St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church


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<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Pastor ......................... Reverend Monsignor John M. Costello<br />

Associate Pastor ..................... Reverend Michael J. Esswein<br />

Senior Priest in Residence ........................................................................................<br />

..................................... Reverend Monsignor Gregory L. Schmidt<br />

Deacons ................................................................................. Deacon Joseph Sulze<br />

(Retired)<br />


Deacon John Komotos<br />

Deacon Richard Renard<br />

School Principal................................................................................... John Freitag<br />

Faith Formation ................................................................................... Linda Doyle<br />

Director of Elementary<br />

Faith Formation ...................................................... Janice M. Hartmann<br />

Business Manager ..................................................................................Larry Pfile<br />

Liturgical Music Coordinator Carol Bauer<br />

Director of Youth Ministry ................................... Robby Francis<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Mission <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

Built on the rock of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>, the Apostle of faith,<br />

love and forgiveness, we are a <strong>Catholic</strong> parish<br />

dedicated to live, witness and proclaim the good<br />

news of Christ through worship, education and<br />

loving service to each other and our community.

Visit us on the Internet at<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

or send your comments to:<br />

info@stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Baptism<br />

Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details<br />

regarding participation in the preparation program.<br />

We encourage expectant parents to make<br />

arrangements for the preparation program at least a<br />

few months prior to the birth of their child.<br />

Sacrament of Marriage<br />

Please contact the rectory for details regarding<br />

the preparation program. In accordance with<br />

Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a<br />

member of the parish clergy at least six months<br />

prior to their proposed wedding date.<br />

Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life<br />

If interested, please call the parish rectory or the<br />

Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460<br />

Rectory/Parish Office<br />

243 West Argonne Drive<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

966-8600 (Phone)<br />

966-5721 (Fax)<br />

Saint <strong>Peter</strong> Elementary School<br />

Pre-K thru Eighth Grade<br />

215 North Clay<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

821-0460<br />

Religious Education Offices -Ursuline Hall<br />

Offices of Faith Formation<br />

Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001<br />

Parish School of Religion<br />

Jan Hartmann, 822-1347, ext. 3004<br />

Office of Youth Ministry<br />

Robby Francis, Director of Youth Ministry<br />

822-1347, ext. 3003<br />

Office of Music Ministry<br />

Carol Bauer, Liturgical Music Coordinator<br />

822-1347, ext. 3005<br />

Calendar & Wedding Coordinator<br />

Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3002<br />

Pastoral Council<br />

Mr. Keith Weldon, Chairperson 322-9253<br />

Ms. Angie Bernardi, Vice Chairperson 984-0519<br />

Ms. Brigid Shea, Secretary 822-3843<br />

Finance Commission<br />

Mr. Dave Patritti, Chairperson, 835-1170<br />

Mr. Jack Herrmann, Vice-Chairperson, 966-3217<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society<br />

314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail)<br />

Parish Center<br />

821-6219<br />

Bulletin Deadline!!<br />

Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be<br />

submitted to the rectory by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the<br />

following Sunday’s Bulletin. All announcements must be<br />

in writing with a name and telephone number attached.<br />

Please remember <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in your will.<br />

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Get Involved!<br />




JOIN!<br />

Please see www.stpeterkirkwood.org for opportunities.<br />

Sunday Mass Schedule<br />

Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation)<br />

Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM<br />

Weekday Mass Schedule<br />

Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM<br />

Saturday: 8:15AM<br />

Holy Day Mass Schedule<br />

Consult the bulletin for Mass times<br />

http://www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment<br />

Eucharistic Adoration<br />

Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall<br />

adjacent to the <strong>Church</strong> building<br />

For more information or to sign up for a weekly<br />

Holy Hour of prayer contact<br />

Kathy Fotouhi at 821-4347<br />

Baptism<br />

Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 12:30PM.<br />

Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation<br />

Program. Please call the rectory to arrange for<br />

the Baptismal Preparation Program and a date for Baptism.<br />

Weekly Anointing and Prayer<br />

After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate<br />

the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone<br />

who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant<br />

to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests,<br />

limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress,<br />

addiction, etc. for all ages.<br />

Please gather in the pews at the front of church<br />

and the priest will be with you approximately<br />

10 minutes after Mass is over.

Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013<br />

Confirmation…A Rite of Spring at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

Last week I was interviewing Confirmation candidates from our<br />

Eighth Grade both in the full time and in the part-time schools.<br />

As I was talking to the young people about the sacrament of<br />

Confirmation I was also remembering my own. I was in sixth<br />

grade at Christ the King Grade School on the Southside of<br />

Chicago. My older brother, Bill, was my sponsor and I took the<br />

name Christopher. It was in honor of my great-grandfather,<br />

Christopher Kelly, and I liked the name, too. It means “Christcarrier.”<br />

Bishop Raymond Hillinger, the auxiliary bishop of<br />

Chicago, confirmed me. It was the first time I ever saw a<br />

bishop. My only concern that night was that I was going to<br />

become a soldier of Christ and to test my seriousness of taking<br />

on that role the bishop would slap me across the face during the<br />

rite of confirmation. I was determined to be brave, not flinch,<br />

and, God-forbid, cry or yell “ouch.” It would be very un-cool<br />

for a sixth grader on Chicago’s Southside to show a sign of<br />

weakness.<br />

I was also afraid that the bishop would ask me some questions<br />

so I was relieved when my place in the pew was in the middle<br />

and not on the aisle. I was small and he’ll never notice me.<br />

Mercifully, he didn’t notice me or ask me any questions. I hid<br />

behind James Kelly’s huge sport coat next to me. I was<br />

prepared, however, to beat any kid north of 95th <strong>St</strong>reet who<br />

went to <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s Episcopal <strong>Church</strong> at 94 th and Damen. I could<br />

take him down. I knew the Holy Spirit was <strong>Catholic</strong> and on my<br />

side. It would make my sixth grade teacher, Sister Mary<br />

Claudia, proud…and my brother, Bill, too. I would defend my<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> faith till the end…or at least to the Chicago City limits<br />

at 95 th and Western Avenue or whenever the streetlights came<br />

on and I had to go home to 9001 S. Claremont Avenue.<br />

This week we welcome Archbishop Robert Carlson to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

for his first official visit to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Church</strong>. He will confirm<br />

our Eighth Graders this Wednesday, May 1 st , at 7:30 pm. This<br />

class is most fortunate to have our Archbishop confirm them. It<br />

is an honor for sure. In the interviews with the Eighth Graders, I<br />

always asked them what name they chose and why. They all<br />

had done research and knew all about their saint’s name. I was<br />

impressed. I want to talk about our name. It is, after all, one of<br />

our most precious possessions.<br />

Our names are used at our baptism and become part of our<br />

religious history. For many centuries it was customary only to<br />

use the names of saints at baptism, but now the baptismal rite<br />

permits other names as long as they are not incompatible with<br />

the <strong>Catholic</strong> Faith. The Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults<br />

even provides a rite for a catechumen (unbaptized) to receive a<br />

“Christian” name before baptism. Any discussion of a<br />

“confirmation name” must be placed in the context of the<br />

relationship of confirmation to baptism. The two sacraments are<br />

“cousin” sacraments.<br />

Confirmation is a “seal” of the faith and grace given at baptism.<br />

The current rite of confirmation tries to link the celebration of<br />

this sacrament of initiation to baptism and thus, for example,<br />

recommends that the “sponsor” for confirmation be, when<br />

possible, the baptismal god-parent and includes a formal<br />

renewal of baptismal promises after the homily. Since the rite<br />

contains no specific directives otherwise, it presumes that those<br />

to be confirmed will be addressed by the name used at their<br />

baptism. Liturgists like that to show the connection between the<br />

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two sacraments of initiation. In fact, however, most young people<br />

choose another saint’s name just like I did when I was confirmed.<br />

Today there may be appropriate and pastoral reasons for someone<br />

to choose another patron saint and use this saint’s name when<br />

being confirmed. This name, freely chosen, and reflective of the<br />

candidate’s devotion to a saint, can be a sign of commitment to<br />

living as a Christian in today’s world under the patronage of<br />

someone they admire. Ideally such a confirmation name would<br />

be used in addition to the baptismal name, and not in place of it,<br />

and would be a saint to whom the person being confirmed has a<br />

particular interest and devotion.<br />

For many individuals, though, using the baptismal name alone<br />

can also be a powerful reaffirmation of who they are as<br />

Christians. Whether a person chooses a special patron saint and<br />

name at confirmation or chooses to honor the same name that<br />

they received at baptism it is important to remember the<br />

importance of our names. The worst thing we can do is to ruin<br />

someone’s name or to tear down that name or to make fun of that<br />

name. In the Jewish tradition, upon which our <strong>Catholic</strong> Faith is<br />

based, to call a person by their first name meant you were allowed<br />

into their mind and heart. The Orthodox Jew to this day could<br />

never call God by God’s proper name, Yahweh. They must<br />

address God by another name, Adonai. For to use God’s proper<br />

name meant that you could get into the mind and heart of God…<br />

and who can do that? It is the same reason when you were a child<br />

you were not permitted to call an adult by their first name. It was<br />

always “Mr. Jones” or “Mrs. Smith.” The name was always held<br />

to be holy. Again, in the Orthodox Jewish tradition when you<br />

addressed one by his or her name you had to be fully clothed as a<br />

sign of respect for that person and their name.<br />

Reverence your name. Find out why you have that particular<br />

name. Look up what your name means. Check out when your<br />

patron saint’s name day is. Value and respect each other’s good<br />

name. Pray the litany of the saints.<br />

From the “Hooray and Halleluia” Department…<br />

Well it happened again! Former graduates of our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Grade<br />

