Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...

Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ... Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...


methadone, methaqualone, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines). Recently, laboratories have developed testing protocols for the drug Ecstasy (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA). If you wish to test for other than the five drugs specified by the regulation, you must collect a separate urine specimen in addition to the FTA specimen and notify the employee that this specimen is being tested under company authority. The testing must be kept separate to ensure that the integrity of the FTA-mandated tests are not compromised. Providing an Employee Assistance Program Employee Assistance Programs are not required by the FTA regulations. However, many employers provide these services, which are valued as a costeffective employee benefit. In many cases, EAPs provide SAP services. EAPs are traditionally offered by the employer, by a health care provider under contract with the employer, or by a health care provider not affiliated with the employer. If an EAP is available, it should be noted in the policy statement. Section 7. THE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE TO COMPLY Each recipient of FTA funds under 49 U. S. Code 5307, 5309, or 5311 or under 23 U.S. Code 103(e)(4) must certify compliance with these requirements on an annual basis or lose its eligibility for FTA federal funding (§655.82). Entities that receive FTA funding through Section 5307 and Section 5309 in urbanized areas certify as part of their annual list of Certifications and Assurances for FTA Grants and Cooperative Agreements. If a state certifies a transit system’s compliance, then it is responsible to ensure the system is complying with the requirements. Subsequently, the state DOT’s must certify annually on behalf of their Section 5311 and Section 5309 recipients whose funding they administer. Since rural systems do not necessarily receive funding on an annual basis, FTA recommends that states should require annual letters from each of its current subrecipients certifying compliance with the drug and alcohol testing regulations. A sample letter is provided in the Sample Documentation section of this chapter. A Section 5307, 5309, or 5311 subrecipient, through the administering state, is subject to funding suspension (§655.82). A recipient is subject to criminal sanctions and fines for false statements or misrepresentation under 18 U.S. Code 1001. Chapter 2. Regulatory Overview 2-15 August 2002

Sample Documentation Chapter 2. Regulatory Overview 2-17 August 2002

Sample Documentation<br />

Chapter 2. Regulatory Overview 2-17 August 2002

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