18/2008, 16-30 September - Fachinformationsverbund ...

18/2008, 16-30 September - Fachinformationsverbund ...

18/2008, 16-30 September - Fachinformationsverbund ...


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Current Bibliography<br />

International Relations<br />

and Area Studies<br />

Literaturdienst<br />

Internationale Beziehungen<br />

und Länderkunde<br />

Bulletin Bibliographique<br />

Relations Internationales<br />

et Etudes Régionales<br />

Sorted by regions<br />

Vol. 17 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>16</strong>-<strong>30</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong><br />

World Affairs Online (WAO)<br />

New entries to the database<br />

Neuzugänge zur Datenbasis<br />

Nouvelles acquisitions de la base de données<br />

ISSN <strong>16</strong>11–4248

<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Members / Mitglieder / Membres:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg<br />

Subject fields / Fachgebiete / Domaines traités:<br />

International Relations / Internationale Beziehungen / Relations Internationales:<br />

International politics, worldwide international system, regional international systems, international conflicts, international<br />

security, international economics, international law, groups of countries, international organisations, foreign policies, defence<br />

policies, arms control, external cultural relations.<br />

Internationale Politik, weltweites internationales System, regionale internationale Systeme, internationale Konflikte,<br />

internationale Sicherheit, internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, internationales Recht, Staatengruppierungen, internationale<br />

Organisationen, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, Auswärtige Kulturpolitik.<br />

Politique internationale, système international à l'échelle mondiale, systèmes internationaux régionaux, conflits<br />

internationaux, sécurité internationale, relations économiques internationales, droit international, regroupements d'Etats,<br />

organisations internationales, politique extérieure, politiques de défense, maîtrise des armements, relations culturelles<br />

extérieures.<br />

Area studies / Länderkunde / Etudes régionales:<br />

Political and social structure of countries, political systems, national economics, social services, infrastructure, national law,<br />

defence and internal security, main historical developments.<br />

Ländergesamtstruktur, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, politische Systeme, nationale Wirtschaft, Sozialwesen, Infra-struktur,<br />

nationales Rechtswesen, Verteidigung und (innere) Sicherheit, historische Entwicklungslinien.<br />

Structure générale des pays, développement politique et social, systèmes politiques, économie nationale, réseau social,<br />

infrastructure, système juridique national, défense et sécurité intérieure, grandes lignes historiques.<br />

Volume 17, <strong>2008</strong>, No. <strong>18</strong><br />

Data entry deadline / Redaktionsschluß / Clôture de la rédaction: <strong>2008</strong>.10.07<br />

Publication date / Erscheinungsdatum / Date de parution: <strong>2008</strong>.10.15<br />

The current regional bibliography is published online twice a month, in the 2nd and 4th week of a<br />

month respectively<br />

Der Regiodienst erscheint zweimal monatlich online, jeweils in der zweiten bzw. vierten<br />

Monatswoche<br />

Le bulletin bibliographique régional paraît deux fois par mois online, dans le courant de la 2ème et<br />

4ème semaine<br />

Editor / Herausgeber /Editeur: <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde<br />

Redaction / Redaktion / Rédaction: Barbara Schmelz<br />

Printed and distributed by / Druck Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, D-10719 Berlin<br />

und Vertrieb / Impression et distribution: Phone: +49 <strong>30</strong> 88007-328<br />

e-mail: fiv@swp-berlin.org<br />

Fax: +49 <strong>30</strong> 88007-158<br />

All rights reserved. No storage in information systems and no other reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the expressed consent of<br />

the publisher.<br />

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Reproduktion jeder Art, insbesondere die Überführung in maschinen-lesbare Form sowie das<br />

Speichern in Informationssystemen, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Herausgebers gestattet.<br />

Tous droits réservés. Toute copie ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, même partielle, en particulier l'adaptation en langage<br />

machine ou l'enregistrement dans des systèmes informatiques, est illicite sans le consentement écrit de l'éditeur.<br />

© <strong>2008</strong> Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany


I. Subject and regional Classification vii-xv<br />

Sach- und Regionalklassifikation<br />

Classification des matières et classification régionale<br />

II. Main part / Hauptteil / Partie principale<br />

1. Europe<br />

Europa / Europe<br />

1<br />

2. The Americas<br />

Amerika (insgesamt) / Amérique (entière)<br />

35<br />

3. North America (without Mexico)<br />

Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

36<br />

4. Latin America<br />

Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

46<br />

5. Africa (total)<br />

Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)<br />

57<br />

6. Africa south of Sahara<br />

Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

59<br />

7. Near and Middle East and North Africa<br />

Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord<br />

66<br />

8. Asia (total)<br />

Asien (insgesamt) / Asie (entière)<br />

77<br />

9. Asia (without western Asia)<br />

Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

78<br />

10. Oceania<br />

Ozeanien / Océanie<br />

90<br />

11. Antarctica<br />

Antarktis / Antarctique<br />

--<br />

12. Oceans/supracontinental regions<br />

Meere/kontinentübergreifende Regionen / Océans/Régions transcontinentales<br />

91<br />

13. International organisations<br />

Internationale Organisationen / Organisations internationales<br />

92<br />

14. Developed countries<br />

Entwickelte Länder / Pays Développes<br />

94<br />

15. Developing countries<br />

Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement<br />

95<br />

<strong>16</strong>. Other groups of countries/area<br />

Sonstige Ländergruppen/Räume / autres groupes de pays/régions<br />

97<br />

17. World wide<br />

Weltweit / Universel<br />

98<br />

<strong>18</strong>. Space<br />

Weltraum / Espace<br />

101<br />

19. Without regional aspect<br />

Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

102<br />

III. Index / Registerteil / Index<br />

1. Authors' index<br />

Personenregister / Index d'auteurs<br />

105<br />

2. Index of corporate authors<br />

Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

111<br />

3. Index of serials<br />

Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />


I N D I C A T I O N S<br />

The source of this Current Bibliography, the database "World Affairs Online", contains about 650.000 referral<br />

units (since 1974) at the middle of 2006. The type of documents are: Articles (65%), books and reports (<strong>30</strong>%),<br />

official publications 5%. Approx. 42% of the original documents are in English, 25% in German, 11% in<br />

French, 4% in Spanish, the rest in other languages.<br />

Members of the <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> have access to the database on a server computer of the software<br />

house KTS Informationssysteme in Munich.<br />

For the public the database is available via the commercial host GENIOS.<br />

The database is produced and managed with the documentation software system DOMESTIC. The program<br />

ADP is used for printing. Both are software products of KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.<br />

The database is produced in co-operation of the following institutes:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

The “Specialized Information Network – International Relations and Area Studies” has started to applicate<br />

diacritics in its data base. For a transitional period the titles are shown both with and without diacritics.<br />

The literature generally can be found in the institution producing the record as well as in other institutions,<br />

whose location is represented by a code followed by the signature. If possible, one location of a public library<br />

is offered as well.<br />

You will find an online version of the current issue on: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/regio.pdf<br />

Example for a record:<br />

4<strong>18</strong> 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André<br />

Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-<strong>16</strong>2 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Current number used in the indexes for reference to the<br />

main part. Multiple entries of one record in the main part<br />

have reference numbers separated by a semicolon.<br />

2) Record producing institution<br />

3) Database ID<br />

4) Locations/shelf numbers of member institutes<br />

5) The library code helps you to identify the library, where<br />

the publication is available.<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> iv <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

H I N W E I S E<br />

Die diesem Informationsdienst zugrundeliegende Datenbasis „Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde“<br />

enthält Mitte 2006 etwa 688.000 Literaturnachweise seit 1974. Zeitschriften- und Buchaufsätze haben einen<br />

Anteil von rund 65%, Bücher und Reports von <strong>30</strong>%, Amtsdruckschriften 5%. Rund 47% der Quellen sind in<br />

englischer Sprache, 29% in Deutsch, 12% in Französisch, 4% in Spanisch, der Rest in anderen Sprachen.<br />

Für Mitglieder des <strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong>es ist die Datenbasis auf einem Server-Rechner des<br />

Software-Hauses KTS Informations-Systeme in München zugänglich.<br />

Für die Öffentlichkeit wird die Datenbasis auf dem kommerziellen Host GENIOS angeboten.<br />

Die Datenbasis wird mit dem Dokumentationsprogramm DOMESTIC aufgebaut und verwaltet. Die Druckaufbereitung<br />

erfolgt mit ADP. Beides sind Softwareprodukte der KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH München.<br />

Der Aufbau der Datenbasis erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit folgender Institutionen:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Der „<strong>Fachinformationsverbund</strong> Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde“ (FIV-IBLK) hat begonnen, in<br />

seiner Datenbank Diakritika zu verwenden. Übergangsweise werden somit Titel mit und ohne Diakritika<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die Literatur ist in der Regel bei dem Institut vorhanden, das den einzelnen Literaturdatensatz erfaßt hat<br />

und/oder bei dem Institut, dessen Standort durch seinen Kurzcode gefolgt von der jeweiligen Signatur<br />

angegeben wird. Wenn möglich, wird darüberhinaus ein Standort in einer öffentlichen Bibliothek<br />

nachgewiesen.<br />

Die jeweils aktuellste Ausgabe finden Sie als online-version unter:<br />

http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/regio.pdf<br />

Beispiel für einen Literaturdatensatz:<br />

4<strong>18</strong> 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André<br />

Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-<strong>16</strong>2 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Laufende Nummer, auf die von den Registern<br />

verwiesen wird. Laufende Nummern, die im Registerteil<br />

mit Semikolon verbunden sind, verweisen auf<br />

Mehrfacheinträge desselben Datensatzes im Hauptteil<br />

2) Erfassende Institution<br />

3) Datenbank-Identnummer<br />

4) Standorte/Signaturen einzelner Verbundinstitute<br />

5) Mit Hilfe des Bibliothekssigelverzeichnisses kann die<br />

durch den Code repräsentierte öffentliche Bibliothek<br />

ermittelt werden<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> v <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

R E M A R Q U E S<br />

La base de données "Relations Internationales et Etudes Régionales" à partir de laquelle s'élabore ce produit<br />

documentaire, comprend jusqu' au milieu de 2006 quelque 688.000 références bibliographiques enregistrées<br />

depuis 1974. Les articles de périodiques et de livres constituent environ 65%, les monographies et les<br />

rapports représentent <strong>30</strong>%, les imprimés officiels 5%. Environ 47% des sources bibliographiques sont de<br />

langue anglaise, 29% sont en allemand, 12% en français et 4% en espagnol, le reste se répartissant entre les<br />

autres langues.<br />

La base de données est accessible aux membres du réseau d'information interinstitutionnel sur le serveur<br />

auprès KTS Informationssysteme à Munich.<br />

Pour le grand public, l'accès à la base de données se fait sur le serveur commerciaux GENIOS.<br />

La base de données est produite et gérée avec le logiciel documentaire DOMESTIC. La mise en forme<br />

pour l'édition est réalisée avec le programme ADP. Ces deux logiciels sont des produits de KTS<br />

Informations-Systeme GmbH, Munich.<br />

La base de données est réalisée en collaboration avec les organismes suivants:<br />

- Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn BICC<br />

- Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg DFI<br />

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin DGAP<br />

- Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn DIE<br />

- European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg ECMI<br />

- Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin FUB<br />

Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI) OSI<br />

- German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg GIGA<br />

- Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main HSFK<br />

- Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart IFA<br />

- Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg IFSH<br />

- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen NIAS<br />

- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin SWP<br />

- Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg SOI<br />

Le réseau d’information spécialisée “Relations Internationales et Etudes Régionales” a commencé à<br />

introduire les signes diacritiques. On trouvera donc temporairement un mélange de titres avec et sans signes<br />

diacritiques.<br />

Le document cité se trouve normalement à l'institut qui a enregistré les données ou encore dans les instituts<br />

qui sont mentionnés par un code. Le cas échéant, on trouvera également la référence d'une bibliothèque<br />

publique.<br />

Vouz trouvez le numéro actuel comme version online sous: http://www.fiv-iblk.de/ip/dokumente/regio.pdf<br />

Exemple d'une notice bibliographique:<br />

4<strong>18</strong> 1) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:<br />

Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver<br />

Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André<br />

Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /<br />

Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen<br />

Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,<br />

S. 154-<strong>16</strong>2 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5<br />

HSF 2) D 764992 3) 4) SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK<br />

BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)<br />

1) Numéro d'ordre renvoyant à celui des registres. Les<br />

chiffres séparés dans les index par un point-virgule<br />

renvoient à plusieurs entrées d'un même<br />

enregistrement dans le corpus bibliographique<br />

2) Institution responsable de la saisie<br />

3) Numéro d'identification dans la base de données<br />

4) Localisation/cotes de chacun des organismes membres<br />

5) On peut retrouver à l'aide du répertoire des sigles de<br />

bibliothèques une bibliothèque publique symbolisée par<br />

un code.<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> vi <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SA General literature<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

SA02 History<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

SB03 International law<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

SB06 Transnational relations /<br />

movements<br />

SB07 International organisations /<br />

institutions<br />

SC International security /<br />

Defense<br />

SC01 International relations in the field<br />

of international security<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

SC06.03 Organisation of military<br />

defence<br />

SC07 Military economy<br />

SC07.01 Armaments industry<br />

SC07.02 Arms trade<br />

SD International economy<br />

SD01 World economy / International<br />

economic system<br />

SD01.01 International trade /<br />

International trade system<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International<br />

monetary system<br />

SD02 International economic relations<br />

/ economic cooperation<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic<br />

cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

SD03 International transactions /<br />

capital flow<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

SD03.02 International capital<br />

movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

SD03.04 External public debts<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic<br />

relations<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

SE02 International relations in the field<br />

of education and science<br />


Version: January 2007<br />

SE03 International lingual relations /<br />

Foreign languages<br />

SE04 International media relations /<br />

Communication / Information<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural<br />

contact<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of<br />

foreigners<br />

SF Government<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system<br />

/ Democratisation<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

SF02 Governmental system /<br />

Government institutions<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic<br />

conflict<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

SF07 Military and society /<br />

Government<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

SF10 Law<br />

SG Society<br />

SG01 Social system / Social policy<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life<br />

partnerships<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of<br />

living<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of<br />

opinion<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

SH Economy<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic<br />

economic conditions<br />

SH02 Economic development /<br />

Economic policy<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy /<br />

Development policy<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development<br />

/ structure<br />

SH02.03 Business cycles / Business<br />

cycle policy<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development /<br />

Regional economic policy<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral<br />

development / Sectoral<br />

economic policy<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour<br />

culture<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing<br />

of raw materials<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry<br />

SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation /<br />

Tourism<br />

SH08.02 Postal services /<br />

Telecommunication<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks /<br />

Insurances<br />

SH09 Informal sector<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

SI Technology<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological<br />

development<br />

SI02 Technology policy<br />

SI03 Domains of technology<br />

SI03.01 Space technology<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnology<br />

SI03.04 Environmental technology<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon<br />

systems<br />

SI04 International<br />

scientific-technological<br />

cooperation / relations<br />

SJ Environment / Nature<br />

SJ01 Geography / Geology<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages /<br />

protection / Environmental policy<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

SK04 Science policy / Research policy<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions /<br />

Universities<br />

SZ General literature / Other<br />

special fields<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> vii <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RA Europe<br />

RA01 European organisations<br />

RA01.01 EU / EC and member<br />

countries<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 COMECON /<br />

COMECON-countries<br />

RA01.04 Warsaw Treaty<br />

RA01.05 Council of Europe<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Geographical areas of Europe<br />

RA02.01 Western Europe political<br />

RA02.02 Eastern Europe political<br />

RA02.03 Central and Eastern<br />

European countries<br />

RA02.11 North Sea region<br />

RA02.12 Baltic Sea region<br />

RA03 Northern Europe<br />

RA03.01 Finland<br />

RA03.02 Sweden<br />

RA03.03 Norway<br />

RA03.04 Denmark<br />

RA03.05 Iceland<br />

RA04 Western Europe<br />

RA04.01 Ireland<br />

RA04.02 United Kingdom<br />

RA04.03 Netherlands<br />

RA04.04 Belgium<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Central Europe<br />

RA05.01 Germany<br />

RA05.02 Federal Republic of Germany<br />

RA05.03 German Democratic Republic<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Poland<br />

RA05.12 Czechoslovakia<br />

RA05.13 Austria<br />

RA05.14 Switzerland<br />

RA05.21 Czech Republic<br />

RA05.22 Slovak Republic<br />

RA06 Southern Europe<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spain<br />

RA06.03 Italy<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Greece<br />

RA06.06 Turkey<br />

RA06.07 Cyprus<br />

RA07 Eastern Europe<br />

RA07.01 Soviet Union<br />

RA07.02 Successor states of the<br />

Soviet Union<br />

RA07.03 Commonwealth of<br />

Independent States<br />

RA07.11 Baltic states<br />

RA07.12 Estonia<br />

RA07.13 Latvia<br />

RA07.14 Lithuania<br />

RA07.21 Russian Federation<br />

I. REGIONAL CLASSIFICATION (political-geographical)<br />

Version: March <strong>2008</strong><br />

RA07.31 European States of the former<br />

Soviet Union<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldova<br />

RA07.41 Caucasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.42 Georgia<br />

RA07.43 Armenia<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaijan<br />

RA07.51 Centralasian States of the<br />

former Soviet Union<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Uzbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kyrgyzstan<br />

RA07.56 Tajikistan<br />

RA08 South-East Europe<br />

RA08.01 Balkans<br />

RA08.11 Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.12 Hungary<br />

RA08.13 Romania<br />

RA08.14 Bulgaria<br />

RA08.15 Albania<br />

RA08.21 Successor states of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.22 Slovenia<br />

RA08.23 Croatia<br />

RA08.24 Bosnia-Herzegovina<br />

RA08.25 Macedonia<br />

RA08.26 Federal Republic of<br />

Yugoslavia<br />

RA08.27 Serbia and Montenegro<br />

RA08.28 Serbia<br />

RA08.29 Montenegro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Other European countries /<br />

areas<br />

RB The Americas<br />

RB01 American organisations<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC North America (without<br />

Mexico)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 United States<br />

RD Latin America<br />

RD00.01 Rio Group<br />

RD01 Mexico<br />

RD02 Central America<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caribbean<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominican Republic<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaica<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.15 St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.<strong>16</strong> St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (and Grenadines)<br />

RD03.<strong>18</strong> Trinidad and Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 French Guyana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 United States Virgin Islands<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Netherlands Antilles<br />

RD03.51 French Antilles<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 British Antilles<br />

RD03.71 Other islands / countries of<br />

the Caribbean<br />

RD04 South America<br />

RD04.01 Andean countries<br />

RD04.02 Andean Group<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentina<br />

RD04.12 Bolivia<br />

RD04.13 Brazil<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.15 Ecuador<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> Colombia<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.<strong>18</strong> Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Other countries / Latin<br />

American areas<br />

RE Africa (total)<br />

RE01 African organisations<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographical areas of Africa<br />

(above country level)<br />

RF Africa south of Sahara<br />

RF01 West Africa<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Ivory Coast<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.<strong>18</strong> Cape Verde<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauritania<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> viii <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tome and Principe<br />

RF02 Central Africa<br />

RF02.01 Equatorial Guinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroon<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Chad<br />

RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Central African Republic<br />

RF03 Southern Africa<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mozambique<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Zambia<br />

RF03.<strong>18</strong> Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Republic of South Africa<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 East Africa<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tanzania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 North-East Africa<br />

RF05.01 Ethiopia<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 African islands and other<br />

African areas<br />

RG Near and Middle East and<br />

North Africa<br />

RG00 Geographical areas<br />

(transnational) and<br />

organizations of the Near and<br />

Middle East / Northern Africa<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-countries<br />

RG00.11 Arab countries<br />

RG00.12 Islamic world<br />

RG00.13 Persian Gulf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 North Africa<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Morocco<br />

RG01.12 Western Sahara<br />

RG01.13 Algeria<br />

RG01.14 Tunisia<br />

RG01.15 Libya<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> Egypt<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Eastern Arabia / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Iraq<br />

RG02.12 Jordan<br />

RG02.13 Lebanon<br />

RG02.14 Syria<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> Territories occupied by Israel<br />

RG02.17 Palestinian self-rule areas<br />

RG03 Arabian peninsula<br />

RG03.01 Gulf States<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Saudi Arabia<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> Yemen<br />

RG03.17 United Arab Emirates<br />

RG04 Western Asia<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asia (total)<br />

RH01 Asian organisations<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographical areas of Asia<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya region<br />

RH02.02 Kashmir<br />

RH02.03 Golden Triangle<br />

RI Asia (without western Asia)<br />

RI01 South Asia<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC countries<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 India<br />

RI01.14 Maledives<br />

RI01.15 Nepal<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 South-East Asia<br />

RI02.01 Geographical areas of<br />

South-East Asia<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN countries<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesia<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.15 Singapore<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Cambodia<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Burma)<br />

RI02.32 East Timor<br />

RI03 East Asia / Central Asia<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 People's Republic of China<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (since 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 North Korea<br />

RI03.13 South Korea<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

I. Regional Classification<br />

RI03.31 Mongolia<br />

RI03.32 Far Eastern part of the<br />

Russian Federation / Soviet<br />

Union<br />

RI04 Other Asian areas<br />

RJ Oceania<br />

RJ01 South Pacific organisations<br />

RJ02 Geographical areas of the<br />

South Pacific<br />

RJ02.01 South Pacific Islands<br />

RJ03 Australia / New Zealand<br />

RJ03.01 Australia<br />

RJ03.02 New Zealand<br />

RJ04 Micronesia<br />

RJ04.01 Single Micronesian islands<br />

RJ05 Melanesia<br />

RJ05.01 Papua Neu Guinea<br />

RJ05.02 Single Melanesian islands<br />

without Papua<br />

RJ06 Polynesia<br />

RJ06.01 Single Polynesian islands<br />

RJ07 Other Australian / South<br />

Pacific areas<br />

RK Antarctica<br />

RL Oceans / supracontinental<br />

regions<br />

RL01 Atlantic Ocean<br />

RL02 Indian Ocean<br />

RL03 Pacific Ocean / Pacific region<br />

RL04 Mediterranean Sea /<br />

Mediterranean area<br />

RL05 Black Sea region<br />

RL06 Caspian Sea<br />

RL07 Arctic<br />

RM International organisations<br />

RM01 United Nations<br />

RM02 United Nations special<br />

organisations<br />

RM03 Other universal governmental<br />

organisations<br />

RM04 Non-governmental organisations<br />

RN Developed countries<br />

RN01 Western industrialized countries<br />

RN02 Socialist countries<br />

RO Developing countries<br />

RO01 Group of 77<br />

RO02 Non-aligned countries<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC countries<br />

RO04 ACP countries<br />

RP Other groups of countries /<br />

areas<br />

RP01 French-speaking countries<br />

RQ World wide<br />

RR Space<br />

RS Without regional aspect<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> ix <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SA Allgemeine Literatur<br />

SA01 Übergreifende<br />

Gesamtdarstellungen /<br />

Länderkunde<br />

SA02 Geschichte<br />

SA03 Politik<br />

SA04 Biographisches / Memoiren<br />

SB Internationale(s) Politik /<br />

System<br />

SB01 Internationale Beziehungen /<br />

Prozesse<br />

SB02 Außenpolitik<br />

SB03 Internationales Recht /<br />

Völkerrecht<br />

SB04 Internationale politische<br />

Integration<br />

SB05 Internationale politische<br />

Konflikte<br />

SB06 Transnationale Beziehungen /<br />

Bewegungen<br />

SB07 Internationale Organisationen /<br />

Institutionen<br />

SC Internationale Sicherheit /<br />

Verteidigung<br />

SC01 Sicherheitspolitische<br />

Beziehungen<br />

SC02 Verteidigungs- /<br />

Sicherheitspolitik<br />

SC03 Rüstungskontrolle / Abrüstung<br />

SC04 Militärstrategie<br />

SC05 Krieg / Kriegführung<br />

SC06 Wehrpotential<br />

SC06.01 Streitkräfte / Militärische<br />

Verbände<br />

SC06.02 Rüstung<br />

SC06.03 Organisation der Verteidigung<br />

SC07 Militärökonomie<br />

SC07.01 Rüstungsindustrie<br />

SC07.02 Waffenhandel<br />

SD Internationale Wirtschaft /<br />

Außenwirtschaft<br />

SD01 Weltwirtschaft / Internationale<br />

Wirtschaftsordnung<br />

SD01.01 Internationale(r) Handel /<br />

Handelsordnung<br />

SD01.02 Währung / Internationale<br />

Währungsordnung<br />

SD02 Internationale<br />

Wirtschaftsbeziehungen /<br />

Wirtschaftszusammenarbeit<br />

SD02.01 Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftskooperation /<br />

Wirtschaftsintegration<br />

SD03 Internationaler Leistungs- /<br />

Kapitalverkehr<br />

SD03.01 Außenhandel<br />

SD03.02 Internationaler Kapitalverkehr<br />

/ Direktinvestitionen<br />

SD03.03 Internationaler<br />

Arbeitskräfteverkehr<br />

SD03.04 Externe öffentliche<br />

Verschuldung<br />

SD04 Außenwirtschaftspolitik<br />

SD05 Entwicklungshilfe / Auslandshilfe<br />


Stand: Januar 2007<br />

SE Internationale<br />

Kulturbeziehungen<br />

SE01 Auswärtige Kulturpolitik<br />

SE02 Internationale Bildungs- /<br />

Wissenschaftsbeziehungen<br />

SE03 Internationale<br />

Sprachbeziehungen /<br />

Fremdsprachen<br />

SE04 Internationale<br />

Medienbeziehungen /<br />

Kommunikation / Information<br />

SE05 Kulturaustausch / Kulturkontakt<br />

SE06 Auslandsbild / Fremdbilder<br />

SF Staat<br />

SF01 Politisches System / Verfassung<br />

SF01.01 Politischer Systemwandel /<br />

Demokratisierung<br />

SF01.02 Menschenrechte<br />

SF02 Regierungssystem /<br />

Staatsorgane<br />

SF03 Politische Parteien<br />

SF04 Politische Partizipation<br />

SF04.01 Wahlen<br />

SF05 Innenpolitik<br />

SF06 Innere Sicherheit /<br />

Innerstaatlicher Konflikt<br />

SF06.01 Bürgerkrieg<br />

SF06.02 Terrorismus<br />

SF06.03 Kriminalität<br />

SF07 Militär und Gesellschaft / Staat<br />

SF08 Regionen / Kommunen<br />

SF09 Öffentliche Verwaltung<br />

SF10 Recht<br />

SG Gesellschaft<br />

SG01 Gesellschaftsordnung /<br />

Gesellschaftspolitik<br />

SG02 Gesellschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Gesellschaftsstruktur<br />

SG02.01 Demographie<br />

SG02.02 Gesellschaftliche Gruppen<br />

SG02.03 Nationalitäten / Minoritäten<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Wohnung / Siedlung /<br />

Urbanisierung<br />

SG02.06 Geschlechterbeziehungen /<br />

Lebensgemeinschaften<br />

SG02.07 Lebensbedingungen /<br />

Lebensformen<br />

SG03 Sozialpolitik / Soziales<br />

SG03.01 Soziale Sicherung<br />

SG03.02 Gesundheit<br />

SG04 Erziehung / Bildung / Ausbildung<br />

SG05 Politische Kultur /<br />

Meinungsbildung<br />

SG05.01 Ideologie<br />

SG05.02 Öffentliche Meinung<br />

SG06 Medien / Information<br />

SG07 Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen /<br />

Vereinigungen<br />

SG08 Kultur / Sprache / Kunst<br />

SG09 Religion /<br />

Religionsgemeinschaften<br />

SH Wirtschaft<br />

SH01 Wirtschaftsordnung /<br />

Rahmenbedingungen<br />

SH02 Wirtschaftsentwicklung /<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH02.01 Wirtschaftspolitik /<br />

Entwicklungspolitik<br />

SH02.02 Sozio-ökonomische<br />

Entwicklung / Struktur<br />

SH02.03 Konjunktur / Konjunkturpolitik<br />

SH02.04 Regionale / lokale<br />

Entwicklung / Regionale<br />

Wirtschaftpolitik<br />

SH02.05 Branchen / Sektorale<br />

Entwicklung / Sektorale<br />

Wirtschaftspolitik<br />

SH03 Arbeit und Beschäftigung<br />

SH03.01 Unternehmenskultur /<br />

Arbeitskultur<br />

SH04 Natürliche Ressourcen /<br />

Rohstoffverarbeitung<br />

SH05 Energiewirtschaft<br />

SH06 Agrarsektor<br />

SH06.01 Ackerbau / Forstwirtschaft<br />

SH06.02 Viehwirtschaft /<br />

Fischereiwirtschaft<br />

SH06.03 Ernährung / Nahrungsmittel<br />

SH07 Gewerbliche Wirtschaft /<br />

Industrie<br />

SH08 Tertiärer Sektor /<br />

Dienstleistungen<br />

SH08.01 Verkehr / Transport /<br />

Tourismus<br />

SH08.02 Post / Telekommunikation<br />

SH08.03 Geld / Kredit / Banken /<br />

Versicherungen<br />

SH09 Informeller Sektor<br />

SH10 Öffentliche Finanzen<br />

SI Technik<br />

SI01 Technologie / Technologische<br />

Entwicklung<br />

SI02 Technologiepolitik<br />

SI03 Technikzweige<br />

SI03.01 Raumfahrttechnik<br />

SI03.02 Informationstechnologie<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologie<br />

SI03.04 Umwelttechnologie<br />

SI03.05 Wehrtechnik / Waffensysteme<br />

SI04 Internationale<br />

wissenschaftlich-technologische<br />

Kooperation / Beziehungen<br />

SJ Umwelt / Natur<br />

SJ01 Geographie / Geologie<br />

SJ02 Umweltschäden / Umweltschutz<br />

/ Umweltpolitik<br />

SK Wissenschaft / Forschung<br />

SK01 Wissenschaftsgebiete<br />

SK02 Theorie / Methodik<br />

SK03 Forschung / Entwicklung<br />

SK04 Wissenschaftspolitik /<br />

Forschungspolitik<br />

SK05 Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen<br />

/ Hochschulen<br />

SZ Allgemeine Literatur / andere<br />

Fachgebiete<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> x <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RA Europa<br />

RA01 Europäische Organisationen<br />

RA01.01 EU / EG sowie<br />

Mitgliedsländer<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

RA01.03 RGW / RGW-Länder<br />

RA01.04 Warschauer Pakt<br />

RA01.05 Europarat<br />

RA01.06 WEU<br />

RA01.07 OSZE / KSZE<br />

RA02 Geographische Räume<br />

Europas<br />

RA02.01 Westeuropa politisch<br />

RA02.02 Osteuropa politisch<br />

RA02.03 Mittel- und osteuropäische<br />

Länder<br />

RA02.11 Nordseeraum<br />

RA02.12 Ostseeraum<br />

RA03 Nordeuropa<br />

RA03.01 Finnland<br />

RA03.02 Schweden<br />

RA03.03 Norwegen<br />

RA03.04 Dänemark<br />

RA03.05 Island<br />

RA04 Westeuropa<br />

RA04.01 Irland<br />

RA04.02 Vereinigtes Königreich<br />

RA04.03 Niederlande<br />

RA04.04 Belgien<br />

RA04.05 Luxemburg<br />

RA04.06 Frankreich<br />

RA05 Mitteleuropa<br />

RA05.01 Deutschland<br />

RA05.02 Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

RA05.03 Deutsche Demokratische<br />

Republik<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Polen<br />

RA05.12 Tschechoslowakei<br />

RA05.13 Österreich<br />

RA05.14 Schweiz<br />

RA05.21 Tschechien<br />

RA05.22 Slowakei<br />

RA06 Südeuropa<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Spanien<br />

RA06.03 Italien<br />

RA06.04 Malta<br />

RA06.05 Griechenland<br />

RA06.06 Türkei<br />

RA06.07 Zypern<br />

RA07 Osteuropa<br />

RA07.01 Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.02 Nachfolgestaaten der<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.03 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger<br />

Staaten<br />

RA07.11 Baltische Staaten<br />

RA07.12 Estland<br />

RA07.13 Lettland<br />

I. REGIONALKLASSIFIKATION (politisch-geographisch)<br />

Stand: März <strong>2008</strong><br />

RA07.14 Litauen<br />

RA07.21 Russische Föderation<br />

RA07.31 Europäische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Belarus<br />

RA07.34 Moldau<br />

RA07.41 Kaukasische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.42 Georgien<br />

RA07.43 Armenien<br />

RA07.44 Aserbeidschan<br />

RA07.51 Zentralasiatische Staaten der<br />

ehemaligen Sowjetunion<br />

RA07.52 Kasachstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkmenistan<br />

RA07.54 Usbekistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirgisistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadschikistan<br />

RA08 Südosteuropa<br />

RA08.01 Balkan<br />

RA08.11 Jugoslawien<br />

RA08.12 Ungarn<br />

RA08.13 Rumänien<br />

RA08.14 Bulgarien<br />

RA08.15 Albanien<br />

RA08.21 Nachfolgestaaten<br />

Jugoslawiens<br />

RA08.22 Slowenien<br />

RA08.23 Kroatien<br />

RA08.24 Bosnien-Herzegowina<br />

RA08.25 Makedonien<br />

RA08.26 Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien<br />

RA08.27 Serbien und Montenegro<br />

RA08.28 Serbien<br />

RA08.29 Montenegro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Europas<br />

RB Amerika (insgesamt)<br />

RB01 Amerikanische<br />

Organisationen<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

RC Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko)<br />

RC01 Kanada<br />

RC02 Vereinigte Staaten<br />

RD Lateinamerika<br />

RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe<br />

RD01 Mexiko<br />

RD02 Zentralamerika<br />

RD02.01 Belize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nikaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Karibik / Karibischer Raum<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 Dominikanische Republik<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaika<br />

RD03.05 Kuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua und Barbuda<br />

RD03.12 Barbados<br />

RD03.13 Dominica<br />

RD03.14 Grenada<br />

RD03.15 St. Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.<strong>16</strong> St. Lucia<br />

RD03.17 St. Vincent (und Grenadinen)<br />

RD03.<strong>18</strong> Trinidad und Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyana<br />

RD03.22 Französisch-Guayana<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Jungfern-Inseln<br />

(US-Territorium)<br />

RD03.32 Puerto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Niederländische Antillen<br />

RD03.51 Französische Antillen<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Britische Antillen<br />

RD03.71 Sonstige Inseln / Länder der<br />

Karibik<br />

RD04 Südamerika<br />

RD04.01 Andenländer<br />

RD04.02 Grupo Andino<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentinien<br />

RD04.12 Bolivien<br />

RD04.13 Brasilien<br />

RD04.14 Chile<br />

RD04.15 Ecuador<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> Kolumbien<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.<strong>18</strong> Peru<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Venezuela<br />

RD05 Andere Länder / Gebiete<br />

Lateinamerikas<br />

RE Afrika (insgesamt)<br />

RE01 Afrikanische Organisationen<br />

RE01.01 OAU / African Union<br />

RE02 Geographische Räume<br />

Afrikas (länderübergreifend)<br />

RF Afrika südlich der Sahara<br />

RF01 Westafrika<br />

RF01.01 ECOWAS<br />

RF01.11 Benin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambia<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> Guinea<br />

RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau<br />

RF01.<strong>18</strong> Kapverdische Inseln<br />

RF01.19 Liberia<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

RF01.21 Mauretanien<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> xi <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

I. Regionalklassifikation<br />

RF01.23 Nigeria<br />

RF01.24 Senegal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Leone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 São Tomé und Príncipe<br />

RF02 Zentralafrika<br />

RF02.01 Äquatorialguinea<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabun<br />

RF02.04 Kamerun<br />

RF02.05 Kongo<br />

RF02.06 Ruanda<br />

RF02.07 Tschad<br />

RF02.08 Kongo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 Zentralafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03 Südliches Afrika<br />

RF03.01 SADCC / SADC<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lesotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mosambik<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> Namibia<br />

RF03.17 Sambia<br />

RF03.<strong>18</strong> Simbabwe<br />

RF03.19 Südafrikanische Republik<br />

RF03.20 Swasiland<br />

RF04 Ostafrika<br />

RF04.01 Kenia<br />

RF04.02 Madagaskar<br />

RF04.03 Mauritius<br />

RF04.04 Tansania<br />

RF04.05 Uganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychellen<br />

RF05 Nordostafrika<br />

RF05.01 Äthiopien<br />

RF05.02 Dschibuti<br />

RF05.03 Somalia<br />

RF05.04 Eritrea<br />

RF06 Afrikanische Inseln und<br />

andere Gebiete Afrikas<br />

RG Naher und Mittlerer Osten und<br />

Nordafrika<br />

RG00 Geographische Räume<br />

(länderübergreifend) und<br />

Organisationen des Nahen<br />

und Mittleren Ostens /<br />

Nordafrikas<br />

RG00.01 League of Arab States<br />

RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-Länder<br />

RG00.11 Arabische Länder<br />

RG00.12 Islamische Welt<br />

RG00.13 Persischer Golf<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Nordafrika<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Marokko<br />

RG01.12 Westsahara<br />

RG01.13 Algerien<br />

RG01.14 Tunesien<br />

RG01.15 Libyen<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> Ägypten<br />

RG01.17 Sudan<br />

RG02 Arabischer Osten / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palästina<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanien<br />

RG02.13 Libanon<br />

RG02.14 Syrien<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> Israelisch besetzte Gebiete<br />

RG02.17 Palästinensische<br />

Selbstverwaltungsgebiete<br />

RG03 Arabische Halbinsel<br />

RG03.01 Golfstaaten<br />

RG03.11 Bahrain<br />

RG03.12 Katar<br />

RG03.13 Kuwait<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Saudi-Arabien<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> Jemen<br />

RG03.17 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate<br />

RG04 Westasien<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asien (insgesamt)<br />

RH01 Asiatische Organisationen<br />

RH01.01 APEC<br />

RH02 Geographische Räume Asiens<br />

RH02.01 Himalaya-Region<br />

RH02.02 Kaschmir<br />

RH02.03 Goldenes Dreieck<br />

RI Asien (ohne westliches Asien)<br />

RI01 Südasien<br />

RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC-Länder<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesch<br />

RI01.12 Bhutan<br />

RI01.13 Indien<br />

RI01.14 Malediven<br />

RI01.15 Nepal<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Südostasien<br />

RI02.01 Geographische Räume<br />

Südostasiens<br />

RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN-Länder<br />

RI02.03 Indochina<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonesien<br />

RI02.13 Malaysia<br />

RI02.14 Philippinen<br />

RI02.15 Singapur<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> Thailand<br />

RI02.21 Kambodscha<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birma)<br />

RI02.32 Timor-Leste<br />

RI03 Ostasien<br />

RI03.01 China<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 Volksrepublik China<br />

RI03.05 Hongkong (seit 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Korea<br />

RI03.12 Nordkorea<br />

RI03.13 Südkorea<br />

RI03.21 Hongkong<br />

RI03.22 Japan<br />

RI03.23 Macau<br />

RI03.31 Mongolei<br />

RI03.32 Fernöstlicher Teil der<br />

Russischen Föderation /<br />

Sowjetunion<br />

RI04 Andere Gebiete Asiens<br />

RJ Ozeanien<br />

RJ01 Südpazifische Organisationen<br />

RJ02 Australien / Neuseeland<br />

RJ02.01 Australien<br />

RJ02.02 Neuseeland<br />

RJ03 Südpazifische Inseln<br />

RJ04 Melanesien<br />

RJ04.01 Papua-Neuguinea<br />

RJ04.02 Einzelne Inseln Melanesiens,<br />

außer Papua<br />

RJ05 Mikronesien<br />

RJ05.01 Einzelne Inseln Mikronesiens<br />

RJ06 Polynesien<br />

RJ06.01 Einzelne Inseln Polynesiens<br />

RK Antarktis<br />

RL Meere /<br />

Kontinentübergreifende<br />

Regionen<br />

RL01 Atlantischer Ozean<br />

RL02 Indischer Ozean<br />

RL03 Pazifischer Ozean / Pazifischer<br />

Raum<br />

RL04 Mittelmeer / Mittelmeerraum<br />

RL05 Schwarzmeerraum<br />

RL06 Kaspisches Meer<br />

RL07 Arktis<br />

RM Internationale Organisationen<br />

RM01 Vereinte Nationen<br />

RM02 Sonderorganisationen des VN-<br />

Systems<br />

RM03 andere universale staatliche<br />

Organisationen<br />

RM04 Nichtstaatliche Organisationen<br />

RN Entwickelte Länder<br />

RN01 Westliche Länder<br />

RN02 OECD / OECD-Länder<br />

RN03 Sozialistische Länder<br />

RO Entwicklungsländer<br />

RO01 Gruppe der 77<br />

RO02 Blockfreie Staaten<br />

RO03 OPEC / OPEC-Länder<br />

RO04 AKP-Länder<br />

RP Sonstige Ländergruppen /<br />

Räume<br />

RP01 Französischsprachige Länder<br />

RQ Weltweit<br />

RR Weltraum<br />

RS Ohne direkten Regionalbezug<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> xii <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SA Littérature générale<br />

SA01 Études générales / Études<br />

nationales<br />

SA02 Histoire<br />

SA03 Politique<br />

SA04 Biographies / Mémoires<br />

SB Politique internationale /<br />

Système international<br />

SB01 Relations internationales /<br />

Processus internationaux<br />

SB02 Politique étrangère<br />

SB03 Droit international<br />

SB04 Intégration politique internationale<br />

SB05 Conflits politiques / militaires<br />

SB06 Relations transnationales /<br />

Mouvements transnationaux<br />

SB07 Organisations / institutions<br />

internationales<br />

SC Sécurité internationale /<br />

Défense<br />

SC01 Relations internationales en<br />

matière de sécurité<br />

SC02 Politique de défense / de sécurité<br />

SC03 Contrôle des armements /<br />

Désarmement<br />

SC04 Stratégie militaire<br />

SC05 Guerre / Opérations de guerre<br />

SC06 Potentiel militaire<br />

SC06.01 Forces armées / Unités<br />

militaires<br />

SC06.02 Armement<br />

SC06.03 Organisation de la défense<br />

SC07 Économie de la défense<br />

SC07.01 Industrie de l'armement<br />

SC07.02 Commerce des armements<br />

SD Économie internationale<br />

SD01 Économie mondiale / Système<br />

économique international<br />

SD01.01 Commerce international /<br />

Organisation internationale du<br />

commerce<br />

SD01.02 Monnaie / Système monétaire<br />

international<br />

SD02 Relations économiques<br />

internationales / Coopération<br />

économique<br />

SD02.01 Coopération économique<br />

régionale / Intégration<br />

économique<br />

SD03 Transactions courantes /<br />

Mouvements internationaux de<br />

capitaux<br />

SD03.01 Commerce extérieur<br />

SD03.02 Mouvements internationaux de<br />

capitaux / Investissements<br />

directs<br />

SD03.03 Mouvements internationaux de<br />

main-d'oeuvre<br />

SD03.04 Dette publique extérieure<br />

SD04 Politique économique extérieure<br />

SD05 Politique d'aide au développement<br />

/ Coopération<br />

SE Relations culturelles<br />

internationales<br />

SE01 Politique culturelle extérieure<br />


Mise a jour: Janvier 2007<br />

SE02 Relations en matière d'éducation<br />

et de science<br />

SE03 Relations linguistiques<br />

internationales / Langues<br />

étrangères<br />

SE04 Relations internationales des<br />

médias / Communication /<br />

Information<br />

SE05 Échange culturel / Contact des<br />

cultures<br />

SE06 Image de l'étranger<br />

SF État<br />

SF01 Système politique / Constitution<br />

SF01.01 Transformation du système<br />

politique / Démocratisation<br />

SF01.02 Droits de l'homme<br />

SF02 Système de gouvernement /<br />

Institutions de l'État<br />

SF03 Partis politiques<br />

SF04 Participation politique<br />

SF04.01 Élections<br />

SF05 Politique intérieure<br />

SF06 Sécurité intérieure / Conflit interne<br />

SF06.01 Guerre civile<br />

SF06.02 Terrorisme<br />

SF06.03 Criminalité<br />

SF07 Armée et société / État<br />

SF08 Régions / Communes<br />

SF09 Administration publique<br />

SF10 Droit<br />

SG Société<br />

SG01 Système social / Politique<br />

sociétale<br />

SG02 Évolution sociale / Structures<br />

sociales<br />

SG02.01 Démographie<br />

SG02.02 Groupes sociaux<br />

SG02.03 Nationalités / Minorités<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

SG02.05 Logement / Habitat /<br />

Urbanisation<br />

SG02.06 Rapports entre les sexes /<br />

Communautés de vie<br />

SG02.07 Conditions de vie / Modes<br />

d'existence<br />

SG03 Politique sociale / Problèmes<br />

sociaux<br />

SG03.01 Protection sociale<br />

SG03.02 Santé<br />

SG04 Éducation / Enseignement /<br />

Formation<br />

SG05 Culture politique / Opinion<br />

SG05.01 Idéologie<br />

SG05.02 Opinion publique<br />

SG06 Médias / Information<br />

SG07 Mouvements sociaux /<br />

Associations<br />

SG08 Culture / Langue / Arts<br />

SG09 Religion / Communautés<br />

religieuses<br />

SH Économie<br />

SH01 Système économique / Cadre<br />

économique<br />

SH02 Développement économique /<br />

Politique économique<br />

SH02.01 Politique économique /<br />

Politique du développement<br />

SH02.02 Développement / structures<br />

socio-économiques<br />

SH02.03 Conjoncture / Politique<br />

conjoncturelle<br />

SH02.04 Développement régional / local<br />

/ Politique économique<br />

régionale<br />

SH02.05 Branches économiques /<br />

Evolution sectorielle / Politique<br />

sectorielle<br />

SH03 Travail / Emploi<br />

SH03.01 Culture d'entreprise /<br />

Culture du travail<br />

SH04 Ressources naturelles /<br />

Traitement des matières<br />

premières<br />

SH05 Énergie<br />

SH06 Secteur agricole<br />

SH06.01 Cultures / Forêts<br />

SH06.02 Élevage / Pêche<br />

SH06.03 Alimentation / Produits<br />

alimentaires<br />

SH07 Industrie et artisanat<br />

SH08 Secteur tertiaire / Services<br />

SH08.01 Circulation / Transports /<br />

Tourisme<br />

SH08.02 Poste / Télécommunications<br />

SH08.03 Argent / Crédit / Banques /<br />

Assurances<br />

SH09 Secteur informel<br />

SH10 Finances publiques<br />

SI Technologie<br />

SI01 Technologie / Développement<br />

technologique<br />

SI02 Politique technologique<br />

SI03 Domaines technologiques<br />

SI03.01 Technologie aérospatiale<br />

SI03.02 Technologie de l'information<br />

SI03.03 Biotechnologies<br />

SI03.04 Technologies de<br />

l'environnement<br />

SI03.05 Technologie des armements /<br />

Systèmes d'armes<br />

SI04 Coopération / relations<br />

technologiques / scientifiques<br />

internationales<br />

SJ Environnement / Nature<br />

SJ01 Géographie / Géologie<br />

SJ02 Problèmes écologiques /<br />

Protection de l'environnement<br />

SK Sciences / Recherche<br />

scientifique<br />

SK01 Domaines scientifiques<br />

SK02 Théorie / Méthodes<br />

SK03 Recherche et développement<br />

SK04 Politique scientifique / Politique de<br />

la recherche<br />

SK05 Institutions scientifiques /<br />

Universités<br />

SZ Littérature générale / Autres<br />

domaines<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> xiii <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RA Europe<br />

RA01 Organisations européennes<br />

RA01.01 Union / Communauté<br />

européenne et pays membres<br />

RA01.02 OTAN<br />

RA01.03 COMECON / pays du<br />


RA01.04 Traité de Varsovie<br />

RA01.05 Conseil de l'Europe<br />

RA01.06 UEO<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

RA02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RA02.01 Europe occidentale politique<br />

RA02.02 Europe orientale politique<br />

RA02.03 Pays d'Europe centrale et<br />

orientale<br />

RA02.11 Région de la Mer du Nord<br />

RA02.12 Région de la Mer Baltique<br />

RA03 Europe du Nord<br />

RA03.01 Finlande<br />

RA03.02 Suède<br />

RA03.03 Norvège<br />

RA03.04 Danemark<br />

RA03.05 Islande<br />

RA04 Europe occidentale<br />

RA04.01 Irlande<br />

RA04.02 Royaume-Uni<br />

RA04.03 Pays-Bas<br />

RA04.04 Belgique<br />

RA04.05 Luxembourg<br />

RA04.06 France<br />

RA05 Europe centrale<br />

RA05.01 Allemagne<br />

RA05.02 République Fédérale<br />

d'Allemagne<br />

RA05.03 République démocratique<br />

allemande<br />

RA05.04 Berlin<br />

RA05.11 Pologne<br />

RA05.12 Tchécoslovaquie<br />

RA05.13 Autriche<br />

RA05.14 Suisse<br />

RA05.21 République tchèque<br />

RA05.22 République slovaque<br />

RA06 Europe méridionale<br />

RA06.01 Portugal<br />

RA06.02 Espagne<br />

RA06.03 Italie<br />

RA06.04 Malte<br />

RA06.05 Grèce<br />

RA06.06 Turquie<br />

RA06.07 Chypre<br />

RA07 Europe orientale<br />

RA07.01 Union Soviétique<br />

RA07.02 États successeurs de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RA07.03 Communauté d'États<br />

Indépendants<br />

RA07.11 Pays Baltes<br />

RA07.12 Estonie<br />

I. CLASSIFICATION REGIONALE (politico-géographique)<br />

Mise a jour: Mars <strong>2008</strong><br />

RA07.13 Lettonie<br />

RA07.14 Lituanie<br />

RA07.21 Fédération russe<br />

RA07.31 États européens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.32 Ukraine<br />

RA07.33 Biélorussie<br />

RA07.34 Moldavie<br />

RA07.41 États caucasiens de l'ancienne<br />

Union soviétique<br />

RA07.42 Géorgie<br />

RA07.43 Arménie<br />

RA07.44 Azerbaidjan<br />

RA07.51 États d'Asie Centrale de<br />

l'ancienne Union soviétique<br />

RA07.52 Kazakhstan<br />

RA07.53 Turkménistan<br />

RA07.54 Ouzbékistan<br />

RA07.55 Kirghizistan<br />

RA07.56 Tadjikistan<br />

RA08 Europe du Sud-Est<br />

RA08.01 Balkans<br />

RA08.11 Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.12 Hongrie<br />

RA08.13 Roumanie<br />

RA08.14 Bulgarie<br />

RA08.15 Albanie<br />

RA08.21 États successeurs de la<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.22 Slovénie<br />

RA08.23 Croatie<br />

RA08.24 Bosnie-Herzégovine<br />

RA08.25 Macédoine<br />

RA08.26 République Fédérale de<br />

Yougoslavie<br />

RA08.27 Serbie et Monténégro<br />

RA08.28 Serbie<br />

RA08.29 Montenégro<br />

RA08.31 Kosovo<br />

RA09 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Europe<br />

RB Amérique (entière)<br />

RB01 Organisations américaines<br />

RB01.01 OEA<br />

RB01.02 ALENA<br />

RC Amérique du Nord (sans<br />

Mexique)<br />

RC01 Canada<br />

RC02 États-Unis<br />

RD Amérique Latine<br />

RD00.01 Groupe de Rio<br />

RD01 Mexique<br />

RD02 Amérique centrale<br />

RD02.01 Bélize<br />

RD02.02 Guatemala<br />

RD02.03 El Salvador<br />

RD02.04 Honduras<br />

RD02.05 Nicaragua<br />

RD02.06 Costa Rica<br />

RD02.07 Panama<br />

RD03 Caraibes<br />

RD03.01 Bahamas<br />

RD03.02 République Dominicaine<br />

RD03.03 Haiti<br />

RD03.04 Jamaique<br />

RD03.05 Cuba<br />

RD03.11 Antigua<br />

RD03.12 Barbade<br />

RD03.13 Dominique<br />

RD03.14 Grenade<br />

RD03.15 Saint Kitts, Nevis<br />

RD03.<strong>16</strong> Sainte Lucie<br />

RD03.17 Saint Vincent (et Grenadines)<br />

RD03.<strong>18</strong> Trinité et Tobago<br />

RD03.21 Guyane<br />

RD03.22 Guyane francaise<br />

RD03.23 Surinam<br />

RD03.31 Iles Vierges américaines<br />

RD03.32 Porto Rico<br />

RD03.41 Antilles néerlandaises<br />

RD03.51 Antilles francaises<br />

RD03.52 Guadeloupe<br />

RD03.53 Martinique<br />

RD03.61 Antilles britanniques<br />

RD03.71 Autres îles / pays des Caraibes<br />

RD04 Amérique du Sud<br />

RD04.01 Pays des Andes<br />

RD04.02 Groupe Andin<br />

RD04.03 MERCOSUR<br />

RD04.11 Argentine<br />

RD04.12 Bolivie<br />

RD04.13 Brésil<br />

RD04.14 Chili<br />

RD04.15 Équateur<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> Colombie<br />

RD04.17 Paraguay<br />

RD04.<strong>18</strong> Pérou<br />

RD04.19 Uruguay<br />

RD04.20 Vénézuela<br />

RD05 Autres pays / régions de<br />

l'Amérique Latine<br />

RE Afrique (entière)<br />

RE01 Organisations africaines<br />

RE01.01 OUA / Union africaine<br />

RE02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Afrique (niveau au-dessus des<br />

pays)<br />

RF Afrique subsaharienne<br />

RF01 Afrique occidentale<br />

RF01.01 CEDEAO<br />

RF01.11 Bénin<br />

RF01.12 Burkina Faso<br />

RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire<br />

RF01.14 Gambie<br />

RF01.15 Ghana<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> Guinée<br />

RF01.17 Guinée-Bissau<br />

RF01.<strong>18</strong> Cap Vert<br />

RF01.19 Libéria<br />

RF01.20 Mali<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> xiv <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RF01.21 Mauritanie<br />

RF01.22 Niger<br />

RF01.23 Nigéria<br />

RF01.24 Sénégal<br />

RF01.25 Sierra Léone<br />

RF01.26 Togo<br />

RF01.27 Sao Tomé et Principe<br />

RF02 Afrique centrale<br />

RF02.01 Guinée équatoriale<br />

RF02.02 Burundi<br />

RF02.03 Gabon<br />

RF02.04 Cameroun<br />

RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)<br />

RF02.06 Rwanda<br />

RF02.07 Tchad<br />

RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)<br />

RF02.09 République centrafricaine<br />

RF03 Afrique australe<br />

RF03.01 CDCAS / CDAS<br />

RF03.11 Angola<br />

RF03.12 Botswana<br />

RF03.13 Lésotho<br />

RF03.14 Malawi<br />

RF03.15 Mozambique<br />

RF03.<strong>16</strong> Namibie<br />

RF03.17 Zambie<br />

RF03.<strong>18</strong> Zimbabwe<br />

RF03.19 République sud-africaine<br />

RF03.20 Swaziland<br />

RF04 Afrique orientale<br />

RF04.01 Kenya<br />

RF04.02 Madagascar<br />

RF04.03 Ile Maurice<br />

RF04.04 Tanzanie<br />

RF04.05 Ouganda<br />

RF04.06 Seychelles<br />

RF05 Afrique du Nord-Est<br />

RF05.01 Éthiopie<br />

RF05.02 Djibouti<br />

RF05.03 Somalie<br />

RF05.04 Érithrée<br />

RF06 Iles africaines et autres régions<br />

de l'Afrique<br />

RG Proche-Orient / Moyen-Orient et<br />

Afrique du Nord<br />

RG00 Régions géographiques<br />

(transnationales) et<br />

organisations du Proche-Orient<br />

/ Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du<br />

Nord<br />

RG00.01 Ligue des États arabes<br />

RG00.02 OPAEP / pays de l'OPAEP<br />

RG00.11 Pays arabes<br />

RG00.12 Monde islamique<br />

RG00.13 Golfe Persique<br />

RG00.14 Kurdistan<br />

RG01 Afrique du Nord<br />

RG01.01 Maghreb<br />

RG01.11 Maroc<br />

RG01.12 Sahara occidental<br />

RG01.13 Algérie<br />

RG01.14 Tunisie<br />

RG01.15 Libye<br />

RG01.<strong>16</strong> Égypte<br />

RG01.17 Soudan<br />

RG02 Arabie de l'Est / Israel<br />

RG02.01 Palestine<br />

RG02.11 Irak<br />

RG02.12 Jordanie<br />

RG02.13 Liban<br />

RG02.14 Syrie<br />

RG02.15 Israel<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> Territoires occupés par Israel<br />

RG02.17 Territoires palestiniens<br />

autonomes<br />

RG03 Péninsule d'Arabie<br />

RG03.01 États du Golfe<br />

RG03.11 Bahrein<br />

RG03.12 Qatar<br />

RG03.13 Koweit<br />

RG03.14 Oman<br />

RG03.15 Arabie Saoudite<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> Yémen<br />

RG03.17 Émirats Arabes Unis<br />

RG04 Asie de l'Ouest<br />

RG04.01 Afghanistan<br />

RG04.02 Iran<br />

RG04.03 Pakistan<br />

RH Asie (entière)<br />

RH01 Organisations asiatiques<br />

RH01.01 CEAP<br />

RH02 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie<br />

RH02.01 Région de l'Himalaya<br />

RH02.02 Cachemire<br />

RH02.03 Triangle d'or<br />

RI Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI01 Asie du Sud<br />

RI01.01 ASACR / pays de l'ASACR<br />

RI01.11 Bangladesh<br />

RI01.12 Bhoutan<br />

RI01.13 Inde<br />

RI01.14 Maldives<br />

RI01.15 Népal<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> Sri Lanka<br />

RI02 Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.01 Régions géographiques de<br />

l'Asie du Sud-Est<br />

RI02.02 ANASE / pays de l'ANASE<br />

RI02.03 Indochine<br />

RI02.11 Brunei<br />

RI02.12 Indonésie<br />

RI02.13 Malaysie<br />

RI02.14 Philippines<br />

RI02.15 Singapour<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> Thailande<br />

RI02.21 Cambodge<br />

RI02.22 Laos<br />

RI02.23 Vietnam<br />

RI02.31 Myanmar (Birmanie)<br />

RI02.32 Timor oriental<br />

RI03 Asie orientale<br />

RI03.01 Chine<br />

RI03.02 Taiwan<br />

RI03.03 République populaire de Chine<br />

RI03.05 Hong Kong (depuis 1997)<br />

RI03.11 Corée<br />

RI03.12 Corée du Nord<br />

RI03.13 Corée du Sud<br />

I. Classification régionale<br />

RI03.21 Hong Kong<br />

RI03.22 Japon<br />

RI03.23 Macao<br />

RI03.31 Mongolie<br />

RI03.32 Partie extrême orientale de la<br />

Fédération russe / de l'Union<br />

soviétique<br />

RI04 Autres régions de l'Asie<br />

RJ Océanie<br />

RJ01 Organsiations du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ02 Australie / Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ02.01 Australie<br />

RJ02.02 Nouvelle-Zélande<br />

RJ03 Iles du Pacifique Sud<br />

RJ04 Mélanésie<br />

RJ04.01 Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée<br />

RJ04.02 Autres îles mélanésiennes sans<br />

Papouasie<br />

RJ05 Micronésie<br />

RJ05.01 Iles micronésiennes<br />

RJ06 Polynésie<br />

RJ06.01 Iles polynésiennes<br />

RK Antarctique<br />

RL Océans / Régions<br />

transcontinentales<br />

RL01 Océan Atlantique<br />

RL02 Océan Indien<br />

RL03 Océan Pacifique / Région<br />

pacifique<br />

RL04 Méditerranée / région<br />

méditerranéenne<br />

RL05 Région de la mer Noire<br />

RL06 Mer Caspienne<br />

RL07 Arctique<br />

RM Organisations internationales<br />

RM01 Nations Unies<br />

RM02 Organisations spéciales du<br />

système des Nations Unies<br />

RM03 Autres organisations<br />

gouvernementales internationales<br />

RM04 Organisations non<br />

gouvernementales<br />

RN Pays développés<br />

RN01 Pays occidentaux<br />

RN02 OCDE / pays OCDE<br />

RN03 Pays socialistes<br />

RO Pays en voie de développement<br />

RO01 Groupe des 77<br />

RO02 Pays non-alignés<br />

RO03 OPEP / pays OPEP<br />

RO04 pays ACP<br />

RP Autres groupes de pays /<br />

régions<br />

RP01 Pays francophones<br />

RQ Universel<br />

RR Espace<br />

RS Sans aspect régional<br />

Current Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> xv <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1 Kramer, Heinz; Reinkowski, Maurus: Die Türkei und Europa :<br />

eine wechselhafte Beziehungsgeschichte / Heinz Kramer ;<br />

Maurus Reinkowski. - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, <strong>2008</strong>. - 213 S.,<br />

Kt., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>1-190 - ISBN 978-3-17-0<strong>18</strong>474-9<br />

DGAP D 852<strong>30</strong>7 DGAP: DG 47283 IFA: 28/728 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

2 Spenlen, Jeanette: Women in Islam between oppression and<br />

(self-)empowerment / text: Jeanette Spenlen. - Berlin:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 75 S., Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/akademie/berlin/05438.pdf<br />

IFA D 852502 IFA: Cb28/457 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

3 Gatti, Fabrizio: Bilal sur la route des clandestins (Orig.: Bilal: il<br />

mio viaggio da infiltrato nel mercato dei nuovi schiavi) / Fabrizio<br />

Gatti. Traduit de l'italien par Jean-Luc Defromont. - Paris: Liana<br />

Levi, <strong>2008</strong>. - 478 S., Ill., Kt. - ISBN 978-2-86746-479-9<br />

GIGA D 852368 IAA: AFR-G/32 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

4 Grimm, Veronika; Ockenfels, Axel; Zoettl, Gregor: Ein<br />

Vergleich ausgewählter europäischer Strombörsen / Veronika<br />

Grimm ; Axel Ockenfels ; Gregor Zoettl. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Energiewirtschaft (Wiesbaden), 32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. <strong>16</strong>2-170, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 170<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>60 SWP: Y. 568 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

5 Riecke, Henning: Eine europäische Angelegenheit : EU und<br />

NATO im Südkaukasus / Henning Riecke. - Berlin: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S., Ill. -<br />

(DGAP-Standpunkt; <strong>2008</strong>, No. 15)<br />

http://www.dgap.org/publikationen/view/1dd831df0aae072831d1<br />

1dd93568720e381cac4cac4.html<br />

DGAP D 851707 DGAP: DG B01335z<br />


SA03 Politics<br />

6 Die EU-Staaten im Vergleich : Strukturen, Prozesse,<br />

Politikinhalte / Oscar W. Gabriel ... (Hrsg.) - 3., aktual. und<br />

erw. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 739 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-531-42282-4<br />

DGAP D 851785 DGAP: DG 33485.A3<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

7 Aliboni, Roberto: The Union for the Mediterranean : A view<br />

from Southern Europe / by Roberto Aliboni. - Roma: Istituto<br />

Affari Internazionali, <strong>2008</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documenti IAI;<br />

IAI0802)<br />

http://www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iai0802.pdf<br />

SWP D 851717<br />

8 Becker, Jens: The European Union and the western Balkans /<br />

Jens Becker. - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and<br />

Social Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 7-27, Lit. S. 25-27<br />

DIE D 852220 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

9 Bertram, Christoph: Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to<br />

cooperation / Christoph Bertram. - Paris: Institute for Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S. - (Chaillot Papers; No. 110)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Partner, nicht Gegner: für eine<br />

andere Iran-Politik; ein Standpunkt von Christoph Bertram. Hrsg.<br />

von Roger de Weck. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/cp110.pdf<br />

SWP D 851972 DGAP: DG B01452v<br />


10 Crespy, Amandine: Dissent over the European constitutional<br />

treaty within the French socialist party : between response to<br />

anti-globalization protest and intra-party tactics / Amandine<br />

Crespy. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 23-44, Lit. S. 43-44<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>6 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

11 Erdle, Steffen: Die Vernetzung von Städten, Gemeinden und<br />

Regionen im Mittelmeerraum : Optionen und Perspektiven für<br />

die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der<br />

EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik / Steffen Erdle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 7-42,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852689 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

12 EU-Africa Ministerial Meeting 10. (Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>-09-<strong>16</strong>) ;<br />

10th Africa-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting : Brussels, <strong>16</strong><br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> ; communiqué / Council of the European Union.<br />

- Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 22 S. - (13121/08(Presse260))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/102801.pdf<br />

SWP D 852029<br />

13 European Union - Nigeria Ministerial Troika Meeting, <strong>2008</strong><br />

(Ljubljana, <strong>2008</strong>-05-20) ; Nigeria-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting,<br />

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20 May <strong>2008</strong> : joint communiqué / Council of<br />

the European Union. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 13 S. -<br />

(9721/08(Presse137))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/100531.pdf<br />

SWP D 851709<br />

14 Final communiqué: : Inaugural European Union – Pacific<br />

Islands Forum Ministerial Troika, Brussels, <strong>16</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> /<br />

Council of the European Union. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. -<br />

(13<strong>16</strong>6/08(Presse1<strong>16</strong>))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/102820.pdf<br />

SWP D 852710<br />

15 Japan - European Union : A strategic partnership in the making<br />

- In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles), 60 (2007) 4, S. 1-204, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851769 DGAP: ZD 151 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

<strong>16</strong> Joffe, Josef: Hypermacht und Friedensmacht : die Zukunft der<br />

europäisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen / Josef Joffe. -<br />

Stuttgart: Robert Bosch Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S. - (Europa bauen,<br />

den Wandel gestalten) - ISBN 978-3-939574-07-1<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>45 DFI: YC 950.JOF Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

17 Lannon, Erwan: Towards a Union for the Mediterranean :<br />

progress and challenges in economic and trade relations /<br />

author: Erwan Lannon. - Brussels: European Parliament, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

31 S., Lit., Anh. - (Briefing Paper / European Parliament) -<br />

(EXPO/B/INTA/<strong>2008</strong>/46)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?file=22195<br />

SWP D 852374<br />

<strong>18</strong> Lieber, Robert J.: Transatlantic politics after the <strong>2008</strong> election /<br />

Robert J. Lieber. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Analyses of the Royal Institute; 101/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/USA-Trans<br />

atlantic+Dialogue/ARI101-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 8526<strong>18</strong><br />

19 Manea, Maria-Gabriela: Human rights and the interregional<br />

dialogue between Asia and Europe : ASEAN-EU relations and<br />

ASEM / Maria-Gabriela Manea. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 369-396, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852094 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 1 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

20 Melvin, Neil J.: Engaging Central Asia: The European Union’s<br />

new strategy in the heart of Eurasia / ed. by Neil J. Melvin.<br />

Contributors: Bhavna Dave ... Centre for European Policy<br />

Studies Brussels - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 196 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-92-9079-707-4<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=<strong>16</strong>62<br />

SWP D 851727<br />

21 Priebe, Reinhard: Beitrittsperspektive und<br />

Verfassungsreformen in den Ländern des Westlichen Balkans /<br />

Reinhard Priebe. - In: Europarecht (Baden-Baden), 43 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>1-319, Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>94 SWP: X.00250 OSI: Zv 623 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>4 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

22 Schilling, Walter: Russlands Machtpolitik und die Europäische<br />

Union / Walter Schilling. - In: Liberal (Berlin), 50 (<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 47-51<br />

DGAP D 851798 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432<br />

Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

23 Seliger, Bernhard: The EU and North Korea : more than<br />

'funding the bill'? / Bernhard Seliger. - In: The Journal of East<br />

Asian Affairs (Seoul), 22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 79-98, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851787 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

24 Stewart, Susan: Ein neues EU-Russland-Abkommen :<br />

Sicherheitsfragen dürfen Energiethemen nicht untergeordnet<br />

werden / Susan Stewart. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 59/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5085<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

25 Szabó, Kinga Tibori: Libya and the EU / Kinga Tibori Szabo. -<br />

Budapest: Center for EU Enlargement Studies, Central<br />

European University, 2006. - 33 S., Kt., Lit. S. 28-29 -<br />

ISBN 963-87245-6-0<br />

http://web.ceu.hu/cens/assets/files/libya<br />

GIGA D 852031<br />

26 Willer, Hildegard: Investitions- und anderes Klima : der<br />

EU-Lateinamerika-Gipfel und die Gegenaktivitäten in Lima /<br />

Hildegard Willer. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>, S. 54-55<br />

GIGA D 8517<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

27 Zulueta-Fülscher, Kimana: Elections and European<br />

Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia / Kimana Zulueta-Fülscher. -<br />

Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab. - (FRIDE Comment)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/COM_Armenia_Elec_ENG_jun08.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852<strong>16</strong>1<br />

SB03 International law<br />

28 Höreth, Marcus: Warum ist der EuGH mächtig? Strategien der<br />

Streitschlichtung als "endogener" Erklärungsansatz / Marcus<br />

Höreth. - In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden),<br />

<strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 233-255, Lit. S. 252-255<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>67 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

29 Huber, Peter M.: Die gleiche Freiheit der Unionsbürger : zu den<br />

unterschiedlichen Perspektiven von unionalem und nationalem<br />

Recht / Peter M. Huber. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches<br />

öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>7-326, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851933 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>30</strong> Thiele, Carmen: Sanktionen gegen EG-Mitgliedstaaten zur<br />

Durchsetzung von Europäischem Gemeinschaftsrecht : das<br />

Sanktionsverfahren nach Art. 228 Abs. 2 EG / Carmen Thiele. -<br />

In: Europarecht (Baden-Baden), 43 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 320-344, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>95 SWP: X.00250 OSI: Zv 623 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>4 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

31 Tomuschat, Christian: Gleichheit in der Europäischen Union /<br />

Christian Tomuschat. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches<br />

öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 327-346, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851936 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

32 Aldama, Juan Alonso: Le "non" au référendum français : les<br />

effets pervers de la menace dans la communication politique /<br />

Juan Alonso Aldama. - In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la<br />

communication politique et l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J.<br />

Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007, S. 175-<strong>18</strong>2, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852629 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

33 Ashbrook, John: Buying and selling the Istrian goat : Istrian<br />

regionalism, Croatian nationalism, and EU enlargement / John<br />

Ashbrook. - New York/N.Y. ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - 157 S. -<br />

(Regionalism and Federalism; No. 13) -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5201-391-6<br />

SOI D 852327 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.1038-13<br />

34 Boudewijn, Rob; Emmanouilidis, Janis A.: How to proceed<br />

after the Irish "no" / by Rob Boudewijn & Janis A. Emmanouilidis.<br />

- Den Haag: Netherlands Institute of International Relations<br />

'Clingendael', <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. - (Clingendael Commentary)<br />

http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/<strong>2008</strong>/<strong>2008</strong>0709_clingenda<br />

el_commentary_005.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>47<br />

35 Chronique d'un "non" annoncé : la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe ; (juin 2004-mai 2005) / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 237 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Communication et civilisation) - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852034 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

36 Claude, Gérard: La Turquie et l'Europe : l'histoire d'un<br />

"désamour" / par Gérard Claude. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient<br />

(Paris), (juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 91, S. 117-132, Lit. S. 131-132<br />

GIGA D 852578 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

37 Cohen-Tanugi, Laurent: Une stratégie européenne pour la<br />

mondialisation : Euromonde 2015 ; rapport en vue de la<br />

Présidence française du Conseil de l'Union européenne /<br />

Laurent Cohen-Tanugi. - Paris: O. Jacob, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,331 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 251-256 -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7381-2<strong>18</strong>1-3<br />

http://www.euromonde2015.eu/IMG/pdf/RAPPORT_EUROMON<br />

DE_2015.pdf<br />

DFI D 851902 DFI: YC 150.COH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

38 Cuillé, Anne: Quelles solidarités européennes faut-il renforcer<br />

face aux défis de la mondialisation? / avis du Conseil<br />

économique et social présenté par Anne Cuillé, rapporteur au<br />

nom de la section des relations extérieures. - Paris: CES, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

80 S., Lit. S. 77-78 - (Journal officiel de la République française:<br />

Avis et rapports du Conseil Economique et Social; (<strong>2008</strong>) 11)<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/084000242/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>92 DFI: YC 150.CUI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

39 Ertugal, Ebru: Conflicts and contradictions in Turkey's<br />

adaptation to multi-level governance in the EU : The role of<br />

Ottoman legacy in Turkey's present-day regional governance /<br />

Ebru Ertugal. - In: Europe and the historical legacies in the<br />

Balkans / Raymond Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple Europes; 40), S. 157-170 -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851911 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

40 Gros, Daniel; Kurpas, Sebastian: What next? How to save the<br />

Treaty of Lisbon / Daniel Gros & Sebastian Kurpas. - Brussels:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (CEPS Policy<br />

Brief; No. <strong>16</strong>3)<br />

http://www.euractiv.com/29/images/what%20next%20pdf_tcm29-<br />

173704.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>61 DGAP: DG B01452k<br />

41 The Netherlands and European development policy /<br />

Advisory Council on International Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

56 S. - (AIV; No. 60)<br />

DGAP D 852355 DGAP: DG B01452i<br />

42 Post Lisbon Treaty referendum research findings :<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> / Millward Brown IMS. - Dublin, <strong>2008</strong>. - 27,<br />

[ca.14] S., Tab.<br />

http://www.foreignaffairs.gov.ie/uploads/documents/Publications/<br />

Post%20Lisbon%20Treaty%20Referendum%20Research%20Fi<br />

ndings/final%20-%20post%20lisbon%20treaty%20referendum%<br />

20research%20findings.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>70 DGAP: DG B01452m<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 2 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

43 La présidence française de l'Union européenne -<br />

In: Concurrence et consommation (Paris), (juillet-septembre<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. <strong>18</strong>-29, Kt.<br />

DFI D 852322 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

44 Řiháčková, Věra; Seydlitz, Christian von: Václav Klaus and<br />

the Constitutional Treaty : Czech Euroscepsis or Eurorealism? /<br />

Věra Řiháčková ; Christian von Seydlitz. - Praha: Institut pro<br />

Evropskou Politiku, 2007. - 21 S., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>-21<br />

http://www.europeum.org/doc/pdf/883.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>72 DGAP: DG B01452r<br />

45 Sanchenko, Alevtyna: Ukraine's European integration -<br />

strategic goals and prospects of legislative approximation /<br />

Alevtyna Sanchenko. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (München),<br />

49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 11-17<br />

SOI D 851931 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

46 Stehling, Thomas Bernd: Die Debatte in Grossbritannien zum<br />

Vertrag von Lissabon / Thomas Bernd Stehling. - London:<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (Länderbericht /<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftun)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_12783-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>79 DGAP: DG B01452q<br />

47 Thieulin, Benoît; Senèze, Véronique: La campagne française<br />

pour le référendum sur Internet / entretien avec Benoît Thieulin<br />

et Véronique Senèze réalisé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007, S. <strong>18</strong>3-192, Tab. - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852631 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

48 Wagner, Markus: Debating Europe in the French Socialist<br />

Party : The 2004 internal referendum on the EU Constitution /<br />

Markus Wagner. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke),<br />

6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 257-279, Tab., Lit. S. 273-274<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>9 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

49 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

50 Perspectives beyond war and crises? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ; conference<br />

documentation / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut für<br />

Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

124 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852597 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

51 Roy, Sara M.: The role of donor aid in the West Bank and Gaza :<br />

some reflections and recommendations / Sara Roy. -<br />

In: Perspectives beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda<br />

Seewald. Wiener Institut für Internationalen Dialog und<br />

Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>, S. 33-49, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852602 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

52 Erdle, Steffen: Die Vernetzung von Städten, Gemeinden und<br />

Regionen im Mittelmeerraum : Optionen und Perspektiven für<br />

die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der<br />

EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik / Steffen Erdle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 7-42,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852689 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

53 Herz, Dietmar; Jetzlsperger, Christian: Die Europäische<br />

Union / Dietmar Herz ; Christian Jetzlsperger. - 2., völlig<br />

überarb. Aufl. - München: Beck, <strong>2008</strong>. - 144 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Beck'sche Reihe; 2159) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-406-57622-5<br />

DGAP D 852349 DGAP: DG 4<strong>30</strong>37.A2<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

54 Priestley, Julian: Six battles that shaped Europe's Parliament /<br />

by Julian Priestley. - London: Harper, <strong>2008</strong>. - XXIX, 221 S., Reg.<br />

- ISBN 978-0-9556202-3-2<br />

SWP D 851984 SWP: A.08/0315<br />

55 Tóth, Erika: National cultures and European identity : The<br />

process of engrenage among European Commision civil<br />

servants / Erika Tóth. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),<br />

29 (December 2007) 3, S. 413-431, Tab., Lit. S. 431<br />

SWP D 852668 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

56 Werts, Jan: The European Council / by Jan Werts. - London:<br />

Harper, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIX, 280 S., Reg., Lit. S. 238-251, Anh.<br />

S. 211-237 - ISBN 978-0-9556202-1-8<br />

SWP D 851978 SWP: A.08/03<strong>18</strong><br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

57 Middleton, Roger; Vines, Alex: Options for the EU to support<br />

the African peace and security architecture : study / authors:<br />

Alex Vines ; Roger Middleton. - Brussels: European Parliament,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 45 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. -<br />

(EP/EXPO/B/AFET/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/13)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/1<strong>16</strong>37_0508eu_africa.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852237<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

58 Umbach, Frank: Asian-European relations : more security<br />

through inter- and transnational relations? / Frank Umbach. - In:<br />

Asian-European relations: building blocks for global governance?<br />

/ Ed. by Jürgen Rüland ... - London ...: Routledge, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

(Routledge Contemporary Asia Series; 4), S. 114-142, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 138-142 - ISBN 0-415-45057-8<br />

DGAP D 851762 DGAP: DG 47236 DIE: 01KB001 IAS:<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

59 Bendiek, Annegret; Bringmann, Oliver: Athena und die<br />

Finanzierung der militärischen ESVP / Annegret Bendiek ; Oliver<br />

Bringmann. - In: Militärische Aspekte der Europäischen<br />

Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik im Lichte der deutschen<br />

EU-Ratspräsidentschaft / Franco Algieri ... (Hrsg.). - Bremen: Ed.<br />

Temmen, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Schriftenreihe des Wissenschaftlichen<br />

Forums für Internationale Sicherheit; Bd. 26), S. 102-113, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 112-113 - ISBN 978-3-86108-977-3<br />

Außerdem erschienen als: SWP-Diskussionspapier; FG2-DP<br />

05/<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>43 SWP: AA D85<strong>16</strong>43<br />

60 Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the<br />

Congo / James Dobbins ... - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 344 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4138-8<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG722.pdf<br />

SWP D 851729<br />

61 Gänzle, Stefan; Grimm, Sven: Den Afrikanern kämpfen helfen /<br />

von Stefan Gänzle und Sven Grimm. - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 28-<strong>30</strong>, Ill.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>82 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>8 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

62 La Brosse, Guillaume de: Frankreich und die Europäische<br />

Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik : die Ambivalenz<br />

Frankreichs zur ESVP : eine ESVP mit oder ohne die NATO? /<br />

Guillaume de La Brosse. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verl. Müller, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 99 S., Lit. S. 89-99 - ISBN 978-3-639-0<strong>16</strong>04-8<br />

DFI D 852645 DFI: YG 470.LAB Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

63 Bertram, Christoph: Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to<br />

cooperation / Christoph Bertram. - Paris: Institute for Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S. - (Chaillot Papers; No. 110)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Partner, nicht Gegner: für eine<br />

andere Iran-Politik; ein Standpunkt von Christoph Bertram. Hrsg.<br />

von Roger de Weck. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/cp110.pdf<br />

SWP D 851972 DGAP: DG B01452v<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 3 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

64 Holpp, Wolfgang: New AESA-radar to enhance combat<br />

effectiveness of Eurofighter / Wolfgang Holpp. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 46-47, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852737 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

65 Daugbjerg, Carsten: Ideas in two-level games : The EC-United<br />

States dispute over agriculture in the GATT Uruguay Round /<br />

Carsten Daugbjerg. - In: Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 1266-1289,<br />

Lit. S. 1287-1289<br />

DIE D 852106 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

66 Kerber, Wolfgang; Bergh, Roger van den: Mutual recognition<br />

revisited : misunderstandings, inconsistencies, and a suggested<br />

reinterpretation / Wolfgang Kerber and Roger van den Bergh. -<br />

In: Kyklos (Oxford), 61 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 447-465, Lit. S. 463-465<br />

DIE D 852071 DIE: ZF008 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

67 Cohen, Benjamin J.; Subacchi, Paola: Is the euro ready for<br />

'prime time'? / Benjamin J. Cohen and Paola Subacchi. - London:<br />

Chatham House, <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S: - (Briefing Paper / Chatham House;<br />

IEP BP 08/03)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/11792_bp0708euro.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852260 DGAP: DG B01452d<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

68 Erixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas; Legault Tremblay,<br />

Pierre-Olivier: Die EU, China und die Drohungen des<br />

Protektionismus / Fredrik Erixon, Andreas Freytag und<br />

Pierre-Olivier Legault Tremblay. - In: Liberal (Berlin),<br />

50 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 52-56, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851799 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432<br />

Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

69 Khatibi, Arastou: Kazakhstan's revealed comparative<br />

advantage vis-a-vis the EU-27 / Arastou Khatibi. - Brussels:<br />

European Centre for International Political Economy, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

12 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ECIPE Working Paper;<br />

No. 03/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.ecipe.org/publications/ecipe-policy-briefs/kazakhstan2<br />

019s-revealed-comparative-advantage-vis-a-vis-the-eu-27/PDF<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>97<br />

70 Lannon, Erwan: Towards a Union for the Mediterranean :<br />

progress and challenges in economic and trade relations /<br />

author: Erwan Lannon. - Brussels: European Parliament, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

31 S., Lit., Anh. - (Briefing Paper / European Parliament) -<br />

(EXPO/B/INTA/<strong>2008</strong>/46)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?file=22195<br />

SWP D 852374<br />

71 Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Junior partner Canada : transatlantic<br />

trade relations under Germany's EU presidency / Stormy-Annika<br />

Mildner. - In: International Journal (Toronto), 63 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 646-663, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5275<br />

SWP D 852015 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

72 Belderbos, René A.; Lykogianni, Elissavet; Veugelers,<br />

Reinhilde: Strategic R&D location in European manufacturing<br />

industries / René Belderbos, Elissavet Lykogianni and Reinhilde<br />

Veugelers. - In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg),<br />

144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>3-206, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 204-206<br />

DIE D 852513 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

73 Gänzle, Stefan; Grimm, Sven: Den Afrikanern kämpfen helfen /<br />

von Stefan Gänzle und Sven Grimm. - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 28-<strong>30</strong>, Ill.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>82 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>8 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

74 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

75 The Netherlands and European development policy /<br />

Advisory Council on International Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

56 S. - (AIV; No. 60)<br />

DGAP D 852355 DGAP: DG B01452i<br />

76 Perspectives beyond war and crises? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ; conference<br />

documentation / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut für<br />

Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

124 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852597 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

77 Roy, Sara M.: The role of donor aid in the West Bank and Gaza :<br />

some reflections and recommendations / Sara Roy. -<br />

In: Perspectives beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda<br />

Seewald. Wiener Institut für Internationalen Dialog und<br />

Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>, S. 33-49, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852602 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

78 Jehan, Aude: La culture au sein de l'Union européenne : objet<br />

politique non identifié / Aude Jehan. - Genève: Institut Européen<br />

de l'Université de Genève, <strong>2008</strong>. - 1<strong>18</strong> S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 107-1<strong>18</strong> - (Euryopa: Etudes; Vol 54-<strong>2008</strong>) -- Genève,<br />

Univ., Mémoire, 2007<br />

http://www.unige.ch/ieug/publications/euryopa/jehan-fin.pdf<br />

DFI D 851988 DFI: YC 470.JEH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

79 Comenius-Schulbildung: Mobilität eröffnet Chancen :<br />

europäische Erfolgsgeschichten / GD Bildung und Kultur. -<br />

Luxemburg: Amt für Amtl. Veröff. der Europ. Gemeinschaften,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S., Ill., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-79-07768-5<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/comenius/mo<br />

bility_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 852481 IFA: Cb28/459 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

80 Grundtvig-Erwachsenenbildung: Mobilität eröffnet<br />

Chancen : europäische Erfolgsgeschichten / GD Bildung und<br />

Kultur. - Luxemburg: Amt für Amtl. Veröff. der Europ.<br />

Gemeinschaften, <strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-92-79-07764-7<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/grundtvig/mob<br />

ility_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 852484 IFA: Cb28/458 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

81 Leonardo da Vinci: Mobilität eröffnet Chancen : erfolgreiche<br />

europäische Projekte / GD Bildung und Kultur. - Luxemburg: Amt<br />

für Amtl. Veröff. der Europ. Gemeinschaften, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-79-07760-9<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/leonardo/mobi<br />

lity_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 852478 IFA: Cb28/460 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

82 Sprachen und Kulturen in Europa (LACE) : Entwicklung<br />

interkultureller Kompetenzen im<br />

Fremdsprachen-Pflichtunterricht in der Europäischen Union ;<br />

EAC/25/06 - "Studie über die Vermittlung interkultureller<br />

Kompetenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht im<br />

Pflichtschulbereich in der Europäischen Union";<br />

Abschlussbericht, Vertrag Nr. 2006-4583/001-001 SO2 EPAL<br />

vom 14. Dezember 2006 / erstellt von Europublic für die<br />

Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur. - Brüssel, 2007. - 65 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/archive/doc/lace_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 852<strong>30</strong>8 IFA: Cb28/456 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF Government<br />

83 Barker, Philip W.: Religious nationalism in modern Europe : if<br />

God be for us / Philip W. Barker. - London ...: Routledge, 2009<br />

[i.e. <strong>2008</strong>]. - XIII, 210 S., Reg., Lit. S. 195-202 - (Routledge<br />

Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity) - ISBN 0-415-77514-0<br />

SWP D 851977 SWP: A.08/0313<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 4 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

84 Dionisi-Peyrusse, Amélie: Essai sur une nouvelle conception<br />

de la nationalité / Amélie Dionisi-Peyrusse. Préface de Patrick<br />

Courbe. - Paris: Defrénois, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIV,436 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 389-419 - (Doctorat et Notariat; Tome 31) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-85623-148-7 -- Zugl.: Rouen, Univ., Thèse, 2005<br />

DFI D 852035 DFI: VB 575.DIO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

85 Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the<br />

Congo / James Dobbins ... - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 344 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4138-8<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG722.pdf<br />

SWP D 851729<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

86 Priebe, Reinhard: Beitrittsperspektive und<br />

Verfassungsreformen in den Ländern des Westlichen Balkans /<br />

Reinhard Priebe. - In: Europarecht (Baden-Baden), 43 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>1-319, Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>94 SWP: X.00250 OSI: Zv 623 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>4 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

87 Kraus, Peter A.: A union of diversity : language, identity and<br />

polity-building in Europe / Peter A. Kraus. - Cambridge ...:<br />

Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIV, 229 S., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 199-2<strong>16</strong> - (Themes in European Governance) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-67672-4<br />

SWP D 851983 SWP: A.08/03<strong>16</strong><br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

88 Manea, Maria-Gabriela: Human rights and the interregional<br />

dialogue between Asia and Europe : ASEAN-EU relations and<br />

ASEM / Maria-Gabriela Manea. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 369-396, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852094 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

89 Crespy, Amandine: Dissent over the European constitutional<br />

treaty within the French socialist party : between response to<br />

anti-globalization protest and intra-party tactics / Amandine<br />

Crespy. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 23-44, Lit. S. 43-44<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>6 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

90 Les gauches en Europe - In: La Revue socialiste (Paris), (juillet<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 31, S. 1-112, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852721 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

91 Wagner, Markus: Debating Europe in the French Socialist<br />

Party : The 2004 internal referendum on the EU Constitution /<br />

Markus Wagner. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke),<br />

6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 257-279, Tab., Lit. S. 273-274<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>9 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

92 Lieber, Robert J.: Transatlantic politics after the <strong>2008</strong> election /<br />

Robert J. Lieber. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Analyses of the Royal Institute; 101/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/USA-Trans<br />

atlantic+Dialogue/ARI101-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 8526<strong>18</strong><br />

93 Zulueta-Fülscher, Kimana: Elections and European<br />

Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia / Kimana Zulueta-Fülscher. -<br />

Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab. - (FRIDE Comment)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/COM_Armenia_Elec_ENG_jun08.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852<strong>16</strong>1<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

94 Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the<br />

Congo / James Dobbins ... - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 344 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4138-8<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG722.pdf<br />

