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esearch crying for the kind of<br />

clarification which is essential to<br />

our selfhood . Some aspects of this<br />

research could be carried out even<br />

by serious "C" students . Certainly<br />

any "B" student worth his salt<br />

could find enough, say in urban<br />

contemporary folklore, to make a<br />

national reputation for himself .<br />

Fundamental documentation of<br />

black life-in-process needs serious<br />

attention from our creative filmmakers<br />

and artists, for somehow<br />

statistical studies fail to capture the<br />

vitality and wholeness embodied in<br />

the concept of Soul . In the modern<br />

world, our researchers need<br />

mastery of modern technology and<br />

methedology .<br />

Our textbooks need serious revision<br />

. Many need simply to be<br />

written . In my own field, I haven't<br />

seen a single relevant text in the<br />

teaching of writing in the past five<br />

or six years . Our humanities<br />

courses are often archaic, and students<br />

are understandably bored .<br />

And all this while we are in the<br />

midst of an identity revolution .<br />

Our professional organizations<br />

can still be relevant if they would<br />

welcome increased participation by<br />

graduates and undergraduates<br />

alike . We need these structures .<br />

Their evolution was too slow and<br />

painful for us to discard them now .<br />

Let them enter into the contemporary<br />

dialogue . Let them share<br />

their wisdom, their historical perspective,<br />

with the young. Perhaps<br />

in the process they will regain<br />

something of their original vision .<br />

NEGRO DIGEST Morch 1968<br />

Let us turn, finally, to a difficult,<br />

practical and theoretical problem :<br />

the role of the natural sciences in<br />

the curriculum of the Black University<br />

. In the foregoing discussion<br />

I have deliberately begged this<br />

question . The reason for this should<br />

be obvious . How, as one of my colleagues<br />

recently asked, are you<br />

going to teach black chemistry?<br />

How are you going to teach black<br />

astronomy? Although they represent<br />

an over-simplification of the<br />

whole concept of the Black University,<br />

these questions do have<br />

some relevance, which I shall briefly<br />

try to point out .<br />

At the outset, I suggested that<br />

the faculty of the University be<br />

staffed with Black Humanists and<br />

Specialists in Blackness . I also indicated<br />

that such a university<br />

would almost by definition involve<br />

chiefly those disciplines which are<br />

human-centered, i .e ., the social<br />

sciences, the behavioral sciences,<br />

literature, art and the like . This,<br />

however, as the questions imply,<br />

does not answer the fundamental<br />

question of the relationship between<br />

the humanistic studies and<br />

the natural sciences and mathematics<br />

. What is to be such a relationship<br />

in a Black University? Frankly,<br />

I am not clairvoyant enough,<br />

nor rash enough, to say ; but I must<br />

say that this problem is not the exclusive<br />

concern of those of us who<br />

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