School have been recognized for being really great young people.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Louis University High School chooses six boys from their<br />

junior class to participate in the Jesuit Mission experience in<br />

Honduras. This will take place next January during senior’s<br />

service month at SLUH. The boys must apply to be accepted for<br />

this project and then the faculty chooses from the applicants.<br />

Always more apply than can be accepted. It is an honor to be<br />

chosen. Two out of the six were graduates from our Grade<br />

School: Michael Schrock, the son of Chuck and Lisa Schrock and<br />

Joe Grim, the son of Paul and Judy Grim.<br />

The boys had to write an essay on their reasons to be chosen. In<br />

addition they had to submit letters of recommendation. They will<br />

live with families and work with children at the Centro San Yves<br />

Nutritional Center in Yoro. They also must work to fund this<br />

project by selling ice cream, pretzels, and snacks during activity<br />

periods, mixers and others events at SLUH.<br />

Congratulations, Michael and Joe! What an amazing experience<br />

is coming your way next January. May God bless both of you in<br />

the year ahead!<br />

Have a great week, everybody! And I’ll see you in church!<br />

Monsignor Jack 1-3-5

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish Prayer<br />

Lord, thank you for the rich history you have<br />

bestowed on our family of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> in Kirkwood.<br />

Blessed by your grace, we ask that you be present<br />

in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our<br />

gifts through worship, education and loving service.<br />

Holy Spirit, create within us a vision for the future that<br />

we live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ.<br />

Amen<br />


Monday, April 29<br />

6:45AM Mike Quinn<br />

8:15AM Edward Costigan<br />

Tuesday, April 30<br />

6:45AM Ray Turner<br />

8:15AM Maury Bernsen<br />

Wednesday, May 1<br />

6:45AM Paul Douthit<br />

8:15AM Oliver Lerch<br />

Thursday, May 2<br />

6:45AM Christopher Switzer<br />

8:15AM Ginny Einspanier<br />

Friday, May 3<br />

6:45AM Judith Atkinson<br />

8:15AM Virginia Saputo<br />

Saturday, May 4<br />

8:15AM Flora <strong>St</strong>rope<br />

5:00 PM Alicia Marie Brauer<br />

Sunday, May 5<br />

7:30AM Thomas & DeDe Muldoon<br />

9:00AM Mary McIntosh (Special Intention)<br />

11:00AM People of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

6:00PM Robert Hughes<br />


Saturday, May 4<br />

5:00PM Ryan Allgeyer, Maddy Allgeyer,<br />

Sarah Hennessey<br />

Sunday, May 5<br />

7:30AM Pauly Morrison, Emily Morrison,<br />

Molly Huggins<br />

9:00AM Molly Greenley, Jack Rintoul, Susie Slane<br />

11:00AM Maggie Schlink, Dean <strong>St</strong>arrs, Billy Hughes<br />

6:00PM Chris Thornberry, Eli Saadi, Scott Villhard<br />


April 30 Easter Weekday 8:15AM K-8<br />

May 7 Mom’s Mass 8:15AM K-3<br />

May 9 Easter Weekday 8:15AM 4 -8<br />

May 14 <strong>St</strong>. Matthias 8:15AM K-8<br />

4<br />


Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - May 4/5<br />

Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( )<br />

Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?<br />

Call Bob & Trish Martin 821-3303<br />

Saturday, May 4<br />

5:00PM: P. Baker, J. Temme, A. Spears, C. Tenting,<br />

R. Zoellner, C. Patritti, R. Ross, D. Connell<br />

Sunday, May 5<br />

7:30AM: T. Booth, J. Booth, N. Mahn, M. Mahn, C. Behl,<br />

L. Hackethal, P. Ragland, M. Welsch<br />

9:00AM: S. Randall, M. Brown, K. Carmody, L. DeBlasi,<br />

(L. Etzkorn), (S. Minowitz), (D. Cantwell),<br />

(R. Medley)<br />

11:00AM: S. Hartman, H. Bernsen, S. Dietz, C. Traub,<br />

M. Thomas, M. Wilson, M. E. Campbell,<br />

(G. Meesey)<br />

6:00PM: L. Jensen, S. Jensen, C. Henke, J. Enslin,<br />

C. Cassidy, R. Cassidy, P. Yerkes, C. Mahoney<br />


Time First Lector Second Lector<br />

Saturday, May 4<br />

5:00PM Joan Felling Kay Komotos<br />

Sunday, May 5<br />

7:30AM Jack Collins Doris Skoff<br />

9:00AM Martha Broyles Randy Raley<br />

11:00AM Cliff Janssen John Kindschuh<br />

6:00PM Maureen Wessels Paul Byorth<br />

April 28, 2013<br />


If you suffer from celiac disease, or have any wheat allergies<br />

that prevents you from receiving the Body of Christ at Mass,<br />

please send an e-mail to the address below with your contact<br />

information so that we can inform you of how we are able to<br />

provide low gluten hosts for you.<br />

Please send an email to this address with “Eucharist” on your<br />

Subject Line: Info@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />


Sunday: Acts 14:21-27/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35<br />

Monday: Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26<br />

Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a<br />

Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 or Gn 1:26--2:3 or<br />

Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/Mt 13:54-58<br />

Thursday: Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11<br />

Friday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14<br />

Saturday: Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21<br />

Next Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/<br />

Jn 14:23-29<br />

©Liturgical Publications Inc

Love One Another<br />


Please make your pledge today by<br />

filling out your pledge card<br />

after Mass in the Gathering Space.<br />

Today’s reading from John is one of the most striking and simple<br />

in the New Testament. Jesus gives the commandment to love one<br />

another.<br />

The Annual <strong>Catholic</strong> Appeal has one primary goal - proclaim the<br />

Gospel. Often it is seen as a collection or fundraising appeal.<br />

The Appeal does raise money, but only so that the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

community has the resources to announce the Gospel. How?<br />

Principally by loving others, showing compassion and care for the<br />

hungry, the thirsty, the homeless, the imprisoned, the sick and<br />

dying, the naked.<br />

This Sunday’s reading is the passage chosen by Pope Benedict<br />

XVI as the signature scripture for the Year of Faith that we are<br />

celebrating. It is the theme for the 2013 Annual <strong>Catholic</strong> appeal -<br />

The Door of Faith is Always Open.<br />


<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> 7th Grade Class Fundraiser<br />

Spring Flower Sale<br />

10 inch Assorted Annual Flowering Hanging Baskets<br />

or<br />

10 Inch Boston Fern Hanging Baskets<br />

Place all orders by Wednesday, May 1, 2013<br />

Pick-up Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2013<br />

3:00-6:00PM - Jefferson Parking Lot<br />

Send in orders to School Office or<br />

To Margie Huggins<br />

418 N. Van Buren Avenue<br />

Kirkwood, MO 63122<br />

For more info contact Margie at 314-909-7015.<br />

#________ Flowering Baskets @ $15. = $ ___________<br />

#________ Boston Fern Baskets @ $18. = $ __________<br />

Name: __________________<br />

Address: ________________<br />

Amount Enclosed: ___________<br />

Please enclose check with order made payable to<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Class of 2014. Thank You!!!<br />

(3) Rebecca Reger & James Lemcke<br />

(2) Lauren Schulte & Chris Perkowski<br />

(2) Lina Killiany & Kent Knickmeyer<br />

(1) Emily Christian & Dan Brda<br />

5<br />

April 28, 2013<br />

PLEASE NOTE . . .<br />

We are now running a NEW Pray for All the Sick list. These<br />

names will remain on the list for 4 weeks then automatically be<br />

deleted. To be included on this new list, you need to call the<br />

Parish Office 966-8600. A call to the Rectory Office is necessary<br />

to request additional weeks.<br />


We are happy you decided to worship with us today. Please<br />

introduce yourself to Father following Mass in the Gathering<br />

Area in the back of church. If you would like information about<br />

registering as a new parish member please call Jay Ryan at<br />

822-1339 or contact the parish office (966-8600) for a registration<br />

form.<br />

The Welcoming Committee<br />

Charlie Woodard (2)<br />

Judy Nicolson (2)<br />

Allen Chott (4)<br />

Christopher Day (4)<br />

Neil Abbott (2)<br />

Bernie Kilcullen (1)<br />


As a member of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>'s parish I would like to tell you about<br />

my husband's search for a donor for a kidney transplant:<br />

My dear husband, Bud Floor, is in serious need of a kidney<br />

transplant. It could take 2 - 4 years on a waiting list for him to<br />

receive a kidney, so we are actively looking for a living donor.<br />

Donating a kidney is truly a gift of life. Call 1-800-633-9906 x2<br />

for a donor packet. You can find more information at<br />

www.barnesjewish.org.<br />

Thank you, Vicky Floor<br />

Please pray for the safety and well being of<br />

the following loved ones of our parishioners<br />

who have been called to military service:<br />

Charles E. Williams II, US Army Warrant<br />

Officer, Cpl. John R. Weber, III, USMC,<br />

Major Matthew Kelly, Michael C. Wood,<br />

Army, Airman Joseph Sidlo, M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine Haga,<br />