SWP D 851729<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

95 Ashbrook, John: Buying and selling the Istrian goat : Istrian<br />

regionalism, Croatian nationalism, and EU enlargement / John<br />

Ashbrook. - New York/N.Y. ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - 157 S. -<br />

(Regionalism and Federalism; No. 13) -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5201-391-6<br />

SOI D 852327 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.1038-13<br />

SF10 Law<br />

96 Badura, Peter: Gleiche Freiheit im Verhältnis zwischen<br />

Privaten : die verfassungsrechtliche Problematik der Umsetzung<br />

der EG-Diskriminierungsrichtlinien in Deutschland / Peter<br />

Badura. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 347-358, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851937 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

97 Höreth, Marcus: Warum ist der EuGH mächtig? Strategien der<br />

Streitschlichtung als "endogener" Erklärungsansatz / Marcus<br />

Höreth. - In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden),<br />

<strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 233-255, Lit. S. 252-255<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>67 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

98 Huber, Peter M.: Die gleiche Freiheit der Unionsbürger : zu den<br />

unterschiedlichen Perspektiven von unionalem und nationalem<br />

Recht / Peter M. Huber. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches<br />

öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>7-326, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851933 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

99 Sanchenko, Alevtyna: Ukraine's European integration -<br />

strategic goals and prospects of legislative approximation /<br />

Alevtyna Sanchenko. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (München),<br />

49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 11-17<br />

SOI D 851931 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

100 Héran, François; Le Bras, Hervé: L'avenir demographique de<br />

l'Europe : Notes de synthèse préparées pour l'audition du 28 Mai<br />

<strong>2008</strong> ; (IP/A/EMPL/IC/<strong>2008</strong>-32 et 33) / autheurs: François<br />

Héran ; Hervé Le Bras. - Bruxelles: European Parliament, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 65 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (IP/A/EMPL/NT/<strong>2008</strong>-04)<br />

SWP D 852773<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

101 Künnecke, Arndt: Eine Hürde auf dem Weg zur<br />

EU-Mitgliedschaft? Der unterschiedliche Minderheitenbegriff der<br />

EU und der Türkei / Arndt Künnecke. - Hamburg: Dr. Kovač,<br />

2007. - XXIX, 297 S., Kt., Lit. S. 257-297 - (Schriften zur<br />

Europapolitik; Bd. 7) - ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3123-9 -- Zugl.:<br />

Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2007<br />

SWP D 8522<strong>16</strong> SWP: A.08/0325<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

102 Drake, Helen; Collard, Susan: A case study of intra-EU<br />

migration : 20 years of "Brits" in the Pays d'Auge, Normandy,<br />

France / Helen Drake and Susan Collard. - In: French Politics<br />

(Basingstoke), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 214-233, Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 232-233<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>4 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

103 Grundtvig-Erwachsenenbildung: Mobilität eröffnet<br />

Chancen : europäische Erfolgsgeschichten / GD Bildung und<br />

Kultur. - Luxemburg: Amt für Amtl. Veröff. der Europ.<br />

Gemeinschaften, <strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-92-79-07764-7<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/grundtvig/mob<br />

ility_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 852484 IFA: Cb28/458 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 5 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

104 Sprachen und Kulturen in Europa (LACE) : Entwicklung<br />

interkultureller Kompetenzen im<br />

Fremdsprachen-Pflichtunterricht in der Europäischen Union ;<br />

EAC/25/06 - "Studie über die Vermittlung interkultureller<br />

Kompetenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht im<br />

Pflichtschulbereich in der Europäischen Union";<br />

Abschlussbericht, Vertrag Nr. 2006-4583/001-001 SO2 EPAL<br />

vom 14. Dezember 2006 / erstellt von Europublic für die<br />

Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur. - Brüssel, 2007. - 65 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/archive/doc/lace_de.pdf<br />

IFA D 852<strong>30</strong>8 IFA: Cb28/456 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

105 Aldama, Juan Alonso: Le "non" au référendum français : les<br />

effets pervers de la menace dans la communication politique /<br />

Juan Alonso Aldama. - In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la<br />

communication politique et l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J.<br />

Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007, S. 175-<strong>18</strong>2, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852629 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

106 Chronique d'un "non" annoncé : la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe ; (juin 2004-mai 2005) / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 237 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Communication et civilisation) - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852034 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

107 Thieulin, Benoît; Senèze, Véronique: La campagne française<br />

pour le référendum sur Internet / entretien avec Benoît Thieulin<br />

et Véronique Senèze réalisé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007, S. <strong>18</strong>3-192, Tab. - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852631 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

108 Tóth, Erika: National cultures and European identity : The<br />

process of engrenage among European Commision civil<br />

servants / Erika Tóth. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),<br />

29 (December 2007) 3, S. 413-431, Tab., Lit. S. 431<br />

SWP D 852668 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

109 Les médias à l'ère du numérique : réflexions<br />

franco-allemandes pour l'Europe / sous la dir. d'Isabelle<br />

Bourgeois. - Cergy-Pontoise: Centre d'Information et de<br />

Recherche sur l'Allemagne Contemporaine, <strong>2008</strong>. - 151 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 147-151 - (Travaux et Documents du CIRAC) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-9055<strong>18</strong>-36-1<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>40 DFI: VF 210.MED Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

110 Noije, Lonneke van; Kleinnijenhuis, Jan; Oegema, Dirk:<br />

Loss of parliamentary control due to mediatization and<br />

Europeanization : A longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of<br />

agenda building in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands /<br />

Lonneke van Noije ; Jan Kleinnijenhuis ; Dirk Oegema. -<br />

In: British Journal of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 455-478, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851715 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

111 Kraus, Peter A.: A union of diversity : language, identity and<br />

polity-building in Europe / Peter A. Kraus. - Cambridge ...:<br />

Cambridge Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIV, 229 S., Tab., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 199-2<strong>16</strong> - (Themes in European Governance) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-521-67672-4<br />

SWP D 851983 SWP: A.08/03<strong>16</strong><br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

112 Barker, Philip W.: Religious nationalism in modern Europe : if<br />

God be for us / Philip W. Barker. - London ...: Routledge, 2009<br />

[i.e. <strong>2008</strong>]. - XIII, 210 S., Reg., Lit. S. 195-202 - (Routledge<br />

Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity) - ISBN 0-415-77514-0<br />

SWP D 851977 SWP: A.08/0313<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

113 The European Union : <strong>2008</strong> ; IEA energy policies review /<br />

International Energy Agency. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. - 217 S., zahlr. graph.<br />

Darst. u. Tab., Anh. S. 199-217 - ISBN 978-92-64-04337-4<br />

SWP D 852017 SWP: A.08/0321<br />

114 Kerber, Wolfgang; Bergh, Roger van den: Mutual recognition<br />

revisited : misunderstandings, inconsistencies, and a suggested<br />

reinterpretation / Wolfgang Kerber and Roger van den Bergh. -<br />

In: Kyklos (Oxford), 61 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 447-465, Lit. S. 463-465<br />

DIE D 852071 DIE: ZF008 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

115 Sectoral systems of innovation : concepts, issues and<br />

analyses of six major sectors in Europe / ed. by Franco Malerba.<br />

- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2004. - XVI, 519 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-521-83321-3<br />

DIE D 852295 DIE: 08PA004 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1<strong>16</strong> Les tendances de l'emploi en France et en Europe à la<br />

mi-<strong>2008</strong> / Coe-Rexecode. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. - 41 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Document de travail / Coe-Rexecode; n° 4)<br />

http://www.coe-rexecode.fr/index.jsv<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>58 DFI: FO 150.TEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

117 Brunekreeft, Gert: Eigentumsentflechtung, deep-ISO, der dritte<br />

Weg : wohin führt die Reise der Europäischen Energiemärkte? /<br />

Gert Brunekreeft. - In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft<br />

(Wiesbaden), 32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 177-<strong>18</strong>6, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>5-<strong>18</strong>6<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>61 SWP: Y. 568 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1<strong>18</strong> The European Union : <strong>2008</strong> ; IEA energy policies review /<br />

International Energy Agency. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. - 217 S., zahlr. graph.<br />

Darst. u. Tab., Anh. S. 199-217 - ISBN 978-92-64-04337-4<br />

SWP D 852017 SWP: A.08/0321<br />

119 Quelle politique de l'énergie pour l'Union européenne?<br />

entre les compétences des Etats et le fonctionnement des<br />

marchés, quelle peur être la place d'une politique européenne<br />

de l'énergie? - Paris: Institut Montaigne, 2007. - 107 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Rapport / Institut Montaigne)<br />

http://www.institutmontaigne.org/medias/rapport_energie_interne<br />

t.pdf<br />

DFI D 852121 DFI: YC 860.QUE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

120 Smith, Keith C.: Corruption, not dependency is the risk to<br />

Western Europe from Russian energy trade / Keith C. Smith. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070708_eu-russia_energy_c<br />

orruption.pdf<br />

SWP D 851703<br />

121 Umbach, Frank: Herausforderungen der globalen<br />

Energiesicherheit für Deutschland und Europa / Frank Umbach.<br />

- In: Powered by? Szenarien nachhaltiger Energienutzung / hrsg.<br />

von Gudrun Tegeder. [Bischöfliche Studienförderung<br />

Cusanuswerk]. - Bonn, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Schriften des Cusanuswerks;<br />

<strong>18</strong>), S. 87-100, Tab.<br />

DGAP D 852227 DGAP: DG 47278<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

122 Daugbjerg, Carsten: Ideas in two-level games : The EC-United<br />

States dispute over agriculture in the GATT Uruguay Round /<br />

Carsten Daugbjerg. - In: Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 1266-1289,<br />

Lit. S. 1287-1289<br />

DIE D 852106 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

123 Palpacuer, Florence; Tozanli, Selma: Changing governance<br />

patterns in European food chains : The rise of a new divide<br />

between global players and regional producers / Florence<br />

Palpacuer and Selma Tozanli. - In: Transnational Corporations<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 69-97, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 91-93<br />

DIE D 852521 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 6 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

124 Sectoral systems of innovation : concepts, issues and<br />

analyses of six major sectors in Europe / ed. by Franco Malerba.<br />

- Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2004. - XVI, 519 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 0-521-83321-3<br />

DIE D 852295 DIE: 08PA004 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

125 Belderbos, René A.; Lykogianni, Elissavet; Veugelers,<br />

Reinhilde: Strategic R&D location in European manufacturing<br />

industries / René Belderbos, Elissavet Lykogianni and Reinhilde<br />

Veugelers. - In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg),<br />

144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>3-206, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 204-206<br />

DIE D 852513 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA01.02 NATO<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

126 Can NATO survive Afghanistan? - In: Swords and<br />

Ploughshares (Champaign/Ill.), <strong>16</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-21,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.acdis.uiuc.edu/Research/S&Ps/S&P-su<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

127 Can NATO survive Afghanistan? - In: Swords and<br />

Ploughshares (Champaign/Ill.), <strong>16</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-21,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.acdis.uiuc.edu/Research/S&Ps/S&P-su<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

128 Dubinsky, Gregory: Kiss NATO goodbye? / by Gregory<br />

Dubinsky. - Praha ...: Transitions Online, <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. -<br />

(Transitions Online ; 13 August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=282&NrSection=4&NrArticle=19841&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 851954<br />

129 Olshausen, Klaus: Der "Westen" und russischer<br />

Neo-Imperialismus : kann Russland die NATO und die EU<br />

entzweien? / Klaus Olshausen. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 12-13, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852626 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

1<strong>30</strong> Bianchi, Fulvio: Combat engineer equipment revisited / Fulvio<br />

Bianchi. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 28-39,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852733 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

131 Münzner, Karl-Heinz: NAMSA: providing economies of scale<br />

for defence logistics / Karl-Heinz Münzner. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 48-50, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852738 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB03 International law<br />

132 Knoll, Bernhard: Rights without remedies : The European<br />

Court's failure to close the human rights gap in Kosovo /<br />

Bernhard Knoll. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches<br />

Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 431-451, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851942 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SE International cultural relations<br />

133 White paper on intercultural dialogue : "living together as<br />

equals in dignity" ; launched by the Council of Europe MInisters<br />

of Foreign Affairs at their 119th Ministerial Session; Strasbourg,<br />

7 May <strong>2008</strong> / Council of Europe. - Strasbourg, <strong>2008</strong>. - 61 S.,<br />

Tab.<br />

http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/intercultural/Source/White%20Paper_fin<br />

al_revised_EN.pdf<br />

IFA D 852<strong>30</strong>2 IFA: Cb28/450 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

134 Knoll, Bernhard: Rights without remedies : The European<br />

Court's failure to close the human rights gap in Kosovo /<br />

Bernhard Knoll. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches<br />

Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 431-451, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851942 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

135 White paper on intercultural dialogue : "living together as<br />

equals in dignity" ; launched by the Council of Europe MInisters<br />

of Foreign Affairs at their 119th Ministerial Session; Strasbourg,<br />

7 May <strong>2008</strong> / Council of Europe. - Strasbourg, <strong>2008</strong>. - 61 S.,<br />

Tab.<br />

http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/intercultural/Source/White%20Paper_fin<br />

al_revised_EN.pdf<br />

IFA D 852<strong>30</strong>2 IFA: Cb28/450 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA01.07 OSCE / CSCE<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

136 The United States and the OSCE: A partnership for<br />

advancing freedom : hearing before the Commission on<br />

Security and Cooperation in Europe, United States Congress,<br />

109th Congress, 1st Session, October 25, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,49 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-8)<br />

HSFK D 852088 HSFK: 99.106 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

137 The Iran crisis: A trans-atlantic response : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,34 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-5)<br />

HSFK D 852095 HSFK: 99.105 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

138 Advancing the Human Dimension in the OSCE : The role of<br />

the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ;<br />

hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe, United States Congress, 109th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

May 17, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - III,68 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and<br />

Cooperation in Europe ; CSCE 109-2-6)<br />

HSFK D 852073 HSFK: 99.107 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

139 The Iran crisis: A trans-atlantic response : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,34 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-5)<br />

HSFK D 852095 HSFK: 99.105 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

140 Gaibulloev, Khusrav; Sandler, Todd: Growth consequences<br />

of terrorism in Western Europe / Khusrav Gaibulloev and Todd<br />

Sandler. - In: Kyklos (Oxford), 61 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 411-424, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 423-424<br />

DIE D 852065 DIE: ZF008 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

141 Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformkommunikation :<br />

westeuropäische Parteien auf Mehrheitssuche / Stefanie<br />

Delhees ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 249 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 223-247 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3523-8<br />

DFI D 852635 DFI: VQ 210.WOH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 7 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />


SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

142 Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R.: Development,<br />

democracy, and welfare states : Latin America, East Asia, and<br />

Eastern Europe / Stephan Haggard ; Robert R. Kaufman. -<br />

Princeton/N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - 473 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 399-447 - ISBN 0-691-13596-7<br />

GIGA D 851939 ILAS: INT-H/97 IMES: INT-H/97 IAA: INT-H/97 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

143 Unleashing prosperity : productivity growth in Eastern Europe<br />

and the former Soviet Union / Asad Alam ... The World Bank -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 295 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 247-256, Index - ISBN 978-0-8213-7279-1<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/ECAEXT/Resources/publicatio<br />

ns/UnleashingProsperity.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>86<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

144 Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R.: Development,<br />

democracy, and welfare states : Latin America, East Asia, and<br />

Eastern Europe / Stephan Haggard ; Robert R. Kaufman. -<br />

Princeton/N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - 473 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 399-447 - ISBN 0-691-13596-7<br />

GIGA D 851939 ILAS: INT-H/97 IMES: INT-H/97 IAA: INT-H/97 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

145 Mitchell, A. Wess: The mice that roared : how small powers are<br />

reacting to, and shaping, the transition to multipolarity / A. Wess<br />

Mitchell. - Washington/D.C.: Center for European Policy<br />

Analysis, <strong>2008</strong>. - 13 S., Tab. - ISBN 978-0-9797433-3-7<br />

http://www.cepa.org/publications/The_Mice_that_Roared<strong>2008</strong>07<br />

10.pdf<br />

SWP D 852783<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

146 Grigorescu, Alexandru: East and Central European countries<br />

and the Iraq War : The choice between "soft balancing" and "soft<br />

bandwagoning" / Alexandru Grigorescu. - In: Communist and<br />

Post-Communist Studies (Oxford), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 281-299, Tab., Lit. S. 297-299<br />

SWP D 852385 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

147 Shambaugh, David: The party-state studies abroad / David<br />

Shambaugh. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 287-292<br />

SWP D 8519<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

148 Shambaugh, David: The party-state studies abroad / David<br />

Shambaugh. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 287-292<br />

SWP D 8519<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

149 Miller, Ryan P.: Central Europe's energy security schism / by<br />

Ryan P. Miller. - Washington/D.C.: Center for European Policy<br />

Analysis, <strong>2008</strong>. - 52 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-9797433-4-4<br />

http://www.cepa.org/publications/Central_Europe_Energy_Securi<br />

ty_Schism<strong>2008</strong>0724.pdf<br />

SWP D 852777<br />

RA03.02 SWEDEN<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

150 A kinder, gentler democracy? The consensus model and<br />

Swedish disability politics / Leif Lewin ... - In: Scandinavian<br />

Political Studies (Oxford), 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 291-310, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>8-310<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>26 OSI: Zv 444<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

151 Zittel, Thomas: Die elektronische Wählerkommunikation von<br />

Abgeordneten aus vergleichender Perspektive : Medienwandel<br />

oder Demokratiewandel? / Thomas Zittel. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>5-208,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 206-208<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>62 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

152 A kinder, gentler democracy? The consensus model and<br />

Swedish disability politics / Leif Lewin ... - In: Scandinavian<br />

Political Studies (Oxford), 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 291-310, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>8-310<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>26 OSI: Zv 444<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

153 Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformkommunikation :<br />

westeuropäische Parteien auf Mehrheitssuche / Stefanie<br />

Delhees ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 249 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 223-247 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3523-8<br />

DFI D 852635 DFI: VQ 210.WOH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

154 Zittel, Thomas: Die elektronische Wählerkommunikation von<br />

Abgeordneten aus vergleichender Perspektive : Medienwandel<br />

oder Demokratiewandel? / Thomas Zittel. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>5-208,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 206-208<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>62 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RA03.03 NORWAY<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

155 Hanssen, Gro Sandkjaer: E-communication : strengthening the<br />

ties between councillors and citizens in Norwegian local<br />

government? / Gro Sandkjaer Hanssen. - In: Scandinavian<br />

Political Studies (Oxford), 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 333-361, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 359-361<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>31 OSI: Zv 444<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

156 Norway / OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and<br />

Development. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. - 140 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (OECD Economic Surveys; Vol. <strong>2008</strong> (August <strong>2008</strong>) 13)<br />

- ISBN 978-92-64-04553-8<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>58 SWP: Y. 114 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

157 Hanssen, Gro Sandkjaer: E-communication : strengthening the<br />

ties between councillors and citizens in Norwegian local<br />

government? / Gro Sandkjaer Hanssen. - In: Scandinavian<br />

Political Studies (Oxford), 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 333-361, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 359-361<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>31 OSI: Zv 444<br />

RA03.04 DENMARK<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

158 Hoff, Jens; West, Hallbera Frida: Citizenship in the Faroe<br />

Islands : participant, parochial or colonial? / Jens Hoff and<br />

Hallbera Frida West. - In: Scandinavian Political Studies<br />

(Oxford), 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 311-332, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 332<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>29 OSI: Zv 444<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

159 Hoff, Jens; West, Hallbera Frida: Citizenship in the Faroe<br />

Islands : participant, parochial or colonial? / Jens Hoff and<br />

Hallbera Frida West. - In: Scandinavian Political Studies<br />

(Oxford), 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 311-332, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 332<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>29 OSI: Zv 444<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 8 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RA04.01 IRELAND<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

<strong>16</strong>0 Boudewijn, Rob; Emmanouilidis, Janis A.: How to proceed<br />

after the Irish "no" / by Rob Boudewijn & Janis A. Emmanouilidis.<br />

- Den Haag: Netherlands Institute of International Relations<br />

'Clingendael', <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. - (Clingendael Commentary)<br />

http://www.clingendael.nl/publications/<strong>2008</strong>/<strong>2008</strong>0709_clingenda<br />

el_commentary_005.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>47<br />

<strong>16</strong>1 Gros, Daniel; Kurpas, Sebastian: What next? How to save the<br />

Treaty of Lisbon / Daniel Gros & Sebastian Kurpas. - Brussels:<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (CEPS Policy<br />

Brief; No. <strong>16</strong>3)<br />

http://www.euractiv.com/29/images/what%20next%20pdf_tcm29-<br />

173704.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>61 DGAP: DG B01452k<br />

<strong>16</strong>2 Post Lisbon Treaty referendum research findings :<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> / Millward Brown IMS. - Dublin, <strong>2008</strong>. - 27,<br />

[ca.14] S., Tab.<br />

http://www.foreignaffairs.gov.ie/uploads/documents/Publications/<br />

Post%20Lisbon%20Treaty%20Referendum%20Research%20Fi<br />

ndings/final%20-%20post%20lisbon%20treaty%20referendum%<br />

20research%20findings.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>70 DGAP: DG B01452m<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>3 Nash, C.; Kinneavy, A.; Mader, K.: Cultural diplomacy in the<br />

relationship between the UK and Germany / by C. Nash, A.<br />

Kinneavy and K. Mader. - Berlin ...: Cultural Diplomacy News,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.culturaldiplomacynews.org/index.php?aid=935<br />

IFA D 852459 IFA: Cb28/455 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

<strong>16</strong>4 Stehling, Thomas Bernd: Die Debatte in Grossbritannien zum<br />

Vertrag von Lissabon / Thomas Bernd Stehling. - London:<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (Länderbericht /<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftun)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_12783-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>79 DGAP: DG B01452q<br />

SC07.01 Armaments industry<br />

<strong>16</strong>5 Mahmud, M. Ghazemy: UK defence industry tops, improving<br />

ethical business practices / by M. Ghazemy Mahmud. - In: Asian<br />

Defence Journal (Kuala Lumpur), (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) [7-8],<br />

S. 26-28, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852340 SWP: Y. 1039 DGAP: ZD 53 IAS: 3/771 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>6 Davidson, Martin: Cultural relations : building networks to face<br />

twenty-first-century challenges / Martin Davidson. -<br />

In: Engagement / Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Supervising<br />

eds.: Jolyon Welsh ... - London, <strong>2008</strong>, S. 76-89<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/pd-engagement-jul-08<br />

IFA D 852291 IFA: 4B28/131 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

<strong>16</strong>7 Nash, C.; Kinneavy, A.; Mader, K.: Cultural diplomacy in the<br />

relationship between the UK and Germany / by C. Nash, A.<br />

Kinneavy and K. Mader. - Berlin ...: Cultural Diplomacy News,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.culturaldiplomacynews.org/index.php?aid=935<br />

IFA D 852459 IFA: Cb28/455 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

<strong>16</strong>8 Vinter, Louise; Knox, David: Measuring the impact of public<br />

diplomacy: Can it be done? / Louise Vinter ; David Knox. -<br />

In: Engagement / Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Supervising<br />

eds.: Jolyon Welsh ... - London, <strong>2008</strong>, S. <strong>16</strong>1-171, graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/pd-engagement-jul-08<br />

IFA D 852299 IFA: 4B28/131 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

<strong>16</strong>9 Hastings, Donnan; Kirk, Simpson: Silence and violence<br />

among Northern Ireland Border Protestants / Donnan Hastings &<br />

Kirk Simpson. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (March 2007) 1,<br />

S. 5-28, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852544 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

170 Tilley, James; Evans, Geoffrey; Mitchell, Claire:<br />

Consociationalism and the evolution of political cleavages in<br />

Northern Ireland, 1989-2004 / James Tilley ; Geoffrey Evans ;<br />

Claire Mitchell. - In: British Journal of Political Science<br />

(Cambridge), 38 (October <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 699-717, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851739 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

171 Tilley, James; Evans, Geoffrey; Mitchell, Claire:<br />

Consociationalism and the evolution of political cleavages in<br />

Northern Ireland, 1989-2004 / James Tilley ; Geoffrey Evans ;<br />

Claire Mitchell. - In: British Journal of Political Science<br />

(Cambridge), 38 (October <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 699-717, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851739 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

172 Drake, Helen; Collard, Susan: A case study of intra-EU<br />

migration : 20 years of "Brits" in the Pays d'Auge, Normandy,<br />

France / Helen Drake and Susan Collard. - In: French Politics<br />

(Basingstoke), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 214-233, Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 232-233<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>4 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

173 Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformkommunikation :<br />

westeuropäische Parteien auf Mehrheitssuche / Stefanie<br />

Delhees ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 249 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 223-247 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3523-8<br />

DFI D 852635 DFI: VQ 210.WOH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

174 Noije, Lonneke van; Kleinnijenhuis, Jan; Oegema, Dirk:<br />

Loss of parliamentary control due to mediatization and<br />

Europeanization : A longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of<br />

agenda building in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands /<br />

Lonneke van Noije ; Jan Kleinnijenhuis ; Dirk Oegema. -<br />

In: British Journal of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 455-478, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851715 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

175 Zavos, John: Stamp it out! Disciplining the image of Hinduism in<br />

a multicultural milieu / John Zavos. - In: Contemporary South<br />

Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 323-337, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851726 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

176 Vinter, Louise; Knox, David: Measuring the impact of public<br />

diplomacy: Can it be done? / Louise Vinter ; David Knox. -<br />

In: Engagement / Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Supervising<br />

eds.: Jolyon Welsh ... - London, <strong>2008</strong>, S. <strong>16</strong>1-171, graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/pd-engagement-jul-08<br />

IFA D 852299 IFA: 4B28/131 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SB04 International political integration<br />

177 The Netherlands and European development policy /<br />

Advisory Council on International Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

56 S. - (AIV; No. 60)<br />

DGAP D 852355 DGAP: DG B01452i<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

178 The Netherlands and European development policy /<br />

Advisory Council on International Affairs. - The Hague, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

56 S. - (AIV; No. 60)<br />

DGAP D 852355 DGAP: DG B01452i<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

179 Chow, Yui Fai: Martial arts films and Dutch–Chinese<br />

masculinities : smaller is better / Yui Fai Chow. - In: China<br />

Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender<br />

and sexuality, S. 331-359, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 8521<strong>18</strong> IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 9 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

<strong>18</strong>0 Noije, Lonneke van; Kleinnijenhuis, Jan; Oegema, Dirk:<br />

Loss of parliamentary control due to mediatization and<br />

Europeanization : A longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of<br />

agenda building in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands /<br />

Lonneke van Noije ; Jan Kleinnijenhuis ; Dirk Oegema. -<br />

In: British Journal of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 455-478, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851715 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

<strong>18</strong>1 Chow, Yui Fai: Martial arts films and Dutch–Chinese<br />

masculinities : smaller is better / Yui Fai Chow. - In: China<br />

Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender<br />

and sexuality, S. 331-359, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 8521<strong>18</strong> IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA04.06 FRANCE<br />

SA02 History<br />

<strong>18</strong>2 La laïcité en question : religion, Etat et société en France et en<br />

Allemagne du <strong>18</strong>e siècle à nos jours / Sylvie Le Grand (éd.).<br />

Introduction de René Rémond. - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses<br />

Univ. du Septentrion, <strong>2008</strong>. - 323 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Mondes<br />

germaniques) - ISBN 978-2-7574-0033-3<br />

DFI D 851996 DFI: VH 580.LAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>18</strong>3 Mathy, Jean-Philippe: Refonder l'universalisme : Bourdieu,<br />

Balibar et l'exception philosophique française / Jean-Philippe<br />

Mathy. - In: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 12 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 357-364, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852195 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>18</strong>4 Bayramzadeh, Kamal: La politique étrangère de la France à<br />

l'égard de l'Iran / par Kamal Bayramzadeh. - In: Les Cahiers de<br />

l'Orient (Paris), (juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 91, S. 133-154, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852577 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>18</strong>5 Crespy, Amandine: Dissent over the European constitutional<br />

treaty within the French socialist party : between response to<br />

anti-globalization protest and intra-party tactics / Amandine<br />

Crespy. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 23-44, Lit. S. 43-44<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>6 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>18</strong>6 Gesetz zu dem Abkommen vom 14 März 2006 zwischen der<br />

Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Französischen<br />

Republik über den Bau einer Eisenbahnbrücke über den<br />

Rhein bei Kehl : vom 15. Januar 2007 - In: Bundesgesetzblatt:<br />

Teil II (Bonn), (19. Januar 2007) 1, S. 2-12, Tab.<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl207s0002.pdf<br />

DFI D 852012 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF 360.W1215 DGAP: MD 23<br />

DIE: 87ZA004 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>18</strong>7 Gesetz zu dem Rahmenabkommen vom 22. Juli 2005<br />

zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

und der Regierung der Französischen Republik über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich und zu der Verwaltungsvereinbarung<br />

vom 9. März 2006 zwischen dem Bundesministerium für<br />

Gesundheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem<br />

Minister für Gesundheit und Solidarität der Französischen<br />

Republik über die Durchführungsmodalitäten des<br />

Rahmenabkommens vom 22. Juli 2005 über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich : vom 17. Dezember 2006 -<br />

In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Bonn), (21. Dezember 2006) 32,<br />

S. 13<strong>30</strong>-1339<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl206s13<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852014 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF370.W12<strong>16</strong> DGAP: MD 23<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>18</strong>8 Hielscher, Kathleen: Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen<br />

in der Europa-, Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik : Kontinuität und<br />

Wandel seit 1990 / Kathleen Hielscher. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verl.<br />

Müller, <strong>2008</strong>. - 121 S., Lit. S. 112-121 - ISBN 978-3-639-02024-3<br />

DFI D 852640 DFI: WD 210.HIEL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>18</strong>9 Lacorne, Denis: Le "rêve américain" du président Sarkozy /<br />

Denis Lacorne. - In: Le Débat (Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

151, S. 20-27, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852048 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 68 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

190 Nallet, Henri: Le monde en face : contribution au Livre blanc sur<br />

la politique étrangère de la France / Henri Nallet avec la collab.<br />

de Clément Abélamine. - Paris: Jean Jaurès Fondation, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

60 S. - (Les Essais / Fondation Jean-Jaurès; 15) -<br />

ISBN 2-910461-65-3<br />

http://www.jean-jaures.org/PLAQUETTE/notenallet.pdf<br />

DFI D 851989 DFI: YF 2<strong>30</strong>.Y0570 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

191 Pérez Llana, Carlos: La política exterior francesa : la hora del<br />

balance / Carlos Pérez Llana. - In: Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 63-82<br />

SWP D 852261 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

192 Tenzer, Nicolas: L'expertise internationale au coeur de la<br />

diplomatie et de la coopération du XXIe siècle : instruments pour<br />

une stratégie française de puissance et d'influence / Nicolas<br />

Tenzer. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4<strong>30</strong> S.<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/084000476/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>32 DFI: YF 1<strong>30</strong>.Y0568 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

193 Aldama, Juan Alonso: Le "non" au référendum français : les<br />

effets pervers de la menace dans la communication politique /<br />

Juan Alonso Aldama. - In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la<br />

communication politique et l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J.<br />

Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007, S. 175-<strong>18</strong>2, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852629 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

194 Chronique d'un "non" annoncé : la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe ; (juin 2004-mai 2005) / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 237 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Communication et civilisation) - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852034 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

195 Cohen-Tanugi, Laurent: Une stratégie européenne pour la<br />

mondialisation : Euromonde 2015 ; rapport en vue de la<br />

Présidence française du Conseil de l'Union européenne /<br />

Laurent Cohen-Tanugi. - Paris: O. Jacob, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,331 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 251-256 -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7381-2<strong>18</strong>1-3<br />

http://www.euromonde2015.eu/IMG/pdf/RAPPORT_EUROMON<br />

DE_2015.pdf<br />

DFI D 851902 DFI: YC 150.COH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

196 Madelin, Henri: Europe : la présidence française après le non<br />

irlandais / Henri Madelin. - In: Projet (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

<strong>30</strong>6, S. 84-88<br />

DFI D 851912 OSI: Zv 223 DFI: RV<br />

197 La présidence française de l'Union européenne -<br />

In: Concurrence et consommation (Paris), (juillet-septembre<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. <strong>18</strong>-29, Kt.<br />

DFI D 852322 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

198 Thieulin, Benoît; Senèze, Véronique: La campagne française<br />

pour le référendum sur Internet / entretien avec Benoît Thieulin<br />

et Véronique Senèze réalisé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007, S. <strong>18</strong>3-192, Tab. - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852631 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

199 Wagner, Markus: Debating Europe in the French Socialist<br />

Party : The 2004 internal referendum on the EU Constitution /<br />

Markus Wagner. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke),<br />

6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 257-279, Tab., Lit. S. 273-274<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>9 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

200 Diallo, Tafsir: Récusation du mandat d'arrêt de Bruguière<br />

contre le Rwanda / Tafsir Diallo. Préf. du Jean-Max Mezzadri. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 207 S., Tab., Lit. S. 205-207, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04623-8<br />

GIGA D 852515 IAA: RWA-D/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 10 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

201 Dynamiser la coopération transfrontalière : dossier de<br />

presse / Fondation Entetente Franco-Allemande /<br />

Deutsch-Französisches Institut. - Ludwigsburg, [<strong>2008</strong>]. - 4 S.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852213 DFI: WE 510.W1217 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

202 L'espace du Rhin supérieur, une région européenne<br />

d'avenir : présentation générale de la coopération<br />

transfrontalière ; [brochure publiée par la Région Alsace dans le<br />

cadre du 11e Congrès Tripartite] = Der Oberrhein,<br />

Zukunftsregion in Europa - Strasbourg: Région Alsace, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

59 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

http://www.region-alsace.eu/medias/documents/europe_internati<br />

onal/cooperation-transfrontaliere/congrestripartite60p.pdf<br />

DFI D 852087 DFI: WE 510.ESP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

203 Georgelin, Jean-Louis: Die französischen Streitkräfte <strong>2008</strong> :<br />

ein kontinuierlicher Anpassungsprozess / Jean-Louis Georgelin.<br />

- In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>-33, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852637 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

204 La Brosse, Guillaume de: Frankreich und die Europäische<br />

Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik : die Ambivalenz<br />

Frankreichs zur ESVP : eine ESVP mit oder ohne die NATO? /<br />

Guillaume de La Brosse. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verl. Müller, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 99 S., Lit. S. 89-99 - ISBN 978-3-639-0<strong>16</strong>04-8<br />

DFI D 852645 DFI: YG 470.LAB Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

205 Tertrais, Bruno: The French white paper on defence and<br />

national security : towards a strong streamlined force / Bruno<br />

Tertrais. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Analyses of<br />

the Royal Institute; 89/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Defense+S<br />

ecurity/ARI89-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 852575<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

206 Georgelin, Jean-Louis: Die französischen Streitkräfte <strong>2008</strong> :<br />

ein kontinuierlicher Anpassungsprozess / Jean-Louis Georgelin.<br />

- In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>-33, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852637 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

207 Italie: un marché cible pour la "french touch" / Danilel<br />

Solano. - In: Le MOCI (Paris), (<strong>18</strong> septembre-1er octobre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

<strong>18</strong>25, S. <strong>30</strong>-53<br />

DFI D 852324 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

208 La balance des paiements et la positition extérieure de la<br />

France en 2007 - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris),<br />

(mai-juin <strong>2008</strong>) 173, S. 17-26, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852568 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

209 Gaulier, Guillaume: L'essor des importations européennes de<br />

biens intermédiaires depuis des pays à bas salaires : des<br />

modèles différents d'externalisation au "Sud" / Guillaume<br />

Gaulier. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris), (mai-juin<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 173, S. 9-<strong>16</strong>, graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong><br />

DFI D 852567 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

210 Usciati, Benoît: D'où vient la dégradation du solde commercial<br />

français hors énergie? Une analyse par types de produits /<br />

Benoît Usciati. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris),<br />

(mai-juin <strong>2008</strong>) 173, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 852565 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

211 Hell, Patrick: Les enjeux économiques du bilinguisme / par<br />

Patrick Hell. - In: Tonic le magazine (Haguenau). - 1-2, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

1: Le déclin du travail frontalier: une grave menace économique<br />

pour l'Alsace. - (mars <strong>2008</strong>) 15. - S. 21, Kt.<br />

2: Le bilinguisme, formidable levier de prospérité des entreprises<br />

alsaciennes. - (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119. - S. 44-45, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852053 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

212 Les classements qui font la loi - In: Le Monde de l'éducation<br />

(Paris), (octobre <strong>2008</strong>), S. <strong>16</strong>-25, Lit. Hinw.<br />

Außerdem in:<br />

DFI D 852542 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 290<br />

213 Stratilaki, Sofia: Representations of plurilingual competence<br />

and language use in dynamic trilingual education : The case of<br />

French-German schools in Buc and Saarbrücken / Sofia<br />

Stratilaki. - In: Zeitschrift für interkulturellen<br />

Fremdsprachenunterricht (Edmonton), 11 (Januar 2006) 1, 19<br />

S., Lit. S. 13-19<br />

außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Contextes, pratiques et<br />

représentations du bi-/plurilinguisme: le cas des lycées<br />

franco-allemands de Buc et de Sarrebruck<br />

http://zif.spz.tu-darmstadt.de/jg-11-1/beitrag/Stratilaki1.htm<br />

DFI D 851760 DFI: WG 540.W1213 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

214 Hell, Patrick: Les enjeux économiques du bilinguisme / par<br />

Patrick Hell. - In: Tonic le magazine (Haguenau). - 1-2, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

1: Le déclin du travail frontalier: une grave menace économique<br />

pour l'Alsace. - (mars <strong>2008</strong>) 15. - S. 21, Kt.<br />

2: Le bilinguisme, formidable levier de prospérité des entreprises<br />

alsaciennes. - (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119. - S. 44-45, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852053 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

215 Frankreichbild im Wandel / Adelheid Schumann (ed.). -<br />

In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131, S. 43-127,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852546 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

2<strong>16</strong> Mai 68 - In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131,<br />

S. 128-<strong>16</strong>1, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852547 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF Government<br />

217 Dionisi-Peyrusse, Amélie: Essai sur une nouvelle conception<br />

de la nationalité / Amélie Dionisi-Peyrusse. Préface de Patrick<br />

Courbe. - Paris: Defrénois, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIV,436 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 389-419 - (Doctorat et Notariat; Tome 31) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-85623-148-7 -- Zugl.: Rouen, Univ., Thèse, 2005<br />

DFI D 852035 DFI: VB 575.DIO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

2<strong>18</strong> Boudon, Raymond: Renouveler la démocratie : mode d'emploi<br />

/ par Raymond Boudin. Postface de Dominique Lecourt. - Paris:<br />

Fondation pour l'Innovation Politique, 2007. - 36 S., Lit. S. 32 --<br />

Enthält außerdem: Le procès du relativisme / Dominique<br />

Lecourt. - S. 33-36<br />

http://www.fondapol.org/fileadmin/uploads/pdf/documents/Etude_<br />

Renouveler_la_democratie.pdf<br />

DFI D 852194 DFI: FB 370.BOU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

219 Cheylan, Michaël; Manière, Philippe: Député: un job à temps<br />

plein / [Michaël Cheylan et Philippe Manière]. - Paris: Institut<br />

Montaigne, 2006. - 6 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Amicus<br />

Curiae)<br />

http://www.institutmontaigne.org/medias/parlementaire_internet.p<br />

df<br />

DFI D 852131 DFI: FC 380.F1296 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 11 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

220 La révision constitutionnelle et les droits de l'opposition -<br />

Paris: Fondation Terra Nova, [<strong>2008</strong>]. - 11 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Notes /<br />

Fondationa Terra Nova)<br />

http://www.tnova.fr/images/stories/publications/notes/002-droitsopposition.pdf<br />

DFI D 852177 DFI: FC 370.F1297 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

221 Sander, Eric: La révision constitutionnelle consacre le droit<br />

local alsacien-mosellan / par Eric Sander. - In: Tonic le<br />

magazine (Hagenau), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119, S. 40-41<br />

DFI D 852057 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

222 Crespy, Amandine: Dissent over the European constitutional<br />

treaty within the French socialist party : between response to<br />

anti-globalization protest and intra-party tactics / Amandine<br />

Crespy. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 23-44, Lit. S. 43-44<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>6 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

223 Evans, Jocelyn A. J.; Ivaldi, Gilles: Forecasting the extreme<br />

right vote in France : (1984-2007) / Jocelyn Evans and Gilles<br />

Ivaldi. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 137-151, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 150-151<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>0 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

224 Les gauches en Europe - In: La Revue socialiste (Paris), (juillet<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 31, S. 1-112, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852721 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

225 Shields, James G.: The extreme right in France : from Pétain to<br />

Le Pen / J. G. Shields. - Abingdon ...: Routledge, 2007. -<br />

XV111,412 S., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 369-383 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-37200-8<br />

DFI D 851766 DFI: FE 240.SHIEL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

226 Wagner, Markus: Debating Europe in the French Socialist<br />

Party : The 2004 internal referendum on the EU Constitution /<br />

Markus Wagner. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke),<br />

6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 257-279, Tab., Lit. S. 273-274<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>9 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

227 Auberger, Antoine: The National Front vote and turnout in the<br />

French presidential elections / Antoine Auberger. - In: French<br />

Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 94-100, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 99-100<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>9 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

228 Duo Caroli: Divorce ou décalage? retour sur les élections<br />

locales du printemps <strong>2008</strong> / Duo Caroli. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>) 123, S. 807-815, Tab.<br />

DFI D 852209 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

229 Gorawantschy, Beatrice; Caro, Céline: Senatswahlen in<br />

Frankreich : Konservative behaupten Mehrheit, Linke<br />

verzeichnet Zugewinne / Beatrice Gorawantschy ; Céline Caro. -<br />

Paris: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_14675-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852214 DFI: FE 750.F1298 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

2<strong>30</strong> Höhne, Roland A.: Kommunal- und Kantonalwahlen <strong>2008</strong> /<br />

Roland Höhne. - In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131,<br />

S. 199-213, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852548 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

231 Lewis-Beck, Michael S.; Bélanger, Eric; Fauvelle-Aymar,<br />

Christine: Forecasting the 2007 French presidential election :<br />

Ségolène Royal and the Iowa Model / Michael S. Lewis-Beck,<br />

Eric Bélanger and Christine Fauvelle-Aymar. - In: French Politics<br />

(Basingstoke), 6 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 106-115, Tab., Lit. S. 115<br />

DFI D 852178 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

232 Marthaler, Sally: "New" politics for "old"? value change and the<br />

voter-party relationship in France / Sally Marthaler. - In: French<br />

Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. <strong>18</strong>7-213, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 211-213<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>3 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

233 Murray, Rainbow: How a high proportion of candidates<br />

becomes a low proportion of députées : A new model to forecast<br />

women's electoral performance in French legislative elections /<br />

Rainbow Murray. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 152-<strong>16</strong>5, Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>5<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>1 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

234 Sauger, Nicolas: Assessing the accuracy of polls for the French<br />

presidential election : The 2007 experience / Nicolas Sauger. -<br />

In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1<strong>16</strong>-136,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 135-136<br />

DFI D 852179 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

235 Schmidt, Silke: Kommentierte Kandidaten : eine<br />

medienkritische Analyse der Berichterstattung der<br />

Tageszeitungen Le Monde und Le Figaro über die<br />

Präsidentschaftskandidaten vor den Wahlen 2007 / Silke<br />

Schmidt. - Passau: Univ. Passau, <strong>2008</strong>. - III, 88 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 68-80 -- Passau, Univ., Dipl.Arb., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DFI D 851765 DFI: FE 650.SCHMI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

236 Vaccari, Cristian: Surfing to the Elysée : The internet in the<br />

2007 French elections / Cristian Vaccari. - In: French Politics<br />

(Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-22, Tab., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>-19<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>5 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

237 Sécurités: les espaces visibles et les réalités invisibles /<br />

Marc Dumont. - In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3/78, S. 37-126, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>55 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

238 La fonction politique de la justice / sous la dir. de Jacques<br />

Commaille ... - Paris: La Découverte, 2007. - 327 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Recherches) - ISBN 978-2-7071-5247-3<br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>85 DFI: FC 610.FON Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

239 Pochon, Jean-Pierre: Les stores rouges : Au coeur de<br />

l'infiltration et de l'arrestation d'Action directe ; (1979-1982) /<br />

Jean-Pierre Pochon. - Paris: Ed. des Equateurs, <strong>2008</strong>. - 283 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-84990-093-2<br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>71 DFI: FC 9<strong>30</strong>.POCH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

240 Tournyol du Clos, Lorraine; Tournyol du Clos, Sébastien:<br />

Pourquoi ne pas anticiper? criminalité et violences urbaines /<br />

Lorraine et Sébastien Tournyol du Clos. - In: Commentaire<br />

(Paris), 31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>) 123, S. 817-822, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852210 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

241 Aubelle, Vincent: Transposer l'organisation PML au couple<br />

communes-EPCI / Vincent Aubelle. - In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 133-139, Lit. S. 139<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>64 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

242 Briant, Vincent de: Quelle ambition nationale pour les pouvoirs<br />

locaux aujourd'hui? / Vincent de Briant. - In: Pouvoirs locaux<br />

(Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 9-12<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>49 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

243 Fialaire, Jacques: L'intercommunalité dans le Morbihan : bilan<br />

et propositions de changement / Jacques Fialaire. - In: Pouvoirs<br />

locaux (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 141-147, Lit. S. 147<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>66 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

244 Fuchs, Julien: Toujours prêts! scoutismes et mouvements de<br />

jeunesse en Alsace ; 19<strong>18</strong>-1970 / Julien Fuchs. Préface d'André<br />

Rauch. - Strasbourg: La Nuée Bleue, 2007. - 426 S., zahlr. Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 414-4<strong>18</strong> - ISBN 978-2-7<strong>16</strong>5-0710-3 -- Zugl.: Strasbourg,<br />

Univ., Thèse, 2004 u.d.T.: Les organisations de jeunesse<br />

d'Alsace (fin de la Grande Guerre-début des années 1970),<br />

histoire d'une idéologie éducative<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>34 DFI: FN 4<strong>30</strong>.FUCH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

245 Laurent, Loeiz: Réflexions sur une proposition du rapport Attali<br />

/ Loeiz Laurent. - In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3/78, S. 3-7, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>46 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 12 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

246 Le Bras, David: Le conseil d'agglomération : une lecture<br />

ethnographique / David Le Bras. - In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 17-20, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>52 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

247 Lefèvre, Christian: Londres, New York et Tokyo :<br />

enseignements pour la région Ile-de-France / Christian Lefèvre.<br />

- In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 127-132<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>60 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

248 Sander, Eric: La révision constitutionnelle consacre le droit<br />

local alsacien-mosellan / par Eric Sander. - In: Tonic le<br />

magazine (Hagenau), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119, S. 40-41<br />

DFI D 852057 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

249 Trosa, Sylvie: Un changement non systématique est-il possible?<br />

/ Sylvie Trosa. - In: Sociétal (Paris), (3e trimestre <strong>2008</strong>) 61,<br />

S. 70-76<br />

DFI D 852551 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

250 Waechter-Larrondo, Virginie; Barbier, Rémi: Distribution de<br />

l'eau : jeux de force autour de la norme "service à l'usager" /<br />

Virginie Waechter-Larrondo ; Rémi Barbier. - In: Sociétés<br />

contemporaines (Paris), (<strong>2008</strong>) 71, S. 49-65, Lit. S. 64-65<br />

DFI D 852558 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

SF10 Law<br />

251 Diallo, Tafsir: Récusation du mandat d'arrêt de Bruguière<br />

contre le Rwanda / Tafsir Diallo. Préf. du Jean-Max Mezzadri. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 207 S., Tab., Lit. S. 205-207, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04623-8<br />

GIGA D 852515 IAA: RWA-D/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

252 Jean, Jean-Paul: Le système pénal / Jean-Paul Jean. - Paris:<br />

La Découverte, <strong>2008</strong>. - 122 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 113-1<strong>18</strong> - (Repères; 5<strong>16</strong>) - ISBN 978-2-7071-5414-9<br />

DFI D 852627 DFI: FC 670.JEA Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

253 Les ruptures entre générations - In: Constructif (Paris), (juin<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 20, S. 5-43, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852326 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

254 Meslé, France; Vallin, Jacques: Effet de l'adoption de la<br />

CIM-10 sur la continuité de la statistique des décès par cause :<br />

le cas de la France / France Meslé et Jacques Vallin. -<br />

In: Population (Paris), 63 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 383-396, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 395<br />

DFI D 8527<strong>18</strong> DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

255 Vilain, Annick: Les interruptions volontaires de grossesse en<br />

2006 / Annick Vilain. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 659, S. 1-5, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852171 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

256 Gautier, Gisèle: Orientation et insertion professionnelle : vers<br />

un rééquilibrage entre femmes et hommes dans tous les métiers<br />

/ par Gisèle Gautier. - Paris: Sénat, <strong>2008</strong>. - 291 S., Tab. -<br />

(Document / Sénat; N° 404) - (Rapport d'activité / Délégation du<br />

Sénat aux Droits des Femmes et à l'Egalité des Chances entre<br />

les Hommes et les Femmes; 2007-<strong>2008</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>)) - (Les Rapports<br />

du Sénat) - ISBN 978-2-11-126236-2<br />

http://www.senat.fr/rap/r07-404/r07-4041.pdf<br />

DFI D 852<strong>30</strong>6 DFI: FO 155.GAU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

257 Gross, Martine: Etre chrétien et homosexuel en France /<br />

Martine Gross. - In: Sociétés contemporaines (Paris), (<strong>2008</strong>) 71,<br />

S. 67-94, Tab., Lit. S. 93-94<br />

DFI D 852559 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

258 Marlière, Eric: Les "jeunes de cité" : territoires et pratiques<br />

culturelles / Eric Marlière. - In: Ethnologie française (Paris),<br />

38 (octobre-décembre <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 711-721, Lit. S. 720<br />

DFI D 8523<strong>18</strong> DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

259 Ramsay, Raylene: Parity - from perversion to political progress :<br />

changing discourses of "French exception" / Raylene Ramsay. -<br />

In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 45-62,<br />

Lit. S. 60-62<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>7 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

260 Sénac-Slawinski, Réjane: Justifying parity in France after the<br />

passage of the so-called parity laws and the electoral application<br />

of them : The "ideological tinkering" of political party officiels<br />

(UMP and PS) and women's NGOs / Réjane Sénac-Slawinski. -<br />

In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 234-256, Lit. S. 253-256<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>8 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

261 Sylla, Fodé: L'emploi des jeunes des quartiers populaires / avis<br />

du Conseil économique et social présenté par Fodé Sylla,<br />

rapporteur au nom de la section du travail. - Paris: CES, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

95 S., Lit. S. 93-94 - (Journal officiel de la République française:<br />

Avis et rapports du Conseil Economique, Social et<br />

Environnemental; (<strong>2008</strong>) 25)<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/084000466/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>88 DFI: FO 156.SYL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

262 Astro, Alan: Another exception : The Jews of France / Alan<br />

Astro. - In: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 12 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 365-373, Lit. S. 372-373<br />

DFI D 852197 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

263 Bleich, Erik: From Republican citizens to "young ethnics" in the<br />

"other France"? race and identity in France and the United<br />

States / Erik Bleich. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>6-177, Lit. S. 175-176<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>2 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

264 Safi, Mirna: Inter-mariage et intégration : les disparités des taux<br />

d'exogamie des immigrés en France / Mirna Safi. -<br />

In: Population (Paris), 63 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 267-298, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 294-297<br />

DFI D 852715 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

265 Sorel, Malika: Penser l'intégration / entretien avec Malika Sorel.<br />

- In: Le Débat (Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 151,<br />

S. <strong>18</strong>2-192, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852049 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 68 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

266 Drake, Helen; Collard, Susan: A case study of intra-EU<br />

migration : 20 years of "Brits" in the Pays d'Auge, Normandy,<br />

France / Helen Drake and Susan Collard. - In: French Politics<br />

(Basingstoke), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 214-233, Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 232-233<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>4 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

267 Les agences d'urbanisme en France : perspectives de<br />

recherches pluridisciplinaires et premiers résultats autour d'un<br />

nouvel objet / Maryvonne Prévot ... - In: Metropoles<br />

(Vaulx-en-Velin), (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 140-<strong>18</strong>0, Lit. S. 173-<strong>18</strong>0<br />

http://metropoles.revues.org/docannexe2752.html<br />

DFI D 852585 DFI: FN 360.F1<strong>30</strong>2 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

268 Björner, Gunilla: HLM, parc privé : deux pistes pour que tous<br />

aient un toit / par Gunilla Björner. - Paris: Institut Montaigne,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 81 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Note / Institut Montaigne)<br />

http://www.institutmontaigne.org/medias/note_logement_internet<br />

_avec_couv.pdf<br />

DFI D 852109 DFI: FN 370.BJOE Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

269 Feltz, Henri: Programme national de requalification des<br />

quartiers anciens dégradés : (article 12 du projet de loi de<br />

mobilisation pour le logement et la lutte contre l'exclusion) / avis<br />

du Conseil économique et social présenté par Henri Feltz,<br />

rapporteur au nom de la section du cadre de vie. - Paris: CES,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 65 S. - (Journal officiel de la République française: Avis<br />

et rapports du Conseil Economique et Social; (<strong>2008</strong>) 23)<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/084000454/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>90 DFI: FN 350.FEL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 13 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

270 Lelarge, Pascal: Mission prospective sur le quartier d'affaires<br />

de l'Ouest Parisien / rapport par Pascal Lelarge. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

55 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Présent pour l'avenir)<br />

http://www.ile-de-france.equipement.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Rapport_de<br />

_Mission_-_juin_<strong>2008</strong>_cle7383f3.pdf<br />

DFI D 852574 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

271 Torre, Henri: Rapport d'information fait au nom de la<br />

commission des Finances, du contrôle budgétaire et des<br />

comptes économiques de la Nation sur le logement en<br />

outre-mer = Des ambitions aux réalisations: retour sur deux ans<br />

de politique du logement en outre-mer / par Henri Torre. - Paris:<br />

Sénat, <strong>2008</strong>. - 70 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Document / Sénat;<br />

N° 355) - ISBN 978-2-11-126355-0<br />

http://www.senat.fr/rap/r07-355/r07-3551.pdf<br />

DFI D 852233 DFI: YF 860.TOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

272 Urbanisme et environnement : 20 cas pratiques / [Fédération<br />

Nationale des Agences d'Urbanisme]. - [Paris], <strong>2008</strong>. - 100 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

http://www.fnau.org/Ufichiers/FNAU-ok.pdf<br />

DFI D 852201 DFI: FN 360.URB Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

273 Jonas, Nicolas; Le Pape, Marie-Clémence: L'équilibre entre<br />

les lignées? Les aides à la famille et à la belle-famille / Nicolas<br />

Jonas et Marie-Clémence Le Pape. - In: Population (Paris),<br />

63 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 299-3<strong>16</strong>, Tab., Lit. S. 314-315<br />

DFI D 8527<strong>16</strong> DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

274 Lelièvre, Eva; Vivier, Géraldine; Tichit, Christine: Parenté<br />

institutée et parenté choisie : une vision rétrospective sur les<br />

figures parentales en France de 19<strong>30</strong> à 1965 / Eva Lelièvre,<br />

Géraldine Vivier et Christine Tichit. - In: Population (Paris),<br />

63 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 237-266, Tab., Lit. S. 264-265<br />

DFI D 852714 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

275 Libchaber, Rémy: Variations autour d'un mariage annulé /<br />

Rémy Libchaber. - In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

123, S. 787-793<br />

DFI D 852207 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

276 Montgolfier, Jean-François de: Du PACS au mariage et retour<br />

/ Jean-François de Montgolfier. - In: Commentaire (Paris),<br />

31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>) 123, S. 777-784, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852206 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

277 Perraudin, Corinne; Pucci, Muriel: Diversité des modes de<br />

conciliation entre vie professionnelle et vie familiale pour les<br />

mères de jeunes enfants / Corinne Perraudin ; Muriel Pucci. -<br />

Noisy-le-Grand: Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi, 2007. - 44 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 35-36 - (Documents de travail /<br />

Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi; N° 94) - ISBN 978-2-11-097652-9<br />

http://www.cee-recherche.fr/fr/doctrav/conciliation_vie_professio<br />

nnelle_familiale_meres_doc94.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>78 DFI: FN 450.PER Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living<br />

278 Besson, Danielle: Le repas depuis 45 ans : moins de produits<br />

frais, plus de plats préparés / Danielle Besson. - In: INSEE<br />

première (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 1208, S. 1-4, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852461 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

279 Fleuriel, Sébastien; Schotté, Manuel: Sportifs en danger : la<br />

condition des travailleurs sportifs / Sébastien Fleuriel ; Manuel<br />

Schotté. - Bellebombe-en-Bauges: Ed. du Croquant, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

109 S., Lit. S. 101-107 - (Savoir / Agir) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-914968-38-6<br />

DFI D 851990 DFI: FN 570.FLEU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

280 Euzéby, Chantal: Vers un revenu de solidarité active au rabais?<br />

/ Chantal Euzéby. - In: Futuribles (Paris), (octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 345,<br />

S. 61-68, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852720 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

281 Cazain, Sophie; Mirouse, Isabelle: Le nombre d'allocataires<br />

du RMI au <strong>30</strong> juin <strong>2008</strong> / Sophie Cazain et Isabelle Mirouse. -<br />

In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 657,<br />

S. 1-4, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852<strong>16</strong>8 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

282 Courtaigne, André: L'assurance maladie en toute franchise /<br />

André Courtaigne. - In: Sociétal (Paris), (3e trimestre <strong>2008</strong>) 61,<br />

S. 91-97, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852553 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

283 Elbaum, Mireille: Participation financière des patientes et<br />

équilibre de l'assurance maladie / Mireille Elbaum. - In: Lettre de<br />

l'OFCE (Paris), (15 septembre <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>30</strong>1, S. 1-8, Tab.<br />

DFI D 852176 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

284 Retraites : une histoire des régimes spéciaux / sous la dir. de<br />

Michel Pigenet. Christian Chevandier ... - Issy-les-Moulineaux:<br />

ESF Ed., <strong>2008</strong>. - 95 S., Gloss., Zeittaf., Lit. S. 93-95 -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7101-1947-0<br />

DFI D 851793 DFI: FQ 6<strong>30</strong>.RET Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

285 Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformkommunikation :<br />

westeuropäische Parteien auf Mehrheitssuche / Stefanie<br />

Delhees ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 249 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 223-247 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3523-8<br />

DFI D 852635 DFI: VQ 210.WOH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

286 Gesetz zu dem Rahmenabkommen vom 22. Juli 2005<br />

zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

und der Regierung der Französischen Republik über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich und zu der Verwaltungsvereinbarung<br />

vom 9. März 2006 zwischen dem Bundesministerium für<br />

Gesundheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem<br />

Minister für Gesundheit und Solidarität der Französischen<br />

Republik über die Durchführungsmodalitäten des<br />

Rahmenabkommens vom 22. Juli 2005 über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich : vom 17. Dezember 2006 -<br />

In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Bonn), (21. Dezember 2006) 32,<br />

S. 13<strong>30</strong>-1339<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl206s13<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852014 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF370.W12<strong>16</strong> DGAP: MD 23<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

287 Formation professionnelle : participation financière des<br />

employeurs - In: Liaisons sociales (Rueil-Malmaison), (25 juillet<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 15<strong>16</strong>6, Cahier n° 2, S. 1-114, Tab., Reg. -- Enthält<br />

außerdem: Les représentants du personnel et la<br />

formation. - S. 99-107<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>71 DFI: FO <strong>18</strong>0.FOR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

288 Formes des élites dans un monde incertain - In: Education et<br />

sociétés (Bruxelles), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1/21, S. 5-103, graph. Darst., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852199 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

289 Lachmann, Henri; Colin, Nicolas: Financement de la<br />

formation professionnelle continue : pourquoi il faut tout changer<br />

/ [Henri Lachmann et Nicolas Colin]. - Paris: Institut Montaigne,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., graph.Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Amicus Curiae)<br />

http://www.institutmontaigne.org/medias/amicus_formation_6pag<br />

es.pdf<br />

DFI D 8521<strong>30</strong> DFI: FO <strong>18</strong>0.F1295 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

290 Sur l'enseignement économique et social dans les lycées -<br />

In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>) 123, S. 723-775,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852202 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

291 Aldama, Juan Alonso: Le "non" au référendum français : les<br />

effets pervers de la menace dans la communication politique /<br />

Juan Alonso Aldama. - In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la<br />

communication politique et l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J.<br />

Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007, S. 175-<strong>18</strong>2, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852629 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 14 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

292 Chronique d'un "non" annoncé : la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe ; (juin 2004-mai 2005) / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 237 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Communication et civilisation) - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852034 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

293 Gauchet, Marcel; Winock, Michel: Une année de sarkozysme /<br />

Marcel Gauchet, Michel Winock : un échange. - In: Le Débat<br />

(Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 151, S. 4-19, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852045 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 68 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

294 Thieulin, Benoît; Senèze, Véronique: La campagne française<br />

pour le référendum sur Internet / entretien avec Benoît Thieulin<br />

et Véronique Senèze réalisé par Philippe J. Maarek. -<br />

In: Chronique d'un "non" annoncé: la communication politique et<br />

l'Europe / dirigé par Philippe J. Maarek. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007, S. <strong>18</strong>3-192, Tab. - ISBN 978-2-296-02756-5<br />

DFI D 852631 DFI: YC 480.CHRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

295 Daloz, Jean-Pascal: Between majesty and proximity : The<br />

enduring ambiguities of political representation in France /<br />

Jean-Pascal Daloz. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke),<br />

6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. <strong>30</strong>2-320, Lit. S. 3<strong>18</strong>-320<br />

DFI D 852191 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

296 Clavier, Mathilde: Le Monde Diplomatique et la dégradation de<br />

la presse écrite par les faits divers : l'héritage de l'Ecole de<br />

Francfort / Mathilde Clavier. - In: Les Cahiers du journalisme<br />

(Laval), (automne 2006) <strong>16</strong>, S. 234-251, Lit. S. 250-251<br />

DFI D 852620 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

297 Deguine, Hervé: L'électrophorétique va-t-elle changer l'avenir<br />

de la presse? / Hervé Deguine. - In: Médias (Paris), (automne<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 84-88<br />

DFI D 852311 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

298 Dussard, Thierry: La France face aux géants de l'hypermédia /<br />

Thierry Dussard. - In: Médias (Paris), (automne <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>,<br />

S. 52-55, Tab.<br />

DFI D 852310 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

299 Eveno, Patrick: Les secrets bien gardés de l'argent de la<br />

télévision / Patrick Eveno. - In: Médias (Paris), (automne <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

<strong>18</strong>, S. 48-51, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852<strong>30</strong>9 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>30</strong>0 Schmidt, Silke: Kommentierte Kandidaten : eine<br />

medienkritische Analyse der Berichterstattung der<br />

Tageszeitungen Le Monde und Le Figaro über die<br />

Präsidentschaftskandidaten vor den Wahlen 2007 / Silke<br />

Schmidt. - Passau: Univ. Passau, <strong>2008</strong>. - III, 88 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 68-80 -- Passau, Univ., Dipl.Arb., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DFI D 851765 DFI: FE 650.SCHMI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

<strong>30</strong>1 Fuchs, Julien: Toujours prêts! scoutismes et mouvements de<br />

jeunesse en Alsace ; 19<strong>18</strong>-1970 / Julien Fuchs. Préface d'André<br />

Rauch. - Strasbourg: La Nuée Bleue, 2007. - 426 S., zahlr. Ill.,<br />

Lit. S. 414-4<strong>18</strong> - ISBN 978-2-7<strong>16</strong>5-0710-3 -- Zugl.: Strasbourg,<br />

Univ., Thèse, 2004 u.d.T.: Les organisations de jeunesse<br />

d'Alsace (fin de la Grande Guerre-début des années 1970),<br />

histoire d'une idéologie éducative<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>34 DFI: FN 4<strong>30</strong>.FUCH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>30</strong>2 Mai 68 - In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131,<br />

S. 128-<strong>16</strong>1, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852547 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

<strong>30</strong>3 Denis, Jacques: Die Heiligen und die Bösen : Rap, Protest und<br />

Nationalkultur in Frankreich / Jacques Denis. - In: Le Monde<br />

diplomatique (Dt. Ausg.) (Berlin), 14 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 23<br />

DFI D 851784 DFI: RV ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>30</strong>4 Ethnologie et musée : un débat en cours - In: Ethnologie<br />

française (Paris), 38 (octobre-décembre <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 627-700, Ill.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852314 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

<strong>30</strong>5 Leroy, Fabrice: Le scandale Papon en images : l'exception de<br />

Pierre La Police ou l'art de l'anti-caricature / Fabrice Leroy. -<br />

In: Contemporary French and Francophone Studies (Abingdon),<br />

12 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 341-348, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852193 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>30</strong>6 Schneebeli, Alberto: Mehrsprachigkeit - Oberrrhein / Alberto<br />

Scheebeli; Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sportdirektion, Kanton<br />

Basel-Landschaft, Stabsstelle Bildung. - o.O, 2007. - [13] Bl.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

Konferenzbeitrag erschienen in: Architexturen einer<br />

Grenzregion / hrsg. von Frank Haase. - München: kopaed, <strong>2008</strong><br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>94 DFI: WE 580.W1214 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

<strong>30</strong>7 Baubérot, Jean: La laïcité expliquée à M. Sarkozy : ... et à ceux<br />

qui écrivent ses discours / Jean Baubérot. - Paris: A. Michel,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 257 S., Lit. S. 247-256 - ISBN 978-2-226-<strong>18</strong>677-5<br />

DFI D 851995 DFI: FH 580.BAU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

<strong>30</strong>8 Flipo, Claude: Notre Eglise au temps des semailles / Claude<br />

Flipo. - In: Etudes (Paris), 409 (octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 347-356, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852722 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

<strong>30</strong>9 La laïcité en question : religion, Etat et société en France et en<br />

Allemagne du <strong>18</strong>e siècle à nos jours / Sylvie Le Grand (éd.).<br />

Introduction de René Rémond. - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses<br />

Univ. du Septentrion, <strong>2008</strong>. - 323 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Mondes<br />

germaniques) - ISBN 978-2-7574-0033-3<br />

DFI D 851996 DFI: VH 580.LAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

310 Facchini, François: Croissance française : un problème de<br />

choix / François Facchini. - In: Sociétal (Paris), (3e trimestre<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 61, S. 77-90, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852552 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

311 Uterwedde, Henrik: Avenir de l'industrie française : un regard<br />

allemand / Henrik Uterwedde. - In: Inter-Régions (Paris),<br />

(mai-juin <strong>2008</strong>) 278, S. 20-21<br />

DFI D 852724 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy<br />

312 Une politique industrielle nationale est-elle encore<br />

nécessaire? - In: Constructif (Paris), (juin <strong>2008</strong>) 20, S. 45-76,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852329 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

313 L'attractivité des territoires en question - In: Inter-Régions<br />

(Paris), (mai-juin <strong>2008</strong>) 278, S. 8-<strong>16</strong>, graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

DFI D 852723 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

314 Infrastructures et territoires : congrès du CNER -<br />

In: Inter-Régions (Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 280,<br />

S. 12-22<br />

DFI D 852543 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

315 Innovation : pôles de compétitivité - In: Inter-Régions (Paris),<br />

(juillet-août <strong>2008</strong>) 279, S. 26-<strong>30</strong>, Kt.<br />

DFI D 852726 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

3<strong>16</strong> Pascallon, Pierre; Hortefeux, Pascal: Que faut-il penser des<br />

pôles de compétitivité? / Pierre Pascallon et Pascal Hortefeux. -<br />

In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 13-<strong>16</strong>,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>16</strong><br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>51 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

317 Territoire : le Nord-Pas-De-Calais, carrefour européen -<br />

In: Inter-Régions (Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 280,<br />

S. 38-50, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852545 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 15 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

3<strong>18</strong> Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

319 Argenton, Cédric: Taxer les licenciements? / Cédric Argenton.<br />

- In: Commentaire (Paris), 31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>) 123, S. 795-799,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852208 SWP: X. 833 OSI: Zv 797 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 66 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

320 Biau, Olivier; Le Rhun, Béatrice; Lamarche, Pierre: Le<br />

devenir des salariés sortis de contrat aidé du plan de cohésion<br />

sociale en 2006, six mois après la fin de l'aide de l'État / Olivier<br />

Biau, Béatrice Le Rhun, Pierre Lamarche. - In: Premières<br />

synthèses (Paris), (août <strong>2008</strong>) 35.1, S. 1-8, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852174 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

321 Célérier, Sylvie: Santé précaire au travail : quelques<br />

perspectives sociologiques / Sylvie Célérier. - In: Connaissance<br />

de l'emploi (Noisy-le-Grand), (juillet-août <strong>2008</strong>) 56, S. 1-4, Lit.<br />

DFI D 852175 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

322 Dalloz, Marie-Christine: Rapport d'information déposé [...] par<br />

la commission des Affaires culturelles, familiales et sociales en<br />

conclusion des travaux de la mission sur les maisons de l'emploi<br />

= Les maisons de l'emploi: une dynamique territoriale au service<br />

de l'emploi et du développement économique / et présenté par<br />

Marie Christine Dalloz. - Paris: Assemblée Nationale, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

82 S., Kt., Tab. - (Document / Assemblée Nationale; N° 952) -<br />

(Documents d'information de l'Assemblée nationale; 40/<strong>2008</strong>) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-11-1240<strong>16</strong>-2<br />

http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/13/pdf/rap-info/i0952.pdf<br />

DFI D 852234 DFI: FO 350.DAL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

323 Domens, Jérôme: L'interim en 2007 : en forte croissance /<br />

Jérôme Domens. - In: Premières informations (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 36.1, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

DFI D 852686 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

324 Emploi et diversité : les cinquièmes entretiens de l'emploi, 23<br />

et 24 octobre 2007 / L'Observatoire de l'ANPE, [sous la conduite<br />

de Christian Charpy] - Paris: ANPE, [<strong>2008</strong>]. - 144 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Les actes)<br />

http://www.anpe.fr/observatoire/IMG/pdf/actes2007.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>33 DFI: FO 150.EMP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

325 Gautier, Gisèle: Orientation et insertion professionnelle : vers<br />

un rééquilibrage entre femmes et hommes dans tous les métiers<br />

/ par Gisèle Gautier. - Paris: Sénat, <strong>2008</strong>. - 291 S., Tab. -<br />

(Document / Sénat; N° 404) - (Rapport d'activité / Délégation du<br />

Sénat aux Droits des Femmes et à l'Egalité des Chances entre<br />

les Hommes et les Femmes; 2007-<strong>2008</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>)) - (Les Rapports<br />

du Sénat) - ISBN 978-2-11-126236-2<br />

http://www.senat.fr/rap/r07-404/r07-4041.pdf<br />

DFI D 852<strong>30</strong>6 DFI: FO 155.GAU Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

326 Hairault, Jean-Olivier; Langot, François; Sopraseuth,<br />

Thepthida: Pour une retraite choisie : l'emploi des seniors /<br />

Jean-Olivier Hairault, François Langot et Thepthida Sopraseuth.<br />

- Paris: Ed. ENS Rue d'Ulm, <strong>2008</strong>. - 68, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 60-62 - (CEPREMAP (Paris); 12) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7288-0398-9<br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>69 DFI: FQ 6<strong>30</strong>.HAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

327 Labarthe, Julie; Merlier, Roselyne: Le nombre de personnes<br />

dispensées de recherche d'emploi se stabilise en 2006 / Julie<br />

Labarthe, Roselyne Merlier. - In: Premières synthèses (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 36.2, S. 1-7, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852688 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

328 Loones, Anne: Retravailler après un accident grave / Anne<br />

Loones. - In: Consommation et modes de vie (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 214, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852685 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

329 Lurton, Grégoire; Toutlemonde, Fabien: Les déterminants de<br />

l'emploi non-salarié en France depuis 1970 / Grégoire Lurton ;<br />

Fabien Toutlemonde. - Paris: DARES, 2007. - 49 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Documents d'études / DARES; n° 129)<br />

http://www.travail.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/DE129_Lurton_Toutlemonde_<br />

vft.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>68 DFI: FO 350.LUR Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

3<strong>30</strong> Manière, Philippe: Comment "bien" payer les dirigeants<br />

d'entreprise? / [Philippe Manière]. - Paris: Institut Montaigne,<br />

2007. - 8 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Amicus Curiae)<br />

http://www.institutmontaigne.org/medias/amicus_remuneration_n<br />

ew_bd.pdf<br />

DFI D 852127 DFI: FO 4<strong>30</strong>.F1294 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

331 Marquier, Rémy: Préparer le diplôme d'État d'auxiliaire de vie<br />

sociale par la validation des acquis de l'expérience / Rémy<br />

Marquier. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris), (septembre<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 658, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852172 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

332 Perrenoud, Marc: Les artisans de la "gentrification rurale" : trois<br />

manières d'être maçon dans les Hautes-Corbières / Marc<br />

Perrenoud. - In: Sociétés contemporaines (Paris), (<strong>2008</strong>) 71,<br />

S. 95-1<strong>16</strong>, Lit. S. 113-1<strong>16</strong><br />

DFI D 852560 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

333 Sylla, Fodé: L'emploi des jeunes des quartiers populaires / avis<br />

du Conseil économique et social présenté par Fodé Sylla,<br />

rapporteur au nom de la section du travail. - Paris: CES, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

95 S., Lit. S. 93-94 - (Journal officiel de la République française:<br />

Avis et rapports du Conseil Economique, Social et<br />

Environnemental; (<strong>2008</strong>) 25)<br />

http://lesrapports.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/BRP/084000466/0<br />

000.pdf<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>88 DFI: FO 156.SYL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

334 Les tendances de l'emploi en France et en Europe à la<br />

mi-<strong>2008</strong> / Coe-Rexecode. - Paris, <strong>2008</strong>. - 41 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Document de travail / Coe-Rexecode; n° 4)<br />

http://www.coe-rexecode.fr/index.jsv<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>58 DFI: FO 150.TEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

335 Lacroix, Denise; Paillard, Michel: L'avenir des énergies<br />

renouvelables marines : synthèse de l'étude prospective Ifremer<br />

sur les énergies renouvelables à l'horizon 20<strong>30</strong> / Denis Lacroix<br />

et Michel Paillard. - In: Futuribles (Paris), (octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 345,<br />

S. 43-60, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852719 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

336 Le Roy, Anne: Redéfinir le produit agricole / Anne Le Roy. -<br />

In: Sociétal (Paris), (3e trimestre <strong>2008</strong>) 61, S. 105-111, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852555 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

337 Bouabdallah, Othman; Gilquin, Guillaume; Pincon,<br />

Marie-Alberte: L'industrie automobile française face à la<br />

mondialisation / Othman Bouabdallah, Guillaume Gilquin et<br />

Marie-Alberte Pincon. DGTPE. - Paris, septembre <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S.,<br />

graph. Darst. - (La Lettre trésor-éco; n° 43)<br />

http://www.dgtpe.minefi.gouv.fr/TRESOR_ECO/francais/pdf/<strong>2008</strong><br />

-017-43.pdf<br />

DFI D 8523<strong>30</strong> DFI: FT 550 F1<strong>30</strong>0 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH08 Tertiary sector / Services<br />

338 Pelouze, Frédéric: Redistribuer les cartes / Frédéric Pelouze. -<br />

In: Sociétal (Paris), (3e trimestre <strong>2008</strong>) 61, S. 98-104, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852554 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

339 Gesetz zu dem Abkommen vom 14 März 2006 zwischen der<br />

Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Französischen<br />

Republik über den Bau einer Eisenbahnbrücke über den<br />

Rhein bei Kehl : vom 15. Januar 2007 - In: Bundesgesetzblatt:<br />

Teil II (Bonn), (19. Januar 2007) 1, S. 2-12, Tab.<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl207s0002.pdf<br />

DFI D 852012 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF 360.W1215 DGAP: MD 23<br />

DIE: 87ZA004 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> <strong>16</strong> <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

340 Infrastructures de transport : lesquelles bâtir, comment les<br />

choisir? - Paris: Institut Montaigne, <strong>2008</strong>. - 76 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Rapport / Institut Montaigne)<br />

http://www.institutmontaigne.org/medias/rapport_infrastructure_i<br />

nternet.pdf<br />

DFI D 852119 DFI: FT 760.INF Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

341 Infrastructures et territoires : congrès du CNER -<br />

In: Inter-Régions (Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 280,<br />

S. 12-22<br />

DFI D 852543 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

342 Le tourisme, acteur essentiel de la croissance -<br />

In: Inter-Régions (Paris), (juillet-août <strong>2008</strong>) 279, S. 8-<strong>16</strong>, Ill.<br />

DFI D 852725 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

343 Houser, Matthieu: A la recherche de la notion de spécialisation<br />

fiscale / Matthieu Houser. - In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris),<br />

(septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 21-29, Lit. S. 29<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>53 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

344 Faire face aux défis de la révolution numérique - In: Sociétal<br />

(Paris), (3e trimestre <strong>2008</strong>) 61, S. 24-61, Lit. S. 60-61<br />

DFI D 852549 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206<br />

345 Le Douarin, Laurence: Le couple, l'ordinateur, la famille /<br />

Laurence Le Douarin. - Paris: Payot, 2007. - 249 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 2<strong>18</strong>-241 - ISBN 978-2-228-90<strong>18</strong>9-5<br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>73 DFI: FF 750.LED Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

346 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

347 Brégeon, Jacques; Faucheux, Sylvie; Rochet, Claude:<br />

Rapport du groupe de travail interministériel sur l'éducation au<br />

développement durable / Jacques Brégeon, Sylvie Faucheux et<br />

Claude Rochet. Avec le concours de Jean-Michel Valantin ... -<br />

o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.<br />

http://media.education.gouv.fr/file/<strong>2008</strong>/27/0/Strategie_pour_l_E<br />

DD_23270.pdf<br />

DFI D 852570 DFI: FV 450.F1<strong>30</strong>1 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

348 Deutsch-Französischer Umweltrat: <strong>16</strong>e Conseil<br />

franco-allemand de l'environnement Goslar le 4 février <strong>2008</strong> -<br />

o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S.<br />

http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Declaration_f<br />

inale_cle58cc25.pdf<br />

DFI D 852294 DFI: WF 350.W1219 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

349 Deutsch-Französischer Umweltrat: <strong>16</strong>.<br />

Deutsch-französischer Umweltrat in Goslar am 4. Februar <strong>2008</strong> :<br />

Kommuniqué - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S.<br />

http://www.bmu.de/files/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/umweltrat<br />

_dt_fr_<strong>16</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852293 DFI: WF 350.W12<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

350 Pour une ville plus durable : les principes d'une loi sur le<br />

péage urbain - In: La Note de veille (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

108, 6 S.<br />

http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/NoteVeille108.pdf<br />

DFI D 852328 DFI: FV 560.F1299 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

351 Un an après le Grenelle de l'environnement - In: Projet<br />

(Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>30</strong>6, S. 20-37, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 851909 OSI: Zv 223 DFI: RV<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

352 Déloye, Yves; Mayer, Nonna: French political science at a<br />

turning point / Yves Déloye and Nonna Mayer. - In: French<br />

Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 280-<strong>30</strong>1, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 298<br />

DFI D 852190 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

353 Ethnologie et musée : un débat en cours - In: Ethnologie<br />

française (Paris), 38 (octobre-décembre <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 627-700, Ill.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852314 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

354 MacDonald, Charles: L'anthropologie sociale en France, dans<br />

quel état? / Charles Macdonald. - In: Ethnologie française<br />

(Paris), 38 (octobre-décembre <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 617-625, Lit. S. 625<br />

DFI D 852312 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities<br />

355 Schraeder, Harald: Die Universitätsreform in Frankreich : ein<br />

gelungener Auftakt / von Harald Schraeder. - Berlin: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(DGAP-Analyse: Frankreich; <strong>2008</strong>, No. 7)<br />

http://www.dgap.org/midcom-serveattachmentguid-1dd8a46bbca<br />

74288a4611dd88e33d52bdee35e835e8/dgapanalyse_<strong>2008</strong>_07_<br />

schraeder.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852594 DFI: FG 6<strong>30</strong>.F1<strong>30</strong>4 DGAP: ZD 98 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

RA05.01 GERMANY<br />

SA02 History<br />

356 Eberspächter, Cord: To arm China : Sino-German relations in<br />

the military sphere prior the First World War / Cord Eberspächter.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 54-74<br />

GIGA D 852152 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

357 La laïcité en question : religion, Etat et société en France et en<br />

Allemagne du <strong>18</strong>e siècle à nos jours / Sylvie Le Grand (éd.).<br />

Introduction de René Rémond. - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses<br />

Univ. du Septentrion, <strong>2008</strong>. - 323 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Mondes<br />

germaniques) - ISBN 978-2-7574-0033-3<br />

DFI D 851996 DFI: VH 580.LAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

358 Steen, Andreas: From resistance to international diplomacy :<br />

unwelcome Prussia and the signing of the first Sino-German<br />

treaty in Tianjin, <strong>18</strong>59-<strong>18</strong>61 / Andreas Steen. - In: Berliner<br />

China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new<br />

perspectives on imperialism in modern China, S. 9-33, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852150 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

359 Weingart, Peter; Lentsch, Justus: Wissen - Beraten -<br />

Entscheiden : Forum und Funktion wissenschaftlicher<br />

Politikberatung in Deutschland / Peter Weingart und Justus<br />

Lentsch. Unter Mitarb. von Mitchell G. Ash ... - Weilerswist:<br />

Velbrück Wissenschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. - 336 S., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>1-331 -<br />

(Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen Forschungsberichte; Bd. 22) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-938808-51-1<br />

DGAP D 852781 DGAP: DG 47<strong>30</strong>6<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

360 Noack, Hans Joachim: Helmut Schmidt : die Biographie /<br />

Hans-Joachim Noack. - Berlin: Rowohlt, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3<strong>16</strong> S., Ill., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>9-311 - ISBN 978-3-87134-566-1<br />

DGAP D 852321 DGAP: DG 47282<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

361 Eberspächter, Cord: To arm China : Sino-German relations in<br />

the military sphere prior the First World War / Cord Eberspächter.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 54-74<br />

GIGA D 852152 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 17 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

362 Gesetz zu dem Abkommen vom 14 März 2006 zwischen der<br />

Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Französischen<br />

Republik über den Bau einer Eisenbahnbrücke über den<br />

Rhein bei Kehl : vom 15. Januar 2007 - In: Bundesgesetzblatt:<br />

Teil II (Bonn), (19. Januar 2007) 1, S. 2-12, Tab.<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl207s0002.pdf<br />

DFI D 852012 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF 360.W1215 DGAP: MD 23<br />

DIE: 87ZA004 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

363 Gesetz zu dem Rahmenabkommen vom 22. Juli 2005<br />

zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

und der Regierung der Französischen Republik über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich und zu der Verwaltungsvereinbarung<br />

vom 9. März 2006 zwischen dem Bundesministerium für<br />

Gesundheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem<br />

Minister für Gesundheit und Solidarität der Französischen<br />

Republik über die Durchführungsmodalitäten des<br />

Rahmenabkommens vom 22. Juli 2005 über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich : vom 17. Dezember 2006 -<br />

In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Bonn), (21. Dezember 2006) 32,<br />

S. 13<strong>30</strong>-1339<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl206s13<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852014 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF370.W12<strong>16</strong> DGAP: MD 23<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

364 Hielscher, Kathleen: Die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen<br />

in der Europa-, Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik : Kontinuität und<br />

Wandel seit 1990 / Kathleen Hielscher. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verl.<br />

Müller, <strong>2008</strong>. - 121 S., Lit. S. 112-121 - ISBN 978-3-639-02024-3<br />

DFI D 852640 DFI: WD 210.HIEL Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

365 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: Wohlstand für alle / Willhelm Hofmeister.<br />

- In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 8-9, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852464 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

366 Kozyrev, Illya: Russland - alter Freund mit neuem Gesicht :<br />

Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Russland in<br />

Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft / Illya Kozyrev. -<br />

Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2007. - 113 S., Ill. - ISBN 3-86537-152-3<br />

DGAP D 852588 DGAP: DG 47287k<br />

367 Nash, C.; Kinneavy, A.; Mader, K.: Cultural diplomacy in the<br />

relationship between the UK and Germany / by C. Nash, A.<br />

Kinneavy and K. Mader. - Berlin ...: Cultural Diplomacy News,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.culturaldiplomacynews.org/index.php?aid=935<br />

IFA D 852459 IFA: Cb28/455 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

368 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

369 Steen, Andreas: From resistance to international diplomacy :<br />

unwelcome Prussia and the signing of the first Sino-German<br />

treaty in Tianjin, <strong>18</strong>59-<strong>18</strong>61 / Andreas Steen. - In: Berliner<br />

China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new<br />

perspectives on imperialism in modern China, S. 9-33, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852150 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

370 Dynamiser la coopération transfrontalière : dossier de<br />

presse / Fondation Entetente Franco-Allemande /<br />

Deutsch-Französisches Institut. - Ludwigsburg, [<strong>2008</strong>]. - 4 S.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852213 DFI: WE 510.W1217 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

371 L'espace du Rhin supérieur, une région européenne<br />

d'avenir : présentation générale de la coopération<br />

transfrontalière ; [brochure publiée par la Région Alsace dans le<br />

cadre du 11e Congrès Tripartite] = Der Oberrhein,<br />

Zukunftsregion in Europa - Strasbourg: Région Alsace, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

59 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

http://www.region-alsace.eu/medias/documents/europe_internati<br />

onal/cooperation-transfrontaliere/congrestripartite60p.pdf<br />

DFI D 852087 DFI: WE 510.ESP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

372 Löfflmann, Georg: Verteidigung am Hindukusch? Die<br />

Zivilmacht Deutschland und der Krieg in Afghanistan / Georg<br />

Löfflmann. - Hamburg: Diplomica-Verl., <strong>2008</strong>. - 88 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 76-88 - ISBN 978-3-8366-5772-3<br />

DGAP D 852563 DGAP: DG 47211f<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

373 Auwermann, Daniel: Das Kommando Operative Führung<br />

Eingreifskräfte / Daniel Auwermann. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn),<br />

40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 32-38, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852590 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

374 Baumgard, Frank: Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit in der<br />

Bundeswehr / Frank Baumgard. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn),<br />

40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 96-105, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852654 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

375 Belz, Harald: Das Streitkräfteunterstützungskommando der<br />

Bundeswehr / Harald Belz. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

Spezial, S. <strong>16</strong>-23, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852587 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

376 Busch, Peter; Arnoldi, Jürgen: Das Feldjägerwesen der<br />

Bundeswehr / Peter Busch ; Jürgen Arnoldi. - In: Wehrtechnik<br />

(Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 86-91, Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

SWP D 852643 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

377 Dänner, Axel Helmut; Timmering, Jan; Schmidt-Eversheim,<br />

Bernhard: Das militärische Nachrichtenwesen / Axel Helmut<br />

Dänner, Jan Timmering, Bernhard Schmidt-Eversheim. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 68-72, graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

SWP D 852598 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

378 Dibon, Christoph; Bröhl, Adolf; Schlosser, Werner: SASPF -<br />

realisieren, einführen, ausbilden : die Zusammenarbeit zwischen<br />

Streitkräftebasis und BWI bei der Einführung von SASPF /<br />

Christoph Dibon, Adolf Bröhl, Werner Schlosser. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 120-123, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852665 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

379 Das Geoinformationswesen der Bundeswehr : Aktuelle,<br />

qualitätsgeprüfte Geoinformationen aus einer Hand / Peter<br />

Webert ... - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial,<br />

S. 73-78, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852600 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

380 Grintz, Michael: Die Ausrüstungsplanung der Luftwaffe /<br />

Michael Grintz. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 74-79, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852671 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

381 Klos, Dietmar: Infanterist der Zukunft / Dietmar Klos. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 62-72, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852664 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

382 Kottmann, Walter Jürgen: Führungsunterstützung unter der<br />

Perspektive NetOpFü / Walter Jürgen Kottmann. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 62-67, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852596 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

383 Krake, Lutz: Einsatzführungsstab - Ziele, Aufgaben,<br />

Fähigkeiten, Strukturen / Lutz Krake. - In: Europäische<br />

Sicherheit (Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 38-40, graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

SWP D 852648 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

384 Krippl, Wolfgang: German army engineers : on their way to the<br />

future / Wolfgang Krippl. - In: Military Technology (Bonn),<br />

31 (2007) 7, S. 22-27, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852731 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

