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 4 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 128)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_128.pdf<br />

SWP D 925973<br />



495 Gretsky, Sergei: A new security architecture for Central Asia?<br />

/ by Sergei Gretsky. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.03.2011),<br />

ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5514/print<br />

SWP D 926040<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

496 Shilibekova, Aigerim: Russian-Kazakh security relations<br />

revisited / by Aigerim Shilibekova. - In: Russian Analytical<br />

Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (19 November<br />

2010) 87, S. 7-10<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925990<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

497 Cantir, Cristian A.: Leaving the war in Iraq or "staying the<br />

course" : why did Bulgaria withdraw and Romania stay? /<br />

Cristian Cantir. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 179-200, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925727 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RA08.14 BULGARIA<br />

498 Cantir, Cristian A.: Leaving the war in Iraq or "staying the<br />

course" : why did Bulgaria withdraw and Romania stay? /<br />

Cristian Cantir. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 179-200, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925727 SWP: A.11/0049<br />


499 Cazzaniga, Gianluca; Szulc, Tomasz: Armament in Former<br />

Yugoslavia / Gianluca Cazzaniga and Tomasz Szulc. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 74-77<br />

SWP D 926649 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


500 Salzman, Rachel S.: The Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative /<br />

Rachel S. Salzman. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden),<br />

(2010), S. 85-90, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926152 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


501 Antal, John: Herbivores or carnivores? The uncertain future of<br />

armoured vehicle technology development in the United States<br />

/ John Antal. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

Special Suppl. 2011, S. 12-16<br />

SWP D 926067 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

502 Antal, John: Keeping secrets in the digital era / John Antal. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 76-80<br />

SWP D 926053 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

503 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic; Dvorkin, Vladimir Zinov'evic:<br />

Strategičeskaja stabilnost' do i posle cholodnoj vojny (Transl.:<br />

Strategic stability before and after Cold War) / A. Arbatov ; V.<br />

Dvorkin. - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye otnošenija<br />

(Moskva), (mart 2011), S. 3-11<br />

SWP D 926111 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

504 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />

505 Bowman, Gary M.: Will America lose Afghanistan - again? /<br />

Gary M. Bowman. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

110 (April 2011) 735, S. 150-155<br />

SWP D 926460 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

506 Brewer, Susan A.: Why America fights : patriotism and war<br />

propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq / Susan A. Brewer. -<br />

Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - X, 342 S., Ill., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 319-333 - ISBN 978-0-19-975396-3<br />

DGAP D 926214 DGAP: DG 48867<br />

507 Burke, Gwynne T.: A better way to educate : online courses<br />

should supplement officer education / by Gwynne T. Burke. -<br />

In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March<br />

2011) 7/5988, S. 34-36<br />

SWP D 926072 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

508 Cha, Victor D.; Katz, Katrin: South Korea in 2010 : navigating<br />

new heights in the Alliance / Victor D. Cha and Katrin Katz. - In:<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 54-63<br />

SWP D 926475 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

509 Collins, Joseph J.: Message to the next SecDef : how to<br />

navigate the defense downturn / by Joseph J. Collins. - In: AFJ:<br />

Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (April 2011)<br />

8/5989, S. 26-28, 38<br />

SWP D 926546 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

510 Davis, Donald E.: Safeguarding soldiers : close-air support<br />

doctrine is outdated / by Donald E. Davis. - In: AFJ: Armed<br />

Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March 2011) 7/5988,<br />

S. 30-31<br />

SWP D 926069 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

511 Dempsey, Martin: Building critical thinkers : leader<br />

development must be the Army's top priority / by Martin<br />

Dempsey. - In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.),<br />

148 (March 2011) 7/5988, S. 12-15<br />

SWP D 926054 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

512 Drwiega, Andrew: The US 3rd combat aviation brigade at war<br />

in Afghanistan / Andrew Drwiega. - In: Military Technology<br />

(Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 54-56<br />

SWP D 926645 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

513 Dunn, David Hastings: UK-US relations after the three Bs :<br />

Blair, Brown and Bush / David Hastings Dunn. - In: Defense<br />

and Security Analysis (Abingdon), 27 (March 2011) 1, S. 5-18<br />

SWP D 925717 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 24 2011.05.06

514 The future of U.S. international nuclear cooperation :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation and Trade of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, May 6, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,81 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-100)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:563<br />

35.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925969<br />

515 Gilmore, Jonathan: A kinder, gentler counter-terrorism :<br />

counterinsurgency, human security and the War on Terror /<br />

Jonathan Gilmore. - In: Security Dialogue (London),<br />

42 (February 2011) 1, S. 21-37<br />

SWP D 926220 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

516 Goldstein, Lyle J.: Resetting the US-China security<br />

relationship / Lyle J. Goldstein. - In: Survival (Abingdon),<br />

53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 89-116<br />

SWP D 925963 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

517 Griffith, James: Contradictory and complementary identities of<br />

U.S. Army reservists : A historical perspective / James Griffith. -<br />

In: Armed Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 261-283<br />

SWP D 926186 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

518 Hawley, John K.: Not by widgets alone : The human challenge<br />

of technology-intensive military systems / by John K. Hawley. -<br />

In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March<br />

2011) 7/5988, S. 24-28, 41<br />

SWP D 926063 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

519 Hill, Kevin: Transatlantische Rüstungskooperation / Kevin Hill.<br />

- In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011)<br />

[4], S. 76-79<br />

SWP D 926303 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

520 Hollis, David M.; Hollis, Katherine: Cyber defense : U.S.<br />

cybersecurity must-do's / David M. Hollis and Katherine Hollis. -<br />

In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March<br />

2011) 7/5988, S. 16-19, 40<br />

SWP D 926058 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

521 Iraqi-U.S. cost-sharing : Iraq has a cumulative budget surplus,<br />

offering the potential for further cost-sharing ; report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 72 S. -<br />

(GAO-10-304)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10304.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925659 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

522 Johnson, John D.: Developing better relations / by John D.<br />

Johnson. - In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.),<br />

148 (April 2011) 8/5989, S. 14-17<br />

SWP D 926543 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

523 Knutsen, Bjørn Olav: Europe, the US, and the creation of a<br />

multilayered NATO : lessons from Afghanistan / Bjørn Olav<br />

Knutsen. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 107-131, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925725 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

524 Kuchins, Andrew C.: A truly regional economic strategy for<br />

Afghanistan / Andrew C. Kuchins. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 77-91<br />

SWP D 926619 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

525 Lowther, Adam B.: 2030 vision : Air Force strategy study looks<br />

to long-term critical capabilities / by Adam B. Lowther. - In: AFJ:<br />

Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (April 2011)<br />

8/5989, S. 30-33, 39<br />

SWP D 926548 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

526 Lynch, Marc: America and Egypt after the uprisings / Marc<br />

Lynch. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2,<br />

S. 31-42<br />

SWP D 925956 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

527 Myers, Gene: What really matters : defense spending doesn't<br />

equate to national security / by Gene Myers. - In: AFJ: Armed<br />

Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March 2011) 7/5988,<br />

S. 8-16<br />

SWP D 926038 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

528 North Korea: challenge for the US-Japan alliance / Yuki<br />

Tatsumi, editor. Henry L. Stimson Center. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

2011. - 127 S. - ISBN 978-0-9845211-7-3<br />

http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Full_-_Nor<br />

th_Korea_Challenge_for_the_US-Japan_Alliance.pdf<br />

SWP D 925650<br />

529 Pawlak, Patryk: Transatlantic homeland security cooperation :<br />

The art of balancing internal security objectives with foreign<br />

policy concerns / Patryk Pawlak. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 63-84, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925721 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

530 Pifer, Steven: The United States, NATO's Strategic Concept,<br />

and nuclear issues / Steven Pifer. - Washington/D.C.: Arms<br />

Control Association ..., 2011. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Nuclear Policy<br />

Paper; No. 6)<br />

http://tacticalnuclearweapons.ifsh.de/pdf/Nuclear_Policy_Paper_<br />

No6.pdf<br />

IFSH D 926468<br />

531 Ruffa, Chiara: With or without you? A comparison of EU,<br />

European, and US policies in Afghanistan / Chiara Ruffa. -<br />

In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 85-105,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925723 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

532 Samaan, Jean-Loup: Security governance in the maritime<br />

commons : The case for a transatlantic partnership / by Jean-<br />

Loup Samaan. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June 2011)<br />

2, S. 314-324<br />

SWP D 925716 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

533 Schoenfeld, Gabriel: Legalism in wartime / Gabriel<br />

Schoenfeld. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring<br />

2011) 7, S. 98-112<br />

SWP D 926638 SWP: X. 897<br />

534 Singer, Peter Warren: The corps is all right : losing the EFV<br />

doesn't jeopardize the Marines' future / by P. W. Singer. - In:<br />

AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March 2011)<br />

7/5988, S. 20-23<br />

SWP D 926062 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

535 Sugiura, Yasuyuki: The Japan-US alliance structure in the<br />

eyes of China : historical developments and the current<br />

situation ; (an English translation of the original manuscript<br />

written in Japanese) / Yasuyuki Sugiura. - Tokyo: National<br />

Institute for Defense Studies, 2011. - 7 S. - (NIDS Briefing<br />

Memo; No. 150)<br />

http://www.nids.go.jp/english/publication/briefing/pdf/2011/150.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 925631<br />

536 U.S.-Mexico security cooperation : mext steps for the Mérida<br />

Initiative ; joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Border,<br />

Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism of the Committee on<br />

Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives and the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, May 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - VI,121 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Homeland Security (United States / House); No.<br />

111-68) - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-123)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:6240<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

HSFK D 925783<br />

537 Ünver Noi, Aylın: Iran in EU and US foreign policy : The case<br />

of Iran's nuclear program / Aylin Ünver Noi. - In: Issues in EU<br />

and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 201-227, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925729 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 25 2011.05.06

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

538 Zegart, Amy B.: The domestic politics of irrational intelligence<br />

oversight / Amy B. Zegart. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 1-25<br />

SWP D 926516 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


539 Rivas, Santiago: Latin American tactical transports : between<br />

modernisation and budget cuts / Santiago Rivas. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 45-48<br />

SWP D 926637 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

540 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />

541 U.S.-Mexico security cooperation : mext steps for the Mérida<br />

Initiative ; joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Border,<br />

Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism of the Committee on<br />

Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives and the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, May 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - VI,121 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Homeland Security (United States / House); No.<br />

111-68) - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-123)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:6240<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

HSFK D 925783<br />


542 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />


543 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

544 Bratton, Patrick C.; Thies, Wallace J.: When governments<br />

collide in the South Atlantic : Britain coerces Argentina during<br />

the Falklands War / Patrick Bratton ; Wallace Thies. -<br />

In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 1-27<br />

SWP D 926020 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

545 Jesus, Diego Santos Vieira de: Building trust and flexibility : A<br />

Brazilian view of the fuel swap with Iran / Diego Santos Vieira<br />

de Jesus. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Washington/D.C.),<br />

34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 61-75<br />

SWP D 926615 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

546 Rivas, Santiago: Brazilian air power : facing the ambitions to<br />

become a world power / Santiago Rivas. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 31-36<br />

SWP D 926635 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


547 Mair, Stefan; Petretto, Kerstin: Peace and security :<br />

unremitting challenges for African-European relations / Stefan<br />

Mair and Kerstin Petretto. - In: Beyond development aid: EU-<br />

Africa political dialogue on global issues of common concern /<br />

Europe Africa Policy Research Network. - Maastricht, 2010,<br />

S. 37-44<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/17854_11110cargill_euaf.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925761<br />


548 Dehéz, Dustin: Security sector reform and intelligence services<br />

in sub-Saharan Africa : capturing the whole picture / Dustin<br />

Dehéz. - In: African Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (June 2010)<br />

2, S. 38-46, Lit. Hinw. S. 45-46<br />

GIGA D 926245 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF02.06 RWANDA<br />

549 Alusala, Nelson: Informal cross-border trade and arms<br />

smuggling along the Uganda-Rwanda border / Nelson Alusala.<br />

- In: African Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (September 2010) 3,<br />

S. 15-26, Lit. Hinw. S. 25-26<br />

GIGA D 926393 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF04.05 UGANDA<br />

550 Alusala, Nelson: Informal cross-border trade and arms<br />

smuggling along the Uganda-Rwanda border / Nelson Alusala.<br />

- In: African Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (September 2010) 3,<br />

S. 15-26, Lit. Hinw. S. 25-26<br />

GIGA D 926393 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />


551 Orfy, Mohammed Moustafa: NATO and the Middle East : The<br />

geopolitical context post-9/11 / Mohammed Moustafa Orfy. -<br />

London ...: Routledge, 2011. - 234 S., graph. Darst., Reg.,<br />

Anh., Lit. Hinw. S. 182-204, Lit. S. 205-231 - (Routledge<br />

Studies in Middle Eastern Politics; 30) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-59234-5<br />

GIGA D 925992 IMES: MEA-B/47 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


552 Benantar, Abdennour: La démocratisation des états arabes<br />

redéfinira le dialoue de sécurité en Méditerranée / Abdennour<br />

Benantar. - Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, 2011. - 5 S. - (Notes<br />

Internacionals CIDOB; 29)<br />

http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/26648/322774/file/NO<br />

TES+29_ABDENOUR.pdf<br />

SWP D 925665<br />

553 Gaub, Florence: Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter : die politische<br />

Rolle der arabischen Armeen / Florence Gaub. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige<br />

Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 90-95<br />

DGAP D 926608 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

554 Benantar, Abdennour: La démocratisation des états arabes<br />

redéfinira le dialoue de sécurité en Méditerranée / Abdennour<br />

Benantar. - Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, 2011. - 5 S. - (Notes<br />

Internacionals CIDOB; 29)<br />

http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/26648/322774/file/NO<br />

TES+29_ABDENOUR.pdf<br />

SWP D 925665<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 26 2011.05.06

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

555 NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting (Berlin, 2011-04-14/2011-<br />

04-15) ; Statement on Libya following Berlin working lunch, 14<br />

April 2011 / NATO, Berlin, 14-15-IV-2011, Foreign Ministers. -<br />

Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, 2011. - 2 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/573098/<br />

publicationFile/151270/110414-Libyen-Statement-eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 925765<br />

RG01.16 EGYPT<br />

556 Lynch, Marc: America and Egypt after the uprisings / Marc<br />

Lynch. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2,<br />

S. 31-42<br />

SWP D 925956 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

557 Iroanya, Richard Obinna: Arms transfer and conflict in Africa :<br />

The role of China in Sudan / Richard Obinna Iroanya. - In:<br />

Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 183-197<br />

SWP D 926104 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

558 Cantir, Cristian A.: Leaving the war in Iraq or "staying the<br />

course" : why did Bulgaria withdraw and Romania stay? /<br />

Cristian Cantir. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 179-200, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925727 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

559 Iraqi-U.S. cost-sharing : Iraq has a cumulative budget surplus,<br />

offering the potential for further cost-sharing ; report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 72 S. -<br />

(GAO-10-304)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10304.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925659 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

560 Perliger, Arie: The changing nature of the Israeli reserve<br />

forces : present crises and future challenges / Arie Perliger. -<br />

In: Armed Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 216-238<br />

SWP D 926181 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


561 Bowman, Gary M.: Will America lose Afghanistan - again? /<br />

Gary M. Bowman. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

110 (April 2011) 735, S. 150-155<br />

SWP D 926460 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

562 Fair, C. Christine: Under the shrinking U.S. security umbrella :<br />

India's end game in Afghanistan? / C. Christine Fair. - In: The<br />

Washington Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2,<br />

S. 179-192<br />

SWP D 926628 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

563 Knutsen, Bjørn Olav: Europe, the US, and the creation of a<br />

multilayered NATO : lessons from Afghanistan / Bjørn Olav<br />

Knutsen. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 107-131, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925725 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

564 Kuchins, Andrew C.: A truly regional economic strategy for<br />

Afghanistan / Andrew C. Kuchins. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 77-91<br />

SWP D 926619 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

565 Ruffa, Chiara: With or without you? A comparison of EU,<br />

European, and US policies in Afghanistan / Chiara Ruffa. -<br />

In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver<br />

Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 85-105,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925723 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

566 Tempel, Sylke: Einsatz in Afghanistan : was wäre die Folge,<br />

wenn die internationale Gemeinschaft dort scheitert? / von<br />

Sylke Tempel. - Berlin: Deutschlandradio Kultur, 2011. -<br />

ca. 2 S., Ill. - (Politisches Feuilleton / Deutschlandradio Kultur)<br />

http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/politischesfeuilleton/143<br />

6155/drucken/<br />

DGAP D 926472<br />

567 Williams, Brian Glyn: On the trail of the "Lions of Islam" :<br />

foreign fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan 1980-2010 / by<br />

Brian Glyn Williams. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June<br />

2011) 2, S. 216-239<br />

SWP D 925710 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

568 Jesus, Diego Santos Vieira de: Building trust and flexibility : A<br />

Brazilian view of the fuel swap with Iran / Diego Santos Vieira<br />

de Jesus. - In: The Washington Quarterly (Washington/D.C.),<br />

34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 61-75<br />

SWP D 926615 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

569 Ünver Noi, Aylın: Iran in EU and US foreign policy : The case<br />

of Iran's nuclear program / Aylin Ünver Noi. - In: Issues in EU<br />

and US foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md.<br />

...: Lexington Books, 2011, S. 201-227, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925729 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

570 Fair, C. Christine: Pakistan's security-governance challenge /<br />

C. Christine Fair. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

110 (April 2011) 735, S. 136-142<br />

SWP D 926455 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

571 Williams, Brian Glyn: On the trail of the "Lions of Islam" :<br />

foreign fighters in Afghanistan and Pakistan 1980-2010 / by<br />

Brian Glyn Williams. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June<br />

2011) 2, S. 216-239<br />

SWP D 925710 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


572 Annati, Massimo: Harbour and port security / Massimo Annati.<br />

- In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 30-35<br />

SWP D 926050 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

573 Fair, C. Christine: Under the shrinking U.S. security umbrella :<br />

India's end game in Afghanistan? / C. Christine Fair. - In: The<br />

Washington Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2,<br />

S. 179-192<br />

SWP D 926628 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

574 India's contemporary security challenges / ed. by Michael<br />

Kugelman. Essays by Bethany Danyluk ... Woodrow Wilson<br />

International Center for Scholars, Asia Program -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2011. - 131 S. - ISBN 1-933549-79-3<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/ASIA_100423_IndiaSec<br />

urityFINAL.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926241<br />

575 Joshi, Shashank: Why India is becoming warier of China /<br />

Shashank Joshi. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

110 (April 2011) 735, S. 156-161<br />

SWP D 926461 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

576 Saalman, Lora: Between "China threat theory" and "Chindia" :<br />

Chinese responses to India's military modernization / Lora<br />

Saalman. - In: The Chinese Journal of International Politics<br />

(Oxford), 4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 87-114<br />

SWP D 925863 SWP: X. 892<br />

RI01.15 NEPAL<br />

577 Suhrke, Astri: Virtues of narrow mission : The UN peace<br />

operation in Nepal / Astri Suhrke. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), 17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 37-55,<br />

Lit. S. 52-55<br />

DIE D 925656 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 27 2011.05.06

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />


578 Hanel, Dieter: The Southeast Asian land defence market /<br />

Dieter Hanel. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 36-40<br />

SWP D 926051 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

579 Oppenheimer, Andy: Southeast Asia : security in flux / Andy<br />

Oppenheimer. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 24-28<br />

SWP D 926049 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

580 Ismail, Hanif M.: The Malaysian Army : 78 years of excellence<br />

/ Hanif M. Ismail. - In: Asian Defence Journal (Kuala Lumpur),<br />

(March 2011) [3], S. 8-10<br />

SWP D 925893 SWP: Y. 1039 DGAP: ZD 53 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

581 Albright, David; Walrond, Christina: Technical note: revisiting<br />

bomb reactors in Burma and an alleged Burmese nuclear<br />

weapons program / by David Albright and Christina Walrond. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Institute for Science and International<br />

Security, 2011. - 7 S. - (ISIS Report)<br />

http://www.isis-online.org/uploads/isis-reports/documents/Burma<br />

_Analysis_Bomb_Reactors_11April201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925790<br />

RI02.32 EAST TIMOR<br />

582 A reliable partner: strengthening Australia - Timor-Leste<br />

relations / Australian Strategic Policy Institute. - Barton, 2011.<br />

- 68 S. - (Special Report / Australian Strategic Policy Institute<br />

(Barton); Issue 39)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=290&pubtype=10<br />

SWP D 925785<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

583 Lu, Yin: The challenges to nuclear non-proliferation in<br />

Northeast Asia / Lu Yin. - In: China International Studies<br />

(Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 29-44<br />

DIE D 925923 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

584 Pempel, T. J.: Japan's search for the "sweet spot" :<br />

international cooperation and regional security in Northeast<br />

Asia / by T. J. Pempel. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam),<br />

55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 255-273<br />

SWP D 925712 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

585 Rozman, Gilbert: Chinese strategic thinking on multilateral<br />

regional security in Northeast Asia / by Gilbert Rozman. -<br />

In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 298-313<br />

SWP D 925715 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


586 Goldstein, Lyle J.: Resetting the US-China security<br />

relationship / Lyle J. Goldstein. - In: Survival (Abingdon),<br />

53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 89-116<br />

SWP D 925963 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

587 Iroanya, Richard Obinna: Arms transfer and conflict in Africa :<br />

The role of China in Sudan / Richard Obinna Iroanya. - In:<br />

Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 183-197<br />

SWP D 926104 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

588 Joshi, Shashank: Why India is becoming warier of China /<br />

Shashank Joshi. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

110 (April 2011) 735, S. 156-161<br />

SWP D 926461 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

589 NIDS China security report / National Institute for Defense<br />

Studies. - Tokyo, 2011. - 49 S. - ISBN 978-4-939034-80-0<br />

Außerdem erschienen in japanischer und chinesischer Sprache<br />

http://www.nids.go.jp/english/publication/chinareport/pdf/china_re<br />

port_EN_4C_A0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925627<br />

590 Rozman, Gilbert: Chinese strategic thinking on multilateral<br />

regional security in Northeast Asia / by Gilbert Rozman. -<br />

In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 298-313<br />

SWP D 925715 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

591 Saalman, Lora: Between "China threat theory" and "Chindia" :<br />

Chinese responses to India's military modernization / Lora<br />

Saalman. - In: The Chinese Journal of International Politics<br />

(Oxford), 4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 87-114<br />

SWP D 925863 SWP: X. 892<br />

592 Sugiura, Yasuyuki: The Japan-US alliance structure in the<br />

eyes of China : historical developments and the current<br />

situation ; (an English translation of the original manuscript<br />

written in Japanese) / Yasuyuki Sugiura. - Tokyo: National<br />

Institute for Defense Studies, 2011. - 7 S. - (NIDS Briefing<br />

Memo; No. 150)<br />

http://www.nids.go.jp/english/publication/briefing/pdf/2011/150.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 925631<br />

593 Yoshihara, Toshi; Holmes, James R.: Can China defend a<br />

"core interest" in the South China Sea? / Toshi Yoshihara and<br />

James R. Holmes. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 45-59<br />

SWP D 926614 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

594 Habib, Benjamin: North Korea's nuclear weapons programme<br />

and the maintenance of the Songun system / Benjamin Habib. -<br />

In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 43-64<br />

GIGA D 925868 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

595 Lee, Kwang-ho: N. Korea's uranium program & the<br />

international response / by Lee Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point<br />

(Seoul), 34 (April 2011) 4, S. 2-8<br />

SWP D 926525 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

596 North Korea: challenge for the US-Japan alliance / Yuki<br />

Tatsumi, editor. Henry L. Stimson Center. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

2011. - 127 S. - ISBN 978-0-9845211-7-3<br />

http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Full_-_Nor<br />

th_Korea_Challenge_for_the_US-Japan_Alliance.pdf<br />

SWP D 925650<br />

597 Yun, Duk-min: North Korea's uranium enrichment program and<br />

countermeasures against it / by Yun Duk-min. - In: Vantage<br />

Point (Seoul), 34 (March 2011) 3, S. 47-57<br />

SWP D 925874 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

598 Cha, Victor D.; Katz, Katrin: South Korea in 2010 : navigating<br />

new heights in the Alliance / Victor D. Cha and Katrin Katz. - In:<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 54-63<br />

SWP D 926475 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

599 North Korea: challenge for the US-Japan alliance / Yuki<br />

Tatsumi, editor. Henry L. Stimson Center. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

2011. - 127 S. - ISBN 978-0-9845211-7-3<br />

http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Full_-_Nor<br />

th_Korea_Challenge_for_the_US-Japan_Alliance.pdf<br />

SWP D 925650<br />

600 Pempel, T. J.: Japan's search for the "sweet spot" :<br />

international cooperation and regional security in Northeast<br />

Asia / by T. J. Pempel. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam),<br />

55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 255-273<br />

SWP D 925712 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 28 2011.05.06

601 Sugiura, Yasuyuki: The Japan-US alliance structure in the<br />

eyes of China : historical developments and the current<br />

situation ; (an English translation of the original manuscript<br />

written in Japanese) / Yasuyuki Sugiura. - Tokyo: National<br />

Institute for Defense Studies, 2011. - 7 S. - (NIDS Briefing<br />

Memo; No. 150)<br />

http://www.nids.go.jp/english/publication/briefing/pdf/2011/150.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 925631<br />

602 Tomikawa, Hideo: Regarding the National Defense Program<br />

Guideline and the Mid-Term Defense Program : (an English<br />

translation of the original manuscript written in Japanese) /<br />

Hideo Tomikawa. - Tokyo: National Institute for Defense<br />

Studies, 2011. - 7 S. - (NIDS Briefing Memo; No. 152)<br />

http://www.nids.go.jp/english/publication/briefing/pdf/2011/152.pd<br />

f<br />

SWP D 925629<br />

603 Weeks, Donna: Okita versus Kubo : duelling architects of<br />

Japan's security and defence policies / Donna Weeks. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 21-42<br />

GIGA D 925864 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

604 Davies, Andrew; Thomson, Mark: The once and future<br />

submarine - raising and sustaining Australia’s underwater<br />

capability / by Andrew Davies and Mark Thomson. - Barton:<br />

Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2011. - 7 S. - (Policy<br />

Analysis / Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton); 78)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=291&pubtype=9<br />

SWP D 925786<br />

605 A reliable partner: strengthening Australia - Timor-Leste<br />

relations / Australian Strategic Policy Institute. - Barton, 2011.<br />

- 68 S. - (Special Report / Australian Strategic Policy Institute<br />

(Barton); Issue 39)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=290&pubtype=10<br />

SWP D 925785<br />

606 Smith, Hugh; Jans, Nick: Use them or lose them? Australia's<br />

defence force reserves / Hugh Smith and Nick Jans. - In:<br />

Armed Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 301-320<br />

SWP D 926190 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

607 Smith, Stephen: Defence is a big and complex organisation /<br />

Stephen Smith. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 14-17<br />

SWP D 926045 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

608 White, Ben: Sustainable defence capability : Australias<br />

national security and the role of the defence industry / Ben<br />

White. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 20-23<br />

SWP D 926046 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


609 Pandya, Amit A.; Herbert-Burns, Rupert; Kobayashi,<br />

Junko: Maritime commerce and security: The Indian Ocean /<br />

Amit A. Pandya and Rupert Herbert-Burns with Junko<br />

Kobayashi. - Washington/D.C.: Henry L. Stimson Center, 2011.<br />

- 167 S. - ISBN 978-0-9845211-6-6<br />

http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/March4_-_<br />

Full.pdf<br />

SWP D 925652<br />


610 Yoshihara, Toshi; Holmes, James R.: Can China defend a<br />

"core interest" in the South China Sea? / Toshi Yoshihara and<br />

James R. Holmes. - In: The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 45-59<br />

SWP D 926614 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />


611 Benantar, Abdennour: La démocratisation des états arabes<br />

redéfinira le dialoue de sécurité en Méditerranée / Abdennour<br />

Benantar. - Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, 2011. - 5 S. - (Notes<br />

Internacionals CIDOB; 29)<br />

http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/26648/322774/file/NO<br />

TES+29_ABDENOUR.pdf<br />

SWP D 925665<br />


612 Suhrke, Astri: Virtues of narrow mission : The UN peace<br />

operation in Nepal / Astri Suhrke. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), 17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 37-55,<br />

Lit. S. 52-55<br />

DIE D 925656 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />


613 Fröhlich, Manuel: Changing conceptions of security and the<br />

G8 / Manuel Fröhlich. - In: Securing global economy: G8 global<br />

governance for a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... -<br />

Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2011, S. 135-152 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925801 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

614 Kirton, John James: G8 sanctioning success / John J. Kirton.<br />

- In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance for a<br />

post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 153-178 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925802 SWP: A.11/0050<br />


615 Alexander, David: Structural armour systems : challenges,<br />

capabilities and trends / David Alexander. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011, S. 20-21<br />

SWP D 926070 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

616 Alexander, Keith B.: Warfightin in cyberspace / Keith B.<br />

Alexander. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 41-45<br />

SWP D 926052 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

617 Anderson, Guy: Shifting landscapes : global defence markets /<br />

Guy Anderson. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 48 (20<br />

April 2011) 16, S. 26-31<br />

SWP D 926654 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

618 Annati, Massimo: Amphibious aircraft / Massimo Annati. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 94-98<br />

SWP D 926060 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

619 Arloth, Jana; Seidensticker, Frauke Lisa: Frauen als<br />

Akteurinnen in Friedensprozessen : Begleitstudie zum<br />

Werkstattgespräch „Frauen und bewaffnete Konflikte“<br />

anlässlichdes 10. Jahrestages der UN-Resolution 1325 / Jana<br />

Arloth ; Frauke Lisa Seidensticker. - Berlin: Deutsches Institut<br />

für Menschenrechte, 2011. - 61 S., Tab., Lit. S. 47-61<br />

http://www.institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de/uploads/tx_commerc<br />

e/studie_frauen_als_akteurinnen_in_friedensprozessen.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926601<br />

620 Baddeley, Adam: Battlefield sensors / Adam Baddeley. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 81-85<br />

SWP D 926055 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

621 Ben-Ari, Eyal; Lomsky-Feder, Edna: Epilogue: Theoretical<br />

and comparative notes on reserve forces / Eyal Ben-Ari and<br />

Edna Lomsky-Feder. - In: Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 361-371<br />

SWP D 926202 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

622 Body armour - technological issues - In: Military Technology<br />

(Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011, S. 24-25<br />

SWP D 926073 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

623 Brzoska, Michael; Fischer, Martina: Zum 10-jährigen<br />

Bestehen der Deutschen Stiftung Friedensforschung :<br />

Friedensforschung für das 21.Jahrhundert / Michael Brzoska ;<br />

Martina Fischer. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 31-41, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925997 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 29 2011.05.06

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

624 Butler, Michael J.: International conflict management / Michael<br />

J. Butler. - London ...: Routlege, 2009. - 288 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw., Reg. - ISBN 978-0-415-77230-3<br />

GIGA D 926442 ILAS: INT-B/131 IMES: INT-B/131 IAA: INT-B/131<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

625 Crawford, Michael: Exploring the maze : counterproliferation<br />

intelligence / Michael Crawford. - In: Survival (Abingdon),<br />

53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 131-158<br />

SWP D 925966 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

626 De Spiegeleire, Stephan; Sweijs, Tim; Zhao, Tong: Contours<br />

of conflict in the 21st century : A cross languae analysis of<br />

Arabic, Chinese, English and Russian perspective on the future<br />

nature of conflict / Stephan de Spiegeleire ; Tim Sweijs ;Tong<br />

Zhao. - The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies,<br />

2011. - 245 S., Tab., Lit. S. 154-185 - (Rapport / The Hague<br />

Centre for Strategic Studies; no. 6-03-11) -<br />

ISBN 978-94-91040-30-6<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/283.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926594<br />

627 Forsteneichner, Günther F. C.: Schlüsselressource Erdgas /<br />

Günter F. C. Forsteneichner. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3], S. 72-73<br />

SWP D 926256 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

628 Friedens- und Konfliktforschung / Peter Schlotter ... (Hrsg.) -<br />

1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 468 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (AFK-Friedensschriften; Bd. 35) - (Forschungsstand<br />

Politikwissenschaft) - ISBN 978-3-8329-3470-5<br />

GIGA D 926139 SWP: A.11/0059 DGAP: DG 48906 HSFK: 43.622 BICC: BI 3917<br />

ILAS: INT-B/130 IMES: INT-B/130 IAA: INT-B/130 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

629 George, Michael: Cyberwar und Wirtschaftsspionage / Michael<br />

George. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März<br />

2011) [3], S. 66-67<br />

SWP D 926251 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

630 Gray, Colin S.: Some thoughts on moral choice and war / Colin<br />

S. Gray. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 94-97<br />

SWP D 926035 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

631 Griffith, James: Reserve forces - after the cold war : An<br />

international perspective / James Griffith. - In: Armed Forces<br />

and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2,<br />

S. 209-215<br />

SWP D 926178 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

632 Hazell, Paul J.: Advances in ceramic armour / Paul J. Hazell. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special<br />

Suppl. 2011, S. 22-23<br />

SWP D 926071 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

633 Heiming, Gerhard; Horst, Michael: Schutz gegen aktuelle<br />

Bedrohungen / Gerhard Heiming und Michael Horst. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3],<br />

S. 20-25<br />

SWP D 926222 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

634 Hosur, Prashant: Polliitiics off UNSC Sanctiions : The issue off<br />

nuclear weapons Development / Prashant Hosur. - New Delhi:<br />

IPCS, April 2010. - 16 S., Tab.; Lit. Hinw. - (IPCS Research<br />

Papers; 25)<br />

http://www.ipcs.org/pdf_file/issue/RS25-UNSC_Sanctions.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926154<br />

635 Kahl, Dieter: New armour technology : The use of new armour<br />

technology increases operational survivability and sustainability<br />

/ Dieter Kahl. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

Special Suppl. 2011, S. 4-11<br />

SWP D 926066 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

636 Lawson, Sean: Articulation, antagonism, and intercalation in<br />

Western military imaginaries / Sean Lawson. - In: Security<br />

Dialogue (London), 42 (February 2011) 1, S. 39-56<br />

SWP D 926243 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

637 Lord, Carnes: On the nature of strategic communications /<br />

Carnes Lord. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 91-93<br />

SWP D 926059 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

638 Mendelsohn, Barak: Foreign fighters - recent trends / by<br />

Barak Mendelsohn. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June<br />

2011) 2, S. 189-202<br />

SWP D 925708 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

639 Merlini, Cesare: A post-secular world? / Cesare Merlini. -<br />

In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 117-130<br />

SWP D 925965 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

640 Oppenheimer, Andy: Watching the skies / Andy<br />

Oppenheimer. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4,<br />

S. 60-68<br />

SWP D 926647 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

641 Reid-Henry, Simon: Spaces of security and development : An<br />

alternative mapping of the security-development nexus / Simon<br />

Reid-Henry. - In: Security Dialogue (London), 42 (February<br />

2011) 1, S. 97-104<br />

SWP D 926296 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

642 Securing global economy : G8 global governance for a<br />

post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011. - XVIII, 218 S. - (Global Finance Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925794 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

643 Serious games : Krieg, Medien, Kunst ,war ,media, art ;<br />

Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt / herausgeb. von Ralf Beil. -<br />

Ostfildern: Hatzje Cantz, 2011. - 207 S., zahlr. Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-7757-2991-8<br />

GIGA D 925732 ILAS: INT-B/128 IMES: INT-B/128 IAA: INT-B/128<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

644 Szulc, Tomasz: Eastern air defence complexes / Tomasz<br />

Szulc. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 70-73<br />

SWP D 926648 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

645 Tänzler, Dennis: Ein sicheres Klima? Perspektiven nach den<br />

Klimaverhandlungen von Cancún ; Auswirkungen des<br />

Klimawandels auf die regionale und internationale Sicherheit /<br />

Dennis Tänzler. - In: Politische Studien (München),<br />

62 (März-April 2011) 436, S. 30-39<br />

SWP D 925949 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

646 Tessier-Stall, Sacha: Future of cybersecurity / Sacha Tessier<br />

Stall. - The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies,<br />

2011. - 43 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Paper / The Hague Centre for<br />

Strategic Studies; no. 2011 (4)) - ISBN 978-94-91040-29-0<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/9<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

GIGA D 926596<br />

647 Transparent armour materials / James M. Sands ... -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special<br />

Suppl. 2011, S. 26-27<br />

SWP D 926074 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

648 Vishwanath, Ambika: "Durch die Munich Young Leaders ist es<br />

gelungen, neue Ideen in die sicherheitspolitische Debatte<br />

einzubringen" / Ambika Vishwanath. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 15-17<br />

SWP D 926333 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

649 Wasinski, Christophe: On making war possible : soldiers,<br />

strategy, and military grand narrative / Christophe Wasinski. -<br />

In: Security Dialogue (London), 42 (February 2011) 1, S. 57-76<br />

SWP D 926290 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

650 Watson, Scott: The 'human' as referent object?<br />

Humanitarianism as securitization / Scott Watson. - In: Security<br />

Dialogue (London), 42 (February 2011) 1, S. 3-20<br />

SWP D 926218 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

651 Weitz, Richard: Nuclear forensics : false hopes and practical<br />

realities / Richard Weitz. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 53-75<br />

SWP D 926518 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 30 2011.05.06

RR SPACE<br />

652 Noeske, Andreas; Hellmann, Mike: Aspekte der Luftwaffe zur<br />

Nutzung des Weltraums / Andreas Noeske ; Mike Hellmann. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4,<br />

S. 43-45<br />

SWP D 926338 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.3 International Security / <strong>Internationale</strong> Sicherheit / Sécurité internationale<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 31 2011.05.06




653 Buzelay, Alain: La solidarité économique et financière en<br />

Europe : une valeur devenue précaire? / par Alain Buzelay. -<br />

In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union européenne<br />

(Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 260-265<br />

SWP D 926536 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

654 Debaye, Marie: La Banque de France dans les instances<br />

européennes et internationales / Marie Debaye. - In: Bulletin de<br />

la Banque de France (Paris), (1er trimestre 2011) 183,<br />

S. 67-79, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 79<br />

DFI D 926285 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

655 EU-Rettungsschirm: folgt der Einstieg in eine<br />

Transferunion? / Wolfgang Schäuble ... - In: Ifo-Schnelldienst<br />

(München), 64 (10. Februar 2011) 3, S. 3-20, Lit.<br />

DIE D 926433 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

656 Hodson, Dermot: Economic and Monetary Union : An<br />

experiment in new modes of EU policy-making / Dermot<br />

Hodson. - In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by<br />

Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.<br />

- (The New European Union Series), S. 157-180 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926006 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

657 Improving humanitarian assistance: A transatlantic agenda<br />

for action / Global Public Policy Institute. - Berlin: Global<br />

Public Policy Institute, 2009. - 48 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Action Paper.<br />

Raising the Bar, Enhancing Transatlantic Governance of<br />

Disaster Relief and Preparedness)<br />

http://www.gppi.net/fileadmin/gppi/RTB_action_paper.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926603<br />

658 Kopf, Christian: Restoring financial stability in the euro area /<br />

Christian Kopf. - Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies,<br />

2011. - 26 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CEPS Policy<br />

Brief; No. 237)<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4292<br />

SWP D 925820<br />

659 Maurer, Rainer: Die Krise der Europäischen Währungsunion /<br />

Rainer Maurer. - In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), 40 (Februar 2011) 2, S. 85-90, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 89-90<br />

DIE D 926446 DIE: ZA166 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

660 Micossi, Stefano; Carmassi, Jacopo; Peirce, Fabrizia: On<br />

the tasks of the European stability mechanism / Stefano<br />

Micossi with Jacopo Carmassi and Fabrizia Peirce. - Brussels:<br />

Center for European Policy Studies, 2011. - 12 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 235)<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4262<br />

SWP D 925825<br />

661 Woolcock, Stephen: Trade policy: A further shift towards<br />

Brussels / Stephen Woolcock. - In: Policy-making in the<br />

European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 381-399 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926015 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

662 Young, Alasdair R.: The single market: deregulation,<br />

reregulation, and integration / Alasdair R. Young. - In: Policymaking<br />

in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6.<br />

ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New<br />

European Union Series), S. 107-131 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926004 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />


663 Mills, Thomas C.: The 'Hemisphere isolationists' and Anglo-<br />

American economic diplomacy during the Second World War /<br />

Thomas C. Mills. - In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 63-75<br />

SWP D 926193 SWP: X. 873<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

664 Debaye, Marie: La Banque de France dans les instances<br />

européennes et internationales / Marie Debaye. - In: Bulletin de<br />

la Banque de France (Paris), (1er trimestre 2011) 183,<br />

S. 67-79, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 79<br />

DFI D 926285 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

665 Guide business 2011 : Inde - In: Le MOCI (Paris), (14-27 avril<br />

2011) 1888, S. 20-64, Kt., Tab.<br />

DFI D 925824 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

666 Münscher, Robert: Vertrauensentwicklung im interkulturellen<br />

Management : ein empirischer Beitrag am Beispiel der<br />

deutsch-französischen Zusammenarbeit / Robert Münscher.<br />

Mit einem Geleitwort von Torsten M. Kühlmann. - Wiesbaden:<br />

Gabler, 2011. - XXIV,543 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 505-533 - (<strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaftspartner) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8349-2710-1 -- Zugl.: Bayreuth, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DFI D 926600 DFI: WF 335.MUEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

667 Rougemont, Philippe de: Les stocks dans la crise / Philippe<br />

de Rougement. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris),<br />

(1er trimestre 2011) 183, S. 27-46, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 45-46<br />

DFI D 926283 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

668 Tulmets, Elsa: La coopération extérieure : entre<br />

européanisation et concurrence / Elsa Tulmets. - In: Le<br />

partenariat franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska<br />

... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 85-99,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926295 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

669 Greiff, Otmar: Die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit<br />

der Republik Moldau / Otmar Greiff. - In: Blicke auf die<br />

Republik Moldau / Christa Oppenheimer (Hg.). - Wehrheim ...:<br />

Ed. Chrop, 2010, S. 98-113 - ISBN 978-3-941210-31-8<br />

IFA D 926643 IFA: 31/42 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

670 Münscher, Robert: Vertrauensentwicklung im interkulturellen<br />

Management : ein empirischer Beitrag am Beispiel der<br />

deutsch-französischen Zusammenarbeit / Robert Münscher.<br />

Mit einem Geleitwort von Torsten M. Kühlmann. - Wiesbaden:<br />

Gabler, 2011. - XXIV,543 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 505-533 - (<strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaftspartner) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8349-2710-1 -- Zugl.: Bayreuth, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DFI D 926600 DFI: WF 335.MUEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

671 Tulmets, Elsa: La coopération extérieure : entre<br />

européanisation et concurrence / Elsa Tulmets. - In: Le<br />

partenariat franco-allemand / sous la dir. de Dorota Dakowska<br />

... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - (Chaos international), S. 85-99,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13903-9<br />

DFI D 926295 DFI: WD 030.PAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

672 Achmadov, Erkin: Turkish businesses under fire in Uzbekistan<br />

/ by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.03.2011),<br />

ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5521/print<br />

SWP D 926042<br />


673 Rabotjazev, Nikolaj Vladimirovic: Social'no-političskie faktory<br />

formirovanija investicionnogo imidža Rossii (Transl.: Social and<br />

political factors of Russia's investment image formation) / N.<br />

Rabotjažev. - In: Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva), (mart 2011), S. 57-66<br />

SWP D 926114 SWP: Y. 92 DGAP: ZD 362 HSFK: ZS M Öff.StaO: 188<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 32 2011.05.06

674 Shadikhodjaev, Sherzod: Russia and the customs union with<br />

Kazakhstan and Belarus / by Sherzod Shadikhodjaev. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Bremen), (19 November 2010) 87, S. 10-12<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925991<br />

675 Silitski, Vitali: The 2010 Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs<br />

Union : A classic case of prinuzhdenie k druzhbe / Vitali Silitski.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 110)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_110.pdf<br />

SWP D 925933<br />

RA07.33 BELARUS<br />

676 Shadikhodjaev, Sherzod: Russia and the customs union with<br />

Kazakhstan and Belarus / by Sherzod Shadikhodjaev. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Bremen), (19 November 2010) 87, S. 10-12<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925991<br />

677 Silitski, Vitali: The 2010 Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs<br />

Union : A classic case of prinuzhdenie k druzhbe / Vitali Silitski.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 110)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_110.pdf<br />

SWP D 925933<br />

RA07.34 MOLDOVA<br />

678 Greiff, Otmar: Die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit<br />

der Republik Moldau / Otmar Greiff. - In: Blicke auf die<br />

Republik Moldau / Christa Oppenheimer (Hg.). - Wehrheim ...:<br />

Ed. Chrop, 2010, S. 98-113 - ISBN 978-3-941210-31-8<br />

IFA D 926643 IFA: 31/42 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

679 Shadikhodjaev, Sherzod: Russia and the customs union with<br />

Kazakhstan and Belarus / by Sherzod Shadikhodjaev. -<br />

In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Bremen), (19 November 2010) 87, S. 10-12<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124414/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/7b143ac7-cbe1-497d-b6e<br />

2-973da855c2f5/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_87.pdf<br />

SWP D 925991<br />

680 Silitski, Vitali: The 2010 Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs<br />

Union : A classic case of prinuzhdenie k druzhbe / Vitali Silitski.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 110)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_110.pdf<br />

SWP D 925933<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

681 Achmadov, Erkin: Turkish businesses under fire in Uzbekistan<br />

/ by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.03.2011),<br />

ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5521/print<br />

SWP D 926042<br />

RA08.12 HUNGARY<br />

682 Trick, Peter Matthias: Die Integration Ungarns in den<br />

europäischen Wirtschaftsraum : eine Analyse der<br />

außenwirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen Ungarns / Peter Matthias<br />

Trick. - Hamburg: Diplomica-Verl., 2009. - 68 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 59-65 - ISBN 978-3-8366-7786-8<br />

DGAP D 926547 DGAP: DG B01609s<br />

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />


683 Afghanistan reconstruction oversight : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 20,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,43 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-96)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:565<br />

58.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926308<br />

684 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />

685 A call to action on food security : The Administration's global<br />

strategy ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 1st Session, October 29,<br />

2009 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-72)<br />

HSFK D 926618<br />

686 Cambodia's small debt: when will the U.S. forgive? Hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global<br />

Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, September<br />

30, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-128)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:615<br />

19.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926330<br />

687 Climate change finance: providing assistance for<br />

vulnerable countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,134 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

120)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926342<br />

688 Combating climate change in Africa : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, April 15, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

105)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:560<br />

54.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926412<br />

689 The crisis in Haiti : Are we moving far enough? hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

111th Congress, 2nd Session, July 29, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,147 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-110)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

89.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925772<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 33 2011.05.06

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

690 The Great Lakes region: current conditions and U.S. policy<br />

: hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health<br />

of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 25, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,68 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-106)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:566<br />

82.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926410<br />

691 Implementing tougher sanctions on Iran : A progress report ;<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, December<br />

1, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,75 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-136)<br />

HSFK D 926622<br />

692 Improving humanitarian assistance: A transatlantic agenda<br />

for action / Global Public Policy Institute. - Berlin: Global<br />

Public Policy Institute, 2009. - 48 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Action Paper.<br />

Raising the Bar, Enhancing Transatlantic Governance of<br />

Disaster Relief and Preparedness)<br />

http://www.gppi.net/fileadmin/gppi/RTB_action_paper.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926603<br />

693 Kuchins, Andrew C.: A truly regional economic strategy for<br />

Afghanistan / Andrew C. Kuchins. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 77-91<br />

SWP D 926619 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

694 Migrant networks and foreign direct investment / Beata S.<br />

Javorcik ... - In: Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 231-241, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 240-241<br />

Außerdem erschienen als Paper: Washington/D.C.: Worldbank,<br />

2006. - 23 S.<br />

DIE D 926363 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

695 Mills, Thomas C.: The 'Hemisphere isolationists' and Anglo-<br />

American economic diplomacy during the Second World War /<br />

Thomas C. Mills. - In: Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 9 (March 2011) 1, S. 63-75<br />

SWP D 926193 SWP: X. 873<br />

696 Oversight: hard lessons learned in Iraq and benchmarks<br />

for the future reconstruction efforts : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, February<br />

24, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-82)<br />

http://www.hcfa.house.gov/111/55125.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926312<br />

697 Pitron, Guillaume: Liens méconnus entre Khartoum et<br />

Washington : quand la gomme arabique fait tanguer l'Amérique<br />

/ de Guillaume Pitron. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris),<br />

58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 12-13<br />

SWP D 926037 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

698 Schaffer, Teresita C.: U.S. engagement in Indian health care :<br />

what is the impact? A report of the CSIS Global Health Policy<br />

Center / Teresita C. Schaffer. - Washington/D.C.: CSIS Global<br />

Health Policy Center, 2010. - 14 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/101115_Schaffer_USEngageIndia<br />

nHealth_Web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926137<br />

699 Silva, Peri: The role of importers and exporters in the<br />

determination of the U.S. tariff preferences granted to Latin<br />

America / Peri Silva. - In: Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 207-219, Tab., Lit. S. 219<br />

DIE D 926360 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

700 Stokes, Bruce: At our own game / by Bruce Stokes. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (April 2, 2011) 14,<br />

S. 30-35<br />

SWP D 926660 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

701 Transshipment and diversion : Are U.S. trading partners<br />

doing enough to prevent the spread of dangerous<br />

technologies? hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation and Trade of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, July 22, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-122)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

09.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925962<br />


702 Ferchen, Matt: China-Latin America relations : long-term boon<br />

or short-term boom? / Matt Ferchen. - In: The Chinese Journal<br />

of International Politics (Oxford), 4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 55-86<br />

SWP D 925862 SWP: X. 892<br />

703 Santiso, Javier: China cada vez más cerca de América Latina<br />

/ Javier Santiso. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera<br />

2011) 56, S. 91-102<br />

SWP D 925833 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

704 Silva, Peri: The role of importers and exporters in the<br />

determination of the U.S. tariff preferences granted to Latin<br />

America / Peri Silva. - In: Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 207-219, Tab., Lit. S. 219<br />

DIE D 926360 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

705 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />


706 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />


707 Assessing the Merida Initiative : A report from the<br />

Government Accountability Office (GAO) ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 21, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

109)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

08.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925774<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 34 2011.05.06

