Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...

Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ... Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...


BREATH ALCOHOL TEST TECHNICIAN QUESTIONNAIRE STANDARD COLLECTION WITH NEGATIVE RESULT: Did the collector complete a standard collection with no incorrect or missed steps? Upon arrival of an employee at the collection site, does the collector positively identify the individual by photo identification? Was the employee required to sign a consent form? If the employee is also going to take a DOT drug test, was the alcohol test administered first? Did the BAT explain the testing procedure to the employee and/or show the employee the instructions on the back of the ATF? Did the BAT use the breath alcohol testing form prescribed in Part 40? Did the BAT complete Step 1 on the Breath Alcohol Testing Form? Did the BAT then ask the employee to complete Step 2 on the form, signing the certification? Did the BAT open an individually sealed mouthpiece in view of the employee and attach it to the EBT in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions? Did the BAT instruct the employee to blow forcefully into the mouthpiece for at least 6 seconds or until the EBT indicates that an adequate amount of breath has been obtained? Does the BAT show the employee the result displayed on the EBT? If the EBT does not print the test, does the BAT record the displayed result, test number, testing device, serial number of the testing device, time and quantified result in Step 3 of the form? If the EBT prints on a paper strip, does the BAT then affix the test result printout to the breath alcohol test form in the designated space, using a method that will provide clear evidence of removal (e.g., tamper-evident tape)? If the result of the screening test is a breath alcohol concentration of less than 0.02, does the BAT date the form and sign the certification in Step 3 of the form? Did the BAT then distribute the three parts of the form properly? Was Copy 1 (white) transmitted to the employer? Was Copy 2 (green) provided to the employee? Was Copy 3 (blue) retained by the BAT? Were all necessary equipment, personnel, and materials for breath testing provided at the location where testing is conducted? Did the BAT conduct alcohol testing in a location that affords visual and aural privacy to the individual being tested, sufficient to prevent unauthorized persons from seeing or hearing test results? Did the BAT supervise only one employee's use of the EBT at a time? Did the auditor observe that the BAT did not leave the alcohol testing location while the testing procedure for a given employee was in progress? What level of concentration of alcohol in the breath requires that a confirmation breath alcohol test must be conducted? Is there a required waiting period before the confirmation breath alcohol test can be administered, and if so, how long is it? Are there any instructions you are required to give the employee concerning things they should, or should not do while waiting for an alcohol confirmation test? Do you note that you gave these instructions? If the employee doesn’t follow your instruction about things they should not do during the waiting period, is this noted? If so, where is it noted? Before a confirmation test is conducted, must an air blank test be done? If the confirmation test is not conducted within 30 minutes of the screening test, what is done? Appendix K. Substance Abuse Management Oversight Questionnaires K-20 August 2002

If you conducted the initial test, and you are also conducting the confirmation test, is the same Breath Alcohol Testing Form used, or is a new form started? If a second Breath Alcohol Test Technician is conducting the confirmation test, does the new BAT use the same Breath Alcohol Testing Form, or start a new form? Is a new mouthpiece used for the confirmation test? Before the confirmation test is administered, do you and the employee read the sequential test number displayed by the EBT? After the confirmation test is completed, do you show the employee the result displayed on the EBT? After the confirmation test is completed, is there anything left for the employee to sign? If the employee can’t provide an adequate amount of breath, what is done? If the employee won’t sign step 4, what is done? If the employee refuses to take an alcohol test, what is done? If the next external calibration check of an EBT produces a result that differs by more than the tolerance stated in the quality assurance plan (QAP), does that have any impact on any prior alcohol test that may have been positive? Is there any impact if the BAT does not observe the minimum 15-minute waiting period prior to the confirmation test? Is there any impact if the BAT does not perform an air blank of the EBT before a confirmation test? Is there any impact if the BAT does not sign the form and it is not corrected? Is there any impact if the BAT has failed to note on the remarks section of the form that the employee has failed or refused to sign the form, and this is not corrected? Is there any impact if an EBT fails to print a confirmation test result? Is there any impact if the sequential test number or alcohol concentration displayed on the EBT is not the same as the sequential test number or alcohol concentration on the printed result? Is there any impact if a test result printed by the EBT does not match the displayed result? Did you train on this model of EBT? Do you have a copy of the QAP for this machine? May I see your records of calibration checks for this EBT? Who do you notify about a positive test result? How do you ensure the results are immediately received by the DER? If the initial transmission is by telephone, is a mechanism established to verify your identity before providing the information? QUALIFICATIONS OF THE BAT: Were the proper BAT training and qualification documents maintained at the testing site? May I see evidence that all collectors hired since August 2001 have been trained to proficiency in the alcohol testing procedures of Part 40? How many consecutive error-free mock tests must the BATs complete in training in order to pass? When you are notified that a BAT made a mistake in the alcohol testing process that caused a test to be canceled (i. e. a fatal or uncorrected flaw), are there any training requirements? How frequently must the BATs satisfactorily complete BAT/STT refresher training? How do you know whether your EBT is on the NHTSA Conforming Products List (CPL)? How are factory calibrations of the EBTs performed as required by your QAP? What is done if the air blank reading was greater than 0.00 on both the first and second time the BAT did an air blank test during a confirmation test? Appendix K. Substance Abuse Management Oversight Questionnaires K-21 August 2002