385 Land, Wolfgang M.: Das Logistikzentrum der Bundeswehr /<br />

Wolfgang M. Land. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 52-59, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852660 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

386 Lührs, Hans-Joachim: Streitkräftegemeinsame Ausbildung /<br />

Hans-Joachim Lührs. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

Spezial, S. 106-112, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852657 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

387 Meusch, Andreas: Das Einsatzführungskommando der<br />

Bundeswehr / Andreas Meusch. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn),<br />

40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 32-38, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852589 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

388 Meyer, Hermann: Ausstattung mit modernen geschützten<br />

Verwundetentransportfahrzeugen / Hermann Meyer. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 43-47, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852653 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

389 Nolting, Wolfgang: Navigieren auf bewegter See : die<br />

Deutsche Marine in der Transformation / Wolfgang Nolting. -<br />

In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 20-29, Ill.<br />

SWP D 8526<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

390 Oelkuch, Rainer: Das Streitkräfteamt (SKA) / Rainer Oelkuch. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 48-53, graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

SWP D 852593 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

391 Pöppelmann, Jürgen: Air transport in the German Air Force<br />

today and tomorrow / Jürgen Pöppelmann. - In: Military<br />

Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 60-62, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852741 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

392 Reckziegel, Roland: ABC-Abwehr und Schutzaufgaben /<br />

Roland Reckziegel. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

Spezial, S. 79-84, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852601 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

393 Stauch, Georg: Kommando Führung Operationen von<br />

Spezialkräften (KdoFOSK) / Georg Stauch. - In: Wehrtechnik<br />

(Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 40-45, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852591 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

394 Terschüren, Stefan: Die Streitkräftebasis (SKB) als Force<br />

Enabler und Force Provider : Zweck und Zielsetzung der<br />

Aufstellung SKB / Stefan Terschüren. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn),<br />

40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 8-15, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852586 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

395 Die Truppe für Operative Informationen / Mike Lengner ... -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 92-95, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852652 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

396 Weiterentwicklung und Ausrüstungsplanung in der<br />

Streitkräftebasis / Heinrich Geppert ... - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn),<br />

40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 145-150, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852678 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

397 Wolff, Joachim; Hübner, Horst D.: Logistik / Joachim Wolff<br />

und Horst Hübner. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

Spezial, S. 54-61, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852595 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

398 Kümmel, Gerhard: Frauen in der Bundeswehr : so viel<br />

Differenz wie nötig, so viel Gleichheit wie möglich ; die<br />

Integration von Frauen in die Bundeswehr aus Sicht von<br />

Soldatinnen und Soldaten / von Gerhard Kümmel. -<br />

In: Sowi.News (Strausberg), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-12, Tab.<br />

DGAP D 8517<strong>30</strong> DGAP: DG B01450t<br />

399 Poretschkin, Alexander: Streitkräfte im Sinne des<br />

Grundgesetzes / Alexander Poretschkin. - In: Neue Zeitschrift<br />

für Wehrrecht (Berlin), 50 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 103-111<br />

DGAP D 852441 DGAP: DG B01452z Öff.StaO: 281<br />

400 Portugall, Gerd: Controlling: Experteninterviews mit<br />

Kommandeuren und Dienststellenleitern ergänzen<br />

Controller-Befragungen : neue Studie des<br />

Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts zur Nutzung des Controllings<br />

als Führungsinstrument / von Gerd Portugall. - In: Sowi.News<br />

(Strausberg), (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-12, Tab.<br />

DGAP D 852004 DGAP: DG B01450w<br />

SC06.03 Organisation of military defence<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

401 Greggersen, Thomas: Controlling in der Streitkräftebasis /<br />

Thomas Greggersen. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

Spezial, S. 124-128, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852670 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

402 Heiß, Hans Jürgen: Truppeninformation / Hans Jürgen Heiß. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 137-138, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852676 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

403 Moniac, Rüdiger: Bundeswehrplan 2009: viel zu wenig Geld /<br />

Rüdiger Moniac. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 42-43, graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852650 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

404 Sauvant, Jochen: Spitzensportförderung der Bundeswehr /<br />

Jochen Sauvant. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial,<br />

S. 129-132, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852672 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

405 Schiffer, Wolfgang; Kirsten, Tanja: Die<br />

Familienbetreuungsorganisation der Bundeswehr / Wolfgang<br />

Schiffer, Tanja Kirsten. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

Spezial, S. 133-136, Ill., graph. Darst, Kt.<br />

SWP D 852674 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

406 Winsche, Harry: Nachwuchsgewinnung als zentrale<br />

Herausforderung der Streitkräfte / Harry Winsche. -<br />

In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial, S. 1<strong>16</strong>-119, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852662 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

407 Winsche, Harry: Personalführung Offz/Uffz aus einer Hand /<br />

Harry Winsche. - In: Wehrtechnik (Bonn), 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial,<br />

S. 113-115, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852658 SWP: Y. 205 BICC: BZ WT Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01 World economy / International economic system<br />

408 Matthes, Jürgen; Langhorst, Christina; Herzog, Bodo:<br />

Deutschland in der Globalisierung : Auswirkungen und<br />

Handlungsansätze für eine bessere Balance zwischen<br />

Gewinnern und Verlierern / Jürgen Matthes ; Christina<br />

Langhorst ; Bodo Herzog. - Sankt Augustin ...:<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 51-55 - (Zukunftsforum Politik; 89) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940955-17-3<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_14039-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852240 DGAP: DG B01452x<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

409 Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Junior partner Canada : transatlantic<br />

trade relations under Germany's EU presidency / Stormy-Annika<br />

Mildner. - In: International Journal (Toronto), 63 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 646-663, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5275<br />

SWP D 852015 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

410 Hell, Patrick: Les enjeux économiques du bilinguisme / par<br />

Patrick Hell. - In: Tonic le magazine (Haguenau). - 1-2, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

1: Le déclin du travail frontalier: une grave menace économique<br />

pour l'Alsace. - (mars <strong>2008</strong>) 15. - S. 21, Kt.<br />

2: Le bilinguisme, formidable levier de prospérité des entreprises<br />

alsaciennes. - (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119. - S. 44-45, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852053 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

411 Ochtrop, Jens: KfW investiert in Biodiversität / Jens Ochtrop. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 34-35, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852470 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

412 Aktion Afrika - Köln: German News Information Services, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/57157<br />

IFA D 852505 IFA: Cb28/464 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 19 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

413 Knopp, Hans-Georg: "Nicht nur Wiege der Menschheit" :<br />

Interview mit dem Generalsekretär des Goethe-Instituts,<br />

Hans-Georg Knopp, über die Verstärkung des Engagements<br />

des Goethe-Instituts in Subsahara-Afrika / das Interview führte<br />

Verena Hütter. - München: Goethe-Institut, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.goethe.de/prj/afr/naf/afr/inv/deindex.htm<br />

IFA D 852506 IFA: Cb28/463 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

414 Merkel, Angela: Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel<br />

anlässlich des Besuchs der Zentrale des Goethe-Instituts : Am 8.<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> in München - Berlin: Presse- und<br />

Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, 2009. - Ca. 5 S.<br />

http://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/Content/DE/Rede/<strong>2008</strong>/09/<strong>2008</strong>-<br />

09-08-rede-merkel-goethe-institut.html<br />

IFA D 852443 IFA: Cb28/452 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

415 Nash, C.; Kinneavy, A.; Mader, K.: Cultural diplomacy in the<br />

relationship between the UK and Germany / by C. Nash, A.<br />

Kinneavy and K. Mader. - Berlin ...: Cultural Diplomacy News,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.culturaldiplomacynews.org/index.php?aid=935<br />

IFA D 852459 IFA: Cb28/455 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

4<strong>16</strong> Steinmeier, Frank-Walter: Rede des Bundesaußenministers<br />

Frank-Walter Steinmeier zur Eröffnung des 20. Africa-Festivals<br />

am 22. Mai <strong>2008</strong> in Würzburg - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Infoservice/Presse/Red<br />

en/<strong>2008</strong>/080522-BM-AfricaFestival.html<br />

IFA D 852466 IFA: Cb28/454 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

417 Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung: Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung : Grundsätze,<br />

Programme, Information - Düsseldorf, 2007. - 12 S., Ill., Tab.<br />

http://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/binaries/addon/140_ghs_ima<br />

gebrosch_e2_de_05.pdf<br />

IFA D 852503 IFA: Cb28/470 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

4<strong>18</strong> Gouvernement (Germany): Vereinbarung zwischen der<br />

Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Regierung<br />

der Republik Türkei über die Gründung einer deutsch-türkischen<br />

Universität in der Republik Türkei - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - [8] S.<br />

http://www.ankara.diplo.de/Vertretung/ankara/de/06/Ernst__Reut<br />

er__Initiative__D__TUR__Uni/D__TUR__Uni__Vertrag__downlo<br />

ad,property=Daten.pdf<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>35 IFA: Cb28/451 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

419 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

420 Stratilaki, Sofia: Representations of plurilingual competence<br />

and language use in dynamic trilingual education : The case of<br />

French-German schools in Buc and Saarbrücken / Sofia<br />

Stratilaki. - In: Zeitschrift für interkulturellen<br />

Fremdsprachenunterricht (Edmonton), 11 (Januar 2006) 1, 19<br />

S., Lit. S. 13-19<br />

außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Contextes, pratiques et<br />

représentations du bi-/plurilinguisme: le cas des lycées<br />

franco-allemands de Buc et de Sarrebruck<br />

http://zif.spz.tu-darmstadt.de/jg-11-1/beitrag/Stratilaki1.htm<br />

DFI D 851760 DFI: WG 540.W1213 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

421 Hell, Patrick: Les enjeux économiques du bilinguisme / par<br />

Patrick Hell. - In: Tonic le magazine (Haguenau). - 1-2, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

1: Le déclin du travail frontalier: une grave menace économique<br />

pour l'Alsace. - (mars <strong>2008</strong>) 15. - S. 21, Kt.<br />

2: Le bilinguisme, formidable levier de prospérité des entreprises<br />

alsaciennes. - (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119. - S. 44-45, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852053 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

422 Hecht-el-Minshawi, Beatrice; Szodruch, Marja: Weltweit<br />

arbeiten : gut vorbereitet für Job und Karriere im Ausland /<br />

Béatrice Hecht-El Minshawi ; Marja Szodruch. - München:<br />

Redline Wirtschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. - 240 S., Ill., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-636-01580-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>41 IFA: 28/737 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

423 Frankreichbild im Wandel / Adelheid Schumann (ed.). -<br />

In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131, S. 43-127,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852546 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

424 Mai 68 - In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131,<br />

S. 128-<strong>16</strong>1, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852547 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

425 Stereotype in interkultureller Wahrnehmung / Hrsg. Alina<br />

Kowalczyk ... - Nysa: Oficina Wydawnicza Państwowej Wyższej<br />

Szkoły Zawodowej, 2005. - 195 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Germanistische<br />

Studien: Beiheft; 2) - ISBN 83-60081-07-7<br />

IFA D 85<strong>18</strong>80 IFA: 28/7<strong>30</strong> Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

426 Poretschkin, Alexander: Streitkräfte im Sinne des<br />

Grundgesetzes / Alexander Poretschkin. - In: Neue Zeitschrift<br />

für Wehrrecht (Berlin), 50 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 103-111<br />

DGAP D 852441 DGAP: DG B01452z Öff.StaO: 281<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

427 Egner, Björn; Stoiber, Michael: A transferable incumbency<br />

effect in local elections : why it is important for parties to hold the<br />

mayoralty / Björn Egner and Michael Stoiber. - In: German<br />

Politics (Abingdon), 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 124-139, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>75 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

428 Hepburn, Eve: The neglected nation : The CSU and the<br />

territorial cleavage in Bavarian party politics / Eve Hepburn. -<br />

In: German Politics (Abingdon), 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>4-202,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>81 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

429 Hering, Martin: Welfare state restructuring without grand<br />

coalitions : The role of informal cooperation in blame avoidance /<br />

Martin Hering. - In: German Politics (Abingdon), 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

2, S. <strong>16</strong>5-<strong>18</strong>3, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>80 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

4<strong>30</strong> Williams, Michelle Hale: Kirchheimer revisited : party<br />

polarisation, party convergence, or party decline in the German<br />

party system / Michelle Hale Williams. - In: German Politics<br />

(Abingdon), 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 105-123, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>73 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

431 Zittel, Thomas: Die elektronische Wählerkommunikation von<br />

Abgeordneten aus vergleichender Perspektive : Medienwandel<br />

oder Demokratiewandel? / Thomas Zittel. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>5-208,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 206-208<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>62 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

432 Broughton, David: Frozen in the centre, melting at the edges?<br />

The Landtagswahlen in Hesse and Lower Saxony, January <strong>2008</strong><br />

/ David Broughton. - In: German Politics (Abingdon), 17 (June<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 203-211, Tab.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>83 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

433 Kaiser, André; Hennl, Annika: Wahlsysteme und<br />

Frauenrepräsentation : ein Vergleich der deutschen<br />

Landesparlamente / André Kaiser ; Annika Hennl. - In: Zeitschrift<br />

für Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>7-<strong>18</strong>4,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>1-<strong>18</strong>4<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>57 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 20 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

434 Manow, Philip: Wiederwahlwahrscheinlichkeiten im deutschen<br />

System der personalisierten Verhältniswahl : eine empirische<br />

Untersuchung der <strong>16</strong> Bundestagswahlen, 1949-2005 / Philip<br />

Manow. - In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden),<br />

<strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 147-<strong>16</strong>6, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>4-<strong>16</strong>5<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>56 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

435 Kaestner, Uwe: Menschenrecht Sicherheit / Uwe Kaestner. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 14-15, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852467 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF10 Law<br />

436 Badura, Peter: Gleiche Freiheit im Verhältnis zwischen<br />

Privaten : die verfassungsrechtliche Problematik der Umsetzung<br />

der EG-Diskriminierungsrichtlinien in Deutschland / Peter<br />

Badura. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 347-358, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851937 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

437 Deckers, Rüdiger; Heusel, Johanna: Strafbarkeit<br />

terroristischer Vorbereitungshandlungen : rechtsstaatlich nicht<br />

tragbar / Rüdiger Deckers und Johanna Heusel. - In: Zeitschrift<br />

für Rechtspolitik (München), 41 (29. August <strong>2008</strong>) 6, S. <strong>16</strong>9-173,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 852<strong>16</strong>3 OSI: Zt 627 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

438 Luther, Jörg: Die "gleiche Freiheit" der europäischen Bürger in<br />

Italien und Deutschland / Jörg Luther. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart),<br />

68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 371-389, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851940 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

439 Uerpmann-Wittzack, Robert: Gleiche Freiheit im Verhältnis<br />

zwischen Privaten : Artikel 3 Abs. 3 GG als unterschätzte<br />

Verfassungsnorm / Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack. - In: Zeitschrift<br />

für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart),<br />

68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 359-370, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851938 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

440 Raffelhüschen, Bernd; Hagist, Christian; Moog, Stefan:<br />

Ehrbarer Staat? Die Generationenbilanz ; Update <strong>2008</strong>:<br />

Migration und Nachhaltigkeit / Bernd Raffelhüschen ; Christian<br />

Hagist ; Stefan Moog. - Berlin: Stiftung Marktwirtschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

28 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27 - (Argumente zu<br />

Marktwirtschaft und Politik; Nr. 103)<br />

DGAP D 852449 DGAP: DG B01452g<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

441 Kümmel, Gerhard: Frauen in der Bundeswehr : so viel<br />

Differenz wie nötig, so viel Gleichheit wie möglich ; die<br />

Integration von Frauen in die Bundeswehr aus Sicht von<br />

Soldatinnen und Soldaten / von Gerhard Kümmel. -<br />

In: Sowi.News (Strausberg), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-12, Tab.<br />

DGAP D 8517<strong>30</strong> DGAP: DG B01450t<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

442 Hecht-el-Minshawi, Beatrice; Szodruch, Marja: Weltweit<br />

arbeiten : gut vorbereitet für Job und Karriere im Ausland /<br />

Béatrice Hecht-El Minshawi ; Marja Szodruch. - München:<br />

Redline Wirtschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. - 240 S., Ill., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-636-01580-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>41 IFA: 28/737 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

443 Kanada und Deutschland : Migration und Integration im<br />

Vergleich ; Fachtagung / Bundesamt für Migration und<br />

Flüchtlinge. Hrsg. von Petra Bendel ... - 1. Aufl. - Nürnberg, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 153 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Migration,<br />

Flüchtlinge und Integration; Bd. 15) - ISBN 978-3-9812115-0-4<br />

IFA D 852356 IFA: 28/765 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

444 Hering, Martin: Welfare state restructuring without grand<br />

coalitions : The role of informal cooperation in blame avoidance /<br />

Martin Hering. - In: German Politics (Abingdon), 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

2, S. <strong>16</strong>5-<strong>18</strong>3, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>80 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

445 Kronauer, Martin: Verunsicherte Mitte, gespaltene Gesellschaft?<br />

/ Martin Kronauer. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, Schwerpunktheft: Umbruch, Fortschritt oder<br />

Rückschritt? Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik,<br />

S. 372-378, Lit. S. 378<br />

FUB D 851776 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

446 Trampusch, Christine: Sozialpolitik : Vorwärts- und<br />

Rückwärtsreformen und Neuvermessung von Solidarität /<br />

Christine Trampusch. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main),<br />

61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, Schwerpunktheft: Umbruch, Fortschritt oder<br />

Rückschritt? Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik,<br />

S. 365-371, Lit. S. 371<br />

FUB D 851775 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.01 Social security<br />

447 Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Reformkommunikation :<br />

westeuropäische Parteien auf Mehrheitssuche / Stefanie<br />

Delhees ... - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 249 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 223-247 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3523-8<br />

DFI D 852635 DFI: VQ 210.WOH Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

448 Gesetz zu dem Rahmenabkommen vom 22. Juli 2005<br />

zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland<br />

und der Regierung der Französischen Republik über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich und zu der Verwaltungsvereinbarung<br />

vom 9. März 2006 zwischen dem Bundesministerium für<br />

Gesundheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem<br />

Minister für Gesundheit und Solidarität der Französischen<br />

Republik über die Durchführungsmodalitäten des<br />

Rahmenabkommens vom 22. Juli 2005 über die<br />

grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im<br />

Gesundheitsbereich : vom 17. Dezember 2006 -<br />

In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Bonn), (21. Dezember 2006) 32,<br />

S. 13<strong>30</strong>-1339<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl206s13<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852014 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF370.W12<strong>16</strong> DGAP: MD 23<br />

Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

449 Grüning, Thilo; Strünck, Christoph; Gilmore, Anna B.:<br />

Puffing away? Explaining the politics of tobacco control in<br />

Germany / Thilo Grüning ; Christoph Strünck ; Anna B. Gilmore.<br />

- In: German Politics (Abingdon), 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 140-<strong>16</strong>4,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>78 OSI: Zw 221 DGAP: ZD 482 IFA: Z-GB400 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

450 Allmendinger, Jutta; Helbig, Marcel: Zur Notwendigkeit von<br />

Bildungsreformen / Jutta Allmendinger ; Marcel Helbig. -<br />

In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7,<br />

Schwerpunktheft: Umbruch, Fortschritt oder Rückschritt?<br />

Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik, S. 394-399,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 399<br />

FUB D 851779 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

451 Hoffmann, Jürgen; Schmidt, Rudi: Der Streik der<br />

Lokführer-Gewerkschaft GDL : Anfang vom Ende des deutschen<br />

Systems der industriellen Beziehungen? / Jürgen Hoffmann ;<br />

Rudi Schmidt. - In: Prokla (Münster), 38 (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 2/151,<br />

S. 323-342, Lit. S. 342<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>39 OSI: Zu 323 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

452 Mai 68 - In: Lendemains (Tübingen), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131,<br />

S. 128-<strong>16</strong>1, Ill., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852547 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

453 Schneebeli, Alberto: Mehrsprachigkeit - Oberrrhein / Alberto<br />

Scheebeli; Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sportdirektion, Kanton<br />

Basel-Landschaft, Stabsstelle Bildung. - o.O, 2007. - [13] Bl.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

Konferenzbeitrag erschienen in: Architexturen einer<br />

Grenzregion / hrsg. von Frank Haase. - München: kopaed, <strong>2008</strong><br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>94 DFI: WE 580.W1214 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 21 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

454 La laïcité en question : religion, Etat et société en France et en<br />

Allemagne du <strong>18</strong>e siècle à nos jours / Sylvie Le Grand (éd.).<br />

Introduction de René Rémond. - Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses<br />

Univ. du Septentrion, <strong>2008</strong>. - 323 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Mondes<br />

germaniques) - ISBN 978-2-7574-0033-3<br />

DFI D 851996 DFI: VH 580.LAI Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

455 Bofinger, Peter: Das Jahrzehnt der Entstaatlichung / Peter<br />

Bofinger. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

7, Schwerpunktheft: Umbruch, Fortschritt oder Rückschritt?<br />

Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik, S. 351-357,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S.357<br />

FUB D 851771 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

456 Engelking, Olga: Privatisierungsfehler in der Ukraine und in<br />

Deutschland / Olga Engelking. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht<br />

(München), 49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 19-38<br />

SOI D 852313 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

457 Erdmann, Georg: War die Strommarkt-Liberalisierung in<br />

Deutschland bisher ein Flop? / Georg Erdmann. - In: Zeitschrift<br />

für Energiewirtschaft (Wiesbaden), 32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 197-202,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 202<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>63 SWP: Y. 568 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

458 Der neue Kapitalismus - In: Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter<br />

Hefte (Bonn), 55 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. <strong>18</strong>-55<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>36 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173<br />

Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

459 Gewinner und Verlierer des Aufschwungs / eds.: Peter<br />

Hohlfeld ... - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 8, Schwerpunktheft, S. 414-462, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851789 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

460 Demirovic, Alex: Mitbestimmung und die Perspektiven der<br />

Wirtschaftsdemokratie / Alex Demirović. - In: WSI-Mitteilungen<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), 61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, Schwerpunktheft: Umbruch,<br />

Fortschritt oder Rückschritt? Analysen zur Arbeits- und<br />

Gesellschaftspolitik, S. 387-393, Lit. S. 393<br />

FUB D 851778 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

461 Gewinner und Verlierer des Aufschwungs / eds.: Peter<br />

Hohlfeld ... - In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 8, Schwerpunktheft, S. 414-462, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851789 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

462 Hoffmann, Jürgen; Schmidt, Rudi: Der Streik der<br />

Lokführer-Gewerkschaft GDL : Anfang vom Ende des deutschen<br />

Systems der industriellen Beziehungen? / Jürgen Hoffmann ;<br />

Rudi Schmidt. - In: Prokla (Münster), 38 (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 2/151,<br />

S. 323-342, Lit. S. 342<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>39 OSI: Zu 323 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

463 Schmid, Günther: Entgrenzung der Erwerbsarbeit :<br />

Erweiterung der sozialen Sicherheit / Günther Schmid. -<br />

In: WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main), 61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7,<br />

Schwerpunktheft: Umbruch, Fortschritt oder Rückschritt?<br />

Analysen zur Arbeits- und Gesellschaftspolitik, S. 358-364,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S.364<br />

FUB D 851774 OSI: Zs 268 DGAP: ZD 220 DIE: ZA136 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

464 Buttermann, Hans-Georg; Hillebrand, Bernhard; Baten,<br />

Tina: Determinanten der Strom- und Gaspreisentwicklung in<br />

Deutschland : eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme für die Jahre<br />

1998 bis 2007 / Hans-Georg Buttermann ; Bernhard Hillebrand ;<br />

Tina Baten. - In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (Wiesbaden),<br />

32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. <strong>18</strong>7-196, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>62 SWP: Y. 568 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

465 Erdmann, Georg: War die Strommarkt-Liberalisierung in<br />

Deutschland bisher ein Flop? / Georg Erdmann. - In: Zeitschrift<br />

für Energiewirtschaft (Wiesbaden), 32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 197-202,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 202<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>63 SWP: Y. 568 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

466 Hennicke, Peter: "Abrüsten mit neuer Energie" :<br />

Herausforderungen und Chancen für die deutsche Energiepolitik<br />

/ Peter Hennicke. - In: Powered by? Szenarien nachhaltiger<br />

Energienutzung / hrsg. von Gudrun Tegeder. [Bischöfliche<br />

Studienförderung Cusanuswerk]. - Bonn, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Schriften des<br />

Cusanuswerks; <strong>18</strong>), S. 47-65, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 63-65<br />

DGAP D 852224 DGAP: DG 47278<br />

467 Powered by? Szenarien nachhaltiger Energienutzung / hrsg.<br />

von Gudrun Tegeder. [Bischöfliche Studienförderung<br />

Cusanuswerk] - Bonn, <strong>2008</strong>. - 141 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Schriften des Cusanuswerks; <strong>18</strong>)<br />

DGAP D 852219 DGAP: DG 47278<br />

468 Umbach, Frank: Herausforderungen der globalen<br />

Energiesicherheit für Deutschland und Europa / Frank Umbach.<br />

- In: Powered by? Szenarien nachhaltiger Energienutzung / hrsg.<br />

von Gudrun Tegeder. [Bischöfliche Studienförderung<br />

Cusanuswerk]. - Bonn, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Schriften des Cusanuswerks;<br />

<strong>18</strong>), S. 87-100, Tab.<br />

DGAP D 852227 DGAP: DG 47278<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

469 Gesetz zu dem Abkommen vom 14 März 2006 zwischen der<br />

Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Französischen<br />

Republik über den Bau einer Eisenbahnbrücke über den<br />

Rhein bei Kehl : vom 15. Januar 2007 - In: Bundesgesetzblatt:<br />

Teil II (Bonn), (19. Januar 2007) 1, S. 2-12, Tab.<br />

http://frei.bundesgesetzblatt.de/pdf/bgbl2/bgbl207s0002.pdf<br />

DFI D 852012 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DFI: WF 360.W1215 DGAP: MD 23<br />

DIE: 87ZA004 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

470 Struktur und Effizienz des deutschen Bankensystems :<br />

Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der<br />

Abgeordneten Frank Schäffler ... und der Fraktion der<br />

FDP - Drucksache <strong>16</strong>/9850 / Deutscher Bundestag. - Köln:<br />

Bundesanzeiger, <strong>2008</strong>. - 7 S. - (Verhandlungen des Deutschen<br />

Bundestages: Drucksachen; <strong>16</strong>/9976)<br />

SWP D 851952 SWP: Y. 82 OSI: GES 99 DGAP: ZD 214 Öff.StaO: 1<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

471 Zittel, Thomas: Die elektronische Wählerkommunikation von<br />

Abgeordneten aus vergleichender Perspektive : Medienwandel<br />

oder Demokratiewandel? / Thomas Zittel. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>5-208,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 206-208<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>62 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

472 Deutsch-Französischer Umweltrat: <strong>16</strong>.<br />

Deutsch-französischer Umweltrat in Goslar am 4. Februar <strong>2008</strong> :<br />

Kommuniqué - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S.<br />

http://www.bmu.de/files/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/umweltrat<br />

_dt_fr_<strong>16</strong>.pdf<br />

DFI D 852293 DFI: WF 350.W12<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

473 Deutsch-Französischer Umweltrat: <strong>16</strong>e Conseil<br />

franco-allemand de l'environnement Goslar le 4 février <strong>2008</strong> -<br />

o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S.<br />

http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Declaration_f<br />

inale_cle58cc25.pdf<br />

DFI D 852294 DFI: WF 350.W1219 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SK Science / Research<br />

474 Weingart, Peter; Lentsch, Justus: Wissen - Beraten -<br />

Entscheiden : Forum und Funktion wissenschaftlicher<br />

Politikberatung in Deutschland / Peter Weingart und Justus<br />

Lentsch. Unter Mitarb. von Mitchell G. Ash ... - Weilerswist:<br />

Velbrück Wissenschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. - 336 S., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>1-331 -<br />

(Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen Forschungsberichte; Bd. 22) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-938808-51-1<br />

DGAP D 852781 DGAP: DG 47<strong>30</strong>6<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 22 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SK01 Fields of science<br />

475 Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung: Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung : Grundsätze,<br />

Programme, Information - Düsseldorf, 2007. - 12 S., Ill., Tab.<br />

http://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/binaries/addon/140_ghs_ima<br />

gebrosch_e2_de_05.pdf<br />

IFA D 852503 IFA: Cb28/470 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities<br />

476 Gouvernement (Germany): Vereinbarung zwischen der<br />

Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Regierung<br />

der Republik Türkei über die Gründung einer deutsch-türkischen<br />

Universität in der Republik Türkei - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - [8] S.<br />

http://www.ankara.diplo.de/Vertretung/ankara/de/06/Ernst__Reut<br />

er__Initiative__D__TUR__Uni/D__TUR__Uni__Vertrag__downlo<br />

ad,property=Daten.pdf<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>35 IFA: Cb28/451 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

477 Noack, Hans Joachim: Helmut Schmidt : die Biographie /<br />

Hans-Joachim Noack. - Berlin: Rowohlt, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3<strong>16</strong> S., Ill., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>9-311 - ISBN 978-3-87134-566-1<br />

DGAP D 852321 DGAP: DG 47282<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

478 Kaiser, André; Hennl, Annika: Wahlsysteme und<br />

Frauenrepräsentation : ein Vergleich der deutschen<br />

Landesparlamente / André Kaiser ; Annika Hennl. - In: Zeitschrift<br />

für Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>7-<strong>18</strong>4,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>1-<strong>18</strong>4<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>57 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

479 Manow, Philip: Wiederwahlwahrscheinlichkeiten im deutschen<br />

System der personalisierten Verhältniswahl : eine empirische<br />

Untersuchung der <strong>16</strong> Bundestagswahlen, 1949-2005 / Philip<br />

Manow. - In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden),<br />

<strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 147-<strong>16</strong>6, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>4-<strong>16</strong>5<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>56 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RA05.11 POLAND<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

480 Stereotype in interkultureller Wahrnehmung / Hrsg. Alina<br />

Kowalczyk ... - Nysa: Oficina Wydawnicza Państwowej Wyższej<br />

Szkoły Zawodowej, 2005. - 195 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Germanistische<br />

Studien: Beiheft; 2) - ISBN 83-60081-07-7<br />

IFA D 85<strong>18</strong>80 IFA: 28/7<strong>30</strong> Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

481 Polanska, Dominika: Decline and revitalization in<br />

post-communist urban context : A case of the Polish city ;<br />

Gdansk / Dominika Polanska. - In: Communist and<br />

Post-Communist Studies (Oxford), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 359-374, Lit. S. 372-374<br />

SWP D 852398 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

482 Polanska, Dominika: Decline and revitalization in<br />

post-communist urban context : A case of the Polish city ;<br />

Gdansk / Dominika Polanska. - In: Communist and<br />

Post-Communist Studies (Oxford), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 359-374, Lit. S. 372-374<br />

SWP D 852398 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

483 Kozminski, Andrzej K.: Anatomy of systemic change polish<br />

management in transition / Andrzej K. Kozminski. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 263-280, Ill., Tab., 278-280<br />

SWP D 852384 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

484 Vries, Tina de: Verfassungsrechtliche Voraussetzungen der<br />

Lustration in Polen / Tina de Vries. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht<br />

(München), 49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 39-53<br />

SOI D 852315 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

485 Kozminski, Andrzej K.: Anatomy of systemic change polish<br />

management in transition / Andrzej K. Kozminski. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 263-280, Ill., Tab., 278-280<br />

SWP D 852384 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />


SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

486 Stereotype in interkultureller Wahrnehmung / Hrsg. Alina<br />

Kowalczyk ... - Nysa: Oficina Wydawnicza Państwowej Wyższej<br />

Szkoły Zawodowej, 2005. - 195 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Germanistische<br />

Studien: Beiheft; 2) - ISBN 83-60081-07-7<br />

IFA D 85<strong>18</strong>80 IFA: 28/7<strong>30</strong> Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

487 Kopeček, Lubomir; Pšeja, Pavel: Czech Social Democracy<br />

and its "cohabitation" with the Communist Party : The story of a<br />

neglected affair / Lubomir Kopeček ; Pavel Pšeja. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 317-338, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 336-338<br />

SWP D 852387 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />


SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

488 Dynamiser la coopération transfrontalière : dossier de<br />

presse / Fondation Entetente Franco-Allemande /<br />

Deutsch-Französisches Institut. - Ludwigsburg, [<strong>2008</strong>]. - 4 S.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852213 DFI: WE 510.W1217 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

489 L'espace du Rhin supérieur, une région européenne<br />

d'avenir : présentation générale de la coopération<br />

transfrontalière ; [brochure publiée par la Région Alsace dans le<br />

cadre du 11e Congrès Tripartite] = Der Oberrhein,<br />

Zukunftsregion in Europa - Strasbourg: Région Alsace, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

59 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

http://www.region-alsace.eu/medias/documents/europe_internati<br />

onal/cooperation-transfrontaliere/congrestripartite60p.pdf<br />

DFI D 852087 DFI: WE 510.ESP Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

490 Bühler, Urs: Libyen: Wirtschaftsbericht 2007 :<br />

zusammengestellt von: Schweizerische Botschaft Libyen,<br />

Tripolis, November 2007 / Urs Bühler. - Zürich ...: OSEC, 2007. -<br />

11 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.osec.ch/internet/osec/en/home/export/countries/ly/exp<br />

ort/economic_report.-RelatedBoxSlot-<strong>18</strong>622-ItemList-54541-File.<br />

File.pdf/wb_Lybien-2007_de.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>23<br />

SD03.03 International labour flow<br />

491 Hell, Patrick: Les enjeux économiques du bilinguisme / par<br />

Patrick Hell. - In: Tonic le magazine (Haguenau). - 1-2, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

1: Le déclin du travail frontalier: une grave menace économique<br />

pour l'Alsace. - (mars <strong>2008</strong>) 15. - S. 21, Kt.<br />

2: Le bilinguisme, formidable levier de prospérité des entreprises<br />

alsaciennes. - (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119. - S. 44-45, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852053 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 23 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages<br />

492 Hell, Patrick: Les enjeux économiques du bilinguisme / par<br />

Patrick Hell. - In: Tonic le magazine (Haguenau). - 1-2, graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

1: Le déclin du travail frontalier: une grave menace économique<br />

pour l'Alsace. - (mars <strong>2008</strong>) 15. - S. 21, Kt.<br />

2: Le bilinguisme, formidable levier de prospérité des entreprises<br />

alsaciennes. - (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119. - S. 44-45, graph. Darst.<br />

DFI D 852053 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

493 Schneebeli, Alberto: Mehrsprachigkeit - Oberrrhein / Alberto<br />

Scheebeli; Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sportdirektion, Kanton<br />

Basel-Landschaft, Stabsstelle Bildung. - o.O, 2007. - [13] Bl.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.<br />

Konferenzbeitrag erschienen in: Architexturen einer<br />

Grenzregion / hrsg. von Frank Haase. - München: kopaed, <strong>2008</strong><br />

DFI D 85<strong>18</strong>94 DFI: WE 580.W1214 Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

494 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

495 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


SB04 International political integration<br />

496 Řiháčková, Věra; Seydlitz, Christian von: Václav Klaus and<br />

the Constitutional Treaty : Czech Euroscepsis or Eurorealism? /<br />

Věra Řiháčková ; Christian von Seydlitz. - Praha: Institut pro<br />

Evropskou Politiku, 2007. - 21 S., Tab., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>-21<br />

http://www.europeum.org/doc/pdf/883.pdf<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>16</strong>72 DGAP: DG B01452r<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

497 Bryson, Phillip J.: "State administration" vs. self-government in<br />

the Slovak and Czech Republics / Phillip J. Bryson. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 339-358, Tab., Lit. S. 357-358<br />

SWP D 852395 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

498 Kopeček, Lubomir; Pšeja, Pavel: Czech Social Democracy<br />

and its "cohabitation" with the Communist Party : The story of a<br />

neglected affair / Lubomir Kopeček ; Pavel Pšeja. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 317-338, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 336-338<br />

SWP D 852387 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

499 Bryson, Phillip J.: "State administration" vs. self-government in<br />

the Slovak and Czech Republics / Phillip J. Bryson. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 339-358, Tab., Lit. S. 357-358<br />

SWP D 852395 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />


SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

500 Bryson, Phillip J.: "State administration" vs. self-government in<br />

the Slovak and Czech Republics / Phillip J. Bryson. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 339-358, Tab., Lit. S. 357-358<br />

SWP D 852395 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

501 Bryson, Phillip J.: "State administration" vs. self-government in<br />

the Slovak and Czech Republics / Phillip J. Bryson. -<br />

In: Communist and Post-Communist Studies (Oxford),<br />

41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 339-358, Tab., Lit. S. 357-358<br />

SWP D 852395 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RA06.02 SPAIN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

502 Neila Hernández, José Luis: Entre Cuba y las Azores :<br />

imágenes y percepciones en las relaciones entre España y los<br />

Estados Unidos / José Luis Neila Hernández. - In: Estudios<br />

Internacionales (Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0,<br />

S. 35-62, Lit. S. 60-62<br />

SWP D 852256 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SC04 Military strategy<br />

503 Edwards, Charlie: Spain in the 21st century : The case for a<br />

national security strategy / Charlie Edwards. - Madrid: Real<br />

Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 7 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute;<br />

91/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Defense+S<br />

ecurity/ARI91-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 8526<strong>16</strong><br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

504 Neila Hernández, José Luis: Entre Cuba y las Azores :<br />

imágenes y percepciones en las relaciones entre España y los<br />

Estados Unidos / José Luis Neila Hernández. - In: Estudios<br />

Internacionales (Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0,<br />

S. 35-62, Lit. S. 60-62<br />

SWP D 852256 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

505 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

506 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RA06.03 ITALY<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

507 Italie: un marché cible pour la "french touch" / Danilel<br />

Solano. - In: Le MOCI (Paris), (<strong>18</strong> septembre-1er octobre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

<strong>18</strong>25, S. <strong>30</strong>-53<br />

DFI D 852324 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 24 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF10 Law<br />

508 Luther, Jörg: Die "gleiche Freiheit" der europäischen Bürger in<br />

Italien und Deutschland / Jörg Luther. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart),<br />

68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 371-389, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851940 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

509 Cavanaugh, Jillian R.: Making salami, producing Bergamo :<br />

The transformation of value / Jilian R. Cavanaugh. - In: Ethnos<br />

(Stockholm), 72 (June 2007) 2, S. 149-172, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852557 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA06.05 GREECE<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

510 Petkova, Martina: New patterns of Balkan cooperation for<br />

Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey : The Impact of the<br />

organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation / Martina Petkova. -<br />

In: Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond<br />

Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple<br />

Europes; 40), S. 171-<strong>18</strong>1 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851914 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

511 U.S.-Greece relations and regional issues : hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, November 14, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,26 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-139)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38937.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851915 HSFK: 99.019 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

512 Dorschner, Jim: Hellenic national defence : cultural shift ;<br />

Greece modernises / Jim Dorschner. - In: Jane's Defence<br />

Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (24 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 39, S. 32-37,<br />

Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852422 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

513 Pappas, Takis S.: Political leadership and the emegence of<br />

radical mass movements in democracy / Takis S. Pappas. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1117-1140, Lit. S. 1136-1140<br />

DIE D 852097 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

514 Pappas, Takis S.: Political leadership and the emegence of<br />

radical mass movements in democracy / Takis S. Pappas. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1117-1140, Lit. S. 1136-1140<br />

DIE D 852097 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

RA06.06 TURKEY<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

515 Kramer, Heinz; Reinkowski, Maurus: Die Türkei und Europa :<br />

eine wechselhafte Beziehungsgeschichte / Heinz Kramer ;<br />

Maurus Reinkowski. - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, <strong>2008</strong>. - 213 S.,<br />

Kt., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>1-190 - ISBN 978-3-17-0<strong>18</strong>474-9<br />

DGAP D 852<strong>30</strong>7 DGAP: DG 47283 IFA: 28/728 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

5<strong>16</strong> Petkova, Martina: New patterns of Balkan cooperation for<br />

Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey : The Impact of the<br />

organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation / Martina Petkova. -<br />

In: Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond<br />

Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple<br />

Europes; 40), S. 171-<strong>18</strong>1 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851914 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

517 Claude, Gérard: La Turquie et l'Europe : l'histoire d'un<br />

"désamour" / par Gérard Claude. - In: Les Cahiers de l'Orient<br />

(Paris), (juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 91, S. 117-132, Lit. S. 131-132<br />

GIGA D 852578 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

5<strong>18</strong> Ertugal, Ebru: Conflicts and contradictions in Turkey's<br />

adaptation to multi-level governance in the EU : The role of<br />

Ottoman legacy in Turkey's present-day regional governance /<br />

Ebru Ertugal. - In: Europe and the historical legacies in the<br />

Balkans / Raymond Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple Europes; 40), S. 157-170 -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851911 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

519 Gouvernement (Germany): Vereinbarung zwischen der<br />

Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Regierung<br />

der Republik Türkei über die Gründung einer deutsch-türkischen<br />

Universität in der Republik Türkei - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - [8] S.<br />

http://www.ankara.diplo.de/Vertretung/ankara/de/06/Ernst__Reut<br />

er__Initiative__D__TUR__Uni/D__TUR__Uni__Vertrag__downlo<br />

ad,property=Daten.pdf<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>35 IFA: Cb28/451 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

520 Religious freedom in Turkey : briefing of the Commission on<br />

Security and Cooperation in Europe, United States Congress,<br />

109th Congress, 1st Session, April 12, 2005 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2007. -<br />

IV,70 S.<br />

HSFK D 852072 HSFK: 99.096 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

521 Tröndle, Dirk: Das Verbotsverfahren gegen die Partei für<br />

Gerechtigkeit und Entwicklung (AKP), die türkische<br />

Regierungspartei / Dirk Tröndle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 68-96,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852700 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

522 Çolak, Yilmaz: Neo-Ottomanism, cultural diversity and<br />

contemporary Turkish politics / Yilmaz Çolak. - In: Europe and<br />

the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond Detrez ... (eds.).<br />

- Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple Europes; 40),<br />

S. 143-153 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851906 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

523 Heper, Metin: State and Kurds in Turkey : The question of<br />

assimilation / Martin Heper. - Houndmills ...: Palgrave Macmillan,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - IX, 249 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. <strong>18</strong>7-239 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-333-64628-1<br />

SWP D 8520<strong>18</strong> SWP: A.08/0322<br />

524 Künnecke, Arndt: Eine Hürde auf dem Weg zur<br />

EU-Mitgliedschaft? Der unterschiedliche Minderheitenbegriff der<br />

EU und der Türkei / Arndt Künnecke. - Hamburg: Dr. Kovač,<br />

2007. - XXIX, 297 S., Kt., Lit. S. 257-297 - (Schriften zur<br />

Europapolitik; Bd. 7) - ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3123-9 -- Zugl.:<br />

Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2007<br />

SWP D 8522<strong>16</strong> SWP: A.08/0325<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

525 Religious freedom in Turkey : briefing of the Commission on<br />

Security and Cooperation in Europe, United States Congress,<br />

109th Congress, 1st Session, April 12, 2005 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2007. -<br />

IV,70 S.<br />

HSFK D 852072 HSFK: 99.096 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 25 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

526 Tosun, Mehmet Serkan; Yilmaz, Serdar: Decentralization,<br />

economic development, and growth in Turkish provinces /<br />

Mehmet Serkan Tosun ; Serdar Yilmaz. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

World Bank, Sustainable Development Network, Social<br />

Development Department, <strong>2008</strong>. - 23 S., Tab., Lit. S. 17-<strong>18</strong>, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Policy Research Working Papers; WPS4725)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/IW3P/IB/<strong>2008</strong>/09/24/000158349_<strong>2008</strong>0924104342/Rendered/<br />

PDF/WPS4725.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852691<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

527 Argan, Mehpare Tokay: The factors related to organic food<br />

consumption and healthy lifestyles : A study of Turkish<br />

consumers / Mehpare Tokay Argan. - In: South-East Europe<br />

Review for Labour and Social Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

1, S. 121-135, Tab., Lit. S. 134-135<br />

DIE D 852488 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities<br />

528 Gouvernement (Germany): Vereinbarung zwischen der<br />

Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Regierung<br />

der Republik Türkei über die Gründung einer deutsch-türkischen<br />

Universität in der Republik Türkei - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - [8] S.<br />

http://www.ankara.diplo.de/Vertretung/ankara/de/06/Ernst__Reut<br />

er__Initiative__D__TUR__Uni/D__TUR__Uni__Vertrag__downlo<br />

ad,property=Daten.pdf<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>35 IFA: Cb28/451 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA06.07 CYPRUS<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

529 Ker-Lindsay, James: Europe's eastern outpost : The Republic<br />

of Cyprus and the Middle East / James Ker-Lindsay. - In: The<br />

Round Table (Abingdon), 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397, S. 535-545, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851764 DGAP: ZD 269 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />


SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

5<strong>30</strong> Boudier-Bensebaa, Fabienne: FDI-assisted development in<br />

the light of the investment development path paradigm :<br />

evidence from Central and Eastern European countries /<br />

Fabienne Boudier-Bensebaa. - In: Transnational Corporations<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 37-67, Tab., Lit. S. 60-63<br />

DIE D 852520 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RA07.01 SOVIET UNION<br />

SA02 History<br />

531 Karasar, Hasan Ali: The partition of Khorezm and the positions<br />

of Turkestanis on Razmezhevanie / Hasan Ali Karasar. -<br />

In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 1247-1260, Lit. S. 1258-1260<br />

SWP D 852411 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

532 Matsui, Yasuhiro: Stalinist public or communitarian project?<br />

Housing organisations and self-managed canteens in Moscow's<br />

Frunze raion / Yasuhiro Matsui. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1223-1246,<br />

Lit. S. 1245-1246<br />

SWP D 852409 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

533 Laffey, Mark; Weldes, Jutta: Decolonizing the Cuban missile<br />

crisis / Mark Laffey and Jutta Weldes. - In: International Studies<br />

Quarterly (Malden/Mass.), 52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 555-577<br />

HSFK D 852756 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

534 Karasar, Hasan Ali: The partition of Khorezm and the positions<br />

of Turkestanis on Razmezhevanie / Hasan Ali Karasar. -<br />

In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 1247-1260, Lit. S. 1258-1260<br />

SWP D 852411 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

535 Matsui, Yasuhiro: Stalinist public or communitarian project?<br />

Housing organisations and self-managed canteens in Moscow's<br />

Frunze raion / Yasuhiro Matsui. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1223-1246,<br />

Lit. S. 1245-1246<br />

SWP D 852409 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


UNION<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

536 Kenisarin, Murat; Andrews-Speed, Philip: Foreign direct<br />

investment in countries of the former Soviet Union : relationship<br />

to governance, economic freedom and corruption perception /<br />

Murat M. Kenisarin ; Philip Andrews-Speed. - In: Communist and<br />

Post-Communist Studies (Oxford), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>1-3<strong>16</strong>, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 314-3<strong>16</strong><br />

SWP D 852386 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

537 Kimmage, Daniel: Toward a new paradigm for the post-Soviet<br />

petrostates / Daniel Kimmage. - Prague: Radio Free<br />

Europe-Radio Liberty, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S.<br />

http://www.rferl.org/articleprintview/1<strong>18</strong>9<strong>18</strong>0.html<br />

SWP D 852128<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

538 Headley, Jim: When frozen conflicts melt down / by Jim<br />

Headley. - Praha ...: Transitions Online, <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. -<br />

(Transitions Online ; 13 August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=282&NrSection=2&NrArticle=19838&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 851955<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

539 Pop-Eleches, Grigore: Crisis in the eye of the beholder :<br />

economic crisis and partisan politics in Latin American and East<br />

European International Monetary Fund programs / Grigore<br />

Pop-Eleches. - In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 1179-1211, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1207-1211<br />

DIE D 852100 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

540 Unleashing prosperity : productivity growth in Eastern Europe<br />

and the former Soviet Union / Asad Alam ... The World Bank -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 295 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 247-256, Index - ISBN 978-0-8213-7279-1<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/ECAEXT/Resources/publicatio<br />

ns/UnleashingProsperity.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>86<br />


STATES<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

541 Sherr, James: The implication of Russia's elections: relations<br />

with the 'Near Abroad' / James Sherr. - Stockholm: Institute for<br />

Security and Development Policy, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. - (Policy Paper /<br />

Institute for Security and Development Policy) -<br />

ISBN 978-91-85937-24-0<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/pp/08/js08implicationsof.pdf<br />

SWP D 852069<br />

RA07.12 ESTONIA<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

542 Commercio, Michele E.: Systems of partial control : ethnic<br />

dynamics in post-Soviet Estonia and Latvia / Michele E.<br />

Commercio. - In: Studies in Comparative International<br />

Development (New York/N.Y.), 43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 81-100,<br />

Lit. S. 98-100<br />

DIE D 852511 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 26 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

543 Masso, Jaan; Vahter, Priit: Technological innovation and<br />

productivity in late-transition Estonia : econometric evidence<br />

from innovation surveys / Jaan Masso and Priit Vahter. - In: The<br />

European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),<br />

20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 240-261, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 257-258<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

544 Masso, Jaan; Vahter, Priit: Technological innovation and<br />

productivity in late-transition Estonia : econometric evidence<br />

from innovation surveys / Jaan Masso and Priit Vahter. - In: The<br />

European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),<br />

20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 240-261, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 257-258<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RA07.13 LATVIA<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

545 Commercio, Michele E.: Systems of partial control : ethnic<br />

dynamics in post-Soviet Estonia and Latvia / Michele E.<br />

Commercio. - In: Studies in Comparative International<br />

Development (New York/N.Y.), 43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 81-100,<br />

Lit. S. 98-100<br />

DIE D 852511 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />


SA03 Politics<br />

546 Bomsdorf, Falk: In Moskau alles beim Alten? Aus russischen<br />

Fachzeitschriften und Journalen des ersten Halbjahres <strong>2008</strong> /<br />

Falk Bomsdorf. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 8 S. - (SWP-Zeitschriftenschau; 1/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

52<strong>18</strong><br />

SWP D 852381 SWP: IY 8<br />

547 Russland: der kaukasische Teufelskreis oder die<br />

lupenreine Demokratie / Norbert Schreiber [Hg.] - Klagenfurt ...:<br />

Wieser, <strong>2008</strong>. - 450 S. - ISBN 978-3-85129-689-1<br />

DGAP D 852289 DGAP: DG 47280<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

548 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Russia and the United States :<br />

time to end the strategic deadlock / Alexei Arbatov. - Moscow:<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S., Ill., Tab. - (Briefing /<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center; Vol. 10, Issue 3)<br />

DGAP D 852265 DGAP: DG B01452f<br />

549 Bin, Yu: Medvedev’s "Ostpolitik" and Sino-Russian relations /<br />

Yu Bin. - In: Comparative Connections (Honolulu/Haw.), 10 (July<br />

15, <strong>2008</strong>) 2, 7 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/0802qchina_russia.pdf<br />

SWP D 851711<br />

550 Blank, Stephen J.: Moscow's strategic triangle in a time of<br />

transition / Stephen Blank. - In: The Journal of East Asian Affairs<br />

(Seoul), 22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-144, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851790 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

551 Cohen, Ariel; Walser, Ray: The Russia-Venezuela axis: using<br />

energy for geopolitical advantage / Ariel Cohen and Ray Walser.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2000)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2000.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>88<br />

552 Ferguson, Joseph P.: U.S.-Russia relations: is it interests or<br />

values? / Joseph Ferguson. - In: Comparative Connections<br />

(Honolulu/Haw.), 10 (July 15, <strong>2008</strong>) 2, 6 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/0802qus_russia.pdf<br />

SWP D 851713<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

553 Graham, Thomas: U.S.-Russia relations: facing reality<br />

pragmatically / Thomas Graham. - Washington/D.C. ...: Center<br />

for Strategic and International Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 19 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080717_graham_u.s.russia.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 851702<br />

554 Kozyrev, Illya: Russland - alter Freund mit neuem Gesicht :<br />

Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Russland in<br />

Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft / Illya Kozyrev. -<br />

Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2007. - 113 S., Ill. - ISBN 3-86537-152-3<br />

DGAP D 852588 DGAP: DG 47287k<br />

555 Oprach, Marc: Schatten der Vergangenheit :<br />

Amerikanisch-russische Beziehungen auf dem Tiefpunkt / Marc<br />

Oprach. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),<br />

53 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 466, S. 43-46<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>07 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

556 Schilling, Walter: Russlands Machtpolitik und die Europäische<br />

Union / Walter Schilling. - In: Liberal (Berlin), 50 (<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 47-51<br />

DGAP D 851798 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432<br />

Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

557 Sherr, James: The implication of Russia's elections: relations<br />

with the 'Near Abroad' / James Sherr. - Stockholm: Institute for<br />

Security and Development Policy, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. - (Policy Paper /<br />

Institute for Security and Development Policy) -<br />

ISBN 978-91-85937-24-0<br />

http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/pp/08/js08implicationsof.pdf<br />

SWP D 852069<br />

558 Stewart, Susan: Ein neues EU-Russland-Abkommen :<br />

Sicherheitsfragen dürfen Energiethemen nicht untergeordnet<br />

werden / Susan Stewart. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 59/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5085<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

559 Chang, Felix K.: Russia resurgent: An initial look at Russian<br />

military performance in Georgia / Felix K. Chang. -<br />

Philadelphia/Pa., <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (FPRI Featured Bulletin:<br />

E-Notes (online); August 13, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.fpri.org/enotes/<strong>2008</strong>08.chang.russiaresurgentgeorgia.<br />

html<br />

SWP D 852126<br />

560 Cohen, Ariel: The Russian-Georgian war: A challenge for the<br />

U.S. and the world / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2017)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2017.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>91<br />

561 Cohen, Ariel: Saving Georgia / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

The Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2021)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2021.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>92<br />

562 Cohen, Ariel; Carafano, James Jay: Russian forces in the<br />

Georgian war: preliminary assessment and recommendations /<br />

Ariel Cohen ; James Jay Carafano. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2031)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/wm2031.cf<br />

m?renderforprint=1<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>99<br />

563 Friedman, George: Georgia and the balance of power / George<br />

Friedman. - In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 24-26, Ill., Kt.<br />

SWP D 851754 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 27 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

564 Halbach, Uwe: Kaukasische Gräben / Uwe Halbach. - In: Blätter<br />

für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 25-28, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>12 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

565 Die Kaukasus-Krise : internationale Perzeptionen und<br />

Konsequenzen für deutsche und europäische Politik /<br />

Hans-Henning Schröder (Hrsg.). Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik. - Berlin, <strong>2008</strong>. - 55 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw., Anh. S. 43-55 -<br />

(SWP-Studie; S 25/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5255<br />

SWP D 852606 SWP: H.08/0298 DGAP: DG B01454s SOI: 15288 DIE: 904KC002<br />

Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

566 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

567 Riecke, Henning: Eine europäische Angelegenheit : EU und<br />

NATO im Südkaukasus / Henning Riecke. - Berlin: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S., Ill. -<br />

(DGAP-Standpunkt; <strong>2008</strong>, No. 15)<br />

http://www.dgap.org/publikationen/view/1dd831df0aae072831d1<br />

1dd93568720e381cac4cac4.html<br />

DGAP D 851707 DGAP: DG B01335z<br />

568 Rivlin, Paul: Russia's invasion of Georgia: strategic implications<br />

/ Paul Rivlin. - Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Tel<br />

Aviv Notes)<br />

http://www.dayan.org/Russia's%20Invasion%20of%20Georgia.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 852044<br />

569 Russia vs Georgia: The fallout / International Crisis Group. -<br />

Tbilisi ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 49 S., Kt. - (ICG Europe Report)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/caucasus/1<br />

95_russia_vs_georgia___the_fallout.pdf<br />

SWP D 852123 DGAP: DG B01454w<br />

570 [Russian invasion of Georgia] / Maciej Falkowski ... - Warsaw:<br />

Centre for Eastern Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 2 S. - (East Week; No.<br />

135) -- Timeline of the Russian-Georgian conflict / Maciej<br />

Falkowski -- Russian invasion of Georgia: developments,<br />

objectives and consequences / Marek Menkiszak -- Georgia at<br />

war with Russia / Krzysztof Strachota<br />

http://osw.waw.pl/files/EastWeek_135.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>99<br />

571 Rutland, Peter: A green light for Russia / by Peter Rutland. -<br />

Praha ...: Transitions Online, <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. - (Transitions Online ;<br />

12 August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=282&NrSection=4&NrArticle=19836&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 851953<br />

572 Shiryayev, Boris: Die Großmächte auf dem Weg zur neuen<br />

Konfrontation? Das "Great Game" am Kaspischen Meer ; eine<br />

Untersuchung der neuen Konfliktlage am Beispiel Kasachstan /<br />

Boris Shiryayev. - Hamburg: Kovač, <strong>2008</strong>. - 351 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 295-351 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 24) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3749-1 -- Zugl.: Freiburg/Br., Univ., Diss., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DGAP D 852456 DGAP: DG 47298<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

573 Olshausen, Klaus: Der "Westen" und russischer<br />

Neo-Imperialismus : kann Russland die NATO und die EU<br />

entzweien? / Klaus Olshausen. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 12-13, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852626 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

574 Thayer, Bradley A.; Skypek, Thomas M.: Russia goes ballistic<br />

/ Bradley A. Thayer and Thomas M. Skypek. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 61-68, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852276 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

575 Weitz, Richard: China-Russia security relations: strategic<br />

parallelism without partnership or passion? / Richard Weitz. -<br />

Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>16</strong>3 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 129-132 - ISBN 1-58487-360-4<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB868.pdf<br />

SWP D 852104<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

576 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Russia and the United States :<br />

time to end the strategic deadlock / Alexei Arbatov. - Moscow:<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S., Ill., Tab. - (Briefing /<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center; Vol. 10, Issue 3)<br />

DGAP D 852265 DGAP: DG B01452f<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

577 Chang, Felix K.: Russia resurgent: An initial look at Russian<br />

military performance in Georgia / Felix K. Chang. -<br />

Philadelphia/Pa., <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (FPRI Featured Bulletin:<br />

E-Notes (online); August 13, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.fpri.org/enotes/<strong>2008</strong>08.chang.russiaresurgentgeorgia.<br />

html<br />

SWP D 852126<br />

578 Cohen, Ariel; Carafano, James Jay: Russian forces in the<br />

Georgian war: preliminary assessment and recommendations /<br />

Ariel Cohen ; James Jay Carafano. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2031)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/wm2031.cf<br />

m?renderforprint=1<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>99<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

579 Saradzhyan, Simon: Russian military, fighting to reform / by<br />

Simon Saradzhyan. - Zürich: The International Relations and<br />

Security Network, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 3 S. - (ISN Security Watch)<br />

http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details_print.cfm?id=19313<br />

SWP D 851904<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

580 Thayer, Bradley A.; Skypek, Thomas M.: Russia goes ballistic<br />

/ Bradley A. Thayer and Thomas M. Skypek. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 61-68, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852276 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

581 Kuchins, Andrew C.; Beavin, Amy; Bryndza, Anna: Russia's<br />

2020 strategic economic agenda and the role of international<br />

integration / Andrew C. Kuchins ; Amy Beavin ; Anna Bryndza. -<br />

Washington/D.C. ...: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 26 S. - ISBN 978-0-89206-547-9<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080731_kuchins_russia2020<br />

strat_web.pdf<br />

SWP D 851721<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

582 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

583 Gel'man, Vladimir Jakovlevic: Russia’s party politics :<br />

roundtable summary / Vladimir Gel’man. - London: Chatham<br />

House, <strong>2008</strong>. - 7 S.<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/1<strong>16</strong>65_060608gelman.pdf<br />

SWP D 852159<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

584 Souleimanov, Emil; Ditrych, Ondrej: The internationalisation<br />

of the Russian-Chechen conflict : myths and reality / Emil<br />

Souleimanov and Ondrej Ditrych. - In: Europe-Asia Studies<br />

(Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1199-1222,<br />

Lit. S. 1221-1222<br />

SWP D 852405 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 28 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF07 Military and society / Government<br />

585 Lonkila, Markku: The internet and anti-military activism in<br />

Russia / Markku Lonkila. - In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abdingdon),<br />

60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1125-1149, Ill., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 1147-1148, Anh. S. 1149<br />

SWP D 852402 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

586 Lonkila, Markku: The internet and anti-military activism in<br />

Russia / Markku Lonkila. - In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abdingdon),<br />

60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1125-1149, Ill., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 1147-1148, Anh. S. 1149<br />

SWP D 852402 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

587 Åslund, Anders: An assessment of Putin's economic policy /<br />

Anders Åslund. - Washington/D.C.: Peterson Institute for<br />

International Economics, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (Speeches,<br />

Testimony, Papers)<br />

http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/papers/print.cfm?do<br />

c=pub&ResearchID=974<br />

SWP D 852085<br />

588 Cooper, William H.: Russia’s economic performance and<br />

policies and their implications for the United States / William H.<br />

Cooper. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 29 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL34512) - (RL34512)<br />

http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL34512.pdf<br />

SWP D 852<strong>16</strong>0<br />

589 Kuchins, Andrew C.; Beavin, Amy; Bryndza, Anna: Russia's<br />

2020 strategic economic agenda and the role of international<br />

integration / Andrew C. Kuchins ; Amy Beavin ; Anna Bryndza. -<br />

Washington/D.C. ...: Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 26 S. - ISBN 978-0-89206-547-9<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080731_kuchins_russia2020<br />

strat_web.pdf<br />

SWP D 851721<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

590 Cohen, Ariel; Walser, Ray: The Russia-Venezuela axis: using<br />

energy for geopolitical advantage / Ariel Cohen and Ray Walser.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2000)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2000.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>88<br />

591 Milov, Vladimir Stanislavovic: Russia and the West: The<br />

energy factor / Vladimir Milov. - Washington/D.C. ...: Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-544-8<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080731_milov_russia&west_<br />

web.pdf<br />

SWP D 851720<br />

592 Smith, Keith C.: Corruption, not dependency is the risk to<br />

Western Europe from Russian energy trade / Keith C. Smith. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070708_eu-russia_energy_c<br />

orruption.pdf<br />

SWP D 851703<br />

RA07.32 UKRAINE<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

593 Schneider, Eberhard: Nachbarn im Osten : Ukraine und<br />

Belarus / Eberhard Schneider. - München: Franzis' Print und<br />

Media, 2006. - 24 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 24 -<br />

(Informationen zur politischen Bildung: Aktuell; 2006)<br />

DGAP D 852090 DGAP: DG B01449h<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

594 Sanchenko, Alevtyna: Ukraine's European integration -<br />

strategic goals and prospects of legislative approximation /<br />

Alevtyna Sanchenko. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (München),<br />

49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 11-17<br />

SOI D 851931 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF10 Law<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

595 Sanchenko, Alevtyna: Ukraine's European integration -<br />

strategic goals and prospects of legislative approximation /<br />

Alevtyna Sanchenko. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (München),<br />

49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 11-17<br />

SOI D 851931 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

596 Engelking, Olga: Privatisierungsfehler in der Ukraine und in<br />

Deutschland / Olga Engelking. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht<br />

(München), 49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 19-38<br />

SOI D 852313 SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

597 Pleines, Heiko: Manipulating politics : domestic investors in<br />

Ukrainian privatisation auctions ; 2000-2004 / Heiko Pleines. -<br />

In: Europe-Asia Studies (Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7,<br />

S. 1177-1197, Tab., Lit. S. 1196-1197<br />

SWP D 852404 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.33 BELARUS<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

598 Schneider, Eberhard: Nachbarn im Osten : Ukraine und<br />

Belarus / Eberhard Schneider. - München: Franzis' Print und<br />

Media, 2006. - 24 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 24 -<br />

(Informationen zur politischen Bildung: Aktuell; 2006)<br />

DGAP D 852090 DGAP: DG B01449h<br />



SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

599 Kaukasus / Im Auftr. des Militärgeschichtlichen<br />

Forschungsamtes hrsg. von Bernhard Chiari. Unter Mitarb. von<br />

Magnus Pahl. - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, <strong>2008</strong>. - 288 S.,<br />

Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 273-281 - (Wegweiser zur Geschichte) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-506-76587-1<br />

DGAP D 852296 DGAP: DG 47284<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

600 Azerbaijan's view of the security situation in the Southern<br />

Caucasus / rapporteur and designer: Greg Falconer. Security<br />

and Defence Agenda. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/Documents/Aze<br />

rbaijan_27May.pdf<br />

SWP D 852036<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

601 Azerbaijan's view of the security situation in the Southern<br />

Caucasus / rapporteur and designer: Greg Falconer. Security<br />

and Defence Agenda. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/Documents/Aze<br />

rbaijan_27May.pdf<br />

SWP D 852036<br />

RA07.42 GEORGIA<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

602 Chang, Felix K.: Russia resurgent: An initial look at Russian<br />

military performance in Georgia / Felix K. Chang. -<br />

Philadelphia/Pa., <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (FPRI Featured Bulletin:<br />

E-Notes (online); August 13, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.fpri.org/enotes/<strong>2008</strong>08.chang.russiaresurgentgeorgia.<br />

html<br />

SWP D 852126<br />

603 Cohen, Ariel: The Russian-Georgian war: A challenge for the<br />

U.S. and the world / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2017)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2017.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>91<br />

604 Cohen, Ariel: Saving Georgia / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

The Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2021)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2021.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>92<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 29 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

605 Cohen, Ariel; Carafano, James Jay: Russian forces in the<br />

Georgian war: preliminary assessment and recommendations /<br />

Ariel Cohen ; James Jay Carafano. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2031)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/wm2031.cf<br />

m?renderforprint=1<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>99<br />

606 Friedman, George: Georgia and the balance of power / George<br />

Friedman. - In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 24-26, Ill., Kt.<br />

SWP D 851754 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

607 Halbach, Uwe: Kaukasische Gräben / Uwe Halbach. - In: Blätter<br />

für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 25-28, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>12 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

608 Die Kaukasus-Krise : internationale Perzeptionen und<br />

Konsequenzen für deutsche und europäische Politik /<br />

Hans-Henning Schröder (Hrsg.). Stiftung Wissenschaft und<br />

Politik. - Berlin, <strong>2008</strong>. - 55 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw., Anh. S. 43-55 -<br />

(SWP-Studie; S 25/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5255<br />

SWP D 852606 SWP: H.08/0298 DGAP: DG B01454s SOI: 15288 DIE: 904KC002<br />

Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

609 Riecke, Henning: Eine europäische Angelegenheit : EU und<br />

NATO im Südkaukasus / Henning Riecke. - Berlin: Deutsche<br />

Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S., Ill. -<br />

(DGAP-Standpunkt; <strong>2008</strong>, No. 15)<br />

http://www.dgap.org/publikationen/view/1dd831df0aae072831d1<br />

1dd93568720e381cac4cac4.html<br />

DGAP D 851707 DGAP: DG B01335z<br />

610 Rivlin, Paul: Russia's invasion of Georgia: strategic implications<br />

/ Paul Rivlin. - Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Tel<br />

Aviv Notes)<br />

http://www.dayan.org/Russia's%20Invasion%20of%20Georgia.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 852044<br />

611 Russia vs Georgia: The fallout / International Crisis Group. -<br />

Tbilisi ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 49 S., Kt. - (ICG Europe Report)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/europe/caucasus/1<br />

95_russia_vs_georgia___the_fallout.pdf<br />

SWP D 852123 DGAP: DG B01454w<br />

612 [Russian invasion of Georgia] / Maciej Falkowski ... - Warsaw:<br />

Centre for Eastern Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 2 S. - (East Week; No.<br />

135) -- Timeline of the Russian-Georgian conflict / Maciej<br />

Falkowski -- Russian invasion of Georgia: developments,<br />

objectives and consequences / Marek Menkiszak -- Georgia at<br />

war with Russia / Krzysztof Strachota<br />

http://osw.waw.pl/files/EastWeek_135.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>99<br />

613 Rutland, Peter: A green light for Russia / by Peter Rutland. -<br />

Praha ...: Transitions Online, <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. - (Transitions Online ;<br />

12 August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=282&NrSection=4&NrArticle=19836&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 851953<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

614 Dubinsky, Gregory: Kiss NATO goodbye? / by Gregory<br />

Dubinsky. - Praha ...: Transitions Online, <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. -<br />

(Transitions Online ; 13 August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/printf.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication<br />

=4&NrIssue=282&NrSection=4&NrArticle=19841&ST1=ad&ST_T<br />

1=job&ST_AS1=1&ST2=body&ST_T2=letter&ST_AS2=1&ST3=t<br />

ext&ST_T3=aatol&ST_AS3=1&ST_max=3<br />

SWP D 851954<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

615 Chang, Felix K.: Russia resurgent: An initial look at Russian<br />

military performance in Georgia / Felix K. Chang. -<br />

Philadelphia/Pa., <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S. - (FPRI Featured Bulletin:<br />

E-Notes (online); August 13, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.fpri.org/enotes/<strong>2008</strong>08.chang.russiaresurgentgeorgia.<br />

html<br />

SWP D 852126<br />

6<strong>16</strong> Cohen, Ariel; Carafano, James Jay: Russian forces in the<br />

Georgian war: preliminary assessment and recommendations /<br />

Ariel Cohen ; James Jay Carafano. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. - (Web Memo / Heritage<br />

Foundation; No. 2031)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/wm2031.cf<br />

m?renderforprint=1<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>99<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

617 George, Julie A.: Minority political inclusion in Mikheil<br />

Saakashvili's Georgia / Julie A. George. - In: Europe-Asia<br />

Studies (Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1151-1175,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 1173-1175<br />

SWP D 852403 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

6<strong>18</strong> Brletich, Samantha: Preventive diplomacy the key for Georgia /<br />

by Samantha Brletich. - Zurich: International Relations and<br />

Security Network, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

This article was published originally at The Diplomatic Courier: A<br />

Global Affairs Magazine: in Washington, DC<br />

http://www.res.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?id=19327<br />

SWP D 852134<br />

619 Internationalizing the Georgia-Abkhazia conflict resolution<br />

process : why a greater European role is needed / by Ron<br />

Asmus ... German Marshall Fund of the United States -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. - (Policy Brief / German Marshall<br />

Fund of the United States; Foreign Policy Program)<br />

http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/publications/Georgia-Ab<br />

khazia_PolicyBrief_Final.pdf<br />

SWP D 852140<br />

620 Oliker, Olga: Kosovo and South Ossetia more different than<br />

similar / Olga Oliker. - Prague: Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.rferl.org/articleprintview/1193663.html<br />

SWP D 852129<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

621 George, Julie A.: Minority political inclusion in Mikheil<br />

Saakashvili's Georgia / Julie A. George. - In: Europe-Asia<br />

Studies (Abdingdon), 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 1151-1175,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 1173-1175<br />

SWP D 852403 SWP: X. 224 DGAP: ZD 270 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA07.43 ARMENIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

622 Zulueta-Fülscher, Kimana: Elections and European<br />

Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia / Kimana Zulueta-Fülscher. -<br />

Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab. - (FRIDE Comment)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/COM_Armenia_Elec_ENG_jun08.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852<strong>16</strong>1<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

623 Zulueta-Fülscher, Kimana: Elections and European<br />

Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia / Kimana Zulueta-Fülscher. -<br />

Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el<br />

Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab. - (FRIDE Comment)<br />

http://www.fride.org/download/COM_Armenia_Elec_ENG_jun08.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852<strong>16</strong>1<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> <strong>30</strong> <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

624 Babajanian, Babken V.: Local governance in post-Soviet<br />

Armenia : leadership, local development and accountability /<br />

Babken V. Babajanian. - In: Communist and Post-Communist<br />

Studies (Oxford), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 375-396,<br />

Lit. S. 394-396<br />

SWP D 852400 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RA07.44 AZERBAIJAN<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

625 Azerbaijan's view of the security situation in the Southern<br />

Caucasus / rapporteur and designer: Greg Falconer. Security<br />

and Defence Agenda. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/Documents/Aze<br />

rbaijan_27May.pdf<br />

SWP D 852036<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

626 Azerbaijan's view of the security situation in the Southern<br />

Caucasus / rapporteur and designer: Greg Falconer. Security<br />

and Defence Agenda. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.securitydefenceagenda.org/Portals/7/Documents/Aze<br />

rbaijan_27May.pdf<br />

SWP D 852036<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

627 Walker, Christopher: Azerbaijan’s growing contradictions<br />

between economic and democratic development / Christopher<br />

Walker. - Washington/D.C.: Freedom House, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S.<br />

http://www.freedomhouse.org/uploads/CSCETestimony072908.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 852038<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

628 Globalization and change in Central Asia - In: Global Studies<br />

Review (Arlington/Va.), 4 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-<strong>16</strong>, Ill., Tab.<br />

http://cgs.gmu.edu/publications/gsr/4.2.pdf<br />

SWP D 852148<br />

629 Melvin, Neil J.: Engaging Central Asia: The European Union’s<br />

new strategy in the heart of Eurasia / ed. by Neil J. Melvin.<br />

Contributors: Bhavna Dave ... Centre for European Policy<br />

Studies Brussels - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 196 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-92-9079-707-4<br />

http://shop.ceps.be/downfree.php?item_id=<strong>16</strong>62<br />

SWP D 851727<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

6<strong>30</strong> Kangas, Roger D.: Battling misperception: challenges to U.S.<br />

security cooperation in Central Asia / by Roger D. Kangas. -<br />

In: Joint Force Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), (3rd quarter <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

50, S. 98-104, Ill.<br />

http://www.ndu.edu/inss/Press/jfq_pages/editions/i50/22.pdf<br />

SWP D 852156<br />

SF10 Law<br />

631 Deppe, Jens: Zur Entwicklung eigenständiger Gerichte in<br />

Zentralasien / von Jens Deppe. - In: Zentralasien-Analysen<br />

(Bremen), (31.07.<strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 2-6<br />

http://www.laender-analysen.de/zentralasien/pdf/ZentralasienAn<br />

alysen07.pdf<br />

SWP D 852<strong>16</strong>2<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

632 Blood services in Central Asian health systems : A clear and<br />

present danger of spreading HIV/AIDS and other infectious<br />

diseases / Global HIV/AIDS Program, World Bank. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 67 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 45-53<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTECAREGTOPHEANUT/Re<br />

sources/cabloodbankstudy.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>83<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

633 Brletich, Samantha: Central Asia: Hizb-ut-Tahrir on the rise / by<br />

Samantha Brletich. - Zürich: The International Relations and<br />

Security Network, <strong>2008</strong>. - 2 S. - (ISN Security Watch)<br />

http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details_print.cfm?id=19283<br />

SWP D 851947<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

634 Water and energy resources in Central Asia : utilization and<br />

development issues ; industry report / Eurasian Development<br />

Bank. - Almaty, <strong>2008</strong>. - 40 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.eabr.org/media/img/eng/research-and-publications/63<br />

26B26A-549D-4B4D-BC5F-A56E20C491CA/Report_2_water_an<br />

d_energy_EDB.pdf<br />

SWP D 852080<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

635 Water and energy resources in Central Asia : utilization and<br />

development issues ; industry report / Eurasian Development<br />

Bank. - Almaty, <strong>2008</strong>. - 40 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.eabr.org/media/img/eng/research-and-publications/63<br />

26B26A-549D-4B4D-BC5F-A56E20C491CA/Report_2_water_an<br />

d_energy_EDB.pdf<br />

SWP D 852080<br />

RA07.52 KAZAKHSTAN<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

636 Shiryayev, Boris: Die Großmächte auf dem Weg zur neuen<br />

Konfrontation? Das "Great Game" am Kaspischen Meer ; eine<br />

Untersuchung der neuen Konfliktlage am Beispiel Kasachstan /<br />

Boris Shiryayev. - Hamburg: Kovač, <strong>2008</strong>. - 351 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 295-351 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 24) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3749-1 -- Zugl.: Freiburg/Br., Univ., Diss., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DGAP D 852456 DGAP: DG 47298<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

637 Hindley, Brian: Kazakhstan and the world economy : An<br />

assessment of Kazakhstan’s trade policy and pending accession<br />

to the WTO / Brian Hindley. - Bruxelles: European Centre for<br />

International Political Economy, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- (Jan Tumlir Policy Essays; No. 01/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.ecipe.org/publications/jan-tumlir-policy-essays/kazakh<br />

stan-and-the-world-economy-an-assessment-of-kazakhstan2019<br />

s-trade-policy-and-pending-accession-to-the-wto/PDF<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>96<br />

638 Khatibi, Arastou: Kazakhstan's revealed comparative<br />

advantage vis-a-vis the EU-27 / Arastou Khatibi. - Brussels:<br />

European Centre for International Political Economy, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

12 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ECIPE Working Paper;<br />

No. 03/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.ecipe.org/publications/ecipe-policy-briefs/kazakhstan2<br />

019s-revealed-comparative-advantage-vis-a-vis-the-eu-27/PDF<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>97<br />

RA07.54 UZBEKISTAN<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

639 Daly, John C. K.: Hizb ut-Tahrir and U.S. allies in Central Asia /<br />

by John C. K. Daly. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 5 (August 12, <strong>2008</strong>) 154, ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/edm/article.php?article_id=2373<strong>30</strong>8<br />

SWP D 852042<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

640 Daly, John C. K.: Hizb ut-Tahrir and U.S. allies in Central Asia /<br />

by John C. K. Daly. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 5 (August 12, <strong>2008</strong>) 154, ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/edm/article.php?article_id=2373<strong>30</strong>8<br />

SWP D 852042<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

641 Rosenberger, Nancy R.: Patriotic appetites and gnawing<br />

hungers : food and the paradox of nation-building in Uzbekistan /<br />

Nancy Rosenberger. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (<strong>September</strong><br />

2007) 3, S. 339-360, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852636 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 31 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

RA07.55 KYRGYZSTAN<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

642 Kyrgyzstan: A deceptive calm / International Crisis Group. -<br />

Bishkek ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Kt., Tab. - (ICG Asia Briefing; N° 79) -<br />

(ICG Update Briefing)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/central_asia/b7<br />

9_kyrgyzstan___a_deceptive_calm.pdf<br />

SWP D 852111<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

643 Marat, Erica: Religious authorities in Kyrgyzstan play politics /<br />

by Erica Marat. - In: Eurasia Daily Monitor (Washington/D.C.),<br />

5 (July 22, <strong>2008</strong> ) 139, ca. 2 S.<br />

http://jamestown.org/edm/article.php?article_id=2373248<br />

SWP D 852040<br />

RA07.56 TAJIKISTAN<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

644 Linn, Johannes F.: Tajikistan: progress and problems at the<br />

heart of Central Asia / Johannes F. Linn. - Washington/D.C.: The<br />

Brookings Institution, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/<strong>2008</strong>/0709_central_asia_linn.<br />

aspx?p=1<br />

SWP D 852039<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

645 Anastasakis, Othon: Balkan regional cooperation: The limits of<br />

a regionalism imposed from outside / Othon Anastasakis. -<br />

In: Regional cooperation in South East Europe and beyond /<br />

Wolfgang Petritsch ... (eds.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

(Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden; Vol. <strong>18</strong>9), S. 35-44 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-3413-2<br />

SOI D 852334 SWP: A.08/0<strong>30</strong>9<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

646 Reljić, Dušan: Serbia, Russia, and the Pax Americana in South<br />

Eastern Europe / Dušan Reljić. - In: Harvard International<br />

Review (Cambridge/Mass.), <strong>30</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, ca. 5 S.<br />

http://www.harvardir.org/articles/print.php?article=1753<br />

SWP D 8520<strong>30</strong><br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

647 Anastasakis, Othon: Balkan regional cooperation: The limits of<br />

a regionalism imposed from outside / Othon Anastasakis. -<br />

In: Regional cooperation in South East Europe and beyond /<br />

Wolfgang Petritsch ... (eds.). - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

(Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden; Vol. <strong>18</strong>9), S. 35-44 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-3413-2<br />

SOI D 852334 SWP: A.08/0<strong>30</strong>9<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

648 Boudier-Bensebaa, Fabienne: FDI-assisted development in<br />

the light of the investment development path paradigm :<br />

evidence from Central and Eastern European countries /<br />

Fabienne Boudier-Bensebaa. - In: Transnational Corporations<br />

(New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 37-67, Tab., Lit. S. 60-63<br />

DIE D 852520 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

649 Human rights, democracy, and integration in South-Central<br />

Europe : hearing before the Commission on Security and<br />

Cooperation in Europe, United States Congress, 109th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, June 15, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,96 S. - (Hearing /<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe ; CSCE<br />

109-2-3)<br />

HSFK D 852083 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

650 Human rights, democracy, and integration in South-Central<br />

Europe : hearing before the Commission on Security and<br />

Cooperation in Europe, United States Congress, 109th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, June 15, 2006 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,96 S. - (Hearing /<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe ; CSCE<br />

109-2-3)<br />

HSFK D 852083 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA08.01 BALKANS<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

651 Becker, Jens: The European Union and the western Balkans /<br />

Jens Becker. - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and<br />

Social Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 7-27, Lit. S. 25-27<br />

DIE D 852220 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

652 Priebe, Reinhard: Beitrittsperspektive und<br />

Verfassungsreformen in den Ländern des Westlichen Balkans /<br />

Reinhard Priebe. - In: Europarecht (Baden-Baden), 43 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>1-319, Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>94 SWP: X.00250 OSI: Zv 623 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>4 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

653 Wisner, Frank G.: The United States and the Balkans:<br />

Achieving Kosovo's independence / Frank G. Wisner. - In:<br />

American Foreign Policy Interests (New York/N.Y.),<br />

<strong>30</strong> (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. <strong>18</strong>9-195<br />

HSFK D 852767 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

654 Priebe, Reinhard: Beitrittsperspektive und<br />

Verfassungsreformen in den Ländern des Westlichen Balkans /<br />

Reinhard Priebe. - In: Europarecht (Baden-Baden), 43 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. <strong>30</strong>1-319, Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>94 SWP: X.00250 OSI: Zv 623 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>4 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RA08.11 YUGOSLAVIA<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

655 Pappas, Takis S.: Political leadership and the emegence of<br />

radical mass movements in democracy / Takis S. Pappas. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1117-1140, Lit. S. 1136-1140<br />

DIE D 852097 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

656 Pappas, Takis S.: Political leadership and the emegence of<br />

radical mass movements in democracy / Takis S. Pappas. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1117-1140, Lit. S. 1136-1140<br />

DIE D 852097 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

RA08.12 HUNGARY<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

657 Gyurcsány, Ferenc: Consensus on the feasible direction of the<br />

reforms in Hungary / Ferenc Gyurcsány. - Berlin: Botschaft der<br />

Republik Ungarn, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 20 S.<br />

SWP D 852170<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

658 Neudörfler, Éva; Szilovics, Csaba: Das System der<br />

ungarischen Finanzverwaltung / Neudörfler Éva ; Szilovics<br />

Csaba. - In: Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (München), 49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 55-70<br />

SOI D 8523<strong>16</strong> SOI: Z<strong>2008</strong>1098 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.13 ROMANIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

659 Petkova, Martina: New patterns of Balkan cooperation for<br />

Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey : The Impact of the<br />

organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation / Martina Petkova. -<br />

In: Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond<br />

Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple<br />

Europes; 40), S. 171-<strong>18</strong>1 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851914 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 32 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

660 Carteny, Andrea: Cultural identity and cultural rights in<br />

Romania : The case of Transylvania / Andrea Carteny. -<br />

In: Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond<br />

Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple<br />

Europes; 40), S. 121-127 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851901 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

661 Rotilă, Viorel: The impact of the migration of health care<br />

workers on the countries involved : The Romanian situation /<br />

Viorel Rotilă. - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and<br />

Social Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 53-77, zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 76-77<br />

DIE D 852225 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

662 Rotilă, Viorel: The impact of the migration of health care<br />

workers on the countries involved : The Romanian situation /<br />

Viorel Rotilă. - In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and<br />

Social Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 53-77, zahlr.<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 76-77<br />

DIE D 852225 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

663 Christova, Christiana; Förger, Dirk: Zur Situation der Medien<br />

in Rumänien / Christina Christova and Dirk Förger. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 43-67,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852697 SWP: Berlin OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RA08.14 BULGARIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

664 Petkova, Martina: New patterns of Balkan cooperation for<br />

Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey : The Impact of the<br />

organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation / Martina Petkova. -<br />

In: Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond<br />

Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple<br />

Europes; 40), S. 171-<strong>18</strong>1 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851914 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

665 Stoykov, Zlatan: Transformation der Streitkräfte der Republik<br />

Bulgarien und ihre Teilnahme an Einsätzen zur<br />

Krisenbewältigung / Zlatan Stoykov. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 35-37, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852644 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

666 Stoykov, Zlatan: Transformation der Streitkräfte der Republik<br />

Bulgarien und ihre Teilnahme an Einsätzen zur<br />

Krisenbewältigung / Zlatan Stoykov. - In: Europäische Sicherheit<br />

(Hamburg), 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 35-37, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852644 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

667 Elchinova, Magdalena: Reformulating identity in transition :<br />

The Turks of Bulgaria after 1989 / Magdalena Elchinova. -<br />

In: Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / Raymond<br />

Detrez ... (eds.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - (Multiple<br />

Europes; 40), S. 129-141 - ISBN 978-90-5201-374-9<br />

SOI D 851905 SOI: <strong>2008</strong>.1040-40<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

668 Lewis, Themba; Daskalova, Diana: Legal dimensions of<br />

immigrant access to employment in Bulgaria : A contextual<br />

analysis / Themba Lewis and Diana Daskalova. - In: South-East<br />

Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs (Baden-Baden),<br />

11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 79-97, Lit. S. 93-95<br />

DIE D 8522<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

669 Lewis, Themba; Daskalova, Diana: Legal dimensions of<br />

immigrant access to employment in Bulgaria : A contextual<br />

analysis / Themba Lewis and Diana Daskalova. - In: South-East<br />

Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs (Baden-Baden),<br />

11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 79-97, Lit. S. 93-95<br />

DIE D 8522<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.15 ALBANIA<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

670 Tabaku, Arben: Ethnic Albanian rings of organised criminals<br />

and the trafficking and smuggling of human beeings : An<br />

international, regional and local perspective / Arben Tabaku. -<br />

In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs<br />

(Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-109, Lit. S. 109<br />

DIE D 852232 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.22 SLOVENIA<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

671 Smiling Slovenia : Political dissent papers / ed. by Vladislav<br />

Bevc. - New York/N.Y. ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIV,344 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-4331-0344-5<br />

SOI D 852325 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.1037<br />

RA08.23 CROATIA<br />

SB04 International political integration<br />

672 Ashbrook, John: Buying and selling the Istrian goat : Istrian<br />

regionalism, Croatian nationalism, and EU enlargement / John<br />

Ashbrook. - New York/N.Y. ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - 157 S. -<br />

(Regionalism and Federalism; No. 13) -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5201-391-6<br />

SOI D 852327 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.1038-13<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

673 Ashbrook, John: Buying and selling the Istrian goat : Istrian<br />

regionalism, Croatian nationalism, and EU enlargement / John<br />

Ashbrook. - New York/N.Y. ...: Lang, <strong>2008</strong>. - 157 S. -<br />

(Regionalism and Federalism; No. 13) -<br />

ISBN 978-90-5201-391-6<br />

SOI D 852327 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.1038-13<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

674 Peris, Marina; Šmid, Jagoda; Đukić, Natašar: Overview of<br />

measures taken in the area of health care reforms in Croatia and<br />

their results / Marina Peris, Jagoda Šmid and Natašar Đukić. -<br />

In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs<br />

(Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 29-44, Tab., Lit. S. 43-44<br />

DIE D 852221 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.25 MACEDONIA<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

675 Stojkoski, Aleksandar: Decentralisation in Macedonia's health<br />

care system : A consultary report / Aleksandar Stojkoski. -<br />

In: South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs<br />

(Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 45-52<br />

DIE D 852223 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SF Government<br />

676 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo:<br />

UNMIK a timely mission : Achievements 1999-<strong>2008</strong> / [Joachim<br />

Rücker, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in<br />

Kosovo]. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>10 DGAP: DG B01443a<br />


SF Government<br />

677 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo:<br />

UNMIK a timely mission : Achievements 1999-<strong>2008</strong> / [Joachim<br />

Rücker, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in<br />

Kosovo]. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>10 DGAP: DG B01443a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 33 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

678 The future of human rights in Kosovo : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, May 26, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,49 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-7)<br />

HSFK D 852092 HSFK: 99.104 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RA08.28 SERBIA<br />

SF Government<br />

679 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo:<br />

UNMIK a timely mission : Achievements 1999-<strong>2008</strong> / [Joachim<br />

Rücker, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in<br />

Kosovo]. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>10 DGAP: DG B01443a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

