Youth Registration Form - Gallatin County, Montana

Youth Registration Form - Gallatin County, Montana

Youth Registration Form - Gallatin County, Montana


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2013 <strong>Gallatin</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H Junior Master Gardener<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Enrollment <strong>Form</strong><br />

Last Name:____________________________________ First Name__________________________________ M.I._______<br />

Address:_____________________________________ City___________________________ State________ Zip________<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> E-mail: _______________________________________ <strong>Youth</strong> Cell Phone: _______________________________<br />

School:__________________________________ Grade ______<br />

Gender:_______ Birthday_______/_____/_______<br />

Ethnic (Circle one): Hispanic Not Hispanic<br />

Race (Circle one): White Black Asian Amer. Ind./Alaskan<br />

White & Black White & Asian White & Amer. Ind./Alaskan<br />

Black & Amer. Ind./Alaskan Hawaiian/Pac. Island<br />

Other Mix<br />

Parent / Guardian Information<br />


201 WEST MADISON, STE 300<br />

BELGRADE, MT 59714<br />

Residence (Circle one): Farm Rural-under 10,000 Town-between 10,000-50,000<br />

Media Release:<br />

I, (parent/guardian name)_________________________________________________________________,<br />

(please initial one as the parent/guardian) authorize OR do not authorize <strong>Gallatin</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

MSU Extension Service to use photograph(s) of my child that were taken during a 4-H related event or<br />

activity on the Extension Website, press releases, newsletters, and other publicity related to 4-H<br />

activities.<br />

The Extension Office will not use personal details or full names (first and last) of any child in a photograph<br />

on our web site. We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers<br />

on our website or in other printed publications. We may use the name of the child in accompanying<br />

text or a photo caption. We may use group or photographs with very general labels. We will only<br />

use images of children in suitable dress, to reduce the risk of inappropriate use of images.<br />

I hereby release the <strong>Gallatin</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H Program, <strong>Montana</strong> State University and any photographer<br />

chosen by them to photograph my child from any and all claims for damages for libel, slander, invasion<br />

of privacy or any other claim based upon the use of my child’s photograph and information about<br />

him/her for this purpose. Signed____________________________________________________________<br />

MOM: (Legal guardian?_____Yes _____No) DAD: (Legal guardian?_____Yes _____No)<br />

Name_____________________________________________ Name___________________________________________<br />

Address:__________________________________________ Address_________________________________________<br />

City, ST, Zip______________________________________ City, ST, Zip_____________________________________<br />

E-mail Address___________________________________ E-mail Address__________________________________<br />

Home Phone: (_______) _______-_______________ Home Phone: (_______) _______-_______________<br />

Cell Phone: (_______) _______-_______________ Cell Phone: (_______) _______-_______________<br />

Occupation (optional): ____________________________ Occupation (optional): __________________________<br />

Work Phone (______) _______-_______________ Work Phone (______) _______-_______________

2013 Junior Master Gardener<br />

4-H Summer Program<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong><br />

Learn the basics of gardening through hands-on activities in the school gardens.<br />

Prepare snacks using garden produce following a Farm to School theme.<br />

Complete activities toward receiving your official Junior Master Gardener certification.<br />

Program includes JMG book, workshop supplies, snacks, and a JMG T-shirt.<br />

Eligible ages: Grades 3‐5<br />

Times: 9:00 AM–2:00 PM (Drop off starting at 8:30 AM)<br />

Location: Hyalite Elementary School<br />

Bring your OWN lunch!<br />

Sliding scale suggested donation to cover supplies: $60-$100<br />

Please make checks payable to: “<strong>Gallatin</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H”<br />

2013 JMG Sessions offered:<br />

(Choose one)<br />

M-F July 15 — 19<br />

M-F July 22 — 26<br />

M-F July 29 — August 2<br />

First Name:______________________ M.I. ______ Last Name_____________________________<br />

Have you previously taken any JMG workshops? Yes or No<br />

Do you already own a Junior Master Gardener Book? Yes or No<br />

Describe allergies or medical concerns we should be aware of:<br />

Describe dietary or other considerations we should be aware of:<br />

T-shirt size:<br />

(Select one)<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> XS <strong>Youth</strong> XL<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> S Adult S<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> M Adult M<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> L Adult L<br />

Please complete the Junior Master Gardener 4-H Enrollment <strong>Form</strong> on the reverse side<br />

as well as the Medical Release <strong>Form</strong> and FoodCorps Media Release <strong>Form</strong>. To guarantee preferred<br />

t-shirt size, please mail or drop off forms with sliding scale donation payment by July 1, 2013 to:<br />

