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Step 2-A deliberate effort is made to develop a capacity to master whatever one aspires to learn, to succeed in whatever one aspires to do ; Step 3-Tease in positions of authority endeavor to empower their colleagues and subordinates, teaching them how to use power for the good of all ; Step 4-The enterprise is viewed as belonging to the people ; specifically, to those people in the community who voluntarily express an interest in it-and hence, the standards, norms and values permeate from the base to the apex in terms of the kind of institution desired by the students and the community ; Step 5-People are helped to help themselves-to learn from failures rather than seek to avoid them ; to be honored more for having tried than for having succeeded . The educational model to which we subscribe is built upon a different assumption about the nature of potential human ability than is typical of most educational institutions . While we recognize variation, we know that the ability potential of the average Black American is well beyond the normal demand level of the most rigorous academic programs and, hence, we justify a maximum social effort to develop the abilities of all people . Concomitantly, any failure to achieve high levels of performance constitutes a group (social) failure rather than an individual's failure . We propose to educate our students for three goals : freedom, individuality and service : (1) FREEDOM in a very general sense refers to a freedom from external constraint . Malcolm X College is characterized by free access to the resources of the institution, the city, the world . The role of stall and student body is to remove the obstacles which block the path of those seeking the more specific freedom defined as "the capability to deal creatively and effectively with one's situation ." We take the position that in order to achieve positive freedom, students must be encouraged to actively and consciously attempt to utilize their personal resources, their life style, and their experiential background in the classroom . The student must become skilled at identifying needs, problems and issues which affect the nature and quality of life in his environment and then use them in his research . Hopefully, he will learn to relate his learning to the prob- 34 March 1970 NEGRO DIGEST

lems of his community, with a view toward ultimately finding solutions to the community's problems, as well as his own . (2) INDIVIDUALITY cannot genuinely exist without the freedom described above . The thrust of this perspective is to resist any simple accounts of what a person "really" is or intends to become, and allows for distinction between one's real self and one's apparent self . The real self is, in our judgment, dynamic and expanding and defies prima facie, or merely quantitative, assessment . Individuality presupposes a social context and, yet, underscores the uniqueness of each person in that context . Our notion of individuality is characterized by built-in capacities (not necessarily apparent) for good which are inseparable from the good of the community and ultimately of all mankind . (3 ) SERVICE involves being a contributing member of society by bringing one's unique resources to bear upon human problems, particularly the problems confronting the Black community . As with the others, this concept recognizes that the truly educated man is also a learned man ; but more than that, he is one in whom learning is combined with an understanding of social injustice and a commitment to correcting it . At Malcolm X College we reject the educational process which places didactic instruction at the core, and we propose that the time has come for us to control our zeal for imparting knowledge and skills and to concentrate our efforts on developing the individual student . By education for individual development, I mean a program consciously undertaken to promote such qualities as flexibility, creativity, openness to new experiences, responsibility, accountability, and commitment . Education no longer can be a pouring into ; it must be a means of providing the climate and conditions in which the greatest possible development of potential can take place . Further, we reject organizational structures which tend to be paternalistic : "administrators and faculty know best, students know least ." We propose organizational structures in which power is shared and the participation of all is guaranteed . Finally, we must emphasize that Malcolm X College is a Black institution-one in which the educational services are designed to serve in a unique way the goals of Black people . As the community becomes more clear about the kind of society it is trying to build, we will design our educational programs to promote the Black agenda. There is emerging a degree of concensus among Black People that our educational system has to prepare our young people to play dynamic and constructive parts in the development of a society in which all members share fairly in the good or bad fortune of the group, and in which progress is measured in terms of human well-being, not prestige buildings, cars or other material things, whether privately or publicly owned . In essence, we believe that our kind of College, with a Black oriented NEGRO DIGEST March 1970 35

Step 2-A deliberate effort is made to develop a capacity to master<br />

whatever one aspires to learn, to succeed in whatever one<br />

aspires to do ;<br />

Step 3-Tease in positions of authority endeavor to empower their<br />

colleagues and subordinates, teaching them how to use<br />

power for the good of all ;<br />

Step 4-The enterprise is viewed as belonging to the people ; specifically,<br />

to those people in the community who voluntarily<br />

express an interest in it-and hence, the standards, norms<br />

and values permeate from the base to the apex in terms<br />

of the kind of institution desired by the students and the<br />

community ;<br />

Step 5-People are helped to help themselves-to learn from failures<br />

rather than seek to avoid them ; to be honored more<br />

for having tried than for having succeeded .<br />

The educational model to which we subscribe is built upon a different<br />

assumption about the nature of potential human ability than is typical<br />

of most educational institutions . While we recognize variation, we know<br />

that the ability potential of the average Black American is well beyond<br />

the normal demand level of the most rigorous academic programs and,<br />

hence, we justify a maximum social effort to develop the abilities of all<br />

people . Concomitantly, any failure to achieve high levels of performance<br />

constitutes a group (social) failure rather than an individual's failure .<br />

We propose to educate our students for three goals : freedom, individuality<br />

and service :<br />

(1) FREEDOM in a very general sense refers to a freedom from external<br />

constraint . Malcolm X College is characterized by free access to<br />

the resources of the institution, the city, the world . The role of stall and<br />

student body is to remove the obstacles which block the path of those<br />

seeking the more specific freedom defined as "the capability to deal creatively<br />

and effectively with one's situation ." We take the position that in<br />

order to achieve positive freedom, students must be encouraged to actively<br />

and consciously attempt to utilize their personal resources, their<br />

life style, and their experiential background in the classroom . The student<br />

must become skilled at identifying needs, problems and issues which<br />

affect the nature and quality of life in his environment and then use them<br />

in his research . Hopefully, he will learn to relate his learning to the prob-<br />

34 March 1970 NEGRO DIGEST

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