RD03.03 HAITI<br />

708 The crisis in Haiti : Are we moving far enough? hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

111th Congress, 2nd Session, July 29, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,147 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-110)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

89.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925772<br />


709 Gonzalez-Vicente, Ruben: China's engagement in South<br />

America and Africa's extractive sectors: new perspectives for<br />

resource curse theories / Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 65-88<br />

GIGA D 925871 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


710 Combating climate change in Africa : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, April 15, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

105)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:560<br />

54.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926412<br />

711 Pehnelt, Gernot: The political economy of China's aid policy in<br />

Africa / Gernot Pehnelt. - In: Securing global economy: G8<br />

global governance for a post-crisis worlds / ed. by Andreas<br />

Freytag ... - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2011, S. 97-113 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925799 SWP: A.11/0050<br />



712 The Great Lakes region: current conditions and U.S. policy<br />

: hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health<br />

of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 25, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,68 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-106)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:566<br />

82.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926410<br />


713 Gonzalez-Vicente, Ruben: China's engagement in South<br />

America and Africa's extractive sectors: new perspectives for<br />

resource curse theories / Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 65-88<br />

GIGA D 925871 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

714 Abdulsamed, Farah: Somali investment in Kenya / Farah<br />

Abdulsamed. - London: Chatham House, 2011. - 16 S., Kt. -<br />

(Briefing Paper / Chatham House; AFP BP 2011/02)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/18824_bp0311_abdulsam<br />

ed.pdf<br />

SWP D 925924<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

715 Abdulsamed, Farah: Somali investment in Kenya / Farah<br />

Abdulsamed. - London: Chatham House, 2011. - 16 S., Kt. -<br />

(Briefing Paper / Chatham House; AFP BP 2011/02)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/18824_bp0311_abdulsam<br />

ed.pdf<br />

SWP D 925924<br />

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

RG00.13 PERSIAN GULF<br />

716 Davidson, Christopher M.: The Persian Gulf and Pacific Asia :<br />

from indifference to interdependence / Christopher Davidson. -<br />

London: Hurst, 2010. - XIV,145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 133-136, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-8490-4099-0<br />

GIGA D 926568 IMES: GST-A/15 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

717 Pitron, Guillaume: Liens méconnus entre Khartoum et<br />

Washington : quand la gomme arabique fait tanguer l'Amérique<br />

/ de Guillaume Pitron. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris),<br />

58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 12-13<br />

SWP D 926037 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

718 Oversight: hard lessons learned in Iraq and benchmarks<br />

for the future reconstruction efforts : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, February<br />

24, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-82)<br />

http://www.hcfa.house.gov/111/55125.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926312<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

719 Fustier, Nathalie; Yahya, Khalid O. al-: Saudi Arabia as a<br />

humanitarian donor : high potential, little institutionalization /<br />

Khalid Al-Yahya ; Nathalie Fustier. - Berlin: Global Public Policy<br />

Institute, 2011. - 37 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Research Paper Series / Global Public Policy Institute; No. 14)<br />

http://www.gppi.net/fileadmin/media/pub/2011/al-yahya-fustier_2<br />

011_saudi-arabia-as-humanitarian-donor_gppi.pdf<br />

SWP D 925769<br />


720 Afghanistan reconstruction oversight : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, May 20,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,43 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-96)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:565<br />

58.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926308<br />

721 Kuchins, Andrew C.: A truly regional economic strategy for<br />

Afghanistan / Andrew C. Kuchins. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 77-91<br />

SWP D 926619 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

722 Implementing tougher sanctions on Iran : A progress report ;<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, December<br />

1, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,75 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-136)<br />

HSFK D 926622<br />


723 Kawai, Masahiro; Zhai, Fan: Asia’s post-global financial crisis<br />

adjustment: : A model-based dynamic scenario analysis /<br />

Masahiro Kawai and Fan Zhai. - In: Asian Development Review<br />

(Manila), 27 (2010) 2, S. 122-151, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 150-151<br />

GIGA D 926416 IAS: 3/763 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 35 2011.05.06

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />


724 Asia’s economic transformation : implications for Australia /<br />

Jenny Corbett ... Crawford School of Economics and<br />

Government, The Australian National University - Canberra,<br />

2011. - 12 S. - (Policy Briefs / Crawford School of Economics<br />

and Government; 10)<br />

http://www.crawford.anu.edu.au/pdf/policy_briefs/2011/implicatio<br />

ns_for_australia.pdf<br />

SWP D 925779<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

725 Guide business 2011 : Inde - In: Le MOCI (Paris), (14-27 avril<br />

2011) 1888, S. 20-64, Kt., Tab.<br />

DFI D 925824 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

726 Schaffer, Teresita C.: U.S. engagement in Indian health care :<br />

what is the impact? A report of the CSIS Global Health Policy<br />

Center / Teresita C. Schaffer. - Washington/D.C.: CSIS Global<br />

Health Policy Center, 2010. - 14 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/101115_Schaffer_USEngageIndia<br />

nHealth_Web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926137<br />

RI02.15 SINGAPORE<br />

727 Hamanaka, Shintaro: Examination of the Singapore shift in<br />

Japan's foreign direct investment in services in ASEAN /<br />

Shintaro Hamanaka. - Tokyo: Asian Development Bank<br />

Institute, March 2011. - 24 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Working Paper / Asian Development Bank Institute; No. 267)<br />

http://www.adbi.org/files/2011.03.09.wp267.singapore.japan.fdi.a<br />

sean.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925671<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

728 Cambodia's small debt: when will the U.S. forgive? Hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global<br />

Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, September<br />

30, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,44 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-128)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:615<br />

19.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926330<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

729 Davidson, Christopher M.: The Persian Gulf and Pacific Asia :<br />

from indifference to interdependence / Christopher Davidson. -<br />

London: Hurst, 2010. - XIV,145 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 133-136, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-8490-4099-0<br />

GIGA D 926568 IMES: GST-A/15 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

730 Yang, Jiang: Response and responsibility : China in East<br />

Asian financial cooperation / Yang Jiang. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 603-624<br />

GIGA D 925835 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


731 Blanchard, Jean-Marc F.: China's grand strategy and money<br />

muscle : The potentialities and pratfalls of China's Sovereign<br />

Wealth Fund and renminbi policies / Jean-Marc F. Blanchard. -<br />

In: The Chinese Journal of International Politics (Oxford),<br />

4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 31-53<br />

SWP D 925861 SWP: X. 892<br />

732 Ferchen, Matt: China-Latin America relations : long-term boon<br />

or short-term boom? / Matt Ferchen. - In: The Chinese Journal<br />

of International Politics (Oxford), 4 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 55-86<br />

SWP D 925862 SWP: X. 892<br />

733 Gonzalez-Vicente, Ruben: China's engagement in South<br />

America and Africa's extractive sectors: new perspectives for<br />

resource curse theories / Ruben Gonzalez-Vicente. - In: The<br />

Pacific Review (Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 65-88<br />

GIGA D 925871 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

734 The growth locomotive of the People’s Republic of China :<br />

macro and terms-of-trade impacts on neighboring countries /<br />

Yinhua Mai ... - In: Asian Development Review (Manila),<br />

27 (2010) 2, S. 82-121, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 120-121<br />

GIGA D 926415 IAS: 3/763 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

735 Pehnelt, Gernot: The political economy of China's aid policy in<br />

Africa / Gernot Pehnelt. - In: Securing global economy: G8<br />

global governance for a post-crisis worlds / ed. by Andreas<br />

Freytag ... - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2011, S. 97-113 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925799 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

736 Santiso, Javier: China cada vez más cerca de América Latina<br />

/ Javier Santiso. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera<br />

2011) 56, S. 91-102<br />

SWP D 925833 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

737 Stokes, Bruce: At our own game / by Bruce Stokes. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (April 2, 2011) 14,<br />

S. 30-35<br />

SWP D 926660 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

738 Yang, Jiang: Response and responsibility : China in East<br />

Asian financial cooperation / Yang Jiang. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 603-624<br />

GIGA D 925835 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

739 Hamanaka, Shintaro: Examination of the Singapore shift in<br />

Japan's foreign direct investment in services in ASEAN /<br />

Shintaro Hamanaka. - Tokyo: Asian Development Bank<br />

Institute, March 2011. - 24 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Working Paper / Asian Development Bank Institute; No. 267)<br />

http://www.adbi.org/files/2011.03.09.wp267.singapore.japan.fdi.a<br />

sean.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925671<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

740 Asia’s economic transformation : implications for Australia /<br />

Jenny Corbett ... Crawford School of Economics and<br />

Government, The Australian National University - Canberra,<br />

2011. - 12 S. - (Policy Briefs / Crawford School of Economics<br />

and Government; 10)<br />

http://www.crawford.anu.edu.au/pdf/policy_briefs/2011/implicatio<br />

ns_for_australia.pdf<br />

SWP D 925779<br />


741 Pandya, Amit A.; Herbert-Burns, Rupert; Kobayashi,<br />

Junko: Maritime commerce and security: The Indian Ocean /<br />

Amit A. Pandya and Rupert Herbert-Burns with Junko<br />

Kobayashi. - Washington/D.C.: Henry L. Stimson Center, 2011.<br />

- 167 S. - ISBN 978-0-9845211-6-6<br />

http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/March4_-_<br />

Full.pdf<br />

SWP D 925652<br />


742 Gradziuk, Artur: The G20 on the path to finding relevance in<br />

the new world economic order / Artur Gradziuk. - Warsaw:<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2011. - 9 S. - (PISM<br />

Policy Paper; No. 5)<br />

http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=6299<br />

DGAP D 926552<br />

743 Zhao, Mingwen: SCO : moving forward amid international<br />

financial crisis / Zhao Mingwen. - In: China International<br />

Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 45-61<br />

DIE D 925925 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 36 2011.05.06


744 Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development<br />

Goals : progress through partnership ; hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights<br />

and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, July 27,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,73 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-121)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

86.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926121<br />



745 Hellmerichs, Sarah: Eine neue internationele<br />

Entwickungsarchitektur : UNCTAD-Bericht für LDC-Konferenz<br />

2011 / Sarah Hellmerichs. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft<br />

und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (Januar 2011), S. 3-4,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925593 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


746 Climate change finance: providing assistance for<br />

vulnerable countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,134 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

120)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926342<br />

747 Financing for development / Peter Nunnenkamp ; Rainer<br />

Thiele. - Kiel: IfW, 2011. - 31 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Kiel Working<br />

Paper; No. 1691)<br />

http://www.ifw-members.ifw-kiel.de/publications/financing-for-dev<br />

elopment-the-gap-between-words-and-deeds-since-monterrey/ka<br />

p-1691<br />

GIGA D 926160<br />


748 Climate change finance: providing assistance for<br />

vulnerable countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,134 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

120)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926342<br />

749 Freytag, Andreas; Pehnelt, Gernot: Debt relief for developing<br />

countries / Andreas Freytag and Gernot Pehnelt. - In: Securing<br />

global economy: G8 global governance for a post-crisis world /<br />

ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2011,<br />

S. 83-96 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925798 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

750 Gloede, Oliver; Baumert, Annette: Devisenreserven in<br />

Schwellenländern : Erklärungsansätze für "exzessive"<br />

Reservehaltung / Annette Baumert und Oliver Gloede. -<br />

In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

39 (Dezember 2010) 12, S. 593-598, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 598<br />

DIE D 926444 DIE: ZA166 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

751 Hellmerichs, Sarah: Eine neue internationele<br />

Entwickungsarchitektur : UNCTAD-Bericht für LDC-Konferenz<br />

2011 / Sarah Hellmerichs. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft<br />

und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (Januar 2011), S. 3-4,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925593 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

752 Malik, Mahnaz: South-south bilateral investment treaties: The<br />

same old story? IV Annual Forum for Developing Country<br />

Investment Negotiators, New Delhi, October 27-29, 2010 /<br />

Mahnaz Malik. - Winnipeg: IISD, oct. 2010. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2011/dci_2010_south_bits.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926156<br />

753 Migrant networks and foreign direct investment / Beata S.<br />

Javorcik ... - In: Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 231-241, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 240-241<br />

Außerdem erschienen als Paper: Washington/D.C.: Worldbank,<br />

2006. - 23 S.<br />

DIE D 926363 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

754 Sally, Razeen: Integrating developing countries into the global<br />

economy : The role of the G8 and global governance / Razeen<br />

Sally. - In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance for<br />

a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 47-62 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925796 SWP: A.11/0050<br />


755 Aidt, Toke S.; Albornoz, Facundo: Political regimes and<br />

foreign intervention / Facundo Albornoz ; Toke S. Aidt. -<br />

In: Journal of Development Economics (Amsterdam),<br />

94 (March 2011) 2, S. 192-201, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 201<br />

DIE D 926357 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

756 A call to action on food security : The Administration's global<br />

strategy ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 1st Session, October 29,<br />

2009 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-72)<br />

HSFK D 926618<br />

757 Cortez, Benjamin; Vogel, Thorsten: Das Konzept einer<br />

Finanztransaktionssteuer unter Anreizgesichtspunkten /<br />

Thorsten Vogel und Benjamin Cortez. -<br />

In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

40 (Februar 2011) 2, S. 73-78, Tab., Lit. S. 78<br />

DIE D 926445 DIE: ZA166 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

758 Delivering aid differently : lessons from the field / Wolfgang<br />

Fengler ... eds. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Inst. Pr., 2010. -<br />

IX, 286 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8157-0480-5<br />

DIE D 926602 DIE: SA252 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

759 Gnath, Katharina: A group's architecture in flux : The G8 and<br />

the Heiligendann process / Katharina Gnath. - San Domenico<br />

di Fiesole: European University Institute, 2010. - 9 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (EUI Working Paper RSCAS; 2010/06)<br />

http://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/13097/RSCAS_2010<br />

_06.pdf?sequence=1<br />

DGAP D 926317<br />

760 Honohan, Patrick; Yoder, Sean: Financial transactions tax :<br />

panacea, threat, or damp squib? / Patrick Honohan ; Sean<br />

Yoder. - In: The World Bank Research Observer (London),<br />

26 (February 2011) 1, S. 138-161, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 159-161<br />

DIE D 925610 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />

761 Miao, Yingchun: Transparency of sovereign wealth funds /<br />

Miao Yingchun. - In: China International Studies (Beijing),<br />

26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 118-134<br />

DIE D 925935 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

762 Oldani, Chiara; Savona, Paolo: Multilateral rule-based trade<br />

and exchange rate regimes / Chiara Oldani ; Paola Savona. -<br />

In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance for a postcrisis<br />

world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...: Ashgate,<br />

2011, S. 25-39 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925795 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 37 2011.05.06

II.4 International Economy / <strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaft / Economie internationale<br />

763 Roubini, Nouriel; Mihm, Stephen: Das Ende der<br />

Weltwirtschaft und ihre Zukunft : Crisis Economics (Orig.: Crisis<br />

economics) / Nouriel Roubini ; Stephen Mihm. Aus dem Engl.<br />

von Jürgen Neubauer ... - Lizenzausgabe der Bundeszentrale<br />

für politische Bildung - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische<br />

Bildung, 2010. - 470 S., Reg., Lit. S. 406-419 - (Schriftenreihe /<br />

Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; 1122) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-593-39102-1<br />

GIGA D 926447 ILAS: INT-C/164 IMES: INT-C/164 IAA: INT-C/164<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

764 Securing global economy : G8 global governance for a<br />

post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011. - XVIII, 218 S. - (Global Finance Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925794 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

765 Tobin, Jennifer L.; Rose-Ackerman, Susan: When BITs have<br />

some bite : The political-economic environment for bilateral<br />

investment treaties / Jennifer L. Tobin ; Susan Rose-Ackerman.<br />

- In: The Review of International Organizations (Boston/Mass.),<br />

6 (March 2011) 1, S. 1-32<br />

SWP D 925757 SWP: X. 876<br />

766 Wintrobe, Ronald: Globalization and violence / Ronald<br />

Wintrobe. - In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance<br />

for a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 117-134 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925800 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

767 Witterauf, Peter: Die internationale Währungsordnung in der<br />

Kritik : Veränderungen sind notwendig / Peter Witterauf. -<br />

In: Politische Studien (München), 62 (März-April 2011) 436,<br />

S. 50-60<br />

SWP D 925748 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


768 Gulrajani, Nilima: Transcending the great foreign aid debate :<br />

managerialism, radicalism and the search for aid effectiveness<br />

/ Nilima Gulrajani. - In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke),<br />

32 (2011) 2, S. 199-216<br />

SWP D 926491 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

769 Wintrobe, Ronald: Globalization and violence / Ronald<br />

Wintrobe. - In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance<br />

for a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 117-134 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925800 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 38 2011.05.06




770 Abousenna, Mona: Intercultural dialogue between European<br />

and non-European societies in a globalised world / Mona<br />

Abousenna. - In: Europe: insights from the outside / Caroline Y.<br />

Robertson-von Trotha (ed.) ... ZAK ... - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 2011. - (Kulturwissenschaft interdisziplinär;<br />

Bd. 5), S. 161-165 - ISBN 978-3-8329-5583-0<br />

IFA D 926583 IFA: 31/128 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


771 Bornemann, Sabine: EU-Haushalt ab 2014 - starker Aufwind<br />

für den Kultursektor? Diverse EU-Konsultationen jetzt für<br />

Kulturbelange nutzen! / Sabine Bornemann. -<br />

In: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen (Hagen), (2010) 4/131,<br />

S. 20-21<br />

IFA D 926504 IFA: Z-D2966 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

772 Naess, Hans Erik: A new agenda? The European Union and<br />

cultural policy / Hans Erik Næss. - London: Alliance Publ. Trust,<br />

2009. - 199 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 189-199 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-9558804-3-8<br />

DGAP D 926197 DGAP: DG 48866<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

773 Münscher, Robert: Vertrauensentwicklung im interkulturellen<br />

Management : ein empirischer Beitrag am Beispiel der<br />

deutsch-französischen Zusammenarbeit / Robert Münscher.<br />

Mit einem Geleitwort von Torsten M. Kühlmann. - Wiesbaden:<br />

Gabler, 2011. - XXIV,543 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 505-533 - (<strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaftspartner) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8349-2710-1 -- Zugl.: Bayreuth, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DFI D 926600 DFI: WF 335.MUEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

774 Provenzano, François: Vies et mort de la francophonie : une<br />

politique française de la langue et de la littérature / François<br />

Provenzano. - [Bruxelles]: Impressions nouvelles, 2011. -<br />

281 S., Reg., Lit. S. 259-272 - (Réflexions faites) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-87449-108-5<br />

DFI D 926373 DFI: YM 380.PRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

775 Habit, Daniel: Europäisierungsdiskurse und der Umgang mit<br />

kulturellem Erbe im postkommunistischen Rumänien / Daniel<br />

Habit. - In: Rumänien heute / Iulia Dondorici (Hg.). - Dt.<br />

Erstausg. - Wien: Passagen-Verl., 2011. - (Passagen Europa<br />

Süd-Ost), S. 133-138 - ISBN 978-3-85165-945-0<br />

IFA D 926572 IFA: 31/127 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

776 Literaturen der Migration in Deutschland : das Beispiel<br />

Afrika = Les littérature de migration en Allemagne: le cas de<br />

l'Afrique - In: Mont Cameroun (Dschang), (décembre 2009) 6,<br />

S. 11-118<br />

IFA D 926467 IFA: Z-KM15 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

777 Münscher, Robert: Vertrauensentwicklung im interkulturellen<br />

Management : ein empirischer Beitrag am Beispiel der<br />

deutsch-französischen Zusammenarbeit / Robert Münscher.<br />

Mit einem Geleitwort von Torsten M. Kühlmann. - Wiesbaden:<br />

Gabler, 2011. - XXIV,543 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 505-533 - (<strong>Internationale</strong> Wirtschaftspartner) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8349-2710-1 -- Zugl.: Bayreuth, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DFI D 926600 DFI: WF 335.MUEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

778 Žiūkienė, Inga: Entwicklung der deutsch-litauischen<br />

Kulturbeziehungen in den Jahren 1990-2009 / Inga Žiūkienė. -<br />

In: Annaberger Annalen (Bammental), 18 (2010), S. 303-362<br />

IFA D 926454 IFA: Z-D4111 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA07.14 LITHUANIA<br />

779 Žiūkienė, Inga: Entwicklung der deutsch-litauischen<br />

Kulturbeziehungen in den Jahren 1990-2009 / Inga Žiūkienė. -<br />

In: Annaberger Annalen (Bammental), 18 (2010), S. 303-362<br />

IFA D 926454 IFA: Z-D4111 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


780 Alekseev, Michail A.: A vicious circle: The security<br />

implications of rising anti-Americanism in the North Caucasus /<br />

Mikhail Alexseev. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 113)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_113.pdf<br />

SWP D 925941<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

781 Habit, Daniel: Europäisierungsdiskurse und der Umgang mit<br />

kulturellem Erbe im postkommunistischen Rumänien / Daniel<br />

Habit. - In: Rumänien heute / Iulia Dondorici (Hg.). - Dt.<br />

Erstausg. - Wien: Passagen-Verl., 2011. - (Passagen Europa<br />

Süd-Ost), S. 133-138 - ISBN 978-3-85165-945-0<br />

IFA D 926572 IFA: 31/127 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RC01 CANADA<br />

782 Huijgh, Ellen: The public diplomacy of federated entities :<br />

examining the Quebec model / Ellen Huijgh. - In: Regional substate<br />

diplomacy today / ed. by David Criekemans. - Leiden ...:<br />

Nijhoff, 2010, S. 125 - ISBN 978-90-04-18357-5<br />

IFA D 926438 IFA: 31/161 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


783 Alekseev, Michail A.: A vicious circle: The security<br />

implications of rising anti-Americanism in the North Caucasus /<br />

Mikhail Alexseev. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 113)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_113.pdf<br />

SWP D 925941<br />

784 Feigenbaum, Harvey B.: America's cultural challenge abroad /<br />

Harvey B. Feigenbaum. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 107-129<br />

SWP D 926521 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


785 Literaturen der Migration in Deutschland : das Beispiel<br />

Afrika = Les littérature de migration en Allemagne: le cas de<br />

l'Afrique - In: Mont Cameroun (Dschang), (décembre 2009) 6,<br />

S. 11-118<br />

IFA D 926467 IFA: Z-KM15 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


786 Abousenna, Mona: Intercultural dialogue between European<br />

and non-European societies in a globalised world / Mona<br />

Abousenna. - In: Europe: insights from the outside / Caroline Y.<br />

Robertson-von Trotha (ed.) ... ZAK ... - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 2011. - (Kulturwissenschaft interdisziplinär;<br />

Bd. 5), S. 161-165 - ISBN 978-3-8329-5583-0<br />

IFA D 926583 IFA: 31/128 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

787 Todorov, Tzvetan: Die Angst vor den Barbaren : kulturelle<br />

Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen (Orig.: La peur des<br />

barbares) / Tzvetan Todorov. Aus dem Französischen von Ilse<br />

Utz. - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische<br />

Bildung, 2011. - 287 S., Reg., Lit. S. 276-281 - (Schriftenreihe<br />

der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; Bd. 1125) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8389-0125-1<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Die Angst vor den Barbaren:<br />

kulturelle Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen. - Hamburg:<br />

Hamburger Ed., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926276 DGAP: DG 48899 ILAS: INT-B/127 IMES: INT-B/127 IAA: INT-<br />

B/127 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

788 Hambleton, Alexandra: Reinforcing identities, non-Japanese<br />

residents, television and cultural nationalism in Japan /<br />

Alexandra Hambleton. - In: Contemporary Japan (Berlin),<br />

23 (2011) 1, Lifestyles in transition - antecedents and<br />

consequences of social change, S. 27-48<br />

GIGA D 926539<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 39 2011.05.06

II.5 International Cultural Relations / <strong>Internationale</strong> Kulturbeziehungen / Relations culturelles internationales<br />


789 Todorov, Tzvetan: Die Angst vor den Barbaren : kulturelle<br />

Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen (Orig.: La peur des<br />

barbares) / Tzvetan Todorov. Aus dem Französischen von Ilse<br />

Utz. - Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische<br />

Bildung, 2011. - 287 S., Reg., Lit. S. 276-281 - (Schriftenreihe<br />

der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung; Bd. 1125) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8389-0125-1<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Die Angst vor den Barbaren:<br />

kulturelle Vielfalt versus Kampf der Kulturen. - Hamburg:<br />

Hamburger Ed., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926276 DGAP: DG 48899 ILAS: INT-B/127 IMES: INT-B/127 IAA: INT-<br />

B/127 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


790 [Gendered representations] - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2, S. 315-365<br />

SWP D 926506 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


791 Provenzano, François: Vies et mort de la francophonie : une<br />

politique française de la langue et de la littérature / François<br />

Provenzano. - [Bruxelles]: Impressions nouvelles, 2011. -<br />

281 S., Reg., Lit. S. 259-272 - (Réflexions faites) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-87449-108-5<br />

DFI D 926373 DFI: YM 380.PRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


792 Abousenna, Mona: Intercultural dialogue between European<br />

and non-European societies in a globalised world / Mona<br />

Abousenna. - In: Europe: insights from the outside / Caroline Y.<br />

Robertson-von Trotha (ed.) ... ZAK ... - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 2011. - (Kulturwissenschaft interdisziplinär;<br />

Bd. 5), S. 161-165 - ISBN 978-3-8329-5583-0<br />

IFA D 926583 IFA: 31/128 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

793 Feigenbaum, Harvey B.: America's cultural challenge abroad /<br />

Harvey B. Feigenbaum. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 107-129<br />

SWP D 926521 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 40 2011.05.06


794 2010 report on the application of the EU Charter of<br />

Fundamental Rights : report from the Commission to the<br />

European Parliament, the Council the European Economic and<br />

Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ;<br />

SEC(2011) 396 final / European Commission. - Brussels, 2011.<br />

- 11 S. - (COM(2011)160final)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Bericht 2010 über die<br />

Anwendung der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen<br />

Union. - 12 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/justice/policies/rights/docs/com_2011_160_e<br />

n.pdf<br />

SWP D 925808<br />

795 Dyevre, Arthur: The German Federal Constitutional Court and<br />

European judicial politics / Arthur Dyevre. - In: West European<br />

Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 346-361<br />

SWP D 925918 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

796 Eijk, Cees van der; Schmitt, Hermann; Sapir, Eliyahu V.:<br />

Die politischen Konsequenzen der niedrigen Wahlbeteiligung<br />

bei der Europawahl 2009 / Cees van der Eijk ; Hermann<br />

Schmitt ; Eliyahu V. Sapir. - In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift<br />

(Wiesbaden), 51 (Dezember 2010) 4, S. 605-617, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. 616-617<br />

FUB D 925805 SWP: X. 92 OSI: ZS 487 DGAP: ZD 205 HSFK: ZS P<br />

DIE: ZK013 Öff.StaO: 188<br />

797 Feichtinger, Walter E.: Transition in Arab states : time for an<br />

"EU-master plan" / by Walter Feichtinger. - Geneva: Geneva<br />

Centre for Security Policy, 2011. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (GCSP Policy Papers; N° 13)<br />

http://www.gcsp.ch/content/download/5101/49121/download<br />

SWP D 925768<br />

798 Lavenex, Sandra: Justice and home affairs: communitarization<br />

with hesitation / Sandra Lavenex. - In: Policy-making in the<br />

European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 457-477 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926018 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

799 Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik: The durability of EU civil service<br />

policy in Central and Eastern Europe after accession / Jan-<br />

Hinrik Meyer-Sahling. - In: Governance (Oxford), 24 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 231-260, Lit. 256-259<br />

FUB D 925804 OSI: OSI NN Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

800 Pawlak, Patryk: Transatlantic homeland security cooperation :<br />

The art of balancing internal security objectives with foreign<br />

policy concerns / Patryk Pawlak. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 63-84, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925721 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

801 Pollack, Mark A.: Theorizing EU policy-making / Mark A.<br />

Pollack. - In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by<br />

Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.<br />

- (The New European Union Series), S. 15-44 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926001 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

802 Pollack, Mark A.; Wallace, Helen; Young, Alasdair R.: EU<br />

policy-making in challenging times : Adversity, adaptability, and<br />

resilience / Mark A. Pollack, Helen Wallace and Alasdair R.<br />

Young. - In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by<br />

Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.<br />

- (The New European Union Series), S. 481-501 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926019 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

803 Schuck, Andreas R. T.; De Vreese, Claes H.: Public support<br />

for referendums : The role of the media / Andreas R. T. Schuck<br />

and Claes H. De Vreese. - In: West European Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 181-207<br />

SWP D 925899 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />


804 Wallace, Helen: An institutional anatomy and five policy modes<br />

/ Helen Wallace. - In: Policy-making in the European Union /<br />

ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ.<br />

Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series), S. 69-104 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926003 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

805 Young, Alasdair R.: The European policy process in<br />

comparative perspective / Alasdair R. Young. - In: Policymaking<br />

in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6.<br />

ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New<br />

European Union Series), S. 45-68 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926002 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

806 NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting (Berlin, 2011-04-14/2011-<br />

04-15) ; Statement on Libya following Berlin working lunch, 14<br />

April 2011 / NATO, Berlin, 14-15-IV-2011, Foreign Ministers. -<br />

Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, 2011. - 2 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/573098/<br />

publicationFile/151270/110414-Libyen-Statement-eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 925765<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

807 Bless, Roland: Countering terrorism while protecting freedom<br />

of the media : A crucial balance for governments / Roland<br />

Bless. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 283-289, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926323 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

808 Eschenbächer, Jens-Hagen; Knoll, Bernhard: Observing<br />

elections in "long-standing democracies" : Added value or<br />

waste of money? / Jens-Hagen Eschenbächer ; Bernhard<br />

Knoll. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 247-<br />

263<br />

IFSH D 926321 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA03.01 FINLAND<br />

809 Alho, Arja: The Finland we have lost : country analysis in the<br />

run-up to the national elections / Arja Alho. - Berlin: Friedrich-<br />

Ebert-Stiftung, 2011. - 13 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(International Policy Analysis) - ISBN 978-3-86872-699-2<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/08010.pdf<br />

SWP D 925827<br />

RA03.02 SWEDEN<br />

810 Aylott, Nicholas: Europe and the Swedish election of<br />

September 19th 2010 / Nicholas Aylott. - Brighton: European<br />

Parties Elections and Referendums Network, 2010. - 9 S., Tab.<br />

- (EPERN Election Briefing; No. 59)<br />

http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sei/documents/epernsweden2010_no59<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 925892<br />

811 Danielsson, Erna; Carlstedt, Berit: The Swedish reserve<br />

officer : filling vacancies or using competences / Erna<br />

Danielsson and Berit Carlstedt. - In: Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 284-300<br />

SWP D 926187 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA03.04 DENMARK<br />

812 Lüddecke, René: Parlamentarisierung der nationalen<br />

Außenpolitik / René Lüddecke. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. -<br />

372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 355-372 - (Studien zum<br />

Parlamentarismus; 16) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5912-8 -- Zugl.:<br />

Halle-Wittenberg, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926233 DGAP: DG 48893<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 41 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />


813 Dandeker, Christopher; Greenberg, Neil; Orme, Geoffrey:<br />

The UK's reserve forces : retrospect and prospect / Christopher<br />

Dandeker, Neil Greenberg, and Geoffrey Orme. - In: Armed<br />

Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2,<br />

S. 341-360<br />

SWP D 926198 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

814 Forster, Anthony: The military, war and the state : testing<br />

authority, jurisdiction, allegiance and obedience / Anthony<br />

Forster. - In: Defense and Security Analysis (Abingdon),<br />

27 (March 2011) 1, S. 55-64<br />

SWP D 925737 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

815 Fulfilling the promise of peace : human rights, peace and<br />

reconciliation in Northern Ireland and Bosnia ; hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human<br />

Rights and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

September 16, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,89 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-127)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:583<br />

07.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926118<br />

816 Lüddecke, René: Parlamentarisierung der nationalen<br />

Außenpolitik / René Lüddecke. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. -<br />

372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 355-372 - (Studien zum<br />

Parlamentarismus; 16) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5912-8 -- Zugl.:<br />

Halle-Wittenberg, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926233 DGAP: DG 48893<br />

817 McCartney, Helen: Hero, victim or villain? The public image of<br />

the British soldier and its implications for defense policy / Helen<br />

McCartney. - In: Defense and Security Analysis (Abingdon),<br />

27 (March 2011) 1, S. 43-54<br />

SWP D 925736 SWP: X. 727 IFSH: Z/17ca<br />

818 Mukherjee, Kunal: British universities and Islamism / Kunal<br />

Mukherjee. - In: Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

30 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 60-78<br />

SWP D 926029 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

819 Quinn, Thomas: From new labour to new politics : The British<br />

general election of 2010 / Thomas Quinn. - In: West European<br />

Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 403-411<br />

SWP D 925937 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />


820 Holsteyn, Joop J. M. van: The Dutch parliamentary election of<br />

2010 / Joop J. M. van Holsteyn. - In: West European Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 412-419<br />

SWP D 925939 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

821 Bell, David: The French extreme left and the persistence of a<br />

revolutionary myth / David Bell. - In: The end of the French<br />

exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French model' / ed. by<br />

Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010,<br />

S. 87-104 - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925623 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

822 Chaussebourg, Laure: Se déclarer victime : de l'atteinte subie<br />

au dépôt de plainte / Laure Chaussebourg. - In: Infostat Justice<br />

(Paris), (novembre 2010) 110, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926240 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

823 Constant, Fred: Mayotte : un département français comme les<br />

autres? / Fred Constant. - In: Regards sur l'actualité (Paris),<br />

(mars 2011) 369, S. 74-87, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925843 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

824 Eleb, Monique; Bendimérad, Sabri: Vu de l'intérieur : habiter<br />

un immeuble en Ile-de-France ; 1945-2010 / Monique Eleb ;<br />

Sabri Benidmérad. - Paris: Archibooks, 2011. - 176 S.,<br />

überw. Ill., Reg. - ISBN 978-2-357-33129-7<br />

DFI D 926395 DFI: FN 370.ELE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

825 Gastaud, Philippe: Sports et mouvements de jeunesse<br />

catholiques en Guadeloupe au XXe siècle : histoire de l'identité<br />

créole / Philippe Gastaud. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010. - 351 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 335-341 - (Espaces et Temps du sport)<br />

- ISBN 978-2-296-12958-0<br />

DFI D 925640 DFI: YF 880.GAST Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

826 Gerstlé, Jacques; François, Abel: Médiatisation de<br />

l'économie et fabrication de la popularité du président français :<br />

(2007-2010) / Jacques Gerstlé et Abel François. - In: Revue<br />

française de science politique (Paris), 61 (avril 2011) 2,<br />

S. 249-282, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926299 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

827 Liquière, Patrice: Politique: mésententes et incompréhensions<br />

/ Patrice Liquière. - In: La France en ... (Paris), (2010),<br />

S. 13-75, Tab., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926383 DFI: FA 840.FRA DGAP: ZD 239 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

828 Petit, Guillaume: Les Français et le FN : état des leiux à l'aube<br />

d'une ère nouvelle ; enquêtes TNS SOFRES / Le Monde,<br />

Canal + et France Inter / Le Figaro Magazine / par Guillaume<br />

Petit. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 31-45, graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

DFI D 926170 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

829 Polices et politiques de sécurité : concilier efficacité et<br />

respect des libertés / dossier réalisé par Frédéric Ocqueteau. -<br />

Paris: La Documentation française, 2010. - 109 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 108-109 - (Problèmes politiques et sociaux;<br />

n° 972)<br />

DFI D 925653 DFI: FC 710.POL DGAP: ZD 242 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

830 Réforme des collectivités locales : quel bilan? - In: Regards<br />

sur l'actualité (Paris), (mars 2011) 369, S. 8-73, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925838 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

831 Rivière, Emmanuel: Présidentielle: 2011, l'anée du tri :<br />

baromètre TNS SOFRES - Figaro Magazine et enquêtes TNS<br />

SOFRES - Novel Observateur / par Emmanuel Rivière. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 15-30, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 926169 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

832 Weber, Claude: The French military reserve : real or abstract<br />

force? / Claude Weber. - In: Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 321-340<br />

SWP D 926194 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

833 Balleis, Siegfried: Die Renaissance der kommunalen<br />

Selbstverwaltung : politische Entscheidung vor Ort / Siegfried<br />

Balleis. - In: Politische Studien (München), 62 (März-April<br />

2011) 436, S. 61-67<br />

SWP D 925749 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

834 Brunstetter, Daniel; Brunstetter, Scott: Shades of green :<br />

engaged pacifism, the Just War tradition, and the German<br />

Greens / Daniel Brunstetter ; Scott Brunstetter. -<br />

In: International Relations (London), 25 (March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 65-84<br />

HSFK D 926429 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

835 Campbell, Ross: Socialist values and political participation in<br />

Germany : A barrier to "inner unity"? / Ross Campbell. -<br />

In: West European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 362-383<br />

SWP D 925920 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

836 Dyevre, Arthur: The German Federal Constitutional Court and<br />

European judicial politics / Arthur Dyevre. - In: West European<br />

Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 346-361<br />

SWP D 925918 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

837 Kaping, Bodo: Bundespolizei See : Aufgaben im europäischen<br />

Kontext / Bodo Kaping. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 59-61<br />

SWP D 926289 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 42 2011.05.06

838 Lüddecke, René: Parlamentarisierung der nationalen<br />

Außenpolitik / René Lüddecke. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. -<br />

372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 355-372 - (Studien zum<br />

Parlamentarismus; 16) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5912-8 -- Zugl.:<br />

Halle-Wittenberg, Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

DGAP D 926233 DGAP: DG 48893<br />

839 Smidt, Wolbert: Der allmächtige Geheimdienst : ein Relikt der<br />

Vergangenheit? / Wolbert Smid. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 85-87<br />

SWP D 926349 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

840 Szczerbiak, Aleks: Europe and the June/July 2010 Polish<br />

presidential election / Aleks Szczerbiak. - Brighton: European<br />

Parties Elections and Referendums Network, 2010. - 15 S.,<br />

Tab. - (EPERN Election Briefing; No. 55)<br />

http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sei/documents/epernpoland2010preside<br />

ntial_no55.pdf<br />

SWP D 925887<br />


841 Tresch, Tibor Szvircsev: The transformation of Switzerland's<br />

militia armed forces and the role of the citizen in uniform / Tibor<br />

Szvircsev Tresch. - In: Armed Forces and Society (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 239-260<br />

SWP D 926183 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


842 Haughton, Tim; Novotná, Tereza; Deegan-Krause, Kevin:<br />

The 2010 Czech and Slovak parliamentary elections : red cards<br />

to the "winners" / Tim Haughton, Tereza Novotná and Kevin<br />

Deegan-Krause. - In: West European Politics (Abingdon),<br />

34 (March 2011) 2, S. 394-402<br />

SWP D 925931 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

843 Hloušek, Vít; Kaniok, Petr: The absence of Europe in the<br />

Czech parliamentary election, May 28-29 2010 / Vít Hloušek<br />

and Petr Kaniok. - Brighton: European Parties Elections and<br />

Referendums Network, 2010. - 13 S., Tab. - (EPERN Election<br />

Briefing; No. 57)<br />

http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sei/documents/epernczechrep2010_no5<br />

7.pdf<br />

SWP D 925889<br />


844 Haughton, Tim; Novotná, Tereza; Deegan-Krause, Kevin:<br />

The 2010 Czech and Slovak parliamentary elections : red cards<br />

to the "winners" / Tim Haughton, Tereza Novotná and Kevin<br />

Deegan-Krause. - In: West European Politics (Abingdon),<br />

34 (March 2011) 2, S. 394-402<br />

SWP D 925931 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

845 Henderson, Karen: Europe and the Slovak parliamentary<br />

election of June 2010 / Karen Henderson. - Brighton: European<br />

Parties Elections and Referendums Network, 2010. - 12 S.,<br />

Tab. - (EPERN Election Briefing; No. 58)<br />

http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sei/documents/no_58_epernslovakia20<br />

10.pdf<br />

SWP D 925890<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

846 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance<br />

(Council of Europe): ECRI report on Turkey : (fourth<br />

monitoring cycle) ; adopted on 10 December 2010 -<br />

Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2011. - 96 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/ecri/Country-by-country/Turk<br />

ey/TUR-CBC-IV-2011-005-ENG.pdf<br />

SWP D 925607<br />

RA07.13 LATVIA<br />

847 Auers, Daunis: Europe and the 2010 parliamentary election in<br />

Latvia / Daunis Auers. - Brighton: European Parties Elections<br />

and Referendums Network, 2011. - 9 S., Tab. - (EPERN<br />

Election Briefing; No. 60)<br />

http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sei/documents/epernl_sei.pdf<br />

SWP D 925894<br />


II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

848 Alekseev, Michail A.: A vicious circle: The security<br />

implications of rising anti-Americanism in the North Caucasus /<br />

Mikhail Alexseev. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 113)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_113.pdf<br />

SWP D 925941<br />

849 Baev, Pavel Konstantin: The terrorism-corruption nexus in the<br />

North Caucasus / Pavel K. Baev. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS<br />

Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 114)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_114.pdf<br />

SWP D 925943<br />

850 Dörrenbächer, Heike; Oliinyk, Volodymyr: Ein Jahr nach den<br />

Präsidentschaftswahlen - quo vadis Ukraine? / von Heike<br />

Dörrenbächer und Volodymyr Oliinyk. - In: Ukraine-Analysen<br />

(Bremen), (08.03.2011) 88, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen88.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926025<br />

851 Kosals, Leonid: Police in Russia: reform or business<br />

restructuring? / by Leonid Kosals. - In: Russian Analytical<br />

Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (19 October 2010)<br />

84, S. 2-5<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/122802/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/a559dda7-4f28-40b9-a8a<br />

6-8d7684a40960/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_84.pdf<br />

SWP D 925681<br />

852 Kurilla, Ivan I.: Local chronicles vs. national history : The<br />

search for Russian identity / Ivan Kurilla. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

115)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_115.pdf<br />

SWP D 925944<br />

853 Lukjanov, Fjodor: Russian confusion about democracy /<br />

Fyodor Lukyanov. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2,<br />

S. 173-152, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926132 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

854 Magomedov, Arbachan Kurbanovič: Political parties in<br />

Dagestan and the October 2010 local elections / by Arbakhan<br />

Magomedov. - In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen), (16 November 2010) 86, S. 7-9<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124092/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/a12fbc87-5c00-4687-896<br />

b-b6c1a6296b89/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_86.pdf<br />

SWP D 925987<br />

855 Medvedev and the governors - In: Russian Analytical Digest<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (16 November 2010) 86,<br />

S. 2-4<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124092/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/a12fbc87-5c00-4687-896<br />

b-b6c1a6296b89/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_86.pdf<br />

SWP D 925985<br />

856 Morozov, Vjaceslav: Dmitry Medvedev’s conservative<br />

modernization : reflections on the Yaroslavl speech /<br />

Viatcheslav Morozov. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia,<br />

2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 134)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_134.pdf<br />

SWP D 925980<br />

857 Morozov, Vjaceslav: Modernizing sovereign democracy?<br />

Russian political thinking and the future of the "reset" /<br />

Viatcheslav Morozov. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia,<br />

2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 130)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_130.pdf<br />

SWP D 925975<br />

858 Petrov, Nikolaj: The evolution of siloviki elites : federal<br />

"generals" in Russis's regions / Nikolay Petrov. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 7 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 117)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_117.pdf<br />

SWP D 925946<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 43 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

859 Poduzov, Sergei: Is police reform taking place in Russia?<br />

A view from the regions / by Sergei Poduzov. - In: Russian<br />

Analytical Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (19<br />

October 2010) 84, S. 7-9<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/122802/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/a559dda7-4f28-40b9-a8a<br />

6-8d7684a40960/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_84.pdf<br />

SWP D 925677<br />

860 Siegert, Jens: Das Medwedew-Institut legt sein "Bild der<br />

wünschenswerten Zukunft Russlands im 21. Jahrhundert" vor /<br />

Jens Siegert. - In: Russland-Analysen (Bremen), (12.03.2010),<br />

S. 2-5<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/russland/pdf/Russlandanalysen1<br />

98.pdf<br />

SWP D 925678<br />

861 Sokirianskaia, Ekaterina: State-building and political<br />

integration in Ingushetia and Chechnya(1991-2009) / by<br />

Ekaterina Sokirianskaia. - In: Russian Analytical Digest<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (16 November 2010) 86,<br />

S. 4-6<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124092/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/a12fbc87-5c00-4687-896<br />

b-b6c1a6296b89/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_86.pdf<br />

SWP D 925986<br />

862 Souleimanov, Emil: Kabardino-Balkaria risks becoming new<br />

insurgency hotspot / by Emil Souleimanov. - In: Central Asia-<br />

Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (02.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5507/print<br />

SWP D 925982<br />

863 Zhemukhov, Sufian: The Circassian question in Russian-<br />

Georgian relations / Sufian Zhemukhov. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

118)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_118.pdf<br />

SWP D 925948<br />

864 Zisk, Kimberly Marten: Russia, Chechnya, and the sovereign<br />

Kadyrov / Kimberly Marten. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS<br />

Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 116)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_116.pdf<br />

SWP D 925945<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

865 Fisun, Oleksandr: Ukrainian teeter-totter : vices and virtues of<br />

a neopatrimonial democracy / Oleksandr Fisun. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 6 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 120)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_120.pdf<br />

SWP D 925954<br />

866 Gall, Caroline von: Neues Justizgesetz - alte Probleme / von<br />

Caroline von Gall. - In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(22.02.2011) 87, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen87.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926023<br />

867 Protsyk, Oleh: Old and new challenges for the current<br />

Ukrainian leadership / Oleh Protsyk. - In: OSCE Yearbook<br />

(Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 167-177, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926199 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

868 Die Ukraine auf dem Weg nach Europa : die Ära<br />

Juschtschenko / Juliane Besters-Dilger ... (Hrsg.). Universität<br />

Wien, Forschungsschwerpunkt Europäische Integration und<br />

südöstliches/östliches Europa - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2011. -<br />

311 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-631-60456-4<br />

Außerdem erschienen mit wenigen Abweichungen u.d.T.:<br />

Ukraine on its way to Europe: interim results of the Orange<br />

Revolution. - Frankfurt/Main: Lang, 2009<br />

DGAP D 926389 DGAP: DG 48901<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

869 Zhemukhov, Sufian: The Circassian question in Russian-<br />

Georgian relations / Sufian Zhemukhov. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

118)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_118.pdf<br />

SWP D 925948<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

870 Blank, Stephen J.: Azerbaijan and human rights: not as simple<br />

as it looks / by Stephen Blank. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus<br />

Analyst [Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(16.02.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5497/print<br />

SWP D 925692<br />

871 Rosenblum, Scott: How serious is Azerbaijan's anti-corruption<br />

campaign? / by Scott Rosenblum. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus<br />

Analyst [Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(02.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5506/print<br />

SWP D 925983<br />



872 Epkenhans, Tim: "Islam” in the security discourse of the postsoviet<br />

republics of Central Asia / Tim Epkenhans. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 93-103, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926153 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

873 Golovko, Léonid: The space for legal reform in Central Asia :<br />

between political limits and theoretical deformations / Leonid<br />

Golovko. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 105-115, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926171 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

874 Abazov, Rafis Fanisovic: Kazakhstan's election puzzle / by<br />

Rafis Abazov. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.03.2011),<br />

ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5516/print<br />

SWP D 926036<br />

875 Cutler, Robert M.: Nazarbaev calls snap April presidential<br />

election / by Robert M. Cutler. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus<br />

Analyst [Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(16.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5513/print<br />

SWP D 926041<br />

876 Utegenova, Ailuna R.: Kazakhstan's 2030 Development<br />

Strategy : significance and results / Ailuna R. Utegenova. -<br />

In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 133-143, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926173 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA07.55 KYRGYZSTAN<br />

877 Gronau, Lina; Kunze, Thomas: From the Tulip Revolution to<br />

the three-day revolution : post-soviet Kyrgyzstan's failure to find<br />

stability / Thomas Kunze ; Lina Gronau. - In: OSCE Yearbook<br />

(Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 145-156, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926182 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

878 Parlamentswahlen in Kirgistan - Free and fair, aber<br />

dennoch nicht unproblematisch : <strong>Dokument</strong>ation -<br />

In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (29.10.2010) 34, S. 12-19<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen34.pdf<br />

SWP D 925688<br />

879 Seifert, Arne Clemens; Usubaliev, Esen: Relations between<br />

the state and the Muslim community in Central Asia : overview,<br />

analysis, practical co-operation in Kyrgyzstan / Arne C. Seifert ;<br />

Esen Usubaliev. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 167-164<br />

IFSH D 926184 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 44 2011.05.06

RA08.01 BALKANS<br />

880 Tieman, Ross: Counter-measures in the Balkans against<br />

organised crime and corruption : report of the high-level<br />

roundtable co-organised by Friends of Europe and the Ministry<br />

of Justice of the Republic of Serbia ; Autumn 2010,<br />

Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels / rapporteur: Ross Tieman.<br />

Publ.: Geert Cami. - Brussels, 2011. - 44 S., zahlr. Ill.<br />

http://www.friendsofeurope.org/Portals/13/Documents/Reports/2<br />

010_BalkansCrimeRT_web.pdf<br />

SWP D 925612<br />

RA08.14 BULGARIA<br />

881 Bulanova-Hristova, Gergana: Von Sofia nach Brüssel :<br />

korrupte Demokratisierung im Kontext der europäischen<br />

Integration / Gergana Bulanova-Hristova. - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos, 2011. - 433 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 401-433 -<br />

(Nomos Universitätsschriften: Politik; Bd. 176) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6037-7 -- Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss.,<br />

2010<br />

DGAP D 926250 DGAP: DG 48896<br />

RA08.15 ALBANIA<br />

882 Korenica, Fisnik; Doli, Dren: Europe and the Albanian<br />

parliamentary election of June 2009 / Fisnik Korenica ; Dren<br />

Doli. - Brighton: European Parties Elections and Referendums<br />

Network, 2010. - 12 S., Tab. - (EPERN Election Briefing; No.<br />

56)<br />

http://www.sussex.ac.uk/sei/documents/epernalbania2009.pdf<br />

SWP D 925888<br />


883 Riese, Sarah; Roehner, Nora; Zürcher, Christoph: External<br />

strategies for post-conflict democratization : Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina, Kosovo, and Macedonia / Sarah Riese ; Nora<br />

Roehner ; Christoph Zuercher. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 265-281, graph.Darst., Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926322 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