If you conducted the initial test, and you are also conducting the confirmation test, is the same<br />

Breath Alcohol Testing Form used, or is a new form started?<br />

If a second Breath Alcohol Test Technician is conducting the confirmation test, does the new<br />

BAT use the same Breath Alcohol Testing Form, or start a new form?<br />

Is a new mouthpiece used for the confirmation test?<br />

Before the confirmation test is administered, do you and the employee read the sequential<br />

test number displayed by the EBT?<br />

After the confirmation test is completed, do you show the employee the result displayed on<br />

the EBT?<br />

After the confirmation test is completed, is there anything left for the employee to sign?<br />

If the employee can’t provide an adequate amount of breath, what is done?<br />

If the employee won’t sign step 4, what is done?<br />

If the employee refuses to take an alcohol test, what is done?<br />

If the next external calibration check of an EBT produces a result that differs by more than the<br />

tolerance stated in the quality assurance plan (QAP), does that have any impact on any prior<br />

alcohol test that may have been positive?<br />

Is there any impact if the BAT does not observe the minimum 15-minute waiting period prior<br />

to the confirmation test?<br />

Is there any impact if the BAT does not perform an air blank of the EBT before a confirmation<br />

test?<br />

Is there any impact if the BAT does not sign the form and it is not corrected?<br />

Is there any impact if the BAT has failed to note on the remarks section of the form that the<br />

employee has failed or refused to sign the form, and this is not corrected?<br />

Is there any impact if an EBT fails to print a confirmation test result?<br />

Is there any impact if the sequential test number or alcohol concentration displayed on the<br />

EBT is not the same as the sequential test number or alcohol concentration on the printed<br />

result?<br />

Is there any impact if a test result printed by the EBT does not match the displayed result?<br />

Did you train on this model of EBT?<br />

Do you have a copy of the QAP for this machine?<br />

May I see your records of calibration checks for this EBT?<br />

Who do you notify about a positive test result?<br />

How do you ensure the results are immediately received by the DER?<br />

If the initial transmission is by telephone, is a mechanism established to verify your identity<br />

before providing the information?<br />


Were the proper BAT training and qualification documents maintained at the testing site?<br />

May I see evidence that all collectors hired since August 2001 have been trained to<br />

proficiency in the alcohol testing procedures of Part 40?<br />

How many consecutive error-free mock tests must the BATs complete in training in order to<br />

pass?<br />

When you are notified that a BAT made a mistake in the alcohol testing process that caused a<br />

test to be canceled (i. e. a fatal or uncorrected flaw), are there any training requirements?<br />

How frequently must the BATs satisfactorily complete BAT/STT refresher training?<br />

How do you know whether your EBT is on the NHTSA Conforming Products List (CPL)?<br />

How are factory calibrations of the EBTs performed as required by your QAP?<br />

What is done if the air blank reading was greater than 0.00 on both the first and second time<br />

the BAT did an air blank test during a confirmation test?<br />

Appendix K. Substance Abuse Management Oversight Questionnaires<br />

K-21<br />

August 2002

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