Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...

Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ... Implementation Guidelines - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...


Employee Specimen Collection Checklist (For Employees Required to Provide Urine Specimens for Drug Testing) 1. Report to the specimen collection site as soon as possible after receiving notification. Refusal to report for collection within the timeframe defined by your employer or refusal to cooperate with the collection process will be considered a test refusal. 2. Show the collection site personnel an official photo identification card. 3. Check your outer garments with the collection site personnel for safekeeping. You have the right to retain your wallet and to ask for a receipt for your belongings. Display your pocket contents to the collector. Allow the collector to secure any unacceptable items with your other belongings. 4. Rinse and dry your hands. 5. Obtain or observe the collector obtaining a wrapped specimen container and break or watch the collector break the seal on the collection container. 6. Proceed to the privacy enclosure and provide a specimen in the collection container. At least 45 mL of urine are required for analysis. Do not flush the toilet. Return the specimen to the collector as soon as possible after completing the void. If an insufficient amount of urine is provided, the original specimen will be discarded and you will be given up to 3 hours and allowed to consume not more than 40 ounces of fluids to provide another specimen. Do not tamper with the specimen or make substitutions. The specimen will be visually inspected for unusual color and sediment. 7. The temperature of the specimen will be measured and must fall within an acceptable range. If the temperature falls outside the acceptable range, you will be required to provide another specimen under direct observation. If the collector notices any signs of adulteration, substitution, or tampering with the specimen, the collector will require you to provide another specimen under direct observation. Refusal to cooperate with the request for a new collection under direct observation will be deemed a test refusal. 8. Give the specimen to the specimen collection personnel and watch the collector break the seal on the specimen bottles, pour the specimen into the primary and split specimen bottles, seal and label them. Initial the labels verifying that the specimen is yours. 9. Read, sign, and date the certification statement, and provide your date of birth, printed name, and day and evening contact telephone numbers in Step 5 of Copy 2 of the CCF. 10. You may wish to indicate on the back of your copy (Copy 5) of the custody and control form any medications you are currently using. This list may serve as a memory jogger in the event a Medical Review Officer calls you to discuss the results of your test, but this is not required. Do not put any personal information on any other copy of the CCF. 11. Watch the collector complete the collector’s portion of the CCF and place the specimen bottles and Copy 1 of the CCF inside the leak-resistant plastic pouch. Chapter 7. Drug Testing Procedures 7-33 August 2002

12. You may now wash your hands and the collector will instruct you that the collection process is over and you may leave. The results of the laboratory analysis will be forwarded to your employer’s MRO. If the results are negative (no drugs detected), the MRO will notify your employer. If the laboratory confirms a positive result (drugs detected), or as adulterated or substituted specimen, the MRO will contact you at the telephone number you provided to give you the opportunity to discuss the test results and to submit information demonstrating a medical explanation for the test results. Chapter 7. Drug Testing Procedures 7-34 August 2002

Employee Specimen Collection Checklist<br />

(For Employees Required to Provide Urine Specimens for Drug Testing)<br />

1. Report to the specimen collection site as soon as possible after receiving notification.<br />

Refusal to report for collection within the timeframe defined by your employer or refusal to<br />

cooperate with the collection process will be considered a test refusal.<br />

2. Show the collection site personnel an official photo identification card.<br />

3. Check your outer garments with the collection site personnel for safekeeping. You have the<br />

right to retain your wallet and to ask for a receipt for your belongings. Display your pocket<br />

contents to the collector. Allow the collector to secure any unacceptable items with your<br />

other belongings.<br />

4. Rinse and dry your hands.<br />

5. Obtain or observe the collector obtaining a wrapped specimen container and break or watch<br />

the collector break the seal on the collection container.<br />

6. Proceed to the privacy enclosure and provide a specimen in the collection container. At least<br />

45 mL of urine are required for analysis. Do not flush the toilet. Return the specimen to the<br />

collector as soon as possible after completing the void. If an insufficient amount of urine is<br />

provided, the original specimen will be discarded and you will be given up to 3 hours and<br />

allowed to consume not more than 40 ounces of fluids to provide another specimen. Do not<br />

tamper with the specimen or make substitutions. The specimen will be visually inspected for<br />

unusual color and sediment.<br />

7. The temperature of the specimen will be measured and must fall within an acceptable range.<br />

If the temperature falls outside the acceptable range, you will be required to provide another<br />

specimen under direct observation. If the collector notices any signs of adulteration,<br />

substitution, or tampering with the specimen, the collector will require you to provide<br />

another specimen under direct observation. Refusal to cooperate with the request for a new<br />

collection under direct observation will be deemed a test refusal.<br />

8. Give the specimen to the specimen collection personnel and watch the collector break the<br />

seal on the specimen bottles, pour the specimen into the primary and split specimen bottles,<br />

seal and label them. Initial the labels verifying that the specimen is yours.<br />

9. Read, sign, and date the certification statement, and provide your date of birth, printed name,<br />

and day and evening contact telephone numbers in Step 5 of Copy 2 of the CCF.<br />

10. You may wish to indicate on the back of your copy (Copy 5) of the custody and control form<br />

any medications you are currently using. This list may serve as a memory jogger in the event<br />

a Medical Review Officer calls you to discuss the results of your test, but this is not required.<br />

Do not put any personal information on any other copy of the CCF.<br />

11. Watch the collector complete the collector’s portion of the CCF and place the specimen<br />

bottles and Copy 1 of the CCF inside the leak-resistant plastic pouch.<br />

Chapter 7. Drug Testing Procedures 7-33 August 2002

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