884 Fulfilling the promise of peace : human rights, peace and<br />

reconciliation in Northern Ireland and Bosnia ; hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human<br />

Rights and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

September 16, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,89 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-127)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:583<br />

07.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926118<br />


885 Adams, Brian E.: The democratic benefits of devolution / Brian<br />

E. Adams. - In: Korea Journal (Seoul), 50 (Summer 2010) 2,<br />

S. 182-206<br />

GIGA D 926141 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

886 Alekseev, Michail A.: A vicious circle: The security<br />

implications of rising anti-Americanism in the North Caucasus /<br />

Mikhail Alexseev. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010.<br />

- 6 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 113)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_113.pdf<br />

SWP D 925941<br />

887 America and the Iranian political reform movement : first,<br />

do no harm ; hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle<br />

East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

February 3, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2010. - III,64 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 111-93)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:549<br />

40.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926115<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

888 Barnes, James A.: The great distrust / by James A. Barnes. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (March 26, 2011)<br />

13, S. 24-28<br />

SWP D 926657 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

889 Burton, Brian M.; Lord, Kristin M.: Did the State Department<br />

get the quadrennial diplomacy and development review right? /<br />

Brian M. Burton and Kristin M. Lord. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 111-123<br />

SWP D 926623 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

890 Cai, Cuihong; Li, Hao: On the legal foundations of the US<br />

freedom of information and its limitation : An observation<br />

behind WikiLeaks disclosure / Cai Cuihong & Li Hao. -<br />

In: China International Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February<br />

2011) 1, S. 135-146<br />

DIE D 925938 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

891 Epstein, Richard A.: Government by Waiver / Richard A.<br />

Epstein. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011)<br />

7, S. 39-54<br />

SWP D 926632 SWP: X. 897<br />

892 Fantasia, Rick: Contre la mise en cause du droit syndical :<br />

sursaut du mouvement social américain / par Rick Fantasia. -<br />

In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 16<br />

SWP D 926043 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

893 Friedman, Benjamin H.: Managing fear : The politics of<br />

homeland security / Benjamin H. Friedman. - In: Political<br />

Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1,<br />

S. 77-106<br />

SWP D 926519 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

894 Galamas, Francisco: Profiling bioterrorism : present and<br />

potential threats / Francisco Galamas. - In: Comparative<br />

Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.), 30 (January-March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 79-93<br />

SWP D 926032 SWP: X. 633 DGAP: ZD 379 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 12<br />

895 Gilmore, Jonathan: A kinder, gentler counter-terrorism :<br />

counterinsurgency, human security and the War on Terror /<br />

Jonathan Gilmore. - In: Security Dialogue (London),<br />

42 (February 2011) 1, S. 21-37<br />

SWP D 926220 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

896 Griffith, James: Contradictory and complementary identities of<br />

U.S. Army reservists : A historical perspective / James Griffith. -<br />

In: Armed Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 261-283<br />

SWP D 926186 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

897 Hwang, Balbina Y.: Furthering North Korean human rights<br />

through U.S.-ROK cooperation / Balbina Y. Hwang. - San<br />

Francisco/Cal.: Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, 2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/HwangNorthKorea<br />

HumanRightsApril201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925784<br />

898 Jacobson, Gary C.: The Republican resurgence in 2010 /<br />

Gary C. Jacobson. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 27-52<br />

SWP D 926517 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

899 Pawlak, Patryk: Transatlantic homeland security cooperation :<br />

The art of balancing internal security objectives with foreign<br />

policy concerns / Patryk Pawlak. - In: Issues in EU and US<br />

foreign policy / ed. by Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...:<br />

Lexington Books, 2011, S. 63-84, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925721 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

900 The relationship of leadership quality to the political<br />

presence of civic associations / Hahrie C. Han ... -<br />

In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.), 9 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 45-59<br />

SWP D 926663 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 45 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

901 Schoenfeld, Gabriel: Legalism in wartime / Gabriel<br />

Schoenfeld. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring<br />

2011) 7, S. 98-112<br />

SWP D 926638 SWP: X. 897<br />

902 Troy, Tevi: Fixing the confirmation process / Tevi Troy. -<br />

In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011) 7,<br />

S. 82-97<br />

SWP D 926636 SWP: X. 897<br />

903 U.S. strategy for countering jihadist web sides : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and<br />

Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, September 29,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,55 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-130)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:615<br />

16.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925771<br />

904 Zegart, Amy B.: The domestic politics of irrational intelligence<br />

oversight / Amy B. Zegart. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 126 (Spring 2011) 1, S. 1-25<br />

SWP D 926516 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

905 Zywicki, Todd: The auto bailout and the rule of law / Todd<br />

Zywicki. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011)<br />

7, S. 67-80<br />

SWP D 926634 SWP: X. 897<br />


906 Hernández, Ivo; Hurtado, Héctor: El Populismo : una<br />

aproximación a un problema de las democracias de todos los<br />

tiempos / Ivo Hernández ; Héctor Hurtado. - San José:<br />

FLACSO, 2010. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S 125-128 -<br />

(Cuaderno de Ciencias Sociales; 156)<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/Carpeta_2011/Cua<br />

d_CS_156.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926417<br />

907 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: Democracy in Latin America / Wilhelm<br />

Hofmeister. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 179-196,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926135 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

908 Tommasi, Mariano: Latin America : How state capacity<br />

determines policy success / Mariano Tommasi. -<br />

In: Governance (Oxford), 24 (April 2011) 2, S. 199-203<br />

FUB D 925803 OSI: OSI NN Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

909 Hernández Ulate, Aurora; López Ramírez, Alexander;<br />

Jiménez Elizondo, Alicia: Gobernabilidad e instituciones en<br />

las cuencas transfronterizas de América Central y México /<br />

Aurora Hernández Ulate ; Alexander López Ramírez ; Alicia<br />

Jiménez Elizondo. - San José: FLACSO, 2009. - 150 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit S. 137-150 -<br />

ISBN 978-9977-68-175-7<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/2010/LIBRO_CUE<br />


GIGA D 926458<br />


910 Gobierno municipal y seguridad ciudadana en<br />

Centroamérica y República Dominicana: reflexiones y<br />

propuestas para la acción / Rodolfo Calderón Umaña (comp.)<br />

. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Costa Rica -<br />

1a. ed. - San José: FLACSO, 2010. - 214 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit S. 197-205 - ISBN 978-9977-68-210-5<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/munica.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926485<br />

911 Hernández Ulate, Aurora; López Ramírez, Alexander;<br />

Jiménez Elizondo, Alicia: Gobernabilidad e instituciones en<br />

las cuencas transfronterizas de América Central y México /<br />

Aurora Hernández Ulate ; Alexander López Ramírez ; Alicia<br />

Jiménez Elizondo. - San José: FLACSO, 2009. - 150 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit S. 137-150 -<br />

ISBN 978-9977-68-175-7<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/2010/LIBRO_CUE<br />


GIGA D 926458<br />

RD02.02 GUATEMALA<br />

912 Guatemala at a crossroads : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2009 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2009. - III,67 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

34)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:502<br />

93.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925782<br />


913 Gobierno municipal y seguridad ciudadana en<br />

Centroamérica y República Dominicana: reflexiones y<br />

propuestas para la acción / Rodolfo Calderón Umaña (comp.)<br />

. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Costa Rica -<br />

1a. ed. - San José: FLACSO, 2010. - 214 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit S. 197-205 - ISBN 978-9977-68-210-5<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/munica.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926485<br />

RD03.03 HAITI<br />

914 Schünemann, Julia: What role for the EU? Finding a niche in<br />

the Haitian peacebuilding process / Julia Schünemann. -<br />

Brüssel: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior (Madrid), 2009. - 28 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/WP_Haiti_IFP_ENG_mar09.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925865<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

915 Hemmerling, Mario: Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung im<br />

postautoritären Argentinien : ein Beitrag zur Reaktion des<br />

Verfassungsrechts und der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit auf<br />

staatlich gesteuertes Unrecht im Lichte völkerrechtlicher<br />

Verpflichtungen / Mario Hemmerling. - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden:<br />

Nomos, 2011. - 230 S., Lit. S. 213-230 - (Leipziger Schriften<br />

zum Völkerrecht, Europarecht und ausländischem öffentlichen<br />

Recht; Bd. 18) - ISBN 978-3-8329-6190-9 -- Zugl.: Leipzig,<br />

Univ., Diss., 2010<br />

GIGA D 926120 ILAS: ARG-C/6 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.12 BOLIVIA<br />

916 Webber, Jeffery R.: From rebellion to reform in Bolivia : class<br />

struggle, indigenous liberation, and the politics of Evo Morales /<br />

Jeffery R. Webber. - Chicago/Ill.: Haymarket Books, 2011. -<br />

X,286 S., Ill., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-60846-106-6<br />

GIGA D 926116 ILAS: BOL-H/99 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

917 Ferraz, Claudio; Finan, Frederico: Motivating politicians : The<br />

impacts of monetary incentives on quality and performance /<br />

Claudio Ferraz ; Frederico Finanz. - Baltimore/Md.: University<br />

of Maryland, 2010. - 59 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 32-34<br />

http://econweb.umd.edu/~davis/eventpapers/FinanMotivating.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925886<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

918 Der andere 11. September : Gesellschaft und Ethik nach dem<br />

Militärputsch in Chile / Cristian Alvarado Leyton (Hrsg.). -<br />

1. Aufl. - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2010. - 264 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89691-796-6<br />

GIGA D 926133 ILAS: CHL-G/10 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 46 2011.05.06

RD04.16 COLOMBIA<br />

919 Vargas, Gonzalo: Drugs, hearts and minds : irregular war and<br />

the coca economy in South Bolivar, Colombia (1996-2004) /<br />

Gonzalo A. Vargas. - In: Civil Wars (Abingdon), 13 (March<br />

2011) 1, S. 21-39<br />

HSFK D 925907 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

920 Víctimas invisibles, conflicto armado y resistencia civil en<br />

Colombia / David Bondia García ... (coords.) - Barcelona:<br />

Huygens, 2009. - 366 S., Lit.HInw. - (Conflictos, Política y<br />

Derecho; No. 1) - ISBN 978-84-937606-0-1<br />

GIGA D 926651 ILAS: COL-G/23 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.17 PARAGUAY<br />

921 Derechos humanos in Paraguay 2010 : yvypóra derécho<br />

paraguáipe / Carmen Coronel Prosman (coord. general). -<br />

Asunción: CODEHUPY, 2010. - 666 S., Ill., Tab., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.codehupy.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=<br />

doc_download&gid=11&Itemid=21<br />

GIGA D 926119<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

922 Zapata Velasco, Antonio: La comisión de la verdad y<br />

reconciliación y los medios de comunicación : Ayacucho y Lima<br />

/ Antonio Zapata Velasco. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios<br />

Peruanos, 2010. - 61 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documentos de Trabajo /<br />

Instituto de Estudios Peruanos; No. 158) -<br />

ISBN 978-9972-51-282-7<br />

http://www.iep.org.pe/textos/DDT/lacomisiondelaverdad.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926510<br />


923 Mulikita, Njunga M.: The AU Peace and Security Council and<br />

the quest for constitutional democratic governance in Africa : A<br />

critical assessment / Njunga M. Mulikita. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 147-156<br />

SWP D 926103 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

924 Ndlela, R. N.; Green, J. M.; Reddy, P. S.: Traditional<br />

leadership and governance in Africa / R. N. Ndlela, J. M. Green<br />

and P. S. Reddy. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December<br />

2010) 3, S. 1-18<br />

SWP D 926087 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

925 Snodgrass, Lyn: A gendered perspective of post-conflict<br />

reconstruction : African women in peace-building / Lyn<br />

Snodgrass. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (September 2010)<br />

2, S. 109-120<br />

SWP D 926085 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


926 Mulikita, Njunga M.: The AU Peace and Security Council and<br />

the quest for constitutional democratic governance in Africa : A<br />

critical assessment / Njunga M. Mulikita. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 147-156<br />

SWP D 926103 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


927 Hartmann, Jürgen: Staat und Regime im Orient und in Afrika :<br />

Regionenporträts und Länderstudien / Jürgen Hartmann. -<br />

Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011. -<br />

506 S., Lit. S. 456-492, Reg. - ISBN 978-3-531-18042-7<br />

GIGA D 926443 ILAS: INT-H/251 IMES: INT-H/251 IAA: INT-H/251<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

928 Omotola, J. Shola: Mechanisms of post-election conflict<br />

resolution in Africa's "new" democracies / J. Shola Omotola. -<br />

In: African Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (June 2010) 2,<br />

S. 2-13, Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 12-13<br />

GIGA D 926180 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF01.11 BENIN<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

929 Le Bénin à la croisée des chemins : document de réflexion et<br />

de plaidoyer en faveur de l'organisation d'élections crédibles,<br />

transparentes et démocratiques en 2011 et la paix au Bénin /<br />

[Huguette Akplogan Dossa ...] - o.O., 2010. - 19 S. -- Enthält:<br />

Déclaration du Front des Organisations de la Société civile<br />

pour la réalisation de la LEPI (FORS-LEPI)<br />

GIGA D 926329 IAA: BEN-H/24 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.13 IVORY COAST<br />

930 Cathelin, Mélanie: La Côte d'Ivoire entre divisions internes et<br />

stratégies internationales / Mélanie Cathelin. - Paris: Institut<br />

d'Etudes de Sécurité de l'Union Européenne, 2011. - 9 S. -<br />

(ISS Analysis)<br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Cote-d-Ivoire.pdf<br />

SWP D 925934<br />

931 Côte d'Ivoire: Gbagbo fin de partie - In: Jeune Afrique<br />

(Paris), 51 (10-16 avril 2011) 2622, S. 24-31<br />

SWP D 926644 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

932 Twenty-seventh progress report of the Secretary-General<br />

on the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2011. - 21 S., Tab. -<br />

(S/2010/600)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/2011/211<br />

SWP D 925661<br />

RF01.15 GHANA<br />

933 Sakyi, E. Kojo; Azunu, Richardson; Mensah, Kwasi Addei:<br />

Factors impeding anti-corruption policy implementation in Africa<br />

: The case study of Ghana's zero-tolerance for corruption policy<br />

/ E. Kojo Sakyi, Richardson Azunu and Kwasi Addei Mensah. -<br />

In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 61-79<br />

SWP D 926094 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF01.19 LIBERIA<br />

934 Mehler, Andreas; Lambach, Daniel; Smith-Höhn, Judy E.:<br />

Legitimate oligopolies of violence in post-conflict societies with<br />

particular focus on Liberia and Sierra Leone / Andreas Mehler /<br />

Daniel Lambach / Judy Smith-Höhn. - Osnabrück: Deutsche<br />

Stiftung für Friedensforschung, 2010. - 48 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 42-45 - (Forschung DSF; Nr. 23)<br />

http://www.bundesstiftung-friedensforschung.de/pdf-docs/bericht<br />

mehler.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926577 IAA: AFW-H/18 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

935 Adesoji, A. O.: Restoring peace or waging war : security<br />

agencies' management of ethno-religious uprisings in Nigeria /<br />

A. O. Adesoji. - In: African Security Review (Pretoria),<br />

19 (September 2010) 3, S. 2-14, Lit. Hinw. S. 12-14<br />

GIGA D 926391 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

936 Adesola, Funso; Ako-Nai, R. I.: "Recycling" of Nigerian power<br />

elites : A threat to democratic consolidation? / Funso Adesola<br />

and R. I. Ako-Nai. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December<br />

2010) 3, S. 130-146<br />

SWP D 926101 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

937 Kura, Sulaiman Y. Balarabe; Ogundiya, I. S.: Nigeria as a<br />

potential terrorist haven : explaining the convergence of<br />

possibilities and impossibilities / Sulaiman Y. Balarabe Kura<br />

and I. S. Ogundiya. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December<br />

2010) 3, S. 104-115<br />

SWP D 926098 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

938 Nigeria: loss of life, insecurity and impunity in the run-up<br />

to Nigeria's elections / Amnesty International. - London, 2011.<br />

- 18 S. - (Index:AFR44/005/2011)<br />

http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AFR44/005/2011/en/c73<br />

65bb1-8eb5-41c2-be6b-a5338128746a/afr440052011en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925930<br />

939 Onuoha, Freedom C.: The Islamist challenge : Nigeria's Boko<br />

Haram crisis explained / Freedom C. Onuoha. - In: African<br />

Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (June 2010) 2, S. 54-67, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 65-67<br />

GIGA D 926272 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 47 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

940 Special issue : perspectives on Nigeria ; internal conflict, oil<br />

politics, transnational security risks, and opportunities for peace<br />

in the Niger Delta / guest eds.: Jennifer Giroux ... - In: African<br />

Security (Philadelphia/Pa.), 4 (January-March 2011) 1, Special<br />

Issue, S. 1-80<br />

SWP D 926213 SWP: X. 890 DIE: 04ZA024 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.25 SIERRA LEONE<br />

941 Mehler, Andreas; Lambach, Daniel; Smith-Höhn, Judy E.:<br />

Legitimate oligopolies of violence in post-conflict societies with<br />

particular focus on Liberia and Sierra Leone / Andreas Mehler /<br />

Daniel Lambach / Judy Smith-Höhn. - Osnabrück: Deutsche<br />

Stiftung für Friedensforschung, 2010. - 48 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 42-45 - (Forschung DSF; Nr. 23)<br />

http://www.bundesstiftung-friedensforschung.de/pdf-docs/bericht<br />

mehler.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926577 IAA: AFW-H/18 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


942 Kalron, Nir: The Great Lakes of confusion / Nir Kalron. - In:<br />

African Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (June 2010) 2, S. 25-37,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 36-37<br />

GIGA D 926225 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF02.03 GABON<br />

943 Ebang Ondo, Jean Elvis: Guide de l'observatoire nationale<br />

des élections au Gabon / Jean Elvis Ebang Ondo. Préface de<br />

Moïse Nsole Biteghe. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. - 61 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 61, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-13357-0<br />

GIGA D 926328 IAA: GAB-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.04 CAMEROON<br />

944 Fonchingong, Tangie Nsoh: Anglophone Cameroon in search<br />

of identity / Tangie Nsoh Fonchingong. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 19-38<br />

SWP D 926090 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF03.11 ANGOLA<br />

945 Ruigrok, Inge: Reshaping boundaries : regional inequality and<br />

state reforms in Angola / Inge Ruigrok. - In: African Security<br />

Review (Pretoria), 19 (September 2010) 3, S. 41-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 52-53<br />

GIGA D 926452 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF03.14 MALAWI<br />

946 Hussein, Mustafa K.: Malawi's traditional leadership and<br />

democracy consolidation / Mustafa Kennedy Hussein. - In:<br />

Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 92-103<br />

SWP D 926096 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF03.16 NAMIBIA<br />

947 Tötemeyer, Gerhard: Church and state in Namibia : The<br />

politics of reconciliation / Gerhard Tötemeyer. -<br />

Freiburg/Breisgau: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2010. -<br />

188 S., Lit. S. 183-188 - (Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung<br />

und Politik; 38) - ISBN 978-3-928597-57-9<br />

GIGA D 926306 IAA: NAM-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF03.18 ZIMBABWE<br />

948 Zimbabwe: from crisis to renewal : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, one hundred<br />

eleventh Congress, second session, December 2, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

57 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 111-137)<br />

http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/111/62664.pdf<br />

SWP D 925651<br />


949 Corrigan, Terence; Turianskyi, Yarik; Gruzd, Steven: The<br />

state of democracy in South Africa / Terence Corrigan, Yarik<br />

Turianskyi and Steven Gruzd. - In: Panorama (Singapore),<br />

(2010) 2, S. 153-178<br />

GIGA D 926134 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

950 Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye: Ethnic diversity and federalism :<br />

constitution making in South Africa and Ethiopia / Yonatan<br />

Tesfaye Fessha. - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2010. - XII,298 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 271-290, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4094-0310-4<br />

GIGA D 926278 IAA: AFR-G/103 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


951 Meyer, Georg: Piraterie in Ostafrika weitet sich aus / Georg<br />

Meyer. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April<br />

2011) [4], S. 80-82<br />

SWP D 926305 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

952 Nyakwaka, Dorothy A.: The third United Nations law of the<br />

Sea Treaty and the piracy question : The case of the East<br />

African coast / Dorothy A. Nyakwaka. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (September 2010) 2, S. 74-84<br />

SWP D 926080 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

953 Ogola, Leandro Odour: Human security in pastoralist areas of<br />

Eastern Africa / Leandro Odour Ogola. - In: African Security<br />

Review (Pretoria), 19 (September 2010) 3, S. 27-40, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 39-40<br />

GIGA D 926397 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

954 Nyang'oro, Julius E.: JK: A political biography of Jakaya<br />

Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania /<br />

Julius E. Nyang'oro. - Trenton/N.J. ...: Africa World Press,<br />

2011. - XLIII,308 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 295-301 -<br />

ISBN 1-59221-775-3<br />

GIGA D 926244 IAA: TZA-X/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF05.01 ETHIOPIA<br />

955 Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye: Ethnic diversity and federalism :<br />

constitution making in South Africa and Ethiopia / Yonatan<br />

Tesfaye Fessha. - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2010. - XII,298 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 271-290, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4094-0310-4<br />

GIGA D 926278 IAA: AFR-G/103 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

956 Hemmer, Jort; Uzelac, Ana: When the centre doesn't hold :<br />

imagining a different Somalia / Jort Hemmer ; Ana Uzelac. -<br />

The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations<br />

'Clingendael', 2011. - 5 S. - (CRU Policy Brief; 16/2011)<br />

http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CRU_Whent<br />

heCentreDoesntHold_ImaginingaDifferentSomalia.pdf<br />

SWP D 925921<br />

957 Maedl, Anna; Haer, Roos; Odenwald, Michael: Using microlevel<br />

data to map state failure : The example of Somalia / Anna<br />

Maedl ; Roos Haer ; Michael Odenwald. - In: Civil Wars<br />

(Abingdon), 13 (March 2011) 1, S. 61-79<br />

HSFK D 925911 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

958 Meyer, Georg: Piraterie in Ostafrika weitet sich aus / Georg<br />

Meyer. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April<br />

2011) [4], S. 80-82<br />

SWP D 926305 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

959 Nyakwaka, Dorothy A.: The third United Nations law of the<br />

Sea Treaty and the piracy question : The case of the East<br />

African coast / Dorothy A. Nyakwaka. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (September 2010) 2, S. 74-84<br />

SWP D 926080 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

960 Shinn, David Hamilton: Al Shabaab's foreign threat to<br />

Somalia / by David Shinn. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam),<br />

55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 213-215<br />

SWP D 925709 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


961 Fakhro, Elham; Hokayem, Emile el-: Waking the Arabs /<br />

Elham Fakhro and Emile Hokayem. - In: Survival (Abingdon),<br />

53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 21-30<br />

SWP D 925955 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 48 2011.05.06

962 Hartmann, Jürgen: Staat und Regime im Orient und in Afrika :<br />

Regionenporträts und Länderstudien / Jürgen Hartmann. -<br />

Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011. -<br />

506 S., Lit. S. 456-492, Reg. - ISBN 978-3-531-18042-7<br />

GIGA D 926443 ILAS: INT-H/251 IMES: INT-H/251 IAA: INT-H/251<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

963 Rekawek, Kacper: Al Qaeda and the revolutions in the Arab<br />

world / Kacper Rękawek. - Warsaw: Polish Institute of<br />

International Affairs, 2011. - 2 S. - (Bulletin / Polish Institute of<br />

International Affairs; No. 26 (243))<br />

http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=6025<br />

DGAP D 926307<br />

964 Révolutions: un nouveau monde arabe - In: Jeune Afrique<br />

(Paris), 51 (17-30 avril 2011) 2623-2624, S. 30-41<br />

SWP D 926650 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

965 Sharekh, Alanoud al-: Reform and rebirth in the Middle East /<br />

Alanoud Al Sharekh. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May<br />

2011) 2, S. 51-60<br />

SWP D 925959 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

966 United States Institute of Peace (Washington/D.C.):<br />

Traveling toward the rule of law in the Middle East and North<br />

Africa : Avenues and obstacles / United States Institute of<br />

Peace ; Colette Rausch ... - Washington/D.C.: United States<br />

Institute of Peace, April 20, 2011. - 4 S. - (Peace Brief; 90)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB90-Rule_of_Law_ME_and<br />

_North_Africa.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926425<br />


967 Benantar, Abdennour: La démocratisation des états arabes<br />

redéfinira le dialoue de sécurité en Méditerranée / Abdennour<br />

Benantar. - Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, 2011. - 5 S. - (Notes<br />

Internacionals CIDOB; 29)<br />

http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/26648/322774/file/NO<br />

TES+29_ABDENOUR.pdf<br />

SWP D 925665<br />

968 Facebook, Twitter, Al-Jazeera et le "printemps arabe" /<br />

sous la dir. de François-Bernard Huyghe. Institut de Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s et Stratégiques. - Paris, 2011. - 19 S. -<br />

(Observatoire géostratégique de l'information)<br />

http://www.iris-france.org/docs/kfm_docs/docs/2011-04-04-faceb<br />

ook-twitter-al-jazeera-et-le-printemps-arabe.pdf<br />

SWP D 925663<br />

969 Feichtinger, Walter E.: Transition in Arab states : time for an<br />

"EU-master plan" / by Walter Feichtinger. - Geneva: Geneva<br />

Centre for Security Policy, 2011. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (GCSP Policy Papers; N° 13)<br />

http://www.gcsp.ch/content/download/5101/49121/download<br />

SWP D 925768<br />

970 Neoliberale Malaise und menschliche Unsicherheit : Blicke<br />

auf den Arabischen Frühling ; ein W&E-Feature -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 8<br />

DIE D 925602 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />


971 Ebert, Hans-Georg; Qadri, Muhammad Basa: Die Qadrî-<br />

Pâshâ-Kodifikation : Islamisches Personalstatut der<br />

hanafitischen Rechtsschule / Hans-George Ebert. - Frankfurt<br />

a.M. ...: Peter Lang, 2010. - 215 S. - (Leipziger Beiträge zur<br />

Orientforschung; Bd. 23) - ISBN 978-3-631-59615-9<br />

GIGA D 926483 IMES: MEA-D/22 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

972 United States Institute of Peace (Washington/D.C.):<br />

Analyzing post-conflict justice and islamic law / United States<br />

Institute of Peace ; Scott Worden ... - Washington/D.C.: United<br />

States Institute of Peace, March 23, 2011. - 5 S. - (Peace Brief;<br />

87)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB87.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926492 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

973 Martínez, Luís: La vague démocratique se heurtera-t-elle à la<br />

rente pétrolière? / Luis Martinez. - Paris: Centre d'Etudes et de<br />

Recherches <strong>Internationale</strong>s, 2011. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.ceri-sciences-po.org/archive/2011/avril/art_lm.pdf<br />

SWP D 925662<br />

RG01.01 MAGHREB<br />

974 Pham, J. Peter: Foreign influences and shifting horizons : The<br />

ongoing evolution of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb / by J.<br />

Peter Pham. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam), 55 (March-June 2011) 2,<br />

S. 240-254<br />

SWP D 925711 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

975 Linn, Rachel: "Change within continuity" : The equity and<br />

reconciliation commission and political reform in Morocco /<br />

Rachel Linn. - In: The Journal of North African Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 16 (March 2011) 1, S. 1-17<br />

SWP D 926653 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3<br />

RG01.13 ALGERIA<br />

976 Benantar, Abdennour: La démocratisation des états arabes<br />

redéfinira le dialoue de sécurité en Méditerranée / Abdennour<br />

Benantar. - Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, 2011. - 5 S. - (Notes<br />

Internacionals CIDOB; 29)<br />

http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/26648/322774/file/NO<br />

TES+29_ABDENOUR.pdf<br />

SWP D 925665<br />

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

977 Piot, Olivier: La révolution tunisienne : dix jours qui<br />

ébranlèrent le monde arabe / Olivier Piot. - Paris: Les petits<br />

matins, 2011. - 150 S., Ill., Kt., Zeittaf., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-915879-93-3<br />

GIGA D 926217 IMES: TUN-H/16 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

978 Soulèvements populaires en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-<br />

Orient (IV) : La voie tunisienne = Popular protests in North<br />

Africa and the Middle East (IV): Tunisia’s way / International<br />

Crisis Group. - Tunis ..., 2011. - 38 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (ICG<br />

Middle East/North Africa Report; N° 106)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20Nort<br />

h%20Africa/North%20Africa/106%20Soulevements%20populaire<br />

s%20en%20Afrique%20du%20Nord%20et%20au%20Moyen-Ori<br />

ent%20-IV-%20La%20voi%20Tunisienne.ashx<br />

GIGA D 926664<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

979 Berti, Benedetta; Lindenstrauss, Gallia: The international<br />

action in Libya : revitalizing the responsibility [to protect] /<br />

Benedetta Berti and Gallia Lindenstrauss. - Tel Aviv: Institute<br />

for National Security Studies, 2011. - 3 S. - (INSS Insight; No.<br />

250)<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291301995826.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926556<br />

980 NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting (Berlin, 2011-04-14/2011-<br />

04-15) ; Statement on Libya following Berlin working lunch, 14<br />

April 2011 / NATO, Berlin, 14-15-IV-2011, Foreign Ministers. -<br />

Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, 2011. - 2 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/cae/servlet/contentblob/573098/<br />

publicationFile/151270/110414-Libyen-Statement-eng.pdf<br />

SWP D 925765<br />

981 Reuter, Christoph: wer kämpft gegen Gaddafi? / Revolution<br />

der Juristen. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft<br />

für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3,<br />

S. 70-77<br />

DGAP D 926586 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

982 Sinjen, Svenja: Der Preis der Freiheit : Fall Libyen: was wir<br />

neu denken müssen / Svenja Sinjen. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik /<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld),<br />

66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 78-83<br />

DGAP D 926588 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 49 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

RG01.16 EGYPT<br />

983 Faris, David: Revolutions without revolutionaries? Social<br />

media networks and regime response in Egypt / David Faris. -<br />

Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2010. - XII,244 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-244, Lit. Hinw. - (Publicly<br />

Accessible Penn Dissertations; No. 116)<br />

http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1195&con<br />

text=edissertations<br />

GIGA D 926109<br />

984 Karawan, Ibrahim A.: Politics and the army in Egypt / Ibrahim<br />

A. Karawan. - In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2,<br />

S. 43-50<br />

SWP D 925957 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

985 Iroanya, Richard Obinna: Arms transfer and conflict in Africa :<br />

The role of China in Sudan / Richard Obinna Iroanya. - In:<br />

Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 183-197<br />

SWP D 926104 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

986 Woodward, Peter: Towards two Sudans / Peter Woodward. -<br />

In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 5-10<br />

SWP D 925953 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

987 Days of rage : protests and repression in Iraq / Amnesty<br />

International. - London, 2011. - 24 S., Ill. -<br />

(Index:MDE14/013/2011)<br />

http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/MDE14/013/2011/en/99<br />

1fffba-1762-43d1-8b4f-1555eb568d17/mde140132011en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925766<br />

988 Pflüger, Friedbert: In milden Kurdistan : die nordirakische<br />

Provinz ist stabil - und ein interessanter Wirtschaftspartner /<br />

Friedbert Pflüger. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni<br />

2011) 3, S. 112-116<br />

DGAP D 926616 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

989 Sky, Emma: Preventing Arab-Kurd conflict in Iraq after the<br />

withdrawal of U.S. Forces / Emma Sky. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

United States Institute of Peace, March 22, 2011. - 5 S. -<br />

(Peace Brief; 86)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB%2086.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926512<br />

RG02.13 LEBANON<br />

990 Khatib, Lina: Hizbullah's political strategy / Lina Khatib. -<br />

In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 61-76<br />

SWP D 925960 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

991 Zisser, Eyal: The Syria of Bashar al-Asad : At a crossroads /<br />

Zisser, Eyal. - Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies,<br />

2011. - ca. 2 S. - (INSS Insight; No. 249)<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=505<br />

1<br />

SWP D 925895<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

992 Perliger, Arie: The changing nature of the Israeli reserve<br />

forces : present crises and future challenges / Arie Perliger. -<br />

In: Armed Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 216-238<br />

SWP D 926181 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


993 Khan, Mushtaq H.: Post-Oslo state-building strategies and<br />

their limitations : transcript of the Yusif A. Sayigh Development<br />

Lecture 2010 / Mushtaq H. Khan. - London: School of Oriental<br />

and African Studies, 2010. - 22 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://mercury.soas.ac.uk/users/mk17/Docs/Prof%20Mushtaq%2<br />

0Final%20Transcript%20Sayigh%20Lecture.pdf<br />

SWP D 925763<br />

RG03.01 GULF STATES<br />

994 Jones, Toby Craig: Counterrevolution in the Gulf / Toby C.<br />

Jones. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace,<br />

April 15, 2011. - 5 S. - (Peace Brief; 89)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB%2089%20Counterrevoluti<br />

on%20in%20the%20Gulf.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926076 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.11 BAHRAIN<br />

995 Jones, Toby Craig: Counterrevolution in the Gulf / Toby C.<br />

Jones. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace,<br />

April 15, 2011. - 5 S. - (Peace Brief; 89)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB%2089%20Counterrevoluti<br />

on%20in%20the%20Gulf.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926076 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

996 Ottaway, Marina S.: Bahrain: between the United States and<br />

Saudi Arabia / Marina Ottaway. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, 2011. - ca. 5 S. -<br />

(Commentary / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)<br />

http://carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id<br />

=43416<br />

SWP D 925914<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

997 Jones, Toby Craig: Counterrevolution in the Gulf / Toby C.<br />

Jones. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace,<br />

April 15, 2011. - 5 S. - (Peace Brief; 89)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB%2089%20Counterrevoluti<br />

on%20in%20the%20Gulf.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926076 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.16 YEMEN<br />

998 Faqih, Abdullah al-: The Yemen uprising : imperatives for<br />

change and potential risk / Abdullah al-Faqih. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos,<br />

2011. - 9 S., Tab. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; 58/2011) -<br />

(Mediterranean & Arab World)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/d856ba8046<br />

35404797d7bfc4d090bb2e/ARI58-2011_Al-faqih_Yemen_Uprisin<br />

g_Change_Risks.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=d856ba8046<br />

35404797d7bfc4d090bb2e<br />

GIGA D 925614<br />

999 Moment of truth for Yemen / Amnesty International. - London,<br />

2011. - 42 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Index:MDE31/007/2011)<br />

http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/MDE31/007/2011/en/5fa<br />

56895-8601-49c5-a7d0-a2fdecdfab5b/mde310072011en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925767<br />


1000 Hartzell, Caroline A.: Missed opportunities : The impact of<br />

DDR on SSR in Afghanistan / Caroline A. Hartzell. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2011. - 16 S. - (Special Report / United<br />

States Institute of Peace; 270)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/SR270-Missed_Opportunities.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925792<br />

1001 Johnson, Chris; Leslie, Jolyon: Afghanistan : The mirage of<br />

peace / Chris Johnson and Jolyon Leslie. - [Updated ed.] -<br />

London ...: Zed Books, 2008. - XIV, 255 S.,<br />

Ill., Kt., Gloss., Reg., Lit. S. [243]-247 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84277-956-9<br />

DGAP D 926224 DGAP: DG 48889.A2<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

1002 America and the Iranian political reform movement : first,<br />

do no harm ; hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle<br />

East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

February 3, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2010. - III,64 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 111-93)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:549<br />

40.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926115<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 50 2011.05.06

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

1003 Bad company: Lashkar e-Tayyiba and the growing<br />

ambition of Islamist militancy in Pakistan. : hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

111th Congress, 2nd Session, March 11, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,57 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 111-98)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:553<br />

99.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925974<br />

1004 Rizvi, Hasan Askari: Democracy in Pakistan / Hasan Askari<br />

Rizvi. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 117-136, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926130 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

1005 Montero, David: Un procès quarante ans après la guerre / par<br />

David Montero. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 58 (avril<br />

2011) 685, S. 8-9<br />

SWP D 926034 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1006 Bagchi, Indrani: A tale of two Manmohan Singhs / Indrani<br />

Bagchi. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 110 (April<br />

2011) 735, S. 131-135<br />

SWP D 926453 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1007 Chopra, Deepta: Policy making in India : A dynamic process /<br />

Deepta Chopra. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), 84 (March<br />

2011) 1, Special issue: experiencing the state: marginalized<br />

people and the politics of development in contemporary India,<br />

S. 89-108<br />

GIGA D 926113 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1008 Tillin, Louise: Questioning borders : social movements,<br />

political parties and the creation of new states in India / Louise<br />

Tillin. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), 84 (March 2011) 1,<br />

Special issue: experiencing the state: marginalized people and<br />

the politics of development in contemporary India, S. 67-88<br />

GIGA D 926112 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1009 Williams, Philippa; Vira, Bhaskar; Chopra, Deepta:<br />

Marginality, Agency and power : experiencing the state in<br />

contemporary India / Philippa Williams ; Bhaskar Vira ; Deepta<br />

Chopra. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), 84 (March 2011) 1,<br />

Special issue: experiencing the state: marginalized people and<br />

the politics of development in contemporary India, S. 7-25<br />

GIGA D 926107 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.15 NEPAL<br />

1010 Suhrke, Astri: Virtues of narrow mission : The UN peace<br />

operation in Nepal / Astri Suhrke. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), 17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 37-55,<br />

Lit. S. 52-55<br />

DIE D 925656 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

RI01.16 SRI LANKA<br />

1011 Sharif, Iffath A.: Does political competition lessen ethnic<br />

discrimination? Evidence from Sri Lanka / Iffath A. Sharif. -<br />

In: Journal of Development Economics (Amsterdam),<br />

94 (March 2011) 2, S. 277-289, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 289<br />

DIE D 926369 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1012 Croissant, Aurel: Provisions, practices and performances of<br />

constitutional review in democratizing East Asia / Aurel<br />

Croissant. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 23 (December<br />

2010) 5, S. 549-578<br />

GIGA D 925826 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1013 Croissant, Aurel; Bünte, Marco: democracy in Southeast<br />

Asia : An assessment of practices, problems and prospects /<br />

Aurel Croissant and Marco Bünte. - In: Panorama (Singapore),<br />

(2010) 2, S. 19-40, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926122 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1014 Fuker, Michael: Konflikte und maritime Sicherheitspolitik : das<br />

Südchinesische Meer und die Transitrouten Südostasiens /<br />

Michael Fuker. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 19-23, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925981 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1015 Gibson, Thomas: Islamic narrative and authority in Southeast<br />

Asia : from the 16th to the 21st century / Thomas Gibson. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - XII,253 S. -<br />

(Contemporary Anthropology of Religion) - ISBN 1-4039-7983-9<br />

HSFK D 925590 HSFK: 40.993 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1016 Crimes against humanity : when will Indonesia's military be<br />

held accountable for deliberate and systematic abuses in West<br />

Papua? Hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific<br />

and the Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, September 22, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,182 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

132)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:584<br />

30.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926324<br />

1017 Hadiwinata, Bob S.; Agustin, Ivana: Democracy in Indonesia<br />

: staggering towards consolidation / Bob S. Hadiwinata and<br />

Ivana Agustin. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 59-79,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926126 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1018 Henderson, J. Vernon; Kuncoro, Ari: Corruption and local<br />

democratization in Indonesia : The role of Islamic parties / J.<br />

Vernon Henderson ; Ari Kuncoro. - In: Journal of Development<br />

Economics (Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 164-180,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 179-180<br />

DIE D 926353 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

1019 Abbott, Jason P.: Electoral authoritarianism and the print<br />

media in Malaysia: : measuring political bias and analyzing its<br />

cause / Jason P. Abbott. - In: Asian Affairs (Washington/D.C.),<br />

38 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 1-38<br />

GIGA D 926553 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1020 Chin, James: The future of democracy in Malaysia / James<br />

Chin. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 81-89, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926127 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1021 Moten, Abdul-Rashid: Changing political culture and electoral<br />

behavior in Malaysia / Abdul Rashid Moten. - In: Asian Affairs<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 39-56<br />

GIGA D 926554 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1022 Abinales, Patricio N.: The Philippines in 2010 : blood, ballots,<br />

and beyond / Patricio N. Abinales. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 163-172<br />

SWP D 926499 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1023 Democratic deficits in the Philippines / Clarita R. Carlos ... -<br />

In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 91-104<br />

GIGA D 926128 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1024 Special report: torture in the Philippines & the unfulfilled<br />

promise of the 1987 Constitution - In: Article 2 of the<br />

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Hong<br />

Kong), 10 (March 2011) 1, S. 2-109<br />

http://www.article2.org/pdf/v10n0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925780<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 51 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

RI02.16 THAILAND<br />

1025 Chachavalpongpun, Pavin: Thai democracy : recessed,<br />

regressed, repressed? / Pavin Chachavalpongpun. -<br />

In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 41-49, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926123 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1026 Dalpino, Catharin E.: Thailand in 2010 : rupture and attempts<br />

at reconciliation / Catharin Dalpino. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 51 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 155-162<br />

SWP D 926495 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1027 Dressel, Björn: Judicialization of politics or politicization of the<br />

judiciary? Considerations from recent events in Thailand / Björn<br />

Dressel. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 23 (December 2010)<br />

5, S. 671-691<br />

GIGA D 925848 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1028 Möller, Till Maximilian: Insurgency in Southern Thailand : A<br />

quest for identity / Till Maximilian Möller. - In: Sicherheit und<br />

Frieden (Baden-Baden), 29 (2011) 1, S. 7- 13, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 12/13, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925977 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1029 Nelson, Michael H.: Thailand’s legitimacy conflict between the<br />

Red Shirt protesters and the Abhisit government : Aspects of a<br />

complex political struggle / Michael H. Nelson. - In: Sicherheit<br />

und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 29 (2011) 1, S. 14-18, zahlr. Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925979 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1030 Thailand: The path toward reconciliation : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment<br />

of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, June 10, 2010<br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,120 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-118)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:568<br />

86.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926347<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

1031 Chak, Sopheap: Democracy in Cambodia : progress,<br />

challenges, and pathway / Sopheap Chak. - In: Panorama<br />

(Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 51-58, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 926125 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1032 Ehrentraut, Stefan: Decentralization and the promise of<br />

indigenous peoples' empowerment : The case of the World<br />

Bank in Cambodia / Stefan Ehrentraut. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 89-114<br />

GIGA D 925882 SWP: X. 149 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 465 HSFK: ZS R IAS: 3/797<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

1033 Finding dollars, sense, and legitimacy in Burma / ed. by<br />

Susan L. Levenstein. Essays by Bradley O. Babson ...<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Asia<br />

Program - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 160 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-933549-85-8<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/ASIA_092010_Burma_r<br />

pt_for%20web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926227<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

1034 Croissant, Aurel: Provisions, practices and performances of<br />

constitutional review in democratizing East Asia / Aurel<br />

Croissant. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 23 (December<br />

2010) 5, S. 549-578<br />

GIGA D 925826 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

1035 Xiao, Xinhuang; Hsiao, L. C. Russell: The challenges and<br />

prospect of Taiwan's democracy / Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao<br />

and L. C. Russell Hsiao. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2,<br />

S. 105-115, Lit. S. 115<br />

GIGA D 926129 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


1036 Brown, Kerry: Ballot box China : grassroots democracy in the<br />

final major one-party state / Kerry Brown. - London ...: Zed<br />

Books, 2011. - VIII,184 S., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Asian<br />

Arguments) - ISBN 978-1-84813-820-9<br />

GIGA D 925740 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1037 Geffken, Rolf: Streikrecht in China? Deutsch-chinesischer<br />

Dialog zu Fragen der Gewerkschaftsarbeit / Rolf Geffken. - In:<br />

Asien (Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 91-96<br />

GIGA D 926408 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1038 Iroanya, Richard Obinna: Arms transfer and conflict in Africa :<br />

The role of China in Sudan / Richard Obinna Iroanya. - In:<br />

Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 183-197<br />

SWP D 926104 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1039 Lafitte, Gabriel: Restoring sustainability to Tibet : how the<br />

Tibetan plateau can contribute to global environment & climate<br />

improvement ; a briefing to European Union<br />

Directorate-General on Environment, and EU<br />

Directorate-General on Climate, 4 April 2011 / by Gabriel<br />

Lafitte. - o.O.: rukor.org, 2011. - ca. 5 S.<br />

http://rukor.org/2011/04/restoring-sustainability-to-tibet/<br />

SWP D 925624<br />

1040 Zheng, Yongnian; Chen, Gang; Lye, Liang Fook: China's<br />

post-crisis domestic politics 2010 : more confident leadership<br />

and stronger government / by Zheng Yongnian, Chen Gang<br />

and Lye Liang Fook. - In: East Asian Policy (Singapore),<br />

3 (January-March 2011) 1, Special feature, S. 5-12<br />

GIGA D 925816 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

1041 Cha, Victor D.: The end of history : "neojuche revivalism" and<br />

Korean unification / by Victor D. Cha. - In: Orbis (Amsterdam),<br />

55 (March-June 2011) 2, S. 290-297<br />

SWP D 925714 SWP: X. 80 OSI: Zt 326 DGAP: ZD 393 SOI: Z16016<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1042 Hwang, Balbina Y.: Furthering North Korean human rights<br />

through U.S.-ROK cooperation / Balbina Y. Hwang. - San<br />

Francisco/Cal.: Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, 2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/HwangNorthKorea<br />

HumanRightsApril201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925784<br />

1043 Shim, David; Nabers, Dirk: North Korea and the politics of<br />

visual representation / David Shim and Dirk Nabers. -<br />

Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

2011. - 28 S., Ill., Lit. - (GIGA Working Papers; No. 164) -<br />

(GIGA Research Programme: Power, Norms and Governance<br />

in International Relations)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp164_shim-nabers.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926302 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

1044 Adams, Brian E.: The democratic benefits of devolution / Brian<br />

E. Adams. - In: Korea Journal (Seoul), 50 (Summer 2010) 2,<br />

S. 182-206<br />

GIGA D 926141 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1045 Contemporary Korean society viewed through the lens of<br />

the candlelight vigils of 2008 / Han Do-Hyun ... - In: Korea<br />

Journal (Seoul), 50 (Autumn 2010) 3, S. 5-127 -- Enthält: 5<br />

Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 926142 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1046 Hwang, Balbina Y.: Furthering North Korean human rights<br />

through U.S.-ROK cooperation / Balbina Y. Hwang. - San<br />

Francisco/Cal.: Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, 2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/HwangNorthKorea<br />

HumanRightsApril201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925784<br />

1047 Park, Sang-young: Crafting and dismantling the egalitarian<br />

social contract : The changing state-society relations in<br />

globalizing Korea / Sang-Young Park. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 579-602<br />

GIGA D 925830 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 52 2011.05.06

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

1048 Lam, Peng Er: Japan 2010 : foreign relations setbacks<br />

impacting domestic politics / by Lam Peng Er. - In: East Asian<br />

Policy (Singapore), 3 (January-March 2011) 1, Special feature,<br />

S. 37-44<br />

GIGA D 925822 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1049 Zhang, Yaohua: The political turmoil in Japan and the effects<br />

on its domestic and foreign policies / Zhang Yaohua. - In: China<br />

International Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 80-98<br />

DIE D 925929 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

1050 Smith, Hugh; Jans, Nick: Use them or lose them? Australia's<br />

defence force reserves / Hugh Smith and Nick Jans. - In:<br />

Armed Forces and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April<br />

2011) 2, S. 301-320<br />

SWP D 926190 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1051 Fuker, Michael: Konflikte und maritime Sicherheitspolitik : das<br />

Südchinesische Meer und die Transitrouten Südostasiens /<br />

Michael Fuker. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 19-23, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925981 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />


1052 Benantar, Abdennour: La démocratisation des états arabes<br />

redéfinira le dialoue de sécurité en Méditerranée / Abdennour<br />

Benantar. - Barcelona: Fundació CIDOB, 2011. - 5 S. - (Notes<br />

Internacionals CIDOB; 29)<br />

http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/26648/322774/file/NO<br />

TES+29_ABDENOUR.pdf<br />

SWP D 925665<br />


1053 Balleis, Siegfried: Die Renaissance der kommunalen<br />

Selbstverwaltung : politische Entscheidung vor Ort / Siegfried<br />

Balleis. - In: Politische Studien (München), 62 (März-April<br />

2011) 436, S. 61-67<br />

SWP D 925749 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1054 Berti, Benedetta; Lindenstrauss, Gallia: The international<br />

action in Libya : revitalizing the responsibility [to protect] /<br />

Benedetta Berti and Gallia Lindenstrauss. - Tel Aviv: Institute<br />

for National Security Studies, 2011. - 3 S. - (INSS Insight; No.<br />

250)<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291301995826.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926556<br />

1055 Klein, Eckart: Some thoughts on the value of individual<br />

complaint mechanisms on the universal plane / Eckart Klein. -<br />

In: Human Rights Law Journal (Kehl), 29 (31 October 2008)<br />

1-5, S. 40-42, Lit. Hinw.<br />

ECMI D 925776 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1056 Shelton, Dinah: Standard-setting by the United Nations<br />

Commission on Human Rights : An overview from its inception<br />

in 1947 until the creation of the Human Rights Council in 2006 /<br />

Dinah Shelton. - In: Human Rights Law Journal (Kehl), 29 (31<br />

October 2008) 1-5, S. 15-27, Zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

ECMI D 925770 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1057 Suhrke, Astri: Virtues of narrow mission : The UN peace<br />

operation in Nepal / Astri Suhrke. - In: Global Governance<br />

(Boulder/Colo.), 17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 37-55,<br />

Lit. S. 52-55<br />

DIE D 925656 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1058 Tomuschat, Christian: Origins and history of UN special<br />

procedures / Christian Tomuschat. - In: Human Rights Law<br />

Journal (Kehl), 29 (31 October 2008) 1-5, S. 27-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

ECMI D 925773 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12<br />

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1059 Twenty-seventh progress report of the Secretary-General<br />

on the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire / United<br />

Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2011. - 21 S., Tab. -<br />

(S/2010/600)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/2011/211<br />

SWP D 925661<br />



1060 Ehrentraut, Stefan: Decentralization and the promise of<br />

indigenous peoples' empowerment : The case of the World<br />

Bank in Cambodia / Stefan Ehrentraut. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 89-114<br />

GIGA D 925882 SWP: X. 149 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 465 HSFK: ZS R IAS: 3/797<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