680 Oliker, Olga: Kosovo and South Ossetia more different than<br />

similar / Olga Oliker. - Prague: Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.rferl.org/articleprintview/1193663.html<br />

SWP D 852129<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

681 Kostić, Dejan: The resolution of collective labour disputes in<br />

Serbia / Dejan Kostić. - In: South-East Europe Review for<br />

Labour and Social Affairs (Baden-Baden), 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1,<br />

S. 111-119, Lit. S. 119<br />

DIE D 852485 SWP: X. 822 DIE: 09ZA010 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RA08.31 KOSOVO<br />

SB03 International law<br />

682 Knoll, Bernhard: Rights without remedies : The European<br />

Court's failure to close the human rights gap in Kosovo /<br />

Bernhard Knoll. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches<br />

Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 431-451, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851942 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF Government<br />

683 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo:<br />

UNMIK a timely mission : Achievements 1999-<strong>2008</strong> / [Joachim<br />

Rücker, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in<br />

Kosovo]. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>10 DGAP: DG B01443a<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

684 Knoll, Bernhard: Rights without remedies : The European<br />

Court's failure to close the human rights gap in Kosovo /<br />

Bernhard Knoll. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches<br />

Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 431-451, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851942 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

685 Oliker, Olga: Kosovo and South Ossetia more different than<br />

similar / Olga Oliker. - Prague: Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 2 S.<br />

http://www.rferl.org/articleprintview/1193663.html<br />

SWP D 852129<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 34 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SF01.02 Human rights<br />


686 Casal Hernández, Jesús María: Migration und internationaler<br />

Menschenrechtsschutz : Beiträge des Interamerikanischen<br />

Systems zum Schutz der Menschenrechte / Jesús M. Casal H.. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 491-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851945 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

687 Casal Hernández, Jesús María: Migration und internationaler<br />

Menschenrechtsschutz : Beiträge des Interamerikanischen<br />

Systems zum Schutz der Menschenrechte / Jesús M. Casal H.. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 491-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851945 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

688 Sullivan, Daniel S.: "Energy issues in the Western<br />

hemisphere" : testimony of Daniel S. Sullivan before the House<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. Department of State ;<br />

Washington, DC, July 31, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 15 S.<br />

http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/110/sul073108.pdf<br />

SWP D 852428<br />

RB01.01 OAS<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

689 Casal Hernández, Jesús María: Migration und internationaler<br />

Menschenrechtsschutz : Beiträge des Interamerikanischen<br />

Systems zum Schutz der Menschenrechte / Jesús M. Casal H.. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 491-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851945 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

690 Casal Hernández, Jesús María: Migration und internationaler<br />

Menschenrechtsschutz : Beiträge des Interamerikanischen<br />

Systems zum Schutz der Menschenrechte / Jesús M. Casal H.. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 491-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851945 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RB01.02 NAFTA<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

691 Hufbauer, Gary Clyde; Schott, Jeffrey J.: Nafta's bad rap : it's<br />

sound bites and bumper stickers versus real facts and statistics /<br />

by Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jeffrey J. Schott. - In: The<br />

International Economy (Washington/D.C.), (Summer <strong>2008</strong>),<br />

S. 19-23, Ill.<br />

http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/papers/hufbauer-sc<br />

hott0808.pdf<br />

SWP D 852536<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 35 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15



RC01 CANADA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

692 Canada's engagement in Afghanistan : setting a course to<br />

2011 ; report to Parliament / Government of Canada. - Ottawa,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 26 S. - ISBN 978-0-662-05828-1<br />

http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/assets/pdfs/Af<br />

ghrep_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 852372<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

693 Only a third of Canadians agree with Afghanistan mission<br />

extension / Angus Reid Global Monitor by Angus Reid<br />

Strategies. - Vancouver, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/2009.09.11_Afghan.pdf<br />

SWP D 852375<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

694 Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Junior partner Canada : transatlantic<br />

trade relations under Germany's EU presidency / Stormy-Annika<br />

Mildner. - In: International Journal (Toronto), 63 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 646-663, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5275<br />

SWP D 852015 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD <strong>30</strong>5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

695 Kanada und Deutschland : Migration und Integration im<br />

Vergleich ; Fachtagung / Bundesamt für Migration und<br />

Flüchtlinge. Hrsg. von Petra Bendel ... - 1. Aufl. - Nürnberg, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 153 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Migration,<br />

Flüchtlinge und Integration; Bd. 15) - ISBN 978-3-9812115-0-4<br />

IFA D 852356 IFA: 28/765 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

696 Only a third of Canadians agree with Afghanistan mission<br />

extension / Angus Reid Global Monitor by Angus Reid<br />

Strategies. - Vancouver, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/2009.09.11_Afghan.pdf<br />

SWP D 852375<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

697 853 days: from Gaza disengagement to de facto power?<br />

Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, March 12, <strong>2008</strong><br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-157)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41231.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851763 HSFK: 99.026 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

698 After Annapolis: next steps in the Middle East peace<br />

process : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

December 5, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-137)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/39517.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851917 HSFK: 99.010 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

699 America's role in Asia: Asian and American views :<br />

recommendations for U.S. policy from both sides of the Pacific /<br />

The Asia Foundation. - San Francisco/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 321 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-892325-08-X<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/AmericasRoleinAsi<br />

a<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852382<br />

700 Anderlini, Sanam B.; Tirman, John: Iran-U.S.: The case for<br />

transformation / Sanam Anderlini and John Tirman. -<br />

Cambridge/Mass.: Massachusetts Institute for Technology,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Audit of Conventional Wisdom;<br />

08-12) - (PSB08-08-0546)<br />

http://web.mit.edu/cis/pdf/Audit_09_08_AnderliniTirman.pdf<br />

SWP D 851997<br />

701 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Russia and the United States :<br />

time to end the strategic deadlock / Alexei Arbatov. - Moscow:<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S., Ill., Tab. - (Briefing /<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center; Vol. 10, Issue 3)<br />

DGAP D 852265 DGAP: DG B01452f<br />

702 Bertram, Christoph: Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to<br />

cooperation / Christoph Bertram. - Paris: Institute for Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S. - (Chaillot Papers; No. 110)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Partner, nicht Gegner: für eine<br />

andere Iran-Politik; ein Standpunkt von Christoph Bertram. Hrsg.<br />

von Roger de Weck. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/cp110.pdf<br />

SWP D 851972 DGAP: DG B01452v<br />

703 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Libya: background and U.S.<br />

relations : updated August 6, <strong>2008</strong> / Christopher M. Blanchard. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: CRS, <strong>2008</strong>. - 41 S., Kt., Lit. S. 38 - (CRS<br />

Report for Congress; RL33142)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/109510.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851987<br />

704 Chanlett-Avery, Emma: Thailand: background and U.S.<br />

relations : updated July 24, <strong>2008</strong> / Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32593) - (RL32593)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL32593_<strong>2008</strong>0724.pdf<br />

SWP D 852437<br />

705 Crisis in Burma: can the U.S. bring about a peaceful<br />

resolution? hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the<br />

Pacific, and the Global Environment of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 17, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,68 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-144)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38333.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851900 HSFK: 99.0<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

706 Dalpino, Catharin E.: New power dynamics in Southeast Asia :<br />

A report of a Stanley Foundation Project on examining US<br />

relations with Southeast Asia / by Catharin E. Dalpino. -<br />

Muscatine/Iowa: Stanley Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 35 S.<br />

http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/report/NPDinSEA9<br />

08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852438<br />

707 Declaration and principles: future U.S. commitments to<br />

Iraq : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East<br />

and South Asia and the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, March 4, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - V,64 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-<strong>16</strong>2)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41061.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851777 HSFK: 99.027 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

708 Dunne, Michele: The United States and Libya : where do we go<br />

from here? / by Michele Dunne. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. - (Web<br />

Commentary: Middle East Program)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/dunne_libya.pdf<br />

SWP D 851967<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 36 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

709 Ferguson, Joseph P.: U.S.-Russia relations: is it interests or<br />

values? / Joseph Ferguson. - In: Comparative Connections<br />

(Honolulu/Haw.), 10 (July 15, <strong>2008</strong>) 2, 6 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/0802qus_russia.pdf<br />

SWP D 851713<br />

710 Graham, Thomas: U.S.-Russia relations: facing reality<br />

pragmatically / Thomas Graham. - Washington/D.C. ...: Center<br />

for Strategic and International Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 19 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080717_graham_u.s.russia.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 851702<br />

711 Iraq reconstruction: An overview : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, February 15,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- III,1<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial / Committee on Oversight and Government<br />

Reform (United States / House); No. 110-27)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:38578.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852010 HSFK: 99.120 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

712 Joffe, Josef: Hypermacht und Friedensmacht : die Zukunft der<br />

europäisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen / Josef Joffe. -<br />

Stuttgart: Robert Bosch Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S. - (Europa bauen,<br />

den Wandel gestalten) - ISBN 978-3-939574-07-1<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>45 DFI: YC 950.JOF Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

713 Kronstadt, K. Alan: India-U.S. relations : updated August 12,<br />

<strong>2008</strong> / K. Alan Kronstadt. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. - 78 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL33529) - (RL33529)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/109486.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>19<br />

714 Lacorne, Denis: Le "rêve américain" du président Sarkozy /<br />

Denis Lacorne. - In: Le Débat (Paris), (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

151, S. 20-27, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852048 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 68 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

715 Lee, Sang-hyun: ROK-U.S. relations in Lee Myung-Bak<br />

government : toward a vision of a '21st century strategic alliance'<br />

/ Sang-Hyun Lee. - In: The Journal of East Asian Affairs (Seoul),<br />

22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-32, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851786 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

7<strong>16</strong> Lieber, Robert J.: Transatlantic politics after the <strong>2008</strong> election /<br />

Robert J. Lieber. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Analyses of the Royal Institute; 101/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/USA-Trans<br />

atlantic+Dialogue/ARI101-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 8526<strong>18</strong><br />

717 Lowenthal, Abraham F.: Toward improving cooperation in the<br />

Americas / Abraham F. Lowenthal. - In: Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 121-132<br />

SWP D 852264 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

7<strong>18</strong> Neila Hernández, José Luis: Entre Cuba y las Azores :<br />

imágenes y percepciones en las relaciones entre España y los<br />

Estados Unidos / José Luis Neila Hernández. - In: Estudios<br />

Internacionales (Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0,<br />

S. 35-62, Lit. S. 60-62<br />

SWP D 852256 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

719 New power dynamics in Southeast Asia : next generation<br />

thinking about U.S. strategy toward East Asia / ed. by Brad<br />

Glosserman. Pacific Forum CSIS, Young Leaders. -<br />

Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>18</strong> S. - (Issues and Insights)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n15.pdf<br />

SWP D 8524<strong>18</strong><br />

720 Ochoa Bilbao, Luis; Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos: Estados Unidos<br />

y el nuevo discurso intelectual mexicano : la emergencia del<br />

neorrealismo en el pensamiento internacionalista / Luis Ochoa<br />

Bilbao ; Carlos Figueroa Ibarra. - In: Argentina Global (Buenos<br />

Aires), (enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 70-93, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/4.pdf<br />

SWP D 852647<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

721 Oprach, Marc: Schatten der Vergangenheit :<br />

Amerikanisch-russische Beziehungen auf dem Tiefpunkt / Marc<br />

Oprach. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),<br />

53 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 466, S. 43-46<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>07 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

722 The proposed U.S. security commitment to Iraq: what will<br />

be in it and should it be a treaty? joint hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight and the Subcommittee on the Middle East and<br />

South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, January 23,<br />

<strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- V,58 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-151)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/40341.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851795 HSFK: 99.020 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

723 Quaranto, Peter J.: Building states while fighting terror :<br />

contradictions in United States strategy in Somalia from 2001 to<br />

2007 / Peter J. Quaranto. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 84 S., Lit. - (ISS Monograph Series; No. 143)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/M143FULL.PDF?link_id=&slink_id=6054&link_type=&slink<br />

_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 852238 BICC: BC IDP/MON Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

724 Reconstruction in Iraq's oil sector: running on empty? joint<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia and the Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, July <strong>18</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - V,60 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-128)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36825.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851780 HSFK: 99.049 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

725 A regional overview of South Asia : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, March 7, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,35 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-20)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/33822.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851796 HSFK: 99.033 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

726 Schlesinger, Stephen: Bush's stealth United Nations policy /<br />

Stephen Schlesinger. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-9<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>48 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

727 Siekmeier, James F.: From the Cold War to the war on terror :<br />

new directions in scholarship on United States-Latin American<br />

relations / James F. Siekmeier. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin<br />

American and Caribbean Studies (Montréal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 201-209, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852362 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

728 Soler Torrijos, Giancarlo: In the shadow of the United States :<br />

democracy and regional order in the Latin Caribbean / Giancarlo<br />

Soler Torrijos. - Boca Raton/Fla.: Brown Walker Press, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

VII,209 S., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>5-209 - ISBN 1-59942-439-8<br />

GIGA D 851956 ILAS: AAL-A/28 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

729 Suárez Salazar, Luis: Madre América : un siglo de violencia y<br />

dolor / Luis Suárez Salazar. - 2a ed. - La Habana: Editorial de<br />

Ciencias Sociales, 2006. - 528 S., Tab., Kt., Lit. S. 521-528 -<br />

ISBN 959-06-0875-2<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>43 ILAS: AAL-G/43 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

7<strong>30</strong> U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia: oil, anxiety, and<br />

ambivalence : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle<br />

East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,42 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-133)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37908.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851770 HSFK: 99.034 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 37 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

731 U.S.-Brazil relations : hearing before the Subcommittee on on<br />

the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - III,48 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-103)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37910.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>04 HSFK: 99.037 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

732 U.S.-Greece relations and regional issues : hearing before<br />

the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, November 14, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,26 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-139)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38937.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851915 HSFK: 99.019 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

733 The United States and the OSCE: A partnership for<br />

advancing freedom : hearing before the Commission on<br />

Security and Cooperation in Europe, United States Congress,<br />

109th Congress, 1st Session, October 25, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,49 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-8)<br />

HSFK D 852088 HSFK: 99.106 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

734 Walser, Ray: Mexico, drug cartels, and the Merida Initiative : A<br />

fight we cannot afford to lose / Ray Walser. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 14 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2<strong>16</strong>3)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/upload/bg_2<strong>16</strong>3.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852390<br />

735 Wisner, Frank G.: The United States and the Balkans:<br />

Achieving Kosovo's independence / Frank G. Wisner. - In:<br />

American Foreign Policy Interests (New York/N.Y.),<br />

<strong>30</strong> (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. <strong>18</strong>9-195<br />

HSFK D 852767 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

736 With Castro stepping down, what is next for Cuba and the<br />

Western Hemisphere? Hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

March 5, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,72 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-154)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>03 HSFK: 99.036 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

737 Busby, Joshua W.; Monten, Jonathan: Without heirs?<br />

Assessing the decline of establishment internationalism in U.S.<br />

foreign policy / Joshua W. Busby and Jonathan Monten. -<br />

In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.), 6 (<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 451-472, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 470-472<br />

SWP D 852284 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

738 Dobbins, James: Does America need a new grand strategy?<br />

Testimony presented before the House Armed Services<br />

Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on<br />

July 15, <strong>2008</strong> / James Dobbins. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand<br />

Corporation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 13 S. - (Rand Corporation Testimony<br />

Series)<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_CT311.pdf<br />

SWP D 852434<br />

739 Gelb, Leslie H.: A realist rally / Leslie H. Gelb. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 7-10, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852269 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

740 Lieven, Anatol: League of demagoguery / Anatol Lieven. - In:<br />

The National Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 79-86, Ill.<br />

Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Bobbitt, P.: Terror and consent:<br />

The wars for the twenty-first century. - New York/N.Y.: Knopf,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 688 S.<br />

SWP D 852277 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

741 Nau, Henry R.: Conservative internationalism : Jefferson to Polk<br />

to Truman to Reagan / by Henry R. Nau. - In: Policy Review<br />

Online (Washington/D.C.), (August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150,<br />

ca. 26 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/26105009.html<br />

SWP D 852538 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

742 The neocons vs. the realists - In: The National Interest<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 20-36, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852271 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

743 Peacekeeping: thousands trained but United States is<br />

unlikely to complete all activities by 2010 and some<br />

improvements are needed : report to Congressional<br />

committees / United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,71 S. - (GAO-08-754)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08754.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852013 HSFK: 99.142 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

744 Rosenthal, Justine A.; Simes, Dimitri K.: Voting blind / Justine<br />

A. Rosenthal and Dimitri K. Simes. - In: The National Interest<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 4-6, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852267 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

745 Shapiro, Robert Y.; Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli: Foreign policy, meet<br />

the people / Robert Y. Shapiro and Yaeli Bloch-Elkon. - In: The<br />

National Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

97, S. 37-42, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852272 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

746 Zegart, Amy: The legend of a democracy promoter / Amy<br />

Zegart. - In: The National Interest (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 43-53, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852274 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

747 853 days: from Gaza disengagement to de facto power?<br />

Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, March 12, <strong>2008</strong><br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-157)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41231.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851763 HSFK: 99.026 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

748 After Annapolis: next steps in the Middle East peace<br />

process : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

December 5, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-137)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/39517.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851917 HSFK: 99.010 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

749 Anderlini, Sanam B.; Tirman, John: Iran-U.S.: The case for<br />

transformation / Sanam Anderlini and John Tirman. -<br />

Cambridge/Mass.: Massachusetts Institute for Technology,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Audit of Conventional Wisdom;<br />

08-12) - (PSB08-08-0546)<br />

http://web.mit.edu/cis/pdf/Audit_09_08_AnderliniTirman.pdf<br />

SWP D 851997<br />

750 Friedman, George: Georgia and the balance of power / George<br />

Friedman. - In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 24-26, Ill., Kt.<br />

SWP D 851754 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

751 The Iran crisis: A trans-atlantic response : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,34 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-5)<br />

HSFK D 852095 HSFK: 99.105 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

752 Kay, David: The Iranian fallout / David Kay. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 11-19, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852270 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 38 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

753 Laffey, Mark; Weldes, Jutta: Decolonizing the Cuban missile<br />

crisis / Mark Laffey and Jutta Weldes. - In: International Studies<br />

Quarterly (Malden/Mass.), 52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 555-577<br />

HSFK D 852756 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

754 Meeting the challenge : U.S. policy toward Iranian nuclear<br />

development ; report of an independent task force / Bipartisan<br />

Policy Center. - Washingnton/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 117 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Anh.<br />

http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/8448<br />

SWP D 852336<br />

755 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

756 Shiryayev, Boris: Die Großmächte auf dem Weg zur neuen<br />

Konfrontation? Das "Great Game" am Kaspischen Meer ; eine<br />

Untersuchung der neuen Konfliktlage am Beispiel Kasachstan /<br />

Boris Shiryayev. - Hamburg: Kovač, <strong>2008</strong>. - 351 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 295-351 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 24) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3749-1 -- Zugl.: Freiburg/Br., Univ., Diss., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DGAP D 852456 DGAP: DG 47298<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

757 America's alliances and the next administration : next<br />

generation thinking about U.S. strategy toward East Asia / ed. by<br />

Brad Glosserman. Pacific Forum CSIS, Young Leaders. -<br />

Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol. 8, No.<br />

14)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n14.pdf<br />

SWP D 852407<br />

758 Bruno, Greg; Bajoria, Jayshree: U.S-Pakistan military<br />

cooperation / Greg Bruno ; Jayshree Bajoria. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 5 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/<strong>16</strong>644/troubled_pakistan_alliance.h<br />

tml<br />

SWP D 852696<br />

759 Chau, Donovan C.: U.S. counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan<br />

Africa : understanding costs, cultures, and conflicts / Donovan C.<br />

Chau. - Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - 81 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-363-9<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB821.pdf<br />

SWP D 851750<br />

760 Japan-U.S. security relations: Alliance under strain : A<br />

conference report / Brad Glosserman, rapporteur. Pacific Forum<br />

CSIS. - Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 79 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol.<br />

8, No. 13)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n13.pdf<br />

SWP D 852397<br />

761 Kahl, Colin H.: Bridge on the river Euphrates / Colin H. Karl. - In:<br />

The National Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 87-96, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852279 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

762 Kangas, Roger D.: Battling misperception: challenges to U.S.<br />

security cooperation in Central Asia / by Roger D. Kangas. -<br />

In: Joint Force Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), (3rd quarter <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

50, S. 98-104, Ill.<br />

http://www.ndu.edu/inss/Press/jfq_pages/editions/i50/22.pdf<br />

SWP D 852156<br />

763 Malan, Mark: U.S. civil-military imbalance for global<br />

engagement : lessons from the operational level in Africa / Mark<br />

Malan. - Washington/D.C.: Refugees International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.refugeesinternational.org/files/10761_file_RI_CivMil_i<br />

mbalance.pdf<br />

SWP D 851761<br />

764 Manzo, Vince: U.S. policy brief: The need for a strategic<br />

dialogue with China / by Vince Manzo. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Defense Information, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://www.cdi.org/pdfs/StrategicDialoguePolicy.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>27<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

765 The November 26 Declaration of Principles: implications for<br />

U.N. resolutions on Iraq, and for Congressional oversight :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, February 8, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,65 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-152)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/40660.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851921 HSFK: 99.025 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

766 Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions needed to enhance DOD<br />

planning for reposturing of U.S. forces from Iraq : report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 85 S., Ill.,<br />

graph.Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (GAO-08-9<strong>30</strong>)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d089<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852027<br />

767 Status of forces agreements and U.N. mandates: what<br />

authorities and protections do they provide to U.S.<br />

personnel? Hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, February 28, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,56 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-153)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41022.pdf<br />

HSFK D 8519<strong>18</strong> HSFK: 99.022 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

768 Testimony on security and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq :<br />

developments in U.S. strategy and operations and the way<br />

ahead / United States House Committee on Armed Services. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl.<br />

http://www.house.gov/hasc/hearing_information.shtml<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>22<br />

769 Thayer, Bradley A.; Skypek, Thomas M.: Russia goes ballistic<br />

/ Bradley A. Thayer and Thomas M. Skypek. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 61-68, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852276 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

770 Budget request from the Department of the Army : hearings<br />

on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year <strong>2008</strong> and<br />

Oversight of Previously Authorized Programs ; full committee<br />

hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, hearing held<br />

February 14, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,78 S. - (Hearings on National Defense<br />

Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Oversight of Previously<br />

Authorized Programs; <strong>2008</strong>) - (Hearing / Committee on Armed<br />

Services (United States / House); H.A.S.C. No. 110-<strong>18</strong>)<br />

HSFK D 851944 HSFK: 91.993 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

771 Dobbins, James F.: Nation-building and counterinsurgency<br />

after Iraq / James F. Dobbins. - New York/N.Y.: The Century<br />

Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 22 S., Lit. Hinw. - (A Century Foundation<br />

Report)<br />

http://www.tcf.org/publications/internationalaffairs/dobbinscopy.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 852432<br />

772 Homeland defense: steps have been taken to improve U.S.<br />

Northern Command's coordination with states and the<br />

National Guard Bureau, but gaps remain : report to<br />

Congressional requesters / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,52 S. -<br />

(GAO-08-252)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08252.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852050 HSFK: 99.137 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

773 Homeland defense: U.S. Northern Command has made<br />

progress but needs to address force allocation, readiness<br />

tracking gaps, and other issues : report to Congressional<br />

requesters / United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,62 S. - (GAO-08-251)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08251.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852052 HSFK: 99.136 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 39 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

774 Lieven, Anatol: League of demagoguery / Anatol Lieven. - In:<br />

The National Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 79-86, Ill.<br />

Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Bobbitt, P.: Terror and consent:<br />

The wars for the twenty-first century. - New York/N.Y.: Knopf,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 688 S.<br />

SWP D 852277 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

775 The national security implications of climate change :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and<br />

Oversight of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - IV,99 S. - (Hearing / Committee on<br />

Science and Technology (United States / House); No. 110-58)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:34720.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852009 HSFK: 99.038 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

776 Nuclear security: NRC and DHS need to take additional<br />

steps to better track and detect radioactive materials : report<br />

to the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee<br />

on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate /<br />

United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,48 S. - (GAO-08-598)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08598.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852047 HSFK: 99.140 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

777 Review Panel on Future Directions for Defense Threat<br />

Reduction Agency Missions and Capabilities to Combat<br />

Weapons of Mass Destruction (United States / Defense<br />

Threat Reduction Agency): Report, March <strong>2008</strong> / Review<br />

Panel on Future Directions for Defense Threat Reduction<br />

Agency Missions and Capabilities to Combat Weapons of Mass<br />

Destruction. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 42 S.<br />

HSFK D 852105 HSFK: 99.147 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

778 Schierkes, Jonna: Terroristen erfinden, Militärbudget sichern :<br />

Südkommando des US-Militärs sucht neue Militärbasis und<br />

reaktiviert die vierte Flotte / Jonna Schierkes. - In: Lateinamerika<br />

Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412,<br />

S. 32-34, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852247 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

779 War powers for the 21st century: The Congressional<br />

perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, March 13, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,41 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-<strong>16</strong>0)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41232.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851794 HSFK: 99.023 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

780 War powers for the 21st century: The constitutional<br />

perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, April 10, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,74 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-<strong>16</strong>4)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41756.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851791 HSFK: 99.024 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

781 Winter, Donald C.: An affordable global presence / Donald C.<br />

Winter. - In: Proceedings / United States Naval Institute<br />

(Annapolis/Md.), 134 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 1267, S. 14-<strong>16</strong><br />

HSFK D 852005 HSFK: ZS U Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

782 Agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation with India :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session,<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong> / Chris Dodd ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl. - (Hearing / United States<br />

Senate; <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/<strong>2008</strong>/hrg0809<strong>18</strong>p.html<br />

SWP D 852711<br />

783 Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic: Russia and the United States :<br />

time to end the strategic deadlock / Alexei Arbatov. - Moscow:<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S., Ill., Tab. - (Briefing /<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center; Vol. 10, Issue 3)<br />

DGAP D 852265 DGAP: DG B01452f<br />

784 Bertram, Christoph: Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to<br />

cooperation / Christoph Bertram. - Paris: Institute for Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S. - (Chaillot Papers; No. 110)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Partner, nicht Gegner: für eine<br />

andere Iran-Politik; ein Standpunkt von Christoph Bertram. Hrsg.<br />

von Roger de Weck. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/cp110.pdf<br />

SWP D 851972 DGAP: DG B01452v<br />

785 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 1st Session, November 14, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,109 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 110-<strong>30</strong>6)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_senate_hearings&docid=f:41099.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852000 HSFK: 99.039 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

786 Meeting the challenge : U.S. policy toward Iranian nuclear<br />

development ; report of an independent task force / Bipartisan<br />

Policy Center. - Washingnton/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 117 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Anh.<br />

http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/8448<br />

SWP D 852336<br />

787 Pan, Esther; Bajoria, Jayshree: The U.S.-India nuclear deal /<br />

Esther Pan ; Jayshree Bajoria. - New York/N.Y.: Council on<br />

Foreign Relations, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/9663/usindia_nuclear_deal.html?br<br />

eadcrumb=%2F<br />

SWP D 852707<br />

788 The six-party process: progress and perils in North Korea's<br />

denuclearization : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment and the<br />

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, October 25, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

V,32 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-145)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38544.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>09 HSFK: 99.014 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

789 Glennon, Michael J.: A conveniently unlawful war : Congress<br />

didn't authorize the fight we are now in / by Michael J. Glennon. -<br />

In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150, ca. 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/26119<strong>16</strong>9.html<br />

SWP D 852540 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

790 Hodge, Nathan: Briefing : US Marine Corps operations in<br />

Afghanistan ; corps values / Nathan Hodge. - In: Jane's Defence<br />

Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (17 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 38, S. 22-28, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>37 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

791 Skinner, Tony: Cyberwarfare : war and pc / Tony Skinner. -<br />

In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (24 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

39, S. 38-45, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852423 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

792 Carroll, Kevin; Coker, David W.: Logistics modernisation<br />

programme : A cornerstone of army transformation / Kevin<br />

Carroll ; David W. Coker. - In: Military Technology (Bonn),<br />

31 (2007) 7, S. 63-69, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852743 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

793 Christianson, Claude V.: Joint logistics in the future / Claude V.<br />

Christianson. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7,<br />

S. 52-55, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852740 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 40 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

794 Church, Iain J.: Assuring mobility in a COIN environment / Iain J.<br />

Church. - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 40-42,<br />

Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852735 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

795 The future engineer force : projecting the capabilities of the<br />

regiment - In: Military Technology (Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 10-19,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852729 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

796 Kay, David: The Iranian fallout / David Kay. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 11-19, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852270 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

797 Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions needed to enhance DOD<br />

planning for reposturing of U.S. forces from Iraq : report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 85 S., Ill.,<br />

graph.Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (GAO-08-9<strong>30</strong>)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d089<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852027<br />

SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units<br />

798 Status of forces agreements and U.N. mandates: what<br />

authorities and protections do they provide to U.S.<br />

personnel? Hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, February 28, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,56 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-153)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41022.pdf<br />

HSFK D 8519<strong>18</strong> HSFK: 99.022 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

799 Winter, Donald C.: An affordable global presence / Donald C.<br />

Winter. - In: Proceedings / United States Naval Institute<br />

(Annapolis/Md.), 134 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 1267, S. 14-<strong>16</strong><br />

HSFK D 852005 HSFK: ZS U Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

800 Nuclear weapons: NNSA needs to establish a cost and<br />

schedule baseline for manufactoring a critical nuclear<br />

weapon component : report to the Subcommittee on Energy<br />

and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House<br />

of Representatives / United States Government Accountability<br />

Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,39 S. - (GAO-08-593)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08593.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852043 HSFK: 99.141 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

801 Thayer, Bradley A.; Skypek, Thomas M.: Russia goes ballistic<br />

/ Bradley A. Thayer and Thomas M. Skypek. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 61-68, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852276 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SC07.01 Armaments industry<br />

802 Trice, Robert H.: "Wir verstehen uns als global aufgestellter<br />

Partner von Regierungen" / Robert H. Trice. Die Fragen stellte<br />

Jürgen Hensel. - In: Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg),<br />

57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 47-51, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852656 SWP: X. 106 OSI: Zs 693 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>3 HSFK: ZS E<br />

Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

803 Daugbjerg, Carsten: Ideas in two-level games : The EC-United<br />

States dispute over agriculture in the GATT Uruguay Round /<br />

Carsten Daugbjerg. - In: Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 1266-1289,<br />

Lit. S. 1287-1289<br />

DIE D 852106 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

804 APEC 2007: Advancing U.S. exports to the Asia-Pacific<br />

region : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific,<br />

and the Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,49 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-143)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37970.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851913 HSFK: 99.015 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

805 Hong, Ihk-pyo: The lifting of U.S.-imposed sanctions against<br />

Pyongyang and its effect on the N.K's economy / by Hong<br />

Ihk-pyo. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 29-39, Tab.<br />

SWP D 852146 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

806 Hosek, James R.; Galama, Titus: U.S. competitivness in<br />

science and technology / Titus Galama ; James Hosek.<br />

Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>18</strong>9 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit., Anh. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4424-2<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG674.pdf<br />

SWP D 852619<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

807 How (and why) the United States should help to build the<br />

ASEAN Economic Community / by Michael G. Plummer with<br />

responses by Scot A. Marciel ... East-West Center<br />

(Honolulu/Haw.) - Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Tab.<br />

http://www.eastwestcenter.org/fileadmin/stored/pdfs/dialogue002<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 852426<br />

808 Roberts, James M.: Rethinking the summit of the Americas and<br />

advancing free trade in Latin Amerika / James M. Roberts. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 9 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No.<br />

2170)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/upload/bg_2170.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852392<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

809 Eernisse, Arie: US exports to China hit new high / Arie Eernisse.<br />

- In: The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.),<br />

35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 36-39<br />

GIGA D 852669 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

810 Alcock, Frank: Sustainable trade begins at home / Frank Alcock.<br />

- In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 49-54, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>52 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

811 Blustein, Paul: Trade pacts run amok / Paul Blustein. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 13-<strong>18</strong>, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>49 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

812 Combating terrorism: increased oversight and<br />

accountability needed over Pakistan reimbursement claims<br />

for Coalition Support Funds : report to Congressional<br />

requesters / United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,41 S. - (GAO-08-806)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08806.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852063 HSFK: 99.148 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 41 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

813 Iraq reconstruction: An overview : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, February 15,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- III,1<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial / Committee on Oversight and Government<br />

Reform (United States / House); No. 110-27)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:38578.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852010 HSFK: 99.120 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

814 Malan, Mark: U.S. civil-military imbalance for global<br />

engagement : lessons from the operational level in Africa / Mark<br />

Malan. - Washington/D.C.: Refugees International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.refugeesinternational.org/files/10761_file_RI_CivMil_i<br />

mbalance.pdf<br />

SWP D 851761<br />

815 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

8<strong>16</strong> U.S. assistance in East Asia and the Pacific: An overview :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the<br />

Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 20, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,38 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-142)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37912.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851903 HSFK: 99.013 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

817 McConnell, David L.: Japan's image problem and the soft<br />

power solution / David L. McConnell. - In: Soft power<br />

superpowers / Watanabe Yasushi ... eds. With a foreword by<br />

Joseph S. Nye. - Armonk/N.Y. ...: Sharpe, <strong>2008</strong>. - (An East Gate<br />

Book), S. <strong>18</strong>-33, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7656-2248-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>18</strong>72 IFA: 28/724 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

8<strong>18</strong> Altbach, Philip G.; Peterson, Patti McGill: Higher education<br />

as a projection of America's soft power / Philip G. Altbach and<br />

Patti McGill Peterson. - In: Soft power superpowers / Watanabe<br />

Yasushi ... eds. With a foreword by Joseph S. Nye. -<br />

Armonk/N.Y. ...: Sharpe, <strong>2008</strong>. - (An East Gate Book), S. 37-53,<br />

Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7656-2248-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>18</strong>76 IFA: 28/724 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

819 The decline in America's reputation: why? report on<br />

America's international image (covering decline, impact on U.S.<br />

national interests, and recommendations) by the Subcommittee<br />

on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of<br />

the House Committee on Foreign Affairs based on a series of 10<br />

hearings, June 11, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - 44 S. - (Committee Print / House (United<br />

Szates); 110th Congress, 2nd Session)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/42566.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852203 HSFK: 99.091 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

820 Neila Hernández, José Luis: Entre Cuba y las Azores :<br />

imágenes y percepciones en las relaciones entre España y los<br />

Estados Unidos / José Luis Neila Hernández. - In: Estudios<br />

Internacionales (Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0,<br />

S. 35-62, Lit. S. 60-62<br />

SWP D 852256 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

821 War powers for the 21st century: The Congressional<br />

perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, March 13, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,41 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-<strong>16</strong>0)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41232.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851794 HSFK: 99.023 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

822 War powers for the 21st century: The constitutional<br />

perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, April 10, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,74 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-<strong>16</strong>4)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41756.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851791 HSFK: 99.024 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

823 The Iran crisis: A trans-atlantic response : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,34 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-5)<br />

HSFK D 852095 HSFK: 99.105 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

824 Lewis, Anthony: Official American sadism / Anthony Lewis. - In:<br />

The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 45-49, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851756 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

825 Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl: The congressional debate on<br />

partial-birth abortion : constitutional gravitas and moral passion /<br />

Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey. - In: British Journal of Political<br />

Science (Cambridge), 38 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 383-410, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851708 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

826 Barnes, James A.: Twin cities <strong>2008</strong> : party time / by James A.<br />

Barnes. - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 40 (August <strong>30</strong>,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 35, S. 26-31, Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. -- Enthält außerdem:<br />

Republicans: road to the twin cities. - S. 28-29<br />

SWP D 852280 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

827 Gelb, Leslie H.: A realist rally / Leslie H. Gelb. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 7-10, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852269 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

828 Miller, Gary; Schofield, Norman: The transformation of the<br />

Republican and Democratic party coalitions in the U.S. / Gary<br />

Miller and Norman Schofield. - In: Perspectives on Politics<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 433-450, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 449-450<br />

SWP D 852283 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

829 Zittel, Thomas: Die elektronische Wählerkommunikation von<br />

Abgeordneten aus vergleichender Perspektive : Medienwandel<br />

oder Demokratiewandel? / Thomas Zittel. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>5-208,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 206-208<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>62 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

8<strong>30</strong> Cost, Jay: How Obama won the war : getting the most<br />

delegates per voter / by Jay Cost. - In: Policy Review Online<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150, ca. 10 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/26104459.html<br />

SWP D 852539 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 42 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

831 Díaz-Cayeros, Alberto: Electoral risk and redistributive politics<br />

in Mexico and the United States / Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. -<br />

In: Studies in Comparative International Development (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 129-150, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 149-150<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>87 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

832 Freedberg, Sydney J. (jr.): Twin cities <strong>2008</strong> : where they stand ;<br />

[comparison of McCains and Obamas positions refering 10 key<br />

issues] / by Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.. - In: National Journal<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 40 (August <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>) 35, S. 34-55, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852281 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

833 Hacker, Andrew: Obama : The price of being black / Andrew<br />

Hacker. - In: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 12-<strong>16</strong>, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851752 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

834 Lieber, Robert J.: Transatlantic politics after the <strong>2008</strong> election /<br />

Robert J. Lieber. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Analyses of the Royal Institute; 101/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/USA-Trans<br />

atlantic+Dialogue/ARI101-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 8526<strong>18</strong><br />

835 McGhee, Eric: National tides and local results in US House<br />

elections / Eric McGhee. - In: British Journal of Political Science<br />

(Cambridge), 38 (October <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 719-738, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851741 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

836 Rosenthal, Justine A.; Simes, Dimitri K.: Voting blind / Justine<br />

A. Rosenthal and Dimitri K. Simes. - In: The National Interest<br />

(Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 4-6, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852267 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

837 Simendinger, Alexis: Twin cities <strong>2008</strong> : target states ; the<br />

battlegrounds / by Alexis Simendinger. - In: National Journal<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 40 (August <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>) 35, S. 56-72, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

SWP D 852282 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

838 Chanlett-Avery, Emma: Thailand: background and U.S.<br />

relations : updated July 24, <strong>2008</strong> / Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32593) - (RL32593)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL32593_<strong>2008</strong>0724.pdf<br />

SWP D 852437<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

839 Crisis in Burma: can the U.S. bring about a peaceful<br />

resolution? hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the<br />

Pacific, and the Global Environment of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 17, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,68 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-144)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38333.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851900 HSFK: 99.0<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

840 Chau, Donovan C.: U.S. counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan<br />

Africa : understanding costs, cultures, and conflicts / Donovan C.<br />

Chau. - Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - 81 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-363-9<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB821.pdf<br />

SWP D 851750<br />

841 Combating terrorism: increased oversight and<br />

accountability needed over Pakistan reimbursement claims<br />

for Coalition Support Funds : report to Congressional<br />

requesters / United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,41 S. - (GAO-08-806)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08806.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852063 HSFK: 99.148 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

842 León Cotayo, Nicanor: Crimen en Barbados / Nicanor León<br />

Cotayo. - 5a ed. ampliada - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias<br />

Sociales, 2006. - 192 S., Ill. - ISBN 959-06-0883-3<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>40 ILAS: CUB/53 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

843 Lewis, Anthony: Official American sadism / Anthony Lewis. - In:<br />

The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 45-49, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851756 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

844 Walser, Ray: Mexico, drug cartels, and the Merida Initiative : A<br />

fight we cannot afford to lose / Ray Walser. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 14 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2<strong>16</strong>3)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/upload/bg_2<strong>16</strong>3.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852390<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

845 Simendinger, Alexis: Twin cities <strong>2008</strong> : target states ; the<br />

battlegrounds / by Alexis Simendinger. - In: National Journal<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 40 (August <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>) 35, S. 56-72, Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt.<br />

SWP D 852282 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

846 Apgar, Mahlon (IV): The promise of public-private partnerships :<br />

principles and proposals for the next president ; report of the<br />

Forum on Privatization and Partnerships / Mahlon Apgar, IV. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for<br />

Scholars, <strong>2008</strong>. - 81 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.wilsoncenter.org/news/docs/Public-Private.pdf<br />

SWP D 852537<br />

SF10 Law<br />

847 Glennon, Michael J.: A conveniently unlawful war : Congress<br />

didn't authorize the fight we are now in / by Michael J. Glennon. -<br />

In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150, ca. 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/26119<strong>16</strong>9.html<br />

SWP D 852540 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SG01 Social system / Social policy<br />

848 Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl: The congressional debate on<br />

partial-birth abortion : constitutional gravitas and moral passion /<br />

Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey. - In: British Journal of Political<br />

Science (Cambridge), 38 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 383-410, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851708 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

849 Shokeid, Moshe: When the curtain falls on a fieldwork project :<br />

The last chapter of a gay synagogue study / Moshe Shokeid. -<br />

In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (June 2007) 2, S. 219-238, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852569 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

850 Bleich, Erik: From Republican citizens to "young ethnics" in the<br />

"other France"? race and identity in France and the United<br />

States / Erik Bleich. - In: French Politics (Basingstoke), 6 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>6-177, Lit. S. 175-176<br />

DFI D 852<strong>18</strong>2 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

851 Bornstein, Erica: Harmonic dissonance : reflections on dwelling<br />

in the field / Erica Bornstein. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm),<br />

72 (December 2007) 4, S. 483-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852667 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

852 Light, Ivan; Scheven, Elsa von: Mexican migration networks in<br />

the United States : 1980-2000 / Ivan Light and Elsa von Scheven.<br />

- In: International Migration Review (Malden/Mass.), 42 (Fall<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 704-728, Tab., Lit. S. 725-728<br />

SWP D 852420 SWP: X. 879 IFA: Z-USA849 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 43 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

853 Ridout, Travis N.; Grosse, Ashley C.; Appleton, Andrew M.:<br />

News media use and Americans' perceptions of global threat /<br />

Travis N. Ridout ; Ashley C. Grosse ; Andrew M. Appleton. -<br />

In: British Journal of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (October<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 575-593, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851736 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

854 Nau, Henry R.: Conservative internationalism : Jefferson to Polk<br />

to Truman to Reagan / by Henry R. Nau. - In: Policy Review<br />

Online (Washington/D.C.), (August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150,<br />

ca. 26 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/26105009.html<br />

SWP D 852538 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

855 Rabe, Barry G.; Borick, Christopher P.: A reason to believe:<br />

examining the factors that determine America's views on global<br />

warming / Christopher P. Borick and Barry G. Rabe. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, <strong>2008</strong>. - 14 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Issues in Governance Studies; No. <strong>16</strong>/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/<strong>2008</strong>/07_globa<br />

l_warming_rabe_borick/07_global_warming_rabe_borick.pdf<br />

SWP D 852425<br />

856 Shapiro, Robert Y.; Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli: Foreign policy, meet<br />

the people / Robert Y. Shapiro and Yaeli Bloch-Elkon. - In: The<br />

National Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

97, S. 37-42, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852272 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

857 Ridout, Travis N.; Grosse, Ashley C.; Appleton, Andrew M.:<br />

News media use and Americans' perceptions of global threat /<br />

Travis N. Ridout ; Ashley C. Grosse ; Andrew M. Appleton. -<br />

In: British Journal of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (October<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 575-593, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851736 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

858 Bielo, James S.: 'The mind of Christ' : financial success,<br />

born-again personhood, and the anthropology of Christianity /<br />

James S. Bielo. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (<strong>September</strong> 2007)<br />

3, S. 3<strong>16</strong>-338, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852632 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

859 Madrick, Jeff: Time for a new deal / Jeff Madrick. - In: The New<br />

York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.), 55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

14, S. 65-70, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851757 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

860 Reconstruction in Iraq's oil sector: running on empty? joint<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia and the Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, July <strong>18</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - V,60 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-128)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36825.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851780 HSFK: 99.049 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

861 Denholm, Paul L.; Margolis, Robert M.: Land-use<br />

requirements and the per-capita solar footprint for photovoltaic<br />

generation in the United States / Paul Denholm ; Robert M.<br />

Margolis. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 3531-3543, graph. Darst, Tab., Lit. S. 3542-3543<br />

SWP D 852354 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

862 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 1st Session, November 14, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,109 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 110-<strong>30</strong>6)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_senate_hearings&docid=f:41099.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852000 HSFK: 99.039 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

863 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership: DoE should reassess<br />

its approach to designing and building spent nuclear fuel<br />

recycling facilities : report to Congressional committees /<br />

United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,50 S. - (GAO-08-483)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08483.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852061 HSFK: 99.134 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

864 House, Kurt Zenz: Breaking the tyranny of oil / by Kurt Zenz<br />

House. - In: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Chicago/Ill.),<br />

64 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, ca. 4 S.<br />

http://www.thebulletin.org/print/web-edition/columnists/kurt-zenzhouse/breaking-the-tyranny-of-oil<br />

SWP D 852684 SWP: Y. 89 DGAP: ZD 377 HSFK: ZS B BICC: BZ BAS<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

865 Kosnik, Lea: The potential of water power in the fight against<br />

global warming in the US / Lea Kosnik. - In: Energy Policy<br />

(Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 3252-3265, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 3264-3265<br />

SWP D 852344 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

866 Daugbjerg, Carsten: Ideas in two-level games : The EC-United<br />

States dispute over agriculture in the GATT Uruguay Round /<br />

Carsten Daugbjerg. - In: Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 1266-1289,<br />

Lit. S. 1287-1289<br />

DIE D 852106 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

867 Dieter, Heribert: Das Ende des amerikanischen Modells :<br />

warum die Finanzkrise in den USA eine Zeitenwende markiert /<br />

Heribert Dieter. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 71/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5289<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

868 Zumello, Christine: Finance and politics in the USA : from<br />

National City Bank to Citigroup - an american bank or a world<br />

bank? / Christine Zumello. - In: Society and Economy<br />

(Budapest), 29 (December 2007) 3, S. 325-342, Tab., Lit. S. 342<br />

SWP D 852649 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

869 Díaz-Cayeros, Alberto: Electoral risk and redistributive politics<br />

in Mexico and the United States / Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. -<br />

In: Studies in Comparative International Development (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 129-150, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 149-150<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>87 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

870 Hosek, James R.; Galama, Titus: U.S. competitivness in<br />

science and technology / Titus Galama ; James Hosek.<br />

Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. - Santa<br />

Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>18</strong>9 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit., Anh. - (Rand Corporation Monograph Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4424-2<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG674.pdf<br />

SWP D 852619<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

871 Skinner, Tony: Cyberwarfare : war and pc / Tony Skinner. -<br />

In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (24 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

39, S. 38-45, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852423 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 44 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

872 Zittel, Thomas: Die elektronische Wählerkommunikation von<br />

Abgeordneten aus vergleichender Perspektive : Medienwandel<br />

oder Demokratiewandel? / Thomas Zittel. - In: Zeitschrift für<br />

Politikwissenschaft (Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>5-208,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 206-208<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>62 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems<br />

873 Nuclear weapons: NNSA needs to establish a cost and<br />

schedule baseline for manufactoring a critical nuclear<br />

weapon component : report to the Subcommittee on Energy<br />

and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House<br />

of Representatives / United States Government Accountability<br />

Office. - Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,39 S. - (GAO-08-593)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08593.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852043 HSFK: 99.141 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

874 Agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation with India :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session,<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong> / Chris Dodd ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl. - (Hearing / United States<br />

Senate; <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/<strong>2008</strong>/hrg0809<strong>18</strong>p.html<br />

SWP D 852711<br />

II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)<br />

875 Pan, Esther; Bajoria, Jayshree: The U.S.-India nuclear deal /<br />

Esther Pan ; Jayshree Bajoria. - New York/N.Y.: Council on<br />

Foreign Relations, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/9663/usindia_nuclear_deal.html?br<br />

eadcrumb=%2F<br />

SWP D 852707<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

876 Denholm, Paul L.; Margolis, Robert M.: Land-use<br />

requirements and the per-capita solar footprint for photovoltaic<br />

generation in the United States / Paul Denholm ; Robert M.<br />

Margolis. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 3531-3543, graph. Darst, Tab., Lit. S. 3542-3543<br />

SWP D 852354 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

877 The national security implications of climate change :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and<br />

Oversight of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - IV,99 S. - (Hearing / Committee on<br />

Science and Technology (United States / House); No. 110-58)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:34720.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852009 HSFK: 99.038 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

878 Rabe, Barry G.; Borick, Christopher P.: A reason to believe:<br />

examining the factors that determine America's views on global<br />

warming / Christopher P. Borick and Barry G. Rabe. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, <strong>2008</strong>. - 14 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Issues in Governance Studies; No. <strong>16</strong>/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/<strong>2008</strong>/07_globa<br />

l_warming_rabe_borick/07_global_warming_rabe_borick.pdf<br />

SWP D 852425<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 45 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SA02 History<br />


879 Centeno, Miguel Angel: Latin American independence and the<br />

double dilemma : [critical debate] / Miguel Angel Centeno. -<br />

In: Latin American Politics and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.),<br />

50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 147-<strong>16</strong>1, Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>1<br />

SWP D 851749 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

880 Davy, Megan: What does China's growth portend for Latin<br />

America? / by Megan Davy. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Development Policy Outlook; No. 2/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.aei.org/docLib/<strong>2008</strong>0722_0223334DPODavy_g.pdf<br />

SWP D 852415<br />

881 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: Wohlstand für alle / Willhelm Hofmeister.<br />

- In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 8-9, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852464 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

882 Lowenthal, Abraham F.: Toward improving cooperation in the<br />

Americas / Abraham F. Lowenthal. - In: Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 121-132<br />

SWP D 852264 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

883 Siekmeier, James F.: From the Cold War to the war on terror :<br />

new directions in scholarship on United States-Latin American<br />

relations / James F. Siekmeier. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin<br />

American and Caribbean Studies (Montréal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 201-209, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852362 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

884 Suárez Salazar, Luis: Madre América : un siglo de violencia y<br />

dolor / Luis Suárez Salazar. - 2a ed. - La Habana: Editorial de<br />

Ciencias Sociales, 2006. - 528 S., Tab., Kt., Lit. S. 521-528 -<br />

ISBN 959-06-0875-2<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>43 ILAS: AAL-G/43 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

885 Willer, Hildegard: Investitions- und anderes Klima : der<br />

EU-Lateinamerika-Gipfel und die Gegenaktivitäten in Lima /<br />

Hildegard Willer. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>, S. 54-55<br />

GIGA D 8517<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

886 With Castro stepping down, what is next for Cuba and the<br />

Western Hemisphere? Hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

March 5, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,72 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-154)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>03 HSFK: 99.036 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

887 Nikken, Pedro: La política exterior venezolana en América<br />

Latina / Pedro Nikken. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707,<br />

S. 292-296, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852747 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

888 Briscoe, Ivan: Trouble on the borders: Latin America's new<br />

conlict zones / Ivan Briscoe. - Madrid: Fundación para las<br />

Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, <strong>2008</strong>. - 9 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Comment / Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (Madrid))<br />

http://www.cries.org/boletin/COM_Borderlands_Americas_ENG_j<br />

ul081.pdf<br />

SWP D 852399<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

889 Thede, Nancy: Human security, democracy, and development<br />

in the Americas : The Washington Consensus redux? / Nancy<br />

Thede. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean<br />

Studies (Montreal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65, S. 33-56, Lit. S. 53-56<br />

GIGA D 852268 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

890 Schierkes, Jonna: Terroristen erfinden, Militärbudget sichern :<br />

Südkommando des US-Militärs sucht neue Militärbasis und<br />

reaktiviert die vierte Flotte / Jonna Schierkes. - In: Lateinamerika<br />

Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412,<br />

S. 32-34, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852247 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SD International economy<br />

891 Rosales, Osvaldo; Kuwayama, Mikio: Latin America meets<br />

China and India : prospects and challenges for trade and<br />

investment / Osvaldo Rosales ; Mikio Kuwayama. - In: CEPAL<br />

Review (Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 81-103,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 103<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/6/32796/RVI93RosalesK<br />

uwayama.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852780 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

892 Lederman, Daniel; Olarreaga, Marcelo; Rubiano, Eliana:<br />

Trade specialization in Latin America : The impact of China and<br />

India / Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga, and Eliana<br />

Rubiano. - In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg),<br />

144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 248-271, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 271<br />

DIE D 8525<strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

893 Roberts, James M.: Rethinking the summit of the Americas and<br />

advancing free trade in Latin Amerika / James M. Roberts. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 9 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No.<br />

2170)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/upload/bg_2170.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852392<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

894 Mesa, Manuela: La cooperación al desarollo y la violencia<br />

transnacional : respuestas y retos pendientes / Manuela Mesa. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 95-124, Lit. S. 122-123<br />

GIGA D 852389 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF Government<br />

895 Centeno, Miguel Angel: Latin American independence and the<br />

double dilemma : [critical debate] / Miguel Angel Centeno. -<br />

In: Latin American Politics and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.),<br />

50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 147-<strong>16</strong>1, Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>1<br />

SWP D 851749 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

896 Fischer-Bollin, Peter: Die soziale Herausforderung für die<br />

Demokratie in Lateinamerika / Peter Fischer-Bollin ; Kathrin<br />

Zeller. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9,<br />

S. 97-119, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852703 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

897 Spronk, Susan: Pink tide? Neoliberalism and its alternatives in<br />

Latin America / Susan Spronk. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin<br />

American and Caribbean Studies (Montréal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 173-<strong>18</strong>6, Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>6<br />

GIGA D 852350 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

898 Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R.: Development,<br />

democracy, and welfare states : Latin America, East Asia, and<br />

Eastern Europe / Stephan Haggard ; Robert R. Kaufman. -<br />

Princeton/N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - 473 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 399-447 - ISBN 0-691-13596-7<br />

GIGA D 851939 ILAS: INT-H/97 IMES: INT-H/97 IAA: INT-H/97 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 46 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

899 Thede, Nancy: Human security, democracy, and development<br />

in the Americas : The Washington Consensus redux? / Nancy<br />

Thede. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean<br />

Studies (Montreal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65, S. 33-56, Lit. S. 53-56<br />

GIGA D 852268 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

900 Bonner, Michelle D.: Applying the concept of "human security"<br />

in Latin America : An Argentine case study / Michelle D. Bonner.<br />

- In: Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies<br />

(Montreal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65, S. 7-31, Lit. S. 27-31<br />

GIGA D 852266 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

901 Gómez Isa, Felipe: El fenómeno de la impunidad : luces y<br />

sombras en América Latina / Felipe Gómez Isa. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. <strong>16</strong>3-<strong>18</strong>5, Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>2-<strong>18</strong>3<br />

GIGA D 852406 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

902 Corrales, Javier: Latin America's neocaudillismo :<br />

ex-presidents and newcomers running for president ... and<br />

winning / Javier Corrales. - In: Latin American Politics and<br />

Society (Coral Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 1-35, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 32-35<br />

SWP D 851740 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

903 Linke Regierungen in Lateinamerika - In: ILA (Bonn),<br />

(<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>18</strong>, S. 4-49, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852297 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

904 Cabrera, Luisa: Memoria, identidad y justicia : desafíos para la<br />

rehabilitación del tejido social / Luisa Cabrera. - In: Pensamiento<br />

Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 271-284, Lit. S. 283<br />

GIGA D 852424 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

905 Cruz, Carmen de la: Seguridad de las mujeres en el espacio<br />

público : Aportes para las políticas públicas / Carmen de la Cruz.<br />

- In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 205-223, Tab., Lit. S. 222<br />

GIGA D 8524<strong>16</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

906 Dammert, Lucía: El desafío del liderazgo civil en la seguridad<br />

pública / Lucía Dammert. - In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano<br />

(Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. <strong>18</strong>7-203, Lit. S. 202<br />

GIGA D 852414 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

907 Mesa, Manuela: La cooperación al desarollo y la violencia<br />

transnacional : respuestas y retos pendientes / Manuela Mesa. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 95-124, Lit. S. 122-123<br />

GIGA D 852389 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

908 Rojas Aravena, Francisco: Violencia en América Latina :<br />

debilidad estatal, inequidad y crimen organizado inhiben el<br />

desarollo humano / Francisco Rojas Aravena. - In: Pensamiento<br />

Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 3-36, Tab., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 33-36<br />

GIGA D 852367 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

909 Serbin, Andrés: La sociedad civil ante la violencia y los<br />

conflictos en América Latina y el Caribe / Andrés Serbin. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 141-<strong>16</strong>2, Lit. S. 159-<strong>16</strong>0<br />

GIGA D 852401 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

910 Buvinic, Mayra: Un balance de la violencia en América Latina :<br />

los costos y las acciones para la prevención / Mayra Buvinic. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 37-54,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 53-54<br />

GIGA D 852373 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

911 Kruijt, Dirk: Violencia y pobreza en América Latina : los actores<br />

armados / Dirk Kruijt. - In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano<br />

(Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 55-70, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 69-70<br />

GIGA D 852377 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

912 León-Escribano, Carmen Rosa de: Violencia y género en<br />

América Latina / Carmen Rosa de León-Escribano. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 71-91,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 90<br />

GIGA D 852383 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

913 Indigene und schwarze Bewegungen - In: ILA (Bonn), (Juni<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>, S. 4-44, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>89 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

914 Cruz, Carmen de la: Seguridad de las mujeres en el espacio<br />

público : Aportes para las políticas públicas / Carmen de la Cruz.<br />

- In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 205-223, Tab., Lit. S. 222<br />

GIGA D 8524<strong>16</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

915 León-Escribano, Carmen Rosa de: Violencia y género en<br />

América Latina / Carmen Rosa de León-Escribano. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 71-91,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 90<br />

GIGA D 852383 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

9<strong>16</strong> Prieto Rozos, Alberto: Ideología economía y política en<br />

América Latina : siglos XIX y XX / Alberto Prieto Rozos. - La<br />

Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2005. - 240 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Colección Política) - ISBN 959-06-0734-9<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>21 ILAS: CUB/55 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

917 Serbin, Andrés: La sociedad civil ante la violencia y los<br />

conflictos en América Latina y el Caribe / Andrés Serbin. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 141-<strong>16</strong>2, Lit. S. 159-<strong>16</strong>0<br />

GIGA D 852401 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

9<strong>18</strong> Fischer-Bollin, Peter: Die soziale Herausforderung für die<br />

Demokratie in Lateinamerika / Peter Fischer-Bollin ; Kathrin<br />

Zeller. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9,<br />

S. 97-119, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852703 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

919 Frenkel, Roberto: The sustainability of monetary sterilization<br />

policies / Roberto Frenkel. - In: CEPAL Review (Santiago de<br />

Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 29-36, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 36<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/0/32790/RVI93Frenkel.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 852774 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

920 Hira, Anil: An East Asian model for Latin American success :<br />

The new path / Anil Hira. - Aldershot: Ashgate, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

XXIII,<strong>18</strong>6 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 159-179 - (The International<br />

Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7108-4<br />

GIGA D 851975 ILAS: INT-C/56 IMES: INT-C/56 IAA: INT-C/56 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

921 Ocampo, José Antonio: The macroeconomics of the Latin<br />

American economic boom / José Antonio Ocampo. - In: CEPAL<br />

Review (Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 7-28, Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 28<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/9/32789/RVI93Ocampo.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 852772 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

922 Pop-Eleches, Grigore: Crisis in the eye of the beholder :<br />

economic crisis and partisan politics in Latin American and East<br />

European International Monetary Fund programs / Grigore<br />

Pop-Eleches. - In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 1179-1211, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1207-1211<br />

DIE D 852100 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 47 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

923 Portes, Alejandro; Smith, Lori D.: Institutions and<br />

development in Latin America : A comparative analysis /<br />

Alejandro Portes ; Lori D. Smith. - In: Studies in Comparative<br />

International Development (New York/N.Y.), 43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

2, S. 101-128, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 125-128<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>84 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

924 Spronk, Susan: Pink tide? Neoliberalism and its alternatives in<br />

Latin America / Susan Spronk. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin<br />

American and Caribbean Studies (Montréal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 173-<strong>18</strong>6, Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>6<br />

GIGA D 852350 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

925 Alonso, José Antonio: Inequality, institutions and progress : A<br />

debate between history and the present / José Antonio Alonso. -<br />

In: CEPAL Review (Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93,<br />

S. 61-80, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 79-80<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/2/32792/RVI93Alonso.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852778 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

926 Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R.: Development,<br />

democracy, and welfare states : Latin America, East Asia, and<br />

Eastern Europe / Stephan Haggard ; Robert R. Kaufman. -<br />

Princeton/N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - 473 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 399-447 - ISBN 0-691-13596-7<br />

GIGA D 851939 ILAS: INT-H/97 IMES: INT-H/97 IAA: INT-H/97 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

927 Hall, Bronwyn H.; Maffioli, Alessandro: Evaluating the impact<br />

of technology development funds in emerging economies :<br />

evidence from Latin America / Bronwyn H. Hall and Alessandro<br />

Maffioli. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 172-198, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 193-194<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

928 Clements, Benedict; Faircloth, Christopher; Verhoeven,<br />

Marijn: Public expenditure in Latin America : trends and key<br />

policy issues / Benedict Clements ; Christopher Faircloth ; Marijn<br />

Verhoeven. - In: CEPAL Review (Santiago de Chile), (December<br />

2007) 93, S. 37-60, zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 59-60<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/1/32791/RVI93Clements<br />

Otros.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852776 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

929 Hall, Bronwyn H.; Maffioli, Alessandro: Evaluating the impact<br />

of technology development funds in emerging economies :<br />

evidence from Latin America / Bronwyn H. Hall and Alessandro<br />

Maffioli. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 172-198, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 193-194<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RD01 MEXICO<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

9<strong>30</strong> Gesichter einer Metropole : Ciudad Juárez - In: ILA (Bonn),<br />

(Juli-August <strong>2008</strong>) 317, S. 4-31, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>50 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

931 Ochoa Bilbao, Luis; Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos: Estados Unidos<br />

y el nuevo discurso intelectual mexicano : la emergencia del<br />

neorrealismo en el pensamiento internacionalista / Luis Ochoa<br />

Bilbao ; Carlos Figueroa Ibarra. - In: Argentina Global (Buenos<br />

Aires), (enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 70-93, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/4.pdf<br />

SWP D 852647<br />

932 Walser, Ray: Mexico, drug cartels, and the Merida Initiative : A<br />

fight we cannot afford to lose / Ray Walser. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 14 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2<strong>16</strong>3)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/upload/bg_2<strong>16</strong>3.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852390<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

933 Arellanes Jiménez, Paulino Ernesto: El federalismo y<br />

municipio contemporáneo en las relaciones internacionales : el<br />

caso mexicano / Paulino Ernesto Arellanes Jiménez. - In:<br />

Argentina Global (Buenos Aires), (enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 5-24,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/1.pdf<br />

SWP D 852633<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

934 Paus, Eva A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.: Missing links : foreign<br />

investment and industrial development in Costa Rica and<br />

Mexico / Eva A. Paus, Kevin P. Gallagher. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 53-80, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 78-81<br />

DIE D 852510 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

935 Díaz-Cayeros, Alberto: Electoral risk and redistributive politics<br />

in Mexico and the United States / Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. -<br />

In: Studies in Comparative International Development (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 129-150, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 149-150<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>87 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

936 Denis, Claude: National, public/private, human : linked<br />

(in)securities in Mexico's failing post-authoritarian transition /<br />

Claude Denis. - In: Canadian Journal of Latin American and<br />

Caribbean Studies (Montreal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65, S. 57-79,<br />

Lit. S. 76-79<br />

GIGA D 852273 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

937 Schmidt, Gerold: Ganz oben in der Mordstatistik : die Zahl der<br />

Opfer in Mexikos Drogenkrieg steigt weiter an / Gerold Schmidt.<br />

- In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 411-412, S. 40-41<br />

GIGA D 852250 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

938 Walser, Ray: Mexico, drug cartels, and the Merida Initiative : A<br />

fight we cannot afford to lose / Ray Walser. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 14 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2<strong>16</strong>3)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/LatinAmerica/upload/bg_2<strong>16</strong>3.<br />

pdf<br />

SWP D 852390<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

939 Arellanes Jiménez, Paulino Ernesto: El federalismo y<br />

municipio contemporáneo en las relaciones internacionales : el<br />

caso mexicano / Paulino Ernesto Arellanes Jiménez. - In:<br />

Argentina Global (Buenos Aires), (enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 5-24,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/1.pdf<br />

SWP D 852633<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

940 Light, Ivan; Scheven, Elsa von: Mexican migration networks in<br />

the United States : 1980-2000 / Ivan Light and Elsa von Scheven.<br />

- In: International Migration Review (Malden/Mass.), 42 (Fall<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 704-728, Tab., Lit. S. 725-728<br />

SWP D 852420 SWP: X. 879 IFA: Z-USA849 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 48 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

941 Levy, Santiago: Good intentions, bad outcomes : social policy,<br />

informality, and economic growth in Mexico / Santiago Levy. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Brookings Instition Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - XV,357 S.,<br />

Tab., graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 343-347 -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8157-5219-6<br />

GIGA D 851964 ILAS: MEX-F/7 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

942 Tickner, Arlene B.: Aquí en el ghetto : hip-hop in Colombia,<br />

Cuba, and Mexico / Arlene B. Tickner. - In: Latin American<br />

Politics and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 121-146, Lit. S. 145-146<br />

SWP D 851746 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

943 Rojas, Mariano; Jiménez, Elisa: Pobreza subjetiva en México :<br />

el papel de las normas de evaluación del ingreso / Mariano<br />

Rojas ; Elisa Jiménez. - In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos<br />

(México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 32, S. 11-33, Tab., Lit. S. 29-33<br />

GIGA D 852217 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

944 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

945 Puyana Mutis, Alicia: El manejo del petróleo mexicano :<br />

¿política o economía? / Alicia Puyana Mutis. - In: Perfiles<br />

Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 32, S. 67-102, Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 99-102<br />

GIGA D 852226 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

946 Schmidt, Gerold: Wem gehört die mexikanische Ölindustrie?<br />

Privatisierungspläne von Präsident Calderón stoßen auf<br />

heftigen Widerstand / Gerold Schmidt. - In: ILA (Bonn),<br />

(Juli-August <strong>2008</strong>) 317, S. 32-33, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>84 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

947 Paus, Eva A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.: Missing links : foreign<br />

investment and industrial development in Costa Rica and<br />

Mexico / Eva A. Paus, Kevin P. Gallagher. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 53-80, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 78-81<br />

DIE D 852510 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

948 Cardero García, María Elena: Programas de<br />

microfinanciamento : incidencia en las mujeres más pobres /<br />

María Elena Cardero. - In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos<br />

(México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 32, S. 151-<strong>18</strong>2, Tab., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>1-<strong>18</strong>2<br />

GIGA D 852235 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

949 Díaz-Cayeros, Alberto: Electoral risk and redistributive politics<br />

in Mexico and the United States / Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. -<br />

In: Studies in Comparative International Development (New<br />

York/N.Y.), 43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 129-150, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 149-150<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>87 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

950 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

951 Soler Torrijos, Giancarlo: In the shadow of the United States :<br />

democracy and regional order in the Latin Caribbean / Giancarlo<br />

Soler Torrijos. - Boca Raton/Fla.: Brown Walker Press, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

VII,209 S., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>5-209 - ISBN 1-59942-439-8<br />

GIGA D 851956 ILAS: AAL-A/28 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

952 Mesa, Manuela: La cooperación al desarollo y la violencia<br />

transnacional : respuestas y retos pendientes / Manuela Mesa. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 95-124, Lit. S. 122-123<br />

GIGA D 852389 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

953 Aguilera Peralta, Gabriel: Enfrentar la violencia con "mano<br />

dura" : políticas de contención en Centroamérica / Gabriel<br />

Aguilera Peralta. - In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid),<br />

(<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 125-140, Tab., Lit. S. 139-140<br />

GIGA D 852394 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

954 Mesa, Manuela: La cooperación al desarollo y la violencia<br />

transnacional : respuestas y retos pendientes / Manuela Mesa. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 95-124, Lit. S. 122-123<br />

GIGA D 852389 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

955 Rüger, Jonas: "Wir müssen uns unsere Geschichte wieder<br />

aneignen" : Ideen zu einer Stärkung afro-zentralamerikanischer<br />

Jugendlicher / Jonas Rüger. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten<br />

(Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412, S. 63-64, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852259 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD02.02 GUATEMALA<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

956 López de Cáceres, Carmen; López López, Lucrecia; Díaz<br />

Díaz, María Eugenia: Sólo pedimos que nos traten como<br />

humanas : discriminación laboral femenina, por razones de<br />

género con énfasis en las empresas textiles y/o maquiladoras<br />

de Guatemala / Carmen López de Cáceres ; Lucrecia López<br />

López ; María Eugenia Díaz Díaz. - San José: Fundación para la<br />

Paz y la Democracia, 2007. - <strong>16</strong>6 S., Tab., Lit. 147-151 -<br />

ISBN 978-9968-875-38-7<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/estudiosgen/AF_Guatemala_%20lo<br />

w.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851772<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

957 López de Cáceres, Carmen; López López, Lucrecia; Díaz<br />

Díaz, María Eugenia: Sólo pedimos que nos traten como<br />

humanas : discriminación laboral femenina, por razones de<br />

género con énfasis en las empresas textiles y/o maquiladoras<br />

de Guatemala / Carmen López de Cáceres ; Lucrecia López<br />

López ; María Eugenia Díaz Díaz. - San José: Fundación para la<br />

Paz y la Democracia, 2007. - <strong>16</strong>6 S., Tab., Lit. 147-151 -<br />

ISBN 978-9968-875-38-7<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/estudiosgen/AF_Guatemala_%20lo<br />

w.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851772<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 49 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

RD02.03 EL SALVADOR<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

958 Moreno, Raúl: Los impactos del CAFTA en la vida de las<br />

personas, los DESC y lasoberanía de los pueblos<br />

centroamericanos : casos El Salvador y Nicaragua / Raúl<br />

Moreno. - Managua: Centro de Estudios Internacionales, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

79 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuadernos / Centro de<br />

Estudios Internacionales)<br />

http://www.ceinicaragua.org/textos/Impacto_CAFTA_Raul_More<br />

no.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852757<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

959 Guaqueta, Alexandra: Desmovilización y reinserción en El<br />

Salvador : lecciones para Colombia / Alexandra Guáqueta. -<br />

Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz, 2005. - <strong>30</strong> S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., - (Serie Informes / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No.<br />

1)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_documentos/desmovilizacion.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852200<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

960 Equidad e igualdad de género en el trabajo de las mujeres :<br />

un compromiso de todos y todas ; estudio nacional sobre<br />

discriminación femenina por razones de género, con énfasis en<br />

la maquila / María Leitón Barquero (ed.). Fundación para la Paz<br />

y la Democracia. - San José: Fundación para la Paz y la<br />

Democracia, 2007. - 156 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 119-12<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/estudiosgen/ES_low.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>06<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

961 Equidad e igualdad de género en el trabajo de las mujeres :<br />

un compromiso de todos y todas ; estudio nacional sobre<br />

discriminación femenina por razones de género, con énfasis en<br />

la maquila / María Leitón Barquero (ed.). Fundación para la Paz<br />

y la Democracia. - San José: Fundación para la Paz y la<br />

Democracia, 2007. - 156 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 119-12<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/estudiosgen/ES_low.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>06<br />

RD02.04 HONDURAS<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

962 Mires, Fernando: Las Honduras del ALBA / Fernando Mires. -<br />

In: Argentina Global (Buenos Aires), (enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>,<br />

S. 110-119<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/art2.pdf<br />

SWP D 852634<br />

SF10 Law<br />

963 Hilse, Ina: Für eine unabhängige Justiz : Hungerstreik von<br />

StaatsanwältInnen in Honduras / Ina Hilse. - In: ILA (Bonn),<br />

(Juli-August <strong>2008</strong>) 317, S. 38, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>87 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

964 Discriminación de género y derechos laborales de las<br />

mujeres : una responsabilidad compartida que requiere un<br />

esfuerzo conjunto ; estudio nacional sobre discriminación<br />

femenina por razones de género, con énfasis en la maquila textil<br />

de Honduras / María Leitón Barquero (ed.). Fundación para la<br />

Paz y la Democracia. - San José: Fundación para la Paz y la<br />

Democracia, <strong>2008</strong>. - 154 S., Tab., graph. Darst. Lit. S. 127-1<strong>30</strong> -<br />

ISBN 978-9968-875-43-1<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/HON_low.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851970<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

965 Discriminación de género y derechos laborales de las<br />

mujeres : una responsabilidad compartida que requiere un<br />

esfuerzo conjunto ; estudio nacional sobre discriminación<br />

femenina por razones de género, con énfasis en la maquila textil<br />

de Honduras / María Leitón Barquero (ed.). Fundación para la<br />

Paz y la Democracia. - San José: Fundación para la Paz y la<br />

Democracia, <strong>2008</strong>. - 154 S., Tab., graph. Darst. Lit. S. 127-1<strong>30</strong> -<br />

ISBN 978-9968-875-43-1<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/HON_low.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851970<br />

RD02.05 NICARAGUA<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

966 Moreno, Raúl: Los impactos del CAFTA en la vida de las<br />

personas, los DESC y lasoberanía de los pueblos<br />

centroamericanos : casos El Salvador y Nicaragua / Raúl<br />

Moreno. - Managua: Centro de Estudios Internacionales, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

79 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuadernos / Centro de<br />

Estudios Internacionales)<br />

http://www.ceinicaragua.org/textos/Impacto_CAFTA_Raul_More<br />

no.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852757<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

967 Un pasito adelante y mucho camino por andar : informe del<br />

estudio sobre discriminación femenina por razones de género<br />

en empresas textiles de las zonas francas en Nicaragua / María<br />

Leitón Barquero (ed.). Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia. -<br />

San José: Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia, 2007. -<br />

154 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/estudiosgen/AF_NICARAGUA_LO<br />

W.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>00<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

968 Un pasito adelante y mucho camino por andar : informe del<br />

estudio sobre discriminación femenina por razones de género<br />

en empresas textiles de las zonas francas en Nicaragua / María<br />

Leitón Barquero (ed.). Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia. -<br />

San José: Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia, 2007. -<br />

154 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.funpadem.org/pdf/estudiosgen/AF_NICARAGUA_LO<br />

W.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>00<br />

RD02.06 COSTA RICA<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

969 Paus, Eva A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.: Missing links : foreign<br />

investment and industrial development in Costa Rica and<br />

Mexico / Eva A. Paus, Kevin P. Gallagher. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 53-80, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 78-81<br />

DIE D 852510 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

970 Paus, Eva A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.: Missing links : foreign<br />

investment and industrial development in Costa Rica and<br />

Mexico / Eva A. Paus, Kevin P. Gallagher. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 53-80, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 78-81<br />

DIE D 852510 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

971 Soler Torrijos, Giancarlo: In the shadow of the United States :<br />

democracy and regional order in the Latin Caribbean / Giancarlo<br />

Soler Torrijos. - Boca Raton/Fla.: Brown Walker Press, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

VII,209 S., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>5-209 - ISBN 1-59942-439-8<br />

GIGA D 851956 ILAS: AAL-A/28 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 50 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

972 Serbin, Andrés: La sociedad civil ante la violencia y los<br />

conflictos en América Latina y el Caribe / Andrés Serbin. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 141-<strong>16</strong>2, Lit. S. 159-<strong>16</strong>0<br />

GIGA D 852401 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

973 Serbin, Andrés: La sociedad civil ante la violencia y los<br />

conflictos en América Latina y el Caribe / Andrés Serbin. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 141-<strong>16</strong>2, Lit. S. 159-<strong>16</strong>0<br />

GIGA D 852401 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />


SF04.01 Elections<br />

974 Dillmann, Hans-Ulrich: Der "Löwe" siegt und siegt und siegt... :<br />

Dominikanische Republik: PLD-Chef Leonel Fernández im<br />

ersten Wahlgang bestätigt / Hans-Ulrich Dillmann. - In: ILA<br />

(Bonn), (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>, S. 51<br />

GIGA D 851706 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD03.03 HAITI<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

975 Reforming Haiti's security sector / International Crisis Group.<br />

- Port-au-Prince, <strong>2008</strong>. - 41 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ICG Latin America/Caribbean Report; No. 28)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/latin_america/28_re<br />

forming_haiti_s_security_sector.pdf<br />

SWP D 852682<br />

RD03.04 JAMAICA<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

976 Elliott, Dawn Richards; Palmer, Ransford W.: Institutions and<br />

Caribbean economic performance : insights from Jamaica /<br />

Dawn Richards Elliott ; Ransford W. Palmer. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>1-205, Tab., Lit. S. 204-205<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>93 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

RD03.05 CUBA<br />

SA02 History<br />

977 Meriño Fuentes, María de los Ángeles: Una vuelta necesaria<br />

a mayo de 1912 / María de los Ángeles Meriño Fuentes. - La<br />

Habana: Ed. de Ciencias Sociales, 2006. - 157 S., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 151-153 - ISBN 959-06-0865-5<br />

GIGA D 852490 ILAS: CUB/51 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

978 With Castro stepping down, what is next for Cuba and the<br />

Western Hemisphere? Hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

on the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session,<br />

March 5, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,72 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-154)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41062.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>03 HSFK: 99.036 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

979 Laffey, Mark; Weldes, Jutta: Decolonizing the Cuban missile<br />

crisis / Mark Laffey and Jutta Weldes. - In: International Studies<br />

Quarterly (Malden/Mass.), 52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 555-577<br />

HSFK D 852756 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

980 Hoffmann, Bert: Kuba: wohin führt die Ära Raúl? / Bert<br />

Hoffmann. - In: Matices (Köln), 15 (Frühjahr <strong>2008</strong>) 57, S. 5-8, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852493 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

981 León Cotayo, Nicanor: Crimen en Barbados / Nicanor León<br />

Cotayo. - 5a ed. ampliada - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias<br />

Sociales, 2006. - 192 S., Ill. - ISBN 959-06-0883-3<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>40 ILAS: CUB/53 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

982 Meriño Fuentes, María de los Ángeles: Una vuelta necesaria<br />

a mayo de 1912 / María de los Ángeles Meriño Fuentes. - La<br />

Habana: Ed. de Ciencias Sociales, 2006. - 157 S., Lit. Hinw.,<br />

Lit. S. 151-153 - ISBN 959-06-0865-5<br />

GIGA D 852490 ILAS: CUB/51 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

983 Henning, Sebastian: Schwieriges Coming-Out : über die<br />

Reformen der kubanischen Sexualpolitik und ihre Grenzen /<br />

Sebastian Henning. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin),<br />

(<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412, S. 53-55, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852254 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

984 Gomez, Andy S.: The role of education in Cuba's future / Andy<br />

S. Gomez. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

31 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/<strong>2008</strong>/08_cuba<br />

_gomez/08_cuba_gomez.pdf<br />

SWP D 852421<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

985 Miranda Francisco, Olivia: Filosofía, ciencia y sociedad en<br />

Fidel Castro / Olivia Miranda Francisco. - La Habana: Editorial<br />

Academia, 2005. - 120 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 959-270-049-4<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>17 ILAS: CUB/49 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

986 Fernández Retamar, Roberto: Recuerdo a / Roberto<br />

Fernández Retamar. - La Habana: Ed. Unión, 2006. - 284 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 959-209-722-4<br />

GIGA D 852487 ILAS: CUB/52 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

987 Tickner, Arlene B.: Aquí en el ghetto : hip-hop in Colombia,<br />

Cuba, and Mexico / Arlene B. Tickner. - In: Latin American<br />

Politics and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 121-146, Lit. S. 145-146<br />

SWP D 851746 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

988 Weiss, Jorge: Es geht nicht um Handys und DVDs - es geht<br />

ums Futter : Veränderungen in Cubas Landwirtschaft / Jorge<br />

Weiss. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Juli-August <strong>2008</strong>) 317, S. 34-36, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>85 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

989 Henkel, Knut: Letzter Ausweg Agrarreform : Kuba will die<br />

Lebensmittelproduktion erhöhen / Knut Henkel. -<br />

In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 411-412, S. 47-49, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852252 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />


SB04 International political integration<br />

990 Mendible Zurita, Alejandro: Unasur, el inicio del nuevo orden<br />

sudamericano / Alejandro Mendible Z.. - In: Sic (Caracas),<br />

71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707, S. <strong>30</strong>9-310, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852763 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

991 Pohl, Günter: Wird Bolívars Traum Wirklichkeit? Union<br />

Südamerikanischer Nationen (UNASUR) konstituiert / Günter<br />

Pohl. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>, S. 52<br />

GIGA D 851714 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

992 Battaglino, Jorge M.: Transformaciones en la seguridad<br />

internacional en la post Guerra Fría : su impacto en América del<br />

Sur / Jorge M. Battaglino. - In: Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 7-33, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 31-33<br />

SWP D 852253 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 51 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

993 Radseck, Michael: Die Stille Aufrüstung : Südamerika erneuert<br />

seine Kriegswaffenarsenale / Michael Radseck. - In: Matices<br />

(Köln), 15 (Frühjahr <strong>2008</strong>) 57, S. 23-26, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852494 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

994 Die Macht kommt aus den Urnen : die linken<br />

Transformationsprozesse in Südamerika - In: Lateinamerika<br />

Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412,<br />

S. 6-31, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852243 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

995 Fritz, Thomas: Agroenergie in Lateinamerika : Fallstudie<br />

anhand vier ausgewählter Länder ; Brasilien, Argentinien,<br />

Paraguay und Kolumbien / Thomas Fritz. - Stuttgart, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

80 S., Lit. S. 75-80 - ISBN 978-3-92<strong>30</strong>20-41-6<br />

http://fdcl-berlin.de/fileadmin/fdcl/Publikationen/Agroenergie-in-L<br />

ateinamerika-Thomas-Fritz.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851961 ILAS: AAL-F/26 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

996 Fritz, Thomas: Agroenergie in Lateinamerika : Fallstudie<br />

anhand vier ausgewählter Länder ; Brasilien, Argentinien,<br />

Paraguay und Kolumbien / Thomas Fritz. - Stuttgart, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

80 S., Lit. S. 75-80 - ISBN 978-3-92<strong>30</strong>20-41-6<br />

http://fdcl-berlin.de/fileadmin/fdcl/Publikationen/Agroenergie-in-L<br />

ateinamerika-Thomas-Fritz.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851961 ILAS: AAL-F/26 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.11 ARGENTINA<br />

SA02 History<br />

997 Nállim, Jorge: Between free trade and economic dictatorship :<br />

socialists, radicals, and the politics of economic liberalism in<br />

Argentina, 19<strong>30</strong>-1943 / Jorge Nállim. - In: Canadian Journal of<br />

Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Montréal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 137-172, Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>6-172<br />

GIGA D 852337 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

998 Le Dantec Gallardo, Francisco: El Comité Permanente de<br />

Seguridad Argentino-Chileno (COMPERSEG) / Francisco Le<br />

Dantec Gallardo. - In: Argentina Global (Buenos Aires),<br />

(enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 25-43, graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/2.pdf<br />

SWP D 852638<br />

999 Ruz, María Inéz: La Fuerza de Paz Cruz del Sur : cooperación<br />

chileno-argentina / María Inés Ruz. - In: Estudios<br />

Internacionales (Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0,<br />

S. 107-1<strong>18</strong>, Lit. S. 117-1<strong>18</strong><br />

SWP D 852263 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1000 Guthmann, Yanina: Sociedad civil y derecho internacional de<br />

los derechos humanos en Argentina / Yanina Guthmann. -<br />

In: Perfiles Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 32,<br />

S. 127-150, Lit. S. 147-150<br />

GIGA D 852229 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1001 Godio, Julio: El tiempo de Kirchner : el devenir de una<br />

"revolución desde arriba" / Julio Godio. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires:<br />

Letra Grifa, 2006. - 414 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Política Pensada) -<br />

ISBN 987-23236-0-7<br />

GIGA D 851979 ILAS: ARG-H/31 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1002 Nállim, Jorge: Between free trade and economic dictatorship :<br />

socialists, radicals, and the politics of economic liberalism in<br />

Argentina, 19<strong>30</strong>-1943 / Jorge Nállim. - In: Canadian Journal of<br />

Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Montréal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65,<br />

S. 137-172, Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>6-172<br />

GIGA D 852337 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

1003 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

1004 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RD04.12 BOLIVIA<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1005 Meschkat, Klaus: Verfassungsprozesse und soziale Konflikte<br />

in den Andenländern : neue Entwicklungen in Bolivien und<br />

Ecuador / Klaus Meschkat. - Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.boell.de/downloads/demokratie/Verfassungsprozesse<br />

_Bolivien_Ecuador_Meschkat.pdf<br />

SWP D 852396<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1006 La representación política en Bolivia : tendencias y desafíos /<br />

María Teresa Zegada C. ... . Fundación Boliviana para la<br />

Democracia Multipartidaria ... - La Paz, 2006. - 111 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 99905-860-4-7<br />

GIGA D 852495 ILAS: BOL-H/43 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1007 Zegada Claure, María Teresa: Los movimientos sociales en la<br />

política : una respuesta a la crisis boliviana / María Teresa<br />

Zegada. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707, S. 3<strong>18</strong>-320,<br />

Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852765 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1008 Gama étnica y lingüistica de la población boliviana / Ramiro<br />

Molina B. ... (coord.) . United Nations Development Programme -<br />

La Paz: Sistema de las Naciones Unidas en Bolivia, 2006. -<br />

247 S. + 1 DVD, Kt., zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 245-247<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>02 ILAS: BOL-G/45 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1009 Visión sobre autonomías indígenas / René Orellana ... .<br />

United States Agency for International Development ... - La Paz,<br />

2007. - 95 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852498 ILAS: BOL-G/44 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1010 Strack, Peter: Schläge gegen das Wahlvolk : die<br />

Autonomiereferenden tragen kaum zur Klärung des<br />

Machtkonflikts in Bolivien bei / Peter Strack. - In: ILA (Bonn),<br />

(Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>, S. 45-46, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 851700 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1011 Cochabamba 11 de enero ... : Análisis y reflexiones / Victor H.<br />

Romero ... - Cochabamba: Ed. Verbo Divino, 2007. - 84 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Para No Acostumbrarse; No. 4)<br />

- ISBN 978-99905-1-2<strong>16</strong>-8<br />

GIGA D 852469 ILAS: BOL-G/44 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1012 Zegada Claure, María Teresa: Los movimientos sociales en la<br />

política : una respuesta a la crisis boliviana / María Teresa<br />

Zegada. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707, S. 3<strong>18</strong>-320,<br />

Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852765 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 52 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1013 Poveda Ávila, Pablo; Rodríguez, Álvaro: El gas de los<br />

monopolios : Análisis de la política de hidrocarburos en Bolivia /<br />

Pablo Poveda Ávila ; Alvaro Rodríguez. - 1a ed. - La Paz:<br />

CEDLA, 2006. - 193 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 173<br />

GIGA D 852462 ILAS: BOL-F/1 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RD04.13 BRAZIL<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1014 U.S.-Brazil relations : hearing before the Subcommittee on on<br />

the Western Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 19, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, 2007. - III,48 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-103)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37910.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>04 HSFK: 99.037 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1015 López G., Dorotea; Muñoz N., Felipe: La inversión extranjera<br />

directa : el caso de los capitales brasileños en Chile / Dorotea<br />

López G. ; Felipe Muñoz N.. - In: Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 83-105,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 104-105<br />

SWP D 852262 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

10<strong>16</strong> Ochtrop, Jens: KfW investiert in Biodiversität / Jens Ochtrop. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 34-35, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852470 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1017 Kaestner, Uwe: Politik und Wirtschaft im Wahljahr / Uwe<br />

Kaestner. - In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 8-10, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852452 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

10<strong>18</strong> Noriega, Roger F.: Legacy or complacency? Lula's unfinished<br />

business in Brazil / by Roger F. Noriega. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AEI Latin American Outlook; No. 4/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.aei.org/docLib/<strong>2008</strong>0806_23373No4LAOg.pdf<br />

SWP D 852412<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1019 Brasiliens Bundespolizei : die Speerspitze einer neuen<br />

Sicherheitsarchitektur / Anatol, Adam. - In: Matices (Köln),<br />

15 (Frühjahr <strong>2008</strong>) 57, S. 29-31, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852497 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1020 Kaestner, Uwe: Menschenrecht Sicherheit / Uwe Kaestner. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 14-15, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852467 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1021 Sands, Joseph C. (jr.): Education funding in a recentralizing<br />

democracy : A cautionary tale of four Brazilian cities / Joseph C.<br />

Sands Jr.. - In: Latin American Politics and Society (Coral<br />

Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 93-120, Tab., Lit. S. 117-120<br />

SWP D 851745 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

1022 Sands, Joseph C. (jr.): Education funding in a recentralizing<br />

democracy : A cautionary tale of four Brazilian cities / Joseph C.<br />

Sands Jr.. - In: Latin American Politics and Society (Coral<br />

Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 93-120, Tab., Lit. S. 117-120<br />

