Negro Digest - Freedom Archives

Negro Digest - Freedom Archives Negro Digest - Freedom Archives
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language arts experts who should play key roles in liberating black consciousness . If, indeed, the mid-twentieth century is a "world given over to racism," the Negro college campus is apt to be strategically the seat of neo-colonial rule . The English Department, which requires that every student come through its portals for a stamp of approval and a ticket of eligibility in pursuit of academic degrees, must be the focal point of conditioning the mind of the Negro to accept his role in a racist world . If this is true, a University such as Fisk-with nine of the 11 teachers in the English Department white, including the past chairman and interim chairman-does not give any indication of the white man's conditioning of black minds cracking at the seams ; in fact, the disproportion of white to Negro teachers would suggest reinforcement of the traditional pattern and should assure the power structure that the seams are uptight . Going home, then, is a two-way road and must be paved with good intentions by all parties concerned . The total black community of the U.S.A. has been duped by institutionalized brainwashing in the schools, churches, yes even the homes, and historical conditioning toward an acceptance of a status 5 6 of dehumanization and deprivation -spiritual, social, if not actually physical. The total white community is diseased with racial delusions-institutionalized in the same ways through myth and deed, sanctioned by religious creed and law-thereby rendering it incompetent to deal with a democratic, non-racist world body in a healthy way . Our educational institutions reflect the American dilemma in a stark mirror image. There are many black intellectuals such as J. Herman Blake (NEGRO DIGEST, March 1967) from the University of California, Berkeley, who see rampant racism at one of America's great universities, who sees the institution as "an intellectual microcosm of America," who sees these campuses for what they are-hideous for white draft dodgers, exploiters of the scholarship racket, racist snobs who use the campuses as country clubs and sports arenas ; there are many black intellectuals who are disenchanted with the great northern and western colleges and universities where, in the spirit of the democratic tradition, they have been hired out by the "Rent a Negro" agency for the instant integrated look . What are his alternatives? Are the Negro colleges and universities ready for him or are they engaged in a historical sweep marked by a headlong rush down the "sellout" road to integration or intellectual and scholastic extermination of the Black man? An example which might point out the fallacy of this thinking is that, March 1969 NEGRO DIGEST

at a time when the ratio of Negro dentists to the Negro population is at a crisis low level, around 80 percent of the entering freshmen (1966-1967) at the dental college of Meharry Medical College, one of the twc Negro medical colleges, were white students . Are educational institutions, faced with the task of educating black people, committed to the task which should be within their special province? While northern schools are crying out for teachers with a specialty in motivating and educating the culturally divergent child, is the Negro university training its student teachers to meet this demand? The northern and western college, having admitted to the historical distortions which have created the American image ir. all its unreality, is now seeking teachers who are aware of the inclusivity of America's heritage . Are the Negro universities teaching Contemporary American Literature, which includes the contributions which have been, categorically, excluded from "main-stream" anthologies because it represented Black Art? Do they offer courses in Revisionist History, Revolutionary Black Sociology, Afro-American Culture anc Humanities, Black Art and Life, Political Science in the Flack Community? Black students at many of the Ca~ifornia colleges and universities are demanding a black curriculum as a specialty in the Black Studies Department NEGRO DIGEST March 1969 which will ultimately offer a degree and a new career field. This, of course, enables the student so trained to be a more effective worker in community action programs involving minorities . Does the Negro campus provide an atmosphere for innovative programs and a laboratory for testing new methodology? The Black intellectual must be willing to choose fi position which offers more in humanistic rewards than materialistic gains . His role as a missionary, if he must assume that role at this time, must be played out with black principals as supporting members of his cast and on location in the black ghettoes across the land . Being white-world missionaries spreads us too thin and dissipates our energies without the benefits of making racial gains. Ambition must be tempered with compassion and concern for the black brother . On the other hand, the black communities, wherever they exist, must prepare for this second coming . They must prepare the way for him ; this time around he should be the welcomed guest and not the intruder . They must lay the groundwork which will result in an acceptance of him in the same good faith as he accepts the challenge. The educational institutions must have no doubts about his belonging, about the role he is destined to play in reconstructing a healthy American society . Above all, it must be made clear that the Black Intellectual is 57

language arts experts who should<br />

play key roles in liberating black<br />

consciousness . If, indeed, the<br />

mid-twentieth century is a "world<br />

given over to racism," the <strong>Negro</strong><br />

college campus is apt to be strategically<br />

the seat of neo-colonial rule .<br />

The English Department, which<br />

requires that every student come<br />

through its portals for a stamp of<br />

approval and a ticket of eligibility<br />

in pursuit of academic degrees,<br />

must be the focal point of conditioning<br />

the mind of the <strong>Negro</strong> to<br />

accept his role in a racist world . If<br />

this is true, a University such as<br />

Fisk-with nine of the 11 teachers<br />

in the English Department white,<br />

including the past chairman and<br />

interim chairman-does not give<br />

any indication of the white man's<br />

conditioning of black minds cracking<br />

at the seams ; in fact, the disproportion<br />

of white to <strong>Negro</strong> teachers<br />

would suggest reinforcement of the<br />

traditional pattern and should assure<br />

the power structure that the<br />

seams are uptight .<br />

Going home, then, is a two-way<br />

road and must be paved with good<br />

intentions by all parties concerned .<br />

The total black community of the<br />

U.S.A. has been duped by institutionalized<br />

brainwashing in the<br />

schools, churches, yes even the<br />

homes, and historical conditioning<br />

toward an acceptance of a status<br />

5 6<br />

of dehumanization and deprivation<br />

-spiritual, social, if not actually<br />

physical. The total white community<br />

is diseased with racial delusions-institutionalized<br />

in the same<br />

ways through myth and deed,<br />

sanctioned by religious creed and<br />

law-thereby rendering it incompetent<br />

to deal with a democratic,<br />

non-racist world body in a healthy<br />

way . Our educational institutions<br />

reflect the American dilemma in a<br />

stark mirror image. There are<br />

many black intellectuals such as J.<br />

Herman Blake (NEGRO DIGEST,<br />

March 1967) from the University<br />

of California, Berkeley, who see<br />

rampant racism at one of America's<br />

great universities, who sees the institution<br />

as "an intellectual microcosm<br />

of America," who sees these<br />

campuses for what they are-hideous<br />

for white draft dodgers, exploiters<br />

of the scholarship racket,<br />

racist snobs who use the campuses<br />

as country clubs and sports arenas ;<br />

there are many black intellectuals<br />

who are disenchanted with the<br />

great northern and western colleges<br />

and universities where, in the spirit<br />

of the democratic tradition, they<br />

have been hired out by the "Rent a<br />

<strong>Negro</strong>" agency for the instant integrated<br />

look . What are his alternatives?<br />

Are the <strong>Negro</strong> colleges<br />

and universities ready for him or<br />

are they engaged in a historical<br />

sweep marked by a headlong rush<br />

down the "sellout" road to integration<br />

or intellectual and scholastic<br />

extermination of the Black man?<br />

An example which might point out<br />

the fallacy of this thinking is that,<br />


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