1061 Johnson, Tana: Guilt by association : The link between states'<br />

influence and the legitimacy of intergovernmental organizations<br />

/ Tana Johnson. - In: The Review of International Organizations<br />

(Boston/Mass.), 6 (March 2011) 1, S. 57-84<br />

SWP D 925759 SWP: X. 876<br />


1062 Schmitt, Carina; Obinger, Herbert: Verfassungsschranken<br />

und die Privatisierung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen im<br />

internationalen Vergleich / Carina Schmitt ; Herbert Obinger. -<br />

In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (Wiesbaden), 51 (Dezember<br />

2010) 4, S. 643-664, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 661-664<br />

FUB D 925806 SWP: X. 92 OSI: ZS 487 DGAP: ZD 205 HSFK: ZS P<br />

DIE: ZK013 Öff.StaO: 188<br />


1063 Aidt, Toke S.; Albornoz, Facundo: Political regimes and<br />

foreign intervention / Facundo Albornoz ; Toke S. Aidt. -<br />

In: Journal of Development Economics (Amsterdam),<br />

94 (March 2011) 2, S. 192-201, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 201<br />

DIE D 926357 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1064 Alden, Christopher; Thakur, Monika; Arnold, Matthew B.:<br />

Militias and the challenges of post-conflict peace : silencing<br />

guns / Chris Alden ; Monika Thakur ; Matthew Arnold. - London<br />

...: Zed Books, 2011. - XII,191 S., Tab., Gloss., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 175-183 - ISBN 978-1-84813-527-7<br />

GIGA D 926124 ILAS: INT-B/129 IMES: INT-B/129 IAA: INT-B/129<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1065 Altman, David: Direct democracy worldwide / David Altman. -<br />

Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. - XV,248 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Gloss., Reg., Lit. S. 213-236 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-107-00164-0<br />

GIGA D 926099 ILAS: INT-H/248 IMES: INT-H/248 IAA: INT-H/248<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1066 Arezki, Rabah; Brückner, Markus: Food prices, conflict, and<br />

democratic change / Rabah Arezki and Markus Brückner. -<br />

Adelaide: University of Adelaide, jan,. 2011. - 19 S., Tab. -<br />

(Working Paper / Department of Economics (Adelaide); 2011-<br />

04)<br />

http://www.economics.adelaide.edu.au/research/papers/doc/wp2<br />

011-04.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926158<br />

1067 Frantz, Erica; Ezrow, Natasha: Politics of dictatorship :<br />

institutions and outcomes in authoritarian regimes / Erica<br />

Frantz ; Natasha Ezrow. - Boulder/Col. ...: Lynne Rienner,<br />

2011. - 131 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-58826-785-6<br />

GIGA D 926149 ILAS: INT-H/247 IMES: INT-H/247 IAA: INT-H/247<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1068 Friedens- und Konfliktforschung / Peter Schlotter ... (Hrsg.) -<br />

1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 468 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (AFK-Friedensschriften; Bd. 35) - (Forschungsstand<br />

Politikwissenschaft) - ISBN 978-3-8329-3470-5<br />

GIGA D 926139 SWP: A.11/0059 DGAP: DG 48906 HSFK: 43.622 BICC: BI 3917<br />

ILAS: INT-B/130 IMES: INT-B/130 IAA: INT-B/130 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1069 Gauri, Varun: The cost of complying with human rights treaties<br />

: The convention on the rights of the child and basic<br />

immunization / Varun Gauri. - In: The Review of International<br />

Organizations (Boston/Mass.), 6 (March 2011) 1, S. 33-56<br />

SWP D 925758 SWP: X. 876<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 53 2011.05.06

II.6 Government / Staat / Etat<br />

1070 Griffith, James: Reserve forces - after the cold war : An<br />

international perspective / James Griffith. - In: Armed Forces<br />

and Society (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2,<br />

S. 209-215<br />

SWP D 926178 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1071 Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E.: Human Security: Undermining<br />

Human Rights? / Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann. - Denver/Col.:<br />

Human Rights & Human Welfare an Online Journal of<br />

Academic Literature Review, jan. 2011. - 35 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Human Rights & Human Welfare Working Papers; 63)<br />

http://www.du.edu/korbel/hrhw/workingpapers/2011/63-hassman<br />

n-201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

GIGA D 926157<br />

1072 Hummel, Hartwig: Ruggies neuen Leitlinien im Fadenkreuz<br />

der NGOs : Multis und Menschenrechte / Hartwig Hummel. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 6, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925599 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1073 Kühne, Winrich: The Role of Elections in Emerging<br />

Democracies and Post-Conflict Countries : Key Issues,<br />

Lessons Learned and Dilemmas / Winrich Kühne. Friedrich-<br />

Ebert-Stiftung. - Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 10 S.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (International Policy Analysis)<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/07416.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926599<br />

1074 Mair, Stefan; Perthes, Volker: Ideen und Macht : was definiert<br />

die relative Gewichtsverteilung in der Welt? / Stefan Mair und<br />

Volker Perthes. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni<br />

2011) 3, S. 10-23<br />

DGAP D 926564 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1075 Mancini, Marina: Report of the Conference “New conflicts and<br />

the challenge of the protection of the civilian population” /<br />

Marina Mancini. - Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2011. -<br />

17 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documenti IAI; No. 1103)<br />

http://www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iai1103.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926161<br />

1076 Merkel, Wolfgang: Return of the dictatorships? / Wolfgang<br />

Merkel. - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2010) 2, S. 13-18<br />

GIGA D 926117 SWP: PR 1141 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1077 Nach Krieg, Gewalt und Repression : vom schwierigen<br />

Umgang mit der Vergangenheit / Susanne Buckley-Zistel ...<br />

(Hrsg.) - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 258 S., Ill., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - (AFK-Friedensschriften; 36) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-6242-5<br />

GIGA D 926081 ILAS: INT-G/79 IMES: INT-G/79 IAA: INT-G/79 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1078 Norris, Pippa: Digital divide : civic engagement, information<br />

poverty, and the internet worldwide / Pippa Norris. -<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. - XV, 303 S., zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Reg., Anh., Lit. S. 273-285, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 247-271 - ISBN 978-0-521-00223-3<br />

DIE D 925746 DIE: PC142 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1079 Watson, Scott: The 'human' as referent object?<br />

Humanitarianism as securitization / Scott Watson. - In: Security<br />

Dialogue (London), 42 (February 2011) 1, S. 3-20<br />

SWP D 926218 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1080 Winkler, Inga: Lebenselixier und letztes Tabu : die<br />

Menschenrechte auf Wasser und Sanitärversorgung / Inga<br />

Winkler. - Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, 2011.<br />

- 24 S., Lit:Hinw. - (Essay) - ISBN 978-3-942315-08-1<br />

http://www.institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de/uploads/tx_commerc<br />

e/essay_lebenselixier_und_letztes_tabu_0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

GIGA D 926159<br />

1081 Wintrobe, Ronald: Globalization and violence / Ronald<br />

Wintrobe. - In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance<br />

for a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 117-134 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925800 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

1082 Wolff, Jonas; Wurm, Iris: Towards a theory of external<br />

democracy promotion : A proposal for theoretical classification /<br />

Jonas Wolff and Iris Wurm. - In: Security Dialogue (London),<br />

42 (February 2011) 1, S. 77-96<br />

SWP D 926292 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1083 Women as agents of change : Advancing the role of women<br />

in politics and civil society ; hearing before the Subcommittee<br />

on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, June 9, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,116 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-97)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:568<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926304<br />


1084 Bühlmann, Marc; Kunz, Ruth: Confidence in the judiciary :<br />

comparing the independence and legitimacy of judical systems<br />

/ Marc Bühlmann and Ruth Kunz. - In: West European Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 317-345<br />

SWP D 925915 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1085 Handbook of fiscal federalism / ed. by Ehtisham Ahmad ... -<br />

reprinted 2008 - Cheltenham ...: Edward Elgar, 2008. - VII,<br />

575 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84720-961-0<br />

GIGA D 926089 ILAS: GEN-H/85 IMES: GEN-H/85 IAA: GEN-H/85<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1086 Raiser, Thomas: Beiträge zur Rechtssoziologie / Thomas<br />

Raiser. - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011. - 328 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8329-5967-8<br />

GIGA D 926047 ILAS: GEN-D/39 IMES: GEN-D/39 IAA: GEN-D/39<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1087 Ruiz-Rufino, Rubén: Characterising electoral systems : An<br />

empirical application of aggregated threshold functions / Rubén<br />

Ruiz-Rufino. - In: West European Politics (Abingdon),<br />

34 (March 2011) 2, S. 256-281<br />

SWP D 925908 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1088 Wintrobe, Ronald: Globalization and violence / Ronald<br />

Wintrobe. - In: Securing global economy: G8 global governance<br />

for a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas Freytag ... - Farnham ...:<br />

Ashgate, 2011, S. 117-134 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925800 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 54 2011.05.06


1089 Angenendt, Steffen; Apt, Wenke: Womit wir rechnen müssen<br />

: Demografie als Triebkraft des 21. Jahrhunderts / Steffen<br />

Angenendt und Wenke Apt. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik /<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld),<br />

66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 60-67, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926584 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1090 Bornemann, Sabine: EU-Haushalt ab 2014 - starker Aufwind<br />

für den Kultursektor? Diverse EU-Konsultationen jetzt für<br />

Kulturbelange nutzen! / Sabine Bornemann. -<br />

In: Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen (Hagen), (2010) 4/131,<br />

S. 20-21<br />

IFA D 926504 IFA: Z-D2966 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1091 Canton-Fourrat, Altide: Demandeurs d'asile et procédure<br />

communautaire "Dublin II" : à propos de l'arrêt ce 20 mai 2010 ;<br />

Youssef et Rudayna A. no. 339478 et 339479 / par Altide<br />

Canton-Fourrat. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 233-238<br />

SWP D 926529 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1092 Castegnaro, Claudio; Naaf, Sandra: The role of minimum<br />

income for social inclusion in the European Union 2007-2010 :<br />

[requested by the European Parliament's Committee on<br />

Employment andSocial Affairs] / authors: Chiara Crepaldi<br />

(coord.). Claudio Castegnaro ; Sandra Naaf. With the contrib.<br />

of Daniela Mesini. - Ms. completed in January 2011 - Brussels:<br />

European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies,<br />

2011. - 163 S., zahlr. graph. Darst. u.Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(IP/A/EMPL/ST/2010-07)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?language=en&file=33779<br />

SWP D 925812<br />

1093 Copé, Jean-François: La réforme des retraites : un test<br />

grandeur nature pour 2012 ; enquête TNS SOFRES / Fondapol<br />

/ par Jean-François Copé. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris),<br />

(2011), S. 81-92, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926179 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1094 Das Europa der Europäer : über die Wahrnehmungen eines<br />

politischen Raums (Orig.: L'Europe des Européens) / Daniel<br />

Gaxie ... (Hg.). Aus dem Französischen von Frank Weigand ...<br />

- Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2011. - 340 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 321-338 - (Kultur und soziale Praxis) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8376-1626-2<br />

DGAP D 926374 DGAP: DG 48881.D<br />

1095 European multiculturalism revisited / ed. by Alessandro Silj.<br />

- London ...: ZED Books, 2010. - VII, 264 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84813-560-4<br />

DGAP D 926376 DGAP: DG 48887<br />

1096 Fromentin, Vincent: Les conséquences économiques de<br />

l'immigration en Europe en période de crise / par Vincent<br />

Fromentin. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 216-224<br />

SWP D 926523 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1097 Leibfried, Stephan: Social policy: left to the judges and the<br />

markets? / Stephan Leibfried. - In: Policy-making in the<br />

European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 253-281 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926010 SWP: A.11/0047<br />

1098 Picheral, Caroline: L'apport du traité de Lisbonne aux<br />

politiques d'asile et d'immigration : de l'européen au commun? /<br />

par Caroline Picheral. - In: Revue du marché commun et de<br />

l'Union européenne (Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 225-232<br />

SWP D 926527 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1099 Qualifikation und Arbeitsmarkt : ungenutzte Potenziale -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg), (2011), Sonderheft -<br />

Heidelberg: Springer, S. 1-56. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 926439 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1100 Recent arrivals of migrants and asylum seekers by sea to<br />

Italy : problems and reactions / Paola Monzini. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano, 2011. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute;<br />

75/2011)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/4fed8d8046<br />

a5f202bc06bfc4d090bb2e/ARI75-2011_Monzini_Migrants_Asylu<br />

m_Italy.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=4fed8d8046a5f202bc0<br />

6bfc4d090bb2e<br />

GIGA D 926479<br />

1101 Schuck, Andreas R. T.; De Vreese, Claes H.: Public support<br />

for referendums : The role of the media / Andreas R. T. Schuck<br />

and Claes H. De Vreese. - In: West European Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 181-207<br />

SWP D 925899 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1102 Sirot, Stéphane: Le syndicalisme, la politique et la grève :<br />

France et Europe ; XIXe-XXIe siècles / Stéphane Sirot. -<br />

Nancy: Arbre bleu éd., 2011. - 355 S., Tab., Lit. S. 351-352 -<br />

(Le corps social) - ISBN 979-10-90129-00-9<br />

DFI D 925655 DFI: VP 130.SIR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1103 Uba, Katrin; Uggla, Frederik: Protest actions against the<br />

European Union, 1992-2007 / Katrin Uba and Frederik Uggla. -<br />

In: West European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 384-393<br />

SWP D 925928 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1104 Wallace Goodman, Sara: Controlling immigration through<br />

language and country knowledge requirements / Sara Wallace<br />

Goodman. - In: West European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March<br />

2011) 2, S. 235-255<br />

SWP D 925904 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

1105 Bless, Roland: Countering terrorism while protecting freedom<br />

of the media : A crucial balance for governments / Roland<br />

Bless. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 283-289, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926323 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


1106 Ersanilli, Evelyn; Koopmans, Ruud: Do immigrant integration<br />

policies matter? A three-country comparison among Turkish<br />

immigrants / Evelyn Ersanilly and Ruud Koopmans. - In: West<br />

European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 208-234<br />

SWP D 925901 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1107 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis: Triangle rose : la persécution nazie<br />

des homosexuels et sa mémoire / Régis Schlagdenhauffen.<br />

Préface d'Annette Wieviorka. - Paris: Autrement, 2011. -<br />

308 S., Reg., Lit. S. 292-300 - (Collection mutations; n° 264) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7467-1485-4<br />

DFI D 926319 DFI: ZA 540.SCHLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.04 BELGIUM<br />

1108 Elvert, Jürgen: Zum Verhältnis von Revolution, Nation und<br />

Staat in Belgien, Deutschland und Frankreich / Jürgen Elvert. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 17-28, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926575 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1109 Bergeron, Henri; Castel, Patrick; Nouguez, Etienne: Un<br />

entrepreneur privé de politique publique : la lutte contre<br />

l'obésité, entre santé publique et intérêt privé / Henri Bergeron,<br />

Patrick Castel et Etienne Nouguez. - In: Revue française de<br />

science politique (Paris), 61 (avril 2011) 2, S. 201-229, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926293 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 55 2011.05.06

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1110 Blandin, Claire: Le Figaro littéraire : vie d'un hebdomadaire<br />

politique et culturel ; (1946-1971) / Claire Blandin. - Paris:<br />

Nouveau Monde Ed., 2010. - 655 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Culture/Médias) - ISBN 978-2-84736-438-5<br />

DFI D 925615 DFI: FF 350.BLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1111 Blic, Damien de; Lafaye, Claudette: Singulière mobilisation :<br />

le Réseau éducation sans frontières / Damien de Blic et<br />

Claudette Lafaye. - In: Projet (Paris), (avril-mai 2011) 321,<br />

S. 12-19, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926266 OSI: Zv 223 DFI: RV<br />

1112 Borello, Jean-Marc: Priorités sociales des Français : enquête<br />

TNS SOFRES / Mouves / par Jean-Marc Borello. - In: L'Etat de<br />

l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 165-182, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926219 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1113 Botton, Bruno: Nutrition et santé : enjeux et paradoxes ;<br />

enquêtes TNS / TNS SOFRES / par Bruno Botton. - In: L'Etat<br />

de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 221-232, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926237 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1114 Collard, Sue: The French exception : rise and fall of a<br />

Saint-Simonian discourse / Sue Collard. - In: The end of the<br />

French exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French model' /<br />

ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,<br />

2010, S. 17-35, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925618 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1115 Comment favoriser ensemble la diversité dans l'habitat et<br />

la ville? / Réseau des acteurs de l'habitat. - Paris, 2010. -<br />

26 S.<br />

http://www.acteursdelhabitat.com/IMG/pdf/Synthese_verte_DEFI<br />

NITIVE_de_la_journee_du_1er_avril_2010.pdf<br />

DFI D 926537<br />

1116 Copé, Jean-François: La réforme des retraites : un test<br />

grandeur nature pour 2012 ; enquête TNS SOFRES / Fondapol<br />

/ par Jean-François Copé. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris),<br />

(2011), S. 81-92, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926179 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1117 Cornilleau, Gérard; Debrand, Thierry: Crise et déficit de<br />

l'assurance maladie : faut-il changer de paradigme? / Gérard<br />

Cornilleau ; Thierry Debrand. - In: Revue de l'OFCE (Paris),<br />

(janvier 2011) 116, S. 315-332, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926261 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1118 Dauncey, Hugh: "L'exception culturelle" / Hugh Dauncey. - In:<br />

The end of the French exception?: Decline and revival of the<br />

'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, 2010, S. 72-84 - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925621 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1119 Debré, Bernard; Even, Philippe: Rapport de la mission sur la<br />

refonte du système français de contrôle de l'efficacitité et de la<br />

sécurité des medicaments / Bernard Debré et Philippe Even. -<br />

Paris: Présidence de la République, 2011. - 83 S.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/114000141/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 926626 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1120 Les discriminations entre les femmes et les hommes / sous<br />

la dir. de Françoise Milewski ... - Paris: Pressses de Sciences<br />

Po, 2011. - 373 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Savoirs sur<br />

le genre) - ISBN 978-2-7246-1201-1<br />

DFI D 926372 DFI: FN 830.DIS Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1121 Duhamel, Olivier; Jaffré, Jérôme: L'état de l'opinion :<br />

mémoire d'un quart de siècle ; enquêtes TNS SOFRES / par<br />

Olivier Duhamel et Jérôme Jaffré. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion<br />

(Paris), (2011), S. 233-242, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 926239 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1122 Eleb, Monique; Bendimérad, Sabri: Vu de l'intérieur : habiter<br />

un immeuble en Ile-de-France ; 1945-2010 / Monique Eleb ;<br />

Sabri Benidmérad. - Paris: Archibooks, 2011. - 176 S.,<br />

überw. Ill., Reg. - ISBN 978-2-357-33129-7<br />

DFI D 926395 DFI: FN 370.ELE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1123 Elvert, Jürgen: Zum Verhältnis von Revolution, Nation und<br />

Staat in Belgien, Deutschland und Frankreich / Jürgen Elvert. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 17-28, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926575 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1124 Ersanilli, Evelyn; Koopmans, Ruud: Do immigrant integration<br />

policies matter? A three-country comparison among Turkish<br />

immigrants / Evelyn Ersanilly and Ruud Koopmans. - In: West<br />

European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 208-234<br />

SWP D 925901 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1125 Galloro, Piero-D.; Pascutto, Tamara; Serré, Alexia: Mineurs<br />

algériens et marocains : une autre mémoire du charbon lorrain<br />

/ Piero-D. Galloro, Tamara Pascutto et Alexia Serré. - Paris:<br />

Autrement, 2011. - 195 S., Ill., Lit. S. 184-187 -<br />

(Mémoires/Histoire) - ISBN 978-2-7467-1480-9<br />

DFI D 926385 DFI: FN 850.GAL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1126 Gastaud, Philippe: Sports et mouvements de jeunesse<br />

catholiques en Guadeloupe au XXe siècle : histoire de l'identité<br />

créole / Philippe Gastaud. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010. - 351 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 335-341 - (Espaces et Temps du sport)<br />

- ISBN 978-2-296-12958-0<br />

DFI D 925640 DFI: YF 880.GAST Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1127 Gault, Guénaëlle: Réputation et e-réputation : not "business as<br />

usual" ; enquêtes TNS SOFRES / par Guénaëlle Gault. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 125-136, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926207 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1128 Gerstlé, Jacques; François, Abel: Médiatisation de<br />

l'économie et fabrication de la popularité du président français :<br />

(2007-2010) / Jacques Gerstlé et Abel François. - In: Revue<br />

française de science politique (Paris), 61 (avril 2011) 2,<br />

S. 249-282, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926299 OSI: Zs 276 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 254 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1129 Gögelein, Alisa: La maison de l'histoire de France : offizielle<br />

Geschichtsschreibung in Frankreich anhand eines umstrittenen<br />

Projekts / Alisa Gögelein. - Passau, 2011. - 44 S., Lit. S. 38-43<br />

-- Passau, Univ., Bachelorarb., 2011<br />

DFI D 925622 DFI: ZA 230.GOEG Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1130 Heilmann, Katharina: Das Selbstbild deutscher und<br />

französischer Mütter : eine empirische Studie zur<br />

Familienpolitik / Katharina Heilmann. - Hamburg: Diplomica<br />

Verl., 2011. - 79 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 75-78 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86341-044-5 -- Zugl.: Zwickau, Westsächsische<br />

Hochschule, Dipl.Arb., 2009<br />

DFI D 926592 DFI: VN 450.HEIL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1131 Hewlett, Nick: Reviving the French exception? Sarkozy,<br />

authoritarian populism and the Bonapartist tradition / Nick<br />

Hewlett. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline and<br />

revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 39-54 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925619 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1132 Humbertjean, Muriel: Les syndicats à l'épreuve des retraites :<br />

enquête TNS SOFRES / Dialogues / par Muriel Humbertjean. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 93-103, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926192 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1133 Kuhn, Raymond: From private lives to intimate revelations :<br />

politicians and the media in contemporary France / Raymond<br />

Kuhn. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline and<br />

revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 171-184 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925637 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1134 Lecerf, Edouard: Les Français et les médias : enquêtes TNS<br />

SOFRES / La Croix / par Edouard Lecerf. - In: L'Etat de<br />

l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 105-113, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 926195 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 56 2011.05.06

1135 Leclabart, Vincent: Satiété de consommation ou envie d'être<br />

mieux traité? Enquêtes TNS SOFRES / Agence Australie / par<br />

Vincent Leclabart. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011),<br />

S. 211-220, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 926232 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1136 Lefebvre, Rémi: L'histoire vire-t-elle à droite? Une nouvelle<br />

version du fatalisme en politique / Rémi Lefebvre. - In: Le<br />

Monde diplomatique (Paris), 58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 3, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926249 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1137 Lindvall, Johannes: The political foundations of trust and<br />

distrust : reforms and protests in France / Johannes Lindvall. -<br />

In: West European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 296-316<br />

SWP D 925913 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1138 Llorca, Aurélien: La France face à la cocaïne : dispositif et<br />

action extérieurs / Aurélien Llorca. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2011. -<br />

131 S., Lit. S. 117-127 - (Inter-National) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-54268-6<br />

DFI D 926320 DFI: FQ 450.LLO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1139 Maillard, Carol: Les Zénith en France : histoire de 1984 à nos<br />

jours / Carol Maillard. - Paris: Archibooks, 2010. - 127 S.,<br />

überw. Ill., Lit. S. 126-127 - ISBN 978-2-357-33119-8<br />

DFI D 926375 DFI: FJ 270.MAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1140 Michelat, Guy; Simon, Michel: Inquiétudes, dynamiques<br />

idéoligiques, attitudes politiques : quoi de neuf? Enquête TNS<br />

SOFRES / Fondation Gabriel Péri / par Guy Michelatz et Michel<br />

Simon. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 137-164,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926216 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1141 Milner, Susan: Social policy and France's "exceptional" social<br />

model / Susan Milner. - In: The end of the French exception?:<br />

Decline and revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer<br />

... - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 55-71, Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925620 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1142 Moati, Philippe: Prospective du commerce physique de biens<br />

culturels / Philippe Moati. - In: Culture prospective (Paris),<br />

(mars 2011) 1, S. 1-16, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www2.culture.gouv.fr/culture/deps/2008/pdf/cp-2011-<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

DFI D 925823 DFI: RV<br />

1143 Le monde des ados / dossier coordonné par Martine Fournier.<br />

- In: Sciences humaines (Auxerre), (mai 2011) 226, n° spécial,<br />

S. 28-57, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925829 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

1144 Naves, Marie-Cécile: Comment inciter le plus grand nombre à<br />

pratiquer un sport ou une activité physique? / Marie-Cécile<br />

Naves. - In: La Note d'analyse / Centre d'Analyse Stratégique<br />

(Paris), (avril 2011) 217, S. 1-11, Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925867<br />

1145 Périgord, Arnaud: Les allocataires de minima sociaux en 2009<br />

/ Arnaud Périgord. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris),<br />

(mars 2011) 756, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925703 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1146 Perrineau, Pascal: Défiance politique? Enquête TNS SOFRES<br />

/ CEVIPOF / Institut Perre Mendès France / Edelman / par<br />

Pascal Perrineau. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011),<br />

S. 47-60, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926174 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1147 Pison, Gilles: Deux enfants par femme dans la France de<br />

2010 : la fécondité serait-elle insensible à la crise économique?<br />

/ Gilles Pison. - In: Population et sociétés (Paris), (mars 2011)<br />

476, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925702 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1148 Poirson, Martial: Les pratiques culturelles en France<br />

aujourd'hui / Martial Poirson. - In: Ecoflash (Futuroscope), (avril<br />

2011) 257, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925738 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1149 Les riches vont bien, merci - In: Projet (Paris), (avril-mai<br />

2011) 321, S. 20-35, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926268 OSI: Zv 223 DFI: RV<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1150 Saussez, Thierry: Les jeunes et la "com" gouvernementale :<br />

enquête TNS SOFRES / Service d'information du<br />

gouvernement / par Thierry Saussez. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion<br />

(Paris), (2011), S. 115-124, Tab.<br />

DFI D 926203 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1151 Schain, Martin A.: French immigration policy in comparative<br />

perspective / Martin A. Schain. - In: The end of the French<br />

exception?: Decline and revival of the 'French model' / ed. by<br />

Tony Chafer ... - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010,<br />

S. 125-152, graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925634 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1152 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis: Triangle rose : la persécution nazie<br />

des homosexuels et sa mémoire / Régis Schlagdenhauffen.<br />

Préface d'Annette Wieviorka. - Paris: Autrement, 2011. -<br />

308 S., Reg., Lit. S. 292-300 - (Collection mutations; n° 264) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7467-1485-4<br />

DFI D 926319 DFI: ZA 540.SCHLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1153 Seligmann, Françoise: Comment vivre ensemble? / dossier<br />

réalisé sous la dir. de Françoise Seligmann. - In: Après-demain<br />

(Paris), (avril 2011) 18, S. 1-50, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925860 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1154 Sirot, Stéphane: Le syndicalisme, la politique et la grève :<br />

France et Europe ; XIXe-XXIe siècles / Stéphane Sirot. -<br />

Nancy: Arbre bleu éd., 2011. - 355 S., Tab., Lit. S. 351-352 -<br />

(Le corps social) - ISBN 979-10-90129-00-9<br />

DFI D 925655 DFI: VP 130.SIR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1155 Sterdyniak, Henri: Faut-il remettre en cause la politique<br />

familiale française? / Henri Sterdyniak. - In: Revue de l'OFCE<br />

(Paris), (janvier 2011) 116, S. 333-366, Tab., Lit. S. 366<br />

DFI D 926264 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1156 Ville désirée, ville durable : un projet à partager ; actes de la<br />

XXXIe rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme<br />

= Desirable city, sustainable city - In: Revue urbanisme: Hors<br />

série (Paris), (2011) 39, S. 1-71, Ill., Lit. S. 69-71<br />

http://www.fnau.org/file/news/ActesRennes.pdf<br />

DFI D 926606<br />

1157 Vince, Natalya: France, Islam and laïcité : colonial exceptions,<br />

contemporary reinventions and European convergence /<br />

Natalya Vince. - In: The end of the French exception?: Decline<br />

and revival of the 'French model' / ed. by Tony Chafer ... -<br />

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, S. 153-170, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-230-22078-2<br />

DFI D 925635 DFI: FL 110.END Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

1158 Elvert, Jürgen: Zum Verhältnis von Revolution, Nation und<br />

Staat in Belgien, Deutschland und Frankreich / Jürgen Elvert. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 17-28, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926575 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1159 Ersanilli, Evelyn; Koopmans, Ruud: Do immigrant integration<br />

policies matter? A three-country comparison among Turkish<br />

immigrants / Evelyn Ersanilly and Ruud Koopmans. - In: West<br />

European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 208-234<br />

SWP D 925901 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1160 Heilmann, Katharina: Das Selbstbild deutscher und<br />

französischer Mütter : eine empirische Studie zur<br />

Familienpolitik / Katharina Heilmann. - Hamburg: Diplomica<br />

Verl., 2011. - 79 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 75-78 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86341-044-5 -- Zugl.: Zwickau, Westsächsische<br />

Hochschule, Dipl.Arb., 2009<br />

DFI D 926592 DFI: VN 450.HEIL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1161 Islam and Muslims in Germany / Ed. by Ala Al-Hamarneh ... -<br />

Leiden ...: Brill, 2008. - XX,591 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Muslim Minorities; 7) -<br />

ISBN 978-90-04-15866-5<br />

GIGA D 926581 IMES: MEA-L/218 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 57 2011.05.06

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1162 Literaturen der Migration in Deutschland : das Beispiel<br />

Afrika = Les littérature de migration en Allemagne: le cas de<br />

l'Afrique - In: Mont Cameroun (Dschang), (décembre 2009) 6,<br />

S. 11-118<br />

IFA D 926467 IFA: Z-KM15 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1163 Qualifikation und Arbeitsmarkt : ungenutzte Potenziale -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg), (2011), Sonderheft -<br />

Heidelberg: Springer, S. 1-56. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 926439 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1164 Schlagdenhauffen, Régis: Triangle rose : la persécution nazie<br />

des homosexuels et sa mémoire / Régis Schlagdenhauffen.<br />

Préface d'Annette Wieviorka. - Paris: Autrement, 2011. -<br />

308 S., Reg., Lit. S. 292-300 - (Collection mutations; n° 264) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7467-1485-4<br />

DFI D 926319 DFI: ZA 540.SCHLA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1165 Schöppl, Sebastian: Lehrgang taktische Gesprächsführung :<br />

ein Qualitätssprung in der Informationsgewinnung / Sebastian<br />

Schöppl. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 55-57<br />

SWP D 926341 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.03 ITALY<br />

1166 Recent arrivals of migrants and asylum seekers by sea to<br />

Italy : problems and reactions / Paola Monzini. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano, 2011. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute;<br />

75/2011)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/4fed8d8046<br />

a5f202bc06bfc4d090bb2e/ARI75-2011_Monzini_Migrants_Asylu<br />

m_Italy.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=4fed8d8046a5f202bc0<br />

6bfc4d090bb2e<br />

GIGA D 926479<br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

1167 Ersanilli, Evelyn; Koopmans, Ruud: Do immigrant integration<br />

policies matter? A three-country comparison among Turkish<br />

immigrants / Evelyn Ersanilly and Ruud Koopmans. - In: West<br />

European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March 2011) 2, S. 208-234<br />

SWP D 925901 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1168 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance<br />

(Council of Europe): ECRI report on Turkey : (fourth<br />

monitoring cycle) ; adopted on 10 December 2010 -<br />

Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2011. - 96 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/ecri/Country-by-country/Turk<br />

ey/TUR-CBC-IV-2011-005-ENG.pdf<br />

SWP D 925607<br />

RA07.01 SOVIET UNION<br />

1169 DeHaan, Heather D.: Dynamic cityscapes : contesting the<br />

Soviet city / by Heather D. DeHaan. - In: Russian Analytical<br />

Digest [Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (1 November<br />

2010) 85, S. 2-5<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/123189/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/10c7aa2b-d559-4d7f-a1c<br />

c-410148af4298/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_85.pdf<br />

SWP D 925689<br />


1170 Sievert, Stephan; Klingholz, Reiner: Die schrumpfende<br />

Weltmacht : die demografische Zukunft Russlands und der<br />

anderen post-sowjetischen Staaten / Stephan Sievert ; Reiner<br />

Klingholz. - Berlin: Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und<br />

Entwicklung, 2011. - 148 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 142-148 - ISBN 978-3-9812473-6-7<br />

http://www.berlin-institut.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Russland/Ru<br />

ssland_d_online.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926463 DGAP: DG 48905<br />


1171 Agarin, Timofey: Civil society versus nationalizing state?<br />

Advocacy of minority rights in the post-socialist Baltic states /<br />

Timofey Agarin. - In: Nationalities Papers (Abingdon),<br />

39 (March 2011) 2, S. 181-203<br />

SWP D 925858 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1172 Chinese developers and Russian urban planning / by<br />

Megan Dixon. - In: Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen), (1 November 2010) 85, S. 5-7<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/123189/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/10c7aa2b-d559-4d7f-a1c<br />

c-410148af4298/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_85.pdf<br />

SWP D 925690<br />

1173 Popov, Vladimir: Russia’s mortality crisis: will we ever learn? /<br />

Vladimir Popov. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. -<br />

5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 127)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_127.pdf<br />

SWP D 925972<br />

1174 Sherlock, Thomas: Confronting the Stalinist past : The politics<br />

of memory in Russia / Thomas Sherlock. - In: The Washington<br />

Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 34 (Spring 2011) 2, S. 93-109<br />

SWP D 926621 SWP: X. 603 DGAP: ZD 402 HSFK: ZS W IFA: Z-USA1149<br />

Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1175 Sievert, Stephan; Klingholz, Reiner: Die schrumpfende<br />

Weltmacht : die demografische Zukunft Russlands und der<br />

anderen post-sowjetischen Staaten / Stephan Sievert ; Reiner<br />

Klingholz. - Berlin: Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und<br />

Entwicklung, 2011. - 148 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 142-148 - ISBN 978-3-9812473-6-7<br />

http://www.berlin-institut.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Russland/Ru<br />

ssland_d_online.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926463 DGAP: DG 48905<br />

1176 Zhemukhov, Sufian: The Circassian question in Russian-<br />

Georgian relations / Sufian Zhemukhov. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

118)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_118.pdf<br />

SWP D 925948<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

1177 Anstehende Rentenreform: vom IWF gefordert, von der<br />

Bevölkerung abgelehnt - In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(22.02.2011) 87, S. 10-13<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen87.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926024<br />

1178 Borshchevska, Yuliya: Neue politische Zersplitterung auf der<br />

"Insel der Krimtataren" : Radikalisierung des politischen<br />

Programms? / von Yuliya Borshchevska. - In: Ukraine-<br />

Analysen (Bremen), (14.12.2010) 84, S. 2-5<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen84.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925996<br />

1179 Evers, Frank: Damaged prospects/damaged dialogue in<br />

Ukraine and Crimea : The current situation in Ukraine and<br />

future co-operation with the OSCE / Frank Evers. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 221-243, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926228 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


UNION<br />

1180 Sabanadze, Natalie: States and minorities in the South<br />

Caucasus : A test case for the Bolzano/Bozen<br />

Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State<br />

Relations / Natalie Sabanadze. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 291-300, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926325 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

1181 Zhemukhov, Sufian: The Circassian question in Russian-<br />

Georgian relations / Sufian Zhemukhov. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No.<br />

118)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_118.pdf<br />

SWP D 925948<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 58 2011.05.06

RA07.43 ARMENIA<br />

1182 Shahnazarian, Nona: A return to tradition? Aspects of postwar<br />

political culture in Nagorno-Karabakh / Nona Shahnazarian. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 3 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 133)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_133.pdf<br />

SWP D 925978<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

1183 Shahnazarian, Nona: A return to tradition? Aspects of postwar<br />

political culture in Nagorno-Karabakh / Nona Shahnazarian. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 3 S. - (PONARS<br />

Policy Memo; No. 133)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_133.pdf<br />

SWP D 925978<br />



1184 Epkenhans, Tim: "Islam” in the security discourse of the postsoviet<br />

republics of Central Asia / Tim Epkenhans. - In: OSCE<br />

Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 93-103, Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926153 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

1185 Eschment, Beate: From interethnic harmony to national unity?<br />

Nationalities policy and the situation of national minorities in<br />

Kazakhstan / Beate Eschment. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-<br />

Baden), (2010), S. 117-131, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926172 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

1186 Tendenz uneinheitlich? Ein Meinungsbild aus Kasachstan -<br />

In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (26.11.2010) 35, S. 12-17<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen35.pdf<br />

SWP D 926033<br />

1187 Volosin, Georgij: Nazabaev's statements anger Kazakh<br />

muslims / by Georgiy Voloshin. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus<br />

Analyst [Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(16.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5518/print<br />

SWP D 926044<br />

RA07.55 KYRGYZSTAN<br />

1188 Marat, Erica; Chamidov, Aliser: The danger of ethnic<br />

nationalism in Kyrgyzstan / by Alisher Khamidov and Erica<br />

Marat. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.03.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5515/print<br />

SWP D 926039<br />

1189 Seifert, Arne Clemens; Usubaliev, Esen: Relations between<br />

the state and the Muslim community in Central Asia : overview,<br />

analysis, practical co-operation in Kyrgyzstan / Arne C. Seifert ;<br />

Esen Usubaliev. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 167-164<br />

IFSH D 926184 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

1190 Sljapentoch, Dmitrij Vladimirovic: Jihadism spreads to<br />

Kyrgyzstan / by Dmitry Shlapentokh. - In: Central Asia-<br />

Caucasus Analyst [Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (16.02.2011), ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5495/print<br />

SWP D 925693<br />

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

1191 Majidov, Suhrob: Tajikistan seeks to restrain Islamization / by<br />

Suhrob Majidov. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Washington/D.C.), (16.02.2011),<br />

ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.cacianalyst.org/?q=node/5499/print<br />

SWP D 925694<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1192 Cercel, Cristian: The relationship between religious and<br />

national identity in the case of Transylvanian Saxons :<br />

(1933-1944) / Cristian Cercel. - In: Nationalities Papers<br />

(Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2, S. 161-180<br />

SWP D 925855 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1193 Die "junge Generation" in Literatur und Kunst -<br />

In: Rumänien heute / Iulia Dondorici (Hg.). - Dt. Erstausg. -<br />

Wien: Passagen-Verl., 2011. - (Passagen Europa Süd-Ost),<br />

S. 139-180<br />

IFA D 926574 IFA: 31/127 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


1194 Press freedom in the Americas : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, June 16, 2010 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,55 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

103)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:569<br />

96.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925775<br />

1195 Press freedom in the Americas : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, June 16, 2010 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,55 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

103)<br />

HSFK D 925777<br />


1196 Barnes, James A.: The great distrust / by James A. Barnes. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (March 26, 2011)<br />

13, S. 24-28<br />

SWP D 926657 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1197 Barro, Josh: Dodging the pension disaster / Josh Barro. -<br />

In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011) 7, S. 3-20<br />

SWP D 926630 SWP: X. 897<br />

1198 Brownstein, Ronald: The next America / by Ronald<br />

Brownstein. - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (April<br />

2, 2011) 14, S. 18-23<br />

SWP D 926659 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1199 Cai, Cuihong; Li, Hao: On the legal foundations of the US<br />

freedom of information and its limitation : An observation<br />

behind WikiLeaks disclosure / Cai Cuihong & Li Hao. -<br />

In: China International Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February<br />

2011) 1, S. 135-146<br />

DIE D 925938 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1200 Gottschlich, Pierre: "Yankee Hindutva": die transnationale<br />

Dimension des Hindu-Nationalismus / Pierre Gottschlich. -<br />

In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 29 (2011) 1, S. 1-6,<br />

Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925967 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1201 Johnson, Fawn: Enforcers / by Fawn Johnson. - In: National<br />

Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (March 26, 2011) 13, S. 30-35<br />

SWP D 926658 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1202 Levin, Yuval: Beyond the welfare state / Yuval Levin. -<br />

In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011) 7,<br />

S. 21-38<br />

SWP D 926631 SWP: X. 897<br />

1203 Migrant networks and foreign direct investment / Beata S.<br />

Javorcik ... - In: Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 231-241, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 240-241<br />

Außerdem erschienen als Paper: Washington/D.C.: Worldbank,<br />

2006. - 23 S.<br />

DIE D 926363 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 59 2011.05.06

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1204 The relationship of leadership quality to the political<br />

presence of civic associations / Hahrie C. Han ... -<br />

In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.), 9 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 45-59<br />

SWP D 926663 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

1205 Schaffer, Teresita C.: U.S. engagement in Indian health care :<br />

what is the impact? A report of the CSIS Global Health Policy<br />

Center / Teresita C. Schaffer. - Washington/D.C.: CSIS Global<br />

Health Policy Center, 2010. - 14 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/101115_Schaffer_USEngageIndia<br />

nHealth_Web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926137<br />

1206 Smarick, Andy: Can Catholic schools be saved? / Andy<br />

Smarick. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011)<br />

7, S. 113-130<br />

SWP D 926640 SWP: X. 897<br />

1207 Williamson, Vanessa; Skocpol, Theda; Coggin, John: The<br />

Tea Party and the remaking of Republican conservatism /<br />

Vanessa Williamson, Theda Skocpol, and John Coggin. -<br />

In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.), 9 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 25-43<br />

SWP D 926662 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />


1208 Dethier, Jean-Jacques; Pestieau, Pierre; Ali, Rabia:<br />

Universal minimum old age pensions : impact on poverty and<br />

fiscal cost in 18 Latin American countries / Jean-Jacques<br />

Dethier; Pierre Pestieau; Rabia Ali. - Washington/D.C.: World<br />

Bank, 2010. - 46 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 36-39 - (Policy<br />

Research Working Papers; No. 5292)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/IW3P/IB/2010/05/06/000158349_20100506135339/Rendered/<br />

PDF/WPS5292.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925879<br />

1209 Hernández, Ivo; Hurtado, Héctor: El Populismo : una<br />

aproximación a un problema de las democracias de todos los<br />

tiempos / Ivo Hernández ; Héctor Hurtado. - San José:<br />

FLACSO, 2010. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S 125-128 -<br />

(Cuaderno de Ciencias Sociales; 156)<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/Carpeta_2011/Cua<br />

d_CS_156.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926417<br />


1210 “...Te das hasta donde te aguantes” : (in)tolerancia hacia las<br />

desigualdades de excedente en Centroamérica / Juan Pablo<br />

Pérez Sáinz (ed.) . Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias<br />

Sociales - Costa Rica - San José: FLACSO, 2010. - 252 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit S. 229-232 - ISBN 978-9977-68-209-9<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/te_das....pdf<br />

GIGA D 926474<br />


1211 Monroe, Hunter: Can the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union<br />

afford to grow old? / Hunter Monroe. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

International Monetary Fund, 2009. - 15 S., graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2009/wp0938.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925876<br />

RD03.05 CUBA<br />

1212 Lambert, Renaud: Réformes dans la révolution : Ainsi vivent<br />

les Cubains / par Renaud Lambert. - In: Le Monde<br />

diplomatique (Paris), 58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 1, 14-15<br />

SWP D 926028 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

1213 Valdemarca, Laura; Bonavitta, Paola: La violencia<br />

intrafamiliar como representación en la prensa gráfica en el<br />

diario de mayor distribución en el interior de Argentina / Laura<br />

Valdemarca ; Paola Bonavitta. - Bogotá: Ed. Uniandes, 2011. -<br />

10 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://res.uniandes.edu.co/pdf/descargar.php?f=./data/Revista_N<br />

o_39/06_Dossier_05.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926377<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

1214 Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Brasília):<br />

Análise preliminar dos dados do Censo 2010 / Instituto de<br />

Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. - Brasília: Instituto de Pesquisa<br />

Econômica Aplicada (Brasília), 2010. - 15 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., - (Comunicados do Ipea; No. 68)<br />

http://www.ipea.gov.br/portal/images/stories/PDFs/comunicado/1<br />

01201_comunicadoipea68.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925897<br />

1215 Ponczek, Vladimir: Income and bargaining effects on<br />

education and health in Brazil / Vladimir Ponczek. - In: Journal<br />

of Development Economics (Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2,<br />

S. 242-253, Tab., Lit. S. 252-253<br />

DIE D 926365 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RD04.16 COLOMBIA<br />

1216 Garcés Montoya, Ángela: Culturas juveniles en tono de mujer<br />

: hip hop en Medellín (Colombia) / Ángela Garcés Montoya. -<br />

Bogotá: Ed. Uniandes, 2011. - 13 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://res.uniandes.edu.co/pdf/descargar.php?f=./data/Revista_N<br />

o_39/04_Dossier_03.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926384<br />


1217 L'état des villes africaines 2010 : gouvernance, inégalités et<br />

marchés fonciers urbains / ONU Habitat. - Nairobi, 2010. -<br />

279 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-1-132292-7<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: The state of African cities 2010. -<br />

ISBN 978-92-1-132291-0<br />

http://www.unhabitat.org/pmss/listItemDetails.aspx?PublicationID<br />

=3035<br />

SWP D 925657<br />

1218 Literaturen der Migration in Deutschland : das Beispiel<br />

Afrika = Les littérature de migration en Allemagne: le cas de<br />

l'Afrique - In: Mont Cameroun (Dschang), (décembre 2009) 6,<br />

S. 11-118<br />

IFA D 926467 IFA: Z-KM15 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1219 Snodgrass, Lyn: A gendered perspective of post-conflict<br />

reconstruction : African women in peace-building / Lyn<br />

Snodgrass. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (September 2010)<br />

2, S. 109-120<br />

SWP D 926085 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1220 Ferrari, Lisa L.: Catholic and non-Catholic NGOs fighting<br />

HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa : issue framing and<br />

collaboration / Lisa L. Ferrari. - In: International Relations<br />

(London), 25 (March 2011) 1, S. 85-107<br />

HSFK D 926430 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

1221 Adesoji, A. O.: Restoring peace or waging war : security<br />

agencies' management of ethno-religious uprisings in Nigeria /<br />

A. O. Adesoji. - In: African Security Review (Pretoria),<br />

19 (September 2010) 3, S. 2-14, Lit. Hinw. S. 12-14<br />

GIGA D 926391 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

1222 Onuoha, Freedom C.: The Islamist challenge : Nigeria's Boko<br />

Haram crisis explained / Freedom C. Onuoha. - In: African<br />

Security Review (Pretoria), 19 (June 2010) 2, S. 54-67, Lit.<br />

Hinw. S. 65-67<br />

GIGA D 926272 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF02.04 CAMEROON<br />

1223 Fonchingong, Tangie Nsoh: Anglophone Cameroon in search<br />

of identity / Tangie Nsoh Fonchingong. - In: Africa Insight<br />

(Pretoria), 40 (December 2010) 3, S. 19-38<br />

SWP D 926090 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 60 2011.05.06

RF02.08 CONGO (KINSHASA)<br />

1224 Hoffmann, Kasper: The charisma of authenticity in the<br />

Democratic Republic of the Congo / Kasper Hoffmann. -<br />

Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, 2010. -<br />

24 S., Lit. Hinw. - (DIIS Working Paper; 2010:32) -<br />

ISBN 978-87-7605-421-2<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/WP2010/WP2010-32-kh<br />

o-Charisma-of-authenticity_web.pdf<br />

SWP D 925658<br />

RF03.16 NAMIBIA<br />

1225 Tötemeyer, Gerhard: Church and state in Namibia : The<br />

politics of reconciliation / Gerhard Tötemeyer. -<br />

Freiburg/Breisgau: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, 2010. -<br />

188 S., Lit. S. 183-188 - (Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung<br />

und Politik; 38) - ISBN 978-3-928597-57-9<br />

GIGA D 926306 IAA: NAM-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


1226 Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye: Ethnic diversity and federalism :<br />

constitution making in South Africa and Ethiopia / Yonatan<br />

Tesfaye Fessha. - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2010. - XII,298 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 271-290, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4094-0310-4<br />

GIGA D 926278 IAA: AFR-G/103 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1227 Matsinhe, David Mario: Africa's fear of itself : The ideology of<br />

Makwerekwere in South Africa / David Mario Matsinhe. -<br />

In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2,<br />

S. 295-313<br />

SWP D 926503 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1228 Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J.: The World Cup, Vuvuzelas, flagwaving<br />

patriots and the burden of building South Africa /<br />

Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni. - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2, S. 279-293<br />

SWP D 926501 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

1229 Swai, Elinami Veraeli: Beyond women's empowerment in<br />

Africa : exploring dislocation and agency / Elinami Veraeli Swai.<br />

- New York/N.Y. ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. - XV,220 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 197-209, Lit. Hinw. S. 191-195 - ISBN 978-0-230-10248-4<br />

GIGA D 926234 IAA: TZA-G/15 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF05.01 ETHIOPIA<br />

1230 Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye: Ethnic diversity and federalism :<br />

constitution making in South Africa and Ethiopia / Yonatan<br />

Tesfaye Fessha. - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2010. - XII,298 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 271-290, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-4094-0310-4<br />

GIGA D 926278 IAA: AFR-G/103 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


1231 Chatty, Dawn: Displacement and Dispossession in the Modern<br />

Middle East / Dawn Chatty. - Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ.<br />

Press, 2010. - XIV,335 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 305-322, Lit. Hinw. - (The Contemporary Middle East; 5)<br />

- ISBN 978-0-521-52104-8<br />

GIGA D 926263 IMES: MEA-G/87 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


1232 Facebook, Twitter, Al-Jazeera et le "printemps arabe" /<br />

sous la dir. de François-Bernard Huyghe. Institut de Relations<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s et Stratégiques. - Paris, 2011. - 19 S. -<br />

(Observatoire géostratégique de l'information)<br />

http://www.iris-france.org/docs/kfm_docs/docs/2011-04-04-faceb<br />

ook-twitter-al-jazeera-et-le-printemps-arabe.pdf<br />

SWP D 925663<br />

1233 Music and media in the Arab world / ed. by Michael<br />

Frishkopf. - Kairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press, 2010. - XIII,<br />

308 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-977-416-293-0<br />

GIGA D 925706 IMES: MEA-L/214 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1234 Neoliberale Malaise und menschliche Unsicherheit : Blicke<br />

auf den Arabischen Frühling ; ein W&E-Feature -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 8<br />

DIE D 925602 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1235 Regional overview: Arab States : Education for All - Global<br />

Monitoring Report 2011 / United Nations Educational, Scientific<br />

and Cultural Organization. - Paris, 2011. - 18 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Gloss. - (EFA Global Monitoring Report) -<br />