SWP D 851745 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1023 Waber, Jörg: Rio de Paz: für den Frieden / Jörg Waber. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. <strong>16</strong>-17, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852454 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1024 Collins, John: The sounds of tradition : Arbitrariness and<br />

agency in a Brazilian cultural heritage center / John Collins. -<br />

In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (<strong>September</strong> 2007) 3, S. 383-407, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852641 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

1025 Winter, Lorenz: Auf dem Weg nach Öldorado / Lorenz Winter. -<br />

In: Tópicos (Bonn), 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. <strong>18</strong>-19, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852457 IFA: Z-D1757 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

1026 Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1027 Russau, Christian: Atom-U-Boote für die Ölfelder : Brasilien<br />

baut sein ziviles Atomprogramm aus ; die Technologie soll auch<br />

militärisch genutzt werden / Christian Russau. -<br />

In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 411-412, S. 56-60, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852257 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1028 Sierra, Gustavo: Brasil petrolero: cómo se construye una<br />

potencia / Gustavo Sierra. - In: Argentina Global (Buenos Aires),<br />

(enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 104-109<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/art1.pdf<br />

SWP D 852680<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1029 Sacco dos Anjos, Flávio; Caldas, Nádia Velleda: Pluriactivity<br />

and family farming in Brazil : The case of Rio Grande do Sul /<br />

Flávio Sacco doe Anjos ; Nádia Velleda Caldas. - In: CEPAL<br />

Review (Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 149-<strong>16</strong>4,<br />

Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>4<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/0/32800/RVI93Saccosdo<br />

sAnjosVelledapdf.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852784 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

10<strong>30</strong> Raffo, Julio; Lhuillery, Stéphane; Miotti, Luis: Northern and<br />

southern innovativity : A comparison across European and Latin<br />

American countries / Julio Raffo, Stéphane Lhuillery and Luis<br />

Miotti. - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 219-239, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 236-238<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RD04.14 CHILE<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1031 Le Dantec Gallardo, Francisco: El Comité Permanente de<br />

Seguridad Argentino-Chileno (COMPERSEG) / Francisco Le<br />

Dantec Gallardo. - In: Argentina Global (Buenos Aires),<br />

(enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>, S. 25-43, graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.caei.com.ar/global/<strong>18</strong>/2.pdf<br />

SWP D 852638<br />

1032 Ruz, María Inéz: La Fuerza de Paz Cruz del Sur : cooperación<br />

chileno-argentina / María Inés Ruz. - In: Estudios<br />

Internacionales (Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0,<br />

S. 107-1<strong>18</strong>, Lit. S. 117-1<strong>18</strong><br />

SWP D 852263 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 53 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1033 López G., Dorotea; Muñoz N., Felipe: La inversión extranjera<br />

directa : el caso de los capitales brasileños en Chile / Dorotea<br />

López G. ; Felipe Muñoz N.. - In: Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile), 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0, S. 83-105,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 104-105<br />

SWP D 852262 SWP: X. 396 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1034 Course, Magnus: Death, biography, and the Mapuche person /<br />

Magnus Course. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (March 2007) 1,<br />

S. 77-101, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852556 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1035 Challies, Edward R. T.; Murray, Warwick E.: Towards<br />

post-neoliberalism? The comparative politico-economic<br />

transition of New Zealand and Chile / Edward R. T. Challies and<br />

Warwick E. Murray. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 228-243<br />

GIGA D 852060 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1036 Benavente, José Miguel; Lauterbach, Rodolfo:<br />

Technological innovation and employment : complements or<br />

substitutes? / José Miguel Benavente and Rodolfo Lauterbach. -<br />

In: The European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),<br />

20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 3<strong>18</strong>-329, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 328-329<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

1037 Benavente, José Miguel; Lauterbach, Rodolfo:<br />

Technological innovation and employment : complements or<br />

substitutes? / José Miguel Benavente and Rodolfo Lauterbach. -<br />

In: The European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),<br />

20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 3<strong>18</strong>-329, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 328-329<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RD04.15 ECUADOR<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1038 Waisberg, Tatiana: Colombia's use of force in Ecuador against<br />

a terrorist organization : international law and the use of force<br />

against non-state actors / by Tatiana Waisberg. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Society of International Law, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue 17)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/<strong>2008</strong>/08/insights080822.html<br />

SWP D 852622<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1039 Crisis in the Andes: The border dispute between Colombia<br />

and Ecuador, and implications for the region : briefing and<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on on the Western<br />

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, April 10, <strong>2008</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,54 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-159)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41757.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851797 HSFK: 99.035 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1040 Meschkat, Klaus: Verfassungsprozesse und soziale Konflikte<br />

in den Andenländern : neue Entwicklungen in Bolivien und<br />

Ecuador / Klaus Meschkat. - Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 10 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.boell.de/downloads/demokratie/Verfassungsprozesse<br />

_Bolivien_Ecuador_Meschkat.pdf<br />

SWP D 852396<br />

RD04.<strong>16</strong> COLOMBIA<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1041 Waisberg, Tatiana: Colombia's use of force in Ecuador against<br />

a terrorist organization : international law and the use of force<br />

against non-state actors / by Tatiana Waisberg. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: American Society of International Law, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue 17)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/<strong>2008</strong>/08/insights080822.html<br />

SWP D 852622<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1042 Crisis in the Andes: The border dispute between Colombia<br />

and Ecuador, and implications for the region : briefing and<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on on the Western<br />

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, April 10, <strong>2008</strong> -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,54 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-159)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41757.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851797 HSFK: 99.035 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

1043 Blustein, Paul: Trade pacts run amok / Paul Blustein. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 13-<strong>18</strong>, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>49 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1044 Conflicto y paz en Colombia : consecuencias y perspectivas<br />

para el futuro ; ponencias del seminario / Fundación Ideas para<br />

la Paz ... - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz, 2004. - 96 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Libros de Cambio) -<br />

ISBN 958-682-524-8<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_publicaciones/conflictoypazencolombia.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852366<br />

1045 Guaqueta, Alexandra: Desmovilización y reinserción en El<br />

Salvador : lecciones para Colombia / Alexandra Guáqueta. -<br />

Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz, 2005. - <strong>30</strong> S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., - (Serie Informes / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No.<br />

1)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_documentos/desmovilizacion.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852200<br />

1046 Guaqueta, Alexandra: Operaciones en zonas de conflicto y<br />

gobernabilidad frágil : guías prácticas para empresas en<br />

sectores no extractivos = Company operations in weak<br />

governance zones: A practical guide for non-extractive<br />

industries / Alexandra Guáqueta. - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas<br />

para la Paz, 2006. - 42 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Propuestas / Fundación<br />

Ideas para la Paz; No. 2)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_propuestas/propuesta_2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852331<br />

1047 Guaqueta, Alexandra: Operando en medio del conflicto :<br />

construcción de paz y algunas mejores prácticas de empresas<br />

colombiana / Alexandra, Guaqueta. - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas<br />

para la Paz, 2006. - <strong>30</strong> S., Lit. S. 26 - (Working Papers /<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No. 2)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_papers_fip/working_papers_fip2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852204<br />

1048 Guaqueta, Alexandra; Orsini, Yadaira: Empresarios y<br />

reintegración : casos, experiencias y lecciones / Alexandra<br />

Guaqueta ; Yadaira Orsini. - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la<br />

Paz, 2007. - <strong>30</strong> S., Lit. S.25 - (Serie Informes / Fundación Ideas<br />

para la Paz; No. 4)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_informes_fip/empresarios_web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851981<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 54 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

1049 Guaqueta, Alexandra; Rubin, Barnett R.: Coherencia entre<br />

las políticas antidrogas y la construcción de paz / Alexandra<br />

Guaqueta ; Barnett R. Rubin. - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la<br />

Paz, 2007. - 26 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Serie Informes / Fundación<br />

Ideas para la Paz; No. 3)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_informes_fip/antidrogas_web.pdf<br />

D 852346<br />

1050 Kakoma, José Gregorio: Colombia: de la paz como ficción a la<br />

paz real / José Gregorio Kakoma. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 707, S. <strong>30</strong>5-<strong>30</strong>8, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852761 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

1051 Llorente, Maria Victoria; Ortiz, Román D.; Urrutia, Nicolás:<br />

Policía Nacional : una fuerza para la consolidación / Maria<br />

Victoria Llorente ; Román Ortiz ; Nicolás Urrutia. - Bogotá:<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz, <strong>2008</strong>. - 34 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Propuestas / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No. 3)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_propuestas/propuestas_policia.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852317 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1052 Méndez, María Lucía; Rivas, Ángela: Alternativas de<br />

generación de ingresos para desmovilizados : el Programa de<br />

reinserción a la vida civil y la Alta Consejería para la<br />

Reintegración / María Lucía Méndez ; Ángela Rivas. - Bogotá:<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz, <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>30</strong> S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S.26 - (Serie Informes / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No. 5)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_informes_fip/generacion_de_ingresos_web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851976 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1053 Merchán, Myriam; Cárdenas Rivera, Miguel Eduardo: El<br />

concepto de seguridad ciudadana : un enfoque práctico a partir<br />

de la experiencia en Bogotá, Colombia / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung<br />

en Colombia. - Bogotá: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 8 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 7-8 - (Documento de Trabajo /<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Bogotá); No. 6)<br />

http://www.fescol.org.co/DocPdf/PolicyPaperSeguridad-6.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>39<br />

1054 Mutación paramilitar y mafias internacionales en Bogotá : el<br />

impacto de las negociaciones con la AUC en la seguridad<br />

ciudadana / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung en Colombia. - Bogotá:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documento<br />

de Trabajo / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Bogotá); No. 5)<br />

http://www.fescol.org.co/DocPdf/PolicyPaperSeguridad-5.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>42<br />

1055 Reconstrucción, reinserción y región / Fundación Ideas para<br />

la Paz ... - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz, 2006. - 44 S. -<br />

(Cuadernos de Conflicto)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_publicaciones/cuaderno_conflicto_2.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852215 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1056 Schneiker, Andrea: Private Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen in<br />

Kolumbien / Andrea Schneiker. - In: Matices (Köln), 15 (Frühjahr<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 57, S. 27-28, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852496 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1057 Specht, Irma: Juventud y reinserción / Irma Specht. - Bogotá:<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz, 2006. - 26 S., Lit. S.21-22 -<br />

(Working Papers / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No. 1)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_papers_fip/working_papers_fip1.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852343<br />

1058 Vargas Velásquez, Alejo; García Pinzón, Viviana: Violencia<br />

urbana, seguridad ciudadana y políticas públicas : la reducción<br />

de la violencia en las ciudades de Bogotá y Medellín (Colombia)<br />

1991-2007 / Alejo Vargas Velásquez ; Viviana García Pinzón. -<br />

In: Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid), (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2,<br />

S. 249-270, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 268-269<br />

GIGA D 852419 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1059 Velasco, María Piedad: Participación del sector empresarial en<br />

la reinserción : percepciones y oportunidades / María Piedad<br />

Velasco. - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz, 2006. - 24 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 20 - (Serie Informes / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No. 2)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_publicaciones/participacion.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>18</strong>5<br />

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

1060 Verdad, memoria histórica y medios de comunicación /<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz ... - Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para<br />

la Paz, <strong>2008</strong>. - 43 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuadernos de Conflicto)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_publicaciones/cuadernos_medios.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852231<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1061 Gray, Vanessa Joan: The new research on civil wars : does it<br />

help us understand the Colombian conflict? / Vanessa Joan<br />

Gray. - In: Latin American Politics and Society (Coral<br />

Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 63-91, Lit. S. 87-91<br />

SWP D 851744 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1062 Laborde, Ramón Esteban: Los territorios indígenas<br />

traslapados con áreas del Sistema de Parques Nacionales<br />

Naturales en la Amazonia colombiana : situación actual y<br />

perspectivas / Ramón Esteban Laborde. - Bogotá:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documento<br />

de Políticas Públicas; No. 23)<br />

http://www.fescol.org.co/DocPdf/PolicypaperFNA-23.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>54<br />

1063 Troyan, Brett: Re-imagining the "Indian" and the state :<br />

Indigenismo in Colombia, 1926-1947 / Brett Troyan. -<br />

In: Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies<br />

(Montreal), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65, S. 81-106, Lit. S. 103-106<br />

GIGA D 852278 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1064 Tickner, Arlene B.: Aquí en el ghetto : hip-hop in Colombia,<br />

Cuba, and Mexico / Arlene B. Tickner. - In: Latin American<br />

Politics and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 121-146, Lit. S. 145-146<br />

SWP D 851746 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

1065 Palacio Castañeda, Germán A.: Cinco ejes análiticos para<br />

comprender la Amazonía actual / Germán A., Palacio<br />

Castañeda. - Bogotá: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2007. - <strong>16</strong> S.,<br />

Lit. S. 15 - (Documento de Políticas Públicas; No. 24)<br />

http://www.fescol.org.co/DocPdf/PolicypaperFNA-24.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>77<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1066 Méndez, María Lucía; Rivas, Ángela: Alternativas de<br />

generación de ingresos para desmovilizados : el Programa de<br />

reinserción a la vida civil y la Alta Consejería para la<br />

Reintegración / María Lucía Méndez ; Ángela Rivas. - Bogotá:<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz, <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>30</strong> S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S.26 - (Serie Informes / Fundación Ideas para la Paz; No. 5)<br />

http://www.ideaspaz.org/new_site/secciones/publicaciones/downl<br />

oad_informes_fip/generacion_de_ingresos_web.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851976 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1067 Uribe Botero, Eduardo: La descentralización en el manejo de<br />

los recursos hídricos : Asunto de equidad, transparencia y<br />

eficiencia / Eduardo Uribe Botero. - Bogotá:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2005. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documento<br />

de Políticas Públicas; No. 7)<br />

http://www.fescol.org.co/DocPdf/PolicyPaperFna-7.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>82<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1068 Rudas Lleras, Guillermo: Indicadores fiscales y económicos<br />

de la polìtica ambiental en Colombia / Guillermo Rudas Lleras. -<br />

Bogotá: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20. S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Documento de Políticas Públicas; No.<br />

26)<br />

http://www.unifem.org/attachments/products/WomenAtPeaceTab<br />

le.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>44<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 55 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine<br />

RD04.17 PARAGUAY<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1069 Abente Brun, Diego: Implicancias de las históricas elecciones<br />

paraguayas de abril de <strong>2008</strong> / Diego Abente Brun. - In: Sic<br />

(Caracas), 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707, S. 314-317, Tab., graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

GIGA D 852764 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1070 Nickson, Andrew: Paraguay: A shift to the left under Lugo? /<br />

Andrew Nickson. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios<br />

Internacionales y Estratégicos, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 7 S. - (Analyses of<br />

the Royal Institute; 99/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_eng/Conte<br />

nt?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/Elcano_in/Zonas_in/Latin+Amer<br />

ica/ARI99-<strong>2008</strong><br />

SWP D 852617<br />

RD04.<strong>18</strong> PERU<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1071 Hohmann, Matthias: Alte Wunden, neue Konflikte : Perus<br />

Regierung erntet Widerstand auf ihrem "Modernisierungs"-Kurs<br />

/ Matthias Hohmann. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin),<br />

(<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412, S. 35-37, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852249 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1072 Killick, Evan: Autonomy and leadership : political formations<br />

among the Ashninka of Peruvian Amazonia / Evan Killick. -<br />

In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (December 2007) 4, S. 461-482, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852666 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1073 Arce, Moises: The repoliticization of collective action after<br />

neoliberalism in Peru / Moisés Arce. - In: Latin American Politics<br />

and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 37-62,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 58-62<br />

SWP D 851742 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1074 Hill, Michael: Contesting patrimony : Cusco's mystical tourist<br />

industry and the politics of incanismo / Michael D. Hill. -<br />

In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (December 2007) 4, S. 433-460, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852659 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions<br />

1075 Arce, Moises: The repoliticization of collective action after<br />

neoliberalism in Peru / Moisés Arce. - In: Latin American Politics<br />

and Society (Coral Gables/Fla.), 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 37-62,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 58-62<br />

SWP D 851742 SWP: X. 3<strong>18</strong> ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 204<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1076 García, Norberto E.: A boom in a heterogeneous economy :<br />

Peru 2002-2006 / Norberto E. García. - In: CEPAL Review<br />

(Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 137-148, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 148<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/9/32799/RVI93Garcia.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852782 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

1077 Hill, Michael: Contesting patrimony : Cusco's mystical tourist<br />

industry and the politics of incanismo / Michael D. Hill. -<br />

In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (December 2007) 4, S. 433-460, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852659 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RD04.19 URUGUAY<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

1078 Kesidou, Effie; Szirmai, Adam: Local knowledge spillovers,<br />

innovation and export performance in developing countries :<br />

empirical evidence from the Uruguay software cluster / Effie<br />

Kesidou and Adam Szirmai. - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 281-298, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 296-298<br />

DIE D 852<strong>30</strong>1 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA151 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RD04.20 VENEZUELA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1079 Cohen, Ariel; Walser, Ray: The Russia-Venezuela axis: using<br />

energy for geopolitical advantage / Ariel Cohen and Ray Walser.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2000)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2000.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>88<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1080 Nikken, Pedro: La política exterior venezolana en América<br />

Latina / Pedro Nikken. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707,<br />

S. 292-296, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852747 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1081 Pappas, Takis S.: Political leadership and the emegence of<br />

radical mass movements in democracy / Takis S. Pappas. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1117-1140, Lit. S. 1136-1140<br />

DIE D 852097 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1082 Britto García, Luis: Venezuela: investigación de unos medios<br />

por encima de toda sospecha / Luis Britto García. - La Habana:<br />

Casa de las Américas, 2005. - 4<strong>16</strong> S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 959-260-123-2<br />

GIGA D 852475 ILAS: VEN/55 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1083 Trigo, Pedro: El sujeto político alternativo en Venezuela hoy /<br />

Pedro Trigo. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707,<br />

S. 297-<strong>30</strong>1, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852752 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1084 Britto García, Luis: Venezuela: investigación de unos medios<br />

por encima de toda sospecha / Luis Britto García. - La Habana:<br />

Casa de las Américas, 2005. - 4<strong>16</strong> S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 959-260-123-2<br />

GIGA D 852475 ILAS: VEN/55 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1085 Pappas, Takis S.: Political leadership and the emegence of<br />

radical mass movements in democracy / Takis S. Pappas. -<br />

In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.),<br />

41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1117-1140, Lit. S. 1136-1140<br />

DIE D 852097 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1086 Cohen, Ariel; Walser, Ray: The Russia-Venezuela axis: using<br />

energy for geopolitical advantage / Ariel Cohen and Ray Walser.<br />

- Washington/D.C.: The Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 3 S. -<br />

(Web Memo / Heritage Foundation; No. 2000)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/RussiaandEurasia/upload/wm<br />

_2000.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>88<br />

1087 Rossi Guerrero, Félix: Última esperanza petrolera de<br />

Venezuela / Félix Rossi Guerrero. - In: Sic (Caracas), 71 (agosto<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 707, S. <strong>30</strong>2-<strong>30</strong>3, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852758 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 56 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SB International politics / system<br />


1088 Africa in world politics : reforming political order / ed. by John<br />

W. Harbeson ... - 4th ed. - Boulder/Colo.: Westview Pr., 2009 [i.e.<br />

<strong>2008</strong>]. - XVI, 408 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8133-4364-8<br />

DIE D 852770 DIE: 04EA001(4) Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1089 EU-Africa Ministerial Meeting 10. (Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>-09-<strong>16</strong>) ;<br />

10th Africa-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting : Brussels, <strong>16</strong><br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> ; communiqué / Council of the European Union.<br />

- Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 22 S. - (13121/08(Presse260))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/102801.pdf<br />

SWP D 852029<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1090 Malan, Mark: U.S. civil-military imbalance for global<br />

engagement : lessons from the operational level in Africa / Mark<br />

Malan. - Washington/D.C.: Refugees International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.refugeesinternational.org/files/10761_file_RI_CivMil_i<br />

mbalance.pdf<br />

SWP D 851761<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1091 Gänzle, Stefan; Grimm, Sven: Den Afrikanern kämpfen helfen /<br />

von Stefan Gänzle und Sven Grimm. - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 28-<strong>30</strong>, Ill.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>82 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>8 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1092 Schlachtfeld Afrika : Schwerpunkt - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 12-33, Ill.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>81 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>8 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1093 Economic development in Africa <strong>2008</strong> : export performance<br />

following trade liberalization ; some patterns and policy<br />

perspectives / United Nations Conference on Trade and<br />

Development. - New York/N.Y. ...: United Nations, <strong>2008</strong>. - 115 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (United Nations Publication; No.<br />

E.08.II.D.22) - (UNCTAD/ALDC/AFRICA/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/aldcafrica<strong>2008</strong>_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 852361<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1094 Gänzle, Stefan; Grimm, Sven: Den Afrikanern kämpfen helfen /<br />

von Stefan Gänzle und Sven Grimm. - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 28-<strong>30</strong>, Ill.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>82 SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>8 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1095 Malan, Mark: U.S. civil-military imbalance for global<br />

engagement : lessons from the operational level in Africa / Mark<br />

Malan. - Washington/D.C.: Refugees International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.refugeesinternational.org/files/10761_file_RI_CivMil_i<br />

mbalance.pdf<br />

SWP D 851761<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

1096 Steinmeier, Frank-Walter: Rede des Bundesaußenministers<br />

Frank-Walter Steinmeier zur Eröffnung des 20. Africa-Festivals<br />

am 22. Mai <strong>2008</strong> in Würzburg - Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Infoservice/Presse/Red<br />

en/<strong>2008</strong>/080522-BM-AfricaFestival.html<br />

IFA D 852466 IFA: Cb28/454 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1097 Democratization in Africa: what progress toward<br />

institutionalization? Ghana Center for Democraric<br />

Development, 4-6 October 2007 - Washington/D.C.: National<br />

Intelligence Council, <strong>2008</strong>. - 120 S. - (CR<strong>2008</strong>-01)<br />

HSFK D 852212 HSFK: P: Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1098 Ekanga, Basile: Social justice and democracy : The relevance<br />

of Rawl's conception of justice in Africa ; including an extensive<br />

bibliography / Basile Ekanga. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2005. -<br />

XVI,768 S., Tab., Lit. S. 649-768, Lit. Hinw. - (Europäische<br />

Hochschulschriften: Reihe 20, Philosophie; Bd. 682) -<br />

ISBN 3-631-53428-0<br />

GIGA D 852501 IAA: AFR-H/<strong>30</strong> Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1099 Promotion of human security in Africa : The role of African<br />

human rights institutions / ed. by Solomon A. Dersso. Institute for<br />

Security Studies. - Pretoria, <strong>2008</strong>. - 80 S., Lit. - (ISS Monograph<br />

Series; No. 145)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/M145FULL.PDF?link_id=3&slink_id=6373&link_type=12&s<br />

link_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 852248 BICC: BC IDP/MON Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1100 Tuyizere, Alice Peace: Gender and development : The role of<br />

religion and culture / Alice Peace Tuyizere. Makerere University.<br />

- Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2007. - VIII,447 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 428-443 - ISBN 978-9970-02-6<strong>18</strong>-0<br />

GIGA D 852528 IAA: AFR-G/27 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1101 Gatti, Fabrizio: Bilal sur la route des clandestins (Orig.: Bilal: il<br />

mio viaggio da infiltrato nel mercato dei nuovi schiavi) / Fabrizio<br />

Gatti. Traduit de l'italien par Jean-Luc Defromont. - Paris: Liana<br />

Levi, <strong>2008</strong>. - 478 S., Ill., Kt. - ISBN 978-2-86746-479-9<br />

GIGA D 852368 IAA: AFR-G/32 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

1102 Sardanis, Andrew: A venture in Africa : The challenges of<br />

African business / Andrew Sardanis. - London ...: Tauris, 2007. -<br />

IX,274 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 269 - ISBN 978-1-84511-288-2<br />

GIGA D 852504 IAA: AFR-F/25 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1103 Ekanga, Basile: Social justice and democracy : The relevance<br />

of Rawl's conception of justice in Africa ; including an extensive<br />

bibliography / Basile Ekanga. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2005. -<br />

XVI,768 S., Tab., Lit. S. 649-768, Lit. Hinw. - (Europäische<br />

Hochschulschriften: Reihe 20, Philosophie; Bd. 682) -<br />

ISBN 3-631-53428-0<br />

GIGA D 852501 IAA: AFR-H/<strong>30</strong> Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1104 Attisso, Fulbert Sassou: De l'unité africaine de Nkrumah à<br />

l'Union africaine de Kadhafi / Fulbert Sassou Attisso. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, <strong>2008</strong>. - 226 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Etudes africaines) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04742-6<br />

GIGA D 852609 IAA: AFR-A/27 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1105 EU-Africa Ministerial Meeting 10. (Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>-09-<strong>16</strong>) ;<br />

10th Africa-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting : Brussels, <strong>16</strong><br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> ; communiqué / Council of the European Union.<br />

- Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 22 S. - (13121/08(Presse260))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/102801.pdf<br />

SWP D 852029<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 57 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.5 Africa / Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1106 The African Union and its institutions / ed. by John<br />

Akokpari ... Centre for Conflict Resolution - Auckland Park:<br />

Fanele, <strong>2008</strong>. - XXVI, 390 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-920196-03-5<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>98 SWP: A.08/0320 DIE: 04VX001 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1107 Middleton, Roger; Vines, Alex: Options for the EU to support<br />

the African peace and security architecture : study / authors:<br />

Alex Vines ; Roger Middleton. - Brussels: European Parliament,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 45 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab. -<br />

(EP/EXPO/B/AFET/FWC/2006-10/Lot4/13)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/1<strong>16</strong>37_0508eu_africa.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852237<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1108 Report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the<br />

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(S/<strong>2008</strong>/558)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/<strong>2008</strong>/558<br />

SWP D 851753<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 58 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15



SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1109 Chau, Donovan C.: U.S. counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan<br />

Africa : understanding costs, cultures, and conflicts / Donovan C.<br />

Chau. - Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - 81 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-363-9<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB821.pdf<br />

SWP D 851750<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1110 Africa at a turning point? Growth, aid, and external shocks / ed.<br />

by Delfin S. Go ... International Bank for Reconstruction and<br />

Development - Washington/D.C.: World Bank, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

XXIV,573 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8213-7277-7<br />

GIGA D 852499 IAA: AFR-F/24 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

1111 Aktion Afrika - Köln: German News Information Services, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- ca. 3 S.<br />

http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/57157<br />

IFA D 852505 IFA: Cb28/464 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1112 Knopp, Hans-Georg: "Nicht nur Wiege der Menschheit" :<br />

Interview mit dem Generalsekretär des Goethe-Instituts,<br />

Hans-Georg Knopp, über die Verstärkung des Engagements<br />

des Goethe-Instituts in Subsahara-Afrika / das Interview führte<br />

Verena Hütter. - München: Goethe-Institut, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 4 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.goethe.de/prj/afr/naf/afr/inv/deindex.htm<br />

IFA D 852506 IFA: Cb28/463 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1113 Africa's new governance models : debating form and<br />

substance / eds. J. Oloka-Onyango ... - Kampala: Fountain Publ.,<br />

2007. - XIII,255 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-9970-02-690-6<br />

GIGA D 852527 IAA: AFR-H/29 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1114 Democratization in Africa : what progress toward<br />

institutionalization? Ghana Center for Democratic Development,<br />

4-6 October 2007 / National Intelligence Council ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 128 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(CR<strong>2008</strong>-01)<br />

http://www.dni.gov/nic/PDF_GIF_confreports/african_democ_200<br />

8.pdf<br />

SWP D 852242<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1115 Chau, Donovan C.: U.S. counterterrorism in Sub-Saharan<br />

Africa : understanding costs, cultures, and conflicts / Donovan C.<br />

Chau. - Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - 81 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-363-9<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB821.pdf<br />

SWP D 851750<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

11<strong>16</strong> Africa at a turning point? Growth, aid, and external shocks / ed.<br />

by Delfin S. Go ... International Bank for Reconstruction and<br />

Development - Washington/D.C.: World Bank, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

XXIV,573 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-8213-7277-7<br />

GIGA D 852499 IAA: AFR-F/24 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

1117 International food security : insufficient efforts by host<br />

governments and donors threaten progress to halve hunger in<br />

sub-Saharan Africa by 2015 ; report to Congressional requesters<br />

/ United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 96 S., Ill., graph.Darst., Anh.<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08680.pdf<br />

SWP D 852222<br />

RF01.11 BENIN<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

11<strong>18</strong> Métodjo, Alain Kisito: Devenir maire en Afrique :<br />

décentralisation et notabilités locales au Bénin / Alain Kisito<br />

Métodjo. Préf. de Richard Banégas. - Paris: L'Harmattan, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

159 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Etudes africaines) - ISBN 978-2-296-04992-5<br />

GIGA D 852613 IAA: BEN-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1119 VIH/SIDA et développement humain / Programme des<br />

Nations Unies pour le Développement. - Cotonou: PNUD, 2005.<br />

- XXXIV,208 S., Ill., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Anh. S. 179-199,<br />

Lit. S. 177-178 - (Rapport sur le développement humain au<br />

Bénin; 2005)<br />

http://planipolis.iiep.unesco.org/upload/Benin/Benin_RNDH_200<br />

5.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852583<br />

RF01.12 BURKINA FASO<br />

SA04 Biographical / Memoirs<br />

1120 Jaffré, Bruno: Biographie de Thomas Sankara : la patrie ou la<br />

mort ... / Bruno Jaffré. - Nouv. éd., revue et augm. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2007. - 345 S., Lit. S. 341-343, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04265-0<br />

GIGA D 852246 IAA: BFA-X/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.<strong>16</strong> GUINEA<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1121 Zogbélémou, Togba: Elections en Guinée : technologie<br />

électorale et imbroglio juridique / Togba Zogbélémou. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2007. - 238 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 222-234 -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-03<strong>16</strong>8-5<br />

GIGA D 852603 IAA: GIN-H/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1122 Enjeux et défis démocratiques en Guinée : (février<br />

2007 - décembre 2010) ; actes du colloque, Paris, le 22 juin<br />

2007, Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre Malher<br />

/ sous la direction de Dominique Bangoura ... Centre d'Etudes<br />

des Mondes Africains ; Observatoire Politique et Stratégique de<br />

l'Afrique ; Collectif pour une Transition Démocratique en Guinée<br />

- Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 252 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Etudes africaines) - ISBN 978-2-296-04661-0<br />

GIGA D 852576 IAA: GIN-H/3 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.19 LIBERIA<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1123 Hill, Richard; Taylor, Gwendolyn; Temin, Jonathan: Would<br />

you fight again? Understanding Liberian ex-combatant<br />

reintegration / Richard Hill, Gwendolyn Taylor, and Jonathan<br />

Temin. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United States Institute<br />

of Peace; 211)<br />

http://origin.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr211.pdf<br />

SWP D 852532<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1124 Hill, Richard; Taylor, Gwendolyn; Temin, Jonathan: Would<br />

you fight again? Understanding Liberian ex-combatant<br />

reintegration / Richard Hill, Gwendolyn Taylor, and Jonathan<br />

Temin. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Special Report / United States Institute<br />

of Peace; 211)<br />

http://origin.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr211.pdf<br />

SWP D 852532<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 59 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

RF01.20 MALI<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1125 Plan cadre des Nations Unies pour l'aide au<br />

développement : UNDAF <strong>2008</strong>-2012 / Gouvernement de la<br />

Republique du Mali. Système des Nations Unies au Mali. -<br />

Bamako: UN, 2007. - 39 S., graph. Darst.,Tab., Anh. S. 15-39<br />

http://www.ml.undp.org/html/UNDAF_Mali.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong><strong>16</strong><br />

1126 Rapport de suivi de la mise en oeuvre des objectifs de<br />

millénaire pour le développement (OMD) : un monde meilleur<br />

pour tous / Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances (Mali).<br />

United Nations System in Mali.. - Bamako, 2004. - 44 S., Ill.,<br />

zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. S. 38-43, Lit. S. 37<br />

http://www.ml.undp.org/html/Rapport%20OMD%20du%20Mali.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>20<br />

SF Government<br />

1127 Diallo, Sadibou; Cissé, Moustapha S. M.: État de la<br />

Gouvernance au Mali / Rapport préparé par : Cheick Sadibou<br />

Diallo, Economiste au Cabinet Koni-Expertise, Coordonnateur<br />

de l'Etude ; Maître Moustapha SM Cissé, Directeur du cabinet<br />

d'Avocat Cissé. - o.O., 2004. - 29 S., Tab., Lit. S. 28-29<br />

http://www.ml.undp.org/linkdoc/gouvernancemali2004.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851949<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living<br />

1128 Profil de pauvreté du Mali 2001 / Ministère du Développement<br />

Social de la Solidarité et des Personnes Agées ... - [Bamako]:<br />

UNDP, 2006. - 72 S., graph. Darst., Kt., zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 72, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.ml.undp.org/html/ProfilpauvreteduMali.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong><strong>18</strong><br />

1129 Rapport de suivi de la mise en oeuvre des objectifs de<br />

millénaire pour le développement (OMD) : un monde meilleur<br />

pour tous / Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances (Mali).<br />

United Nations System in Mali.. - Bamako, 2004. - 44 S., Ill.,<br />

zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. S. 38-43, Lit. S. 37<br />

http://www.ml.undp.org/html/Rapport%20OMD%20du%20Mali.p<br />

df<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>20<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy<br />

11<strong>30</strong> Table ronde des bailleurs de fonds sur le cadre stratégique<br />

de lutte contre la pauvreté (CSLP) (Genève, <strong>30</strong>-31 Mars<br />

2004) : Synthèse de l'état de mise en oeuvre des politiques et<br />

programmes de développement / République du Mali. - o.O.,<br />

2004. - 19 S., Anh. S. 17-19, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.ml.undp.org/linkdoc/suivi%20prg2004.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851935<br />

RF01.21 MAURITANIA<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1131 Ould Mohamed Baba, Elémine: La Mauritanie, un pays<br />

atypique / Elémine Ould Mohamed Baba. Préf. de Mohamed Vall<br />

Ould Abdellatif. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 154 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Etudes africaines) - ISBN 978-2-296-04591-0<br />

GIGA D 852607 IAA: MRT-G/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1132 Zisenwine, Daniel: Mauritania's military coup : domestic<br />

implications and regional challenges / Daniel Zisenwine. - Tel<br />

Aviv: The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (Tel Aviv Notes)<br />

http://www.dayan.org/DZ%20-Mauritania.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>44<br />

SF07 Military and society / Government<br />

1133 Zisenwine, Daniel: Mauritania's military coup : domestic<br />

implications and regional challenges / Daniel Zisenwine. - Tel<br />

Aviv: The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (Tel Aviv Notes)<br />

http://www.dayan.org/DZ%20-Mauritania.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>44<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

1134 Recensement général de la population et de l'habitat 2000 :<br />

synthèse analytique / Office National de la Statistique, Ministère<br />

des Affaires Economiques et du Développement, République<br />

Islamique de Mauritanie. - [Nouakchott], 2004. - 31 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab. - (Etudes / Office National de la Statistique<br />

(Mauritanie); No. 2/2004)<br />

GIGA D 8520<strong>16</strong> IAA: MRT-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living<br />

1135 Ould Mohamed Baba, Elémine: La Mauritanie, un pays<br />

atypique / Elémine Ould Mohamed Baba. Préf. de Mohamed Vall<br />

Ould Abdellatif. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 154 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Etudes africaines) - ISBN 978-2-296-04591-0<br />

GIGA D 852607 IAA: MRT-G/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1136 Profil de la pauvreté en Mauritanie - 2004 / Ministère des<br />

Affaires Economiques et du Développement, République<br />

Islamique de Mauritanie ; Commissariat aux Droits de l'Homme,<br />

à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté et à l'Insertion. - Nouakchott:<br />

MAED ..., 2006. - 50 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 851962 IAA: MRT-F/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1137 Etude sur la situation de la main d’œuvre étrangère en<br />

Mauritanie : seconde étape : rapport des résultats préliminaires<br />

de l’enquête sur la main d’œuvre étrangère en Mauritanie /<br />

Ministère de l'Emploi, de l'Insertion et de la Formation<br />

Professionnelle, République Islamique de Mauritanie. -<br />

[Nouakchott], 2007. - 28 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 851959 IAA: MRT-Q/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF01.23 NIGERIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1138 European Union - Nigeria Ministerial Troika Meeting, <strong>2008</strong><br />

(Ljubljana, <strong>2008</strong>-05-20) ; Nigeria-EU Ministerial Troika Meeting,<br />

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 20 May <strong>2008</strong> : joint communiqué / Council of<br />

the European Union. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 13 S. -<br />

(9721/08(Presse137))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/100531.pdf<br />

SWP D 851709<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1139 Nigeria: Ogoni land after Shell / International Crisis Group. -<br />

Dakar ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (ICG Africa Briefing; No.<br />

54) - (Policy Briefing / International Crisis Group)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/west_africa/b<br />

54_nigeria___ogoni_land_after_shell.pdf<br />

SWP D 852378 DGAP: DG B01454k IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


SH05 Energy industry<br />

1140 Ngodi, Etanislas: Pétrole et géopolitique en Afrique centrale /<br />

Ngodi, Etanislas. - Paris: L'Harmattan, <strong>2008</strong>. - 255 S., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Défense, stratégie et relations internationales) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04948-2<br />

GIGA D 852614 IAA: AFC-F/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1141 PCAD: moins d'armes en circulation, les populations<br />

congolaises rassurées / Programme des Nations Unies pour le<br />

développement Congo. - o.O.: PNUD Congo, [2006]. - 3 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.cg.undp.org/downloads/Article_PCAD__2_.doc<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>65<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy<br />

1142 Document intérimaire de stratégie de réduction de la<br />

pauvreté (D.S.R.P.I) / Comité National de Lutte contre la<br />

Pauvreté, Secretariat Technique Permanent. - o.O., 2004. - IX,<br />

68 S., zahlr. Tab., Anh. S. 42-68<br />

http://www.cg.undp.org/downloads/Dsrp_I_revis__08_09_04.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852037<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 60 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1143 Rapport national sur les objectifs du millénaire pour le<br />

développement / Republique du Congo ; Système des Nations<br />

Unies au Congo. - Brazzaville: PNUD, 2004. - IX,41 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 39-41<br />

http://www.cg.undp.org/downloads/RapOMD2004.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852759<br />

RF02.06 RWANDA<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1144 Diallo, Tafsir: Récusation du mandat d'arrêt de Bruguière<br />

contre le Rwanda / Tafsir Diallo. Préf. du Jean-Max Mezzadri. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 207 S., Tab., Lit. S. 205-207, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04623-8<br />

GIGA D 852515 IAA: RWA-D/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1145 Sibomana, André: Gardons espoir pour le Rwanda : entretiens<br />

avec Laure Guilbert et Hervé Deguine / André Sibomana. Préf.<br />

de Robert Ménard. - Nouv. éd. augmentée - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 312 S., Kt., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>1-<strong>30</strong>5, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04<strong>16</strong>4-6<br />

GIGA D 852525 IAA: RWA-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1146 Kigali City tourist map 1:13500 - [Kigali], ca. 2007. - 1 Kt.; 90 x<br />

62 cm, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852342 IAA: RWA-Y/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF10 Law<br />

1147 Diallo, Tafsir: Récusation du mandat d'arrêt de Bruguière<br />

contre le Rwanda / Tafsir Diallo. Préf. du Jean-Max Mezzadri. -<br />

Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. - 207 S., Tab., Lit. S. 205-207, Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-296-04623-8<br />

GIGA D 852515 IAA: RWA-D/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SJ01 Geography / Geology<br />

1148 Kigali City tourist map 1:13500 - [Kigali], ca. 2007. - 1 Kt.; 90 x<br />

62 cm, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852342 IAA: RWA-Y/4 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF02.07 CHAD<br />

SA02 History<br />

1149 Weddeye, Goukouni: Témoignage pour l’histoire du Tchad :<br />

entretiens avec Laurent Correau / Goukouni Weddeye. - Paris,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 143 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.rfi.fr/actufr/images/104/Goukouni_Weddeye_Entretien<br />

s.pdf<br />

SWP D 852535<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1150 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad<br />

[MINURCAT] / United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 19 S. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/601)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/<strong>2008</strong>/601<br />

SWP D 852351<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1151 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad<br />

[MINURCAT] / United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 19 S. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/601)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/<strong>2008</strong>/601<br />

SWP D 852351<br />

1152 Tchad: un nouveau cadre de résolution du conflit /<br />

International Crisis Group. - Bruxelles, <strong>2008</strong>. - 60 S., Kt. - (ICG<br />

Rapport Afrique; No. 144)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/getfile.cfm?id=3613&tid=5694&t<br />

ype=pdf&l=2<br />

SWP D 852533<br />

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

1153 Weddeye, Goukouni: Témoignage pour l’histoire du Tchad :<br />

entretiens avec Laurent Correau / Goukouni Weddeye. - Paris,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 143 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

http://www.rfi.fr/actufr/images/104/Goukouni_Weddeye_Entretien<br />

s.pdf<br />

SWP D 852535<br />

RF02.08 CONGO (KINSHASA)<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

1154 La renaissance de la République Démocratique du Congo :<br />

enjeux et perspectives / sous la direction de Mwayila<br />

Tshiyembe ... Fédération des Congolais de l'Etranger - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2007. - 203 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Etudes africaines)<br />

- ISBN 978-2-296-04573-6<br />

GIGA D 852251 IAA: COD-G/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1155 Zerbrechliche Zukunft : der Kongo - Wege aus der Finsternis<br />

= Transit fragile = The fragile future / von Uwe Agnes und Bernd<br />

Siering. Eine Produktion der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe und der<br />

KfW Entwicklungsbank. - Leverkusen: Topas Filmproduktion,<br />

2007. - 1 DVD (<strong>30</strong> Min.), farb.<br />

GIGA D 852727 IAA: DVD0006 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1156 Diangitukwa, Fweley: Les fraudes électorales : comment on<br />

recolonise la RDC / Fweley Diangitukwa. - Paris: L'Harmattan,<br />

2007. - 227 S., Lit. S. 217-221, Lit. Hinw. - (Etudes africaines) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04562-0<br />

GIGA D 852512 IAA: COD-H/10 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1157 Guenther, Bruce: The Asian drivers and the resource curse in<br />

Sub-Saharan Africa : The potential impacts of rising commodity<br />

prices for conflict and governance in the DRC / Bruce Guenther.<br />

- In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 347-363, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 361-363<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1158 Onana, Renner; Taylor, Hannah: MONUC and SSR in the<br />

Democratic Republic of Kongo / Renner Onana and Hannah<br />

Taylor. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

4, Special Issue, S. 501-5<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852734 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

1159 Zerbrechliche Zukunft : der Kongo - Wege aus der Finsternis<br />

= Transit fragile = The fragile future / von Uwe Agnes und Bernd<br />

Siering. Eine Produktion der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe und der<br />

KfW Entwicklungsbank. - Leverkusen: Topas Filmproduktion,<br />

2007. - 1 DVD (<strong>30</strong> Min.), farb.<br />

GIGA D 852727 IAA: DVD0006 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1<strong>16</strong>0 Guenther, Bruce: The Asian drivers and the resource curse in<br />

Sub-Saharan Africa : The potential impacts of rising commodity<br />

prices for conflict and governance in the DRC / Bruce Guenther.<br />

- In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 347-363, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 361-363<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH09 Informal sector<br />

1<strong>16</strong>1 Munkulu Mbata, Adolphe: Pratiques informelles et solidarité en<br />

Afrique : solidarités et stratégies de survie en milieu urbain<br />

congolais - les micro-crédits / Adolphe Munkulu Mbata. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, <strong>2008</strong>. - 295 S., Lit. S. 285-292, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-2-296-04699-3<br />

GIGA D 852604 IAA: COD-F/5 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 61 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1<strong>16</strong>2 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad<br />

[MINURCAT] / United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 19 S. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/601)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/<strong>2008</strong>/601<br />

SWP D 852351<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1<strong>16</strong>3 Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations<br />

Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad<br />

[MINURCAT] / United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 19 S. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/601)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/<strong>2008</strong>/601<br />

SWP D 852351<br />

RF03.11 ANGOLA<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1<strong>16</strong>4 Campos, Indira: Angola's elections : A democratic oil giant? /<br />

Indira Campos. - London: Chatham House, <strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S., Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (Africa Programme Paper / Royal Institute of<br />

International Affairs; 09/01)<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/12040_bp0908angola.pdf<br />

SWP D 851743<br />

1<strong>16</strong>5 Roque, Paula Cristina: Angolan legislative elections :<br />

Analysing the MPLA's triumph / author: Paula Cristina Roque. -<br />

Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 15 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(ISS Situation Report)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/SITREP<strong>16</strong>0908.PDF?link_id=3&slink_id=6578&link_type=<br />

12&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 851994<br />

RF03.14 MALAWI<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1<strong>16</strong>6 Country programme document for Malawi (<strong>2008</strong>-2011) /<br />

Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme<br />

and the United Natons Population Fund. - o.O.: UN, 2007. - 7 S.,<br />

Tab.<br />

http://www.undp.org/execbrd/word/DPDCPMWI1.doc<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>76<br />

RF03.15 MOZAMBIQUE<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1<strong>16</strong>7 Massuanganhe, Israel Jacob: Modeling PRSP II & poverty<br />

reduction in Mozambique local development : econometric<br />

analysis of factors determining Millennium Development Goals<br />

by 2015 / Israel Jacob Massuanganhe. - Maputo: UNDP, 2005. -<br />

V,25 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 23-24, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Decentralisation and Local Development Working Paper /<br />

United Nations Development Programme; 6)<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/903/3769/file/Mode<br />

ling%20PRSP%20II%20and%20Poverty%20Reduction%20in%2<br />

0Mozambique%20Local%20Development.pdf<br />

GIGA D 8521<strong>16</strong><br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1<strong>16</strong>8 Building local government capacity in the province of Gaza<br />

to achieve the millenium development goals / United Nations<br />

Development Programme ... - o.O.: UNDP, [2007]. - <strong>16</strong> S.,<br />

Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/905/3785/file/Buildi<br />

ng%20Local%20Government%20Capacity%20in%20the%20pro<br />

vince%20of%20Gaza.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852124<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

1<strong>16</strong>9 James, Robert C.; Arndt, Channing; Simler, Kenneth R.: Has<br />

economic growth in Mozambique been pro-poor? / Robert C,<br />

James ; Channing Arndt ; Kenneth R. Simler. - o.O., 2005. -<br />

35 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 21-23, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/280/1<strong>30</strong>4/file/Econ<br />

omic%20growth%20in%20Mozambique.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852582<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1170 James, Robert C.; Arndt, Channing; Simler, Kenneth R.: Has<br />

economic growth in Mozambique been pro-poor? / Robert C,<br />

James ; Channing Arndt ; Kenneth R. Simler. - o.O., 2005. -<br />

35 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 21-23, Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/280/1<strong>30</strong>4/file/Econ<br />

omic%20growth%20in%20Mozambique.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852582<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

1171 Building local government capacity in the province of Gaza<br />

to achieve the millenium development goals / United Nations<br />

Development Programme ... - o.O.: UNDP, [2007]. - <strong>16</strong> S.,<br />

Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/905/3785/file/Buildi<br />

ng%20Local%20Government%20Capacity%20in%20the%20pro<br />

vince%20of%20Gaza.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852124<br />

1172 Massuanganhe, Israel Jacob: Building local capacity to<br />

address the millennium challenges : An integrated MDG-based<br />

local development approach to promote decentralized natural<br />

resources management / by Israel Jacob Massuanganhe. -<br />

Maputo: UNDP, 2006. - V,28 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 27-28, Lit. Hinw. - (Decentralisation and Local<br />

Development Working Paper / United Nations Development<br />

Programme; 7)<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/904/3777/file/Dece<br />

ntralizing%20Natural%20Resources%20Management%20in%20<br />

Local%20Development%20Shared.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852112<br />

1173 Massuanganhe, Israel Jacob: Decentralization and district<br />

development : participatory and multi-sectoral framework for<br />

decentralized policies and local development strategies<br />

addressed to Millenium Development Goals / prepared by Israel<br />

Jacob Massuanganhe. - Maputo: UNDP, 2005. - VI,47 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Anh. S. 40-44, Lit. S. 39, Lit. Hinw. - (Decentralization<br />

and Local Governance Programme Working Paper / United<br />

Nations Development Programme; 3)<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/908/3809/file/Dece<br />

ntralization%20and%20District%20Development.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852098<br />

1174 Massuanganhe, Israel Jacob: Modeling PRSP II & poverty<br />

reduction in Mozambique local development : econometric<br />

analysis of factors determining Millennium Development Goals<br />

by 2015 / Israel Jacob Massuanganhe. - Maputo: UNDP, 2005. -<br />

V,25 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 23-24, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Decentralisation and Local Development Working Paper /<br />

United Nations Development Programme; 6)<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/903/3769/file/Mode<br />

ling%20PRSP%20II%20and%20Poverty%20Reduction%20in%2<br />

0Mozambique%20Local%20Development.pdf<br />

GIGA D 8521<strong>16</strong><br />

SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture<br />

1175 UN global compact : country report Mozambique ; corporate<br />

social responsibility / United Nations Development Programme. -<br />

o.O.: UNDP, 2007. - 20 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/1002/4387/file/CS<br />

R%20Country%20Report%20Mozambique.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852089<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1176 Massuanganhe, Israel Jacob: Building local capacity to<br />

address the millennium challenges : An integrated MDG-based<br />

local development approach to promote decentralized natural<br />

resources management / by Israel Jacob Massuanganhe. -<br />

Maputo: UNDP, 2006. - V,28 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 27-28, Lit. Hinw. - (Decentralisation and Local<br />

Development Working Paper / United Nations Development<br />

Programme; 7)<br />

http://www.undp.org.mz/en/content/download/904/3777/file/Dece<br />

ntralizing%20Natural%20Resources%20Management%20in%20<br />

Local%20Development%20Shared.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852112<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 62 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RF03.<strong>18</strong> ZIMBABWE<br />

SF Government<br />

1177 Hawkins, Tony: Zimbabwe: The long road to recovery / by Tony<br />

Hawkins. - Pretoria: Institute for Strategic Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 15 S. -<br />

(ISSUP Bulletin; 3/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

DGAP D 852566 DGAP: DG 47211n<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1178 Crane, David M.; De Silva, Desmond; Zwart, Tom: Seeking<br />

justice for Zimbabwe : A case for accountability against Robert<br />

Mugabe and others ; 1981–<strong>2008</strong> / prepared by David M. Crane,<br />

Desmond de Silva, Tom Zwart. With ass. of Anton Altman ...<br />

Enough ... - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S., graph. Darst., Kt.<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/july_zim_2.pdf<br />

SWP D 852239<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1179 Agreement between the Zimbabwe African National<br />

Union-Patriot Front (ZANU-PF) and the two Movement for<br />

Democratic Change (MDC) formations, on resolving the<br />

challenges facing Zimbabwe / Institute for Security Studies. -<br />

Pretoria, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S.<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/ZIMAGMT150908.PDF?link_id=5&slink_id=6575&link_typ<br />

e=12&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 852028<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1<strong>18</strong>0 Makwenda, Joyce Jenje: Spirit of Nehanda : Zimbabwe women<br />

politicians / Joyce Jenje Makwenda. - In: South African Labour<br />

Bulletin (Johannesburg), 32 (June-July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 48-50, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852694 Öff.StaO: Frei 119<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1<strong>18</strong>1 Bornstein, Erica: Harmonic dissonance : reflections on dwelling<br />

in the field / Erica Bornstein. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm),<br />

72 (December 2007) 4, S. 483-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852667 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SA02 History<br />

1<strong>18</strong>2 Lipton, Merle: Liberals, Marxists, and nationalists : competing<br />

interpretations of South African history / Merle Lipton. - New<br />

York/N.Y. ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 228 S., Lit. S. 203-217,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 191-202 - ISBN 0-2<strong>30</strong>-60059-X<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>16</strong>4 IAA: ZAF-H/<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1<strong>18</strong>3 Jordaan, Eduard: Barking at the big dogs : South Africa's<br />

foreign policy towards the Middle East / Eduard Jordaan. - In:<br />

The Round Table (Abingdon), 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397, S. 547-559,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851767 DGAP: ZD 269 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1<strong>18</strong>4 Shapiro, Janet: Human trafficking : slavery by another name? /<br />

Janet Shapiro. - In: South African Labour Bulletin<br />

(Johannesburg), 32 (June-July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 17-19, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852663 Öff.StaO: Frei 119<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1<strong>18</strong>5 Lipton, Merle: Liberals, Marxists, and nationalists : competing<br />

interpretations of South African history / Merle Lipton. - New<br />

York/N.Y. ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 228 S., Lit. S. 203-217,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 191-202 - ISBN 0-2<strong>30</strong>-60059-X<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>16</strong>4 IAA: ZAF-H/<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1<strong>18</strong>6 South Africa : shame! - In: New African (London), 42 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 475, S. 10-25, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852624 BICC: BZ NEWAFR IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: <strong>30</strong><br />

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

1<strong>18</strong>7 Lipton, Merle: Liberals, Marxists, and nationalists : competing<br />

interpretations of South African history / Merle Lipton. - New<br />

York/N.Y. ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 228 S., Lit. S. 203-217,<br />

Lit. Hinw. S. 191-202 - ISBN 0-2<strong>30</strong>-60059-X<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>16</strong>4 IAA: ZAF-H/<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1<strong>18</strong>8 Pedrina, Vasco; Merz, Joachim: Uniting fair play, 2010 soccer<br />

and global solidarity / Vasco Pedrian and Joachim Merz. -<br />

In: South African Labour Bulletin (Johannesburg), 32 (June-July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 45-47, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852690 Öff.StaO: Frei 119<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1<strong>18</strong>9 Forrest, Kally: Rustenburg's mines dodging responsibility /<br />

Kally Forrest. - In: South African Labour Bulletin (Johannesburg),<br />

32 (June-July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 10-12, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852651 Öff.StaO: Frei 119<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1190 Fig, David: Electricity crisis : why not smarter solutions? / David<br />

Fig. - In: South African Labour Bulletin (Johannesburg),<br />

32 (June-July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 40-42, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852687 Öff.StaO: Frei 119<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1191 Cock, Jacklyn; Munnik, Victor: Throwing stones at a giant :<br />

meaning of failed environmental struggle / Jacklyn Cock and<br />

Victor Munnik. - In: South African Labour Bulletin<br />

(Johannesburg), 32 (June-July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 4-7, Ill.<br />

GIGA D 852646 Öff.StaO: Frei 119<br />


SJ Environment / Nature<br />

1192 Buhles, Tanja Martina: Integrated ecosystem management in<br />

the Lake Victoria Basin : The role of actors and institutions /<br />

Tanja Martina Buhles. - Hattingen, <strong>2008</strong>. - 114 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit S. 97-113<br />

DIE D 852584 DIE: 05AZM002 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RF04.01 KENYA<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1193 Building a new Kenya : strategic plan 2005-2010 / Kenya<br />

African National Union. - Nairobi: KANU, ca. 2005. - 40 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 851974 IAA: KEN-H/14 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1194 Forum for the Restoration of Democracy - People (Kenya):<br />

FORD-People: national strategic plan 2006-2011 / Forum for the<br />

Restoration of Democracy - People. - [Nairobi]: FORD-People,<br />

ca. 2006. - I,40 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852011 IAA: KEN-H/12 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

1195 Kenya Civil Society Observation Programme (KCSOP) :<br />

report on the referendum on the proposed new constitution of<br />

Kenya 21st November 2005 / Institute for Education in<br />

Democracy ; Constitution and Reform Education Consortium. -<br />

Nairobi: Institute for Education in Democracy, 2006. - VII,63 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 851993 IAA: KEN-G/6 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1196 Harneit-Sievers, Axel: Kenia: Krise, Vermittlung und die<br />

Perspektiven der "Großen Koalition" / Axel Harneit-Sievers. -<br />

In: Die Friedens-Warte (Berlin), 83 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2-3, S. 199-212<br />

HSFK D 852341 SWP: X. 253 OSI: Zs <strong>30</strong>8 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>6 HSFK: ZS F<br />

IFA: Z-D4329 BICC: BZ FW Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1197 The registration of voters (2003-2004) : An audit / Institute for<br />

Education in Democracy. - Nairobi: Institute for Education in<br />

Democracy, 2004. - X,50 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 851971 IAA: KEN-H/15 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 63 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

1198 Voter education guide for the referendum on the proposed<br />

new constitution of Kenya / Institute for Education in<br />

Democracy. - Nairobi: IED, 2005. - III,26 S.<br />

GIGA D 851966 IAA: KEN-H/<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1199 Harneit-Sievers, Axel: Kenia: Krise, Vermittlung und die<br />

Perspektiven der "Großen Koalition" / Axel Harneit-Sievers. -<br />

In: Die Friedens-Warte (Berlin), 83 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2-3, S. 199-212<br />

HSFK D 852341 SWP: X. 253 OSI: Zs <strong>30</strong>8 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>6 HSFK: ZS F<br />

IFA: Z-D4329 BICC: BZ FW Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH Economy<br />

1200 Dolan, Catherine S.: Market affections : moral encounters with<br />

Kenyan fairtrade flowers / Catherine S. Dolan. - In: Ethnos<br />

(Stockholm), 72 (June 2007) 2, S. 239-261, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852571 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RF04.02 MADAGASCAR<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

1201 Population et développement dans les Hautes Terres de<br />

Madagascar / sous la direction de Frédéric Sandron. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2007. - 240 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Populations) - ISBN 978-2-296-04659-7<br />

GIGA D 852605 IAA: MDG-N/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1202 Population et développement dans les Hautes Terres de<br />

Madagascar / sous la direction de Frédéric Sandron. - Paris:<br />

L'Harmattan, 2007. - 240 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Populations) - ISBN 978-2-296-04659-7<br />

GIGA D 852605 IAA: MDG-N/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

RF04.04 TANZANIA<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1203 Analytical report for integrated labour force survey (ILFS),<br />

2006 / National Bureau of Statistics ; Tanzania Gender<br />

Networking Programme ; Ministry of Labour, Employment and<br />

Youth Development. - [Dar es Salaam]: NBS ..., 2007. -<br />

XXII,124 S., zahlr. graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 851948 IAA: TZA-Q/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1204 Key findings for integrated labour force survey (ILFS), 2006<br />

= Matokeo muhimu ya utafiti wa watu wenye uwezo wa kufanya<br />

kazi, 2006 / National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning,<br />

Economy and Empowerment. - Dar es Salaam: NBS, 2007. -<br />

I,34 S., I,34 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>90 IAA: TZA-Q/3 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

1205 Goedhuys, Micheline; Janz, Norbert; Mohnen, Pierre: What<br />

drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms :<br />

technology or business environment / Micheline Goedhuys,<br />

Norbert Janz and Pierre Mohnen. - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 199-2<strong>18</strong>, Tab., Lit. S. 15-17<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RF04.05 UGANDA<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1206 Decentralisation and transformation of governance in<br />

Uganda / eds. Delius Asiimwe ... - Kampala: Fountain Publ.,<br />

2007. - XX,347 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 320-342 -<br />

ISBN 9970-02-619-4<br />

GIGA D 852531 IAA: UGA-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1207 Green, Elliott: Understanding the limits to ethnic change :<br />

lessons from Uganda's "lost counties" / Elliot D. Green. -<br />

In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.), 6 (<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 473-485, Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 483-485<br />

SWP D 852285 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1208 Mushemeza, Elijah Dickens: The politics and empowerment of<br />

Banyarwanda refugees in Uganda 1959-2001 / Elijah Dickens<br />

Mushemeza. - Kampala: Fountain Publ., 2007. - XIV,<strong>16</strong>4 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. S. 151-<strong>16</strong>1 - ISBN 978-9970-02-719-4<br />

GIGA D 8525<strong>30</strong> IAA: UGA-G/3 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1209 Thomas, Kevin J. A.: Return migration in Africa and the<br />

relationship between educational attainment and labor market<br />

success : evidence from Uganda / Kevin J. A. Thomas. -<br />

In: International Migration Review (Malden/Mass.), 42 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 652-674, Tab., Lit. S. 670-674<br />

SWP D 852417 SWP: X. 879 IFA: Z-USA849 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1210 Uganda national household survey 2005/2006 : report on the<br />

socio-economic module / Uganda Bureau of Statistics. -<br />

Kampala: UBOS, 2006. - XV,195 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852023 IAA: UGA-F/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1211 Report on the labour market conditions in Uganda / Uganda<br />

Bureau of Statistics. - Kampala: UBOS, 2007. - VII,84 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 83, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852021 IAA: UGA-Q/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

1212 Thomas, Kevin J. A.: Return migration in Africa and the<br />

relationship between educational attainment and labor market<br />

success : evidence from Uganda / Kevin J. A. Thomas. -<br />

In: International Migration Review (Malden/Mass.), 42 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 652-674, Tab., Lit. S. 670-674<br />

SWP D 852417 SWP: X. 879 IFA: Z-USA849 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1213 Uganda national household survey 2005/2006 : report on the<br />

agricultural module / Uganda Bureau of Statistics. - Kampala:<br />

UBOS, 2007. - XV,200 S., zahlr. graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852019 IAA: UGA-N/2 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

1214 Food and nutrition in Uganda : principles and community<br />

needs / Agnes Namutebi ... Makerere University - Kampala:<br />

Fountain Publ., 2007. - XI,222 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab. -<br />

ISBN 978-9970-02-681-4<br />

GIGA D 852529 IAA: UGA-N/1 Öff.StaO: H 221<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1215 Weber, Annette: Kriege ohne Grenzen und das "erfolgreiche<br />

Scheitern" der Staaten am Horn von Afrika / Annette Weber. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S., Kt., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (SWP-Studie; S 26/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5280<br />

SWP D 852477 SOI: 15288 DIE: 52KC010 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SF Government<br />

12<strong>16</strong> Weber, Annette: Kriege ohne Grenzen und das "erfolgreiche<br />

Scheitern" der Staaten am Horn von Afrika / Annette Weber. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S., Kt., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (SWP-Studie; S 26/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5280<br />

SWP D 852477 SOI: 15288 DIE: 52KC010 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1217 Weber, Annette: Kriege ohne Grenzen und das "erfolgreiche<br />

Scheitern" der Staaten am Horn von Afrika / Annette Weber. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S., Kt., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (SWP-Studie; S 26/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5280<br />

SWP D 852477 SOI: 15288 DIE: 52KC010 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 64 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RF05.02 DJIBOUTI<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

12<strong>18</strong> Mesfin, Berouk: The Eritrea - Djibouti border dispute / author:<br />

Berouk Mesfin. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ISS Situation Report)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/SITREP150908.PDF?link_id=3&slink_id=6572&link_type=<br />

12&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 852482<br />

1219 Report of the United Nations fact-finding mission on the<br />

Djibouti-Eritrea crisis, 28 July-6 August <strong>2008</strong> : letter dated 11<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> from the Secretary-General addressed to the<br />

President of the Security Council / United Nations Security<br />

Council. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 32 S., Anh. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/602)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/<strong>2008</strong>/602<br />

SWP D 852486<br />

RF05.03 SOMALIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1220 Anatomy of a sanctions regime : A case study of sixteen years<br />

of failed efforts to effectively implement sanctions in Somalia /<br />

Security Council Report. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S. - (SCR<br />

Special Research Report; No. 4)<br />

http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7b65BFCF9B-6D27-<br />

4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7d/Research%20Report%20Soml<br />

ia%20<strong>16</strong>%20<strong>September</strong>%20<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852020<br />

1221 Quaranto, Peter J.: Building states while fighting terror :<br />

contradictions in United States strategy in Somalia from 2001 to<br />

2007 / Peter J. Quaranto. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 84 S., Lit. - (ISS Monograph Series; No. 143)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/M143FULL.PDF?link_id=&slink_id=6054&link_type=&slink<br />

_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 852238 BICC: BC IDP/MON Öff.StaO: H 221<br />

II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1222 Anatomy of a sanctions regime : A case study of sixteen years<br />

of failed efforts to effectively implement sanctions in Somalia /<br />

Security Council Report. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S. - (SCR<br />

Special Research Report; No. 4)<br />

http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7b65BFCF9B-6D27-<br />

4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7d/Research%20Report%20Soml<br />

ia%20<strong>16</strong>%20<strong>September</strong>%20<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852020<br />

1223 Menkhaus, Ken: Somalia (T. 1) : A country in peril, a policy<br />

nightmare / Ken Menkhaus. - Washington/D.C.: Enough, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategy Paper / Enough; [09.<strong>2008</strong>])<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/somalia_rep090<strong>30</strong>8.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 851934<br />

RF05.04 ERITREA<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1224 Mesfin, Berouk: The Eritrea - Djibouti border dispute / author:<br />

Berouk Mesfin. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ISS Situation Report)<br />

http://www.issafrica.org/dynamic/administration/file_manager/file<br />

_links/SITREP150908.PDF?link_id=3&slink_id=6572&link_type=<br />

12&slink_type=13&tmpl_id=3<br />

SWP D 852482<br />

1225 Report of the United Nations fact-finding mission on the<br />

Djibouti-Eritrea crisis, 28 July-6 August <strong>2008</strong> : letter dated 11<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> from the Secretary-General addressed to the<br />

President of the Security Council / United Nations Security<br />

Council. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 32 S., Anh. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/602)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=s/<strong>2008</strong>/602<br />

SWP D 852486<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 65 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15




AFRICA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1226 Erdle, Steffen: Die Vernetzung von Städten, Gemeinden und<br />

Regionen im Mittelmeerraum : Optionen und Perspektiven für<br />

die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der<br />

EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik / Steffen Erdle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 7-42,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852689 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1227 Middle East perspectives : conference proceedings from<br />

Gstaad, Switzerland / David Aaron ... Rapporteur: Siobhan<br />

Martin - Geneva: Geneva Centre for Security Policy, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

43 S. - (GCSP Geneva Papers; 4)<br />

http://www.grc.ae/data/contents/uploads/infopdf/Gstaad_Report_<br />

<strong>2008</strong>_1274.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852033<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

1228 Erdle, Steffen: Die Vernetzung von Städten, Gemeinden und<br />

Regionen im Mittelmeerraum : Optionen und Perspektiven für<br />

die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der<br />

EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik / Steffen Erdle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 7-42,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852689 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

1229 Strengthening MENA's trade and investment links with<br />

China and India / The World Bank, Social and Economic<br />

Development Group, Middle East and North Africa Region. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 132 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMENA/Resources/MENA_<br />

China_India_Sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852357<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

12<strong>30</strong> Nugent, Jeffrey B.: "Institutions and economic performance :<br />

The use and abuse of culture in new insitutional economics" : A<br />

response to Heydemann / Jeffrey B. Nugent. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 206-217, Tab., Lit. S. 2<strong>16</strong>-217<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>98 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1231 Bin-Huwaidin, Mohamed: China in the Middle East :<br />

perspectives from the Arab world / Mohamed Bin Huwaidin. - In:<br />

Arab Insight (Cairo), 2 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 67-75, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/pdf/Arabinsightxx26.pdf<br />

SWP D 851701<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1232 Mattes, Hanspeter: "We're in the Arab World, man. Forget<br />

democracy." : Die schwierige Transformation autoritärer Regime<br />

in Nahost / Hanspeter Mattes. - Hamburg: GIGA, <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw., Lit. S. 7 - (GIGA Focus Nahost; (<strong>2008</strong>) 8)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_nahost_0808.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>36 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1233 Literature review on social exclusion in the ESCWA region /<br />

Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: United Nations, 2007. - III,26 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(E/ESCWA/SDD/2007/WP.4)<br />

http://www.escwa.un.org/information/publications/edit/upload/sdd<br />

-07-WP4-e.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851960<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1234 Gender-based sexual violence against teenage girls in the<br />

Middle East : A comparative situation analysis of honour<br />

violence, early marriages and sexual abuse in Lebanon, the<br />

Occupied Palestinian Territories and Yemen / comp. by Pernilla<br />

Ouis ... Save the Children - Sweden - Stockholm, 2007. - 172 S.,<br />

Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-91-7321-256-4<br />

http://www.crin.org/docs/Gender_based_sexual_Violence.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851920<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1235 Brach, Juliane: Constraints to economic development and<br />

growth in the Middle East and North Africa / Juliane Brach. -<br />

Hamburg: GIGA, <strong>2008</strong>. - 46 S., Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 32-34<br />

- (GIGA Working Papers; No. 85) - (GIGA Research Programme:<br />

Institute of Middle East Studies)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/wp85_brach.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851986 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1236 Literature review on social exclusion in the ESCWA region /<br />

Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: United Nations, 2007. - III,26 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(E/ESCWA/SDD/2007/WP.4)<br />

http://www.escwa.un.org/information/publications/edit/upload/sdd<br />

-07-WP4-e.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851960<br />


SB03 International law<br />

1237 Abiad, Nisrine: Sharia, Muslim states and international human<br />

rights treaty obligations : A comparative study / Nisrine Abiad. -<br />

London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - XXII,240 S., Tab., Lit. S. 207-240 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-905221-41-7<br />

DGAP D 852786 DGAP: DG 47<strong>30</strong>4<br />

SF10 Law<br />

1238 Abiad, Nisrine: Sharia, Muslim states and international human<br />

rights treaty obligations : A comparative study / Nisrine Abiad. -<br />

London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - XXII,240 S., Tab., Lit. S. 207-240 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-905221-41-7<br />

DGAP D 852786 DGAP: DG 47<strong>30</strong>4<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1239 Spenlen, Jeanette: Women in Islam between oppression and<br />

(self-)empowerment / text: Jeanette Spenlen. - Berlin:<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 75 S., Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/akademie/berlin/05438.pdf<br />

IFA D 852502 IFA: Cb28/457 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

1240 Muslims positive about globalization, trade / World Public<br />

Opinion.org. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/aug08/WPO_Muslim<br />

GlobTrade_Aug08_packet.pdf<br />

SWP D 851747<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 66 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1241 Naef, Silvia: Bilder und Bilderverbot im islam : vom Koran bis<br />

zum Karikaturenstreit (Orig.: Y a-t-il une "question de l'image" en<br />

Islam?) / Silvia Naef. Aus dem Frz. von Christiane Seiler. -<br />

durchges. u. aktualisiert - München: Beck, 2007. - <strong>16</strong>0 S.,<br />

Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 147-155, Lit. Hinw. S. 139-146 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-406-448<strong>16</strong>-4<br />

GIGA D 852611 IMES: MEA-L/1<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1242 Naef, Silvia: Bilder und Bilderverbot im islam : vom Koran bis<br />

zum Karikaturenstreit (Orig.: Y a-t-il une "question de l'image" en<br />

Islam?) / Silvia Naef. Aus dem Frz. von Christiane Seiler. -<br />

durchges. u. aktualisiert - München: Beck, 2007. - <strong>16</strong>0 S.,<br />

Ill., Reg., Lit. S. 147-155, Lit. Hinw. S. 139-146 -<br />

ISBN 978-3-406-448<strong>16</strong>-4<br />

GIGA D 852611 IMES: MEA-L/1<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

RG00.13 PERSIAN GULF<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1243 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Security challenges and threats in<br />

the Gulf : A net assessment / Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 232 S., zahlr. Ill, graph. Darst., Kt. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/090808_gulfstrategyanalysis<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 851991<br />

RG00.14 KURDISTAN<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1244 The future of the Iraqi Kurds / Soner Cagaptay, ed.<br />

Washington Institute for Near East Policy. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 48 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Focus / Washington<br />

Institute for Near East Policy; 85)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us85.pdf<br />

SWP D 851705<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1245 The future of the Iraqi Kurds / Soner Cagaptay, ed.<br />

Washington Institute for Near East Policy. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 48 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Focus / Washington<br />

Institute for Near East Policy; 85)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us85.pdf<br />

SWP D 851705<br />

RG01.11 MOROCCO<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1246 Fassi, Abbas el-: J'y suis, j'y reste! / Interv.: François Soudan. -<br />

In: Jeune Afrique (Paris), 48 (21-27 septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 2489,<br />

S. 24-31, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852335 SWP: Y. 1100 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 21<br />

RG01.15 LIBYA<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

1247 Vrabl, Andreas: Libyen: eine Dritte Welt-Revolution in der<br />

Transition / Andreas Vrabl. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. - 143 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 129-137 -- Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://othes.univie.ac.at/846/1/<strong>2008</strong>-07-<strong>30</strong>_9951900.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>47<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1248 Blanchard, Christopher M.: Libya: background and U.S.<br />

relations : updated August 6, <strong>2008</strong> / Christopher M. Blanchard. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: CRS, <strong>2008</strong>. - 41 S., Kt., Lit. S. 38 - (CRS<br />

Report for Congress; RL33142)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/109510.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851987<br />

1249 Dunne, Michele: The United States and Libya : where do we go<br />

from here? / by Michele Dunne. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. - (Web<br />

Commentary: Middle East Program)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/dunne_libya.pdf<br />

SWP D 851967<br />

1250 Szabó, Kinga Tibori: Libya and the EU / Kinga Tibori Szabo. -<br />

Budapest: Center for EU Enlargement Studies, Central<br />

European University, 2006. - 33 S., Kt., Lit. S. 28-29 -<br />

ISBN 963-87245-6-0<br />

http://web.ceu.hu/cens/assets/files/libya<br />

GIGA D 852031<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1251 Vrabl, Andreas: Libyen: eine Dritte Welt-Revolution in der<br />

Transition / Andreas Vrabl. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. - 143 S., Ill., graph.<br />

Darst., Lit. S. 129-137 -- Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://othes.univie.ac.at/846/1/<strong>2008</strong>-07-<strong>30</strong>_9951900.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>47<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1252 Bühler, Urs: Libyen: Wirtschaftsbericht 2007 :<br />

zusammengestellt von: Schweizerische Botschaft Libyen,<br />

Tripolis, November 2007 / Urs Bühler. - Zürich ...: OSEC, 2007. -<br />

11 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.osec.ch/internet/osec/en/home/export/countries/ly/exp<br />

ort/economic_report.-RelatedBoxSlot-<strong>18</strong>622-ItemList-54541-File.<br />

File.pdf/wb_Lybien-2007_de.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>23<br />

RG01.17 SUDAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1253 Weber, Annette: Kriege ohne Grenzen und das "erfolgreiche<br />

Scheitern" der Staaten am Horn von Afrika / Annette Weber. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S., Kt., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (SWP-Studie; S 26/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5280<br />

SWP D 852477 SOI: 15288 DIE: 52KC010 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SF Government<br />

1254 Weber, Annette: Kriege ohne Grenzen und das "erfolgreiche<br />

Scheitern" der Staaten am Horn von Afrika / Annette Weber. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S., Kt., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (SWP-Studie; S 26/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5280<br />

SWP D 852477 SOI: 15288 DIE: 52KC010 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1255 Report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the<br />

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(S/<strong>2008</strong>/558)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/<strong>2008</strong>/558<br />

SWP D 851753<br />

1256 Weber, Annette: Kriege ohne Grenzen und das "erfolgreiche<br />

Scheitern" der Staaten am Horn von Afrika / Annette Weber. -<br />

Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S., Kt., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (SWP-Studie; S 26/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5280<br />

SWP D 852477 SOI: 15288 DIE: 52KC010 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

1257 Sudan: public expenditure review : synthesis report / Poverty<br />

Reduction and Economic Management Unit, Africa Region, the<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., 2007. - XII,89 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Report / International Bank for<br />

Reconstruction and Development; No. 4<strong>18</strong>40-SD) - (Document<br />

of the World Bank)<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTSUDAN/Resources/SD_P<br />

ER_synthesis_report.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852712<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 67 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1258 853 days: from Gaza disengagement to de facto power?<br />

Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, March 12, <strong>2008</strong><br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-157)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41231.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851763 HSFK: 99.026 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1259 After Annapolis: next steps in the Middle East peace<br />

process : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

December 5, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-137)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/39517.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851917 HSFK: 99.010 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1260 Jordaan, Eduard: Barking at the big dogs : South Africa's<br />

foreign policy towards the Middle East / Eduard Jordaan. - In:<br />

The Round Table (Abingdon), 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397, S. 547-559,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851767 DGAP: ZD 269 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

1261 Ker-Lindsay, James: Europe's eastern outpost : The Republic<br />

of Cyprus and the Middle East / James Ker-Lindsay. - In: The<br />

Round Table (Abingdon), 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397, S. 535-545, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851764 DGAP: ZD 269 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

1262 Kumaraswamy, P. R.: Realism replacing rhetoric : factors<br />

shaping India's Middle East policy / P. R. Kumaraswamy. - In:<br />

The Round Table (Abingdon), 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397, S. 575-587,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851768 DGAP: ZD 269 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1263 853 days: from Gaza disengagement to de facto power?<br />

Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, March 12, <strong>2008</strong><br />

- Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,35 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-157)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41231.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851763 HSFK: 99.026 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1264 After Annapolis: next steps in the Middle East peace<br />

process : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

December 5, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,47 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-137)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/39517.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851917 HSFK: 99.010 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1265 Buro, Andreas; Ronnefeldt, Clemens: Dossier III: Der<br />

Israel-Palästina-Konflikt : Monitoring-Projekt: Zivile<br />

Konfliktbearbeitung, Gewalt- und Kriegsprävention / Andreas<br />

Buro ; Clemens Ronnefeldt. - Bonn: Kooperation für den Frieden,<br />

2007. - 39 S.<br />

http://www.koop-frieden.de/dokumente/monitoring-dossier-3.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851712<br />

RG02.11 IRAQ<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1266 Declaration and principles: future U.S. commitments to<br />

Iraq : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East<br />

and South Asia and the Subcommittee on International<br />

Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th<br />

Congress, 2nd Session, March 4, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - V,64 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-<strong>16</strong>2)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/41061.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851777 HSFK: 99.027 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1267 Iraq reconstruction: An overview : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, February 15,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- III,1<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial / Committee on Oversight and Government<br />

Reform (United States / House); No. 110-27)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:38578.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852010 HSFK: 99.120 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1268 The proposed U.S. security commitment to Iraq: what will<br />

be in it and should it be a treaty? joint hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights,<br />

and Oversight and the Subcommittee on the Middle East and<br />

South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd Session, January 23,<br />

<strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- V,58 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-151)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/40341.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851795 HSFK: 99.020 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1269 Reconstruction in Iraq's oil sector: running on empty? joint<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia and the Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, July <strong>18</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - V,60 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-128)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36825.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851780 HSFK: 99.049 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1270 Byman, Daniel L.; Pollack, Kenneth M.: Iraq's long-term<br />

impact on jihadist terrorism / by Daniel L. Byman and Kenneth M.<br />

Pollack. - In: The Annals of the American Academy of Political<br />

and Social Science (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), (July <strong>2008</strong>) 6<strong>18</strong>,<br />

S. 55-68, Lit.<br />

http://ann.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/6<strong>18</strong>/1/55.pdf<br />

SWP D 852173 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1271 Grigorescu, Alexandru: East and Central European countries<br />

and the Iraq War : The choice between "soft balancing" and "soft<br />

bandwagoning" / Alexandru Grigorescu. - In: Communist and<br />

Post-Communist Studies (Oxford), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 281-299, Tab., Lit. S. 297-299<br />

SWP D 852385 SWP: X. 405 DGAP: ZD 400 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1272 Kahl, Colin H.: Bridge on the river Euphrates / Colin H. Karl. - In:<br />

The National Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 87-96, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852279 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

1273 The November 26 Declaration of Principles: implications for<br />

U.N. resolutions on Iraq, and for Congressional oversight :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 2nd<br />

Session, February 8, <strong>2008</strong> - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,65 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-152)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/40660.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851921 HSFK: 99.025 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1274 Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions needed to enhance DOD<br />

planning for reposturing of U.S. forces from Iraq : report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 85 S., Ill.,<br />

graph.Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (GAO-08-9<strong>30</strong>)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d089<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852027<br />

1275 Testimony on security and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq :<br />

developments in U.S. strategy and operations and the way<br />

ahead / United States House Committee on Armed Services. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl.<br />

http://www.house.gov/hasc/hearing_information.shtml<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>22<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 68 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SC06 Military capacity<br />

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1276 Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions needed to enhance DOD<br />

planning for reposturing of U.S. forces from Iraq : report to<br />

Congressional committees / United States Government<br />

Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 85 S., Ill.,<br />

graph.Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (GAO-08-9<strong>30</strong>)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d089<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852027<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1277 Iraq reconstruction: An overview : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. House<br />

of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, February 15,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- III,1<strong>30</strong> S. - (Serial / Committee on Oversight and Government<br />

Reform (United States / House); No. 110-27)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:38578.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852010 HSFK: 99.120 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1278 Japan's assistance to Iraq (fact sheet) / The Government of<br />

Japan. - Tokyo, <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S.<br />

http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/middle_e/iraq/issue2003/assistance<br />

/assist0610.pdf<br />

SWP D 852693<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1279 The future of the Iraqi Kurds / Soner Cagaptay, ed.<br />

Washington Institute for Near East Policy. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 48 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Focus / Washington<br />

Institute for Near East Policy; 85)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us85.pdf<br />

SWP D 851705<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1280 Byman, Daniel L.; Pollack, Kenneth M.: Iraq's long-term<br />

impact on jihadist terrorism / by Daniel L. Byman and Kenneth M.<br />

Pollack. - In: The Annals of the American Academy of Political<br />

and Social Science (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), (July <strong>2008</strong>) 6<strong>18</strong>,<br />

S. 55-68, Lit.<br />

http://ann.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/6<strong>18</strong>/1/55.pdf<br />

SWP D 852173 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1281 The future of the Iraqi Kurds / Soner Cagaptay, ed.<br />

Washington Institute for Near East Policy. - Washington/D.C.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 48 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy Focus / Washington<br />

Institute for Near East Policy; 85)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us85.pdf<br />

SWP D 851705<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1282 Bröning, Michael; Chai, Jolie: Irak: Klientelpolitik als<br />

Flüchtlingsschutz / Michael Bröning und Jolie Chai. - In: Blätter<br />

für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 21-24, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>11 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

1283 Internally displaced persons in Iraq : update (24 March <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

/ IDP Working Group. - Geneva: International Organization for<br />

Migration, <strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/shared/shared/mainsite/media/d<br />

ocs/reports/wg_update_03<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>18</strong>45<br />

1284 Iraq's refugee and IDP crisis : human toll and implications /<br />

Middle East Institute. - Washington/D.c., <strong>2008</strong>. - 142 S., Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (MEI Viewpoints Special Edition)<br />

http://www.mideasti.org/files/iraqs-refugee-and-IDP-crisis.pdf<br />

SWP D 852211<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1285 Reconstruction in Iraq's oil sector: running on empty? joint<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia and the Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, July <strong>18</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - V,60 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-128)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36825.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851780 HSFK: 99.049 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

RG02.13 LEBANON<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1286 Report of the Lebanon Independent Assessment Team II<br />

[LIBAT] : letter dated 25 August <strong>2008</strong> from the<br />

Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security<br />

Council / United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/582)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/<strong>2008</strong>/582<br />

SWP D 852002<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1287 Report of the Lebanon Independent Assessment Team II<br />

[LIBAT] : letter dated 25 August <strong>2008</strong> from the<br />

Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security<br />

Council / United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S. - (S/<strong>2008</strong>/582)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/<strong>2008</strong>/582<br />

SWP D 852002<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1288 Lebanon on the brink : hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

the Middle East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st<br />

Session, November 8, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,38 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-148)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38822.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>08 HSFK: 99.031 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1289 Sidawi, Rafif Rida: Modernization in a multi-religious society :<br />

sexual violence against female teenagers in Lebanon / Rafif<br />

Rida Sidawi. - In: Gender-based sexual violence against<br />

teenage girls in the Middle East / comp. by Pernilla Ouis ... Save<br />

the Children - Sweden. - Stockholm, 2007, S. 22-66, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 65-66, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-91-7321-256-4<br />

http://www.crin.org/docs/Gender_based_sexual_Violence.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851980<br />

RG02.14 SYRIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1290 [Israel-Syria peace negotiations: converging interests -<br />

window of opportunity?] - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv),<br />

11 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 1, ca. 8 S. -- Enthält: Benn, Aluf: Converging<br />

interests: essential, but not enough -- Brom, Shlomo: Is there<br />

really a window of opportunity?<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=194<br />

2&print=1<br />

SWP D 851759<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1291 [Israel-Syria peace negotiations: converging interests -<br />

window of opportunity?] - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv),<br />

11 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 1, ca. 8 S. -- Enthält: Benn, Aluf: Converging<br />

interests: essential, but not enough -- Brom, Shlomo: Is there<br />

really a window of opportunity?<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=194<br />

2&print=1<br />

SWP D 851759<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 69 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

RG02.15 ISRAEL<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1292 [Israel-Syria peace negotiations: converging interests -<br />

window of opportunity?] - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv),<br />

11 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 1, ca. 8 S. -- Enthält: Benn, Aluf: Converging<br />

interests: essential, but not enough -- Brom, Shlomo: Is there<br />

really a window of opportunity?<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=194<br />

2&print=1<br />

SWP D 851759<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1293 Berkowitz, Peter: Peaceless : Peter Berkowitz on: The much<br />

too promised land: America's elusive search for Arab-Israeli<br />

peace, by Aaron David Miller - In: Policy Review Online<br />

(Washington), (August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150, ca. 4 S.<br />

Rezension von: Miller, Aaron David: The much too promised<br />

land: America’s elusive search for Arab-Israeli peace. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Bantam, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/261<strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong>4.html<br />

SWP D 852541 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

1294 DeVoir, Joe: The day after Annapolis : policy scenario and<br />

options facing the Palestinian Authority / Joe DeVoir. -<br />

Jerusalem: Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S.<br />

http://www.ipcri.org/files/after-annap.pdf<br />

SWP D 851958<br />

1295 Eiland, Giora: Rethinking the two-state solution / Giora Eiland. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Washington Institute for Near East Policy,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S., Kt. - (Policy Focus / Washington Institute for Near<br />

East Policy; 88)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us88.pdf<br />

SWP D 852380<br />

1296 [Israel-Syria peace negotiations: converging interests -<br />

window of opportunity?] - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv),<br />

11 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 1, ca. 8 S. -- Enthält: Benn, Aluf: Converging<br />

interests: essential, but not enough -- Brom, Shlomo: Is there<br />

really a window of opportunity?<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=194<br />

2&print=1<br />

SWP D 851759<br />

1297 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

1298 Perspectives beyond war and crises? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ; conference<br />

documentation / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut für<br />

Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

124 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852597 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

1299 Regaining the initiative : Palestinian strategic options to end<br />

Israeli occupation / Palestine Strategy Study Group. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 52 S.<br />

http://www.palestinestrategygroup.ps/Regaining_the_Initiative_FI<br />

NAL_1708<strong>2008</strong>_(English).pdf<br />

SWP D 851951<br />

1<strong>30</strong>0 Roy, Sara M.: Failing peace / Sara Roy. - In: Perspectives<br />

beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and gender orders in the<br />

Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut<br />

für Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>,<br />

S. 15-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852599 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1<strong>30</strong>1 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

1<strong>30</strong>2 Perspectives beyond war and crises? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ; conference<br />

documentation / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut für<br />

Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

124 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852597 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1<strong>30</strong>3 Brender, Adi; Gallo, Lior: The response of voluntary and<br />

involuntary female part-time workers to changes in labor-market<br />

conditions / Adi Brender and Lior Gallo. - Jerusalem: Bank of<br />

Israel, <strong>2008</strong>. - 34 S., Tab., Lit. S. 27-29 - (Discussion Paper /<br />

Research Department; <strong>2008</strong>.08)<br />

http://www.bankisrael.gov.il/deptdata/mehkar/papers/dp0808e.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 852032<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1<strong>30</strong>4 Herzog, Hanna; Sharon, Smadar; Leykin, Inna: Racism and<br />

the politics of signification : Israeli public discourse on racism<br />

towards Palestinian citizens / Hanna Herzog, Smadar Sharon<br />

and Inna Leykin. - In: Ethnic and Racial Studies (Oxford),<br />

31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 6, S. 1091-1109, Lit. S. 1108-1109<br />

ECMI D 852<strong>30</strong>5 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12<br />

1<strong>30</strong>5 Timm, Angelika: Zivilgesellschaft als Lackmustest israelischer<br />

Demokratie : Beitrag Veranstaltung "60 Jahre Israel" am<br />

14.04.<strong>2008</strong> in der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Berlin / Angelika<br />

Timm. - Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/dokumentatione<br />

n/60_Jahre_Israel/TimmRLSZivilgesellschaft.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851704<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1<strong>30</strong>6 Timm, Angelika: Zivilgesellschaft als Lackmustest israelischer<br />

Demokratie : Beitrag Veranstaltung "60 Jahre Israel" am<br />

14.04.<strong>2008</strong> in der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Berlin / Angelika<br />

