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Reconciliations of Malaysia FRSs with Singapore FRSs<br />

For statutory reporting purposes in Malaysia, the Group and the Company continue to prepare consolidated and separate<br />

financial statements in accordance with Malaysia Financial Reporting Standards (“FRSs”). The reconciliations between Malaysia<br />

FRSs and Singapore FRSs are prepared as the Company is required to lodge its annual report with the Singapore Exchange<br />

Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) following the completion of its secondary listing on the Main Board of SGX-ST on 27 January<br />

2011.<br />

Malaysia FRSs vary in certain respect from Singapore FRSs. The application of Singapore FRSs that affected the preparation and<br />

presentation of the consolidated and separate financial statements is discussed below.<br />

- Classification of non-current borrowings<br />

There is a requirement under Singapore FRS 1, Presentation of Financial Instruments (Revised) in relation to the classification<br />

of borrowings whereby the liabilities which are not scheduled for repayment within twelve months after the reporting period,<br />

but may be callable by the lender at any time without cause, shall be classified as current liabilities in its entirety. This is so<br />

unless there is a letter from bank to waive its right to demand for repayment from the Company for the next twelve months.<br />

Malaysia Institute of Accountant has not adopted this requirement. As such, the portion of the bank borrowings of the Group<br />

and the Company repayable in installments which are scheduled to be made after twelve months were reflected as noncurrent<br />

liabilities in the Financial Statements even though the loan facility agreements for these borrowings include overriding<br />

repayment on demand clauses, which give the banks the right to demand repayment at any time, at their sole discretion and<br />

irrespective of whether a default event has occurred (i.e. callable term loans).<br />

For the financial year ended 31 December 2010 and 2011, the Group and the Company obtained letters from banks stating<br />

that they do not contemplate exercising the rights of recalling or cancelling the bank borrowings for the next twelve months<br />

from reporting date unless a default event has occurred. As such, the Group’s and the Company’s bank borrowings which are<br />

scheduled to be repayable after twelve months can continue to be classified under non-current liabilities under Singapore<br />

FRSs. Thus, there is no difference between Malaysia FRSs and Singapore FRSs with regards to classification of non-current<br />

borrowings as at 31 December 2010 and 2011.<br />

Utilisation of Proceeds<br />

On 27 January 2011, the secondary listing of the Company was completed following the listing of and quotation for the entire<br />

enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of the Company of RM100,000,000 comprising 100,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00<br />

each on the Main Board of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST).<br />

The status of utilisation of proceeds from the public issue of 25,000,000 new ordinary shares of the Company as at 31 December<br />

2011 was:<br />

Proposed Actual<br />

Expected<br />

timeframe<br />

Purpose<br />

utilisation utilisation Balance for utilisation<br />

RM’000 RM’000 RM’000<br />

Expansion of mining and smelting operations 19,690 13,448 6,242 One (1) year<br />

(by Feb 2012)<br />

Development of new mines through selective<br />

acquisitions of suitable mining concessions or<br />

leases, mining projects and assets in Malaysia,<br />

Indonesia and other countries<br />

62,300 – 62,300 Three (3) years<br />

(by Feb 2014)<br />

General working capital 13,340 13,340 – One (1) year<br />

(by Feb 2012)<br />

Estimated expenses in relation to the public issue<br />

8,860 8,684 176 One (1) year<br />

and secondary listing<br />

(by Feb 2012)<br />

Total 104,190 35,472 68,718<br />


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