Sgt. Erik Thompson, Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia-Adkins, Sgt.<br />

1 st Class Michael Adkins, US Army Capt. Nicholas Jablonski,<br />

USMC, Sgt. Mark Nitz, USMC, Capt. Mark Jackson, IV, LCPL<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> Lucier, 1st. Lieut. Jeremy Reynolds, US Army, Pfc. Josh P.<br />

<strong>St</strong>ack, Capt. Christopher Moskoff, US Army, Col. Jim Moore and<br />

Tech Sgt. Ron D. Mills, US Air Force.<br />

Please remember the deceased and their loved ones in your<br />

prayers:<br />

Walter Welker, husband of Helen Welker.


The success of our picnic depends on<br />

everyone’s help and participation. Please<br />

consider sharing your time and talent by<br />

volunteering in a booth or helping with setup<br />

or clean up.<br />

You can sign up on-line at: http://<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org/MinistryIndex/<br />

SocialOrganizations/<strong>St</strong><strong>Peter</strong>fest/<strong>St</strong><strong>Peter</strong>festVolunteers.aspx.<br />

Questions, contact Chris Seals at 314/630-9198.<br />


WANTED - A person with fresh ideas to co-chair the<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>fest 10K Raffle pre-sale events.<br />

If you are interested contact Scott Modde at 965-0743.<br />


Wednesday, May 15, DATE CHANGE!<br />

May Crowning and Potluck!<br />

The May Crowning starts in <strong>Church</strong> at 5:30pm. At 6:30pm, join<br />

us for a potluck at the Parish Cafeteria. Please call Kay Komotos<br />

at 984 -0054 or email kkomotos@gmail.com if you know what<br />

you would like to bring!<br />

Saturday, May 18, Tour of the Fabulous Fox Theatre<br />

and Lunch at City Diner!<br />

Private Tour starts at 10:00am, followed by lunch at the City<br />

Diner at 11:45am! Minimum number required for the private tour<br />

– 20; Cost for tour - $5.00/person. Lunch – separate checks.<br />

Departing from the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> parking lot at 9:15am. Please email<br />

Jim Meady at davenport63126@gmail.com to reserve your spot!<br />

Tuesday, May 21, 12:00 Noon<br />

End of year BBQ Picnic at Kirkwood Park,<br />

by the Lions Pavillion<br />

Alice and Charlie Smith are graciously hosting their delicious<br />

BBQ again this year! BINGO afterwards with prizes!! We had a<br />

big turnout last year! Hope you can join us this year!<br />

$5.00 donation is required - you pay when you come to the<br />

picnic!<br />


“The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.”<br />

(Acts 13:52)<br />

Because the disciples heard Our Lord’s call, they were able to<br />

spread the Gospel message with strength and vitality. We, too,<br />

can experience that same joy if we take time to open our hearts,<br />

listen to God, ask for His direction and allow the Holy Spirit to<br />

guide our lives and our decisions.<br />

Offertory for April 21, 2013<br />

Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes 2,004<br />

342 Envelopes Returned $24,495.<br />

187 Auto Debits $28,014.<br />

Loose Donations $ 1,716.<br />

6<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Friends of Birthright<br />

cordially invite you<br />

to<br />

The Birthright Luncheon<br />

on Thursday, May 9th<br />

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.<br />

at the home of<br />

Michelle Krausz<br />

421 East Bodley<br />

April 28, 2013<br />

Minimum donation of $20 made payable to “Birthright”<br />

through the Wednesday envelope or at luncheon.<br />

Childcare will be provided in the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Preschool Room<br />

(Please state number of children for childcare with RSVP)<br />


Wednesday May 8th<br />

Michelle Krausz Mary Charles<br />

Michelle.Krausz@gmail.com mkbcharles@abcglobal.net<br />

(314) 795-5018 (314) 822-3402<br />


Sr. Mary Jacqueline Pratt, OSU can be reached at 314-686-1781<br />

or mj.pratt@att.net.<br />


For those who want to help feed the hungry but can't shop or<br />

donate food for whatever reason we have a new way for you to<br />

participate by contributing cash or checks on the 2nd Sunday of<br />

each month. Just look for the colorful soup cans at each door<br />

following mass. This month we already collected $123.35 for the<br />

purchase of additional food.<br />

There were 1690 items of food sent to <strong>St</strong>s. Teresa & Bridget<br />