Timm. - Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://www.rosalux.de/cms/fileadmin/rls_uploads/dokumentatione<br />

n/60_Jahre_Israel/TimmRLSZivilgesellschaft.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851704<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1<strong>30</strong>7 Brender, Adi; Gallo, Lior: The response of voluntary and<br />

involuntary female part-time workers to changes in labor-market<br />

conditions / Adi Brender and Lior Gallo. - Jerusalem: Bank of<br />

Israel, <strong>2008</strong>. - 34 S., Tab., Lit. S. 27-29 - (Discussion Paper /<br />

Research Department; <strong>2008</strong>.08)<br />

http://www.bankisrael.gov.il/deptdata/mehkar/papers/dp0808e.pd<br />

f<br />

GIGA D 852032<br />

RG02.<strong>16</strong> TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1<strong>30</strong>8 Regaining the initiative : Palestinian strategic options to end<br />

Israeli occupation / Palestine Strategy Study Group. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 52 S.<br />

http://www.palestinestrategygroup.ps/Regaining_the_Initiative_FI<br />

NAL_1708<strong>2008</strong>_(English).pdf<br />

SWP D 851951<br />

1<strong>30</strong>9 Roy, Sara M.: Failing peace / Sara Roy. - In: Perspectives<br />

beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and gender orders in the<br />

Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut<br />

für Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>,<br />

S. 15-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852599 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1310 Macroeconomic and fiscal framework for the West Bank<br />

and Gaza : second review of progress ; staff report for the<br />

meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee / prepared by a team<br />

comprising Oussama Kanaan ... International Monetary Fund -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/np/wbg/<strong>2008</strong>/pdf/072208.pdf<br />

SWP D 852022<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 70 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1311 Palestinian economic prospects : Aid, access and reform ;<br />

economic monitoring report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee /<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWESTBANKGAZA/Resour<br />

ces/AHLCSept15,08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852025<br />

1312 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development:<br />

Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people : Trade<br />

and Development Board: fifty-fifth session, Geneva, 15<br />

<strong>September</strong>-26 October <strong>2008</strong>, item 10 (b) of the provisional<br />

agenda / prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat. - Geneva, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- <strong>18</strong> S., Tab., Lit. - (TD/B/55/2)<br />

http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/tdb55d2_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 851758<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1313 Macroeconomic and fiscal framework for the West Bank<br />

and Gaza : second review of progress ; staff report for the<br />

meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee / prepared by a team<br />

comprising Oussama Kanaan ... International Monetary Fund -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/np/wbg/<strong>2008</strong>/pdf/072208.pdf<br />

SWP D 852022<br />

1314 Palestinian economic prospects : Aid, access and reform ;<br />

economic monitoring report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee /<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWESTBANKGAZA/Resour<br />

ces/AHLCSept15,08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852025<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1315 Berkowitz, Peter: Peaceless : Peter Berkowitz on: The much<br />

too promised land: America's elusive search for Arab-Israeli<br />

peace, by Aaron David Miller - In: Policy Review Online<br />

(Washington), (August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150, ca. 4 S.<br />

Rezension von: Miller, Aaron David: The much too promised<br />

land: America’s elusive search for Arab-Israeli peace. - New<br />

York/N.Y.: Bantam, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.hoover.org/publications/policyreview/261<strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong>4.html<br />

SWP D 852541 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

13<strong>16</strong> DeVoir, Joe: The day after Annapolis : policy scenario and<br />

options facing the Palestinian Authority / Joe DeVoir. -<br />

Jerusalem: Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S.<br />

http://www.ipcri.org/files/after-annap.pdf<br />

SWP D 851958<br />

1317 Eiland, Giora: Rethinking the two-state solution / Giora Eiland. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Washington Institute for Near East Policy,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S., Kt. - (Policy Focus / Washington Institute for Near<br />

East Policy; 88)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us88.pdf<br />

SWP D 852380<br />

13<strong>18</strong> Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

1319 Perspectives beyond war and crises? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ; conference<br />

documentation / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut für<br />

Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

124 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852597 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

1320 Regaining the initiative : Palestinian strategic options to end<br />

Israeli occupation / Palestine Strategy Study Group. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 52 S.<br />

http://www.palestinestrategygroup.ps/Regaining_the_Initiative_FI<br />

NAL_1708<strong>2008</strong>_(English).pdf<br />

SWP D 851951<br />

1321 Roy, Sara M.: Failing peace / Sara Roy. - In: Perspectives<br />

beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and gender orders in the<br />

Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut<br />

für Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>,<br />

S. 15-31, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852599 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

1322 Roy, Sara M.: The role of donor aid in the West Bank and Gaza :<br />

some reflections and recommendations / Sara Roy. -<br />

In: Perspectives beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda<br />

Seewald. Wiener Institut für Internationalen Dialog und<br />

Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>, S. 33-49, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852602 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1323 Macroeconomic and fiscal framework for the West Bank<br />

and Gaza : second review of progress ; staff report for the<br />

meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee / prepared by a team<br />

comprising Oussama Kanaan ... International Monetary Fund -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/np/wbg/<strong>2008</strong>/pdf/072208.pdf<br />

SWP D 852022<br />

1324 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

1325 Palestinian economic prospects : Aid, access and reform ;<br />

economic monitoring report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee /<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWESTBANKGAZA/Resour<br />

ces/AHLCSept15,08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852025<br />

1326 Perspectives beyond war and crises? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ; conference<br />

documentation / ed.: Magda Seewald. Wiener Institut für<br />

Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

124 S., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852597 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

1327 Roy, Sara M.: The role of donor aid in the West Bank and Gaza :<br />

some reflections and recommendations / Sara Roy. -<br />

In: Perspectives beyond war and crisis? Donor politics and<br />

gender orders in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict / ed.: Magda<br />

Seewald. Wiener Institut für Internationalen Dialog und<br />

Zusammenarbeit. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>, S. 33-49, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852602 SWP: H.08/0299<br />

1328 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development:<br />

Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people : Trade<br />

and Development Board: fifty-fifth session, Geneva, 15<br />

<strong>September</strong>-26 October <strong>2008</strong>, item 10 (b) of the provisional<br />

agenda / prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat. - Geneva, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- <strong>18</strong> S., Tab., Lit. - (TD/B/55/2)<br />

http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/tdb55d2_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 851758<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1329 Kulick, Amir: Under the microscope? The Palestinian<br />

Commission of Inquiry into the Hamas takeover of Gaza / Amir<br />

Kulick. - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv), 11 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 1, 5<br />

S.<br />

http://www.inss.org.il/publications.php?cat=21&incat=&read=195<br />

0<br />

SWP D 851723<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

13<strong>30</strong> Rafai, Ayesha al-: Political instability and nation-building :<br />

sexual violence against female teenagers in the Occupied<br />

Palestinian Territories / Ayesha al-Rafai. - In: Gender-based<br />

sexual violence against teenage girls in the Middle East / comp.<br />

by Pernilla Ouis ... Save the Children - Sweden. - Stockholm,<br />

2007, S. 69-112, Tab., Lit. S. 110-112, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-91-7321-256-4<br />

http://www.crin.org/docs/Gender_based_sexual_Violence.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851982<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 71 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1331 Macroeconomic and fiscal framework for the West Bank<br />

and Gaza : second review of progress ; staff report for the<br />

meeting of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee / prepared by a team<br />

comprising Oussama Kanaan ... International Monetary Fund -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/np/wbg/<strong>2008</strong>/pdf/072208.pdf<br />

SWP D 852022<br />

1332 Palestinian economic prospects : Aid, access and reform ;<br />

economic monitoring report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee /<br />

World Bank. - Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWESTBANKGAZA/Resour<br />

ces/AHLCSept15,08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852025<br />

RG03.01 GULF STATES<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1333 Cordesman, Anthony H.: Security challenges and threats in<br />

the Gulf : A net assessment / Anthony H. Cordesman. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 232 S., zahlr. Ill, graph. Darst., Kt. u. Tab.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/090808_gulfstrategyanalysis<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 851991<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

1334 The Gulf as a global financial centre : growing opportunities<br />

and international influence / Chatham House. - London, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

71 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. - (Chatham House Report) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-86203-204-0<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/1<strong>16</strong>92_0608gulfreport.pdf<br />

SWP D 851737<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1335 The Gulf as a global financial centre : growing opportunities<br />

and international influence / Chatham House. - London, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

71 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. - (Chatham House Report) -<br />

ISBN 978-1-86203-204-0<br />

http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/files/1<strong>16</strong>92_0608gulfreport.pdf<br />

SWP D 851737<br />

RG03.14 OMAN<br />

SH Economy<br />

1336 Hancock, Melissa: Oman : special report / Melissa Hancock. -<br />

In: Middle East Economic Digest (London), 52 (19-25<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 38, S. 29-41, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852338 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

RG03.15 SAUDI ARABIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1337 U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia: oil, anxiety, and<br />

ambivalence : hearing before the Subcommittee on the Middle<br />

East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,42 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-133)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37908.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851770 HSFK: 99.034 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1338 The Ismailis of Najran : second-class Saudi citizens / Human<br />

Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 89 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

- ISBN 1-56432-376-5<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/<strong>2008</strong>/saudiarabia0908/saudiarabia0908we<br />

b.pdf<br />

SWP D 852492<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1339 Boucek, Christopher: Saudi Arabia's "soft" counterterrorism<br />

strategy : prevention, rehabilitation, and aftercare / Christopher<br />

Boucek. - Washington/D.C. ...: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 32 S. - (Papers / Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace; No. 97) - (Middle East<br />

Program)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/cp97_boucek_saudi_fin<br />

al.pdf<br />

SWP D 852489<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1340 Yamani, Mai: Cradle of Islam : The Hijaz and the quest for an<br />

Arab identity / Mai Yamani. - reprinted - London ...: Tauris, 2006.<br />

- XIII,226 S., Gloss., Lit.S. 203-211, Lit. Hinw. S.213-226 -<br />

ISBN 1-85043-710-6<br />

GIGA D 852608 IMES: SAU-G/4 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1341 The Ismailis of Najran : second-class Saudi citizens / Human<br />

Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 89 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

- ISBN 1-56432-376-5<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/<strong>2008</strong>/saudiarabia0908/saudiarabia0908we<br />

b.pdf<br />

SWP D 852492<br />

RG03.<strong>16</strong> YEMEN<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1342 Eryani, Ishraq Ahmed al-: Development struggles versus<br />

poverty and traditions : sexual violence against female<br />

teenagers in Yemen / by research leader: Ishraq Ahmed<br />

Al-Eryani. Research team: Arwa Al-Azzi ... - In: Gender-based<br />

sexual violence against teenage girls in the Middle East / comp.<br />

by Pernilla Ouis ... Save the Children - Sweden. - Stockholm,<br />

2007, S. 114-<strong>16</strong>1, Tab., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>1, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-91-7321-256-4<br />

http://www.crin.org/docs/Gender_based_sexual_Violence.pdf<br />

GIGA D 851985<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1343 Yemen poverty assessment / The Government of Yemen, the<br />

World Bank, and the United Nations Development Program. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 2007. - Vol. 1-4<br />

Vol. 1: Main report. - 2007. - VIII,105 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,<br />

Lit.Hinw.<br />

Vol. 2: Annexes. - 2007. - 245 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.<br />

S. 213, Lit.Hinw.<br />

Vol. 3: Poverty maps. - 2007. - 87 S., zahlr. Kt.<br />

Vol. 4: Poverty profile. - 2007. - II,70 S., zahlr. Tab.<br />

http://go.worldbank.org/DZXB1DU520<br />

GIGA D 852642<br />


SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1344 Davidson, Christopher M.: Dubai: The vulnerability of success<br />

/ Christopher M. Davidson. - London: Hurst, 2007. - VIII,376 S.,<br />

Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 353-364, Lit. Hinw. S.299-351 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-85065-888-7<br />

GIGA D 852458 IMES: ARE-C/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1345 Davidson, Christopher M.: Dubai: The vulnerability of success<br />

/ Christopher M. Davidson. - London: Hurst, 2007. - VIII,376 S.,<br />

Kt., Reg., Lit. S. 353-364, Lit. Hinw. S.299-351 -<br />

ISBN 978-1-85065-888-7<br />

GIGA D 852458 IMES: ARE-C/1 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1346 Canada's engagement in Afghanistan : setting a course to<br />

2011 ; report to Parliament / Government of Canada. - Ottawa,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 26 S. - ISBN 978-0-662-05828-1<br />

http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/assets/pdfs/Af<br />

ghrep_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 852372<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 72 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1347 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1348 Can NATO survive Afghanistan? - In: Swords and<br />

Ploughshares (Champaign/Ill.), <strong>16</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-21,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.acdis.uiuc.edu/Research/S&Ps/S&P-su<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1349 Can NATO survive Afghanistan? - In: Swords and<br />

Ploughshares (Champaign/Ill.), <strong>16</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-21,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

http://www.acdis.uiuc.edu/Research/S&Ps/S&P-su<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1350 Löfflmann, Georg: Verteidigung am Hindukusch? Die<br />

Zivilmacht Deutschland und der Krieg in Afghanistan / Georg<br />

Löfflmann. - Hamburg: Diplomica-Verl., <strong>2008</strong>. - 88 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 76-88 - ISBN 978-3-8366-5772-3<br />

DGAP D 852563 DGAP: DG 47211f<br />

1351 Only a third of Canadians agree with Afghanistan mission<br />

extension / Angus Reid Global Monitor by Angus Reid<br />

Strategies. - Vancouver, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/2009.09.11_Afghan.pdf<br />

SWP D 852375<br />

1352 Testimony on security and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq :<br />

developments in U.S. strategy and operations and the way<br />

ahead / United States House Committee on Armed Services. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl.<br />

http://www.house.gov/hasc/hearing_information.shtml<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>22<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1353 Hodge, Nathan: Briefing : US Marine Corps operations in<br />

Afghanistan ; corps values / Nathan Hodge. - In: Jane's Defence<br />

Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (17 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 38, S. 22-28, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>37 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

1354 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1355 Adeney, Katharine: Constitutional design and the political<br />

salience of "community" identity in Afghanistan : prospects of the<br />

emergence of ethnic conflicts in the post-Taliban era / Katharine<br />

Adeney. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 535-557, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852692 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1356 Emadi, Hafizullah: Establishment of Afghanistan's parliament<br />

and the role of women parlamentarians : restrospect and<br />

prospects / Hafizullah Emadi. - In: Internationales Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai <strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 5-19, Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>65 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1357 Wagner, Christian: Regierungsführung in Afghanistan im<br />

regionalen Vergleich / Christian Wagner. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. - (SWP-Diskussionspapier;<br />

FG7-DP 04/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5247<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>32<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1358 Armed conflict and civilian casualties, Afghanistan : trends<br />

and developments 01 January – 31 August <strong>2008</strong> / UN<br />

Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. - Kabul, <strong>2008</strong>. - 5 S., graph.<br />

Darst.<br />

http://hsrp.typepad.com/UNAMA_armedconflictciviliancasualties_<br />

1Jan-31Aug08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852439<br />

1359 Merey, Can: Die afghanische Misere : warum der Westen am<br />

Hindukusch zu scheitern droht / Can Merey. - Weinheim: Wiley,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>30</strong>8 S., Ill., Kt., Gloss., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-527-50408-4<br />

SWP D 852427 SWP: A.08/0324<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

1360 Kaya, Katsui: Trafficking in persons in Afghanistan : field survey<br />

report / Katsui Kaya. - Geneva: International Organization for<br />

Migration, <strong>2008</strong>. - 83 S.<br />

http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/shared/shared/mainsite/activities<br />

/countries/docs/afghanistan/iom_report_trafficking_afghanistan.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 852379<br />

SF10 Law<br />

1361 Moschtaghi, Ramin: Aktuelle Probleme beim<br />

Rechtsstaatsaufbau in Afghanistan : das Gutachten des<br />

Obersten Gerichtshofes zum Misstrauensantrag des<br />

Unterhauses gegen den Außenminister / Ramin Moschtaghi. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 509-540, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851946 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1362 Emadi, Hafizullah: Establishment of Afghanistan's parliament<br />

and the role of women parlamentarians : restrospect and<br />

prospects / Hafizullah Emadi. - In: Internationales Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai <strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 5-19, Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>65 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1363 Oates, Lauryn: Taking stock update: Afghan women and girls<br />

seven years on / Lauryn Oates. Eds.: Ceri Hayes ... - London:<br />

Womankind Worldwide, <strong>2008</strong>. - 65 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 59-63, Lit. Hinw. S. 63-65<br />

http://www.womankind.org.uk/upload/Taking%20Stock%20Repor<br />

t%2068p.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852534<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1364 Adeney, Katharine: Constitutional design and the political<br />

salience of "community" identity in Afghanistan : prospects of the<br />

emergence of ethnic conflicts in the post-Taliban era / Katharine<br />

Adeney. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 535-557, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852692 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1365 Kaya, Katsui: Trafficking in persons in Afghanistan : field survey<br />

report / Katsui Kaya. - Geneva: International Organization for<br />

Migration, <strong>2008</strong>. - 83 S.<br />

http://www.iom.int/jahia/webdav/shared/shared/mainsite/activities<br />

/countries/docs/afghanistan/iom_report_trafficking_afghanistan.p<br />

df<br />

SWP D 852379<br />

SG05.02 Public opinion<br />

1366 Only a third of Canadians agree with Afghanistan mission<br />

extension / Angus Reid Global Monitor by Angus Reid<br />

Strategies. - Vancouver, <strong>2008</strong>. - 10 S., Tab.<br />

http://www.angus-reid.com/uppdf/2009.09.11_Afghan.pdf<br />

SWP D 852375<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 73 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

RG04.02 IRAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1367 Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin: Iran in world politics : The question<br />

of the Islamic Republic / Arshin Adib-Moghaddam. - 1st publ. -<br />

London: Hurst, 2007. - XI,272 S., Reg., Lit. S. 243-264, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 195-241 - ISBN 978-1-85065-903-7<br />

GIGA D 852472 IMES: IRN-A/8 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

1368 Anderlini, Sanam B.; Tirman, John: Iran-U.S.: The case for<br />

transformation / Sanam Anderlini and John Tirman. -<br />

Cambridge/Mass.: Massachusetts Institute for Technology,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Audit of Conventional Wisdom;<br />

08-12) - (PSB08-08-0546)<br />

http://web.mit.edu/cis/pdf/Audit_09_08_AnderliniTirman.pdf<br />

SWP D 851997<br />

1369 Bayramzadeh, Kamal: La politique étrangère de la France à<br />

l'égard de l'Iran / par Kamal Bayramzadeh. - In: Les Cahiers de<br />

l'Orient (Paris), (juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 91, S. 133-154, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852577 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1370 Bertram, Christoph: Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to<br />

cooperation / Christoph Bertram. - Paris: Institute for Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S. - (Chaillot Papers; No. 110)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Partner, nicht Gegner: für eine<br />

andere Iran-Politik; ein Standpunkt von Christoph Bertram. Hrsg.<br />

von Roger de Weck. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/cp110.pdf<br />

SWP D 851972 DGAP: DG B01452v<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1371 Perthes, Volker: Die Ratio des Iran : zur Interessenpolitik einer<br />

Regionalmacht / Volker Perthes. - In: Blätter für deutsche und<br />

internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 44-56, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>15 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1372 Anderlini, Sanam B.; Tirman, John: Iran-U.S.: The case for<br />

transformation / Sanam Anderlini and John Tirman. -<br />

Cambridge/Mass.: Massachusetts Institute for Technology,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Audit of Conventional Wisdom;<br />

08-12) - (PSB08-08-0546)<br />

http://web.mit.edu/cis/pdf/Audit_09_08_AnderliniTirman.pdf<br />

SWP D 851997<br />

1373 The Iran crisis: A trans-atlantic response : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,34 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-5)<br />

HSFK D 852095 HSFK: 99.105 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1374 Kay, David: The Iranian fallout / David Kay. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 11-19, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852270 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

1375 Meeting the challenge : U.S. policy toward Iranian nuclear<br />

development ; report of an independent task force / Bipartisan<br />

Policy Center. - Washingnton/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 117 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Anh.<br />

http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/8448<br />

SWP D 852336<br />

1376 Perkovich, George: Iran says "no" - now what? / George<br />

Perkovich. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Lit. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/pb63_perkovich_iran_fi<br />

nal.pdf<br />

SWP D 851998<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1377 Haghshenass, Fariborz: Iran's asymmetric naval warfare /<br />

Fariborz Haghshenass. - Washington/D.C.: Washington Institute<br />

for Near East Policy, <strong>2008</strong>. - 40 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy<br />

Focus / Washington Institute for Near East Policy; 87)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us87.pdf<br />

SWP D 851973<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1378 Albright, David; Shire, Jacqueline W.; Brannan, Paul: IAEA<br />

report on Iran: centrifuge operation significantly improving :<br />

gridlock on alleged weaponization issues / by David Albright,<br />

Jacqueline Shire, and Paul Brannan. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Institute for Science and International Security, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(ISIS Report)<br />

http://www.isis-online.org/publications/iran/ISIS_Report_Iran_15<br />

<strong>September</strong><strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852003<br />

1379 Bertram, Christoph: Rethinking Iran: from confrontation to<br />

cooperation / Christoph Bertram. - Paris: Institute for Security<br />

Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 62 S. - (Chaillot Papers; No. 110)<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Partner, nicht Gegner: für eine<br />

andere Iran-Politik; ein Standpunkt von Christoph Bertram. Hrsg.<br />

von Roger de Weck. - Hamburg: Ed. Körber-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong><br />

http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/cp110.pdf<br />

SWP D 851972 DGAP: DG B01452v<br />

1380 Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and<br />

relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions 1737<br />

(2006), 1747 (2007) and <strong>18</strong>03 (<strong>2008</strong>) in the Islamic Republic<br />

of Iran : report by the Director General ; item 9(d) of the<br />

provisional agenda (GOV/<strong>2008</strong>/33) / International Atomic<br />

Energy Agency, Board of Governors. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. -<br />

(GOV/<strong>2008</strong>/38)<br />

http://www.isis-online.org/publications/iran/IAEA_Iran_Report_15<br />

<strong>September</strong><strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852006<br />

1381 Meeting the challenge : U.S. policy toward Iranian nuclear<br />

development ; report of an independent task force / Bipartisan<br />

Policy Center. - Washingnton/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 117 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Kt., Tab., Anh.<br />

http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/8448<br />

SWP D 852336<br />

1382 Perkovich, George: Iran says "no" - now what? / George<br />

Perkovich. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for<br />

International Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Lit. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie<br />

Endowment for International Peace)<br />

http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/pb63_perkovich_iran_fi<br />

nal.pdf<br />

SWP D 851998<br />

SC06 Military capacity<br />

1383 Kay, David: The Iranian fallout / David Kay. - In: The National<br />

Interest (Washington/D.C.), (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97,<br />

S. 11-19, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852270 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

1384 Haghshenass, Fariborz: Iran's asymmetric naval warfare /<br />

Fariborz Haghshenass. - Washington/D.C.: Washington Institute<br />

for Near East Policy, <strong>2008</strong>. - 40 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy<br />

Focus / Washington Institute for Near East Policy; 87)<br />

http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/download.php?file=PolicyFoc<br />

us87.pdf<br />

SWP D 851973<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1385 Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin: Iran in world politics : The question<br />

of the Islamic Republic / Arshin Adib-Moghaddam. - 1st publ. -<br />

London: Hurst, 2007. - XI,272 S., Reg., Lit. S. 243-264, Lit. Hinw.<br />

S. 195-241 - ISBN 978-1-85065-903-7<br />

GIGA D 852472 IMES: IRN-A/8 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1386 The Iran crisis: A trans-atlantic response : hearing before the<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, United<br />

States Congress, 109th Congress, 1st Session, June 9, 2005 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006. -<br />

III,34 S. - (Hearing / Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe ; CSCE 109-1-5)<br />

HSFK D 852095 HSFK: 99.105 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 74 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF10 Law<br />

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1387 Abghari, Adineh: Introduction to the Iran legal system and the<br />

protection of human rights in Iran / Adineh Abghari. - London:<br />

British Institute of International and Comparative Law, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

286 S., Tab. - ISBN 978-1-905221-37-0<br />

DGAP D 852785 DGAP: DG 47<strong>30</strong>5<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1388 Middle East : Iran - In: Petroleum Economist (London),<br />

75 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 4-7, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>57 SWP: Y. <strong>30</strong>3 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RG04.03 PAKISTAN<br />

SA03 Politics<br />

1389 Wagner, Christian; Wilke, Boris: Pakistan nach Musharraf:<br />

Beginn der Ära Zardari? / Christian Wagner ; Boris Wilke. - Berlin:<br />

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell;<br />

70/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5288<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1390 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1391 Bruno, Greg; Bajoria, Jayshree: U.S-Pakistan military<br />

cooperation / Greg Bruno ; Jayshree Bajoria. - New York/N.Y.,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 5 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/<strong>16</strong>644/troubled_pakistan_alliance.h<br />

tml<br />

SWP D 852696<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1392 Pakistan: democracy, development and security issues / ed.<br />

by Veena Kukreja, M. P. Singh. - New Delhi ...: Sage<br />

Publications, 2005. - <strong>30</strong>1 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 0-7619-34<strong>16</strong>-2<br />

GIGA D 852580 IMES: PAK-H/10 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1393 Combating terrorism: increased oversight and<br />

accountability needed over Pakistan reimbursement claims<br />

for Coalition Support Funds : report to Congressional<br />

requesters / United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,41 S. - (GAO-08-806)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08806.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852063 HSFK: 99.148 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

1394 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1395 Wagner, Christian; Wilke, Boris: Pakistan nach Musharraf:<br />

Beginn der Ära Zardari? / Christian Wagner ; Boris Wilke. - Berlin:<br />

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell;<br />

70/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5288<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1396 Voice and votes : does political decentralisation work for the<br />

poor and for women? Empirical evidence from the 2005 local<br />

government elections in Pakistan / Regina Birner ... - In: The<br />

Pakistan Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4:<br />

Papers and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual<br />

General Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society of<br />

Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1345-1360, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1359-1360, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852376 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1397 Pakistan: democracy, development and security issues / ed.<br />

by Veena Kukreja, M. P. Singh. - New Delhi ...: Sage<br />

Publications, 2005. - <strong>30</strong>1 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 0-7619-34<strong>16</strong>-2<br />

GIGA D 852580 IMES: PAK-H/10 Öff.StaO: H 371<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1398 Political crises in South Asia: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri<br />

Lanka and Nepal : hearing before the Subcommittee on the<br />

Middle East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

August 1, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,52 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-132)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37067.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851773 HSFK: 99.119 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1399 Combating terrorism: increased oversight and<br />

accountability needed over Pakistan reimbursement claims<br />

for Coalition Support Funds : report to Congressional<br />

requesters / United States Government Accountability Office. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: GAO, <strong>2008</strong>. - II,41 S. - (GAO-08-806)<br />

http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d08806.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852063 HSFK: 99.148 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

1400 Cyan, Musharraf Rasool: Main issues for setting the civil<br />

service reform agenda in Pakistan / Musharraf Rasool Cyan. - In:<br />

The Pakistan Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter<br />

2006) 4: Papers and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second<br />

Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society<br />

of Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1241-1254, Lit. S. 1254, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852332 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1401 Ghayur, Adeel: Towards good governance : developing an<br />

e-government / Adeel Ghayur. - In: The Pakistan Development<br />

Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4: Papers and<br />

proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual General Meeting<br />

and Conference of the Pakistan Society of Development<br />

Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006, S. 1011-1025,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 1024-1025, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852255 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1402 Khurshid, Anjum: Public policy, training, and civil service<br />

reform / Anjum Khurshid. - In: The Pakistan Development<br />

Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4: Papers and<br />

proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual General Meeting<br />

and Conference of the Pakistan Society of Development<br />

Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006, S. 1227-1239,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852320 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1403 Perception survey of civil servants : A preliminary report /<br />

Nadeem Ul Haque ... - In: The Pakistan Development Review<br />

(Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4: Papers and proceedings,<br />

pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual General Meeting and<br />

Conference of the Pakistan Society of Development Economists,<br />

Lahore, December 19-22, 2006, S. 1199-1226, Tab.<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>30</strong>3 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 75 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord<br />

1404 Voice and votes : does political decentralisation work for the<br />

poor and for women? Empirical evidence from the 2005 local<br />

government elections in Pakistan / Regina Birner ... - In: The<br />

Pakistan Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4:<br />

Papers and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual<br />

General Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society of<br />

Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1345-1360, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1359-1360, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852376 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

1405 Shah, Farzana Altaf: Moving mountains : The story of debris<br />

removal from the earthquake-hit city of Muzaffarabad, Pakistan /<br />

Farzana Altaf Shah. Ed.: Anjali Sen Gupta. - Islamabad:<br />

Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority, ca.<br />

2007. - 11 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.erra.gov.pk/Reports/KMC/CaseStudies/Environment.<br />

pdf<br />

GIGA D 852615<br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

1406 Kirk, Jackie: Building back better : post-earthquake responses<br />

and educational challenges in Pakistan / Jackie Kirk. - Paris:<br />

International Institute for Educational Planning ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 211 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 199-208, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-92-803-1317-8<br />

http://www.unesco.org/iiep/PDF/pubs/<strong>2008</strong>/Pakistan.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852526<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy<br />

1407 Pakistan: infrastructure implementation capacity<br />

assessment (PIICA) / South Asia Sustainable Development<br />

Unit (SASSD), South Asia Region, the World Bank. Amer Zafar<br />

Durrani ... - Washington/D.C., 2007. - XVII,96 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Report / International Bank for<br />

Reconstruction and Development; No. 4<strong>16</strong><strong>30</strong>-PK) - (Document<br />

of the World Bank)<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/SOUTHASIAEXT/Resources/<br />

Publications/448813-1202436<strong>18</strong>5914/PIICfull.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852713<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

1408 Hussain, Akmal: Participatory development praxis : A case<br />

study from Pakistan's Punjab / Akmal Hussain. - In: The<br />

Pakistan Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4:<br />

Papers and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual<br />

General Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society of<br />

Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1361-1372, Tab., Lit. S. 1372, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852393 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1409 Gardezi, Syed Zaheer Hussain: Fountains of life : rebuilding<br />

water and sanitation systems in earthquake-affected areas in<br />

Pakistan / Syed Zaheer Hussain Gardezi. Ed.: Anjali Sen Gupta.<br />

- Islamabad: Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation<br />

Authority, ca. 2007. - 15 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.erra.gov.pk/Reports/KMC/CaseStudies/WATSAN.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852592<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1410 Khan, Noor P.; Akhtar, Javed: Competitiveness and policy<br />

analysis of potato production in different agro-ecological zones<br />

of Northern Areas : implications for food security and poverty<br />

alleviation / Noor P. Khan and Javed Akhtar. - In: The Pakistan<br />

Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4: Papers<br />

and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual General<br />

Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society of<br />

Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1137-1154, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1153-1154, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852258 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

1411 Khan, Mohammad Rafiq: Banning two-stroke auto-rickshaws<br />

in Lahore : policy implications / Mohammad Rafiq Khan. - In: The<br />

Pakistan Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4:<br />

Papers and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual<br />

General Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society of<br />

Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1<strong>16</strong>9-1<strong>18</strong>5, Tab., Lit. S. 1<strong>18</strong>3-1<strong>18</strong>5, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>30</strong>0 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

1412 Ghayur, Adeel: Towards good governance : developing an<br />

e-government / Adeel Ghayur. - In: The Pakistan Development<br />

Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4: Papers and<br />

proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual General Meeting<br />

and Conference of the Pakistan Society of Development<br />

Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006, S. 1011-1025,<br />

graph. Darst., Lit. S. 1024-1025, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852255 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SJ Environment / Nature<br />

1413 Gardezi, Syed Zaheer Hussain: Fountains of life : rebuilding<br />

water and sanitation systems in earthquake-affected areas in<br />

Pakistan / Syed Zaheer Hussain Gardezi. Ed.: Anjali Sen Gupta.<br />

- Islamabad: Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation<br />

Authority, ca. 2007. - 15 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.erra.gov.pk/Reports/KMC/CaseStudies/WATSAN.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852592<br />

1414 Kirk, Jackie: Building back better : post-earthquake responses<br />

and educational challenges in Pakistan / Jackie Kirk. - Paris:<br />

International Institute for Educational Planning ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 211 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 199-208, Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-92-803-1317-8<br />

http://www.unesco.org/iiep/PDF/pubs/<strong>2008</strong>/Pakistan.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852526<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1415 Khan, Mohammad Rafiq: Banning two-stroke auto-rickshaws<br />

in Lahore : policy implications / Mohammad Rafiq Khan. - In: The<br />

Pakistan Development Review (Islamabad), 45 (Winter 2006) 4:<br />

Papers and proceedings, pts. I-II: Twenty-second Annual<br />

General Meeting and Conference of the Pakistan Society of<br />

Development Economists, Lahore, December 19-22, 2006,<br />

S. 1<strong>16</strong>9-1<strong>18</strong>5, Tab., Lit. S. 1<strong>18</strong>3-1<strong>18</strong>5, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852<strong>30</strong>0 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

14<strong>16</strong> Shah, Farzana Altaf: Moving mountains : The story of debris<br />

removal from the earthquake-hit city of Muzaffarabad, Pakistan /<br />

Farzana Altaf Shah. Ed.: Anjali Sen Gupta. - Islamabad:<br />

Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority, ca.<br />

2007. - 11 S., Ill.<br />

http://www.erra.gov.pk/Reports/KMC/CaseStudies/Environment.<br />

pdf<br />

GIGA D 852615<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 76 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RH01.01 APEC<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />


1417 APEC 2007: Advancing U.S. exports to the Asia-Pacific<br />

region : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific,<br />

and the Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 25, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,49 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-143)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37970.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851913 HSFK: 99.015 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 77 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


L'OUEST)<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

14<strong>18</strong> America's role in Asia: Asian and American views :<br />

recommendations for U.S. policy from both sides of the Pacific /<br />

The Asia Foundation. - San Francisco/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 321 S. -<br />

ISBN 1-892325-08-X<br />

http://www.asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/AmericasRoleinAsi<br />

a<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852382<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1419 America's alliances and the next administration : next<br />

generation thinking about U.S. strategy toward East Asia / ed. by<br />

Brad Glosserman. Pacific Forum CSIS, Young Leaders. -<br />

Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol. 8, No.<br />

14)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n14.pdf<br />

SWP D 852407<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1420 Shafaeddin, Mehdi: South-south regionalism and trade<br />

cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region / by Mehdi Shafaeddin. -<br />

Colombo: UNDP Regional Centre, <strong>2008</strong>. - 104 S. - (Policy<br />

Paper)<br />

http://www2.undprcc.lk/Publications/TRADE/UNDP_South_South<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>37<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1421 Global commodity price rises and impacts on developing<br />

Asia - In: Asian Development Outlook: Update (Manila), (<strong>2008</strong>),<br />

S. 46-110 (Pt. 2)<br />

http://www.adb.org/Documents/Books/ADO/<strong>2008</strong>/Update/ado200<br />

8-update.pdf<br />

SWP D 852429 SWP: V. 466. Upd. Öff.StaO: 38<br />

1422 Shafaeddin, Mehdi: South-south regionalism and trade<br />

cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region / by Mehdi Shafaeddin. -<br />

Colombo: UNDP Regional Centre, <strong>2008</strong>. - 104 S. - (Policy<br />

Paper)<br />

http://www2.undprcc.lk/Publications/TRADE/UNDP_South_South<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>37<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1423 Feeny, Simon; Clarke, Matthew: Achieving the millennium<br />

development goals in the Asia-Pacific region : The role of<br />

international assistance / Simon Feeny and Matthew Clarke. - In:<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 198-212<br />

GIGA D 852056 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1424 [Transnational families] - In: International Migration (Geneva),<br />

46 (<strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 3-209, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851919 SWP: X. 878 IFA: Z-NL136 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1425 Global commodity price rises and impacts on developing<br />

Asia - In: Asian Development Outlook: Update (Manila), (<strong>2008</strong>),<br />

S. 46-110 (Pt. 2)<br />

http://www.adb.org/Documents/Books/ADO/<strong>2008</strong>/Update/ado200<br />

8-update.pdf<br />

SWP D 852429 SWP: V. 466. Upd. Öff.StaO: 38<br />

1426 Loretan, Mico; Wooldridge, Philip D.: The development of<br />

money markets in Asia / Mico Loretan ; Philip Wooldridge. -<br />

In: BIS Quarterly Review (Basel), (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>), S. 39-51,<br />

garph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50-51<br />

SWP D 852364 SWP: Y. 778<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1427 A regional overview of South Asia : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on on the Middle East and South Asia of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, March 7, 2007 - Washington/D.C.:<br />

U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. - III,35 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-20)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/33822.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851796 HSFK: 99.033 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1428 Wagner, Christian: Regierungsführung in Afghanistan im<br />

regionalen Vergleich / Christian Wagner. - Berlin: Stiftung<br />

Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. - (SWP-Diskussionspapier;<br />

FG7-DP 04/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5247<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>32<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1429 Political crises in South Asia: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri<br />

Lanka and Nepal : hearing before the Subcommittee on the<br />

Middle East and South Asia of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

August 1, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,52 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

(United States / House); No. 110-132)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37067.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851773 HSFK: 99.119 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

14<strong>30</strong> Muhammad, Ayaz; Sheikh, Saijad Ahmed: South Asia :<br />

poverty reduction through social inclusion / Ayaz Muhammad,<br />

Sajjad Ahmed Sheikh. - In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies<br />

(Kirtipur), 34 (July 2007) 2, S. <strong>30</strong>3-314, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852465 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.13 INDIA<br />

SA01 General studies / Area studies<br />

1431 Dhume, Sadanand: India's Olympic reality check / by Sadanand<br />

Dhume. - In: Far Eastern Economic Review (Hongkong),<br />

171 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 36-40, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851735 SWP: X. 51 OSI: Zs 694 DGAP: ZD 89 BICC: BZ FEER<br />

DIE: 01ZA003 IAS: 3/5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1432 Blank, Stephen J.: Moscow's strategic triangle in a time of<br />

transition / Stephen Blank. - In: The Journal of East Asian Affairs<br />

(Seoul), 22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-144, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851790 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1433 Kronstadt, K. Alan: India-U.S. relations : updated August 12,<br />

<strong>2008</strong> / K. Alan Kronstadt. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional<br />

Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. - 78 S. - (CRS Report for Congress;<br />

RL33529) - (RL33529)<br />

http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/109486.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>19<br />

1434 Kumaraswamy, P. R.: Realism replacing rhetoric : factors<br />

shaping India's Middle East policy / P. R. Kumaraswamy. - In:<br />

The Round Table (Abingdon), 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397, S. 575-587,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851768 DGAP: ZD 269 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 78 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1435 Agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation with India :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session,<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong> / Chris Dodd ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl. - (Hearing / United States<br />

Senate; <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/<strong>2008</strong>/hrg0809<strong>18</strong>p.html<br />

SWP D 852711<br />

1436 Pan, Esther; Bajoria, Jayshree: The U.S.-India nuclear deal /<br />

Esther Pan ; Jayshree Bajoria. - New York/N.Y.: Council on<br />

Foreign Relations, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/9663/usindia_nuclear_deal.html?br<br />

eadcrumb=%2F<br />

SWP D 852707<br />

SD International economy<br />

1437 Rosales, Osvaldo; Kuwayama, Mikio: Latin America meets<br />

China and India : prospects and challenges for trade and<br />

investment / Osvaldo Rosales ; Mikio Kuwayama. - In: CEPAL<br />

Review (Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 81-103,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 103<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/6/32796/RVI93RosalesK<br />

uwayama.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852780 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

1438 Lederman, Daniel; Olarreaga, Marcelo; Rubiano, Eliana:<br />

Trade specialization in Latin America : The impact of China and<br />

India / Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga, and Eliana<br />

Rubiano. - In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg),<br />

144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 248-271, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 271<br />

DIE D 8525<strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

1439 Strengthening MENA's trade and investment links with<br />

China and India / The World Bank, Social and Economic<br />

Development Group, Middle East and North Africa Region. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 132 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMENA/Resources/MENA_<br />

China_India_Sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852357<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1440 Nooruddin, Irfan; Chhibber, Pradeep: Unstable politics :<br />

Fiscal space and electoral volatility in the Indian states / Irfan<br />

Nooruddin and Pradreep Chhibber. - In: Comparative Political<br />

Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 1069-1091<br />

DIE D 852078 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1441 Swami, Praveen: The well-tempered jihad : The politics and<br />

practice of post-2002 Islamist terrorism in India / Praveen Swami.<br />

- In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. <strong>30</strong>3-322<br />

SWP D 851725 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1442 Bornstein, Erica: Harmonic dissonance : reflections on dwelling<br />

in the field / Erica Bornstein. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm),<br />

72 (December 2007) 4, S. 483-508, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852667 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1443 [Current statistics] / EPW Research Foundation. -<br />

In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 43 (August <strong>16</strong>,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 33, S. 78-82, graph. Darst., Tab. -- Enthält: Current<br />

statistics . - S. 78-80 -- Money, G-secs and Forex markets, long<br />

term yield rates move up. - S. 81-82<br />

http://epw.in/epw/user/userindex.jsp<br />

GIGA D 85<strong>16</strong>69 SWP: Y. 1092 Öff.StaO: 46<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

1444 Gey, Peter: Indien: Wachstumsschwäche und Inflation - Ist der<br />

Boom zu Ende? / Peter Gey. - Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 5 S. - (Kurzberichte aus der internationalen<br />

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik; <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/05708.pdf<br />

SWP D 8524<strong>30</strong><br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1445 Wojczewski, Thorsten; Hanif, Melanie: Indiens neue<br />

Energiepolitik und ihre geostrategische Bedeutung / Thorsten<br />

Wojczewski und Melanie Hanif. - Hamburg: GIGA German<br />

Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institut für Asienstudien,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 7 S., Lit. - (GIGA Focus Asien; (<strong>2008</strong>) 9)<br />

http://www.giga-hamburg.de/dl/download.php?d=/content/publika<br />

tionen/pdf/gf_asien_0809.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852041<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1446 Jones, J. Howard M.: Informal finance and rural finance policy<br />

in India : historical and contemporary perspectives / J. Howard M.<br />

Jones. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 269-285<br />

SWP D 851722 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1447 Jones, J. Howard M.: Informal finance and rural finance policy<br />

in India : historical and contemporary perspectives / J. Howard M.<br />

Jones. - In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon),<br />

<strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 269-285<br />

SWP D 851722 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH10 Public finance<br />

1448 Nooruddin, Irfan; Chhibber, Pradeep: Unstable politics :<br />

Fiscal space and electoral volatility in the Indian states / Irfan<br />

Nooruddin and Pradreep Chhibber. - In: Comparative Political<br />

Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8,<br />

S. 1069-1091<br />

DIE D 852078 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /<br />

relations<br />

1449 Agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation with India :<br />

hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United<br />

States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session,<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong> / Chris Dodd ... -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl. - (Hearing / United States<br />

Senate; <strong>September</strong> <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://foreign.senate.gov/hearings/<strong>2008</strong>/hrg0809<strong>18</strong>p.html<br />

SWP D 852711<br />

1450 Pan, Esther; Bajoria, Jayshree: The U.S.-India nuclear deal /<br />

Esther Pan ; Jayshree Bajoria. - New York/N.Y.: Council on<br />

Foreign Relations, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 6 S. - (Backgrounder)<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/9663/usindia_nuclear_deal.html?br<br />

eadcrumb=%2F<br />

SWP D 852707<br />

RI01.15 NEPAL<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1451 Hachhethu, Krishna: Political leadership in Nepal : image,<br />

environment and composition / Krishna Hachhethu. -<br />

In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (January<br />

2007) 1, S. 25-43, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852445 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1452 Waiting for justice: unpunished crimes from Nepal's armed<br />

conflict / Human Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 122 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/<strong>2008</strong>/nepal0908/nepal0908web.pdf<br />

SWP D 852433<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 79 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1453 Adhikari, Damodar: Reengineering of local governance in the<br />

post-conflict situation in Nepal / Damodar Adhikari. -<br />

In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (July 2007) 2,<br />

S. 139-<strong>16</strong>3, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852448 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1454 Waiting for justice: unpunished crimes from Nepal's armed<br />

conflict / Human Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 122 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://hrw.org/reports/<strong>2008</strong>/nepal0908/nepal0908web.pdf<br />

SWP D 852433<br />

SG Society<br />

1455 Bhatta, Chandra D.: Civil society in Nepal : in search of reality /<br />

Chandra A. Bhatta. - In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies<br />

(Kirtipur), 34 (January 2007) 1, S. 45-57, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852446 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1456 Pokharel, Binod: Contest for political space : A case from<br />

community development programme in Nepal / Binod Pokharel.<br />

- In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (July 2007)<br />

2, S. 251-275, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852460 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.01 Demography<br />

1457 Pickering, Apryle; McKay, Kimber Haddix: Old and new<br />

barriers to family planning in Humla, Nepal : how the urban/rural<br />

divide has widened / Apryle Pickering, Kimber Haddix McKay. -<br />

In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (January<br />

2007) 1, S. 10-24, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852442 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1458 Niroula, Ghanashyam: The situation of violence against<br />

women in refugee camps / Ghanashyam Niroula. -<br />

In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (January<br />

2007) 1, S. 77-94, Tab., Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852447 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1459 Edingo, Dilli Bikram: A pragmatic glimpse at Limbu Mundhum /<br />

Dilli Bikram Edingo. - In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies<br />

(Kirtipur), 34 (July 2007) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>5-<strong>18</strong>2, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852450 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1460 Russell, Andrew: Writing traveling cultures : travel and<br />

ethnography amongst the Yakkha of East Nepal / Andrew<br />

Russell. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (<strong>September</strong> 2007) 3,<br />

S. 361-382, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852639 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1461 Dhakal, Suresh: Haruwa, the unfree agricultural labourer : A<br />

case study from eastern Tarai / Suresh Dhakal. -<br />

In: Contributions to Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (July 2007) 2,<br />

S. 277-<strong>30</strong>1, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852463 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1462 Uprety, Laya Prasad: Role of cognitive social capital in<br />

sustainable irrigation management : some observations from<br />

western Terai, Nepal / Laya Prasad Uprety. - In: Contributions to<br />

Nepalese Studies (Kirtipur), 34 (July 2007) 2, S. <strong>18</strong>3-219, Tab.,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852453 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI01.<strong>16</strong> SRI LANKA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1463 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

1464 Sadeqyar, Humaira: Youth as agents for change : A<br />

documentation of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's youth programs<br />

in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka / Humaira Sadeqyar. -<br />

Kabul: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Afghanistan Office, 2007. - 43 S.,<br />

Ill.<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kabul/05103.pdf<br />

IFA D 852451 IFA: Cb28/461 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1465 Natali, Cristiana: Building cemetries, constructing identities :<br />

funerary practices and nationalist discourse among the Tamil<br />

Tigers of Sri Lanka / Cristiana Natali. - In: Contemporary South<br />

Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 287-<strong>30</strong>1, Ill., Tab.<br />

SWP D 851724 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ Environment / Nature<br />

1466 Sarvananthan, Muttukrishna; Sanjeewanie, H. M. P.:<br />

Recovering from the tsunami : people's experiences in Sri Lanka<br />

/ Muttukrishna Sarvananthan and H. M. P. Sanjeewanie. -<br />

In: Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon), <strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 339-351, Tab.<br />

SWP D 851728 SWP: X. 766 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1467 Dalpino, Catharin E.: New power dynamics in Southeast Asia :<br />

A report of a Stanley Foundation Project on examining US<br />

relations with Southeast Asia / by Catharin E. Dalpino. -<br />

Muscatine/Iowa: Stanley Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 35 S.<br />

http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/report/NPDinSEA9<br />

08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852438<br />

1468 New power dynamics in Southeast Asia : next generation<br />

thinking about U.S. strategy toward East Asia / ed. by Brad<br />

Glosserman. Pacific Forum CSIS, Young Leaders. -<br />

Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>18</strong> S. - (Issues and Insights)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n15.pdf<br />

SWP D 8524<strong>18</strong><br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1469 Warimann, H. B.: Non-conventional threats and defence<br />

diplomacy keeps FPDA relevant / by H. B. Warimann. - In: Asian<br />

Defence Journal (Kuala Lumpur), (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) [7-8],<br />

S. 4-8, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852339 SWP: Y. 1039 DGAP: ZD 53 IAS: 3/771 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1470 Ufen, Andreas: Political party and party system<br />

institutionalization in Southeast Asia : lessons for democratic<br />

consolidation in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand /<br />

Andreas Ufen. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (July <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 327-350, Tab., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852091 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic<br />

policy<br />

1471 Andriesse, Edo; Van Helvoirt, Bram: Institutional frameworks<br />

and economic activity : A comparative analysis of regional<br />

economies in Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines / Edo<br />

Andriesse and Bram van Helvoirt. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 254-269<br />

GIGA D 852064 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 80 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SB01 International relations / process<br />

1472 Manea, Maria-Gabriela: Human rights and the interregional<br />

dialogue between Asia and Europe : ASEAN-EU relations and<br />

ASEM / Maria-Gabriela Manea. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 369-396, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852094 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1473 Chau, Andrew: Security community and Southeast Asia :<br />

Australia, the U.S., and ASEAN's counter-terror strategy /<br />

Andrew Chau. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 626-649, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852702 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

1474 Chit, Myint Moe: Exchange rate volatility and exports : evidence<br />

from the ASEAN-China free trade area / Myint Moe Chit. -<br />

In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 261-277<br />

GIGA D 852068 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1475 How (and why) the United States should help to build the<br />

ASEAN Economic Community / by Michael G. Plummer with<br />

responses by Scot A. Marciel ... East-West Center<br />

(Honolulu/Haw.) - Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Tab.<br />

http://www.eastwestcenter.org/fileadmin/stored/pdfs/dialogue002<br />

.pdf<br />

SWP D 852426<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1476 Chit, Myint Moe: Exchange rate volatility and exports : evidence<br />

from the ASEAN-China free trade area / Myint Moe Chit. -<br />

In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 261-277<br />

GIGA D 852068 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

1477 Manea, Maria-Gabriela: Human rights and the interregional<br />

dialogue between Asia and Europe : ASEAN-EU relations and<br />

ASEM / Maria-Gabriela Manea. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford),<br />

21 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 369-396, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852094 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1478 Chau, Andrew: Security community and Southeast Asia :<br />

Australia, the U.S., and ASEAN's counter-terror strategy /<br />

Andrew Chau. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 626-649, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852702 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RI02.12 INDONESIA<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1479 Gibson, Christopher; Woolcock, Michael: Empowerment,<br />

deliberative development, and local-level politics in Indonesia :<br />

participatory projects as a source of countervailing power /<br />

Christopher Gibson ; Michael Woolcock. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 151-<strong>18</strong>0, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 177-<strong>18</strong>0<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>89 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1480 Suhelmi, Ahmad: Muslim responses to the communist revival in<br />

Indonesian politics / Ahmad Suhelmi. - In: Studia Islamika<br />

(Jakarta), 14 (2007) 2, S. 285-<strong>30</strong>8, Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852483 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1481 Kitley, Philip: In court with the Indonesian broadcasting<br />

commission : old battles and new identities in the context of<br />

reform / Philip Kitley. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 351-367, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852093 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1482 Hilmy, Masdar: Partai Keadilan Sejahtera : A<br />

Mawdudian-meliorist vision of Islamism in post-new order<br />

Indonesia / Masdar Hilmy. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta),<br />

14 (2007) 1, S. 1-45, Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852468 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1483 Gibson, Christopher; Woolcock, Michael: Empowerment,<br />

deliberative development, and local-level politics in Indonesia :<br />

participatory projects as a source of countervailing power /<br />

Christopher Gibson ; Michael Woolcock. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 151-<strong>18</strong>0, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 177-<strong>18</strong>0<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>89 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

1484 Indonesia: pre-election anxieties in Aceh / International<br />

Crisis Group. - Jakarta ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>16</strong> S. - (ICG Asia Briefing; N°<br />

81) - (ICG Update Briefing)<br />

http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_east_asi<br />

a/b81_indonesia___pre_election_anxieties_in_aceh.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>25 DGAP: DG B01452n<br />

SF10 Law<br />

1485 Lukito, Ratno: Shari'ah and the politics of pluralism in Indonsia /<br />

Ratno Lukito. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta), 14 (2007) 2,<br />

S. 265-284, Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852480 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1486 Nurlaelawati, Euis: Change and continuity : The Kompilasi and<br />

Indonesian Islamic courts / Euis Nurlaelawati. - In: Studia<br />

Islamika (Jakarta), 14 (2007) 1, S. 85-112, Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852474 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1487 Telle, Kari G.: Entangled biographies : rebuilding a Sasak<br />

house / Kari Telle. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (June 2007) 2,<br />

S. 195-2<strong>18</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852562 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1488 Tsintjilonis, Dimitri: The death-bearing senses in Tana Toraja /<br />

Dimitri Tsintjilonis. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm), 72 (June 2007) 2,<br />

S. 174-194, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852561 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1489 Kitley, Philip: In court with the Indonesian broadcasting<br />

commission : old battles and new identities in the context of<br />

reform / Philip Kitley. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (July<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 351-367, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852093 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1490 Juhannis, Hamdan: Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariet<br />

Islam : A South Sulawesi formalist Islamic movement / Hamdan<br />

Juhannis. - In: Studia Islamika (Jakarta), 14 (2007) 1, S. 47-84,<br />

Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852471 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1491 Montlake, Simon: Indonesia stumbles over faith pluralism / by<br />

Simon Montlake. - In: Far Eastern Economic Review<br />

(Hongkong), 171 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 15-<strong>18</strong><br />

SWP D 851732 SWP: X. 51 OSI: Zs 694 DGAP: ZD 89 BICC: BZ FEER<br />

DIE: 01ZA003 IAS: 3/5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1492 Rohman, Izza: New approaches in interpreting the Qur'an in<br />

contemporary Indonesia / Izza Rohman. - In: Studia Islamika<br />

(Jakarta), 14 (2007) 1, S. 203-264, Lit.<br />

NIAS D 852476 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 81 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI02.13 MALAYSIA<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1493 Knirsch, Thomas S.; Reher, Stefanie: Die Parlamentswahlen<br />

in Malaysia : Wandel gegen Tradition. Mit unbekannten<br />

Variablen. / Thomas Knirsch and Stefanie Reher. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9,<br />

S. 120-143, graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852706 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1494 Murphy, Colum: Anwar liberates Malaysian politics / by Colum<br />

Murphy. - In: Far Eastern Economic Review (Hongkong),<br />

171 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 6-10, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851731 SWP: X. 51 OSI: Zs 694 DGAP: ZD 89 BICC: BZ FEER<br />

DIE: 01ZA003 IAS: 3/5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

1495 Chua, Liana: Fixity and flux : Bidayuh (dis)engagements with<br />

the Malaysian ethnic systems / Liana Chua. - In: Ethnos<br />

(Stockholm), 72 (June 2007) 2, S. 262-288, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852572 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

1496 McGregor, Andrew; Swainson, Luke: Compensating for<br />

development : Orang Asli experiences of Malaysia's Sungai<br />

Selangor dam / Luke Swainson and Andrew McGregor. - In: Asia<br />

Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 155-<strong>16</strong>7<br />

GIGA D 852051 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1497 McGregor, Andrew; Swainson, Luke: Compensating for<br />

development : Orang Asli experiences of Malaysia's Sungai<br />

Selangor dam / Luke Swainson and Andrew McGregor. - In: Asia<br />

Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 155-<strong>16</strong>7<br />

GIGA D 852051 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1498 Fischer, Johan: Boycott or buycott? Malay middle-class<br />

consumption post-9/11 / Johan Fischer. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm),<br />

72 (March 2007) 1, S. 29-50, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852550 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RI02.15 SINGAPORE<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1499 Restall, Hugo: Pressure builds on Singapore's system / by<br />

Hugo Restall. - In: Far Eastern Economic Review (Hongkong),<br />

171 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 19-22<br />

SWP D 851733 SWP: X. 51 OSI: Zs 694 DGAP: ZD 89 BICC: BZ FEER<br />

DIE: 01ZA003 IAS: 3/5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1500 Chan, Kenneth K. L.: Gay sexuality in Singaporean Chinese<br />

popular culture : Where have all the boys gone? / Kenneth Chan.<br />

- In: China Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue<br />

on gender and sexuality, S. <strong>30</strong>5-329, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852115 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1501 Chan, Kenneth K. L.: Gay sexuality in Singaporean Chinese<br />

popular culture : Where have all the boys gone? / Kenneth Chan.<br />

- In: China Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue<br />

on gender and sexuality, S. <strong>30</strong>5-329, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852115 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1502 Singapore: selected issues / prepared by Leif Eskesen ... and<br />

Roberto Guimaraes-Filho, Elena Loukoianova and Miguel<br />

Segoviano - Washington/D.C.: International Monetary Fund,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 34 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IMF Country<br />

Report; No. 08/281)<br />

http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/scr/<strong>2008</strong>/cr08281.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>35<br />

RI02.<strong>16</strong> THAILAND<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1503 Chanlett-Avery, Emma: Thailand: background and U.S.<br />

relations : updated July 24, <strong>2008</strong> / Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32593) - (RL32593)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL32593_<strong>2008</strong>0724.pdf<br />

SWP D 852437<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

1504 Chanlett-Avery, Emma: Thailand: background and U.S.<br />

relations : updated July 24, <strong>2008</strong> / Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

19 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL32593) - (RL32593)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL32593_<strong>2008</strong>0724.pdf<br />

SWP D 852437<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1505 Bajoria, Jayshree; Zissis, Carin: The Muslim insurgency in<br />

Southern Thailand : updated: <strong>September</strong> 10, <strong>2008</strong> / Jayshree<br />

Bajoria, staff writer ; Carin Zissis. - New York/N.Y.: Council on<br />

Foreign Relations, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 6 S.<br />

http://www.cfr.org/publication/12531/muslim_insurgency_in_sout<br />

hern_thailand.html?breadcrumb=%2F<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>24<br />

1506 Rodić, Vesna: Thailand in der Krise : der Kampf um Macht, Geld<br />

und Demokratie / Vesna Rodić. - Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. - (Kurzberichte aus der internationalen<br />

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik; <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/05704.pdf<br />

SWP D 852370<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1507 Sakdapolrak, Patrick: Jenseits von "pusch and pull" :<br />

internationale Arbeitsmigration als Strategie der<br />

Lebenssicherung in Thailand / Patrick Sakdapolrak. -<br />

In: Internationales Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 81-105, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 100-105<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>70 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1508 Grounding a natural disaster : Thailand and the 2004 tsunami<br />

/ Jonathan Rigg ... - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 137-154<br />

GIGA D 852046 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.21 CAMBODIA<br />

SB03 International law<br />

1509 Weiss, Raimund: Das Sondergericht zur Ahndung der<br />

Verbrechen der Roten Khmer / Raimund Weiss. -<br />

In: Internationales Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 107-1<strong>18</strong>, Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>74 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI02.23 VIETNAM<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1510 Koh, David: Leadership changes at the 10th Congress of the<br />

Vietnamese Communist Party / David Koh. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 650-672, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852704 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

1511 Schütte, Heinz: The villas of the new bourgeoisie around West<br />

Lake in Hanoi : A rediscovery of colonial architectural patterns /<br />

Heinz Schütte. - In: Internationales Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai <strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 119-135, Ill.,<br />

Lit.-Hinw.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>75 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 82 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

1512 Innovation and export in Vietnam's SME sector / Anh Ngoc<br />

Nguyen.... - In: The European Journal of Development Research<br />

(Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. 262-280, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 277-279<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

RI02.31 MYANMAR (BURMA)<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1513 Crisis in Burma: can the U.S. bring about a peaceful<br />

resolution? hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the<br />

Pacific, and the Global Environment of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 17, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,68 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-144)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38333.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851900 HSFK: 99.0<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1514 Crisis in Burma: can the U.S. bring about a peaceful<br />

resolution? hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the<br />

Pacific, and the Global Environment of the Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress,<br />

1st Session, October 17, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.<br />

Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,68 S. - (Serial /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.<br />

110-144)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38333.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851900 HSFK: 99.0<strong>16</strong> Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1515 Stopgap or change agent? The role of Burma's civil society<br />

after the crackdown / Jasmin Lorch. - In: Internationales<br />

Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai <strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 21-54,<br />

Lit. S. 50-54<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>66 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

15<strong>16</strong> Meyer, Katie: Yin and Yang : The media's role in the Burmese<br />

peace movement / by Katie Meyer. - In: Peace Magazine<br />

(Toronto), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1 - Toronto, S. 9-11<br />

http://archive.peacemagazine.org/v24n1p09.htm<br />

GIGA D 852683<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1517 Meyer, Katie: Yin and Yang : The media's role in the Burmese<br />

peace movement / by Katie Meyer. - In: Peace Magazine<br />

(Toronto), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1 - Toronto, S. 9-11<br />

http://archive.peacemagazine.org/v24n1p09.htm<br />

GIGA D 852683<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

15<strong>18</strong> Zöllner, Hans-Bernd: Die langen Schatten der Politik : zum<br />

Stand der Birma-Forschung / Hans-Bernd Zöllner. -<br />

In: Internationales Asienforum (Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 55-79<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>67 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03 EAST ASIA<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1519 America's alliances and the next administration : next<br />

generation thinking about U.S. strategy toward East Asia / ed. by<br />

Brad Glosserman. Pacific Forum CSIS, Young Leaders. -<br />

Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol. 8, No.<br />

14)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n14.pdf<br />

SWP D 852407<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

1520 Ahn, Choong-yong; Cheong, Inkyo: A search for closer<br />

economic relations in East Asia / Choong Yong Ahn and Inyo<br />

Cheong. - In: The Japanese Economic Review (Oxford ...),<br />

58 (June 2007) 2, S. 173-190, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>9-190<br />

DIE D 852769 DIE: A0475<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1521 U.S. assistance in East Asia and the Pacific: An overview :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the<br />

Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 20, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,38 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-142)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37912.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851903 HSFK: 99.013 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1522 Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R.: Development,<br />

democracy, and welfare states : Latin America, East Asia, and<br />

Eastern Europe / Stephan Haggard ; Robert R. Kaufman. -<br />

Princeton/N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - 473 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 399-447 - ISBN 0-691-13596-7<br />

GIGA D 851939 ILAS: INT-H/97 IMES: INT-H/97 IAA: INT-H/97 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1523 Hira, Anil: An East Asian model for Latin American success :<br />

The new path / Anil Hira. - Aldershot: Ashgate, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

XXIII,<strong>18</strong>6 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 159-179 - (The International<br />

Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-7546-7108-4<br />

GIGA D 851975 ILAS: INT-C/56 IMES: INT-C/56 IAA: INT-C/56 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1524 Haggard, Stephan; Kaufman, Robert R.: Development,<br />

democracy, and welfare states : Latin America, East Asia, and<br />

Eastern Europe / Stephan Haggard ; Robert R. Kaufman. -<br />

Princeton/N.J.: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2008</strong>. - 473 S., Tab.,<br />

graph. Darst., Reg., Lit. S. 399-447 - ISBN 0-691-13596-7<br />

GIGA D 851939 ILAS: INT-H/97 IMES: INT-H/97 IAA: INT-H/97 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

RI03.01 CHINA<br />

SA02 History<br />

1525 Chen, Shiwei: Search for international cooperation in the<br />

war-triggered crisis : Joseph Needham and the British "Cultural<br />

Lend-Lease" in wartime Chongqing / Shiwei Chen. - In: Berliner<br />

China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new<br />

perspectives on imperialism in modern China, S. 87-101, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852154 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1526 Eberspächter, Cord: To arm China : Sino-German relations in<br />

the military sphere prior the First World War / Cord Eberspächter.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 54-74<br />

GIGA D 852152 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1527 Frölich, Hajo: "Welche Contraste bilden diese Reiche!" : Bilder<br />

der russisch-chinesischen Grenze seit dem <strong>18</strong>. Jahrhundert /<br />

Hajo Frölich. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The<br />

limits of empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern<br />

China, S. 102-122, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852155 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1528 Heinrich, Mathias: Welfare and the public philanthropy in Qing<br />

China / Mathias Heinrich. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin),<br />

33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new perspectives on<br />

imperialism in modern China, S. 123-134, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852157 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1529 Ladds, Catherine: 'The life career of us all' : Germans and<br />

Britons in the Chinese maritime customs service, <strong>18</strong>54-1917 /<br />

Catherine Ladds. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>),<br />

The limits of empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern<br />

China, S. 34-53, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852151 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 83 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

15<strong>30</strong> Meilicke, Elena: "Ab in die Tropen!" Zur Verschränkung von<br />

Sinologie und Kolonialismus im Leben und Werk von J. J. M. de<br />

Groot / Elena Meilicke. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin),<br />

33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new perspectives on<br />

imperialism in modern China, S. 75-86, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852153 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1531 Mühlhahn, Klaus: Power, knowledge and imperialism in the<br />

making of Sino-Western relations, 1784-1917 / Klaus Mühlhahn.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 3-8, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852149 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1532 Steen, Andreas: From resistance to international diplomacy :<br />

unwelcome Prussia and the signing of the first Sino-German<br />

treaty in Tianjin, <strong>18</strong>59-<strong>18</strong>61 / Andreas Steen. - In: Berliner<br />

China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new<br />

perspectives on imperialism in modern China, S. 9-33, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852150 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1533 Ying, Fangzhou: A sketch of the philanthropic undertakings of<br />

Zhu Baosan / Ying Fangzhou. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin),<br />

33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new perspectives on<br />

imperialism in modern China, S. 135f., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852158 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1534 Eberspächter, Cord: To arm China : Sino-German relations in<br />

the military sphere prior the First World War / Cord Eberspächter.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 54-74<br />

GIGA D 852152 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1535 Mühlhahn, Klaus: Power, knowledge and imperialism in the<br />

making of Sino-Western relations, 1784-1917 / Klaus Mühlhahn.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 3-8, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852149 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1536 Steen, Andreas: From resistance to international diplomacy :<br />

unwelcome Prussia and the signing of the first Sino-German<br />

treaty in Tianjin, <strong>18</strong>59-<strong>18</strong>61 / Andreas Steen. - In: Berliner<br />

China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new<br />

perspectives on imperialism in modern China, S. 9-33, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852150 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1537 Ladds, Catherine: 'The life career of us all' : Germans and<br />

Britons in the Chinese maritime customs service, <strong>18</strong>54-1917 /<br />

Catherine Ladds. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>),<br />

The limits of empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern<br />

China, S. 34-53, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852151 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SE02 International relations in the field of education and<br />

science<br />

1538 Chen, Shiwei: Search for international cooperation in the<br />

war-triggered crisis : Joseph Needham and the British "Cultural<br />

Lend-Lease" in wartime Chongqing / Shiwei Chen. - In: Berliner<br />

China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new<br />

perspectives on imperialism in modern China, S. 87-101, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852154 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners<br />

1539 Frölich, Hajo: "Welche Contraste bilden diese Reiche!" : Bilder<br />

der russisch-chinesischen Grenze seit dem <strong>18</strong>. Jahrhundert /<br />

Hajo Frölich. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The<br />

limits of empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern<br />

China, S. 102-122, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852155 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG03 Social policy / Social affairs<br />

1540 Heinrich, Mathias: Welfare and the public philanthropy in Qing<br />

China / Mathias Heinrich. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin),<br />

33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new perspectives on<br />

imperialism in modern China, S. 123-134, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852157 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1541 Ying, Fangzhou: A sketch of the philanthropic undertakings of<br />

Zhu Baosan / Ying Fangzhou. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin),<br />

33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new perspectives on<br />

imperialism in modern China, S. 135f., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852158 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1542 Ladds, Catherine: 'The life career of us all' : Germans and<br />

Britons in the Chinese maritime customs service, <strong>18</strong>54-1917 /<br />

Catherine Ladds. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>),<br />

The limits of empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern<br />

China, S. 34-53, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852151 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

1543 Meilicke, Elena: "Ab in die Tropen!" Zur Verschränkung von<br />

Sinologie und Kolonialismus im Leben und Werk von J. J. M. de<br />

Groot / Elena Meilicke. - In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin),<br />

33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of empire : new perspectives on<br />

imperialism in modern China, S. 75-86, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852153 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RI03.02 TAIWAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1544 Schriver, Randall G.; Stokes, Mark A.: Taiwan's liberation of<br />

China / Randall Schriver and Mark Stokes. - In: Current History<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 276-281<br />

SWP D 851928 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1545 Wang, Hongying; Lu, Yeh-chung: The conception of soft<br />

power and its policy implications : A comparative study of China<br />

and Taiwan / Hongying Wang and Yeh-Chung Lu. - In: The<br />

Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

56, S. 425-447<br />

GIGA D 852141 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC07.02 Arms trade<br />

1546 Chase, Michael S.: Taiwan's arms procurement debate and the<br />

demise of the special budget proposal : domestic politics in<br />

command / Michael S. Chase. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 703-724, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852708 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

1547 Chai, Winberg: Taiwan's <strong>2008</strong> elections and their impact on<br />

U.S.-China-Taiwan relations / Chai Winberg. - In: Asian Affairs<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 35 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 83-94, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852101 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06.03 Criminality<br />

1548 Lo, Sonny Shiu-hing: The politics of controlling Heidao and<br />

corruption in Taiwan / Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo. - In: Asian Affairs<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 35 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 59-82, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852099 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1549 Writing against spectacular reality : cultural intervention in<br />

China and Taiwan (I) / Jie Lu ... - In: The Journal of<br />

Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 56,<br />

S. 493-563<br />

GIGA D 852147 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1550 Yang, Fang-chih Irene: The genrification of "Korean Drama" in<br />

Taiwan / Fang-chih Irene Yang. - In: China Information (Leiden),<br />

22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender and sexuality,<br />

S. 277-<strong>30</strong>4, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852114 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1551 Writing against spectacular reality : cultural intervention in<br />

China and Taiwan (I) / Jie Lu ... - In: The Journal of<br />

Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 56,<br />

S. 493-563<br />

GIGA D 852147 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 84 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

1552 Yang, Fang-chih Irene: The genrification of "Korean Drama" in<br />

Taiwan / Fang-chih Irene Yang. - In: China Information (Leiden),<br />

22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender and sexuality,<br />

S. 277-<strong>30</strong>4, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852114 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SA03 Politics<br />

1553 Schoettli, Urs Werner: China - die neue Weltmacht / Urs<br />

Schoettli. - 2. Aufl. - Zürich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

239 S., zahlr. Ill. - ISBN 978-3-03823-451-7<br />

DIE D 852348 DIE: 11KA006(2) Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1554 Bin, Yu: Medvedev’s "Ostpolitik" and Sino-Russian relations /<br />

Yu Bin. - In: Comparative Connections (Honolulu/Haw.), 10 (July<br />

15, <strong>2008</strong>) 2, 7 S.<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/0802qchina_russia.pdf<br />

SWP D 851711<br />

1555 Bin-Huwaidin, Mohamed: China in the Middle East :<br />

perspectives from the Arab world / Mohamed Bin Huwaidin. - In:<br />

Arab Insight (Cairo), 2 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 67-75, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

http://www.arabinsight.org/pdf/Arabinsightxx26.pdf<br />

SWP D 851701<br />

1556 Blank, Stephen J.: Moscow's strategic triangle in a time of<br />

transition / Stephen Blank. - In: The Journal of East Asian Affairs<br />

(Seoul), 22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-144, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851790 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1557 Blowback - how China torpedoes its investments / Enough. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Strategy Paper /<br />

Enough; [08.<strong>2008</strong>])<br />

http://www.enoughproject.org/files/reports/enough37.pdf<br />

SWP D 852245<br />

1558 Davy, Megan: What does China's growth portend for Latin<br />

America? / by Megan Davy. - Washington/D.C.: American<br />

Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - (Development Policy Outlook; No. 2/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.aei.org/docLib/<strong>2008</strong>0722_0223334DPODavy_g.pdf<br />

SWP D 852415<br />

1559 Schriver, Randall G.; Stokes, Mark A.: Taiwan's liberation of<br />

China / Randall Schriver and Mark Stokes. - In: Current History<br />

(Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 276-281<br />

SWP D 851928 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1560 Twomey, Christopher: Explaining Chinese foreign policy<br />

toward North Korea : navigating between the Scylla and<br />

Charybdis of proliferation and instability / Christopher Twomey. -<br />

In: The Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 56, S. 401-423<br />

GIGA D 852139 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1561 Wang, Hongying; Lu, Yeh-chung: The conception of soft<br />

power and its policy implications : A comparative study of China<br />

and Taiwan / Hongying Wang and Yeh-Chung Lu. - In: The<br />

Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

56, S. 425-447<br />

GIGA D 852141 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1562 Wu, Guoguang: Hong Kong's political influence over China :<br />

institutional, informative, and interactive dynamics of sovereignty<br />

/ Guoguang Wu. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (July <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 279-<strong>30</strong>2, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852084 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1563 Yang, Dali L.: Forced harmony : China's olympic rollercoaster /<br />

Dali L. Yang. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 243-249, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851922 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

1564 Position paper of the People's Republic of China at the 63rd<br />

session of the United Nations General Assembly / Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. - Beijing, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 19 S.<br />

http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/zxxx/t512751.htm<br />

SWP D 852440<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

1565 Shiryayev, Boris: Die Großmächte auf dem Weg zur neuen<br />

Konfrontation? Das "Great Game" am Kaspischen Meer ; eine<br />

Untersuchung der neuen Konfliktlage am Beispiel Kasachstan /<br />

Boris Shiryayev. - Hamburg: Kovač, <strong>2008</strong>. - 351 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 295-351 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 24) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3749-1 -- Zugl.: Freiburg/Br., Univ., Diss., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DGAP D 852456 DGAP: DG 47298<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

1566 Manzo, Vince: U.S. policy brief: The need for a strategic<br />

dialogue with China / by Vince Manzo. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Defense Information, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://www.cdi.org/pdfs/StrategicDialoguePolicy.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>27<br />

1567 Weitz, Richard: China-Russia security relations: strategic<br />

parallelism without partnership or passion? / Richard Weitz. -<br />

Carlisle/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - <strong>16</strong>3 S.,<br />

Lit. S. 129-132 - ISBN 1-58487-360-4<br />

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB868.pdf<br />

SWP D 852104<br />

SD International economy<br />

1568 Rosales, Osvaldo; Kuwayama, Mikio: Latin America meets<br />

China and India : prospects and challenges for trade and<br />

investment / Osvaldo Rosales ; Mikio Kuwayama. - In: CEPAL<br />

Review (Santiago de Chile), (December 2007) 93, S. 81-103,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 103<br />

http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/6/32796/RVI93RosalesK<br />

uwayama.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852780 SWP: Y. 5<strong>18</strong> DGAP: ZD 405 IFA: Z-CH97 ILAS: ZS-LA<br />

Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

1569 Lederman, Daniel; Olarreaga, Marcelo; Rubiano, Eliana:<br />

Trade specialization in Latin America : The impact of China and<br />

India / Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga, and Eliana<br />

Rubiano. - In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg),<br />

144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 248-271, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 271<br />

DIE D 8525<strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system<br />

1570 Chit, Myint Moe: Exchange rate volatility and exports : evidence<br />

from the ASEAN-China free trade area / Myint Moe Chit. -<br />

In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 261-277<br />

GIGA D 852068 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1571 Hua, Ping: Real exchange rates and China's bilateral exports<br />

towards industrialized countries / Ping Hua. - In: Journal of<br />

Chinese Economic and Business Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 241-259<br />

GIGA D 852070 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1572 Erixon, Fredrik; Freytag, Andreas; Legault Tremblay,<br />

Pierre-Olivier: Die EU, China und die Drohungen des<br />

Protektionismus / Fredrik Erixon, Andreas Freytag und<br />

Pierre-Olivier Legault Tremblay. - In: Liberal (Berlin),<br />

50 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 52-56, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851799 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432<br />

Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SD03 International transactions / capital flow<br />

1573 Strengthening MENA's trade and investment links with<br />

China and India / The World Bank, Social and Economic<br />

Development Group, Middle East and North Africa Region. -<br />

Washington/D.C., <strong>2008</strong>. - 132 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMENA/Resources/MENA_<br />

China_India_Sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852357<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 85 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1574 Chit, Myint Moe: Exchange rate volatility and exports : evidence<br />

from the ASEAN-China free trade area / Myint Moe Chit. -<br />

In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies<br />

(Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 261-277<br />

GIGA D 852068 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1575 The contribution of Chinese exports to climate change /<br />

Christopher L. Weber. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),<br />

36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 3572-3577, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 3577<br />

SWP D 852359 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1576 Determinants of exports in China : A microeconometric<br />

analysis / Can Huang ... - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 299-317, Tab., Lit. S. 313-315<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1577 Eernisse, Arie: US exports to China hit new high / Arie Eernisse.<br />

- In: The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.),<br />

35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 36-39<br />

GIGA D 852669 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1578 Hua, Ping: Real exchange rates and China's bilateral exports<br />

towards industrialized countries / Ping Hua. - In: Journal of<br />

Chinese Economic and Business Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 241-259<br />

GIGA D 852070 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1579 Orr, Ryan J.; Kennedy, Jeremy R.: Highlights of recent trends<br />

in global infrastructure : new players and revised game rules /<br />

Ryan J. Orr and Jeremy R. Kennedy. - In: Transnational<br />

Corporations (New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-133,<br />

Lit. S. 126-129<br />

DIE D 852523 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1580 Wu, Jiaping: The peri-urbanisation of Shanghai : planning,<br />

growth pattern and sustainable development / Jiaping Wu. - In:<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 244-253<br />

GIGA D 852062 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

1581 Cai, Yongshun: Power structure and regime resilience :<br />

contentious politics in China / Yongshun Cai. - In: British Journal<br />

of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 411-432,<br />

Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851710 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation<br />

1582 Shambaugh, David: The party-state studies abroad / David<br />

Shambaugh. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 287-292<br />

SWP D 8519<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

1583 Walton, Julie: Managing government affairs / Julie Walton. - In:<br />

The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.),<br />

35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 46-49<br />

GIGA D 852677 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

1584 Shambaugh, David: The party-state studies abroad / David<br />

Shambaugh. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 287-292<br />

SWP D 8519<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1585 Yu, Peter Kien-hong; Chow, W. Emily: The emergence of the<br />

fifth generation of Beijing's leadership : periscoping the<br />

seventeenth communist party of China congress by navigating<br />

within a series of dialectical models / Peter Kien-hong Yu and W.<br />

Emily Chow. - In: Asian Affairs (Washington/D.C.), 35 (Summer<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 95-1<strong>16</strong>, Lit. Hinw.<br />

GIGA D 852102 IAS: 3/344 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1586 Tibet at a turning point : The spring uprising and China's new<br />

crackdown ; a report / by the International Campaign for Tibet. -<br />

Washington/D.C. ..., <strong>2008</strong>. - 150 S., Ill., Tab.<br />

DGAP D 852573 DGAP: DG 45211p<br />

SF09 Public administration<br />

1587 Li, Linda Chelan: State and market in public service provision:<br />

opportunities and traps for institutional change in rural China /<br />

Linda Chelan Li. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (July <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 257-278, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852082 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1588 Zhu, Jiangnan: Why are offices for sale in China? A case study<br />

of the office-selling chain in Heilongjiang province / Jiangnan<br />

Zhu. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 558-579, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852695 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1589 Faure, Guy Olivier: Chinese society and its new emerging<br />

culture / Guy Olivier Faure. - In: The Journal of Contemporary<br />

China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 56, S. 469-491<br />

GIGA D 852144 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1590 Writing against spectacular reality : cultural intervention in<br />

China and Taiwan (I) / Jie Lu ... - In: The Journal of<br />

Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 56,<br />

S. 493-563<br />

GIGA D 852147 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation<br />

1591 Chen, Jie; Hao, Qianjin: The impacts of distance to CBD on<br />

housing prices in Shanghai : A hedonic analysis / Jie Chen and<br />

Qianjin Hao. - In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business<br />

Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 291-<strong>30</strong>2<br />

GIGA D 852076 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1592 Wu, Jiaping: The peri-urbanisation of Shanghai : planning,<br />

growth pattern and sustainable development / Jiaping Wu. - In:<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 244-253<br />

GIGA D 852062 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships<br />

1593 De Kloet, Jeroen: Gendering China studies : peripheral<br />

perspectives, central questions / Jeroen de Kloet. - In: China<br />

Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender<br />

and sexuality, S. 195-219, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852107 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1594 Evans, Harriet: Sexed bodies, sexualized identities, and the<br />

limits of gender / Harriet Evans. - In: China Information (Leiden),<br />

22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender and sexuality,<br />

S. 361-386, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852120 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1595 Sun, Wanning: Sexuality, domesticity, and citizenship in the<br />

Chinese media : man's needs, maid's rights / Wanning Sun. -<br />

In: China Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue<br />

on gender and sexuality, S. 221-244, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852108 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

1596 Sun, Wanning: Sexuality, domesticity, and citizenship in the<br />

Chinese media : man's needs, maid's rights / Wanning Sun. -<br />

In: China Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue<br />

on gender and sexuality, S. 221-244, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852108 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG07 Social movements / associations<br />

1597 Read, Benjamin L.: Assessing variation in civil society<br />

organizations : China's homeowner associations in comparative<br />

perspective / Benjamin L. Read. - In: Comparative Political<br />

Studies (Thousand Oaks/Cal.), 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 1240-1265, Tab., Lit. S. 1263-1265<br />

DIE D 852103 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 86 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

1598 Writing against spectacular reality : cultural intervention in<br />

China and Taiwan (I) / Jie Lu ... - In: The Journal of<br />

Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 56,<br />

S. 493-563<br />

GIGA D 852147 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

1599 Yang, Dali L.: Forced harmony : China's olympic rollercoaster /<br />

Dali L. Yang. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 243-249, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851922 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>00 Bessant, Dennis; Struning, Roy; Feuling, Bradley A.: Focus:<br />

Supply Chain : mitigating risk, ensuring continuity, logistics<br />

landscape / Bradley A. Feuling ; Dennis Bessant ; Roy Strunin. -<br />

In: The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.),<br />

35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 20-33<br />

GIGA D 852655 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

<strong>16</strong>01 Katz, Richard: Does China face a "lost decade"? / Richard Katz.<br />

- In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

710, S. 269-275<br />

SWP D 851927 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>02 Mehrotra, Aaron; Rautava, Jouko: Do sentiment indicators<br />

help to assess and predict actual developments of the Chinese<br />

economy? / Aaron Mehrotra and Jouko Rautava. - In: Journal of<br />

Chinese Economic and Business Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 225-239<br />

GIGA D 852067 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

<strong>16</strong>03 Report on the implementation of the 2007 plan for national<br />

economic and social development and on the <strong>2008</strong> draft<br />

plan for national economic and social development : First<br />

session of the Eleventh National People's Congress, March 5,<br />

<strong>2008</strong> - Posted: March-21-<strong>2008</strong> - Beijing, <strong>2008</strong>. - getr. Zähl.<br />

http://www.npc.gov.cn/englishnpc/Speeches/<strong>2008</strong>-03/21/content<br />

_1421<strong>18</strong>2.htm<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>33<br />

<strong>16</strong>04 Walton, Julie: Managing government affairs / Julie Walton. - In:<br />

The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.),<br />

35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 46-49<br />

GIGA D 852677 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

<strong>16</strong>05 Xu, Helian; Lai, Mingyong; Qi, Peng: Openness, human<br />

capital and total factor productivity : evidence from China /<br />

Helian Xu, Mingyong Lai and Peng Qi. - In: Journal of Chinese<br />

Economic and Business Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 279-289<br />

GIGA D 852074 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>06 Heilmann, Sebastian: Policy experimentation in China's<br />

economic rise / Sebastian Heilmann. - In: Studies in<br />

Comparative International Development (New York/N.Y.),<br />

43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-26, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 24-26<br />

DIE D 852508 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>07 Branchen im Überblick - In: China Contact (Münster), (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 8-15<br />

GIGA D 852125 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

<strong>16</strong>08 Orr, Ryan J.; Kennedy, Jeremy R.: Highlights of recent trends<br />

in global infrastructure : new players and revised game rules /<br />

Ryan J. Orr and Jeremy R. Kennedy. - In: Transnational<br />

Corporations (New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-133,<br />

Lit. S. 126-129<br />

DIE D 852523 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

<strong>16</strong>09 The future of natural gas consumption in Beijing,<br />

Guangdong and Shanghai : An assessment utilizing MARKAL<br />

/ Bin Bin Jiang. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

9, S. 3286-3299, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 3299<br />

SWP D 852347 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

<strong>16</strong>10 Miller, Leland R.: Demystifying China's energy wars / by Leland<br />

R. Miller. - In: Far Eastern Economic Review (Hongkong),<br />

171 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7, S. 44-48, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851738 SWP: X. 51 OSI: Zs 694 DGAP: ZD 89 BICC: BZ FEER<br />

DIE: 01ZA003 IAS: 3/5 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

<strong>16</strong>11 Branchen im Überblick - In: China Contact (Münster), (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 8-15<br />

GIGA D 852125 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

<strong>16</strong>12 Determinants of exports in China : A microeconometric<br />

analysis / Can Huang ... - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 299-317, Tab., Lit. S. 313-315<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>16</strong>13 Forging the future : China reshapes its steel industry / Roger<br />

Manser ... - In: Business Forum China (Karlsruhe), (<strong>2008</strong>) 5,<br />

S. 10-27<br />

GIGA D 852679 IAS: 3/915 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

<strong>16</strong>14 Ying, Fan: Country of origin, branding strategy and<br />

internationalisation : The case of Chinese piano companies /<br />

Ying Fan. - In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business<br />

Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. <strong>30</strong>3-319<br />

GIGA D 852077 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

<strong>16</strong>15 Bessant, Dennis; Struning, Roy; Feuling, Bradley A.: Focus:<br />

Supply Chain : mitigating risk, ensuring continuity, logistics<br />

landscape / Bradley A. Feuling ; Dennis Bessant ; Roy Strunin. -<br />

In: The China Business Review (Washington/D.C.),<br />

35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 20-33<br />

GIGA D 852655 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

<strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong> Hale, Lyric Hughes: Beijing eyes a bear market / Lyric Hughes<br />

Hale. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 282-286<br />

SWP D 851929 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>17 Hamid, Javed; Tenev, Stoyan: Transforming China's banks :<br />

The IFC's experience / Javed Hamid and Stoyan Tenev. - In:<br />

The Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 56, S. 449-468<br />

GIGA D 852143 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

<strong>16</strong><strong>18</strong> Shin, Geon-cheol; Ma, Yaokun: Factors affecting trust<br />

between Korean IT firms and their Chinese counterparts /<br />

Geon-Cheol Shin and Yaokun Ma. - In: Journal of Chinese<br />

Economic and Business Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 321-334<br />

GIGA D 852079 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>19 Chen, Gang: China's diplomacy on climate change / Gang<br />

Cheng. - In: The Journal of East Asian Affairs (Seoul),<br />

22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 145-174, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851792 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

<strong>16</strong>20 The contribution of Chinese exports to climate change /<br />

Christopher L. Weber. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),<br />

36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 3572-3577, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 3577<br />

SWP D 852359 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

<strong>16</strong>21 Moerman, Filip; Weller, Janet; Zhou, Zheng: Green<br />

investment: opportunity knocks / Filip Moerman ; Janet Weller ;<br />

Zhou Zheng. - In: The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5, S. 42-45<br />

GIGA D 852673 IAS: 3/384 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 87 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

RI03.05 HONG KONG (SINCE 1997)<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>22 Wu, Guoguang: Hong Kong's political influence over China :<br />

institutional, informative, and interactive dynamics of sovereignty<br />

/ Guoguang Wu. - In: The Pacific Review (Oxford), 21 (July <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 279-<strong>30</strong>2, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852084 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

<strong>16</strong>23 Chow, Yui Fai: Martial arts films and Dutch–Chinese<br />

masculinities : smaller is better / Yui Fai Chow. - In: China<br />

Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender<br />

and sexuality, S. 331-359, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 8521<strong>18</strong> IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

<strong>16</strong>24 Cartier, Carolyn: Hong Kong and the production of art in the<br />

post/colonial city / Carolyn Cartier. - In: China Information<br />

(Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender and<br />

sexuality, S. 245-275, Ill., Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852110 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>25 Chow, Yui Fai: Martial arts films and Dutch–Chinese<br />

masculinities : smaller is better / Yui Fai Chow. - In: China<br />

Information (Leiden), 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender<br />

and sexuality, S. 331-359, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 8521<strong>18</strong> IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>26 Mushkat, Miron; Mushkat, Roda: The allocation of ultra scarce<br />

property rights in Hong Kong : A policy evaluation / Miron<br />

Mushkat ; Roda Mushkat. - In: Internationales Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau), 39 (Mai <strong>2008</strong>) 1-2, S. 137-<strong>16</strong>1,<br />