(ED-2011/WS/9)<br />

http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001915/191531e.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926451<br />


1236 Bilgin, Fevzi: Political liberalism in Muslim societies / Fevzi<br />

Bilgin. - London ...: Routledge, 2011. - IX,141 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 130-138, Lit. Hinw. S. 122-129 - (Routledge Islamic<br />

Studies Series; 15) - ISBN 978-0-415-78182-4<br />

GIGA D 926388 IMES: MEA-H/139 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1237 Ebert, Hans-Georg; Hefny, Assem; Abd-ar-Raziq, 'Ali: Der<br />

Islam und die Grundlagen der Herrschaft : Übersetzung und<br />

Kommentar des Werkes von Alî Abd ar-Râziq / Hans-Georg<br />

Ebert / Assem Henfy. - Frankfurt a. M. ...: Peter Lang, 2010. -<br />

115 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Leipziger Beiträge zur Orientforschung; Bd.<br />

24) - ISBN 978-3-631-59613-5<br />

GIGA D 926274 IMES: MEA-L/217 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1238 Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Geschichte und Erinnerung im<br />

gegenwärtigen Islam : zwischen Aufklärung und Apologetik<br />

= History and memory in contemporary islam ; between<br />

enlightenment and apologetic / Hrsg.: Berliner Forum für<br />

Progressive Muslime, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung ; Text: Jörg<br />

Schlabach ... - Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 59 S., Ill.<br />

- (Politische Akademie (Bonn)) - (Berliner<br />

Akademiegespräche/Interkultureller Dialog) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-86872-449-3<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/akademie/berlin/07545.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926561 IMES: MEA-L/219 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1239 Political Islam : context versus ideology / edited by Khaled<br />

Hroub. - London: Saqi, 2010. - 315 S., graph. Darst, Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 293-304, Lit. Hinw. - (SOAS Middle East issues) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-86356-659-2<br />

GIGA D 925926 IMES: MEA-H/138 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1240 Sahrur, Muhammad: The Qur'an, morality and critical reason :<br />

The Essential Muhammad Shahrur / transl., ed., and with an<br />

introduction by Andreas Christmann. - Leiden: Brill, 2009. -<br />

XLVIII,586 S., graph. Darst., Reg., Gloss., Lit. S. 559-570, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle<br />

East and Asia; 106) - ISBN 978-90-04-17103-9<br />

GIGA D 925852 IMES: MEA-L/215 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG01.14 TUNISIA<br />

1241 Censure en Tunisie : presse en Tunisie, groupe de veille sur<br />

la Tunisie, Taoufik Ben Brik, tunezine, Parti Communiste des<br />

ouvriers de Tunisie / Livres Groupe. - o.O.: Books LLC, 2010. -<br />

30 S. - ISBN 978-1159559816<br />

GIGA D 926401 IMES: TUN-P/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1242 Piot, Olivier: La révolution tunisienne : dix jours qui<br />

ébranlèrent le monde arabe / Olivier Piot. - Paris: Les petits<br />

matins, 2011. - 150 S., Ill., Kt., Zeittaf., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-915879-93-3<br />

GIGA D 926217 IMES: TUN-H/16 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1243 Recent arrivals of migrants and asylum seekers by sea to<br />

Italy : problems and reactions / Paola Monzini. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano, 2011. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute;<br />

75/2011)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/4fed8d8046<br />

a5f202bc06bfc4d090bb2e/ARI75-2011_Monzini_Migrants_Asylu<br />

m_Italy.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=4fed8d8046a5f202bc0<br />

6bfc4d090bb2e<br />

GIGA D 926479<br />

RG01.16 EGYPT<br />

1244 Faris, David: Revolutions without revolutionaries? Social<br />

media networks and regime response in Egypt / David Faris. -<br />

Philadelphia/Pa.: Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2010. - XII,244 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 231-244, Lit. Hinw. - (Publicly<br />

Accessible Penn Dissertations; No. 116)<br />

http://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1195&con<br />

text=edissertations<br />

GIGA D 926109<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 61 2011.05.06

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

1245 Sky, Emma: Preventing Arab-Kurd conflict in Iraq after the<br />

withdrawal of U.S. Forces / Emma Sky. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

United States Institute of Peace, March 22, 2011. - 5 S. -<br />

(Peace Brief; 86)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/PB%2086.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926512<br />

RG02.13 LEBANON<br />

1246 Reiche, Daniel: War minus the shooting? The politics of sport<br />

in Libanon as a unique case in comparative politics / Daniel<br />

Reiche. - In: Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2,<br />

S. 261-277<br />

SWP D 926497 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

1247 Jamal, Amal: Arab minority nationalism in Israel : The politics<br />

of indigeneity / Amal Jamal. - London ...: Routledge, 2011. -<br />

IX,324 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 288-314, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 281-287 - (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics; 35)<br />

- ISBN 978-0-415-56739-8<br />

GIGA D 926514 IMES: ISR-G/38 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


1248 Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science (Oslo): Palestinian<br />

opinions about governance, institutions and political leaders :<br />

synthesis of results of Fafo's opinion polls in the West Bank<br />

and Gaza Strip, 2005-2011 / Åge A. Tiltnes ... Fafo Institute for<br />

Applied Social Science - Oslo: Fafo, 2011. - 26 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Anh., Lit. Hinw. - (FAFO-Paper; 2011:09)<br />

http://www.fafo.no/pub/rapp/10130/10130.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925613<br />


1249 Afghanistan: need to minimise new displacement and<br />

increase protection for recently displaced in remote areas /<br />

International Displacement Monitoring Centre ... - Geneva,<br />

2011. - 13 S.<br />

http://www.internal-displacement.org/8025708F004BE3B1/(httpIn<br />

foFiles)/8C20C57891906F4FC125786F003978FE/$file/Afghanist<br />

an_Overview_April201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925788<br />

1250 Johnson, Chris; Leslie, Jolyon: Afghanistan : The mirage of<br />

peace / Chris Johnson and Jolyon Leslie. - [Updated ed.] -<br />

London ...: Zed Books, 2008. - XIV, 255 S.,<br />

Ill., Kt., Gloss., Reg., Lit. S. [243]-247 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-84277-956-9<br />

DGAP D 926224 DGAP: DG 48889.A2<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

1251 Byam, Hannah; Neu, Christopher: Covering and countering<br />

extremism in Pakistan’s developing media / Hannah Byam ;<br />

Christopher Neu. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of<br />

Peace, March 3, [2011]. - 3 S. - (Peace Brief; 82)<br />

http://www.usip.org/files/resources/Covering_and_Countering_E<br />

xtremism_in_Pakistan%E2%80%99s_Developing_Media.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926175 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1252 Ahmad, Sohail; Choi, Mack-joong: The Context of<br />

uncontrolled urban settlements in Delhi / Sohail Ahmad ; Mack<br />

Joong Choi. - In: Asien (Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118,<br />

S. 75-90, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 90<br />

GIGA D 926407 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1253 Beazley, Kim: Spaces of opportunity : state-oustee relations in<br />

the context of conservation-induced displacement in central<br />

India / Kim Beazley. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), 84 (March<br />

2011) 1, Special issue: experiencing the state: marginalized<br />

people and the politics of development in contemporary India,<br />

S. 25-46<br />

GIGA D 926108 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1254 Bloom, David E.: India's baby boomers : dividend or disaster?<br />

/ David E. Bloom. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

110 (April 2011) 735, S. 143-149<br />

SWP D 926459 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1255 Chattopadhyay, Swaati: "Bourgeois utopias"? The rhetoric of<br />

globality in the contemporary suburban landscape of Calcutta /<br />

Swati Chattopadhyay. - Lund: Centre for East and South-East<br />

Asian Studies, Lund Univ., 2010. - 36 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies; No. 30) -<br />

ISBN 978-91-978082-0-0<br />

GIGA D 925743 IAS: 1.13.13/36 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1256 Donegan, Brendan: Spaces for negotiation and mass action<br />

within the national rural health mission : "community monitoring<br />

plus” and people’s organizations in tribal areas of Maharashtra,<br />

India / Brendan Donegan. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver),<br />

84 (March 2011) 1, Special issue: experiencing the state:<br />

marginalized people and the politics of development in<br />

contemporary India, S. 47-66<br />

GIGA D 926110 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1257 Gottschlich, Pierre: "Yankee Hindutva": die transnationale<br />

Dimension des Hindu-Nationalismus / Pierre Gottschlich. -<br />

In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden), 29 (2011) 1, S. 1-6,<br />

Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925967 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1258 Population policies and development in China and India :<br />

comparative perspectives / ed. by Wong Siu-lun ... Centre of<br />

Asian Studies, The Univ. of Hong Kong - Hong Kong, 2009. -<br />

xviii, 236 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Occasional Papers and<br />

Monographs / Centre of Asian Studies; No. 158) -<br />

ISBN 978-962-8269-48-8<br />

GIGA D 926131 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1259 Sankaran, Kamala; Madhav, Roopa: Gender equality and<br />

social dialogue in India / Kamala Sankaran and Roopa<br />

Madhav. - 1st published - Geneva: International Labour Office,<br />

Bureau for Gender and Equality ..., 2011. - 46 S. - (Working<br />

Paper / International Labour Office; 1/2011) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-2-123910-9<br />

http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---gender/d<br />

ocuments/publication/wcms_150428.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926247<br />

1260 Schaffer, Teresita C.: U.S. engagement in Indian health care :<br />

what is the impact? A report of the CSIS Global Health Policy<br />

Center / Teresita C. Schaffer. - Washington/D.C.: CSIS Global<br />

Health Policy Center, 2010. - 14 S.<br />

http://csis.org/files/publication/101115_Schaffer_USEngageIndia<br />

nHealth_Web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926137<br />

1261 Tillin, Louise: Questioning borders : social movements,<br />

political parties and the creation of new states in India / Louise<br />

Tillin. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), 84 (March 2011) 1,<br />

Special issue: experiencing the state: marginalized people and<br />

the politics of development in contemporary India, S. 67-88<br />

GIGA D 926112 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1262 Virani, Shafique N.: Taqiyya and identity in a South Asian<br />

community / Shafique N. Virani. - In: The Journal of Asian<br />

Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.), 70 (February 2011) 1, S. 99-140<br />

GIGA D 925942 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1263 Williams, Philippa; Vira, Bhaskar; Chopra, Deepta:<br />

Marginality, Agency and power : experiencing the state in<br />

contemporary India / Philippa Williams ; Bhaskar Vira ; Deepta<br />

Chopra. - In: Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), 84 (March 2011) 1,<br />

Special issue: experiencing the state: marginalized people and<br />

the politics of development in contemporary India, S. 7-25<br />

GIGA D 926107 SWP: X. 241 DGAP: ZD 307 IFA: Z-KA130 IAS: 3/6<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1264 Zutshi, Chitralekha: Translating the past : rethinking<br />

Rajatarangini narratives in colonial India / Chitralekha Zutshi. -<br />

In: The Journal of Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.),<br />

70 (February 2011) 1, S. 5-28<br />

GIGA D 925898 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 62 2011.05.06

RI01.16 SRI LANKA<br />

1265 Sharif, Iffath A.: Does political competition lessen ethnic<br />

discrimination? Evidence from Sri Lanka / Iffath A. Sharif. -<br />

In: Journal of Development Economics (Amsterdam),<br />

94 (March 2011) 2, S. 277-289, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 289<br />

DIE D 926369 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1266 Gibson, Thomas: Islamic narrative and authority in Southeast<br />

Asia : from the 16th to the 21st century / Thomas Gibson. -<br />

Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - XII,253 S. -<br />

(Contemporary Anthropology of Religion) - ISBN 1-4039-7983-9<br />

HSFK D 925590 HSFK: 40.993 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1267 Henderson, J. Vernon; Kuncoro, Ari: Corruption and local<br />

democratization in Indonesia : The role of Islamic parties / J.<br />

Vernon Henderson ; Ari Kuncoro. - In: Journal of Development<br />

Economics (Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 164-180,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 179-180<br />

DIE D 926353 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1268 Indonesia : reinforcing domestic demand in times of crisis<br />

/ ILO International Institute for Labour Studies. - Geneva, 2011.<br />

- 127 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Studies in Growth with<br />

Equity) - ISBN 978-92-9014-966-8<br />

http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgreports/@dcomm/<br />

@publ/documents/publication/wcms_153787.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925667<br />

1269 Noviani, Ratna: Ambiguity of images : visualizing ethnic/racial<br />

differences in Indonesian TV advertisements during the New<br />

Order and the Post-New Order Era / Ratna Noviani. - In: Asien<br />

(Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 29-49, Ill., Lit. S. 48-49<br />

GIGA D 926405 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1270 Using the Oaxaca-blinder decomposition technique to<br />

analyze learning outcomes changes over time : An<br />

application to Indonesia's results in PISA mathematics / Felipe<br />

Barrera-Osorio ... The World Bank, Human Development<br />

Network, Education Team - Washington/D.C., 2011. - 23 S. -<br />

(Policy Research Working Papers; 5584)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/IW3P/IB/2011/03/01/000158349_20110301085640/Rendered/<br />

PDF/WPS5584.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926313<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

1271 Abbott, Jason P.: Electoral authoritarianism and the print<br />

media in Malaysia: : measuring political bias and analyzing its<br />

cause / Jason P. Abbott. - In: Asian Affairs (Washington/D.C.),<br />

38 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 1-38<br />

GIGA D 926553 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1272 Abdul-Hamid, Ahmad Fauzi: Islamic education in Malaysia /<br />

Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid. - Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School<br />

of International Studies, 2010. - 108 S. - (RSIS Monograph; No.<br />

18) - ISBN 978-981-08-5952-7<br />

http://www.rsis.edu.sg/publications/monographs/Monograph18.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 925648<br />

1273 Moten, Abdul-Rashid: Changing political culture and electoral<br />

behavior in Malaysia / Abdul Rashid Moten. - In: Asian Affairs<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 39-56<br />

GIGA D 926554 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.15 SINGAPORE<br />

1274 Linnarz, Paul: Harmonie im Staatsauftrag : wie Singapur mit<br />

Einwanderung und Integration umgeht / Paul Linnarz. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 27 (2011) 4,<br />

S. 101-116<br />

SWP D 926208 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1275 Ehrentraut, Stefan: Decentralization and the promise of<br />

indigenous peoples' empowerment : The case of the World<br />

Bank in Cambodia / Stefan Ehrentraut. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 89-114<br />

GIGA D 925882 SWP: X. 149 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 465 HSFK: ZS R IAS: 3/797<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

1276 Chiu, Kuei-fen: The question of translation in Taiwanese<br />

colonial cinematic space / Kuei-fen Chiu. - In: The Journal of<br />

Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.), 70 (February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 77-98<br />

GIGA D 925922 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1277 Fernández-Stembridge, Leila: China: reformas en la<br />

Seguridad Social / Leila Fernández-Stembridge. - In: Economía<br />

Exterior (Madrid), (primavera 2011) 56, S. 78-88<br />

SWP D 925832 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

1278 Gaetano, Arianne M.: Single women in urban China and the<br />

"unmarried crisis" : gender resilience and gender<br />

transformation / Arianne Gaetano. - Lund: Centre for East and<br />

South-East Asian Studies, Lund Univ., 2010. - 20 S., Lit., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies; No.<br />

31) - ISBN 978-91-978082-1-7<br />

GIGA D 925756 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1279 Jackson, Richard: Can an aging China be a rising China? /<br />

Richard Jackson. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (April-June 2011) 2, S. 32-35<br />

GIGA D 926524 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1280 Malek, Roman: Volksrepublik China: Kirchen und Religionen :<br />

Statistischer Jahresrückblick 2010/2011 / Roman Malek. -<br />

In: China heute (St. Augustin), 30 (2011) 1/169, S. 27-40<br />

GIGA D 926418 IFA: Z-D3337 IAS: 3/674 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1281 Motsch, Monika: Yang Jiang und die Unsterblichkeit der Seele<br />

/ Monika Motsch. - In: China heute (St. Augustin), 30 (2011)<br />

1/169, S. 57-59<br />

GIGA D 926420 IFA: Z-D3337 IAS: 3/674 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1282 Palmer, David A.: Chinas religiöse Danwei : Die<br />

Institutionalisierung von Religion in der Volksrepublik China /<br />

David A. Palmer. - In: China heute (St. Augustin), 30 (2011)<br />

1/169, S. 41-56<br />

GIGA D 926419 IFA: Z-D3337 IAS: 3/674 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1283 Population policies and development in China and India :<br />

comparative perspectives / ed. by Wong Siu-lun ... Centre of<br />

Asian Studies, The Univ. of Hong Kong - Hong Kong, 2009. -<br />

xviii, 236 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Occasional Papers and<br />

Monographs / Centre of Asian Studies; No. 158) -<br />

ISBN 978-962-8269-48-8<br />

GIGA D 926131 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

1284 Chen, Cheng; Ko, Kyungmin; Lee, Ji-yong: North Korea's<br />

internet strategy and its political implications / Chen Cheng,<br />

Kyungmin Ko and Ji-Yong Lee. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 649-670<br />

GIGA D 925840 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1285 Shim, David; Nabers, Dirk: North Korea and the politics of<br />

visual representation / David Shim and Dirk Nabers. -<br />

Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

2011. - 28 S., Ill., Lit. - (GIGA Working Papers; No. 164) -<br />

(GIGA Research Programme: Power, Norms and Governance<br />

in International Relations)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp164_shim-nabers.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926302 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1286 Suh, Serk-bae: The location of "Korean" culture : Ch'oe<br />

Chaesŏ and Korean literature in a time of transition / Serk-Bae<br />

Suh. - In: The Journal of Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.),<br />

70 (February 2011) 1, S. 53-76<br />

GIGA D 925906 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 63 2011.05.06

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

1287 Contemporary Korean society viewed through the lens of<br />

the candlelight vigils of 2008 / Han Do-Hyun ... - In: Korea<br />

Journal (Seoul), 50 (Autumn 2010) 3, S. 5-127 -- Enthält: 5<br />

Beitr.<br />

GIGA D 926142 IFA: Z-KR8 IAS: 3/396 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1288 Park, Sang-young: Crafting and dismantling the egalitarian<br />

social contract : The changing state-society relations in<br />

globalizing Korea / Sang-Young Park. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 23 (December 2010) 5, S. 579-602<br />

GIGA D 925830 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1289 Suh, Serk-bae: The location of "Korean" culture : Ch'oe<br />

Chaesŏ and Korean literature in a time of transition / Serk-Bae<br />

Suh. - In: The Journal of Asian Studies (Ann Arbor/Mich.),<br />

70 (February 2011) 1, S. 53-76<br />

GIGA D 925906 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

1290 Gagné, Isaac: Spiritual safety nets and networked faith : The<br />

"liquidity" of family and work under late modernity / Isaac<br />

Gagné. - In: Contemporary Japan (Berlin), 23 (2011) 1,<br />

Lifestyles in transition - antecedents and consequences of<br />

social change, S. 71-92<br />

GIGA D 926542 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1291 Grăjdian, Maria: Kiyoku, takashiku, utsukushiku : Takarazuka<br />

revue and the project of identity (re-)solidification / Maria<br />

Grăjdian. - In: Contemporary Japan (Berlin), 23 (2011) 1,<br />

Lifestyles in transition - antecedents and consequences of<br />

social change, S. 5-26<br />

GIGA D 926532 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1292 Hambleton, Alexandra: Reinforcing identities, non-Japanese<br />

residents, television and cultural nationalism in Japan /<br />

Alexandra Hambleton. - In: Contemporary Japan (Berlin),<br />

23 (2011) 1, Lifestyles in transition - antecedents and<br />

consequences of social change, S. 27-48<br />

GIGA D 926539<br />

1293 Hansen, Gitte Marianne: Eating disorders and self-harm in<br />

Japanese cultural expression / Gitte Marianne Hansen. -<br />

In: Contemporary Japan (Berlin), 23 (2011) 1, Lifestyles in<br />

transition - antecedents and consequences of social change,<br />

S. 49-70<br />

GIGA D 926540 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1294 Jagodzinski, Wolfgang: Autonomy, religiosity, and national<br />

identification as determinants of life satisfaction : A theoretical<br />

and empirical model and its application to Japan / Wolfgang<br />

Jagodzinski. - In: Contemporary Japan (Berlin), 23 (2011) 1,<br />

Lifestyles in transition - antecedents and consequences of<br />

social change, S. 93-126<br />

GIGA D 926545 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />



1295 Ehrentraut, Stefan: Decentralization and the promise of<br />

indigenous peoples' empowerment : The case of the World<br />

Bank in Cambodia / Stefan Ehrentraut. - In: The Pacific Review<br />

(Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 89-114<br />

GIGA D 925882 SWP: X. 149 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 465 HSFK: ZS R IAS: 3/797<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


1296 Ferrari, Lisa L.: Catholic and non-Catholic NGOs fighting<br />

HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa : issue framing and<br />

collaboration / Lisa L. Ferrari. - In: International Relations<br />

(London), 25 (March 2011) 1, S. 85-107<br />

HSFK D 926430 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />


1297 [Gendered representations] - In: Third World Quarterly<br />

(Basingstoke), 32 (2011) 2, S. 315-365<br />

SWP D 926506 SWP: X. 626 OSI: Zv 531 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1298 Gersovitz, Mark: HIV testing : principles and practices / Mark<br />

Gersovitz. - In: The World Bank Research Observer (London),<br />

26 (February 2011) 1, S. 1-41, Tab., Lit. S. 36-41<br />

DIE D 925604 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />

1299 Migrant networks and foreign direct investment / Beata S.<br />

Javorcik ... - In: Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 231-241, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 240-241<br />

Außerdem erschienen als Paper: Washington/D.C.: Worldbank,<br />

2006. - 23 S.<br />

DIE D 926363 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />


1300 Ayub, Avista: A closer look at FIFA's hijab ban : what it means<br />

for Muslim players and lessons learned / Awista Ayub. - In: The<br />

SAIS Review of International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 43-50<br />

SWP D 925844 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1301 Boone, George; Frinking, Erik; Sweijs, Tim: Future issue:<br />

demographic shifts / George Boone ; Erik Frinking ; Tim Sweijs.<br />

- The Hague: HCSS, 2011. - 85 S., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-94-91040-22-1<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/93.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926589<br />

1302 De Spiegeleire, Stephan; Sweijs, Tim; Zhao, Tong: Contours<br />

of conflict in the 21st century : A cross languae analysis of<br />

Arabic, Chinese, English and Russian perspective on the future<br />

nature of conflict / Stephan de Spiegeleire ; Tim Sweijs ;Tong<br />

Zhao. - The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies,<br />

2011. - 245 S., Tab., Lit. S. 154-185 - (Rapport / The Hague<br />

Centre for Strategic Studies; no. 6-03-11) -<br />

ISBN 978-94-91040-30-6<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/283.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926594<br />

1303 Donnelly, Peter: From war without weapons to sport for<br />

development and peace : The Janus-face of sport / Peter<br />

Donnelly. - In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 65-76<br />

SWP D 925849 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1304 Frérot, Antoine: Des villes et des hommes : enquête TNS<br />

SOFRES / Veolia Environnement / par Antoine Frérot. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 183-199, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926223 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1305 Gauri, Varun: The cost of complying with human rights treaties<br />

: The convention on the rights of the child and basic<br />

immunization / Varun Gauri. - In: The Review of International<br />

Organizations (Boston/Mass.), 6 (March 2011) 1, S. 33-56<br />

SWP D 925758 SWP: X. 876<br />

1306 Gundlach, Erich; Opfinger, Matthias: Religiosity as a<br />

determinant of happiness / Erich Gundlach ; Matthias Opfinger.<br />

- Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

April 2011. - 26 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (GIGA Working Papers;<br />

No. 163) - (GIGA Research Programme: Socio-Economic<br />

Challenges in the Context of Globalisation)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp163_gundlach-opfinger.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925699 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1307 Hellmerichs, Sarah: Traurige Highlights : globale<br />

Bildungskrise und Bildungsziele 2011 / eine Zusammenfassung<br />

von Sarah Hellmerichs. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft<br />

und Entwicklung (Bonn), (März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 7, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925601 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1308 Hobermann, John: The myth of sport as a peace-promoting<br />

political force / John Hobermann. - In: The SAIS Review of<br />

International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1,<br />

S. 17-29<br />

SWP D 925837 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1309 Kenny, Charles: Getting Better : why global development is<br />

succeeding -- and how we can improve the world even more /<br />

Charles Kenny. - New York/N.Y.: Basic Books, 2011. -<br />

X,246 S., Reg., Lit. 219-234 - ISBN 978-0-465-02015-7<br />

GIGA D 926168 ILAS: INT-C/165 IMES: INT-C/165 IAA: INT-C/165<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 64 2011.05.06

1310 Köhler, Gabriele: Progressiver Universalismus und soziale<br />

Sicherung für alle : World Social Security Report 2010/2011 /<br />

Gabriele Köhler. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (Januar 2011), S. 2-3, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925592 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1311 Lord, Carnes: On the nature of strategic communications /<br />

Carnes Lord. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 91-93<br />

SWP D 926059 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1312 Merlini, Cesare: A post-secular world? / Cesare Merlini. -<br />

In: Survival (Abingdon), 53 (April-May 2011) 2, S. 117-130<br />

SWP D 925965 SWP: X. 115 OSI: Zt 776 DGAP: ZD 273 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1313 Norris, Pippa: Digital divide : civic engagement, information<br />

poverty, and the internet worldwide / Pippa Norris. -<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. - XV, 303 S., zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Reg., Anh., Lit. S. 273-285, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 247-271 - ISBN 978-0-521-00223-3<br />

DIE D 925746 DIE: PC142 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1314 Robinson, Matthew J.; Turam, Emir; Burton, Rick: Sport<br />

sovereignty at bay : The impact of globalization and the<br />

multi-national sport enterprise on the Westphalian-based<br />

international sport structure / Rick Burton, Matthew J. Robinson<br />

and Emir Turam. - In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 31-38<br />

SWP D 925841 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1315 Rose, Andrew K.; Spiegel, Mark M.: Do mega sporting events<br />

promote international trade? / Andrew K. Rose and Mark M.<br />

Spiegel. - In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 77-85<br />

SWP D 925851 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1316 Serious games : Krieg, Medien, Kunst ,war ,media, art ;<br />

Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt / herausgeb. von Ralf Beil. -<br />

Ostfildern: Hatzje Cantz, 2011. - 207 S., zahlr. Ill., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-7757-2991-8<br />

GIGA D 925732 ILAS: INT-B/128 IMES: INT-B/128 IAA: INT-B/128<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1317 Szymanski, Stefan: About winning : The political economy of<br />

awarding the World Cup and the Olympic Games / Stefan<br />

Szymanski. - In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 87-97<br />

SWP D 925854 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1318 Tempel, Sylke: Demokratie und Diplomatie : was dürfen wir<br />

wissen wollen? / von Sylke Tempel. - Berlin: Deutschlandradio<br />

Kultur, 2010. - ca. 2 S., Ill. - (Politisches Feuilleton /<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur)<br />

http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/politischesfeuilleton/133<br />

6830/drucken/<br />

DGAP D 926476<br />

1319 Torres, Cesar R.: Morally incompatible? An analysis of the<br />

relationship between competitive sport and international<br />

relations at the Olympic Games / Cesar R. Torres. - In: The<br />

SAIS Review of International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 3-16<br />

SWP D 925831 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

II.7 Society / Gesellschaft / Société<br />

1320 Tuohey, Brendan; Cognato, Brian: PeacePlayers<br />

International : A case study on the use of sport as a tool for<br />

conflict transformation / Brendan Tuohey and Brian Cognato. -<br />

In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs (Baltimore/Md.),<br />

31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 51-63<br />

SWP D 925847 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1321 Ville désirée, ville durable : un projet à partager ; actes de la<br />

XXXIe rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme<br />

= Desirable city, sustainable city - In: Revue urbanisme: Hors<br />

série (Paris), (2011) 39, S. 1-71, Ill., Lit. S. 69-71<br />

http://www.fnau.org/file/news/ActesRennes.pdf<br />

DFI D 926606<br />

1322 Women as agents of change : Advancing the role of women<br />

in politics and civil society ; hearing before the Subcommittee<br />

on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight of<br />

the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, June 9, 2010 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010. -<br />

III,116 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-97)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:568<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926304<br />


1323 Gottstein, Klaus: Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker und die<br />

Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs / Klaus<br />

Gottstein. - In: Zur Verantwortung der Wissenschaft - Carl<br />

Friedrich von Weizsäcker zu Ehren / Stephan Albrecht ... (Hg.).<br />

- Berlin: Lit Verl., 2008. - (Weltinnenpolitische Colloquien; 3),<br />

S. 57-65 - ISBN 978-3-8258-1769-5<br />

HSFK D 926440 HSFK: 41.050 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1324 Huibregtse, Ada: Interstate conflict and ethnicity / Ada<br />

Huibregtse. - In: Civil Wars (Abingdon), 13 (March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 40-60<br />

HSFK D 925950 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1325 Kaina, Viktoria: Why do we trust strangers? Revising the<br />

institutional approach to generalised trust creation / Viktoria<br />

Kaina. - In: West European Politics (Abingdon), 34 (March<br />

2011) 2, S. 282-295<br />

SWP D 925910 SWP: X. 453 OSI: ZV 640 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 274<br />

Öff.StaO: 188<br />

1326 Tan, Xiao; Hui, Chunlin: Public opinion and foreign policy : A<br />

comparison from realist and liberal perspectives / Tan Xiao &<br />

Hui Chunlin. - In: China International Studies (Beijing),<br />

26 (January-February 2011) 1, S. 147-156<br />

DIE D 925940 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1327 Zou, Lin: The commercialization of emotions in Zhang Ailing's<br />

fiction / Lin Zou. - In: The Journal of Asian Studies (Ann<br />

Arbor/Mich.), 70 (February 2011) 1, S. 29-52<br />

GIGA D 925900 OSI: Zs 606 IAS: 3/1 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 65 2011.05.06


1328 The European natural gas network : capacities at<br />

cross-border points on the market 1:8000000 - Brussels:<br />

Entsog, 2010. - 1 Kt.; 100,5 x 99 cm<br />

SWP D 926559 SWP: KW 611<br />


1329 Allen, David: The structural funds and cohesion policy :<br />

Extending the bargain to meet new challenges / David Allen. -<br />

In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace<br />

... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New<br />

European Union Series), S. 229-252 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926009 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1330 Altmann, Matthias; Michalski, Jan; Brenninkmeijer,<br />

Anthony: Energy infrastructure priorities : briefing paper ;<br />

[requested by the European Parliament's Committee on<br />

Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)] / author(s): M. Altmann<br />

; J. Michalski ; A. Brenninkmeijer. - Ms. completed in March<br />

2011 - Brussels: European Parliament, Directorate-General for<br />

Internal Policies, 2011. - 26 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(IP/A/ITRE/NT/2011-02)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?language=en&file=34791<br />

SWP D 925811<br />

1331 Bencek, David; Klodt, Henning; Rickels, Wilfried:<br />

Vorratslager für Seltene Erden : eine Aufgabe für die<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik? / David Bencek ; Henning Klodt ; Wilfried<br />

Rickels. - In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg), 91 (März 2011) 3,<br />

S. 209-215<br />

SWP D 925842 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-<br />

INT Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1332 Buchan, David: Energy policy: sharp challenges and rising<br />

ambitions / David Buchan. - In: Policy-making in the European<br />

Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford<br />

Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 357-379 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926014 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1333 Capelli, Fausto: La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice en<br />

matière de qualité des produits alimentaires / par Fausto<br />

Capelli. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris), (avril 2011) 547, S. 247-259<br />

SWP D 926535 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851<br />

1334 Castegnaro, Claudio; Naaf, Sandra: The role of minimum<br />

income for social inclusion in the European Union 2007-2010 :<br />

[requested by the European Parliament's Committee on<br />

Employment andSocial Affairs] / authors: Chiara Crepaldi<br />

(coord.). Claudio Castegnaro ; Sandra Naaf. With the contrib.<br />

of Daniela Mesini. - Ms. completed in January 2011 - Brussels:<br />

European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies,<br />

2011. - 163 S., zahlr. graph. Darst. u.Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(IP/A/EMPL/ST/2010-07)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?language=en&file=33779<br />

SWP D 925812<br />

1335 Chetouane, Mabrouk; Lemoine, Matthieu; La Serve, Marie-<br />

Elisabeth de: Impact de la crise sur la croissance potentielle :<br />

une approche par les modèles à composantes inobservables /<br />

Mabrouk Chetouane ; Matthieu Lemoine ; Marie-Elisabeth de la<br />

Serve. - In: Revue de l'OFCE (Paris), (janvier 2011) 116,<br />

S. 89-112, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 110-112<br />

DFI D 926253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1336 Chriqui, Vincent: Français et Européens face à la crise :<br />

enquête TNS SOFRES / Centre d'Analyse Stratégique / par<br />

Vincent Chriqui. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011),<br />

S. 61-79, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926176 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1337 Debaye, Marie: La Banque de France dans les instances<br />

européennes et internationales / Marie Debaye. - In: Bulletin de<br />

la Banque de France (Paris), (1er trimestre 2011) 183,<br />

S. 67-79, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 79<br />

DFI D 926285 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />


1338 EU-Rettungsschirm: folgt der Einstieg in eine<br />

Transferunion? / Wolfgang Schäuble ... - In: Ifo-Schnelldienst<br />

(München), 64 (10. Februar 2011) 3, S. 3-20, Lit.<br />

DIE D 926433 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1339 Fischer, Severin: Nach Fukushima : nukleare Sicherheit<br />

europäisieren ; Optionen für den zukünftigen Umgang mit der<br />

Kernenergie in Europa / Severin Fischer. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 2011. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 21/2011)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/aktuell/201<br />

1A21_fis_ks.pdf<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1340 Haug, Jutta; Lamassoure, Alain; Verhofstadt, Guy: Europe<br />

for growth : for a radical change in financing the EU / Jutta<br />

Haug, Alain Lamassoure and Guy Verhofstadt. With the collab.<br />

from Daniel Gros ... Coord. by Carole Perrin - Brussels: Center<br />

for European Policy Studies, 2011. - 86 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-94-6138-085-2<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4374<br />

SWP D 925817<br />

1341 Kapoor, Sony: Beyond economic governance and financing<br />

the real economy : compilation of briefing papers ; [requested<br />

by the European Parliament's Special Committee on the<br />

Financial, Economic and Social Crisis (CRIS)] / author: Sony<br />

Kapoor. Additional research by Jan Moens ... - Ms. completed<br />

in February 2011 - Brussels: European Parliament, Directorate-<br />

General for Internal Policies, 2011. - 38 S. -<br />

(IP/A/CRIS/NT/2010-25)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?language=en&file=34671<br />

SWP D 925814<br />

1342 Kopf, Christian: Restoring financial stability in the euro area /<br />

Christian Kopf. - Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies,<br />

2011. - 26 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CEPS Policy<br />

Brief; No. 237)<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4292<br />

SWP D 925820<br />

1343 Laffan, Brigid; Lindner, Johannes: The budget: who gets<br />

what, when, and how? / Brigid Laffan and Johannes Lindner. -<br />

In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace<br />

... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New<br />

European Union Series), S. 207-228 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926008 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1344 Marrero, Gustavo A.; Puch, Luis A.; Ramos-Real, Francisco<br />

Javier: Riesgos y costes en la generación de electricidad /<br />

Gustavo A. Marrero, Luis A. Puch y Francisco J. Ramos-Real. -<br />

In: Política Exterior (Madrid), (invierno 2011), número especial,<br />

S. 136-149<br />

SWP D 926167 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1345 Mehr Fiskalkompetenz für die EU? - In: Wirtschaftsdienst<br />

(Heidelberg) (Buenos Aires), 91 (Februar 2011) 2, S. 79-97, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DIE D 926436 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1346 Micossi, Stefano; Carmassi, Jacopo; Peirce, Fabrizia: On<br />

the tasks of the European stability mechanism / Stefano<br />

Micossi with Jacopo Carmassi and Fabrizia Peirce. - Brussels:<br />

Center for European Policy Studies, 2011. - 12 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 235)<br />

http://www.ceps.eu/ceps/download/4262<br />

SWP D 925825<br />

1347 Le Pac marche sur des oeufs - In: Projet (Paris), (avril-mai<br />

2011) 321, S. 36-78, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926271 OSI: Zv 223 DFI: RV<br />

1348 Qualifikation und Arbeitsmarkt : ungenutzte Potenziale -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg), (2011), Sonderheft -<br />

Heidelberg: Springer, S. 1-56. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 926439 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 66 2011.05.06

1349 Rhodes, Martin: Employment policy: between efficacy and<br />

experimentation / Martin Rhodes. - In: Policy-making in the<br />

European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 283-306 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926011 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1350 Roederer-Rynning, Christilla: The common agricultural policy<br />

: The fortress challenged / Christilla Roederer-Rynning. -<br />

In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace<br />

... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New<br />

European Union Series), S. 181-205 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926007 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1351 Schwarzer, Daniela: EU: schlecht ausbalanciert : vor allem gilt<br />

es, die Divergenzen innerhalb der EU zu beseitigen / Daniela<br />

Schwarzer. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft<br />

für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3,<br />

S. 30-33, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926569 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1352 Véron, Nicolas: The banking crisis in Europe / Nicolas Véron. -<br />

In: International Yearbook CIDOB (Barcelona), (2010),<br />

S. 111-115, Lit. S. 115<br />

SWP D 925633 SWP: V. 715.E DGAP: DG B01611<br />

1353 Weissbuch: Fahrplan zu einem einheitlichen europäischen<br />

Verkehrsraum - hin zu einem wettbewerbsorientierten und<br />

ressourcenschonenden Verkehrssystem : SEK(2011) 359<br />

endgültig, SEK(2011) 358 endgültig, SEK(2011) 391 endgültig /<br />

Europäische Kommission. - Brüssel, 2011. - 36 S. -<br />

(KOM(2011)144endgültig)<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/transport/strategies/doc/2011_white_paper/w<br />

hite_paper_com(2011)_144_de.pdf<br />

SWP D 925807<br />

1354 Wilks, Stephen: Competition policy : towards an economic<br />

constitution? / Stephen Wilks. - In: Policy-making in the<br />

European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 133-155 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926005 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

1355 Dreiski, Patrice: Energy security: An OSCE perspective /<br />

Patrice Dreiski. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010),<br />

S. 301-312<br />

IFSH D 926326 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA04.04 BELGIUM<br />

1356 Mioche, Philippe: Retour sur la "Lotharingie industrielle" : la<br />

sidérurgie du groupe des quatre (Allemagne, Belgique,<br />

Luxembourg et France) de 1974-2002 / Philippe Mioche. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 243-259, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926591 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.05 LUXEMBOURG<br />

1357 Mioche, Philippe: Retour sur la "Lotharingie industrielle" : la<br />

sidérurgie du groupe des quatre (Allemagne, Belgique,<br />

Luxembourg et France) de 1974-2002 / Philippe Mioche. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 243-259, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926591 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1358 Avenel, Marie; Rémy, Véronique: L'insertion par l'activité<br />

économique en 2008 / Marie Avenel et Véronique Rémy. -<br />

In: Dares analyses (Paris), (mars 2011) 19, S. 1-14, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925696 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1359 Bahu, Marlène: Les contrats d'aide à l'emploi en 2009 : hausse<br />

importante des entrées pour lutter contre la crise / Marlène<br />

Bahu avec la collab. de Yannick Fendrich. - In: Dares analyses<br />

(Paris), (mars 2011) 18, S. 1-14, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925695 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1360 Bergé, Christine: Superphénix, des braises sous la cendre :<br />

débat sur le nucléaire / Christine Bergé. - In: Le Monde<br />

diplomatique (Paris), 58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 6, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926252 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1361 Bisault, Laurent: Le "tirs secteur", un acteur économique<br />

important : 10% de l'emploi salarié dans les coopératives,<br />

mutuelles, associations et fondations / Laurent Bisault. -<br />

In: INSEE première (Paris), (mars 2011) 1342, S. 1-4, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925704 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1362 Bonnard, Claire; Bourdon, Jean; Paul, Jean-Jacques:<br />

Travailler dans la recherche privée au sortir d'une école<br />

d'ingénieur : est-ce la bonne stratégie? / Claire Bonnard ; Jean<br />

Bourdon ; Jean-Jacques Paul. - In: Revue d'économie<br />

industrielle (Paris), (mars 2011) 133, S. 9-30, Tab., Lit. S. 23<br />

DFI D 925870 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1363 Bonnevialle, Lionel: L'activité des missions locales et PAIO en<br />

2009 : forte hausse des premiers acceuils sous l'effet de la<br />

crise / Lionel Bonnevialle. - In: Dares analyses (Paris), (mars<br />

2011) 26, S. 1-7, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925701 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1364 Bordet, Christophe; Nolin, Alain: Les transports en 2009 :<br />

uns baisse de l'activité, malgré une reprise à partir du<br />

deuxième trimestre / Cristophe Bordet et Alain Nolin. -<br />

In: INSEE première (Paris), (avril 2011) 1343, S. 1-4, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925707 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1365 Chetouane, Mabrouk; Lemoine, Matthieu; La Serve, Marie-<br />

Elisabeth de: Impact de la crise sur la croissance potentielle :<br />

une approche par les modèles à composantes inobservables /<br />

Mabrouk Chetouane ; Matthieu Lemoine ; Marie-Elisabeth de la<br />

Serve. - In: Revue de l'OFCE (Paris), (janvier 2011) 116,<br />

S. 89-112, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 110-112<br />

DFI D 926253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1366 Chevauchez, Benoît: La crise et les règles françaises de<br />

gouvernance des finances publiques / Benoît Chevauchez. -<br />

In: Revue de l'OFCE (Paris), (janvier 2011) 116, S. 291-332<br />

DFI D 926258 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1367 Chriqui, Vincent: Français et Européens face à la crise :<br />

enquête TNS SOFRES / Centre d'Analyse Stratégique / par<br />

Vincent Chriqui. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011),<br />

S. 61-79, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926176 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1368 Compétitivité : la France décroche-t-elle? - In: Problèmes<br />

économiques (Paris), (13 avril 2011) 3017, S. 3-28, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 28<br />

DFI D 925881 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1369 Debaye, Marie: La Banque de France dans les instances<br />

européennes et internationales / Marie Debaye. - In: Bulletin de<br />

la Banque de France (Paris), (1er trimestre 2011) 183,<br />

S. 67-79, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 79<br />

DFI D 926285 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1370 Deubner, Christian: Der deutsche und der französische Weg<br />

aus der Finanzkrise / von Christian Deubner. - Berlin: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, 2011. - 18 S., Lit. S. 17-18 -<br />

(DGAP-Analyse: Frankreich; 2011, No. 2)<br />

http://www.dgap.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/DGAPanalyse-<br />

Frankreich-2-Finanzkrise.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926177 DGAP: ZD 98<br />

1371 Essor prometteur des croisières en France / Conseil<br />

national du tourisme, section de l'économie touristique.<br />

Président du groupe de travail: Michel Messager. Rapporteurs:<br />

Jean-Claude Helary ... - Paris: Ministère de l'Economie, de<br />

l'Industrie et de l'Emploi, 2010. - 93 S., Tab.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/104000666/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 926610<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 67 2011.05.06

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1372 Feillard, Pascal: Imaginaires de mobilité : enquête mobilité<br />

TNS SOFRES / Pascal Feillard. - In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris),<br />

(2011), S. 201-210, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926229 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1373 Filippi, Maryline; Triboulet, Pierre: Alliances stratégiques et<br />

formes de contrôle dans les coopératives agricoles / Maryline<br />

Filippi et Pierre Triboulet. - In: Revue d'économie industrielle<br />

(Paris), (mars 2011) 133, S. 57-78, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 77-78<br />

DFI D 925872 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1374 Greciano, Pierre-Alain: Economie: une timide reprise / Pierre-<br />

Alain Greciano. - In: La France en ... (Paris), (2010), S. 77-107,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926386 DFI: FA 840.FRA DGAP: ZD 239 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1375 Leforestier, Guillaume: La loi de finances pour 2011 : Acte I<br />

de la consolidation budgétaire / Guillaume Leforestier. -<br />

In: Regards sur l'actualité (Paris), (mars 2011) 369, S. 88-99,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925846 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1376 Les marchés financiers français : une perspective historique<br />

- In: Les Cahiers français (Paris), (mars-avril 2011) 361,<br />

S. 8-12, Lit. S. 12<br />

DFI D 926288 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 235 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1377 Mioche, Philippe: Retour sur la "Lotharingie industrielle" : la<br />

sidérurgie du groupe des quatre (Allemagne, Belgique,<br />

Luxembourg et France) de 1974-2002 / Philippe Mioche. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 243-259, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926591 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1378 Montornès, Jérémi: L'évolution de la monnaie et du crédit en<br />

France : 2010, l'année de la reprise / Jérémi Montornès. -<br />

In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris), (1er trimestre<br />

2011) 183, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 926277 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1379 Le Pac marche sur des oeufs - In: Projet (Paris), (avril-mai<br />

2011) 321, S. 36-78, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 926271 OSI: Zv 223 DFI: RV<br />

1380 Podesta, Marion: Ventes liées et concurrence sur les marchés<br />

énergétiques / Marion Podesta. - In: Revue d'économie<br />

industrielle (Paris), (mars 2011) 133, S. 79-98, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 96-97<br />

DFI D 925873 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1381 Popow, Olga de; Bouilleaux, Patricia: Le système<br />

décisionnel dans l'industrie alsacienne / Patricia Bouilleaux ;<br />

Olga de Popow. - In: Chiffres pour l'Alsace [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Strasbourg), (avril 2011) 16, S. 1-4, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.insee.fr/fr/insee_regions/alsace/themes/ch_revue/cpa<br />

r/cpa2011_16.pdf<br />

DFI D 925845 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1382 Pucci, Muriel; Tinel, Bruno: Réductions d'impôts et dette<br />

publique en France / Muriel Pucci ; Bruno Tinel. - In: Revue de<br />

l'OFCE (Paris), (janvier 2011) 116, S. 125-148, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 145-146<br />

DFI D 926257 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1383 Rouvreau, Béatrice; Sabatié, Emmanuelle: Le retour à la<br />

normale de la durée d'utilisation des équipements dans<br />

l'industrie manufacturière en 2010 : résultats de l'enquête<br />

menée en 2010 par la Banque de France / Béatrice Rouvreau<br />

et Emmanuelle Sabatié. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France<br />

(Paris), (1er trimestre 2011) 183, S. 9-26, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 26<br />

DFI D 926281 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1384 Rouxel, Corinne; Coutrot, Thomas: Emploi et santé des<br />

seniors durablement exposés à des penibilités physiques au<br />

cours de leur carrière : l'apport de l'enquête "Santé et itinéraire<br />

professionnel" / Thomas Coutrot ; Corinne Rouxel. - In: Dares<br />

analyses (Paris), (mars 2011) 20, S. 1-7, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925697 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1385 Trébucq, Stéphane: Le balanced scorecard en France : un<br />

outil de communication encore incompris / Stéphane Trébucq. -<br />

In: Revue française de gestion (Cachan), 37 (février 2011) 211,<br />

S. 131-143, Lit. S. 141-143<br />

DFI D 925850 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

1386 Beck'scher Bilanz-Kommentar : Handels- und Steuerbilanz<br />

: §§ 238 bis 339, 342 bis 342e HGB mit IFRS-Abweichungen /<br />

hrsg. von Helmut Ellrott ... - 7., völlig neubearb. Aufl. -<br />

München: Beck, 2010. - XXXVI, 2626 S, Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-406-59392-5<br />

DIE D 925700 DIE: 87ARA048(7) Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1387 Chetouane, Mabrouk; Lemoine, Matthieu; La Serve, Marie-<br />

Elisabeth de: Impact de la crise sur la croissance potentielle :<br />

une approche par les modèles à composantes inobservables /<br />

Mabrouk Chetouane ; Matthieu Lemoine ; Marie-Elisabeth de la<br />

Serve. - In: Revue de l'OFCE (Paris), (janvier 2011) 116,<br />

S. 89-112, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 110-112<br />

DFI D 926253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1388 Deubner, Christian: Der deutsche und der französische Weg<br />

aus der Finanzkrise / von Christian Deubner. - Berlin: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, 2011. - 18 S., Lit. S. 17-18 -<br />

(DGAP-Analyse: Frankreich; 2011, No. 2)<br />

http://www.dgap.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/DGAPanalyse-<br />

Frankreich-2-Finanzkrise.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926177 DGAP: ZD 98<br />

1389 Gronwald, Marc; Lippelt, Jana: Kurz zum Klima :<br />

Stromexporte, EEG und Emissionshandel / Marc Gronwald und<br />

Jana Lippelt. - In: Ifo-Schnelldienst (München), 64 (10. Februar<br />

2011) 3, S. 34-36, Kt., Lit.<br />

DIE D 926435 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1390 Hennicke, Peter; Samadi, Sascha; Schleicher, Tobias:<br />

Ambitionierte Ziele - untaugliche Mittel : Deutsche<br />

Energiepolitik am Scheideweg ; Hintergrundpapier der<br />

Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW) zur Energie-<br />

und Klimapolitik in Deutschland 2010 / Peter Hennicke ;<br />

Sascha Samadi ; Tobias Schleicher. Unter Mitarb. von Felix<br />

Chr. Matthes ... - Berlin: Vereinigung Deutscher<br />

Wissenschaftler, 2011. - 108 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 103-108 - (VDW-Materialien; 1/2011)<br />

http://www.vdw-ev.de/images/stories/vdwdokumente/aktuelles/vd<br />

w%20materialien%201%20201<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

DGAP D 926498<br />

1391 Labor markets and labor market policies between<br />

globalization and world economic crisis : Japan and<br />

Germany / Hans H. Bass ... (eds) - 1st published - München:<br />

Rainer Hampp Verl., 2010. - 267 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-86618-479-4<br />