Food Pantry for April. A very special THANK YOU goes to<br />

the PSR and school’s 2nd grade class who are preparing for their<br />

First Communion in a few weeks. They contributed 3 car loads<br />

of food to the pantry, AMAZING! Our children are learning<br />

the importance of being a community and being Jesus for<br />

each other.<br />

Checks should be made out to <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society.<br />

Food donations are welcome anytime.<br />


319 East Adams, Kirkwood (block and a half east of the YMCA).<br />

Please donate cans that are no larger than 30 ounces, anything<br />

larger is difficult to carry for all of us.


The Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body to the Pastor for the purposes of pastoral planning and vision.<br />

Along with the pastor, the Pastoral Council determines priorities and goals for the parish for the future.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Pastoral Council is now accepting nominations for the 2013-2014 term. Members are selected through a<br />

process involving nominations by parishioners, including self-nomination, education concerning the nature and<br />

purpose of this ministry, prayerful reflection and discernment. Qualifications include a registered, active and<br />

experienced parishioner who is credible, compassionate, works well with others, and possesses leadership<br />

capabilities.<br />

Please see the Nomination Form below and submit nominations by April 28th to Msgr. Jack or by dropping them<br />

in the box in the gathering space. For any questions, please contact a Council member listed on the inside cover<br />

of the bulletin.<br />

Nominee’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________<br />

What qualities of the ideal candidate (see below) do you see in this person?<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Why do you think this person would make a great Pastoral Council member?<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Your Name: _________________________________________________________________________<br />

(This form must be complete to be included in the nomination.)<br />

An ideal candidate is:<br />

Registered and actively participating as a member of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish.<br />

Knowledgeable with experience in parish life in the <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

Credible, generally respected by others for their integrity.<br />

Capable of communicating well with others.<br />

Compassionate.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Pastoral Council<br />

Nomination form<br />

2013-2014<br />

Capable of leadership in <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish in association with the Parish <strong>St</strong>aff and various organizations and<br />

committees.<br />

Competed forms should be submitted to Msgr. Jack at the Rectory by April 28 th.<br />

7<br />

April 28, 2013

ST. PETER CLASS OF 1973<br />


MAY 31-JUNE 1, 2013<br />

Are you in this picture? Do you recognize<br />

anyone in this picture? Did you attend <strong>St</strong>.<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> Grade School with us? If so, please<br />

contact the organizing committee so we can<br />

get in touch with you. Plans are being<br />

made to coincide with <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>fest the<br />

weekend of May 31-June 1, 2013.<br />

For more information, please contact:<br />

Maria Phillips Henlebgen, 314-413-5811 or<br />

henhouse620@hotmail.com.<br />

Beth Huesgen Banta, 417-849-9998 or<br />

bantabeth@gmail.com.<br />

Diane Engelhardt Gorman, 314-614-8519<br />

or the_gormans@msn.com.<br />


in Ursuline Hall<br />

Hours Monday & Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm<br />

Also open Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday<br />

when no meetings are scheduled.<br />

Day by Day Through the Easter Season<br />

by Rev. Mark Boyer Section I<br />

A simple, practical way to make each of the 50 days of the Easter<br />

season be filled with new life revealed in the scripture readings.<br />

From Resurrection to Pentecost by<br />

Robert F. Morneau Section I<br />

A poet himself, Bishop Morneau’s meditations make for deep<br />

spiritual reading during a brief quiet time in a busy day.<br />

Rising in Christ: Meditations on Living<br />

the Resurrection by Pope John Paul II Section Q<br />

The editors, using the reflections of Pope John Paul II, provide an<br />

excellent guide for an Easter journey to a deeper faith and<br />

holiness.<br />

The Lamp of Life Renewed by Rev. Roger<br />

A. Swenson Section I<br />

The Resurrection invites us to grow from glory unto glory<br />

through the hope which its message brings.<br />


Registration is now open for the 2013 fall soccer and volleyball<br />

season. Registration will take place April 15 to May 15 at<br />

http://www.stpsports.com/. Volunteers are needed for Head<br />

Coach and Assistant Coaches for both sports.<br />

For more information contact Amanda McNelley at<br />

volleyball@stpsports.com and Tom Hessel at<br />

soccer@stpsports.com.<br />

8<br />

April 28, 2013<br />


Mark your calendars for May 18 and19 and start your Spring<br />

House Cleaning. The truck will be on our parking lot on May 18<br />

and 19. We can use clothing, toys and household items you no<br />

longer need or use. We will be available before and after Masses<br />

on both days to assist you.<br />

Our parish has always been extremely generous toward these<br />

drives and we thank you in advance.<br />


The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Conference of the <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society<br />

