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travel to the moon a routine miracle, education in the United States has adapted to space age demands with lethargic reluctance . Five specific problems appear to be paramount : 1 . The demands of a space age and computer paced society for the certifications provided by education . 2 . The sharp increase in the number of people seeking an education, especially Black people . 3 . The unwillingness of the society to meet the costs of mass education . 4 . The inherent inertia of the educational system . 5 . The inertia of the society itself and the racism that is so deeply embedded in every aspect of American life . To meet challenges to the nation of current crises in domestic as well as foreign affairs, education will need-more than money-ideas, courage, determination, and a new will for self-appraisal reinforced by a will for creatively conceived change . As matters now stand, education has not shown either the ability or the willingness for searching selfcriticism . Neither has it been able to seize opportunities for innovations that will help teachers achieve more in classrooms filled with distractions and angry students . It has failed to infuse the needed knowledge and methods required to meet the current crisis . While exhorting everyone to change, education has remained stubbornly resistant to innovation and new ideas . In a larger sense, the crisis of education is the crisis of the greater society and, thus, it is the urgent concern of all citizens committed to the perservation of our present way of life . I firmly believe that the crisis of education in the Black community can be overcome . A critical self-analysis is a beginning ; a re-education and sensitizing of teachers is a second step ; a relevance and upgrading of curriculum is a third ; an effort to truly involve the community in school affairs is a fourth ; application of some new theories of teaching and learning, as suggested by repeated research findings, is a fifth ; and a new responsiveness to conditions and to the people education purports to serve is the last I list here, but far from the last in possibilities, if education is to provide the answers we need so urgently . Rather than faulting its critics who are engaged in an exercise of love and faith, the managers of education would do better to take stock 32 March 1970 NEGRO DIGEST

of education's obvious weaknesses and move to do something about them . Continuation of programs and techniques that do not work is wrong and a breach of public trust . The Black people of America deserve the best that education can produce, not the worst. Essentially, therefore, it is to the thausands of Black youths and disenchanted adult poor to which a community college in an urban ghetto must address itself . The following statement of philosophy, representing the raison d'etre of Malcolm X College, should make it abundantly clear how this can be done . Limits of space will not permit a full discussion of proposals for each educational level . Thus, the present paper must be limited to a delineation of a relatively new kind of institution, the community college, that is serving as a reclamation center far the human problems created by callously inefficient public schools. Yet, many of the principles and philosophies are basic to contemporary education at any level . Malcolm X College is a concept of the future whose past is rooted in the enslavement of Black people . So pervasive is the heritage of slavery in this society that we must constantly struggle to keep from unconsciously allowing to develop at this institution situations which serve to enslave and to exploit rather than to develop and actualize human potential . The processes by which "ideal" slaves are made have been described as follows : Step 1= ` . . . establish and maintain strict discipline . . ." Step 2-" . . . implant in the bondsmen themselves a consciousness of personal inferiority . . ." Step 3= ` . . . awe them with a sense of their master's enormous power . . ." Step 4-" . . . persuade the bondsmen to take an interest in their master's enterprise and to accept his standards of good conduct . . ." Step 5= ` . . . impress them with their helplessness, to create in them a habit of perfect dependence upon their masters ." Clearly, if we do not wish to perpetuate the systematic psychological and social enslavement of Black people, we must develop, articulate, and practice counter mechanisms which will serve to liberate ourselves and our students . Such mechanisms as the following have been instituted at Malcolm X College : Step 1-Discipline follows from a precise understanding of what must be done and why : it generates from within the individual and the group and is enforced by each individual in the group ; NEGRO DIGEST March 1970 33

of education's obvious weaknesses and move to do something about<br />

them . Continuation of programs and techniques that do not work is<br />

wrong and a breach of public trust . The Black people of America deserve<br />

the best that education can produce, not the worst. Essentially,<br />

therefore, it is to the thausands of Black youths and disenchanted adult<br />

poor to which a community college in an urban ghetto must address<br />

itself . The following statement of philosophy, representing the raison<br />

d'etre of Malcolm X College, should make it abundantly clear how this<br />

can be done . Limits of space will not permit a full discussion of proposals<br />

for each educational level . Thus, the present paper must be<br />

limited to a delineation of a relatively new kind of institution, the community<br />

college, that is serving as a reclamation center far the human<br />

problems created by callously inefficient public schools. Yet, many of<br />

the principles and philosophies are basic to contemporary education at<br />

any level .<br />

Malcolm X College is a concept of the future whose past is rooted<br />

in the enslavement of Black people . So pervasive is the heritage of<br />

slavery in this society that we must constantly struggle to keep from<br />

unconsciously allowing to develop at this institution situations which<br />

serve to enslave and to exploit rather than to develop and actualize<br />

human potential . The processes by which "ideal" slaves are made have<br />

been described as follows :<br />

Step 1= ` . . . establish and maintain strict discipline . . ."<br />

Step 2-" . . . implant in the bondsmen themselves a consciousness<br />

of personal inferiority . . ."<br />

Step 3= ` . . . awe them with a sense of their master's enormous<br />

power . . ."<br />

Step 4-" . . . persuade the bondsmen to take an interest in their<br />

master's enterprise and to accept his standards of good<br />

conduct . . ."<br />

Step 5= ` . . . impress them with their helplessness, to create in<br />

them a habit of perfect dependence upon their masters ."<br />

Clearly, if we do not wish to perpetuate the systematic psychological and<br />

social enslavement of Black people, we must develop, articulate, and<br />

practice counter mechanisms which will serve to liberate ourselves and<br />

our students . Such mechanisms as the following have been instituted at<br />

Malcolm X College :<br />

Step 1-Discipline follows from a precise understanding of what<br />

must be done and why : it generates from within the individual<br />

and the group and is enforced by each individual<br />

in the group ;<br />

NEGRO DIGEST March 1970 33

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