GIGA D 925753 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1392 Lechtenböhmer, Stefan; Samadi, Sascha: Kurzanalyse zur<br />

aktuellen Diskussion um die mit dem Ausbau der erneuerbaren<br />

Energien in der Stromversorgung verbundenen Kosten und<br />

Nutzen : Endbericht / Stefan Lechtenböhmer ; Sascha Samadi.<br />

- Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt und Energie,<br />

2010. - 39 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 36-39<br />

http://www.wupperinst.org/uploads/tx_wiprojekt/EEG-Foerderung<br />

_Endbericht.pdf<br />

DGAP D 926508<br />

1393 Mioche, Philippe: Retour sur la "Lotharingie industrielle" : la<br />

sidérurgie du groupe des quatre (Allemagne, Belgique,<br />

Luxembourg et France) de 1974-2002 / Philippe Mioche. -<br />

In: Ces chers voisins: l'Allemagne, la Belgique et la France en<br />

Europe du XIXe au XXIe siècles / éd. par Michel Dumoulin ... -<br />

Stuttgart: Steiner, 2010, S. 243-259, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-515-09807-6<br />

DFI D 926591 DFI: YV 250.CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1394 Qualifikation und Arbeitsmarkt : ungenutzte Potenziale -<br />

In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg), (2011), Sonderheft -<br />

Heidelberg: Springer, S. 1-56. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 926439 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 68 2011.05.06


1395 Veselkova, Marcela; Horvath, Julius: National identity and<br />

money : Czech and Slovak lands ; 1918-2008 / Marcela<br />

Veselkova and Julius Horvath. - In: Nationalities Papers<br />

(Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2, S. 237-255<br />

SWP D 925875 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1396 Veselkova, Marcela; Horvath, Julius: National identity and<br />

money : Czech and Slovak lands ; 1918-2008 / Marcela<br />

Veselkova and Julius Horvath. - In: Nationalities Papers<br />

(Abingdon), 39 (March 2011) 2, S. 237-255<br />

SWP D 925875 SWP: X. 817 IFA: Z-USA1035 SOI: Z17937 ECMI: ECMI<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA06.02 SPAIN<br />

1397 Terceiro, Jaime: Crisis económica y energías alternativas /<br />

Jaime Terceiro. - In: Política Exterior (Madrid), (invierno 2011),<br />

número especial, S. 38-60<br />

SWP D 926164 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

RA06.05 GREECE<br />

1398 Grebe, Jan; Sommer, Jerry: Greece: high military<br />

expenditures despite the financial crisis / by Jan Grebe and<br />

Jerry Sommer. - Bonn: Bonn International Center for<br />

Conversion, 2010. - 6 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (BICC Focus; 9)<br />

Außerdem erschienen unter dem Titel: Griechenland: hohe<br />

Militärausgaben trotz Finanzkrise. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.bicc.de/uploads/pdf/publications/focus/9-griechenland<br />

/BICC%20Focus_Griechenland_engl_fin.pdf<br />

BICC D 926558 BICC: BC BICCFOC<br />


1399 The European natural gas network : capacities at<br />

cross-border points on the market 1:8000000 - Brussels:<br />

Entsog, 2010. - 1 Kt.; 100,5 x 99 cm<br />

SWP D 926559 SWP: KW 611<br />


1400 Barnes, Andrew: Russian-Chinese oil relations : dominance or<br />

negotiation? / Andrew Barnes. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS<br />

Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 124)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_124.pdf<br />

SWP D 925964<br />

1401 Cooper, Julian M.: The innovative potential of the Russian<br />

economy / by Julian Cooper. - In: Russian Analytical Digest<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (29 November 2010) 88,<br />

S. 8-11<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124640/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/817b4633-61e5-4c5b-831<br />

f-96f77926c208/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_88.pdf<br />

SWP D 925995<br />

1402 Fortescue, Stephen: Die russische Stahlindustrie und die<br />

Ukraine / von Stephen Fortescue. - In: Ukraine-Analysen<br />

(Bremen), (08.02.2011) 86, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen86.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926022<br />

1403 Orttung, Robert W.; Tissot, Roger: Can Brazil be a model of<br />

development for Russia? / Robert W. Orttung and Roger<br />

Tissot. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. -<br />

(PONARS Policy Memo; No. 126)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_126.pdf<br />

SWP D 925970<br />

1404 Śmigielski, Robert: Nuclear energy in the foreign policy of the<br />

Russian Federation / Robert Śmigielski. - Warsaw: Polish<br />

Institute of International Affairs, 2011. - 2 S. - (Bulletin / Polish<br />

Institute of International Affairs; No. 35 (252))<br />

http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=6310<br />

DGAP D 926551<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1405 Sutela, Pekka: Forecasting the Russian economy for 2010-<br />

2012 / by Pekka Sutela. - In: Russian Analytical Digest<br />

[Elektronische Ressource] (Bremen), (29 November 2010) 88,<br />

S. 2-5<br />

http://kms2.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/RESSpecNet/124640/<br />

ipublicationdocument_singledocument/817b4633-61e5-4c5b-831<br />

f-96f77926c208/en/Russian_Analytical_Digest_88.pdf<br />

SWP D 925994<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

1406 Bach, Jan; Szumska, Milena; Chornobyl, Oleksander: Die<br />

neue ukrainische Finanzverfassung - gelernte und ungelernte<br />

Lektionen / von Jan Bach, Milena Szumska und Oleksander<br />

Chornobyl. - In: Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen), (25.01.2011) 85,<br />

S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen85.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926021<br />

1407 Fortescue, Stephen: Die russische Stahlindustrie und die<br />

Ukraine / von Stephen Fortescue. - In: Ukraine-Analysen<br />

(Bremen), (08.02.2011) 86, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen86.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 926022<br />

1408 Das neue Steuergesetzbuch : <strong>Dokument</strong>ation - In: Ukraine-<br />

Analysen (Bremen), (14.12.2010) 84, S. 7-8<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/ukraine/pdf/UkraineAnalysen84.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 925998<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

1409 Utegenova, Ailuna R.: Kazakhstan's 2030 Development<br />

Strategy : significance and results / Ailuna R. Utegenova. -<br />

In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden), (2010), S. 133-143, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926173 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

1410 Bensmann, Marcus: Operation Roghun : Geschichte und<br />

Gefahren eines schwelenden Konflikts / von Marcus<br />

Bensmann. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (26.11.2010)<br />

35, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen35.pdf<br />

SWP D 926030<br />

1411 Wegerich, Kai: Handing over the sunset : external factors<br />

influencing the establishment of water user associations in<br />

Uzbekistan ; evidence from Khorezm Province / kai wegerich. -<br />

Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2010. - XIX, 169 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 158-167 - ISBN 978-3-86955-219-4<br />

DIE D 926607 DIE: 912AZJ001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

1412 Bensmann, Marcus: Operation Roghun : Geschichte und<br />

Gefahren eines schwelenden Konflikts / von Marcus<br />

Bensmann. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen), (26.11.2010)<br />

35, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen35.pdf<br />

SWP D 926030<br />

1413 Schlager, Edda: Business im Armenhaus :<br />

marktwirtschaftliche Ansätze im tadschikischen Pamir / von<br />

Edda Schlager. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen),<br />

(29.10.2010) 34, S. 2-5<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen34.pdf<br />

SWP D 925687<br />


1414 A call to action on food security : The Administration's global<br />

strategy ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 1st Session, October 29,<br />

2009 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-72)<br />

HSFK D 926618<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 69 2011.05.06

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1415 Hirsh, Michael: The resurrection / by Michael Hirsh. -<br />

In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 43 (March 26, 2011)<br />

13, S. 16-22<br />

SWP D 926656 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144<br />

1416 Iraqi-U.S. cost-sharing : Iraq has a cumulative budget surplus,<br />

offering the potential for further cost-sharing ; report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 72 S. -<br />

(GAO-10-304)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10304.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925659 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1417 Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Wiederbelebung des American<br />

Dream : Obama muss Reformen in Gang setzen, um<br />

Wachstum nachhaltig zu fördern / Stormy-Annika Mildner. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige<br />

Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 24-29, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926566 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1418 Ong, Ryan: Strategies for participating in China's standards<br />

regime / Ryan Ong. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (April-June 2011) 2, S. 46-49<br />

GIGA D 926531 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1419 Taylor, John B.: The cycle of rules and discretion in economic<br />

policy / John B. Taylor. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(Spring 2011) 7, S. 55-65<br />

SWP D 926633 SWP: X. 897<br />

1420 Zywicki, Todd: The auto bailout and the rule of law / Todd<br />

Zywicki. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Spring 2011)<br />

7, S. 67-80<br />

SWP D 926634 SWP: X. 897<br />


1421 Corvino, Isabella: Entrepreneurial remittances for<br />

development, the case of Latin America : how to foster the<br />

virtuous relation between remittances and international trade &<br />

FDI / Isabella Corvino. - Roma: Centro Studi di Politica<br />

Economica del PCI, 2011. - 9 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(CeSPI/Dossier)<br />

http://www.cespi.it/WP/DOC%202-11%20Corvino.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926394<br />

1422 Reyes, Javier; Sawyer, W. Charles: Latin American economic<br />

development / Javier A. Reyes ; W. Charles Sawyer. - London:<br />

Routledge, 2011. - 338 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-49733-6<br />

GIGA D 926617 ILAS: AAL-F/62 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

1423 Puayana, Alicia; Romero, José: México: de la crisis de la<br />

deuda al estancamiento económico / Alicia, Puyana ; José<br />

Romero. - 1a. ed. - México/D.F.: El Colegio de México - Centro<br />

de Estudios Económicos, 2009. - 391 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-607-462-074-0<br />

GIGA D 926598 ILAS: MEX-F/21 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD02.05 NICARAGUA<br />

1424 Turismo sostenible, desarrollo local y articulación regional<br />

transfronteriza en el Río San Juan / Javier Escalera Reyes ...<br />

(eds.) . Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Costa<br />

Rica - San José: FLACSO, 2010. - 338 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-9977-68-212-9<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/Carpeta_2011/Libr<br />

oTurismo.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926402<br />

RD02.06 COSTA RICA<br />

1425 Turismo sostenible, desarrollo local y articulación regional<br />

transfronteriza en el Río San Juan / Javier Escalera Reyes ...<br />

(eds.) . Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Costa<br />

Rica - San José: FLACSO, 2010. - 338 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-9977-68-212-9<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/Carpeta_2011/Libr<br />

oTurismo.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926402<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

1426 Fajnzylber, Pablo; Maloney, William F.; Montes-Rojas,<br />

Gabriel V.: Does formality improve micro-firm performance?<br />

Evidence from the Brazilian SIMPLES program / Pablo<br />

Faynzylber ; William F. Maloney ; Gabriel V. Montes-Rojas. -<br />

In: Journal of Development Economics (Amsterdam),<br />

94 (March 2011) 2, S. 262-276, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 275-276<br />

DIE D 926367 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1427 Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Brasília):<br />

Evolução das despesas com habitação e transporte público<br />

nas Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) : Análise<br />

preliminar - 2002-2009 / Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica<br />

Aplicada. - Brasília: Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada,<br />

2010. - 31 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Comunicados do<br />

Ipea; No. 69)<br />

http://www.ipea.gov.br/portal/images/stories/PDFs/comunicado/1<br />

01201_comunicadoipea69.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925896<br />

1428 Orttung, Robert W.; Tissot, Roger: Can Brazil be a model of<br />

development for Russia? / Robert W. Orttung and Roger<br />

Tissot. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. -<br />

(PONARS Policy Memo; No. 126)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_126.pdf<br />

SWP D 925970<br />

1429 Ravallion, Martin: A comparative perspective on poverty<br />

reduction in Brazil, China, and India / Martin Ravallion. - In: The<br />

World Bank Research Observer (London), 26 (February 2011)<br />

1, S. 71-104, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 100-104<br />

Außerd. ersch.: A comparative perspective on poverty<br />

reduction in Brazil, China and India / Martin Ravallion. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: IBRD Development Research Group, 2009<br />

DIE D 925608 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />

RD04.16 COLOMBIA<br />

1430 Kandilov, Ivan T.; Leblebicioğlu, Aslı: The impact of<br />

exchange rate volatility on plant-level investment : evidence<br />

from Colombia / Ivan T. Kandilov, Aslı Leblebicioğlu. -<br />

In: Journal of Development Economics (Amsterdam),<br />

94 (March 2011) 2, S. 220-230, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 230<br />

DIE D 926361 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RD04.18 PERU<br />

1431 Trivelli, Carolina; Montenegro, Jimena; Gutiérrez, María<br />

Cristina: Un año ahorrando : primeros resultados del programa<br />

piloto "promoción del ahorro en familias juntos" / Carolina<br />

Trivelli ; Jimena Montenegro ; María Cristina Gutiérrez. - Lima:<br />

Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2011. - 97 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Documentos de Trabajo / Instituto<br />

de Estudios Peruanos; No. 159) - ISBN 978-9972-51-290-2<br />

http://www.iep.org.pe/textos/DDT/unanoahorrando.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926500<br />


1432 Knop, Jurgen J.: The energy revolution age : Africa's<br />

opportunity to generate its own electricity from renewable<br />

ressources / Jurgen J. Knop. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria),<br />

40 (September 2010) 2, S. 54-64<br />

SWP D 926079 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1433 Pohl, Birte: Spillover and competition effects : evidence from<br />

the sub-Saharan African banking sector / Birte Pohl. -<br />

Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

2011. - 30 S., Tab., Lit. S. 25-26 - (GIGA Working Papers; No.<br />

165) - (GIGA Research Programme: Socio-Economic<br />

Challenges in the Context of Globalisation)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp165_pohl.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926565 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 70 2011.05.06

RF03.12 BOTSWANA<br />

1434 Kapunda, Stephen M.: Economic growth and poverty<br />

reduction in Botswana : lessons for the SADC region / Stephen<br />

M. Kapunda. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria), 40 (December 2010)<br />

3, S. 39-49<br />

SWP D 926092 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1435 Kaggwa, Martin: Sustaining industrial growth and trade in<br />

Africa : A reflection on South Africa's automotive industry<br />

support model / Martin Kaggwa. - In: Africa Insight (Pretoria),<br />

40 (September 2010) 2, S. 28-38<br />

SWP D 926077 SWP: X. 596 DGAP: ZD 315 IFA: Z-SA129 IAA: ZS-AF<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1436 Ogola, Leandro Odour: Human security in pastoralist areas of<br />

Eastern Africa / Leandro Odour Ogola. - In: African Security<br />

Review (Pretoria), 19 (September 2010) 3, S. 27-40, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 39-40<br />

GIGA D 926397 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 30<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

1437 Cull, Robert; Spreng, Connor P.: Pursuing efficiency while<br />

maintaining outreach : bank privatization in Tanzania / Robert<br />

Cull ; Connor P. Spreng. - In: Journal of Development<br />

Economics (Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 254-261, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 261<br />

DIE D 926366 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1438 Poverty and human development report 2009 / publ. by:<br />

REPOA [Research on Poverty Alleviation] on behalf of the<br />

Research and Analysis Working Group, MKUKUTA Monitoring<br />

System, Ministry of Planning, Economy and Empowerment -<br />

Dar es Salaam, 2009. - XXIX,190 S., zahlr. graph. Darst.,<br />

zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 184-190 - ISBN 978-9987-61-544-5<br />

http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/PHDR%<br />

202009%20text.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926048<br />


1439 Economic freedom of the Arab World : 2009 annual report /<br />

Salem Ben Nasser Al Ismaily ... Friedrich Naumann Foundation<br />

for Liberty ... - Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 2009. - 76 S.,<br />

zahlr. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-88975-248-1<br />

http://www.freetheworld.com/arab/Arabic_Economic_Freedom_2<br />

009.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926390<br />


1440 Martínez, Luís: La vague démocratique se heurtera-t-elle à la<br />

rente pétrolière? / Luis Martinez. - Paris: Centre d'Etudes et de<br />

Recherches <strong>Internationale</strong>s, 2011. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.ceri-sciences-po.org/archive/2011/avril/art_lm.pdf<br />

SWP D 925662<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

1441 Maroc: quand l'économie se met au vert - In: Jeune Afrique<br />

(Paris), 51 (17-30 avril 2011) 2623-2624, S. 91-104<br />

SWP D 926652 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

RG01.16 EGYPT<br />

1442 Springborg, Robert: Armes reiches Land : ohne einen<br />

wirtschaftspolitischen Neustart kommt Ägypten nicht auf die<br />

Beine / Robert Springborg. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik /<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld),<br />

66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 96-104<br />

DGAP D 926609 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

1443 Crude calculations : The continued lack of transparency over<br />

oil in Sudan / Global Witness. - London, 2011. - 28 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.globalwitness.org/sites/default/files/library/110104_Cr<br />

ude%20Calculations_0.pdf<br />

SWP D 925649<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1444 Iraqi-U.S. cost-sharing : Iraq has a cumulative budget surplus,<br />

offering the potential for further cost-sharing ; report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 72 S. -<br />

(GAO-10-304)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10304.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925659 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG02.12 JORDAN<br />

1445 Foreign Investment Advisory Service: Competitiveness and<br />

corporate responsibility in the Jordanian apparel industry /<br />

Foreign Investment Advisory Service. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

Januar 2008. - 68 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.bsr.org/reports/BSR_FIAS_Jordan-Report.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926100<br />

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

1446 Rivlin, Paul: Behind the tensions in Syria : The socio-economic<br />

dimension / Paul Rivlin. - Tel Aviv: Moshe Dayan Center, 2011.<br />

- 6 S. - (Tel Aviv Notes; Vol. 5, Special Ed. No. 5)<br />

http://www.dayan.org/pdfim/TA_Notes_RIVLIN_Syria_MAR30_1<br />

<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

SWP D 925762<br />


1447 Khan, Mushtaq H.: Post-Oslo state-building strategies and<br />

their limitations : transcript of the Yusif A. Sayigh Development<br />

Lecture 2010 / Mushtaq H. Khan. - London: School of Oriental<br />

and African Studies, 2010. - 22 S., graph. Darst.<br />

http://mercury.soas.ac.uk/users/mk17/Docs/Prof%20Mushtaq%2<br />

0Final%20Transcript%20Sayigh%20Lecture.pdf<br />

SWP D 925763<br />

RG03.01 GULF STATES<br />

1448 Industrialization in the Gulf : A socioeconomic revolution /<br />

edited by Jean-Francois Seznec ... Publ. in association with the<br />

Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University<br />

- London ...: Routledge, 2011. - XX,212 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Routledge Studies in Middle<br />

Eastern Economics) - ISBN 978-0-415-78035-3<br />

GIGA D 925976 IMES: GST-F/9 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

1449 Ramady, Mohamed A.: The Saudi Arabian economy : policies,<br />

achievements, and challenges / Mohamed A. Ramady. - 2nd<br />

ed. - New York/N.Y. ...: Springer, 2010. - XXII,512 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 489-504 - ISBN 978-1-4419-5986-7<br />

GIGA D 926457 IMES: SAU-F/7 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


1450 Roland-Holst, David; Sugiyarto, Guntur; Loh, Yinshan:<br />

Asian regional income, growth, and distribution to 2030 / David<br />

Roland-Holst, Guntur Sugiyarto, and Yinshan Loh. - In: Asian<br />

Development Review (Manila), 27 (2010) 2, S. 57-81, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 80-81<br />

GIGA D 926414 IAS: 3/763 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


1451 Asia’s economic transformation : implications for Australia /<br />

Jenny Corbett ... Crawford School of Economics and<br />

Government, The Australian National University - Canberra,<br />

2011. - 12 S. - (Policy Briefs / Crawford School of Economics<br />

and Government; 10)<br />

http://www.crawford.anu.edu.au/pdf/policy_briefs/2011/implicatio<br />

ns_for_australia.pdf<br />

SWP D 925779<br />

RI01.11 BANGLADESH<br />

1452 Hamlawi, Yasmina: Répression sociale et politique : révolution<br />

par l'aiguille au Bangladesh / de Yasmina Hamlawi. - In: Le<br />

Monde diplomatique (Paris), 58 (avril 2011) 685, S. 8-9<br />

SWP D 926031 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 71 2011.05.06

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1453 Bagchi, Indrani: A tale of two Manmohan Singhs / Indrani<br />

Bagchi. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 110 (April<br />

2011) 735, S. 131-135<br />

SWP D 926453 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1454 Negi, Vipin: MGNREGA - towards ensuring the right to work in<br />

rural India / Vipin Negi. - Lund: Centre for East and South-East<br />

Asian Studies, Lund Univ., 2010. - 25 S., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies; No. 32) -<br />

ISBN 978-91-978082-2-4<br />

GIGA D 925751 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1455 Ravallion, Martin: A comparative perspective on poverty<br />

reduction in Brazil, China, and India / Martin Ravallion. - In: The<br />

World Bank Research Observer (London), 26 (February 2011)<br />

1, S. 71-104, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 100-104<br />

Außerd. ersch.: A comparative perspective on poverty<br />

reduction in Brazil, China and India / Martin Ravallion. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: IBRD Development Research Group, 2009<br />

DIE D 925608 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />

1456 Sankaran, Kamala; Madhav, Roopa: Gender equality and<br />

social dialogue in India / Kamala Sankaran and Roopa<br />

Madhav. - 1st published - Geneva: International Labour Office,<br />

Bureau for Gender and Equality ..., 2011. - 46 S. - (Working<br />

Paper / International Labour Office; 1/2011) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-2-123910-9<br />

http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---gender/d<br />

ocuments/publication/wcms_150428.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926247<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1457 Boom, bust and up again? Evolution, drivers and impact of<br />

commodity prices : implications for Indonesia / The World Bank<br />

Office Jakarta. - Jakarta, 2010. - XIV,267 S. - (A Trade<br />

Development Report)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/2011/01/07/000333037_20110107021259/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/588310v1020WP0120B01PUBLIC100101230.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925685<br />

1458 Boom, bust and up again? Evolution, drivers and impact of<br />

commodity prices : implications for Indonesia ; executive<br />

summary / The World Bank Office Jakarta. - Jakarta, 2010. -<br />

22 S. - (A Trade Development Report)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/2011/01/07/000333037_20110107015936/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/588310v1010WP01sum1english112302010.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925686<br />

1459 Indonesia : reinforcing domestic demand in times of crisis<br />

/ ILO International Institute for Labour Studies. - Geneva, 2011.<br />

- 127 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Studies in Growth with<br />

Equity) - ISBN 978-92-9014-966-8<br />

http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@dgreports/@dcomm/<br />

@publ/documents/publication/wcms_153787.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925667<br />

1460 The informal sector and informal employment in Indonesia<br />

: country report 2010 / Asian Development Bank, BPS-<br />

Statistics Indonesia. - Manila, 2011. - XIV,119 S. -<br />

(PublicationStockNo.:RPT113003) - ISBN 978-92-9092-243-8<br />

http://www.adb.org/documents/books/informal-sector-indonesia/i<br />

nformal-sector-indonesia.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926311<br />

RI02.16 THAILAND<br />

1461 Warr, Peter: Thailand's development strategy and growth<br />

performance / Peter Warr. - Helsinki: World Institute for<br />

Development Economics Research, United Nations Univ.,<br />

2011. - 27 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (WIDER Working Papers;<br />

No. 2011/02)<br />

http://www.wider.unu.edu/publications/working-papers/2011/en_<br />

GB/wp2011-002/_files/84942094306312210/default/wp2011-002<br />

.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926144<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

1462 Cleaner technology for reducing air pollution from a glass<br />

recycling enterprise in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam /<br />

published by Southeast Asia Urban Environmental<br />

Management Applications Project, Urban Environmental<br />

Management Field of Study, School of Environment,<br />

Resources and Development , Asian Institute of Technology. -<br />

Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, 2010. - 23 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst. - (SEA-UEMA Project Case Study Series) -<br />

(ADP18/2010)<br />

http://www.sea-uema.ait.ac.th/Publications/casestudy/material/ad<br />

p_casestudy18_10.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926515<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

1463 Finding dollars, sense, and legitimacy in Burma / ed. by<br />

Susan L. Levenstein. Essays by Bradley O. Babson ...<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Asia<br />

Program - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 160 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-933549-85-8<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/ASIA_092010_Burma_r<br />

pt_for%20web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926227<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

1464 Shih, Ying: The role of public policy in the formation of a<br />

business network / Ying Shih. - Lund: Centre for East and<br />

South-East Asian Studies, Lund Univ., 2010. - 42 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. - (Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies;<br />

No. 33) - ISBN 978-91-978082-3-1<br />

GIGA D 925754 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />


1465 Barnes, Andrew: Russian-Chinese oil relations : dominance or<br />

negotiation? / Andrew Barnes. - Washington/D.C.: PONARS<br />

Eurasia, 2010. - 5 S. - (PONARS Policy Memo; No. 124)<br />

http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/pepm_124.pdf<br />

SWP D 925964<br />

1466 Bencek, David; Klodt, Henning; Rickels, Wilfried:<br />

Vorratslager für Seltene Erden : eine Aufgabe für die<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik? / David Bencek ; Henning Klodt ; Wilfried<br />

Rickels. - In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg), 91 (März 2011) 3,<br />

S. 209-215<br />

SWP D 925842 SWP: Y. 66 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA020 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-<br />

INT Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1467 Chen, Luming; Estreicher, Samuel: A new labor era : higher<br />

costs and greater pressures / Luming Chen and Samuel<br />

Estreicher. - In: The China Business Review (Washington/D.C),<br />

38 (April-June 2011) 2, Focus: human resources, S. 26-29<br />

GIGA D 926422 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1468 China data: China's economy expands rapidly - In: The<br />

China Business Review (Washington/D.C.), 38 (April-June<br />

2011) 2, S. 36-39<br />

GIGA D 926526 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1469 China data: China's workforce is gaining strength - In: The<br />

China Business Review (Washington/D.C), 38 (April-June<br />

2011) 2, Focus: human resources, S. 30-31<br />

GIGA D 926423 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1470 Delage, Fernando: Bajo la sombra de China / Fernando<br />

Delage. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera 2011) 56,<br />

S. 21-28<br />

SWP D 925815 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />

1471 Gabriel, Johannes; Böhlke, Ewald: Smogfrei in die Zukunft :<br />

technologische Innovationen sind nicht nur in Demokratien<br />

möglich / Johannes Gabriel und Ewald Böhlke. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige<br />

Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 44-52, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926576 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1472 Geffken, Rolf: Streikrecht in China? Deutsch-chinesischer<br />

Dialog zu Fragen der Gewerkschaftsarbeit / Rolf Geffken. - In:<br />

Asien (Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 91-96<br />

GIGA D 926408 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 72 2011.05.06

1473 Hilpert, Hanns Günther: China: einfach unerlässlich : Auch<br />

wenn es in Zukunft für ein ausgewogeneres Wachstum sorgen<br />

muss / Hanns Günther Hilpert. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik /<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld),<br />

66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 34-38, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926571 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1474 Mildner, Stormy-Annika; Lauster, Gitta: Machtressource<br />

Metalle : Achillesferse der alten Wirtschaftsnationen? / Stormy-<br />

Annika Mildner und Gitta Lauster. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik /<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld),<br />

66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 53-59, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926580 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1475 Ong, Ryan: Strategies for participating in China's standards<br />

regime / Ryan Ong. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (April-June 2011) 2, S. 46-49<br />

GIGA D 926531 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1476 Ravallion, Martin: A comparative perspective on poverty<br />

reduction in Brazil, China, and India / Martin Ravallion. - In: The<br />

World Bank Research Observer (London), 26 (February 2011)<br />

1, S. 71-104, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 100-104<br />

Außerd. ersch.: A comparative perspective on poverty<br />

reduction in Brazil, China and India / Martin Ravallion. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: IBRD Development Research Group, 2009<br />

DIE D 925608 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />

1477 Raynaud, Christine; Watkins, Chris: New talent outlook /<br />

Christine Raynaud and Chris Watkins. - In: The China Business<br />

Review (Washington/D.C), 38 (April-June 2011) 2, Focus:<br />

human resources, S. 20-25<br />

GIGA D 926421 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1478 Wong, John: China's economy 2010 : continuing strong<br />

growth, with possible soft landing for 2011 / by John Wong. -<br />

In: East Asian Policy (Singapore), 3 (January-March 2011) 1,<br />

Special feature, S. 13-26<br />

GIGA D 925819 IAS: ZS-IAS Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1479 Zheng, Eric: China's property and casualty insurance market<br />

set to take off / Eric Zheng. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 38 (April-June 2011) 2, S. 40-45<br />

GIGA D 926528 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

1480 After the deluge: short and medium-term impacts of the<br />

reactor damage caused by the Japan earthquake and<br />

tsunami / Peter Hayes ... Nautilus Institute for Security and<br />

Sustainability - Berkeley/Cal., 2011. - 75 S.<br />

http://www.nautilus.org/publications/essays/napsnet/reports/SRJ<br />

apanReactors.pdf<br />

SWP D 925641<br />

1481 Hippel, David von; Takase, Kae: The path from Fukushima :<br />

short and medium-term impacts of the reactor damage caused<br />

by the Japan earthquake and tsunami on Japan’s electricity<br />

systems / lead authors: David von Hippel and Kae Takase.<br />

Contributing authors: Richard Tanter ... Contributing editors:<br />

Scott Bruce and Joan Diamond - Berkeley/Cal.: Nautilus<br />

Institute, 2011. - 54 S.<br />

http://www.nautilus.org/publications/essays/napsnet/reports/SRJ<br />

apanEnergy.pdf<br />

SWP D 925791<br />

1482 Labor markets and labor market policies between<br />

globalization and world economic crisis : Japan and<br />

Germany / Hans H. Bass ... (eds) - 1st published - München:<br />

Rainer Hampp Verl., 2010. - 267 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-86618-479-4<br />

GIGA D 925753 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1483 Miyazawa, Kensuke: Measuring human capital in Japan /<br />

Kensuke Miyazawa. - Tokyo: Research Institute of International<br />

Trade and Industry, 2011. - 18 S. - (Discussion Paper Series /<br />

Research Institute of International Trade and Industry; 11-E-<br />

037)<br />

http://www.rieti.go.jp/jp/publications/dp/11e037.pdf<br />

SWP D 925647<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

II.8 Economy / Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1484 Asia’s economic transformation : implications for Australia /<br />

Jenny Corbett ... Crawford School of Economics and<br />

Government, The Australian National University - Canberra,<br />

2011. - 12 S. - (Policy Briefs / Crawford School of Economics<br />

and Government; 10)<br />

http://www.crawford.anu.edu.au/pdf/policy_briefs/2011/implicatio<br />

ns_for_australia.pdf<br />

SWP D 925779<br />


1485 Holtz, Andreas: Von der Ressource zum Ressourcenkonflikt?<br />

Rohstoffreichtum, Umweltverschmutzung und schwache<br />

Staatlichkeit in Melanesien / Andreas Holtz. - In: Asien<br />

(Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 50-74<br />

GIGA D 926406 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1486 Pandya, Amit A.; Herbert-Burns, Rupert; Kobayashi,<br />

Junko: Maritime commerce and security: The Indian Ocean /<br />

Amit A. Pandya and Rupert Herbert-Burns with Junko<br />

Kobayashi. - Washington/D.C.: Henry L. Stimson Center, 2011.<br />

- 167 S. - ISBN 978-0-9845211-6-6<br />

http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/March4_-_<br />

Full.pdf<br />

SWP D 925652<br />


1487 Collier, Paul; Venables, Anthony J.: Illusory revenues :<br />

import tariffs in resource-rich and aid-rich economies / Paul<br />

Collier ; Anthony J. Venables. - In: Journal of Development<br />

Economics (Amsterdam), 94 (March 2011) 2, S. 202-206,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 206<br />

DIE D 926358 DIE: ZA091 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1488 Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko; Hulme, David: International norm of<br />

dynamics and the "end of poverty" : understanding the<br />

Millenium Development Goals / Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and David<br />

Hulme. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 17-36, Lit. S. 32-36<br />

Außerdem ungekürzt erschienen als Paper: Manchester:<br />

Brooks World Poverty Institute, 2009. - 58 S.<br />

DIE D 925654 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1489 Hellmerichs, Sarah: Mit Bio gegen Welthunger : UN-Report<br />

entkräftet gängige Vorurteile / Sarah Hellmerichs. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 2-3, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925596 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1490 Rugman, Alan M.: Multinational enterprises from emerging<br />

markets / Alan Rugman. - In: Securing global economy: G8<br />

global governance for a post-crisis world / ed. by Andreas<br />

Freytag ... - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2011, S. 63-82 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7673-7<br />

SWP D 925797 SWP: A.11/0050<br />

1491 Timilsina, Govinda R.; Dulal, Hari B.: Urban road<br />

transportation externalities : costs and choice of policy<br />

instruments / Govinda R. Timilsina ; Hari B. Dulal. - In: The<br />

World Bank Research Observer (London), 26 (February 2011)<br />

1, S. 162-191, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 186-191<br />

DIE D 925611 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />


1492 Altvater, Elmar: An den Grenzen des Global Compact :<br />

Unternehmen im Konflikt um globale Ressourcen / von Elmar<br />

Altvater. - In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung<br />

(Bonn), (März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 4-5<br />

DIE D 925597 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1493 Arezki, Rabah; Brückner, Markus: Food prices, conflict, and<br />

democratic change / Rabah Arezki and Markus Brückner. -<br />

Adelaide: University of Adelaide, jan,. 2011. - 19 S., Tab. -<br />

(Working Paper / Department of Economics (Adelaide); 2011-<br />

04)<br />

http://www.economics.adelaide.edu.au/research/papers/doc/wp2<br />

011-04.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926158<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 73 2011.05.06

II.8 Economy /Wirtschaft / Economie<br />

1494 Bukold, Steffen: Erdöl / Steffen Bukold. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong><br />

Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik<br />

(Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 84-89<br />

DGAP D 926590 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1495 A call to action on food security : The Administration's global<br />

strategy ; hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa and<br />

Global Health of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 111th Congress, 1st Session, October 29,<br />

2009 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-72)<br />

HSFK D 926618<br />

1496 Closing development gaps : challenges and policy options /<br />

Douglas H. Brooks ... - In: Asian Development Review (Manila),<br />

27 (2010) 2, S. 1-28, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27-28<br />

GIGA D 926411 IAS: 3/763 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1497 Corporate social responsibility : comparative critiques / ed.<br />

by K. Ravi Raman .... - Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010.<br />

- XIII, 280 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (International Political Economy<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-230-22077-5<br />

DIE D 925739 DIE: AY346 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1498 Florini, Ann M.; Sovacool, Benjamin K.: Bridging the gaps in<br />

global energy governance / Ann Florini and Benjamin K.<br />

Sovacool. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),<br />

17 (January-March 2011) 1, S. 57-74, Lit. S. 71-74<br />

DIE D 925902 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1499 Forsteneichner, Günther F. C.: Schlüsselressource Erdgas /<br />

Günter F. C. Forsteneichner. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3], S. 72-73<br />

SWP D 926256 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1500 Graham, Carol: Adaptation amidst prosperity and adversity :<br />

insights from happiness studies from around the world / Carol<br />

Graham. - In: The World Bank Research Observer (London),<br />

26 (February 2011) 1, S. 105-137, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 134-137<br />

DIE D 925609 SWP: Y. 822 DIE: ZA156 Öff.StaO: 188/820<br />

1501 Hummel, Hartwig: Ruggies neuen Leitlinien im Fadenkreuz<br />

der NGOs : Multis und Menschenrechte / Hartwig Hummel. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 6, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925599 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

1502 Kenny, Charles: Getting Better : why global development is<br />

succeeding -- and how we can improve the world even more /<br />

Charles Kenny. - New York/N.Y.: Basic Books, 2011. -<br />

X,246 S., Reg., Lit. 219-234 - ISBN 978-0-465-02015-7<br />

GIGA D 926168 ILAS: INT-C/165 IMES: INT-C/165 IAA: INT-C/165<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1503 Pries, Ludger: Erwerbsregulierung in einer globalisierten Welt<br />

/ Ludger Pries. - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für<br />

Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. - 300 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Gloss., Reg., Lit. S. 277-292 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-531-16035-1<br />

GIGA D 926056 ILAS: INT-Q/6 IMES: INT-Q/6 IAA: INT-Q/6 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1504 Son, Hyun H.: Human capital development / Hyun H. Son. - In:<br />

Asian Development Review (Manila), 27 (2010) 2, S. 29-56,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 54-56<br />

GIGA D 926413 IAS: 3/763 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1505 Szymanski, Stefan: About winning : The political economy of<br />

awarding the World Cup and the Olympic Games / Stefan<br />

Szymanski. - In: The SAIS Review of International Affairs<br />

(Baltimore/Md.), 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1, S. 87-97<br />

SWP D 925854 SWP: X. 682 DGAP: ZD 121 Öff.StaO: 18<br />

1506 Winkler, Inga: Lebenselixier und letztes Tabu : die<br />

Menschenrechte auf Wasser und Sanitärversorgung / Inga<br />

Winkler. - Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, 2011.<br />

- 24 S., Lit:Hinw. - (Essay) - ISBN 978-3-942315-08-1<br />

http://www.institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de/uploads/tx_commerc<br />

e/essay_lebenselixier_und_letztes_tabu_0<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

GIGA D 926159<br />


1507 Hübner, Christian: Von der Klimaökonomie zur Green<br />

Economy / Christian Hübner. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen<br />

(Berlin), 27 (2011) 4, S. 6-20<br />

SWP D 926196 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 74 2011.05.06



1508 Fischer, Severin: Nach Fukushima : nukleare Sicherheit<br />

europäisieren ; Optionen für den zukünftigen Umgang mit der<br />

Kernenergie in Europa / Severin Fischer. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, 2011. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 21/2011)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/fileadmin/contents/products/aktuell/201<br />

1A21_fis_ks.pdf<br />


DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1509 Pollack, Mark A.; Schaffer, Gregory C.: Biotechnology policy<br />

: between national fears and global disciplines / Mark A.<br />

Pollack and Gregory C. Shaffer. - In: Policy-making in the<br />

European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New European Union Series),<br />

S. 331-355 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926013 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1510 Towards a space strategy for the European Union that<br />

benefits its citizens : communication from the Commission to<br />

the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic<br />

and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ;<br />

SEC(2011) 381 final, SEC(2011) 380 final / European<br />

Commission. - Brussels, 2011. - 13 S. - (COM(2011)152final)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Auf dem Weg zu einer<br />

Weltraumstrategie der Europäischen Union im Dienst der<br />

Bürgerinnen und Bürger. - 16 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/space/files/policy/comm_p<br />

df_com_2011_0152_f_communication_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925885<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

1511 Myrli, Sverre: NATO and cyber defence / Sverre Myrli. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 86-90<br />

SWP D 926057 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1512 Gault, Guénaëlle: Réputation et e-réputation : not "business as<br />

usual" ; enquêtes TNS SOFRES / par Guénaëlle Gault. -<br />

In: L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris), (2011), S. 125-136, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 926207 DFI: FL 330.ETA Öff.StaO: 25<br />

1513 Technologies clés 2015 / [Ministère de l'Economie, des<br />

Finances et de l'Industrie]. - [Paris], [2011]. - 312 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.industrie.gouv.fr/tc2015/technologies-cles-2015.pdf<br />

DFI D 926520<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

1514 Abel, Andreas: Feldlagerschutz : Einbindung des Systems<br />

MANTIS / Andreas Abel. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 50-53<br />

SWP D 926284 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1515 Ambacher, Oliver; Müller, Harald D.: Galliumnitrid :<br />

innovative Mikroelektronik für die Wehrtechnik / Oliver<br />

Ambacher und Harald D. Müller. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 74-75<br />

SWP D 926300 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1516 Becker, Eduard; Stockfisch, Dieter: Forum Unmanned<br />

Vehicles III : UVs für Land-, Luft- und Seeeinsätze / Eduard<br />

Becker und Dieter Stockfisch. - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 72-73<br />

SWP D 926297 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1517 Dean, Sidney E.: Granatwaffe XM25 : deutsche Technologien<br />

für die U.S. Army / Sidney E. Dean. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 88-90<br />

SWP D 926354 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1518 Ebinger, Lars: Das Führungsinformationssystem der<br />

Streitkräfte im Einsatz / Lars Ebinger. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4, S. 64-68<br />

SWP D 926344 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1519 Endler, Frank: FüInfoSysHeer : Einsatz bei ISAF / Frank<br />

Endler. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März<br />

2011) [3], S. 14-18<br />

SWP D 926215 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1520 Hodouschek, Theodor; Heiming, Gerhard: CeBIT 2011 :<br />

Impulse für die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik /<br />

Theodor Hodouschek und Gerhard Heiming. - In: Strategie &<br />

Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4], S. 66-69<br />

SWP D 926294 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1521 Klos, Dietmar: Das Mörserkampfsystem / Dietmar Klos. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April 2011) 4,<br />

S. 72-77<br />

SWP D 926346 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1522 Klos, Dietmar: PUMA und BOXER auf der Zielgeraden /<br />

Dietmar Klos. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 34-42<br />

SWP D 926337 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1523 Mohr, Ralf: Zukünftige Nutzung von UAS in der Luftwaffe / Ralf<br />

Mohr. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April<br />

2011) [4], S. 24-30<br />

SWP D 926269 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1524 Nitschke, Stefan: Führungs- und Waffeneinsatzsysteme auf<br />

Überwasserschiffen der Deutschen Marine / Stefan Nitschke. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 47-51<br />

SWP D 926083 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1525 Nitschke, Stefan: PUMA - ein Programm der neuen<br />

Generation mit großem Potential / Stefan Nitschke. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 62-64<br />

SWP D 926088 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1526 Nitschke, Stefan: Schutz bei Rad- und Kettenfahrzeugen: Teil<br />

1 / Stefan Nitschke. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1,<br />

S. 52-57<br />

SWP D 926084 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1527 Patriot : Kampfwertanpassung (KWA) 2 - In: Strategie &<br />

Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3], S. 26-30<br />

SWP D 926226 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1528 Peter, Jürgen: Führungsunterstützung der Marine im Einsatz /<br />

Jürgen Peter. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 60 (April<br />

2011) 4, S. 68-71<br />

SWP D 926345 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD 183 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1529 Rapreger, Ulrich: Luftüberlegenheit durch Meteor / Ulrich<br />

Rapreger. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (März 2011) [3], S. 31-32<br />

SWP D 926230 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1530 Schubert, Volker: Odins Auge überm Hindukusch :<br />

unbemannte, luftgestützte Aufklärung im Deutschen Heer /<br />

Volker Schubert. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1,<br />

S. 65-69<br />

SWP D 926091 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1531 Schubert, Volker: Zweites Infantry Symposium Rheinmetall<br />

Defence : mit Smoke, Flash & Bang in Unterlüß / Volker<br />

Schubert. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 43 (2011) 1, S. 59-61<br />

SWP D 926086 SWP: Y. 205 DGAP: ZD 126 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1532 Simulieren und Testen : Geländefahrzeuge in der virtuellen<br />

Realität / Rocco Deutschmann ... - In: Strategie & Technik<br />

(Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3], S. 50-53<br />

SWP D 926242 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1533 Vetter, Bernd; Vetter, Frank: Der Eurofighter / Bernd Vetter ;<br />

Frank Vetter. - Stuttgart: Motorbuch-Verl., 2008. - 187 S.,<br />

zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 186 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-613-02820-3<br />

SWP D 925644 SWP: A.11/0048<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 75 2011.05.06

II.9 Technology / Technologie / Technologie<br />

1534 Wagner, Hans Joachim: Schutzkonzepte für Landfahrzeuge :<br />

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen / Hans Joachim Wagner. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (April 2011) [4],<br />

S. 17-21<br />

SWP D 926265 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1535 Weisswange, Jan-Phillipp: Tragende Rolle / Jan-Phillipp<br />

Weisswange. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (März 2011) [3], S. 59-63<br />

SWP D 926248 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1536 Szulc, Tomasz: Eastern armour / Tomasz Szulc. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011, S. 18-19<br />

SWP D 926068 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1537 Cazzaniga, Gianluca; Szulc, Tomasz: Armament in Former<br />

Yugoslavia / Gianluca Cazzaniga and Tomasz Szulc. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 74-77<br />

SWP D 926649 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1538 Antal, John: Herbivores or carnivores? The uncertain future of<br />

armoured vehicle technology development in the United States<br />

/ John Antal. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

Special Suppl. 2011, S. 12-16<br />

SWP D 926067 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1539 Cavas, Christopher P.: Past imperfect : like first carriers,<br />

Littoral Combat Ship enters age of experimentation /<br />

Christopher P. Cavas. - In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal<br />

(Springfield/Va.), 148 (April 2011) 8/5989, S. 22-25, 36<br />

SWP D 926544 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1540 The future of U.S. international nuclear cooperation :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation and Trade of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, May 6, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2010. - III,81 S. - (Serial / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-100)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:563<br />

35.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925969<br />

1541 Hollis, David M.; Hollis, Katherine: Cyber defense : U.S.<br />

cybersecurity must-do's / David M. Hollis and Katherine Hollis. -<br />

In: AFJ: Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (March<br />

2011) 7/5988, S. 16-19, 40<br />

SWP D 926058 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1542 Singer, Peter Warren: U-turn : unmanned systems could be<br />

casualties of budget pressures / by P. W. Singer. - In: AFJ:<br />

Armed Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (April 2011)<br />

8/5989, S. 8-10<br />

SWP D 926541 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1543 U.S. strategy for countering jihadist web sides : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and<br />

Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, September 29,<br />

2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,<br />

2010. - III,55 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United<br />

States / House); No. 111-130)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:615<br />

16.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925771<br />

1544 Walker, Karen: Helo, goodbye : replacing legacy helicopters<br />

requires a technology leap / by Karen Walker. - In: AFJ: Armed<br />

Forces Journal (Springfield/Va.), 148 (April 2011) 8/5989,<br />

S. 40-41<br />

SWP D 926549 SWP: Y. 614 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1545 Gabriel, Johannes; Böhlke, Ewald: Smogfrei in die Zukunft :<br />

technologische Innovationen sind nicht nur in Demokratien<br />

möglich / Johannes Gabriel und Ewald Böhlke. -<br />

In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige<br />

Politik (Bielefeld), 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 44-52, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 926576 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1546 García-Tapia, José Luis: I + D y tecnología en China / Jose<br />

Luis Garcia-Tapia. - In: Economía Exterior (Madrid), (primavera<br />

2011) 56, S. 66-77<br />

SWP D 925828 SWP: X. 857 Öff.StaO: Lün 4<br />


1547 Alexander, David: Structural armour systems : challenges,<br />

capabilities and trends / David Alexander. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011, S. 20-21<br />

SWP D 926070 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1548 Alexander, Keith B.: Warfightin in cyberspace / Keith B.<br />

Alexander. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

S. 41-45<br />

SWP D 926052 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1549 Anderson, Guy: Shifting landscapes : global defence markets /<br />

Guy Anderson. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 48 (20<br />

April 2011) 16, S. 26-31<br />

SWP D 926654 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

1550 Annati, Massimo: Amphibious aircraft / Massimo Annati. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 94-98<br />

SWP D 926060 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1551 Baddeley, Adam: Battlefield sensors / Adam Baddeley. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, S. 81-85<br />

SWP D 926055 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1552 Body armour - technological issues - In: Military Technology<br />

(Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011, S. 24-25<br />

SWP D 926073 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1553 George, Michael: Cyberwar und Wirtschaftsspionage / Michael<br />

George. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März<br />

2011) [3], S. 66-67<br />

SWP D 926251 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1554 Hazell, Paul J.: Advances in ceramic armour / Paul J. Hazell. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special<br />

Suppl. 2011, S. 22-23<br />

SWP D 926071 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1555 Heiming, Gerhard; Horst, Michael: Schutz gegen aktuelle<br />

Bedrohungen / Gerhard Heiming und Michael Horst. -<br />

In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus), 54 (März 2011) [3],<br />

S. 20-25<br />

SWP D 926222 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1556 Kahl, Dieter: New armour technology : The use of new armour<br />

technology increases operational survivability and sustainability<br />

/ Dieter Kahl. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3,<br />

Special Suppl. 2011, S. 4-11<br />

SWP D 926066 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1557 Oppenheimer, Andy: Watching the skies / Andy<br />

Oppenheimer. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4,<br />

S. 60-68<br />

SWP D 926647 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1558 Quaranta, Paolo: Tactical transport aircraft / Paolo Quaranta. -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 50-53<br />

SWP D 926639 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1559 Szulc, Tomasz: Eastern air defence complexes / Tomasz<br />

Szulc. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 4, S. 70-73<br />

SWP D 926648 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 76 2011.05.06

1560 Tessier-Stall, Sacha: Future of cybersecurity / Sacha Tessier<br />

Stall. - The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies,<br />

2011. - 43 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Paper / The Hague Centre for<br />

Strategic Studies; no. 2011 (4)) - ISBN 978-94-91040-29-0<br />

http://static.hcss.nl/files/uploads/9<strong>1.pdf</strong><br />

GIGA D 926596<br />

1561 Transparent armour materials / James M. Sands ... -<br />

In: Military Technology (Bonn), 35 (2011) 3, Special<br />

Suppl. 2011, S. 26-27<br />

SWP D 926074 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1562 Weisswange, Jan-Phillipp: SHOT Show 2011 / Jan-Phillipp<br />

Weisswange. - In: Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus),<br />

54 (März 2011) [3], S. 54-55<br />

SWP D 926246 SWP: X. 191 DGAP: ZD 119 BICC: BZ SUT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RR SPACE<br />

II.9 Technology / Technologie / Technologie<br />

1563 Towards a space strategy for the European Union that<br />

benefits its citizens : communication from the Commission to<br />

the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic<br />

and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ;<br />

SEC(2011) 381 final, SEC(2011) 380 final / European<br />

Commission. - Brussels, 2011. - 13 S. - (COM(2011)152final)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Auf dem Weg zu einer<br />

Weltraumstrategie der Europäischen Union im Dienst der<br />

Bürgerinnen und Bürger. - 16 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/space/files/policy/comm_p<br />

df_com_2011_0152_f_communication_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925885<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 77 2011.05.06



1564 Bo, Yan; Chen, Zhimin: EU's weakening leadership in climate<br />

change governance / Bo Yan & Chen Zhimin. - In: China<br />

International Studies (Beijing), 26 (January-February 2011) 1,<br />

S. 99-117<br />

DIE D 925932 DIE: 11ZK001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1565 Borrell, Josep: La Unión Europea ante el cambio climático /<br />

Josep Borrell. - In: Política Exterior (Madrid), (invierno 2011),<br />

número especial, S. 104-120<br />

SWP D 926166 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1566 Caro, Céline-Agathe; Rüth, Christiane: Von Kyoto bis Durban<br />

- die Klimapolitik der Europäischen Union / Céline-Agathe Caro<br />

; Christiane Rüth. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin),<br />

