Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...

Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ... Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...


Alcohol Test Results

All employers must maintain records that document their FTA testing program’s policies and procedures. These general records include the following: • Current policy statement listing effective date and the governing board’s approval (e.g., resolution/minutes); employee and new hire policy receipt acknowledgements. • Previous policy statements listing effective dates and the corresponding governing board approvals; employee and new hire policy receipt acknowledgments. • Training records documenting employee training and supervisor reasonable suspicion training. Documentation should include training agendas with major topics, corresponding time allotments, instructor, and roster of attendees by date. If possible, employers should keep copies of training materials used. The employer should also document that employees were notified of hotline numbers and keep copies of informational displays and handout materials with dates of distribution or display [§655.71(c)(4)]. • Credentials documenting that each service agent meets the minimum requirements for basic knowledge, qualifications training, certification/examination, errorcorrection training, and refresher training. If the service agents maintain these records, the employer should perform and keep documents of periodic spot checks to ensure that the minimum requirements are met. • Log of Evidential Breath Testing Device external calibration checks [§40.333]. • Management Information System annual reports [§655.71(c)(5)]. • Safety-sensitive contractor oversight documents, including proof of policy adoption, training, use of qualified service agents, random selection process, record keeping, and test results. A compliance checklist (see Sample Documentation section at end of this chapter), and/or periodic inspection records are useful. • Random selection process with documentation of scientific validity of methodology used. The employer should also keep documentation of all random numbers drawn with explanation for any test not conducted [§655.71(c)(1)]. Employers may also wish to maintain documentation explaining why jobs were designated safety-sensitive positions. This explanation may also be incorporated into individual job descriptions. In addition to the general records, the employer must keep individual test records specific to each covered employee. These records may be kept in alphabetical order by employee, or by test category. Flow charts showing document flow for each category of test are shown in the Sample Documentation section at the end of this chapter. • Pre-employment test records should include documentation that written notice of the drug test requirement was given to each applicant, the DOT Chain of Custody and Control (CCF) form, and the test result. If possible, the employer should note Chapter 10. Administrative Requirements 10-3 August 2002

Alcohol Test Results

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