reminds parishioners that emergency financial assistance is<br />

available to parishioners and others who live within the parish<br />

boundaries by calling our voice-mail at 314-289-6101, ext. 2220.<br />

Vouchers for food from local groceries and for clothing and other<br />

items from our thrift store may be provided. In addition we help<br />

with utility bills and sometimes rent payments. A private<br />

interview may be set-up to discuss needs and to preserve the<br />

privacy of those needing help.<br />


How do we deepen our prayer life? How do we grow in attention<br />

to God’s action in our lives? How do we open our hearts to hear<br />

God’s will in us? Consider a companion in your spiritual search.<br />

Please call Mary Lou Bennett at 314-835-1189 or email<br />

maryloubennett8@gmail.com<br />


WHO? Friends and family<br />

WHAT? Saying the Rosary<br />

WHY? Praying for our Country<br />

WHERE? Gathering Space in <strong>Church</strong><br />

WHEN? Every Sunday at 4:30 PM<br />

(not holidays)<br />

“It’s always the season!”



Are you interested in learning more about the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>Church</strong>?<br />

Are you un-baptized but are beginning to feel a need to<br />

develop a relationship with God in your life?<br />

Are you baptized in another faith tradition or baptized<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> but never received any formal religious<br />

education or additional sacraments?<br />

Are you married to a <strong>Catholic</strong> and attend Mass but just<br />

don’t know what the next step is to become one of the<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> faithful?<br />

Are you yearning for something more in your life?<br />

If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, we would<br />

like for you to join the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of<br />

Adults) process at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>. Inquiry sessions for RCIA will be<br />

held during the Summer.<br />

If you would like more information about the RCIA process,<br />

please contact Linda Doyle at ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org or call<br />

her at 314-822-1347.<br />


Beginning Wednesday, June 26 at 1:00PM in the afternoon we<br />

will be offering a Six Weeks with the Bible study on Proverbs.<br />

Linda Doyle will be the facilitator and the book that we will be<br />

using is from Loyola Press. It is called: Six Weeks with the<br />

Bible: Proverbs: Wisdom for Living.<br />

If you are interested in a six week study on Proverbs, please<br />

contact Linda Doyle at 314-822-1347 or email her at<br />

ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org by June 21st, 2013. The cost of the<br />

book is $8.00.<br />



Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June 1st – <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>fest -<br />

Volunteers needed for two-hour shifts in the ticket booth – Email<br />

stpeteryoungfamilies@gmail.com to participate.<br />

Sunday, June 9th, 9 AM Mass – Young Families Mass -<br />

Join us as a group to sit in the front of church to celebrate our<br />

children and families.<br />

<strong>St</strong>ay tuned for information about the Second Annual End of<br />

Summer BBQ.<br />

Please contact the group email with any questions or to<br />

participate at stpeteryoungfamiles@gmail.com.<br />

Vacation Bible School and our Summer Youth Retreat will be June 24th through 28th. Our traditional<br />

Vacation Bible School program is for 3 year olds (by 1/31/13) through current 2nd graders. Small groups will<br />

share their love for Jesus through bible stories, music, games, and crafts. Our unique Summer Youth Retreat is for<br />

current 3rd through 5th graders. These older campers will learn about their faith under the direction of teen<br />

leaders through activities geared toward them. The success of both programs depends on many volunteers from<br />

our parish community! We need both adult volunteers and youth volunteers. Current 6th through 12th graders<br />

can be youth volunteers.<br />

Vacation Bible School Online Registration and Volunteer Sign-ups are open NOW - May 31, 2013.<br />

Go to: https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/stp/. Questions contact Jamie Neusel at jamieneusel@yahoo.com.<br />

9<br />

April 28, 2013<br />


ACTS<br />

The September ACTS Retreat Dates are:<br />

The Women’s Weekend will be held on September 5 – 8th, 2013<br />

The Men’s Weekend will be held on September 19 – 22, 2013<br />

The cost of the retreat is $220.00. The retreats are held at the<br />

Mercy Center and each retreatant will be given a private room.<br />

Please contact Cathy Herrmann at 314-822-1347 or<br />

cherrmann@stpeterkirkwood.org for a registration form. You can<br />

also register online by visiting our parish website at<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />

Just look for UPCOMING ACTS RETREATS on our home page<br />

and click on it.<br />


April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is most<br />

appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is held during the<br />

Easter season. There is no better time than Easter to celebrate the<br />

protection of our most valuable gift from God - our children.<br />

Did You Know?<br />

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People guides<br />

Safe Environment Practices throughout the country. This Charter<br />

begins with an apology from the bishops. “Since 2002, the <strong>Church</strong> in<br />

the United <strong>St</strong>ates has experienced a crisis without precedent in our<br />

times. The sexual abuse of children and young people by some<br />

deacons, priests, and bishops, and the ways in which these crimes and<br />

sins were addressed, have caused enormous pain, anger, and<br />

confusion. As bishops, we have acknowledged our mistakes and our<br />

roles in that suffering, and we apologize and take responsibility again<br />

for too often failing victims and the <strong>Catholic</strong> people in the past.<br />

From the depths of our hearts, we bishops express great sorrow and<br />

profound regret for what the <strong>Catholic</strong> people have endured.”<br />

For more information or to view a copy of the Charter please visit<br />

www.USCCB.org or contact the Safe Environment Program at<br />

314-792-7271.<br />

WHITE HOUSE RETREAT—JULY 11-14, 2013<br />

"The Lord's gift of peace is waiting for you at the White House<br />

Retreat, just off Christopher Road, overlooking the Mississippi<br />

River. The retreat experience is presented in a format intended to<br />

deepen our spiritual outlook and to help us to manage the stress<br />

and doubts of everyday life. Here you will discover a basis for a<br />

richer, fuller, faith-centered tomorrow.<br />

Please join the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> men on July 11 - 14, 2013.<br />

For more information contact: George Dooling - 822-1773.

Saint <strong>Peter</strong> Parish<br />

Memorial Drive<br />

Sunday, May 26 – 8:00am to 1:00pm<br />

In the Parish Center<br />

Recent events have shown how important it is to<br />

have blood “on the shelves,” ready to be transfused.<br />

It is the blood that will be collected at the upcoming<br />

parish blood drive that will be there, ready for<br />

accident victims over the Memorial Day weekend.<br />

Come and donate so that a <strong>St</strong>. Louis area hospital<br />

patient can celebrate another holiday with family and<br />

friends!<br />

For those who think they cannot donate, please ask<br />

me about your situation. Many rules have changed,<br />

and you may be eligible to donate now. So if you<br />

want to donate, please ask!<br />

Charles Lucier<br />

Phone 314-304-1226<br />

Email clucier@sbcglobal.net<br />

Signups will be the weekend of May 11-12 after all<br />

masses. Or, you can sign up on line:<br />

www.bloodcenterimpact.org<br />

use sponsor code 9246<br />

You may never know who gets your blood, but it’s<br />

safe to say that, whoever does, is VERY thankful that<br />

you did donate!<br />


Join the Trokey Family as they host their annual<br />

Kirkwood Great <strong>St</strong>rides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis!<br />

Saturday, May 11th<br />

Check-in at 3:00, the walk begins at 3:30, followed by a BBQ<br />

For information or to register, contact danatrokey@gmail.com<br />

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April 28, 2013<br />


Please join us for our presentation on America Heritage Girls on<br />

Wednesday, May 8th at 7:00pm in the school gym. We will be<br />

starting a new troop for any girls in the parish ages 5 to 18 years<br />

old. The meetings will run through the school year in the<br />

evenings!<br />

Contact Kim Slane at kim.slane@sbcglobal.net or<br />

www.ahgonline.org to learn more about American Heritage Girls.<br />



For value-minded moms and daughters, American Heritage girls<br />

is the confidence-building extra-curricular activity and inspiring<br />

adventure that helps girls realize their potential and become<br />

women of integrity because it is a faith-based organization where<br />

girls experience new challenges that teach service, team-building<br />

and leadership skills in a safe and fun environment.<br />

5 LEVELS OF FUN!!!<br />



EXPLORER AGES 9-12<br />

PIONEER AGES 12-14<br />

PATRIOT AGES14-18<br />


meeting time has changed to Sundays from 12:00-2:00pm.<br />

If you’d like to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in SPYM,<br />

join our Facebook group or email Robby Francis at<br />

rfrancis@stpeterkirkwood.org to be put on the email list.<br />

April 21 2013<br />

Darcy Elizabeth Glennon, daughter of Alex and Kelly Glennon.<br />

Julianna Elizabeth Mayes, daughter of John and Johanna<br />

Mayes.<br />

Morgan Elizabeth Whitley, daughter of Daniel and Meghan<br />

Whitley.<br />

William Douglas Porterfield, son of Douglas and Christy<br />


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