27 (2011) 4, S. 21-38<br />

SWP D 926200 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1567 Lenschow, Andrea: Environmental policy: : contending<br />

dynamics of policy change / Andrea Lenschow. - In: Policymaking<br />

in the European Union / ed. by Helen Wallace ... - 6.<br />

ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - (The New<br />

European Union Series), S. 307-330 - ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926012 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />


1568 Russia: impact of climate change to 2030 : A commissioned<br />

research report / National Intelligence Council. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2009. - 53 S. - (Special Report / National<br />

Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-04D) - (NIC2009-04D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_russia.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925664 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1569 Russia: The impact of climate change to 2030 : geopolitical<br />

implications / National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

2009. - 38 S. - (Conference Report / National Intelligence<br />

Council; CR 2009-16) - (CR2009-16)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

0916_russia_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925682 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1570 Climate change finance: providing assistance for<br />

vulnerable countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,134 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

120)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926342<br />

1571 Combating climate change in Africa : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, April 15, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

105)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:560<br />

54.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926412<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

1572 Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America: The impact of<br />

climate change to 2030 : A commissioned research report /<br />

National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 74 S.<br />

- (Special Report / National Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-<br />

11D) - (NIC2009-11D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_MexicoCaribCentralAm.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925668 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1573 Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America: The impact of<br />

climate change to 2030 : geopolitical implications / National<br />

Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 21 S. -<br />

(Conference Report / National Intelligence Council; CR 2010-<br />

03) - (CR2010-03)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

1003_MexicoCaribCentralAm_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925675 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1574 Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America: The impact of<br />

climate change to 2030 : A commissioned research report /<br />

National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 74 S.<br />

- (Special Report / National Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-<br />

11D) - (NIC2009-11D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_MexicoCaribCentralAm.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925668 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1575 Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America: The impact of<br />

climate change to 2030 : geopolitical implications / National<br />

Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 21 S. -<br />

(Conference Report / National Intelligence Council; CR 2010-<br />

03) - (CR2010-03)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

1003_MexicoCaribCentralAm_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925675 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1576 Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America: The impact of<br />

climate change to 2030 : A commissioned research report /<br />

National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 74 S.<br />

- (Special Report / National Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-<br />

11D) - (NIC2009-11D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_MexicoCaribCentralAm.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925668 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1577 Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America: The impact of<br />

climate change to 2030 : geopolitical implications / National<br />

Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 21 S. -<br />

(Conference Report / National Intelligence Council; CR 2010-<br />

03) - (CR2010-03)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

1003_MexicoCaribCentralAm_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925675 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1578 Combating climate change in Africa : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, April 15, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,91 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

105)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:560<br />

54.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926412<br />


1579 North Africa: The impact of climate change to 2030 :<br />

geopolitical implications / National Intelligence Council. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2009. - 37 S. - (Conference Report / National<br />

Intelligence Council; CR 2009-21) - (CR2009-21)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

0921_north_africa_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925672 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 78 2011.05.06

1580 North Africa: The impact of climate change to 2030<br />

(selected countries) : A commissioned research report /<br />

National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 54 S.<br />

- (Special Report / National Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-<br />

07D) - (NIC2009-07D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_north_africa.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925673 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

1581 Maroc: quand l'économie se met au vert - In: Jeune Afrique<br />

(Paris), 51 (17-30 avril 2011) 2623-2624, S. 91-104<br />

SWP D 926652 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

1582 India: impact of climate change to 2030 : A commissioned<br />

research report / National Intelligence Council. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2009. - 48 S. - (Special Report / National<br />

Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-03D) - (NIC2009-03D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_india.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925666 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1583 India: The impact of climate change to 2030 : geopolitical<br />

implications / National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

2009. - 30 S. - (Conference Report / National Intelligence<br />

Council; CR 2009-07) - (CR2009-07)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

0907_india_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925683 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1584 Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands: The impact of climate<br />

change to 2030 : A commissioned research report / National<br />

Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 62 S. -<br />

(Special Report / National Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-06D)<br />

- (NIC2009-06D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_southeast_asia_pacific_islands.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925670 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1585 Southeast Asia: The impact of climate change to 2030 :<br />

geopolitical implications / National Intelligence Council. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2010. - 64 S. - (Conference Report / National<br />

Intelligence Council; CR 2010-02) - (CR2010-02)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

1002_southeast_asia_pacific_islands_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925676 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

1586 Frings, Marc: Indonesiens Rolle in der internationalen<br />

Klimapolitik : finanzielle Anreize zum Schutz der Waldbestände<br />

- ein effektives Modell? / Marc Frings. - In: KAS-<br />

Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 27 (2011) 4, S. 62-81<br />

SWP D 926204 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

1587 Cleaner technology for reducing air pollution from a glass<br />

recycling enterprise in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam /<br />

published by Southeast Asia Urban Environmental<br />

Management Applications Project, Urban Environmental<br />

Management Field of Study, School of Environment,<br />

Resources and Development , Asian Institute of Technology. -<br />

Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, 2010. - 23 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst. - (SEA-UEMA Project Case Study Series) -<br />

(ADP18/2010)<br />

http://www.sea-uema.ait.ac.th/Publications/casestudy/material/ad<br />

p_casestudy18_10.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926515<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

1588 Green tigers : The politics and policy of climate change in<br />

Northeast Asian democracies / ed. by Bryce Wakefield.<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Asia<br />

Program. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 34 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Asia Program Special Report; No. 144)<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/ASIA_090816_Special%<br />

20Report%20144.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926148<br />

II.10 Environment/Nature / Umwelt/Natur / Environnement/Nature<br />

1589 Wübbeke, Jost: Saurer Regen über Nordostasien : Warum<br />

effektive Kooperation versagt / Jost Wübbeke. - In: Asien<br />

(Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 7-28, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 25-28<br />

GIGA D 926403 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1590 China: impact of climate change to 2030 : A commissioned<br />

research report / National Intelligence Council. -<br />

Washington/D.C., 2009. - 46 S. - (Special Report / National<br />

Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-02D) - (NIC2009-02D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_china.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925660 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1591 China: The impact of climate change to 2030 : geopolitical<br />

implications / National Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

2009. - 50 S. - (Conference Report / National Intelligence<br />

Council; CR 2009-09) - (CR2009-09)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/cr20<br />

0909_china_climate_change.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925674 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1592 Dittrich, Andreas: Die Klimapolitik der Volksrepublik China -<br />

Grundlage für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum? / Andreas Dittrich. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 27 (2011) 4, S. 82-100<br />

SWP D 926206 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1593 Lafitte, Gabriel: Restoring sustainability to Tibet : how the<br />

Tibetan plateau can contribute to global environment & climate<br />

improvement ; a briefing to European Union<br />

Directorate-General on Environment, and EU<br />

Directorate-General on Climate, 4 April 2011 / by Gabriel<br />

Lafitte. - o.O.: rukor.org, 2011. - ca. 5 S.<br />

http://rukor.org/2011/04/restoring-sustainability-to-tibet/<br />

SWP D 925624<br />

1594 Market-based instruments for water pollution control in the<br />

People's Republic of China / Asian Development Bank. -<br />

Manila, 2011. - VIII,17 S. - (PublicationStockNo.:RPT101992) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-9092-237-7<br />

http://www.adb.org/documents/reports/instruments-water-pollutio<br />

n-control-prc/instruments-water-pollution-control-prc.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926310<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

1595 After the deluge: short and medium-term impacts of the<br />

reactor damage caused by the Japan earthquake and<br />

tsunami / Peter Hayes ... Nautilus Institute for Security and<br />

Sustainability - Berkeley/Cal., 2011. - 75 S.<br />

http://www.nautilus.org/publications/essays/napsnet/reports/SRJ<br />

apanReactors.pdf<br />

SWP D 925641<br />


1596 Holtz, Andreas: Von der Ressource zum Ressourcenkonflikt?<br />

Rohstoffreichtum, Umweltverschmutzung und schwache<br />

Staatlichkeit in Melanesien / Andreas Holtz. - In: Asien<br />

(Hamburg), (Januar 2011) 118, S. 50-74<br />

GIGA D 926406 DGAP: ZD 166 IFA: Z-D3052 DIE: 01ZA013 IAS: 3/618<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


1597 Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands: The impact of climate<br />

change to 2030 : A commissioned research report / National<br />

Intelligence Council. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 62 S. -<br />

(Special Report / National Intelligence Council; NIC 2009-06D)<br />

- (NIC2009-06D)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_otherprod/climate_change/clim<br />

ate2030_southeast_asia_pacific_islands.pdf<br />

HSFK D 925670 HSFK: US NIC Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1598 Unmüßig, Barbara: Groß denken, klein beigeben? Globale<br />

Umweltgovernance und Rio+20 / Barbara Unmüßig. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 1-2, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925595 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 79 2011.05.06

II.10 Environment/Nature / Umwelt/Natur / Environnement/Nature<br />


1599 Climate change finance: providing assistance for<br />

vulnerable countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,134 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

120)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926342<br />


1600 Chevallier, Romy: Emerging powers : die IBSA-Staaten als<br />

Partner und Anführer im globalen Kampf gegen den<br />

Klimawandel / Romy Chevallier. - In: KAS-<br />

Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 27 (2011) 4, S. 39-61<br />

SWP D 926201 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1601 Climate change finance: providing assistance for<br />

vulnerable countries : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 111th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, July 27, 2010 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2010. - III,134 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No. 111-<br />

120)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?IPaddress=w<br />

ais.access.gpo.gov&dbname=111_house_hearings&docid=f:576<br />

87.pdf<br />

HSFK D 926342<br />


1602 Beyond a global deal : A UN+ approach to climate<br />

governance / Global Public Policy Institute. - Berlin: Global<br />

Public Policy Institute, jan. 2011. - 31 S. - (Global Governance<br />

2020)<br />

http://www.gg2020.net/fileadmin/media/gg2020/GG2020_2011_<br />

Climate_Beyond_Global_Deal.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926605<br />

1603 Cozzi, Laura: Pros y contras de la lucha contra el cambio<br />

climático / Laura Cozzi. - In: Política Exterior (Madrid), (invierno<br />

2011), número especial, S. 84-101<br />

SWP D 926165 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1604 Dröge, Susanne: Klimawandel: wer schützt die Welt?<br />

Bestehende Verträge reichen nicht aus ; neue Koalitionen<br />

entstehen erst noch / Susanne Dröge. - In: <strong>Internationale</strong> Politik<br />

/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (Bielefeld),<br />

66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3, S. 39-43<br />

DGAP D 926573 SWP: X. 50 OSI: ZS 5 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 182 HSFK: ZS I<br />


IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1605 Kempf, Hervé: Crisis ecológica : una cuestión de justicia /<br />

Hervé Kempf. - In: Política Exterior (Madrid), (invierno 2011),<br />

número especial, S. 26-36<br />

SWP D 926163 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 213<br />

1606 Keohane, Robert Owen; Victor, David G.: The regime<br />

complex for climate change / Robert O. Keohane and David G.<br />

Victor. - In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.),<br />

9 (March 2011) 1, S. 7-23<br />

SWP D 926661 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

1607 Kowalzig, Jan: Rettungsanker für die globale Klimapolitik? Der<br />

grüne Klimafonds / Jan Kowalzig. - In: Informationsbrief<br />

Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung: Hintergrund (Bonn), (Februar<br />

2011), S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925594 DIE: ZA022-3 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1608 Röpke, Luise; Lippelt, Jana: Kurz zum Klima : sichere und<br />

umweltfreundliche Stromversorgung - ein Zielkonflikt? / Luise<br />

Röpke und Jana Lippelt. - In: Ifo-Schnelldienst (München),<br />

64 (28. Januar 2011) 2, S. 32-34, Kt.<br />

DIE D 926431 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1609 Rubner, Jeanne: Was das Jahr 2010 die Welt klimapolitisch<br />

gelehrt hat : Zeit zum Handeln / Jeanne Rubner. - In: Politische<br />

Studien (München), 62 (März-April 2011) 436, S. 40-49<br />

SWP D 925747 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1610 Seiler, Wolfgang: Der globale Klimawandel : Entwicklungen<br />

und Auswirkungen ; Hitzeschock versus Eiseskälte - was bringt<br />

die Zukunft? / Wolfgang Seiler. - In: Politische Studien<br />

(München), 62 (März-April 2011) 436, S. 16-29<br />

SWP D 925745 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1611 Tänzler, Dennis: Ein sicheres Klima? Perspektiven nach den<br />

Klimaverhandlungen von Cancún ; Auswirkungen des<br />

Klimawandels auf die regionale und internationale Sicherheit /<br />

Dennis Tänzler. - In: Politische Studien (München),<br />

62 (März-April 2011) 436, S. 30-39<br />

SWP D 925949 SWP: X. 91 OSI: Ser 15 DGAP: ZD 204 HSFK: ZS P<br />

IFA: Z-D677 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1612 Unmüßig, Barbara: Groß denken, klein beigeben? Globale<br />

Umweltgovernance und Rio+20 / Barbara Unmüßig. -<br />

In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und Entwicklung (Bonn),<br />

(März-April 2011) 3-4, S. 1-2, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925595 SWP: Y. 1121 DIE: ZA022-1 Öff.StaO: 464<br />


1613 Governing and implementing REDD+ / Martin Beniston ... -<br />

In: Environmental Science and Policy (Amsterdam), 14 (2011)<br />

2, Special Issue, S. 89-229, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DIE D 925752 DIE: AZM732<br />

1614 Hübner, Christian: Von der Klimaökonomie zur Green<br />

Economy / Christian Hübner. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen<br />

(Berlin), 27 (2011) 4, S. 6-20<br />

SWP D 926196 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />


INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 80 2011.05.06




1615 Salzman, Rachel S.: The Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative /<br />

Rachel S. Salzman. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden),<br />

(2010), S. 85-90, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926152 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


1616 Cebeci, Münevver; Aaltola, Mika: Transatlantic foreign policy<br />

research communities : A debate on US and European<br />

approaches in scholarship / Münevver Cebeci and Mika<br />

Aaltola. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 13-44, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925719 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

1617 Pollack, Mark A.: Theorizing EU policy-making / Mark A.<br />

Pollack. - In: Policy-making in the European Union / ed. by<br />

Helen Wallace ... - 6. ed. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010.<br />

- (The New European Union Series), S. 15-44 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-19-954482-0<br />

SWP D 926001 SWP: A.11/0047 DGAP: DG 38766.A6<br />

1618 Spolander, Charlotta: Theoretical approaches to European<br />

foreign policy : A debate across paradigms / Charlotta<br />

Spolander. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 45-60, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925720 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

1619 Towards a space strategy for the European Union that<br />

benefits its citizens : communication from the Commission to<br />

the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic<br />

and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ;<br />

SEC(2011) 381 final, SEC(2011) 380 final / European<br />

Commission. - Brussels, 2011. - 13 S. - (COM(2011)152final)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Auf dem Weg zu einer<br />

Weltraumstrategie der Europäischen Union im Dienst der<br />

Bürgerinnen und Bürger. - 16 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/space/files/policy/comm_p<br />

df_com_2011_0152_f_communication_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925885<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

1620 Holeindre, Jean-Vincent: Raymond Aron : le spectateur<br />

engagé / Jean-Vincent Holeindre. - In: Sciences humaines<br />

(Auxerre), (mai 2011) 226, n° spécial, S. 58-63, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925834 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />


1621 Stölken-Fitschen, Ilona: Wissenschaftler im politischen<br />

Diskurs : die Göttinger Erklärung von 1957 - eine Fallstudie /<br />

Ilona Stölken-Fitschen. - In: Zur Verantwortung der<br />

Wissenschaft - Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker zu Ehren /<br />

Stephan Albrecht ... (Hg.). - Berlin: Lit Verl., 2008. -<br />

(Weltinnenpolitische Colloquien; 3), S. 67-79 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-1769-5<br />

HSFK D 926441 HSFK: 41.050 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


1622 Salzman, Rachel S.: The Euro-Atlantic Security Initiative /<br />

Rachel S. Salzman. - In: OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden),<br />

(2010), S. 85-90, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 926152 DGAP: DG 37752 IFSH: Oe1/64 cj engl. ECMI: 341.7'3'094<br />

Öff.StaO: 7<br />


1623 Cebeci, Münevver; Aaltola, Mika: Transatlantic foreign policy<br />

research communities : A debate on US and European<br />

approaches in scholarship / Münevver Cebeci and Mika<br />

Aaltola. - In: Issues in EU and US foreign policy / ed. by<br />

Münevver Cebeci. - Lanham/Md. ...: Lexington Books, 2011,<br />

S. 13-44, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7391-4717-7<br />

SWP D 925719 SWP: A.11/0049<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

1624 Pereyra, Diego: El desarrollo de las ciencias sociales :<br />

tradiciones, actores e instituciones en Argentina, Chile, México<br />

y Centroamérica / Diego Pereyra... (cop.). - San José:<br />

FLACSO, 2010. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuaderno<br />

de Ciencias Sociales; No. 153)<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/Cuad_CS_153.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926424<br />


1625 Pereyra, Diego: El desarrollo de las ciencias sociales :<br />

tradiciones, actores e instituciones en Argentina, Chile, México<br />

y Centroamérica / Diego Pereyra... (cop.). - San José:<br />

FLACSO, 2010. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuaderno<br />

de Ciencias Sociales; No. 153)<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/Cuad_CS_153.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926424<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

1626 Pereyra, Diego: El desarrollo de las ciencias sociales :<br />

tradiciones, actores e instituciones en Argentina, Chile, México<br />

y Centroamérica / Diego Pereyra... (cop.). - San José:<br />

FLACSO, 2010. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuaderno<br />

de Ciencias Sociales; No. 153)<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/Cuad_CS_153.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926424<br />

1627 Strohschneider, Beatrice: Komparatistik in Lateinamerika :<br />

Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Entwicklungstendenzen unter<br />

besonderer Berücksichtigung von Brasilien und Argentinien /<br />

Beatrice Strohschneider. - Marburg: Tectum, 2011. - 717 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 485-701 - ISBN 978-3-8288-2588-8 -- Zugl.: Mainz,<br />

Univ., Diss., 2009<br />

GIGA D 926146 ILAS: AAL-I/15 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

1628 Strohschneider, Beatrice: Komparatistik in Lateinamerika :<br />

Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Entwicklungstendenzen unter<br />

besonderer Berücksichtigung von Brasilien und Argentinien /<br />

Beatrice Strohschneider. - Marburg: Tectum, 2011. - 717 S.,<br />

Reg., Lit. S. 485-701 - ISBN 978-3-8288-2588-8 -- Zugl.: Mainz,<br />

Univ., Diss., 2009<br />

GIGA D 926146 ILAS: AAL-I/15 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

1629 Pereyra, Diego: El desarrollo de las ciencias sociales :<br />

tradiciones, actores e instituciones en Argentina, Chile, México<br />

y Centroamérica / Diego Pereyra... (cop.). - San José:<br />

FLACSO, 2010. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuaderno<br />

de Ciencias Sociales; No. 153)<br />

http://www.flacso.or.cr/fileadmin/documentos/FLACSO/ARCHIV<br />

OS_FLACSO/Cuad_CS_153.pdf<br />

GIGA D 926424<br />


1630 Asante, Molefi Kete: De-westernizing communication :<br />

strategies for neutralizing cultural myths / Molefi Kete Asante. -<br />

In: De-westernizing communication research / ed. by Georgette<br />

Wang. - London ...: Routledge, 2011. - (Routledge<br />

Contemporary Asia Series), S. 21-27 - ISBN 978-0-415-57545-4<br />

IFA D 926641 IFA: 31/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


1631 Goodman, David S. G.; Pempel, T. J.; Robison, Richard:<br />

Special section: Chalmers Johnson - his work and his influence<br />

/ David S. G. Goodman ; T. J. Pempel ; Richard Robison. - In:<br />

The Pacific Review (Oxford), 24 (March 2011) 1, S. 1-20<br />

GIGA D 925857 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 81 2011.05.06

II.11 Science/Research / Wissenschaft/Forschung / Sciences/Recherche scientifique<br />


1632 Asante, Molefi Kete: De-westernizing communication :<br />

strategies for neutralizing cultural myths / Molefi Kete Asante. -<br />

In: De-westernizing communication research / ed. by Georgette<br />

Wang. - London ...: Routledge, 2011. - (Routledge<br />

Contemporary Asia Series), S. 21-27 - ISBN 978-0-415-57545-4<br />

IFA D 926641 IFA: 31/3 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


1633 Ben-Ari, Eyal; Lomsky-Feder, Edna: Epilogue: Theoretical<br />

and comparative notes on reserve forces / Eyal Ben-Ari and<br />

Edna Lomsky-Feder. - In: Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 37 (April 2011) 2, S. 361-371<br />

SWP D 926202 SWP: X. 568 HSFK: ZS A BICC: BZ AFS Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1634 Brzoska, Michael; Fischer, Martina: Zum 10-jährigen<br />

Bestehen der Deutschen Stiftung Friedensforschung :<br />

Friedensforschung für das 21.Jahrhundert / Michael Brzoska ;<br />

Martina Fischer. - In: Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden),<br />

29 (2011) 1, S. 31-41, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.<br />

IFSH D 925997 SWP: Y. 712 OSI: ZV 883 DGAP: ZD 206 HSFK: ZS S<br />

IFA: Z-D3231 BICC: BZ SF IFSH: Z/75kf DIE: ZK044 Öff.StaO: H 226<br />

1635 Gundlach, Erich; Opfinger, Matthias: Religiosity as a<br />

determinant of happiness / Erich Gundlach ; Matthias Opfinger.<br />

- Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,<br />

April 2011. - 26 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (GIGA Working Papers;<br />

No. 163) - (GIGA Research Programme: Socio-Economic<br />

Challenges in the Context of Globalisation)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp163_gundlach-opfinger.pdf<br />

GIGA D 925699 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1636 Wolff, Jonas; Wurm, Iris: Towards a theory of external<br />

democracy promotion : A proposal for theoretical classification /<br />

Jonas Wolff and Iris Wurm. - In: Security Dialogue (London),<br />

42 (February 2011) 1, S. 77-96<br />

SWP D 926292 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RR SPACE<br />

1637 Towards a space strategy for the European Union that<br />

benefits its citizens : communication from the Commission to<br />

the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic<br />

and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ;<br />

SEC(2011) 381 final, SEC(2011) 380 final / European<br />

Commission. - Brussels, 2011. - 13 S. - (COM(2011)152final)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Auf dem Weg zu einer<br />

Weltraumstrategie der Europäischen Union im Dienst der<br />

Bürgerinnen und Bürger. - 16 S.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/space/files/policy/comm_p<br />

df_com_2011_0152_f_communication_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 925885<br />


1638 Frazer, Elizabeth; Hutchings, Kimberly: Remnants and<br />

revenants : politics and violence in the work of Agamben and<br />

Derrida / Elizabeth Frazer and Kimberly Hutchings. - In: The<br />

British Journal of Politics and International Relations (London),<br />

13 (Mai 2011) 2, S. 127-144, Lit. S. 142-144<br />

FUB D 926448 OSI: Zw 608 Öff.StaO: 188/211<br />

1639 Gottstein, Klaus: Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker und die<br />

Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs / Klaus<br />

Gottstein. - In: Zur Verantwortung der Wissenschaft - Carl<br />

Friedrich von Weizsäcker zu Ehren / Stephan Albrecht ... (Hg.).<br />

- Berlin: Lit Verl., 2008. - (Weltinnenpolitische Colloquien; 3),<br />

S. 57-65 - ISBN 978-3-8258-1769-5<br />

HSFK D 926440 HSFK: 41.050 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1640 Holeindre, Jean-Vincent: Raymond Aron : le spectateur<br />

engagé / Jean-Vincent Holeindre. - In: Sciences humaines<br />

(Auxerre), (mai 2011) 226, n° spécial, S. 58-63, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 925834 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 77<br />

1641 Nishimura, Kuniyuki: E. H. Carr, Dostoevsky, and the<br />

problem of irrationality in modern Europe / Kuniyuki Nishimura.<br />

- In: International Relations (London), 25 (March 2011) 1,<br />

S. 45-64<br />

HSFK D 926428 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1642 Schouenborg, Laust: A new institutionalism? The English<br />

School as international sociological theory / Laust<br />

Schouenborg. - In: International Relations (London), 25 (March<br />

2011) 1, S. 26-44<br />

HSFK D 926427 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1643 Sjoberg, Laura: Gender, the state, and war redux : feminist<br />

International Relations across the 'levels of analysis' / Laura<br />

Sjoberg. - In: International Relations (London), 25 (March 2011)<br />

1, S. 108-134<br />

HSFK D 926432 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1644 Zur Verantwortung der Wissenschaft - Carl Friedrich von<br />

Weizsäcker zu Ehren : Beiträge des 1. Hamburger Carl<br />

Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Forums, 21. bis 22. September 2007<br />

/ Stephan Albrecht ... (Hg.) - Berlin: Lit Verl., 2008. - 191 S. -<br />

(Weltinnenpolitische Colloquien; Bd. 3) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8258-1769-5<br />

HSFK D 926434 HSFK: 41.050 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 82 2011.05.06

Aaltola, Mika 69;206;1616;1623 111<br />

Abazov, Rafis Fanisovic 874<br />

Abbott, Jason P. 1019;1271<br />

Abd-ar-Raziq, 'Ali 1237<br />

Abdul-Hamid, Ahmad Fauzi 1272<br />

Abdulsamed, Farah 714;715<br />

Abel, Andreas 1514<br />

Abinales, Patricio N. 1022<br />

Abousenna, Mona 770;786;792<br />

Achmadov, Erkin 672;681<br />

Ackermann, Alice 102;403 402<br />

Adams, Brian E. 885;1044<br />

Adesoji, A. O. 935;1221<br />

Adesola, Funso 936<br />

Agarin, Timofey 1171<br />

Agustin, Ivana 1017<br />

Ahmad, Ehtisham 1085<br />

Ahmad, Sohail 1252<br />

Aidt, Toke S. 755;1063<br />

Ako-Nai, R. I. 936<br />

Akplogan-Dossa, Huguette 929<br />

Albornoz, Facundo 755;1063<br />

Albrecht, Stephan 1644<br />

Albright, David 581<br />

Alden, Christopher 1064<br />

Alekseev, Michail A. 780;783;848;886<br />

Alexander, David 615;1547<br />

Alexander, Keith B. 616;1548<br />

Alho, Arja 809<br />

Ali, Rabia 1208<br />

Allen, David 1329<br />

Allen, Matthew 322;323<br />

Altman, David 1065<br />

Altmann, Matthias 1330<br />

Altvater, Elmar 1492<br />

Alusala, Nelson 549;550<br />

Alvarado Leyton, Cristian 918<br />

Ambacher, Oliver 1515<br />

Amer, Ramses 48<br />

Anderson, Guy 617;1549<br />

Angenendt, Steffen 1089<br />

Annati, Massimo 572 618;1550<br />

Antal, John 501;1538 502<br />

Apt, Wenke 1089<br />

Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic 482;485;503<br />

Arezki, Rabah 1066;1493<br />

Arloth, Jana 619<br />

Arnold, Matthew B. 50 1064<br />

Asante, Molefi Kete 1630;1632<br />

Auers, Daunis 847<br />

Avenel, Marie 1358<br />

Aylott, Nicholas 810<br />

Ayub, Avista 1300<br />

Azunu, Richardson 933<br />

Bach, Jan 1406<br />

Baddeley, Adam 620;1551<br />

Baev, Pavel Konstantin 849<br />

Bagchi, Indrani 1006;1453<br />

Bahu, Marlène 1359<br />

Balleis, Siegfried 137;329;833;1053<br />

Barnes, Andrew 1400;1465<br />

Barnes, James A. 888;1196<br />

Barrera-Osorio, Felipe 1270<br />

Barro, Josh 1197<br />

Bass, Hans H. 1391;1482<br />

Bauer, Thomas 382<br />

Baumert, Annette 750<br />

Beazley, Kim 1253<br />

Bechev, Dimitar 99<br />

Beck, Peter M. 53<br />


Becker, Eduard 426;1516<br />

Beil, Ralf 643;1316<br />

Bell, David 821<br />

Bellamy, Alex J. 337<br />

Ben-Ari, Eyal 621;1633<br />

Benantar, Abdennour 552;554;611;967;976;1052<br />

Bencek, David 1331;1466<br />

Bendimérad, Sabri 824;1122<br />

Beniston, Martin 1613<br />

Bensmann, Marcus 193;194;1410;1412<br />

Bergé, Christine 1360<br />

Bergeron, Henri 1109<br />

Bernard, Élise 63;200<br />

Berti, Benedetta 264;335;979;1054<br />

Besters-Dilger, Juliane 21;868<br />

Bilgin, Fevzi 30;1236<br />

Bisault, Laurent 1361<br />

Biswaro, Joram Mukama 347<br />

Blanchard, Jean-Marc F. 731<br />

Blandin, Claire 1110<br />

Blank, Stephen J. 870<br />

Bless, Roland 807;1105<br />

Blic, Damien de 1111<br />

Bloom, David E. 1254<br />

Bo, Yan 1564<br />

Böhlke, Ewald 1471;1545<br />

Bonavitta, Paola 1213<br />

Bondia García, David 920<br />

Bonnard, Claire 1362<br />

Bonnevialle, Lionel 1363<br />

Boone, George 1301<br />

Bordet, Christophe 1364<br />

Bordyuzha, Nikolai 167;483<br />

Borello, Jean-Marc 1112<br />

Bornemann, Sabine 771;1090<br />

Borrell, Josep 1565<br />

Borshchevska, Yuliya 1178<br />

Botton, Bruno 1113<br />

Bouilleaux, Patricia 1381<br />

Bourdon, Jean 1362<br />

Bowman, Gary M. 505;561<br />

Brands, Hal 241<br />

Bratton, Patrick C. 113;240;408;544<br />

Brenner, Michael 11;138<br />

Brenninkmeijer, Anthony 1330<br />

Brewer, Susan A. 25;506<br />

Brooks, Douglas H. 1496<br />

Brown, Kerry 1036<br />

Brownstein, Ronald 1198<br />

Bruce, Scott 1481<br />

Brückner, Markus 1066;1493<br />

Brunstetter, Daniel 427;834<br />

Brunstetter, Scott 427;834<br />

Brzoska, Michael 348;623;1634<br />

Buchan, David 1332<br />

Buckley-Zistel, Susanne 58;1077<br />

Bühlmann, Marc 1084<br />

Bukold, Steffen 1494<br />

Bulanova-Hristova, Gergana 881<br />

Bünte, Marco 1013<br />

Burke, Gwynne T. 507<br />

Burton, Brian M. 203;889<br />

Burton, Rick 1314<br />

Bush, Richard C. (III) 303;304<br />

Butler, Michael J. 624<br />

Buzan, Barry G. 360<br />

Buzelay, Alain 653<br />

Byam, Hannah 1251<br />

Cahn, Jean-Paul 119;151;155<br />

Cai, Cuihong 890;1199<br />

Calderón Umana, Rodolfo 910;913<br />

Calligaris, Marius 479<br />

Cámara, Manuel de la 159;168<br />

Cami, Geert 880<br />

Campbell, Ross 835<br />

Cantir, Cristian A. 197;198;269;497;498;558<br />

Canton-Fourrat, Altide 1091<br />

Capelli, Fausto 65;1333<br />

Carlos, Clarita R. 1023<br />

Carlstedt, Berit 407;811<br />

Carmassi, Jacopo 660;1346<br />

Caro, Céline-Agathe 1566<br />

Carroll, Toby 292;294<br />

Casarini, Nicola 66;283<br />

Case, William 47<br />

Castegnaro, Claudio 1092;1334<br />

Castel, Patrick 1109<br />

Cathelin, Mélanie 930<br />

Cavas, Christopher P. 1539<br />

Cazzaniga, Gianluca 499;1537<br />

Cebeci, Münevver 67;204;267;270 68;205<br />

69;206;1616;1623 82;216<br />

Cercel, Cristian 1192<br />

Cha, Victor D. 316;1041 508;598<br />

Chachavalpongpun, Pavin 1025<br />

Chafer, Tony 5 6 130;247<br />

Chak, Sopheap 1031<br />

Chall, Marcus 445<br />

Chamidov, Aliser 1188<br />

Chappell, Gareth 409;418<br />

Charillon, Frédéric 121<br />

Chattopadhyay, Swaati 1255<br />

Chatty, Dawn 1231<br />

Chaussebourg, Laure 822<br />

Chen, Cheng 1284<br />

Chen, Dongxiao 305<br />

Chen, Gang 315 1040<br />

Chen, Luming 1467<br />

Chen, Zhimin 1564<br />

Chetouane, Mabrouk 1335;1365;1387<br />

Chevallier, Romy 1600<br />

Chevauchez, Benoît 1366<br />

Chin, James 1020<br />

Chin, Warren 410<br />

Chiu, Kuei-fen 1276<br />

Choi, Mack-joong 1252<br />

Chopra, Deepta 1007 1009;1263<br />

Chornobyl, Oleksander 1406<br />

Chriqui, Vincent 1336;1367<br />

Christensen, Thomas J. 207;306<br />

Christmann, Andreas 1240<br />

Ciobanu, Monica 24<br />

Claaßen, Julian 70;122;140<br />

Clement, Rolf 428<br />

Coggin, John 1207<br />

Cognato, Brian 359;1320<br />

Cohen, Stephen P. 287<br />

Collard, Sue 1114<br />

Collier, Paul 1487<br />

Collins, Joseph J. 509<br />

Constant, Fred 823<br />

Conway, Janet 341<br />

Cooper, Julian M. 1401<br />

Copé, Jean-François 1093;1116<br />

Copija, Matthew R. 383<br />

Corbett, Jenny 724;740;1451;1484<br />

Cornilleau, Gérard 1117<br />

Coronel Prosman, Carmen 921<br />

Corrigan, Terence 949<br />

Cortez, Benjamin 757<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 83 2011.05.06

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Corvino, Isabella 1421<br />

Coutrot, Thomas 1384<br />

Cozzi, Laura 1603<br />

Crawford, Michael 625<br />

Crepaldi, Chiara 1092;1334<br />

Criekemans, David 355<br />

Croissant, Aurel 1012;1034 1013<br />

Crothers, Lane 208<br />

Cull, Robert 1437<br />

Cutler, Robert M. 875<br />

D'Costa, Bina 39<br />

D'Souza, Shanthie 275;286<br />

Dakowska, Dorota 133;147<br />

Dalpino, Catharin E. 1026<br />

Dandeker, Christopher 411;813<br />

Danielsson, Erna 407;811<br />

Dasgupta, Sunil 287<br />

Dauncey, Hugh 1118<br />

Davidson, Christopher M. 262;300;716;729<br />

Davies, Andrew 604<br />

Davis, Donald E. 510<br />

Daxner, Michael 195<br />

De Grauwe, Paul 1340<br />

De Spiegeleire, Stephan 626;1302<br />

De Vreese, Claes H. 803;1101<br />

Dean, Sidney E. 429;1517<br />

Debaye, Marie 654;664;1337;1369<br />

Debrand, Thierry 1117<br />

Debré, Bernard 1119<br />

Deegan-Krause, Kevin 842;844<br />

DeHaan, Heather D. 1169<br />

Dehéz, Dustin 548<br />

Delage, Fernando 307;1470<br />

Dempsey, Martin 511<br />

Desmoulins, Lucile 123<br />

Dethier, Jean-Jacques 1208<br />

Deubner, Christian 1370;1388<br />

Deutschmann, Rocco 1532<br />

Diehm, Jens 465<br />

Dieter, Heribert 71;141<br />

Dittmer, Lowell 38<br />

Dittrich, Andreas 1592<br />

Doli, Dren 882<br />

Donaldson, Peter 384<br />

Donegan, Brendan 1256<br />

Donnelly, Peter 1303<br />

Dorman, Andrew M. 412<br />

Dörrenbächer, Heike 850<br />

Dover, Robert 369;413<br />

Drake, Helen 72;124<br />

Dreiski, Patrice 103;1355<br />

Dressel, Björn 1027<br />

Dröge, Susanne 1604<br />

Drwiega, Andrew 385 512<br />

Duarte, José Augusto 73;254<br />

Dubovyk, Volodymyr 178<br />

Duhamel, Olivier 1121<br />

Dulal, Hari B. 1491<br />

Dumoulin, Michel 3;4;12;117;120;139 118;125;142<br />

Dunay, Pál 367;487<br />

Dunn, David Hastings 414;513<br />

Dutta, Sujit 288<br />

Dvorkin, Vladimir Zinov'evic 482;485;503<br />

Dyevre, Arthur 74;143;795;836<br />

Dyson, Tom 415<br />

Ebang Ondo, Jean Elvis 943<br />

Ebert, Hans-Georg 971 1237<br />

Ebinger, Lars 430;1518<br />

Ehrentraut, Stefan 1032;1060;1275;1295<br />

Eijk, Cees van der 796<br />

Eleb, Monique 824;1122<br />

Ellrott, Helmut 1386<br />

Elvert, Jürgen 1108;1123;1158<br />

Endler, Frank 431;1519<br />

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus 75<br />

Epkenhans, Tim 872;1184<br />

Epstein, Richard A. 891<br />

Ersanilli, Evelyn 1106;1124;1159;1167<br />

Escalera Reyes, Javier 1424;1425<br />

Eschenbächer, Jens-Hagen 808<br />

Eschment, Beate 1185<br />

Estreicher, Samuel 1467<br />

Even, Philippe 1119<br />

Evers, Frank 179;1179<br />

Ezrow, Natasha 1067<br />

Fair, C. Christine 37 562;573 570<br />

Fajnzylber, Pablo 1426<br />

Fakhro, Elham 961<br />

Fantasia, Rick 892<br />

Faqih, Abdullah al- 998<br />

Faris, David 983;1244<br />

Feferman, Kiril 13<br />

Feichtinger, Walter E. 79;260;797;969<br />

Feigenbaum, Evan A. 210;284<br />

Feigenbaum, Harvey B. 784;793<br />

Feillard, Pascal 1372<br />

Fendrich, Yannick 1359<br />

Fengler, Wolfgang 758<br />

Ferchen, Matt 702;732<br />

Fernández-Stembridge, Leila 1277<br />

Ferrari, Lisa L. 252;342;1220;1296<br />

Ferraz, Claudio 917<br />

Fessha, Yonatan Tesfaye 950;955;1226;1230<br />

Filippi, Maryline 1373<br />

Finan, Frederico 917<br />

Fischer, Martina 348;623;1634<br />

Fischer, Severin 1339;1508<br />

Fisun, Oleksandr 865<br />

Florini, Ann M. 349;1498<br />

Fonchingong, Tangie Nsoh 944;1223<br />

Fontaine, Richard 234;291<br />

Forsteneichner, Günther F. C. 627;1499<br />

Forster, Anthony 814<br />

Fortescue, Stephen 1402;1407<br />

Fournier, Martine 1143<br />

François, Abel 826;1128<br />

Frank, Cornelia 101;156;158;386;474;478<br />

Frantz, Erica 1067<br />

Frazer, Elizabeth 59;1638<br />

Frear, Matthew 169;182<br />

Frérot, Antoine 1304<br />

Freytag, Andreas 642;764 749<br />

Friedman, Benjamin H. 893<br />

Frings, Marc 1586<br />

Frinking, Erik 1301<br />

Frishkopf, Michael 1233<br />

Fröhlich, Manuel 613<br />

Fromentin, Vincent 1096<br />

Frumkina-Kobrinskaja, Irina 371;387;492;494<br />

Fuker, Michael 293;325;1014;1051<br />

Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko 1488<br />

Fustier, Nathalie 719<br />

Gabriel, Johannes 1471;1545<br />

Gaetano, Arianne M. 1278<br />

Gagné, Isaac 1290<br />

Galamas, Francisco 894<br />

Gall, Caroline von 866<br />

Galloro, Piero-D. 7;1125<br />

Garcés Montoya, Ángela 1216<br />

García-Tapia, José Luis 1546<br />

Gašparič, Jure 23<br />

Gastaud, Philippe 825;1126<br />

Gaub, Florence 553<br />

Gault, Guénaëlle 1127;1512<br />

Gauri, Varun 1069;1305<br />

Gaxie, Daniel 1094<br />

Geffken, Rolf 1037;1472<br />

George, Michael 629;1553<br />

Gersovitz, Mark 1298<br />

Gerstlé, Jacques 826;1128<br />

Gheciu, Alexandra 330;343 331<br />

Gibson, Thomas 1015;1266<br />

Giegerich, Bastian 80;372<br />

Gilmore, Jonathan 515;895<br />

Giroux, Jennifer 940<br />

Glaser, Kristian 388;432<br />

Gloede, Oliver 750<br />

Gnath, Katharina 350;759<br />

Godement, François 99 211;281<br />

Godin, Emmanuel 5<br />

Gögelein, Alisa 8;1129<br />

Goldstein, Lyle J. 516;586<br />

Golovko, Léonid 873<br />

Gonzalez-Vicente, Ruben 709;713;733<br />

Goodman, David S. G. 1631<br />

Gorenburg, Dmitrij 486<br />

Gottschlich, Pierre 1200;1257<br />

Gottstein, Klaus 1323;1639<br />

Gottwald, Peter 389<br />

Gowan, Richard 99<br />

Gradziuk, Artur 332;742<br />

Graham, Carol 1500<br />

Grăjdian, Maria 1291<br />

Gray, Colin S. 630<br />

Grebe, Jan 1398<br />

Greciano, Pierre-Alain 1374<br />

Green, J. M. 924<br />

Greenberg, Neil 411;813<br />

Greiff, Otmar 669;678<br />

Gretsky, Sergei 495<br />

Griffith, James 517;896 631;1070<br />

Grohmann, Hans-Christoph 433<br />

Gronau, Lina 877<br />

Gronwald, Marc 1389<br />

Gros, Daniel 1340<br />

Grudzinski, Przemyslaw 404<br />

Gruzd, Steven 949<br />

Gueye, Abdoulaye 126;246<br />

Gulrajani, Nilima 768<br />

Gundlach, Erich 1306;1635<br />

Gusev, Alexander 160;170<br />

Gutiérrez, María Cristina 1431<br />

Habib, Benjamin 594<br />

Habit, Daniel 775;781<br />

Hadiwinata, Bob S. 1017<br />

Haer, Roos 957<br />

Hague, William 265;336<br />

Hamanaka, Shintaro 727;739<br />

Hamarneh, Ala al- 1161<br />

Hambleton, Alexandra 788;1292<br />

Hamlawi, Yasmina 1452<br />

Han, Do-hyun 1045;1287<br />

Han, Hahrie C. 900;1204<br />

Hanel, Dieter 578<br />

Hangen, Susan 42<br />

Hansen, Gitte Marianne 1293<br />

Harmsen, Robert 81;127<br />

Hartmann, Jürgen 927;962<br />

Hartzell, Caroline A. 1000<br />

Harub, Halid 32;1239<br />

Haug, Jutta 1340<br />

Haughton, Tim 842;844<br />

Hawley, John K. 518<br />

Hayes, Peter 1480;1595 1481<br />

Hazell, Paul J. 632;1554<br />

Heckersbruch, Andreas 455<br />

Heder, Steve 46<br />

Hefny, Assem 1237<br />

Heilmann, Katharina 1130;1160<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 84 2011.05.06

Heiming, Gerhard 434;1520 633;1555<br />

Heinelt, Hubert 89<br />

Helary, Jean-Claude 1371<br />

Hellmann, Mike 449;652<br />

Hellmerichs, Sarah 745;751 1307 1489<br />

Hemmer, Jort 956<br />

Hemmerling, Mario 915<br />

Henderson, J. Vernon 1018;1267<br />

Henderson, Karen 845<br />

Hennicke, Peter 1390<br />

Herbert-Burns, Rupert 609;741;1486<br />

Herd, Graeme P. 367;487<br />

Hernández Ulate, Aurora 237;238;909;911<br />

Hernández, Ivo 906;1209<br />

Hewlett, Nick 1131<br />

Hill, Kevin 373;519<br />

Hilpert, Hanns Günther 1473<br />

Hippel, David von 1481<br />

Hirsh, Michael 1415<br />

Hloušek, Vít 843<br />

Hobermann, John 351;1308<br />

Hodouschek, Theodor 434;1520<br />

Hodson, Dermot 656<br />

Hoffmann, Kasper 1224<br />

Hofmeister, Wilhelm 295 907<br />

Hohmann, Rainer 440<br />

Hokayem, Emile el- 961<br />

Holeindre, Jean-Vincent 128;361;1620;1640<br />

Hollis, David M. 520;1541<br />

Hollis, Katherine 520;1541<br />

Holmes, James R. 593;610<br />

Holsteyn, Joop J. M. van 820<br />

Holtz, Andreas 1485;1596<br />

Honohan, Patrick 760<br />

Horst, Michael 633;1555<br />

Horvath, Julius 16;18;1395;1396<br />

Hosur, Prashant 634<br />

Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E. 1071<br />

Hsiao, L. C. Russell 1035<br />

Hübner, Christian 1507;1614<br />

Hudemann, Rainer 129;152<br />

Hui, Chunlin 366;1326<br />

Huibregtse, Ada 362;1324<br />

Huijgh, Ellen 782<br />

Hulme, David 1488<br />

Hulsman, John C. 352 353<br />

Humbertjean, Muriel 1132<br />

Hummel, Hartwig 1072;1501<br />

Hunt, Charles 337<br />

Hurtado, Héctor 906;1209<br />

Hussein, Mustafa K. 946<br />

Hutchings, Kimberly 59;1638<br />

Huyghe, François-Bernard 968;1232<br />

Hwang, Balbina Y. 214;317;318;897;1042;1046<br />

Iroanya, Richard Obinna 557;587;985;1038<br />

Irondelle, Bastien 374;419;435<br />

Ismail, Hanif M. 580<br />

Jackson, Richard 1279<br />

Jacobson, Gary C. 898<br />

Jaffré, Jérôme 1121<br />

Jagodzinski, Wolfgang 1294<br />

Jamal, Amal 1247<br />

Jamaluddin, J. M. 296;297<br />

Jans, Nick 606;1050<br />

Javorcik, Beata S. 694;753;1203;1299<br />

Jenkins, Rob 338<br />

Jesus, Diego Santos Vieira de 545;568<br />

Jiménez Elizondo, Alicia 237;238;909;911<br />

John, Christian 436<br />

Johnson, Chris 1001;1250<br />

Johnson, Fawn 1201<br />

Johnson, John D. 488;522<br />

Johnson, Tana 1061<br />

Johnston, Alastair Iain 217;308<br />

Johnstone, Andrew 218<br />

Jones, Toby Craig 994;995;997<br />

Joshi, Shashank 575;588<br />

Jospin, Lionel 420<br />

Kaczyński, Piotr Maciej 83;196<br />

Kadelbach, Stefan 62<br />

Kaggwa, Martin 1435<br />

Kahl, Dieter 635;1556<br />

Kaina, Viktoria 1325<br />

Kalron, Nir 255;942<br />

Kaltenegger, Werner 437<br />

Kandilov, Ivan T. 1430<br />

Kaniok, Petr 843<br />

Kaping, Bodo 837<br />

Kapoor, Sony 1341<br />

Kapunda, Stephen M. 1434<br />

Karawan, Ibrahim A. 984<br />

Katz, Katrin 508;598<br />

Katz, Mark N. 171;268<br />

Kawai, Masahiro 723<br />

Kempf, Hervé 1605<br />

Kenny, Charles 1309;1502<br />

Keohane, Robert Owen 1606<br />

Khan, Mushtaq H. 993;1447<br />

Khatib, Lina 990<br />

Kibaroğlu, Mustafa 390;480<br />

Kimura, Ehito 44<br />

Kirton, John James 345;614<br />

Klein, Eckart 1055<br />

Klingholz, Reiner 1170;1175<br />

Klodt, Henning 1331;1466<br />

Klos, Dietmar 438;1522 1521<br />

Knoll, Bernhard 808<br />

Knop, Jurgen J. 1432<br />

Knutsen, Bjørn Olav 391;523;563<br />

Ko, Kyungmin 1284<br />

Kobayashi, Junko 609;741;1486<br />

Kobzova, Jana 99<br />

Koch, Jochen 443<br />

Köhler, Gabriele 1310<br />

Koopmans, Ruud 1106;1124;1159;1167<br />

Kopf, Christian 658;1342<br />

Korenica, Fisnik 882<br />

Korteweg, Rem 352<br />

Kosals, Leonid 851<br />

Kottke, Kian 376<br />

Kowalzig, Jan 1607<br />

Krah, Michael 439<br />

Krogmann, Heiko 440<br />

Kuchins, Andrew C. 524;564;693;721<br />

Kugelman, Michael 574<br />

Kuhn, Raymond 1133<br />

Kühne, Winrich 1073<br />

Kukeyeva, Fatima 172;190<br />

Kulesa, Łukasz 392;475;484<br />

Kumar, M. Satish 41<br />

Kuncoro, Ari 1018;1267<br />

Kundnani, Hans 99<br />

Kunz, Ruth 1084<br />

Kunze, Thomas 877<br />

Kura, Sulaiman Y. Balarabe 937<br />

Kurilla, Ivan I. 19;852<br />

Lafaye, Claudette 1111<br />

Laffan, Brigid 1343<br />

Lafitte, Gabriel 1039;1593<br />

Lam, Peng Er 319;1048<br />

Lamassoure, Alain 1340<br />

Lambach, Daniel 934;941<br />

Lambert, Renaud 1212<br />

Landau, Georges D. 242<br />

Laumulin, Murat 104;191<br />

Lauster, Gitta 1474<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Lavenex, Sandra 798<br />

