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Notes to the Financial Statements (cont’d)<br />

For the financial year ended 31 December 2011<br />

4. Profit/(Loss) before tax<br />

The following items have been included in arriving at the profit/(loss) before tax:<br />

Group Company<br />

2011 2010 2011 2010<br />

RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000<br />

After charging:<br />

Auditors’ remuneration:<br />

- statutory audits 917 892 250 268<br />

- underprovision in prior years 155 70 140 –<br />

Amortisation of prepaid land lease payments (Note 16) 74 71 – –<br />

Amortisation of mining rights (Note 17) 132 539 – –<br />

Amortisation of corporate club membership (Note 17)<br />

Amortisation of deferred mine development and<br />

deferred exploration and evaluation expenditure<br />

44 19 – –<br />

(Note 21) 29,698 12,563 – –<br />

Consulting fees paid to a director of a subsidiary<br />

Directors’ remuneration (Note 37(b)):<br />

60 60 – –<br />

- fees 1,071 1,131 465 450<br />

- benefits-in-kind 129 93 129 93<br />

- salaries and emoluments 1,388 1,209 1,367 1,207<br />

Hire of equipment and vehicles 116 146 116 146<br />

Provision for mine rehabilitation (Note 27) 18,247 5,855 – –<br />

Provision for severance benefits (Note 27) 9,915 8,544 – –<br />

Rental of land and buildings<br />

Secretarial fees payable to a director of a foreign<br />

1,578 1,155 1,939 1,934<br />

subsidiary 46 28 – –<br />

and crediting:<br />

Reversal of write down of tin slag inventory no longer<br />

required 13,897 7,860 – –<br />

5. Dividend income<br />

Dividend income from:<br />

Company<br />

2011 2010<br />

RM’000 RM’000<br />

Investment in subsidiaries<br />

- Unquoted in Malaysia 41,382 5,445<br />

Investment in associates<br />

- Unquoted in Malaysia 28 28<br />

41,410 5,473<br />


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