Lit. S. 159-<strong>16</strong>1<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>77 OSI: Zt 962 IFA: Z-D2251 DIE: 01ZF002 IAS: 3/255 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

<strong>16</strong>27 Chiu, Stephen W. K.; So, Alvin Y.; Tam, May Yeuk-mui:<br />

Flexible employment in Hong Kong : Trend and patterns in<br />

comparative perspevtive / Stephen W. K. Chiu, Alvin Y. So, and<br />

May Yeuk-mui Tam. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),<br />

48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 673-702, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852705 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

RI03.12 NORTH KOREA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>28 Lee, Kwang-ho: Seeking dialogue with Pyongyang / by Lee<br />

Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 2-7, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852145 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

<strong>16</strong>29 Seliger, Bernhard: The EU and North Korea : more than<br />

'funding the bill'? / Bernhard Seliger. - In: The Journal of East<br />

Asian Affairs (Seoul), 22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 79-98, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851787 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

<strong>16</strong><strong>30</strong> Twomey, Christopher: Explaining Chinese foreign policy<br />

toward North Korea : navigating between the Scylla and<br />

Charybdis of proliferation and instability / Christopher Twomey. -<br />

In: The Journal of Contemporary China (Abingdon), 17 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 56, S. 401-423<br />

GIGA D 852139 IAS: 3/855 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>31 Hanson, Margaret: North Korea's security policy : implications<br />

for regional security and international export control regimes /<br />

Marianne Hanson. - Fully rev. and updated version -<br />

Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

39 S. - (DIIS Report; <strong>2008</strong>:10)<br />

http://www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/Reports%20<strong>2008</strong>/R08-1<br />

0_North_Korea%27s_security_policy_Export_control_regimes.p<br />

df<br />

DGAP D 852444 DGAP: DG B01452h<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

<strong>16</strong>32 The six-party process: progress and perils in North Korea's<br />

denuclearization : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on<br />

Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment and the<br />

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives,<br />

110th Congress, 1st Session, October 25, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

V,32 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House); No. 110-145)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38544.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>18</strong>09 HSFK: 99.014 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC06.02 Armament<br />

<strong>16</strong>33 Brown, Tim; Bermudez, Joseph S. (jr.): Briefing : North<br />

Korea's new missile facility ; ready for launch? / Joseph S.<br />

Bermudez and Tim Brown. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly<br />

(Coulsdon), 45 (17 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 38, S. <strong>30</strong>-31, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>38 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

<strong>16</strong>34 Hong, Ihk-pyo: The lifting of U.S.-imposed sanctions against<br />

Pyongyang and its effect on the N.K's economy / by Hong<br />

Ihk-pyo. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 29-39, Tab.<br />

SWP D 852146 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

<strong>16</strong>35 Moon, Katharine H. S.: Beyond demonization : A new strategy<br />

for human rights in North Korea / Katherine H. S. Moon. -<br />

In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

710, S. 263-268<br />

SWP D 851926 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

RI03.13 SOUTH KOREA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>36 Lee, Kwang-ho: Seeking dialogue with Pyongyang / by Lee<br />

Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 2-7, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852145 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

<strong>16</strong>37 Lee, Sang-hyun: ROK-U.S. relations in Lee Myung-Bak<br />

government : toward a vision of a '21st century strategic alliance'<br />

/ Sang-Hyun Lee. - In: The Journal of East Asian Affairs (Seoul),<br />

22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-32, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851786 OSI: Zw 152 DGAP: ZD 509 HSFK: ZS J Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>16</strong>38 Dudden, Alexis; Lee, Jong-heon: Dokdo/Takeshima cloud the<br />

future of Japan-Korea relations / Alexis Dudden and Lee<br />

Jong-Heon. - In: Japan Focus (Ithaca/N.Y.), (<strong>September</strong> 11,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>), ca. 4 S.<br />

http://japanfocus.org/products/topdf/2895<br />

SWP D 852436<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

<strong>16</strong>39 Ahn, Choong-yong; Cheong, Inkyo: A search for closer<br />

economic relations in East Asia / Choong Yong Ahn and Inyo<br />

Cheong. - In: The Japanese Economic Review (Oxford ...),<br />

58 (June 2007) 2, S. 173-190, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>9-190<br />

DIE D 852769 DIE: A0475<br />

SF04 Political participation<br />

<strong>16</strong>40 Lee, Jaechul: Path toward democracy in South Korea : social<br />

capital and democracy embedded in the citizens / Jaechul Lee. -<br />

In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 580-602, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852698 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 88 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>41 Kang, David C.: South Korea's not-so-sharp right turn / David C.<br />

Kang. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.), 107 (<strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 256-262<br />

SWP D 851925 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

<strong>16</strong>42 Lee, Jaechul: Path toward democracy in South Korea : social<br />

capital and democracy embedded in the citizens / Jaechul Lee. -<br />

In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4,<br />

S. 580-602, Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852698 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG06 Media / Information<br />

<strong>16</strong>43 Yang, Fang-chih Irene: The genrification of "Korean Drama" in<br />

Taiwan / Fang-chih Irene Yang. - In: China Information (Leiden),<br />

22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender and sexuality,<br />

S. 277-<strong>30</strong>4, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852114 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

<strong>16</strong>44 Yang, Fang-chih Irene: The genrification of "Korean Drama" in<br />

Taiwan / Fang-chih Irene Yang. - In: China Information (Leiden),<br />

22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special issue on gender and sexuality,<br />

S. 277-<strong>30</strong>4, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852114 IAS: 3/777 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

<strong>16</strong>45 Shin, Geon-cheol; Ma, Yaokun: Factors affecting trust<br />

between Korean IT firms and their Chinese counterparts /<br />

Geon-Cheol Shin and Yaokun Ma. - In: Journal of Chinese<br />

Economic and Business Studies (Abingdon), 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 321-334<br />

GIGA D 852079 IAS: 3/932 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

RI03.22 JAPAN<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>46 Japan - European Union : A strategic partnership in the making<br />

- In: Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles), 60 (2007) 4, S. 1-204, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851769 DGAP: ZD 151 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>16</strong>47 Dudden, Alexis; Lee, Jong-heon: Dokdo/Takeshima cloud the<br />

future of Japan-Korea relations / Alexis Dudden and Lee<br />

Jong-Heon. - In: Japan Focus (Ithaca/N.Y.), (<strong>September</strong> 11,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>), ca. 4 S.<br />

http://japanfocus.org/products/topdf/2895<br />

SWP D 852436<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

<strong>16</strong>48 Japan-U.S. security relations: Alliance under strain : A<br />

conference report / Brad Glosserman, rapporteur. Pacific Forum<br />

CSIS. - Honolulu/Haw., <strong>2008</strong>. - 79 S. - (Issues and Insights; Vol.<br />

8, No. 13)<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/issuesinsights_v08n13.pdf<br />

SWP D 852397<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>49 Singh, Bhubhindar: Japan's security policy : from a peace state<br />

to an international state / Bhubhindar Singh. - In: The Pacific<br />

Review (Oxford), 21 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. <strong>30</strong>3-325, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852086 SWP: Y. 838 DGAP: ZD 465 IAS: 3/797 Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

<strong>16</strong>50 Japan's assistance to Iraq (fact sheet) / The Government of<br />

Japan. - Tokyo, <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S.<br />

http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/middle_e/iraq/issue2003/assistance<br />

/assist0610.pdf<br />

SWP D 852693<br />

II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>51 McConnell, David L.: Japan's image problem and the soft<br />

power solution / David L. McConnell. - In: Soft power<br />

superpowers / Watanabe Yasushi ... eds. With a foreword by<br />

Joseph S. Nye. - Armonk/N.Y. ...: Sharpe, <strong>2008</strong>. - (An East Gate<br />

Book), S. <strong>18</strong>-33, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7656-2248-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>18</strong>72 IFA: 28/724 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions<br />

<strong>16</strong>52 Vogel, Steven K.: Japan's new politics : quiet before the storm?<br />

/ Steven Vogel. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 250-255<br />

SWP D 851924 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF03 Political parties<br />

<strong>16</strong>53 Carlson, Matthew: Japan's postal privatization battle : The<br />

continuing reverberations for the Liberal Democratic Party of<br />

rebels-assassins conflicts / Matthew Carlson. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 603-625, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852701 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

<strong>16</strong>54 Nemoto, Kuniaki; Krauss, Ellis S.; Pekkanen, Robert: Policy<br />

dissension and party discipline : The July 2005 vote on postal<br />

privatization in Japan / Kuniaki Nemoto ; Ellis Krauss ; Robert<br />

Pekkanen. - In: British Journal of Political Science (Cambridge),<br />

38 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 499-525, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 851719 OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

<strong>16</strong>55 Vogel, Steven K.: Japan's new politics : quiet before the storm?<br />

/ Steven Vogel. - In: Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.),<br />

107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710, S. 250-255<br />

SWP D 851924 SWP: X. 141 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF04.01 Elections<br />

<strong>16</strong>56 Carlson, Matthew: Japan's postal privatization battle : The<br />

continuing reverberations for the Liberal Democratic Party of<br />

rebels-assassins conflicts / Matthew Carlson. - In: Asian Survey<br />

(Berkeley/Cal.), 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, S. 603-625, Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852701 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900<br />

DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF05 Domestic policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>57 Manyin, Mark E.; Chanlett-Avery, Emma: Japan's political<br />

turmoil in <strong>2008</strong>: background and implications for the United<br />

States / Mark E. Manyin and Emma Chanlett-Avery. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S.<br />

- (CRS Report for Congress; RS22951) - (RS22951)<br />

http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RS22951_<strong>2008</strong>09<strong>16</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852709<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

<strong>16</strong>58 Selden, Mark: Japan, the United States and Yasukuni<br />

nationalism : war, historical memory and the future of the Asia<br />

Pacific / Mark Selden. - In: Japan Focus (Ithaca/N.Y.),<br />

(<strong>September</strong> 10, <strong>2008</strong>), ca. 22 S.<br />

http://japanfocus.org/products/topdf/2892<br />

SWP D 852435<br />

RI03.31 MONGOLIA<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>59 Tkacik, John J. (jr.): Mongolia's current political situation :<br />

implications for the OSCE / John J. Tkacik, Jr.. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. - (The<br />

Heritage Lectures; No. 1098)<br />

http://www.heritage.org/Research/AsiaandthePacific/upload/hl_1<br />

098.pdf<br />

SWP D 852431<br />

SG03.02 Health<br />

<strong>16</strong>60 Mongolia: health system review / T. Bolormaa ... Ed.: Erica<br />

Richardson. European Observatory on Health Systems and<br />

Policies - Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2007.<br />

- XIX,151 S. - (Health Systems in Transition; 9 (2007) 4)<br />

http://www.euro.who.int/Document/E90671.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852681<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 89 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism<br />

<strong>16</strong>61 Macpherson, Cluny: Golden goose or Trojan horse? Cruise<br />

ship tourism in Pacific development / Cluny Macpherson. - In:<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. <strong>18</strong>5-197<br />

GIGA D 852055 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>62 Final communiqué: : Inaugural European Union – Pacific<br />

Islands Forum Ministerial Troika, Brussels, <strong>16</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> /<br />

Council of the European Union. - Brussels, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. -<br />

(13<strong>16</strong>6/08(Presse1<strong>16</strong>))<br />

http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressDa<br />

ta/en/er/102820.pdf<br />

SWP D 852710<br />

RJ02.01 AUSTRALIA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>63 May, Ronald: Improving development and respecting<br />

sovereignty: Australia and Papua New Guinea / Ronald May. -<br />

Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S. -<br />

(Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute; 43)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=<strong>18</strong>3&pubtype=6<br />

SWP D 852388<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

<strong>16</strong>64 Tonkinson, Robert: From dust to ashes : The challenges of<br />

difference / Robert Tonkinson. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm),<br />

72 (December 2007) 4, S. 509-534, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852675 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

RJ02.02 NEW ZEALAND<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>65 Challies, Edward R. T.; Murray, Warwick E.: Towards<br />

post-neoliberalism? The comparative politico-economic<br />

transition of New Zealand and Chile / Edward R. T. Challies and<br />

Warwick E. Murray. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington),<br />

49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 228-243<br />

GIGA D 852060 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SG06 Media / Information<br />

<strong>16</strong>66 Robie, David: Frontline reporting, ethos and perception : media<br />

challenges in the South Pacific / David Robie. - In: Asia Pacific<br />

Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 213-227<br />

GIGA D 852058 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />



SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>67 May, Ronald: Improving development and respecting<br />

sovereignty: Australia and Papua New Guinea / Ronald May. -<br />

Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, <strong>2008</strong>. - 24 S. -<br />

(Strategic Insights / Australian Strategic Policy Institute; 43)<br />

http://www.aspi.org.au/publications/publication_details.aspx?Con<br />

tentID=<strong>18</strong>3&pubtype=6<br />

SWP D 852388<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

<strong>16</strong>68 Robbins, Joel: Between reproduction and freedom : morality,<br />

value, and radical cultural change / Joel Robbins. - In: Ethnos<br />

(Stockholm), 72 (<strong>September</strong> 2007) 3, S. 293-314, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852628 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

<strong>16</strong>69 Robbins, Joel: Between reproduction and freedom : morality,<br />

value, and radical cultural change / Joel Robbins. - In: Ethnos<br />

(Stockholm), 72 (<strong>September</strong> 2007) 3, S. 293-314, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852628 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


PAPUA<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

<strong>16</strong>70 Tonkinson, Robert: From dust to ashes : The challenges of<br />

difference / Robert Tonkinson. - In: Ethnos (Stockholm),<br />

72 (December 2007) 4, S. 509-534, Lit. Hinw.<br />

NIAS D 852675 IFA: Z-SD56 Öff.StaO: 212<br />


SG02.04 Migration<br />

<strong>16</strong>71 Connell, John; Maron, Nicole: Back to Nukunuku :<br />

employment, identity and return migration in Tonga / Nicole<br />

Maron and John Connell. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>8-<strong>18</strong>4<br />

GIGA D 852054 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

<strong>16</strong>72 Connell, John; Maron, Nicole: Back to Nukunuku :<br />

employment, identity and return migration in Tonga / Nicole<br />

Maron and John Connell. - In: Asia Pacific Viewpoint<br />

(Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. <strong>16</strong>8-<strong>18</strong>4<br />

GIGA D 852054 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 90 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15




SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

<strong>16</strong>73 Umbach, Frank: Asian-European relations : more security<br />

through inter- and transnational relations? / Frank Umbach. - In:<br />

Asian-European relations: building blocks for global governance?<br />

/ Ed. by Jürgen Rüland ... - London ...: Routledge, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

(Routledge Contemporary Asia Series; 4), S. 114-142, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 138-142 - ISBN 0-415-45057-8<br />

DGAP D 851762 DGAP: DG 47236 DIE: 01KB001 IAS:<br />

Öff.StaO: H 222<br />

SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic<br />

integration<br />

<strong>16</strong>74 Feinberg, Richard: Voluntary multilateralism and institutional<br />

modification : The first two decades of Asia Pacific Economic<br />

Cooperation (APEC) / Richard Feinberg. - In: The Review of<br />

International Organizations (Boston/Mass.), 3 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

3, S. 239-258, Lit. S. 257-258<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>55 SWP: X. 876<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

<strong>16</strong>75 Feeny, Simon; Clarke, Matthew: Achieving the millennium<br />

development goals in the Asia-Pacific region : The role of<br />

international assistance / Simon Feeny and Matthew Clarke. - In:<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington), 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 198-212<br />

GIGA D 852056 IAS: 3/33 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>16</strong>76 U.S. assistance in East Asia and the Pacific: An overview :<br />

hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the<br />

Global Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S.<br />

House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 20, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government<br />

Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. - III,38 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs (United States / House); No. 110-142)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/37912.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851903 HSFK: 99.013 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


AREA<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>77 Aliboni, Roberto: The Union for the Mediterranean : A view<br />

from Southern Europe / by Roberto Aliboni. - Roma: Istituto<br />

Affari Internazionali, <strong>2008</strong>. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Documenti IAI;<br />

IAI0802)<br />

http://www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iai0802.pdf<br />

SWP D 851717<br />

<strong>16</strong>78 Erdle, Steffen: Die Vernetzung von Städten, Gemeinden und<br />

Regionen im Mittelmeerraum : Optionen und Perspektiven für<br />

die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der<br />

EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik / Steffen Erdle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 7-42,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852689 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

<strong>16</strong>79 Lannon, Erwan: Towards a Union for the Mediterranean :<br />

progress and challenges in economic and trade relations /<br />

author: Erwan Lannon. - Brussels: European Parliament, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

31 S., Lit., Anh. - (Briefing Paper / European Parliament) -<br />

(EXPO/B/INTA/<strong>2008</strong>/46)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?file=22195<br />

SWP D 852374<br />

SB06 Transnational relations / movements<br />

<strong>16</strong>80 Erdle, Steffen: Die Vernetzung von Städten, Gemeinden und<br />

Regionen im Mittelmeerraum : Optionen und Perspektiven für<br />

die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der<br />

EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik / Steffen Erdle. -<br />

In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9, S. 7-42,<br />

Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852689 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K<br />

IFA: Z-D3<strong>30</strong>6 BICC: BZ KAS ILAS: 25.400 INT DIE: ZA051 IMES: ZS-INT<br />

IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

<strong>16</strong>81 Lannon, Erwan: Towards a Union for the Mediterranean :<br />

progress and challenges in economic and trade relations /<br />

author: Erwan Lannon. - Brussels: European Parliament, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

31 S., Lit., Anh. - (Briefing Paper / European Parliament) -<br />

(EXPO/B/INTA/<strong>2008</strong>/46)<br />

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies/dow<br />

nload.do?file=22195<br />

SWP D 852374<br />


SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>16</strong>82 Shiryayev, Boris: Die Großmächte auf dem Weg zur neuen<br />

Konfrontation? Das "Great Game" am Kaspischen Meer ; eine<br />

Untersuchung der neuen Konfliktlage am Beispiel Kasachstan /<br />

Boris Shiryayev. - Hamburg: Kovač, <strong>2008</strong>. - 351 S., Kt.,<br />

Lit. S. 295-351 - (Schriften zur internationalen Politik; Bd. 24) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8<strong>30</strong>0-3749-1 -- Zugl.: Freiburg/Br., Univ., Diss., <strong>2008</strong><br />

DGAP D 852456 DGAP: DG 47298<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 91 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15




SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>16</strong>83 Anatomy of a sanctions regime : A case study of sixteen years<br />

of failed efforts to effectively implement sanctions in Somalia /<br />

Security Council Report. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S. - (SCR<br />

Special Research Report; No. 4)<br />

http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7b65BFCF9B-6D27-<br />

4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7d/Research%20Report%20Soml<br />

ia%20<strong>16</strong>%20<strong>September</strong>%20<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852020<br />

<strong>16</strong>84 Schlesinger, Stephen: Bush's stealth United Nations policy /<br />

Stephen Schlesinger. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 1-9<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>48 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SB02 Foreign policy<br />

<strong>16</strong>85 Position paper of the People's Republic of China at the 63rd<br />

session of the United Nations General Assembly / Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. - Beijing, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 19 S.<br />

http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/zxxx/t512751.htm<br />

SWP D 852440<br />

SB03 International law<br />

<strong>16</strong>86 Genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity : topical<br />

digests of the case law of the International Criminal Tribunal for<br />

Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former<br />

Yugoslavia / Human Rights Watch (ed.). - New York/N.Y. ...:<br />

Human Rights Watch, 2004. - III,277 S.<br />

HSFK D 852241 HSFK: DO 839/1 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>16</strong>87 Mechlem, Kerstin: International Law Commission adopts draft<br />

articles of a transboundary aquifers convention / by Kerstin<br />

Mechlem. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of International<br />

Law, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue<br />

<strong>18</strong>)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/<strong>2008</strong>/08/insights080827.html<br />

SWP D 852625<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>16</strong>88 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

<strong>16</strong>89 SCR 1325 and the Peacebuilding Commission : Security<br />

Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security - six<br />

years on report / ed. by Gina Torry. NGO Working Group on<br />

Women, Peace and Security. - New York/N.Y.: NGO Working<br />

Group on Women, Peace and Security, 2006. - XII,87 S. -<br />

ISBN 0-9790109-0-X<br />

HSFK D 852236 HSFK: 39.380 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

<strong>16</strong>90 Campbell, Susanna P.; Kaspersen, Anja T.: The UN's reforms:<br />

confronting integration barriers / Susanna P. Campbell and Anja<br />

T. Kaspersen. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford),<br />

15 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, Special Issue, S. 470-485, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 8527<strong>30</strong> SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

<strong>16</strong>91 Genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity : topical<br />

digests of the case law of the International Criminal Tribunal for<br />

Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former<br />

Yugoslavia / Human Rights Watch (ed.). - New York/N.Y. ...:<br />

Human Rights Watch, 2004. - III,277 S.<br />

HSFK D 852241 HSFK: DO 839/1 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

<strong>16</strong>92 Campbell, Susanna P.: (Dis)integration, incoherence and<br />

complexity in US post-conflict interventions / Susanna P.<br />

Campbell. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (August<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 4, Special Issue, S. 556-569, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852742 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

<strong>16</strong>93 Hänggi, Heiner; Scherrer, Vincenza: Towards an integrated<br />

security sector reform approach in UN peace operations / Heiner<br />

Hänggi and Vincenza Scherrer. - In: International Peacekeeping<br />

(Ilford), 15 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, Special Issue, S. 486-500, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852732 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

<strong>16</strong>94 Harmer, Adele: Integrated missions: A threat to humanitarian<br />

security? / Adele Harmer. - In: International Peacekeeping<br />

(Ilford), 15 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, Special Issue, S. 528-539, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852739 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

<strong>16</strong>95 Shetler-Jones, Philip: Intelligence in integrated UN<br />

peacekeeping missions : The Joint Mission Analysis Centre /<br />

Philip Shetler-Jones. - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford),<br />

15 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, Special Issue, S. 517-527, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852736 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

<strong>16</strong>96 United Nations integrated missions planning process (IMPP)<br />

guidelines endorsed by the Secretary-General on 13 June<br />

2006 - In: International Peacekeeping (Ilford), 15 (August <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

4, Special Issue, S. 588-607, Tab.<br />

SWP D 852746 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

<strong>16</strong>97 Middle East Quartet: The Middle East Quartet : A progress<br />

report / CAFOD ... - Oxford: Oxfam International, <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S.,<br />

Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw., Anh.<br />

http://www.oxfam.org/files/middle-east-quartet-progress-report-2<br />

5-sept08.pdf<br />

SWP D 852766<br />

SF Government<br />

<strong>16</strong>98 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo:<br />

UNMIK a timely mission : Achievements 1999-<strong>2008</strong> / [Joachim<br />

Rücker, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in<br />

Kosovo]. - o.O., <strong>2008</strong>. - 12 S., Ill., Kt.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>10 DGAP: DG B01443a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

<strong>16</strong>99 Anatomy of a sanctions regime : A case study of sixteen years<br />

of failed efforts to effectively implement sanctions in Somalia /<br />

Security Council Report. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 28 S. - (SCR<br />

Special Research Report; No. 4)<br />

http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7b65BFCF9B-6D27-<br />

4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7d/Research%20Report%20Soml<br />

ia%20<strong>16</strong>%20<strong>September</strong>%20<strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852020<br />

1700 Report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the<br />

African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur /<br />

United Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., <strong>2008</strong>. - 8 S. -<br />

(S/<strong>2008</strong>/558)<br />

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/<strong>2008</strong>/558<br />

SWP D 851753<br />

1701 SCR 1325 and the Peacebuilding Commission : Security<br />

Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security - six<br />

years on report / ed. by Gina Torry. NGO Working Group on<br />

Women, Peace and Security. - New York/N.Y.: NGO Working<br />

Group on Women, Peace and Security, 2006. - XII,87 S. -<br />

ISBN 0-9790109-0-X<br />

HSFK D 852236 HSFK: 39.380 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 92 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials<br />

1702 Mechlem, Kerstin: International Law Commission adopts draft<br />

articles of a transboundary aquifers convention / by Kerstin<br />

Mechlem. - Washington/D.C.: American Society of International<br />

Law, <strong>2008</strong>. - ca. 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (ASIL Insights; Vol. 12, Issue<br />

<strong>18</strong>)<br />

http://www.asil.org/insights/<strong>2008</strong>/08/insights080827.html<br />

SWP D 852625<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

1703 The governance of transnational environmental harm :<br />

Adressing new modes of accountability/responsibility / guest ed.:<br />

Michael Mason. - In: Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.), 8 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, Special Issue, S. 1-<strong>16</strong>5<br />

SWP D 851907 SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>7 Öff.StaO: 3<br />

1704 Haas, Peter M.: Climate change governance after Bali / Peter M.<br />

Haas. - In: Global Environmental Politics (Cambridge/Mass.),<br />

8 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3, Special Issue, S. 1-7, Lit. S. 7<br />

SWP D 8519<strong>16</strong> SWP: X. 860 DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>7 Öff.StaO: 3<br />



SB07 International organisations / institutions<br />

1705 Kim, Moonhawk: Costly procedures: divergent effects of<br />

legalization in the GATT/WTO dispute settlement procedures /<br />

Moonhawk Kim. - In: International Studies Quarterly<br />

(Malden/Mass.), 52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 657-686<br />

HSFK D 852760 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1706 Lombardi, Domenico: The governance of the World Bank :<br />

lessons from the corporate sector / Domenico Lombardi. - In:<br />

The Review of International Organizations (Boston/Mass.),<br />

3 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 287-323, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 322-323<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>56 SWP: X. 876<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1707 Albright, David; Shire, Jacqueline W.; Brannan, Paul: IAEA<br />

report on Iran: centrifuge operation significantly improving :<br />

gridlock on alleged weaponization issues / by David Albright,<br />

Jacqueline Shire, and Paul Brannan. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Institute for Science and International Security, <strong>2008</strong>. - 4 S. -<br />

(ISIS Report)<br />

http://www.isis-online.org/publications/iran/ISIS_Report_Iran_15<br />

<strong>September</strong><strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852003<br />

1708 Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and<br />

relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions 1737<br />

(2006), 1747 (2007) and <strong>18</strong>03 (<strong>2008</strong>) in the Islamic Republic<br />

of Iran : report by the Director General ; item 9(d) of the<br />

provisional agenda (GOV/<strong>2008</strong>/33) / International Atomic<br />

Energy Agency, Board of Governors. - Wien, <strong>2008</strong>. - 6 S. -<br />

(GOV/<strong>2008</strong>/38)<br />

http://www.isis-online.org/publications/iran/IAEA_Iran_Report_15<br />

<strong>September</strong><strong>2008</strong>.pdf<br />

SWP D 852006<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

1709 Christy, David S. (jr.): 'Round and 'round we go ... / David S.<br />

Christy Jr.. - In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.),<br />

25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 19-27, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>50 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

II.13 International organisations / Internationale Organisationen / Organisations internationales<br />

1710 Kim, Moonhawk: Costly procedures: divergent effects of<br />

legalization in the GATT/WTO dispute settlement procedures /<br />

Moonhawk Kim. - In: International Studies Quarterly<br />

(Malden/Mass.), 52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 657-686<br />

HSFK D 852760 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

1711 Laïdi, Zaki: How trade became geopolitics / Zaki Laïdi. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 55-61<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>53 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

1712 Hindley, Brian: Kazakhstan and the world economy : An<br />

assessment of Kazakhstan’s trade policy and pending accession<br />

to the WTO / Brian Hindley. - Bruxelles: European Centre for<br />

International Political Economy, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

- (Jan Tumlir Policy Essays; No. 01/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.ecipe.org/publications/jan-tumlir-policy-essays/kazakh<br />

stan-and-the-world-economy-an-assessment-of-kazakhstan2019<br />

s-trade-policy-and-pending-accession-to-the-wto/PDF<br />

SWP D 85<strong>16</strong>96<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1713 Joyce, Joseph P.; Sandler, Todd: IMF retrospective and<br />

prospective : A public goods viewpoint / Joseph P. Joyce and<br />

Todd Sandler. - In: The Review of International Organizations<br />

(Boston/Mass.), 3 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 221-238, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 237-238<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>54 SWP: X. 876<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

1714 Alcock, Frank: Sustainable trade begins at home / Frank Alcock.<br />

- In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 49-54, Ill.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>52 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1715 Arpac, Ozlem; Bird, Graham; Mandilaras, Alex: Stop<br />

interrupting : An empirical analysis of the implementation of IMF<br />

programs / Ozlem Arpac, Graham Bird and Alex Mandilaras. -<br />

In: World Development (Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 1493-1513, Tab., Lit. S. 1510-1511, Anh. S. 1512-1513<br />

SWP D 852360 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

17<strong>16</strong> United Nations Conference on Trade and Development:<br />

Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people : Trade<br />

and Development Board: fifty-fifth session, Geneva, 15<br />

<strong>September</strong>-26 October <strong>2008</strong>, item 10 (b) of the provisional<br />

agenda / prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat. - Geneva, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- <strong>18</strong> S., Tab., Lit. - (TD/B/55/2)<br />

http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/tdb55d2_en.pdf<br />

SWP D 851758<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1717 Laïdi, Zaki: How trade became geopolitics / Zaki Laïdi. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 55-61<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>53 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 93 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15



SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

17<strong>18</strong> Global Nuclear Energy Partnership : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 1st Session, November 14, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,109 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 110-<strong>30</strong>6)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_senate_hearings&docid=f:41099.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852000 HSFK: 99.039 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

1719 Antimiani, Alessandro; Conforti, Piero; Salvatici, Luca:<br />

Measuring restrictiveness of bilateral trade policies : A<br />

comparison between developed and developing countries /<br />

Alessandro Antimiani, Piero Conforti, and Luca Salvatici. -<br />

In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg), 144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 207-224, Tab., Lit. S. 222-224<br />

DIE D 852514 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1720 Kenny, Charles: What is effective aid? How would donors<br />

allocate it? / Charles Kenny. - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 3<strong>30</strong>-346, Tab., Lit. S. 343-346<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1721 Ouattara, Bazoumana; Strobl, Eric: Aid, policy and growth :<br />

does aid modality matter? / Bazoumana Outtara and Eric Strobl.<br />

- In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg), 144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 347-365, Tab., Lit. S. 362-365<br />

DIE D 852517 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1722 Global Nuclear Energy Partnership : hearing before the<br />

Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States<br />

Senate, 110th Congress, 1st Session, November 14, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,109 S. - (Hearing / United States Senate; S. HRG. 110-<strong>30</strong>6)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_senate_hearings&docid=f:41099.pdf<br />

HSFK D 852000 HSFK: 99.039 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />


SA02 History<br />

1723 Mühlhahn, Klaus: Power, knowledge and imperialism in the<br />

making of Sino-Western relations, 1784-1917 / Klaus Mühlhahn.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 3-8, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852149 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SB01 International relations / process<br />

1724 Mühlhahn, Klaus: Power, knowledge and imperialism in the<br />

making of Sino-Western relations, 1784-1917 / Klaus Mühlhahn.<br />

- In: Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin), 33 (<strong>2008</strong>), The limits of<br />

empire : new perspectives on imperialism in modern China,<br />

S. 3-8, Lit.<br />

GIGA D 852149 IAS: 3/9<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD01 World economy / International economic system<br />

1725 Dluhosch, Barbara: Globalization and skill biased technical<br />

change : The implications of labor market rigidities / Barbara<br />

Dluhosch. - In: Economia internazionale (Genova), 61 (February<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 25-45, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851782 DGAP: ZD 291 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SF08 Regions / Local government<br />

1726 Lefèvre, Christian: Londres, New York et Tokyo :<br />

enseignements pour la région Ile-de-France / Christian Lefèvre.<br />

- In: Pouvoirs locaux (Paris), (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78, S. 127-132<br />

DFI D 85<strong>16</strong>60 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1727 Dluhosch, Barbara: Globalization and skill biased technical<br />

change : The implications of labor market rigidities / Barbara<br />

Dluhosch. - In: Economia internazionale (Genova), 61 (February<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 25-45, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851782 DGAP: ZD 291 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1728 Milov, Vladimir Stanislavovic: Russia and the West: The<br />

energy factor / Vladimir Milov. - Washington/D.C. ...: Center for<br />

Strategic and International Studies, <strong>2008</strong>. - 25 S. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-89206-544-8<br />

http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080731_milov_russia&west_<br />

web.pdf<br />

SWP D 851720<br />

SK04 Science policy / Research policy<br />

1729 Defoort, Cécily: Tendances de long terme des migrations<br />

internationales : Analyse à partir des six principaux pays<br />

receveurs / Cécily Defoort. - In: Population (Paris), 63 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 317-352, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 349-350<br />

DFI D 852717 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a<br />


SF03 Political parties<br />

17<strong>30</strong> Ezrow, Lawrence: Parties' policy programmes and the dog that<br />

didn't bark : no evidence that proportional systems promote<br />

extreme party positioning / Lawrence Ezrow. - In: British Journal<br />

of Political Science (Cambridge), 38 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 479-497,<br />

graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.<br />

FUB D 8517<strong>16</strong> OSI: Zt 806 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1731 Globerman, Steven; Shapiro, Daniel: The international<br />

mobility of highly educated workers among OECD countries /<br />

Steven Globerman and Daniel Shapiro. - In: Transnational<br />

Corporations (New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-35, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 32-35<br />

DIE D 852519 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

1732 Globerman, Steven; Shapiro, Daniel: The international<br />

mobility of highly educated workers among OECD countries /<br />

Steven Globerman and Daniel Shapiro. - In: Transnational<br />

Corporations (New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 1-35, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 32-35<br />

DIE D 852519 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 94 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15




SD03.01 Foreign trade<br />

1733 Omar, Karima; Stoever, William A.: The role of technology and<br />

human capital in the EPZ life-cycle / Karima Omar and William A.<br />

Stoever. - In: Transnational Corporations (New York/N.Y.),<br />

17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 135-<strong>16</strong>3, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 157-159<br />

DIE D 852524 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1734 Orr, Ryan J.; Kennedy, Jeremy R.: Highlights of recent trends<br />

in global infrastructure : new players and revised game rules /<br />

Ryan J. Orr and Jeremy R. Kennedy. - In: Transnational<br />

Corporations (New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-133,<br />

Lit. S. 126-129<br />

DIE D 852523 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1735 Omar, Karima; Stoever, William A.: The role of technology and<br />

human capital in the EPZ life-cycle / Karima Omar and William A.<br />

Stoever. - In: Transnational Corporations (New York/N.Y.),<br />

17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 135-<strong>16</strong>3, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 157-159<br />

DIE D 852524 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD04 Policy of external economic relations<br />

1736 Antimiani, Alessandro; Conforti, Piero; Salvatici, Luca:<br />

Measuring restrictiveness of bilateral trade policies : A<br />

comparison between developed and developing countries /<br />

Alessandro Antimiani, Piero Conforti, and Luca Salvatici. -<br />

In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg), 144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 207-224, Tab., Lit. S. 222-224<br />

DIE D 852514 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid<br />

1737 Collier, Paul: Die unterste Milliarde : warum die ärmsten Länder<br />

scheitern und was man dagegen tun kann (Orig.: The bottom<br />

billion) / Paul Collier. Aus dem Engl. von Rita Seuß ... -<br />

Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 255 S., Reg. - (Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische<br />

Bildung; Bd. 706) - ISBN 978-3-89331-870-4<br />

DGAP D 852479 DGAP: DG 46879.D.bpb<br />

1738 Kenny, Charles: What is effective aid? How would donors<br />

allocate it? / Charles Kenny. - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. 3<strong>30</strong>-346, Tab., Lit. S. 343-346<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1739 Martens, Jens; Debiel, Tobias: Das MDG-Projekt in der Krise :<br />

Halbzeitbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven / Jens Martens ;<br />

Tobias Debiel. - Duisburg: Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., Lit. S. <strong>18</strong>-21 - (INEF Policy Brief; 4/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://inef.uni-due.de/page/documents/PolicyBrief04.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852288 DGAP: DG B01452u<br />

1740 McFate, Sean: Securing the future : A primer on security sector<br />

reform in conflict countries / Sean Mc Fate. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

United States Institute of Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Special Report / United States Institute of Peace; 209)<br />

http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr209.pdf<br />

SWP D 851751<br />

1741 Ouattara, Bazoumana; Strobl, Eric: Aid, policy and growth :<br />

does aid modality matter? / Bazoumana Outtara and Eric Strobl.<br />

- In: Review of World Economics (Heidelberg), 144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 347-365, Tab., Lit. S. 362-365<br />

DIE D 852517 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1742 McFate, Sean: Securing the future : A primer on security sector<br />

reform in conflict countries / Sean Mc Fate. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

United States Institute of Peace, <strong>2008</strong>. - 20 S., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

(Special Report / United States Institute of Peace; 209)<br />

http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/sr209.pdf<br />

SWP D 851751<br />

1743 Pankhurst, Donna: Gendered peace : women's struggle for<br />

post-war justice and reconciliation - New York/N.Y.: Routledge,<br />

2007. - 231 S., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (UNRISD Research in Gender<br />

and Development) - ISBN 0-415-95648-X<br />

GIGA D 852026 ILAS: INT-G/32 IMES: INT-G/32 IAA: INT-G/32 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG02.02 Social groups<br />

1744 Pankhurst, Donna: Gendered peace : women's struggle for<br />

post-war justice and reconciliation - New York/N.Y.: Routledge,<br />

2007. - 231 S., Lit. Hinw., Reg. - (UNRISD Research in Gender<br />

and Development) - ISBN 0-415-95648-X<br />

GIGA D 852026 ILAS: INT-G/32 IMES: INT-G/32 IAA: INT-G/32 Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion<br />

1745 Bendaña, Alejandro: Fighting corruption : A non-corporate<br />

perspective / Alejandro Bendaña. - Managua: Centro de<br />

Estudios Internacionales, <strong>2008</strong>. - 122 S., Tab., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 111-119<br />

http://www.ceinicaragua.org/textos/pdfs_publicaciones/fighting_c<br />

orruption.pdf<br />

GIGA D 852745<br />

SG09 Religion / Religious communities<br />

1746 Die Macht der Religionen : Schwerpunkt - In: Welt-Sichten<br />

(Frankfurt/Main), (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 12-33, Ill.<br />

DIE D 8522<strong>18</strong> SWP: Y. 1114 DGAP: ZD 466 BICC: BZ WELTSI ILAS: ZS-INT<br />

DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>8 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

1747 Collier, Paul: Die unterste Milliarde : warum die ärmsten Länder<br />

scheitern und was man dagegen tun kann (Orig.: The bottom<br />

billion) / Paul Collier. Aus dem Engl. von Rita Seuß ... -<br />

Lizenzausg. - Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 255 S., Reg. - (Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische<br />

Bildung; Bd. 706) - ISBN 978-3-89331-870-4<br />

DGAP D 852479 DGAP: DG 46879.D.bpb<br />

1748 Micro-evidence on innovation and development / guest ed.<br />

by Micheline Goedhuys ... - In: The European Journal of<br />

Development Research (Abingdon), 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special<br />

Issue, S. <strong>16</strong>7-363, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

DIE D 85<strong>16</strong>91 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZA151 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT<br />

Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1749 Micro-evidence on innovation and development (MEIDE) :<br />

An introduction [to the special issue] / Micheline Goedhuys.... - In:<br />

The European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),<br />

20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2, Special Issue, S. <strong>16</strong>7-171, graph. Darst., Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 171<br />


Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

1750 Pegels, Anna: Wachstum in Entwicklungsländern durch<br />

internationalen Technologietransfer / Anna Pegels. - Berlin:<br />

Logos Verl., 2007. - Getr. Zählung, graph. Darst., Lit. S. I-XVI -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8325-1760-1<br />

DIE D 852358 DIE: AH417 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 95 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.15 Developing countries / Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1751 Chen, Shaohua; Ravallion, Martin: The developing world is<br />

poorer than we thought, but no less successful in the fight<br />

against poverty / Shaohua Chen ; Martin Ravallion. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: International Bank for Reconstruction and<br />

Development, <strong>2008</strong>. - 46 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (Policy<br />

Research Working Papers; 4703)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/IW3P/IB/<strong>2008</strong>/08/26/000158349_<strong>2008</strong>0826113239/Rendered/<br />

PDF/WPS4703.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>14<br />

SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /<br />

Sectoral economic policy<br />

1752 Orr, Ryan J.; Kennedy, Jeremy R.: Highlights of recent trends<br />

in global infrastructure : new players and revised game rules /<br />

Ryan J. Orr and Jeremy R. Kennedy. - In: Transnational<br />

Corporations (New York/N.Y.), 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 99-133,<br />

Lit. S. 126-129<br />

DIE D 852523 ILAS: ZS-INT DIE: ZE005 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SH06 Agrarian sector<br />

1753 Brümmer, Bernhard; Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan von; Qaim,<br />

Matin: Rolle der agrarökonomischen Forschung für<br />

Armutsbekämpfung in Entwicklungsländern / Bernhard<br />

Brümmer, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel und Matin Qaim. - In:<br />

Agrarwirtschaft (Frankfurt/Main), 57 (<strong>2008</strong>) 6, S. 285-286<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>79 DIE: ZA043 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

1754 Biglaiser, Glen; Hicks, Brian; Huggins, Caitlin: Sovereign<br />

bond ratings and the democratic advantage : portfolio<br />

investment in the developing world / Glen Biglaiser ; Brian Hicks ;<br />

Caitlin Huggins. - In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1092-11<strong>16</strong>, graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1113-11<strong>16</strong><br />

DIE D 852096 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SI01 Technology / Technological development<br />

1755 Pegels, Anna: Wachstum in Entwicklungsländern durch<br />

internationalen Technologietransfer / Anna Pegels. - Berlin:<br />

Logos Verl., 2007. - Getr. Zählung, graph. Darst., Lit. S. I-XVI -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8325-1760-1<br />

DIE D 852358 DIE: AH417 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SK03 Research and development<br />

1756 Brümmer, Bernhard; Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan von; Qaim,<br />

Matin: Rolle der agrarökonomischen Forschung für<br />

Armutsbekämpfung in Entwicklungsländern / Bernhard<br />

Brümmer, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel und Matin Qaim. - In:<br />

Agrarwirtschaft (Frankfurt/Main), 57 (<strong>2008</strong>) 6, S. 285-286<br />

DIE D 85<strong>18</strong>79 DIE: ZA043 Öff.StaO: 206<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 96 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15




SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact<br />

1757 Hecht-el-Minshawi, Beatrice; Szodruch, Marja: Weltweit<br />

arbeiten : gut vorbereitet für Job und Karriere im Ausland /<br />

Béatrice Hecht-El Minshawi ; Marja Szodruch. - München:<br />

Redline Wirtschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. - 240 S., Ill., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-636-01580-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>41 IFA: 28/737 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

1758 Hecht-el-Minshawi, Beatrice; Szodruch, Marja: Weltweit<br />

arbeiten : gut vorbereitet für Job und Karriere im Ausland /<br />

Béatrice Hecht-El Minshawi ; Marja Szodruch. - München:<br />

Redline Wirtschaft, <strong>2008</strong>. - 240 S., Ill., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-636-01580-8<br />

IFA D 85<strong>16</strong>41 IFA: 28/737 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 97 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


SA02 History<br />

1759 Wagner, Anne-Catherine: Les classes sociales dans la<br />

mondialisation / Anne-Catherine Wagner. - Paris: La Découverte,<br />

2007. - 117 S., Tab., Lit. S. 105-114 - (Repères; 503) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7071-4922-0<br />

DFI D 852579 DFI: VN 710.WAG Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SB International politics / system<br />

1760 Cooper, Andrew F.: Celebrity diplomacy / Andrew F. Cooper. -<br />

Boulder/Colo. ...: Paradigm Publ., <strong>2008</strong>. - X,150 S., Ill., Reg. -<br />

ISBN 978-1-59451-479-1<br />

DGAP D 852455 DGAP: DG 47294<br />

1761 Krings, Günter: Effektiver Multilateralismus / Günter Krings. -<br />

In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 53 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

466, S. 36-42<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>05 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SC International security / Defense<br />

1762 Gowan, Richard: The strategic context: peacekeeping in crisis,<br />

2006-08 / Richard Gowan. - In: International Peacekeeping<br />

(Ilford), 15 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 4, Special Issue, S. 563-469, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 852728 SWP: X. 785 DGAP: ZD 498 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

1763 Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the<br />

Congo / James Dobbins ... - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 344 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4138-8<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG722.pdf<br />

SWP D 851729<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

1764 Huisken, Ron: Globalising the INF Treaty : The best way to<br />

inhibit the proliferation of long-range missiles? / Ron Huisken. -<br />

Canberra: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, <strong>2008</strong>. - 9 S. -<br />

(Working Paper / Strategic and Defence Studies Centre; No. 409)<br />

- ISBN 978-0-7315-5485-0<br />

DGAP D 852371 DGAP: DG B01452c<br />

1765 Perkovich, George; Acton, James: Abolishing nuclear<br />

waepons / George Perkovich and James M. Acton. - Abingdon ...:<br />

Routledge, <strong>2008</strong>. - 1<strong>30</strong> S. - (Adelphi Papers; 396) -<br />

ISBN 978-0-415-46583-0<br />

DGAP D 852564 DGAP: DG 47211m<br />

1766 Rublee, Maria Rost: Taking stock of the nuclear<br />

nonproliferation regime : using social psychology to understand<br />

regime effectiveness / Maria Rost Rublee. - In: International<br />

Studies Review (Malden/Mass.), 10 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 420-450<br />

HSFK D 852771 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47<br />

1767 Springer, Natalie: Die Deaktivierung des Krieges : Zur<br />

Demobilisierung von Gesellschaften nach Bürgerkriegen /<br />

Natalie Springer. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 329 S., Kt. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-2283-2<br />

SOI D 852319 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.999<br />

SC05 War / Warfare<br />

1768 Howard, Michael: For God, King and Country / Michael Howard.<br />

- In: The National Interest (Washington/D.C.),<br />

(<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97, S. 54-60, Ill.<br />

SWP D 852275 SWP: X. 713 DGAP: ZD 392 HSFK: ZS N Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

1769 Skinner, Tony: Cyberwarfare : war and pc / Tony Skinner. -<br />

In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (24 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

39, S. 38-45, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852423 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />


SC06.02 Armament<br />

1770 International defence logistics 2007 - In: Military Technology<br />

(Bonn), 31 (2007) 7, S. 73-75, Ill., graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 852744 SWP: Y. 406 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

1771 Mützenich, Rolf: Atomare Schatten : das zweite<br />

Nuklearzeitalter / Rolf Mützenich. - In: Blätter für deutsche und<br />

internationale Politik (Bonn), 53 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 31-43, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>13 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B<br />

IFA: Z-D1063 ILAS: ZS-INT IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: H 220<br />

SD International economy<br />

1772 Commodity prices, capital flows and the financing of<br />

investment / report by the secretariat of the United Nations<br />

Conference on Trade and Development. - New York/N.Y.:<br />

United Nations, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIII, XIII, 201 S., zahlr. graph. Darst.<br />

u. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Trade and Development Report; <strong>2008</strong>) -<br />

ISBN 978-92-1-112752-2<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>34 SWP: V. 326 DGAP: UN IID:08.21 DIE: EC026 IAS: 0.06/91<br />

Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1773 Dreher, Axel; Gaston, Noel; Martens, Pim: Measuring<br />

globalisation : gauging its consequences / Axel Dreher ; Noel<br />

Gaston ; Pim Martens. - New York/N.Y.: Springer, <strong>2008</strong>. - XVI,<br />

224 S., graph. Darst., Kt., zahlr. Tab., Reg., Anh., Lit. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-387-74067-6<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>42 SWP: A.08/0317<br />

SD01 World economy / International economic system<br />

1774 Matthes, Jürgen; Langhorst, Christina; Herzog, Bodo:<br />

Deutschland in der Globalisierung : Auswirkungen und<br />

Handlungsansätze für eine bessere Balance zwischen<br />

Gewinnern und Verlierern / Jürgen Matthes ; Christina<br />

Langhorst ; Bodo Herzog. - Sankt Augustin ...:<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 56 S., graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 51-55 - (Zukunftsforum Politik; 89) -<br />

ISBN 978-3-940955-17-3<br />

http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_14039-544-1-<strong>30</strong>.pdf<br />

DGAP D 852240 DGAP: DG B01452x<br />

SD01.01 International trade / International trade system<br />

1775 Higgott, Richard; Roadnight, Andrew: The future of the global<br />

trading system / Richard Higgott and Andrew Roadnight. -<br />

Conventry: Garnet, [<strong>2008</strong>]. - 34 S., Lit. S. 32-34<br />

http://www.garnet-eu.org/fileadmin/documents/news/The_Future<br />

_of_the_Global_Trading_System.pdf<br />

DGAP D 851965 DGAP: DG B01453d<br />

1776 Jensen, Jody: Governing global markets in a new age of<br />

globalization / Jody Jensen. - In: Society and Economy<br />

(Budapest), 29 (December 2007) 3, S. <strong>30</strong>5-324<br />

SWP D 852623 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

1777 Laïdi, Zaki: How trade became geopolitics / Zaki Laïdi. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 55-61<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>53 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1778 Martin, Will; Mattoo, Aaditya: The Doha Development Agenda :<br />

what's on the table? / Will Martin ; Aaditya Matto. -<br />

Washington/D.C.: The World Bank Development Research<br />

Group, <strong>2008</strong>. - 34 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S.33-34 - (Policy<br />

Research Working Papers; 4672)<br />

http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServ<br />

er/WDSP/IB/<strong>2008</strong>/07/21/000158349_<strong>2008</strong>0721092417/Rendere<br />

d/PDF/WPS4672.pdf<br />

DGAP D 851999 DGAP: DG B01453e<br />

1779 Martin, Will; Messerlin, Patrick A.: Why is it so difficult? Trade<br />

liberalization under the Doha Agenda / Will Martin and Patrick<br />

Messerlin. - In: Oxford Review of Economic Policy (London),<br />

23 (2007) 3, S. 347-366, Tab., Lit. S. 365-366<br />

DGAP D 851963 DGAP: DG B01453c Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/820<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 98 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

1780 Mildner, Stormy-Annika: Fehlschläge, Unterbrechungen und<br />

Rückschritte : warum die Doha-Runde bislang nicht<br />

abgeschlossen werden konnte / Stormy Mildner. -<br />

In: Ifo-Schnelldienst (München), 61 (<strong>2008</strong>) 15, S. 22-25, Lit.<br />

Hinw.<br />

DGAP D 851969 DGAP: ZD 532 DIE: ZA112 IAS: 3/856 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct<br />

investment<br />

1781 Bauer, Christian; Herz, Bernhard: A cheap lunch for emerging<br />

markets : removing international financial market imperfections<br />

with modern financial instruments / Christian Bauer, Bernhard<br />

Herz. - In: World Development (Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 1514-15<strong>30</strong>, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1526-1527, Anh.<br />

S. 1527-15<strong>30</strong><br />

SWP D 852363 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SE01 Foreign cultural policy<br />

1782 Anholt, Simon: The importance of national reputation / Simon<br />

Anholt. - In: Engagement / Foreign & Commonwealth Office.<br />

Supervising eds.: Jolyon Welsh ... - London, <strong>2008</strong>, S. <strong>30</strong>-43,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

http://www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/pd-engagement-jul-08<br />

IFA D 852290 IFA: 4B28/131 Öff.StaO: 212<br />

SF Government<br />

1783 Dionisi-Peyrusse, Amélie: Essai sur une nouvelle conception<br />

de la nationalité / Amélie Dionisi-Peyrusse. Préface de Patrick<br />

Courbe. - Paris: Defrénois, <strong>2008</strong>. - XIV,436 S., Reg.,<br />

Lit. S. 389-419 - (Doctorat et Notariat; Tome 31) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-85623-148-7 -- Zugl.: Rouen, Univ., Thèse, 2005<br />

DFI D 852035 DFI: VB 575.DIO Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1784 Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the<br />

Congo / James Dobbins ... - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 344 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4138-8<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG722.pdf<br />

SWP D 851729<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

1785 Europe's role in nation-building : from the Balkans to the<br />

Congo / James Dobbins ... - Santa Monica/Cal., <strong>2008</strong>. - 344 S.,<br />

graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - (Rand Corporation Monograph<br />

Series) - ISBN 978-0-83<strong>30</strong>-4138-8<br />

http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/<strong>2008</strong>/RAND_MG722.pdf<br />

SWP D 851729<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

1786 Springer, Natalie: Die Deaktivierung des Krieges : Zur<br />

Demobilisierung von Gesellschaften nach Bürgerkriegen /<br />

Natalie Springer. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, <strong>2008</strong>. - 329 S., Kt. -<br />

ISBN 978-3-8329-2283-2<br />

SOI D 852319 SOI: 8<strong>2008</strong>.999<br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

1787 Hoffman, Bruce: Terrorismus - der unerklärte Krieg : neue<br />

Gefahren politischer Gewalt / Bruce Hoffman. Aus dem engl. von<br />

Klaus Kochmann. - akt. Neufass. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 596 S., Reg., Lit. S. 535-585 - ISBN 978-3-596-17053-1<br />

DIE D 852<strong>30</strong>4 DGAP: DG 41056.Neufass DIE: KC<strong>16</strong>9(<strong>2008</strong>) Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SG Society<br />

1788 Jensen, Jody: Governing global markets in a new age of<br />

globalization / Jody Jensen. - In: Society and Economy<br />

(Budapest), 29 (December 2007) 3, S. <strong>30</strong>5-324<br />

SWP D 852623 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

SG02 Social process / Social structure<br />

1789 Les ruptures entre générations - In: Constructif (Paris), (juin<br />

<strong>2008</strong>) 20, S. 5-43, Lit. Hinw.<br />

DFI D 852326 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

1790 Wagner, Anne-Catherine: Les classes sociales dans la<br />

mondialisation / Anne-Catherine Wagner. - Paris: La Découverte,<br />

2007. - 117 S., Tab., Lit. S. 105-114 - (Repères; 503) -<br />

ISBN 978-2-7071-4922-0<br />

DFI D 852579 DFI: VN 710.WAG Öff.StaO: Lg 3<br />

SG02.04 Migration<br />

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

1791 Brown, Oli: Migration and climate change / prepared for IOM by<br />

Oli Brown. - Geneva: IOM, <strong>2008</strong>. - 60 S., Lit. S. 51-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (IOM Migration Research Series; 31)<br />

DIE D 852122 DIE: AU395 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

1792 Laïdi, Zaki: How trade became geopolitics / Zaki Laïdi. -<br />

In: World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 55-61<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>53 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

1793 Böske, Johannes: Zur Ökonomie der Versorgungssicherheit in<br />

der Energiewirtschaft / Johannes Böske. - Münster: Lit Verl.,<br />

2007. - XVIII, 172, XLIV S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. -<br />

(Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomik; Bd. 25) -<br />

ISBN 978-38-25-80854-9 -- Zugl.: Münster, Univ., Diss., 2007<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>41 SWP: A.08/0314<br />

1794 Brahmbhatt, Milan; Christiaensen, Luc: The run on rice /<br />

Milan Brambhatt and Luc Christiaensen. - In: World Policy<br />

Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 29-37, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>51 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

1795 Brecha, Robert J.: Emission scenarios in the face of fossil-fuel<br />

peaking / Robert J. Brecha. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),<br />

36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 3492-3504, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 3504<br />

SWP D 852352 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

1796 Energie und Effizienz - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),<br />

53 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 466, S. 5-35<br />

DGAP D 85<strong>18</strong>01 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023<br />

BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

1797 Renewable energy and the global environment : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global<br />

Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, October <strong>30</strong>,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- III,63 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 110-146)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38604.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851783 HSFK: 99.017 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

1798 Soros, George: The perilous price of oil / George Soros. - In:<br />

The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y.),<br />

55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14, S. 36-38, Ill.<br />

SWP D 851755 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8/144<br />

SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products<br />

1799 Brahmbhatt, Milan; Christiaensen, Luc: The run on rice /<br />

Milan Brambhatt and Luc Christiaensen. - In: World Policy<br />

Journal (New York/N.Y.), 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 29-37, Ill.,<br />

graph. Darst.<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>51 SWP: X. 699 DGAP: ZD 433 HSFK: ZS W IMES: ZS-NO<br />

Öff.StaO: 206<br />

SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances<br />

<strong>18</strong>00 Dieter, Heribert: Das Ende des amerikanischen Modells :<br />

warum die Finanzkrise in den USA eine Zeitenwende markiert /<br />

Heribert Dieter. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 71/<strong>2008</strong>)<br />

http://www.swp-berlin.org/common/get_document.php?asset_id=<br />

5289<br />


DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>5 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

SI03.02 Information technology<br />

<strong>18</strong>01 Skinner, Tony: Cyberwarfare : war and pc / Tony Skinner. -<br />

In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 45 (24 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>)<br />

39, S. 38-45, Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.<br />

SWP D 852423 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW<br />

Öff.StaO: 11<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 99 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

<strong>18</strong>02 9. Vertragsstaatenkonferenz des Übereinkommens über die<br />

biologische Vielfalt vom 19. bis <strong>30</strong>. Mai <strong>2008</strong> in Bonn /<br />

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und<br />

Reaktorsicherheit. - In: Umwelt (Berlin), (<strong>2008</strong>) 7-8, S. I-VIII,<br />

Sonderteil.<br />

DIE D 852001 SWP: Y. 973 DIE: ZA159 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>18</strong>03 Biodiversität : die Vielfalt des Lebens - In: zeo2 (Radolfzell),<br />

1 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 14-35, Ill.<br />

DIE D 852113 DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>9<br />

<strong>18</strong>04 Biosprit : Absturz eines Hoffnungsträgers - In: zeo2 (Radolfzell),<br />

1 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 14-27, Ill.<br />

DIE D 852117 DIE: ZA<strong>16</strong>9<br />

<strong>18</strong>05 Brecha, Robert J.: Emission scenarios in the face of fossil-fuel<br />

peaking / Robert J. Brecha. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),<br />

36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9, S. 3492-3504, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 3504<br />

SWP D 852352 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

<strong>18</strong>06 Brown, Oli: Migration and climate change / prepared for IOM by<br />

Oli Brown. - Geneva: IOM, <strong>2008</strong>. - 60 S., Lit. S. 51-53, Lit. Hinw.<br />

- (IOM Migration Research Series; 31)<br />

DIE D 852122 DIE: AU395 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>18</strong>07 Globale Umweltpolitik : eine Einführung / hrsg. von Johannes<br />

Varwick. Mit Beitr. von Felix Ekardt ... - Schwalbach/Ts.:<br />

Wochenschau-Verl., <strong>2008</strong>. - 126 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.<br />

Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-8997-4411-8<br />

DGAP D 852292 DGAP: DG 47285<br />

<strong>18</strong>08 The Kyoto Protocol: An update : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment<br />

of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, July 11, 2007 -<br />

Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>. -<br />

III,147 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 110-125)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/36724.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851781 HSFK: 99.0<strong>18</strong> Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>09 Perspectives on climate change : hearing before the<br />

Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality of the Committee on<br />

Energy and Commerce and the Subcommittee on Energy and<br />

the Environment of the Committee on Science and Technology,<br />

U.S. House of Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session,<br />

March 21, 2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing<br />

Office, 2007. - V,150 S. - (Serial / Committee on Energy and<br />

Commerce (United States / House); No. 110-23) - (Hearing /<br />

Committee on Science and Technology (United States / House);<br />

No. 110-14)<br />

http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110<br />

_house_hearings&docid=f:37579.pdf<br />

HSFK D 85<strong>2008</strong> HSFK: 99.005 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>10 Renewable energy and the global environment : hearing<br />

before the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global<br />

Environment of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of<br />

Representatives, 110th Congress, 1st Session, October <strong>30</strong>,<br />

2007 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

- III,63 S. - (Serial / Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States<br />

/ House); No. 110-146)<br />

http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/38604.pdf<br />

HSFK D 851783 HSFK: 99.017 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>11 Sørensen, Bent: Pathways to climate stabilisation / Bent<br />

Sørensen. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9,<br />

S. 3505-3509, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 3509<br />

SWP D 852353 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

<strong>18</strong>12 Wimmer, Andreas: Elementary strategies of ethnic boundary<br />

making / Andreas Wimmer. - In: Ethnic and Racial Studies<br />

(Oxford), 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 6, S. 1025-1055, Graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 1048-1055<br />

ECMI D 852298 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 100 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

RR SPACE<br />

SC01 International relations in the field of international<br />

security<br />

<strong>18</strong>13 Manzo, Vince: U.S. policy brief: The need for a strategic<br />

dialogue with China / by Vince Manzo. - Washington/D.C.:<br />

Center for Defense Information, <strong>2008</strong>. - 11 S.<br />

http://www.cdi.org/pdfs/StrategicDialoguePolicy.pdf<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>27<br />

II.<strong>18</strong> SPACE / WELTRAUM / ESPACE<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 101 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15




SB01 International relations / process<br />

<strong>18</strong>14 The ethical dimensions of global development / ed. by Verna<br />

V. Gehring. Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy. -<br />

Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman and Littlefield Publ., 2007. - VII,96 S. -<br />

(Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy Studies Series) -<br />

ISBN 0-7425-4962-3<br />

HSFK D 851950 HSFK: 39.258 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>15 Herausforderungen der Globalisierung für die nationale<br />

und supranationale Politik : Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge<br />

des Forschungssymposiums anlässlich der Emeritierung von<br />

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Duwendag am 3. Dezember 2004 / Jan<br />

Ziekow (Hg.). Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung. -<br />

Speyer: Deutsches Forschungsinst. für öffentl. Verw., 2006. -<br />

VIII,<strong>16</strong>2 S. - (Speyerer Forschungsberichte; 243) -<br />

ISBN 3-932112-81-4<br />

HSFK D 851957 HSFK: 39.365 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong><strong>16</strong> International Political Sociology Forum: Foucault and<br />

international political sociology - In: International Political<br />

Sociology (Malden/Mass.), 2 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 265-277<br />

HSFK D 852748 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 6/A<br />

<strong>18</strong>17 Kollman, Kelly: The regulatory power of business norms : A call<br />

for a new research agenda / Kelly Kollman. - In: International<br />

Studies Review (Malden/Mass.), 10 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 397-419<br />

HSFK D 852749 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47<br />

<strong>18</strong><strong>18</strong> Walker, Thomas C.: Two faces of liberalism: Kant, Paine, and<br />

the question of intervention / Thomas C. Walker. -<br />

In: International Studies Quarterly (Malden/Mass.),<br />

52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 449-468<br />

HSFK D 852753 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SB03 International law<br />

<strong>18</strong>19 Civil war and the rule of law : security, development, human<br />

rights / ed. by Angès Hurwitz ... International Peace Academy -<br />

Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner, <strong>2008</strong>. - X, 351 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>3-329 - ISBN 978-1-58826-507-4<br />

SWP D 852059 SWP: A.08/0326<br />

<strong>18</strong>20 Knauff, Matthias: Konstitutionalisierung im inner- und<br />

überstaatlichen Recht : Konvergenz oder Divergenz? / Matthias<br />

Knauff. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 453-490, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851943 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

<strong>18</strong>21 Paulus, Christoph G.: The evolution of the "concept of odious<br />

debts" / Christoph G. Paulus. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches<br />

öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2,<br />

S. 391-429, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851941 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SB05 International political conflicts<br />

<strong>18</strong>22 Wood, Reed M.: "A hand upon the throat of the nation":<br />

economic sanctions and state repression, 1976-2001 / Reed M.<br />

Wood. - In: International Studies Quarterly (Malden/Mass.),<br />

52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 489-513<br />

HSFK D 852755 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SC02 Defence policy / Security policy<br />

<strong>18</strong>23 Exceptional measures for exceptional times: The state of<br />

security post 9/11 : selected proceedings of the Thirteenth<br />

Annual Conference of the Centre for International and Security<br />

Studies, February 2-3, 2006 / ed. by Colleen Bell ... Centre for<br />

International and Security Studies - Toronto: Centre for<br />

International and Security Studies, 2006. - 228 S. -<br />

ISBN 0-920231-38-1<br />

HSFK D 852522 HSFK: 38.753 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>24 Krahmann, Elke: Security: collective good or commodity? / Elke<br />

Krahmann. - In: European Journal of International Relations<br />

(London), 14 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 379-404<br />

HSFK D 852768 SWP: X 8<strong>30</strong> OSI: UB: 95/212 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SC03 Arms control / Disarmament<br />

<strong>18</strong>25 Rüstungskontrolle im 21. Jahrhundert / Una Becker ...<br />

(Gasthrsg.) - In: Die Friedens-Warte (Berlin), 83 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2-3,<br />

S. 13-198, Tab.<br />

HSFK D 852333 SWP: X. 253 OSI: Zs <strong>30</strong>8 DGAP: ZD <strong>18</strong>6 HSFK: ZS F<br />

IFA: Z-D4329 BICC: BZ FW Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SD02 International economic relations / economic<br />

cooperation<br />

<strong>18</strong>26 Herberg, Martin: Globalisierung und private Selbstregulierung :<br />

Umweltschutz in multinationalen Unternehmen / Martin Herberg.<br />

- Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verl., 2007. - 274 S.,<br />

graph.Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 255-270 - (Staatlichkeit im<br />

Wandel) - ISBN 978-3-593-38358-3 -- Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss.,<br />

2005<br />

HSFK D 852507 HSFK: 39.573 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF Government<br />

<strong>18</strong>27 Herausforderungen der Globalisierung für die nationale<br />

und supranationale Politik : Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge<br />

des Forschungssymposiums anlässlich der Emeritierung von<br />

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Duwendag am 3. Dezember 2004 / Jan<br />

Ziekow (Hg.). Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung. -<br />

Speyer: Deutsches Forschungsinst. für öffentl. Verw., 2006. -<br />

VIII,<strong>16</strong>2 S. - (Speyerer Forschungsberichte; 243) -<br />

ISBN 3-932112-81-4<br />

HSFK D 851957 HSFK: 39.365 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>28 Piazza, James A.: Incubators of terror: do failed and failing<br />

states promore transnational terrorism? / James A. Piazza. -<br />

In: International Studies Quarterly (Malden/Mass.),<br />

52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 469-488<br />

HSFK D 852754 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SF01 Political system / Constitution<br />

<strong>18</strong>29 Stoiber, Michael: Ein neues, kontextualisiertes Maß für<br />

Demokratie : Konzeptualisierung und Operationalisierung /<br />

Michael Stoiber. - In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft<br />

(Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 209-231, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 228-231<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>63 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

SF01.02 Human rights<br />

<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong> The ethical dimensions of global development / ed. by Verna<br />

V. Gehring. Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy. -<br />

Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman and Littlefield Publ., 2007. - VII,96 S. -<br />

(Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy Studies Series) -<br />

ISBN 0-7425-4962-3<br />

HSFK D 851950 HSFK: 39.258 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict<br />

<strong>18</strong>31 Wood, Reed M.: "A hand upon the throat of the nation":<br />

economic sanctions and state repression, 1976-2001 / Reed M.<br />

Wood. - In: International Studies Quarterly (Malden/Mass.),<br />

52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 489-513<br />

HSFK D 852755 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SF06.01 Civil war<br />

<strong>18</strong>32 Civil war and the rule of law : security, development, human<br />

rights / ed. by Angès Hurwitz ... International Peace Academy -<br />

Boulder/Colo. ...: Rienner, <strong>2008</strong>. - X, 351 S., graph.<br />

Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>3-329 - ISBN 978-1-58826-507-4<br />

SWP D 852059 SWP: A.08/0326<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 102 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

<strong>18</strong>33 Kalyvas, Stathis N.: Ethnic defection in civil war / Stathis N.<br />

Kalyvas. - In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1043-1068, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 1065-1068<br />

DIE D 852075 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SF06.02 Terrorism<br />

<strong>18</strong>34 Exceptional measures for exceptional times: The state of<br />

security post 9/11 : selected proceedings of the Thirteenth<br />

Annual Conference of the Centre for International and Security<br />

Studies, February 2-3, 2006 / ed. by Colleen Bell ... Centre for<br />

International and Security Studies - Toronto: Centre for<br />

International and Security Studies, 2006. - 228 S. -<br />

ISBN 0-920231-38-1<br />

HSFK D 852522 HSFK: 38.753 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

<strong>18</strong>35 Piazza, James A.: Incubators of terror: do failed and failing<br />

states promore transnational terrorism? / James A. Piazza. -<br />

In: International Studies Quarterly (Malden/Mass.),<br />

52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 469-488<br />

HSFK D 852754 SWP: X. <strong>18</strong>1 OSI: Zu 535 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 517<br />

SF10 Law<br />

<strong>18</strong>36 Knauff, Matthias: Konstitutionalisierung im inner- und<br />

überstaatlichen Recht : Konvergenz oder Divergenz? / Matthias<br />

Knauff. - In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und<br />

Völkerrecht (Stuttgart), 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 453-490, Lit. Hinw.<br />

SWP D 851943 SWP: X. 152 DGAP: ZD 221 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities<br />

<strong>18</strong>37 Kalyvas, Stathis N.: Ethnic defection in civil war / Stathis N.<br />

Kalyvas. - In: Comparative Political Studies (Thousand<br />

Oaks/Cal.), 41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8, S. 1043-1068, Tab.,<br />

Lit. S. 1065-1068<br />

DIE D 852075 DIE: ZK049 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SG04 Education / Training<br />

<strong>18</strong>38 Szentes, Tamás: Twelve theses on the role of human capital<br />

and education in development / Tamás Szentes. - In: Society<br />

and Economy (Budapest), 29 (December 2007) 3, S. 285-<strong>30</strong>3,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>3<br />

SWP D 852621 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

SG05.01 Ideologies<br />

<strong>18</strong>39 Fatovic, Clement: The political theology of prerogative : The<br />

jurisprudential miracle in liberal constitutional thought / Clement<br />

Fatovic. - In: Perspectives on Politics (Washington/D.C.),<br />

6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 487-501, Lit. S. 500-501<br />

SWP D 852286 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

SG08 Culture / Language / Arts<br />

<strong>18</strong>40 Heydemann, Steven: Institutions and economic performance :<br />

The use and abuse of culture in new institutional economics /<br />

Steven Heydemann. - In: Studies in Comparative International<br />

Development (New York/N.Y.), 43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 27-52,<br />

Lit. S. 49-52<br />

DIE D 852509 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH02 Economic development / Economic policy<br />

<strong>18</strong>41 Heydemann, Steven: Institutions and economic performance :<br />

The use and abuse of culture in new institutional economics /<br />

Steven Heydemann. - In: Studies in Comparative International<br />

Development (New York/N.Y.), 43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1, S. 27-52,<br />

Lit. S. 49-52<br />

DIE D 852509 HSFK: ZS S DIE: ZS020 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong><br />

SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure<br />

<strong>18</strong>42 Szentes, Tamás: Twelve theses on the role of human capital<br />

and education in development / Tamás Szentes. - In: Society<br />

and Economy (Budapest), 29 (December 2007) 3, S. 285-<strong>30</strong>3,<br />

Lit. S. <strong>30</strong>3<br />

SWP D 852621 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

SH03 Labour / Employment<br />

<strong>18</strong>43 Streeck, Wolfgang: Industrial relations today : reining in<br />

flexibility / Wolfgang Streeck. - Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für<br />

Gesellschaftsforschung, <strong>2008</strong>. - 21 S., Lit. S. 21 - (MPIfG<br />

Working Paper; 08/3)<br />

DGAP D 851748 DGAP: DG B01450g<br />

SH05 Energy industry<br />

<strong>18</strong>44 Grimm, Veronika; Ockenfels, Axel; Zoettl, Gregor:<br />

Strommarktdesign : zur Ausgestaltung der Auktionsregeln an<br />

der EEX / Veronika Grimm ; Axel Ockenfels ; Gregor Zoettl. -<br />

In: Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft (Wiesbaden), 32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 147-<strong>16</strong>1, graph. Darst., Lit. S. <strong>16</strong>0-<strong>16</strong>1<br />

SWP D 85<strong>18</strong>59 SWP: Y. 568 Öff.StaO: 1a<br />

SH07 Secondary sector / Industry<br />

<strong>18</strong>45 Kollman, Kelly: The regulatory power of business norms : A call<br />

for a new research agenda / Kelly Kollman. - In: International<br />

Studies Review (Malden/Mass.), 10 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3,<br />

S. 397-419<br />

HSFK D 852749 SWP: X. 877 OSI: Zw 407 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 11/47<br />

SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental<br />

policy<br />

<strong>18</strong>46 Herberg, Martin: Globalisierung und private Selbstregulierung :<br />

Umweltschutz in multinationalen Unternehmen / Martin Herberg.<br />

- Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verl., 2007. - 274 S.,<br />

graph.Darst., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 255-270 - (Staatlichkeit im<br />

Wandel) - ISBN 978-3-593-38358-3 -- Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss.,<br />

2005<br />

HSFK D 852507 HSFK: 39.573 Öff.StaO: F 197<br />

SK01 Fields of science<br />

<strong>18</strong>47 Bevir, Mark; Kedar, Asaf: Concept formation in political<br />

science : An anti-naturalist critique of qualitative methodology /<br />

Mark Bevir and Asaf Kedar. - In: Perspectives on Politics<br />

(Washington/D.C.), 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 503-517,<br />

Lit. S. 5<strong>16</strong>-517<br />

SWP D 852287 SWP: Y. 1085 OSI: Zw 683<br />

<strong>18</strong>48 Glaser, Barney G.; Strauss, Anselm L.: The discovery of<br />

grounded theory : strategies for qualitative research / Barney G.<br />

Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss. - New Brunswick/N.J. ...: Aldine<br />

Transaction, <strong>2008</strong>. - X, 271 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-202-<strong>30</strong>260-7<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Grounded theory: Strategien<br />

qualitativer Forschung. - Bern ...: Huber, 1998<br />

DIE D 852775 DIE: HC250 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>18</strong>49 Magyari-Beck, Istvan: Creatology from 1977 to 2007 : The first<br />

thirty years of the new science of creativity / Istvan Magyari-Beck.<br />

- In: Society and Economy (Budapest), 29 (December 2007) 3,<br />

S. 343-361, Tab., Lit. S. 360-361<br />

SWP D 852661 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>0<br />

SK02 Theory / Methodology<br />

<strong>18</strong>50 Biebricher, Thomas: Staatlichkeit, Gouvernementalität und<br />

Neoliberalismus / Thomas Biebricher. - In: Prokla (Münster),<br />

38 (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 2/151, S. <strong>30</strong>7-322, Lit. S. 321-322<br />

FUB D 85<strong>18</strong>38 OSI: Zu 323 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

<strong>18</strong>51 Glaser, Barney G.; Strauss, Anselm L.: The discovery of<br />

grounded theory : strategies for qualitative research / Barney G.<br />

Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss. - New Brunswick/N.J. ...: Aldine<br />

Transaction, <strong>2008</strong>. - X, 271 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. -<br />

ISBN 978-0-202-<strong>30</strong>260-7<br />

Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Grounded theory: Strategien<br />

qualitativer Forschung. - Bern ...: Huber, 1998<br />

DIE D 852775 DIE: HC250 Öff.StaO: B 1503<br />

<strong>18</strong>52 International Political Sociology Forum: Foucault and<br />

international political sociology - In: International Political<br />

Sociology (Malden/Mass.), 2 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3, S. 265-277<br />

HSFK D 852748 HSFK: ZS I Öff.StaO: 6/A<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 103 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional<br />

<strong>18</strong>53 Stoiber, Michael: Ein neues, kontextualisiertes Maß für<br />

Demokratie : Konzeptualisierung und Operationalisierung /<br />

Michael Stoiber. - In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft<br />

(Baden-Baden), <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2, S. 209-231, graph. Darst.,<br />

Lit. S. 228-231<br />

FUB D 85<strong>16</strong>63 SWP: X. 790 OSI: Zw 328 DGAP: ZD 460 HSFK: ZS Z<br />

IFA: Z-D3737 Öff.StaO: <strong>18</strong>8<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 104 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


Abélamine, Clément 190<br />

Abente Brun, Diego 1069<br />

Abghari, Adineh 1387<br />

Abiad, Nisrine 1237;1238<br />

Acton, James 1765<br />

Adeney, Katharine 1355;1364<br />

Adhikari, Damodar 1453<br />

Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin 1367;1385<br />

Agnes, Uwe 1155;1159<br />

Aguilera Peralta, Gabriel 953<br />

Ahn, Choong-yong 1520;<strong>16</strong>39<br />

Akhtar, Javed 1410<br />

Akokpari, John 1106<br />

Alam, Asad 143;540<br />

Albright, David 1378;1707<br />

Alcock, Frank 810;1714<br />

Aldama, Juan Alonso 32;105;193;291<br />

Aliboni, Roberto 7;<strong>16</strong>77<br />

Allmendinger, Jutta 450<br />

Alonso, José Antonio 925<br />

Altbach, Philip G. 8<strong>18</strong><br />

Altmann, Anton 1178<br />

Anastasakis, Othon 645;647<br />

Anderlini, Sanam B. 700;749;1368;1372<br />

Andrews-Speed, Philip 536<br />

Andriesse, Edo 1471<br />

Anholt, Simon 1782<br />

Antimiani, Alessandro 1719;1736<br />

Apgar, Mahlon (IV) 846<br />

Appleton, Andrew M. 853;857<br />

Arbatov, Aleksej Georgievic 548;576;701;783<br />

Arce, Moises 1073;1075<br />

Arellanes Jiménez, Paulino Ernesto 933;939<br />

Argan, Mehpare Tokay 527<br />

Argenton, Cédric 319<br />

Arndt, Channing 1<strong>16</strong>9;1170<br />

Arnoldi, Jürgen 376<br />

Arpac, Ozlem 1715<br />

Ash, Mitchell G. 359;474<br />

Ashbrook, John 33;95;672;673<br />

Asiimwe, Delius 1206<br />

Åslund, Anders 587<br />

Asmus, Ronald D. 619<br />

Astro, Alan 262<br />

Attisso, Fulbert Sassou 1104<br />

Aubelle, Vincent 241<br />

Auberger, Antoine 227<br />

Auwermann, Daniel 373<br />

Azzi, Arwa al- 1342<br />

Babajanian, Babken V. 624<br />

Badura, Peter 96;436<br />

Bajoria, Jayshree 758;1391 787;875;1436;1450 1505<br />

Banégas, Richard 11<strong>18</strong><br />

Bangoura, Dominique 1122<br />

Barbier, Rémi 250<br />

Barker, Philip W. 83;112<br />

Barnes, James A. 826<br />

Baten, Tina 464<br />

Battaglino, Jorge M. 992<br />

Baubérot, Jean <strong>30</strong>7<br />

Bauer, Christian 1781<br />

Baumgard, Frank 374<br />

Bayramzadeh, Kamal <strong>18</strong>4;1369<br />

Beavin, Amy 581;589<br />

Becker, Jens 8;651<br />

Becker, Una <strong>18</strong>25<br />

Bélanger, Eric 231<br />

Belderbos, René A. 72;125<br />

Bell, Colleen <strong>18</strong>23;<strong>18</strong>34<br />

Belz, Harald 375<br />

Benavente, José Miguel 1036;1037<br />

Bendaña, Alejandro 1745<br />

Bendel, Petra 443;695<br />

Bendiek, Annegret 59<br />

Bergh, Roger van den 66;114<br />

Berkowitz, Peter 1293;1315<br />

Bermudez, Joseph S. (jr.) <strong>16</strong>33<br />

Bertram, Christoph 9;63;702;784;1370;1379<br />

Bessant, Dennis <strong>16</strong>00;<strong>16</strong>15<br />

Besson, Danielle 278<br />

Bevc, Vladislav 671<br />

Bevir, Mark <strong>18</strong>47<br />

Bhatta, Chandra D. 1455<br />

Bianchi, Fulvio 1<strong>30</strong><br />

Biau, Olivier 320<br />

Biebricher, Thomas <strong>18</strong>50<br />

Bielo, James S. 858<br />

Biglaiser, Glen 1754<br />

Bin, Yu 549;1554<br />

Bin-Huwaidin, Mohamed 1231;1555<br />

Bird, Graham 1715<br />

Birner, Regina 1396;1404<br />

Björner, Gunilla 268<br />

Blanchard, Christopher M. 703;1248<br />

Blank, Stephen J. 550;1432;1556<br />

Bleich, Erik 263;850<br />

Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli 745;856<br />

Blustein, Paul 811;1043<br />

Bofinger, Peter 455<br />

Bolormaa, Ts. <strong>16</strong>60<br />

Bomsdorf, Falk 546<br />

Bonner, Michelle D. 900<br />

Borick, Christopher P. 855;878<br />

Bornstein, Erica 851;1<strong>18</strong>1;1442<br />

Böske, Johannes 1793<br />

Bouabdallah, Othman 337<br />

Boucek, Christopher 1339<br />

Boudewijn, Rob 34;<strong>16</strong>0<br />

Boudier-Bensebaa, Fabienne 5<strong>30</strong>;648<br />

Boudon, Raymond 2<strong>18</strong><br />

Bourgeois, Isabelle 109<br />

Brach, Juliane 1235<br />

Brahmbhatt, Milan 1794;1799<br />

Brannan, Paul 1378;1707<br />

Le Bras, David 246<br />

Le Bras, Hervé 100<br />

Brecha, Robert J. 1795;<strong>18</strong>05<br />

Brégeon, Jacques 347<br />

Brender, Adi 1<strong>30</strong>3;1<strong>30</strong>7<br />

Briant, Vincent de 242<br />

Bringmann, Oliver 59<br />

Briscoe, Ivan 888<br />

Britto García, Luis 1082;1084<br />

Brletich, Samantha 6<strong>18</strong> 633<br />

Bröhl, Adolf 378<br />

Bröning, Michael 1282<br />

La Brosse, Guillaume de 62;204<br />

Broughton, David 432<br />

Brown, Oli 1791;<strong>18</strong>06<br />

Brown, Tim <strong>16</strong>33<br />

Brümmer, Bernhard 1753;1756<br />

Brunekreeft, Gert 117<br />

Bruno, Greg 758;1391<br />

Bryndza, Anna 581;589<br />

Bryson, Phillip J. 497;499;500;501<br />

Bühler, Urs 490;1252<br />

Buhles, Tanja Martina 1192<br />

Buro, Andreas 1265<br />

Busby, Joshua W. 737<br />

Busch, Peter 376<br />

Buttermann, Hans-Georg 464<br />

Buvinic, Mayra 910<br />

Byman, Daniel L. 1270;1280<br />

Cabrera, Luisa 904<br />

Cagaptay, Soner 1244;1245;1279;1281<br />

Cai, Yongshun 1581<br />

Caldas, Nádia Velleda 1029<br />

Campbell, Susanna P. <strong>16</strong>90 <strong>16</strong>92<br />

Campos, Indira 1<strong>16</strong>4<br />

Carafano, James Jay 562;578;605;6<strong>16</strong><br />

Cárdenas Rivera, Miguel Eduardo 1053<br />

Cardero García, María Elena 948<br />

Carlson, Matthew <strong>16</strong>53;<strong>16</strong>56<br />

Caro, Céline 229<br />

Carroll, Kevin 792<br />

Carteny, Andrea 660<br />

Cartier, Carolyn <strong>16</strong>24<br />

Casal Hernández, Jesús María 686;687;689;690<br />

Cavanaugh, Jillian R. 509<br />

Cazain, Sophie 281<br />

Célérier, Sylvie 321<br />

Centeno, Miguel Angel 879;895<br />

Chai, Jolie 1282<br />

Chai, Winberg 1547<br />

Challies, Edward R. T. 1035;<strong>16</strong>65<br />

Chan, Kenneth K. L. 1500;1501<br />

Chang, Felix K. 559;577;602;615<br />

Chanlett-Avery, Emma 704;838;1503;1504 <strong>16</strong>57<br />

Chase, Michael S. 1546<br />

Chau, Andrew 1473;1478<br />

Chau, Donovan C. 759;840;1109;1115<br />

Chen, Gang <strong>16</strong>19<br />

Chen, Jie 1591<br />

Chen, Shaohua 1751<br />

Chen, Shiwei 1525;1538<br />

Cheong, Inkyo 1520;<strong>16</strong>39<br />

Chevandier, Christian 284<br />

Cheylan, Michaël 219<br />

Chhibber, Pradeep 1440;1448<br />

Chiari, Bernhard 599<br />

Chit, Myint Moe 1474;1476;1570;1574<br />

Chiu, Stephen W. K. <strong>16</strong>27<br />

Chow, W. Emily 1585<br />

Chow, Yui Fai 179;<strong>18</strong>1;<strong>16</strong>23;<strong>16</strong>25<br />

Christiaensen, Luc 1794;1799<br />

Christianson, Claude V. 793<br />

Christova, Christiana 663<br />

Christy, David S. (jr.) 1709<br />

Chua, Liana 1495<br />

Church, Iain J. 794<br />

Cissé, Moustapha S. M. 1127<br />

Clarke, Matthew 1423;<strong>16</strong>75<br />

Claude, Gérard 36;517<br />

Clavier, Mathilde 296<br />

Clements, Benedict 928<br />

Cock, Jacklyn 1191<br />

Cohen, Ariel 551;590;1079;1086 560;603 561;604<br />

562;578;605;6<strong>16</strong><br />

Cohen, Benjamin J. 67<br />

Cohen-Tanugi, Laurent 37;195<br />

Coker, David W. 792<br />

Çolak, Yilmaz 522<br />

Colin, Nicolas 289<br />

Collard, Susan 102;172;266<br />

Collier, Paul 1737;1747<br />

Collins, John 1024<br />

Commaille, Jacques 238<br />

Commercio, Michele E. 542;545<br />

Conforti, Piero 1719;1736<br />

Connell, John <strong>16</strong>71;<strong>16</strong>72<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 105 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Cooper, Andrew F. 1760<br />

