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pain of knowing too much, and we share this pain as Max reads : "Panic in Washington ensued when it was discovered that Jaja not only had information on the Alliance, but on King Alfred, the contingency plan to detain and ultimately rid America of its Negroes . Mere American membership in the Alliance would have been suf&dent to rack America, but King Alfred would have made Negroes realize, finally and angrily, that all the new moves-the laws and committees -to gain democracy for them were fraudulent, just as Minister Q and the others have been saying for years . Your own letter to me days after you left the White House only underscored what so many Negro leaders believed . The one alternative left for Negroes would be not only to seek that democracy withheld from them as quick and as violently as possible, but to fight for their very survival . King Alfred, as you will see, leaves no choice ." Have black people ever had a choice? NO . Yet, the New York Times reviewer said of the King Alfred plan, " . . . here believability falters ." The Saturday Review adds to white America's illusions with the assertion, "It reads rather like an anti-white, Protocols of the Elders of Zion ." The Nation said of the Contingency, "It is an unlikely possibility that deflects attention from the ways power and prejudice actually work . Inevitable black genocide is a risky thing to 7 8 base your whole vision upon ." A white critic reviewing a black book feels that "the King Alfred Contingency Plan" is not only fiction but borders on science fiction . Were Detroit and Newark fiction? Were the deaths of three college students in South Carolina (two shot in the back) fiction? Is the formation of one thousand vigilantes (posse) in Chicago to fight off "rioters" fiction? And what about the purchasing of armored cars, "Mace" (an eye-irritating, nauseous gas), "banana peel" (a chemical that makes a street too slippery to walk on), polycarbonate Riot Shields, grenade launchers for 12-gauge shotguns, and other weapons by city and state governments? One can go further, even after reading the so-called scholarly criticism in Trans-Action and refer to the Report from Iron Mountain . The "Report" not only legitimizes war, but suggests that the government reconsider the reintroduction of slavery : "Another possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the re-introduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political processes, of slavery .l" As a black writer, I can look at The Man Who Cried I AM from a different perspective and indeed see "King Alfred" being implemented today . 3 Report From Iron Mountain, Dial Press . March 1968 NEGRO DIGEST

No doubt about it, Mr . Williams can write ; he proved that with Night Song and Sissies but the Williams of this novel transcends the artist and becomes the seer, the prophet . One of the poor points of the book was the author's main characters' consistent relationship with white women . Max and Harry had white wives, and Max forever wanted a redhead . When will we stop hating ourselves and start loving our own women? As one black woman put it, "Williams makes a fool of himself in this respect . I guess he couldn't write any other way since he has one for a wife . It is interesting to note that the black man will share his hard times with the black woman, but when it comes to fame and fortune, it looks better with a white woman at his side ." Williams is ambiguous when he states that, "It was one thing to sleep with white women, but quite another to marry them ." Yet the two main figures in his novel had white wives-a part of being accepted, I guess . After seriously thinking about the ending for some time, my conclusion is that it could happen . . . Mainly because we know for a fact that black FBI and CIA agents do exist ; they are being used today in Africa and in the black communities of the United States . As for the 50-minute transatlantic call Max makes to Minister Q (Mal- NEGRO DIGEST March 1968 0 eolm X) to tell about the `'King Alfred Contingency," I regard it as extreme stupidity, but then, main, what else would a "negro"~do? Max, as King "negro," had in actuality lost meaningful contact with his people . He had left "home° a long time ago and had no intention of coming back . If Max had been in tune he would have had brothers in Europe who would have helped him . The value of this novel cannot be measured in terms of copies sold or reviews written . To date it has not sold as well as Confes .sior~ .s of Nat Turner for obvious reasons, and most of the major white critics completely overlooked it . This, I believe, is an indication of its importance . Ramparts magazine called it the "toughest novel of the fall" and ran an excerpt in its December 1967 issue . This, too, indicates its value for this is the first time, if 1 am not mistaken, that a novel by an Afro-American has been excerpted in a major white publication . * Yes, John A . ~~l'illiams has written a dangerous novel and when the order comes down from the Regime that "books with dangerous teachings should be publicly burnt," The Man Who Cried AM will start the fire.-Do :v L . LEE ' The writer is mistaken . The new novel of James Baldwin, Tell Me Hog+~ Long The Train's Been Gone, for example, was excerpted in the February 1967 issue of McCall's magazine .-F~i~Ox 79

No doubt about it, Mr . Williams<br />

can write ; he proved that with<br />

Night Song and Sissies but the Williams<br />

of this novel transcends the<br />

artist and becomes the seer, the<br />

prophet .<br />

One of the poor points of the<br />

book was the author's main characters'<br />

consistent relationship with<br />

white women . Max and Harry had<br />

white wives, and Max forever<br />

wanted a redhead . When will we<br />

stop hating ourselves and start loving<br />

our own women? As one black<br />

woman put it, "Williams makes a<br />

fool of himself in this respect . I<br />

guess he couldn't write any other<br />

way since he has one for a wife . It<br />

is interesting to note that the black<br />

man will share his hard times with<br />

the black woman, but when it<br />

comes to fame and fortune, it looks<br />

better with a white woman at his<br />

side ." Williams is ambiguous when<br />

he states that, "It was one thing to<br />

sleep with white women, but quite<br />

another to marry them ." Yet the<br />

two main figures in his novel had<br />

white wives-a part of being accepted,<br />

I guess .<br />

After seriously thinking about<br />

the ending for some time, my conclusion<br />

is that it could happen . . .<br />

Mainly because we know for a fact<br />

that black FBI and CIA agents do<br />

exist ; they are being used today in<br />

Africa and in the black communities<br />

of the United States . As for<br />

the 50-minute transatlantic call<br />

Max makes to Minister Q (Mal-<br />

NEGRO DIGEST March 1968<br />

0<br />

eolm X) to tell about the `'King<br />

Alfred Contingency," I regard it as<br />

extreme stupidity, but then, main,<br />

what else would a "negro"~do?<br />

Max, as King "negro," had in actuality<br />

lost meaningful contact with<br />

his people . He had left "home° a<br />

long time ago and had no intention<br />

of coming back . If Max had been<br />

in tune he would have had brothers<br />

in Europe who would have helped<br />

him .<br />

The value of this novel cannot<br />

be measured in terms of copies sold<br />

or reviews written . To date it has<br />

not sold as well as Confes .sior~ .s of<br />

Nat Turner for obvious reasons,<br />

and most of the major white critics<br />

completely overlooked it . This, I<br />

believe, is an indication of its importance<br />

. Ramparts magazine<br />

called it the "toughest novel of the<br />

fall" and ran an excerpt in its December<br />

1967 issue . This, too, indicates<br />

its value for this is the first<br />

time, if 1 am not mistaken, that a<br />

novel by an Afro-American has<br />

been excerpted in a major white<br />

publication . * Yes, John A . ~~l'illiams<br />

has written a dangerous novel<br />

and when the order comes down<br />

from the Regime that "books with<br />

dangerous teachings should be publicly<br />

burnt," The Man Who Cried<br />

AM will start the fire.-Do :v L .<br />

LEE<br />

' The writer is mistaken . The new novel<br />

of James Baldwin, Tell Me Hog+~ Long<br />

The Train's Been Gone, for example,<br />

was excerpted in the February 1967 issue<br />

of McCall's magazine .-F~i~Ox<br />


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