<strong>Gallatin</strong> <strong>County</strong> Extension Office<br />

201 West Madison, Suite 300<br />

Belgrade, MT 59714<br />

For questions about the Junior Master Gardener 4-H Summer Programs, contact Erin Jackson at<br />

erin.jackson@foodcorps.org<br />

For questions about enrollment, contact the <strong>Gallatin</strong> <strong>County</strong> Extension/4-H Office at<br />

gallatin1@montana.edu, phone—406-388-3213, fax—406-388-3243<br />

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), <strong>Montana</strong> State University and the <strong>Montana</strong> State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of<br />

their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and<br />

marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30,<br />

1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jill Martz, Director of Extension, <strong>Montana</strong> State University, Bozeman, MT 59717



Participant Information:<br />

Medical Release <strong>Form</strong> for 4-H <strong>Youth</strong> & Adults<br />

Name: ____________________________________________________ <strong>County</strong>: ____________________<br />

Address: _______________________________________________ City: __________________ State: __<br />

Name of Parent of Legal Guardian: _________________________________________________________<br />

Physician: __________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________<br />

Dentist: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________<br />

In Case of Emergency:<br />

Contact: ______________________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: _____________________ Work: _____________________<br />

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________<br />

Alternate Contact: ______________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone: _____________________ Work: ______________________<br />

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________<br />

Insurance Information:<br />

Name of Insurance Carrier: _______________________________________________________________<br />

Policy Number: _________________________________________________________________________<br />

Date of Last:<br />

Tetanus Shot __________ Polio Shot __________ Mumps Shot __________<br />

Measles Shot __________ Rubella Shot __________

Medical Information: (check all that apply and explain if checked)<br />

Respiratory problems: _____________________________________________________________<br />

Heart Disease: __________________________________________________________________<br />

Stomach or intestinal problems: _____________________________________________________<br />

Diabetes or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar): __________________________________________<br />

Nervous disorder (convulsions, epilepsy, dizziness, etc) __________________________________<br />

Any Allergies to Food or Plant: ______________________________________________________<br />

Are you allergic to bee stings? Yes No Don’t know<br />

Special diet or food restrictions: _____________________________________________________<br />

Are you currently under a doctor’s care? Yes No<br />

If Yes, Explain: __________________________________________________________________<br />

Are you currently taking medications? Yes No<br />

If Yes, Explain: ________________________________________________________________________<br />

Any physical restrictions or other medical problems that may require special considerations? Yes No<br />

If Yes, Explain: ________________________________________________________________________<br />

Authorization for Treatment:<br />

I, _______________________________ do hereby give permission to the Junior Master Gardener 4-H<br />

Parent or Guardian<br />

Summer Program Director/FoodCorps Director, other 4-H Volunteer Staff, 4-H Agent, and other Extension/4-<br />

H Staff, to seek and obtain any medical care necessary for my child ___________________________during<br />

my absence. Child’s Name<br />

Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________ Date_________________<br />

To the best of my knowledge, accurate information has been provided in all areas of this form.<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> Participant Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________<br />

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____________

Dear Parent or Guardian:<br />

Parent or Guardian Video & Photography Release <strong>Form</strong><br />

Below you will find a form granting permission to FoodCorps, Inc. and those authorized by Food-<br />

Corps, Inc. to interview, videotape and photograph your child during FoodCorps activities, and<br />

granting FoodCorps the right to own such interview materials, videotapes, and photographs.<br />

Please review this form, sign and return with your Junior Master Gardener Program forms. With<br />

questions, contact your child’s FoodCorps Service Member Erin Jackson at<br />

erin.jackson@foodcorps.org.<br />

FoodCorps is a nationwide team of leaders that connects kids to real food and helps them grow up healthy.<br />

FoodCorps service members will be at your child’s school this year teaching students about healthy food<br />

and where it comes from, growing school gardens and getting healthy food into the cafeteria.<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

I authorize FoodCorps or its agents to interview, videotape, audiotape or photograph my child at activities hosted by<br />

FoodCorps and any related in-school activities. I understand that FoodCorps may use such interview material, photographs<br />

or video or audio recordings that include my child for public relations, news articles or telecasts, education, advertising,<br />

research, inclusion on the FoodCorps website, fundraising and other purposes. I grant and convey to Food-<br />

Corps all right, title and interest in all such interview materials, photographs, or video or audio recordings, and I waive<br />

any right that my child or I may have to inspect or approve such media or how it is used. I also agree that I will not seek<br />

royalties in connection with any recordings, photographs, or other media that includes my child, nor will I seek any other<br />

compensation for my child’s participation in the activities described in this form.<br />

By signing below, you indicate that you are a parent or legal guardian of the child listed below, that<br />

you have read and understand this form, and that you acknowledge that it is legally binding.<br />

Printed Name of Child:<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

School of Child:<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

Printed Name of Parent or Guardian:<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

Signature of Parent or Guardian: Date:<br />

_________________________________ ______________________<br />

☐ I DO NOT authorize FoodCorps or its agents to interview, videotape, audiotape or photograph my child

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