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Statement on Internal Control<br />

Introduction<br />

Paragraph 15.26(b) of the Main Market Listing Requirements (the “Listing Requirements”) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad<br />

(“Bursa Malaysia”) requires the Board of Directors of public listed companies to include in its Annual Report a “statement about<br />

the state of internal control of the listed issuer as a group”. The Board of Directors of Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad (the<br />

“Board”) is committed to maintaining a sound system of internal control in the Group and is pleased to provide the following<br />

statement, which outlines the nature and scope of internal control of the Group during the financial year ended 31 December 2011.<br />

Board responsibility<br />

The Board acknowledges its responsibility for maintaining a sound system of internal control to safeguard Shareholders’<br />

investment and the Group’s assets and for reviewing its adequacy and integrity. The system of internal control covers not only<br />

financial controls but operational and compliance controls and risk management procedures.<br />

In view of the limitations inherent in any system of internal controls, the system is designed to manage, rather than to eliminate,<br />

the risk of failure to achieve the Group’s corporate objectives. Accordingly, it can only provide reasonable but not absolute<br />

assurance against material misstatement or loss.<br />

Following the publication of the Statement on Internal Control: Guidance for Directors of Public Listed Companies (the “Internal<br />

Control Guidance”) by the Task Force on Internal Control in December 2001, the Board confirms that there is an ongoing process<br />

for identifying, evaluating and managing significant risks faced by the Group. The Board, through its Audit Committee, regularly<br />

reviews the results of this process. The Board confirms that this process is in place for the year under review and that it accords<br />

with the Internal Control Guidance.<br />

The Board has established key policies on the Group’s risk management and internal control systems, including those establish in<br />

material joint ventures and associated companies, for the purpose of this statement.<br />

Risk management framework<br />

The Board fully supports the contents of the Internal Control Guidance and with the assistance of the Internal Audit function and<br />

external service providers, continually reviews the adequacy and integrity of the risk management process in place.<br />

Management is responsible for the management of risks, including developing, operating and monitoring the system of internal<br />

control and for providing assurance to the Board that it has done so in accordance with the policies adopted by the Board. Further<br />

independent assurance is provided by the Internal Audit function, which operates across the Group, and supported by internal<br />

audit co-sourcing arrangements with external service providers, as appropriate.<br />

The Board believes that maintaining a sound system of internal control is founded on a clear understanding and appreciation of<br />

the following key elements of the Group’s risk management framework:<br />

• A risk management structure which outlines the lines of reporting and responsibility at the Board, Audit Committee and<br />

Management levels have been established;<br />

• Identification of principal risks (present and potential) faced by operating units in the Group and Management’s plans to<br />

mitigate or manage these risks. The identification process is driven by the Audit Committee with assistance from Group<br />

Internal Audit function and external consultants. For each principal risk, the assessment process considers the potential<br />

impact and likelihood of occurrence, effectiveness of controls in place (if any), and action plans taken to manage those risks<br />

to the desired level. A database of these risks and controls has been created to produce a risk register and individual risk<br />

profiles for the major business units;<br />

• Risk appetite and parameters (qualitative and quantitative) for the Group and individual business units have been articulated<br />

so as to gauge acceptability of risk exposure;<br />

• Issuance of a Risk Management Policy and Guidelines Document for the Group. The document offers practical guidance to<br />

employees on risk management issues; and<br />

• Preparation of action plans to address risk and control issues on an ongoing basis.<br />

The Board considers that the risk management framework is robust, but will still subject the framework to continuous improvement,<br />

taking into consideration better practices and the changing business environment.<br />


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