Cooper, William H. 588<br />

Cordesman, Anthony H. 1243;1333<br />

Corrales, Javier 902<br />

Cost, Jay 8<strong>30</strong><br />

Courbe, Patrick 84;217;1783<br />

Course, Magnus 1034<br />

Courtaigne, André 282<br />

Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan von 1753;1756<br />

Crane, David M. 1178<br />

Crespy, Amandine 10;89;<strong>18</strong>5;222<br />

Cruz, Carmen de la 905;914<br />

Cuillé, Anne 38<br />

Cyan, Musharraf Rasool 1400<br />

Dalloz, Marie-Christine 322<br />

Daloz, Jean-Pascal 295<br />

Dalpino, Catharin E. 706;1467<br />

Daly, John C. K. 639;640<br />

Dammert, Lucía 906<br />

Dänner, Axel Helmut 377<br />

Le Dantec Gallardo, Francisco 998;1031<br />

Daskalova, Diana 668;669<br />

Daugbjerg, Carsten 65;122;803;866<br />

Davidson, Christopher M. 1344;1345<br />

Davidson, Martin <strong>16</strong>6<br />

Davy, Megan 880;1558<br />

De Kloet, Jeroen 1593<br />

De Silva, Desmond 1178<br />

Debiel, Tobias 1739<br />

Deckers, Rüdiger 437<br />

Defoort, Cécily 1729<br />

Defromont, Jean-Luc 3;1101<br />

Deguine, Hervé 297<br />

Delhees, Stefanie 141;153;173;285;447<br />

Déloye, Yves 352<br />

Demirovic, Alex 460<br />

Denholm, Paul L. 861;876<br />

Denis, Claude 936<br />

Denis, Jacques <strong>30</strong>3<br />

Deppe, Jens 631<br />

Dersso, Solomon A. 1099<br />

DeVoir, Joe 1294;13<strong>16</strong><br />

Dhakal, Suresh 1461<br />

Dhume, Sadanand 1431<br />

Diallo, Sadibou 1127<br />

Diallo, Tafsir 200;251;1144;1147<br />

Diangitukwa, Fweley 1156<br />

Díaz Díaz, María Eugenia 956;957<br />

Díaz-Cayeros, Alberto 831;869;935;949<br />

Dibon, Christoph 378<br />

Dieter, Heribert 867;<strong>18</strong>00<br />

Dillmann, Hans-Ulrich 974<br />

Dionisi-Peyrusse, Amélie 84;217;1783<br />

Ditrych, Ondrej 584<br />

Dluhosch, Barbara 1725;1727<br />

Dobbins, James 60;85;94;1763;1784;1785 738<br />

Dobbins, James F. 771<br />

Dodd, Christopher J. 782;874;1435;1449<br />

Dolan, Catherine S. 1200<br />

Domens, Jérôme 323<br />

Dorschner, Jim 512<br />

Le Douarin, Laurence 345<br />

Drake, Helen 102;172;266<br />

Dreher, Axel 1773<br />

Dubinsky, Gregory 128;614<br />

Dudden, Alexis <strong>16</strong>38;<strong>16</strong>47<br />

Đukić, Natašar 674<br />

Dumont, Marc 237<br />

Dunne, Michele 708;1249<br />

Duo Caroli 228<br />

Durrani, Amer Zafar 1407<br />

Dussard, Thierry 298<br />

Eberspächter, Cord 356;361;1526;1534<br />

Edingo, Dilli Bikram 1459<br />

Edwards, Charlie 503<br />

Eernisse, Arie 809;1577<br />

Egner, Björn 427<br />

Eiland, Giora 1295;1317<br />

Ekanga, Basile 1098;1103<br />

Ekardt, Felix <strong>18</strong>07<br />

Elbaum, Mireille 283<br />

Elchinova, Magdalena 667<br />

Elliott, Dawn Richards 976<br />

Emadi, Hafizullah 1356;1362<br />

Emmanouilidis, Janis A. 34;<strong>16</strong>0<br />

Engelking, Olga 456;596<br />

Erdle, Steffen 11;52;1226;1228;<strong>16</strong>78;<strong>16</strong>80<br />

Erdmann, Georg 457;465<br />

Erixon, Fredrik 68;1572<br />

Ertugal, Ebru 39;5<strong>18</strong><br />

Eryani, Ilham al- 1342<br />

Eryani, Ishraq Ahmed al- 1342<br />

Eskesen, Leif 1502<br />

Euzéby, Chantal 280<br />

Evans, Geoffrey 170;171<br />

Evans, Harriet 1594<br />

Evans, Jocelyn A. J. 223<br />

Eveno, Patrick 299<br />

Ezrow, Lawrence 17<strong>30</strong><br />

Facchini, François 310<br />

Faircloth, Christopher 928<br />

Falconer, Greg 600;601;625;626<br />

Falkowski, Maciej 570;612<br />

Fassi, Abbas el- 1246<br />

Fatovic, Clement <strong>18</strong>39<br />

Faucheux, Sylvie 347<br />

Faure, Guy Olivier 1589<br />

Fauvelle-Aymar, Christine 231<br />

Feeny, Simon 1423;<strong>16</strong>75<br />

Feinberg, Richard <strong>16</strong>74<br />

Feltz, Henri 269<br />

Ferguson, Joseph P. 552;709<br />

Fernández Retamar, Roberto 986<br />

Feuling, Bradley A. <strong>16</strong>00;<strong>16</strong>15<br />

Fialaire, Jacques 243<br />

Fig, David 1190<br />

Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos 720;931<br />

Fischer, Johan 1498<br />

Fischer-Bollin, Peter 896;9<strong>18</strong><br />

Fleuriel, Sébastien 279<br />

Flipo, Claude <strong>30</strong>8<br />

Förger, Dirk 663<br />

Forrest, Kally 1<strong>18</strong>9<br />

Freedberg, Sydney J. (jr.) 832<br />

Frenkel, Roberto 919<br />

Freytag, Andreas 68;1572<br />

Friedman, George 563;606;750<br />

Fritz, Thomas 995;996<br />

Frölich, Hajo 1527;1539<br />

Fuchs, Julien 244;<strong>30</strong>1<br />

Gabriel, Oscar W. 6<br />

Gaibulloev, Khusrav 140<br />

Galama, Titus 806;870<br />

Gallagher, Kevin P. 934;947;969;970<br />

Gallo, Lior 1<strong>30</strong>3;1<strong>30</strong>7<br />

Gänzle, Stefan 61;73;1091;1094<br />

García Pinzón, Viviana 1058<br />

García, Norberto E. 1076<br />

Gardezi, Syed Zaheer Hussain 1409;1413<br />

Gaston, Noel 1773<br />

Gatti, Fabrizio 3;1101<br />

Gauchet, Marcel 293<br />

Gaulier, Guillaume 209<br />

Gautier, Gisèle 256;325<br />

Gehring, Verna V. <strong>18</strong>14;<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

Gel'man, Vladimir Jakovlevic 583<br />

Gelb, Leslie H. 739;827<br />

George, Julie A. 617;621<br />

Georgelin, Jean-Louis 203;206<br />

Geppert, Heinrich 396<br />

Gey, Peter 1444<br />

Ghayur, Adeel 1401;1412<br />

Gibson, Christopher 1479;1483<br />

Gilmore, Anna B. 449<br />

Gilquin, Guillaume 337<br />

Glaser, Barney G. <strong>18</strong>48;<strong>18</strong>51<br />

Glennon, Michael J. 789;847<br />

Globerman, Steven 1731;1732<br />

Glosserman, Brad 719;1468 757;1419;1519 760;<strong>16</strong>48<br />

Go, Delfin S. 1110;11<strong>16</strong><br />

Godio, Julio 1001<br />

Goedhuys, Micheline 1205 1748 1749<br />

Gómez Isa, Felipe 901<br />

Gomez, Andy S. 984<br />

Gorawantschy, Beatrice 229<br />

Gowan, Richard 1762<br />

Graham, Thomas 553;710<br />

Le Grand, Sylvie <strong>18</strong>2;<strong>30</strong>9;357;454<br />

Gray, Vanessa Joan 1061<br />

Green, Elliott 1207<br />

Greggersen, Thomas 401<br />

Grigorescu, Alexandru 146;1271<br />

Grimm, Sven 61;73;1091;1094<br />

Grimm, Veronika 4 <strong>18</strong>44<br />

Grintz, Michael 380<br />

Gros, Daniel 40;<strong>16</strong>1<br />

Gross, Martine 257<br />

Grosse, Ashley C. 853;857<br />

Grüning, Thilo 449<br />

Guaqueta, Alexandra 959;1045 1046 1047 1048 1049<br />

Guenther, Bruce 1157;1<strong>16</strong>0<br />

Guthmann, Yanina 1000<br />

Gyurcsány, Ferenc 657<br />

Haas, Peter M. 1704<br />

Hachhethu, Krishna 1451<br />

Hacker, Andrew 833<br />

Haggard, Stephan 142;144;898;926;1522;1524<br />

Haghshenass, Fariborz 1377;1384<br />

Hagist, Christian 440<br />

Hairault, Jean-Olivier 326<br />

Halbach, Uwe 564;607<br />

Hale, Lyric Hughes <strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong><br />

Hall, Bronwyn H. 927;929<br />

Hamid, Javed <strong>16</strong>17<br />

Hancock, Melissa 1336<br />

Hänggi, Heiner <strong>16</strong>93<br />

Hanif, Melanie 1445<br />

Hanson, Margaret <strong>16</strong>31<br />

Hanssen, Gro Sandkjaer 155;157<br />

Hao, Qianjin 1591<br />

Haque, Nadeem U. 1403<br />

Harbeson, John Willis 1088<br />

Harmer, Adele <strong>16</strong>94<br />

Harneit-Sievers, Axel 1196;1199<br />

Hastings, Donnan <strong>16</strong>9<br />

Hawkins, Tony 1177<br />

Hayes, Ceri 1363<br />

Headley, Jim 538<br />

Hecht-el-Minshawi, Beatrice 422;442;1757;1758<br />

Heilmann, Sebastian <strong>16</strong>06<br />

Heinrich, Mathias 1528;1540<br />

Heiß, Hans Jürgen 402<br />

Helbig, Marcel 450<br />

Hell, Patrick 211;214;410;421;491;492<br />

Henkel, Knut 989<br />

Hennicke, Peter 466<br />

Henning, Sebastian 983<br />

Hennl, Annika 433;478<br />

Hepburn, Eve 428<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 106 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

Heper, Metin 523<br />

Héran, François 100<br />

Herberg, Martin <strong>18</strong>26;<strong>18</strong>46<br />

Hering, Martin 429;444<br />

Herz, Bernhard 1781<br />

Herz, Dietmar 53<br />

Herzog, Bodo 408;1774<br />

Herzog, Hanna 1<strong>30</strong>4<br />

Heusel, Johanna 437<br />

Heydemann, Steven <strong>18</strong>40;<strong>18</strong>41<br />

Hicks, Brian 1754<br />

Hielscher, Kathleen <strong>18</strong>8;364<br />

Higgott, Richard 1775<br />

Hill, Michael 1074;1077<br />

Hill, Richard 1123;1124<br />

Hillebrand, Bernhard 464<br />

Hilmy, Masdar 1482<br />

Hilse, Ina 963<br />

Hindley, Brian 637;1712<br />

Hira, Anil 920;1523<br />

Hodge, Nathan 790;1353<br />

Hoff, Jens 158;159<br />

Hoffman, Bruce 1787<br />

Hoffmann, Bert 980<br />

Hoffmann, Jürgen 451;462<br />

Hofmeister, Wilhelm 365;881<br />

Hohlfeld, Peter 459;461<br />

Hohmann, Matthias 1071<br />

Höhne, Roland A. 2<strong>30</strong><br />

Holpp, Wolfgang 64<br />

Hong, Ihk-pyo 805;<strong>16</strong>34<br />

Höreth, Marcus 28;97<br />

Hortefeux, Pascal 3<strong>16</strong><br />

Hosek, James R. 806;870<br />

House, Kurt Zenz 864<br />

Houser, Matthieu 343<br />

Howard, Michael 1768<br />

Hua, Ping 1571;1578<br />

Huang, Can 1576;<strong>16</strong>12<br />

Huber, Peter M. 29;98<br />

Hübner, Horst D. 397<br />

Hufbauer, Gary Clyde 691<br />

Huggins, Caitlin 1754<br />

Huisken, Ron 1764<br />

Hurwitz, Agnès <strong>18</strong>19;<strong>18</strong>32<br />

Hussain, Akmal 1408<br />

Ivaldi, Gilles 223<br />

Jaffré, Bruno 1120<br />

James, Robert C. 1<strong>16</strong>9;1170<br />

Janz, Norbert 1205<br />

Jean, Jean-Paul 252<br />

Jehan, Aude 78<br />

Jensen, Jody 1776;1788<br />

Jetzlsperger, Christian 53<br />

Jiang, Bin-bin <strong>16</strong>09<br />

Jiménez, Elisa 943<br />

Joffe, Josef <strong>16</strong>;712<br />

Jonas, Nicolas 273<br />

Jones, J. Howard M. 1446;1447<br />

Jordaan, Eduard 1<strong>18</strong>3;1260<br />

Joyce, Joseph P. 1713<br />

Juhannis, Hamdan 1490<br />

Kaestner, Uwe 435;1020 1017<br />

Kahl, Colin H. 761;1272<br />

Kaiser, André 433;478<br />

Kakoma, José Gregorio 1050<br />

Kalyvas, Stathis N. <strong>18</strong>33;<strong>18</strong>37<br />

Kanaan, Oussama 1310;1313;1323;1331<br />

Kang, David C. <strong>16</strong>41<br />

Kangas, Roger D. 6<strong>30</strong>;762<br />

Karasar, Hasan Ali 531;534<br />

Kaspersen, Anja T. <strong>16</strong>90<br />

Katz, Richard <strong>16</strong>01<br />

Kaufman, Robert R. 142;144;898;926;1522;1524<br />

Kay, David 752;796;1374;1383<br />

Kaya, Katsui 1360;1365<br />

Kedar, Asaf <strong>18</strong>47<br />

Kenisarin, Murat 536<br />

Kennedy, Jeremy R. 1579;<strong>16</strong>08;1734;1752<br />

Kenny, Charles 1720;1738<br />

Ker-Lindsay, James 529;1261<br />

Kerber, Wolfgang 66;114<br />

Kesidou, Effie 1078<br />

Khan, Mohammad Rafiq 1411;1415<br />

Khan, Noor P. 1410<br />

Khatibi, Arastou 69;638<br />

Khurshid, Anjum 1402<br />

Kielmansegg, Peter 359;474<br />

Killick, Evan 1072<br />

Kim, Moonhawk 1705;1710<br />

Kimmage, Daniel 537<br />

Kinneavy, A. <strong>16</strong>3;<strong>16</strong>7;367;415<br />

Kirk, Jackie 1406;1414<br />

Kirk, Simpson <strong>16</strong>9<br />

Kirsten, Tanja 405<br />

Kitley, Philip 1481;1489<br />

Kleinnijenhuis, Jan 110;174;<strong>18</strong>0<br />

Klos, Dietmar 381<br />

Knauff, Matthias <strong>18</strong>20;<strong>18</strong>36<br />

Knirsch, Thomas S. 1493<br />

Knoll, Bernhard 132;134;682;684<br />

Knopp, Hans-Georg 413;1112<br />

Knox, David <strong>16</strong>8;176<br />

Kochmann, Klaus 1787<br />

Koh, David 1510<br />

Kollman, Kelly <strong>18</strong>17;<strong>18</strong>45<br />

Kopeček, Lubomir 487;498<br />

Kosnik, Lea 865<br />

Kostić, Dejan 681<br />

Kottmann, Walter Jürgen 382<br />

Kowalczyk, Alina 425;480;486<br />

Kozminski, Andrzej K. 483;485<br />

Kozyrev, Illya 366;554<br />

Krahmann, Elke <strong>18</strong>24<br />

Krake, Lutz 383<br />

Kramer, Heinz 1;515<br />

Kraus, Peter A. 87;111<br />

Krauss, Ellis S. <strong>16</strong>54<br />

Krings, Günter 1761<br />

Krippl, Wolfgang 384<br />

Kronauer, Martin 445<br />

Kronstadt, K. Alan 713;1433<br />

Kruijt, Dirk 911<br />

Kuchins, Andrew C. 581;589<br />

Kukreja, Veena 1392;1397<br />

Kulick, Amir 1329<br />

Kumaraswamy, P. R. 1262;1434<br />

Kümmel, Gerhard 398;441<br />

Künnecke, Arndt 101;524<br />

Kurpas, Sebastian 40;<strong>16</strong>1<br />

Kurth, Reinhard 359;474<br />

Kuwayama, Mikio 891;1437;1568<br />

Labarthe, Julie 327<br />

Laborde, Ramón Esteban 1062<br />

Lachmann, Henri 289<br />

Lacorne, Denis <strong>18</strong>9;714<br />

Lacroix, Denise 335<br />

Ladds, Catherine 1529;1537;1542<br />

Laffey, Mark 533;753;979<br />

Lai, Mingyong <strong>16</strong>05<br />

Laïdi, Zaki 1711;1717;1777;1792<br />

Lamarche, Pierre 320<br />

Land, Wolfgang M. 385<br />

Langhorst, Christina 408;1774<br />

Langot, François 326<br />

Lannon, Erwan 17;70;<strong>16</strong>79;<strong>16</strong>81<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Laurent, Loeiz 245<br />

Lauterbach, Rodolfo 1036;1037<br />

Lecourt, Dominique 2<strong>18</strong><br />

Lederman, Daniel 892;1438;1569<br />

Lee, Jaechul <strong>16</strong>40;<strong>16</strong>42<br />

Lee, Jong-heon <strong>16</strong>38;<strong>16</strong>47<br />

Lee, Kwang-ho <strong>16</strong>28;<strong>16</strong>36<br />

Lee, Sang-hyun 715;<strong>16</strong>37<br />

Lefèvre, Christian 247;1726<br />

Legault Tremblay, Pierre-Olivier 68;1572<br />

Leitón Barquero, María 956;957 960;961 964;965<br />

967;968<br />

Lelarge, Pascal 270<br />

Lelièvre, Eva 274<br />

Lengner, Mike 395<br />

Lentsch, Justus 359;474<br />

León Cotayo, Nicanor 842;981<br />

León-Escribano, Carmen Rosa de 912;915<br />

Leroy, Fabrice <strong>30</strong>5<br />

Levy, Santiago 941<br />

Lewin, Leif 150;152<br />

Lewis, Anthony 824;843<br />

Lewis, Themba 668;669<br />

Lewis-Beck, Michael S. 231<br />

Leykin, Inna 1<strong>30</strong>4<br />

Lhuillery, Stéphane<br />

3<strong>18</strong>;346;494;495;505;506;944;950;1003;1004;1026;10<strong>30</strong><br />

Li, Linda Chelan 1587<br />

Libchaber, Rémy 275<br />

Lieber, Robert J. <strong>18</strong>;92;7<strong>16</strong>;834<br />

Lieven, Anatol 740;774<br />

Light, Ivan 852;940<br />

Linn, Johannes F. 644<br />

Lipton, Merle 1<strong>18</strong>2;1<strong>18</strong>5;1<strong>18</strong>7<br />

Llorente, Maria Victoria 1051<br />

Lo, Sonny Shiu-hing 1548<br />

Löfflmann, Georg 372;1350<br />

Lombardi, Domenico 1706<br />

Lonkila, Markku 585;586<br />

Loones, Anne 328<br />

López de Cáceres, Carmen 956;957<br />

López G., Dorotea 1015;1033<br />

López López, Lucrecia 956;957<br />

Loretan, Mico 1426<br />

Lowenthal, Abraham F. 717;882<br />

Lu Jie 1549;1551;1590;1598<br />

Lu, Yeh-chung 1545;1561<br />

Lührs, Hans-Joachim 386<br />

Lukito, Ratno 1485<br />

Lurton, Grégoire 329<br />

Luther, Jörg 438;508<br />

Lykogianni, Elissavet 72;125<br />

Ma, Yaokun <strong>16</strong><strong>18</strong>;<strong>16</strong>45<br />

Maarek, Philippe J. 35;106;194;292<br />

MacDonald, Charles 354<br />

Macpherson, Cluny <strong>16</strong>61<br />

Madelin, Henri 196<br />

Mader, K. <strong>16</strong>3;<strong>16</strong>7;367;415<br />

Madrick, Jeff 859<br />

Maffioli, Alessandro 927;929<br />

Magyari-Beck, Istvan <strong>18</strong>49<br />

Mahmud, M. Ghazemy <strong>16</strong>5<br />

Makwenda, Joyce Jenje 1<strong>18</strong>0<br />

Malan, Mark 763;814;1090;1095<br />

Malerba, Franco 115;124<br />

Mandilaras, Alex 1715<br />

Manea, Maria-Gabriela 19;88;1472;1477<br />

Manière, Philippe 219 3<strong>30</strong><br />

Manow, Philip 434;479<br />

Manser, Roger <strong>16</strong>13<br />

Manyin, Mark E. <strong>16</strong>57<br />

Manzo, Vince 764;1566;<strong>18</strong>13<br />

Marat, Erica 643<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 107 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Margolis, Robert M. 861;876<br />

Marlière, Eric 258<br />

Maron, Nicole <strong>16</strong>71;<strong>16</strong>72<br />

Marquier, Rémy 331<br />

Martens, Jens 1739<br />

Martens, Pim 1773<br />

Marthaler, Sally 232<br />

Martin, Siobhan 1227<br />

Martin, Will 1778 1779<br />

Martin-Chauffier, Yann 347<br />

Mason, Michael 1703<br />

Masso, Jaan 543;544<br />

Massuanganhe, Israel Jacob 1<strong>16</strong>7;1174<br />

1172;1176 1173<br />

Mathy, Jean-Philippe <strong>18</strong>3<br />

Matsui, Yasuhiro 532;535<br />

Mattes, Hanspeter 1232<br />

Matthes, Jürgen 408;1774<br />

Mattoo, Aaditya 1778<br />

May, Ronald <strong>16</strong>63;<strong>16</strong>67<br />

Mayer, Nonna 352<br />

Mayntz, Renate 359;474<br />

McConnell, David L. 817;<strong>16</strong>51<br />

McFate, Sean 1740;1742<br />

McGhee, Eric 835<br />

McGonigle, Brianna 1178<br />

McGregor, Andrew 1496;1497<br />

McKay, Kimber Haddix 1457<br />

Mechlem, Kerstin <strong>16</strong>87;1702<br />

Mehrotra, Aaron <strong>16</strong>02<br />

Meilicke, Elena 15<strong>30</strong>;1543<br />

Melvin, Neil J. 20;629<br />

Ménard, Robert 1145<br />

Méndez, María Lucía 1052;1066<br />

Mendible Zurita, Alejandro 990<br />

Menkhaus, Ken 1223<br />

Merchán, Myriam 1053<br />

Merey, Can 1359<br />

Meriño Fuentes, María de los Ángeles<br />

977;982<br />

Merkel, Angela 414<br />

Merlier, Roselyne 327<br />

Merz, Joachim 1<strong>18</strong>8<br />

Mesa, Manuela 894;907;952;954<br />

Meschkat, Klaus 1005;1040<br />

Mesfin, Berouk 12<strong>18</strong>;1224<br />

Meslé, France 254<br />

Messerlin, Patrick A. 1779<br />

Métodjo, Alain Kisito 11<strong>18</strong><br />

Meusch, Andreas 387<br />

Meyer, Hermann 388<br />

Meyer, Katie 15<strong>16</strong>;1517<br />

Mezzadri, Jean-Max 200;251;1144;1147<br />

Middleton, Roger 57;1107<br />

Mildner, Stormy-Annika 71;409;694 1780<br />

Miller, Gary 828<br />

Miller, Leland R. <strong>16</strong>10<br />

Miller, Ryan P. 149<br />

Milov, Vladimir Stanislavovic 591;1728<br />

Miotti, Luis<br />

3<strong>18</strong>;346;494;495;505;506;944;950;1003;1004;1026;10<strong>30</strong><br />

Miranda Francisco, Olivia 985<br />

Mires, Fernando 962<br />

Mirouse, Isabelle 281<br />

Mitchell, A. Wess 145<br />

Mitchell, Claire 170;171<br />

Moerman, Filip <strong>16</strong>21<br />

Mohnen, Pierre 1205<br />

Molina B., Ramiro 1008<br />

Moniac, Rüdiger 403<br />

Monten, Jonathan 737<br />

Montgolfier, Jean-François de 276<br />

Montlake, Simon 1491<br />

Moog, Stefan 440<br />

Moon, Katharine H. S. <strong>16</strong>35<br />

Moreno, Raúl 958;966<br />

Moschtaghi, Ramin 1361<br />

Muhammad, Ayaz 14<strong>30</strong><br />

Mühlhahn, Klaus 1531;1535;1723;1724<br />

Munkulu Mbata, Adolphe 1<strong>16</strong>1<br />

Munnik, Victor 1191<br />

Muñoz N., Felipe 1015;1033<br />

Münzner, Karl-Heinz 131<br />

Murphy, Colum 1494<br />

Murray, Rainbow 233<br />

Murray, Warwick E. 1035;<strong>16</strong>65<br />

Mushemeza, Elijah Dickens 1208<br />

Mushkat, Miron <strong>16</strong>26<br />

Mushkat, Roda <strong>16</strong>26<br />

Mützenich, Rolf 1771<br />

Naef, Silvia 1241;1242<br />

Nallet, Henri 190<br />

Nállim, Jorge 997;1002<br />

Namutebi, Agnes 1214<br />

Nash, C. <strong>16</strong>3;<strong>16</strong>7;367;415<br />

Natali, Cristiana 1465<br />

Nau, Henry R. 741;854<br />

Neila Hernández, José Luis 502;504;7<strong>18</strong>;820<br />

Nemoto, Kuniaki <strong>16</strong>54<br />

Neudörfler, Éva 658<br />

Ngodi, Etanislas 1140<br />

Nguyen, Ngoc Anh 1512<br />

Nickson, Andrew 1070<br />

Nikken, Pedro 887;1080<br />

Niroula, Ghanashyam 1458<br />

Noack, Hans Joachim 360;477<br />

Noije, Lonneke van 110;174;<strong>18</strong>0<br />

Nolting, Wolfgang 389<br />

Nooruddin, Irfan 1440;1448<br />

Noriega, Roger F. 10<strong>18</strong><br />

Nugent, Jeffrey B. 12<strong>30</strong><br />

Nurlaelawati, Euis 1486<br />

Oates, Lauryn 1363<br />

Ocampo, José Antonio 921<br />

Ochoa Bilbao, Luis 720;931<br />

Ochtrop, Jens 411;10<strong>16</strong><br />

Ockenfels, Axel 4 <strong>18</strong>44<br />

Oegema, Dirk 110;174;<strong>18</strong>0<br />

Oelkuch, Rainer 390<br />

Olarreaga, Marcelo 892;1438;1569<br />

Oliker, Olga 620;680;685<br />

Oloka-Onyango, J. 1113<br />

Olshausen, Klaus 129;573<br />

Omar, Karima 1733;1735<br />

Onana, Renner 1158<br />

Oprach, Marc 555;721<br />

Orellana, René 1009<br />

Orr, Ryan J. 1579;<strong>16</strong>08;1734;1752<br />

Orsini, Yadaira 1048<br />

Ortiz, Román D. 1051<br />

Ouattara, Bazoumana 1721;1741<br />

Ouis, Pernilla 1234<br />

Ould Abdellatif, Mohamed Vall 1131;1135<br />

Ould Mohamed Baba, Elémine 1131;1135<br />

Pahl, Magnus 599<br />

Paillard, Michel 335<br />

Palacio Castañeda, Germán A. 1065<br />

Palmer, Ransford W. 976<br />

Palpacuer, Florence 123<br />

Pan, Esther 787;875;1436;1450<br />

Pankhurst, Donna 1743;1744<br />

Le Pape, Marie-Clémence 273<br />

Pappas, Takis S. 513;514;655;656;1081;1085<br />

Pascallon, Pierre 3<strong>16</strong><br />

Paulus, Christoph G. <strong>18</strong>21<br />

Paus, Eva A. 934;947;969;970<br />

Pedrina, Vasco 1<strong>18</strong>8<br />

Pegels, Anna 1750;1755<br />

Pekkanen, Robert <strong>16</strong>54<br />

Pelouze, Frédéric 338<br />

Pérez Llana, Carlos 191<br />

Peris, Marina 674<br />

Perkovich, George 1376;1382 1765<br />

Perraudin, Corinne 277<br />

Perrenoud, Marc 332<br />

Perthes, Volker 1371<br />

Peterson, Patti McGill 8<strong>18</strong><br />

Petkova, Martina 510;5<strong>16</strong>;659;664<br />

Piazza, James A. <strong>18</strong>28;<strong>18</strong>35<br />

Pickering, Apryle 1457<br />

Pigenet, Michel 284<br />

Pincon, Marie-Alberte 337<br />

Pleines, Heiko 597<br />

Plummer, Michael G. 807;1475<br />

Pochon, Jean-Pierre 239<br />

Pohl, Günter 991<br />

Pokharel, Binod 1456<br />

Polanska, Dominika 481;482<br />

Pollack, Kenneth M. 1270;1280<br />

Pop-Eleches, Grigore 539;922<br />

Pöppelmann, Jürgen 391<br />

Poretschkin, Alexander 399;426<br />

Portes, Alejandro 923<br />

Portugall, Gerd 400<br />

Poveda Ávila, Pablo 1013<br />

Prévot, Maryvonne 267<br />

Priebe, Reinhard 21;86;652;654<br />

Priestley, Julian 54<br />

Prieto Rozos, Alberto 9<strong>16</strong><br />

Pšeja, Pavel 487;498<br />

Pucci, Muriel 277<br />

Puyana Mutis, Alicia 945<br />

Qaim, Matin 1753;1756<br />

Qi, Peng <strong>16</strong>05<br />

Quaranto, Peter J. 723;1221<br />

Rabe, Barry G. 855;878<br />

Radseck, Michael 993<br />

Rafai, Ayesha al- 13<strong>30</strong><br />

Raffelhüschen, Bernd 440<br />

Raffo, Julio<br />

3<strong>18</strong>;346;494;495;505;506;944;950;1003;1004;1026;10<strong>30</strong><br />

Ramsay, Raylene 259<br />

Rauch, André 244;<strong>30</strong>1<br />

Rautava, Jouko <strong>16</strong>02<br />

Ravallion, Martin 1751<br />

Read, Benjamin L. 1597<br />

Reckziegel, Roland 392<br />

Reher, Stefanie 1493<br />

Reinkowski, Maurus 1;515<br />

Reljić, Dušan 646<br />

Rémond, René <strong>18</strong>2;<strong>30</strong>9;357;454<br />

Renn, Ortwin 359;474<br />

Restall, Hugo 1499<br />

Le Rhun, Béatrice 320<br />

Richardson, Erica <strong>16</strong>60<br />

Richter, Martin 1737;1747<br />

Ridout, Travis N. 853;857<br />

Riecke, Henning 5;567;609<br />

Rigg, Jonathan 1508<br />

Řiháčková, Věra 44;496<br />

Rivas, Ángela 1052;1066<br />

Rivlin, Paul 568;610<br />

Roadnight, Andrew 1775<br />

Robbins, Joel <strong>16</strong>68;<strong>16</strong>69<br />

Roberts, James M. 808;893<br />

Robie, David <strong>16</strong>66<br />

Rochet, Claude 347<br />

Rodić, Vesna 1506<br />

Rodríguez, Álvaro 1013<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 108 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

Rohman, Izza 1492<br />

Rojas Aravena, Francisco 908<br />

Rojas, Mariano 943<br />

Romero, Victor 1011<br />

Ronnefeldt, Clemens 1265<br />

Roque, Paula Cristina 1<strong>16</strong>5<br />

Rosales, Osvaldo 891;1437;1568<br />

Rosenberger, Nancy R. 641<br />

Rosenthal, Justine A. 744;836<br />

Rossi Guerrero, Félix 1087<br />

Rotilă, Viorel 661;662<br />

Le Roy, Anne 336<br />

Roy, Sara M. 51;77;1322;1327 1<strong>30</strong>0;1<strong>30</strong>9;1321<br />

Rubiano, Eliana 892;1438;1569<br />

Rubin, Barnett R. 1049<br />

Rublee, Maria Rost 1766<br />

Rücker, Joachim 676;677;679;683;<strong>16</strong>98<br />

Rudas Lleras, Guillermo 1068<br />

Rüger, Jonas 955<br />

Russau, Christian 1027<br />

Russell, Andrew 1460<br />

Rutland, Peter 571;613<br />

Ruz, María Inéz 999;1032<br />

Sab'a, Suad al- 1342<br />

Sacco dos Anjos, Flávio 1029<br />

Sadeqyar, Humaira<br />

368;419;1347;1354;1390;1394;1463;1464<br />

Safi, Mirna 264<br />

Sakdapolrak, Patrick 1507<br />

Salvatici, Luca 1719;1736<br />

Sanchenko, Alevtyna 45;99;594;595<br />

Sander, Eric 221;248<br />

Sandler, Todd 140 1713<br />

Sandron, Frédéric 1201;1202<br />

Sands, Joseph C. (jr.) 1021;1022<br />

Sanjeewanie, H. M. P. 1466<br />

Saradzhyan, Simon 579<br />

Sardanis, Andrew 1102<br />

Sarvananthan, Muttukrishna 1466<br />

Sauger, Nicolas 234<br />

Sauvant, Jochen 404<br />

Sayem, Najat 1342<br />

Scherrer, Vincenza <strong>16</strong>93<br />

Scheven, Elsa von 852;940<br />

Schierkes, Jonna 778;890<br />

Schiffer, Wolfgang 405<br />

Schilling, Walter 22;556<br />

Schlesinger, Stephen 726;<strong>16</strong>84<br />

Schlosser, Werner 378<br />

Schmid, Günther 463<br />

Schmidt, Gerold 937 946<br />

Schmidt, Rudi 451;462<br />

Schmidt, Silke 235;<strong>30</strong>0<br />

Schmidt-Aßmann, Eberhard 359;474<br />

Schmidt-Eversheim, Bernhard 377<br />

Schneebeli, Alberto <strong>30</strong>6;453;493<br />

Schneider, Eberhard 593;598<br />

Schneiker, Andrea 1056<br />

Schoettli, Urs Werner 1553<br />

Schofield, Norman 828<br />

Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl 825;848<br />

Schott, Jeffrey J. 691<br />

Schotté, Manuel 279<br />

Schraeder, Harald 355<br />

Schreiber, Norbert 547<br />

Schriver, Randall G. 1544;1559<br />

Schröder, Hans-Henning 565;608<br />

Schumann, Adelheid 215;423<br />

Schütte, Heinz 1511<br />

Seewald, Magda 50;76;1298;1<strong>30</strong>2;1319;1326<br />

Seiler, Christiane 1241;1242<br />

Selden, Mark <strong>16</strong>58<br />

Seliger, Bernhard 23;<strong>16</strong>29<br />

Sen Gupta, Anjali 1405;14<strong>16</strong> 1409;1413<br />

Sénac-Slawinski, Réjane 260<br />

Senèze, Véronique 47;107;198;294<br />

Serbin, Andrés 909;917;972;973<br />

Seuß, Rita 1737;1747<br />

Seydlitz, Christian von 44;496<br />

Shafaeddin, Mehdi 1420;1422<br />

Shah, Farzana Altaf 1405;14<strong>16</strong><br />

Shambaugh, David 147;148;1582;1584<br />

Shapiro, Daniel 1731;1732<br />

Shapiro, Janet 1<strong>18</strong>4<br />

Shapiro, Robert Y. 745;856<br />

Sharon, Smadar 1<strong>30</strong>4<br />

Sheikh, Saijad Ahmed 14<strong>30</strong><br />

Sherr, James 541;557<br />

Shetler-Jones, Philip <strong>16</strong>95<br />

Shields, James G. 225<br />

Shin, Geon-cheol <strong>16</strong><strong>18</strong>;<strong>16</strong>45<br />

Shire, Jacqueline W. 1378;1707<br />

Shiryayev, Boris 572;636;756;1565;<strong>16</strong>82<br />

Shokeid, Moshe 849<br />

Sibomana, André 1145<br />

Sidawi, Rafif Rida 1289<br />

Siekmeier, James F. 727;883<br />

Siering, Bernd 1155;1159<br />

Sierra, Gustavo 1028<br />

Simendinger, Alexis 837;845<br />

Simes, Dimitri K. 744;836<br />

Simler, Kenneth R. 1<strong>16</strong>9;1170<br />

Singh, Bhubhindar <strong>16</strong>49<br />

Skinner, Tony 791;871;1769;<strong>18</strong>01<br />

Skypek, Thomas M. 574;580;769;801<br />

Šmid, Jagoda 674<br />

Smith, Keith C. 120;592<br />

Smith, Lori D. 923<br />

So, Alvin Y. <strong>16</strong>27<br />

Solano, Daniel 207;507<br />

Soler Torrijos, Giancarlo 728;951;971<br />

Sopraseuth, Thepthida 326<br />

Sorel, Malika 265<br />

Sørensen, Bent <strong>18</strong>11<br />

Soros, George 1798<br />

Souleimanov, Emil 584<br />

Specht, Irma 1057<br />

Spenlen, Jeanette 2;1239<br />

Springer, Natalie 1767;1786<br />

Spronk, Susan 897;924<br />

Stauch, Georg 393<br />

Steen, Andreas 358;369;1532;1536<br />

Stehling, Thomas Bernd 46;<strong>16</strong>4<br />

Steinmeier, Frank-Walter 4<strong>16</strong>;1096<br />

Stewart, Susan 24;558<br />

Stoever, William A. 1733;1735<br />

Stoiber, Michael 427 <strong>18</strong>29;<strong>18</strong>53<br />

Stojkoski, Aleksandar 675<br />

Stokes, Mark A. 1544;1559<br />

Stoykov, Zlatan 665;666<br />

Strack, Peter 1010<br />

Stratilaki, Sofia 213;420<br />

Strauss, Anselm L. <strong>18</strong>48;<strong>18</strong>51<br />

Streeck, Wolfgang <strong>18</strong>43<br />

Strobl, Eric 1721;1741<br />

Strünck, Christoph 449<br />

Struning, Roy <strong>16</strong>00;<strong>16</strong>15<br />

Suárez Salazar, Luis 729;884<br />

Subacchi, Paola 67<br />

Suhelmi, Ahmad 1480<br />

Sullivan, Daniel S. 688<br />

Sun, Wanning 1595;1596<br />

Swainson, Luke 1496;1497<br />

Swami, Praveen 1441<br />

Sylla, Fodé 261;333<br />

Szabó, Kinga Tibori 25;1250<br />

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Szentes, Tamás <strong>18</strong>38;<strong>18</strong>42<br />

Szilovics, Csaba 658<br />

Szirmai, Adam 1078<br />

Szodruch, Marja 422;442;1757;1758<br />

Tabaku, Arben 670<br />

Tam, May Yeuk-mui <strong>16</strong>27<br />

Taylor, Gwendolyn 1123;1124<br />

Taylor, Hannah 1158<br />

Tegeder, Gundrun 467<br />

Telle, Kari G. 1487<br />

Temin, Jonathan 1123;1124<br />

Tenev, Stoyan <strong>16</strong>17<br />

Tenzer, Nicolas 192<br />

Terschüren, Stefan 394<br />

Tertrais, Bruno 205<br />

Thayer, Bradley A. 574;580;769;801<br />

Thede, Nancy 889;899<br />

Thiele, Carmen <strong>30</strong><br />

Thieulin, Benoît 47;107;198;294<br />

Thomas, Kevin J. A. 1209;1212<br />

Tichit, Christine 274<br />

Tickner, Arlene B. 942;987;1064<br />

Tilley, James 170;171<br />

Timm, Angelika 1<strong>30</strong>5;1<strong>30</strong>6<br />

Timmering, Jan 377<br />

Tirman, John 700;749;1368;1372<br />

Tkacik, John J. (jr.) <strong>16</strong>59<br />

Tomuschat, Christian 31<br />

Tonkinson, Robert <strong>16</strong>64;<strong>16</strong>70<br />

Torre, Henri 271<br />

Torry, Gina <strong>16</strong>89;1701<br />

Tosun, Mehmet Serkan 526<br />

Tóth, Erika 55;108<br />

Tournyol du Clos, Lorraine 240<br />

Tournyol du Clos, Sébastien 240<br />

Toutlemonde, Fabien 329<br />

Tozanli, Selma 123<br />

Trampusch, Christine 446<br />

Trice, Robert H. 802<br />

Trigo, Pedro 1083<br />

Tröndle, Dirk 521<br />

Trosa, Sylvie 249<br />

Troyan, Brett 1063<br />

Tshiyembe, Mwayila 1154<br />

Tsintjilonis, Dimitri 1488<br />

Tuyizere, Alice Peace 1100<br />

Twomey, Christopher 1560;<strong>16</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

Uerpmann-Wittzack, Robert 439<br />

Ufen, Andreas 1470<br />

Umbach, Frank 58;<strong>16</strong>73 121;468<br />

Uprety, Laya Prasad 1462<br />

Uribe Botero, Eduardo 1067<br />

Urrutia, Nicolás 1051<br />

Usciati, Benoît 210<br />

Uterwedde, Henrik 311<br />

Vaccari, Cristian 236<br />

Vahter, Priit 543;544<br />

Valantin, Jean-Michel 347<br />

Vallin, Jacques 254<br />

Van Helvoirt, Bram 1471<br />

Vargas Velásquez, Alejo 1058<br />

Varwick, Johannes <strong>18</strong>07<br />

Velasco, María Piedad 1059<br />

Verhoeven, Marijn 928<br />

Veugelers, Reinhilde 72;125<br />

Vilain, Annick 255<br />

Vines, Alex 57;1107<br />

Vinter, Louise <strong>16</strong>8;176<br />

Vivier, Géraldine 274<br />

Vogel, Steven K. <strong>16</strong>52;<strong>16</strong>55<br />

Vrabl, Andreas 1247;1251<br />

Vries, Tina de 484<br />

Waber, Jörg 1023<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 109 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs<br />

Waechter-Larrondo, Virginie 250<br />

Wagner, Anne-Catherine 1759;1790<br />

Wagner, Christian 1357;1428 1389;1395<br />

Wagner, Markus 48;91;199;226<br />

Waisberg, Tatiana 1038;1041<br />

Walker, Christopher 627<br />

Walker, Thomas C. <strong>18</strong><strong>18</strong><br />

Walser, Ray 551;590;1079;1086 734;844;932;938<br />

Walton, Julie 1583;<strong>16</strong>04<br />

Wang, Hongying 1545;1561<br />

Warimann, H. B. 1469<br />

Weber, Annette 1215;12<strong>16</strong>;1217;1253;1254;1256<br />

Weber, Christopher L. 1575;<strong>16</strong>20<br />

Webert, Peter 379<br />

Weddeye, Goukouni 1149;1153<br />

Weingart, Peter 359;474<br />

Weiss, Jorge 988<br />

Weiss, Raimund 1509<br />

Weitz, Richard 575;1567<br />

Weldes, Jutta 533;753;979<br />

Weller, Janet <strong>16</strong>21<br />

Werts, Jan 56<br />

West, Hallbera Frida 158;159<br />

Wilke, Boris 1389;1395<br />

Willer, Hildegard 26;885<br />

Williams, Michelle Hale 4<strong>30</strong><br />

Wimmer, Andreas <strong>18</strong>12<br />

Winock, Michel 293<br />

Winsche, Harry 406 407<br />

Winter, Donald C. 781;799<br />

Winter, Lorenz 1025<br />

Wisner, Frank G. 653;735<br />

Wojczewski, Thorsten 1445<br />

Wolff, Joachim 397<br />

Wood, Reed M. <strong>18</strong>22;<strong>18</strong>31<br />

Woolcock, Michael 1479;1483<br />

Wooldridge, Philip D. 1426<br />

Wu, Guoguang 1562;<strong>16</strong>22<br />

Wu, Jiaping 1580;1592<br />

Xu, Helian <strong>16</strong>05<br />

Yamani, Mai 1340<br />

Yang, Dali L. 1563;1599<br />

Yang, Fang-chih Irene 1550;1552;<strong>16</strong>43;<strong>16</strong>44<br />

Yilmaz, Serdar 526<br />

Ying, Fan <strong>16</strong>14<br />

Ying, Fangzhou 1533;1541<br />

Yu, Peter Kien-hong 1585<br />

Zavos, John 175<br />

Zegada Claure, María Teresa 1006 1007;1012<br />

Zegart, Amy 746<br />

Zhou, Zheng <strong>16</strong>21<br />

Zhu, Jiangnan 1588<br />

Ziekow, Jan <strong>18</strong>15;<strong>18</strong>27<br />

Zisenwine, Daniel 1132;1133<br />

Zissis, Carin 1505<br />

Zittel, Thomas 151;154;431;471;829;872<br />

Zoettl, Gregor 4 <strong>18</strong>44<br />

Zogbélémou, Togba 1121<br />

Zöllner, Hans-Bernd 15<strong>18</strong><br />

Zulueta-Fülscher, Kimana 27;93;622;623<br />

Zumello, Christine 868<br />

Zwart, Tom 1178<br />

Zyberi, Gentian 1178<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 110 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15



Advisory Council on International Affairs<br />

(Netherlands) 41;75;177;178<br />

Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi (France) 324<br />

American Enterprise Institute for Public<br />

Policy Research (Washington/D.C.)<br />

880;1558 10<strong>18</strong><br />

American Federation of Labor and Congress<br />

of Industrial Organizations 731;1014<br />

American Society of International Law<br />

1038;1041 <strong>16</strong>87;1702<br />

Angus Reid Global Monitor 693;696;1351;1366<br />

Asia Foundation (San Francisco/Cal.)<br />

699;14<strong>18</strong><br />

Aspen Institute Berlin 137;139;751;823;1373;1386<br />

Assemblée Nationale (France) 322<br />

Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton)<br />

<strong>16</strong>63;<strong>16</strong>67<br />

Bank of Israel / Research Department<br />

(Jerusalem) 1<strong>30</strong>3;1<strong>30</strong>7<br />

Bipartisan Policy Center (Washington/D.C.)<br />

754;786;1375;1381<br />

British Institute of International and<br />

Comparative Law (London) 1237;1238 1387<br />

Brookings Institution (Washington/D.C.) 644<br />

855;878<br />

Brot für die Welt (Evangelische Kirche in<br />

Deutschland / Diakonisches Werk) 995;996<br />

CARE International<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace<br />

708;1249 1339 1376;1382<br />

Carnegie Moscow Center 548;576;701;783<br />

Catholic Agency for Overseas Development<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Center for American Progress<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 707;1266<br />

Center for Defense Information<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 764;1566;<strong>18</strong>13 765;1273<br />

Center for EU Enlargement Studies (Central<br />

European University, Budapest) 25;1250<br />

Center for European Policy Analysis<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 145 149<br />

Center for International Studies<br />

(Massachusetts Institute for Technology,<br />

Cambridge/Mass.) 700;749;1368;1372<br />

Center for Security Policy (Washington/D.C.)<br />

736;886;978<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 120;592 549;1554 553;710<br />

581;589 591;1728 649;650 775;877<br />

Center for Strategic and International Studies<br />

/ Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1243;1333<br />

Center on International Cooperation (New<br />

York/N.Y.) 1049<br />

Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi (Noisy-le-Grand)<br />

277<br />

Centre d'Etudes des Mondes Africains<br />

(Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris ...) 1122<br />

Centre d'Information et de Recherche sur<br />

l'Allemagne Contemporaine (Paris) 109<br />

Centre de Recherches pour l'Expansion de<br />

l'Economie et le Développement des<br />

Entreprises (Paris) 1<strong>16</strong>;334<br />

Centre for Conflict Resolution (University of<br />

Cape Town) 1106<br />

Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels)<br />

20;629 40;<strong>16</strong>1<br />

Centre for International and Security Studies<br />

(York University, Toronto) <strong>18</strong>23;<strong>18</strong>34<br />

Centro Boliviano de Estudios<br />

Multidisciplinarios (La Paz) 1009<br />

Centro de Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Managua) 958;966 1745<br />

Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo<br />

Laboral y Agrario (La Paz) 1013<br />

Centro Internacional para la Justicia<br />

Transicional 1060<br />

Century Foundation 771<br />

Chamber of Commerce of the USA 731;1014<br />

Christian Aid (London)<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Collectif pour une Transition Démocratique<br />

en Guinée 1122<br />

Comité National de Lutte contre la Pauvreté<br />

(Congo, Brazzaville) 1142<br />

Commissariat aux Droits de l'Homme, à la<br />

Lutte contre la Pauvreté et à l'Insertion<br />

(Mauritanie) 1136<br />

Commission on Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe (United States / Congress) 136;733<br />

137;139;751;823;1373;1386 138 520;525 627 649;650<br />

678<br />

Committee on Armed Services (United<br />

States / House) 768;1275;1352 770<br />

Committee on Energy and Natural<br />

Resources (United States / Senate)<br />

785;862;17<strong>18</strong>;1722<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (European<br />

Parliament) 57;1107<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States /<br />

House) 688 698;748;1259;1264<br />

Committee on Foreign Relations (United<br />

States / Senate) 782;874;1435;1449<br />

Committee on Oversight and Government<br />

Reform (United States / House)<br />

711;813;1267;1277<br />

Congo (Brazzaville) 1143<br />

Congressional Research Service (Library of<br />

Congress, Washington/D.C.) 588 703;1248<br />

704;838;1503;1504 713;1433 <strong>16</strong>57<br />

Conseil Economique et Social (France) 38<br />

261;333 269<br />

Conseil Régional d'Alsace 202;371;489<br />

Constitution and Reform Education<br />

Consortium (Kenya) 1195<br />

Council of Europe 133;135<br />

Council of the Americas (New York/N.Y.)<br />

736;886;978<br />

Council of the European Union 12;1089;1105<br />

13;1138 14;<strong>16</strong>62<br />

Council on Foreign Relations (New York/N.Y.)<br />

758;1391 787;875;1436;1450 1039;1042 1505<br />

Cusanuswerk (Bonn) 467<br />

Dan Church Aid (Copenhagen)<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Danish Institute for International Studies<br />

(Copenhagen) <strong>16</strong>31<br />

Defense Contract Audit Agency (United<br />

States / Department of Defense)<br />

711;813;1267;1277<br />

Délégation du Sénat aux Droits des Femmes<br />

et à l'Egalité des Chances entre les<br />

Hommes et les Femmes (France) 256;325<br />

Department of Agriculture (United States)<br />

1797;<strong>18</strong>10<br />

Department of Defense (United States)<br />

707;1266<br />

Department of Defense / Office of the<br />

Secretary of Defense (United States)<br />

806;870<br />

Department of Energy (United States)<br />

785;862;17<strong>18</strong>;1722 1797;<strong>18</strong>10<br />

Department of State (United States) 136;733<br />

138 511;732 649;650 678 697;747;1258;1263<br />

705;839;1513;1514 707;1266 725;1427 736;886;978<br />

788;<strong>16</strong>32 804;1417 8<strong>16</strong>;1521;<strong>16</strong>76 1288 1398;1429<br />

1797;<strong>18</strong>10 <strong>18</strong>08<br />

Department of the Army (United States) 770<br />

Deutsch-Französischer Umweltrat 348;473<br />

349;472<br />

Diakonia<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Direction de l'Animation de la Recherche,<br />

des Etudes et des Statistiques (France)<br />

329<br />

Earthquake Reconstruction and<br />

Rehabilitation Authority (Pakistan)<br />

1405;14<strong>16</strong> 1409;1413<br />

East-West Center (Honolulu/Haw.) 807;1475<br />

Economic and Social Commission for<br />

Western Asia 1233;1236<br />

Education and Culture Directorate-General<br />

(European Commission) 79 80;103 81<br />

82;104<br />

Elcano Royal Institute (Madrid) <strong>18</strong>;92;7<strong>16</strong>;834<br />

205 503 1070<br />

Enough 1178 1223 1557<br />

EPW Research Foundation (Mumbai) 1443<br />

EU-Africa Ministerial Meeting 10. (Brussels,<br />

<strong>2008</strong>-09-<strong>16</strong>) 12;1089;1105<br />

Eurasian Development Bank 634;635<br />

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

European Centre for International Political<br />

Economy 69;638 637;1712<br />

European Observatory on Health Systems<br />

and Policies <strong>16</strong>60<br />

European Parliament 100<br />

European Parliament / Directorate-General<br />

for External Policies 17;70;<strong>16</strong>79;<strong>16</strong>81 57;1107<br />

European Union - Nigeria Ministerial Troika<br />

Meeting, <strong>2008</strong> (Ljubljana, <strong>2008</strong>-05-20)<br />

13;1138<br />

European Union Institute for Security Studies<br />

(Paris) 9;63;702;784;1370;1379<br />

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy<br />

(Prague) 44;496<br />

Europublic 82;104<br />

Federal Centre for Political Education<br />

(Germany) 593;598<br />

Federal Foreign Office (Germany) 4<strong>16</strong>;1096<br />

4<strong>18</strong>;476;519;528<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 111 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature<br />

Conservation and Nuclear Safety<br />

(Germany <strong>18</strong>02<br />

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees<br />

(Germany) 443;695<br />

Fédération des Congolais de l'Etranger<br />

(France) 1154<br />

Fédération Nationale des Agences<br />

d'Urbanisme (France) 272<br />

Fondation Entente Franco-Allemande<br />

201;370;488<br />

Fondation Jean-Jaurès (Paris) 190<br />

Fondation pour l'Innovation Politique (Paris)<br />

2<strong>18</strong><br />

Fondation Terra Nova (Paris) 220<br />

Foreign Policy Research Institute (University<br />

of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

559;577;602;615<br />

Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum<br />

Chile-Lateinamerika (Berlin) 995;996<br />

Forschungsgruppe Asien (SWP Berlin)<br />

1357;1428<br />

Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung<br />

(Hochschule für<br />

Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer)<br />

<strong>18</strong>15;<strong>18</strong>27<br />

Forum for the Restoration of Democracy -<br />

People (Kenya) 1194<br />

Foundation for Science and Politics (Berlin)<br />

24;558 546 565;608 867;<strong>18</strong>00<br />

1215;12<strong>16</strong>;1217;1253;1254;1256 1389;1395<br />

Franco-German Institute Ludwigsburg<br />

201;370;488<br />

Freedom House (New York/N.Y.)<br />

137;139;751;823;1373;1386 627<br />

French Institute of International Relations<br />

(Paris) 553;710 581;589 591;1728<br />

Friedrich Ebert Foundation 2;1239 1049 1444<br />

1506<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Bogotá) 1053 1054<br />

1062 1065 1067 1068<br />

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Kabul)<br />

368;419;1347;1354;1390;1394;1463;1464<br />

Fundación Boliviana para la Democracia<br />

Multipartidaria 1006<br />

Fundación Ideas para la Paz 959;1045 1044<br />

1046 1047 1048 1049 1051 1052;1066 1055 1057<br />

1059 1060<br />

Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia<br />

956;957 960;961 964;965 967;968<br />

Fundación para las Relaciones<br />

Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior<br />

(Madrid) 27;93;622;623 888<br />

Garnet Network of Excellence 1775<br />

Geneva Centre for Security Policy 1227<br />

Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung 417;475<br />

German Agro Action (Bonn) 1155;1159<br />

German Bundestag (Germany) 470<br />

German Marshall Fund of the United States<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 619<br />

Ghana Center for Democratic Development<br />

(Accra) 1114<br />

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area<br />

Studies (Hamburg) 1235<br />

GIGA Institute of Asian Studies (Hamburg)<br />

1445<br />

GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies<br />

(Hamburg) 1232<br />

Goethe-Institut (München) 413;1112<br />

Gouvernement (Germany) 4<strong>18</strong>;476;519;528<br />

Gouvernement de la République du Mali<br />

1125<br />

Government Accountability Office (United<br />

States) 743 766;797;1274;1276 772 773 776<br />

800;873 812;841;1393;1399 863 1117<br />

Government of Canada 692;1346<br />

Government of Japan 1278;<strong>16</strong>50<br />

Government of Mozambique 1<strong>16</strong>8;1171<br />

Government of Yemen 1343<br />

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 1005;1040<br />

Helen Kellogg Institute for International<br />

Studies (University of Notre Dame, Notre<br />

Dame/Ind.) 1044<br />

Heritage Foundation (Washington/D.C.)<br />

551;590;1079;1086 560;603 561;604 562;578;605;6<strong>16</strong><br />

734;844;932;938 808;893 1039;1042 <strong>16</strong>59<br />

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and<br />

Peace (Stanford University, Stanford/Cal.)<br />

137;139;751;823;1373;1386<br />

Human Rights Watch (New York/N.Y.)<br />

1338;1341 1452;1454 <strong>16</strong>86;<strong>16</strong>91<br />

IBRD Africa Regional Office<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1257<br />

IBRD Development Research Group 1778<br />

IBRD Middle East and North Africa / Social<br />

and Economic Development Group<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1229;1439;1573<br />

IBRD Social Development Department 526<br />

IBRD South Asia Region 1407<br />

IDP Working Group (Amman) 1283<br />

Impunity Watch (Syracuse University) 1178<br />

Institut Montaigne 119 219 268 289 3<strong>30</strong> 340<br />

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (New<br />

York/N.Y.) <strong>16</strong>3;<strong>16</strong>7;367;415<br />

Institute for Development and Peace<br />

(University of Duisburg-Essen) 1739<br />

Institute for Education in Democracy (Nairobi)<br />

1195 1197 1198<br />

Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy<br />

(University of Maryland, College Park/Md.)<br />

<strong>18</strong>14;<strong>18</strong><strong>30</strong><br />

Institute for Science and International<br />

Security (Washington/D.C.) 1378;1707<br />

Institute for Security and Development Policy<br />

(Nacka) 541;557<br />

Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, Cape<br />

Town) 723;1221 1099 1<strong>16</strong>5 1179 12<strong>18</strong>;1224<br />

Institute for Strategic Studies (University of<br />

Pretoria) 1177<br />

Institute of International Affairs (Rome)<br />

7;<strong>16</strong>77<br />

Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y<br />

la Asistencia Electoral (Lima) 1006<br />

Inter-American Dialogue (Washington/D.C.)<br />

736;886;978<br />

International Atomic Energy Agency<br />

1380;1708<br />

International Bank for Reconstruction and<br />

Development 143;540 632 1110;11<strong>16</strong> 1343<br />

1751<br />

International Campaign for Tibet 1586<br />

International Crisis Group (Brussels) 569;611<br />

642 975 1139 1152 1484<br />

International Energy Agency 113;1<strong>18</strong><br />

International Institute for Educational<br />

Planning (Paris) 1406;1414<br />

International Institute for Strategic Studies<br />

(London) 1765<br />

International Monetary Fund<br />

1310;1313;1323;1331 1502<br />

International Organization for Migration<br />

(Geneva) 1360;1365 1791;<strong>18</strong>06<br />

International Peace Academy (New<br />

York/N.Y.) <strong>18</strong>19;<strong>18</strong>32<br />

International Relations and Security Network<br />

(Zurich) 579 633<br />

International Republican Institute<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 1009<br />

International South Group Network (Quezon<br />

City) 1745<br />

Israel/Palestine Center for Research and<br />

Information (Jerusalem) 1294;13<strong>16</strong><br />

Kanton Basel-Landschaft <strong>30</strong>6;453;493<br />

Kenya African National Union 1193<br />

KfW Entwicklungsbank (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

1155;1159<br />

Konrad Adenauer Foundation 46;<strong>16</strong>4 408;1774<br />

1055<br />

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Paris) 229<br />

Kooperation für den Frieden 1265<br />

Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los<br />

Alamos/N.Mex.) 785;862;17<strong>18</strong>;1722<br />

Magyar Köztársaság Nagykövetsége Berlin,<br />

Németország 657<br />

Makerere University (Kampala) 1100 1214<br />

Max-Planck-Institut für<br />

Gesellschaftsforschung (Köln) <strong>18</strong>43<br />

Medico International (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Middle East Institute (Washington/D.C.) 1284<br />

Middle East Quartet<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Military History Research Institute (Potsdam)<br />

599<br />

Millward Brown IMS (Dublin) 42;<strong>16</strong>2<br />

Ministère de l'Ecologie, de l'Energie, du<br />

Développement Durable et de<br />

l'Aménagement du Territoire (France) 270<br />

Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances<br />

(Mali) 1126;1129<br />

Ministère de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et de<br />

l'Emploi (France) 192<br />

Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de<br />

l'Emploi / Direction générale du Trésor et<br />

de la Politique Economique (France) 337<br />

Ministère de l'Emploi, de l'Insertion et de la<br />

Formation Professionnelle (Mauritanie)<br />

1137<br />

Ministère des Affaires Economiques et du<br />

Développement (Mauritanie) 1136<br />

Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et<br />

Européennes (France) 192<br />

Ministère du Budget, des Comptes Publics et<br />

de la Fonction Publique (France) 192<br />

Ministère du Développement Social de la<br />

Solidarité et des Personnes Agées (Mali)<br />

1128<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (People's Republic<br />

of China) 1564;<strong>16</strong>85<br />

Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth<br />

Development (Tanzania) 1203<br />

Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and<br />

African Studies (Tel Aviv University)<br />

568;610 1132;1133<br />

National Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania)<br />

1203 1204<br />

National Democratic Institute for International<br />

Affairs (Washington/D.C.) 138<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 112 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

National Development and Reform<br />

Commission (People's Republic of China)<br />

<strong>16</strong>03<br />

National Endowment for Democracy<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 138<br />

National Intelligence Council (United States)<br />

1097 1114<br />

Netherlands Institute of International<br />

Relations Clingendael (The Hague) 34;<strong>16</strong>0<br />

NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and<br />

Security <strong>16</strong>89;1701<br />

Observatoire Politique et Stratégique de<br />

l'Afrique (Paris) 1122<br />

Office National de la Statistique (Mauritanie)<br />

1134<br />

Office of the United States Trade<br />

Representative (Washington/D.C.)<br />

804;1417<br />

Open Society Institute (New York/N.Y.) 1049<br />

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and<br />

Development 156<br />

Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich (Warszawa)<br />

570;612<br />

Overseas Private Investment Corporation<br />

1797;<strong>18</strong>10<br />

Oxfam International<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Pacific Forum CSIS (Honolulu/Haw.)<br />

719;1468 757;1419;1519 760;<strong>16</strong>48<br />

Palestine Strategy Study Group<br />

1299;1<strong>30</strong>8;1320<br />

Peter G. Peterson Institute for International<br />

Economics (Washington/D.C.) 587<br />

Premier Ministre (France) 192<br />

Press and Information Office of the Federal<br />

Government (Germany) 414<br />

Radio France Internationale (Paris) 1149;1153<br />

Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty (Prague)<br />

537 620;680;685<br />

Rand Corporation (Santa Monica/Cal.)<br />

60;85;94;1763;1784;1785 738 806;870<br />

Refugees International (Washington/D.C.)<br />

763;814;1090;1095<br />

Republic of Mali 11<strong>30</strong><br />

Research Institute of the German Society for<br />

Foreign Affairs (Berlin) 5;567;609 355<br />

Review Panel on Future Directions for<br />

Defense Threat Reduction Agency<br />

Missions and Capabilities to Combat<br />

Weapons of Mass Destruction (United<br />

States / Defense Threat Reduction Agency)<br />

777<br />

Robert Bosch Stiftung (Stuttgart) <strong>16</strong>;712<br />

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung 1<strong>30</strong>5;1<strong>30</strong>6<br />

III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs<br />

Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

(London) 67 583 1<strong>16</strong>4 1334;1335<br />

Russian and Eurasian Security Network<br />

(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule /<br />

International Relations and Security<br />

Network, Zurich) 6<strong>18</strong><br />

Save the Children - Sweden<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

1234<br />

Save the Children - United Kingdom<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Schweizerische Botschaft (Tripolis) 490;1252<br />

Security and Defence Agenda (Brussels)<br />

600;601;625;626<br />

Security Council Report (New York/N.Y.)<br />

1220;1222;<strong>16</strong>83;<strong>16</strong>99<br />

Sénat (France) 256;325 271<br />

Stanley Foundation (Muscatine/Iowa)<br />

706;1467<br />

Stiftung Marktwirtschaft (Berlin) 440<br />

Strategic and Defence Studies Centre<br />

(Australian National University, Canberra)<br />

1764<br />

Strategic Studies Institute (United States<br />

Army War College, Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)<br />

575;1567 759;840;1109;1115<br />

Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the<br />

Global Environment (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

705;839;1513;1514 788;<strong>16</strong>32 804;1417 8<strong>16</strong>;1521;<strong>16</strong>76<br />

1797;<strong>18</strong>10 <strong>18</strong>08<br />

Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality<br />

(United States / House / Committee on<br />

Energy and Commerce) <strong>18</strong>09<br />

Subcommittee on Energy and the<br />

Environment (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Science and Technology)<br />

<strong>18</strong>09<br />

Subcommittee on Europe (United States /<br />

House / Committee on Foreign Affairs)<br />

511;732<br />

Subcommittee on International Organizations,<br />

Human Rights, and Oversight (United<br />

States / House / Committee on Foreign<br />

Affairs) 707;1266 722;1268 724;860;1269;1285<br />

765;1273 767;798 779;821 780;822 819<br />

Subcommittee on Investigations and<br />

Oversight (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Science and Technology)<br />

775;877<br />

Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation,<br />

and Trade (United States / House /<br />

Committee on Foreign Affairs) 788;<strong>16</strong>32<br />

Subcommittee on the Middle East and South<br />

Asia (United States / House / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs) 697;747;1258;1263 707;1266<br />

722;1268 724;860;1269;1285 725;1427 7<strong>30</strong>;1337 1288<br />

1398;1429<br />

Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere<br />

Affairs (United States / House / Committee<br />

on Foreign Affairs) 731;1014 736;886;978<br />

1039;1042<br />

Tanzania Gender Networking Programme<br />

1203<br />

Transitions Online 128;614 538 571;613<br />

Uganda Bureau of Statistics 1210 1211 1213<br />

United Civilians for Peace (Utrecht)<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

United Nations 1<strong>16</strong>6<br />

United Nations Assistance Mission in<br />

Afghanistan 1358<br />

United Nations Capital Development Fund<br />

1<strong>16</strong>7;1174 1172;1176 1173<br />

United Nations Conference on Trade and<br />

Development 1093 1312;1328;17<strong>16</strong> 1772<br />

United Nations Development Programme<br />

1006 1008 1119 1128 1141 1<strong>16</strong>7;1174 1<strong>16</strong>8;1171<br />

1172;1176 1173 1175 1343 1420;1422<br />

United Nations Educational, Scientific and<br />

Cultural Organization 1406;1414<br />

United Nations Interim Administration<br />

Mission in Kosovo 676;677;679;683;<strong>16</strong>98<br />

United Nations Security Council<br />

1108;1255;1700 1150;1151;1<strong>16</strong>2;1<strong>16</strong>3 1219;1225<br />

1286;1287<br />

United Nations System in Congo 1143<br />

United Nations System in Mali 1125 1126;1129<br />

United States Agency for International<br />

Development 705;839;1513;1514 8<strong>16</strong>;1521;<strong>16</strong>76<br />

1009<br />

United States Army 770<br />

United States Army War College (Carlisle/Pa.)<br />

775;877<br />

United States Institute of Peace<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 649;650 1123;1124<br />

1740;1742<br />

Washington Institute for Near East Policy<br />

(Washington/D.C.) 698;748;1259;1264<br />

1244;1245;1279;1281 1295;1317 1377;1384<br />

Wiener Institut für Internationalen Dialog und<br />

Zusammenarbeit 50;76;1298;1<strong>30</strong>2;1319;1326<br />

Womankind Worldwide 1363<br />

Woodrow Wilson International Center for<br />

Scholars (Washington/D.C.) 731;1014 1044<br />

World Public Opinion.org (Washington/D.C.)<br />

1240<br />

World Vision International<br />

49;74;566;582;755;815;1297;1<strong>30</strong>1;13<strong>18</strong>;1324;<strong>16</strong>88;<strong>16</strong>97<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 113 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15


Agrarwirtschaft (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- 57 (<strong>2008</strong>) 6: 1753;1756<br />

American Foreign Policy Interests<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- <strong>30</strong> (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4: 653;735<br />

The Annals of the American Academy of<br />

Political and Social Science<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.)<br />

- (July <strong>2008</strong>) 6<strong>18</strong>: 1270;1280<br />

Arab Insight (Cairo)<br />

- 2 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 1231;1555<br />

Argentina Global (Buenos Aires)<br />

- (enero-julio <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>: 720;931 933;939 962<br />

998;1031 1028<br />

Asia Pacific Viewpoint (Wellington)<br />

- 49 ( August <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 1035;<strong>16</strong>65 1423;<strong>16</strong>75 1471<br />

1496;1497 1508 1580;1592 <strong>16</strong>61 <strong>16</strong>66 <strong>16</strong>71;<strong>16</strong>72<br />

Asian Affairs (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 35 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 1547 1548 1585<br />

Asian Defence Journal (Kuala Lumpur)<br />

- (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) [7-8]: <strong>16</strong>5 1469<br />

Asian Development Outlook : Update<br />

(Manila)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>): 1421;1425<br />

Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.)<br />

- 48 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 4: 1355;1364 1473;1478<br />

1510 1546 1588 <strong>16</strong>27 <strong>16</strong>40;<strong>16</strong>42 <strong>16</strong>53;<strong>16</strong>56<br />

Berliner China-Hefte (Berlin)<br />

- 33 (<strong>2008</strong>): 356;361;1526;1534 358;369;1532;1536<br />

1525;1538 1527;1539 1528;1540 1529;1537;1542<br />

15<strong>30</strong>;1543 1531;1535;1723;1724 1533;1541<br />

BIS Quarterly Review (Basel)<br />

- (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>): 1426<br />

Blätter für deutsche und internationale<br />

Politik (Bonn)<br />

- 53 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9: 564;607 1282 1371 1771<br />

British Journal of Political Science<br />

(Cambridge)<br />

- 38 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 110;174;<strong>18</strong>0 825;848 1581 <strong>16</strong>54<br />

17<strong>30</strong><br />

- 38 (October <strong>2008</strong>) 4: 170;171 835 853;857<br />

Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris)<br />

- (mai-juin <strong>2008</strong>) 173: 208 209 210<br />

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists<br />

(Chicago/Ill.)<br />

- 64 (July-August <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 864<br />

Bundesgesetzblatt : Teil II (Bonn)<br />

- (21. Dezember 2006) 32: <strong>18</strong>7;286;363;448<br />

- (19. Januar 2007) 1: <strong>18</strong>6;339;362;469<br />

Business Forum China (Karlsruhe)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 5: <strong>16</strong>13<br />

Les Cahiers de l'Orient (Paris)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 91: 36;517 <strong>18</strong>4;1369<br />

Les Cahiers du journalisme (Laval)<br />

- (automne 2006) <strong>16</strong>: 296<br />

Canadian Journal of Latin American and<br />

Caribbean Studies (Montréal)<br />

- 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 65: 727;883 889;899 897;924 900 936<br />

997;1002 1063<br />

CEPAL Review (Santiago de Chile)<br />

- (December 2007) 93: 891;1437;1568 919 921<br />

925 928 1029 1076<br />

The China Business Review<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 35 (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 5: 809;1577<br />

1583;<strong>16</strong>04 <strong>16</strong>00;<strong>16</strong>15 <strong>16</strong>21<br />

China Contact (Münster)<br />

- (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8: <strong>16</strong>07;<strong>16</strong>11<br />

China Information (Leiden)<br />

- 22 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 179;<strong>18</strong>1;<strong>16</strong>23;<strong>16</strong>25 1500;1501<br />

1550;1552;<strong>16</strong>43;<strong>16</strong>44 1593 1594 1595;1596 <strong>16</strong>24<br />

Commentaire (Paris)<br />

- 31 (automne <strong>2008</strong>) 123: 228 240 275 276 290<br />

319<br />

Communist and Post-Communist Studies<br />

(Oxford)<br />

- 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 146;1271 481;482<br />

483;485 487;498 497;499;500;501 536 624<br />

Comparative Connections<br />

(Honolulu/Haw.)<br />

- 10 (July 15, <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 549;1554 552;709<br />

Comparative Political Studies<br />

(Thousand Oaks/Cal.)<br />

- 41 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8: 513;514;655;656;1081;1085<br />

1440;1448 1754 <strong>18</strong>33;<strong>18</strong>37<br />

- 41 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: 65;122;803;866 539;922<br />

1597<br />

Concurrence et consommation (Paris)<br />

- (juillet-septembre <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0: 43;197<br />

Connaissance de l'emploi<br />

(Noisy-le-Grand)<br />

- (juillet-août <strong>2008</strong>) 56: 321<br />

Consommation et modes de vie (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 214: 328<br />

Constructif (Paris)<br />

- (juin <strong>2008</strong>) 20: 253;1789 312<br />

Contemporary French and Francophone<br />

Studies (Abingdon)<br />

- 12 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3: <strong>18</strong>3 262 <strong>30</strong>5<br />

Contemporary South Asia (Abingdon)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 175 1441 1446;1447<br />

1465 1466<br />

Contributions to Nepalese Studies<br />

(Kirtipur)<br />

- 34 (January 2007) 1: 1451 1455 1457 1458<br />

- 34 (July 2007) 2: 14<strong>30</strong> 1453 1456 1459 1461<br />

1462<br />

Current History (Philadelphia/Pa.)<br />

- 107 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 710: 147;148;1582;1584<br />

1544;1559 1563;1599 <strong>16</strong>01 <strong>16</strong><strong>16</strong> <strong>16</strong>35 <strong>16</strong>41 <strong>16</strong>52;<strong>16</strong>55<br />

Le Débat (Paris)<br />

- (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 151: <strong>18</strong>9;714 265<br />

293<br />

Economia internazionale (Genova)<br />

- 61 (February <strong>2008</strong>) 1: 1725;1727<br />

Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai)<br />

- 43 (August <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>) 33: 1443<br />

Education et sociétés (Bruxelles)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 1/21: 288<br />

Energy Policy (Oxford)<br />

- 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: 861;876 865 1575;<strong>16</strong>20<br />

<strong>16</strong>09 1795;<strong>18</strong>05 <strong>18</strong>11<br />

Estudios Internacionales<br />

(Santiago de Chile)<br />

- 41 (mayo-agosto <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>16</strong>0: 191<br />

502;504;7<strong>18</strong>;820 717;882 992 999;1032 1015;1033<br />

Ethnic and Racial Studies (Oxford)<br />

- 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 6: 1<strong>30</strong>4 <strong>18</strong>12<br />

Ethnologie française (Paris)<br />

- 38 (octobre-décembre <strong>2008</strong>) 4: 258 <strong>30</strong>4;353<br />

354<br />

Ethnos (Stockholm)<br />

- 72 (March 2007) 1: <strong>16</strong>9 1034 1498<br />

- 72 (June 2007) 2: 509 849 1200 1487 1488 1495<br />

- 72 (<strong>September</strong> 2007) 3: 641 858 10241460<br />

<strong>16</strong>68;<strong>16</strong>69<br />

- 72 (December 2007) 4: 851;1<strong>18</strong>1;1442 1072<br />

1074;1077 <strong>16</strong>64;<strong>16</strong>70<br />

Etudes (Paris)<br />

- 409 (octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 4: <strong>30</strong>8<br />

Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 657: 281<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 658: 331<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 659: 255<br />

Eurasia Daily Monitor (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 5 (July 22, <strong>2008</strong> ) 139: 643<br />

- 5 (August 12, <strong>2008</strong>) 154: 639;640<br />

Europäische Sicherheit (Hamburg)<br />

- 57 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: 129;573 203;206 380<br />

381 383 385 388 389 403 665;666 802<br />

Europarecht (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 43 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3: 21;86;652;654 <strong>30</strong><br />

Europe-Asia Studies (Abdingdon)<br />

- 60 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7: 531;534 532;535 584<br />

585;586 597 617;621<br />

The European Journal of Development<br />

Research (Abingdon)<br />

- 20 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2:<br />

3<strong>18</strong>;346;494;495;505;506;944;950;1003;1004;1026;10<strong>30</strong><br />

543;544 927;929 1036;1037 1078 1157;1<strong>16</strong>0 1205 1512<br />

1576;<strong>16</strong>12 1720;1738 1748 1749<br />

European Journal of International<br />

Relations (London)<br />

- 14 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: <strong>18</strong>24<br />

Far Eastern Economic Review<br />

(Hongkong)<br />

- 171 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 7: 1431 1491 1494 1499<br />

<strong>16</strong>10<br />

French Politics (Basingstoke)<br />

- 6 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1: 10;89;<strong>18</strong>5;222 227 236 259<br />

- 6 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 223 231 233 234 263;850<br />

- 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 48;91;199;226<br />

102;172;266 232 260 295 352<br />

Die Friedens-Warte (Berlin)<br />

- 83 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2-3: 1196;1199 <strong>18</strong>25<br />

Futuribles (Paris)<br />

- (octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 345: 280 335<br />

German Politics (Abingdon)<br />

- 17 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 427 428 429;444 4<strong>30</strong> 432 449<br />

Global Environmental Politics<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- 8 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 1703 1704<br />

Global Studies Review (Arlington/Va.)<br />

- 4 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 628<br />

Harvard International Review<br />

(Cambridge/Mass.)<br />

- <strong>30</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 646<br />

Ifo-Schnelldienst (München)<br />

- 61 (<strong>2008</strong>) 15: 1780<br />

ILA (Bonn)<br />

- (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>16</strong>: 26;885 913 974 991 1010<br />

- (Juli-August <strong>2008</strong>) 317: 9<strong>30</strong> 946 963 988<br />

- (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3<strong>18</strong>: 903<br />

INSEE première (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 1208: 278<br />

Inter-Régions (Paris)<br />

- (mai-juin <strong>2008</strong>) 278: 311 313<br />

- (juillet-août <strong>2008</strong>) 279: 315 342<br />

- (septembre-octobre <strong>2008</strong>) 280: 314;341 317<br />

The International Economy<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (Summer <strong>2008</strong>): 691<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 114 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

International Journal (Toronto)<br />

- 63 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 71;409;694<br />

International Migration (Geneva)<br />

- 46 (<strong>2008</strong>) 4: 1424<br />

International Migration Review<br />

(Malden/Mass.)<br />

- 42 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 852;940 1209;1212<br />

International Peacekeeping (Ilford)<br />

- 15 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 4: 1158 <strong>16</strong>90 <strong>16</strong>92 <strong>16</strong>93 <strong>16</strong>94<br />

<strong>16</strong>95 <strong>16</strong>96 1762<br />

International Political Sociology<br />

(Malden/Mass.)<br />

- 2 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: <strong>18</strong><strong>16</strong>;<strong>18</strong>52<br />

International Studies Quarterly<br />

(Malden/Mass.)<br />

- 52 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 533;753;979 1705;1710<br />

<strong>18</strong><strong>18</strong> <strong>18</strong>22;<strong>18</strong>31 <strong>18</strong>28;<strong>18</strong>35<br />

International Studies Review<br />

(Malden/Mass.)<br />

- 10 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 1766 <strong>18</strong>17;<strong>18</strong>45<br />

Internationales Asienforum<br />

(Freiburg/Breisgau)<br />

- 39 (Mai <strong>2008</strong>) 1-2: 1356;1362 1507 1509 1511<br />

1515 15<strong>18</strong> <strong>16</strong>26<br />

Jahrbuch für Ostrecht (München)<br />

- 49 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1: 45;99;594;595 456;596 484 658<br />

Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon)<br />

- 45 (17 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 38: 790;1353 <strong>16</strong>33<br />

- 45 (24 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 39: 512<br />

791;871;1769;<strong>18</strong>01<br />

Japan Focus (Ithaca/N.Y.)<br />

- (<strong>September</strong> 10, <strong>2008</strong>): <strong>16</strong>58<br />

- (<strong>September</strong> 11, <strong>2008</strong>): <strong>16</strong>38;<strong>16</strong>47<br />

The Japanese Economic Review<br />

(Oxford ...)<br />

- 58 (June 2007) 2: 1520;<strong>16</strong>39<br />

Jeune Afrique (Paris)<br />

- 48 (21-27 septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 2489: 1246<br />

Joint Force Quarterly (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (3rd quarter <strong>2008</strong>) 50: 6<strong>30</strong>;762<br />

Journal of Chinese Economic and<br />

Business Studies (Abingdon)<br />

- 6 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 1474;1476;1570;1574<br />

1571;1578 1591 <strong>16</strong>02 <strong>16</strong>05 <strong>16</strong>14 <strong>16</strong><strong>18</strong>;<strong>16</strong>45<br />

The Journal of Contemporary China<br />

(Abingdon)<br />

- 17 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 56: 1545;1561<br />

1549;1551;1590;1598 1560;<strong>16</strong><strong>30</strong> 1589 <strong>16</strong>17<br />

The Journal of East Asian Affairs (Seoul)<br />

- 22 (Spring-Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 1: 23;<strong>16</strong>29<br />

550;1432;1556 715;<strong>16</strong>37 <strong>16</strong>19<br />

KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin)<br />

- 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 8-9: 11;52;1226;1228;<strong>16</strong>78;<strong>16</strong>80 521 663<br />

896;9<strong>18</strong> 1493<br />

Kyklos (Oxford)<br />

- 61 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3: 66;114 140<br />

Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin)<br />

- (<strong>September</strong>-Oktober <strong>2008</strong>) 411-412:<br />

778;890 937 955 983 989 994 1027 1071<br />

Latin American Politics and Society<br />

(Coral Gables/Fla.)<br />

- 50 (Fall <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 879;895 902 942;987;1064<br />

1021;1022 1061 1073;1075<br />

Lendemains (Tübingen)<br />

- 33 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1<strong>30</strong>-131: 215;423 2<strong>16</strong>;<strong>30</strong>2;424;452 2<strong>30</strong><br />

Lettre de l'OFCE (Paris)<br />

- (15 septembre <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>30</strong>1: 283<br />

Liaisons sociales (Rueil-Malmaison)<br />

- (25 juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 15<strong>16</strong>6, Cahier n° 2: 287<br />

Liberal (Berlin)<br />

- 50 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 22;556 68;1572<br />

Matices (Köln)<br />

- 15 (Frühjahr <strong>2008</strong>) 57: 980 993 1019 1056<br />

Médias (Paris)<br />

- (automne <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>: 297 298 299<br />

Metropoles (Vaulx-en-Velin)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 3: 267<br />

Middle East Economic Digest (London)<br />

- 52 (19-25 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 38: 1336<br />

Military Technology (Bonn)<br />

- 31 (2007) 7: 64 1<strong>30</strong> 131 384 391 792 793 794 795<br />

1770<br />

Le MOCI (Paris)<br />

- (<strong>18</strong> septembre-1er octobre <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>18</strong>25:<br />

207;507<br />

Le Monde de l'éducation (Paris)<br />

- (octobre <strong>2008</strong>): 212<br />

Le Monde diplomatique (Dt. Ausg.)<br />

(Berlin)<br />

- 14 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: <strong>30</strong>3<br />

The National Interest (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- (<strong>September</strong>-October <strong>2008</strong>) 97:<br />

574;580;769;801 739;827 740;774 742 744;836 745;856<br />

746 752;796;1374;1383 761;1272 1768<br />

National Journal (Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 40 (August <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2008</strong>) 35: 826 832 837;845<br />

Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte<br />

(Bonn)<br />

- 55 (<strong>2008</strong>) 9: 458<br />

Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht (Berlin)<br />

- 50 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3: 399;426<br />

New African (London)<br />

- 42 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 475: 1<strong>18</strong>6<br />

The New York Review of Books<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 55 (<strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2008</strong>) 14: 563;606;750<br />

824;843 833 859 1798<br />

La Note de veille (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 108: 350<br />

Oxford Review of Economic Policy<br />

(London)<br />

- 23 (2007) 3: 1779<br />

The Pacific Review (Oxford)<br />

- 21 (July <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 19;88;1472;1477 1470 1481;1489<br />

1562;<strong>16</strong>22 1587 <strong>16</strong>49<br />

The Pakistan Development Review<br />

(Islamabad)<br />

- 45 (Winter 2006) 4: 1396;1404 1400 1401;1412<br />

1402 1403 1408 1410 1411;1415<br />

Peace Magazine (Toronto)<br />

- 24 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1: 15<strong>16</strong>;1517<br />

Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Madrid)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 1-2: 894;907;952;954 901 904 905;914 906<br />

908 909;917;972;973 910 911 912;915 953 1058<br />

Perfiles Latinoamericanos (México/D.F.)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 32: 943 945 948 1000<br />

Perspectives on Politics<br />

(Washington/D.C.)<br />

- 6 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: 737 828 1207 <strong>18</strong>39 <strong>18</strong>47<br />

Petroleum Economist (London)<br />

- 75 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: 1388<br />

Policy Review Online (Washington)<br />

- (August-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 150: 1293;1315<br />

741;854 789;847 8<strong>30</strong><br />

Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück)<br />

- 53 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 466: 555;721 1761 1796<br />

Population (Paris)<br />

- 63 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2: 254 264 273 274 1729<br />

Pouvoirs locaux (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 3/78: 237 241 242 243 245<br />

246 247;1726 3<strong>16</strong> 343<br />

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />

Premières informations (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 36.1: 323<br />

Premières synthèses (Paris)<br />

- (août <strong>2008</strong>) 35.1: 320<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 36.2: 327<br />

Proceedings / United States Naval<br />

Institute (Annapolis/Md.)<br />

- 134 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 1267: 781;799<br />

Projet (Paris)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) <strong>30</strong>6: 196 351<br />

Prokla (Münster)<br />

- 38 (Juni <strong>2008</strong>) 2/151: 451;462 <strong>18</strong>50<br />

The Review of International Organizations<br />

(Boston/Mass.)<br />

- 3 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 3: <strong>16</strong>74 1706 1713<br />

Review of World Economics (Heidelberg)<br />

- 144 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2: 72;125 892;1438;1569 1719;1736<br />

1721;1741<br />

La Revue socialiste (Paris)<br />

- (juillet <strong>2008</strong>) 31: 90;224<br />

The Round Table (Abingdon)<br />

- 97 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 397: 529;1261 1<strong>18</strong>3;1260<br />

1262;1434<br />

Scandinavian Political Studies (Oxford)<br />

- 31 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3: 150;152 155;157 158;159<br />

Sic (Caracas)<br />

- 71 (agosto <strong>2008</strong>) 707: 887;1080 990 1007;1012<br />

1050 1069 1083 1087<br />

Sociétal (Paris)<br />

- (3e trimestre <strong>2008</strong>) 61: 249 282 310 336 338<br />

344<br />

Sociétés contemporaines (Paris)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 71: 250 257 332<br />

Society and Economy (Budapest)<br />

- 29 (December 2007) 3: 55;108 868 1776;1788<br />

<strong>18</strong>38;<strong>18</strong>42 <strong>18</strong>49<br />

South African Labour Bulletin<br />

(Johannesburg)<br />

- 32 (June-July <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 1<strong>18</strong>0 1<strong>18</strong>4 1<strong>18</strong>8 1<strong>18</strong>9<br />

1190 1191<br />

South-East Europe Review for Labour<br />

and Social Affairs (Baden-Baden)<br />

- 11 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1: 8;651 527 661;662 668;669 670 674<br />

675 681<br />

Sowi.News (Strausberg)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 1: 398;441<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 2: 400<br />

Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv)<br />

- 11 (June <strong>2008</strong>) 1: 1290;1291;1292;1296 1329<br />

Studia diplomatica (Bruxelles)<br />

- 60 (2007) 4: 15;<strong>16</strong>46<br />

Studia Islamika (Jakarta)<br />

- 14 (2007) 1: 1482 1486 1490 1492<br />

- 14 (2007) 2: 1480 1485<br />

Studies in Comparative International<br />

Development (New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 43 (Spring <strong>2008</strong>) 1: 542;545 934;947;969;970<br />

<strong>16</strong>06 <strong>18</strong>40;<strong>18</strong>41<br />

- 43 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 831;869;935;949 923 976<br />

12<strong>30</strong> 1479;1483<br />

Swords and Ploughshares<br />

(Champaign/Ill.)<br />

- <strong>16</strong> (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 126;127;1348;1349<br />

Tonic le magazine (Hagenau)<br />

- (septembre <strong>2008</strong>) 119: 221;248<br />

211;214;410;421;491;492<br />

Tópicos (Bonn)<br />

- 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1: 1017 1023 1025<br />

- 47 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2: 365;881 411;10<strong>16</strong> 435;1020<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 115 <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques<br />

Transnational Corporations<br />

(New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 17 (April <strong>2008</strong>) 1: 123 5<strong>30</strong>;648<br />

1579;<strong>16</strong>08;1734;1752 1731;1732 1733;1735<br />

Umwelt (Berlin)<br />

- (<strong>2008</strong>) 7-8: <strong>18</strong>02<br />

Vantage Point (Seoul)<br />

- 31 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: 805;<strong>16</strong>34 <strong>16</strong>28;<strong>16</strong>36<br />

Wehrtechnik (Bonn)<br />

- 40 (<strong>2008</strong>) 5, Spezial: 373 374 375 376 377 378<br />

379 382 386 387 390 392 393 394 395 396 397 401<br />

402 404 405 406 407<br />

Welt-Sichten (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7: 61;73;1091;1094 1092<br />

- (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8: 1746<br />

World Development (Oxford)<br />

- 36 (<strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong>) 9: 1715 1781<br />

World Policy Journal (New York/N.Y.)<br />

- 25 (Summer <strong>2008</strong>) 2: 726;<strong>16</strong>84 810;1714<br />

811;1043 1709 1711;1717;1777;1792 1794;1799<br />

WSI-Mitteilungen (Frankfurt/Main)<br />

- 61 (Juli <strong>2008</strong>) 7: 445 446 450 455 460 463<br />

- 61 (August <strong>2008</strong>) 8: 459;461<br />

Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches<br />

Recht und Völkerrecht (Stuttgart)<br />

- 68 (<strong>2008</strong>) 2: 29;98 31 96;436 132;134;682;684<br />

438;508 439 686;687;689;690 1361 <strong>18</strong>20;<strong>18</strong>36 <strong>18</strong>21<br />

Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft<br />

(Wiesbaden)<br />

- 32 (<strong>2008</strong>) 3: 4 117 457;465 464 <strong>18</strong>44<br />

Zeitschrift für interkulturellen<br />

Fremdsprachenunterricht (Edmonton)<br />

- 11 (Januar 2006) 1: 213;420<br />

Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft<br />

(Baden-Baden)<br />

- <strong>18</strong> (<strong>2008</strong>) 2: 28;97 151;154;431;471;829;872<br />

433;478 434;479 <strong>18</strong>29;<strong>18</strong>53<br />

Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik (München)<br />

- 41 (29. August <strong>2008</strong>) 6: 437<br />

Zentralasien-Analysen (Bremen)<br />

- (31.07.<strong>2008</strong>) 7: 631<br />

zeo2 (Radolfzell)<br />

- 1 (<strong>2008</strong>) 1: <strong>18</strong>03 <strong>18</strong>04<br />

Regional Bibliography IRAS <strong>18</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> 1<strong>16</strong> <strong>2008</strong>.10.15

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