Lawson, Sean 636<br />

Leblebicioğlu, Aslı 1430<br />

Lecerf, Edouard 1134<br />

Lechtenböhmer, Stefan 1392<br />

Leclabart, Vincent 1135<br />

Lee, Ji-yong 1284<br />

Lee, Kwang-ho 595<br />

Lefebvre, Rémi 1136<br />

Leforestier, Guillaume 1375<br />

Legien, Wolfgang 441<br />

Leibfried, Stephan 1097<br />

Lemoine, Matthieu 1335;1365;1387<br />

Lenschow, Andrea 1567<br />

Leonard, Mark 99<br />

Leslie, Jolyon 1001;1250<br />

Levenstein, Susan 298;1033;1463<br />

Levin, Yuval 1202<br />

Li, Hao 890;1199<br />

Lindenstrauss, Gallia 264;335;979;1054<br />

Lindner, Johannes 1343<br />

Lindvall, Johannes 1137<br />

Linn, Rachel 975<br />

Linnarz, Paul 1274<br />

Linnenbaum, Christoph 442<br />

Lippelt, Jana 1389 1608<br />

Liquière, Patrice 827<br />

Llorca, Aurélien 1138<br />

Loh, Yinshan 1450<br />

Lomsky-Feder, Edna 621;1633<br />

López Ramírez, Alexander 237;238;909;911<br />

Lord, Carnes 637;1311<br />

Lord, Kristin M. 203;889<br />

Löser, Wolf-Dieter 393<br />

Lowin, Thomas 443<br />

Lowther, Adam B. 525<br />

Lu, Yin 583<br />

Lüddecke, René 112;114;144;812;816;838<br />

Lukjanov, Fjodor 853<br />

Lye, Liang Fook 315 1040<br />

Lynch, Marc 526;556<br />

Mader, Georg 476<br />

Madhav, Roopa 1259;1456<br />

Maedl, Anna 957<br />

Magomedov, Arbachan Kurbanovič 854<br />

Mai, Yinhua 734<br />

Maihold, Günther 161<br />

Maillard, Carol 1139<br />

Mair, Stefan 375;547 1074<br />

Majidov, Suhrob 1191<br />

Majumdar, Margaret A. 130;247<br />

Malek, Roman 1280<br />

Maley, William 36<br />

Malik, Mahnaz 752<br />

Maloney, William F. 1426<br />

Mancini, Marina 1075<br />

Marat, Erica 1188<br />

Mariano, Marco 219;236<br />

Marrero, Gustavo A. 1344<br />

Martens, Stephan 131;145;153<br />

Martínez, Luís 973;1440<br />

Matsinhe, David Mario 1227<br />

Matthes, Felix Chr. 1390<br />

Maurer, Rainer 659<br />

McCartney, Helen 817<br />

Mehler, Andreas 934;941<br />

Meier, Oliver 394<br />

Meister, Stefan 84;173<br />

Melnykovska, Inna 180<br />

Mendelsohn, Barak 638<br />

Menon, Anand 333<br />

Mensah, Kwasi Addei 933<br />

Merkel, Wolfgang 1076<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 85 2011.05.06

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Merlini, Cesare 639;1312<br />

Merz, Markus 1094<br />

Mesežnikov, Grigorij 17<br />

Mesini, Daniela 1092;1334<br />

Messager, Michel 1371<br />

Meyer, Georg 951;958<br />

Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik 799<br />

Miao, Yingchun 761<br />

Michalski, Jan 1330<br />

Michelat, Guy 1140<br />

Micossi, Stefano 660;1346<br />

Mihm, Stephen 763<br />

Mildner, Stormy-Annika 1417 1474<br />

Milewski, Françoise 1120<br />

Mills, Thomas C. 115;220;663;695<br />

Milner, Susan 1141<br />

Mioche, Philippe 1356;1357;1377;1393<br />

Miyazawa, Kensuke 1483<br />

Moati, Philippe 1142<br />

Moens, Jan 1341<br />

Mohr, Ralf 1523<br />

Molina, Ignacio 85;162<br />

Möller, Almut 86;326<br />

Möller, Till Maximilian 1028<br />

Mölling, Christian 444<br />

Monroe, Hunter 1211<br />

Montenegro, Jimena 1431<br />

Montero, David 1005<br />

Montes-Rojas, Gabriel V. 1426<br />

Montornès, Jérémi 1378<br />

Morozov, Vjaceslav 856 857<br />

Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič 181<br />

Moten, Abdul-Rashid 1021;1273<br />

Motsch, Monika 1281<br />

Mukherjee, Kunal 818<br />

Mulikita, Njunga M. 248;250;923;926<br />

Müller, Harald 146<br />

Müller, Harald D. 1515<br />

Müller, Niels 376<br />

Münscher, Robert 666;670;773;777<br />

Muzalevsky, Roman 192;309<br />

Myard, Jacques 132<br />

Myers, Gene 527<br />

Myrli, Sverre 395;1511<br />

Naaf, Sandra 1092;1334<br />

Nabers, Dirk 1043;1285<br />

Naess, Hans Erik 772<br />

Napolitano, Luigi 166<br />

Naves, Marie-Cécile 1144<br />

Ndlela, R. N. 924<br />

Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. 1228<br />

Negi, Vipin 1454<br />

Nelson, Michael H. 1029<br />

Neu, Christopher 1251<br />

Neubauer, Jürgen 763<br />

Neuhaus, Patrick 445<br />

Nishimura, Kuniyuki 363;1641<br />

Nitschke, Stefan 446;1524 447;1525 448;1526<br />

473<br />

Noeske, Andreas 449;652<br />

Nolin, Alain 1364<br />

Nolte, Detlef 354<br />

Norris, Pippa 1078;1313<br />

Nouguez, Etienne 1109<br />

Noviani, Ratna 1269<br />

Novotná, Tereza 842;844<br />

Nyakwaka, Dorothy A. 256;259;952;959<br />

Nyang'oro, Julius E. 29;954<br />

O'Shannassy, Michael 45<br />

O'Sullivan, David 87<br />

Obinger, Herbert 1062<br />

Ocqueteau, Frédéric 829<br />

Odenwald, Michael 957<br />

Oertel, Janka 310;339<br />

Ogola, Leandro Odour 953;1436<br />

Ogundiya, I. S. 937<br />

Ojanen, Hanna 88;165;223<br />

Oldani, Chiara 762<br />

Oliinyk, Volodymyr 850<br />

Ollapally, Deepa 289<br />

Omotola, J. Shola 928<br />

Ong, Ryan 1418;1475<br />

Onuoha, Freedom C. 939;1222<br />

Opfinger, Matthias 1306;1635<br />

Oppenheimer, Andy 579 640;1557<br />

Orfy, Mohammed Moustafa 397;551<br />

Orme, Geoffrey 411;813<br />

Orttung, Robert W. 1403;1428<br />

Ottaway, Marina S. 273;996<br />

Paape, Hans Hermann 450<br />

Palmer, David A. 1282<br />

Pandya, Amit A. 609;741;1486<br />

Parello-Plesner, Jonas 99<br />

Paris, Roland 331<br />

Park, Sang-young 1047;1288<br />

Pascutto, Tamara 7;1125<br />

Paul, Jean-Jacques 1362<br />

Pawlak, Patryk 377;529;800;899<br />

Pehnelt, Gernot 711;735 749<br />

Peirce, Fabrizia 660;1346<br />

Pempel, T. J. 584;600 1631<br />

Pereyra, Diego 1624;1625;1626;1629<br />

Pérez Sáinz, Juan Pablo 1210<br />

Périgord, Arnaud 1145<br />

Perliger, Arie 560;992<br />

Perrin, Carole 1340<br />

Perrineau, Pascal 1146<br />

Perthes, Volker 1074<br />

Peško, Marcel 405;489<br />

Pestieau, Pierre 1208<br />

Peter, Jürgen 451;1528<br />

Petit, Guillaume 828<br />

Petretto, Kerstin 375;547<br />

Petrov, Nikolaj 858<br />

Pflüger, Friedbert 988<br />

Pham, J. Peter 974<br />

Picheral, Caroline 1098<br />

Pifer, Steven 398;530<br />

Piot, Olivier 977;1242<br />

Pison, Gilles 1147<br />

Pitron, Guillaume 697;717<br />

Podesta, Marion 1380<br />

Poduzov, Sergei 859<br />

Pohl, Birte 1433<br />

Poirson, Martial 1148<br />

Pollack, Mark A. 91;801;1617 802 1509<br />

Ponczek, Vladimir 1215<br />

Popov, Vladimir 1173<br />

Popow, Olga de 1381<br />

Pries, Ludger 1503<br />

Protsyk, Oleh 867<br />

Provenzano, François 774;791<br />

Prows, Peter 116;257<br />

Puayana, Alicia 1423<br />

Pucci, Muriel 1382<br />

Puch, Luis A. 1344<br />

Puhl, Detlef 378<br />

Pyka, Petra 763<br />

Qadri, Muhammad Basa 971<br />

Quaranta, Paolo 1558<br />

Quasem, Islam Y. 353<br />

Quinn, Thomas 819<br />

Rabotjazev, Nikolaj Vladimirovic 673<br />

Raiser, Thomas 1086<br />

Rajagopalan, Rajesh 289<br />

Ramady, Mohamed A. 1449<br />

Raman, K. Ravi 1497<br />

Ramos-Real, Francisco Javier 1344<br />

Rapreger, Ulrich 1529<br />

Rašcan, Stanislav 105;199<br />

Rausch, Colette 966<br />

Ravallion, Martin 1429;1455;1476<br />

Raynaud, Christine 1477<br />

Reddy, P. S. 924<br />

Rees, G. Wyn 416<br />

Reiche, Daniel 1246<br />

Reid-Henry, Simon 641<br />

Rekawek, Kacper 963<br />

Rémy, Véronique 1358<br />

Renneberg, Wolfgang 1390<br />

Reuter, Christoph 981<br />

Reyes, Javier 1422<br />

Rhodes, Martin 1349<br />

Ricard-Nihoul, Gaëtane 1340<br />

Richard, Alice 99<br />

Richmond, Oliver P. 299;324<br />

Rickels, Wilfried 1331;1466<br />

Riese, Sarah 195 883<br />

Ríos, Xulio 163;311<br />

Rivas, Santiago 539 546<br />

Rivière, Emmanuel 831<br />

Rivlin, Paul 1446<br />

Rizvi, Hasan Askari 1004<br />

Robinson, Matthew J. 1314<br />

Robison, Richard 1631<br />

Rochlin, James F. 243;244<br />

Roederer-Rynning, Christilla 1350<br />

Roehner, Nora 883<br />

Rofe, J. Simon 26;228<br />

Roland-Holst, David 1450<br />

Romer, Jean-Christophe 417;421;452<br />

Romero, José 1423<br />

Röpke, Luise 1608<br />

Rose, Andrew K. 1315<br />

Rose-Ackerman, Susan 765<br />

Rosenblum, Scott 871<br />

Rosenbluth, Frances McCall 57<br />

Roubini, Nouriel 763<br />

Roudeillac, Daniel 422;453 454<br />

Rougemont, Philippe de 667<br />

Rouvreau, Béatrice 1383<br />

Rouxel, Corinne 1384<br />

Rozman, Gilbert 585;590<br />

Rubio, Eulalia 1340<br />

Rubner, Jeanne 1609<br />

Rüdiger, Lars 455<br />

Ruffa, Chiara 379;531;565<br />

Rugman, Alan M. 1490<br />

Ruigrok, Inge 945<br />

Ruiz-Rufino, Rubén 1087<br />

Russett, Bruce Martin 229;356<br />

Rüth, Christiane 1566<br />

Saalman, Lora 576;591<br />

Sabanadze, Natalie 1180<br />

Sabatié, Emmanuelle 1383<br />

Sahrur, Muhammad 1240<br />

Sakyi, E. Kojo 933<br />

Salber, Herbert 402<br />

Sally, Razeen 754<br />

Salzman, Rachel S. 368;500;1615;1622<br />

Samaan, Jean-Loup 380;532<br />

Samadi, Sascha 1390 1392<br />

Sands, James M. 647;1561<br />

Sankaran, Kamala 1259;1456<br />

Santiso, Javier 703;736<br />

Santos, Sofia 340<br />

Sapir, Eliyahu V. 796<br />

Saussez, Thierry 1150<br />

Savona, Paolo 762<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 86 2011.05.06

Sawyer, W. Charles 1422<br />

Schaffer, Gregory C. 1509<br />

Schäffer, Sebastian 76<br />

Schaffer, Teresita C. 698;726;1205;1260<br />

Schain, Martin A. 1151<br />

Schäuble, Wolfgang 655;1338<br />

Schimpf, Axel 456<br />

Schlabach, Jörg 31;1238<br />

Schlagdenhauffen, Régis 2;9;14;1107;1152;1164<br />

Schlager, Edda 1413<br />

Schleicher, Tobias 1390<br />

Schlotter, Peter 628;1068<br />

Schmidt, Armin 457<br />

Schmidt, Christian 458<br />

Schmitt, Carina 1062<br />

Schmitt, Hermann 796<br />

Schneider, Jürgen 1390<br />

Schnurr, Christoph 459<br />

Schoenfeld, Gabriel 533;901<br />

Schoettli, Urs Werner 149<br />

Schöppl, Sebastian 460;1165<br />

Schouenborg, Laust 364;1642<br />

Schubert, Volker 461;1530 462;1531<br />

Schuck, Andreas R. T. 803;1101<br />

Schultz, Ronny 463<br />

Schumacher, Wolfgang 464<br />

Schünemann, Julia 914<br />

Schwabe, Klaus 134;154<br />

Schwarzer, Daniela 92;1351<br />

Sedelmeier, Ulrich 93<br />

Seidensticker, Frauke Lisa 619<br />

Seifert, Arne Clemens 879;1189<br />

Seiler, Wolfgang 1610<br />

Seligmann, Françoise 1153<br />

Serfaty, Simon 357<br />

Serré, Alexia 7;1125<br />

La Serve, Marie-Elisabeth de 1335;1365;1387<br />

Seyfarth, Marco 465<br />

Seznec, Jean-François 1448<br />

Shadikhodjaev, Sherzod 674;676;679<br />

Shahnazarian, Nona 186;187;1182;1183<br />

Sharekh, Alanoud al- 965<br />

Sharif, Iffath A. 1011;1265<br />

Sharma, Shalendra 40<br />

Shelton, Dinah 1056<br />

Sherlock, Thomas 1174<br />

Shih, Ying 1464<br />

Shilibekova, Aigerim 490;496<br />

Shim, David 1043;1285<br />

Shinn, David Hamilton 960<br />

Shrivastav, Sanjeev Kumar 266;290<br />

Siegert, Jens 860<br />

Sievert, Stephan 1170;1175<br />

Silitski, Vitali 675;677;680<br />

Silj, Allessandro 1095<br />

Silva, Peri 699;704<br />

Simon, Michel 1140<br />

Singer, Peter Warren 534 1542<br />

Sinjen, Svenja 982<br />

Sirot, Stéphane 1;10;1102;1154<br />

Sjoberg, Laura 365;1643<br />

Skocpol, Theda 1207<br />

Sky, Emma 989;1245<br />

Sljapentoch, Dmitrij Vladimirovic 1190<br />

Smarick, Andy 1206<br />

Smidt, Wolbert 839<br />

Śmigielski, Robert 1404<br />

Smith, Hugh 606;1050<br />

Smith, Stephen 607<br />

Smith, Steven B. 27<br />

Smith-Höhn, Judy E. 934;941<br />

Snodgrass, Lyn 925;1219<br />

Sokirianskaia, Ekaterina 861<br />

Sommer, Jerry 1398<br />

Son, Hyun H. 1504<br />

Song, Jong Hwan 54<br />

Souleimanov, Emil 862<br />

Sovacool, Benjamin 292;294<br />

Sovacool, Benjamin K. 349;1498<br />

Spiegel, Mark M. 1315<br />

Spolander, Charlotta 94;1618<br />

Spreng, Connor P. 1437<br />

Springborg, Robert 1442<br />

Sterdyniak, Henri 1155<br />

Stewart, Emma J. 95;183;230<br />

Stöber, Silvia 106;184<br />

Stockfisch, Dieter 426;1516 466 467<br />

Stokes, Bruce 700;737<br />

Stölken-Fitschen, Ilona 15;1621<br />

Strachwitz, Rochus von 468<br />

Strohschneider, Beatrice 1627;1628<br />

Stumbaum, May-Britt 96;231;312<br />

Subin, Vladimir 175;253<br />

Sugiura, Yasuyuki 535;592;601<br />

Sugiyarto, Guntur 1450<br />

Suh, Serk-bae 55;56;1286;1289<br />

Suhrke, Astri 577;612;1010;1057<br />

Summers, Christopher 328<br />

Sünnetci, Ibrahim 481<br />

Susko, Oleksandr 399;493<br />

Sutela, Pekka 1405<br />

Swai, Elinami Veraeli 1229<br />

Sweijs, Tim 353 626;1302 1301<br />

Szczerbiak, Aleks 840<br />

Szulc, Tomasz 491;1536 499;1537 644;1559<br />

Szumska, Milena 1406<br />

Szymanski, Stefan 1317;1505<br />

Takase, Kae 1481<br />

Taleva, Nataliya 1341<br />

Tan, Xiao 366;1326<br />

Tanter, Richard 1481<br />

Tänzler, Dennis 645;1611<br />

Tatsumi, Yuki 528;596;599<br />

Taylor, John B. 1419<br />

Tempel, Sylke 400;566 1318<br />

Teng, Jianqun 232;313<br />

Terceiro, Jaime 1397<br />

Tessier-Stall, Sacha 646;1560<br />

Thakur, Monika 1064<br />

Thies, Wallace J. 113;240;408;544<br />

Thoma, Rainer Walter 455<br />

Thompson, John M. 26;228<br />

Thomson, Mark 604<br />

Thull, Andreas 445<br />

Tieman, Ross 880<br />

Tien, Hung-mao 51<br />

Tillin, Louise 1008;1261<br />

Tiltnes, Åge A. 1248<br />

Timilsina, Govinda R. 1491<br />

Tinel, Bruno 1382<br />

Tissot, Roger 1403;1428<br />

Tobin, Jennifer L. 765<br />

Todorov, Tzvetan 261;344;787;789<br />

Tomikawa, Hideo 602<br />

Tommasi, Mariano 908<br />

Tomuschat, Christian 1058<br />

Torres, Cesar R. 358;1319<br />

Tötemeyer, Gerhard 947;1225<br />

Trébucq, Stéphane 1385<br />

Tresch, Tibor Szvircsev 477;841<br />

Triantaphyllou, Dimitrios 97;176;233<br />

Triboulet, Pierre 1373<br />

Trick, Peter Matthias 682<br />

Trivelli, Carolina 1431<br />

Troy, Tevi 902<br />

Trusch, Sven 443<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Tsantoulis, Yannis 97;176;233<br />

Tudyka, Kurt P. 107;164<br />

Tulmets, Elsa 668;671<br />

Tung, Chen-yuan 51<br />

Tuohey, Brendan 359;1320<br />

Turam, Emir 1314<br />

Turianskyi, Yarik 949<br />

Turnell, Sean 49<br />

Twining, Daniel 234;291<br />

Uba, Katrin 98;1103<br />

Uggla, Frederik 98;1103<br />

Unmüßig, Barbara 1598;1612<br />

Ünver Noi, Aylın 381;537;569<br />

Usubaliev, Esen 879;1189<br />

Utegenova, Ailuna R. 876;1409<br />

Utz, Ilse 261;344;787;789<br />

Uyangoda, Jayadeva 43<br />

Uzelac, Ana 956<br />

Vaïsse, Justin 99<br />

Valdemarca, Laura 1213<br />

Valiyev, Anar 188<br />

Vargas, Gonzalo 919<br />

Vasilache, Andreas 60;285<br />

Venables, Anthony J. 1487<br />

Verhofstadt, Guy 1340<br />

Véron, Nicolas 1352<br />

Veselkova, Marcela 16;18;1395;1396<br />

Vetter, Bernd 469;1533<br />

Vetter, Frank 469;1533<br />

Victor, David G. 1606<br />

Vince, Natalya 1157<br />

Vira, Bhaskar 1009;1263<br />

Virani, Shafique N. 1262<br />

Vishwanath, Ambika 648<br />

Visier, Claire 135;327<br />

Vogel, Thorsten 757<br />

Volosin, Georgij 1187<br />

Voronkov, Vladimir 406<br />

Wagner, Hans Joachim 1534<br />

Wakefield, Bryce 1588<br />

Walker, Karen 1544<br />

Wallace Goodman, Sara 1104<br />

Wallace, Helen 90 100;804 802<br />

Wallace, William 80;372<br />

Walrond, Christina 581<br />

Warr, Peter 1461<br />

Wasinski, Christophe 649<br />

Wassenberg, Birte 136;150;157<br />

Watkins, Chris 1477<br />

Watson, Scott 650;1079<br />

Webber, Jeffery R. 916<br />

Weber, Claude 423;832<br />

Weeks, Donna 603<br />

Wegerich, Kai 1411<br />

Weidenfeld, Werner 77 78<br />

Weigand, Frank 1094<br />

Weisswange, Jan-Phillipp 470 471 472 1535<br />

1562<br />

Weitz, Richard 276;282 651<br />

Welsh, Jennifer M. 333<br />

White, Ben 608<br />

Wiedemann, Jan 473<br />

Wilks, Stephen 1354<br />

Williams, Brian Glyn 567;571<br />

Williams, M. J. 334<br />

Williams, Philippa 1009;1263<br />

Williamson, Vanessa 1207<br />

Wilson, Andrew 99<br />

Winkler, Inga 1080;1506<br />

Wintrobe, Ronald 766;769;1081;1088<br />

Witterauf, Peter 767<br />

Wohlfeld, Monika 108;263<br />

Wolff, Jonas 1082;1636<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 87 2011.05.06

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Wong, John 1478<br />

Wong, Siu-lun 1258;1283<br />

Woodward, Peter 986<br />

Woolcock, Stephen 661<br />

Worden, Scott 972<br />

Wright, John 33<br />

Wu, Guoguang 52<br />

Wu, Yu-shan 20<br />

Wübbeke, Jost 302;1589<br />

Wurm, Iris 1082;1636<br />

Xiao, Xinhuang 1035<br />

Yahya, Khalid O. al- 719<br />

Yang, Jiang 730;738<br />

Yang, Jiechi 314<br />

Yoder, Sean 760<br />

Yoshihara, Toshi 593;610<br />

Young, Alasdair R. 662 802 805<br />

Yun, Duk-min 597<br />

Yusufzai, Rahimullah 277;280<br />

Zagorskij, Andrej Vladimirovič 109<br />

Zajac, Paul 401;424<br />

Zapata Velasco, Antonio 922<br />

Zegart, Amy B. 538;904<br />

Zellner, Wolfgang 110<br />

Zhai, Fan 723<br />

Zhang, Yaohua 321;1049<br />

Zhao, Mingwen 743<br />

Zhao, Tong 626;1302<br />

Zhemukhov, Sufian 177;185;863;869;1176;1181<br />

Zheng, Eric 1479<br />

Zheng, Yongnian 315 1040<br />

Zisk, Kimberly Marten 864<br />

Zisser, Eyal 991<br />

Zou, David Vumlallian 41<br />

Zou, Lin 1327<br />

Zürcher, Christoph 883<br />

Zutshi, Chitralekha 1264<br />

Zywicki, Todd 905;1420<br />

Žiūkienė, Inga 778;779<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 88 2011.05.06



American Institute for Contemporary<br />

German Studies (Washington/D.C.)<br />

11;138<br />

American Society of International Law<br />

116;257<br />

Amnesty International 938 987 999<br />

Arms Control Association (Washington/D.C.)<br />

389 390;480 392;475;484 394 398;530 401;424<br />

Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut für<br />

Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau) 947;1225<br />

Asian Development Bank (Manila) 1460<br />

1594<br />

Asian Development Bank Institute (Tokyo)<br />

727;739<br />

Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok)<br />

1462;1587<br />

Ausschuß für Industrie, Forschung und<br />

Energie (Europäisches Parlament) 1330<br />

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton)<br />

322;323 582;605 604<br />

Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und<br />

Entwicklung 1170;1175<br />

Bonn International Center for Conversion<br />

1398<br />

British American Security Information<br />

Council (London, Washington/D.C.) 389<br />

390;480 392;475;484 394 398;530 401;424<br />

Brookings Institution (Washington/D.C.)<br />

346;1602 758<br />

Carnegie Endowment for International<br />

Peace 273;996<br />

Center for Applied Policy Research<br />

(University of Munich) 76<br />

Center for Contemporary Arab Studies<br />

(Georgetown University,<br />

Washington/D.C.) 1448<br />

Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies / Global Health Policy Center<br />

(Washington/D.C) 698;726;1205;1260<br />

Center for U.S.-Korea Policy (San<br />

Francisco/Cal.) 214;317;318;897;1042;1046<br />

Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong>s (Fondation Nationale des<br />

Sciences Politiques, Paris) 973;1440<br />

Centre for East and South-East Asian<br />

Studies (Lund University) 1255 1278 1454<br />

1464<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies<br />

(Brussels) 83;196 658;1342 660;1346 1340<br />

Centre for International Policy Studies<br />

(University of Ottawa) 338<br />

Centre of Asian Studies (University of Hong<br />

Kong) 1258;1283<br />

Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale<br />

(Roma) 1421<br />

CIDOB Foundation (Barcelona)<br />

552;554;611;967;976;1052<br />

Colegio de México (México/D.F.) 1423<br />

Committee on Employment and Social<br />

Affairs (European Parliament) 1092;1334<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House) 215;279;691;722<br />

Conseil National du Tourisme (France)<br />

1371<br />

Coordinadora de Derechos Humanos del<br />

Paraguay 921<br />

Crawford School of Economics and<br />

Government (Australian National<br />

University, Canberra) 724;740;1451;1484<br />

Danish Institute for International Studies<br />

(Copenhagen) 1224<br />

Department of Commerce (United States)<br />

701<br />

Department of Defense (United States)<br />

189;209 235;320 1016<br />

Department of Economics (University of<br />

Maryland, Baltimore/Md.) 917<br />

Department of Homeland Security (United<br />

States) 536;541<br />

Department of State (United States) 189;209<br />

212;251;690;712 215;279;691;722 221;272 222;239<br />

225;249 226;301 235;320 514;1540 536;541<br />

686;728 687;746;748;1570;1599;1601<br />

688;710;1571;1578 701 1016 1030 1083;1322<br />

Department of the Navy (United States)<br />

687;746;748;1570;1599;1601<br />

Department of the Treasury (United States)<br />

215;279;691;722 687;746;748;1570;1599;1601<br />

Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung<br />

934;941<br />

Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte<br />

(Berlin) 1080;1506<br />

Deutschlandradio Kultur (Berlin) 400;566<br />

1318<br />

Education and Culture Directorate-General<br />

(European Commission) 61<br />

Elcano Royal Institute (Madrid) 998<br />

1100;1166;1243<br />

Europe-Africa Policy Research Network<br />

64;245<br />

European Commission 794 1353<br />

1510;1563;1619;1637<br />

European Commission against Racism and<br />

Intolerance (Council of Europe) 846;1168<br />

European Council on Foreign Relations 99<br />

European External Action Service 87<br />

European Parliament / Directorate-General<br />

for Internal Policies 1092;1334 1330 1341<br />

European Parties Elections and<br />

Referendums Network (Brighton) 810 840<br />

843 845 847 882<br />

European Union Institute for Security<br />

Studies (Paris) 66;283 930<br />

European University Institute / European<br />

Policy Unit (Florence) 350;759<br />

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias<br />

Sociales - Costa Rica (San José)<br />

237;238;909;911 906;1209 910;913 1210 1424;1425<br />

1624;1625;1626;1629<br />

Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science<br />

(Oslo) 1248<br />

Federal Centre for Political Education<br />

(Germany) 77 261;344;787;789<br />

Federal Foreign Office (Germany)<br />

396;555;806;980<br />

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (United<br />

Kingdom) 265;336<br />

Foreign Investment Advisory Service 1445<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkt Europäische<br />

Integration und Südöstliches/Östliches<br />

Europa (Universität Wien) 21;868<br />

Foundation for Science and Politics (Berlin)<br />

310;339 444 1339;1508<br />

Fraser Institute (Vancouver) 1439<br />

French Institute of International Relations<br />

(Paris) 328<br />

Friedrich Ebert Foundation 31;1238 809 1073<br />

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty<br />

1439<br />

Friends of Europe 880<br />

Fudan University (Shanghai) 346;1602<br />

Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (Brasília)<br />

347<br />

Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior<br />

(Madrid) 914<br />

Geneva Centre for Security Policy<br />

79;260;797;969<br />

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area<br />

Studies (Hamburg) 1043;1285 1433<br />

Global Public Policy Institute (Berlin)<br />

346;1602 657;692 719<br />

Global Witness 1443<br />

Government Accountability Office (United<br />

States) 521;559;1416;1444<br />

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies 352<br />

353 626;1302 646;1560 1301<br />

Henry L. Stimson Center (Washington/D.C.)<br />

528;596;599 609;741;1486<br />

Hertie School of Governance (Berlin)<br />

346;1602<br />

Human Development Network 1270<br />

IBRD Development Economics Department<br />

1208<br />

IBRD Jakarta Office 1457 1458<br />

ILO Industrial and Employment Relations<br />

Department 1259;1456<br />

ILO Office (Geneva) 1259;1456<br />

Institut de Relations <strong>Internationale</strong>s et<br />

Stratégiques (Université de Paris 13)<br />

968;1232<br />

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses<br />

(New Delhi) 266;290<br />

Institute for European Policy (Berlin) 78<br />

Institute for National Security Studies (Tel<br />

Aviv) 264;335;979;1054 991<br />

Institute for Peace Research and Security<br />

Policy (Hamburg) 389 390;480 392;475;484<br />

394 398;530 401;424<br />

Institute for Science and International<br />

Security (Washington/D.C.) 581<br />

Institute of International Affairs (Rome) 166<br />

1075<br />

Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (New<br />

Delhi) 634<br />

Institute of South Asian Studies (National<br />

University of Singapore) 275;286<br />

Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Lima) 922<br />

1431<br />

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada<br />

(Brasília) 1214 1427<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 89 2011.05.06

III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

International Crisis Group (Brussels) 978<br />

International Displacement Monitoring<br />

Centre (Geneva) 1249<br />

International Institute for Labour Studies<br />

(Geneva) 1268;1459<br />

International Institute for Sustainable<br />

Development (Winnipeg) 752<br />

International Monetary Fund 1211<br />

International Research Foundation of Oman<br />

1439<br />

Josef Korbel School of International Studies<br />

(University of Denver, Denver/Colo.) 1071<br />

Kiel Institute of World Economics 747<br />

Kommission Europäische Sicherheit und<br />

Zukunft der Bundeswehr (Hamburg) 370<br />

Körber-Stiftung (Hamburg) 149<br />

Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de<br />

l'Industrie (France) 1513<br />

Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la<br />

Santé (France) 1119<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Brazil) 347<br />

Ministry of Planning, Economy and<br />

Empowerment (Tanzania) 1438<br />

Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and<br />

African Studies (Tel Aviv University) 1446<br />

National Defence Academy (Vienna) 479<br />

National Institute for Defense Studies<br />

(Tokyo) 535;592;601 589 602<br />

National Intelligence Council (United States)<br />

1568 1569 1572;1574;1576 1573;1575;1577 1579<br />

1580 1582 1583 1584;1597 1585 1590 1591<br />

NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting (Berlin,<br />

2011-04-14/2011-04-15) 396;555;806;980<br />

Nautilus Institute (Berkeley/Cal.) 1480;1595<br />

1481<br />

Netherlands Institute of International<br />

Relations Clingendael / Conflict Research<br />

Unit (Den Haag) 956<br />

Netherlands Organisation for Applied<br />

Scientific Research (Delft) 353 646;1560<br />

1301<br />

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs<br />

(Oslo) 338<br />

Norwegian Refugee Council (Oslo) 1249<br />

Pakistan Institute of Legislative<br />

Development and Transparency<br />

(Islamabad) 277;280<br />

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt 146<br />

Polish Institute of International Affairs<br />

(Warsaw) 332;742 409;418 963 1404<br />

PONARS Eurasia 19;852<br />

177;185;863;869;1176;1181 178 181<br />

186;187;1182;1183 188 371;387;492;494 399;493<br />

486 675;677;680 780;783;848;886 849 856 857<br />

858 864 865 1173 1400;1465 1403;1428<br />

Présidence de la République (France) 1119<br />

Research Institute of International Trade and<br />

Industry (Tokyo) 1483<br />

Research Institute of the German Society for<br />

Foreign Affairs (Berlin) 1370;1388<br />

Research on Poverty Alleviation (Dar es<br />

Salaam) 1438<br />

Réseau des Acteurs de l'Habitat (France)<br />

1115<br />

Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

(London) 714;715<br />

Royal Institute of International Affairs / Africa<br />

Programme (London) 714;715<br />

Rukor 1039;1593<br />

S. Rajaratnam School of International<br />

Studies (Nanyang Technological<br />

University, Singapore) 1272<br />

School of Oriental and African Studies<br />

(University of London) 993;1447<br />

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences<br />

346;1602<br />

Sonderausschuß für Finanz-, Wirtschaftsund<br />

Sozialkrise (Europäisches Parlament)<br />

1341<br />

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan<br />

Reconstruction (United States)<br />

201;274;683;720<br />

Special Inspector General for Iraq<br />

Reconstruction (United States)<br />

224;271;696;718<br />

Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health<br />

(United States / House / Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs) 212;251;690;712 213;258<br />

225;249 685;756;1414;1495 688;710;1571;1578 948<br />

Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the<br />

Global Environment (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

189;209 226;301 235;320 686;728<br />

687;746;748;1570;1599;1601 1016 1030<br />

Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and<br />

Global Counterterrorism (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Homeland<br />

Security) 536;541<br />

Subcommittee on Europe (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

174;227<br />

Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights and<br />

Oversight (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

201;274;683;720 224;271;696;718 744 815;884<br />

1083;1322<br />

Subcommittee on Terrorism,<br />

Nonproliferation, and Trade (United<br />

States / House / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs) 174;227 514;1540 701 903;1543<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia (United States / House / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs) 202;278;887;1002 221;272<br />

1003<br />

Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere<br />

Affairs (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs) 222;239<br />

504;540;542;543;684;705;706;707 536;541 689;708<br />

912 1194 1195<br />

Swedish Institute for European Policy<br />

Studies (Stockholm) 85;162<br />

United Nations Educational, Scientific and<br />

Cultural Organization 1235<br />

United Nations Human Settlements<br />

Programme 1217<br />

United Nations Security Council 932;1059<br />

United States Agency for International<br />

Development 212;251;690;712 225;249<br />

687;746;748;1570;1599;1601 688;710;1571;1578<br />

689;708<br />

United States Institute of Peace<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 207;306 815;884 966 972<br />

989;1245 994;995;997 1000 1251<br />

Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) 1213<br />

1216<br />

University of Adelaide / Department of<br />

Economics 1066;1493<br />

Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler<br />

1390<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for<br />

Scholars / Asia Program<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 298;1033;1463 574 1588<br />

Woodrow Wilson School of Public and<br />

International Affairs (Princeton/N.J.)<br />

346;1602<br />

World Institute for Development Economics<br />

Research (United Nations University,<br />

Helsinki) 1461<br />

Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt,<br />

Energie 1392<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 90 2011.05.06


AFJ: Armed Forces Journal<br />

(Springfield/Va.)<br />

- 148 (March 2011) 7/5988: 507 510 511 518<br />

520;1541 527 534<br />

- 148 (April 2011) 8/5989: 488;522 509 525<br />

1539 1542 1544<br />

Africa Insight (Pretoria)<br />

- 40 (September 2010) 2: 256;259;952;959<br />

925;1219 1432 1435<br />

- 40 (December 2010) 3: 248;250;923;926<br />

557;587;985;1038 924 933 936 937 944;1223 946<br />

1434<br />

African Security (Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 4 (January-March 2011) 1: 940<br />

African Security Review (Pretoria)<br />

- 19 (June 2010) 2: 255;942 548 928 939;1222<br />

- 19 (September 2010) 3: 549;550 935;1221<br />

945 953;1436<br />

Annaberger Annalen (Bammental)<br />

- 18 (2010): 778;779<br />

Après-demain (Paris)<br />

- (avril 2011) 18: 1153<br />

Armed Forces and Society<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.)<br />

- 37 (April 2011) 2: 407;811 411;813 423;832<br />

477;841 517;896 560;992 606;1050 621;1633 631;1070<br />

Article 2 of the International Covenant on<br />

Civil and Political Rights (Hong Kong)<br />

- 10 (March 2011) 1: 1024<br />

Asian Affairs (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 38 (January-March 2011) 1: 1019;1271<br />

1021;1273<br />

Asian Defence Journal (Kuala Lumpur)<br />

- (March 2011) [3]: 296;297 580<br />

Asian Development Review (Manila)<br />

- 27 (2010) 2: 723 734 1450 1496 1504<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.)<br />

- 51 (January-February 2011) 1: 20 36 37 38<br />

39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 57<br />

211;281 508;598 1022 1026<br />

Asien (Hamburg)<br />

- (Januar 2011) 118: 302;1589 1037;1472 1252<br />

1269 1485;1596<br />

The British Journal of Politics and<br />

International Relations (London)<br />

- 13 (Mai 2011) 2: 59;1638 415<br />

Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris)<br />

- (1er trimestre 2011) 183: 654;664;1337;1369<br />

667 1378 1383<br />

Les Cahiers français (Paris)<br />

- (mars-avril 2011) 361: 1376<br />

Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst<br />

[Elektronische Ressource]<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (16.02.2011): 276;282 870 1190 1191<br />

- (02.03.2011): 192;309 862 871<br />

- (16.03.2011): 495 672;681 874 875 1187 1188<br />

Chiffres pour l'Alsace [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Strasbourg)<br />

- (avril 2011) 16: 1381<br />

The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C)<br />

- 38 (April-June 2011) 2: 1467 1469 1477 1279<br />

1418;1475 1468 1479<br />

China heute (St. Augustin)<br />

- 30 (2011) 1/169: 1280 1281 1282<br />

China International Studies (Beijing)<br />

- 26 (January-February 2011) 1: 232;313 305<br />

314 321;1049 366;1326 583 743 761 890;1199 1564<br />

The Chinese Journal of International<br />

Politics (Oxford)<br />

- 4 (Spring 2011) 1: 217;308 576;591 702;732<br />

731<br />

Civil Wars (Abingdon)<br />

- 13 (March 2011) 1: 337 362;1324 919 957<br />

Comparative Strategy (Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 30 (January-March 2011) 1: 113;240;408;544<br />

241 630 818 894<br />

Contemporary Japan (Berlin)<br />

- 23 (2011) 1: 788;1292 1290 1291 1293 1294<br />

Culture prospective (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 1: 1142<br />

Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 110 (April 2011) 735: 505;561 570 575;588<br />

1006;1453 1254<br />

Dares analyses (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 18: 1359<br />

- (mars 2011) 19: 1358<br />

- (mars 2011) 20: 1384<br />

- (mars 2011) 26: 1363<br />

Defense and Security Analysis<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 27 (March 2011) 1: 369;413 410 412 414;513<br />

416 814 817<br />

Diplomatie (Paris)<br />

- (mars-avril 2011) 49: 148<br />

East Asian Policy (Singapore)<br />

- 3 (January-March 2011) 1: 315 319;1048<br />

1040 1478<br />

Ecoflash (Futuroscope)<br />

- (avril 2011) 257: 1148<br />

Economía Exterior (Madrid)<br />

- (primavera 2011) 56: 163;311 307;1470<br />

703;736 1277 1546<br />

Environmental Science and Policy<br />

(Amsterdam)<br />

- 14 (2011) 2: 1613<br />

L'Etat de l'opinion (Paris)<br />

- (2011): 828 831 1093;1116 1112 1113 1121<br />

1127;1512 1132 1134 1135 1140 1146 1150 1304<br />

1336;1367 1372<br />

Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 756: 1145<br />

Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg)<br />

- 60 (April 2011) 4: 376 378 393 428 429;1517<br />

430;1518 438;1522 439 442 449;652 450 451;1528<br />

457 460;1165 465 476 648 839 1521<br />

La France en ... (Paris)<br />

- (2010): 121 827 1374<br />

Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.)<br />

- 17 (January-March 2011) 1: 330;343 331<br />

333 334 349;1498 577;612;1010;1057 1488<br />

Governance (Oxford)<br />

- 24 (April 2011) 2: 799 908<br />

Human Rights Law Journal (Kehl)<br />

- 29 (31 October 2008) 1-5: 1055 1056 1058<br />

Ifo-Schnelldienst (München)<br />

- 64 (28. Januar 2011) 2: 1608<br />

- 64 (10. Februar 2011) 3: 655;1338 1389<br />

Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung (Bonn)<br />

- (März-April 2011) 3-4: 970;1234 1072;1501<br />

1307 1489 1492 1598;1612<br />

Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft und<br />

Entwicklung : Hintergrund (Bonn)<br />

- (Januar 2011): 745;751 1310<br />

- (Februar 2011): 1607<br />

Infostat Justice (Paris)<br />

- (novembre 2010) 110: 822<br />

INSEE première (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 1342: 1361<br />

- (avril 2011) 1343: 1364<br />

International Relations (London)<br />

- 25 (March 2011) 1: 252;342;1220;1296 360<br />

363;1641 364;1642 365;1643 427;834<br />

International Yearbook CIDOB<br />

(Barcelona)<br />

- (2010): 159;168 160;170 161 1352<br />

<strong>Internationale</strong> Politik / Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik<br />

(Bielefeld)<br />

- 66 (Mai-Juni 2011) 3: 71;141 86;326 92;1351<br />

553 981 982 988 1074 1089 1417 1442 1471;1545<br />

1473 1474 1494 1604<br />

Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon)<br />

- 48 (20 April 2011) 16: 617;1549<br />

Jeune Afrique (Paris)<br />

- 51 (10-16 avril 2011) 2622: 931<br />

- 51 (17-30 avril 2011) 2623-2624: 28 964<br />

1441;1581<br />

The Journal of Asian Studies<br />

(Ann Arbor/Mich.)<br />

- 70 (February 2011) 1: 41 55;56;1286;1289<br />

1262 1264 1276 1327<br />

Journal of Development Economics<br />

(Amsterdam)<br />

- 94 (March 2011) 2: 694;753;1203;1299 699;704<br />

755;1063 1011;1265 1018;1267 1215 1426 1430 1437<br />

1487<br />

The Journal of North African Studies<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 16 (March 2011) 1: 975<br />

Journal of Transatlantic Studies<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 9 (March 2011) 1: 26;228 115;220;663;695 208<br />

218 219;236<br />

KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin)<br />

- 27 (2011) 4: 17 295 1274 1507;1614 1566 1586<br />

1592 1600<br />

Korea Journal (Seoul)<br />

- 50 (Summer 2010) 2: 885;1044<br />

- 50 (Autumn 2010) 3: 1045;1287<br />

Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen (Hagen)<br />

- (2010) 4/131: 771;1090<br />

Middle East Economic Digest (London)<br />

- 55 (15-21 April 2011) 15: 35<br />

- 55 (22-28 April 2011) 16: 34<br />

Military Technology (Bonn)<br />

- 35 (2011) 3: 384 385 395;1511 481 502 572 578<br />

579 607 608 616;1548 618;1550 620;1551 637;1311<br />

- 35 (2011) 3, Special Suppl. 2011: 491;1536<br />

501;1538 615;1547 622;1552 632;1554 635;1556<br />

647;1561<br />

- 35 (2011) 4: 499;1537 512 539 546 640;1557<br />

644;1559 1558<br />

Mirovaja ekonomika i meždunarodnye<br />

otnošenija (Moskva)<br />

- (mart 2011): 482;485;503 673<br />

Le MOCI (Paris)<br />

- (14-27 avril 2011) 1888: 665;725<br />

Le Monde diplomatique (Paris)<br />

- 58 (avril 2011) 685: 697;717 892 1005 1136<br />

1212 1360 1452<br />

Mont Cameroun (Dschang)<br />

- (décembre 2009) 6: 776;785;1162;1218<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 91 2011.05.06

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des periodiques<br />

National Affairs (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (Spring 2011) 7: 27 533;901 891 902 905;1420<br />

1197 1202 1206 1419<br />

National Journal (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 43 (March 26, 2011) 13: 888;1196 1201 1415<br />

- 43 (April 2, 2011) 14: 700;737 1198<br />

Nationalities Papers (Abingdon)<br />

- 39 (March 2011) 2: 13 16;18;1395;1396 23 24<br />

111 1171 1192<br />

La Note d'analyse / Centre d'Analyse<br />

Stratégique (Paris)<br />

- (avril 2011) 217: 1144<br />

Orbis (Amsterdam)<br />

- 55 (March-June 2011) 2: 303;304 316;1041<br />

380;532 567;571 584;600 585;590 638 960 974<br />

OSCE Yearbook (Baden-Baden)<br />

- (2010): 102;403 103;1355 104;191 105;199<br />

106;184 107;164 108;263 109 110 167;483 179;1179<br />

367;487 368;500;1615;1622 402 404 405;489 406<br />

807;1105 808 867 872;1184 873 876;1409 877<br />

879;1189 883 1180 1185<br />

Pacific Affairs (Vancouver)<br />

- 84 (March 2011) 1: 1007 1008;1261 1009;1263<br />

1253 1256<br />

The Pacific Review (Oxford)<br />

- 23 (December 2010) 5: 292;294 730;738<br />

1012;1034 1027 1047;1288 1284<br />

- 24 (March 2011) 1: 299;324 594 603<br />

709;713;733 1032;1060;1275;1295 1631<br />

Panorama (Singapore)<br />

- (2010) 2: 853 907 949 1004 1013 1017 1020<br />

1023 1025 1031 1035 1076<br />

Perspectives on Politics<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 9 (March 2011) 1: 900;1204 1207 1606<br />

Política Exterior (Madrid)<br />

- (invierno 2011), número especial: 1344<br />

1397 1565 1603 1605<br />

Political Science Quarterly<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 126 (Spring 2011) 1: 538;904 651 784;793 893<br />

898<br />

Politische Studien (München)<br />

- 62 (März-April 2011) 436: 137;329;833;1053<br />

645;1611 767 1609 1610<br />

Politische Vierteljahresschrift<br />

(Wiesbaden)<br />

- 51 (Dezember 2010) 4: 796 1062<br />

Population et sociétés (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 476: 1147<br />

Portuguese Journal of International<br />

Affairs (Lisbon)<br />

- (Autumn-Winter 2010) 4: 73;254<br />

Problèmes économiques (Paris)<br />

- (13 avril 2011) 3017: 1368<br />

Projet (Paris)<br />

- (avril-mai 2011) 321: 1111 1149 1347;1379<br />

Regards sur l'actualité (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 369: 823 830 1375<br />

The Review of International<br />

Organizations (Boston/Mass.)<br />

- 6 (March 2011) 1: 765 1061 1069;1305<br />

Review of International Studies<br />

(Cambridge)<br />

- 36 (November 2010) 4: 354<br />

Revue d'économie industrielle (Paris)<br />

- (mars 2011) 133: 1362 1373 1380<br />

Revue de l'OFCE (Paris)<br />

- (janvier 2011) 116: 1117 1155 1335;1365;1387<br />

1366 1382<br />

Revue défense nationale [franz. Ausg.]<br />

(Paris)<br />

- (avril 2011) 739: 420<br />

Revue du marché commun et de l'Union<br />

européenne (Paris)<br />

- (avril 2011) 547: 63;200 65;1333 653 1091 1096<br />

1098<br />

Revue française de gestion (Cachan)<br />

- 37 (février 2011) 211: 1385<br />

Revue française de science politique<br />

(Paris)<br />

- 61 (avril 2011) 2: 826;1128 1109<br />

Revue urbanisme : Hors série (Paris)<br />

- (2011) 39: 1156;1321<br />

Russian Analytical Digest [Elektronische<br />

Ressource] (Bremen)<br />

- (28 September 2010) 83: 171;268 175;253<br />

- (19 October 2010) 84: 851 859<br />

- (1 November 2010) 85: 1169 1172<br />

- (16 November 2010) 86: 854 855 861<br />

- (19 November 2010) 87: 169;182 172;190<br />

490;496 674;676;679<br />

- (29 November 2010) 88: 1401 1405<br />

Russland-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (12.03.2010): 860<br />

The SAIS Review of International Affairs<br />

(Baltimore/Md.)<br />

- 31 (Winter-Spring 2011) 1: 351;1308<br />

358;1319 359;1320 1300 1303 1314 1315 1317;1505<br />

Sciences humaines (Auxerre)<br />

- (mai 2011) 226: 128;361;1620;1640 1143<br />

Security Dialogue (London)<br />

- 42 (February 2011) 1: 515;895 636 641 649<br />

650;1079 1082;1636<br />

Sicherheit und Frieden (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 29 (2011) 1: 195 293;325;1014;1051 348;623;1634<br />

370 1028 1029 1200;1257<br />

Strategie & Technik (Sulzbach/Taunus)<br />

- 54 (März 2011) [3]: 382 431;1519 455 456 459<br />

466 627;1499 629;1553 633;1555 1527 1529 1532<br />

1535 1562<br />

- 54 (April 2011) [4]: 373;519 426;1516 433<br />

434;1520 440 445 463 464 467 470 471 472 837<br />

951;958 1514 1515 1523 1534<br />

Survival (Abingdon)<br />

- 53 (April-May 2011) 2: 516;586 526;556 625<br />

639;1312 961 965 984 986 990<br />

Third World Quarterly (Basingstoke)<br />

- 32 (2011) 2: 243;244 341 768 790;1297 1227<br />

1228 1246<br />

Ukraine-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (14.12.2010) 84: 1178 1408<br />

- (25.01.2011) 85: 1406<br />

- (08.02.2011) 86: 1402;1407<br />

- (22.02.2011) 87: 866 1177<br />

- (08.03.2011) 88: 180 850<br />

Vantage Point (Seoul)<br />

- 34 (March 2011) 3: 597<br />

- 34 (April 2011) 4: 54 595<br />

The Washington Quarterly<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 34 (Spring 2011) 2: 203;889 210;284 234;291<br />

287 288 289 357 524;564;693;721 545;568 562;573<br />

593;610 1174<br />

Wehrtechnik (Bonn)<br />

- 43 (2011) 1: 383 425 436 437 441 443 446;1524<br />

447;1525 448;1526 458 461;1530 462;1531 468 473<br />

West European Politics (Abingdon)<br />

- 34 (March 2011) 2: 74;143;795;836 98;1103<br />

803;1101 819 820 835 842;844 1084 1087 1104<br />

1106;1124;1159;1167 1137 1325<br />

Wirtschaftsdienst (Heidelberg)<br />

- (2011), Sonderheft: 1099;1163;1348;1394<br />

- 91 (März 2011) 3: 1331;1466<br />

- 91 (Februar 2011) 2: 1345<br />

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium<br />

(Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- 39 (Dezember 2010) 12: 750<br />

- 40 (Februar 2011) 2: 659 757<br />

The World Bank Research Observer<br />

(London)<br />

- 26 (February 2011) 1: 760 1298<br />

1429;1455;1476 1491 1500<br />

Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (29.10.2010) 34: 878 1413<br />

- (26.11.2010) 35: 22;1186 193;194;1410;1412<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS 08/2011 92 2011.05.06

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